EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 245 The Urgency of Teachers' and Parents' Understanding of Underachievers Musawir, Sufinatin Aisida FAI Universitas Sunan Giri Surabaya Accepted: Nov 3th 2022 Reviewed: Dec 5th 2022 Published: Feb 28th 2023 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the learning difficulties. Student learning difficulties can cause learning achievement to be disrupted, the assessment criteria set by the school and the teacher as an instructor cannot be achieved properly by students. The lowest passing grade in mastery learning theory assessment is 6 on a 0-10 scale or 60 on a 0-100 scale. Underachievement is a mismatch between school performance and an index of ability as evident from tests of intelligence, achievement or creativity, or from observational data. Underachievers are those whose achievement turns out to be lower than what was expected based on the results of tests of their learning abilities. Reis and McMoach define underachievement as an acute gap between potential achievement (expected achievement) and actual achievement. The result showed that The causes of undeachiever include: physical, psychological, family, peer, school, community factors, the solution is to build communication with parents and schools or vice versa. Keyword: Teachers' and Parents', understanding, underachiever INTRODUCTION The process of learning activities will not be separated from the existence of teachers and students1, in fact teachers will always deal with students with various student characteristics with their diversity. There are students who can go through learning activities smoothly and successfully without experiencing obstacles, but on the other hand there are not a few students who actually experience various obstacles or difficulties in learning. Student learning difficulties are indicated by certain obstacles to achieving learning outcomes, these difficulties can be psychological, sociological, or physiological. Student learning difficulties can cause learning achievement to be disrupted, the assessment criteria set by the school and the teacher as the supervisor cannot be achieved properly by students. According to Sterner 2 "there are several alternative norms for measuring the level of student 1 Motoko Akiba and Guodong Liang, “Effects of Teacher Professional Learning Activities on Student Achievement Growth,” Journal of Educational Research (2016); Siti Nazuar Sailin and Noor Aida Mahmor, “Improving Student Teachers’ Digital Pedagogy through Meaningful Learning Activities,” Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction (2018); Michael Sailer, Julia Murböck, and Frank Fischer, “Digital Learning in Schools: What Does It Take beyond Digital Technology?,” Teaching and Teacher Education (2021); ARIANTI ARIANTI, “PERANAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA,” DIDAKTIKA : Jurnal Kependidikan (2019). 2 Elizabeth A. Sterner, “Impact of Academic Libraries on Grade Point Average (GPA): A Review,” Performance Measurement and Metrics, 2021. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 246 success, namely a scale norm of 0 to 10, or 0 to 100". The lowest number that states passing grade in mastery learning theory assessment is 6 on a 0-10 scale or 60 on a 0-100 scale3. The learning achievement obtained by students certainly cannot be separated from the factors that influence it. One of the factors that affect student learning achievement is the level of intelligence (IQ). IQ has a very significant correlation with learning achievement. Barret and Depinet 4 explain that 'children with higher intelligence scores get higher academic scores, enjoy school more, are better able to follow lessons, and in later life tend to get success'. Based on this phenomenon, students with high IQ should have high achievement in accordance with their potential. The reality is that those who have a high IQ do not all obtain high achievement as well5. Underachiever this term is often referred to, which is one type of learning difficulty or problem that is often experienced by students where the underachiever or the state of achievement obtained by the student is below the level of intelligence or IQ he has. The term underachiever, is one type of learning problem that is often experienced by students, but in reality there are still many who do not understand what exactly is meant by underachiever. Especially teachers and parents6. How can we know the characteristics of children who experience underachievers, what factors cause children to experience this problem, and how to handle and prevent it LITERATURE REVIEW’ Term of Underachiever There are several explanations of the meaning of underachiever: According to Davis and Rimm 7 it is explained that what is meant by underachievement is 'if there is a mismatch between school achievement and the index of ability as evident from tests of intelligence, achievement or creativity, or from observational data, where real school achievement is lower than the level of ability'. Doring 8 also reveals that what is meant by "underachievers are those whose achievements turn out to be lower than what was predicted based on the results of their learning ability tests". According to Steenbergen 9 underachiever is synonymous with academic delay, which means that 3 Özgen Korkmaz and Xuemei Bai, “Adapting Computational Thinking Scale (CTS) for Chinese High School Students and Their Thinking Scale Skills Level,” Participatory Educational Research (2019); Israt Rayhan, “Depression Level of Undergrad Students: BDI Scale,” Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal (2018). 