EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume , Numb er 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z The Influence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqeedah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'allimat College Cukir Jombang Imam Muslih Siska Inda Sari Universitas Hasyim As’yari Jombang Published: May 15, 2017 Reviewed April 9, 2017 Received: February 11, 2017 Abstract: Learning models of elaboration is to start learning the contents of the presentation on the general level of moving to a detailed level (elaborative sequence). By learning from the general to the particular pattern, giving students a simple description contained in the content frame (epitome) then develop into sub-sub material in more detail. Besides that, there are two stages of elaboration stimulate students' memory where the second elaboration stage as the consolidation of the student's abilities in the first stage of elaboration. Also students are encouraged to develop a sense of high social learning designed to implement cooperatively, it Allows students who are less intelligent can ask more intelligent students in the group (peer learning) .The purpose of this research are: 1) Describe the learning strategy elaboration on the models of morality in subjects aqeedah; 2) Describe the learning outcomes of subjects aqeedah morality; 3) Describe the effect of the application of learning strategies elaboration models of the learning outcomes of aqeedah morality in MTs-PM Cukir Jombang. This research is a quantitative research approach ex post facto. Conclusion: 1. Learning models of elaboration is to start learning the contents of the presentation on the genera l level of moving to a detailed level (elaborative sequence), giving students a simple description contained in the content frame (epitome) then develop into sub- sub material in more detail.2. The learning result is Obtained behavioral changes after studying the material learners demonstrated creed Akhlaq results.3 through the final test. There is a positive and significant influence between the Implementation of Learning Strategy Elaboration Of Learning Outcomes creed Akhlaq College Students at MTs Cukir Mu'alimat Jombang. Keywords: Elaboration model of learning, learning outcomes morality Aqeedah 1. INTRODUCTION Education is one very important aspect in human life. In fact there is a saying reciprocation of a country depends on the education provided to the community. However, the quality of education in Indonesia is still not encouraging and underdeveloped when compared to other countries. According to the survey Political and Economic Risk Consultant, Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 31 zzzzzz the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12th out of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam 1 . Indonesian education has not produced many beings who are creative, independent and resilient. One of the causes of the failure of education in our country is less effective learning models 2 . Religious education is education that provides knowledge and forming attitudes, personality and skills of students in the practice of their religion, which is carried out at least through the subjects / courses in all channels, levels and types of education. (PP 55 of 2007) Learning creed Akhlaq in MTs as an integral part of religious education, it is not the only decisive factor in the formation of character and personality of the learner. But substantially subjects Aqeedah and morality have contributed in providing the motivation for learners to practice the values of religious beliefs (monotheism) and Akhlaqul Karimah in everyday life. Quality good graduates from Madrasah, Islamic schools, and universities are the expectations to be realized. Long before the Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, outlines of the Indonesian State Policy has always set a goal of national education towards the formation of human beings 3 . The formation of the whole man is in accordance with the words of Allah: ()كافة السلم في ادخلىا آمنىا الذين أيها يا "O you who believe, come ye to Islam kaffah ( overall), and do not you follow the traces syaithan for indeed syaithan is a big enemy for you. "(Surah Al-Baqarah: 208) To go towards efficiency in managing education, Learning teaching in the Madrasah ideally should lead to independence of children learn , According to the theory of constructivism, learners should be able to find themselves and transform complex information, check the new information with the old rules and revise them if the rules 1 Widyawati. “Strat egi Pembelajaran Permasal ahan Pendidikan di Indonesia”, makalah internet, http://widya57physi cs edu.files.wordpress. com/.../no -29-widya-wati-10-masalah-p endidikan. diakses pada tanggal14 Februari 2017. 2 Agustin Mubiar. Permasal ahan B elaj ar dan Inovasi Pembelajaran: Panduan untuk Guru, Konselor, Psikolog, Orang Tua, dan Ten aga K ependidikan. B andung: PT Refika Aditama. 2014. H lm 81 3 Hari Suderadjat. M anajemen Peningkat an Mutu Berbasis Mad rasah. B andung: CV Cipta Cekas Grafika. 2005. Hlm . Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 32 zzzzzz are no longer appropriate 4 . Some cases of teachers today still use traditional methods, so that students like empty bottles that were not given the opportunity to think, to process or digest let alone creating, eventually they become passive students. Learning is certainly irrelevant to the morality of particular creed lesson junior level for one of the characters is the junior age children behave cognition, is the act of knowing or thinking about a situation in which the behavior occurs. Every effort involving brain activity or activities included in the cognitive domains. According to Benjamin Bloom there are six levels of the cognitive domain, namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation 5 . For students to be able to really understand and be able to apply their knowledge to solve problems, learners required to elaborate on their ideas. The most important principle in education is that teachers not only impart knowledge to students. Learners must construct their own knowledge in his mind. 6 Thus, an educator requires a method PAKEM (Active, Creative, Effective, and Fun) so that learning objectives can be achieved especially learning Akhlaq creed. 7 It is also in line with the word of Allah in Surah An-Nahl verse 125 which reads: وجادلهم الحسنة والمىعظة بالحكمة ربك سبيل إلى ادع )125( Meaning:"Callupon (men) to thy Lord with wisdom and good lessons and bantahlah them in a good way. Your Lord is He who knows who strayed from His path and He knows best those who receive guidance"In such circumstances it is essential to learning materials creed Akhlaq discussed in a straightforward, collaborative and attractive and designed in good form. Indeed Akhla q 4 Trianto. Model-Model Pembelaj aran Inovatif B erori entasi Konstruktivistik. Jakarta:Prestasi Pustaka. 2007. Hlm 13 5 Wina Sanjaya. Kuri kulum dan Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Ken cana Prenada Media Group. 2010. Hlm 104 6 Tri anto. Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovati f B erori entasi Konstruktivistik. Jakarta:Prest asi Pustaka. 2007. Hlm 13 7 SM Ismail. Strat egi Pembel ajaran Ag ama Islam Berbasis PAKEM . Semarang: Rasail Media Group. 2009. Hlm 3 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 33 zzzzzz Aqeedah material so attractive if presented, but will depend on the nature teacher. For more interesting, the teachers are required to have a qualified design study model, and can attract the attention of all students. Appropriate learning strategies to stimulate positive interaction between learners, so that learners are keen to follow the lessons, which in turn can improve the achievement of learners. 8 One of the strategies that can be used by teachers in teaching is the elaboration of learning and cognitive styles. of learning Elaboration is the process of adding new details so that the information would be more meaningful, thus making coding will provide convenience and greater certainty. 9 The process of adding these details can be obtained from the making of the record. Through the elaboration of learning, learners are expected to delve information has been obtained, and be able to elaborate on the new information. Learners are also expected to actively and understand the concept better, remember longer, and be able to apply in other circumstances and are also excited in learning aqeedah morality. Departing from this author chose MTs College Mu'allimat Cukir Jombang as the object of the research objectives. Jombang Cukir MTs Mu'allimat University is a mid-level educational institutions under the auspices of the foundation Pesantren Putri Walisongo. This institution is a private Madrasah students to multiply significantly from year to year which indicates that the Madrasah is progressing very rapidly in addition to the increase of public confidence in this Madrasah. Besides, MTS College Mu'allimat Cukir Jombang a mid-level educational institutions began to compete with the educational institutions are equal in Jombang. So it is necessary to improve the quality of learning, especially in learning strategies. The purpose of research is revealing things about the goals to be achieved by a researcher who became the basic motivation and analyze critically and look for answers to the basis of the formulation of the problem. The purpose of this research is: 1. Describe the model learning strategy elaboration on the subjects of morality in MTs 8 Widarto & Jarwo Puspito. Efektifitas Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning dalam Meningkatkan Kecakapan Kejuruan dan Kecakapan Hidup (Life Skill) Siswa SMK Yogyakart a : Lembaga Peneliti an UNY. 2004. . Hlm 32 9 Tri anto. Model-Model Pembelajaran Inovati f B erori entasi Konstruktivistik. Jakarta:Prest asi Pustaka. 2007. Hlm 92 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 34 zzzzzz aqeedah Mu'allimat Cukir University Jombang 2. Describing learning outcomes subjects MTs aqeedah morality in Jombang Cukir College Mu'allimat 3. Describe the effect of applying the model of learning strategies elaboration on learning outcomes aqeedah morality in Jombang Cukir MTs College Mu'allimat 2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES pegembangan (IF ANY) this research is ex post facto is essentially a data research model presented after the occurrence. 10 According to Sugiono explain ex post facto research is a study conducted to investigate the events that have occurred and then by backward-factor to determine the factors that cause these events. 11 The paradigm of this research paradigm is simple, consisting of one independent variable(independentvariable)is (X1) learning strategy model of elaboration, and one dependent variable(dependentvariable),namely (Y) learning outcomes aqeedah morals , To find the relationship (X1) model learning strategy elaboration by (Y) aqeedah learning outcomes character, using a simple correlation techniques. Figure 1. 