EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 41 Improved Integrated Thematic Learning Outcomes Applying Immersed Models For Elementary School Nur Atikah, Santia Indah Purnama , Afriya Mahdalena, Risda Amini Program Magister Pendidikan Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Padang Accepted: Jan 13th 2021 Reviewed: April 15th 2021 Published: May 30th 2021 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the learning outcomes of grade 3 elementary students through immersed model. This research was conducted in the even semester of teachings 2019/2020. The research method used is Class Action Research (PTK) with 3 cycles of action. The subjects of the study were grade 3 students, totaling 28 students, consisting of 14 male learners and 14 female learners. The data collection technique used is test. The test was conducted to measure the level of completion of learners' learning outcomes in learning through immersed model models. In the implementation of research through immersed models through the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. From the results of the study on cycle I obtained a percentage of classical completion 55.17%. In cycle II there was an increase in classical completion learning outcomes of 82.76%. It can be concluded that the model of make a match and media diorama can improve the learning outcomes of grade 3 elementary students. Keyword : Learning Outcomes, Integrated Thematic, Immersed Model. INTRODUCTION The thematic learning model has been implemented in elementary schools since the establishment of regional autonomy based on Law No. 32 of 2004. This policy among others provides a wide range of wiggle room to educational institutions, especially elementary schools in managing existing resources, by allocating all potentials and priorities so as to make breakthroughs in more innovative and creative learning systems. One of the creative efforts in implementing learning using competency-based curriculum in elementary schools is to conduct thematic learning1 In the Great Dictionary of Indonesian Language (KBBI), the word Guru is interpreted as a person whose job is to educate and teach. teachers are a profession that requires broad and high knowledge and insight, demanding a cleverness, intelligence, and expertise in communicating, wise, patient, and accepting individual differences. Before teaching, teachers must plan the teaching systematically, so that in the implementation stage of learning, the whole process can run well and achieve good results as well and the assessment stage. From the above statement, a teacher greatly 1 Adib Rifqi Setiawan, “Pembelajaran Tematik Berorientasi Literasi Saintifik,” Jurnal Basicedu 4, no. 1 (2020): 51–69. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 42 influences how an education goes. Teachers are one of the determining factors in the success of the learning implementation process2 The thematic learning model will not go well if the teacher does not master how exactly the thematic learning model should be. Thematic learning in elementary schools is well conceptualized, but in the implementation in the field there are still many elementary schools that do not apply thematic learning. That is because teachers have difficulty in implementing thematic learning, such as the lack of knowledge of teachers about thematic learning concepts, lack of facilities in schools, excessive capacity of students in the classroom, and lack of class numbers3; 4. Although the Syllabus and RPP are made in accordance with the established thematic learning concepts, but in reality are not applied thematically. This can be seen from the learning process that still uses certain subjects. Most teachers still have difficulty in implementing thematic learning models, even though the planning stage is well designed. If the implementation stage is not done well, then this will cause difficulties also at the assessment stage. Based on observations made by researchers in elementary school researchers see some difficulties experienced by teachers in the implementation of thematic learning models. As the limited knowledge and ability of teachers in teaching children's songs according to the theme, teachers have not mastered how exactly the thematic learning concepts in which teachers should be able to combine materials between fields of study in accordance with the theme so that in the implementation can run well, the difficulty of teachers in utilizing the media in accordance with the theme, researchers want to analyze the difficulties faced by teachers in carrying out thematic learning in elementary schools, especially low grades who are still learning basic reading lessons , write, and count (calistung), so that researchers can also know what are the factors that cause the difficulties and how solutions should be done. Teachers are more active than students, teachers use lecture methods more and students only listen to what the teacher describes. Thus, the thematic learning outcomes of students are 50% more still under KKM based on data taken from the students' daily test scores. This average has not reached the Minimum Completion Criteria (KKM) that has been set by the school which is 70. The data shows that only 10 out of 29 students can achieve KKM and can be said to be complete in thematic learning. The low thematic learning outcomes are due to the majority of new students being able to spell letters into words, so if the teacher forces the student's will to answer the story text there is a chance of students having difficulty. This thematic material can be helped by the teacher displaying interactive videos or power points and also the teacher can tell the students about the material being taught. The material will be easy to understand students by seeing something interesting and listening because to be able to understand the content of a text students must first lancer read. If this problem is not addressed it will adversely affect the success of the next student. 