EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 274 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z The Influence of Google Classroom Media on The Character of Responsibility In SMKN 3 Jombang Diah Puji Nali Brata, Eva Fitria Veranda STKIP PGRI Jombang, Accepted: January 3rd, 2021 Reviewed: January 5th, 2021 Published: 20th February 2021 Abstract: Education has a role to form quality and quality human resources. The role of teachers as one component of learning must have creativity in creating learning media in order for the learning process to be effective. Improved effectiveness of the learning process indicates the achievement of learning objectives. PKn teachers mostly still use lecture methods so that students only master knowledge. Students need meaningful learning to develop aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. One of the media that can be used to strengthen the learning experience of learners is Google Classroom media designed to help teachers create, describe and share assignments with students paperless. The Google Classroom app can also grow character, one of which is the responsibility of students. The purpose of this study was to reveal the influence of Google Classroom media on the character of responsibility in SMK N 3 Jombang. The method used in this study is quantitative, data collection in this study using questionnaires. The results of this study can be concluded that from testing using SPSS version 21 shows a calculated r value of 0.060 >r table 0.312 with a significant 0.713<0.05 so as to show there is an influence of Google Classroom learning media on student responsibilities. Keyword: Google Classroom Media, Responsibility, Students INTRODUCTION Education has a role to form quality and quality human resources. According to Law No. 20 of 20031 concerning the National Education System article (1) paragraph (1) explains that education is a conscious and planned effort to realize the atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual power, self- control, personality, intelligence, noble morals, and skills. The development of potential learners requires the role of teachers to provide an authentic and meaningful learning experience. Teachers are one of the learning components that serve to guide students and provide learning facilities for students2. So teachers must master the material, understand the learning model, and have creativity in creating learning media. The existence of innovative learning models 1 R I Undang-Undang, “Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sisdiknas Dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI Nomor 47 Tahun 2008 Tentang Wajib Belajar,” Bandung: Citra Umbara (2008). 2 Muh Barid Nizarudin Wajdi and Tobroni Tobroni, “Implications of Multiculturalism and Tolerance in Islamic Religious Education,” EDUCATIO: Journal of Education 5, no. 2 (2020): 182–192. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 275 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z supported by interesting media, the learning process will be effective. Improved effectiveness of the learning process indicates the achievement of learning objectives. So teachers should be able to master the learning model and create interesting media. Learners need varied, authentic learning experiences that can develop their full potential (knowledge, attitude, and skills). PKn teachers who are supposed to act as fasilisators, have problems, according to Widatmaka3 explaining that teachers in the subjects of Citizenship Education (PKn) in carrying out their role, PKn teachers have problems. PKn teachers do not act as facilitators but as the main learning resource. PKn teachers tend to use lecture methods, so students only master knowledge. Students need the right learning media to develop aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. One of the media that can be used to make it easier for students to master materials is Google Classroom media. Accordingto Hakim in Ernawati4 , Google Classroom is an internet-based service provided by Google as an e-learning system designed to help teachers create and share assignments with students paperless. Google Classroom has functions, among others, (1) facilitate communication between teachers and students. (2) motivate the activeness of learners. (3) improving the learning facilities of learners. In addition to the above functions, google classroom can also foster the character of student responsibility. The use of the Google Classroom app can also strengthen the character of learners, including: the discipline of collecting assignments, commitment, honesty in doing tasks, and responsibilities. The character of responsibility is the behavior that determines how the individual reacts to the situation on a daily basis, which requires some kind of moral decision. According to Kustomo5 Characteristics of attitude of responsibility, among others, (1) performing routine tasks without having to be told, (2) can explain what he does, (3) able to determine the choice of several alternatives, the form of behavior of responsibility of learners can be shown through the ability of learners in determining their choices in considering alternatives that feel appropriate. Using the Google Classroom app in school learning is one of the first steps to give students an idea and preparation for using information technology and to facilitate teacher and student interaction in cyberspace6. This application gives teachers the opportunity to explore their scientific ideas to students that aim to help create active, effective, efficient and fun learning. Using Google Classroom can also make it easier for students to learn anytime, anywhere7. 3 Pipit Widiatmaka, “Kendala Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Dalam Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik Di Dalam Proses Pembelajaran,” Jurnal Civics 13, no. 2 (2016): 188–198. 4 Afifah Zafirah et al., “Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Karakter Terhadap Peserta Didik Melalui Permainan Congkak Sebagai Media Pembelajaran,” Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter 8, no. 1 (2018). 5 Kustomo Kustomo, “HUBUNGAN SEKOLAH DENGAN MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus Di SMA Darul ‘Ulum 2 Unggulan Badan Pengkajian Dan Penerapan Teknologi Jombang),” in Seminar Nasional Pendidikan 2015, 2019, 250–270. 