2 Paradigm Research Notes: X:Learning Strategy Y Elaboration:Learning Outcomes creed Akhlaq r: Relationships Therefore, in this study, researchers sought to find whether there is influence learning strategy elaboration model based on learning outcomes in MTs University Aqeedah Akhlaq Mu 'allimat Cukir Jombang. A. Population and Sample 10 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 66 11 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 6 r Y X Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 35 zzzzzz 1. Population According Sugiyono population is generalization region consisting of the object or subject that has certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to be learned and conclusions drawn. (Sugiyono, 2008: 117) Thus in accordance with the definition above, the population of this study the number of students MTs Cukir Mu'alimat Jombang Education are as follows: Table 3.1 Number of Students in Universities Mu'alimatCukir MTS Jombang No. Class VII VIII IX Number 1 . A1 29 36 28 93 2. A2 34-30 64 3 B 35 37 28 100 4. C1 36 40 35 111 5 C2 36 34-70 6. D 39 30 24 93 Total 209 177 145 531 Students From the above table the total population of the study, the number of students on university campuses MTs Mu'alimat Cukir Jombang is 531 students. 2. Sample The Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by this population. When a large population, and researchers may learn all there is in the population, for e xample, because of limited funds, manpower, and time, researchers can use the sample drawn from that population, the conclusion can be applied to the population. For that samples taken from the population to be truly representative (representing). 12 is partially or representative sample of the population studied. Named the study sample, if we intend to generalize the results of the study sample. 13 Further Suharsimi Arikunto argued that if the subject is less than 100, preferably taken 12 Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabet a. 2012. Hlm 114 13 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 174 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 36 zzzzzz all, so research is a research population. Next if the number of subjects of magnitude more than 100, it can be between 10% -15% or 20% - 25% or more. 14 Since the total population of more than 100 students, so in this study the authors only used a sample of 10%. Sampling technique using stratified proportionate random sampling, is taking a sample of the population members conducted randomly and noticed that there is in the population strata. number of samples in this study were taken 10% of the 531 students 53 stu dents. Decision-member sample of the population was randomly and noticed that there is in the population strata. Researchers determine the amount of the required sample size of 53 students. Since there are 3 classes with the many students as follows: 209 students of class VII, VIII class of 177 students, 145 students of class IX, then: Table 3.2Prosentase Sample Research on university campuses MTS Mu'alimat Cukir Jombang N0 CLASS TOTAL female students percentage of10% 1 VII 209 21 2 VIII 177 18 3 IX 145 14 TOTAL 531 53 B. Research Instruments (type and Scale Data, a derived variable, validity and reliability Instruments) Instrument ratings are equipment or facilities used by researchers to collect data so that job easier and the results better , in the sense that a more thorough, complete and systematic so more easily processed. 15 The structure of the instrument of this research are: 1. Types and Data Scale Data is the plural of datum The data are particulars about something, it can be something 14 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas at ya. 2006. Hlm 134 15 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 160 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 37 zzzzzz known or assumed. Thus, the data can be interpreted as something that is known or considered or perceived. Data are the facts and figures that can be used as material to construct an information, while the information is the data processing that is used to run a n errand. 16 Data according to type, there are two, namely quantitative and qualitative data. In this study, the data used is quantitative data, quantitative data that is data -number. 17 All of tangible numbers quantitative data can be analyzed using statistical analysis, both inferential or most prominent noninferensial. inherent in the nature quantitative data, which can be quantified. 18 The research instrument used to measure the value of the variables studied. Thus the number of instruments that will be used for research will depend on the number of variables studied. Because the research instruments will be used to perform measurements with the aim of producing an accurate quantitative data, each instrument must have a scale. Type of measurement scale used in this study is the scale interval. Interval scale is a scale that shows the distance between the data with each other and have the same weight. 19 Of the interval scale can be determined level of measurement that will be used in this study, namely the attitude scale. The shape of the attitude scale used is a Likert scale, which is a scale to measure attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about the phenomenon ofd social. The Answer each item instrument that uses a Likert scale has a gradation from very positive to very negative, for the purposes of quantitative analysis, the answer it can be scored. Likert scale presented a series of simple questions that measured attitude then respondents are asked to answer by choosing one of the options in response among the five possible answers that have been provided. 2. Variable descriptions No. Variable SubVariable Indicator Data source Method 16 Sukardi. Metodologi Peneliti an Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. 