2 Risda Amini, “THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED LEARNING BASED STUDENTS ’ BOOK TO IMPROVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS COMPETENCE,” Unnes Science Education Journal 6, no. 2 (2017): 1586–1592. 3 Risda Amini and Mai Sri Lena, “The Effectiveness of Integreted Learning Model to Improve the Student Competence at Elementary School,” Unnes Science Education Journal 8, no. 1 (2019): 64–68. 4 Yanti Fitria, “EFEKTIVITAS CAPAIAN KOMPETENSI BELAJAR SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SAINS DI SEKOLAH DASAR,” Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar 1, no. c (2017): 34–42. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 43 One of the learning methods that can be applied to solve the problem is the immersed model. Immersed models in integrated thematic learning are essential for primary school students because they practice critical thinking skills and argumentum skills and problem solving skills. these skills are more widely applied in the classroom. Everyday problems can be associated with concepts or principles that exist in thematic learning, then students will be able to find their own concepts or principles contained in thematic learning by using immersed models5; 6. Teachers must also develop and increase students' curiosity. Curiosity is a scientific attitude that must be developed. Always curious about what, why and how a problem or symptom is encountered makes the insights of elementary school students develop. Thematic learning using immersed models places students as active learning subjects, not the other way around that is simply used as passive learning objects. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title of improving integrated thematic learning outcomes applying immersed models in grade III elementary school. METHOD The type of research used in Integrated Thematic learning applying Immersed Model in Class III is class action research (PTK). According to Jakni (2017:1) PTK is a translation of Classroom Action Research, which is Action Research conducted by teachers in their own classroom through self- reflection, with the aim of improving their performance as teachers, so that students' learning outcomes improve. The subjects in this study were all grade III students at SDN 28 Palembang, which consisted of 14 male students, and 14 female students. Data collection techniques in this study using test and observation techniques. Analysis of the test data of learners' learning results is processed by summing the scores obtained by the students on the tests that have been given, then divided by the number of students of the class so that the average score obtained from each cycle. The average value obtained by using the formula is as follows. x x N As for determining the activeness of learners' learning in Integrated Thematic learning Applying Immersed Model in Grade III is determined by calculating the activeness score of learners resulting from the number of descriptors that appear divided by the maximum number of descriptors and multiplied by a hundred. DISCUSSION Before conducting the study, researchers conducted an initial or pre-acted survey. The initial survey was conducted to find out the real state of integrated thematic learning of grade III elementary school in Sungai Geringging. The real circumstances studied include the process and results of integrated thematic learning of students. The results of the initial survey will be used as a reference to determine the actions that will be taken by researchers in this study. After that, the researchers divided the research process into four stages, namely: 5 (6) 6 Miftakhul Putra et al., “Efektivitas Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Berbasis Model Immersed Untuk Meningkatkan Respons Belajar Mahasiswa PGMI,” Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam 4, no. 1 (2018): 91–102. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 44 1. Preparation stage In the preparation stage of the activities carried out by the researchers is to determine the class that will be used as a place of research: in this study researchers took grade III SD N 19 Sungai Geringging Padang Pariaman theme 7 namely Energy and Change.; b. conduct interviews with grade III parents on matters that cause students' motivation to decrease during thematic learning; c. review the KD and the subjects to be combined. In this study KD taken by researchers is as follows: Bahasa Indonesia namely 3.1 Digging information from the text of informative reports observation results about changes in the form of objects, energy sources, energy changes, alternative energy, climate and weather change, the appearance of the earth and its changes, and the universe with the help of teachers and friends in Indonesian spoken and written that can be filled with regional language vocabulary to help understanding and 4.1 Observing and processing the contents of informative report text observation results about changes in the form of objects , energy sources, energy changes, alternative energy, climate and weather change, the appearance of the earth and its changes, as well as the universe independently in spoken and written Indonesian that can be filled with regional language vocabulary to aid presentation; Mathematics 3.14 Determines the comparison of data using tables, bar graphs, and circle graphs and 4.11 Collects, records, organizes, and presents data using tables and bar graphs; SBDP is 3.1 Getting to know decorative style artwork and 4.1 Decorative drawing by processing a mix of lines, colors, shapes and textures based on observations in the surrounding environment. Based on the three subjects that will be combined, it can be more easily understood in the scheme that can be seen in Figure 1. 2. Figure 1.2 Immersed model on thematic learning with energy source subtheme. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 45 2. Planning stage The planning stage of this study is the preparation of learning tools by researchers, which will be used as a reference at the implementation stage. The activities carried out are a. reviewing the syllabus; b. determine the learning model; c. prepare RPP in accordance with the specified KD; d. determine the learning media to be used; e. make a test sheet; f. prepare a knowledge assessment sheet; g. prepare an attitude assessment sheet; h. prepare an observation sheet of activities and interview students. 3. Implementation stage At the stage of implementation, researchers used immersed models. In the process of implementation before starting the learning researchers who act as teachers greet students, provide motivation, apperception and inform the purpose of the learning. At the core activities after giving students the opportunity to observe the media, the teacher provides information about the material on the day. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to determine what subjects they like the most among the three subjects. After the student has chosen, the teacher asks the student to determine what theme to take on the project this time according to what is offered by the teacher. After the theme is chosen, the teacher divides the group worksheet to each group followed by mentoring how to complete the project. Furthermore, the teacher gives each group time to discuss. Teachers make observations to assess aspects of students' attitudes during discussions. The aspects of attitude assessed by teachers in this project are three, namely, discipline, cooperation and confidence. 4. Immersed Type Alignment After the discussion, the teacher asks each group to demonstrate in front of the class and the teacher evaluates the outcome of the discussion. After the group demonstration activity is completed the teacher gives an assessment of the results of the group work done by students. While assessing the results of group work, teachers provide knowledge assessment sheets in the form of written tests to each student. Upon completion the teacher assists the student in concluding the results of today's learning. Furthermore, teachers give appreciation to the group that scored the highest and give appreciation to students who got good grades on the results of written tests and oral tests. Finally the teacher closes the lesson with a hamdalah reading. After a series of learning activities have been passed, researchers conducted a central interview of grade III students related to today's learning. The questions asked are around their learning activities today including their passion in learning today. 5. Analysis Stage After going through the three stages above, researchers conducted an analysis of each stage. At this stage of the analysis, researchers analyzed the results obtained from the observation of activities during integrated thematic learning of immersed type. Here are the results obtained by researchers in several stages. a. At the preparatory stage, after determining the classes that will be targeted for the application of immersed type integrated thematic learning and conducting interviews with the homeroom teacher, the researchers concluded that in the application of thematic learning in grade III mapping between lessons with each other is more visible resulting in students who do not like the subjects less motivated to learn. EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 46 b. At the planning stage, after reviewing and determining the material to be used as research materials, researchers developed a learning tool that will be applied to students by focusing on the application of immersed type integrated thematic learning. c. At the implementation stage, researchers acting as teachers as well as observers found improvements to students' learning motivation. Students who initially felt reluctant in the learning of the theme because of the prominence of literature in each subject became more motivated by the application of integrated thematic learning approach type immersed7 This is because students are able to overcome learning difficulties