EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume , Numb er 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Ahmad Zarkasyi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Miftahul Ulum Lumajang Published: May 15, 2017 Reviewed April 12, 2017 Received: March 5, 2017 Abstract: 1945 Constitution explicitly mandates that every citizen has the right to education because education is the main instrument to build a culture and civilization both the Islamic nation and Nor. Even Indonesian government has committed internationally to achieve the target of increasing the quality of education for all by 2015, there are still many issues concerning education in addition to the issue of access to education. Included in these issues is a matter of fairness and quality of education. To address these issues, the recommendations need to be provided based on evidence gathered from painstaking research in order to be relied upon by the government, to be used as a basis of an access, power quality competitiveness of education in the era of competition. Effective policy formulation process must pay attention to harmony between the agenda of policy proposals and strategies (grand design) government. The government also is not the sole actor in increasing accessibility of education. Communities also have an important role in improving the quality of life of their own. Keywords: Islamic Education, Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness A. INTRODUCTION 1. Background The series of word "Islamic education" can be understood in a different sense, among other things: 1) education (according to) Islam, 2) education (in) Islam, and 3) education (religion) of Islam. The first term, education (according to) Islam, based on the viewpoint that Islam is a teaching about the values and norms of the ideal life. The second term, education (in) Islam, based on the perspective that Islam is the teachings, culture and civilization system that grows and develops throughout the course of the history of Islam, since the time of Prophet Muhammad saw. until the present. Thus, education (in) Islam more historical or educational history Islam. While then called third term, education (religion) of Islam, in this case can be understood as a process and effort as well as how the transformation of the teachings of Islam, Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 65 zzzzzz in order to be a reference and outlook life for Muslims. Thus, education (religion) of Islam emphasizes on the theory of Islamic education. 1 In essence, education is an effort to build a culture and civilization either Islam or not. Therefore, the 1945 Constitution explicitly mandates that every citizen is entitled to education. Education has a vital and strategic role in the development of the nation as well as contributing significantly to the economic growth and social transformation. Furthermore, education has four pillars: learning how to learn, learning how to know, learning how to be, and learning how to live together, will create an educated society that is a prerequisite for the formation of an advanced society, independent, democratic, prosperous and free from poverty. 2 In order to improve the quality and relevance of education, continue to be done increasing the number and quality of teachers and education personnel, including through the provision of auxiliary teacher while, the provision of teaching materials, especially textbooks and equipment educational products, strengthening the life skills education and structuring relationships education institutions with industry and the business world. Although the Indonesian government has committed internationally to achieve the target of increasing the quality of education for all by 2015, there are still many issues concerning education in addition to the issue of access to education. Included in these issues is a matter of fairness and quality of education. To address these issues, the recommendations need to be provided based on evidence gathered from painstaking research in order to be relied upon by the government, to serve as an educational foundation that determines regularly prescribed plan for goal achievement. An education policy platform means is a basis for a decision to do something of stakeholders who design education decision making rules. 3 The cornerstone of education policy has become a reference step in implementing education. Policy decisions have been considered and carefully prepared premises for the purpose of improving the quality of education is better. Policy formulation process that effectively address the alignment between the proposed policy agenda and strategies(grand design)government. Indonesia, which suffered several days of leadership also affect education policy changes but remains a major policy platform of the Opening Act of 1945, Officially, this management 1 Fazlur.Rahman, 1999. Islam and Modernity: Transf ormation of an Intellectual Tradition , (US: Th e Universit y Chi cago) h 351 2 3 http://www.kompasiana. com/tohaunissula/kebijakan -pendidikan-n asional-dan-im plikasinya-terhadap- pendidikan-agama-islam_54f94ac1a33311f8478b4e38 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 66 zzzzzz change has been realized in the form of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22, 1999, then revised and refined into Act 32 of 2004 on Regional Government. The Implementation of guidelines have been made through the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 25 of 2000 regarding Government Authority and Provincial Authority as Aut onomous Region and the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 2015 About the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Year 2015 - 2019. The logical consequence of Law and Government in the form of a change in direction of educational paradigm, from the old paradigm to a new paradigm, which would also have an impact on Islamic education policy formulation process. Ideally, a new paradigm of education should coloring education policy both substantive education policy and implementation. The government also is not the sole actor in increasing accessibility of education. Communities also have an important role in improving the quality of life of their own. change Mindset and awareness about increasing the quality of life greatly affect the accessibility of education, because that accessibility is not a process played by a single actor but done in synergy. This is done with equity, increased accessibility, improved macro and micro facili ties, must show the framework of cooperation with other fields in the vision of sustainable development. Therefore, in this paper, the author tries to make a critical assessment of education access policy, the policy of education quality and competitiveness of Islamic education in Indonesia. 