2012. Hlm 12 17 Riduwan, Skala Pengukuran Variabel -variab el Penel itian, B andung: Alfabeta. 2008. Hlm 5 18 Burhan Bungin. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif: Komunikasi, ekonomi, dan kebijakan publik serta ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya, Jakart a: Ken cana Pren ada M edia Group. 2005. Hlm 120 19 Burhan Bungin. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif: Komunikasi, ekonomi, dan kebijakan publik serta ilmu - ilmu sosial lainnya, Jakart a: Ken cana Prenad a M edia Group. 2005. Hlm 9 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 38 zzzzzz 1. Learning Strategy Elaborati on Model Makin notes a. short and concise information b. Store information for a retrial to be memorized c. Organize information so that it can be processed and linked to existing knowledge more effectively. Students Questio nnaire The use of analogy may point out the similarity between the fundamental characteristics of an object or idea a. PQ4R Strategy d. Facilitate transfer of information from short-term memory into long-term memory e. Encoding Enrich the 2. Learning Outcome s Akhlaq creed cognitive domains Knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis , synthesis, and Document s Documentat ion Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 39 zzzzzz evaluation. From the above-mentioned indicators is then used as a starting point to construct items instruments which can be a statement or a question. Instruments used in order to produce accurate quantitative data, each instrument must have a scale. The scale used in this assessment instrument scale is Likert used to measure attitudes, opinions and perception of a person or a group of social phenomenon. 20 This scale is used in the form of a score. The scoring of each item on the question of this research are: Table 3.4Skor / Tabulation Questionnaire Positive (Favorable) Questionnaire Negative (Unfavorable) Category Score Category Score Always 4 Always 1 Often 3 Often 2 Sometimes 2 Sometimes 3 Never 1 never 4 Based on the questionnaire obtained data analysis as follows: Table 3.5 Classification of learning strategy elaboration N o. CATEGORIES OF CLASS INTERVAL 1 excellent applied 31-40 20 Sugiyono. M etode Peneliti an Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfab eta. 2012. Hlm 134 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 40 zzzzzz 2 Pretty good applied 21-30 3 Less well applied 10-20 Based on table learning strategy elaboration in top with the item number as many as 10, then the highest theoretical score that may be achieved is 4 x 10 = 40, and the lowest score that may be achieved is 1 x 10 = 10. Table 3.6 Classification of Learning Outcomes creed Akhlaq N o. CATEGORY INTERVAL GRADE 1 is very capable of understanding aqeedah moral subjects 31-40 2 Self is able to understand the subjects aqeedah morality 21-30 3 Less able to understand the lesson aqeedah morality 10-20 Based on the table above by the number of items as much as 10, the highest theoretical score that may be achieved is 4 x 10 = 40, and the lowest score that may be achieved is 1 x 10 = 10. 3. Validity Validity is a measure that showed levels of validity or validity of an instrument. Test the validity of the evaluation is data that has been tested and conform to reality. In order to obtain valid data to evaluate the instrument or tool to be valid. An invalid or valid instruments have high validity. Preferably, the instrument is less valid means having a low validity. An instrument is said to be valid if it is able to measure what it wants an instrument, said to be valid if it is able to reveal the data of the variables studied properly. High and low validity Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 41 zzzzzz of the instrument indicates the extent to which the data collected does not deviate from the idea of the validity of the question. 21 To test the validity of this study empirically instruments carried by item analysis to find the index of correlation between each of the items with a total value then using formula product moments: r xy = 𝑁 𝑥𝑦 − 𝑥 𝑦 𝑁 𝑥 2− 𝑥 2 {𝑁 𝑦2 − 𝑦 2 formula 1. formula product Moment Description: r xy = number correlation index "r" product moment N = the number of data (respondent) 𝑥𝑦 = number by multiplying score x and y 𝑥 = the total score x 𝑦 = the total score y the results of calculations performed with SPSS version 20.0 briefly to tabular form as follows: table 3.7 Classification of Learning Strategy Elaboration N o. r Compute r table Description 5% 1% 1 0.648 0.279 0.361 Valid 2 0.603 0.279 0.361 Valid 3 0.417 0.279 0.361 Valid 4 0.718 0.279 0.361 Valid 5 0.697 0.279 0.361 Invalid 6 0.384 0.279 0.361 Valid 7 0.634 0.279 0.361 Invalid 8 0.591 0.279 0.361 Valid 9 0.564 0.279 0.361 Valid 10 0.546 0.279 0.361 Valid 21 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 212 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 42 zzzzzz N = 53 respondents Based on the above validity test using a sample of 53 and the number elaboration about strategy as much as 10 items declared valid by the significant level of 0.05 or 0.01, so if r count> r table, then the instrument is valid and feasible for research use. Table 3.8 Classification of Learning Outcomes creed A khlaq N o. r Compute r Table Description 5% 1% 1 0.783 0.279 0.361 Valid 2 0.534 0.279 0.361 Valid 3 0.486 0.279 0.361 Valid 4 0.783 0.279 0.361 Valid 5 0.765 0.279 0.361 Valid 6 0.472 0.279 0.361 Valid 7 0.596 0.279 0.361 valid 8 0.488 0.279 0.361 valid 9 0.765 0.279 0.361 valid 10 0.497 0.279 0.361 valid N = 53 respondents Based on the above validity test using a sample of 53 