EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume , Numb er 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z Natural School Curriculum Study In Order To Prevent Educational Character Education Basic School Level Yulianti, Prihatin Sulistyowati Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang Published: May 11, 2017 Reviewed : April 5, 2017 Received: March 10, 2017 Abstract: The curriculum and learning are two things that can not be separated. As a plan or program, the curriculum will not be meaningful when it is not implemented in the form of learning. And vice versa, without a clear curriculum as a reference, then learning will not take place effectively (Sanjaya: 2009). What is described in the curriculum should provide clues to the learning process in the classroom; And what happens in the classroom is an input that can be taken into consideration in the improvement of the curriculum. Elementary School Islam (SDI) Surya Buana Malang one of the primary schools in the city of Malang that has a different character from another school Dinas. This study aims to find out and describe what the concept of natural school in SD Surya Buana Malang and how its implementation in realizing the character education of elementary school students. The research method used is qualitative research method. This study used a qualitative approach with an observational case study research design related to the concept of curriculum development of SDI Bilingual School SDI Surya Buana Malang. Data collection techniques are (1) in -depth interview (2) participant observation and (3) documentation study. Data analysis used in this research: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion or verification. The result of the research shows that Islamic elementary school of SDI Surya Buana Malang apply curriculum of Diknas by applying the concept of the curriculum of natural school "Triple R", and in developing the character of SDI Surya Buana Malang students using liaison book between teacher and parents. Keywords: curriculum, natural school, character education. Introduction The curriculum is one component that has an important role in the education system because in the curriculum is not only formulated about the goals to be achieved so as to clarify the direction of education, but also provides an understanding of the learning experience that each student has. The curriculum and learning are two things that can not be separated. As a plan or program, the curriculum will not be meaningful when it is not implemented in the form of learning. And vice versa, without a clear curriculum as a reference, then learning will not take place effectively 1 . So it can be concluded that curriculum and learning are like tw o sides of one 1 Wina Sanj aya,. 2009. Kurikulum dan Pembelaj aran (Teori dan Praktik Pengembangan Kurikulum Tingkat Yulianti, Prihatin Suli styowati Natural School Curriculum Study In Order To Prevent Educational Character Education Basic School Level Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 159 zzzzzz currency. Both are very important and need each other. What is described in the curriculum should provide guidance in the learning process in the classroom; And what happens in the classroom is an input that can be taken into consideration in the improvement of the curriculum. The description of Islamic Elementary School (SDI) Surya Buana Malang as one of the formal schools that apply curriculum development that comes from the national curriculum of the Ministry of National Education. One of the concepts of education developed by Surya Buana Islamic Elementary School (SDI) is to combine the curriculum of the Ministry and the Diknas curriculum by applying the concept of curriculum development of natural schools that have different designs than other natural schools. A load of subjects given in SDI Surya Buana Malang in accordance with the structure of the curriculum contained in the Standard Content with the number of hours of addition. There are 4 groups of subjects in SDI Surya Buana lesson ye ar 2013/2014 ie core subjects, local content, Plus subjects and self-development. a) The core subjects, including; Religious education, civic education, Indonesian language, mathematics, science, social studies, arts and culture, penjaskes and orkes. b) Local Content, including; Regional languages, English and ICT. c) Plus Courses; Tilawati and rote and Parents Day. d) Self-development The concept of this school of nature is to provide learning in children in accordance with the nature of children or in accordance with the development of child psychology 2 . The Jakarta School of Nature develops a curriculum using the concept of Spiderweb, Cikeas natural school to develop the concept of moral curriculum, logic, and leadership 3 . Bogor natural school develops the concept of Learning by Qudwah, Experiential Learning, Leadership development concept with Outbound Training method, and Development of entrepreneurship skills. While the Bandung natural school develops the essence of education refers to 3 (three) main aspects: Piety - Scientific and Leadership 4 . From the above explanation, the researcher is interested in conducting res earch on the study of curriculum in Surya Buana Islamic Elementary School (SDI) Surya Buana entitled "Study of Natural School Curriculum in Order to Realize Character Education of Students at Elementary School Level: Case Study at Bilingual Natural School SDI Surya Buana Poor." B. DISCUSSION 1. Understanding the Curriculum The term curriculum was first used in the sporting world in ancient Greece originating from the word courier and cure. At that time the curriculum is defined as the distance that a runner must travel. People terms it with a place race or running from start to finish 5 . So that can be concluded the curriculum is a very important tool in ensuring the success of the educational process, meaning that without a good curriculum and precisely difficult to achieve the goals and objectives of education that aspired. Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP ), Jakarta: PT. Ken cana Prenada Media Group . H 71 2 Eve Readety, 2008 3 Www.sekolahal A ccess ed Wednesday, M arch 7, 2017) 4 www.sekolahal amBandung Org / A ccess ed Wednesday, March 7, 2017) 5 Wina Sanjaya. 2009. Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran (Teori dan Praktik Pengembangan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP ), Jakarta: PT. Ken cana Prenada Media Group . H 3 Yulianti, Prihatin Suli styowati Natural School Curriculum Study In Order To Prevent Educational Character Education Basic School Level Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 160 zzzzzz 2. The cornerstone of the Curriculum Nana Sudjana mentioned that there are 3 main things that become the foundation for the implementation, development, and development of curriculum, namely: (1) Philosophical Platform, which is a way of thinking radically and thoroughly study philosophy about human nature, what is human, what is the essence of life Human, what is the purpose of his life and so on which includes logic, ethics and aesthetics. Relation to the curriculum of the three views is very necessary, especially in applying the direction and purpose of education; (2) Socio-Cultural Bases, where the educational curriculum should and also be able to adjust ev en anticipate the conditions that will occur in addition to the need to adapt to the conditions of society; (3) Psychological Foundation, which is to educate means to change the behavior of children to maturity. All this in the process of teaching and learning is always associated with theories of behavior change children 6 . 3. Curriculum Components Some educational experts point out that in the framework of curriculum development it is necessary to note some components which, according to Nasution, are 7 : 1) objectives, 2) lesson materials, 3) teaching and learning process, and 4) assessment. While Hamalik argues that curriculum development should include: 1) curriculum objectives, 2) curriculum materials, 3) curriculum methods, 4) curriculum organizations and 5) curriculum evaluation. 4. Principles of the Curriculum In order for the curriculum to function as a guide, then there are a number of principles in the development process. Below will be described a number of principles that are considered important, as suggested by some experts, among others according to Abdullah Idi as follows: 1) Principle of Relevance; 2) Principle of Effectiveness; 3) Principle of Efficiency; 4) Principles of Continuity (Continuity); 5) Flexibility Principle (Dexterity); 6) Goal-Oriented Principles; 7) Principles and Models of Curriculum Development. The conclusion in the implementation of the curriculum needs basic principles as the main reference to implementation in the learning activities. Without a clear principle then the curriculum will not be done properly because the direction or purpose that is used as a guideline still does not exist. 5. The Basics of the Curriculum The curriculum is a dynamic teaching and learning tool that needs to be asses sed and developed continuously and continuously in accordance with the existing developments in society. The development of the curriculum is a process that determines how curriculum-making will work. The following are the fundamentals of curriculum development; A). The curriculum is structured to create a national education system. B). The curriculum at all levels of education is developed with a capability approach. C). The curriculum must be in accordance with the characteristics of educational units at each level of education. D). The curriculum of elementary, secondary, and higher education is developed on the basis of national education standards for each type and level of education. E). The curriculum at all levels of education is developed in a diversified manner according to the potential needs of learners and the demands of the parties who need and have an interest. F). The curriculum is developed with attention to regional and 6 Wina Sanjaya. 2009. Kuri kulum dan Pembelajaran (T eori d an Praktik Pengembangan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan/ KTSP ), Jakarta: PT. Ken cana Prenada Media Group . H 42 7 Nasution, S. 2006. Asas-Asas Kuri kulum, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, Cet. VII. H 53 Yulianti, Prihatin Suli styowati Natural School Curriculum Study In Order To Prevent Educational Character Education Basic School Level Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 161 zzzzzz national development demands, potential diversity. 6. Description of the Natural School Curriculum The concept of curriculum development of natural schools varies. The Jakarta natural school develops a curriculum using the concept of web spiders, while Cikeas natural school develops a moral, logic and leadership curriculum. While the SDI Surya Buana natural school implements triple-based curriculum "R" that is reasoning (reasoning), research (research), and religion (religion). C. CLOSING The concept of SDI Surya Buana Malang natural school curriculum inte grates or combines general subjects with religious subjects between teachers 'and students' handbooks based on the curriculum of culture and education ministries based on the concept of Triple "R" nature school that is reasoning (reasoning), research ( Research), and religious (religious). The implementation of character education in natural school SDI Surya Buana Malang is integrated into subject learning process and in extracurricular activities such as scout events, PMI and so on. Character building activities are evaluated through a liaison book between teachers with parents ie, information books, IMTAK books, and a handbook of rote prayers that are targeted at every grade level. D. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anggota IKAPI Kampus UNESA, 2011, Bunga Rampai Pendidikan Karakter Stategi Mendidik Generasi Masa Depan, UNESA UNIVERSITY PRESS, Cet.I Bungin, Burhan. 2007. Penelitian Kualitatif. 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