item: #1 of 26 id: elementa-2799 author: Limone, Pierpaolo; Simone, Maria Grazia title: Becoming Support Teachers at the University of Foggia During the Pandemic. An Exploratory Survey date: 2022-12-14 words: 5368 flesch: 46 summary: Teacher training and digital paths: Revolution in the school. The article proposes, in the final part, paths for reflection and action that can be used by training designers and academic decision makers in order to optimize future specialization training for support teachers, at multiple levels. keywords: academic; activities; canevaro; courses; critical; dei; development; didattica; disabilities; disabled; distance; d’alonzo; education; emergency; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; exploratory; figure; foggia; formazione; future; grazia; group;; ianes; idea; important; inclusion; inclusive; information; initial; insegnanti; intersections; interviewees; issn; issues; italian; journal; learning; limone; l’inclusione; maria; needs; online issn; pandemic; perspectives; philosophy; pierpaolo; print; print issn; professional; questionnaire; questions; relationship; research; role; santi; school; second; skills; sostegno; special; specialization; specific; student; support; support teachers; survey; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; theoretical; training; transition; una; university; use; work cache: elementa-2799.pdf plain text: elementa-2799.txt item: #2 of 26 id: elementa-2803 author: Limone, Pierpaolo title: Editorial date: 2022-02-09 words: 1660 flesch: 12 summary: Editorial Elementa Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives 1 (2021) 1-2 Pierpaolo Limone Editorial 7 First Section Slavoj Žižek The Vagaries of the Superego 13 Ricardo Espinoza Lolas Nature and Pandemic 33 Paolo Ponzio Mask and Otherness between Recognition and Concealment: 47 Notes on the Self and the You Daniela Savino “Liquid” Identity and Otherness in the Phenomenon 61 of Religious Alienation: The Loss of Critical Thinking and the “Barter” of the Self in the System of Communion Francesca R. Recchia Luciani The Sexistential Vulnerability of Bodies in Contact 85 in the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy Elementa. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives, 1(1-2), 7-10. doi: Elementa_1-2021-1-2_00b_Sommario.pdf Editorial Pierpaolo Limone First Section The Vagaries of the Superego Slavoj Žižek Nature and Pandemic Ricardo Espinoza Lolas Mask and Otherness between Recognition and Concealment: Notes on the Self and the You Paolo Ponzio “Liquid” Identity and Otherness in the Phenomenon of Religious Alienation: The Loss of Critical Thinking and the “Barter” of the Self in the System of Communion Daniela Savino The Sexistential Vulnerability of Bodies in Contact in the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy Francesca R. Recchia Luciani Second Section Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching: Future Perspectives Martina Rossi A Historical Account on Italian Mechanism Models Marco Ceccarelli Cyberfeminism: A Relationship between Cyberspace, Technology, and the Internet Giusi Antonia Toto 1 - Alessia Scarinci 2 Super-Ego after Freud: A Lesson not to Be Forgotten Luigi Traetta 1 - Federica Doronzo 2 Functioning of Declarative Memory: Intersection between Neuropsychology and Mathematics Federica Doronzo 1 - Gianvito Calabrese 2 Peer Tutoring and Scaffolding Principle for Inclusive Teaching Giuliana Nardacchione - Guendalina Peconio keywords: design; doronzo; editorial; educational; ego; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; federica;; identity; inclusive; intersections; learning; limone; nature; otherness; peer; perspectives; philosophical; philosophy; pierpaolo; research; self; super; system; teaching cache: elementa-2803.pdf plain text: elementa-2803.txt item: #3 of 26 id: elementa-2804 author: Espinoza Lolas, Ricardo title: Nature and Pandemic date: 2022-02-09 words: 6916 flesch: 56 summary: Nature, nation-state, etc., are creations of the Self and in this way nature is understood as something objective, but at the same time the human subject treats himself as an object. Nature and Pandemic Elementa Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives 1 (2021) 1-2 Pierpaolo Limone Editorial 7 First Section Slavoj Žižek The Vagaries of the Superego 13 Ricardo Espinoza Lolas Nature and Pandemic 33 Paolo Ponzio Mask and Otherness between Recognition and Concealment: 47 Notes on the Self and the You Daniela Savino “Liquid” Identity and Otherness in the Phenomenon 61 of Religious Alienation: The Loss of Critical Thinking and the “Barter” of the Self in the System of Communion Francesca R. Recchia Luciani The Sexistential Vulnerability of Bodies in Contact 85 in the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy Elementa. keywords: able; active; ancient; animality; animals; capitalism; care; century; certain; change; character; clear; come; concept; covid-19; creation; current; dance; del; democracy; different; domination; earth; editorial; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; espinoza; essential; european; feminine; freud; god; gods; good; great; greeks; hand; hegel; horizon;; human; identity; ideological; ideology; inclusive; intersections; life; logic; lolas; matter; metaphysical; modern; mother; movement; nation; natural; nature; necessary; nietzsche; objective; open; pandemic; passive; patriarchal; perspectives; philosophers; philosophy; planet; polis; possible; problem; question; reason; returns; ricardo; scientists; self; sense; state; system; tension; things; thinking; today; una; virus; way; world; zizek; zubiri; žižek cache: elementa-2804.pdf plain text: elementa-2804.txt item: #4 of 26 id: elementa-2805 author: Ponzio, Paolo title: Mask and Otherness between Recognition and Concealment: Notes on the Self and the You date: 2022-02-09 words: 7012 flesch: 59 summary: The wandering, for which man goes, is not something that, so to speak, passes close to man and into which he sometimes falls, as in a hole; on the contrary, wandering is part of the intrinsic constitution of being-there in which historical man is involved. There were, while he lived this “impossible” life here, many and many millions of men scattered all over the earth, who lived differently. keywords: belluca; belonging; buber; century; certain; che; chirico; concealment; condition; dimension; ego; empirical; empirical perspectives; entity; epistemology; essence; event; existence; experience; face; fact; gaze; hand; head; heidegger;; identity; inclusive; intersections; life; lévinas; man; martin; mask; meaning; means; memory; moment; mystery; night; non; notes; office; original; otherness; paolo; perspectives; philosophy; pirandello; place; ponzio; possibility; possible; presence; reality; recognition; relational; relationship; respect; sartre; self; sense; stern; story; things; thought; time; totality; train; truth; twentieth; veiling; wandering; way; whistle; world; years cache: elementa-2805.pdf plain text: elementa-2805.txt item: #5 of 26 id: elementa-2806 author: Savino, Daniela title: “Liquid” Identity and Otherness in the Phenomenon of Religious Alienation: The Loss of Critical Thinking and the “Barter” of the Self in the System of Communion date: 2022-02-09 words: 10681 flesch: 36 summary: John Henry Newman suggests a method for this study, a philosoph- ical-phenomenological one on one hand, and a pedagogical purpose on the other hand; this method always takes in consideration the construct of “system”: speaking of identity, Newman proposes a “philosophy of the person” and in the same way as he does, I want to analyze the phenom- enon of “alienation” as it occurs in the context of religious communities; a community of this sort proposes a “lifestyle” in “communion”, that is, a community life governed by an “ideal” or “rules” that indicate or educate to a precise way of life and I carry out this investigation by tracing “every novelty of our conscience to what we already know, adapting and harmo- nizing it in a network of relationships” that Newman calls “system”: in fact that philosophy, rather than a super-science with a defined episte- mological status, deals with the relations among knowledge, constituting rather a “general attitude” of thought and a critical faculty that “acts and according to a spirit of unity, through comparing, adapting, connecting, arranging, classifying, synthesizing” (Newman, 2016, p. 13) and in this way, this “architectural science recognizes the whole in every part” (Newman, 2016, p. 13). Keywords: attachment; educational relationship; identity; internal working models; paradigm; religious alienation. keywords: ability; affective; age; alienation; attachment; attachment relationship; authentic; basis; bowlby; capable; caregiver; certain; child; communication; communion; community; conception; conceptual; conscience; critical; daniela; della; early; editore; educational; emotional; empirical; empirical perspectives; environment; epistemology; existential; experience; external; fact; faithful; figure; form; general; giussani; good; guardini; hand; horizon;; human; identity; individual; interior; internal; intersections; jackson; level; life; liquid; man; marcuse; mental; mind; models; mother; nature; needs; new; occurs; original; ortu; otherness; paradigm; paradoxical; parental; particular; pazzagli; person; personal; perspectives; phenomenon; philosophy; place; reason; relational; relationship; religious; religious alienation; religious community; representations; savino; self; sense; society; sort; space; sphere; structure; system; theory; thinking; time; virtue; vocation; watzlawick; way; williams; working; world cache: elementa-2806.pdf plain text: elementa-2806.txt item: #6 of 26 id: elementa-2807 author: Recchia Luciani, Francesca Romana title: The Sexistential Vulnerability of Bodies in Contact in the Philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy date: 2022-02-09 words: 7055 flesch: 44 summary: In J.-L. Nancy, Sessistenza (pp. 7-22). This path, which connects gendered- ness to feminist experiences of r-existence (Lonzi’s, Lorde’s, Butler’s and Preciado’s, for example) points out not insignificant affinities – first of all, the centrality of the gendered body – between the most recent feminist orientations (post-binary, trans-gender, gender-fluid, non-heteronorma- tive) and Nancy’s position with respect to sexual ontology and its purely performative dimension. keywords: action; apter; beings; bodies; body; butler; centri; common; contact; cultura; dei; della; desire; difference; distinct; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; erotic; experience; fact; feminism; francesca; gender; genere; heidegger;; human; immagini; individual; interdipartimentali; intersections; intimacy; j.-l; jean; life; lonzi; love; luc; luc nancy; luciani; making; meaning; nancy; nancy elementa; object; ontological; ontology; otherness; performative; perspectives; philosophical; philosophy; place; plural; political; possible; power; practiced; recchia; relational; relationality; relationship; relevant; respect; ricerca; self; sense; sessistenza; sex; sexistence; sexistential; sexual; sexuality; singular; social; space; takes; theoretical; thinking; thought; touching; trad; trans; uniba; vulnerability; world cache: elementa-2807.pdf plain text: elementa-2807.txt item: #7 of 26 id: elementa-2808 author: Rossi, Martina title: Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching: Future Perspectives date: 2022-02-09 words: 4075 flesch: 42 summary: Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives – 1 (2021) 1-2 103 Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Teaching: Future Perspectives Martina Rossi Learning Science hub, Università degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) doi: Abstract This contribution aims to reflect on the didactic and methodological changes brought about by Distance Learning, with particular regard to the concept of Inclusive Teaching. It is precisely in this particular historical period that the term Distance Learning was born, a concept that differs from that of Distance Learning, understood as “a mode of delivery of training activated on an emergency basis in order to replace the training in presence following its suspension due to the effect of the Prime Ministe- rial Decree of 04/03/2020” (Tamborra, 2021). keywords: able; applied; approach; barriers; cast; con; concept; covid-19; della; design; didattica; disabilities; disorders; distance; distance learning; doronzo; educational; emergency; empirical; empirical perspectives; environments; epistemology; face; fact; formazione; future; future perspectives; guarini; guidelines;; inclusion; inclusive; inclusive teaching; intersections; journal; learning; martina; means; multiple; necessary; needs; pandemic; peconio; perspectives; philosophy; principles; process; rossi; school; special; specific; students; support; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; tools; training; udl; universal; universal design; use cache: elementa-2808.pdf plain text: elementa-2808.txt item: #8 of 26 id: elementa-2810 author: Toto, Giusi Antonia; Scarinci, Alessia title: Cyberfeminism: A Relationship between Cyberspace, Technology, and the Internet date: 2022-02-09 words: 6599 flesch: 40 summary: Despite being an ambiguous and multifaceted movement involving multiple instances, cyberfeminism is represented in the imagination by women with strong knowledge of media and digital technologies. During this period, the main argument was that technology belongs to the masculine culture because it perceived men as good at, inter- ested in technology, and engaged in it more than women (Moghaddam, 2019). keywords: access; alessia; antonia; best; cater; cell; channa; computers; consalvo; critiques; crowley; culture; cyberfeminism; cyberspace; different; digital; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; female; feminists; gain; gender; giusi; gray; groups; haraway; harrison;; cyberfeminism; ideas; identity; india; inequality; information; international; internet; internet elementa; intersections; involved; kieswetter; learning; lives; luckman; market; masculine; mcadam; mccorduck; media; milford; moghaddam; mohanty; movement; need; new; perspectives; phenomenon; philosophy; phones; plant; power; ramsey; relationship; report; research; richard; samantaray; savvy; scarinci; second; self; social; society; spaces; studies; technologies; technology; theories; time; today; toto; tweets; university; use; users; vanka; wave; web; women; work cache: elementa-2810.pdf plain text: elementa-2810.txt item: #9 of 26 id: elementa-2811 author: Traetta, Luigi; Doronzo, Federica title: Super-Ego after Freud: A Lesson not to Be Forgotten date: 2022-02-09 words: 3882 flesch: 43 summary: Freud and later psychoanalysts agreed with the theorisation of a conflict between environment and psychic processes, which generates a state of disintegration of the ego and a destructive domi- nation of the super-ego. The structuring of the super-ego is thus built up in the family system by being influenced by the socio-educational environment. keywords: agencies; approach; child; construction; del; della; destructive; development; doronzo; editore; education; ego; empirical; empirical perspectives; environment; epistemology; failure; family; father; federica; formation; freud; function;; individual; international; intersections; klein; lack; lesson; loss; luigi; morality; object; otherness; paranoid; patient; perspectives; petta; philosophy; play; process; processes; psychic; psychoanalysis; psychosis; psychotic; reality; reflection; relationship; role; rules; school; self; sense; society; structuring; subject; subjective; super; superego; teaching; traetta; world cache: elementa-2811.pdf plain text: elementa-2811.txt item: #10 of 26 id: elementa-2812 author: Doronzo, Federica; Calabrese, Gianvito title: Functioning of Declarative Memory: Intersection between Neuropsychology and Mathematics date: 2022-02-09 words: 6564 flesch: 38 summary: Memory therefore plays a role of active transformation of memories by integrating perception and subjec- tive experience. Understanding the psycho-physiological mechanisms associated with memory processes, mapping the human brain and mathematically representing neural config- urations, would allow us to answer the aforementioned questions. keywords: able; active; activity; architecture; areas; artificial; autobiographical; biological; brain; calabrese; chip; coding; cognitive; complex; computational; configurations; consolidation; construction; core; correlates; current; data; declarative; declarative memory; della; dependent; different; doronzo; empirical; empirical perspectives; episodic; epistemology; event; federica; functioning; fundamental; future; gianvito; hippocampus;; functioning; human; identity; information; interpretation; intersections; knowledge; learning; long; mapping; mathematics; mead; mechanism; memories; memorization; memory; mind; mnestic; model; multiple; nature; nervous; networks; neural; neuromorphic; neurons; neuropsychological; neuropsychology; neuroscience; new; order; paradigm; past; perspectives; phenomenon; philosophy; physiological; processes; processing; recognition; representations; result; retrieval; review; schacter; self; spinnaker; state; storage; support; synaptic; system; term; theory; time; trace; understanding; units; working; world cache: elementa-2812.pdf plain text: elementa-2812.txt item: #11 of 26 id: elementa-2813 author: Nardacchione, Giuliana; Peconio, Guendalina title: Peer Tutoring and Scaffolding Principle for Inclusive Teaching date: 2022-02-09 words: 7706 flesch: 37 summary: Shelfolding can be promoted through direct mediation in the dialogue between student and teacher; in order to promote this approach however, it is necessary for teachers to design learning activities and use support materials that place students in their Zone of Proximal Develop- ment (Taber, 2018). Using sentence openers to foster student interaction in computer-mediated learning environment. keywords: academic; achievement; activities; addition; analysis; asynchronous; classroom; collaborative; computers; context; design; development; digital; disabilities; education; effective; effects; emotional; emotions; empirical; empirical perspectives; environments; epistemology; fact; giuliana; goals; guendalina; higher;; inclusive; individual; information; interaction; international; intersections; journal; knowledge; learning; lópez; management; metacognitive; methodology; model; nardacchione; necessary; needs; new; order; outcomes; peconio; peer; peer tutoring; performance; perspectives; philosophy; positive; principle; problem; processes; proximal; refers; research; respect; role; scaffolding; self; settings; skills; social; solving; special; strategies; students; studies; study; support; system; task; teacher; teaching; technology; theoretical; theory; thurston; tutees; tutoring; tutors; university; vargas; vygotsky; zone cache: elementa-2813.pdf plain text: elementa-2813.txt item: #12 of 26 id: elementa-2814 author: Žižek, Slavoj title: The Vagaries of the Superego date: 2022-02-09 words: 9442 flesch: 47 summary: (x) That’s also why, from Lacan’s standpoint, there is no space in Freud’s triad of ego-superego-id for the “pure”/barred subject  ($), subject of the signifier, for the subject which is not psychic- empirical but equal to the Cartesian cogito or Kant’s transcendental apper- ception: the Lacanian subject is not ego (which, for Lacan, is defined by imaginary identifications). Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives – 1 (2021) 1-2 13 The Vagaries of the Superego Slavoj Žižek Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London (England) doi: Abstract Starting from the distinction between “ideal ego”, “ego-ideal” and “superego” structured from the Imaginary-Symbolic-Real triad made by Lacan, this study investigates how is possible to distinguish the a-sexual social space from the domain of libidinally-cathexed interactions. keywords: act; agency; anti; authority; aware; balibar; big; che; claim; crowd; cynical; death; desire; different; direct; discourse; drive; empirical; empirical perspectives; enjoy; enjoyment; epistemology; ethical; experience; external; father; figure; finitude; form; free; freedom; freud; god; hegel;; human; humanism; hägglund; ideal; illusion; imaginary; immanent; immortality; impossibility; impossible; individual; intersections; jouissance; lacan; law; leader; level; life; like; master; means; miller; necessary; new; non; notion; opposite; oppression; order; pandemic; people; permissiveness; perspectives; philosophy; point; political; politics; post; power; principle; processes; prohibition; psychic; psychoanalysis; radical; real; reality; regulations; religion; right; rule; schuster; second; self; semblances; sense; slavoj; social; society; space; subject; superego; superego elementa; symbolic; tensions; time; today; true; universal; vagaries; way; žižek cache: elementa-2814.pdf plain text: elementa-2814.txt item: #13 of 26 id: elementa-2863 author: Surace, Giuseppina Maria Patrizia title: The Future We Want: The Transition to Adulthood of Unaccompanied Minors date: 2022-12-14 words: 7999 flesch: 43 summary: The Transition to Adulthood of Unaccompanied Minors The current system for the reception of unaccompanied minors, enriched by novella 47/2017 and by the National Integration Plan for Holders of International Protection (of October 2017), provides for the collaboration of various territorial actors: the local social and health services, the Juvenile Court, the tutelary judge at the ordinary Court, the Police Headquarters, public educational agencies, schools of all levels, including the provincial centres for adult education. The Transition to Adulthood of Unaccompanied Minors in New York and ratified by Italy with Law no. 176 of 27 May 1991) 8, now recognised as an axiom of relevance to the child’s rights, is now recognised as an essential element in the integration of unaccompanied minors. keywords: adolescents; adulthood; adults; age; art; assistance; boys; care; child; children; committee; context; convention; council; country; court; cultural; decree; dei; del; development; different; editorial; education; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; equal; european; facilities; family; fundamental; future; general; girls; giuseppina; guarantee; health;; human; identity; individual; integration; interculturale; interests; international; intersections; issn; italian; italy; juvenile; law; legal; legislative; life; listening; maria; migrants; migration; minors; national; needs; new; non; online issn; opportunities; origin; pandemic; participation; path; patrizia; pedagogia; people; permanent; personal; perspectives; philosophy; policies; possibility; poverty; present; print; print issn; process; protection; reception; reference; report; respect; responsible; rights; social; society; specific; state; support; surace; system; territory; transition; unaccompanied; unaccompanied minors; unicef; union; work; years; young cache: elementa-2863.pdf plain text: elementa-2863.txt item: #14 of 26 id: elementa-2865 author: Balzano, Gennaro; Balzano, Vito title: Educating for Transition in Work Contexts date: 2022-12-14 words: 4663 flesch: 47 summary: The importance of these components of social education has certainly not been exhausted only in the places and times in which school education has been residual, because it is not widespread or because it is addressed only to the elites, but also remains in those societies, such as the present ones, in which the school institution is widespread present and active. 4. Transition education in modern education systems Educational systems cannot fail to consider the need, on the one hand, and the possibility, on the other, of being able to educate in transition. keywords: able; alla; balzano; change; contexts; continuous; cultural; design; development; different; editorial; educating; education; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; european; existential; experience; future; gennaro;; human; idea; international; intersections; issn; journal; knowledge; lavoro; learning; life; man; need; new; online issn; pedagogical; pedagogy; people; permanent; person; personal; perspectives; philosophy; planning; possibility; possible; print; print issn; professional; project; review; school; second; sgarro; skills; social; society; subject; support; sustainable; system; time; today; tommaso; transition; true; value; vito; work; young cache: elementa-2865.pdf plain text: elementa-2865.txt item: #15 of 26 id: elementa-2869 author: Finestrone, Francesca title: Music: For a Sustainable Community and the Promotion of Well-being date: 2022-12-14 words: 6516 flesch: 44 summary: In spite of the fact that music education is compulsory in secondary schools, not in all contexts the activities are structured and carried out taking into account the positive implications on pupils’ psycho-physical well-being, rehabilita- tive potential and increased motivation to learn. Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives – 2 (2022) 1-2 - Online ISSN 2785-4426 - Print ISSN 2785-4558 93 Francesca Finestrone on the music-therapeutic potential of music training and, in particular, rhythm training that takes place in a fun, playful but educational way. keywords: ability; action; addition; areas; art; brain; capable; children; cognitive; communication; community; della; development; different; digital; disorders; dyslexia; editorial; educational; emotional; empirical; empirical perspectives; environment; epistemology; expression; fact; finestrone; francesca; game; gamification; health;; human; inclusion; intersections; issn; journal; language; learning; life; memory; motivation; motor; music; musical; needs; neuroscience; new; online issn; parkinson; patients; people; perception; permanent; perspectives; philosophy; play; positive; potential; print; print issn; process; promotion; psycho; recent; rehabilitation; research; rhythm; role; school; sgarro; significant; skills; social; special; students; sul; support; sustainable; technology; therapeutic; time; tommaso; tool; training; transition; use; value; way; word cache: elementa-2869.pdf plain text: elementa-2869.txt item: #16 of 26 id: elementa-2911 author: Franco, Alessia title: For an Epistemology of Transition: Paul B. Preciado, Psychoanalysis and the Regime of Sexual Difference date: 2022-07-27 words: 5979 flesch: 29 summary: Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives – 2 (2022) 1-2 - Online ISSN 2785-4426 - Print ISSN 2785-4558 52 Paul B. Preciado, Psychoanalysis and the Regime of Sexual Difference learn to speak the language of human beings for him to be granted speech, and so too Preciado tells of his studies to appropriate the: “language of Freud and Lacan” (Preciado, 2020c, p. 19), the language of colonial patri- archy, in order to be heard. This would be mere “mimicry”, a concept that Preciado sharply rejects to speak of gender transition, which risks being seen as reduced to simulation or imitation of the chosen gender. keywords: academy; alessia; audience; beauvoir; binary; biological; biology; birth; bodies; body; cage; clinical; colonial; difference; discourse; dominant; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemological; epistemology; existence; experience; female; femininity; franco; gender; heterobinarism; heteropatriarchal; historicity;; human; identity; intersections; intersex; issn; language; life; living; matter; medical; mere; natural; new; normalization; online issn; order; paris; paul; paul b.; perspectives; peter; philosophy; political; practices; preciado; print; print issn; process; psychoanalysis; radical; red; regime; respect; second; sense; sexual; sexual difference; sgarro; social; system; tommaso; traditional; transition; women; work cache: elementa-2911.pdf plain text: elementa-2911.txt item: #17 of 26 id: elementa-2912 author: Sgarro, Tommaso title: The Human “Historicity” as a Permanent Transition in the Philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría date: 2022-07-27 words: 7090 flesch: 43 summary: Keywords: animal of reality; estado; historicity; history; Ignacio Ellacuría; libera- tion philosophy; possibility; reality; social body; Xavier Zubiri. El diálogo de Ellacuría con Marx y el marxismo. keywords: body; certain; character; concept; course; del; different; dimension; dynamic; dynamism; editorial; ellacuría; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; estado; experience; fact; filosofía; form; historical; historicity; history;; human; ignacio; individual; intersections; issn; jesuit; life; living; making; man; movement; new; online issn; permanent; perspectives; philosophical; philosophy; possibilities; possibility; present; print; print issn; process; processual; realidad; reality; relationship; salvador; samour; sense; sgarro; situation; social; social body; society; state; substantiality; system; things; thought; time; tommaso; transition; way; work; xavier; zubiri cache: elementa-2912.pdf plain text: elementa-2912.txt item: #18 of 26 id: elementa-2914 author: Miralles, Jordi Riba title: The Event, beyond the Permanent Crisis date: 2022-07-27 words: 5975 flesch: 57 summary: Pour une éthique probabilitaire d’après J.