2. Problem Formulation Based on the background of the problems mentioned above there are a few things to the writer formulated are : 1) How the concept of education access policy, the policy of education quality and competitiveness of Islamic education? 2) How critical assessment of the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and competitiveness of Islamic education? 3) How alternative solutions developed to bridge between reality and ideals in the implementation of the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and competitiveness of Islamic education? 3. The Purpose The purpose of this paper is as follows: 1) To describe the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 67 zzzzzz competitiveness of Islamic education? 2) To criticize the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and competitiveness of Islamic education? 3) To provide alternative solutions developed to bridge between reality and ideals in the implementation of the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and competitiveness of Islamic education? B. DISCUSSION 1. The concept of Access Policy Education Policy Education Quality and Competitiveness of Islamic Education a. Concepts Access Policy Education Leslie stated that: "the word the policy comes from the translation of policy, the which has the meaning as the best choice within the limits of the competence of actors and institutions concerned and formally binding". 4 Meanwhile, according Aminullah in Tilaar, "a policy or action is an attempt to influence the system meet the desired objectives, efforts and actions are intended to be long-term strategic and thorough". 5 While the word access according to Indonesian Dictionary is the entrance and affordability. 6 The terminology, Moseley define access within the context of the public service as a guarantee of the availability of resources; the availability of resources will trigger a person's ability to get what he wanted. Linkage parties as suppliers (providers) with those in need (demand) strongly supports the implementation of the access itself. Resource utilization on par with similar needs that will make access both will be connected to the well and will run in accorda nce with what the objectives of a form of the service. Briefly Islamic education according Hasan Langgulung explained that Islamic education is a process of spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and tried to guide man and give him the values and principles as well as an ideal example in the life hereafter. While education by Syekh Muhammad 4 Pal A. Lesli e. 1992. Public Policy Analysis, An Introduction. Ontario: A division of Thomson Canada Lim ited., h. 7 5 Suryadi, A ce Til aar. HA R. 1993. Analisis Ke bijakan Pendi dikan, Suatu Pengantar. ( Bandung Rosda Karya) h 5 6 Boediono. 1995, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan Dan K ebudayaan, B alai Pustaka , Jakarta Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 68 zzzzzz Naquib al-Attas termed ta'dib which implies science, teaching and upbringing that includes several interrelated aspects such as science, justice, wisdom, charity, truth, reason, soul, heart, mind, degrees and attitude. In general it can be said that Islamic education is a science education based on Islam. 7 Islamic education experts according to al-Abrasy Athiyah have agreed that the purpose of education and teaching is not meet the child's brain with all sorts of science that they do not know, but: a. Educate their character and soul; b. instill a sense of virtue (fadhilah); c. familiarize them with the high courtesy; d. preparing them for a life that is holy entirely wit h full sincerity and honesty. Thus, the ultimate goal of Islamic education according to al -Abrasy is educating character and formation of the soul. All education must contain moral lessons, and every educator must think of religious morals before the others because of religious morality is the highest morals, while the noble spirit that is the pole of Islamic education. So we can conclude that the policy of access to education is is an attempt or act strategically to influence the system achievement of a leveling process to the implementation of education, so that all people can reach out and feel the service in pendidika the teaching and upbringing that includes several interrelated aspects such as science, justice, wisdom, charity, truth, reason, soul, heart, mind, degrees and manners. When the access of education you want associated with government policy platform, it will be found PROPERNAS regulations in 2000-2004, which refers to the Guidelines 1999-2004 regarding education development policy on the first point to mention: 8 "Promoting the expansion and equalization obtain a high quality education for all Indonesian people towards Indonesian Man creation of high quality with significantly development of education budget ". And on one objective of the Indonesian education is to equal opportunity to participate in education for every citizen. "The orientation of education policy is primarily directed to the needs learners. The education policy should be directed at the formation of organic intellectuals who become agents of renewal in society people. 