EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 8 , Number 1, May 2023 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) The Role of the Basic Education System in Promoting Entrepreneurship Skills Gloria Buyisile Mlambo1, Dickson Mdhlalose2 1Department of Education, Mpumalanga, South Africa 2Department of Information and Communication Technology, National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa Correspondence author:* Accepted: Feb 10th 2023 Reviewed: April 5th , 2023 Published: May 30th 2023 Abstract; Basic education is for all in South Africa. The dawn of the democratic government in 1994 brought forth numerous curriculum changes throughout the basic education system to redress past differences. The changes saw the introduction of a subject like Technology designed to stimulate innovativeness and develop learners' creative and critical thinking skills. This study aimed to explore the role of the basic education system in promoting entrepreneurship skills, including teacher selection and evaluation, learning tools, classroom situations and support systems for the system’s effectiveness in producing learners with entrepreneurial skills. The constructivist worldview underpinned this qualitative study, using four schools within the Malelane Circuit in Mpumalanga Province. A case study explored the system's role in promoting entrepreneurship skills to learners. Senior phase technology teachers were selected for data collection, two grade 7 Technology teachers, four grade 8 Technology teachers, and four grade 9 Technology teachers. Primary data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Meanwhile, journals, books, and policy documents were used for secondary data. A thematic data analysis technique was employed. The study revealed that entrepreneurship education promotes creativity and innovation needed to eradicate poverty and unemployment in our country. Furthermore, data show, among other things, that the basic education system faces challenges in teacher selection, resources, and infrastructure for an array of information. It is recommended that the basic education system invests in training Technology teachers properly towards content knowledge and recruiting qualified teachers to teach the subject. Keywords: Curriculum, Entrepreneurship, Education, Learners, Technology, Teachers Introduction Education became secondary to achieving liberation because of the struggle for independence in South Africa 1. Basic education in South Africa has seen a change in its curriculum since the inception of the country's democracy in 1994 2. The changes brought about 1 John Ramaphakela and Dickson Mdhlalose, “Examination of the Creation of a Positive Culture of Teaching and Learning through Classroom Management,” Open Journal of Educational Research (2021): 32–40. 2 Driekie Hay and ’Mabokang Monnapula-Mapesela, “South African Education Before and After 1994,” Higher Education in South Africa - A Scholarly Look behind the Scenes (SUN PRESS, 2009),; Johan Muller and Ursula Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality,” South African Schooling: The Enigma of Inequality (Springer International Publishing, 2019),; Dickson Mdhlalose, Zandile Fakude, and John Ramaphakela, “An Analysis of the South African History of the* Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 21 zzzzzz z two parallel curriculum reform processes3. The first is the General Education and Training (GET) band comprising Grades R-9, and the second is the Further Education and Training (FET) band comprising Grades 10-124. According to Muller and Hoadley5, in 1998, the first reformed curriculum was introduced, Outcome-Based Education (OBE), also known as Curriculum 2005 (C2005). The curriculum was based on outcomes rather than content 6. Besides, they mentioned the emphasis on learner-centredness and the learners’ creative activities through progression and competence-based direction. The flexibility and non-prescriptive approach resulted in a guiding framework for teachers and curriculum relevance 7. According to Muller and Hoadley8, this led to introducing a new curriculum in 2002, the Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) 9. However, the outcomes-based framework was maintained with knowledge specification. The RNCS curriculum was revised based on its pedagogical shortcomings and conceptual instability 10. In 2012, curriculum reform known as Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) at the GET band took a decisive shift toward a specialized performance-based curriculum (Muller & Hoadley, 2019). Furthermore, the curriculum provided high specifications of the subject content and clear stipulations regarding the sequencing and space of coverage. The learning process is through summative assessment and textbooks as critical aspects 11. The challenges facing implementing the technology senior phase in Malelane Circuit and in other provinces besides teaching and learning technology include a lack of learning resources (materials), a conducive learning environment and lacking subject expertise among teachers teaching technology (content knowledge). The aim of this study is to explore the role of the basic education system in promoting entrepreneurship skills through senior-phase technology teaching and learning in the Malelane circuit in the Mpumalanga province. This study will explore the basic education system's role in promoting the phase's entrepreneurship skills. Culture of Teaching and Learning,” Open Journal of Educational Research 2, no. 6 (2022): 289–300, 3 Muller and Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality.” 