EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume 2 , Num ber 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z Classroom Management Information Technology Mohammad Syahidul Haq Universitas Negeri Surabaya Published: May 15, 2017 Reviewed April 8, 2017 Received: March 7, 2017 Abstract: Development of Information Technology in the field of education today can not be avoided. In the learning process is now not limited to space and time with the presence of information technology. To realize quality of learning, information technology is one aspect of classroom management. Many strategies are offered in classroom management To realize learning objectives. E-learning is a solution in the management of information technology-based classes are much used in various educational institutions. With many advantages, e-learning supports virtual- based learning process. Keywords: Classroom Management, Information Technology, E-learning Introduction The development of Science and Technology (Science and Technology) in the current era of globalization has evolved. The science and technology development occurs in a variety of fields, one field of education, namely with the advent of advanced technology equipment that can improve the achievement of learners to deal with global competition. One way to improve the achievement of learners can be done through effective classroom management. An educator must have the skills to manage class. The Teachers required to have teaching skills, teaching and learning strategies appropriate to the material to be delivered. According Dardjo Sukardja (Dedy 2007) there are basically three things that must be possessed by the educator in dealing with any situation, including facing global competition. The third thing is the personality of steady, broad capabilities and adequate professional capability. In the face of global competition educator should be able to follow the development of information technology very rapidly. In line with what said by Hugheset 1 "Teachers should be more innovative and productive in their duties. Teachers should not stutter technology and able to communicate the full 1 A. Yunanto, , 2015. Issues of Information and Communication T echnology Edu cation. Availabl e at: -isu-pembelajaran-teknologi.html#. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 152 zzzzzz technology in everyday life. Options - available technology options that can be accessed for the teacher provided enough variety. In essence, all of it can be used as an attempt to improve the activity and creativity of learning ". In the description educators should take advantage of information technology to support learning. The presence of information technology can enhance teaching and learning activities in class. Their learning much more dynamic information technology by making use of the media as a source of learning. Besides, with the presence of information technology can shift people's paradigm shift from the traditional education system education system based cyber learning. In this case the conventional learning will be developed into an online learning by using e-learning. With the presence of e-learning is the learning process is not limited to space and time can be accesse d anywhere and anytime. harnessing device with Laptop, PC, Smartphone and others connected to the Internet network. Management'sDiscussion 1. Classroom Classroom management is one of the cultivated fields in the field of management education. In the management class then there is the term "classroom management" which is commonly known by the public. As professionals, educators demanded to manage classes that create and maintain the condition of learning to achieve the goal of teaching. According Amatembun 2 "Classroom management is the effort made by teachers to create and maintain and cultivate the motivation to learn to achieve the goals that have been set". Meanwhile, according to Usman "Effective classroom management is an absolute prerequisite for the effective learning process". Classroom management is seen as one of the most important aspects in the implementation of fundamental learning system for educators. In life in the classroom, especially in the learning process, the relationship between educators and learners should be harmonious. Educators and students can be equally utilized and complement each other in the learning process, so that participants can engage actively in achieving the objectives of teaching and learning. Based on the above, the function of classroom management is crucial at all 2 Kamil, M.Z., 2010. Manajemen Pengelolaan Kelas dal am Menngkatkan Prestasi B elaj ar Sisw a di Sekolah Alternatif Qoryah Thayyibah Sal atiga. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 153 zzzzzz because of the activities of educators in managing the class includes activities to manage student behavior in the classroom, creating a climate of socio-emotional and manage the group process, so that the teachers' success in creating the conditions that allow, the indicator learning process takes place effectively. Of the various terms above, it was concluded that classroom management is the effort made by educators to create and maintain conditions optimal learning so that students feel comfortable, feeling of belonging and feel at home learning in the classroom, and the creation of such conditions are expected student performance bias increase in teaching and learning process. So effective classroom management is an absolute prerequisite for the implementation of an effective process of teaching and learning. Some institutions have proved, with bold overhaul of the management class that the average conventional method adopted by most of the educational institutions and replace by providing innovative tailored to the needs of the students, so that eventually they were able to help the students reach the pot ential that exists within themselves as well as the boost student achievement. 2. Information Technology According to the Gary J. Anglin 3 , defines the technology is the application of the behavioral sciences and other natural and applying knowledge and to solve the various problems faced by humans. Development of Information Technology many side benefits but there is also a downside. For that before the implementation of Information Technology-based learning learners should be given a basic understanding of the nature and impact of information technology development. According to Sukiono for managing the Information Technology -based classes there are three basic components that must be prepared, including infrastructure, human resources as well as the content or application 4 . a. Infrastructure Development of Information Technology infrastructure in Indonesia beginning in 1995 and began growing IT Center since 2000. The network infrastructure used is a 3 Umi Syafi fah B alqis, 2009. Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dal am Manaj emen Berbasisi Sekolah di Ma Ali Maksum Krapyak Bantul Yogyakart a, Yogyakart a: Uni versitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. 4 Sukiono, B., 2014. Pembelaj aran berb asis proyek. Jurnal Pendidikan, 2. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 154 zzzzzz LAN(local area network)that connects between computers in a school building, a WAN(wide area network)and the Internet that allows the establishment of a wireless network to connect education offices to schools. By using WAN and the Internet is expected to facilitate the flow of communication and optimize data acces s and information among educational workers so that data and information is more optimal, smooth, effective and efficient. b. Human Resources HR development which will support the implementation of ICT-based learning has been carried out from 1999 through socialization. Since then a lot of training of ICT such as Internet training, vocational IT,Networking, multimedia training, computer skills and information management to Java Education National Network as well as training Jardiknas. It has also prepared a formal education to increase the competence of teachers. c. Content and Applications E-Learning E-learning is literally an acronym of E & Learning. E is the electronic'm learning= learning process, so e-learning is electronic learning system, using electronic media, internet, computer and multimedia files (sound, images, animation and video). 