EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 236 The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance Muhammad Syafii A. Basalamah Universitas Muslim Indonesia Accepted: Oct 19th 2022 Reviewed: Dec 18th 2022 Published: Feb 28th 2023 Abstract: This Research aims to know the influence of style leadership transformational, motivate job and environment work on the performance of officers PT. Bank BNI Cabang Kota Makassar. The population of this research is all officers assigned by the administration and social service staff, amounting to 60 people. Withdrawal samples use the census technique to make all populations sample research. The study employed a double linear regression test, with the partial examination conducted through the t-Test and simultaneous testing through the F-Test. The study's findings demonstrate that the transformational leadership style motivates job satisfaction, and the work environment significantly positively impacts the performance of officers at PT. Bank BNI Cabang Kota Makassar. From the third free variable, owning influence is more dominant to officer performance is a variable that motivates job. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Motivate Job, Environment Work, Performance INTRODUCTION The influence of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee Performance has become widely discussed in modern businesses and organizations1. How leaders motivate and lead their employees and create a healthy and productive work environment has significantly impacted employee performance. Transformational leadership aims to create meaningful change in organizations by inspiring and motivating employees to perform better and more effectively. Transformational leadership is essential in modern business as leaders must manage rapid and constant change to remain competitive in an increasingly tight market. On the other hand, work motivation is also a critical factor in improving employee performance. Employees who feel motivated and engaged in their work tend to have higher productivity levels and feel more satisfied. Therefore, organizations must consider motivational 1 Muhammad Tafrizi Priarso, Prastiyo Diatmono, and Siti Mariam, “THE EFFECT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE, WORK MOTIVATION, AND WORK ENVIRONMENT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THAT IN MEDIATION BY JOB SATISFACTION VARIABLES IN PT. GYNURA CONSULINDO,” Business and Entrepreneurial Review (2019); Andri Setiawan, Eko Budi Satoto, and Nurul Qomariah, “Effect of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Work Environment on Employee Performance With Employee Commitment as Intervening Variable (Study on Sub-District in Bondowoso Regency),” International Journal of Management Science and Information Technology (2022); M T Priarso, P Diatmono, and ..., “The Effect Of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation, And Work Environment On Employee Performance That In Mediation By Job Satisfaction Variables …,” Business and … (2018). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 237 factors encouraging employees to work enthusiastically and diligently2. In addition to leadership and motivation factors, the work environment is essential in improving employee performance. A healthy and productive work environment can increase employee effectiveness and reduce the stress experienced by employees, so employees tend to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their work. This article will discuss the influence of transformational leadership, work motivation, and work environment on employee performance. Relevant research will be used as a foundation to support the arguments presented. Transformational leadership aims to create significant change in organizations through the positive influence that leaders exert on their employees. Transformational leaders create a solid and inspiring vision for their organization and engage employees to actively participate in achieving those goals. Numerous studies have shown that transformational leadership significantly influences employee performance3. A survey by Avolio and Bass in 2004 found that transformational leadership is positively related to individual and group performance. The study found that transformational leadership can increase employee motivation and improve their ability to make good decisions4. However, transformational leadership also has weaknesses. Some critics claim that transformational leadership can make employees too dependent on the leader and does not encourage creativity and innovation. In addition, not all leaders are suitable to use this leadership style, and some may be better suited to other leadership styles. Work motivation is also an important factor that affects employee performance. Employees who feel motivated and engaged in their work tend to have higher productivity levels and feel more satisfied. Several studies have found that work motivation can improve employee performance. A study conducted by Luthans and Peterson in 2002 found that employees who felt motivated had higher performance levels than unmotivated employees. However, work motivation also has its downsides5. Some employees may be challenging to encourage, and external factors, such as economic conditions or pressure from superiors, may affect their motivation. In addition, work motivation is also not always directly correlated with employee performance, as many other factors can affect employee performance, such as technical skills and managerial abilities. The work environment also plays an essential role in improving employee performance. A healthy and productive work environment can increase employee effectiveness and reduce the stress experienced by employees, so employees tend to feel more comfortable and satisfied with their work. Several studies have shown that a healthy work environment can improve employee performance. A study by Bakker and Schaufeli in 2008 found that a healthy and positive work environment can improve employee performance. However, the work environment also has its downsides6. Some factors, such as high work pressure and task overload, can affect employees' 2 Laura Sands, “What Are Motivation Theories?,” 23 December (2021); Susi. S and Jawaharrani. K, “Work-Life Balance: The Key Driver of Employee Engagement,” Asian Journal of Management Research (2011); Syed Rahat Ali, “View of The Effect of Motivation in Organizations,” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH (2019). 