-M. Guyau. This orphan fraternity, conceptually expressed by Guyau, with the word anomie is the creator of new forms of relations, of different solidari- ties in the face of those who continue to support the constituted norms. keywords: absence; action; anomie; badiou; book; crisis; discourse; empirical; empirical perspectives; end; epistemology; event; face; form; fraternity; great; guyau;; human; humanity; idea; intersections; issn; jordi; life; link; meaning; metaphor; miralles; modernity; new; online issn; order; permanent; permanent crisis; perspectives; philosophical; philosophy; points; political; politics; possible; principle; print; print issn; project; question; reality; reason; riba; rudder; sense; ship; state; thought; time; transition; truth; way; work; world cache: elementa-2914.pdf plain text: elementa-2914.txt item: #19 of 26 id: elementa-2918 author: Jusmet, Luis Roca title: François Jullien: The Double Transit of Human Life date: 2022-07-27 words: 4465 flesch: 63 summary: Existence is verified directly in experi- ence, learning from it … François Jullien continues this conceptualization in a very impor- tant essay, which is where he conceptualizes what he calls “a second life” (Jullien, 2017b). Keywords: China; duration; François Cheng; François Jullien; freedom; process; real life; second life; silent transformation; time; transit; true life. keywords: approach; cheng; china; chinese; come; consequence; double; duration; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; ethical; françois; françois jullien; freedom;; human; idea; intersections; issn; jullien; jusmet; life; living; luis; means; moment; necessary; new; open; permanent; perspectives; philosophy; present; print; process; proposal; result; roca; sage; second; sgarro; silent; subject; things; time; tommaso; transformation; transit; transition; true; way; work; world cache: elementa-2918.pdf plain text: elementa-2918.txt item: #20 of 26 id: elementa-3010 author: Sgarro, Tommaso title: Editorial I - Transitions: New and Different Perspectives date: 2022-07-27 words: 1838 flesch: 31 summary: Editorial I – Transitions: New and Different Perspectives Elementa Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives 2 (2022) 1-2 Transitions Edited by Tommaso Sgarro First Section Tommaso Sgarro Editorial I – Transitions: New and Different Perspectives 9 Tommaso Sgarro The Human “Historicity” as a Permanent Transition 13 in the Philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría Luis Roca Jusmet François Jullien: The Double Transit of Human Life 27 Jordi Riba Miralles The Event, beyond the Permanent Crisis 37 Alessia Franco For an Epistemology of Transition: Paul B. Preciado, 51 Psychoanalysis and the Regime of Sexual Difference Elementa. keywords: century; crisis; different; editorial; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; event; history;; human; intersections; issn; nature; new; old; permanent; perspectives; philosophy; print; sgarro; term; tommaso; transition; use; work cache: elementa-3010.pdf plain text: elementa-3010.txt item: #21 of 26 id: elementa-4083 author: Sgarro, Tommaso title: Editorial II - Governing Transitions date: 2022-12-14 words: 2065 flesch: 37 summary: What emerges is a narrative about “transitions in transition”, capable of addressing the issue of self- identity from personal experience. Seriously considering transition as transitions is the approach that we have tried to bring into play in the pages of this issue of Elementa. keywords: adulthood; community; editorial; elementa; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; foggia; fragility; governing;; human; intersections; issn; music; new; pandemic; permanent; perspectives; philosophy; print; processes; sgarro; social; support; teachers; tommaso; transition; work cache: elementa-4083.pdf plain text: elementa-4083.txt item: #22 of 26 id: elementa-4935 author: Caillé, Alain title: Recent Extensions of the Gift date: 2023-08-07 words: 13447 flesch: 60 summary: It is necessary on the contrary to think of the artist maintaining a relationship of gift and counter-gift in response to the gift that he received, the one that authorizes him to devote himself to art, and partaking as much as others in gift relations with fellow kindred. religion, political power and the person-to- person links sealed by gift relationships, whether in the domain of solidar- ity and loyalty or that of subjugation to hierarchical superiors, nobles or priests. keywords: alain; altruism; anthropology; anti; axiomatics; beginning; best; book; bulletin; caillé; calculation; care; case; century; conception; cycle; del; desire; dialogue; different; dimension; disciplines; discovery; donation; découverte; economic; economists; economy; empirical; empirical perspectives; epistemology; essay; essential; example; exchange; extensions; fact; famous; field; framework; french; friends; general; gift; gift paradigm; giving; god; good; great; hand; history;; human; important; individual; intellectual; interest; intersections; issn; journal; language; life; love; marcel; mauss; means; moral; nature; necessary; new; number; obligation; online issn; operator; order; paradigm; paris; particular; person; perspectives; philosophers; philosophical; philosophy; political; possible; pour; power; print; print