item: #1 of 123 id: eltin-1028 author: Samosir, Hepnyi; Tarigan, Merry Susanty; Manalu, Erika Kartika Mastiur title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE STUDENTS' INTEREST IN READING POETRY AND THEIR ABILITY TO ANALYZE POETRY AT SMA KARTIKA I-2 MEDAN date: 2018-04-24 words: 4310 flesch: 67 summary: The result of the study shows that there was any positive correlation between the students’ interest in reading poetry and students’ ability to analyze poetry at the eleventh grade students of SMA Kartika I – 2 Medan. Although teachers have implemented the method, it is found that the students’ interest in reading poetry was still poor. keywords: ability; correlation; daffodils; interest; kartika; poetry; reading; students cache: eltin-1028.pdf plain text: eltin-1028.txt item: #2 of 123 id: eltin-1029 author: Muharlisiani, Lusy Tunik; Kukuh, Anang; Azizah, Siti title: DESIGNING COMPUTER-BASED EXERCISES USING WEBLOG, HOT POTATOES SOFTWARE AND SKYPE MESSENGERS IN CREATING IDEAS TO FACILITATE INDEPENDENCE LEARNING OF READING COMPREHENSION date: 2018-04-24 words: 2060 flesch: 43 summary: (1) Trying of assessment widely about the design of its computer-based learning to the development of reasoning, (2) The improvement of the design of learning reading comprehension based computer by using weblog, hot potatoes software and skype messengers is to be worthy published, (3) Preparation of learning design based computer by using weblog, hot potatoes software and skype messengers to the development of a logical reasonable until ready to publish. On the basis of the emerging findings of the study a set of principles for designing web-conferencing (or other online) environments to support creative design learning is proposed. keywords: comprehension; computer; design; learning; potatoes; reading; students cache: eltin-1029.pdf plain text: eltin-1029.txt item: #3 of 123 id: eltin-1030 author: Emiliasari, Raynesa Noor title: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCE IN LESSON STUDY OF MGMP SMP MAJALENGKA date: 2018-04-24 words: 5530 flesch: 50 summary: Teachers should take advantage of ICT to ease Emiliasari: An Analysis of Teacher’s … 25 them in teaching or to create interesting materials so that students can increase their interests and motivation. The improvement of academic qualifications and teacher competence needs to be well programmed, it is necessary to provide an independent and professional teacher training (Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional: 2010). keywords: competence; guru; learning; lesson; model; plan; process; students; study; teachers; teaching cache: eltin-1030.pdf plain text: eltin-1030.txt item: #4 of 123 id: eltin-1038 author: Parmawati, Aseptiana title: THE STUDY CORRELATION BETWEEN READING HABIT AND PRONUNCIATION ABILITY AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF IKIP SILIWANGI date: 2018-04-24 words: 2464 flesch: 57 summary: Reading habit refers to the automatic process as the readers read the textual material and deriving meaning unconsciously. Keywords: Reading habit, Pronunciation, Correlation A. INTRODUCTION Language has central role on intellectual development, social, and emotional students to supported success student and learn all of lessons. keywords: ability; correlation; habit; pronunciation; reading; students cache: eltin-1038.pdf plain text: eltin-1038.txt item: #5 of 123 id: eltin-1051 author: Suryani, Lilis; Argawati, Ningtyas Orilina title: RISK-TAKING AND STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY: DO THEY CORRELATE? date: 2018-04-24 words: 4497 flesch: 60 summary: If learning is the result of taking risks, then risk taking is worth trying. Relating to the statement above, the researchers come to the thinking that speaking skill is considered difficult for almost language learners in Indonesia. keywords: ability; correlation; language; level; researchers; risk; saya; speaking; students; taking; test cache: eltin-1051.pdf plain text: eltin-1051.txt item: #6 of 123 id: eltin-1127 author: Firdhani, Anggi Rizky; Indrayani, Lia Maulia; Mahdi, Sutiono title: THE USE OF CONSONANT ELISION BY SRI MULYANI DURING HER INTERVIEW SESSION WITH THE BANKER date: 2018-10-30 words: 2334 flesch: 67 summary: The video that is chosen by the researcher is an interview video between Sri Mulyani and The Banker entitled View from IMF: Interview with Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Finance Minister, Indonesia. This research is entitled “The Use of Consonant Elision by Sri Mulyani During Her Interview Session with The Banker”. keywords: elision; english; mulyani; pronunciation; sri cache: eltin-1127.pdf plain text: eltin-1127.txt item: #7 of 123 id: eltin-1128 author: Rachmijati, Cynantia; Cahyati, Sri Supiah title: GENDER REPRESENTATION IN TEXTBOOK BAHASA INGGRIS GRADE X date: 2018-10-30 words: 3278 flesch: 49 summary: Gender Representation… 63 Text Quote by Mark Zuckenberg Social Conversation on congratulation Social, characters mentioned, domestic role Vocabularies Social, characters mentioned Conversation on complimenting Social, characters mentioned Frequency of appearance of male and female Male : 15 Female : 15 Table.3 Analysis of unit 3: “What Are You Going To Do Today?” 9 Analysis of unit 9: “The Battle of Surabaya” Visual Bung Tomo Social Text Heroes day in Indonesia Social, characters mentioned Dialogue on green campus Social Frequency of appearance of male and female Male :4 Female : 2 Table. keywords: characters; domestic; female; frequency; gender; male; social; visual cache: eltin-1128.pdf plain text: eltin-1128.txt item: #8 of 123 id: eltin-1129 author: Ramdani, Firman; Indrayani, Lia Maulia Indrayani Maulia title: COMPLAINING EXPRESSIONS USED BY THE CHARACTERS IN THE MOVIE ENTITLED TWO WEEKS NOTICE: A PRAGMATICS STUDY date: 2018-10-30 words: 3863 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: Speech acts; complaint strategies; complaint functions and context. The result of this study shows that all of complaint strategies according to Trosborg can be found in this movie, those are hint, annoyance, ill cosequence, indirect accusation, direct accusation, modified blame, explicit condemnation of the accused’s action, and explicit condemnation of the accused as a person strategies. keywords: complaint; expression; george; lucy; movie; strategy cache: eltin-1129.pdf plain text: eltin-1129.txt item: #9 of 123 id: eltin-1130 author: Sitorus, Nurhayati; Silitonga, Harpen title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DIRECT METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN SPEAKING date: 2018-10-30 words: 2367 flesch: 75 summary: The use of visual aids in Direct Method will make students be fun to learn English. The object of the research was English Department students. keywords: method; speaking; students; test cache: eltin-1130.pdf plain text: eltin-1130.txt item: #10 of 123 id: eltin-1131 author: Simanjuntak, Debora Chaterin title: PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ TEACHING PERFORMANCE IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS: INSTRUMENTAL CASE STUDY APPROACH date: 2018-10-30 words: 6553 flesch: 65 summary: Throughout the classroom observations and interviews, it was found that pre-service teachers provided relatable tasks for young learners; they focused on course objective; they established good bond with young learners before implementing the lessons. Sutton (2011) claimed that study after study have been conducted to train pre-service teachers to possess 21st century skills so that they could go out in to the teaching world and be adequately prepared. keywords: english; informant; language; learners; learning; pre; service; students; study; teachers; teaching cache: eltin-1131.pdf plain text: eltin-1131.txt item: #11 of 123 id: eltin-1132 author: Aryana, Suhud; Apsari, Yanuarti title: ANALYSING TEACHER’S DIFFICULTIES IN TEACHING LISTENING date: 2018-10-30 words: 3579 flesch: 58 summary: Internal factors which came from the respondent himself such as; he feels the difficulties in teaching, preparing listening materials, choosing method, technique, and strategy. External factors are; sound from environment activities like woodcutter machine, module, media problem as cable injector of sound system to laptop, English laboratory, electric off, and the difference of listening materials in syllabus 2013 curriculum and National Examination materials. keywords: english; listening; research; respondent; students; teacher; teaching cache: eltin-1132.pdf plain text: eltin-1132.txt item: #12 of 123 id: eltin-1133 author: Haryudin, Acep; Jamilah, Siti Ariani title: TEACHER’S DIFFICULTIES IN TEACHING SPEAKING USING AUDIO VISUAL AID FOR AUTISTIC STUDENTS date: 2018-10-30 words: 4477 flesch: 48 summary: The autistic students like to learn from things that movement, the effective teacher in taught autistic students not only book and pencil to learn but with audio visual aid. The explanation above, in communication autistic student difficulty in the conversation with others. keywords: autistic; difficulties; respondent; speaking; student; teacher; teaching; visual cache: eltin-1133.pdf plain text: eltin-1133.txt item: #13 of 123 id: eltin-117 author: Marwiyah, Siti; Kaswan, Kaswan title: THE INFLUENCE OF STUDENT’S LEARNING STYLE ON THEIR SPEAKING ABILITY AT CLASS IX OF MTs MUSLIMIN PEUSING BANDUNG BARAT date: 2015-04-25 words: 3634 flesch: 62 summary: Students value group interaction and class work with other students, and students remember information better when students work with two or three classmates. f. Individual Major Learning Style Preference Eltin Journal Vol 3/1, April 2015 4 Students learn best when you work alone, and students remember information students learn by them self. keywords: ability; english; group; learning; research; speaking; students; styles cache: eltin-117.pdf plain text: eltin-117.txt item: #14 of 123 id: eltin-118 author: Ruswinarsih, Ruswinarsih title: THE USE OF PICTURES IN IMPROVING WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT ABILITY OF THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN 5 DUMAI date: 2015-04-25 words: 5607 flesch: 65 summary: The total of students and the percentage (%) 1 81 – 100 Excellent 0 (0%) 2 61 – 80 Good 23 (69.7%) 3 41 – 60 Average 10 (30.3%) 4 21 – 40 Fair 0 (0%) 5 0 – 20 Poor 0 (0%) Total of Students 33 Mean Score 65.25 Category Good ELTIN Journal Vol 3/1, April 2015 12 THE USE OF PICTURES IN IMPROVING WRITING PROCEDURE TEXT ABILITY OF THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPN 5 DUMAI Ruswinarsih SMPN 5 Dumai, Riau ABSTRACT keywords: cycle; pictures; procedure; score; students; text; writing cache: eltin-118.pdf plain text: eltin-118.txt item: #15 of 123 id: eltin-119 author: Inayah, Ratih title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH STORYTELLING TECHNIQUE (An Experimental Study in a Senior