EDUCATIO : Journal Of Education Volume 6 , Number 2, August 2021 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z The Implementation of Project-Team Based Learning Method on Sakubun Online Learning Sri Aju Indrowaty, Nurul Faizah Universitas Brawijaya, Accepted: April 10th 2021 Reviewed: June 5th 2021 Published: August 30th 2021 Abstract: This study aims to analyze the application of the Project-Team Based Learning method in Japanese pocket learning. Various difficulties faced by students in developing communication in writing become more complicated when learning is done online. Conventional learning focuses more on lecturers than students, so it has not been able to solve the difficulties faced by students in writing skills. Project-Team Based Learning is applied because it demands the ability of the students themselves to solve problems (Student Center Learning), while teachers act as motivators and givers of ideas for problems that must be solved. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. Data analysis uses Milles and Huberman analysis with 3 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, and conclusion drawing. The data sources used are observations, pretest and post-test scores, and documentation. The results of this study show that students who are usually passive individually, produce active abilities in their groups because each of the students has a role in the groups. Keyword: learning, sakubun, project-team based learning. Online learning INTRODUCTION Education is one of the keys to increasing cognitive, psychomotor, and affective skills in students, so as to produce a generation with high intellectual and good personalities in society1. Education cannot be separated from learning activities and the learning process is good2. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process should still be pursued to the best of our ability to build the nation's generation. Various ways are done by the government and teachers to continue to carry out teaching and learning activities as usual, even through different media, namely e- learning. Teachers, who are usually still unfamiliar with online platforms, inevitably still have to 1 Hoque, M. Enamul, “Three Domains of Learning: Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor”, Journal of EFL Education and Research (JEFLER) [Online], Volume 2 Nomor 2, (September 2016): 45, accessed 30 July 2021. Kasilingam G, Ramalingam M, Chinnavan E, “Assessment of Learning Domains to Improve Student’s Learning in Higher Education”, Journal of Young Pharmacits [Online], Volume 4 Nomor 6, (Januari-Maret 2014): 27-28, accessed 30 July 2021. Johan, Rita and Harlan, Johan, “Education Nowadays”, International Journal of Educational Science and Research (IJESR) [Online], Volume 4 Nomor 5, (October 2014): 51, accessed 29 July 2021. 2 Hanafy, Muh. Sain, “Konsep Belajar dan Pembelajaran”, LENTERAPENDIDIKAN [Online], Volume 17 Nomor 1, (June, 2014): 66-67, accessed 30 July 2021. Pane, Aprida , and Muhammad Darwis Dasopang, “Belajar dan Pembelajaran”, FITRAH Jurnal Kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman [Online], Volume 3 Nomor 2, (December, 2017): 333 , accessed 30 July 2021. Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 192 zzzzzz z learn to use online platforms for the continuity of education and teaching students. The online platform used will certainly affect students' skills in capturing and analyzing information in learning, not least in sakubun learning. Sakubun is also called writing skills in language skills3. Writing relates to writing communication that needs to pay attention to the sentence structure used in expressing the content of the mind 4. Writing skills are almost the same as speaking. However, writing skills are indirect communication because they do not come face to face with the interlocutor when expressing thoughts, productive because they produce the fruit of the mind in the form of writing that wants to be conveyed to the reader, and expressive because they convey feelings through writing5. Writing in a second language is different from the first language because it requires two interrelated skills, namely foreign language skills and writing skills. The ability to write is not only capable of writing sentences, but also pays attention to the integration between sentences in order to become a text of cohesion and coherence. Writing reveals and integrates ideas in the form of writing by paying attention to the purpose and clarity of meaning logically 6. So, foreign language skills are quite dissecting, but if you do not have the ability to write well, it will be difficult for students. Most Japanese learners and teachers consider sakubun courses to be the most difficult courses because they are not only required to convey ideas, but also require good language mastery, especially grammar7. Writing in a second language is certainly different from the mother tongue. Second language writing skills are met with challenges related to language complexity, such as grammar and vocabulary use, learning difficulties between different individuals