4 Joseph J. Cowan, “Barrett and Depinet Versus McClelland,” American Psychologist, 1994. 5 Xueqing Wu and Mingxing Tao, “The Impact of Cooperative Learning on EFL Achievers’ and Underachievers’ Motivation Based on Marginal Utility,” Journal of Language Teaching and Research (2022); Dewang Sulistiana and Idat Muqodas, “UPAYA BIMBINGAN BAGI SISWA UNDERACHIEVER,” Metodik Didaktik (2016); Naning Sutriningsih, “PENYEBAB SISWA UNDERACHIEVER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA,” JURNAL e-DuMath (2017). 6 Z Zikra - Jurnal Neo Konseling and undefined 2019, “Personality Types of Underachiever Students and the Implication for Guidance and Counseling Services,” (2019). 7 SYLVIA RIMM and GARY A. DAVIS, “GIFT: An Instrument for the Identification Creativity,” The Journal of Creative Behavior (1976); Gary A. Davis and Sylvia Rimm, “Characteristics of Creatively Gifted Children,” Gifted Child Quarterly (1977). 8 David P Doring, “Social and Academic Predictors of Success for Gifted Children,” ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 2006. 9 Saiying Steenbergen-Hu, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, and Eric Calvert, “The Effectiveness of Current Interventions to Reverse the Underachievement of Gifted Students: Findings of a Meta-Analysis and EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 247 "the state of students who are thought to have a fairly high intelligence, but cannot utilize it optimally." Rimm 10 states that when students do not display their potential, they are underachievers. Underachievers are often misjudged as students with learning difficulties 11. Reis and McMoach Robinson define underachievement as an acute gap between potential achievement (expected achievement) and actual achievement. Referring to the opinions of the experts above regarding underachievers, it can be concluded that what is meant by underachievers is students who obtain achievements below the standard value that should be obtained based on a certain IQ level. For example, a student who has an IQ level of 120, it turns out that the value obtained is only 60. The student is categorized as an underachiever because his learning achievement is below the standard value. To be classified as an underachiever, the gap between potential and achievement is not the result of a diagnosed learning disability and occurs persistently over a long period 12. Underachiever is also not associated with hormonal changes in adolescence. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The author quote IQ classification based on the "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children" intelligence test which is often known as the WISC intelligence test. This intelligence test is a development of the intelligence test "Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale created by David Wechsler in 1939. The distribution of the IQs used can be seen in table 1. 1 Table 1.1 IQ distribution IQ CLASSIFICATION > 130 Very Superior 120 – 129 Superior 110 – 119 Average Height 90 – 109 Average 80 – 89 Low Average 70 – 79 Mentally Weak Limit ≤ 69 Mentally Weak Source: Walgito, 1992: 152 Based on the assessment of the complete learning system, students are said to pass if they get a score of 6 on a scale of 0-10 or 60 on a scale of 0-100. Academically gifted students should Systematic Review,” Gifted Child Quarterly (2020). 10 Doring, “Social and Academic Predictors of Success for Gifted Children.” 11 Mimi Wellisch and Jac Brown, “An Integrated Identification and Intervention Model for Intellectually Gifted Children,” Journal of Advanced Academics (2012); Erwin Sulaeman and Choiriyah Choiriyah, “ANAK UNDERACHIEVER: ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR PENYEBABNYA,” Journal of Early Childhood Education (JECE) (2021); Rikha Surtika Dewi, “Jurnal Pendidikan : Early Childhood ( Underachiever Dan Gifted Underachiever ),” Jurnal Pendidikan : Early Childhood (2017). 12 Jonathan A. Plucker and Carolyn M. Callahan, Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education, Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education, 2021; Gabrielle Robinson and Peter Turrini, “The Underachievers,” Theatre Journal (1989). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 248 not be enough to obtain only a minimum score of graduation. They should be able to perform according to a high level of IQ. Researchers compared student achievement to IQ test results to identify underachievers. The categorization of underachievers can be seen in the following table 1.2: Table 1.2 Underachiever Categorization Guidelines NO IQ CLASSIFICATION MINIMAL PERFORMANCE 1 > 130 Very Superior 9 2 120 – 129 Superior 8 3 110 – 119 Average Height 7 4 90 – 109 Average 6 5 80 – 89 Low Average 6 70 – 79 Mentally Weak Limit 7 ≤ 69 Mentally Weak Dimyati and Mudjiono (2002) argue that the level of intelligence is the overall skills that a person has so that they can act and think in a directed and good manner. The level of intelligence of a person especially students can be measured through IQ tests. Intelligence Quotien (IQ) is a score obtained from a standardized intelligence level test or as a measure of a person's intelligence level related to mental age and actual age (Shah, 2009). To find out and measure students' intelligence, schools usually use Alferd Binet's theory which we commonly know as the Intellegency Quotient (IQ). The grouping of intelligence levels (IQ) is Very Superior (> 130), superior (120-129), above average (110-119), average (90-109), below average (80-89), mental/mind weak limit (70-79), debil (50-69), Imbecil (26-49), and idIot (=25). The level of intelligence of students is assessed based on scores obtained from answers to questions around reason and logic to test their logical skills. Underachiever criteria A person who experiences underachievement generally shows characteristics that are different from others. the characteristics of the underachiever can be seen in the opinion of Clark. According to Clark 13(1992: 471) there are several characteristics shown by underachiever students, namely: (1) Showing achievements that are contrary to expectations or potentials that dimilikinya. (2) Feeling unhappy with the school or its teachers and tending to join friends who 13 Ugur Baslanti, “Investigating the Underachievement of University Students in Turkey: Exploring Subscales,” International Journal of Progressive Education (2008); Progressive Education, “Investigating the Underachievement of University Students in Turkey: Exploring Subscales Ugur Baslanti* University of Florida,” International Journal of Progressive Education (2008). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 249 also have a negative attitude towards the school. (3) Lack of motivation to study, do not do assignments, often sleepy when studying and incomplete in doing tasks. (4) Lack of ability to make intellectual adjustments. (5) Feeling less excited, less assertive and often noisy in class. (6) Have low discipline, often late school, reluctant to do assignments, often noisy, and easily influenced. (7) Do not have a hobby or interest in activities to fill free time. Fear of exams and low performance. Other characteristics of underachiever students stated by Rimm14 are poor expertise in doing schoolwork, poor study habits, having problems receiving peers, poor concentration in school activities, not being able to manage themselves both at home and at school, easily bored, "leaving" class activities, having good oral language skills, but bad in writing, easily distracted and impatient, busy with his own thoughts, less honest, often criticizes himself, has a bad friendship, likes to joke in class (make noise), is friendly to his elders, and behaves unusually There are several studies that show that there is a difference in commitment to duty between gifted children who excel and gifted children who perform less 15. The results of research conducted by psychology experts show that teacher expectations of children's abilities greatly influence children's assessment of their abilities 16. Based on the results of research on children who are successful in their schools, it also shows that "the role of parents determines their success" 17. It was concluded that the main criterion of underachievers is the gap between achievement and IQ ability. The learning achievements obtained in real terms are below the minimum standards that should be achieved with a certain level of IQ. Underachievers show personal characters that tend to be perfectionist, oversensitive, lack confidence, and lack interest in social activities. A person who experiences an Underachiever prefers to do activities alone rather than in groups. Mshowed a negative attitude towards school activities. Lack of concentration when studying, avoiding school work, and having low discipline. Potential causes of underachievers According to Sudjana 18 student learning outcomes are influenced by student abilities (internal) by 70% and influenced by the environment (external) by 30%. However, external and internal factors will be interconnected and mutually supportive in achieving student learning outcomes. The level of intelligence or intellectual intelligence is one of the internal factors that are generally known to affect learning outcomes. Low achievement or underachievement dapat occurs since elementary school and exerts an 14 Doring, “Social and Academic Predictors of Success for Gifted Children.” 15 Tae-Gon Cho and Yong-Wook Kim, “The Learning Experience and Meaning of Students with Learning Disabilities Only Recognized as an Underachiever,” Korean Association For Learner-Centered Curriculum And Instruction (2020); James G. Snider and Grant C. Drakeford, “Intensity of Meaning Discrimination in Academic Achievers and Underachievers,” Psychological Reports (1971); Benjamin Koch, “Spiritual Intelligence (SQ): A Tool for Meaning and Hope,” Spiritual Intelligence (2006). 16 Edy Gustian, “Menangani Anak Underachiever: Anak Cerdas Dengan Prestasi Rendah,” Jakarta: Puspa Swara (2002). 17 Gustian, “Menangani Anak Underachiever: Anak Cerdas Dengan Prestasi Rendah.” 18 Nana Sudjana, “Metode Statistika,” Bandung: Tarsito (2005): 168. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 250 influence continuously when students occupy secondary and higher education and influences career success . The existence of Underachiever that can be detected since elementary school certainly has several factors that have the potential to cause underachievers. There are several factors that cause underachievers, namely physical condition, psychic state, family, school, peers, and society. Physical Condition As Gurman (2004) ( 19stated, "factors that cause underachievers that come from the physical side, for example, children experience pain, there is hearing loss, visual impairment, or there is a physical disability". These things are very likely to interfere with the child's learning process so that his achievements cannot describe his abilities. Physical conditions that can cause underachiever students for example children to experience pain, there is hearing loss, visual impairment, or there isc a otherphysical paint". These things are very likely to interfere with the child's learning process so that the achievements obtained are not in accordance with their true potential. Psychic Conditions In addition to physical conditions, psychic conditions also have the opportunity to be a factor causing the appearance of underachievers. Some experts express opinions regarding the condition of piskis that is prone to be the cause of underachievers. There are several vulnerabilities that can cause a person to become an underachiever, namely: (1) Perfectionism, that is, the drive to achieve perfection. (2) Supersensitivity, i.e. excess sensitivity. (3) Lack of social skills. Personality factors that dapat cause underachiever students such as perfectionism, being too sensitive, being ineffective in social skills, shyness and inferiority because they are different from other students, not being confident, and too much activity. Clark also mentions the child's personal condition that has the potential to cause underachievers, namely as follows: There is pressure within oneself to achieve perfection. (2) Have a high sensitivity. (3) Lack of social abilities. (4) Feeling depressed because they are considered different from other children, so they are excluded. (5) Feeling incompatible with the school curriculum. (6) Inconsistent with the way teachers teach. (7) Less comfortable with the classroom environment. (8) There is too much interest in something, making it difficult to focus. (9) There are too many activities so that they cannot manage their own activities. Family Based on some literature, it is known that parents have the opportunity to be a contributing factor to underachievers. Here is the opinion of experts who state that the family as one of the causes of underachievers. 19 Alan S. Gurman, “The Role of the Family in Underachievement,” Journal of School Psychology (1970). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 251 There are several factors from the family that have the potential to cause underachiever students, namely:(1) Learning and achievement do not receive awards. (2) There is no positive attitude of parents towards the child's career. (3) Parents are too dominant in children's learning. (4) Children's achievements are a threat to the needs of parental superiority. (5) There is a power struggle in the family. (6) Low socioeconomic status. (7) The family is dysfunctional for various reasons. There are several family conditions that can result in their children becoming underachievers including "families with low morals, divided families (divorce or death), excessive protection from parents, authoritarian attitudes, attitudes of allowing or allowing excessively, and inequality of parental attitudes". According to Rimm20 there are several factors that cause underachievers who come from families, namely: (1) Perfectionist parental behavior. (2) Parents underestimate children's abilities too much (3) Parents are inattentive (4) Parents are being too permissive ( 5) Serious family conflicts (6) Parents often criticize (7) Parents are overprotective Based on the explanations of the experts above, it can be concluded that the causative factors of underachievers who come from the family consist of the integrity of the family, the attitudes and habits of the parents, and the socioeconomic conditions of the family. School In addition to family factors, it turns out that schools also have the opportunity to be one of the factors causing underachievers. Students spend part of their time studying at school. Therefore, schools play a role in creating outstanding students. However, in reality, schools also have the potential to cause their students to be less able to develop their potential. As stated by Gusman 21(2004: 70) that there are several school factors that cause underachievers, namely as follows: The school environment does not support or reward academic success. (2) The curriculum does not suit the student. (3) A rigid and authoritarian classroom environment. (4) Awards are not made for individual differences. (5) Student learning styles that do not match the teacher's teaching style. In addition, Clark also mentioned several school environment conditions that are one of the factors causing the emergence of underachievers, namely as follows: The absence of special groupings for ordinary children and gifted children but tends to be mixed in one class. (2) The social environment of the school that does not support the fulfillment of the needs of gifted children. (3) Rigid classroom environment. (4) The student's academic performance receives less school attention. (5) A classroom environment that is too competitive for its students and too critical. 20 Doring, “Social and Academic Predictors of Success for Gifted Children.” 21 Gusmaneli Gusmaneli, Khadijah Khadijah, and Radhiatul Hasnah, “Free Learning: Study of Humanistic Theory in Islamic Religious Education,” 2021. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 252 Peers Talented student peers also have the potential to cause underachievers. Choosing the wrong friend can also cause a teenager to become an underachiever". In adolescence, friends become everything to them, so it is very difficult to resist the influence of friends. When making friends with children who do not pay attention to achievements, it will make students also lazy to study. This is motivated by the fear of being abandoned by friends, so they better beat learning achievements than their friendships. Based on the explanations of experts it can be concluded that the causative factors of underachievers of peer origin consist of: The existence of peers who have common interests and talents to develop their intellectual abilities. Involvement in activities carried out with peer groups. Society According to Gurman 22 the neighborhood around where talented students live also has the potential to be one of the causes of underachievers. The existence of expectations from the surrounding environment that requires talented children to have good achievements in all fields, sometimes makes children feel burdened. As a result, gifted children who should be able to show high achievements according to the level of intelligence, actually show the opposite. The learning achievements obtained are contrary to their high level of intelligence, and this is known as underachievement. Deliverable Underachiever Solutions The existence of the underachiever phenomenon is complained by parents against the background of a decrease in academic scores on the grounds of laziness, difficulty concentrating, saturation, children often daydream or do not understand the problem.ini can actually be overcome by parents and children, with continuous stimulus and motivation, the type of learning that is most in line with the child's character will increase the child's academic potential. Some things that can be done as a first step is that we should know the types of learning of children. The type of learning is the learning style that each individual has that can be used in learning, information processing and communication. By knowing the appropriate learning style correctly, a person can maximize his potential to the maximum. Scientifically in the absorption of human information, it is divided into three, namely: (1) visual type: this visual type is a human being who easily absorbs information when he sees or watches, reads an information. (2) auditory type, this type are people who are more receptive to information through what they hear. (3) this type of kinesthetic type is more optimal to receive information by moving, touching or doing directly the information into this type. A visual learner type is a person who learns through what they see. Visual-type people will be more optimal if they are informed by directly looking at body language, mimics, images, colors or space relationships. The characteristics of the visual learner type include: meticulous and 22 Gurman, “The Role of the Family in Underachievement.” EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 253 meticulous, remembering with visual associations, more like reading books with many illustrations, diagrams, to explain the content of the reading, summarizing information by drawing a symbol or using a mind map, more dominant in writing than making speeches or narrations, easier to concentrate. A strategy that can be used for this type to make the learning process easier is: encourage individuals to use more symbols and images in mind mapping notes. Use colored writing paper to make it easier for the brain to remember information. Use high-lite to mark important information. Use multi media as learning materials such as computers and videos. The auditory learner type is more optimal in absorbing information if the information is provided in the form of sound and word types (sounds). They will catch by hearing what others have to say. The characteristics of auditory type people include 1) easier to receive information in the form of voice or tone. (2) reading aloud, at least he can hear his own voice. (3) usually difficulty when having to write down the idea. (4) prefer to present his ideas by making speeches, presentations. (5) love music. (6) fluent speakers. (listeners are good. (7) likes to talk and discuss. Strategies that can be used to optimize the auditoria type include: express opinions by discussing, use music to accompany the learning process, use a recorder to record material, use a donkey bridge to memorize keywords, for example "MEJIKUHIBINIU" to memorize rainbow colors. Kinesthetic type learner, in this type the individual has a tendency to be unable to stand still or always move. This type is very difficult to be asked to sit for hours and more often and explore with the environment. This type is younger learning by moving, touching, or doing what is already exemplified by himself, this type is more likely to like challenges and more ambitious than the two types above. Kinesthetic type traits include: (1) mobile (2) not being able to stand or staying still for too long (3) absorbing information by always moving (4) ambitious (5) using a lot of body language (difficulty concentrating (easily distracted by fuss (6) talking to the slow (7) liking challenges. Techniques that can be used include: do not force individuals to sit still for a long time, intersperse giving material by cycling, running, or just doing brain gymnastics, light body exercises, to help to be quiet, give gum to chew gum during the learning process. Cobala is always to demonstrate every concept taught. What if you meet a person with a mixed type of existing types, the step that can be taken is to identify the most dominant type of learning, then do the steps simultaneously. Hard and istiqomah exercises over time will be able to increase academic potential. Alternative solutions for Teachers and Parents There are several alternative solutions for teachers and parents in overcoming children who experience underachievers including: Things Parents Can Do Together with School Here are some things that parents can do to collaborate with teachers in overcoming the problem of underachiever children: 1. Consult regularly with the school to monitor the progress of children's achievements. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 254 2. Participate and involve in school activities, the function of this involvement is that parents will better understand what the school expects of its students and how the school treats students. 3. The involvement of parents can convince themselves, that indeed parents are aware of this problem of underachievement and will make efforts to direct their children. 4. As a parent you should be able to ensure that your child dapat take remedial classes or individual/group counseling if needed. 5. Ask the school if there is a certain way of learning in school that children must master? If anything, what efforts does the school put into teaching it? What support dapat given parents at home? 6. Ask the school what they are doing to make the curriculum challenging, personally meaningful, and rewarding for the child. Then in a relay cooperation with the school that is tailored to the specific problems of the child. Good cooperation between parents and the school is a smart and valuable way to optimize children's achievements, both academically and non-academically in accordance with children's talents and interests. Internal improvement is a propriety in the family, it has a meaningful enough effect to encourage children to excel and compete with friends in a healthy and good manner. The shock of parents with children is something absolute, especially a mother, if the child is still at the elementary school level parents and teachers as a model in the formation of child behavior, while when the child is in adolescence, he has a tendency to find his identity, do