High School in Bandung) date: 2015-04-25 words: 3787 flesch: 61 summary: In this research, the dependent variable is students’ achievement in speaking skill, while, the independent variable is storytelling technique. Teaching speaking means to teach students to produce the English speech sounds and sounds patterns, to use word and sentences stress, intonation patterns, and the rhythm of the second language, to select appropriate words and sentence according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject matter, to organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence, to use language as a mean of expressing values and judgments, to use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural pauses, which is called as fluency (Nunan: 2003) keywords: group; language; learning; research; speaking; storytelling; students cache: eltin-119.pdf plain text: eltin-119.txt item: #16 of 123 id: eltin-120 author: Masitoh, Siti; Suprijadi, Dasep title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT USING GENRE BASED APPROACH (GBA) AT THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP ISLAM TERPADU FITRAH INSANI date: 2015-04-25 words: 4478 flesch: 64 summary: This activity helps students to get to know what text descriptive  Students are given a descriptive story in English  Siti Masitoh & Dasep Suprijadi STKIPSiliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT Based on the phenomena that students have difficulties in writing descriptive text, students could not write because the students do not have any ideas when they areasked to write. keywords: approach; gba; genre; journal; posttest; research; students; text; writing cache: eltin-120.pdf plain text: eltin-120.txt item: #17 of 123 id: eltin-1202 author: Muthmainnah, Nur title: OPTIMIZING CRITICAL THINKING SKILL THROUGH PEER EDITING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING date: 2019-04-20 words: 3261 flesch: 56 summary: Peer editing introduces students with three main activities: (1) compliments, (2) suggestions, and (3) corrections in response to a sample of student writing. Muthmainnah: Optimizing Critical Thinking… 1 OPTIMIZING CRITICAL THINKING SKILL THROUGH PEER EDITING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING WRITING Nur Muthmainnah IAIN SALATIGA ABSTRACT The objective of the research was to know the description of how critical thinking skill can be optimized in teaching writing using peer editing technique. keywords: class; editing; peer; students; thinking; writing cache: eltin-1202.pdf plain text: eltin-1202.txt item: #18 of 123 id: eltin-121 author: Maulana, Angga title: THE DYNAMIC IMMERSION SOFTWARE: TEACHING ENGLISH VOCABULARY FOR YOUNG LEARNERS date: 2015-04-25 words: 3318 flesch: 52 summary: This was consistent with what was stated by Stempelski & Tomalin (1990) that children feel their interest quicken when a language is presented in a lively way, as it was in Rosetta Stone language learning software. Repeated words presented in Rosetta Stone language learning software became an effective vocabulary exercise because they were easy to follow, interesting and attractive. keywords: immersion; language; learning; method; software; students cache: eltin-121.pdf plain text: eltin-121.txt item: #19 of 123 id: eltin-1211 author: Resmini, Setya title: EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION TOWARDS THE USE OF BAHASA INDONESIA IN AN ENGLISH CLASSROOM date: 2019-04-17 words: 4159 flesch: 63 summary: The purpose of this study was to investigate the English as Foreign Language (EFL) students’ perceptions towards the use of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) in the English classroom. The Use of Bahasa Indonesia by the Teacher in the Classroom Based on the observation in the class, the teacher used bahasa Indonesia for some purposes. keywords: bahasa indonesia; classroom; english; language; students; teacher; use cache: eltin-1211.pdf plain text: eltin-1211.txt item: #20 of 123 id: eltin-1216 author: Fitriana, Pina; Hadijah, Diah; Lestari, Zubaedah Wiji title: THE USE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2019-04-20 words: 1705 flesch: 53 summary: I am more interested to read English text using authentic material 3.44% 62.07% 31.03% 3.44% 0% 3 Using authentic materials in reading English text makes me difficult in learning reading 3.44% 48.2% 37.93% 10.34% 0% 4 I am not interested to read English text after being taught using authentic texts. The result of the study reveals that the students had the positive perception toward the use of authentic material in the reading class. keywords: material; reading; students; use cache: eltin-1216.pdf plain text: eltin-1216.txt item: #21 of 123 id: eltin-122 author: parmawati, aseptiana title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION (CIRC) TO TEACH WRITING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY date: 2015-10-29 words: 4460 flesch: 60 summary: The result of the research shows that: (1) CIRC is more effective than Direct Method in teaching writing for eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Cepu Central Java; (2) students who have high creativity have better writing skill than students who have low creativity; (3) there is an interaction between teaching methods and students’ creativity in teaching writing at the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Cepu Central Java. Aseptiana Parmawati: The Effectiveness of Cooperative E 63 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION (CIRC) TO TEACH WRITING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY Aseptiana Parmawati STKIP Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT keywords: circ; creativity; method; score; students; teaching; writing cache: eltin-122.pdf plain text: eltin-122.txt item: #22 of 123 id: eltin-1221 author: efransyah, Efransyah - title: TEACHING DERIVATIONAL PROCESS TO COMPOSE PROPER SENTENCE date: 2019-04-17 words: 4071 flesch: 73 summary: It also means that teaching derivation process is influencing students to enrich their vocabularies and to use the proper words in constructing proper sentence. From the data analysis, the writer concluded that the students’ understanding about derivational process influenced their ability in using the proper word in constructing proper sentence and it also meant that the t-observe was higher than t- table (10,96 > 1,71), so the alternative hypothesis was accepted. keywords: noun; sentence; students; test; verb cache: eltin-1221.pdf plain text: eltin-1221.txt item: #23 of 123 id: eltin-1224 author: Santoso, Iman; Andriyadi, Andriyadi title: THE USE OF MY DICTIONARY APPLICATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2019-04-17 words: 2502 flesch: 68 summary: After that compared between posttest result class experiment with control class result is t (result the research) = Σ X1 - Σ X2 = t The findings showed that the mean of Experiment class students was 25.20, and the control class means score was 21.40. keywords: application; class; dictionary; language; use; vocabulary cache: eltin-1224.pdf plain text: eltin-1224.txt item: #24 of 123 id: eltin-123 author: Rakhman, Anita; Syatroh, Isry Laela title: THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ TEAM ACHIEVEMENT DIVISIONS (STAD) USED IN LEARNING PRACTICE OF TRANSLATING AND INTERPRETING date: 2015-10-29 words: 7145 flesch: 57 summary: Prior to conducting this study need to be prepared learning device, this includes lesson plans, student books, and student activity sheet along with the answer sheet. b) Forming cooperative groups. Before going to the class, the researcher prepares her lesson plans and student activity sheet along with the answer sheet. keywords: achievement; activity; data; group; learning; method; researcher; stad; students cache: eltin-123.pdf plain text: eltin-123.txt item: #25 of 123 id: eltin-124 author: Astuti, Rias Ning title: TEACHER PROFESSIONALISM ON TEACHER PEDAGOGIC KNOWLEDGE IN MERAUKE – PAPUA date: 2015-10-29 words: 3287 flesch: 55 summary: Teacher is also important in teaching learning process in the classroom, the foundation of English teacher education, teacher knowledge, and professionalism of the teacher is primary goal that should be mastered In this case, the writer tries to explore the phenomena that happened in Indonesia especially in East Indonesia, that is, Merauke - Papua. As an English teachers, we should master some criteria to be good teachers. keywords: education; english; knowledge; students; teacher; teaching cache: eltin-124.pdf plain text: eltin-124.txt item: #26 of 123 id: eltin-125 author: Rizkiani, Siska title: AUTHENTIC VIDEO AND SUBTITLES ON ENGLISH VOCABULARY ENHANCEMENT (A Quasi-Experimental Study in One Private College in Bandung) date: 2015-10-29 words: 2183 flesch: 70 summary: This study is aimed at finding the effectiveness of using authentic video and subtitles in EFL teaching learning. It means that using authentic video and subtitles in teaching English vocabulary is effective. keywords: subtitles; test; video; vocabulary cache: eltin-125.pdf plain text: eltin-125.txt item: #27 of 123 id: eltin-126 author: Rachmijati, Cynantia title: AN ANALYSIS OF THE SLANG LANGUAGE USED IN THE MOVIE “JUNO” date: 2015-10-29 words: 4482 flesch: 72 summary: This research entitled “An Analysis of the Slang Language used in the movie Juno” is a descriptive analysis of how slang language is used among youngster from the movie entitled “Juno”. During this modern language, slang language keeps involving within youngster conversation and spread through many media. keywords: analysis; evidence; juno; language; lines; meaning; movie; people; sentence; slang cache: eltin-126.pdf plain text: eltin-126.txt item: #28 of 123 id: eltin-127 author: Suryani, Lilis title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ROLE PLAY IN TEACHING SPEAKING date: 2015-10-29 words: 1712 flesch: 70 summary: It is supported by Nunan (1993), he states that there are some challenges in teaching speaking skill in EFL classroom namely lack of motivation, and they tend to use their first language. Nunan (1993) says that the importance of speaking skill is obviously noticed regarding the role of human as social being who depends himself more on speaking rather than writing when interacting with others. keywords: play; role; speaking; test cache: eltin-127.pdf plain text: eltin-127.txt item: #29 of 123 id: eltin-128 author: Cahyati, Sri Supiah; Rachmijati, Cynantia; Supartini, Nai title: ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER MANAGEMENT AS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CURRICULUM 2013 date: 2014-04-30 words: 3078 flesch: 59 summary: The followings are the data of English High School teachers as the subject of the research: Table 3. Keywords: curriculum 2013, teachers‟ management, English teacher, high school A. Introduction Curriculum plays a very important role in education system (Nasution, 2000). keywords: curriculum; english; high; learning; school; teachers; teaching cache: eltin-128.pdf plain text: eltin-128.txt item: #30 of 123 id: eltin-129 author: Anggraeni, Anita title: USING E-LEARNING TO SUPPORT LEARNING AND TEACHING LANGUAGE: The Importance of Virtual Learning Environments (VlE) to Improve Students` Sepaking Ability date: 2014-04-30 words: 3649 flesch: 56 summary: 2. 