and the number of learning outcomes aqeedah about morality as much as 10 items declared valid by the significant level of 0.05 or 0.01, so that when r count> r table, then the instrument is valid and feasible for research use. 4. Instrument reliability is the reliability of the correlation technique to determine the validity of this item is now the most used technique. Reliability testing done by investigators internal consistency, done by trying the instrument Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 43 zzzzzz once, and then the data were analyzed with specific techniques. Results of analysis can be used to predict the reliability of the instrument. (Arikunto, 2013: 185) Sampling techniques using stratified proportionate random sampling, is taking a sample of the population members conducted randomly and noticed strata that exist in the population. As for testing the reliability index halved researchers used techniques, the research group the score even as the number of the first half (X) and odd sides score for both sides (Y). Then the score split correlate first with both sides using the formula as the formula product moment to examine the validity, so as to obtain results rxy. To obtain a reliability index instruments, the author uses the formula Spearman Brown as follows: 𝑟 11 = 2 𝑥𝑟 1/2 1/2 (1+𝑟 1/2 1/2 Formula 2. Formula Spearman Brown Description: r 11:instrument reliability r½ ½: r xy described as an index of correlation between the two parts of the instrument. the results of these formulations were consulted with the formulation of the product moment, when smaller than r table then this instrument is not reliable, but otherwise if r is bigger than r table then this instrument reliable. Table 3.9 Level of Reliability Based on Alpha Value Alpha Reliability Level of 0.00 to 0.20 Less reliable 0.200 to 0.40 Somewhat reliable 0.40 to 0.60 Simply reliable 0.60 to 0.80 reliable 0.80 to 1 , 00 Very Reliable Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 44 zzzzzz If the reliability of the research results can be seen from the table below table 3.10 Level of reliability Strategy Elaboration of reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha n of Items .779 10 In table reliability Statistics shows that the n use values Cronbach's Alpha was 0.779 with a number of questions 10 items. It can be concluded that the count r = 0.779 was greater than r table = 0.279 (5%) and 0,361 (1%) and lies between 0.60 to 0.80 (see label 3.7), so the reliability is unreliable. Table 3.11 Level Reliability creed Akhlaq Student Learning Outcomes Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .821 10 The table shows that the reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha value is 0.821 with a number of questions 10 items. It can be concluded that the count r = 0.821 was greater than r table = 0.279 (5%) and 0,361 (1%) and lies between 0.80 to 1.00 (see label 3.7), so the reliability is very reliable. 1. Data Gathering Techniques data collection technique is the most important step in the research, data collection methods are appropriate and relevant is an important step in a study. Data collection techniques used in this study is the method of observation and questionnaires to obtain data. An observation method can be interpreted in a systematic observation and recording of symptoms or phenomena under study. With this observation, the authors obtain information about the state of the research object, the state of infrastructure Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 45 zzzzzz used in teaching and learning, etc. Thus the researchers hope the data collection activities to run smoothly. Questionnaires are a number of technical questions that are used to obtain information from respondents in terms of his persona l report, or the things they know. 22 Model questionnaire used closed questionnaire where respondents lived choose answers that are given. Researchers used a closed questionnaire to obtain data for: a. Respondents will be easier to answer, because it has provided the answer. b. Data obtained in accordance with the expected. C. Data Analysis Techniques Data analysis technique used in this study is directed to answer the formulation. Then the data analysis techniques used are statistical methods that have been av ailable, namely the way of quantitative data processing tangible figures with the help of computer program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The steps are in use in analyzing the data is confirmed in outline that the analysis of the data it includes four things: 1. Editing (preparation) is a re-examination of the completeness of the answers obtained with a view to perfection questionnaire, namely: to a. check the name and identity of the data b. Checking completeness Data c. Check for any entries Data 2. Coding is an attempt to clarify the answers of respondents. 3. Scoring is giving the values on those items with a score of questionnaire answers. 4. Tabulation is entering the data that has been collected into a table. Included in the tabulation activities include: a. Providing a score on the items that need to be scored. For example, test, questionnaire form of multiple choice, rating scale, and so on. b. Provide the code to items that are not given a score. c. Changing the type of data, adjusted or modified with analysis techniques to be used. 22 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 2006. Hlm 143 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 46 zzzzzz d. Providing the code in relation to the processing of data if it will use the computer. The data analysis is an activity that is very important and requires precision as well as the criticality of researchers. Pattern analysis will be used, whether or non-statistic statistical analysis should be considered by researchers. 