9 Many public education programs carried out by the Government to open up people's access to education both formal and non-formal education. Law No. 20 of 2003 Article 13 explains 7 Naquib Al attas. 2001. Risal ah untuk Kaum Muslimin. (Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC) h 17 8 Dirjen Dikti. 2003. “Peran, Fungsi, dan Kebijakan Pemerintah Pusat pada Pe mbangunan Pendidikan Tmggi 2003- 2010” Consolidated Report. 11 November2003 9 Abdul Wahab, Soli chin, 2008. Pengantar Analisis Kebijakan Publik. (Mal ang: UMM) h 71 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 69 zzzzzz that: 1. educational path consists of formal, non-formal and informal complementary and enriching; 2. Education As mentioned in paragraph (1) shall be organized by an open system through face to face and / or over a long distance. Programs that are prepared each district governments are not all the same, depending on the needs and desires of the policy direction of the chill, especially in the education sector, a variety of courses are offered ranging from the release of SPP / BP3, procurement of textbooks, infrastructure development, education-based boarding, special education schools and so forth. 10 The government's obligation to meet the public's access to education: 1. Requiring a certain age follow the basic education requires a certain age then implemented basic education compulsory education of nine years it aims to achieve equitable and quality education Unitary Republic of Indonesia and to fulfill the rights Citizens basis certainly not without considerable attention from the government such as tuition exemption and a variety of programs for community education for the underprivileged. 2. Expanding the number of schools. In line with the development of a fairly rapid population necessary to increase the number of schools that were able to accommodate all school-age children in line with the population growth. 3. Expanding distribution schools except number of schools increased in number should also pay attention to the distribution of schools to reduce the education gap. This decline by providing great access to the public to participate in education which have been less affordable by remote communities, indigenous communities, and the poor. 4. Provide the kind schools accordance with the needs or tastes of the people. 11 Organizing formal and non formal education in accordance with the characteristics required by the community. In addition to formal education, non-formal education is also considered important to improve life skill that will be able to separately raise the quality of life. Fulfilling the mandate mandated by law No. 20/2003, Article 36 (2), that the curriculum was developed to diversify and mandate of PP 19/2005 curriculum developed by the educational unit (school) with reference to the Content Standards, as stipulated in the Ministerial Regulation No. 10 Peraturan Pemerintah ( PP.) No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Standar Nasional Pendi dikan, Pasal 13 11 Sakb an Rosidi, , 2008. Ekonomi Politik Pendidikan: Sebuah Pir anti Analisis Kritik Kebijakan . Edu-arti cl es. com Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 70 zzzzzz 22/2006, and Standard Competency Education Unit, contained in Permendiknas Number. 23/2006, and based on the guidelines drawn up by BSNP. Development and implementation of a diversified curriculum is a major challenge for schools. If during the curriculum drawn up in full by the government and schools stayed apply, in the present and beyond the school demanded to develop their own curriculum. The policy requires the school to be able to outline the content standards set by the government into a curriculum that is believed to be suited to the circumstances of the school concerned and its implementation can deliver learners achieve competency standards have been set. b. Concepts of Quality Improvement and Competitiveness of the Islamic Educational Quality by Dahlan Al-Barry in Modern Indonesian Dictionary is"kualitet"/ "good or poor quality goods". 12 As well as being quoted by Qura'ish Shihab that defines quality as either level or quality of something bad something. 13 The quality system is a process that emphasizes quality as a business strategy oriented to customer satisfaction by involving all members of the organization. So that when the quality associated with education, it can be understood in quality o f education is a strategic action on continuous improvement, which can provide a set of practical tools to every educational institution to meet the needs, desires and expectations of the customers, now and in the future , 14 There are four quality standards of education in order of priority are as follows:(teacher)Teachers need to emphasize the core values associated with the development of a scientific attitude and creative in every assignment given to students, guiding students to solve a problem,(curriculum)The curriculum also must contain clearly the ways of learning(learning)and method of evaluation (assessment) which is used in the classroom. (academic atmosphere)where the atmosphere is built from the interaction between the students, the interaction bet ween students and teachers, interaction with parents and also physical environment created atmosphere, and(academic resource)Scientific Resources here is in the form of infrastructure in teaching activities, namely books, visual aids and technology. Kemendikbud as regulatory policies also become the basis of Islamic educational institutions 12 M. Dahl an Al B arry, Kamus Modern Bahasa Indonesia (Yogyakarta : Arloka, 2001), 329. 13 Quraish. Shihab, Membumik an Al-Qur an (Bandung : Mizan, 1999), 28. 