75 % of the interviewees reported that scaffolding and instruction provided by the teacher on how to conduct VLE e-learning helped them understand better be fore they began the discussion part. Using E-Learning to Support 9 USING E-LEARNING TO SUPPORT LEARNING AND TEACHING LANGUAGE: The Importance of Virtual Learning Environments (VlE) to Improve Students` Sepaking Ability Anita Anggraeni STKIP Siliwangi, keywords: experimental; group; learning; speaking; students; teaching; vle cache: eltin-129.pdf plain text: eltin-129.txt item: #31 of 123 id: eltin-130 author: Kurniati, Utut title: THE MYTH OF MATERIAL SUCCESS AS REFLECTED IN SAM WALTON: MADE IN AMERICA-MY STORY date: 2014-04-30 words: 4330 flesch: 68 summary: The Myth of Material 17 THE MYTH OF MATERIAL SUCCESS AS REFLECTED IN SAM WALTON: MADE IN AMERICA-MY STORY Utut Kurniati Swadaya Gunung Jati Universityof Cirebon ABSTRACT American myth of material success had been orchestrated five basic beliefs that were reflected in Sam Walton‟s biography, Sam Walton: Made in America-My Story. Those beliefs were: 1) Having a strong will to be successful man in America, Sam Walton was aware that the American democracy allowed its citizens to rise above any limitation in which they may have been born; 2) Then, he rose up from his limitation by hard work. keywords: america; hard; life; material; sam; sam walton; success; walton; work cache: eltin-130.pdf plain text: eltin-130.txt item: #32 of 123 id: eltin-1307 author: Kareviati, Evie; Yugafiati, Rasi; Resmini, Setya title: NEED ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT STUDENTS AS THE BASIC OF MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF WRITING FOR GENERAL COMMUNICATION date: 2019-11-30 words: 3819 flesch: 64 summary: One of the reasons is that more and more people need to learn to write in English for occupational or academic purposes, especially for English department students, they need to learn writing and prepare themselves for the final academic assignment (Apsari, 2018). Spelling A go ago The table above shows that most of students error in writing dealing with linguistic problem. keywords: analysis; communication; english; language; need; students; teaching; writing cache: eltin-1307.pdf plain text: eltin-1307.txt item: #33 of 123 id: eltin-131 author: Rachmawati, Dina title: An Analysis of the Violations of Cooperative Principle in the Weekly Humor (Humor Pekan ini ) in Pikiran Rakyat News Paper date: 2014-04-30 words: 3409 flesch: 66 summary: (5) seorang tentara yang bertugas di Timur Tengah sudah jenuh dan capai menjaga di wilayah konflik itu. “Bank yang ada di tengah kota ini, besok kita rampok,” ujar si jabrik pada rekannya. keywords: ada; akan; aku; dan; dengan; expression; ingin; itu; jokes; maxim; principle; saya; seorang; tapi; tidak; violations; yang cache: eltin-131.pdf plain text: eltin-131.txt item: #34 of 123 id: eltin-1318 author: Agustina, Noni; Joni, Joni title: THE SUBTITLING STRATEGIES USED IN INDONESIAN FILM date: 2019-10-21 words: 2129 flesch: 54 summary: In this study concerns on subtitling strategies. Subtitling strategies of “A Man Called Ahok” film Strategy Frequency Repetitio 632 Adiectio 112 Detractio 73 keywords: film; language; strategies; strategy; subtitling; translation; voice cache: eltin-1318.pdf plain text: eltin-1318.txt item: #35 of 123 id: eltin-132 author: Muhtar, Siti Nuraeni title: A STUDY OF LEARNING STYLE PREFERENCES OF ALL FEMALE STUDENTS IN UNIVERSITY LEVEL (A Case Study in one of Islamic University in Bandung) date: 2014-04-30 words: 3239 flesch: 64 summary: The topic of learning styles and its effect on student performance have been extensivelyexamined in the educational research literature (Felder &Henriques, 1995), specificallyin the context of differences in student learning styles by Felder ELTIN journal, Volume 2/I, April 2014 36 and Brent (2005). Carver, C. A., Howard, R. A., & Lane, W. D (1999).Enhancing student learning through hypermedia courseware and incorporation of student learning styles. keywords: class; learning; students; study; styles; work cache: eltin-132.pdf plain text: eltin-132.txt item: #36 of 123 id: eltin-1327 author: Parmawati, Aseptiana; Inayah, Ratih title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH ENGLISH MOVIE IN SCOPE OF SPEAKING FOR GENERAL COMMUNICATION date: 2019-10-21 words: 3475 flesch: 62 summary: In reality, most of the students at IKIP Siliwangi face some problems related to speaking skill. However, most of students in second semester of English Education Department of IKIP Siliwangi still have difficulties ELTIN Journal, Volume 7/II, October 2019 44 in mastering English, especially in speaking skills. keywords: english; learning; movie; research; skill; speaking; students; test cache: eltin-1327.pdf plain text: eltin-1327.txt item: #37 of 123 id: eltin-133 author: Kaswan, Kaswan title: ELICITATION TECHNIQUE AND ITS IMPACT ON COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (An experiment Study Conducted at SMP Pasundan 1 Cimahi) date: 2014-04-30 words: 2410 flesch: 59 summary:  Elication technique has a significant impact on students communicative competence . B. Literature Re view There are two main concepts which will be reviewed in this section: elicitation and communicative competence. keywords: competence; elicitation; technique cache: eltin-133.pdf plain text: eltin-133.txt item: #38 of 123 id: eltin-134 author: Suprijadi, Dasep title: Books Review on Pokoknya Sunda: Interpretasi untuk Aksi; Pokoknya Rekayasa Literasi; Language, Culture, and Education: A Portrait of Contemporary Indonesia date: 2014-04-30 words: 2579 flesch: 48 summary: The main points of Bogor Declaration are among others: 1) motivating the youths through education to grow their enthusiasm and love toward the local culture; 2) reinforcing educational institutions and mass media to proactively promote, develop, and maintain the existence of Sundanese culture and art; and 3) creating publication of journals and international website in Sundanese language or in Bahasa Indonesia containing the discussions of Sundanese culture in relation to philosophy, politics, economics, and social science; 4) informing the results of the research dealing with sundanese culture through local wisdom based education system; and 5) organizing the existence of archeological sites concerning sundanese cultural heritage. The policy of language education in Indonesia seems to be in a hard situation in which people are not sure what to do, cannot take action simply because they are waiting for somebody else to take the action and to make a decision. keywords: author; book; culture; education; language; sundanese cache: eltin-134.pdf plain text: eltin-134.txt item: #39 of 123 id: eltin-1368 author: Maulana, Angga; Rizkiani, Siska title: PRE-SERVICE EFL TEACHERS’ COGNITION OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS date: 2019-10-21 words: 4870 flesch: 55 summary: This study is trying to look at the pre- service English teachers’ cognition on English textbook of vocational schools in order to raise the quality of pre-service English teacher and benefit the foundation of thinking abilities and teaching reflection on the textbook usage in their classroom. Hence, this study is aimed to investigate the pre-service English teachers’ cognition on English textbook that widely used in vocational schools in order to increase the quality of pre-service English teacher and benefit the foundation of thinking abilities and teaching reflection on the textbook usage in their classroom. keywords: cognition; english; learning; material; pre; students; teachers; teaching; textbook cache: eltin-1368.pdf plain text: eltin-1368.txt item: #40 of 123 id: eltin-1380 author: Syathroh, Isry Laila; Musthafa, Bachrudin -; Purnawarman, Pupung - title: INVESTIGATING INDONESIAN TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN MIXED ABILITY CLASSES date: 2019-10-21 words: 6126 flesch: 57 summary: This paper also sets out to explore potential teaching methods aiming to reach appropriate solutions to the problems come up in most of mixed ability classes. This is due to the fact that teachers need to adopt and experiment various approaches in solving the problems found in mixed ability classes. keywords: ability; classes; learning; mac; strategies; students; teachers; teaching; √ √ cache: eltin-1380.pdf plain text: eltin-1380.txt item: #41 of 123 id: eltin-1382 author: Siswanto, Indira Lusianingtyas; Fitriana, Catur; Bram, Barli title: USING WORD BANK TO ENRICH VOCABULARY OF GRADE X STUDENTS OF TAMAN KARYA MADYA VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL date: 2019-10-21 words: 4300 flesch: 66 summary: Therefore, in order to maximize student learning, a teacher must find out what works best in a particular situation.” This study sought to answer the research questions related to how the word bank helped students in enriching vocabulary and whether there was any relationship between the teaching method applied in this CAR and the students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery. keywords: learning; research; students; teaching; test; vocabulary; words cache: eltin-1382.pdf plain text: eltin-1382.txt item: #42 of 123 id: eltin-1395 author: Yugafiati, Rasi; Priscila, Tania title: THE USE OF MIND MAP TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY AT SMP WARINGIN BANDUNG date: 2019-10-22 words: 3265 flesch: 70 summary: g. Students can play their daily routine with mind map; h. Revision is quick and effective; i. Students will appreciate own product (mind map); j. Students are interested in learning vocabulary using mind map. keywords: language; map; mind; students; test; vocabulary cache: eltin-1395.pdf plain text: eltin-1395.txt item: #43 of 123 id: eltin-1524 author: Wigati, Fikri Asih; Sari, Rianita Puspa; Santosa, Made Panji Teguh title: Industrial Needs on English Skills of New Employees: A Survey date: 2020-02-04 words: 4498 flesch: 49 summary: In the world of industry ,language English competencies can be active or passive, and they are often divided into four interconnected skills. Factors that influence the level of English competency can be reflected by 10 indicators PIV1, PAK1, PIT1, PAM1, PAM2, PAK2, PIT2, PAK3, PAK4, PIV2 with loading factor values above 0.7, so that the level of English competence in industrial engineering workforce is reflected at the level of English competence of expert users and independent users, which is reflected