6 Abdul Muhid et al., “Improving Islamic Elementary Students’ Reading Comprehension Skill through Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review (SQ3R) Strategy,” International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, no. 7 (2020): 9589– 9598; Nisaul Barokati Seliro Wangi et al., “Gamification Framework and Achievement Motivation in Digital Era : Concept and Effectiveness,” International Journal of Engineering & Technology 7, no. 3.6 (July 4, 2018): 429–431, accessed August 24, 2018, 7 Shampa Iftakhar, “Google Classroom: What Works and How,” Journal of Education and Social Sciences 3, no. 1 (2016): 12–18; Michael J. Graham and Jason Borgen, “Google Classroom,” in Google Tools Meets Middle School, 2018; EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 276 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers at SMKN 3 Jombang, through an interview with Mrs. Laksmi Nusantari, S.Pd, M.Pd as a PKn teacher showed that Google Classroom media has a positive impact for students and fosters the character of student responsibility. The purpose of this study is to reveal the influence of Google Classroom media on the character of the responsibility of students at SMK N 3 Jombang. METHODS Research method is a way used to know or be interpreted as a science that learns about the ways that must be taken in an effort to achieve a goal to gain scientific knowledge. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. Quantitative research method is a method of research is based on the philosophy of positivism, so it is referred to as posivistic method. This method is referred to as a scientific method because it has fulfilled scientific rules that are empirical, objective, measurable, rational and systematic. (Sugiyono,2018:7) The population in this study is all students of class XI numbering 575 at SMK Negeri 3 Jombang based on random sampling techniques of the selected class xi tkj 1 and 2 which amounted to 72 people. Researchers use questionnaire methods with questionnaire instruments including: (1) Google ClassroomMedia, and (2) Attitude of responsibility that is first conducted a test of the validity and reality of the questionnaire. Data analysis techniques using Product Moment formula with SPSS calculation version 21. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Validity and Reliability Test a. Validity Test Results Validity test in this study using product moment person. A variable is valid if the resulting correlation value is from the critic value ( r table ) or p value r table (0.312). Thus it can be concluded that all research variables are valid. b. Reliability test The method used in this reliability test is cronbach alpha (r alpha) method with SPSS 21 program shown by the magnitude of alpha value (a) reliability decision making of a variable EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 278 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z determined by comparing the value of r alpha with r table, if r alpha>0.6 then the variable studied is reliable The analysis of variable reliability test in this study can be seen in the following table: Table of Reliability Test Results of Research Questionnaire Variable X Reliability Statistics Variable X Cronbach's Alpha N of Items Media Google Classroom (x) .696 15 Based on the results of reliability test in can be the value of cronbach's alpha coefficient that is r alpha >0,6 from the overall poll item about google classroom media that got alpha Cronbach's result 0.696 da r table 0.6 contained in each variable reliable because it is greater than r table. from the results of the analysis of validity and reliability tests that are above cronbach's alpha with a result of 0.696 > 0.06 can be distributed to all respondents 40 people because each item shows valid and reliable results. Reliability test results of the Y Variable Research Questionnaire Reliability Statistics Variable Y Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .696 15 Based on the reliability test results obtained alpha cronbach value of r alpha >0,6. So the whole item that is in the reliable variable because it is larger than the table, from the analysis in the table above alpha Cronbach's with a result of 0.696 > 0.06 can be distributed to all respondents 40 people because each item shows a valid and reliable result Hypothesis Test EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 279 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z Tabel CorrelationsCorrelations X And Google classroom media (variable X) Pearson Correlation 1 .060 Sig. (2-tailed) .713 N 40 40 Brush Responsibilit y (Variable Y) Pearson Correlation .060 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .713 N 40 40 From the test using SPSS version 21 shows a calculated r value of 0.060 >r table 0.312 with sig 0.713<0.05 so that it can be said ho rejected and Ha accepted or with the word the result shows there is an influence between google classroom learning media variables on the attitude of responsibility of grade XI learners in SMK N 3 Jombang. The influence of Google Classroom media on the character of student responsibility, because as it is known that the media is one component of learning that has an important role in the educational process. Students really need the right learning media to develop aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Improved effectiveness of the learning process indicates the achievement of learning objectives. (Jayawerdana & Kraayenoord, 2019), teachers need to provide reinforcement to students related to mental abilities, verbal abilities, and academic skills. Teachers have the autonomy to choose learning strategies, learning resources, assessment methods that are appropriate to achieve the goals and learning outcomes of learners. CONCLUSION The dissemination of instruments that have been conducted tests of validity and realibity of questionnaires, therefore from the results of data collection by conducting tests using SPSS version 21 shows a calculated r value of 0.060 >r table 0.312 with sig 0.713<0.05 so that it can be said ho rejected and Ha accepted or with the word the results indicate there is an influence between google classroom learning media variables on the attitude of responsibility of class XI learners in SMK N 3 Jombang. Suggestion From the results of the study researchers can provide the following advice: 1. Improved student-centered learning should give more autonomy to students and teachers in the learning and teaching process. 2. Teachers in choosing learning strategies can use inquiry-based learning practices 3. Teachers as fasilisators should provide opportunities for learners to develop learning independence, responsibility, help build their own knowledge, and learn to collaborate with other learners. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 5 , Number 3, February 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 280 Volume 01 No. 1, 2019 page 1-10 Article History: Submitted: 08-12-2018 Accepted: 08-20-2018 Published: 07-02-2019 zzzzzz z REFERENCES Graham, Michael J., and Jason Borgen. “Google Classroom.” In Google Tools Meets Middle School, 2018. Iftakhar, Shampa. “Google Classroom: What Works and How.” Journal of Education and Social Sciences 3, no. 1 (2016): 12–18. Kustomo, Kustomo. “HUBUNGAN SEKOLAH DENGAN MASYARAKAT (Studi Kasus Di SMA Darul ‘Ulum 2 Unggulan Badan Pengkajian Dan Penerapan Teknologi Jombang).” In Seminar Nasional Pendidikan 2015, 250–270, 2019. Muhid, Abdul, Yuli Ani Setyo Dewi, Imam Nur Aziz, M. 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