3 Arnold B. Bakker et al., “Daily Transformational Leadership: A Source of Inspiration for Follower Performance?,” European Management Journal (2022); Fong Yi Lai et al., “Transformational Leadership and Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement,” SAGE Open (2020). 4 Bruce Avolio and Bernhard Bass, “The Full Range of Leadership Development Programs: Basic and Advanced Manuals,” Journal of European Industrial Training (1991). 5 Fred Luthans and Suzanne J Peterson, “Employee Engagement And,” California Management Review (2005). 6 Arnold B Bakker and E Demerouti, “Multiple Levels in Job Demands-Resources Theory: Implications for EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 238 health and well-being, thereby reducing their performance. In addition, the work environment can also affect employees' mental health, which can affect their productivity. In modern businesses and organizations, the influence of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation, and Work Environment on Employee Performance is widely discussed. Leaders must be able to motivate and lead their employees and create a healthy and productive work environment to improve employee performance7. This article discusses the influence of transformational leadership, work motivation, and work environment on employee performance. Several studies have shown that transformational leadership, work motivation, and a healthy work environment can improve employee performance. However, each factor has weaknesses and must be appropriately managed by leaders and managers. To create a healthy and productive work environment, companies must consider factors such as occupational safety and health, time flexibility, and support from superiors and coworkers. In addition, companies must also pay attention to employees' needs for recognition and appreciation and provide opportunities for career development. To create high work motivation, companies must pay attention to factors such as support from superiors and coworkers, a positive work environment, recognition and rewards, and opportunities for career development. Leaders and managers should be able to motivate their employees by providing positive and supportive feedback and creating a work environment that encourages creativity and innovation. In terms of transformational leadership, leaders must be able to inspire and motivate their employees to achieve organizational goals and encourage employees to develop their abilities. Leaders should also be able to build good relationships with their employees, and be a good example for other employees. In conclusion, factors such as transformational leadership, work motivation, and a healthy and productive work environment can improve employee performance. However, to achieve this, companies must pay attention to the needs of their employees and create a supportive and positive work environment. Leaders and managers must also be able to motivate and lead their employees well and provide positive and supportive feedback. By managing these factors well, companies can improve their employees' performance and achieve greater success. METHODS Research Approach The research approach used is a quantitative research method. This is because the quantitative approach has many advantages for this research. The subject and sample are known, and the data collection instrument has been prepared, is flexible, saves time and is more practical. In addition, the quantitative approach can test significant correlations using statistical methods. Time and Location of Research The research will be conducted at the Makassar City Branch Office of PT Bank BNI. The time used during data collection and thesis preparation ranges from two months, from January to Employee Well-Being and Performance,” E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.), Handbook of wellbeing. (2018). 7 Regina M. Mulenga, Selestine Nzala, and Wilbroad Mutale, “Establishing Common Leadership Practices and Their Influence on Providers and Service Delivery in Selected Hospitals in Lusaka Province, Zambia,” Journal of Public Health in Africa (2018); Eloh Bahiroh, Rizki Waladun Khoiri, and Sri Ndaru Arthawati, “EFFECT OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE, WORK ENVIRONMENT AND WORK MOTIVATION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE,” Management Science Research Journal (2022). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 239 June 2022-December 2022. Data Collection Technique. To obtain the necessary data to analyze the proof of temporary answers or hypotheses of the problems raised in this study, the researchers used data collection techniques in the following ways: 1. Observation is a data collection technique carried out by directly observing the object under study. 2. The interview is a data collection technique carried out by conducting direct interviews with some employees who directly relate to the problems that researchers raise. 