influenced by their mother tongue, and non-kanji learners8. In addition, memorizing letters in Indonesian is different from 3 types of Japanese letters. Japanese letters other than the alphabet also have 3 types, namely hiragana, katakana, and kanji, each of which has different functions and purposes9. Of course, the number of letters is more than the alphabet in Indonesian. In order to communicate well in Japanese, it will take some time to memorize all the Japanese letters. Of course, it is necessary to learn to read and write Japanese letters before writing sentences in Japanese so that the writing is acceptable and does not confuse the reader10. Some of these things become difficult for some Japanese learners to pour ideas into 3 Muliadi, Yuddi Adrian, Siti Muharami Malayu, Nandi S., “The Students’ Ability in Japanese Free-Writing (Sakubun)”, International Journal of Research & Review [Online], Volume 5 Nomor 11, (November 2019): 99-100, accessed 29 July 2021. Ratna, Maharani Patria and Arsi Widiandari, “Evaluation of Japanese Language Proficiency in Online Internship for Vocational School Students of Diponegoro University, Semarang”, IZUMI [Online], Volume 10 Nomor 1 (2021): 216, accessed 29 July 2021. Handini, Baiq Suprapti, “Teacher’s Difficulties in Teaching Japanese Writing System (Sakubun)”, Humanitatis: Journal on Language and Literature [Online], Volume 4 Nomor 2, (July, 2018): 22, accessed 29 July 2021. Megawati, Putri Ayu S, Joko Prasetyo, “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Pada Sakubun Bahasa Jepang Siswa Kelas XI-10 Sma Negeri 7 Surabaya Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019”, Digilib Unesa [Online], (2019): 4, accessed 9 August 2021. 4 Henry Guntur Tarigan, Menyimak: sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa, 2008), 10. 5 Henry Guntur Tarigan, Menyimak: sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa, (Bandung: Angkasa, 2008), 12. 6 Syukur Ghazali, Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa: Dengan Pendekatan Komunikatif-Interaktif, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2010): 302. 7 Dedi Sutedi, Upaya untuk Mengatasi Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Sakubun, (Makalah: disampaikan dalam Seminar: Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Berbasis IT, Bandung, 23 Agustus 2008), accessed 23 July 2021, 1-2. 8 Linna Meilia Rasiban, Ahmad Dahidi, Renariah, “Pengaruh Media Sosial Membantu Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Jepang”, Journal of Japanese Language Education and Linguistics [Online], Volume IV Nomor 2 (Agustus 2020): 165-166, accessed 23 July 2021. 9 Lusi Ati Ulmaiah, Wawan Danasasmita, Sugihartono, “Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Jepang Menggunakan Foto Melalui Media Sosial Facebook (Studi kasus terhadap siswa kelas XI SMAN 14 Bandung)”, EDUJAPAN [Online], Volume I Nomor 1 (April 2017): 31, accessed 23 July 2021. 10 Dedi Sutedi, Upaya untuk Mengatasi Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Sakubun, (Makalah: disampaikan dalam Seminar: Model Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 193 zzzzzz z the form of writing. Some of the problems that often arise in sakubun learning include: (1) There are students who are able to compose in Indonesian and have sufficient Japanese language skills; (2) There are students who are able to pour their ideas into Indonesian, but have difficulty in Japanese, so they are unable to pour ideas into their minds through writing; (3) There are students who are quite proficient in Japanese orally, but it is difficult to write down the ideas because of their tendency to tend to speak; and (4) There are students who are not fluent in Japanese and are also unable to compose in Indonesian, so they are unable to write anything. Sutedi, Sari and Halman, Putri, Rahayu, and Widiati, Diner and Indrowaty’s research paper also discusses the previous issues, namely (1) errors found to be reasonable and not excessive because the students' intentions can still be understood; (2) The story's composition is good, but it lacks Japanese language skills as a result of the mother tongue's influence; (3) of the sentence is still understandable, but the sentence composition is still irregular or incompatible with the storyline to be conveyed.; and (4) lacks the ability to manage story composition and speak Japanese, so both should be improved11. Furthermore, the fact that most learning is now done online will undoubtedly present greater challenges in dealing with problems that arise. As a result, a learning model that can develop the skills required for sakubun learning. Project Based Learning (PjBL) is a learning model with an instructional approach that constructs learning activities by presenting real-world problems to be solved in groups. This model creates a new environment for learners to not only understand knowledge content, but also to apply it directly in solving problems together. PjBL can support learners in reconstructing information from lecturers and in completing assignments from lecturers in order to give students autonomy12. Furthermore, this