23 1) Test Prerequisites analysis Before data analysis to test the hypothesis, testing should be performed so that the conclusions drawn prerequisite to meet the requirements. 2) Normality Test Normality test used to determine the normality of the data distribution. Test normality using Test of normality the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at significance level of 0.05 with SPSSStatistics20.00,with guidelines for decision making based on significance: ▪ If the significance of> 0.05 MKA H0 accepted ▪ If significance <0.05 thenH0 is rejected 3) homogeneity testing homogeneity test on two groups of samples intended to ensure that both groups have the same variance. This test is performed by Lavene's Test with SPSSStatistics 20.00. The testing criteria are based on a probability value: a) If the probability value> 0.05 thenH0 accepted b) If probability <0.05 thenH0 is rejected 4) Hypothesis If the test prerequisites have been met, then the test of the hypothesis, which is used to determine whether there is influence strategy elaboration on learning outcomes aqeedah morality student. Hypothesis test is two-sample t-test free(Independent sample ttest).it can be written as follows. 1) If the significance of> 0.05 thenH0 accepted 2) If significance <0.05 thenH0 is rejected To test the hypothesis used simple regressions impel . Regress aims to study the relationship between two variables. The equation: 23 Suharsim i Arikunto, Prosedur Peneliti an. Jakarta: PT As adi Mahas atya. 20 06. Hlm 198 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 47 zzzzzz 𝑌 = a + bX Formula 3. Simple Regression 𝑌 = dependent variable (tied) X = independent variable a = constant (the price of Y to X = 0) b = Score direction (regression coefficient), indigo b positive (+ ), the direction of regression rises and when b is negative (-), the direction of regression down. The price of a and b can be determined by the formula: a = 𝑌 𝑋2 − 𝑋 𝑋𝑌 𝑛 𝑋2 − 𝑋 2 b = 𝑛 𝑋𝑌 − 𝑋 𝑌 𝑛 𝑋2 − 𝑋 2 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Overview Research Area Setting MTs education Mu'allimat Cukir Diwek Jombang is an educational institution located on Jalan Irian Jaya No. 3 Village Cukir Diwek District of Jombang. Cukir Mu'allimat MTs Jombang Education is one of the junior high formal education unit, under the auspices of the Foundation for Waqf Board KH.Adlan Aly. Founded in 1952, motivated by awareness of the importance of women's education cadres of Islam as well as the scarcity of educational institutions as a continuation of Madrasah Ibtida'iyah daughter at the time. Among five of the pioneering figures are: KH. M. Adlan Aly (Cukir), KH. Syansuri Badawi (Cukir), KH. Abdul Manan (Banyuarang), H. Kholil Musthofa (Tebuireng), K. Abu Hasan (Heaven). Since establishment has undergone some improvements and developments, in 1997 has gained the status of Lumped, and has been accredited-A since 2005 until now. With the National Standard Curriculum (same as SMP) that is integrated with the curriculum and the charge MORA School, MTs. Universities Mu'allimat as a vehicle for the preparation of the young generation of Muslim intellectuals and religious as well as a Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 48 zzzzzz sense of responsibility. The neighborhood around the Madrasah is Pondok Pesantren Putri Walisongo under the auspices of the same foundation Foundation of Wakaf Board KH. Adlan Aly, so as to support the development of emotional intelligence of students. B. Data To determine whether there is the effect of the application of learning strategies elaboration and cognitive style on learning outcomes in the moral creed MTs Mu'alimat Cukir University Jombang, the authors will present quantitative data. As already explained in the previous chapter, that the process of collecting data elaboration and implementation of the learning strategy of cognitiv e style against the results of studying Aqeedah akhlaq students are starting the now deployed on the 53 respondents, then in a discussion of testing and data analysis suggests researchers will yield raw data that researchers obtain from the spread of the now given to respondents using the tabulate the score. Based on tabulated score of elaboration and implementation of the learning strategy of cognitive style against the results of studying Aqeedah akhlaq students, the next step is to enter into the following levels: Tabel 4.1 The Data About The Application Of Score Learning Strategies Elaboration N o Skor No Skor No Skor 1 25 21 31 41 28 2 22 22 32 42 23 3 29 23 34 43 24 4 28 24 35 44 28 5 26 25 32 45 25 6 28 26 27 46 22 7 31 27 33 47 29 8 32 28 37 48 28 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 49 zzzzzz 9 29 29 31 49 26 10 24 30 33 50 28 11 35 31 33 51 24 12 24 32 32 52 26 13 22 33 31 53 24 14 32 34 32 15 40 35 32 16 34 36 32 17 24 37 34 18 40 38 29 19 32 39 22 20 24 40 29 Based on data presented in the table above do data analysis elaboration about implementation of learning strategies. Analysis of the values found in the table above can be known the frequency and percentage of implementation of the learning strategy elaboration by way of classification. As for the range of values the application of learning strategies the highest elaboration is 40 and the lowest value is 10. I.e. the number of score of 53 students who answered the question form with answers a to d, the highest value of the field is 40 and the lowest value obtained was once known then the next interval is used to determine the classification of presents, frequency and application of learning strategy elaboration. Tabel 4.2 Prosentase Strategi Pembelajaran Elaborasi. No Kategori Interval Frekuensi Prosentase 1 Sangat baik diterapkan 31– 40 24 45,3% 2 Cukup baik diterapkan 21 – 30 29 54,7% 3 Kurang baik diterapkan 10 – 20 0 0% Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 50 zzzzzz Jumlah 53 100% Based on the above table can be put forth that of the 53 students, shows very well applied with a frequency of 24 percentage of 45.3% and category quite nicely applied with 29 percentage frequency 54,7%, while lacking both applied with the frequency 0 0% percentage and level of learning strategies elaboration in MTs Mu'alimat College Cukir Jombang belongs good enough applied. Grafik 4.1 Diagram Of Learning Strategies Elaboration Table 4.3 Data Score About the results of Studying Aqeedah Akhlaq N o Skor No Skor No Skor 1 25 21 31 41 34 2 22 22 32 42 36 3 29 23 34 43 32 4 28 24 35 44 28 5 26 25 32 45 25 6 28 26 27 46 22 7 31 27 39 47 29 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 51 zzzzzz 8 32 28 27 48 28 9 29 29 25 49 26 10 24 30 33 50 28 11 35 31 39 51 24 12 24 32 34 52 26 13 22 33 39 53 24 14 32 34 33 15 40 35 37 16 34 36 40 17 24 37 31 18 40 38 33 19 32 39 30 20 24 40 36 Based on the data in the table above, conducted data analysis regarding the results of studying aqeedah akhlaq students. Analysis of the values found in the table above can be known frequency and percentage results of studying aqeedah akhlaq students by means of classification. As for the range of values the results of studying aqeedah akhlaq highest student is 40 and the lowest value is 10. I.e. the number of score of 53 students who answered the question form with answers a to d, the highest value of the field is 40 and the lowest value obtained was once known then the next interval is used to determine the classification, the frequency and presents the results of studying aqeedah akhlaq students. Table 4.4 percentage of Study results of Aqeedah Akhlaq No Kategori Interval Frekuensi Prosentase 1 Very sensitive in understanding the lessons of Aqeedah 31 – 40 27 50,9% Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 52 zzzzzz Akhlaq 2 Quite sensitive in understanding the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq 21 – 30 26 49,1% 3 Less sensitive to understand the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq 10 – 20 0 0% Jumlah 53 100% ased on the table above, it can be put forth that of the 53 students, shows a very sensitive in understanding the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq with 27 percentage frequency 50.9% and categories are quite sensitive in understanding the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq frequency 26 percentage of 49,1%, whereas less able to understand the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq frequency 0 0% percentage and level of learning outcomes in students Aqeedah Akhlaq MTs College Mu'alimat Cukir Jombang belongs to very sensitive in understanding the lessons of Aqeedah Akhlaq. Chart 2.6 percentage of Learning Outcomes Chart Aqeedah Akhlaq Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 53 zzzzzz As for knowing the distribution of data between variables example with variable teacher students emotional intelligence can be seen in the form of SPSS output result histogram plot and p-below: Graph 4.1 Normal Curve Learning Strategy Elaboration From the look of the results output histogram with normal curve application variables strategy elaboration support results from the scenes value close to 0. The resulting curve shape is not leaning to the left or to the right in the middle and likely bells. So the data elaboration strategies have a tendency normally distributed. Graph 4.2 P-Normal Plot of learning strategies Elaboration Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 54 zzzzzz Whereas the results of a Normal P-SPSS output Plot strategy elaboration noticed that the distribution of data points spread around the diagonal line, and dissemination of data points with line diagonal. So the data on research can be said to be normal . The graph of a Normal curve of Learning Outcome 4.3 Aqeedah Akhlaq From the look of the results output histogram with normal curve learning outcome variable aqeedah akhlaq students support the result of the scenes value close to 0. The resulting curve shape is not leaning to the left or to the right but tends to be in the middle and shaped like a Bell. So the results of student learning data has a tendency normally distributed. Grafik 4.4 Normal P-Plots The Results Of Studying Aqeedah Akhlaq Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 55 zzzzzz Whereas the results of a Normal P-SPSS output Plots the results of student learning to notice that the distribution of data points spread around the diagonal line, and dissemination of data points with line diagonal. So the data on research can be said to be normal. C. Test the hypothesis After doing the describing data then the next step is to test the hypothesis. With regard to test the hypothesis then necessary steps as follows: 1. Determine the hypothesis a. alternative hypothesis (Ha) research is: "there is the influence of the application of learning strategies Learning Outcomes Towards Elaboration Aqeedah Akhlaq in MTs Perguruan Mu'alimat Cukir Jombang.” b. the zero Hypothesis (Ho) this research is: "there is no influence of the application of learning strategies Learning Outcomes Towards Elaboration Aqeedah Akhlaq in MTs Perguruan Mu'alimat Cukir Jombang.” 