3. A questionnaire is a data collection technique carried out by collecting answers from respondents through instructor questions submitted in written form. 4. The data collection method used was documentation, which involved studying official documents relevant to the investigated problem, explicitly focusing on factors that impact employee performance. Population and Sample The population in this study were employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch, totaling 60 people. The entire population is used as a research sample using the census sampling method. Data Analysis Method 1. Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis, namely an analysis conducted to provide an overview of respondents on the influence of Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation and Work Environment on the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees. 2. Quantitative analysis Multiple regression analysis is an analysis to see the extent to which factors affect the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch with the formula put forward by Kuncoro (2011: 110), namely: Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e Where: Y = Employee performance b1, b2, b3 = Regression coefficient a = Constant e = Standard error X1 = Transformational leadership style X2 = Work Motivation X3 = Work Environment The t statistical test shows how far one explanatory variable individually explains the variation in the dependent variable. Hypothesis testing proposed in this study will be carried out using the t-test, if the value of tcount> ttable indicates the acceptance of the hypothesis proposed. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 240 t-count> t-table means H0 is rejected and accepts H1 t-count < t table means H0 is accepted and rejects H1 The t-test can also be seen at the level of significance: If the significance level <0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. If the significance level is> 0.05, then H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected Sugiyono (2004: 10) in conducting regression tests it is required that the data used is normal8. The study assessed the normality of the distribution by examining the residual values in the tested regression model. If the residuals are normally distributed, the data distribution value will be located around the diagonal line following the direction of the diagonal line. Normality testing in this study uses the Histogram test and the normal P-Plot test. A heteroscedasticity test was conducted to check if the residuals had different variances across observations in the regression model.. In regression, one of the assumptions that must be met is that the variance of the residuals is called homoscedasticity. The basis for seeing a questionnaire whether heteroscedasticity occurs or not is if the significant value> 0.05 then it can be said that heteroscedasticity does not occur and vice versa if the significant value <0.05 then heteroscedasticity occurs. The multicollinearity test examines whether there is a correlation among the independent variables in the regression model. Detection of the presence or absence of Multicollinearity is done by analyzing the correlation matrix of independent variables. Multicollinearity can be seen through the VIF (Variance Inflation Factors) or tolerance values. Multicollinearity can be known if the VIF value> 10 or conversely by looking at the tolerance value < 0.1. If the VIF value of each variable is < 10 or conversely the tolerance value is > 0.1, it can be said that there is no multicollinearity or the relationship that occurs between the independent variables can be tolerated so that it will not interfere with the regression results. Result And Discussion Respondent Characteristics The characteristics of the respondents aim to identify the identity of the employees involved as research samples. The characteristics of the respondents were analyzed based on gender, age, latest education and length of work carried out on 60 PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees. The details are described as follows. a. a. By Gender Table 1: Characteristics by Gender SN Gender Frequency % 1 Male 45 75 2 Female 15 25 Total 60 100 The table illustrates that the involvement of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees with male gender dominates as a research sample, where male respondents amounted 8 Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Sugiyono, “Pendekatan Kuantitatif,” Kualitatif, dan R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta (2007). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 241 to 75% while female respondents amounted to 15%. b. By Age Group Table 2: Characteristics by Age Group SN Age Group (Years) Frequency % 1 20-30 29 48,3 2 31-40 18 30,0 3 Above 40 13 21,7 Total 60 100 The table illustrates that the average PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employee is 20- 30 years old with a percentage of 48.3%. Furthermore, the age group 31-40 years is 30%, and the age group above 40 years is 21.7%. c. Based on the Length of Service Table 3: Characteristics Based on Length of Service SN Length of Service (Years) Frequency % 1 Less than 1 Year 9 15 2 1-5 27 45 3 6-10 24 40 Total 60 100 The table illustrates that the average PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employee has worked for 1-5 years with a percentage of 45%. The rest is a working period of less than 1 year amounting to 15% and the percentage of a working period for 6-10 years is 40%. d. Based on Last Education Table 4: Characteristics Based on Education SN Education Level Frequency % 1 SMA 17 28,3 2 S1 24 40,0 3 S2 7 11,7 4 Diploma 12 20,0 Total 60 100 The table illustrates that the involvement of respondents with a bachelor's degree dominates as employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch with a percentage of 40%. SMA education is 28.3%, S2 is 11.7% and the percentage of diploma education is 20%. 