model will have a positive impact on learners' ability to work in groups and train their leadership spirit. PjBL helps student in making the best decisions to complete tasks or problems, thereby teaching them to think critically. Because this learning model is centered on students, lecturers serve as facilitators in teaching and learning activities. Students are viewed as lecturers who can provide information based on group discussions, whereas lecturers serve as mentors who direct the activities of students13. According to Setiawan and Nurhajati's research (2021), students who use PjBL gain five life skills: self awareness and personal life skill, social skill, thinking skill, academic skill, and vocational skill. Previous research has shown that using the PjBL method to develop students' abilities yields positive results. Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Berbasis IT, Bandung, 23 Agustus 2008), accessed 23 July 2021, 1-2. 11 Dedi Sutedi, Upaya untuk Mengatasi Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Sakubun, (Makalah: disampaikan dalam Seminar: Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Berbasis IT, Bandung, 23 Agustus 2008), accessed 23 July 2021, 3-4. Sari, Intan Permata and Hendri Zalman, “Faktor Kesulitan Menulis Sakubun Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Universitas Negeri Padang”, Omiyage [Online], Volume 4 No. 1 (June, 2021): 18-20, accessed 29 July 2021. Putri, Shinta Dwi, Nana Rahayu, Sri Wahyu Widiati, “The Effectiveness Of Secret Message Game Method In Writing Skills For Sakubun Ii (An Experimental Research On The Second- Level Students Of Japanese Education Department Faculty Of Teacher’s Training And Education Riau University)”, Journal Education Department [Online] : 3, accessed 29 July 2021. Diner, Lispridona, “Analisis Bentuk Kesalahan dalam Mengarang Bahasa Jepang yang Dipengaruhi oleh Bahasa Pertama”, JLA (Jurnal Lingua Applicata) [Online], Volume 3 Nomor 1, (2019): 34, 37-40, accessed 30 July 2021. Indrowaty. “Jenis Kesalahan yang Biasa Terjadi Pada Karangan Bahasa Jepang”. 10 Agustus 2021. 12 Brandon Goodman, Project-Based Learning, Educational Psychology [Online], Fall, 2010. , Ferra Dian Andany, “The Implementation of Projrct-Based Learning Method in Teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes): Case Study”, SELL Journal [Online], Volume 5 Nomor 1 (Februari 2020): 78, accessed 23 July 2021. 13 Brandon Goodman, Project-Based Learning, Educational Psychology [Online], Fall, 2010, , accessed 23 July 2021. Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 194 zzzzzz z Based on the various problems that arise in Japanese learning sakubun, the project-team based learning model becomes one of the methods for resolving problems and minimizing student difficulties. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the use of project team-based learning methods in sakubun learning, as well as to discover differences before and after the use of project team-based learning methods. METHODS This research uses qualitative approach with case study type. Description analysis is used to analyze the learning process with project team based learning methods. 1. Participant Participants in this study were students of the 2nd semester of the Class of 2020 Japanese Language Education study program who took shokyu sakubun II (Basic Writing II) courses. There are 2 classes, class A and B. 2. Data collection This study uses observation data during online lectures 1 semester, the results of student essays conducted by project team based learning method, and documentations. 3. Project Team Based Learning Implementation Steps Metode Team Based Learning has the following steps: a) Define groups Students in 1 class are divided into several discussion groups to work on projects together. b) Define the project Lecturers provide real problems or questions that occur in the community to be discussed in groups and make essays or works. Lecturers and students determine together what projects will be done. c) Discussion Students are given time and space to discuss and complete the agreed project. Each group prepares to present their own work. d) Presentation of discussion result Each group presents a piece of work created during the online class. Other groups and lecturers can provide constructive feedback to help students learn more. Lecturers only become coaches and mentors during student discussions and presentations that aim to improve students' critical thinking skills in combining information. 4. Data analysis Data analysis in Sugiyono (2011) using Milles and Huberman with several stages, namely data collection, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data collection in sakubun learning online using the Project Team Based Learning method, student pre and post-test results, and student documentation. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Before implementing Project Team Based Learning, traditional methods of learning are used. After learning theory in the online classroom, students are assigned the task of writing essays on their own. To begin with, the lecturer provides individual student learning by adjusting grammar in Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 195 zzzzzz z previously studied chapters. Through a zoom cloud meeting, the lecturer provides material on how to write an essay, beginning with a simple and short essay. Lecturers assign students the task of writing essays using sentence patterns ないでください (nai de kudasai), な体れ体なりま体ん (nakereba narimasen), and なくてもいいです (nakutemo ii desu). To practice Japanese lettering skills, students write essays by hand rather than typing them. Individual assignments in pdf format are collected by students via Google Classroom. Students can also control their assignments and view their grades after the lecturer submits and returns them. In addition, students and lecturer can interact in order to communicate the correction of their respective assignments. Picture 1. Instruction assignment from lecturer The pre-test results of students who completed the essay-writing task are shown below. Table 1 – Pre-test Result Name Pre-test 1 M1 69 M2 76 M3 78 M4 78 M5 73 M7 61 M8 74 M9 71 M10 74 Class Average 70,83 Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 196 zzzzzz z Total number of students in two classes, the table above is an example of a pre-test result from ten students, two people receive a score with a range of grades 61-70. There are 8 people who received scores ranging from 71 to 80. The average class score is 70,83. The difficulty of each student in writing essays can have an impact on the writing task score of each student14. After reviewing the values obtained by students, lecturers implement project-based learning methods in the form of teams, also known as project team-based learning, with the goal of students assisting each other in overcoming difficulties in writing essays. The following steps are used to implement Project Team Based Learning in online sakubun learning: 1. During the class meeting, the lecturer explains the learning procedure. 2. The lecturer will explain the fundamentals of sakubun and go over the grammar that has been studied in general. The emphasis of learning is on the students. 3. The lecturer and students discuss and plan projects for sakubun learning. 4. The lecturer and students agree on projects to be completed in groups. 5. Students are divided into six groups of four people each, and the chairman of each group is chosen. The lecturer's instructions are depicted in figure 2. 6. Students can meet with their respective group selection platforms to discuss project completion. Students will learn a variety of things from group members. Students can also talk about the difficulties of writing essays and share their experiences with one another. 7. Students collect group work via Google Classroom in the Lecturer's Classwork menu. 8. The outcomes of the group project will be presented via an online platform, along with their respective creations. 9. Lecturer and student groups can provide feedback on the work of other groups in order to improve the composition of each group. 14 Dedi Sutedi, Upaya untuk Mengatasi Masalah dalam Pembelajaran Sakubun, (Makalah: disampaikan dalam Seminar: Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepang Berbasis IT, Bandung, 23 Agustus 2008), accessed 23 July 2021, 3-4. Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 197 zzzzzz z Picture 2 Instructions of Project Team Based Learning Because PjBL emphasizes student autonomy, the instructions given to students must be clear and not have a double meaning in order to facilitate the learning process. Students will become confused while learning if clear instructions are not provided. When learning online, this becomes more difficult. It is difficult to convey instructions that are simple enough for students who are more accustomed to understanding based on the lecturer's oral explanation. However, facilitators of learning, such as course lecturers, always plan for potential obstacles so that students can easily understand the instructions they deliver. Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 198 zzzzzz z In the project team-based learning, group 1 consists of four student members who wrote an essay titled Hiroshima no higeki (Bombing of hiroshima atomic bom). Picture 3. Presentation of Group 1 One of the essays written by Group 1 is depicted above. Essays written in accordance with the lecturer's instructions. Students use the Zoom cloud meeting platform to present online. Students divide their responsibilities in delivering the outcomes of discussions. PjBL online is a new challenge for both students and professors. Students present the results of group work via video conferences in addition to discussions and face-to-face tasks. Lecturers and students are also unable to meet in person for an extended period of time in order to control the full range of discussion activities. Students and lecturers should also be on standby if the internet connection is unreliable, as this will interfere with group projects and presentations. Virtual presentations, on the other hand, allow students to hone their public