14 Edward Sallis, Total Quality Management in Educatian, diterjemah oleh Ahmad Ali Riyadi dan Fahrurrozi, Managemen Mutu Pendidikan, (Jogjakarta, IRCiSoD, 2006), 73 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 71 zzzzzz have developed a comprehensive approach to improve the quality, relevance and competitiveness of education. This comprehensive approach is designed based on Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, which mandates the development of the National Education Standards (NES), the holding of an international education and local excellence, accreditation of education, and the Minimum Service Standards (SPM). 15 1) National Education Standards National Education Standards (SNP) serves as a basis for planning and supervision of education in order to realize the national education quality. SNP policy will be implemented through the following activities: 1) Implementing the curriculum content standards in the education unit. 2) Applying the competency standards. 3) Applying the teacher qualification standards, and implement teacher certification. 4) Applying the management standards of education. 5) Applying the assessment standards of learning outcomes. 6) Implement standards for school infrastructure. 7) Applying standard educational process. 8) Developing standards of education financing. 2) Local Excellence Based Education Article 50 paragraph (3) of Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System mandates that the government and / or local governments organized at least one unit of education at all levels of education to develop into international standard schools, while pa ragraph (5) mandates that county and city governments to manage education as primary and secondary as well as the educational unit of local excellence. 16 Characteristics of international education is that the process and minimal education graduates on par with schools and universities in advanced countries. Education development policies in the organization of an international education and local excellence will be implemented through the following activities: a) Increase the number of education units development of local excellence least one school in the province, county, and city. b) Helped organize local excellence based education units held by the public. 15 A. Supriyanto, Jurnal Ilmu Pendidik an Mutu Pendidikan di Daer ah Diseminasi November 1997, Jilid 4, (IKIP : 1997), 225 16 Peraturan Pemerintah ( PP.) No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Standar Nasional Pendi dikan, B ab I, Pasal 50. Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 72 zzzzzz c) Facilitates educational cooperation between the education unit to establish educational partnerships(sister school)abroad. 3) Minimum Service Standards (SPM) In carrying out the educational process required standard of judicial education services may be invoked by all educational units, for the government has implemented a set of SPM education with Kepmendiknas No.129a / U / 2004 is in the process of improvement to be aligned with the PP 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards and PP 65 of 2005 for SPM education is very necessary so as to ensure the quality of education organized by the local government. The principles of SPM in accordance with Article 3, PP 65 Year 2005, namely (1) SPM is organized as a tool. Government and local governments to ensure access to and quality of basic services to the public evenly within the framework of implementing the obligatory functions. a) SPM is set by the government and enforced for the entire provincial government, local government districts and cities. b) SPM implementation by local government is part of a nationwide basic service delivery. c) SPM is a simple, concrete, easy to measure, open, affordable, and reliable and has a time limit of achievement. d) SPM adapted to the development needs, priorities, and national and regional financial capability. 17 In order to realize these objectives, Improving Public Access to E ducation More Qualified to be implemented within the framework of the policy direction as follows: 18 1) Organizing Compulsory Basic Education Nine Year to ensure equitable quality basic education in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia to fulfill the basic rights of citizens , For that efforts to recall the number of dropouts and graduates SD including SDLB, MI and Package A, which did not continue to pursue the SMP / MTs / Package B as well as the effort to reduce the dropout rate must be optimize d. 2) Significantly reducing the number of illiterates through increased intensification of expanding access and quality of functional literacy education that is supported by efforts to reduce dropout rates, especially in the early grades SD / MI or equivalent as well as develop a culture of reading to avoid illiteracy back (relapse illiteracy), and create a 17 Peraturan Pemerintah PP No. 19 T ahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidik an . Pasal 3. 18 Pusat St atistik Pendidikan.2002. Statistik Persekolahan 1994-2011, Jakarta. Rentra Depdiknas 2009-2014 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 73 zzzzzz learning society. 3) Promote the expansion and equity of secondary education, formal and non-formal both general and vocational anticipation of growing junior high school graduates as a result of the success of Compulsory Universal Basic Education Nine -Year, and provision of employment of graduates of secondary education quality by increasing the relevance of secondary education with manpower needs work. 4) Promote the expansion and quality of higher education, including balancing and harmonizing the number and type of courses that are tailored to the demands of the development needs and to produce graduates who meet the needs of the labor market as well as increasing and strengthening the role of universities as the spearhead of improving the competitiveness of the nation through the creation and development of science , technology, culture and art. 5) Promote the expansion of early childhood education in order to foster, cultivate and develop the full potential of early childhood optimally in order to have the readiness to enter further education. 