EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume , Numb er 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z Implementative Design Professional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Performance of Educators Muhammad Mahfud STAI Al-Azhar Gresik Published: May 15, 2017 Revi ewed April 01, 2017 Received: March 05, 2017 Abstract: This research study focused on the design shape PLC held at Foundation of Darul Ihsan and its relation with the improved performance of educators. Implementative designs are applied in compliance with the five major elements PLC (focuson learning, collaborative culture, collective inquiry into research, professional learning by doing, and all the members mutually accountable for targeted result). Implementation of PLC refers to the six strategies that have been designed that is reflective dialogue, de-privatization of practice, collective focus on student learning, collaboration, shared norms and values, and optimalization of golden triangle. This last strategy Becomes a different matter with the implementation of PLC in general. optimization of the golden triangle in question is do the synchronization between the three elements play items, namely education actors educators, students, and parents. Synchronizing the form of collaborative engagement and cultivation of a sense of belonging between elements on the basis of trust and sincerity and monotheism. Keywords: Professional Learning Community, Collaborative action, golden triangle. Introduction Admittedly, there are many ways to improve the performance of educators or teachers in performing their duties and responsibilities. Like, welfare incentives, so that they focus on preparing / planning, implementing, and evaluating learning process that will, medium, or already implemented. Or, it could also, through provisioning of new knowledge (in learning service),in the form of training, workshops, to be involved in the educational seminar events. Until a more idealistic, namely; foster a sense of belonging to the institution where a teacher to devote their knowledge. This last effort, usually, carried by a model of transformative leader, namely; a leader who puts the transfer of abstract values, rather than material. Theoretically, the terms of performance, in the world of education, understood as the work of a person, whether it is in terms of qualitative or quantitative. In the world of education as well, said the performance is defined and measured by several components; First, academic Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 17 zzzzzz qualification. Second, education and training. Third, the teaching experience. Fourth, planning and implementation of learning. Fifth, assessment. Sixth, academic achievement. Seventh, the resulting work in professional development. Eighth, participation in scientific forums. Ninth, organizational experience and involvement in the community. Tenth, the award obtained as an educator. 1 The components of standards teacher that are performing well above, often, serve as the basis for qualifying a professional teacher. Although, in reality, the mentioned standards, be handled in ways that achieve the goals desired pragmatic. So it is not surprising, if post - qualification or often known as certification, performa nce of teachers who either changed drastically, as prior to the convening of certification. This is evident from the results of various studies stating that insentivication giving welfare to improve the performance of teachers can not run optimally, as well as expected. Therefore, in some developed countries, the post-certification and standardization of professional teachers, educational institutions 'required' to implement the concept named "Professional Learning Community /Culture"(PLC). The goal is simple, namely; sustainsibility maintain performance which have been proposed by the government, based on standardization as mentioned earlier. In some studies, in this way, as disclosed by Richard DuFour, is intended to create awareness of teachers or educators in terms of collaboration(collaborative action),share knowledge and experience (shared values),and share the responsibility to produce the intended purpose. As the plants when his professionalism taught briefing or education. 2 David Barnard said that, the responsibility of an educator is not necessarily restricted to the normative standards set by the government, but also closely related to the individual responsibility as a professional teacher. Standardization is a collective assessment instruments, whereas individual responsibility as an educator, is a value that is on top of everything. 3 Professional Learning Community or Culture - hereinafter referred to as PLC, one might say, come from the paradigm that, first, the school woke up from elements of the community. Secondly, schools will never be able to evolve, if there is no common vision and mission of the school community. 4 Those that thought, PLC is a further step for the leadership of educational 1 Tim Peneliti Balitbang Kota Medan, Laporan Hasil Penelitian ; Penelitian Mengenai Pemberian Tunjangan Prof esi Terhadap Kinerja Guru SD, SMP, SMU Dan SMK Di Kota Medan. (Medan: Badan Peneliti an Dan Peng embangan Kota Medan 2011), 1-74 2 Ri ch ad DeFour, What Is Prof essional Learning Community (New York; NE S Press, 2004), 1 3 David B arnard, “Res earch b y the H ay Group in highly Effect ive Teach ers and School Lead ers”, dal am Prof essional Standard For Teachers and School Leaders (New York; RoutledgeFalm er, 200 4), 42 4 Bru ce Joyce, Changing School Culture Through Staff Development (ASCD Y earbook, 2000), 6 Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 18 zzzzzz institutions to unify the competency for educators in the school. 