3. E-learning Definition of e-learning by Ardiansyah 5 is a learning system that is used as a means for the learning process is carried out without having to meet directly between teachers and students. E-learning in its broadest sense to encompass learning is done in electronic media (internet) either formally or informally. E-learning is formally example is learning to the curriculum, syllabus, subjects and tests are set and organized according to the schedule agreed upon relevant parties (managing e-learning and learners themselves). Lessons like these are usually high and the level of interaction required by the company to its employees or distance learning is managed by universities and companies (usually consulting firms), which is engaged in the provision services of e-learning to the public. Application for creating e-learning can be acquired for free(open source project)or paid(commercial). 5 Ardiansyah, I., 2013. Eksplorasi Pola Komunikasi dalam Diskusi Menggunakan Moddle pada Perkuliahan Sim ulasi Pembelaj aran Kim ia, Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 155 zzzzzz a. Characteristics of E-learning According to Rosenberg the characteristics of e-learning is a network, which makes it able to fix quickly, store or retrieve, distribute, and learning and information sharing 6 . Meanwhile, according to Nursalam & Ferry Efendi is 1) Utilize the service of electronic technology; 2) Utilize the power of the comput er (digital media and computer networks); 3) Using the teaching materials which is independent (self- learning materials) and then stored in a computer, so it can be accessed by lecturer and students anytime and anywhere. 4) Utilize the learning schedule, c urriculum, the results of the learning progress, and matters relating to the administration of education can be viewed at any time on the computer 7 . b. Benefits of E-learning According to (Pranoto et al., 2009) the benefits of e-learning are as follows: 1) The use of e-learning to support the implementation of the learning process can improve the absorption of the material to teach students; 2) Increase the active participation of students; 3) Increase the active participation of students; 4) Increase self-learning ability of students; 5) Improving the quality of teachers and training materials; 6) Increase the ability to display information to the information technology device, where the device is extremely difficult to do. c. The advantages of E-learning According to (Judge 2012) The advantages of learning electronic or often called e-learning, among others are: 1) Availability of the e-moderating in which teachers and students can communicate easily through the internet facility on a regular basis or wheneve r the communication is done without being limited by distance, place, and time. 2) Teachers and students can use the teaching materials structured and scheduled over the internet. 3) Students can learn (reviewing) teaching material at any time and anywhere if 6 Maharani, L., 2016. Bl ended Learning dal am Pembelajaran. Availabl e at: http://lasm im am -pembelajaran.html?view=flip card&m=1. 7 Nursalam & Ferry Efendi, 2008. Pendidikan dalam Kep erawatan, Jakarta: Salemba M edika. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 156 zzzzzz necessary given teaching materials stored in the computer. 4) When students require additional information pertaining to material he had learned, he can access the internet. 5) Both teachers and students can conduct discussions over the Internet that can be followed by a large number of participants. 6) The changing role of the student from passive to active. 7) Relatively more efficient. For example, for those who live far from the university or conventional schools can access it. Meanwhile, according to Sudirman, some of the advantages of e-learning compared with traditional instruction is as follows 8 : 1) E-learning can shorten the learning time and make the cost of study is more economical 2) E-learning enables easy interaction between the learners with the material or materials, learners with teachers and fellow learners. 3) Learners can share information and be able to access the learning materials at any time and repeatedly, with such conditions that lea rners can further solidify its control of the learning material 4) presence of the teacher is not absolutely necessary 5) Guru will be easier to do alternative learning materials that according to the latest demands of the development of science, expand-right away or do research to improve insights, and control the activities of learners. 6) Students can learn or review materials at any time and where sa -ja if necessary given teaching materials stored in the computer. 7) The changing role of the students who usually passive to active. d. Disadvantages of e-learning in classroom management technology utilization in this case using e-learning cannot be separated from a variety of shortcomings. Various crackling according to Bullen as said Ikhsan 9 , among others: 1) Lack of interaction between teachers and 8 Sudirman, N.L., 2012. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan E -learning. Avail able at: -dan-kekurangan-e-learning.html. 9 Ikhasan, C., 2014. Pemanfaatan E-Learning Dalam Pembelajaran. Mohammad Syahidul Haq Classroom Management Information Technology Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 157 zzzzzz students, or even between the students themselves; 2) The tendency of ignoring the aspect of academic or social aspects and instead encourage the growth aspects of business / commercial; 3) The process of learning and teac hing tends towards training rather than education; 4) The changing role of the teacher from the original master conventional learning technique, also demanded to know the technique of learning using ICT; 5) Students who do not have a high learning motivati on is likely to fail; 6) Not all of the available internet facilities; 7) lack of power know and have internet skills; 8) lack of mastery of computer languages. Conclusion Class Management is the effort made by teachers to maintain and create optimal learning conditions so that learners feel comfortable, feel at home belonging and learning in the classroom, and the creation of such conditions expected student achievement can be increased in learning process. Along with the rapid development of information technology educators should be able to develop a method of teaching. Many institutions evaluated conventional learning systems into modern learning. One method used is the use of e-learning in the learning process. Many of the advantages offered by using e-learning, but also there are weaknesses in the use of e- learning. With the development of information technology learning is not limited to space and time, can be done at home, at school and anywhere with the help of an internet connec tion. Bibliography Ardiansyah, I., 2013. 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Umi Syafifah Balqis, 2009. Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dalam Manajemen Berba sisi Sekolah di Ma Ali Maksum Krapyak Bantul Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga. Yunanto, A., 2015. Isu-isu Pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Available at: