EDUCATIO : Jo urnal Of Education Volume 2 , Num ber 1, May 2017 ISSN : 2579-8383 (Print) ISSN : 2579-8405 (Online) zzzzzz z Building the "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo" Ani Faujiah STAI An Najah Indonesia Mandiri Sidoarjo Published: May 15, 2017 Reviewed April 4, 2017 Received: March 3, 2017 Abstract: The role of the learning education is an undertaking in the process of educating the nation Participated as a real work in the form of donations of educational development (Act No. 20 of 2003). Education has a very important function in developing the relationship between education and the realities of life steady and meaningful in the life of society, whereas the fundamental role of education for humanizing. Education organized by course institutions can Contribute to the nation's education as non-formal education (Act 13 paragraph 1 No. 20 of 2003). Non-formal education can play a role as a complement (complement) to formal education, non-formal education that is Able to present subjects or learning activities that have not been included in the formal education curriculum. Implementation of English is an attempt to teach learners in mastering the English (Degeng, 1990). This implies that in learning English have opted activities, define, and develop methods or strategies are optimal to Achieve the desired results. English speaking skills require k nowledge of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and culture (Bowen et al, 1985, Finocchiaro and Bonomo, 1973). The early English course is to meet the needs of learners in mastering the knowledge and skills of the English so as to answer and respond to the user's environment services (Krakower, 1985). This research concerns the role of English course in the development of public education Geluran Taman Sidoarjo. This study took place in SMART EDUCATION Geluran Park course in Sidoarjo, the which is an English cou rse that has characteristics that attract. The focus of this research are: (1) The community in Geluran village (2) Motivation Learners Attend courses SMART EDUCATION. Keywords:The Non-Formal Education; English course Introduction Role of Non-Formal Education In The Effort Improving the Quality of Human Resources (HR) When Facing Asean Economic Community (AEC) Education is very important not only to educate the person's brain, but also to shape the personality, mental and moral. Often when we talk about education, which is reflected in our mind is that of the school and all its activities a, from elementary to college. When in fact that education is not just solely obtained from the school, by the family, environment and courses in some Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 114 zzzzzz institutions is also an educational process. Some people argue that education consists of two types of formal and informal education; education at school and outside of school. But actually education according to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System states that education in general consist of three types; formal education, informal education and non-formal education. Most people still are confused about the differences between them, especially between informal and non- formal education. 1 Formal education is a systematic, multilevel or tiered, starting from primary school up to college and comparable with it; included into it is activity -oriented studies and general academic, specialization courses, and professional practice, which is implemented in continuous time. Informal education is a process that lasts throughout the ages so that every person gain values, attitudes, skills and knowledge that comes from the experience of everyday life, environmental influences including the influence of family life, relations with neighbors, environmental work and play, market , libraries and mass media. While non-formal education is any organized and systematic activity, outside the school system, conducted independently or an important part of broader activities, deliberately made to serve specific learners in finding learning goals. Non-formal education can be structured and tiered. As examples of non-formal education are courses and trainings organized by educational institutions which have obtained permission from the Ministry of Education, for example, English language courses, courses abacus, acting training, and others the 2 like. By knowing the types of education above we expect to combine the three types of education in our daily lives for a better future and a better personal development. When you pay attention to the actual implementation of Non-formal Education is much more complicated than formal education. Because a tutor (in formal education teachers), should be looking for people learning or WB (in formal education students) in non-formal, where learning because it is not available as formal education schools, then in non-formal education harness, can be: in the village hall, houses or anywhere, by mutual 1 2 Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 115 zzzzzz agreement between the tutor with WB. Their fate is still good today. Today there are learning centers (PKBM), the institutions are already many courses have a building or a place of learning. Similarly, the time, should be based on an agreement. Do afternoons, evenings or days specified. But the goal of learning materials should be achieved. 3 Then enhanced not least given study materials, do not necessarily exist in the bookstore. Differences with the teacher in the school formal, material book has been available in bookstores. Therefore, tutors should be able to design and engineering study materials "compulsory" him. SMART EDUCATION is an English language colleges, founded by Ani Faujiah on since 2008 until now in the village Geluran Taman Sidoarjo for children kindergarten till SD. Students studying in these institutions are children who live in the surrounding strip. By bringing a teacher, place and time limitations, as well as low cost students studying in these institutions over the years. The lack of English language course institution based in the area, making this course remains exist agency and is believed by some parents who follows the course their children for years. By applying the method of learning fun and take some of the material according to the level of ability of the students as well as materials in their formal schools, has increased the value of their English lessons at school each student. 4 Following up the ASEAN Vision 2020, the ASEAN leaders have declared the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) as the ultimate goal of regional economic integration of ASEAN. As part of this commitment, the ASEAN member countries agree to implement the AEC by 2015 and to make ASEAN as a single market and production base as well as creating ASEAN as a competitive economic region, helpless high competitive, and fully integrated into the global economy. From this condition, there are two important questions. First, how the shape of the end of the MEA when linked with the type of integration language. Second, how ASEAN reached the MEA. 5 Harmonization of these policies are reflected in the ASEAN Single Window (ASW) in order to facilitate trade, the policy of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) to 4Ani Faujiah, “Pendampingan pada Siswa SD d alam Pel ajaran B ahasa Inggris di desa Geluran Taman Sidoarjo” dal am Laporan Pengabdian M asyarakat Ani Fauji ah tahun 2015-2016, Sidoarjo, 2016. 5 Sjamsul Arifin, (2008), Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015 : M emperkuat sinergi A SEAN Di T engah Kompetisi Global. Jakarta : PT. Elex M edia Komputindo. Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 116 zzzzzz facilitate the process of liberalization of services and labor and their capital market standards harmonization efforts. In addition to these efforts to encourage the free flow of goods and services in ASEAN, ASEAN members together also implement measures and Indonesia is one country with the largest population in Southeast Asia. Indonesia including heterogeneous countries with different types of tribes, languages, and customs that spread from Sabang to Merauke. AEC 2015 is formed with a mission to make the ASEAN economies to be be tter able to compete with countries whose economies considered more advanced. In addition, the move was also expected to make ASEAN into a more strategic position in the international arena. We hope that the realization of the ASEAN economic community is able to open the eyes of all parties, so that there is a dialogue between sectors. Later also expected complementarily between stakeholders(stakeholder)economic sectors in these ASEAN countries. To make Indonesia excel in MEA arena, here the required improvement of its human resources, one of which excel in communicating. Communication is meant here is the language of ASEAN countries, namely English. From this background, this research is done by giving the title "Build" Smart Village"through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education in improving the English language skills in the village Geluran Taman Sidoarjo". 1. Literature review Smart Village or if the Indonesian-right into the Smart Village or Smart Village is a village that has the ability to use ICT systems (Information and Communication Technology) in the development of the resource potential of both natural and human. Smart Village indirectly to improve the economy of a village, it is supported by the ability of the smart village to communicate the potential of natural resources out of the village, and provide knowledge or understanding to manage the potential village by the villagers. a. The design concept of "Smart Village" Rural Rehabilitation Smart Case Pacing district. Wedi district. Post-Earthquake Klaten in Central Java May 17, 2006 Cooperation Upi With Japanese society, by: Asep Yudi Permana Design "Smart Village". In his research mention, that the needs of human life in physical form often Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 117 zzzzzz use natural resources, such as energy and building materials, but also provides 10 effects that often can not be accepted by nature. Moreover, the human population is growing rapidly and increasingly sophisticated technological advances. This is accelerating the fall of the quality of nature and the destruction of the ecosystem cycles therein. Of the many human needs in physical form one of which is buildings, facilities as a container shelter and building activity established by the draft created by humans who often put more emphasis on human needs without regard to their impact on the natural surroundings. Humans should realize the importance of the quality of nature as life support, then any human activity should be based on an understanding of nature included in architectural design. An understanding of the nature in the architectural design is an attempt to align the design