5 In simple terms, the PLC serves as a character-building competencies that must be owned by a teacher at school or a particular institution. PLC also be an open space for fellow teachers to share their experiences and knowledge related to te aching and learning, student discipline, and the achievements that have been or have not been obtained by a particular teacher. In essence, the PLC is an advanced program for professional educators, so that they can make the process of sharing among professional teachers, and the teachers who want to up the process of standardization of professionalism of teachers. In Indonesia, the grouping components into a separate community of professional teachers in schools are extremely rare. Professional teacher associations in schools, (read: the process of working together), in general, tend to be pragmatic. That is, they a re professional teachers gathered when the individual performance reporting process; whether it is related to the learning process, or other components which become a professional teacher assessment is based on existing instrumentation. Very hard to find, this professional teachers do the sharing of knowledge, experience, and other aspects of the build. Even if there is any association, in hypothesis researchers, the event was initiated and organized by the Principal ( principal ship). This assumption is quite reasonable. Prior to this research theme composed, Islamic High School (STAI) Al Azhar, Menganti, Gresik, in 2014, in collaboration with the District Education Council. Gresik, conducting research related to the influence of Educator Professional Allowance (TPP) on the performance of teachers in schools. One hypothesis tested is whether there is a change of teachers who have received the welfare benefits, in terms of performance and behavior patterns as a teacher. Research results indicate that, professional teachers (read; certified) did not change much in terms of behavior and performance. The certified teachers, tend to perform his duties in accordance with the standards that have been instructed. For instance, a full teaching in some classes, writing papers, or make the administration of learning. 6 In conclusion, the certified teachers tend to measure their performance based standards. If it is met, then they tend to neglect the other activities. Therefore, it is in its recommendation, the research team STAI Al -Azhar give an appeal to the stakeholders education policy in Gresik, to include the development of program Professional 5 Ibid, 7 6 Resume Laporan peneliti an Tim Peneliti STAI Al Azhar Menganti Gresik bekerjas ama dengan Dewan Pendidikan K ab. Gresik. Laporan ini juga sudah dipublikasikan di Jurnal K ependidikan Islam FTK UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya Edisi 5 Volume 2. Tahun 2015 Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 19 zzzzzz Learning Culture or the Community. The reason is simple, that teachers are certified to do the sharing of knowledge based on the experience of training, workshops, or seminars attended lessons during the process of obtaining a certificate of professional teachers. On the other hand, this professional teachers can pass on experience to other teachers who still / currently the process of obtaining the professional title. In fact, sharing together can motivate other teachers who are still far from a professional (read: new teacher). Observational, there are several stages of this standard so that the PLC can be implemented in general; First, leaders need education agency collaborative and transformational. Second, for a collective understanding to share between all of the elements or the academic community that is under the auspices of educational institutions. Third, policy support. Fourth, the system managerialism effective and efficient. All components implementable is what will be the core object of this study, so it can be used as a foothold generalist for other educational institutions, implementing professional culture collection in educational institutions. Discussion PLC implementable concept in the world of education in Indonesia, is still rarely implemented. Perhaps, it could be said. It is most visible on the surface is the association or associations of educators based on; a profession that was involved (PGRI), subjects of teaching (MGMPs), religious organizations (PERGUNU), and level of education unit. For that reason, the tendency of a growing research was, more likely to analyze, on the roles of associations and organizations previously mentioned. In fact, since the 2000s, after the rule of global standardization of professional teachers, PLC an indicator of the success of leadership education institutions (principal ship) district and school level in developed countries. This is evidenced by some scientific studies as follows: Howard Green, the Professional Standards for Teachers and School Leaders,. 7 This book is an expert view on education Standardization of global teachers (teachers worldwide standardization). In general, this scholarly book describes how should the behavior of an educator and leader of educational institutions. Simultaneously, theoretical education experts in this book also gives advice and recommendations to the leaders of educational institutions treat teachers who have reached the prescribed professional standards. Carol B. Mullen, The Handbook of Leadership and Professional Learning Communities,. 8 Not 7 Howard Green et all, Prof essional Standard For Teachers and School Leaders (New York; RoutledgeFalm er, 2004) 8 Carol B. Mullen et all, The Handbook of Leadership an d Prof essional Learning Communities (New York; Pallg rave Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 20 zzzzzz much different from previous books, this book is more likely to form the proceeding PLC development implementable strategies in schools, based on observations of principals from all over the world. In the prologue mentioned, that the process of unification of the professional teacher behavior in the form of a separate cultural community is very important to not be influenced by other teachers. Thus, the professional teachers become isolated community of fellow professional teachers, and as facilitators for other teachers who still towards standardization o f professional teachers. Penelope J Ward & Michael SC Educator as learners; Creating a Professional Learning Community in Your School. 