6) Organizing non-formal education quality to provide educational services to citizens who can not possibly meet the needs of education through formal channels, especially for people who have never attended school or are illiterate, school dropouts and other community members who want to improve or acquire the knowledge, skills / skill life and the ability to improve the quality of life. 7) Lowering the disparity in education between groups by providing greater access to community groups that have been less accessible by educational services such as the poor, the people who live in rural areas, remote and island, people in conflict areas, as well as people with disabilities. 8) Organize alternative education in areas of conflict and natural disasters were followed by rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged infrastructure including the provision of teachers and education personnel, as well as the preparation of learners to be able to follow the teaching and learning process. 9) Conducting special education for students who have difficulty in following the learning process because of physical, emotional, mental, social, and / or have the potential intelligence and special talents. 10) Intensifying the socialization importance of education for all to the whole community as Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 74 zzzzzz well as the advocacy for decision makers to put greater emphasis on the development of education. 11) Develop local and national curriculum tailored to the development of science, technology, culture and the arts as well as global developments, regional, national and local, including the development and integration kinesthetic life skills education to improve the work ethic and entrepreneurial abilities of learners; 12) Develop citizenship education and multicultural education in order to foster national awareness and sow the democratic values by means of strengthening understanding of the values of pluralism, tolerance, and inclusive in order to improve adhesion pluralistic Indonesian society, and strengthen national unity. 13) Strengthening the moral education in order to develop noble character includes ethics and aesthetics early among learners and knowledge development of arts, culture, and environment. 14) Provide materials and equipment to education (teaching and learning materials), and includes the latest print materials such as textbooks and are based on information and communication technology and the natural surroundings. 15) Increase the number and quality of teachers and other education personnel taking into account the increase in the number of learners and the accuracy of the location, as well as improving the welfare and legal protection for educators to be better able to deve lop competencies and increase their commitment in carrying out the task of teaching. 16) The development of information and communication technology in education as a science, teaching aids, educational facilities, competency standards, supporting educational administration, educational unit management tools, and educational infrastructure. 17) Developing a system of evaluation, accreditation and certification, including testing and evaluation of education systems in order to control the quality of national educati on in the educational unit as a form of accountability of education providers, as well as the evaluation of education providers in the district / city, provincial and national levels. 18) Enhance the management of education by increasing autonomy and decentralized management of education to the education unit in organizing education to be effective and efficient, transparent, responsible, accountable and participatory based on the minimum service standards and increase the relevance of learning to the local Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 75 zzzzzz environment. 19) Increase community participation in education development, including in education funding, the implementation of community-based education as well as in improving the quality of educational services that includes planning, monitoring, and evaluation of educational programs. 20) Reforming the system of financing education is principled fair, efficient, effective, transparent and accountable, including the implementation of education funding based on the number of students (student-based financing) and an increase in the education budget to 20 percent of the state budget and the budget to continue the efforts on equity and the provision of educational services quality. 21) Increase research and development of education for the development of policies, programs, and educational development activities in order to improve the quality, range and service equity, effectiveness and efficiency of educational services management including to support efforts to succeed Compulsory Nine-Year Basic Education quality. 2. Critical study on Access and Quality of Islamic Education Azyumardi Azra stated that the era of regional autonomy, "educational institutions, such as schools, madrasahs, schools, universities (colleges), and others - are integrated in the national- education should be reoriented, reconstruction critical, restructuring and repositioning, as well as trying to implement a new paradigm of national education ". 19 In the context of equitable access to educational problems can occur due to lack of organizations coordination between the central government and regional government, to remote areas. This led to the breakdown of communication between the central and local governments. Besides educational equity issues also occur due to lack of helplessness on an institution to undertake the educational process, it can only happen if the control of education that the central government and not local area reach remote areas. So this will result in the majority of the Indonesian population of school age, can not get an education implementation, as expected. Then the high costs to acquire a stool community college education make rural communities have no other choice except not continue their education at college even not attending school. In line with the process of educational equity, quality improvement for each level of 19 Azyumardi Azra, . 