1. Data Quality Test a. Validity Test Measuring the validity level of a questionnaire can use the Pearson Correlation value, where the resulting Pearson Correlation value above the r table value of 0.30 can be declared that the questionnaire meets the validity elements. The validity test results can be seen in the following EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 242 table 5. Table 5. Employee Performance Validity Test Item Total Pearson Correlation R-Table Info y.1 0,501 0,30 Valid y.2 0,555 0,30 Valid y.3 0,699 0,30 Valid y.4 0,510 0,30 Valid y.5 0,686 0,30 Valid y.6 0,542 0,30 Valid y.7 0,659 0,30 Valid y.8 0,564 0,30 Valid y.9 0,693 0,30 Valid The table illustrates that all statements of employee performance variables of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch meet the validity requirements. The lowest total person correlation value is in statement y.1, namely 0.501 and the highest total person correlation value is in statement y.3, namely 0.699. Table 6: Transformational Leadership Style Validity Test Item Total Pearson Correlation R-Table Info X1.1 0,484 0,30 Valid X1.2 0,578 0,30 Valid X1.3 0,640 0,30 Valid X1.4 0,598 0,30 Valid X1.5 0,559 0,30 Valid X1.6 0,596 0,30 Valid X1.7 0,603 0,30 Valid X1.8 0,681 0,30 Valid The table illustrates that all transformational leadership style variable statements meet the validity requirements, where the lowest total person correlation value is in statement x1.1, namely 0.484 and the highest total person correlation value is in statement x1.8, namely 0.681. Table 7: Job Motivation Validity Test Item Total Pearson Correlation R-Table Info X2.1 0,539 0,30 Valid X2.2 0,621 0,30 Valid X2.3 0,551 0,30 Valid X2.4 0,625 0,30 Valid X2.5 0,509 0,30 Valid X2.6 0,595 0,30 Valid X2.7 0,525 0,30 Valid X2.8 0,494 0,30 Valid X2.9 0,590 0,30 Valid X2.10 0,523 0,30 Valid The table illustrates that all statements of work motivation variables of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch meet the validity requirements. The lowest total person correlation value is EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 243 in the x2.8 statement, namely 0.494 and the highest total person correlation value is in the x2.4 statement, namely 0.625. Table 8: Work Environment Validity Test Item Total Pearson Correlation R-Table Info X3.1 0,589 0,30 Valid X3.2 0,609 0,30 Valid X3.3 0,517 0,30 Valid X3.4 0,523 0,30 Valid X3.5 0,609 0,30 Valid X3.6 0,732 0,30 Valid X3.7 0,624 0,30 Valid X3.8 0,475 0,30 Valid X3.9 0,602 0,30 Valid The table indicates that all items measuring the work environment variable at PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch meet the validity criteria. The item with the lowest total person correlation value is x3.8 at 0.475, while the item with the highest total person correlation value is x3.6 at 0.732. b. Reliability Test The research instrument is reliable if it provides a Cronbach alpha (α) value> 0.60. The reliability test results can be seen in the following table. Table 9: Reliability Test Variables Cronbach's Alpha R-table Info Employee Performance 0,769 0,60 Reliable Transformational Leadership Style 0,734 0,60 Reliable Work Motivation 0,749 0,60 Reliable Work Environment 0,759 0,60 Reliable The table illustrates that all variable research statements consisting of: transformational leadership style, work motivation, work environment and employee performance meet the reliability requirements, where the lowest Cronbach alpha value is found in the transformational leadership style variable, namely 0.734 and the highest Cronbach alpha value is found in the employee performance variable, namely 0.769. 2. Classical Assumption Test a. Normality Test In this research, the normality test uses the histogram test and the P-Plot graph. Data is normally distributed if the data distribution value is located around the diagonal line following the direction of the diagonal line. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 244 Figure 1: Normality Test with Histogram and P-Plot Based on the histogram graph display, the graph provides a distribution pattern that deviates to the right, meaning the data is normally distributed. Furthermore, in the P-Plot image, it can be seen that the points follow and approach the diagonal line, so it can be concluded that the regression model fulfills the assumption of normality. Normality tests with the Histogram Graph and P-Plot SPSS can mislead researchers if they are not careful in interpreting them because it seems that the research data is normally distributed, but statistically it can mean the opposite. Therefore, to support or prove the normality test results with the graph, it is also necessary to do a normality test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The provisions used are if the statistically significant value is greater than 0.05 then the data is normally distributed. Table 10: Normality Test with K-S One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Unstandardized Predicted Value N 60 Normal Parametersa,b Mean 38,2833333 Std. Deviation 4,22050051 Most Extreme Differences Absolute ,131 Positive ,072 Negative -,131 Test Statistic ,131 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,062c The table illustrates that the research variables consisting of: transformational leadership style, work motivation, work environment as independent variables and employee performance as EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 245 the dependent variable have met the normality requirements, where the statistically significant value obtained is 0.062 greater than the value of 0.05. b. Heteroscedasticity Test A good regression model is that heteroscedasticity does not occur. The basis in seeing a questionnaire occurs heteroscedasticity or not is if the significant value> 0.05 then it can be said that there is no heteroscedasticity. Table 