learning difficulties through group work. The reason most of the grade III students stated that in this learning they become more excited because with the cooperation in the group they can learn from each other and discuss by relying on their own experience and knowledge with their groupmates 8 CYCLE I In the implementation of cycle I found several things, namely: a) Not all students understand the integration of thematic learning is proven with students who are still confused when discussing and doing assignments or questions even though the teacher has explained. b) Readiness of space, tools, learning media and checking the readiness of students by teachers is not good because the condition of students is less conducive. c) Teachers lack the enthusiasm of students in learning. d) Not all students are able to make good use of time so that the results of writing poetry students are less than maximum. e) Teachers have not been able to manage the class properly f) Student learning outcomes improved after using the immersed model of 55.71% or as many as 16 students. Based on the observations on the implementation of cycle action I can be stated the following: a) 75.17 % of students were active during the aperception activity b) 75.86% of students' interests and motivations when participating in learning activities. c) 78.62% of students are active and attentive when the teacher delivers the material d) 55.17% of students scored > 72 in thematic learning the theme 7 namely energy and the change of sub-theme 1 learning energy source 3. Researchers are trying to explore the causative factors of the condition and then reflect. The results are: a) Teachers need to provide more understanding of immersed models b) Teachers should check students' condition before the lesson c) Teachers are expected to motivate students more by approaching students. d) Teachers are expected to interact more with students and need to set the time allocation so that it is as planned. 7 (7). 8 (8). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 47 CYCLE II In cycle II, researchers and teachers begin by conducting an action planning phase that includes the following activities: a) Develop RPP cycle II according to the learning scenario b) Shows a video about energy sources and displays interactive power points c) Share a student worksheet d) Students create mind maps or mind mapping individually e) Students create poems based on mind map images or mind mapping that has been created. The implementation of cycle II found several things: a) There are 5 students less attention when the teacher explains. b) Teachers are less motivating students to be active. Observations on cycle II can be stated as follows: a) 84.83 % of students were active during the apersepsi b) 86.21 % interest and motivation of students when participating in learning activities c) 86.90% of students are active and pay attention when the teacher delivers the material. d) 82.76% of students scored > 72 in the theme 7 thematic learning of energy and the change of sub-theme 1 learning energy source 6. This is in line with previous limited research that immersed models can increase students' motivation during the thematic learning process and can improve learning outcomes so that the immersed model becomes one of the solutions for integrated thematic learning9; 10. In relation to the observations, researchers tried to explore the factors that cause the condition and then reflect. As for the result, teachers are expected to motivate students more by approaching students and teachers need to direct students to pay attention to teacher11 CONCLUSION The application of immersed models can improve the quality of the process in integrated thematic learning in grade III elementary school. The activity of students during the apersepsi can be seen from the observations in cycle I which reached 75.17%. In cycle II, students' activity increased by 9.66% of students who were active in cycle II reached 84.83%. The interest and motivation of students who experienced an increase in cycle I was 75.86%. In cycle II, students' interest and motivation increased by 10.35%. Students who are interested and motivated when following the learning process in cycle II reached 86.21%. The activity and attention when the teacher delivers the material has improved. In cycle I it reached 78.62% and in cycle II there was an increase of 8.28%. The application of immersed models can improve integrated thematic learning outcomes with an average pre-cycle value of = 66.72, cycle I = 71.38 and cycle II = 80. 9 Syamsudin - Syamsudin and Luluk Safitri, “The Integrated Thematic Learning with Immersed Type in Improving Students’ Motivation: Study at MI Tahsinul Akhlak Bahrul Ulum Surabaya,” Ta’allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 8, no. 1 (2020): 160–180. 10 Pramudya Dwi Aristya Putra and Sudati, “Pengembangan Model Immersed Pada Mata Kuliah IPA Terpadu Berorientasi Pada Kurikulum 2013 Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa,” Executive Summary 1 (2014): 1–9. 11 discussions (11). EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 1, May 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) 48 The percentage of students' completion in pre-cycle is 27.59 %, cycle I = 55.17 % and cycle II = 82.76 %. 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