2002, Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Nasional, Rekontruksi dan Demokrasi, (Jakart a :kompas) h xii Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 76 zzzzzz education through schooling is also implemented. This quality improvement is directed to improving the quality of inputs and graduates, process, teachers, fac ilities and infrastructure, and the budget used to run education. The low quality and relevance of education is influenced by several factors. The most important factor affecting the quality of the learning process is not yet able to create a quality learning process. Educational outcomes are also not supported by testing and assessment system of institutionalized and independent, so that quality education can not be monitored objective and regularly . the test appeal between the quality of education one area to another can not be performed as expected. So that the results of educational assessment has not been functioning fatherly improved process and outcomes of education. 20 In addition, the school curriculum is structured and laden with the burden of making learning becomes stiff and uninteresting. Implementation of such education is not able to cultivate creativity fatherly students learn effectively. The system prevailing at the present time are also not able to bring teachers and professors to perform learning and learning management become more innovative. As a result of the implementation of the education is to be a school tend to be less flexible and not easily changes with time and society. In higher education, the implementation of the curriculum is set at the determination of the material scope set centrally, so it needs to be implemented change towards competency-based curriculum, and more sensitive to the development of science and technology. The low quality and relevance of education is also due to the low quality of teachers. Assessment can be seen from learning qualifications can be achieved by teachers and lecturers. Compared to other developing countries, then the quality of teachers of higher education in Indonesia has a very fundamental problem. 1. Alternative solutions developed to bridge between reality and ideals in the implementation of the policy of access to education, quality of education policy and competitiveness of Islamic education a. efforts to increase access to education Islam 20 Hill, Y., Lomas, L., Macg rego r, J., 2003. Student Perception of Quality in Higher Education, Quality Assuransce in Education, Vol. 11. No.1, pp. 15-20. Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 77 zzzzzz Looking at the problem, it needed cooperation between educational institutions with various community organizations. To realize the national education policy, then there are several national education strategy. First, the democratization of education, efforts can be made to hold the expansion and equal access to education, realizing education for all, allowing the empowerment and public institutions, giving special attention to specific groups, and work for the establishment of educational units. Second, improve the quality of education at all levels are realized with the reforms, the curriculum at all levels, enhance the professionalism of staff, improve the quality of the process and evaluation of education, improve the supervision role of education, and the improvement quality of research. Third, improve the relevance of education to manifest with basic skills development, setting the program in accordance with the interests of the continuation of studies and enter the workforce, creating a humane educational process, and build an inclusive educational climate. Lastly, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of education that can be realized with the establishment of School Based Management and Education-based society, the rule of autonomy and accountability of educational institutions, the application in education funding based on performance and strengthening the presence and function of accreditation of educational institutions of all levels, and to seek bureaucratization of education , Then the government can Implementing Education Development Program in Higher Education, which the program aims to improve equal opportunity to obtain higher education, particularly for outstanding students who come from poor families and marginalized rural society. Policy formulation process that effectively address the alignment between the proposed policy agenda and strategies(grand design)government. Through consultation and interaction, emphasizing the policy formulation stage so that the consistency of the new policy does not conflict with the government's agenda and programs that are being implemented. In fact, policy makers often lose their way in setting policy goals. Solutions are often viewed as more important than the problem. Yet often it is otherwise where a good solution will fail if applied to the wrong problem. That policies remain focused on the goals that have been set, the policy -making should be guided by a policy step cycle that includes planning and evaluation. In this process, the policy makers are usually guided by questions such as: What is the purpose or function of a policy? How the policy would affect the government's overall agenda, government departments, client groups, interest groups, and the community at large? What and how the relationship between the Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 78 zzzzzz means of implementing the policy objectives? Is there a tool or mechanism of simpler implementation? How to policy with regards to the policies of other governments? Can the new policies that make a difference as expected? According to Anderson in his book Subasono, there are four aspects that need to be studied in policy implementation, namely: 1. Who implements 2. The nature of the administrative process 3. Compliance, and 4. The impact of the implementation of the policy. 