in the competence that is able to present ideas, translate modules, understand speech / conversation, translate teleconferences, translate guest conversations, understand online data, understand literacy, explore and analyze English data, summarize statistical data, visualize and interpret English data. keywords: data; employees; english; industrial; language; level; need; research; results; skills cache: eltin-1524.pdf plain text: eltin-1524.txt item: #44 of 123 id: eltin-1533 author: Rizkiani, Siska; Bhuana, Gartika Pandu; Rizqiya, Rissa San title: CODED VS UNCODED CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK IN TEACHING WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT date: 2019-12-12 words: 4750 flesch: 59 summary: This finding also supports some experts that explicitly investigate the relation of written corrective feedback and students’ writing accuracy (see Ferris, 1999) and state positive effect of written corrective feedback (see Hyland, 2013;Ellis, 2010; Li, 2010; Lyster & Saito, 2010). After conducting this study, it is suggested for further research in the similar field as this study to consider applying other type of written corrective feedback in order to have better approach in improving students’ writing skill. keywords: error; feedback; grammar; language; score; students; teacher; test; writing cache: eltin-1533.pdf plain text: eltin-1533.txt item: #45 of 123 id: eltin-1555 author: Nurviyani, vina title: IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTENSIVE READING THROUGH A DIGITAL INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA date: 2020-01-28 words: 3295 flesch: 51 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Nurviyani, Vina: Implementation of Extensive Reading … 35 IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTENSIVE READING THROUGH A DIGITAL INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA Vina Nurviyani1 UNIVERSITAS SURYAKENCANA ABSTRACT This study explored the implementation of extensive reading through a digital instructional media. keywords: application; data; padlet; reading; research; students; study cache: eltin-1555.pdf plain text: eltin-1555.txt item: #46 of 123 id: eltin-1604 author: Febryanto, Mohammad title: ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE OF BACKGROUND OF STUDENTS’ FINAL PROJECT date: 2020-03-31 words: 3793 flesch: 65 summary: This is as said by Emilia (2012) in this section the author must explain research research with the region showing that the field of research being studied is generally central and important, relevant, interesting or problematic, so in this section it also gives researchers information on background topics behind research. Steps contained in move 1 were steps 1 and 3, namely making topic generalization by providing background information about the topic and reviewing an item of previous research by introducing and reviewing the results of research previously in the area. keywords: background; data; project; research; step; structure; study cache: eltin-1604.pdf plain text: eltin-1604.txt item: #47 of 123 id: eltin-1824 author: Zakiyah, Mardhiyatu; Rahmawati, Maya; Ridwan, Iwan title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON LEARNING READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH RECIPROCAL TEACHING STRATEGY date: 2021-04-03 words: 3970 flesch: 50 summary: This research aimed to investigate the perception of twelve students of Islamic senior high school toward reading utilizing reciprocal teaching strategy in terms of cognitive and affective aspects. Keywords: Reciprocal teaching strategy, Perception, Cognitive aspect, Affective aspect. keywords: comprehension; learning; reading; strategy; students; teaching; text cache: eltin-1824.pdf plain text: eltin-1824.txt item: #48 of 123 id: eltin-1826 author: Wijaya, Kristian Florensio title: THE IMPACTS OF OUTCOME-BASED EDUCATION FOR EFL LEARNERS’ LEARNING AUTONOMY IN THE INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION CLASS date: 2020-10-05 words: 7863 flesch: 46 summary: Wijaya, Kristian: The Impacts of Outcome-Based Education … 75 THE IMPACTS OF OUTCOME-BASED EDUCATION FOR EFL LEARNERS’ LEARNING AUTONOMY IN THE INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION CLASS Kristian Florensio Wijaya SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT To enable all EFL learners to engage in teacher-course experiences to be high-quality educators in the future, outcome-based education needs to be implemented by all lecturers in charge of improving the future national educational systems through hands-on, enjoyable, and cooperative learning experiences. This study employed a qualitative method to investigate whether outcome-based education had successfully promoted learning autonomy for EFL learners engaging in the introduction to education class. keywords: autonomy; class; education; efl; knowledge; learners; learning; lecturer; outcome; processes; students; teachers; teaching cache: eltin-1826.pdf plain text: eltin-1826.txt item: #49 of 123 id: eltin-1877 author: Indriani, Ketut Santi title: THE EFFECT OF TASK PLANNING DURATION ON THE STUDENTS ABILITY OF SPEAKING IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESS date: 2020-10-05 words: 4775 flesch: 62 summary: This study was to find out the extent to task planning duration is applicable and influenced students’ oral presentation in terms of fluency, complexity and accuracy in English as a second language learning process. Thus, the problem that can be formulated in this study related to the background is how task planning duration affects student’s Indriani: Implementing Task Planning Duration … 125 performance in speaking task in terms of fluency, complexity and accuracy. keywords: complexity; duration; language; learners; students; task; task planning cache: eltin-1877.pdf plain text: eltin-1877.txt item: #50 of 123 id: eltin-1882 author: Shabir, Muhammad; Umam, Amalul title: UNDERSTANDING STUDENTS’ LEARNING EXPERIENCES IN THE DIGITAL AGE date: 2020-10-05 words: 5094 flesch: 53 summary: His study revealed that digital native students tend to have a different perception of what they are offered at school. Students have been offered the access to digital based learning activities with an expectation that the students can learn effectively and efficiently. keywords: digital; experiences; internet; learning; students; study; teaching; understanding; use cache: eltin-1882.pdf plain text: eltin-1882.txt item: #51 of 123 id: eltin-1922 author: Puspita, Dian; Amelia, Dina title: TED-TALK: A SUPPLEMENT MATERIAL TO PROMOTE STUDENTS’ AUTONOMY IN LISTENING date: 2020-10-05 words: 4756 flesch: 54 summary: Students’ Listening Skill The listening test set done by students before and after treatment show the different result. The questionnaire adapted from Cooker (2015) aims to determine the condition of student learning autonomy before treatment is given. keywords: ability; autonomy; learning; listening; students; talk; ted; use cache: eltin-1922.pdf plain text: eltin-1922.txt item: #52 of 123 id: eltin-1927 author: Parmawati, Aseptiana; Santoso, Iman; Yana, Yana title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL THROUGH ROUND TABLE TECHNIQUE date: 2020-10-05 words: 3348 flesch: 65 summary: The questionnaire sheet is shared with students, with the aim to find out student responses to the course of learning activities. Many students assume that they are competing with each other. keywords: learning; round; students; table; technique; test; writing cache: eltin-1927.pdf plain text: eltin-1927.txt item: #53 of 123 id: eltin-1964 author: Sabila, Nadia Fauzatus; Pahlevi, Muhammad Reza; Miftakh, Fauzi title: INCORPORATING EDMODO AS LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN EFL CLASSROOM date: 2020-10-06 words: 5530 flesch: 58 summary: The fourth reason is because Edmodo motivated students. The object of the assessment is not just to achieve student scores and to decide whether or not they fulfill the criteria, but also to know more about the development of students in learning and to mediate them in order to be effective in learning. keywords: assessment; data; edmodo; learning; quiz; students; teacher; test cache: eltin-1964.pdf plain text: eltin-1964.txt item: #54 of 123 id: eltin-2117 author: Ningsih, Yuliana; Artika, Kurnia Dwi title: ENHANCING SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH WASTE OF MACHINE’S SPARE PARTS AS THE LEARNING MEDIA date: 2021-04-03 words: 4175 flesch: 55 summary: Students in this study were Mechanical Engineering's students, so the intended waste was more specified in the waste machine so that students pay more attention to the surrounding environment and according to their field, namely Mechanical Engineering. In addition to taking student test data, researchers also administered a questionnaire; 80% of students said that they like studying English using the waste machine, 85% of students said that presentation in English with the waste machine is helping them, and 90% of students enjoyed involving in speaking class by using the waste machine. keywords: english; language; learning; machine; media; research; skill; speaking; students; waste cache: eltin-2117.pdf plain text: eltin-2117.txt item: #55 of 123 id: eltin-2136 author: Nanda, Dodi Widia title: EXPLORING THE CONNECTION AMONG LANGUAGE, CULTURE, IDENTITY AND DIFFERENCE date: 2021-04-03 words: 4114 flesch: 57 summary: People must have shared language system as well, knowing that language is categorised as the second system of representation which has a function to build meaning (Hall, 2013). To exemplify, in my home country, Indonesia, people who belong to Minangkabau people (a tribe located in West Sumatera, Indonesia) will write “p-i-t-i” to refers to a concept of “a tool of the transaction (money)”. keywords: culture; difference; identity; language; minangkabau; people; research cache: eltin-2136.pdf plain text: eltin-2136.txt item: #56 of 123 id: eltin-2178 author: Yuzulia, Irza title: A STUDY ON STUDENTS' MOTIVATION TOWARDS LEARNING ENGLISH LANGUAGE date: 2021-04-03 words: 3607 flesch: 59 summary: Learning motivation is a momentous field in language pedagogy since it is seen as one of the key variables contributing to the successful acquisition of a foreign language or second language (Kormos & Csizér, 2010). A comparison of the foreign language learning motivation of Hungarian dyslexic and non‐dyslexic students. keywords: english; language; learning; motivation; students; study cache: eltin-2178.pdf plain text: eltin-2178.txt item: #57 of 123 id: eltin-2182 author: Triyanto, Triyanto title: SUNDANESE LANGUAGE ACQUISITION IN CHILDREN WITH INDONESIAN MOTHER LANGUAGE date: 2021-04-03 words: 5321 flesch: 59 summary: Based on this description, this study focuses on acquiring Sundanese language in MKI who speaks Bahasa Indonesia as a mother language. The object of this