4 Muller and Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality.” 5 Muller and Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality.” 6 S Garnett Russell, Sandra L Sirota, and A Kayum Ahmed, “Human Rights Education in South Africa: Ideological Shifts and Curricular Reforms,” Comparative Education Review 63, no. 1 (2019): 1–27, 7 Linda Chisholm, “The Politics of Curriculum Review and Revision in South Africa in Regional Context,” Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 35, no. 1 (2005): 79–100,; Jonathan D Jansen, “Curriculum Reform in South Africa: A Critical Analysis of Outcomes-based Education,” Cambridge Journal of Education 28, no. 3 (1998): 321–331, 8 Muller and Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality.” 9 Russell, Sirota, and Ahmed, “Human Rights Education in South Africa: Ideological Shifts and Curricular Reforms.” 10 Kadar Asmal, “Truth, Reconciliation and Justice: The South African Experience in Perspective,” The Modern Law Review 63, no. 1 (2000): 1–24. 11 Muller and Hoadley, “Curriculum Reform and Learner Performance: An Obstinate Paradox in the Quest for Equality.” Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 22 zzzzzz z Additionally, this study will explore the ways to help address curriculum implementation issues related to Senior phase technology teaching and learning in South Africa. It is the responsibility of the senior phase technology cluster in the Malelane circuit and other sections of basic education across the country to ensure that learners in this phase reap the benefits of the curriculum: to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and values necessary for self-fulfilment and meaningful participation in society as citizens of a free country; provide access to higher education; facilitate the transition from education institutions to the workplace and provide employers with a good profile of a learner's competences (CAPS, 2011). Therefore, there should be an effective way(s) for the implementation of the senior phase technology curriculum to reach these stipulated goals of the basic education system in the country. Teachers with subject expertise, learning resources and a conducive learning environment promote learner performance; in this case, we can have learners with entrepreneurial skills in technology. Literature Review Entrepreneurship education Entrepreneurship education is learning various skills for learners to discover broader benefits on individual and socioeconomic levels. Entrepreneurs need distinct learning for entrepreneurial activities different from regular professional activities12. Schumpeter 13 states that “entrepreneurship as innovation” means embracing creativity in school education and innovation so that entrepreneurship becomes a goal of innovative practice. Taking steps like these may avert such discrepancies and the impossibilities of inventiveness. Therefore, opening a business requires one to be creative and innovative. Birdthistle et al. 14 mentioned that education must impart and prepare learners' mentality regarding the challenges they will face tomorrow, which is a saying among departments, teachers, and lawmakers. Communities must prepare today’s learners for tomorrow's responsibilities in solving complicated and dynamic problems or issues possible through entrepreneurial education. Mars and Rios-Aguilar 15 observe that the connection between education and entrepreneurship had developed into a remarkably significant presence. Entrepreneurship is described as bringing forward essential opportunities 16. Therefore, entrepreneurship education occurred due to entrepreneurship actions which are the seeds of entrepreneurship education, resulting in eminent development and improvement 17. Research conducted at the secondary level has shown positive feedback 12 Colin Jones and Andy Penaluna, “Moving beyond the Business Plan in Enterprise Education,” Education + Training 55, no. 8/9 (2013): 804–814, 13 Ina Drejer, “A Schumpeterian Perspective on Service Innovation,” in 9th International Joseph Schumpeter Society Conference, Gainesville, 2002. 14 Naomi Birdthistle, Yvonne Costin, and Briga Hynes, “Engendering Entrepreneurial Competencies in the Youth of Today: A Teacher’s Perspective,” Education + Training 58, no. 7/8 (2016): 766–782, 15 Matthew M Mars and Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, “Academic Entrepreneurship (Re)Defined: Significance and Implications for the Scholarship of Higher Education,” Higher Education 59, no. 4 (2009): 441–460, 16 Miri Yemini, “Entrepreneurship in the Education System – the Revolution of the Twenty-First Century,” Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy 8, no. 1 (2014), 17 Colin Jones, Harry Matlay, and Alex Maritz, “Enterprise Education: For All, or Just Some?,” Education + Training 54, no. 8/9 (2012): 813–824, Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 23 zzzzzz z from learners towards enhancing their entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial abilities, and effectiveness 18. It is said that increasing the perception of entrepreneurship as a career option through entrepreneurial education increases motivation and stimulates learners to start new ventures 19. Entrepreneurship education aims to target how to perform entrepreneurial activities 20 rather than focusing on what theories and knowledge the learner must learn from in conventional educational viewpoint 21. Aamir et al., 22 stated that the influence of entrepreneurial education on all educational systems levels had developed into a center of consideration. The target is to incorporate common entrepreneurial skills in learners. It has instructional and upgradation influence components on which learners choose entrepreneurial careers 23. A study conducted by Rosique-Blasco et al. contributed to developing entrepreneurial skills at schools and how inventions, proactive, and risk-taking attitudes as skills prepare an entrepreneurial career choice in learners24. The entrepreneurial intention in high school learners is overwhelmed by sociocultural elements. Another study by de Lourdes Carcamo-Solis et al. 25 showed that entrepreneurial 18 Eli Gimmon, “Mentoring as a Practical Training in Higher Education of Entrepreneurship,” Education + Training 56, no. 8/9 (2014): 814–825,; Virginia Barba-Sánchez and Carlos Atienza-Sahuquillo, “The Development of Entrepreneurship at School: The Spanish Experience,” Education + Training 58, no. 7/8 (2016): 783–796,; Mario Rosique-Blasco, Antonia Madrid-Guijarro, and Domingo García-Pérez-de-Lema, “Entrepreneurial Skills and Socio-Cultural Factors,” Education + Training 58, no. 7/8 (2016): 815–831, 2015-0054. 19 Z J Lin and J Zhang, “Ethical Awareness of Chinese Business Managers and Accountants and Their Views on the Use of Off-Book Accounts,” Advances in Accounting 27, no. 1 (2011): 143–155, 79958782890&doi=10.1016%2Fj.adiac.2011.04.004&partnerID=40&md5=9cb5cfe7d83584d85a456fcc164e 39d3; Nicole E Peterman and Jessica Kennedy, “Enterprise Education: Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Entrepreneurship,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 28, no. 2 (2003): 129–144,; Linda F Edelman, Tatiana S Manolova, and Candida G Brush, “Entrepreneurship Education: Correspondence Between Practices of Nascent Entrepreneurs and Textbook Prescriptions for Success,” Academy of Management Learning & Education 7, no. 1 (2008): 56–70, 20 Hemant Kassean et al., “Entrepreneurship Education: A Need for Reflection, Real-World Experience and Action,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 21, no. 5 (2015): 690–708, 21 Allan Gibb, “Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture in Support of SMEs,” Small Enterprise Development 10, no. 4 (1999): 27–38, 22 Suhaib Aamir, Nuray Fatma Atsan, and Ayfer Ferda Erdem, “A Review of Entrepreneurship Education Research in the Special Issues of Education + Training Journal,” Education + Training 61, no. 9 (2019): 1078– 1099, 23 Joakim Falkäng and Fernando Alberti, “The Assessment of Entrepreneurship Education,” Industry and Higher Education 14, no. 2 (2000): 101–108,; Jones, Matlay, and Maritz, “Enterprise Education: For All, or Just Some?”; Aamir, Atsan, and Erdem, “A Review of Entrepreneurship Education Research in the Special Issues of Education + Training Journal”; Rosique-Blasco, Madrid-Guijarro, and García-Pérez-de-Lema, “Entrepreneurial Skills and Socio-Cultural Factors.” 24 Mario Rosique-Blasco, Antonia Madrid-Guijarro, and Domingo García-Pérez-de-Lema, “Entrepreneurial Skills and Socio-Cultural Factors: An Empirical Analysis in Secondary Education Students,” Education + Training 58, no. 7/8 (2016), 25 María de Lourdes Cárcamo-Solís et al., “Developing Entrepreneurship in Primary Schools. The Mexican Experience of ‘My First Enterprise: Entrepreneurship by Playing,’” Teaching and Teacher Education 64 (2017): 291–304, Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 24 zzzzzz z abilities could be developed at the foundation and intermediate school levels. Therefore, the senior phase of CAPS for technology in South Africa was introduced to recognize the demand to produce designers, artisans, and architects essential in modern civilization and promote a technologically knowledgeable society for the modern world. With such a curriculum, South Africa will flourish with such skills or a young promising future technologically literate population. Nonetheless, the technology classroom setting needs to be positioned to provide the necessary space or environment for competent teaching and learning. Technology is a more practical subject where learners need to work with tools, creatively and critically develop design ideas and investigate, make, evaluate, and communicate or present a product that best solves the problems the learners face. Benefits of Equipping Learners with Entrepreneurship Skills Du Toit and Gaothobogwe26 stated that the purpose of technology in the senior phase is for "learners to gain skills, knowledge, competencies and confidence that equip them to explore entrepreneurial initiatives. Entrepreneurship skills include being creative and innovative, having investigative skills, working as a team, meeting due dates, working within a given budget and having market experiences and initiatives. this