21 Meanwhile, according to Ripley and Franklin there are two important things to focus on implementation, namely compliance (compliance) and What's happening?.Compliance refers to whether the implementer adherence to standard procedures or rules that have been set. As for "what's happening" questioned how the implementation process is done, what barriers arise, what is achieved, why and so forth. To see the success of the implementation, known to some models of implementation, among other models developed Mazmanian and Sabatier states that the implementation of the policy is a function of three variables: 1) The characteristics of the problem, 2) Structure of program management that is reflected in the wide range of regulations to operational the policy, 3) factors outside the rules. 22 The policy can be used as a reference in improving access to education for the community: 1) Increasing capacities, especially for areas of good skill mastery of science and technology fields, as well as all areas of study that can improve the quality of life; 2) Encouraging increase d role of the private sector through private schools; 3) Increase the provision of scholarships for participants who come from poor families; education and relief; 4) Spread the educational capacity in all geographic levels to support regional development as well as provide an opportunity for low-income communities, including communities from disputed areas, by organizing coaching education institutions as centers of growth in the surrounding area. Policies to promote the expansion and equity of secondary a nd higher education. The purpose of this policy is to increase the opportunities and educational services are structured and tiered, especially middle and high schools. The targets are: Increased access to and equity of 21 Subasono, AG, 2005. Public Policy Analysis. Concepts, Theory and Applications, (Yogyakarta. Pustaka Student) h 91 22 Gradstein, M ark. 2003. The Political Economy of Public Spending on Education, Inequality, andGrowth.(World Bank) h 113 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 79 zzzzzz secondary education quality and affordable, and the college Increased cooperation with local governments. The components of the concept of equitable access to education is more clearly expressed by Schiefelbein and Farrell in Suryadi and Tilaar stated that educational equity or equality of educational opportunity not limited to, whether the pupil to own an equal chance to go to school (even distribution of educational opportunity in falsify by coleman) but more than that, the student should get equal treatment since admission, study, graduate up to benefit from the education they participated in public life. 23 First, equal opportunity of entering school (equality of access).This concept is closely related to the level of participation in education as an indicator of the ability of the education system to provide the widest possible opportunity for school children to get an education. This educational equity can be assessed based on two different concepts, namely equality of opportunity(equality of access)and justice (equity)in education. Second, equal opportunity to survive in school(equality of survival).This concept focuses on the occasion of every individual to obtain success in education and training. This type of analysis to devote attention to the level of internal efficiency of the education system seen miraculous indicators produced from cohort. This method of studying the efficiency of education by pupil pupils compared with pupils of students repeating grades and dropping out of school. Third, equal opportunity to achieve success in learning(equality of output).Viewed from the standpoint of the individual, equality of output illustrates the ability of the education system to provide high capacity and skills to graduate without distinguishing variable ethnicity, region, socioeconomic status, and so on. The concept of educational output is usually measured by the achievement of academic learning. This concept illustrates how far the education system is efficient in utilizing the limited resources, effective in filling labor shortages needed, and able to control the possibility of redundancy in relation to the amount needed by the job. Fourth, enjoy the benefits of equal opportunities in education in society (equality of outcome).This concept describes the educational success externall y(external efficiency)of an education and training system associated with individual graduate earnings, the amount and composition of the graduates will be tailored to the needs of labor (people), and the further 23 Suryadi, A ce Til aar. HA R.1993 Analisis Kebij akan Pendi dikan, Suatu Pengantar p 21 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 80 zzzzzz growth of the economy (society). Technique used is usually includes the analysis of the rate of return to education, relation between education and employment, education production function using a "analytical Attainment status model" and so on. b. Efforts to improve the quality and competitiveness of Islamic education to realize the national education policy, then there are several national education strategy. First, developing quality of teachers, the second increase in the material, the third increase in the means, the four quality learning. 1) Improving the quality of teachers Teachers who have a very important position and strategy in the development potential of the learners. In the self-teacher glory and safety of the nation's future with the planting of basic values as the noble ideals of national education in shaping the personality of spiritual and physical welfare, pursued through religious education and general education. 