9 This book, compared with the previous books, more nuanced PLC implementation. For example, in the book described, process and tools how to implement the PLC. In the context of the process, there are levels of professional teachers formed a community identity, interpret the action learning at community level, and sharing capabilities and capacities of the knowledge of all teachers. In the aspect of the tools that are used, for example, is described through terms of open space (openness), think, fair, and share (to think, to be fair, and want to share). The concepts of these tools and processes used to build a community of professional educators. Kathleen Richard Hopkins, Teaching How to Learn in what to learn Culture,. 10 If previously, directing research studies on aspects of the theory to implementation, based on the experiences observed practice. Then this book is more inclined to the personal experience of being rewritten, in an effort to build a community of professional teachers in the institution. In this book mentioned the author's personal experience as a teacher more than a dozen years. Men-sharing community development ideas with other teachers, and many other experiences, until he was appointed as a leader in a school. From the results of the literature review above, it can be concluded that the PLC is a follow up of the design process of standardization of professional teachers. Does it begin on the initiation of a professional teacher, or through policy (school policy) is done by the leaders of educational institutions. The results of these studies the exposure of the above, it was revealed that the contribution is very significant. Resulting in performance that is also within the required standards. In addition, if examined in comperehensip, it is inevitable that a distinction educator professional and non-professional by the community, will ignite conflict in educational Mi cmiland, 2009) 9 Penelope J Ward & Mi ch ael SC Educator as learners; Creating a prof essional Learning Community in Your School (Virginia; ASCD Pub, 2000) 10 Kathleen Ri ch ard Hopkins, Teaching How to Learn in what to learn Culture, (USA; John Wiley and Sons In c, 2010). Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 21 zzzzzz institutions. Therefore, the role of a leader or the head of the school is very urgent, to compromise the interests of individuals and groups, into a shared vision broader institutional development. This type of research is qualitative. Meaningful qualitative research, all of the issues that will be explored is holistic, describe a particular phenomenon by relying on research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of people and behavior as a whole. This research is fundamentally dependent on human observation (researchers) in its own region and in touch with these people in his language and terminologies. 11 In the context of this study, the use of this type would serve as the imaging process workflow, strategies, and form a holistic design developed by Foundation of Darul Ihsan, Menganti, Gresik, in improving the performance of professional educators who are under the auspices of the foundation. In addition, through this study, can be imaged important roles performed by each of the social actors in the internal institutions. Of these types, the researchers will use a phenomenological approach-antroprologis. 12 Phenomenological approach will be used to explore the data that is individualized, from the leadership of formal educational institutions, chairman of the foundation, and individual professional teachers at Darul Ihsan Foundation, Menganti, Gresik. Meanwhile, anthropological approach will discuss what looked and seen from the dialectical tension in Darul Ihsan Foundation, Menganti, Gresik. In this study, there are two sources of data or informant division of research: First, informants and primary data. That is chairman of the foundation, principals, and professional teachers. The data (administrative documentation) is a program of work, the structure organization PLC, and other data that relates directly to the PLC strategy in this institution. Second, the secondary. Secondary informant is the School Committee, Supervisor and Service Controller. The secondary data is other information that supports this research. Data collection techniques used in this study is structured interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Structured interviews conducted dig primary data on a research theme. Participatory observation conducted to gain insights into the implementation of the PLC. Documentation conducted to explore a variety of research supporting data. 11 Sudikin Munir, Metode Penelitian: Membimbing dan Mengantar Kesuksesan Anda Dalam Dunia Penelitian, (Surabaya: Insan Cendikia, 2005), 6 12 Pendefinisian dua pendekatan di at as, lihat : Ismail Naw awi, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Jakarta; Dwiputera Pustaka Jaya, 2012), 79-80 Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 22 zzzzzz Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis techniques follow the path of Miles and Huberman. The groove is data reduction, data display, and verification and conclusion drawing. In the data reduction phase, researchers conducted a process of living in and living out. At this stage of the display, starts by looking for patterns, themes, relationships PLC implementation and ends with draw conclusions on field findings. The conclusion was initially still very tentative, vague, and doubt, then we get the data, become more grounded. This