implies resilience, practical working skills and compelling needs identification, collection and working with available resources thus equipping learners with entrepreneurship skills. McGuigan 27 stated that entrepreneurship education contributes to the entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour of learners to exercise their everyday activities and new experiences. Consequently, learners will develop skills that include identifying and investigating, making critical decisions and inventiveness, work effectively as individuals and as a group. Thus, learners can coordinate and manage their activities responsibly and effectively by collecting, analyzing, evaluating scenarios, and communicating effectively 28 Lotulung et al. 29 declared that exposing learners to entrepreneurship is only through an awareness of entrepreneurship around them as an essential building block to their careers and society. With entrepreneurship, learners can design something new and different through innovative and inventive activities to establish opportunities in facing life's challenges. For example, du Toit & Gaothobogwe 30 stated that learners could be able to investigate (do research, analyse products, and make comparisons), draw (sketch and develop ideas) and design (identify and select appropriate materials, methods, and finishes). Furthermore, they evaluate (judge quality, compare, and adjust to fit the consumer's needs more closely) and communicate (present findings and products to a target market) when they are equipped with entrepreneurial 26 Adri Du Toit and Michael Gaotlhobogwe, “Benchmarking the Intended Technology Curricula of Botswana and South Africa: What Can We Learn?,” African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 21, no. 2 (2017): 148–158, 27 Lisa Powell and Nicholas McGuigan, “Teaching, Virtually: A Critical Reflection,” Accounting Research Journal (2020). 28 Du Toit and Gaotlhobogwe, “Benchmarking the Intended Technology Curricula of Botswana and South Africa: What Can We Learn?” 29 Chirsant Lotulung, Nurdin Ibrahim, and Hetty Tumurang, “Effectiveness of Learning Strategy and Learning Style on Learning Outcomes,” Proceedings of the International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things (EAI, 2019), 30 Du Toit and Gaotlhobogwe, “Benchmarking the Intended Technology Curricula of Botswana and South Africa: What Can We Learn?” Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 25 zzzzzz z skills. Therefore, opportunities to develop an interest in entrepreneurial activities will be increased in our societies, reducing youth unemployment. The Preparedness of Technology Senior Phase Teachers in Implementing the Curriculum Numerous scholars have different meanings for the term 'curriculum.' In a more simplified way, du Toit and Gaothobongwe 31 described the curriculum as principles, content, and processes to support learning. They mentioned that curriculum could be described as what, why, how, and when learners should learn. The curriculum includes all the organised, prepared, and unintended experiences utilised to reach learning outcomes 32. Thijs and Van den Akker 33 mentioned that there are three forms of curriculum: the “intended curriculum, which is the ideal envisioned curriculum that is formalised on paper as a document; the implemented curriculum, referring to how the intended curriculum is recognised and used in practice by teachers; and the attained curriculum, which encompasses the experiences and learning outcomes of the learners”. Therefore, a curriculum can be defined as a plan for attaining goals. Marques and Albuquerque 34 argued that “economic growth and community-oriented progress require entrepreneurship education, effective curriculum, competent teachers and clear learning intentions”. They explained that entrepreneurship education requires applicable content, an effective curriculum, and competent teachers to support its implementation. Technology in Senior Phase is based on innovation (practical skills) and design skills incorporated into its curriculum, presenting opportunities for learners to make products (models), resulting in future producing income-generating products (du Toit & Gaothobongwe, 2017). Therefore, combined Technology curricula and entrepreneurship education can develop learners’ preparation as entrepreneurs 35. However, trained teachers and a practical curriculum are needed to support curriculum effectiveness. Mulenga and Luangala 36 stated that teachers are demand assets of any education system. Teachers play a crucial role in facilitating learners' acquisition of desirable knowledge, abilities, beliefs, and perspectives. The quality of teachers is critically acknowledged and significant for effective learning to occur in schools. The teacher’s competence to clarify, arrange and carry out a curriculum by implementing the procedure requires ensuring learning objectives 37. Thus, “teachers need to have the 31 Du Toit and Gaotlhobogwe, “Benchmarking the Intended Technology Curricula of Botswana and South Africa: What Can We Learn?” 