speaking skills. Students can improve their ability to put together a good presentation so that it can be easily understood by adding illustrations, in addition to being able to discuss the preparation of essays among members. Students organize their respective sections to explain to other groups when presenting essays created in groups, in order to train the ability to manage in a group15. When other groups present the essay results, students participate in Q&A16. Students are also better prepared to respond to each other's questions and share their perspectives during virtual discussions following presentations. This undoubtedly improves students' ability to think critically while searching for information, a process known as constructive learning17. Students learn a 15 Brandon Goodman, Project-Based Learning, Educational Psychology [Online], Fall, 2010. , Ferra Dian Andany, “The Implementation of Projrct-Based Learning Method in Teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes): Case Study”, SELL Journal [Online], Volume 5 Nomor 1 (Februari 2020): 78, accessed 23 July 2021. 16 Ayu, Gusti A.S.D, Fransisca, Maria Br G., Wayan, I S, “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Berbasis Lesson Study Melalui Pembelajaran Daring Untuk Mengetahui Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar”, Ganaya: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora [Online], Volume 3 Nomor 2 (2020): 261, accessed 23 July 2021. Dwi, Emi N., Siswandari, Jaryanto, “Model Team Based Learning dan Model Problem Based Learning Secara Daring Berpengaruh terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa”, Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu [Online], Volume 26 Nomor 1 (2021): 132-133. 17 Ayu, Gusti A.S.D, Fransisca, Maria Br G., Wayan, I S, “Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Berbasis Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 199 zzzzzz z variety of new things that they discover on their own and share with their peers, allowing their knowledge to expand. Group 1, have result 80. Group 2, have result 82. Group 3, have result 85. Group 4, have result 85. Group 5, have result 86. Group 6, have result 83. When comparing the first pre-test with the ability of the individual after PjBL, the result during the Final Semester Exam (UAS) individually was a good improvement. In this study, the final test semester value was converted to the test post value. Table 2 - Comparison of pre-test and post-test Name Pre-test Post-test M1 69 85 M2 76 86 M3 78 89 M4 78 78 M5 73 81 M7 61 76 M8 74 76 M9 71 83 M10 74 76 Class Average 70,83 81,71 The table above shows comparisons of pre-test and post-test results for ten students. Out of ten students, nine experienced different increases in pre-test scores, while one received the same score as the pre-test. There are 5 people who get a score of 80 or higher, 4 people who get a score of 75 or higher after previously getting a score of 75 or lower, and 1 person who gets a stable score of 78. Although not all students improve at the same rate, the majority of students can improve their ability to write essays. Discussions while working on group projects can help students learn more. PjBL assists students in resolving sakubun writing problems. Furthermore, PjBL can provide a better experience in floating students' ability in other fields. Although some students experience difficulties with their internet connections, they do not make it a difficult obstacle to overcome because each has prepared well. Students also assist Lesson Study Melalui Pembelajaran Daring Untuk Mengetahui Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar”, Ganaya: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora [Online], Volume 3 Nomor 2 (2020): 260, accessed 23 July 2021. Dwi, Emi N., Siswandari, Jaryanto, “Model Team Based Learning dan Model Problem Based Learning Secara Daring Berpengaruh terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa”, Jurnal Mimbar Ilmu [Online], Volume 26 Nomor 1 (2021): 132-133, accessed 23 July 2021. Volume 6, Number 2, August 2021 | 200 zzzzzz z one another in overcoming the difficulties of learning Japanese, and they exchange information about it. Based on the exposure described above, it is clear that while learning is difficult, if done with Project Based Learning, it will be simple if lecturers and students collaborate to achieve good learning. This is demonstrated by comparing the score of the first test individually (pre-test) to the score of the second test individually (post-test). CONCLUSION Project Based Learning is a type of learning that emphasizes the student center and the group's creativity, so that after being given a theme, each member of the group contributes his or her ideas based on their respective abilities. Finally, someone who did not know his friend's ability prior to online learning with PjBL becomes mutually learning and complete each other. This method can be used for sakubun (writing) that require field introduction for students and lecturers before using this method. 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