issn; pure; question; reality; recent; recognition; relations; relationship; religion; resonance; return; revue; science; scientific; second; self; sense; simple; simple gift; social; sociology; struggle; subjects; term; theory; thought; time; translation; true; university; utilitarianism; way; word; work; years cache: elementa-4935.pdf plain text: elementa-4935.txt item: #23 of 26 id: elementa-4936 author: Caputo, Annalisa title: Ricoeur, Gift and Poetics date: 2023-08-07 words: 4434 flesch: 68 summary: Três estudos de Paul Ricœur como etaps de uma filoso- Paul Ricœur en perspective. keywords: annalisa; authentic; caputo; dans; des; desire; different; empirical; epistemology; equivalence; ethical; exchange; fact; fragile; gift; gratitude; gratuity;; intersections; issn; justice; language; logic; love; man; market; mutuality; optative; original; paris; paul; paul ricœur; perspectives; phenomenological; philosophy; poetics; poetry; possibility; possible; praise; press; print; reason; reciprocity; recognition; reconnaissance; return; ricœur; second; sense; superabundance; surprise; university; way cache: elementa-4936.pdf plain text: elementa-4936.txt item: #24 of 26 id: elementa-4937 author: Fistetti, Francesco title: The Gift Paradigm: Towards a Science of “total social facts” date: 2023-08-07 words: 10096 flesch: 50 summary: The Gift Paradigm: Towards a Science of “total social facts” 5 Elementa Intersections between Philosophy, Epistemology and Empirical Perspectives 3 (2023) 1-2 The Gift Edited by Francesco Fistetti Francesco Fistetti Editorial – What Is the Gift Paradigm? A Reading Guide 7 First Section Alain Caillé Recent Extensions of the Gift 13 Jacques T. Godbout The Enduring Relevance of Mauss’ Essai sur le don 41 Francesco Fistetti The Gift Paradigm: Towards a Science of “total social facts” 57 Annalisa Caputo Ricœur, Gift and Poetics 79 Elementa. keywords: actors; alliance; anthropological; anthropology; bond; civic; coexistence; common; community; conception; concrete; cultural; cultures; cycle; descombes; different; dimension; economic; empirical; empirical perspectives; eng; epistemology; essay; exchange; experience; facts; fistetti; form; francesco; freedom; gift; gift paradigm; giving; gramsci; groups; hand; hau; historical; homo;; human; hénaff; individuals; institutions; interest; intersections; issn; kind; law; lefort; legal; lesson; levinas; life; logic; lévi; marcel; mauss; maussian; means; merleau; modern; mutual; nature; new; novum; obligation; online issn; order; organum; pact; paradigm; paris; peirce; perspectives; philosophy; political; ponty; possible; power; press; principle; print; print issn; public; reason; receiving; reciprocity; recognition; relations; relationship; respect; rules; science; self; sense; social; social facts; societies; society; space; spinoza; state; strauss; struggle; subjects; symbolic; system; terms; theory; things; time; total; total social; transl; university; values; war; world cache: elementa-4937.pdf plain text: elementa-4937.txt item: #25 of 26 id: elementa-4938 author: Godbout, Jacques title: The Enduring Relevance of Mauss’ Essai sur le don date: 2023-08-07 words: 7042 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: gift as a link between people; gift as freedom and obligation; gift as positive indebtedness; gift as total social fact. When we think of giving in society today, we spontaneously bring to mind a particular type of gift: philanthropic, humanitarian. keywords: archaic; authors; blood; bond; circulation; common; conception; definition; del; differences; donation; donor; empirical; epistemology; essai; exchange; fact; form; freedom; fundamental; general; gift; giver; giving; godbout; hau;; idea; identity; intersections; issn; jacques; lévi; mauss; meaning; modern; māori; new; obligation; online issn; paris; perspectives; phenomenon; philosophy; print; print issn; pure; recipient; relationship; relevance; return; right; sahlins; self; social; societies; society; strangers; strauss; sur; theory; things; titmuss; true; way; york cache: elementa-4938.pdf plain text: elementa-4938.txt item: #26 of 26 id: elementa-5112 author: Fistetti, Francesco title: What Is the Gift Paradigm? A Reading Guide date: 2023-08-07 words: 1893 flesch: 37 summary: Again, on the relation- ship between gift and social justice a fundamental contribution was made by Elena Pulcini, Tra cura e giustizia. Similarly, Philippe Chanial’s recent work, Nos généreuses réciprocités (Arles, Actes Sud, 2022), explores the “family similarities” between gift and care, between gift and gender, between gift and nature, between gift and hospi- tality, between gift and the politics of emancipation. keywords: alain; caillé; economic; editorial; empirical; epistemology; essay; fact; fistetti; francesco; gift; gift paradigm; guide;;; intersections; issn; mauss; paradigm; perspectives; philosophy; print; reading; recognition; ricœur; social; struggle; terms; total; world cache: elementa-5112.pdf plain text: elementa-5112.txt