with nature, through understanding the natural behavior., Friendly and in harmony with nature. Harmony with nature is an effort to manage and maintain the quality of soil, water and air from various human activities, in order to cycle enclosed within each ecosystem, but the energy is still running to produce natural resources. Man must be able to be transcendent in managing nature, and realizes that his life is imminent in nature. As a result of events or changes in natural conditions will have an impact on the cycles in nature. awareness to love and have their regions and become landlords in the area itself is very important, because of regional development can not rely solely on the government or outside investors. Both parties have interests that are often not in line with the needs of the community. Because it is very important for the people in that area to become actively involved in determining the direction and purpose of development in their own areas. b. The concept of Smart Village The Adopted From Smart City concept by: Robby Cahyanto (NPM.1406598554). Smart Village, the adoption of Smart City in Indonesia Development of the best and fastest most efficient way in the development community is to build from the ground, the village. Every village in Indonesia should be independent. Desa (village) is the smallest community in an interaction of society. This collection of villages that will shape the city administration, to the mega such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, etc. Strengthening rural preferred. The government takes responsibility for the face lift rural and Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 118 zzzzzz economically Indonesia. There is much public spending to improve infrastructure, water and sanitation in these areas. A concept of Smart Village (the Smart Village) is the union of dozens of services in the countryside to be effective for society / residents and the business (business) is efficient to do a variety of things, like the Smart City. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Phenomenology attempts to understand culture through cultural view of the owner or the culprit. According to the understanding of phenomenology, the science of values is not free, free of any value, but values bound, has a relationship with the value. 6 In view Natanton (Mulyana, 2002: 59) phenomenology is a generic term that refers to all the views of social sciences which assumes that human consciousness and the subjective meaning as a focus for understanding social action. Of course, in relation to cultural studies was a subjective view indispensable informants. Subjective will be valid if there is an inter subjective process between cultural researcher with the informant. 7 Phenomenology qualitative methods based on the four truths, namely sensual empirical truth, the truth of empirical logic, ethics empirical truth and empirical truth transcendent. On the basis of this way of reaching the truth, phenomenology requires unity among the subjects of researchers with supporting research objects. To initiate this study the authors set out changes the mindset of the public about the importance of education. There is a phenomena which initially obtained the world's only educational school, must obtain additional increases in education outside school hours or in this study is referred to as non-formal education. The presence of these symptoms, which according to researchers precisely this study was conducted using research methods Phenomenology 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Demographics Villages Regional Geluran 6https://teguhim anprasetya.wordpress. com/2008/09/25/fenomenologi-1/ 7 Deddy Mulyana, Communications Research Methodology, Bandung: PT. Youth Rosdakarya 2008, 58 Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 119 zzzzzz Geluran Village is a village located in the district of East Java Sidoarjo Regency Park. The village is flanked by four villages, the village Kedungturi east, village Kalijaten in the north, the village Kletek in the west, and Sukolegok village to the north. Quite easy to find the Geluran village, because the village is one of inter-city bus lines, precisely located in the west terminal Bungur Asih Surabaya. Establishment Geluran McDonalds across the street in 2016, has made more famous Geluran village. In addition, the establishment of Taman Pondok Jati in the village Geluran, in 1995 has made many changes in the village Geluran, both in terms of social, cultural, educational, especially from an economic standpoint. Before the building of Taman Pondok Jati, this area is quite extensive rice fields and in the middle of the rice fields there is a small road that connects the two villages of different districts, namely Geluran village entered the District Park, and incoming Sukolegok village in the subdistrict of Sukonodo. Beginning of the housing at 1995, and precisely in 1998 was completed and named stage 1. The end of 1998 the construction continued at Pondok Taman Jati stage 2, that is located on the west stage 1 at the beginning of 2002. In 2004 finished building stage 3, at the beginning of 2007 stage 4. Development continued until stage 5 finishes, built at the same time stage 6. Then at the end of 2010 built housing Pondok Taman Jati known as the TPJ stage 7 and in 2014 has stood the development also stage 8. Non-Formal Education Images in the village Geluran Being in an area close to the upper middle class housing