item: #1 of 72 id: eas-100 author: Poalelungi, Olga title: EDUCATIONAL IMMIGRATION TO MOLDOVA: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL MARKET OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES date: 2022-07-26 words: 5449 flesch: 24 summary: The trans nationalization of higher education, cross- border presentation of educational programs, the influence of the global knowledge hierarchy, image and reputation of higher education institutions, non-uniform mobility of educational migration, differentiation of the value of international higher education, correlation of matters of migration, citizenship and development of education system were studied (Waters & Brooks, 2021; Velazquez & Eghert, 2022). The mechanism of enrolment of foreigners in higher education institutions, the procedure of their transfer to other higher education institutions of the country as well as the legalization of foreigners' education documents were additionally regulated by a special Governmental Decision No.504 of 04.07.2017 On Approval of the Disposition on Education of Foreigners in the Higher Education Institutions of Moldova and Annulment of some Governmental Decisions. keywords: academic; active; admission; citizens; conditions; countries; country; demographic; development; din; economic; economy; education; education institutions; education system; educational migration; educational services; employment; european; export; foreigners; global; graduates; higher; higher education; human; implementation; increase; india; information; institutions; integration; international; international students; june; law; legislation; level; market; medical; migration; ministry; mobility; moldova; moldovan universities; necessary; needs; number; opportunities; participation; particular; possibilities; possibility; potential; presence; process; programs; quality; research; residence; results; russ; russian; services; significant; sociology; staff; standards; state; străini; students; studenților; studii; study; superior; system; teaching; time; universities; university; visa; work; youth; învățământ; студентов cache: eas-100.pdf plain text: eas-100.txt item: #2 of 72 id: eas-102 author: Penina, Olga title: REVIEW ON THE MONOGRAPH ”POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA AFTER 30 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE” date: 2022-07-26 words: 1280 flesch: 36 summary: Finally, the in-depth analysis of population change and its main components allowed the authors to develop different scenarios on the future dynamics of the Moldovan population and to formulate a set of practical recommendations for decision-makers. The authors start with a very clear description of terminology and data sources on population migration. keywords: analysis; authors; changes; chapter; country; data; demographic; economic; fertility; gagauz; independence; main; migration; moldova; monograph; mortality; olga; policies; population; republic; social; years cache: eas-102.pdf plain text: eas-102.txt item: #3 of 72 id: eas-16 author: BIRCA, Iulita ; TIRLEA, Mariana Rodica ; GANEA, Victoria ; BUZU, Olga title: CONCEPTUAL ASPECTS AND THE MOST USED PRACTICES IN OBTAINING THE RELIABILITY OF ENTITY VALUE ESTIMATION date: 2021-10-11 words: 8920 flesch: 40 summary: LITERATURE REVIEW Since the valuation has the ability to monitor certain external actions related to the entity, such as the influence of fixed assets, changes in market value in respect of intangible assets and others, respectively, we may mention that the valuation may also identify changes that are not found and presented in the accounting reports in a real way that will help s identify the entity’s actual value. According to the information presented in Figure 3, we note that the result of the classification of evaluations highlights a criterion that distinguishes the position of the two researchers, this is the classification of the evaluations in terms of the value used: valuations based on market value, which we appreciate as a welcome complement to more real estimation of the value of the entity. keywords: ability; accounting; activity; analysis; application; approach; arithmetic; assessment; assessment standards; assets; authors; basis; business; capital; classification; company; comparable; comparative; comparison; conditions; context; criteria; criterion; data; determined; different; economic; economic entity; economy; enterprise; entities; entity; entity value; estimate; estimation; european; evaluare; evaluated; evaluation; evaluation activity; evaluation methods; evaluation process; evaluation standards; evaluators; exchange; f.a; factors; field; figure; financial; following; government; important; income; indicators; information; international; ivs; journal; june; law; level; mai; market; market value; mean; median; method; moldova; net; order; particular; point; position; practical; practice; price; process; profit; profitability; property; purpose; real; republic; research; result; sales; scientifical; share; similar; situation; sociology; source; specific; standards; state; stock; study; subject; terms; theoretical; time; transactions; type; undertaking; value; view; work; оценки cache: eas-16.pdf plain text: eas-16.txt item: #4 of 72 id: eas-17 author: MULIC, Andrei ; ULIAN, Galina title: SPECIFICS OF FINANCING PUBLIC PROCUREMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA IN THE CONTEXT OF OPTIMIZING PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT date: 2021-10-11 words: 4919 flesch: 35 summary: Results of anonymous survey employees of private companies involved in process of public procurement show that public procurement system must also be open, transparent and accountable. Based on this, public procurement is a complex, multi-level, interdependent system, the functioning at the all public levels. keywords: achiziții; activity; analysis; authorities; budgetary; central; companies; company; compliance; context; contracts; control; development; economic; economy; effectiveness; efficiency; employees; factors; field; finance; financial; financing; funds; goods; government; implementation; influence; information; journal; june; legislation; level; local; management; mdl; mechanism; method; moldova; national; national public; necessary; needs; order; participants; political; private; procedures; process; procurement financing; procurement process; procurement system; public authorities; public financial; public procurement; publice; purchase; regulatory; report; republic; requirements; research; resources; results; rules; services; state; study; suppliers; survey; system; works; государственных; закупок; финансирования cache: eas-17.pdf plain text: eas-17.txt item: #5 of 72 id: eas-18 author: NOVAC, Alexandra; ACULAI, Elena ; MAIER, Lidia title: A SECOND CHANCE FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS date: 2021-10-11 words: 6781 flesch: 39 summary: Although the legal framework does not in any way prevent bankruptcy business owners from starting new businesses, in reality they face major problems, especially in accessing financial resources and participating in public procurement. The relevance of offering a second chance is determined not only by the need to mitigate the consequences of business failure and motivate the entrepreneur to continue his entrepreneurial activity, but also by the impact on the country's economy, as business closure leads to job losses, a worsening of the financial possibilities of the national and local budgets, reduction of competition and other negative trends in the internal market. keywords: access; activity; agents; analysis; authors; average; bankruptcy; barriers; business; business failure; chance; claims; companies; company; context; countries; creditors; crisis; data; debtor; debts; development; difficulties; economic; economy; employees; enterprises; entrepreneurs; european; experience; f.a; face; factors; failure; financial; following; framework; honest; inability; index; information; insolvency; institutions; insufficient; interviews; jobs; journal; june; law; legal; legislation; literature; main; management; measures; moldova; national; negative; new; non; number; obligations; order; owners; particular; policy; previous; problems; procedure; process; republic; research; resources; respondents; restructuring; results; risk; scientific; second; second chance; situation; small; small business; sme; smes; sociology; state; study; support; theoretical; time; total; training; years cache: eas-18.pdf plain text: eas-18.txt item: #6 of 72 id: eas-19 author: ONOFREI, Nicoleta; PAŞA, Adina Teodora title: PRIVATE CONSUMPTION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: A COMPARATIVE STUDY date: 2021-10-11 words: 5674 flesch: 51 summary: Recent research (Michail 2020:979-994) indicates that household consumption patterns in the European Union are more convergent in the Eurozone than outside it. The second hypothesis is only partially accepted because only some categories of consumption expenditures are correlated with the Adjusted gross disposable income. keywords: actual; adjusted; aic; alcoholic; analysis; authors; average; avoidance; beverages; capita; categories; collectivism; communications; consumption; countries; cultural; culture; data; differences; different; dimensions; din; disposable; disposable income; distance; eastern; eastern european; economic; economy; education; eu-28; europa; european; european countries; eurostat; expenditure; factors; femininity; food; goods; gross; gross disposable; health; hofstede; households; housing; income; index; indicators; individual; individual consumption; individualism; journal; june; level; masculinity; national; non; paper; period; power; pps; private; purpose; recreation; research; results; services; societies; society; study; uncertainty; union; value; western cache: eas-19.pdf plain text: eas-19.txt item: #7 of 72 id: eas-21 author: CIRLAN, Ana title: ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY date: 2021-10-12 words: 6647 flesch: 31 summary: The key challenge for authorities trying to address entrepreneurial ecosystem policies is to identify the levers, pillars that contribute to the development of an ecosystem and direct efforts to create/strengthen them. HOW TO REDUCE THE RISK ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 63 June No. 1/2021 ENTREPRENEURIAL ECOSYSTEM IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY Ana CIRLAN1, PhD Student, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova DOI: JEL Classification: F2, F68, K2, L26, L38, M2, O20, O29, 044 UDC: 338.22:334.722(478) keywords: access; activity; analysis; approach; areas; authorities; bank; business; business environment; capital; clusters; community; companies; components; concept; conditions; country; creation; culture; developed; development; economic; economy; ecosystem; elements; enterprises; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial ecosystem; entrepreneurial policies; entrepreneurship; environment; existence; field; finance; financing; forum; framework; geographical; government; growth; high; holistic; human; important; increase; incubators; infrastructure; innovation; institutions; integrated; international; isenberg; journal; june; key; large; level; local; market; medium; moldova; needs; new; number; organizations; pillars; place; policies; policy; potential; programs; projects; quantitative; rankings; regulatory; republic; research; resources; role; sector; services; set; small; smes; start; strategy; successful; support; table; talent; theoretical; time; ups; world cache: eas-21.pdf plain text: eas-21.txt item: #8 of 72 id: eas-22 author: RUSU, Vasilica title: ASSESSMENT OF UNCERTAINTY WHILE SELECTING THE OPERATIONAL STRATEGY BY THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES IN ROMANIA date: 2021-10-12 words: 6149 flesch: 35 summary: HOW TO REDUCE THE RISK ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 75 June No. 1/2021 ASSESSMENT OF UNCERTAINTY WHILE SELECTING THE OPERATIONAL STRATEGY In conditions of uncertainty, an enterprise should have a rational basis for making decisions, which would enable the comparison of different alternatives and the choice of the most suitable action for achieving its objectives. keywords: activity; author; average; basic; business; calculation; characteristic; chemical; competitive; competitors; conditions; consumers; decision; decision making; degree; development; different; economic; economic environment; economy; enterprise; environment; evaluation; experts; factor; field; figure; following; food; fuzzy; impact; increase; industrial; industry; influence; information; internal; internal environment; investment; journal; june; juridical; making; making process; management; materials; need; negative; new; number; objective; operational; operational activity; operational strategy; order; partners; pharmaceutical; pharmaceutical industry; phenomena; political; positive; potential; preparations; present; probable; process; processes; processing; production; products; relations; research; result; risk; romania; scientific; situation; social; socio; sociology; source; srl; strategy; suppliers; table; technical; technical environment; theoretical; theory; time; types; uncertainty; value cache: eas-22.pdf plain text: eas-22.txt item: #9 of 72 id: eas-23 author: GAGAUZ, Olga; CHIVACIUC, Anna title: YOUTH ATTITUDES TOWARDS GENDER ROLES WITHIN FAMILY date: 2021-10-12 words: 7599 flesch: 52 summary: This circumstance implies an equal division of responsibilities and family roles between women and men. On the one hand, youth tend to an egalitarian type of marriage and family relationships, and on the other, they adhere to traditional views of family roles. keywords: ability; andersen; attitudes; behaviour; boys; care; career; change; children; chisinau; countries; cultural; demographic; differences; din; distribution; division; economic; economy; education; egalitarian; employment; equality; esping; european; extent; fact; familie; family; family roles; fidelity; financial; gender; gender equality; gender roles; girls; higher; household; husband; idea; important; journal; june; labour; level; life; likely; localities; main; market; marriage; material; modern; moldova; oláh; ones; opportunities; partner; people; perceptions; population; power; private; professional; progress; qualities; related; relations; representations; republic; research; respondents; responsibilities; results; roles; scientifical; sex; sexual; share; situation; social; society; sociology; sphere; spouses; statement; stereotypes; studies; study; support; theoretical; time; traditional; traditional gender; values; wife; women; work; young; young people; youth cache: eas-23.pdf plain text: eas-23.txt item: #10 of 72 id: eas-24 author: MOCANU, Victor; MALCOCI, Ludmila ; MOCANU, Angela title: SOCIAL COHESION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES date: 2021-10-12 words: 7548 flesch: 50 summary: HOW TO REDUCE THE RISK ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 99 June No. 1/2021 SOCIAL COHESION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: REALITIES AND PERSPECTIVES Victor MOCANU1, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, Republic of Moldova Ludmila MALCOCI2, PhD, , Habilitate, Professor, Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, Republic of Moldova Angela MOCANU3, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Legal, Political and Sociological Research, Republic of Moldova DOI: JEL Classification: A13, A14, C31, H80, I3, I31 UDC::316.7(478) ABSTRACT Strengthening social cohesion is one of the main directions of the Moldova 2030 strategy. At the same time, the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the EU stipulates social inclusion, poverty reduction, social cohesion, sustainable development and improving the quality of life as social policy priorities. keywords: age; analysis; areas; attitudes; behaviors; capital; certain; children; church; citizens; community; conditions; context; council; countries; country; degree; development; different; dimensions; economic; economy; education; exclusion; families; family; focus; following; good; groups; health; help; high; higher; important; inclusion; income; indicators; individuals; institutions; june; level; life; living; local; low; man; marginalized; members; mobility; moldova; moldovans; needs; networks; oecd; parents; participants; participation; people; perspective; phenomenon; place; political; population; quality; reference; refugees; republic; research; respondents; rural; share; social; social cohesion; social groups; social mobility; social solidarity; society; sociological; sociology; solidarity; status; theoretical; time; total; trust; union; urban; values; welfare; молдова; социальной; сплоченности cache: eas-24.pdf plain text: eas-24.txt item: #11 of 72 id: eas-25 author: TKACHENKO, Lidiia title: DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL LABOUR MARKETS IN CONDITIONS OF DECENTRALIZATION date: 2021-10-12 words: 5620 flesch: 41 summary: CONCLUSIONS Study results make it possible to substantiate the following new directions of regional development policy: ❖ to expand the powers of local self-government bodies in the formation and implementation of employment and labour market policies, in particular, transfer the local employment policy to the list of their own powers and delegate powers to participate in the implementation of the national employment and labour market policy; ❖ to adapt the organizational and managerial model of the state employment service to the conditions of decentralization, to provide for more flexibility and freedom in the formation of local target programs and instruments of active labour market policy, for example, for vocational training 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 V in n y ts y a V o ly n D n ip ro p e tr o v sk D o n e ts k Z h y to m y r Z a k a rp a tt y a Z a p o ri z h z h y a Iv a n o -F ra n k iv sk K y iv K ir o v o h ra d L u h a n sk L v iv M y k o la y iv O d e sa P o lt a v a R iv n e S u m y T e rn o p il K h a rk iv K h e rs o n K h m e ln y ts k iy C h e rk a sy C h e rn iv ts i C h e rn ih iv C it y o f K y iv % 2015 2019 ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 119 June No. 1/2021 and integration of vulnerable groups of the population with the involvement of resources of territorial communities; ❖ to supplement the directions of local employment policy with new target groups. Local self- government bodies should play a key role in the formation and implementation of local employment and the labour market policies, their interaction with the state employment service requiring a corresponding transformation. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; authorities; bodies; business; chernivtsi; communities; conditions; coverage; data; decentralization; development; din; dnipropetrovsk; economic; economy; employment; european; f.a; force; formation; forței; gap; gender; government; h y; hromady; implementation; indicators; job; june; k h; k o; k y; kharkiv; labour; labour market; level; local; m y; market; muncă; n e; n k; national; new; o n; opportunities; percentage; persons; points; policies; policy; population; powers; programs; public; rate; reform; regional; regions; research; role; section; sector; self; services; share; significant; social; source; state; structure; terms; territorial; territory; time; ukraine; unemployed; works; y iv; занятости cache: eas-25.pdf plain text: eas-25.txt item: #12 of 72 id: eas-28 author: Susy SUHENDRA, Euphrasia ; INDRAYANI, Emmy; RAGASARI, Dia; ERNESTIVITA, Gesty title: THE IMPACT OF BANKING NETWORK SERVICES THROUGH PROFITABILITY ON INDONESIA BANKING COMPANIES date: 2021-11-06 words: 3678 flesch: 56 summary: Netwok Switching (X2) Independen Variable The variable switching is the number of bank switching networks, which banks use to perform bank operational activities through electronic means. Emerging technologies have changed the banking industry from paper and branch based banks to digitized and networked banking services. keywords: assets; atm; authors; bancare; bank; banking; bazate; card; companies; company; comutare; core; customers; dan; data; december; edc; electronic; fee; financial; fit; good; hypothesis; income; indonesia; infobank; information; interest; jakarta; machines; means; membership; mobile; model; national; network; non; number; numărul; orcid; payment; performance; profitability; relationship; research; results; return; roa; services; significant; source; structural; study; switching; table; taxe; technology; test; transactions; university; use; variable; банка; доход; комиссионный cache: eas-28.pdf plain text: eas-28.txt item: #13 of 72 id: eas-30 author: SECRIERU, Angela title: GOVERNMENT SPENDING ON TOURISM APPROACHED THROUGH THE PRISM OF CONSOLIDATING THE RIGHT TO REST AND LEISURE date: 2021-11-06 words: 7828 flesch: 47 summary: The efficiency of public spending on tourism can be improved by applying the following solutions: conducting a research in the field of tourism to identify common interests or synergies between the Investment Agency, responsible for the development of tourism sector in the Republic of Moldova and other related public authorities; implementation of institutional arrangements for establishing and harnessing on policy synergies to the full for the development of tourism sector; integration to the right to rest and leisure in the strategic documents that regulate the perspective development of the tourism sector; integration of human rights in the public budget process and public expenditures management in order to strengthen the right to rest and leisure, the latter being strongly connected to the level of tourism sector development; improving financial management within the Investment Agency. In turn, the technical efficiency of public expenditures for tourism sector development has been severely affected by numerous management gaps, which have been identified and published several times in the Reports by the Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova. keywords: activities; agency; author; available; c ia; civil; competitiveness; contribution; countries; country; cultural; cultural rights; december; development; domestic; domestic tourism; e n; e o; economic; economy; efficiency; expenditure; field; figure; financial; following; gdp; government; harmonious; hdi; hours; human; human development; human rights; ia s; ia u; impact; index; international; international tourism; investment; journal; june; leisure; level; life; lo n; long; management; moldova; n g; n ia; o n; odihnă; particular; person; policies; policy; political; potential; public; public expenditure; public policies; public spending; quality; related; republic; research; resources; respect; rest; right; scientifical; score; sector development; services; simple; social; spending; synergies; theoretical; time; total; tourism; tourism competitiveness; tourism development; tourism sector; travel; ttci; turismului; u n; u ri; work; world; досуг; отдых; развития; туризма cache: eas-30.pdf plain text: eas-30.txt item: #14 of 72 id: eas-32 author: VIDA, Imre; SPALLER, Endre; VASA, Laszlo title: POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF FINANCE 4.0 ON THE EMPLOYMENT IN EAST AFRICA date: 2021-11-06 words: 7114 flesch: 41 summary: East Africa did it well and created an infrastructure that built on the real demand for mobile financial services in sub-Saharan Africa. While-East Africa left behind the world in access to finance, several countries in the region are now forerunners globally. keywords: 2019; access; accounts; advanced; africa; africii; available; bank; banking; blockchain; brookings; burundi; business; centre; community; competitive; countries; country; credit; data; december; development; digital; digitalization; eac; east; east africa; economic; economies; economy; effects; employment; est; figure; finance; financial; fintech; fourth; framework; future; global; government; growth; high; ict; implementation; inclusion; industrial; industry; informal; information; initiatives; innovation; institute; international; jobs; journal; kenya; labor; level; macro; main; manufacturing; market; mobile; mobile money; money; network; new; november; october; opportunities; paper; payments; percent; pesa; platform; policy; potential; poverty; private; productivity; program; public; region; report; revolution; rwanda; saharan; scientifical; sector; services; share; significant; skills; smart; sociology; solutions; source; south; status; strategy; sub; sudan; support; sustainable; systems; tanzania; technological; technologies; technology; theoretical; traditional; transactions; uganda; university; use; vision; washington; world; африки cache: eas-32.pdf plain text: eas-32.txt item: #15 of 72 id: eas-33 author: PRISACARU, Veronica; SEVCIUC, Tatiana; BALTAG, Grigore title: STRENGTHENING THE COMPETENCES OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF CROP PRODUCTION date: 2021-11-06 words: 7856 flesch: 35 summary: Assessment of general trends in the evolution of agricultural production and, distinctly, of crop production in the Republic of Moldova; 3. Keywords: agriculture, competences, crop production, education, labor market, sectoral approach. keywords: agricultural; agricultural enterprises; agricultural production; analysis; anticipation; application; approach; areas; authors; available; average; bureau; business; competences; context; contribution; crop; crop production; data; december; development; different; disadvantages; diversification; economic; economy; education; enterprises; evolution; factors; field; figure; financial; fishing; following; forestry; future; graduates; growth; higher; ilo; important; increase; indicators; institutions; international; involvement; journal; labour; lei; level; management; march; market; methods; moldova; national; nbsrm; needs; number; objectives; organization; performance; period; problems; process; production; products; professional; professional education; programs; quality; quantitative; related; republic; resources; results; scientifical; sector; sectoral; series; share; significance; skills; sociology; source; statistics; students; studies; sustainable; system; table; technical; technologies; term; theoretical; time; tools; total; trade; training; trends; value; vegetables; veterinary; vocational; wilson cache: eas-33.pdf plain text: eas-33.txt item: #16 of 72 id: eas-34 author: CHAIKOVSKA, Maryna; LEVITSKAIA, Alla title: DEVELOPMENT OF MOBILE MARKETING IT PROJECTS: OPPORTUNITIES FOR MOLDOVA AND UKRAINE date: 2021-11-06 words: 6238 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: mobile marketing, mobile marketing IT project, flexible IT project management methodologies, MVP – minimum viable product. This article describes the main problematic issues and modern approaches to managing and developing mobile marketing IT projects. keywords: agile; analysis; application; approach; august; authors; available; average; business; change; content; customer; data; december; design; development; devices; digital; digital marketing; economics; economy; effective; effectiveness; export; features; flexible; general; global; growth; implementation; innovation; internet; issn; journal; june; kanban; management; marketing; methodologies; methods; metodologiilor; minimum; mobile; mobile devices; mobile marketing; model; modern; moldova; mvp; need; new; number; oklander; pentru; people; place; problems; process; product; proiectelor; project; republic; requirements; research; result; retrospective; scientifical; scrum; services; set; share; sociology; source; speed; stages; structure; study; table; tasks; team; technologies; technology; theoretical; time; tools; traditional; traffic; trends; ukraine; university; usability; use; users; viable; vol; web; work; world; маркетинга; мобильного cache: eas-34.pdf plain text: eas-34.txt item: #17 of 72 id: eas-35 author: TIMUȘ, Ana title: THE EFFECTS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF COMPANIES IN THE FIELD OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SERVICES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 9834 flesch: 47 summary: The relevant research results are: identifying the fact that there is no clear dependence between the application of corporate management and increasing the profitability of water companies; at the same time, it has been identified that the participation of employees of water companies in the company boards contributes to better profitability. Corporate governance of water companies divides the rights and responsibilities between the various participants in the management of public water supply services and specifies the rules and procedures for making the right decisions for the entity, so as to ensure the right of access to quality services in accordance with the legislation in force and to manage the system at the level of costs, which fall within the limits of the degree of affordability of the tariff. keywords: activity; administration; amac; analysis; apa; apa canal; aprilie; apă; apăcanal; area; author; basis; board; canal; ceadîr; chișinău; companies; company; corporate; corporate governance; corporativă; december; development; din; directors; disponibil; domestic; economic; efficiency; evolution; executive; field; figure; financial; general; governance; gross; growth; increase; indicator; joint; joint stock; jsc; leova; local; loss; losses; lunga; management; martie; mdl; members; model; moldova; negative; net; net loss; net profit; number; operational; operator; orhei; pentru; period; positive; product; profitability; profitability