32 Edward Ebert, Christine Ebert, and Michael Bentley, The Educator’s Field Guide: From Organization to Assessment (and Everything in Between) (Corwin Press, 2011), 33 Nienke Nieveen, Jan van den Akker, and Frans Resink, “Framing and Supporting School-Based Curriculum Development in the Netherlands,” Schools as Curriculum Agencies (BRILL, 2010), 34 J T Blummer, “Life Style Characteristics of the Hunter,” Amer. Assoc, for Conservation Information. Albuquerque. New Mexico 10 (1971). 35 Du Toit and Gaotlhobogwe, “Benchmarking the Intended Technology Curricula of Botswana and South Africa: What Can We Learn?” 36 Regina M. Mulenga, Selestine Nzala, and Wilbroad Mutale, “Establishing Common Leadership Practices and Their Influence on Providers and Service Delivery in Selected Hospitals in Lusaka Province, Zambia,” Journal of Public Health in Africa (2018). 37 Sila Kiprotich et al., “Moderating Effect of Social Networking on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprise in Nakuru County, Kenya” (2015). Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 26 zzzzzz z pedagogy content knowledge of a specific area of study” 38. Besides, teachers need continuous training so they can be able to manage new challenges of the curricula changes 39. Thus, pre- service education and in-service education are crucial for effectively implementing curricula like Technology. Professional teacher training is the education that materialised before teachers enter the line of work and/or employment in various educational institutions 40, which is critical. Hugh 41 pointed out “that implementing the curriculum changes and the continuance of new approaches depend not on teachers' retraining but rather expertise, competence and perspectives approved during the professional training of teachers”. In-service teacher training is an ongoing development of expertise and individual improvement 42. Daresh and Playko stated that in-service teacher training is ensuring that programmes are aimed at meeting the demands of teachers and teachers are courageous to find the need for retraining. Also, they indicated that in-service training would be effective if teachers have professional education in subjects of expertise and pursue up-skilling. Therefore, it is evident that the Technology curriculum in the Senior Phase was rushed as teachers in the service had not received pre-service training before its introduction. As the Department of Education (2003:31) declared “while educators in South African schools are qualified to teach a variety of subjects, many of the educators of Technology are uncomfortable with the pedagogy of Technology." Therefore, most of the teachers received in-service training that was not good enough for implementing a curriculum of this magnitude, such as Technology. Method Research Design Creswell 43 view a research design as a method or form of enquiry that applies to various scenarios, including a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methodology for the sake of giving direction within a given study. Sekaran and Bougie 44 stated that “a research design is a plan that is built to collect, measure and analyse the collected data which is used to provide answers to the outlined research questions within a study”. On another note, Saunders et al. 45 view the “research design as a plan that paves the way towards answering given research questions within a study”. This study uses an exploratory qualitative research design to understand the role of the basic education system in promoting entrepreneurship skills at this level and if teaching and learning of the technology senior phase impart skills in learners to become entrepreneurs. 38 Collins Kasoka Masumba and Innocent Mutale Mulenga, “Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Computer Studies in Rural Zambian Secondary Schools of North-Western Province.” (2019). 39 P A Kafu, “Planning for Instruction: The Secret of Effective Teaching,” Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation. African Educational Research Journal 9, no. 2 (2010): 591–599. 40 Masumba and Mulenga, “Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Computer Studies in Rural Zambian Secondary Schools of North-Western Province.” 41 James R Sheffield, “Curriculum and Reality in African Primary Schools. Hugh Hawes,” Comparative Education Review 24, no. 2, Part 1 (1980): 279–280, 42 John C Daresh and Marsha A Playko, “Mentoring for Headteachers: A Review of Major Issues,” School Organization 12, no. 2 (1992): 145–152. 43 John W Creswell, “Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method Aproaches,” SAGE Publications (2007). 44 Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie, Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach (John Wiley & Sons, 2016). 45 Mark Saunders et al., Strategic Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues (Pearson Higher Ed, 2007). Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 27 zzzzzz z Research Paradigm Creswell and Creswell 46 refer to research paradigms as worldviews or a general philosophical view of the world as well as the type of research the researcher undertakes. The various forms of research philosophies include positivism, critical realism, interpretivism, postmodernism and pragmatism. This study adopted a social constructivism paradigm which puts forward that reality is constructed through social interaction in which social actors create partially shared meanings and realities. Therefore, this means that it is necessary as a researcher to study a situation in detail, including historical, geographical, and sociocultural contexts to understand what is happening or how realities are being experienced 47. Research Strategy A case study was employed as the research strategy in four schools in the Malelane Circuit, Mpumalanga Province; two grade seven Technology teachers, four grade eight Technology teachers and four Grade nine Technology teachers from four schools (two schools are combined schools with Grade R-9, and two schools are high schools with Grade 8-12). A case study design involves exploring an "abounded system," or undertaking detailed single or multiple cases, data collection that is in-depth from multiple sources of data for the sake of describing, organising, as well as interpreting a given scenario at hand 48. Schram49 defined a case study as "a way of conceptualising human behaviour or merely as a way of encapsulating it; its strategic value lies in its ability to draw attention to what can be learnt from the single case. A case study design allows focusing on one issue or entity and collecting detailed data using different ways to have a deeper understanding 50. Population and Sample of the Study The target population is a specific population needed for a study 51. The target population for this study was senior phase technology teachers in Malelane Circuit, Mpumalanga Province; two grade seven technology teachers, four grade eight Technology teachers, and four grade nine technology teachers from four circuits. A sample comprises elements or a subset of the population considered for actual inclusion in the study. It can be viewed as a subset of 46 John. W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry & Research Methods: Choosing among Five Approaches (Thounsand Oaks: CA: Sage, 2013). 47 Mark N K Saunders and Keith Townsend, “Choosing Participants,” The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Business and Management Research Methods: History and Traditions (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2018), 48 Yin Cheong Cheng, “Quality Assurance in Education: Internal, Interface, and Future,” Quality Assurance in Education 11, no. 4 (2003): 202–213. 49 Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, and Joachim Zentes, Strategic International Management, Strategic International Management, 2010. 50 Rob Walker, “Reviews : The Art of Case Study Research, Robert Stake. London: Sage, 1995. 208 Pp. £29.50 (Hbk); £12.95 (Pbk). ISBN: 0-8039-5766-1 (Hbk); 0-8039-5767-X (Pbk,” Evaluation 2, no. 2 (1996): 231–235,; Robert K Yin, “Case Study Research: Design and Methods 4th Ed,” in United States: Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data, vol. 2, 2009. 51 Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke, “Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology,” Qualitative Research in Psychology 3, no. 2 (2006): 77–101, Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 28 zzzzzz z measurements drawn from a community we are interested in 52. In this study, the sample was purposively selected as technology senior phase teachers at four Schools in Malelane Circuit, Mpumalanga Province. Malelane Circuit has a population of 35 senior-phase technology teachers. Out of the 35 Technology teachers, two Grade seven (7), four Grade eight (8), and four Grade nine (9) Technology teachers were drawn as a sample of the study. The sample size for this study was ten (10) Senior phase technology teachers. Data Collection Methods Yin 53 stated that data collection methods depend on the research problem, objectives and questions, all of which suggest a suitable research design, philosophical worldview and data collection strategies and instruments. Researchers use different data collection methods in a study depending on which methods suit their research project. Furthermore, Yin 54 mentioned that qualitative research is designed to increase real-life phenomena. In this study, primary data collection was done through face-to-face interviews and secondary data collection was done through document analysis. This is further explained below respectively. Interviews Semi-structured interviews can be defined as those interviews that are centred on known areas of interest and have a moderate level of flexibility in scope (Dicicco-Bloom & Crabtree, 2006:315). This study conducted ten in-depth semi-structured interviews with ten Technology teachers in the Senior Phase, one from each grade, 7-9 in four schools in the Malelane Circuit in Mpumalanga Province, to provide data needed to understand the phenomenon under study. Interviews were conducted with different participants on various days, and the duration varied per interviewee as they had different perceptions and views of the phenomenon under study. The researchers presented the data collected as units of data, and some quotes from the participants contain vernacular language (IsiSwati). This was done to make participants feel comfortable and express their opinions in an environment that they were familiar with. Document Analysis Documentary analysis involves studying existing documents to understand the content to have a clear meaning on any given topic under study 55. This study used public documents, including teacher files, learner files, policies, Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) and CAPS for the Technology Senior Phase. This was done to see if what is supposed to be done in class is covered satisfactorily. The researchers requested the participants' files for analysis. Another reason was to check if monitoring tools were there to monitor the work progress of the teachers in the class by the school departmental head. The researcher also checked their lesson plans for compliance with the departmental expectations. 