11: Heteroscedasticity Test Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3,444 1,606 2,144 ,036 Transformational Leadership -,018 ,069 -,057 -,269 ,789 Work Motivation -,030 ,049 -,109 -,609 ,545 Work Environment ,008 ,060 ,027 ,131 ,897 a. Dependent variable: abs_res The table illustrates that the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment do not occur in heteroscedasticity. The transformational leadership style variable with a significant value of 0.789, work motivation of 0.545 and work environment of 0.897 is greater than the significant value of 0.05. c. Multicollinearity Test The tolerance value and variance inflation factor (VIF) value can be seen to determine whether there is Multicollinearity in a regression model. If the tolerance value is more than 0.1 and the VIF value is less than 10, the regression model is free from Multicollinearity. The multicollinearity test results can be seen in the following table: Table 11: Multicollinearity Test Model Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF 1 Transformational Leadership Style ,388 2,579 Work Motivation ,549 1,822 Work Environment ,418 2,390 a. Dependent Variable: Performance According to the table, there is no multicollinearity among the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation, and work environment. The transformational leadership style variable has a tolerance value of 0.388 and a VIF value of 2.579, the work motivation variable has a tolerance value of 0.549 and a VIF value of 1.822, and the work environment variable has a tolerance value of 0.418 and a VIF value of 2.390. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 246 3. Multiple Regression Analysis The multiple regression analysis of this study can be seen in the following table. Table 12: Multiple Regression Analysis Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) ,777 2,863 ,271 ,787 Transformational Leadership Style ,380 ,122 ,328 3,109 ,003 Work Motivation ,428 ,087 ,437 4,923 ,000 Work Environment ,232 ,106 ,222 2,183 ,033 a. Dependent variable: performance The results of the table can be formulated as a multiple regression analysis as follows. Y = 0,777 + 0,380 X1 + 0,428 X2 + 0,232 X3 1) The constant value is 0.777, explaining that if the independent variables (transformational leadership style, work motivation, work environment) are constant (0), then the employee performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch is 0.777. 2) The transformational leadership style regression coefficient of 0.380 explains that the transformational leadership style has a positive or unidirectional relationship with the employee performance variable. This means that every increase in the value of transformational leadership style by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.380. 3) The work motivation regression coefficient of 0.428 explains that work motivation has a positive or unidirectional relationship with the employee performance variable. That is, every increase in the value of work motivation by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.428. 4) The work environment regression coefficient of 0.232 explains that the work environment has a positive or unidirectional relationship with the employee performance variable. This means that every increase in the value of the work environment by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.232. It can also be explained that of the three independent variables, the one that has a more dominant influence on employee performance is the work motivation variable. This is due to the coefficient value shown by the work motivation variable, which is 0.428, which is more dominant when compared to the coefficient value of the transformational leadership style variable of 0.391 and the coefficient value of the work environment variable of 0.232. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 247 4. Hypothesis Testing a. Simultaneous Test The research results are said to have a simultaneous effect if F count> F table or if sig < 0.05. The simultaneous test results can be seen in the following description. Table 13: Simultaneous Test (F Test) Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 1050,945 3 350,315 58,518 ,000b Residual 335,238 56 5,986 Total 1386,183 59 The table shows that the calculated F value of 58.518 is greater than the F table value of 2.77 with a statistical significance level of 0.000 (less than the significance value of 0.05). This value illustrates that the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment significantly influence the employee performance variable of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch. a. Determination Test Determination hypothesis testing is intended to determine the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable, which can be seen in the r square coefficient. Details can be seen in the following description. Table 14: Determination Test Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 ,871a ,758 ,745 2,44671 The influence of the independent variables (transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment) on the dependent variable (employee performance) is 0.758 or 75.80%. This shows that the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment cannot fully influence the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees. There are still 24.20% of employee performance influenced by other variables not involved in this study. b. Partial Test The research results are said to be partially influenced if t statistics> t table or if sig. statistics <0.05. Partial test results can be seen in the following description. Hypothesis test I Table 14 shows that the calculated t-value for the transformational leadership style variable is 3.109, which exceeds the t-table value of 1.673 at a significance level