research is MKI, a 6 year old child who speaks in Bahasa Indonesia as his mother language (L1) but he simultaneously acquires Sundanese language (L2). keywords: acquisition; bahasa; child; language; mki; performance; process; sundanese cache: eltin-2182.pdf plain text: eltin-2182.txt item: #58 of 123 id: eltin-2183 author: Hardiyanti, Dewi Aulia; Misbah, Hasanul; Hadi, Muhamad Sofian title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENTS’ PERSONALITY AND SPEAKING PERFORMANCE date: 2021-04-03 words: 4013 flesch: 58 summary: Extrovert students like to participate, talk and socialize, and extrovert students are the best working in a group. Therefore, the speaking of extrovert students is often better than that of introvert students (Travolta, 2018). keywords: extrovert; introvert; language; personality; speaking; students cache: eltin-2183.pdf plain text: eltin-2183.txt item: #59 of 123 id: eltin-2238 author: Hadi, Muhamad Sofian; Izzah, Lidiyatul; Humaira Hidayat, Mutiara Nurul title: THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS' LEARNING STYLE ON THEIR ACHIEVEMENT IN READING SKILL date: 2021-10-02 words: 3693 flesch: 60 summary: it is known that 50% of 34 students have visual learning style, 26% of 34 students have auditory learning style, and 24% of 34 students have kinesthetic learning style. The conclusion of this research is that visual learning style is the best way to make reading comprehension easier. keywords: english; learning; learning style; reading; students; style; visual cache: eltin-2238.pdf plain text: eltin-2238.txt item: #60 of 123 id: eltin-2242 author: Zaitun, Zaitun; Hadi, Muhamad Sofian; Putri, Aryani Syalwa title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS IN TEACHING STUDENT SPEAKING SKILL date: 2021-10-02 words: 3484 flesch: 63 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: Zaitun, Hadi & Putri: The Effectiveness of Online … 101 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS IN TEACHING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL Zaitun1, Muhamad Sofian Hadi2, Aryani Syalwa Putri*3,, One of the media that can be used is instructional video. keywords: media; online; speaking; students; test; video cache: eltin-2242.pdf plain text: eltin-2242.txt item: #61 of 123 id: eltin-2250 author: Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: HATE SPEECH ON JOKO WIDODO’S OFFICAL FACEBOOK: AN ANALYSIS OF IMPOLITENESS STRATEGIES USED BY DIFFERENT GENDER date: 2021-04-15 words: 4148 flesch: 60 summary: The statement above is included in the category of negative impoliteness strategy, because this statement implies downplaying the consequences of the Covid-19 virus. In addition, (6) people now use social media as a means of bullying, intimidating, and humiliating others by expressing hate speech. keywords: facebook; hate; impoliteness; joko; netizens; social; speech; strategies; widodo cache: eltin-2250.pdf plain text: eltin-2250.txt item: #62 of 123 id: eltin-2253 author: Mulyani, Euis Rina; Lukmana, Iwa; Fadloeli, Odo title: A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY TO THE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH WORD TIERS BY INDONESIAN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2021-10-11 words: 4595 flesch: 71 summary: Other example, the 1a2c3b type indicated that the sequence of word tier acquisition by the students was tier I, III, and II respectively. The students with 1a2b3c type of word tier acquisition are the students whose basic-words mastery are the best, academic words are the second best, and specific fields of study are the third best. keywords: acquisition; grade; language; learning; strategies; students; tier; words cache: eltin-2253.pdf plain text: eltin-2253.txt item: #63 of 123 id: eltin-2452 author: Sulistyaningrum, Siti Drivoka; Pusparani, Dian title: THE INCORPORATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TOOLS IN THE PRE-SERVICE LEARNING ACTIVITIES IN A TEACHER’S LESSON PLAN date: 2021-10-02 words: 5272 flesch: 51 summary: ICT tools used in pre-service learning activities Figure 1 shows that there are eleven types of ICT tools. b. ICT tools incorporated in pre-service learning activities Because pre-service instructors are incorporating ICT tools into their teaching and learning activities, ICT tools have the potential to support education. keywords: activities; ict; ict tools; learning; lesson; students; teachers; technology; tools cache: eltin-2452.pdf plain text: eltin-2452.txt item: #64 of 123 id: eltin-2481 author: Saputra, Riyadi; Marfuah, Lidiah title: DESIGNING AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT FOR WRITING SKILL AT THE TENTH GRADE OF SMAN UNGGUL DHARMASRAYA date: 2022-03-14 words: 6189 flesch: 54 summary: The researcher created prototype of product presented as follows: Figure 1 Prototype of Authentic Assessment Model Based on PBA Based on the prototype above, it was going to discuss more detail about the designing of authentic assessment model based on performance-based assessment. INDONESIA ABSTRACT The assessment in curriculum 2013 is more emphasized on authentic assessment. keywords: assessment; errors; score; students; task; writing; 𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 cache: eltin-2481.pdf plain text: eltin-2481.txt item: #65 of 123 id: eltin-2537 author: Rohmah, Nuzulur; Indah, Rohmani Nur title: THE USE OF MODIFIED ENGLISH SONG TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY date: 2021-10-02 words: 4349 flesch: 60 summary: This study argues that Modified English song could be applied by the students in daily life. While the post-test was conducted after the treatment to determine if using modified English song can improve students' vocabulary mastery. keywords: class; english; language; learning; music; song; students; teaching; test; vocabulary cache: eltin-2537.pdf plain text: eltin-2537.txt item: #66 of 123 id: eltin-2613 author: Gunawan, Iwan; Ahmad, Yousef Bani; Utami, Praditya Putri title: INDONESIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENT'S EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES OF LEARNING VOCABULARY THROUGH ENGLISH LEARNING ACCOUNTS ON INSTAGRAM date: 2021-10-02 words: 5462 flesch: 42 summary: A number of obstacles which directly faced by the participant were consist of: Interview Excerpt 5 Based on my experiences during vocabulary learning through English learning accounts on Instagram, getting bad mood (unhappiness) and having stress (unhappiness) were main obstacles which experienced by me. To sum up, it was pivotal thing to keep up and maintain positive emotions in vocabulary learning process. keywords: accounts; emotions; english; instagram; learning; learning vocabulary; participant; research; students; vocabulary cache: eltin-2613.pdf plain text: eltin-2613.txt item: #67 of 123 id: eltin-2626 author: Khoirunisa, Filzah; Suryaman, Maman; Yanto, Elih Sutisna title: MORAL EDUCATION IN ELT: A CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF TOLERANCE VALUES REPRESENTED IN INDONESIAN EFL TEXTBOOK date: 2021-10-02 words: 5136 flesch: 52 summary: At the end, for the next research, the researchers suggest to analyze moral values, religious values and gender-related values represented in other textbook. The aim of textbook writers may be to guide learners to learn activities through a myriad of texts and bring them to the actual situations. keywords: analysis; education; english; figure; students; textbook; tolerance; values cache: eltin-2626.pdf plain text: eltin-2626.txt item: #68 of 123 id: eltin-2666 author: Clarisa, Salzu; Miftakh, Fauzi; Rahmawati, Maya title: A NEED ANALYSIS OF TASK ACTIVITY IDENTIFIED FOR TOURISM STUDENTS IN LISTENING AND SPEAKING INTEGRATED SKILL date: 2022-03-09 words: 5996 flesch: 49 summary: Furthermore, this present study is focused on conducting need analysis task activity for tourism students in vocational school. The information collected from need analysis task activity is also refers to tourism students real conditions. keywords: activity; analysis; english; learning; listening; need; speaking; students; syllabus; task cache: eltin-2666.pdf plain text: eltin-2666.txt item: #69 of 123 id: eltin-2682 author: Sari, Cindy Fatika; Suryaman, Maman; Yanto, Elih Sutisna title: STUDENTS’ EMOTIONAL RESPONSES TOWARD TEACHER’S DIRECT WRITTEN CORRECTIVE FEEDBACK date: 2022-03-09 words: 3959 flesch: 52 summary: “I feel disappointed”: EFL university students’ emotional responses towards teacher written feedback. This study was conducted to find out what emotional responses students felt when their assignments were given comments and feedback directly by the teacher. keywords: errors; feedback; journal; language; research; responses; students; study; teacher; writing cache: eltin-2682.pdf plain text: eltin-2682.txt item: #70 of 123 id: eltin-2726 author: Justiana, Pande Putu; Santosa, Made Hery; Mahendrayana, Gede title: ENGLISH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS READINIESS IN UTILIZING MALL IN ENGLISH DISTANCE LEARNING CONTEXT date: 2022-08-06 words: 4660 flesch: 57 summary: From several indicators of student readiness, the budget indicator has the lowest average value. In addition, teachers can monitor the development of student abilities directly and also build communication networks with parents of students (Lizamuddin et al., 2019). keywords: distance; journal; language; learning; mall; online; readiness; students; teachers; teaching; technology cache: eltin-2726.pdf plain text: eltin-2726.txt item: #71 of 123 id: eltin-2739 author: Nisa, Hania Fadhilatun; Izzah, Lidyatul; Hadi, Muhamad Sofian title: THE USE OF PODCAST TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION date: 2022-03-09 words: 3750 flesch: 64 summary: In this modern era, practicing English listening skill can be done anytime, anywhere and anyhow. The problem that is discussed by the researcher in this thesis is the “Effectiveness of Using Podcast in Teaching Listenig Comprehension” Based on the background above, researchers limit the study about “The Effectiveness of Using Podcast in teaching listening comprehension”. keywords: comprehension; language; listening; podcast; score; students; test cache: eltin-2739.pdf plain text: eltin-2739.txt item: #72 of 123 id: eltin-2747 author: Haniva, Denisa Rizkia; Nurhapitudin, Irman; Fauzi, Erfan Muhamad title: POLITENESS PRINCIPLE OF ASSERTIVE ACT IN DEBATE BETWEEN DONALD TRUMP AND JOE BIDEN date: 2021-10-06 words: 8427 flesch: 67 summary: The intent and purpose of assertive speech acts is for the speaker to reveal the truth and something that has happened. In assertive speech acts, the speaker conveys information about the truth and events that have occurred to the listener (Searle, 1979). keywords: act; assertive; biden; function; maxim; politeness; speaker; speech; statement; trump cache: eltin-2747.pdf plain text: eltin-2747.txt item: #73 of 123 id: eltin-2910 author: Atmaja, Karta title: THE ANALYSIS OF CODE MIXING USED BY AGNES MO ON DEDDY CORBUZIER’S PODCAST YOUTUBE CHANNEL date: 2022-08-29 words: 7181 flesch: 69 summary: The type of code mixing is inter-sentential code mixing and the level of code mixing is clause level. This type of code mixing is considered into inter-sentential code mixing because it uttered in the clause boundary. keywords: boundary; clause; clause level; code mixing; code sentence; data; datum; end; english; language; level; middle; phrase; sentence; sentence boundary; utterance cache: eltin-2910.pdf plain text: eltin-2910.txt item: #74 of 123 id: eltin-2935 author: Ningrum, Diah Widya title: THE UTILIZATION OF QUIZIZZ APPLICATION IN ONLINE ENGLISH LEARNING date: 2022-03-09 words: 4476 flesch: 53 summary: Regarding the following statement, that by using Quizizz students can find out the material they have not studied, the average was found to be 4.22. Furthermore, Quizizz application can create an interactive and fun atmosphere for the learning process. keywords: application; english; learning; questions; quizizz; students cache: eltin-2935.pdf plain text: eltin-2935.txt item: #75 of 123 id: eltin-2944 author: Sirait, Asnita; Indrayani, Lia Maulia; Amalia, Rosaria Mita; Lingga, Thomson Radesman title: CONCEPTUALIZATIONS AND SCHEMATIZATIONS OF HEAD METAPHORS: A CONCEPTUAL METAPHOR THEORY date: 2022-03-09 words: 5166 flesch: 62 summary: Sentences which contain head metaphors were selected, analyzed, and categorized to relevant conceptual metaphors through the bridge of mappings to characterize the relationship between two concepts (source and target domains) in the metaphorical process and image schemas. The second part is the concept of head metaphor. keywords: container; data; domain; head; image; metaphor; object; schemas cache: eltin-2944.pdf plain text: eltin-2944.txt item: #76 of 123 id: eltin-2947 author: Lugman, Erizal title: CULTURAL ADJUSTMENT PROBLEMS IN ACADEMIC LIFE EXPERIENCED BY INDONESIAN POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS IN LONDON date: 2022-03-09 words: 4713 flesch: 42 summary: The number of Indonesian students studying in the United Kingdom is steadily rising. This study suggests that Indonesian students planning to study abroad should prepare themselves to adjust to cultural differences to achieve excellent academic performance successfully. keywords: adjustment; english; indonesian; journal; participants; students; study; thinking cache: eltin-2947.pdf plain text: eltin-2947.txt item: #77 of 123 id: eltin-2968 author: Damayanti, Fuji Puspita; Rachmawati, Dina title: ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING MOTIVATION OF THAI STUDENTS OF LANTARATPRACHAUTIT SCHOOL date: 2022-03-14 words: 4329 flesch: 49 summary: Finally, students' interest and participation in classroom activities in the English teaching-learning process represented their motivation in English language learning. It was in line with Gardner (1985) who stated that motivation has long been identified as one of the main factors affecting English language learning. keywords: classroom; data; english; language; learning; motivation; students cache: eltin-2968.pdf plain text: eltin-2968.txt item: #78 of 123 id: eltin-3056 author: Sari, Eka Dyah Puspita; Agustina, Mia Fitria title: STUDENTS’ INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH IN WRITING ACADEMIC ESSAY date: 2022-08-12 words: 3859 flesch: 60 summary: Thus, it can be concluded that writing essay is not an easy thing to conduct, but it merely takes some effort to make it coherence and meaningful. Academic Writing class focuses to help students write more in academic writing, moreover in writing essay. keywords: essay; paragraph; statement; students; thesis; writing cache: eltin-3056.pdf plain text: eltin-3056.txt item: #79 of 123 id: eltin-3125 author: Limeranto, Jeane Theresia; Mbato, Concilianus Laos title: MOTIVATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH ESSAY WRITING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION LEVEL date: 2022-08-06 words: 7075 flesch: 52 summary: There are several studies attempting to investigate and identify EFL students’ writing problems encountered during the process of essay writing (Alisha, Safitri, & Santoso, 2019; Ariyanti & Fitriana, 2017; Fareed et al., 2016). Variables affecting student motivation based on academic publications. keywords: achievement; efl; english; essay; journal; language; motivation; students; study; teachers; writing cache: eltin-3125.pdf plain text: eltin-3125.txt item: #80 of 123 id: eltin-3156 author: Yulistia, Aulia Putri; Savitri, Wiwiet Eva title: JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM TO PROMOTE AUTONOMY IN ONLINE ENGLISH LEARNING date: 2022-08-06 words: 6952 flesch: 56 summary: Damayanti et al. further insisted that the utilization of Google Classroom has a 66.8 percent effect on student learning autonomy, with the remaining 33.2 percent influenced by unknown variables such as learning styles and learning motivation (Damayanti et al., 2022). However, based on these findings, it can be inferred that teachers did not utilize Google Classroom features—stream—well for having a discussion or interaction. keywords: assignments; autonomy; classroom; english; google; google classroom; learning; materials; online; school; students cache: eltin-3156.pdf plain text: eltin-3156.txt item: #81 of 123 id: eltin-3199 author: Ramdhani, Paula Eka; Pusparini, Ririn title: REAP (READ, ENCODE, ANNOTATE, AND PONDER) STRATEGY COMBINED WITH MIND MAPPING TO FACILITATE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2022-08-12 words: 6620 flesch: 66 summary: Paula Eka Ramdhani1*, Ririn Pusparini2 1, UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SURABAYA ABSTRACT REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder) strategy is a well-designed learning strategy for teaching students to comprehend a reading text. It also made reading activity more alive, activates background knowledge among students, and encourages them to think creatively. keywords: mind; narrative; reading; reap; strategy; students; teacher; text cache: eltin-3199.pdf plain text: eltin-3199.txt item: #82 of 123 id: eltin-3204 author: Ekawati, Rosyida; Rosyiidah, Afiifah Al title: METADISCOURSE MARKERS IN ENGLISH ESSAYS WRITTEN BY INDONESIAN STUDENTS IN EFL SETTING date: 2022-08-12 words: 4909 flesch: 59 summary: Results show that both male and female use interactive metadiscourse markers in the essays that consist of transitions, frame markers, and code glosses, while interactional metadiscourse markers consist of hedges, boosters, attitude markers, self-mention, and engagement markers. From discussion of the data examples (1) – (25) above, the interactive metadiscourse markers consist of transitions, frame markers, code glosess, while interactional metadiscourse markers are hedges, boosters, attitude markers, self-mention, and engagement markers. keywords: english; essays; female; male; markers; metadiscourse; students; use cache: eltin-3204.pdf plain text: eltin-3204.txt item: #83 of 123 id: eltin-3280 author: Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Sujarwati, Iis; Sofyan, Dedi title: ENGLISH LEARNING GRAMMAR STRATEGIES : ACHIEVEMENT, OBSTACLES, AND SOLUTION date: 2022-09-19 words: 4103 flesch: 60 summary: Solution of students’ challenges in implementing learning grammar strategies Based on the results of interviews with lecturers and students, some possible solutions to the challenges faced by students in implementing grammar strategies can be seen in table 2. Table. Moreover, students faced obstacles in implementing grammar strategies namely poor understanding about grammar, difficult to memorize the rules, grammar anxiety, seldom to work in group, and time limitation. keywords: english; grammar; language; learning; research; strategies; students; study cache: eltin-3280.pdf plain text: eltin-3280.txt item: #84 of 123 id: eltin-334 author: Rosnayawati, Wiwit; Kaswan, Kaswan title: THE INFLUENCE OF GENDER AND LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGY PREFERENCES TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2016-04-30 words: 4114 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: gender, language learning strategies (LLS), reading comprehension A. INTRODUCTION In 1987, Rubin proposed, “language learning strategies are strategies which contribute to the development of the language system which the learner constructs and affect learning directly.” keywords: comprehension; gender; language; learning; reading; strategies; strategy; students cache: eltin-334.pdf plain text: eltin-334.txt item: #85 of 123 id: eltin-335 author: Kemala, Zia title: AN ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE AUTONOMOUS LEARNERS IN LEARNING ENGLISH date: 2016-04-30 words: 4691 flesch: 62 summary: F. Conclusions The results of the analysis showed that autonomous learners were influenced by positive exposures in becoming autonomous learner; there were five factors: motivation, environment, task, teacher, and material. Learner autonomy is fast becoming one of the strategies of choice in EFL teaching in the 1990s (Broady and Kenning, 1996; Little, 1990).A great progress has been made in the exploration and implementation of the concept of autonomous learner. keywords: autonomy; english; factors; language; learners; learning; students; study; task; teacher cache: eltin-335.pdf plain text: eltin-335.txt item: #86 of 123 id: eltin-3350 author: Ekasiwi, Alvia Nurrahma; Ena, Ouda Teda title: GENDER REPRESENTATION IN THE ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ENTITLED “PATHWAY TO ENGLISH FOR SMA/MA GRADE X” date: 2022-09-19 words: 4108 flesch: 57 summary: They aimed to describe the similarities and differences of gender representation from the two English textbooks. In addition, Ahmad and Shah (2019) also did a study on critical discourse analysis of gender representations in several English textbooks used in Pakistan. keywords: analysis; bias; english; gender; representation; textbooks; women cache: eltin-3350.pdf plain text: eltin-3350.txt item: #87 of 123 id: eltin-336 author: Husnussalam, Hendraa title: THE ANALYSIS OF EFL STUDENTS’ ERRORS IN WRITING SKRIPSI date: 2016-04-30 words: 3109 flesch: 60 summary: We also need to reformulate a good standard of academic writing agreed by the institution through a book containing guidelines of how to make an appropriate skripsi-s. Key terms: analysis, students’ errors, skripsi A. Introduction The urgency of academic writing as evidence of intellectuality of academician is apparent nowadays (Alwasilah, 2010). Hooks (1999; in Murray, 2009) defines academic writing as the desire to think and write more, to fill these gaps that informs the desire to leave academy. keywords: 2007; emilia; research; skripsi; students; study; writing cache: eltin-336.pdf plain