indicators; public; public water; regia; regional; regional apa; reorganization; republic; results; revenue; sales; sales revenue; services; shareholders; soroca; source; stock; stock companies; supply; supply services; table; termo; trend; turnover; value; water; water companies; water supply; year cache: eas-35.pdf plain text: eas-35.txt item: #18 of 72 id: eas-36 author: PETREANU, Elena title: ANALYSIS OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT SUBDIVISION ACTIVITY IN THE CORPORATE SECTOR OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 5227 flesch: 42 summary: Keywords: internal audit, corporate sector, qualitative characteristics, internal audit subdivision, research questionnaires, audit study. One of the basic objectives of the research conducted by the author in the field of internal audit, is the complex examination of the activity of internal audit subdivisions (IAS) in the corporate sector of the Republic of Moldova. keywords: activity; analysis; aspects; assurance; audit activity; audit committee; audit function; audit subdivisions; auditors; auditului; author; available; basic; board; characteristics; companies; corporate; corporate sector; country; current; data; de audit; december; din; directors; economic; economy; effectiveness; entities; entity; evaluation; external; factors; field; financial; following; functional; governance; implementation; improvement; information; interest; internal audit; internal control; isbn; isppia; level; management; moldova; necessary; non; pentru; present; program; qualitative; quality; recommendations; republic; research; results; risk; sector; situation; state; studies; study; subdiviziunilor; system; tasks; time; vol; аудита; внутреннего; подразделений cache: eas-36.pdf plain text: eas-36.txt item: #19 of 72 id: eas-37 author: VARZARI, Alexandrina title: THE MOLDOVAN BANK FRAUD (2012-2015). A process tracing analysis of the Moldovan $1 billion money laundering date: 2021-11-06 words: 8071 flesch: 57 summary: That is why Moldovan banks often agreed to engage in interbank lending, and thus the controlled banks took advantage of this and borrowed large sums of money for long periods (Monahov & Jobert, 2017). Keywords: bank fraud, Republic of Moldova, European Union; international relations, corruption, European integration. keywords: accession; acquisition; analysis; august; bank; bank fraud; banking; business; cambridge; candidate; case; causal; chapter; citat; commission; companies; company; conditionality; conditions; copenhagen; corruption; countries; country; credit; december; din; disponibil; economic; economy; effective; efficient; enlargement; european; european union; fight; financial; firms; fraud; funds; group; high; individuals; institutions; integration; international; isbn; jobert; journal; kroll; laundering; level; liquidity; loan; mason; mechanism; member; membership; methods; moldova; monahov; money; national; nbm; negură; new; non; offshore; ownership; paper; period; policy; political; politics; possible; process; prudential; republic; research; romania; schemes; scientifical; services; shareholders; shares; shor; significant; single; social; sociology; state; strategies; supervision; system; szarek; theoretical; theory; time; union cache: eas-37.pdf plain text: eas-37.txt item: #20 of 72 id: eas-38 author: BADAN (VOICILA), Daniela Nicoleta; PETRE, Ionut Laurentiu title: THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND THE DROUGHT ON THE PRICES OF THE MAIN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN IN ROMANIA date: 2021-11-06 words: 5136 flesch: 56 summary: We consider that these two phenomena have to some extent influenced the evolution of agricultural product prices, so another research question is to what extent have the pandemic and drought affected the price of agricultural products of animal origin. On the other hand, we consider that the Covid-19 pandemic indirectly affected the price of these products, which are somewhat dependent on imports, and the reduction of trade led to higher prices. keywords: 2019; 2020; agricultural; agricultural products; analysis; animal; average; average price; average value; coefficient; consumption; correlation; covid-19; cow; critical; data; december; difference; drought; economic; eggs; excel; figure; half; higher; hypothesis; impact; ins; lei; level; main; mean; meat; milk; monthly; months; order; origin; p(t<=t; pandemic; pearson; period; poultry; precipitation; price; price level; products; romania; semester; significant; source; table; tail; test; value; variation; year cache: eas-38.pdf plain text: eas-38.txt item: #21 of 72 id: eas-39 author: BUCIUCEANU-VRABIE, Mariana title: THE WELL-BEING OF THE OLDER PEOPLE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: DETERMINANTS AND CHALLENGES date: 2021-11-06 words: 6637 flesch: 54 summary: To emphasize determinants of material wellbeing of the older people the binary logistic regression model had been developed based on primary data of the “Discrimination, abuse and violence against older people in Moldova” (2014, CDR, HelpAge) sociological survey of persons aged 60 and over. Keywords: older people, active aging, wellbeing, material welfare, Moldova. keywords: active; age; aging; analysis; areas; attitude; available; average; buciuceanu; cdr; census; countries; country; data; december; demographic; deprivation; discrimination; economic; economy; educational; elderly; european; expectancy; experience; financial; gagauz; gender; good; group; hbs; health; helpage; high; human; impact; income; index; indicators; international; isbn; labour; latest; level; lfs; life; living; low; market; material; medical; migration; model; moldova; national; nbs; october; older; older people; people; persoanelor; policies; policy; population; predictors; quality; regression; remittances; republic; research; residence; risk; rural; secondary; self; services; share; significant; situation; social; sociology; source; statistics; studies; survey; table; total; unece; urban; variables; violence; vrabie; vârstă; welfare; women; years cache: eas-39.pdf plain text: eas-39.txt item: #22 of 72 id: eas-40 author: CRISMARU, Mariana title: A CRITICAL REVIEW OF YOUTH-ORIENTED POLICIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF YOUTH TRANSITION REGIME date: 2021-11-06 words: 5855 flesch: 49 summary: This includes an institutional and policy framework related to the education and training system, employment regulation and social security and protection system with an emphasis on youth transition policies. The review and analysis of policy framework has revealed that although youth issues are promoted through various policies, there is a lack of an integrated approach and a comprehensive evaluation mechanism on the implementation of youth policies, including cross-sectoral dimension. keywords: access; actions; age; analysis; approach; areas; available; buciuceanu; categories; challenges; chevalier; children; citizenship; compensatory; comprehensive; country; cross; december; development; documents; early; economic; education; employment; families; family; framework; gagauz; high; human; implementation; integrated; integration; issues; jobs; journal; key; labour; law; level; low; main; market; measures; moldova; national; needs; neet; new; october; opportunities; participation; people; pohl; policies; policy; politici; problems; programs; public; quality; rate; regime; review; school; sector; sectoral; social; specific; state; strategy; support; system; terms; time; tineret; tinerilor; training; transition; vrabie; walther; welfare; years; young; young people; youth; youth policies; youth policy; youth transition cache: eas-40.pdf plain text: eas-40.txt item: #23 of 72 id: eas-41 author: STIRBA, Vitalie title: TRAFFIC-RELATED MORTALITY IN MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 4979 flesch: 54 summary: The continuous increase in the number of transport units on public roads, as well as in the number of hours spent in traffic, influences the degree of exposure to the risk of death or injury as a result of road traffic accidents. Life table distribution of deaths (dx) that occurred in road traffic accidents show different incidence between males and females (Figures 7-8). keywords: accident; accidentele; age; analysed; available; car; causes; cyclist; database; deaths; december; decrease; diminution; distribution; economy; expectancy; exposure; factors; females; figure; grigoriev; health; incidence; increase; infrastructure; injuries; involvement; issn; jdanov; life; losses; males; moldova; mortality; motorcycle; national; number; observed; occupant; october; overall; pahomii; pedal; pedestrians; penina; period; population; public; research; result; rider; risk; road; rutiere; safety; sex; significant; sociology; traffic; traffic accidents; transport; transport accident; years; young; дтп cache: eas-41.pdf plain text: eas-41.txt item: #24 of 72 id: eas-42 author: COLESNICOVA, Tatiana; PERCIUN, Rodica ; TVIRCUN, Alexandra title: EXCHANGE MARKET PRESSURE INDEX AS A MACROECONOMIC RISK MEASURING INSTRUMENT date: 2021-11-06 words: 5471 flesch: 37 summary: Financial crisis represents an essential element of the systemic economic crisis. Secondly, the currency pressure index was used to identify the period of financial crisis in the binary choice models, probit and logit models - using by Matthieu Bussiere and Marcel Fratzscher in 2006 (Bussiere, Fratzscher 2006) and also by Graciela Kaminsky and Carmen Reinhart in 2000 (Kaminsky, Reinhart 2000). keywords: approach; aprilie; assessment; authors; balance; banking; calculations; central; changes; colesnicova; conditions; countries; country; credit; crisis; currency; data; decrease; deficit; developed; development; deviation; disponibil; dynamics; early; economic; economy; empi; exchange; exchange market; financial; financial crisis; financial market; financial sector; financial stability; following; foreign; foreign exchange; gdp; growth;; identification; imf; impact; important; increase; index; indicators; information; institutions; international; journal; kaminsky; level; macroeconomic; macroprudential; main; market; measures; methodology; methods; models; moldova; monetary; payments; perciun; period; pieței; policies; policy; pressure; pressure index; problems; rate; regulation; reinhart; remittances; republic; research; reserves; risk; role; scientifical; sector; signal; significant; situation; sociology; source; stability; state; stress; study; systemic; table; theoretical; tools; trade; value; valutare; vol; world; валютный; рынок cache: eas-42.pdf plain text: eas-42.txt item: #25 of 72 id: eas-43 author: LOM, Ionut; MARIN, Lilian title: PERFORMANCE DETERMINANTS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY’S ACTIVITY date: 2021-11-06 words: 5312 flesch: 37 summary: ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 21 No. 1 / 2020 PERFORMANCE DETERMINANTS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY’S ACTIVITY Ionut LOM1, PhD Student, State University of Moldova Lilian MARIN2, PhD Student, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova DOI: JEL Classification: G20, G22 UDC: 368 ABSTRACT Considering the growing role of the insurance protection function in a dynamic business environment, the issue of efficient management and solvency of insurance companies is becoming a priority. The analyses performed by the authors based on the public financial statements of the insurance company Acord Grup SA, the reports of the National Financial Market Commission (NCFM) and the reports of the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) highlighted the decreasing trend of profitability indicators of insurance companies. keywords: account; acord; activities; activity profitability; analysis; asigurare; asigurări; assets; authors; average; business; capital; cash; citat; companies; conditions; contracts; degree; disponibil; economic; economy; efficiency; expenses; factorial; factors; field; figure; financial; financial management; financial performance; financial result; following; grup; important; income; increase; indicators; influence; insurance; insurance activity; insurance company; insurance contracts; insurance field; insurance portfolio; insurance premiums; insurer; investment; jsc; lei; level; management; market; methodological; model; moldova; moskaleva; national; net; number; operating; order; overall; pentru; performance; performance indicators; period; premiums; profitability; profitability indicators; rate; reports; republic; result; return; revenues; romania; source; statements; tax; total; value; страховой cache: eas-43.pdf plain text: eas-43.txt item: #26 of 72 id: eas-45 author: ACULAI, Elena; SAGHIN, Lilia title: SPECIAL NEEDS OF ENTREPRENEURS WITH DISABILITIES IN THE CONDITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 5857 flesch: 32 summary: Thus, the World Report on Disability suggests measures for all stakeholders – governments, civil society organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities – to create enabling environments, develop recovery and support services, provide adequate social protection, create programs and inclusive policies and the implementation of new and existing standards and legislation for the benefit of people with disabilities. The need for support from the state with regard to improving the conditions for the development of businesses among persons with disabilities* Types of support % Direct economic and financial forms of support Development of a state target program, which provides for preferential financing of the entrepreneurial activity of persons with disabilities at the stage of starting the business 100,0 Provision of tax and payment facilities for this group of entrepreneurs (for example, exemption from payment of insurance rates or facilities for payment of communal services for business) 100,0 Improving learning opportunity Improving the possibilities for acquiring knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, taking into account the different degrees of work capacity and the limitations on types of activities 100,0 Developing a mentoring system at the start-up stage 98,6 Support for the establishment and development of business associations Supporting the activity of business associations, which mainly meet or include entrepreneurs from persons with disabilities (including, involving their leaders in the activity of the Advisory Councils near the public administration bodies) 100,0 Strengthening the partnership with other business associations, in order to jointly promote the interests of different groups of entrepreneurs 98,6 Improving relations to entrepreneurs with disabilities Improving the attitude of state officials, employees of commercial banks, other business support organizations towards entrepreneurs among people with disabilities 100,0 * Respondents had the opportunity to give multiple answers. keywords: 100,0; access; activities; activity; aculai; area; associations; business; business associations; citat; conditions; degree; development; disabilities; disability; disponibil; dizabilități; economic; economy; education; employment; entrepreneurs; environment; experience; figure; financial; general; group; important; improvement; infrastructure; journal; labor; living; main; market; martie; moldova; national; necessary; needs; number; opportunity; order; outcomes; pentru; people; persoanele; persons; possibilities; problems; professional; rate; republic; research; respondents; results; scientifical; secondary; self; services; small; social; society; sociology; source; special; state; status; studies; support; survey; theoretical; time; total; training; unemployed; work; years; инвалидностью; предпринимателей cache: eas-45.pdf plain text: eas-45.txt item: #27 of 72 id: eas-46 author: CОCIUG, Victoria; ANDRUSCЕAC, Tеоdоr title: RISK-BASED APPROACH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION LEGISLATION TO PREVENT MONEY LAUNDERING AND FINANCING OF TERRORISM date: 2021-11-06 words: 6298 flesch: 46 summary: DE KOKER, L. Identifying and managing low money laundering risk. ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 43 No. 1 / 2020 RISK-BASED APPROACH IN THE EUROPEAN UNION LEGISLATION TO PREVENT MONEY LAUNDERING AND FINANCING OF TERRORISM Victoria CОCIUG1, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova Tеоdоr ANDRUSCЕAC2, PhD Student, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova DOI: JEL Classification: E42, G23, G28, G32, K42 UDC: 339.19(4-672) UE ABSTRACT Money laundering and terrorism financing are serious and internationally emerging issues that must be approached and confronted at European Union level. keywords: actions; activities; additional; aml; anti; application; approach; appropriate; article; assessment; assets; authorities; cash; cft; commission; control; council; criminal; decembrie; directive; disponibil; economics; economy; entities; entity; european; european union; evolution; fatf; field; financial; financing; financing risk; identifying; important; information; internal; issn; journal; laundering; law; legal; legislation; level; market; measures; member; member states; money laundering; national; necessary; new; obliged; order; parliament; pentru; persons; possibility; problem; products; proper; provisions; recommendations; regard; regulations; reporting; resources; risk; rules; scientifical; sectors; services; sociology; specific; states; supervision; supranational; system; task; terrorist; terrorist financing; tf risks; theory; trans; transactions; union; use; virtual; vol; vulnerabilities; рисков cache: eas-46.pdf plain text: eas-46.txt item: #28 of 72 id: eas-47 author: DOMBROVSCHI, Ina title: EFFICIENCY OF SUBSIDIES ALLOCATION TO AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 5384 flesch: 44 summary: The implementation of subsidy measures will have an impact on increasing incomes of agricultural producers, will create favorable conditions for households. Taking into account these disadvantages and the need to improve the subsidy system, the Government has decided to change the way grants are awarded in 2017 on the basis of multi-annual programs, in which the objectives and subsidy measures remain stable. keywords: activities; agency; agricultural; agricultural land; agricultural producers; agricultural sector; allocation; amounts; author; average; beneficiaries; calculations; centre; citat; data; development; din; disponibil; distribution; districts; economy; efficiency; enterprises; equipment; figure; financial; following; food; fund; hectare; high; households; increase; intervention; investments; land; lei; level; limited; means; measures; method; moldova; national; necessary; objectives; order; payments; pentru; period; processing; producers; production; products; profile; region; republic; research; resources; rural; sector; share; sociology; source; strategy; structure; subsidies; subsidy; subsidy fund; subvenționare; support; support measures; table; total; use; value; years; дотаций cache: eas-47.pdf plain text: eas-47.txt item: #29 of 72 id: eas-48 author: GAGAUZ, Valeri title: DIGITAL MARKETING IN THE PRACTICE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 6043 flesch: 43 summary: The role and importance of developing a marketing strategy is in many cases underestimated, and marketing activities are limited to the use of individual marketing elements only. The process to engage small business owners’ in marketing activities is unplanned, informal, and employed with a bottom-up approach. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; approach; attention; automation; bravo; business; capabilities; cases; communication; companies; company; competitiveness; consumers; customers; data; development; different; digital; digital marketing; digitalization; disponibil; dynamic; enterprises; entrepreneurs; environment; factors; field; figure; financial; gilmore; imm; implementation; important; individual; information; internet; issn; journal; lack; large; level; long; main; management; marketing; martie; medium; modern; moldova; motors; need; new; online; opportunities; owner; performance; presence; problems; processes; products; promotion; qualitative; quality; republic; research; resources; results; sales; scientifical; seo; services; small; smes; stage; strategic; strategy; study; technologies; teece; term; theoretical; theory; time; tools; use; view; vol; website; мсп cache: eas-48.pdf plain text: eas-48.txt item: #30 of 72 id: eas-49 author: GUTIUM, Tatiana title: METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE ELABORATION OF INDICATORS FOR QUANTIFYING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF GOODS date: 2021-11-06 words: 6395 flesch: 53 summary: Consequently, the competitiveness of domestic goods in relation to imported goods in quality can be calculated as the ratio between the income elasticity of demand for domestic goods  a I E and the income elasticity of demand for imported one  m I E : m m a a m ama m I a I q Q Q Q Q Q Q I Q I Q E E C           % % % % % % . Therefore, it is relevant to develop indices that would allow the quantification of the competitiveness of domestic goods depending on several factors; and these indices can be used to identify the priority branches of industry. keywords: account; active; advantage; agricultural; analysis; author; books; calculations; case; cheese; citat; comparative; competitiveness; complex; covid-19; demand; developed; disponibil; disposable; domestic; domestic goods; domestic market; economic; economy; factors; following; foreign; fresh; goods; gutium; high; import; income; increase; index; indicators; indices; industry; integral; internal; internal market; issn; issue; journal; level; main; manufacture; market; method; models; moldova; new; parameters; piața; policy; population; preparations; price; primary; priority; production; products; q q; quality; relation; republic; research; sales; scientifical; sectors; service; similar; sociology; state; study; surface; table; technological; theoretical; trade; unprocessed; vegetables; vol; volume; wheat; year cache: eas-49.pdf plain text: eas-49.txt item: #31 of 72 id: eas-50 author: MUZA, Collet; MANGOMBE, Kudzaishe title: PREDICTORS OF UNDER–FIVE CHILD MORTALITY IN ZIMBABWE date: 2021-11-06 words: 6362 flesch: 58 summary: The study further reveals that child death to mothers who never married had a higher rate of child mortality compared to married women. Mass education has been shown to reduce child mortality in developing countries (Caldwell 1976, Goujon et al. 2015). keywords: access; africa; age; analysis; birth; black; bulawayo; caldwell; census; central; child; child mortality; childhood; children; citat; countries; data; deaths; demographic; determinants; disponibil; drinking; east; economic; education; et al; factors; februarie; finding; harare; health; high; higher; infant; issn; journal; kembo; liu; live; log; manicaland; marital; married; mashonaland; matabeleland; maternal; model; mortality; mothers; national; north; population; primary; provinces; regression; research; results; safe; sanitation; secondary; significant; socio; south; status; studies; study; survival; table; toilet; unsafe; variables; vol; water; women; years; zimbabwe; zimstat cache: eas-50.pdf plain text: eas-50.txt item: #32 of 72 id: eas-51 author: KELLUM, Jane title: A FEMINIST REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS OF GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN YOUTH POLICY AND PRACTICE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-06 words: 7520 flesch: 38 summary: Gender mainstreaming: A global strategy for achieving gender equality & the empowerment of women and girls. Since then, gender mainstreaming has come to be recognized as the inter-governmentally agreed strategy to achieve gender equality and female empowerment and involves integrating a gender perspective into all aspects of governmental policy, regulation, and budgeting, with an eye towards promoting equality between women and men, social inclusion, and eliminating discrimination in all its forms. keywords: achieving; agency; analysis; approach; aprilie; beijing; care; challenges; citat; comprehensive; conclusions; constraints; consultant; context; critical; cysa; cysa process; development; dimensiunii; discrimination; disponibil; education; empowerment; equality; example; experience; fallacy; februarie; female; feminist; findings; framework; gender; gender analysis; gender equality; gender mainstreaming; girls; global; gm process; governmental; hand; human; institutional; international; journal; kellum; key; larger; larger cysa; lens; mainstreaming; moldova; n.d; nations; new; number; organization; person; perspective; policies; policy; political; power; practice; presentation; process; processes; professional; reflective; relations; report; research; resistance; results; review; rights; rom; scientifical; sector; separate; social; space; strategy; structural; support; theoretical; time; unicef; united; university; women; workshop; world; youth; гендерной; проблематики cache: eas-51.pdf plain text: eas-51.txt item: #33 of 72 id: eas-52 author: AVRAM, Cristina title: DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION AT THE REGIONAL LEVEL IN CZECH LANDS date: 2021-11-06 words: 6886 flesch: 62 summary: Also, several districts in Western (Sokolov, Domažlice, Klatovy), Northern (Chomutov, Most, Teplice), and Central Bohemia (Rakovník, Kladno, Beroun) recorded high crude birth rates between 30-35 or over 35 per thousand people. Crude death rates, crude birth rates, and net migration rates are mapped for r ecalculated data at the district level (LAU1). keywords: austrian; author; average; birth; birth rate; bohemia; brno; calculations; central; change; citat; crude; crude birth; crude death; czech; czech lands; czso; data; death; death rates; decline; decrease; demographic; demographic transition; development; disponibil; distribution; districts; eastern; fertility; figure; geographical; gis; highest; historický; issn; lands; level; migration; migration rate; moravia; mortality; město; nad; negative; net; net migration; northern; pavlík; people; period; phase; population; positive; prague; rate; regional; silesia; sources; southern; stage; statistics; theory; transition; vol; western cache: eas-52.pdf plain text: eas-52.txt item: #34 of 72 id: eas-53 author: PARMACLI, Dmitri; STRATAN, Alexandru title: DETERMINING AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY BASED ON THE NEW ASSESMENT TOOLS date: 2021-11-06 words: 4558 flesch: 55 summary: Similar costs may result in high crop cultivation efficiency and sales profitability in good years and in losses in bad years. In case of high profitability, profit is 4 times higher than fixed costs. keywords: actual; agricultural; apk; avc; beans; centner; certain; corn; costs; crop; daalar; data; duzu; economic; efficiency; enterprise; expected; feasible; figure; financial; fixed; growth; growth rate; hectare; high; higher; important; indicators; interdependence; isbn; issn; level; leverage; margin; mdl; methodology; metric; moldova; operating; optimal; output; particular; possible; price; production; products; profitability; profitability level; range; rate; ratio; rentabilitate; republic; research; return; safety; sales; seeds; selling; source; soy; srl; sunflower; sustainable; table; theoretical; unit; value; variable; wheat; yield cache: eas-53.pdf plain text: eas-53.txt item: #35 of 72 id: eas-54 author: GOROVA, Kseniia; DLUHOPOLSKYI, Oleksandr; DLUHOPOLSKA, Tetiana title: ENTERING IN THE GLOBAL MANUFACTURING OUTSOURCING MARKET AND INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE UKRAINIAN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES date: 2021-11-06 words: 7286 flesch: 37 summary: Considering outsourcing as a way of industrial enterprises innovation development it’s necessary to pay more attention to the concept of innovation. The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the release of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the global market of manufacturing outsourcing to ensure their innovative development. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; assembly; brand; business; cars; certain; companies; company; competitiveness; conditions; cooperation; cost; countries; country; crisis; customer; cycle; developed; development; development outsourcing; disponibil; domestic; economic; economy; engines; enterprises; equipment; experience; facilities; foreign; global; global outsourcing; globalization; high; implementation; increase; index; individual; industrial; industrial enterprises; industrial outsourcing; industry; innovations; innovative; innovative development; institute; intellectual; international; investments; journal; kharkiv; labor; lack; large; level; long; low; main; management; manufacturing; manufacturing outsourcing; market; national; necessary; new; number; operations; organization; outsourcer; outsourcing; outsourcing market; outsourcing services; parts; personnel; plant; possibility; possible; potential; process; processes; production; products; research; resources; results; scientific; scientists; services; significant; situation; sociology; study; successful; technical; technological; technologies; technology; theoretical; transfer; type; ukraine; ukrainian; ukrainian enterprises; ukrainian industrial; use; ussr; way; world cache: eas-54.pdf plain text: eas-54.txt item: #36 of 72 id: eas-55 author: IORDACHI, Victoria; CIOBU, Stela title: EXTERNAL DEBT IMPLICATIONS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL ECONOMY date: 2021-11-06 words: 5903 flesch: 50 summary: For timely servicing of external debt economic growth rate should be higher than the growth rate of external debt in the current year. These risks can lead to major problems in the country, for example the failure to implement the deficit objectives planned from the start can lead to additional unplanned costs and also will lead to external debt growth. keywords: ability; bank; borrowing; budget; capital; concessional; costs; countries; country; creditors; crisis; currency; datoriei; deficit; developed; development; disponibil; domestic; economic; economic growth; economy; excessive; exports; external debt; external state; finance; financial; financing; fiscal; foreign; future; gdp; government; growth; growth rate; help; higher;; impact; important; increase; indebtedness; indicators; inflation; interest; international; investment; journal; lei; level; loans; local; management; market; mil; moldova; monetary; national; negative; order; pentru; policy; price; problem; process; rate; ratio; relationship; repayment; republic; risk; service; servicing; source; state; state debt; stocks; table; terms; theoretical; total; usd; years cache: eas-55.pdf plain text: eas-55.txt item: #37 of 72 id: eas-56 author: MANTA, Otilia title: THE RISK OF FINANCIAL NETWORKS IN THE CONTEXT OF CURRENT CHALLENGES date: 2021-11-06 words: 4876 flesch: 24 summary: Keywords: finance, financial network, digitization, financial risk and sustainability. Flawless links between risks and performance in financial networks are created. keywords: adapters; architecture; areas; assets; bank; care; central; channels; circuit; coin; collection; concrete; context; credibility; currency; current; depreciation; direct; disponibil; diversity; economic; economy; effects; entities; environment; este; feature; financial; financial flows; financial instruments; financial market; financial network; financial risk; financial space; flows; forms; functional; goals; inadequacy; information; institutional; instruments; interactive; interactivity; interconnections; journal; liquidity; manta; market; monetary; money; national; network; network risk; new; otilia; performance; placement; polarization; policy; potential; rate; real; research; risk; romania; scientifical; social; sociology; space; spațiul; specific; speculative; stocks; theoretical; time; transactions; trust; virtual; vol; vulnerability; working; финансовых cache: eas-56.pdf plain text: eas-56.txt item: #38 of 72 id: eas-57 author: JARYNOWSKI, Andrzej title: COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS FOR HPV MITIGATION STRATEGIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA BASED ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE MODELLING date: 2021-11-06 words: 7619 flesch: 18 summary: Total yearly expenditure on health amounts is limited to just 150 EUR [Fig. 2] per capita (in comparison, the Australian intervention in HPV costs are 8 times higher than the Moldovan one and at the same time consume 5 times less available resources) and reliable data on cervical cancer is missing. However, cost- effectiveness of the described intervention in resource limited setup is still unknown with high uncertainty in HPV vaccination, screening, and cancer treatment costs. keywords: 03.05.2019; analysis; author`s; available; cancer; capacity; cervical; cervical cancer; change; chisinau; cohort; comparison; control; cost; countries; cytology; data; davies; difference; din; disease; disponibil; donovan; dynamics; economic; economy; education; effectiveness; effects; efficient; epidemiology; et al; eur; european; fig; figure; girls; guidelines; health; higher; hiv; hpv;;;;;;;;;;; human; impact; increase; incremental; infectious; intervention; issn; jarynowski; journal; level; low; main; mathematical; methodology; model; modelling; moldova; national; necessary; new; number; optimal; pap; papillomavirus; parameters; partner; perspective; population; possible; price; procedure; program; qaly; question; report; republic; research; risk; romanowski; scenarios; scientifical; screening; sexual; single; situation; smear; sociology; specificity; statistics; strategies; system; test; theoretical; time; total; transition; treatment; vaccination; vaccine; vol; women; world; years cache: eas-57.pdf plain text: eas-57.txt item: #39 of 72 id: eas-58 author: AMODIO, Stefano title: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTRACT IN A GLOBALIZED SOCIETY: NEW CONTRACTUAL AND RELATIONAL FORMS date: 2021-11-06 words: 10725 flesch: 55 summary: However, as psychological contracts exist only in the minds of people, a doubt starts about how this mutuality can be carried out between the two parts. So, three different forms of psychological contracts have been proposed, which show specific differences in the nature of this form of contract: a life-style contract for part-time and interim workers; an autonomy contract for contract workers; a development contract for permanent workers [36, HERRIOT, P., PEMBERTON, C., 1995]. keywords: academy; analysis; andersson; aspects; behavior; better; break; brewerton; career; cause; century; certainty; changes; connected; consequences; contract; contrary; control; conway; course; d.e; d.m; development; different; downsizing; duties; economy; employees; employer; employment; engagement; enterprise; exchange; expectations; feeling; firm; form; future; greater; guest; human; important; increase; increasing; individual; industrial; influence; interest; involvement; isbn; issn; journal; l.j; l.m; loyalty; m.a; main; management; managers; market; mclean; millward; model; needs; negative; new; new psychological; ones; order; organisational; organization; p.m.; participation; parts; people; perception; person; personal; possible; psihologic; psychological; psychological contract; psychology; reaction; reduction; relational; relationship; researchers; resources; results; review; rousseau; satisfaction; schalk; scientifical; situation; social; sociology; specific; strategic; stress; strong; studies; study; tasks; teseo; theoretical; time; today; traditional; transactional; trust; turnley; value; violation; vol; w.h; work; workers; working cache: eas-58.pdf plain text: eas-58.txt item: #40 of 72 id: eas-59 author: CHISTRUGA-SINCHEVICI, Inga; BARGAN, Natalia title: THE EXPERIENCE OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE FACED BY MOTHERS WITH PRESCHOOL CHILDREN date: 2021-11-06 words: 7518 flesch: 51 summary: The theoretical-methodological basis consists of: conflict theory that emphasizes the dynamic nature of family life and the role of external factors (economy, politics, social structure); development theory, according to which the family goes through several stages of the family life cycle and the gender theory, according to which the conceptions and ideas regarding the family life of men are different from those of women, etc. They admit that are more dedicated to the field of activity than family life. keywords: accesat; activities; activity; age; balance; behavior; care; care leave; certain; child care; children; conditions; conflict; copii; data; different; difficulties; disponibil; economy; education; employees; experience; factors; familiale; families; family; family conflict; family life; family responsibilities; figure; flexible; framework; health; higher; home; hours; household; husband; issn; job; journal; labor; lack; leave; level; life; market; medical; moldova; money; motherhood; mothers; muncă; need; number; parents; person; personal; preschool; private; problems; professional; professional life; program; raising; relationship; republic; research; researchers; respondents; responsibilities; results; return; role; scientifical; sector; services; sociological; sociology; source; stress; studies; study; tasks; theoretical; time; total; value; women; work; work conflict; working; workplace; years; young; между cache: eas-59.pdf plain text: eas-59.txt item: #41 of 72 id: eas-60 author: CAUNENCO, Irina; GASPER, Lucia title: THE SYSTEM OF VALUES AND PERCEPTION OF TIME IN THE TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY: SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES date: 2021-11-06 words: 5743 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: large social groups, time perspective, time perception, present time perception, ethnic groups, age groups, value, value system, transitional society, worldview, social time. We define social time: firstly, as objective relations of antecedence, subsequence and simultaneity between people actions, social phenomena and processes; secondly, as subjective mirroring of these relations in the group consciousness [7, KRIVCOVA, S.V., 1997]. keywords: age; andreeva; attitudes; bulgarians; changes; characteristics; city; country; cultural; determined; different; difficult; economy; empirical; ethnic; ethnic groups; experience; family; features; focus; following; future; g.m; gagauz; groups; grupuri; health; important; interesting; isbn; journal; labor; large; life; mitina; moldova; moskva; need; negative; o.v; open; orientation; parents; people; perception; period; personal; perspective; positive; present; present time; processes; psihologiâ; relations; research; respondents; results; russians; sample; scientifical; short; significant; social; social groups; society; socio; sociology; study; successful; swift; syrcova; system; theoretical; threatening; time; time perception; time perspective; timpului; transitional; ukrainians; understanding; values; village; years; young; youngers; zimbardo; времени; групп cache: eas-60.pdf plain text: eas-60.txt item: #42 of 72 id: eas-61 author: TABAC, Tatiana title: ACQUISITION OF FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP BY MOLDOVAN IMMIGRANTS date: 2021-11-06 words: 7284 flesch: 51 summary: Until 2002, the Constitution limited the possibility to Theoretical and scientifical journal 110 No. 2 / 2019 hold other citizenship without losing Moldovan citizenship, except in the cases provided by international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party. VINK, M.P., DRONKERS, J. Explaining access to citizenship in Europe: How citizenship policies affect naturalization rates. keywords: access; acquisition; analysis; canada; case; characteristics; citizenship; conditions; context; countries; country; data; database; destination; devoretz; disponibil; dronkers; dual; dual citizenship; economic; europe; european; flows; foreign; foreign citizenship; germany; greece; immigrants; important; increase; integration; international; issn; italy; journal; jus; knowledge; law; legal; m.p; migration; mln; moldova; nationality; naturalization; naturalized; new; number; oecd; origin; people; period; persons; policies; population; portugal; process; republic; residence; restrictions; romanian; russian; situation; source; spain; states; study; tabac; time; total; usa; vink; vol; world; years cache: eas-61.pdf plain text: eas-61.txt item: #43 of 72 id: eas-62 author: ACULAI, Elena; DELIU, Natalia title: INVOLVEMENT IN BUSINESS OF YOUNG GRADUATES OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING INSTITUTIONS: THE CASE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-07 words: 6420 flesch: 43 summary: This article analyzes various aspects of engaging young people in entrepreneurial activity: a brief assessment of statistical indicators is given; support measures for young entrepreneurs, implemented by the Moldovan government and proposed by international/foreign organizations are outlined; features of young entrepreneurs and self-employed are revealed. Keywords: young entrepreneurs, involvement of young people in business, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), SMEs support policies, Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions, Republic of Moldova. keywords: activity; age; agricultural; analysis; basics; business; career; country; data; development; discipline; disponibil; documents; economic; economy; education; employment; enterprises; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; european; experience; financial; framework; graduates; groups; half; high; implementation; income; indicators; institutions; interested; involvement; journal; level; main; measures; medium; ministry; moldova; national; new; non; number; opportunities; people; plan; policy; population; professional; program; project; proportion; rate; republic; research; respondents; scientifical; sector; self; set; significant; skills; small; smes; source; start; state; statistics; study; support; survey; table; teaching; technical; theoretical; total; training; vet; vocational; work; years; years old; young; young entrepreneurs; young people; youth cache: eas-62.pdf plain text: eas-62.txt item: #44 of 72 id: eas-63 author: BAJURA, Tudor title: MODERN METHODS OF VALUATION OF INVESTMENTS’ ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN THE AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS date: 2021-11-07 words: 9653 flesch: 46 summary: The payback period of investment project is: 0.5 4.38 192 Р IC ..  