52 Jonathan Parker, “Book Review: Unrau, Y.A., P.A. Gaoborand and R.M. Grinnell, Jr (2007) Evaluation in Social Work: The Art and Science of Practice, 4th Edn. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-530- 806-9, Pbk, Xxvii + 468 Pp,” International Social Work 51, no. 1 (2008): 117–119, 53 Robert K Yin, “Studi Kasus Desain & Metode,” Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada (2014). 54 Yin, “Studi Kasus Desain & Metode.” 55 Jane Ritchie et al., Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers (sage, 2013). Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 29 zzzzzz z Result and Discussion During the investigation, the participants clearly understand what entrepreneurship education can offer in one’s life and to the country's economy. The participants outlined that through entrepreneurship education, learners can be equipped with skills that are critically needed in the world of work, and some will become entrepreneurs. Most participants stated that learners in Senior phase technology are taught basic skills through the Min-Pat project. However, some participants pointed out that there is a need for the effectiveness of the basic education system to ensure that learners are equipped effectively and as it will mould learners with entrepreneurial skills. In addition, the lack of curriculum implementation is a challenge that detracts from the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning in the Technology Senior Phase. Based on the findings, little was done to prepare learners to be participants in the economy. There is minimal participation of learners. The challenge is the lack of learning materials. Participants pointed out that they require schools to provide them with basic policies such as the CAPS document. Schools must provide each learner with the materials needed to carry out activities in a Technology class. Another view is that there is no clear direction to what learners expect to achieve as Technology in most schools is done up until grade 9. Learners in this phase are likely not mature enough to know their future. However, Lourdes Carcamo-Solis et al. 56 claimed that entrepreneurial abilities could be developed at the foundation and intermediate school levels. The participants also explained how Technology teaching and learning brought about skills acquisition in learners. As a result, it was noted that learners acquire artistic skills in putting their ideas in sketches and making skills when they are required to present a model of the solution they have come up with. Skills of this nature can see one venturing into various fields of career path (such as working with recyclable materials, fixing electrical appliances, mechanics, and architecture, just to mention a few) in the sense that they are dealing with different concepts such as structures and materials processing. In order words, learners are exposed to different kinds of knowledge in which they must innovatively and creatively make a model that solves a particular problem in one of these fields. Such learning will bring some of these learners to become entrepreneurs. However, most participants stated that the challenge is that more needs to be done when making models (prototypes) in schools. Poor participation in these activities was evident from the responses that la ack of resources and a conducive environment contribute to learners not striving to give their best in making these models. Learners rely on working with any available materials to make their models thus resulting in no value on what they are trying to do, make or design. In addition, the participants stated that learners need to be more motivated to make models because they are oriented around getting marks to progress to the next grade rather than developing skills for the learner. Furthermore, the participants stated that there are very few exhibitions or competitions organised for learners to showcase their talents or skills. Based on the findings, more needs to be done about the effectiveness of teaching and learning Technology to impart entrepreneurial skills to the learner as activities are focused on awarding marks. This is evident when learners are presented with a scenario to identify a problem and develop ideas to solve the problem. Most learners produce a model that does not really show how the model 56 Cárcamo-Solís et al., “Developing Entrepreneurship in Primary Schools. The Mexican Experience of ‘My First Enterprise: Entrepreneurship by Playing.’” Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 30 zzzzzz z solves the problem at hand. In most cases, learners do not even try to get their ideas in sketches (graphic drawings), let alone make a model. The literature revealed that the goal of entrepreneurship education can be to target how to perform entrepreneurial activities rather than focusing on what theories and knowledge the learner must learn from in conventional educational viewpoints 57. The participants were engaged in trying to find out the challenges, and it was noted that most teachers teaching Technology had limited content knowledge and expertise to ensure quality teaching and learning practices, which will, in turn, ensure that learners are equipped with relevant entrepreneurial skills. Failure to implement the Senior phase technology curriculum on teaching and learning was visible. The essential weakness stressed is the minimal training the Technology teachers received on the content knowledge related to Technology education (pedagogical content knowledge). It is evident that three of the participants are holders of degrees with Technology as a major subject, and only one has a diploma. On the other end, two participants have no professional training, and four hold degrees in other major subjects rather than Technology. Based on the findings of the study, it can be revealed that teachers' lack of content knowledge contributes to the challenges faced in teaching innovation and creativity in the Technology senior phase. The literature stated that teachers must have the pedagogy content knowledge of a specific study area. Another statement mentioned that implementing education innovation requires quantity building of personnel in specialised content knowledge. Conclusions This section gives an outline of the conclusions identified from the related literature review and primary data of the study. The study's primary research explores the basic education system’s role in promoting entrepreneurship skills in Senior phase technology teaching and learning. One hundred percent of the participants of this study indicated that a lack of resources, learning environment conditions and the teacher’s content knowledge of Technology Senior Phase content are the most contributing factors to poor learner performance in the Technology subject. The same was shown by literature. Therefore, both data sources agree that the basic education systems promote entrepreneurship skills in the Senior Phase of Technology. However, implementing its practices hinders the system's effectiveness in the phase. It was concluded that Technology is not taught as per policy but rather for compliance in most schools. The learning environment does not permit Technology teaching and learning, as teaching and learning materials are scarce. The models (prototypes) are made primarily out of materials that are of reach to learners. In other words, learners rely on improvisation to make models. It was also concluded that training and recruitment of technology education teachers are needed to practise comprehensive Technology teaching and learning. Such moves can lead to learners partaking in activities that will put them in the competitive world of innovation and creativity in solving real-life problems, and such teaching and learning will eventually alleviate youth unemployment. 57 Kassean et al., “Entrepreneurship Education: A Need for Reflection, Real-World Experience and Action”; Gibb, “Creating an Entrepreneurial Culture in Support of SMEs.” Volume 8, Number 1, May 2023 | 31 zzzzzz z Limitations of the study This study was limited to the following limitations: Four schools in the Malelane Circuit, Mpumalanga Province. The limited literature on the role of the basic education system in promoting entrepreneurship skills. The latest books and journals related to the study are limited. Recommendations Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made to address the challenges faced by Technology senior phase teachers teaching grades 7-9 for effective teaching and learning to take place. It is recommended that the technology classroom be prepared to meet the requirement stated in the CAPS document, and models must be done, completed in class, and displayed to enhance the innovation and creativity of the learner. Promotion of Technology Subject: Based on the important role that the Technology subject plays in terms of imparting relevant skills that our society needs, it is important that the DoE during the “Education Indaba” programmes and workshops advocate for the importance of technology subjects. This will make a difference in our society. It is believed that once society is interested in the subject , the children at school will have more interest, just as learners are interested in Mathematics and Physical science. Review of allocated teaching time for Technology: Based on the findings of this study, time allocated for Technology grades 7-9 seems not to be enough for teaching and learning. It is recommended that the teaching Technology senior phase needs to be reviewed by the curriculum developers. Additional time is needed because the teachers need to supervise learners during the make-skill activities to be able to give guidance to learners. Provision of materials and tools: It has been highlighted by the participants that some learners do not participate in making models because of a lack of resources in schools. Technology content needs the learner to have all the necessary resources for effective teaching and learning to take place. This may assist in lessening the burden on both the teachers and learners. 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