text: eltin-336.txt item: #88 of 123 id: eltin-3366 author: Triyanto, Triyanto; Nina, Nina title: DEFENSE OF SUNDANESE IN CHILDREN USING A BILINGUAL PICTURE STORYBOOK: A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC APPROACH date: 2023-02-25 words: 4647 flesch: 59 summary: No Vocabulary Cycle 1 Number of Vocabulary Cycle 2 Number of Vocabulary R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 1 Lembur - √ - √ - 2 - √ √ √ √ 4 2 Kolecer √ √ - √ √ 4 √ √ √ √ √ 5 3 Jajangkungan - - - √ √ 2 - - - √ √ 2 4 Ngadu Kaleci √ √ √ √ √ 5 √ √ √ √ √ 5 5 Ucing Sumput √ √ - √ √ 4 √ √ √ √ √ 5 6 Papanggalan √ - - √ - 2 √ - √ √ √ 4 7 Mikawanoh - - - √ - 1 √ √ - √ √ 4 8 Rerencangan √ - - √ - 2 √ - √ √ √ 4 9 Anjeunna - - - - - - - - √ √ √ 3 10 Murangkalih - √ - - - 1 - √ - - √ 2 11 Ngadamel - - - √ - 1 - - √ √ - 2 12 Nyintreuk √ √ √ √ √ 5 √ √ √ √ √ 5 13 Dipilarian - - - √ - 1 - - √ √ - 2 14 Kandel √ √ - - √ 3 √ √ - √ √ 4 15 Gancang - √ - √ - 3 √ √ - √ - 3 16 Ngalegaan √ - √ √ - 3 √ - √ √ - 3 17 Bandring - - - √ √ 2 - - √ √ √ 3 18 Ngalungkeun √ √ - √ √ 3 √ √ √ √ √ 5 19 Dimimitian - - - √ √ 2 - - - √ √ 2 20 Ngahurungke un √ - √ √ √ 4 √ - √ √ √ 4 Total 10 9 4 17 10 12 10 14 19 16 Triyanto & Nina: Defense of Sundanese in Children… 8 2. However, there has been no specific research on the preservation of Sundanese language that has been carried out on children using the media in the form of bilingual picture books. keywords: bilingual; children; cycle; defense; indonesian; language; sundanese; test; √ √ cache: eltin-3366.pdf plain text: eltin-3366.txt item: #89 of 123 id: eltin-337 author: Indrianty, Septy title: STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN SPEAKING ENGLISH (A CASE STUDY IN ONE HOTEL AND TOURISM COLLEGE IN BANDUNG) date: 2016-04-30 words: 6308 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, the problem of language anxiety not only happens to beginner but also the university students who usually deal with English. However, the anxiety experienced is related to language anxiety. keywords: anxiety; class; communication; english; fear; language; speaking; students; study cache: eltin-337.pdf plain text: eltin-337.txt item: #90 of 123 id: eltin-338 author: Sudiyono, Sudiyono title: STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN CHOOSING A JOB (A Study of English Department Students’ of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung) date: 2016-04-30 words: 1875 flesch: 55 summary: Research Design Design of the research is to prepare some questioners of job motivations (twelve items) were taken from ‘English for Business Studies – A Course for Business Studies and Economics Students.’ According to WiliamWiersma (1991: 14), „qualitative research is context-specific with the writer‟s role being one of inclusionin the situation.‟ keywords: job; motivation; research; respondents; students cache: eltin-338.pdf plain text: eltin-338.txt item: #91 of 123 id: eltin-3485 author: Ain, Rifdah Qurratul; Nawir, Aulia Ramanda; Putra, Andi Muh. Utama; Ardiana, Ardiana; Suwarni, Suwarni title: PICTIONARY GAME: ITS EFFECT TO UPGRADE ESP STUDENTS' VOCABULARY MASTERY AT SMK NEGERI 2 PANGKEP date: 2023-02-25 words: 3592 flesch: 60 summary: The Effectiveness of Pictionary Game in Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery a Quasi-Experimental Research of Fifth Grade Students of SDN 2 Ukir Rembang. Improving Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery through Pictionary Game of SD Negeri 22 Rumbio. keywords: english; game; pictionary; post; research; students; test; vocabulary cache: eltin-3485.pdf plain text: eltin-3485.txt item: #92 of 123 id: eltin-3552 author: Anandi, David Geba Abi; Mukarto, Fransiskus Xaverius title: LEXICAL RICHNESS IN INDONESIAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ WRITING PRODUCTION: A CORPUS-BASED STUDY date: 2023-02-25 words: 4128 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: lexical richness, senior high school students, descriptive texts A. INTRODUCTION Lexical Density Including lexical density as a key component in evaluating lexical richness is based on the assumption that the use of more instances of content words facilitates the conveyance of a message denoting complex information through more sophisticated words (Azadnia, 2021). keywords: d e; e n; n t; s tu; tu d cache: eltin-3552.pdf plain text: eltin-3552.txt item: #93 of 123 id: eltin-3556 author: Lestari, Ika Wahyuni title: ANALYZING TEACHER TALK DURING MICROTEACHING: A STUDY IN PRE-SERVICE ENGLISH TEACHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA date: 2023-02-25 words: 4444 flesch: 56 summary: The data in the form of teacher talk’ utterances were collected through Karen’s video-recorded microteaching. The data were analyzed deductively based on FLINT’s analysis model on features of teacher talk. keywords: classroom; english; karen; microteaching; students; talk; teacher cache: eltin-3556.pdf plain text: eltin-3556.txt item: #94 of 123 id: eltin-3669 author: Suhana, Asep; Purwadi, Ricky Ekaristy title: VIDEO PROJECT ASSIGNMENT IN ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (ESP): STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION date: 2023-07-27 words: 4679 flesch: 56 summary: Because it is important, with this way can facilitate lecturers or teachers to evaluate the results of student perceptions after learning English in the class. The data above indicates that most students prepared the text with a good English structure in script or text before making the video. keywords: english; language; learning; project; purposes; speaking; students; video cache: eltin-3669.pdf plain text: eltin-3669.txt item: #95 of 123 id: eltin-3671 author: Wardani, Umi Sismia; Maharsi, Ista title: INDONESIAN UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF PLAGIARISM: A SURVEY STUDY date: 2023-02-25 words: 4648 flesch: 53 summary: The issue of student plagiarism has long been a concern for educators and has received increasing attention in recent years. Student plagiarism and cheating in an IT age. keywords: item; plagiarism; results; score; sd=; students; study; writing cache: eltin-3671.pdf plain text: eltin-3671.txt item: #96 of 123 id: eltin-3686 author: Hartono, Dang Arif; Prima, Stefanus Angga Badara title: PLAGIARISM IN THE INDONESIAN HIGHER EDUCATION: A STUDY OF NON-ENGLISH MAJOR UNDERGRADUATES date: 2023-02-25 words: 3650 flesch: 42 summary: This study aims to investigate the prevalence of plagiarism among university students and identify the specific types of plagiarism that are most commonly committed in their written work. To examine the extent of plagiarism among university students, the present study employed a textual analysis approach and utilized the iThenticate, a professional and subscription-based plagiarism checker. keywords: essays; ithenticate; journal; plagiarism; similarity; students; study cache: eltin-3686.pdf plain text: eltin-3686.txt item: #97 of 123 id: eltin-3692 author: Amsori, Holil; Nugraha, Muhammad Anjar; Sibarani, Jufrianto title: THE EFFECT OF TASK BASED LEARNING METHOD USING ANCHOR PODCAST APPLICATION ON STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2023-02-25 words: 5367 flesch: 58 summary: This is in line with research conducted by Rudini and Agustina (2021) which shows the influence of student learning motivation doing homework is not motivated. Furthermore, the second study was conducted by Pabebang (2020) whose research was designed to investigate EFL students' speaking achievement after learning to use podcasts, showed the results of the study that students' speaking ability after being given the treatment increased significantly, as evidenced by student data that the average post-test score was higher than the pre-test (55.60 > 77.30). keywords: ability; anchor; english; learning; method; podcast; speaking; students; task; tbl cache: eltin-3692.pdf plain text: eltin-3692.txt item: #98 of 123 id: eltin-3693 author: Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Yulianawati, Ida title: EFL STUDENTS’ ANXIETY FACTORS IN DOING ORAL PUBLIC EXAMINATION : INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL FACTOR? date: 2023-02-25 words: 4126 flesch: 54 summary: They focused on anxiety factors, causes, strategies, types, and level. The first, several studies emphasized on anxiety factors that cause students’ oral presentation. keywords: anxiety; examination; factor; presentation; public; speaking; students cache: eltin-3693.pdf plain text: eltin-3693.txt item: #99 of 123 id: eltin-3717 author: Falah, Irfan Fajrul; Suherdi, Didi; Muslim, Ahmad Bukhori title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INSPIRED TBLT FRAMEWORK IN ENHANCING STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT date: 2023-03-21 words: 5117 flesch: 57 summary: Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. These include the Grammar-Translation method which language teachers rely on this for so long due to the lack of linguistics possessed by students within the class, the Audiolingual method which students learn through modeling and repetitive dialogues, up to communicative language teaching (CLT) which focus more on the authenticity, fluency, meaning-making, and learner-centeredness. keywords: class; engagement; language; learning; speaking; students; task; tblt; teaching cache: eltin-3717.pdf plain text: eltin-3717.txt item: #100 of 123 id: eltin-3744 author: Puspitasari, Maya; Pelawi, Muhammad Arifin title: THE MAPPING OF MEDIATING NEGATIVE WASHBACK OF THE NATIONAL EXAMINATION date: 2023-03-21 words: 6299 flesch: 55 summary: Students are stressed over national test scores determining school admission. This study's association between national test scores and teacher self-esteem may be limited by other variables related to teachers' extreme feelings. keywords: exam; examination; learning; national; parents; students; study; teachers; teaching; test; washback cache: eltin-3744.pdf plain text: eltin-3744.txt item: #101 of 123 id: eltin-375 author: Haryudin, Acep title: THE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SPEAKING COMPETENCE BASED ON KTSP CURRICULUM date: 2016-10-30 words: 5926 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the calculation above, Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted, it means that the investigation of students level of competence in speaking skills at second grade of SMAN 1 Cilograng have intermediate levelof English speaking competence. Haryudin : The students’ English… 6 Minimum Successful Criteria (KKM)) have to be made by the institution to know the measurement of student ability in speaking skill. keywords: ability; competence; english; language; level; score; skills; speaking; students; writer cache: eltin-375.pdf plain text: eltin-375.txt item: #102 of 123 id: eltin-376 author: Buana, Gartika Pandu title: STUDENTS’ OPINION TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PEER