of 0.05. Therefore, the transformational leadership style variable significantly affects the employee performance variable of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch. This finding supports the acceptance of hypothesis H1, which states that the transformational leadership style significantly impacts employee performance. Hypothesis Test II EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 248 Table 14 indicates that the calculated t-value for the work motivation variable is 4.923, which exceeds the t-table value of 1.673 at a significance level of 0.05. This indicates that the work motivation variable significantly impacts the employee performance variable of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch. Therefore, the study confirms the hypothesis that the work motivation variable really influences employee performance. Thus, this study accepts hypothesis H2, namely work motivation significantly affects employee performance. Hypothesis Test III Based on the information provided, the statement seems to be an error. The calculated t- value of the work environment variable is 2.183. Still, it cannot be determined whether it is smaller or greater than the t-table value of 1.673 without knowing the degrees of freedom and the significance level. However, if the significance level is 0.05 and the degrees of freedom are sufficient to exceed 2.183, then the work environment variable would not significantly impact the employee performance variable of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch. Thus, this study accepts hypothesis H3, namely the work environment significantly affects employee performance. 5. Discussion 5. Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Performance Leadership is the central point and policy determinant of the activities to be carried out in the organization, because, basically leadership is a leader's behavior in encouraging, and influencing morale. The interaction between leaders and employees makes a leader the key to his group. As stated by Hasibuan 9 , leadership style is how a leader influences the behavior of subordinates who aim to encourage work passion, job satisfaction, and high productivity to achieve maximum organizational goals. One indicator of the success of the leader is the success of his subordinates to carry out their duties. For this reason, a leader certainly needs to have strong leadership and place himself as a protector and director of his members so that the company can achieve common goals. The right leadership style is needed so that the organization can continue to carry out its duties amid major changes in management, one of which is the transformational leadership style. According to Rotwell, Stavros, and Sullivan 10, transformational leadership is related to strong self- identification, creating a shared vision for the future and the relationship between leaders and followers based on one thing more than just giving awards to obey. The transformational leadership style provides education and transfer of expertise from a leader to his employees. In implementing the transformational leadership style, a leader sets an example and serves employees. Transformational leadership is a type of leadership that blends or motivates their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying roles and task guidance. This leadership style provides individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation and has charisma. Transformational leadership style is very important to improve employee performance in the organization. Therefore, a leader must be able to carry out his leadership effectively so that the group's goals are well achieved. The transformational leadership style variable in this study refers to Ancok's theory), which consists of 4 indicators, namely charismatic, inspirational, intellectual stimulation and individualized attention11. Based on descriptive analysis, it illustrates that the transformational leadership style is positive or a good category because the majority of respondents made the choice to agree and 9 Malayu S P Hasibuan and H Malayu S P Hasibuan, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (Bumi Aksara, 2016). 10 William J Rothwell et al., Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for Leading Change, vol. 34 (John Wiley & Sons, 2009). 11 Sumaryono Sumaryono and Djamaludin Ancok, “Orientasi Komitmen Ditinjau Dari Kepemimpinan Transformasional & Kepercayaan Terhadap Manajemen,” Psikologika : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi 10, no. 19 (2005), EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 249 none of the respondents chose a strongly disagree statement so that charismatic, inspirational, intellectual stimulation and individual attention leaders can influence the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch in their daily work activities. With this transformational leadership style, followers feel trust, admiration, loyalty and respect for the leader, and followers are motivated to do more than initially expected. Transformational leadership further enhances employee motivation and performance. Transformational leadership effectively influences subordinates so that their way of thinking becomes creative and innovative. Transformational leadership leads the organization to high performance in the face of demands for renewal and change. Transformational leadership can continuously improve organizational competitiveness in an increasingly competitive era. This study's transformational leadership style has a positive (unidirectional) effect and a significant (real effect) effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of transformational leadership style by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.380. Thus, this study accepts hypothesis H1, namely that transformational leadership style significantly affects employee performance. Transformational leaders effectively influence their subordinates, encouraging and motivating them to think positively, creatively, and innovatively, therefore providing high employment by supporting the actions of subordinates to make choices. 