рр Т years Calculation of the payback period of investment projects in the conditions of “zero” (really existing or simply assumed) inflation is an effective and most simplified part of any analysis (any assessment) of investment activity. The aim of this research is to provide scientific assistance on the widespread use of modern methods, recognized in developed industrialized countries, to elaborate and/or evaluate investment projects on the basis of which the indigenous agricultural sector will be able to survive in harsh conditions of often unfair competition from the part of Western agricultural producers. keywords: account; accounting; activity; agricultural; annual; arr; average; basis; business; calculation; capitalized; case; cash; chişinău; compound; conditions; costs; current; decisions; depreciable; development; economic; economy; efficiency; end; essence; etc; evaluation; example; fact; field; final; financial; flows; food; formula; funds; future; growth; important; income; increase; indicators; inflation; information; initial; interest; investment; investment project; investor; isbn; journal; labor; land; lei; level; main; management; market; means; methods; modern; moldova; money; national; net; npv; number; operation; order; payback; people; period; power; practical; present; prices; production; productivity; products; profitability; project; purchasing; rate; received; republic; research; result; retail; return; rule; scientific; sector; simple; sociology; source; specific; system; table; theoretical; time; total; turnover; types; use; value; worker; years cache: eas-63.pdf plain text: eas-63.txt item: #45 of 72 id: eas-64 author: NAVAL, Elvira title: EXPERIENCE OF THE INPUT-OUTPUT MODELS APPLICATION TO THE MOLDOVAN ECONOMY date: 2021-11-07 words: 9132 flesch: 58 summary: For dynamic model matrix of the investment coefficients was constructed. It can be mentioned that both elements of the input-output tables, output vector, and final consumption vector are measured in constant prices. keywords: 2e-05; activities; activity; administration; analysis; application; applied; author`s; balancing; branches; calculations; chain; coefficients; column; constant; consumption; correct; data; demand; direct; disponibil; distribution; domestic; dynamic; economic; economy; elvira; energy; equal; equation; exchange; expenditure; factor; final; following; fost; gross; growth; health; industries; industry; initial; input; interbranch; investment; journal; k73; known; leontief; line; markov; material; matrices; matrix; method; model; modelul; moldova; money; national; new; o90; optimizare; optimization; order; output; output model; output table; positive; ppp; prices; probability; problem; production; ras; republic; research; resources; results; scientifical; services; sociology; state; static; structure; sum; sums; table; technologies; technology; theoretical; time; total; transition; units; value; vector; volume; water; year; матрица;   cache: eas-64.pdf plain text: eas-64.txt item: #46 of 72 id: eas-65 author: CEBAN, Alexandru title: MOLDOVAN EXTERNAL TRADE WITH EU, CIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES: ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES date: 2021-11-07 words: 8062 flesch: 49 summary: Cooperation with the EU countries, which accounted for 65.9% of total exports (Table 1), represented one of the main drivers of the above-mentioned increase. Total export of goods in 2011-2017, mil. USD Source: keywords: accessories; animal; appliances; articles; author; average; base; beverages; bureau; cis; countries; data; economy; electrical; equipment; export; fats; foodstuffs; foreign; goods; group; gut; image; import; increase; index; instruments; laspeyres; machinery; main; manufactured; market; materials; mechanical; metals; mil; mineral; moldova; national; paper; parts; period; physical; physical volume; precious; prepared; price; price index; products; recorders; reproducers; republic; share; significant; similar; sound; source; spirits; statistics; structure; sum; television; textiles; tobacco; total; trade; umbrellas; usd; value; vegetable; vinegar; volume; volume index; wood; year cache: eas-65.pdf plain text: eas-65.txt item: #47 of 72 id: eas-66 author: GRINCIUC, Liliana title: THE CURRENT STATE AND THE PERSPECTIVES OF FRUIT-GROWING ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-07 words: 4397 flesch: 50 summary: The effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity in fruit growing is characterized by the application of new fruit production technologies, such as intensive and super intensive system. local producers should orient towards the establishment of spring-frost-resistant seedlings of stone fruit trees, which enjoy an increased demand on the market and the weather conditions of the country in recent years;  domestic producers should start competing with the fruit growers from Peru, South Africa, etc. by using advanced technologies and competitive varieties, by developping post-harvest infrastructure and having the desire to be better;  organization of conferences and seminars with the participation of a number of foreign experts who have rich experience in advanced technologies, which would allow local fruit growers to learn more about new production and processing technologies, fruit preservation, to become familiar with the branch development strategy in the context of the EU integration and the evolution of business forecasts and strategies;  another way of the sustainable development of fruit growing business would be to join a target group of beneficiaries belonging to projects and programs, supporting people who wish to invest in the launching and/or developing of their own business. keywords: activity; agricultural; apples; area; author; average; basis; business; chişinău; country; cultivation; data; delicious; development; disponibil; domultera; economic; economy; effect; efficiency; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; fruit; fruit production; global; grinciuc; growing; harvest; hectares; increase; indicators; intensive; lei; level; llc; main; market; modern; moldova; national; new; northern; orchard; period; plantations; prin; production; profit; profitability; rate; region; republic; results; rural; source; state; superintensive; surface; system; table; technologies; technology; thousands; times; tonne; total; trees; varieties; years cache: eas-66.pdf plain text: eas-66.txt item: #48 of 72 id: eas-67 author: DOBROVOLSCHI, Ludmila title: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – A BASIC INSTRUMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF POMICULTURE date: 2021-11-07 words: 3811 flesch: 38 summary: In this sense, formulating the role of performance management in terms of consumer behaviour becomes a trampoline for effective management actions. The obtained results highlighted: defining the notion of performance management, identifying its characteristics, specific functions and basic levers; value chain determination methodology and the impact of the developed value chain on the process of identifying export markets for Moldovan fruit. keywords: activities; activity; analysis; author; basic; branch; bucureşti; chain; competitiveness; context; data; development; different; economic; economy; efficiency; enterprise; euro; export; field; focus; fruit; function; future; growing; horticultural; indicators; investments; isbn; level; levers; main; management; managementului; managers; markets; methods; model; moldova; necessary; opportunities; order; organization; performance; performance management; potential; price; primary; products; republic; research; results; risk; scientific; sector; society; sociology; sources; supermarket; sustainable; sustainable development; table; time; value; value chain; vat cache: eas-67.pdf plain text: eas-67.txt item: #49 of 72 id: eas-68 author: BOBROVA, Anastacia; PILIUTSIK, Andrei; YUAN, Gao title: BIRTH CONTROL IN BELARUS AND CHINA: CURRENT POLICY date: 2021-11-07 words: 8493 flesch: 58 summary: More than 20% of the Fund's expenses are accounted for the payment of temporary disability, maternity, family, child care, and disabled person care benefits. For residents of cities and towns, family planning allowance is paid according to certain criteria (usually, the payment is 1,000 CNY and above) for parents of an only child who have reached the age of 60 for men and 55 for women; ˗ residents of rural areas receive benefits or old-age pension from local people's governments; ˗ in case of death or disability of an only child, and if married couples no longer have or have not adopted a child, the government pays benefits; ˗ under equal conditions, first of all, they provide care for families with an only child, primarily when there are questions about employment, living quarters, helping the poor, taking a child to kindergarten and school, medical care for a child, etc.; ˗ extension of the duration of maternity leave for 35 days, with the exception of maternity leave, set by the state; the husband has the right to receive parental leave for child care for 10 days. keywords: accordance; allowance; areas; assistance; average; basis; belarus; benefits; birth; birth control; budget; care; case; certain; certificate; child; childbirth; childcare; children; china; chinese; city; cny; company; conditions; control; costs; countries; days; decrease; demographic; development; disabled; disponibil; economic; economy; education; effect; employees; este; example; fact; factors; families; family; fertility; future; goal; government; growth; health; housing; implementation; incentive; insurance; january; journal; labor; large; late; law; leave; life; main; marriage; maternity; maternity leave; measures; medical; minimum; minsk; monthly; months; mother; national; new; number; old; parental; parents; pentru; people; period; planned; planning; policy; population; pregnancy; program; rate; republic; respubliki; result; rural; salary; security; services; single; social; sociology; special; state; subsistence; support; system; tfr; time; total; use; women; work; years; рождаемости cache: eas-68.pdf plain text: eas-68.txt item: #50 of 72 id: eas-69 author: CHEIANU-ANDREI, Diana title: HOME CARE IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: THE CHALLENGES FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL POLICIES date: 2021-11-07 words: 7530 flesch: 44 summary: The results of the assessment reveal shortcomings and achievements in the field of home care in the Republic of Moldova and gives recommendations for governmental and local authorities, public and private providers in order to develop home care services and policies in the field of home care, organization of advocacy activities. Types of home care services In the Republic of Moldova, the concept of home care gives no clear understanding and comprises different types of home care services: social home-based care services, medical home-based care services and integrated home-based care services (Are not regulated by normative acts.) keywords: administrative; analysis; assessment; assistants; author; beneficiaries; beneficiary; care; care providers; care services; charge; concept; condition; cost; coverage; criteria; csos; day; days; delivery; district; doctor; domiciliu; family; form; free; geographical; government; health; home; home care; hours; improvement; institutions; insured; integrated; journal; level; local; lpa; medical; medical home; medical institutions; model; moldova; national; needs; nhic; number; organization; people; period; person; private; profit; providers; provision; public; quality; referral; republic; request; service providers; services; social; social home; social services; source; specialist; table; territorial; theoretical; tusa; type; units; visits; vulnerable; week; workers; дому cache: eas-69.pdf plain text: eas-69.txt item: #51 of 72 id: eas-70 author: MUNTEANU, Parascovia title: THE BARRIERS TO SOCIAL INCLUSION OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-07 words: 6424 flesch: 35 summary: The main barriers to social inclusion faced by people with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova are: low living standards compared to the general population, non-observance of the general accessibility principle, limited access to social services, education, health and very low participation of people with disabilities on the labour market. The investigation of social inclusion with respect to the access of people with disabilities to social services was approached being based on the Law No. 123 from June, 23, 2010 on social services. keywords: absolute; access; accessibility; ale; allowances; analysis; authorities; barriers; basket; children; community; comparison; data; depth; din; disabilities; disability; disponibil; dizabilități; domain; education; employment; european; experts; fact; focus; general; group; healthcare; healthcare services; inclusive; income; institutions; labour; lack; level; life; living; local; market; medical; moldova; national; necessities; needs; order; participation; people; persoanelor; person; perspective; policies; population; problems; process; professional; rate; reduced; related; republic; research; results; services; social; social inclusion; social services; society; sociological; sociology; specialized; standard; state; studies; study; support; theoretical; theory; возможностями; ограниченными cache: eas-70.pdf plain text: eas-70.txt item: #52 of 72 id: eas-72 author: LESHENOK, Uliana title: CLUSTERING OF UKRAINIAN REGIONS BASED ON VALUE ORIENTATIONS AND POLITICAL CHOICE OF THE POPULATIONS: METHODOLOGICAL RATIONALE AND ANALYSIS USING COMBINING DATA SOURCES date: 2021-11-07 words: 5972 flesch: 52 summary: ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 123 No. 1/ 2019 CLUSTERING OF UKRAINIAN REGIONS BASED ON VALUE ORIENTATIONS AND POLITICAL CHOICE OF THE POPULATIONS: METHODOLOGICAL RATIONALE AND ANALYSIS USING COMBINING DATA SOURCES Uliana LESHENOK1, Senior Economist, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, department for modeling of socio-economic processes and structures, Ukraine The aim of this study is clustering of administrative-territorial units of Ukraine on the basis of value orientations and the electoral choice of the population of these units. Value orientations are more stable than political ones, therefore, such a combination makes the cluster structure more reliable. keywords: 2012; addition; administrative; aggregated; ale; analysis; approach; author; basis; care; center; certain; change; characteristics; choice; cluster; clustering; combination; communist; conservation; correlation; cultural; culture; data; different; dimensions; din; elections; electoral; enhancement; este; european; example; features; groups; human; individual; journal; level; life; mai; max; means; national; openness; orientations; parliamentary; parties; partiya; party; pentru; political; political orientations; population; portrait; possible; questionnaire; regional; regioniv; regions; results; rokeach; sample; schwartz; self; set; similar; social; sociology; source; space; structure; study; support; survey; svoboda; table; territorial; territorial units; theory; time; transcendence; ukraine; ukrainian; units; unități; use; valori; value orientations; values; variable; voting; данных; ценности cache: eas-72.pdf plain text: eas-72.txt item: #53 of 72 id: eas-73 author: CRISMARU, Mariana title: SOCIAL PATTERNS OF SMOKING AND ALCOHOL DRINKING AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN MOLDOVA date: 2021-11-07 words: 6685 flesch: 55 summary: ECONOMY AND SOCIOLOGY 133 No. 1/ 2019 SOCIAL PATTERNS OF SMOKING AND ALCOHOL DRINKING AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN MOLDOVA Mariana CRISMARU1, Scientific Researcher, National Institute for Economic Research, Republic of Moldova This paper explores the incidence and individual determinants of smoking and alcohol drinking with a high prevalence among young people in Moldova. It goes beyond epidemiological approach and descriptive analysis and provides a sociological explanation for these risk-taking behaviours by linking them to local social context in which young people inhabit. keywords: age; aged; alcohol; analysis; aspiration; behaviours; binge; chances; choices; cigarettes; consumption; context; culture; daily; data; demographic; determinants; disponibil; drinkers; drinking; education; employment; factors; female; gender; groups; health; heavy; high; higher; important; individual; journal; large; level; life; lifestyle; likely; lower; main; male; ministry; moldova; month; national; neet; number; oecd; overall; paper; people; population; practices; prevalence; problems; rates; related; relationship; republic; research; respondents; results; risk; smokers; smoking; social; socio; sociology; source; status; strong; studies; study; survey; table; theoretical; times; tobacco; total; use; values; variables; week; wine; women; years; young; young