would certainly have affected the population density is exceptional. Almost 50% of rural communities Geluran is the newcomer. establishment Pondok Taman Jati village founded Geluran also SD Geluran III, which is much earlier had stood SD Geluran I and II, which is located opposite the major highways. Where before the establishment of SD Geluran III, Geluran many rural communities who send their children in MI. ISLAMIYAH Geluran and SD Kedungturi, a village in the east of the village Geluran. The next question that arises is, could the education-shaped Formal education elementary school is able to meet the educational needs of children from the community Geluran. The growing level of national education curriculum was demanding children to gain additional insight through educational institutions non-Formal outside their school Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 120 zzzzzz hours. Data non-Formalin 2014-2016 No. EducationTyp e Study Number 1. TPQ (T aman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an) TKSMA 20 2. Bim bel TK 5 3. Bim bel (all subjects ex cept religion and English) SD-SM U 3 4. Bim bel (all subjects) SD- SMU 2 5. English Course SD 3 6. English Course SD-SM U 2 7. English & Maths Classes SD-SM U 1 8. Course M athemati cs (Jarim atika & Abacus) TK SD 2 From the above data, we can know the level of needs education non-formal institutions for people Geluran and education SMART is one of the non-formal educational institutions in the field of English language has long been trusted by the community Geluran. SMART trustworthiness education be one of the institutions either English course, can not be separated from the vantage point, the different learning systems with the school, but did not leave the materials in schools, and of course by paying each month tu ition is relatively cheap. According 8 Ribasuki, head of the SMART EDUCATION, one of the advantages SMART EDUCATION is an institute class courses open Saturday -Sunday. Where Many students SMART EDUCATION, who had a course activity not only in SMART EDUCATION in each week. The unavailability of English lessons on their Bimbel course, has made the SMART EDUCATION, making them one of the alternative courses to improve their English skills. 8Ribasuki, interview on 20 December 2016 Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 121 zzzzzz Frameworks Overview of SmartEducation SMART EDUCATIONis a language course institution of Britain, founded by Ani Faujiah in 2008. The institute is initially followed by neighbors founder, and then came the request to open a class for those who want to learn English. System English learning in SMART EDUCATION, students are not asked to memorize vocabularies in English, but each of her meeting they are required to read the material that has been learned, it proved to be very effective and the students do not feel overwhelmed, and only in some meetings of students already able to master some new vocab. For those who have 1 till 2 year course in SMART EDUCATION, they will get used to interpret reading texts England. their programs Speaking Sunday in each month adds to the confidence for them to say the dialogues in English. Indonesia in the constellation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 The establishment of a free trade area to be achieved through AFTA is a success because the region has succeeded gradually reduced to zero. ASEAN then want more developed the economic cooperation. Foreign investment inflows, namely ASEAN with number of multinational companies in the region requires channeling goods (supplier) that Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 122 zzzzzz in the area resulting in production cost efficiency. ASEAN market is open and integrates with global markets coupled reserved production of goods produced by the supplier of ASEAN nations it will help Member States ASEAN for increasingly attract foreign investors into the region. Thus, Cebu Declaration on January 13, 2007 (12th ASEAN Summit) decided establishment of the AEC to 2015 in order to strengthen ASEAN in the face of global competition, especially from China and India with a process method of Knowledge, Development, and as a step in optimizing the competitiveness of Indonesia in MEA in Indonesian goal as a player. Looks simple enough but if not exercised will be one of the obstacles Indonesia readiness in the face of the MEA. Indonesia is one country with the largest population in Southeast Asia. Indonesia including heterogeneous country with various tribes, language, and customs that spread from Sabang to Merauke.MEA 2015 was formed with a mission to make the ASEAN economies well and able to compete with countries that more progressive. The move was also expected ASEAN can make a more strategic position in the international arena. We hope ASEAN economic community is able to open the eyes of all parties, so that there is a dialogue between sectors. Will then be expected completed among stakeholders(stake holders) economies sector these ASEAN countries. For example, infrastructure. If we talk about infrastructure, possibly Indonesia still considered less, either highways, airports, ports, and so on. In this case, we get benefit from the exchange of experiences with other ASEAN members. When viewed from the side of the demographics of human resources (HR), Indonesia in the face of this MEA is actually one productive country. In terms of age, most of the population Indonesia or about 70% of them are