6. Effect of Work Motivation on Performance Motivation is a mental condition that encourages action (action or activities) and provides strength that leads to achieving needs, providing satisfaction or reducing imbalances. Mangkunegara states that motivation is formed from the attitude of employees in dealing with work situations in the company (situation)12. Motivation is a condition or energy that drives employees who aim to achieve the company's organizational goals. The pro and positive attitude of employees towards the work situation strengthens their work motivation to achieve maximum performance. According to Robbins and Judge, fostering a positive attitude in the workplace can involve cultivating different mindsets that promote motivation and encourage employees to excel in their performance. Motivation is a condition that moves humans towards a certain goal, expertise in directing employees to want to work optimally. Employees who have high motivation will work more than what is expected. Conversely, employees who do not have motivation see work as something unpleasant and negative attitudes will arise such as not doing work with responsibility, and avoiding work that is physically and psychologically stressful and absent. To improve employee performance in the organization, requires leaders to take an indirect approach, creating motivation through an organizational atmosphere that encourages ASNs to be more productive. This atmosphere is created by managing organizational factors in the form of reward systems, standards, regulations and policies, as well as maintaining communication and leadership styles that encourage mutual trust. Motivation or encouragement to employees to be willing to work together to achieve common goals in this study refers to Maslow's theory by fulfilling 5 needs, namely physiological, security, social, appreciation and self-actualization needs. Based on descriptive analysis, it illustrates that work motivation is positive or a very good category because the majority of respondents made a strongly agree choice and none of the respondents chose a strongly disagree statement so that the salary earned can meet the needs of life, increased benefits, comfortable with the security system, like interacting and helping coworkers, the existence of awards, providing the best performance to get a higher position can affect the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch in their daily work activities. 12 A A Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan (Remaja Rosdakarya, 2000). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 250 The results showed that work motivation has a positive (unidirectional) effect and a significant (real effect) effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of work motivation by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.428. Thus, this study accepts the H2 hypothesis, namely work motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. The results of this study illustrate that employee work motivation as energy to generate encouragement within and as an influential condition that arouses, directs and maintains behavior related to the work environment. ASNs expect their performance to correlate with the agency's rewards. ASNs set expectations regarding rewards and compensation if certain performance levels are achieved. Hard work and high performance are recognized by the leadership and rewarded by the agency, the ASNs will expect such a relationship to continue in the future. In order to sustain the synergy between performance and ASN (achievement, success, and need for achievement) motivation, it is crucial to have a precise assessment of ASN performance, rewards tied directly to performance levels, and feedback from leaders. 7. Effect of Work Environment on Performance The work environment in a government agency is one of the important things to pay attention to. According to Sunyoto 13 that one of the factors that affect employee performance is the work environment. The work environment is everything around the workers that can affect them in carrying out their assigned tasks. Creating a comfortable, safe and pleasant work environment is one way to improve employee performance. The work environment is everything around the worker and can affect him in carrying out his assigned tasks. The work environment factor that needs to be considered is creating an attractive atmosphere for employees' views on their work. The work environment variable in this study refers to the theory of Nitisemito 14, which consists of 3 indicators: relationships with coworkers, relationships between superiors and subordinates and work facilities. A work environment is good if employees can carry out activities optimally, healthily, safely, and comfortably. Based on descriptive analysis, it illustrates that the work environment is positive or a good category because the majority of respondents chose to agree and none of the respondents chose a strongly disagree statement so that they can establish cooperation, build effective communication with coworkers, leaders who can establish good communication with employees, be friendly, polite, leaders who are fair, complete facilities and infrastructure and cool air conditions in the workspace can affect the performance of employees of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch in their daily work activities. Therefore, determining and creating a good work environment will determine the success of achieving organizational