activity is the process of checking and verifying the correctness of data has been collected, so that the conclusions obtained in accordance with a research focus. Implementable design PLC conducted at Darul Ihsan Foundation has fulfilled the requirement of raw stages of the implementation of the PLC. First, Foundation of Darul Ihsan led by a leader who is collaborative and transformational. It can be seen from the l iveliness of leadership in coordinating, monitoring, and evaluation of all programs. Second, learning community that is under the auspices of the foundation also has a collective consciousness for sharing between all elements. This is evidenced by their enthusiasm they are in following all the programs and not only that, they also take their own time to give each other feedback and corrections to the academicians. Third, all programs are decided upon and executed supported fully with policy leaders to strengthen the sustainability of the program, and the fourth, foundations managerial systems running effectively and efficiently with the distribution and execution of tasks in a systematic and collaborative. PLC programs are conducted at the foundation of Darul Ihsan also meets the standards of professional learning (Professional Learning Standard) which is five essential elements that must exist in the PLC program. The five elements are: focus on earnings, collaborative culture, collective inquiry into research, professional learning by doing, and all the members mutually accountable for targeted result. Five basic elements are contained implicitly in programs designed by the foundation of Darul Ihsan as guidelines for the implementation of PLC. PLC implementative design used by Foundation of Darul Ihsan is a design development of the design are used as a benchmark paideia Inc. Canada Consulting Group,(1990).If they formulate five strategies, namely, reflective dialogue, de-privatization of practice, collective focus on student learning, collaboration, and shared norms and values, then the strategy undertaken by Foundation of Darul Ihsan by adding the points seeded the optimalization golden triangle. The first strategy is Reflective Dialogue. Implementation of this strategy in the form of activities that are of mutual correction and build on each other both in terms of teaching, knowledge, and skills. Implementation of this strategy can be done by way of critical friend group Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 23 zzzzzz (CFG), study group (SG), and learning observation (LO). CFG is done by regular weekly meetings. At the meeting discussed some shortcomings, progress and things should be improved in teaching, which essentially educators teaching activities should be increased. SG is done by sharing knowledge on various matters relating to students, both on the skills learned, study, the level of emotion, soft skills, as well as all matters relating to the characteristics of the students, such as hobbies, aspirations, and vision-mission , SG This becomes important because as educators who perform well, it must know the characteristics of learners. With the SG carried out on a monthly basis is the educators will be more aware of the characteristics of learners and will be easier to determine the precise learning strategies. The last way is LO. LO in question are educators make the learning process as a team and mutually observe each other, both observation implementation of learning, student activities, the effectiveness of the strategy, the media, as well as the learning method is being conducted. With the existence of this LO, educators are expected to reflect the learning. The second strategy is a collective focus on student learning. Implementation of this strategy is done by the data analyze (DA), curriculum mapping (CM), the common assessment (CA), slice (SL), and decision making (DM). DA is referred to in this strategy is the analysis of achievement data learning outcomes of students who then made topic of conversation collectively to find solutions to improve the outcome of learning. So all the talk that is done collectively must be based on the data. From these data will be used to formulate several findings and then find a solution to achieve improved learning achievement. CM applied by way of outlining the curriculum. Curriculum applied; there are two models of the national curriculum and curriculum boarding school. National curriculum used is a modified curriculum with practical principles, effective, efficient, and oriented learning is fun. Indeed, not the entire national curriculum is modified. For a while the only subjects of the UN and several other supporting subjects. Achievements already done is to create MIDI (Mathematics Islam Darul Ihsan, BI2DI (English and Indonesia Darul Ihsan), and paidi (Natural Sciences Islamic Darul Ihsan). For the curriculum of Islamic boarding schools, more emphasis on two aspects that can read the book and can practices worship amaliah. CM is done by standardizing assessments. standards assessment prepared collectively and increasingly collaborative, meaning that the assessment is done jointly by teachers cognate based on standards that have been agreed. After the program as assessment done then the next step is to do the SL. SL is done by spending time together to correct and check out all the assessment that has been given to the Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 24 zzzzzz learners. by sitting together and give each other feedback, then scoring the test results will be more objective in the absence of selective logging. the last step is the DM, this step performed each class will rise. Par A educators get together and talk about learners eligible for a grade, or take conditional, or up to move. DM was carried out as the top semi -annual monitoring and evaluation. DM was also used as a platform for educators to exchange arguments on the development of learners