productive age. If we look at labors, we have 110 million workers Indonesians predicted to become a force of its own, let alone with Natural Resources (SDA) is so large, it will be very absurdity to when we can not do anything with it. Indonesia can be seen from the government's seriousness in dealing many problems on the economy, whether it is a problem in the country and abroad. From within the country, Indonesia has attempted to economic gap between central and local government reduce gap between large entrepreneurs with small businesses and middle (SMEs) and an increase in some sectors that may must be encouraged to increase their competitiveness. ASEAN Community 2015 is ASEAN citizens enough food and clothing, sufficient employment, small unemployment poverty level decreased from concrete poverty reduction Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 123 zzzzzz efforts. Indonesia till with the current government continues to strive to create a society prosperous and affluent themselves before entering the AEC later. At first, the ASEAN Community will be realized in 2020, but accelerated to 2015. MEA is actually a form economic integrated potential in the region and the world. With a goods, services, capital, and investment will move freely in this area. Regional economic integration is a trend and necessity of the current global era. This implies that the competition aspect thrusting opportunities for all countries. AEC 2015 on employment schemes, for example, impose a liberalization of professional personnel on board, such as doctors, engineers, accountants, and so on. While labor as a "force" Indonesia is not included in this programs. Precisely informal workers who had been the non-oil potential resources enough for Indonesia, MEA era tend limited movement in 2015. There are three indicators to grope MEA Indonesia position in 2015. First, the share of Indonesia's exports to ASEAN members, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Filipina enough great. Two other indicators could be an obstacle, namely some international financial institutions-competitiveness Indonesia economic much lower than those in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand investment in Indonesia is lagging behind other ASEAN nations. However, Indonesia's wealth of natural resources in the region not, this is an advantage(local-advantage)that enduring appeal, in addition to the largest popula tion of cheap labor can reserved. After the 1998 economic crisis that has not disappeared of Mother Earth still result in low investment new, the decline in business confidence, which national economic growth It caused poor economic infrastructure, macroeconomic instability, legal uncertainty and policies, high cost economy and others . the government can not delay anymore to immediately improve itself, if not just a complement in MEA 2015. The success is supported by other components in the country. Indonesia Society is expected to follow the movement and rhythm of diplomatic activity that has been formed this opportunity. Indonesian diplomacy may not have to wait for readiness in country. A change that this is already open, if not immediately utilized, we left behind, because this process is also followed the motion of other countries and it go on. We urgently need to improve itself to prepare the necessary resources Indonesia human being competitive and global quality. Indonesia next challenge is to create meaningful change for life everyday society. Ani Faujiah Build "Smart Village" Through the implementation of the Non-Formal Education to Improve English Language Skills In the village of Geluran Taman Sidoarjo Volume 2, Num ber 1, May 2017 | 124 zzzzzz Hopefully all this Indonesia community can prove to realize the economic and social life so that we can immediately realize the ASEAN Economic Community by 2020. 4. CONCLUSION How well formal education, not least to gain a knowledge society Geluran in non- formal institutions as well, both from the rich like any new low -income communities, to improve the quality of their education. The mushrooming of institutions varied courses make people easier to choose which one suits their needs. SMART EDUCATION establishment, is expected to give contribution in support of National Education. The duration of the agency's existence is proved to have spawned alumni who have language skills, which hope by Indonesia in the improvement of human resources in the face of demands that exist in free markets (MEA). MEA is a challenge faced by Indonesia, Indonesia step little late to be missed in the arena. Good communication skills and mastery of English is right to support Indonesia excel in MEA. Not only professionals are expected to be able to speak English, but they (workers, unskilled, employees and others) who also want pierce international market, English language skills is one of the main requirements. Bibliography Ani Faujiah, “Pendampingan pada Siswa SD dalam Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di desa Geluran Taman Sidoarjo” dalam Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat Ani Faujiah tahun 2015 -2016, Sidoarjo, 2016. Arifin, Sjamsul (2008), Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN 2015 : Memperkuat sinergi ASEAN Di Tengah Kompetisi Global. Jakarta : PT. Elex Media Komputindo. Deddy Mulyana, Metodologi Penelitian Komunikasi, Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya,2008, 58 -1/ Ribasuki, wawancara pada tanggal 20 desember 2016