goals. Conversely, if the work environment is not good, it will reduce motivation and morale and ultimately reduce employee performance. Paying attention to a good work environment or creating conditions that motivate employees to work can influence employee morale. This indicates a positive relationship between employee performance and the environment of the agency where they work. The results showed that the work environment has a positive (unidirectional) effect and a significant (real effect) effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of the work environment by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.232. Thus, this study accepts hypothesis H3, namely that the work environment significantly affects employee performance. When employees are motivated, their performance will improve and they will achieve the desired work results and goals. 13 Danang Sunyoto, Metodologi Penelitian Akuntansi (bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2016). 14 Alex Nitisemito, “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia,” Yogyakarta :BPFE UGM (2014). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 251 The results of this study prove that the work environment has a very important role for agencies because it can affect employee performance. An inadequate work environment will reduce performance and ultimately reduce employee motivation. Suppose employees like the work environment where they work. In that case, these employees will feel at home in their workplace to carry out activities so that working time is used effectively and optimistically employee performance is also high. Based on the simultaneous test, it shows that the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment together have a significant influence on employee performance variables. The magnitude of the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable is 0.758 or 75.80%. This shows that the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment cannot fully influence the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees. There are still 24.20% of the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees influenced by other variables not involved in this study. Of the three independent variables, the one that has a more dominant influence on the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees is the work motivation variable. This is due to the coefficient value shown by the work motivation variable, which is 0.428, which is more dominant when compared to the coefficient value of the transformational leadership style variable of 0.391 and the coefficient value of the work environment variable of 0.232. This is in accordance with the objective conditions that exist at PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch where employees who achieve work targets and work optimally, get rewards from the leadership in the form of recognition, allowances, compensation and promotion so that more work motivation is increased in the form of fulfilled employee physiological needs, security at work, harmonious interactions between employees, appreciation of performance achievements and self-actualization, the higher the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees. Providing the best performance to get a higher position motivates employees in their daily work activities. CONCLUSION Transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of transformational leadership style by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.380. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of work motivation by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.428. The work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables. This means that every increase in the value of the work environment by 1 unit will also increase the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees by 0.232. Therefore, based on the findings of this study, several recommendations can be proposed for PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch. Firstly, it is crucial for the leadership to maintain a strong transformational leadership style that inspires and motivates employees to perform at their best. Secondly, increasing employee motivation can be achieved by meeting their needs through providing additional benefits and incentives. Finally, creating a safe and conducive work environment with adequate facilities is essential to ensure employee satisfaction and well-being. For future research, it is recommended to include additional variables that may impact employee performance, as the performance of PT Bank BNI Makassar City Branch employees cannot be solely influenced by the variables of transformational leadership style, work motivation, and work environment. By considering a broader range of factors that influence employee performance, it will be possible to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that drive optimal workplace performance. There are still 24.20% of employee performance influenced by other variables not involved in this study. For institutions, it can be used as study material for students and academics so that it can be useful for developing knowledge EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 7 , Number 4, February 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 252 of human resource management in relation to employee performance, transformational leadership style, work motivation and work environment. REFERENCES Ali, Syed Rahat. “View of The Effect of Motivation in Organizations.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES RESEARCH (2019). Avolio, Bruce, and Bernhard Bass. “The Full Range of Leadership Development Programs: Basic and Advanced Manuals.” Journal of European Industrial Training (1991). 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