from various aspects. The third strategy is de-privatization of practice. Implementation of this strategy is done by peer coaching (PC),lesson study (LS), and cross-educator (CE). PC is done by equipping educators teach a variety of skills. This is done either carried out independently by a colleague or by inviting coaches from the outside or the idia iswara. One of the coaches that were presented, namely Mr. Julius Ade Rizky of Buzan International. The provision of training is not limited to only a moment, but educators are also required to practice and implement the experience that has been gained and create innovative development. LS is done by means of collective learning plan (team). These lesson plans are made, implemented, observed, monitored, and evaluated collaboratively with the aim of improving learning outcomes more optimal. How namely CE, this step is a continuation of the LS. If LS composed and performed by a team, then the CE done by inviting teachers to act LS team outside that had been developed by the team. This is done to give the experience to non- professional educators or new teachers are still in the learning phase. With the inclusion of new teachers in an LS is expected to improve the performance of teachers and provide an opportunity for new teachers to keep learning and growing. In addition, the LS also demanded that the learning is done by educators more professional. The fourth strategy is collaborative, or work together. This strategy is done by having the vertical and horizontal (HVT), mentoring (ME), interdisciplinary unit and project (IUP), and group problem solving (PS). Collaborative strategies is the spirit of the PLC, because the PLC to keep in mind is L (learning),so the nature of the teacher teaching is really about learning. The process of learning is not only applicable to educators and learners but all the elements in nature is the foundation of learning (learning). HVT is performed by professional educators relationships among and between professional educators and new educators. Although it has been done by the PLC program implementable in the foundations, educators, especially those already certified professional educators also have other allied colleagues or called by MGMPs. Teachers Men- professional has an obligation to share the knowledge gained from professional organizations serve targeted to Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 25 zzzzzz educators, especially new teachers. Furthermore, HVT also be done by inviting lecturers in foundations to provide information and knowledge regarding the development of learning and education. As a form of the collaboration process, the educators are required to attend a mentoring program (ME). ME program made to the new educators by educators for educators senior and senior by the monitoring and evaluation team with the PLC program by means of direct mentoring and collaborative involvement in a variety of ways, especially in terms of learning. The next way is IUP. How this is done because of the vision of the fou ndation are to collaborate between worldly and hereafter. A vision espoused that "Steady Imtak and Excellence Science and Technology" vision is the basis for the implementation of IUP. IUP execution pattern is to how to collaborate with educators from various clumps to talk, organize and plan the curriculum in accordance with the vision. From this IUP is created MIDI, BIDI, and paidi as discussed in the previous section. IUP also a vehicle for professional educators to do a fourth way that problem solving (PS). So in addition to the team produced any learning model form in accordance with the vision, the team members also chat and discuss the various problems encountered and to find a solution. The fifth strategy is shared norms and values. Implementation of this strategy is carried out by means of vision activity (VIA),guiding principles (GP),value activities (VA), and common rituals and strategies (CRS). In order for educators to understand the full vision of the foundation, it is necessary to VIA. Understanding of what is meant here is the knowledge of teachers and education personnel about vision. Steps taken by way of direct involvement of educators in preparing all PLC program based on the vision. The introduction of the vision itself is done by socialization. By way of a VIA also do the drafting of the short-term, long-term plan and strategic plan PLC program is being and will be implemented. The next way is guidance principles (GP). Good program must have rules and operational procedures are clear. Therefore, the way GP is needed in the implementation of the PLC. GP made by the policy makers and the personnel in the monitoring and evaluation team. Monitoring and evaluation team independently create and prepare the next GP made signs in apply programs PLC. Any planning conducted by teams PLC must pay attention GP already passed. Thus, the GP is the controller of all the PLC program. Are the planning and execution of the PLC is in conformity with the vision and mission, whether the result of discussions and partnerships are already compliant, it must refer to the GP. Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 26 zzzzzz The next way that value activities (VA). VA is a small group activity by discussing the values that must be owned and practiced by the learners and students. The results of this small team discussion include moral values, the values of attitude, the values of characters and religious values that should be showing up as the achievements of the PLC program. VA can be done by providing a model to students, ranging from psychomotor acts, verbal syntax, and a wise and creative ideas. The next way is common rituals and strategies (CRS). As the peak of the implementation of the PLC program, the CRS is a surefire way to give impression and awards to actors who have sacrificed PLC ideas, energy, time, and commitment to the success of the PLC. CRS is done by giving some grace. Categories that have been made in the conferment of the day the best gift, the award in the team, and the grace of remembering your services. CRS is done to provide motivation and confidence to the team in order to continue the program and perform more creativity for improvement over the maximum. These five strategies above, still cannot measure how much design implementation of PLC conducted at Darul Ihsan foundation. Therefore, in order to achieve measurable results then added a sixth strategy is optimalization golden triangle - hereinafter referred to as the Golden Triangle. What is meant by the golden triangle here are teachers / educators, students / learners, and carers / parents. Optimizing the golden triangle is a superior strategy execution in the foundation Darul Ihsan PLC. Concrete steps are carried out in this strategy that involves directly the persons who are in the golden triangle. The term golden triangle appears on the assumption that the spear of educational success are the three elements. Educators without their learners will not be able to run programs that have been compiled. Learners will not be able to get treatment in learning syntax when no educator. Likewise with careers / parents cannot leave their children (learners) if there is no educator. This is the fulcrum of the PLC are implemented in the foundation of Darul Ihsan. To optimize the performance of educators already include the five previous strategies. Likewise, the optimization of learners also include in them. But the leaders also wanted their emotional touch and so the performance more professional educators. Not only professionals naked eye, but also professional performance based on the sincerity. This refers to the soul of Panca cottage as pillars, foundation, and signs. Working collaboratively is also an embodiment of the Panca Soul cottage is ukhuwwah and togetherness. It is this last point that is the basis of the existence of implementation of PLC in Foundation of Darul Ihsan, because with the Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 27 zzzzzz togetherness – working together (community) – then it will be created a conducive atmosphere and sportsmanship. The third element of the golden triangle i.e. careers/parents of students. To optimize the ways carers carried out namely by involving them in the implementation of learning. If educators need a GP in the discharge of his duties, then the guardian of the students should also look at the GP informed party Foundation of. One form of GP is namely book liaison, dial books, monitoring children's book. Connecting book used for the means of the parents and the Foundation of to know the development of the learning learners in academics while the dial plan book sense is used for the development of learning in the field of religious students. As for the book was used as a information media monitoring from parents to the Foundation of children's learning activities about when at home. The books required by careers so that all information about the learners in full swing. Six strategies described above will automatically improve the performance of educators. By working together and creating a conducive learning environments educat ors will be more performance then looks and more professional. Not only that, even the four competencies that must be owned by the teachers, namely: competency, competencies, personality pedagogy, social competence, and professional competence will automatically be sharpened and guidance for educators implementing professional learning community, because the nature of teaching is learning. PLC programs are good will not run properly if the culprit is not out all in implementation. Therefore, it takes 6 D program initiated in order to run properly. 6 D is: Desire, Decision, Determination, Discipline, Deed, and Development. Desire is the main requirement in carrying out all the programs especially PLC because desire is a strong desire to continue learning and studying everything related to the program is executed. Once you have a strong desire to next terms i.e. decision i.e. taking decisions to try, then the perpetrator programs should also be conscientious in practicing or determination. Furthermore, the offender must also discipline in running the program (discipline), the next offender also actually implement all programs (deed) so all programs that are designed and prepared really well implemented not just discourse, the latter, after the principals actually do all programs then the offender must also dare to do the development and innovation of the more visionary (development). Conclusion Muhammad M ahfud Implementative Design Prof essional Learning Community (PLC) To Improve Perf ormance of Educators Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 28 zzzzzz PLC as an advanced program of post acquisition professional degrees for educators is a vehicle for continuing to improve the professionalism and performance of educators. The principle of PLC working collaboratively is very possible for educators to sharing knowledge, norms, and value. As the Group PLC (professional learning community) then the fulcrum in the program is in the letter L (learning) so the fact of implementation of PLC in an institution is the vehicle of learning. Educators communicate with each other and learn to improve the quality of the lesson, educators learn how to assess and criticize each other i nstruction each, and so on. Implementation of design PLC at the Foundation of Darul Ihsan includes six main strategies, namely Reflective Dialogue, Collective Focus on Student Learning, De -Privatization of Practice, Collaboration, Shared Norms and Value and optimization of the golden triangle. All the Chief has been running well and impacting significantly to performance improvement of educators. 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