24 Therefore, it should be able to educate many things, so he became an educator proportional. So as to educate the students in creativity and their daily lives. To improve the professionalism of teachers in the learning, needs to be improved through the following ways: (1). Following Upgrading According to experts that upgrading is all business education and experience to improve the skills of teachers finish their knowledge and skills in accordance with the progress and development of science in the fields respectively. (2). Following courses were Education Course This will add insight, while the courses usually include education Arabic and English and computer skills. (3). Reading Being a professional teacher reproduce not only master or read and only based on one or some course books, teacher professionalism be a lot of reading a variety of books to add resource materials to be conveyed b). Improved Material In order to improve education, the improvement of essential material for with full attention given knowledge will certainly add a broader knowledge of materials presented educators should be able to outline as listed in the curriculum. 25 Educators must master the material with added ingredients or other relevant sources and more actual and warm. So that students are interested and motivated to learn the lesson. Using a variety of methods as a combination, for example: 24 Umiarso & Gokali. 2011. M anajemen mutu sekolah di era otonomi pendidik an.(Yogyakarta. IRCiSdD) h 42 25 Umiarso & Gokali. 2011. M anajemen mutu sekolah di era otonomi pendidik an.h 47 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 81 zzzzzz lecture with a question and answer session. So the effort is an attempt to improve the quality of education to the learners in modern era. c) Increased Support Facility are tools or methods and techniques used in order to improve the effectiveness of communication and educational interaction between teachers and students in the educational process and teaching in schools in terms of facilities that need to be considered their quest to improve as follows: a. Understand in depth about functionality or usefulness of educational media Understand the proper use of media education in teaching and learning interactions b. Making the media should be simple and easy c. Choosing the right media in accordance with the purpose and content of the material to be taught. 26 a) Learning Quality Improvement In any learning process sometimes experience difficulties or obstacles in studying these obstacles need to be overcome by a variety of businesses as follows: a) Providing Incentives Interest in learning someone in touch with one's feelings. Education should use appropriate methods to stimulate interest in learning Provide Motivation is a useful driving learners to grow and move integrally learners talent in the world of learning, is with a value taken from system lives of learners and addressed to the explanation duties task. A. CLOSING 1. policy of access to education is is an attempt or act strategically to influence the system achievement of a leveling process to the implementation of education, so that all people can reach out and feel the service in education the teaching and upbringing that includes several interrelated aspects such as science, justice, policy , charity, truth, reason, soul, heart, mind, degrees and manners. While the Education Quality Improvement is a strategic action on continuous improvement, which can provide a set of practical tools to every educational 26 Umiarso & Gokali. 2011. M anajemen mutu sekolah di era otonomi pendidik an h 51 Ahmad Zarkasyi Policy on Access, Quality and Competitiveness Islamic Education Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 82 zzzzzz institution to meet the needs, desires and expectations of the customers, now and in the future. Where there are four educational quality standards in order of priority are as follows: teacher, curriculum, academic atmosphere and academic resources. 2. Equitable access to educational problems can occur due to lack of organized coordination between the central government and regional government, \. Besides the problem of educational equity also occur due to lack of helplessness on an institution to undertake the educational process, it can only happen if the control of education by the central government and the except area does not reach area remote areas, as well as the high costs the community to get an education bench make rural communities have no other choice e not continue their education at college even not attending school. While the factors that affect the quality is a learning process that has not been able to create a quality learning process. Comparisons between the quality of education one area to another can not be performed as expected. So that the results of educational assessment has not been functioning fatherly improved process and outcomes of education. That policies remain focused on the goals that have been set, the policy -making should be guided by a policy step cycle that includes planning and evaluation. In this process, the policy makers are usually guided by questions such as: What is the purpose or function of a policy? How the policy would affect the government's overall agenda, government departments, client groups, interest groups, and the community at large? What and how the relationship between the means of implementing the policy objectives? Is there a tool or mechanism of simpler implementation? How to policy with regards to the policies of other governments? Can the new policies that make a difference as expected? Bibliography Rahman, Fazlur. 1999. Islam and Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition, (US: The University Chicago) Pal A. Leslie. 1992. 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