2. Determine the extent of significant )α( Because the research was included in the educational research the n researchers using significant level of 5% with a value of 0.05 or truth of 95% or 0.95. 1. Determining Criteria Testing Hypothesis Criteria testing is done to find out whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted / rejected or otherwise the null hypothesis (Ho) accepted / rejected. The criteria hypothesis is as follows: Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 56 zzzzzz a. Ha accepted if the count r / t> of r tables / t table, so then Ho is rejected. b. Ho accepted if the count r / t t table 4.030 with a degree of probability / significant 0,000. Because the probability (0.000) is much smaller than 0.05 then models Regressional used can be used to predict that a significant difference between the application of elaboration strategies and learning outcomes aqeedah morality. Table 4.9 Regression Testing Learning Strategies Learning Outcomes Elaboration against creed Akhlaq Coefficients a Model unstandardized Coefficients Standardize d Coefficients T Sig. 95.0% Confidence Interval for B B Std. Erro r Beta Lowe r Boun d Upper Boun d 1 (Constant) 6277 3258 1926 .06 0 -.265 12 818 Strategi_Elabora si .723 7,484 .000 .110 .826 1,047 Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 59 zzzzzz .604 a. Dependent Variable: Hasil_Belajar_Aqeedah_Akhlaq Source: Output SPSS From the SPSS above it can be seen the influence of the independent variable (Strategy Elaboration) on the dependent variable (Learning Results creed Akhlaq) is as follows: The formula of simple linear regression: Where: Y = a subject / value in the dependent variable predicted a = price of Y when X = 0 (constant) b = number of regression coefficient direction Y '= 6277 + 0.826 (X) constants (a) = 6277 are statistically translates that to assume X = 0 then Y = 6277. regression coefficient (b) = 0.826. its means there is increase creed Akhlaq Learning Results in Universities Mu'alimat MTs Cukir Jombang, it can be concluded that there is a significant and positive influence between the application against the Elaboration Learning Strategies Learning Outcomes creed Akhlaq MTs Mu'alimat Cukir University Jombang. The coefficient of determination (R 2) aims to determine how much influence the dependent variable (Y) in the SPSS output, coefficient of determination lies in the Model Summary table (b) and written R square is said to be good if above 0.05 for the R-square ranging from 0 to 1 the analysis of the coefficient of determination can be seen in the following table: table 4.10 coefficient of determination (R 2) Strategies Learning outcomes creed Akhlaq towards elaboration Model Summary b Mode l R R Squar Adjuste d R Std. Error Change Statistics R F DDSig. F Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 60 zzzzzz e Square of the Estimat e Square Chang e Chang e F1 F2 Change 1, 723 a .514.5 23 56,01 0.000 3,612 1 51 .523 a. Dependent Variable: Elaboration Strategy b. Predictors: (Constant), The Results Of Studying Aqeedah Akhlaq Source: SPSS From the SPSS output, has a coefficient of determination R Square of 0.523 means that 52.3% of dependent variables (strategy elaboration) has an impact on learning outcomes of students' aqeedah morality, and the remaining 47.7% (100% - 52.3%) due to the influence of other variables outside variables used, because the R-square more than 50%, we conclude that the application of Learning Strategy Elaboration give effect to the creed Akhlaq Learning Results in Universities Mu'alimat MTs Cukir Jombang. This section presents the results of research. The results of the study can be equipped with tables, charts (pictures), and / or charts. Discussion section presents the results of data processing, interpreting logically invention, linking with relevant referral sources. 1. CONCLUSION From the results of research and discussion that has been outlined it can be concluded as follows: 1. Learning model of elaboration is the start of the presentation of the learning content on a general level moves to the level of detail (elaborative sequence). By learning from the general to the specific pattern, giving students a simple description contai ned in the content frame (epitome) and then develop it into subs material in more detail. Besides that, there are two stages of elaboration stimulate students 'memory in which the second elaboration stage as the consolidation of the students' ability in the first stage of elaboration. Imam Muslih-Siska Inda S ari The Inf luence Of The Application Of Learning Strategies Model Elaboration Results Learn Aqi dah Akhlaq In MTs Mu'alli mat College Cukir Jombang Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 61 zzzzzz 2. Results of study subjects applied the model creed Akhlaq after learning elaboration students more easily understand the material and got a satisfactory result. This is evidenced by the results of replicates almost all student s more easily answered and may resolve questions well. Each of the learning process, success is measured by the extent to which the learning outcomes are achieved learners, in addition to measured in terms of the process. Aqeedah Akhlaq learning implementation by the application of learning strategies elaboration models predicted to impact on student learning outcomes MTs College Mu'allimat Cukir Jombang. result of analysis using a regression formula and after the test was correlated with a significant (r = correlation coefficient) there are positive influence between learning strategies elaboration of the learning outcomes of students in MTs aqeedah morality College Mu'alimat Jombang. 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