activities with children casually while telling stories about daily children's activities, be a good listener for children, So that he will experience comfort when he tells his grievances including problems experienced when he has difficulties in learning and others. Communication has a role, especially to detect children who are underachievers, this has the aim of avoiding misperceptions about the child, and there is no mutual blame between parents and the school and vice versa. Seeing, listening and ensuring the real thing by posting information about the child's true interests and talents in order to find out whether his school performance is optimal. Some Things Parents Can Do There are several things that parents can do to deal with children who are underachievers including: 1. Build a healthy lifestyle atmosphere by balancing physical, mental, and emotional conditions. For example, by providing good nutrition, exercise or exercise, as well as stress management. 2. Enlist the help of a counselor for the child and the whole family if necessary. If the whole family is involved in counseling, it is hoped that changes can occur more quickly because of the support of the whole family. Changes in behavior are not only from the child but also changes in the treatment of other family members towards the child. 3. Conduct intensive child mentoring with a special guidance teacher to help the child EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 255 overcome weaknesses in certain lessons. 4. Communicate high expectations of the child with love, full of praise, pride and respect. 5. Hold family meetings to set short-term and long-term targets and make the rules, and make some kind of "contract" (mutual agreement). 6. Make the family a support system and problem-solving unit that benefits the child, guided by parents who perform a leader but love-based role. 7. Emphasizing hard work as the key to success, with individual effort, motivation from within, commitment and confidence as recipes for success. 8. Design 25 – 35 hours of activities around the house per week (e.g. reading, hobbies, sports, etc.) and explore the environment together as a learning resource. 9. Try to be interested in the activities of the child at school and at home. Encourage the child to tell about their activities. 10. Do not compare between relatives, view each child as an individual who has unique qualities and abilities. 11. Help the child manage time and set priorities. 12. Encourage the child to have an interest outside of school. When learning outcomes are poor, do not quickly point the finger at out-of-school activities as a source of trouble and punish children for no longer being allowed to do activities. 13. Help children get mentors who can be a model regarding a career or desired personal qualities. For example, open up interactions with uncles who can be role models, or you yourself who are trying to be able to model children. 14. Limit TV viewing time by making realistic deals. 15. Consistently and calmly face the ups and downs of the child's achievements, focus on the problem, do not act emotionally. CONCLUSION Underachiever is a student who achieves below the standard of what should be scored, obtainable based on a certain IQ level. The characteristics shown by underachiever students are: (1) Showing achievements that are contrary to expectations or potential that Have it. (2) Feeling unhappy with the school or its teachers and tending to join friends who also have a negative attitude towards the school. (3) Lack of motivation to study, do not do assignments, often sleepy when studying and incomplete in doing tasks. (4) Lack of ability to make intellectual adjustments. (5) Feeling less excited, less assertive and often noisy in class. (6) Have low discipline, often late school, reluctant to do assignments, often noisy, and easily influenced. (7) Do not have a hobby or interest in activities to fill free time. Fear of exams and low performance. The causes of underachiever include: physical, psychic, family, peers, school, community, the solution that can be done is to build communication with parents and school or vice versa. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 256 REFERENCES Akiba, Motoko, and Guodong Liang. “Effects of Teacher Professional Learning Activities on Student Achievement Growth.” Journal of Educational Research (2016). ARIANTI, ARIANTI. “PERANAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA.” DIDAKTIKA : Jurnal Kependidikan (2019). Baslanti, Ugur. “Investigating the Underachievement of University Students in Turkey: Exploring Subscales.” International Journal of Progressive Education (2008). Cho, Tae-Gon, and Yong-Wook Kim. “The Learning Experience and Meaning of Students with Learning Disabilities Only Recognized as an Underachiever.” Korean Association For Learner- Centered Curriculum And Instruction (2020). 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