people; youth cache: eas-73.pdf plain text: eas-73.txt item: #54 of 72 id: eas-74 author: Prohnițchi, Valeriu title: SOCIOECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND OF THE RESPONSE POLICY IN MOLDOVA: AN INTERGENERATIONAL PERSPECTIVE BASED ON THE COMPUTABLE GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL date: 2021-12-21 words: 6312 flesch: 61 summary: COVID-19 economic shocks Domestic administrative restrictions (DOM) It is thus of practical policy importance to understand which economic sectors and social groups may have been hit particularly hard by the crisis and to assess if the immediate policy measures offered a meaningful response to the crisis. keywords: -0.2; -0.3; -0.4; -0.5; -0.8; -1.0; -1.1; -1.4; -1.6; -11.1; -2.8; -3.4; -3.7; -3.8; -4.2; -4.7; -5.1; -6.8; activities; activity; administrative; age; aged; ages; alternative; author; baseline; budget; case; category; cge; cge model; children; computable; consumption; covid-19; crisis; data; decline; demand; distributional; domestic; economic; economy; effects; efficiency; employment; equilibrium; expenditures; exports; external; female; figure; foreign; gdp; gender; general; generations; goods; health; horeca; households; impact; income; journal; key; labor; level; losses; macroeconomic; mai; main; male; measures; model; moldova; nta; output; package; pensions; policy; population; private; public; rate; reduction; related; remittances; responses; restrictions; results; scenario; scientifical; sectors; services; sex; sexes; shocks; significant; social; socioeconomic; sociology; source; subsidies; survey; table; terms; theoretical; total; trade; transfers; transport; vat; women cache: eas-74.pdf plain text: eas-74.txt item: #55 of 72 id: eas-75 author: CLICHICI, Dorina; ZELDEA, Cristina-Georgiana title: THE RESILIENCE OF CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN BANKING SYSTEMS DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS date: 2021-12-21 words: 4228 flesch: 52 summary: CEE banking systems during the pandemic event Following the severe deterioration of the macroeconomic environment, CEE banks have faced a declining demand for loans for the first time in five years, especially in investment lending (EIB, 2020). Keywords: Covid-19 crisis, CEE banking systems, return on assets, return on bank capital, bank capitalization, leverage ratio Criza Covid-19 a afectat grav statele din Centrul și Estul Europei (CEE), provocând blocarea activităților economice majore în perioada pandemiei, diminuând cererea și investițiile interne. keywords: addition; affected; analysis; assets; authors; bancare; banking; banking systems; banks; capital; cee; cee banking; cee countries; central; context; countries; covid-19; covid-19 crisis; credit; crisis; dec.18; dec.20; deterioration; eba; economic; economy; equity; european; figure; financial; fiscal; gdp; high; hungary; imf; impact; increase; indicators; interest; investment; lending; level; leverage; liquidity; loans; low; measures; minimum; monetary; non; npl; pandemic; performance; performing; period; poland; quality; rates; ratio; regulatory; requirements; research; resilience; return; risk; romania; shock; source; stability; states; support; systems; tier; time; цве cache: eas-75.pdf plain text: eas-75.txt item: #56 of 72 id: eas-76 author: MIGLIACCIO, Guido; Di STAZIO, Monica title: PROFITABILITY AND LIQUIDITY OF ITALIAN GAMBLING COMPANIES: QUANTITATIVE PROFILES BEFORE AND DURING THE PANDEMIC FOR COVID-19 date: 2021-12-21 words: 6264 flesch: 63 summary: This study сomplements the economic literature on gambling companies, which is lacking. Keywords: gambling companies, Italy, performance, Roa, Quick ratio, Anova. S-ar putea crede că pandemia Covid-19 a avut un efect devastator asupra afacerilor cu jocuri de noroc, din cauza închiderii îndelungate a localurilor cu aparate jocuri de noroc. keywords: accounting; aida; analysis; annual; anova; areas; aspects; assets; available; average; balance; business; care; centre; companies; data; descriptive; deviation; differences; different; d’azzardo; economic; economy; elaboration; equation; figure; financial; gambling; gaming; gioco; groups; high; hypothesis; index; industry; italian; italy; jocuri; journal; kramer; liquidity; macro; main; management; market; maximum; median; methods; migliaccio; minimum; national; necessary; noroc; north; pandemic; pentru; performance; positive; possible; profitability; public; quantitative; quick; range; ratio; related; relationship; research; results; roa; rosa; scientifical; sector; short; significant; situation; social; sociology; source; south; standard; statements; statistics; stock; studies; study; table; term; test; theoretical; trend; tukey; useful; values; variance; variation cache: eas-76.pdf plain text: eas-76.txt item: #57 of 72 id: eas-77 author: BATOVA, Nadezhda; TOCHITSKAYA, Irina; SHERSHUNOVICH, Yauheniya title: CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN BELARUS: VISION AND PROSPECTS (SURVEY RESULTS) date: 2021-12-21 words: 6905 flesch: 38 summary: Keywords: circular economy, circular business models, barriers, Belarus, survey. 8 Theoretical and scientifical journal Table 2 Distribution of respondents' answers to the question How much do you agree with the following statements on the essence of circular economy? keywords: advantages; belarus; belarusian; business; business model; certain; circular business; circular economy; circular enterprises; circular model; circulară; closed; concept; construction; consumption; cycle; data; design; development; economic; economy principles; efficiency; elements; enterprises; environmental; figure; global; green; group; implementation; important; increase; individual; industrial; industry; information; innovations; introduction; journal; lack; level; life; linear; main; management; market; materials; measures; model; natural; new; opportunities; practical; principles; processes; processing; production; production model; products; raw; raw materials; recycling; representatives; republic; research; resources; respondents; responsibility; results; reuse; scientifical; secondary; service; share; sociology; stage; study; survey; sustainable; term; theoretical; things; time; traditional; transformation; transition; transitional enterprises; transitional model; trends; use; waste; батова; циркулярной cache: eas-77.pdf plain text: eas-77.txt item: #58 of 72 id: eas-78 author: SHOVKUN, Inna title: STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN UKRAINE date: 2021-12-21 words: 5817 flesch: 44 summary: 𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑽𝑨 = 𝟏 𝟐⁄ ∑ |𝑽𝑨𝒊𝒕 − 𝑽𝑨𝒊(𝒕−𝟏)| 𝒏 𝒊=𝟏 (1) where ISCVA - index of structural changes in terms of value added; 4 Theoretical and scientifical journal n - number of economic sectors (economic activities, industries); VAit and VAi (t-1) - share of value added of sector i in the current period t and in previous period (t-1). The other indicator, the coefficient of structural changes, measures the changes in the composition of employment by economics sectors: 𝑰𝑺𝑪𝑳 = 𝟏 𝟐⁄ ∑ |𝑳𝒊𝒕 − 𝑳𝒊(𝒕−𝟏)| 𝒏 𝒊=𝟏 , (2) where ISCL - index of structural changes by the number of employed; and Lit and Li(t-1) - the share of employed in economic sector (economic activity, industry) keywords: activities; activity; agricultural; average; capital; changes; comparable; countries; country; crisis; data; development; dynamics; economic; economic growth; economiei; economy; employment; factors; features; figure; financial; gdp; global; group; growth; high;; increase; index; industrial; industrial sector; industry; influence; investment; journal; labor; labor productivity; leading; level; low; manufacturing; model; national; new; number; particular; period; potential; previous; prices; primary; production; productivity; productivity growth; scientifical; sector; service; share; shifts; shovkun; significant; sociology; source; state; statistics; structural; structural changes; study; technological; technologies; terms; tertiary; theoretical; trade; ukraine; ukrainian; value; world; year; структурных; экономики cache: eas-78.pdf plain text: eas-78.txt item: #59 of 72 id: eas-79 author: PIRLOG, Angela title: INTERCULTURAL PROFILE OF MANAGERS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE TROMPENAARS AND HAMPDEN-TURNER THEORY OF CULTURAL DIMENSIONS date: 2021-12-21 words: 6711 flesch: 41 summary: Keywords: Cultural dimension, national culture, Republic of Moldova, manager, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, management, cultural profile. ✓ To make a comparative analysis of the two investigated groups cultural dimensions. keywords: actions; affective; appropriate; attitude; business; case; characteristics; control; cultural; culture; different; diffuse; dimension; economic; economy; emotions; enterprises; environment; figure; following; future; general; good; group; hampden; high; importance; individualism; intercultural; internal; international; inward; journal; level; management; managerial; managers; model; moldova; national; neutral; orientation; outward; parameters; particularism; people; perception; personal; private; profile; questionnaire; radical; relationships; republic; research; respondents; response; results; rules; scientifical; segments; sequential; situation; social; society; sociology; source; specific; status; strategies; students; studies; study; survey; synchronous; theoretical; time; trompenaars; turner; universalism; values; way; work; молдова; против cache: eas-79.pdf plain text: eas-79.txt item: #60 of 72 id: eas-80 author: PENINA, Olga title: TEMPORAL TRENDS AND PATTERNS IN COVID-19 MORTALITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA date: 2021-12-21 words: 3927 flesch: 56 summary: From this perspective, the “Demography of COVID-19 deaths” database (https://dc- produced by the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) gathers deaths by age and sex across 21 countries, including the Republic of Moldova, and provides metadata for each country (INED 2021c). Moreover, the definition of COVID-19 death can vary within one country over time. keywords: age; agency; analysis; cardiovascular; cases; cause; certificate; countries; counts; covid-19; daily; data; death; death records; december; diseases; distribution; elderly; excess; expectancy; females; figure; garcia; gender; group; health; hospital; impact; increase; infection; laboratory; late; life; march; medical; ministry; moldova; mortality; national; november; number; october; older; pandemic; population; probabilities; records; republic; result; second; sex; sources; statistics; time; trends; wave; weekly; women; years; смерти cache: eas-80.pdf plain text: eas-80.txt item: #61 of 72 id: eas-81 author: TABAC, Tatiana title: INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND POPULATION CHANGES IN MOLDOVA date: 2021-12-21 words: 4627 flesch: 54 summary: We note that until 2019, the national statistical system did not have reliable official data on population migration. The paper focuses on analyzing the implications of international migration on changes in the number and structure of the population in Moldova in the 2014-2020 period. keywords: age; age population; aged; children; countries; country; current; data; decline; decrease; demographic; dynamics; economy; estimates; european; flows; gagauz; gross; group; growth; high; immigrants; impact; important; increase; indicators; international; international migration; labor; level; long; migration; migration rate; migrației; mobility; moldova; nations; negative; net; net migration; number; paper; period; population; populației; process; rate; research; residence; results; retirement; return; sex; share; sociology; specific; structure; tabac; term; thousands; time; trends; united; usual; women; working; years; youth; миграции; населения cache: eas-81.pdf plain text: eas-81.txt item: #62 of 72 id: eas-82 author: DRAGAN, Corina title: COST GENERATED BY DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-12-21 words: 8977 flesch: 40 summary: ➢ Data are insufficient and do not reveal much information on medium and long term situation of victims, nor data on costs of domestic violence information collected: distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by age groups, sexes, home; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by citizenship and ethnicity; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by level of education, in the reported period; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by occupation, income and ownership of the home, during the reported period; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by marital status, during the reported period; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) according to the victim's relationship with the family aggressor, during the reported period; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by type of violence, in the reported period; distribution of victims of domestic violence (cases) by types of violence according to the frequency of aggression, during the reported period; services benefited by victims of domestic violence; legal proceedings initiated or withdrawn by victims of domestic violence during the reported period; risk associated with domestic violence during the reported period. The study aims to analyze the evolution of costs generated by domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic in the Romanian space. keywords: agency; analysis; assistance; authorities; authors; bucharest; care; cases; categories; centers; central; children; convention; costs; council; counseling; county; courts; covid-19; criminal; current; d.g.a.s.p.c; data; direct; direct costs; distribution; domestic violence; economic; economy; effects; emergency; equal; equality; etc; european; expenses; f.a; family; field; finland; gender; general; good; government; health; housing; important; indirect; information; international; intimate; journal; july; justice; labor; law; legal; level; life; local; long; loss; measures; medical; mental; methodologies; ministry; model; national; new; number; official; opportunities; pandemic; paper; partner; period; phenomenon; physical; police; practices; productivity; protection; psychological; public; report; reported; research; romania; scientifical; sector; services; sexual; sexual violence; shelters; situation; social; social services; sociology; sources; standard; statistics; structures; studies; study; support; system; term; theoretical; treatment; type; use; victims; violence; women; year cache: eas-82.pdf plain text: eas-82.txt item: #63 of 72 id: eas-85 author: PAPAPHILIPPOU, Apostolos title: ON MOLDOVA’S INCREMENTAL CAPITAL-OUTPUT RATIO AND THE DESIGN OF ECONOMIC POLICY date: 2022-04-05 words: 5760 flesch: 49 summary: The purpose of this paper is to analyse the notion of the ICOR, provide estimates of the evolution of the ICOR for the Moldovan economy over its transition period to date and compare the derived estimates with the values expected from studies in the economic literature, analyse aspects of economic growth in Moldova in the light of the calculated ICOR estimates over time, utilise the average Theoretical and scientifical journal 8 June No. 1/2021 value of the ICOR over the recent period to estimate the investment as a share of GDP which is required to reach a number of selected economic growth paths and discuss briefly the design of economic policy and development planning in Moldova. After analysing aspects of economic growth in Moldovan in the light of the calculated ICOR estimates the paper proceeds to use the average value of the ICOR over a recent period to estimate the Gross Fixed Capital Formation ratio as a share of GDP required in order to reach selected economic growth paths in the medium to long term. keywords: ale; annual; annual gdp; annual growth; average; average value; calculated; capital; capital formation; capital‐output; capital‐output ratio; data; design; development; drop; economic growth; economic literature; economic policy; economy; empirical; equation; estimates; evolution; formation ratio; gdp; gdp estimates; gdp growth; gross; growth; growth paths; growth rate; icor; icor estimates; icor value; inclusive; incremental; incremental capital; incremental capital‐output; investment; investment ratio; june; literature; medium; moldova; moldovan economy; national; nominal; notable; output; paper; path; pentru; period; policy; range; rate; ratio; real gdp; real growth; reported; section; share; significant; table; term; time; transition; value; year; для; коэффициента cache: eas-85.pdf plain text: eas-85.txt item: #64 of 72 id: eas-89 author: Stratan, Alexandru; Gutium, Tatiana title: ECONOMETRIC ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF ECONOMIC INDICATORS ON THE NON-OBSERVED ECONOMY OF MOLDOVA date: 2022-07-26 words: 5110 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: non-observed economy; economic indicators; regression analysis; economic and mathematical modeling; single-equation models. One way to reduce the shadow sector is to expand non-cash turnover. keywords: acca; agricultural; analysis; authors; coefficient; computations; construction; correlation; corruption; countries; criterion; data; dependence; econometric; economic; economiei; economy; eviews; exogenous; factors; following; fost; gdp; goods; gross; growth; hypothesis; impact; import; income; increase; indicators; influence; informal; june; labor; level; ln(agr; ln(cons; ln(m; ln(turn; main; method; model; modeling; moldova; national; neobservate; new; non; observed economy; population; prob; production; quality; regression; results; second; shadow; shadow economy; share; significant; size; sociology; source; squared; statistical; study; table; tax; terms; testing; turnover; value; variables; works; world; ненаблюдаемой; экономики cache: eas-89.pdf plain text: eas-89.txt item: #65 of 72 id: eas-90 author: Papaphilippou, Apostolos title: AN AUTO-REGRESSIVE INTEGRATED MOVING AVERAGE MODEL OF INFLATION IN MOLDOVA WITH SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE INFLATION OUTLOOK date: 2022-07-26 words: 4302 flesch: 49 summary: The paper is organised as follows: Following a discussion section on the properties and estimation of ARIMA models, the paper presents the data to be used for the estimation. The paper by Meyler et al. (1998) used ARIMA models to forecast inflation in Ireland. keywords: analysis; annual; annual inflation; arima; arima model; autocorrelation; average; bank; current; data; domestic; economic; economy; estimates; estimation; eviews; evolution; figure; forecasting; forecasts; function; future; inflation; inflation rate; inflației; international; june; lags; level; likely; model; moldova; monetary; monthly; monthly evolution; months; moving; national; number; october; order; outlook; paper; partial; period; policy; process; purposes; regression; section; series; short; sociology; source; stationary; statistic; table; term; time; time series; work; инфляции cache: eas-90.pdf plain text: eas-90.txt item: #66 of 72 id: eas-91 author: Stupachev, Sergey title: ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF MOLDOVA date: 2022-07-26 words: 3401 flesch: 42 summary: In this regard, to solve the urgent financial and economic problems that have arisen and to conduct an effective financial and economic policy for the development of its economic system, the Moldova objectively needs financial assistance from IFIs. Various aspects of financial assistance to developing countries in order to promote their economic and social development, as well as to expand the mechanism for their concessional lending ECONOMY and SOCIOLOGY June No. 1/ 2022 31 to the World Bank, are considered by the US Congress in a study (Congress U.S., 2020). keywords: ale; article; assistance; balance; bank; bank group; consequences; countries; country; covid-19; credit; crisis; data; debt; development; dollars; economic; economy; entire; facility; figure; financial; financial assistance; financial institutions; financing; fund; group; growth; ifis; imf; institutions; international; international financial; june; lending; moldova; monetary; number; obligations; pandemic; payments; policy; problems; projects; resources; role; sdr; significant; sociology; study; system; total; trend; urgent; world; world bank; years cache: eas-91.pdf plain text: eas-91.txt item: #67 of 72 id: eas-93 author: Tsetsiarynets, Tatsiana title: EFFICIENCY OF OPERATION OF AGRARIAN HUMAN CAPITAL date: 2022-07-26 words: 4337 flesch: 34 summary: ECONOMY and SOCIOLOGY June No. 1/ 2022 43 • productivity of human capital ( ), distinguished by the use in the denominator of the value of agrarian human capital as a qualitative parameter, reflecting the efficiency of its functioning in the context of the current socio-economic transformations. A system of interrelated indicators, which allows to determine the effectiveness of the use of agrarian human capital, is proposed. keywords: account; acme; agrarian; agrarian human; agricultural; analysis; approach; areas; assessment; belarus; calculated; capital development; capital functioning; capitalization; capitalului; coefficient; conditions; context; data; decrease; development; dynamics; economic; economy; effectiveness; efficiency; elasticity; factors; formation; functioning; growth; human capital; human potential; income; increase; indicators; industrial; intellectual; investment; june; knowledge; level; main; management; material; methodological; methodology; methods; number; parameters; period; population; potential; production; productivity; profitability; quantitative; research; resources; results; rural; sector; sociology; state; statistical; study; theoretical; transformation; use; value; аграрного; беларусь; капитала; оценки; республики; статистический; тетеринец; человеческий; человеческого cache: eas-93.pdf plain text: eas-93.txt item: #68 of 72 id: eas-94 author: Ianioglo, Alina title: ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENTERPRISE FINANCING AND THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-07-26 words: 4935 flesch: 43 summary: This study contributes to the growing literature on alternative finance markets in developing countries on example of the Republic of Moldova, and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurial finance. At the same time, the knowledge regarding alternative finance markets is yet in its infancy. keywords: access; activity; alternative; alternative finance; alternative sources; analysed; analysis; bank; business; capital; countries; country; covid-19; credit; crowdfunding; data; development; digital; economic; economy; ecosystem; effects; enterprises; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; figure; finance; finance market; financial; financing; finanțare; fintech; iee; impact; index; indicator; june; kee; lending; loans; market; medium; moldova; non; online; organisations; pandemic; peer; platforms; questionnaire; reference; research; respondents; sector; services; share; small; smes; sociology; sources; survey; time; total; traditional; usd; use; venture; world; years cache: eas-94.pdf plain text: eas-94.txt item: #69 of 72 id: eas-95 author: Kurylo, Iryna title: TENDENCIES OF MORTALITY AND LIFE EXPECTANCY IN UKRAINE BEFORE THE RUSSIAN FULL SCALE MILITARY INVASION date: 2022-07-26 words: 5957 flesch: 51 summary: Thus , according to the values of standardized mortality rates due to coronary heart disease, its level over the past year has increased by slightly more than 6% for women and by more than 8% for men; the corresponding growth rates for cerebrovascular diseases in 2020 were 1.3% and 6.7%, respectively. Of particular concern is the absence of positive changes in the dynamics of coronary heart disease mortality in the age group of young men (15 -19 and 20-24 years) in this decade. keywords: age; analysis; areas; average; cancer; cardiovascular; causes; century; changes; chronic; circulatory; communicable; countries; country; covid-19; cvd; data; death; decrease; demographic; diseases; dynamics; economy; european; excess; expectancy; external; external causes; figure; general; groups; higher; impact; increase; invasion; june; leading; level; life; life expectancy; long; male; men; military; mortality; mortalității; neoplasms; non; past; people; period; population; premature; rate; recent; reduction; research; respiratory; rural; russian; ryngach; service; sex; shkolnikov; significant; social; sociology; source; standardized; state; statistics; studies; system; tendencies; times; trends; ukraine; ukrainian; urban; viață; women; years; жизни; смертности cache: eas-95.pdf plain text: eas-95.txt item: #70 of 72 id: eas-97 author: Penina, Olga title: REGIONAL CHANGES IN LIFE EXPECTANCY AND CAUSES OF DEATH IN MOLDOVA AFTER INDEPENDENCE date: 2022-07-26 words: 6620 flesch: 51 summary: ECONOMY and SOCIOLOGY June No. 1/ 2022 72 REGIONAL CHANGES IN LIFE EXPECTANCY AND CAUSES OF DEATH IN MOLDOVA AFTER INDEPENDENCE DOI: Olga PENINA, doctor in medicine, Associate Professor, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy email: Received 26 January 2022 Accepted for publication 10 May 2022 ECONOMY and SOCIOLOGY June No. 1/ 2022 73 ABSTRACT. After the period of fluctuations related to the socio-economic crisis of the 1990s, life expectancy at birth in Moldova mainly stagnated until 2005 in females and 2010 in males. keywords: 1990s; age; alcohol; backward; birth; capital; cardiovascular; causes; census; central; centre; changes; chisinau; circulatory; contribution; country; covid-19; crisis; data; death; deces; differences; differentiation; digestive; diseases; districts; division; economic; economy; expectancy; external; females; figure; gap; groups; health; high; higher; impact; important; improvements; increase; independence; interregional; june; lagging; level; life; life expectancy; lower; males; men; moldova; mortality; municipality; national; nbs; negative; north; northern; npha; older; penina; period; population; progress; recent; regional; regions; rest; sexes; significant; situation; sociology; source; south; stagnation; statistical; studies; system; term; time; total; transnistria; trends; women; years; смертности cache: eas-97.pdf plain text: eas-97.txt item: #71 of 72 id: eas-98 author: Gagauz, Olga; Prohnitski, Valeriu title: GENDER PROFILE OF INCOME AND CONSUMPTION: EVIDENCE FROM THE NATIONAL TRANSFER ACCOUNTS OF MOLDOVA date: 2022-07-26 words: 5367 flesch: 54 summary: Cons_M – consumption men, Cons_W – consumption women; YL_M – labor income men; YL_W – labor income women. The period of highest labor income (per capita) is between 35 and 55 years of age, reflecting the higher employment rate of women in the formal economy. keywords: accounts; age; ages; aggregate; asset; author`s; calculations; capita; care; children; ciclului; consumption; contribution; countries; cycle; data; deficit; dependency; differences; economic; economy; education; employment; european; figure; formation; gap; gender; group; hammer; health; higher; household; income; inflows; june; labor; labor income; lcd; level; life; life cycle; low; lower; main; market; mdl; moldova; national; nta; pension; pentru; period; population; private; profile; public; public consumption; public transfers; research; retirement; self; services; share; sociology; source; total; transfers; unpaid; viață; women; working; years; для; женщин; жизненного; цикла cache: eas-98.pdf plain text: eas-98.txt item: #72 of 72 id: eas-99 author: Grigoraș, Ecaterina; Gagauz, Olga title: FERTILITY TRANSITION FROM TRADITIONAL TO MODERN MODEL IN MOLDOVA: EXPLORATION IN BASE ON THE GENERATION AND GENDER SURVEY date: 2022-07-26 words: 7402 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: fertility transition, reproductive behavior, traditional fertility model, modern fertility model, Moldova În Moldova, ca și în alte țări din Europa de Est, după anii 1990 are loc tranziția fertilității de la modelul tradițional la cel modern. In the urban area, the fertility transition starts earlier, the fertility level is lower and more intense in the late ages, and the postponement of first births is determined by the transition from traditional to modern reproductive behavior model (Kulu, 2013; Buelens, 2021). keywords: age; ages; analysis; areas; average; behavior; birth; changes; characteristics; children; cluster; clustering; context; control; countries; cultural; data; decades; demographic; demographic transition; differences; early; eastern; economy; education; european; factors; families; family; fertility; fertility transition; fertilității; gagauz; gender; generations; groups; half; higher; impact; increase; interval; june; large; late; lesthaeghe; level; life; low; marriage; model; modern; modern model; moldova; months; national; negative; number; older; onset; partnership; period; place; population; postponement; poverty; process; proportion; protogenetic; rate; relations; reproductive; reproductive behavior; republic; research; residence; respondents; results; role; rural; second; sexual; share; significant; sobotka; social; sociodemographic; socioeconomic; sociology; specific; statistics; studies; study; survey; table; theory; time; total; traditional; traditional model; transition; type; urban; women; years; рождаемости cache: eas-99.pdf plain text: eas-99.txt