ASSESMENT date: 2016-10-30 words: 3414 flesch: 59 summary: Question number 1-7 concerned to their opinion toward the implementation of peer assessment, whilst question number 8 focused on students’ opinion of the advantages of peer assessment implementation. Students’ opinionto peer assessment implementation To gain the students’ response to peer assessment, the questionnaire was distributed to collect the data needed for the issues. keywords: assessment; implementation; opinion; peer; peer assessment; process; students cache: eltin-376.pdf plain text: eltin-376.txt item: #103 of 123 id: eltin-377 author: Rahayu, Silpia title: THE COMPARISON BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2016-10-30 words: 5132 flesch: 65 summary: The comparison between… 25 Bantarujeg?, What are the differences between male students‟ speaking ability and female students‟ speaking ability?. First language speaking is different with second language speaking relating to the lack of learners in grammar and vocabulary knowledge that is the process to receive a word become note automatically in second language speaking (Thornbury 2009). keywords: female; male; means; points; score; speaking; student cache: eltin-377.pdf plain text: eltin-377.txt item: #104 of 123 id: eltin-378 author: Syahrizal, Trisnendri title: POLITICAL CONCEPTUAL METAPHORS IN POLITICAL DISCOURSES: A COGNITIVE SEMANTIC STUDY date: 2016-10-30 words: 7992 flesch: 53 summary: Those data then also use to find out the conceptualization of political conceptual metaphor. An interesting finding concerning political conceptual metaphor was that politics has been projected into various type of domain. keywords: activity; concept; data; government; human; metaphor; politics; semantics; statement cache: eltin-378.pdf plain text: eltin-378.txt item: #105 of 123 id: eltin-3786 author: Inawati, Iin; Marbun, Cindi Martina; Pratolo, Bambang Widi title: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW ON MOBILE ASSISSTED LANGUAGE LEARNING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING date: 2023-07-27 words: 3961 flesch: 50 summary: As a result of these views, this analytical review aims to analyze and summarize research articles on the application of Mobile Assisted Language Learning in English language teaching between the year 2018 and 2021 focused on four codes in terms of: (1) research design, (2) learning context, (3) participant, and (4) setting. Keywords: English Language Teaching, Mobile assisted language learning, English language teaching, Mobile Technology A. INTRODUCTION keywords: english; journal; language; learning; mall; mobile; students; teaching cache: eltin-3786.pdf plain text: eltin-3786.txt item: #106 of 123 id: eltin-379 author: Apsari, Yanuarti title: CLOZE PASSAGE IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2016-10-30 words: 3782 flesch: 67 summary: It is believed that cloze tests are more efficient and reliable than reading comprehension test which use open- ended questions or short answers because they are easier to evaluate and do not, as in many reading comprehension tests, depend on long written answers to evaluate. The aim of cloze tests is to evaluate readability and reading comprehension (Heaton, 1991). keywords: cloze; comprehension; group; passage; reading; students; test cache: eltin-379.pdf plain text: eltin-379.txt item: #107 of 123 id: eltin-380 author: Parmawati, Aseptiana; Yugafiati, Rasi title: USING AUTHENTIC MATERIAL TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING INTEREST (A Classroom Action Research in the Second Semester Students of STKIP Siliwangi Bandung) date: 2017-04-30 words: 2948 flesch: 56 summary: For students a. Students should realize that reading is not as difficult as they think. It can be seen from the result of students’ average score Cycle 1 was 64.00 and Cycle 2 was 80.87. keywords: interest; learning; material; reading; students; teaching cache: eltin-380.pdf plain text: eltin-380.txt item: #108 of 123 id: eltin-381 author: Satriani, Intan title: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF ESTEEM AND READING ABILITY OF INDONESIAN EFL STUDENTS date: 2017-04-30 words: 3025 flesch: 54 summary: The questionnaire of self esteem contains three sections, however this study only use task self esteem. The present study is employed to understand the relationship between self esteem and reading ability of Indonesian EFL students. keywords: ability; correlation; esteem; reading; research; self; students cache: eltin-381.pdf plain text: eltin-381.txt item: #109 of 123 id: eltin-382 author: Arisandi, Vidya; Wachyudi, Kelik title: MISCUE ANALYSIS IN READING ALOUD BY INDONESIAN ENGLISH FOREIGN LEARNER date: 2017-04-30 words: 3986 flesch: 60 summary: Conducting research in finding and using approppriate teaching methods and strategy of text reading comprehension has been common issue in the field of research. It is commonly suggested that miscue is used to measure text reading comprehension (Allen, 1976; Argyle, 1989; Goodman & Burke, 1972; Ilona, 2009; Ebe, 2010; Qiuyan & Junju, 2011; Kinasih, 2012; Huang, 2015). keywords: aloud; analysis; comprehension; language; miscue; reading; research; study; text cache: eltin-382.pdf plain text: eltin-382.txt item: #110 of 123 id: eltin-3823 author: Cahyati, Sri Supiah; Inayah, Ratih title: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY OF VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS ON LEARNING AT UNIVERSITY date: 2023-07-27 words: 3705 flesch: 39 summary: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka: ELTIN JOURNAL: p-ISSN 2339-1561 Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia e–ISSN 2580-7684 109 A NARRATIVE INQUIRY OF VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS ON LEARNING AT UNIVERSITY Sri Supiah Cahyati1*, Ratih Inayah2, IKIP SILIWANGI ABSTRACT This study addressed to investigate three main challenges experienced by visually impaired students in their academic pursuits: their perceptions toward themselves, adapting to prejudicial treatment, and utilizing technology as an assistive tool in learning. The study provides practical and theoretical implications for educators, policymakers, and visually impaired students themselves, emphasizing the importance of promoting resilience and providing appropriate support for students with visual impairments. keywords: challenges; indonesia; learning; research; resilience; students; study cache: eltin-3823.pdf plain text: eltin-3823.txt item: #111 of 123 id: eltin-383 author: Rizqiya, Rissa San title: PRINCIPLE OF MUTUAL CONSIDERATION IN SUNDANESE CULTURE (An Analysis on Sundanese Puppet Show entitled Kitab Sastra Jendra Rahayu Ningrat by Asep Sunandar Sunarya) date: 2017-04-30 words: 3603 flesch: 68 summary: There are two kinds of face; positive face and negative face. FTAs can threaten positive face, negative face, or both. keywords: addressee; batara; cepot; dawala; eka; face; guru; harm; pancatunggal; politeness; principle; puppet; semar; teh cache: eltin-383.pdf plain text: eltin-383.txt item: #112 of 123 id: eltin-384 author: Apsari, Yanuarti; Haryudin, Acep title: THE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH LECTURERS’ CLASSROOM-BASED READING ASSESSMENTS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2017-04-30 words: 4910 flesch: 56 summary: Two of the three methods, teacher made method and students conducted method, are regarded as classroom based reading assessment. 4) Observation Observation is the most common form of classroom based reading assessment. keywords: assessment; classroom; comprehension; data; method; observation; reading; students; text cache: eltin-384.pdf plain text: eltin-384.txt item: #113 of 123 id: eltin-3885 author: zakiyah, mardhiyatu; Sumarni, Sri; Darmahusni, Darmahusni title: ANALYZING CRITICAL THINKING IN ENGLISH READING MATERIALS USING CAMBRIDGE LIFE COMPETENCIES FRAMEWORK date: 2023-07-27 words: 5668 flesch: 54 summary: 1. Critical Thinking Skills One of the competencies is critical thinking skills. This finding revealed that two English reading textbooks accommodated 8 of the 11 components of critical thinking skills according to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework. keywords: cts; data; english; information; journal; reading; skills; students; thinking; unit cache: eltin-3885.pdf plain text: eltin-3885.txt item: #114 of 123 id: eltin-3903 author: Maulida, Aqila Nisfa; Permanasari, Pradnya title: STUDENT’S ANXIETY TOWARD ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT USING STORYTELLING date: 2023-07-27 words: 3665 flesch: 60 summary: In other finding, the researchers find external factor causes of speaking anxiety. Recently, we found that most people show a great method for students. keywords: anxiety; data; english; factors; language; speaking; students cache: eltin-3903.pdf plain text: eltin-3903.txt item: #115 of 123 id: eltin-3919 author: Sopandi, Yanti Nopiyanti; Setyarini, Sri; Syathroh, Isry Laila title: PROMOTING COMMUNICATION SKILLS AS JOB-READY SKILLS THROUGH PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT date: 2023-07-27 words: 6329 flesch: 47 summary: al (2017) stated that business communication skills, particularly business presentation, may help vocational students create a career by helping them find a job, continue their education, and start a firm as an entrepreneur. This research examined how portfolio assessment promotes communication skills and how students react to it. keywords: assessment; communication; communication skills; english; findings; journal; language; learning; portfolio; portfolio assessment; skills; students; test cache: eltin-3919.pdf plain text: eltin-3919.txt item: #116 of 123 id: eltin-3921 author: Puspitasari, Evi; Hayati, Noor Maulida title: A SURVEY STUDY: THE MEASUREMENT OF EFL STUDENTS’ READING ENGAGEMENT date: 2023-07-27 words: 4205 flesch: 49 summary: In order to focus the investigation, the question is formulated: How is the reading engagement of EFL students in an English department in Indonesia? Puspitasari & Hayati: A Survey Study: The Measurement … 178 B. METHOD Aiming to gather the data for this research, the quantitative methodology was applied to determine the highest component of student reading engagement. Nevertheless, it is necessary to employ strategies from educators, educational institutions, and students themselves to elevate student engagement to a higher level. keywords: anxiety; engagement; english; flow; reading; students; study; task; value cache: eltin-3921.pdf plain text: eltin-3921.txt item: #117 of 123 id: eltin-4034 author: Permana, Asep Dedeh; Kurniawan, Eri; Amalia, Lulu Laela title: THE COMPREHENSION OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE AMONG EFL PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS IN INDONESIA: A CASE STUDY date: 2023-07-27 words: 4574 flesch: 44 summary: ELTIN JOURNAL: p-ISSN 2339-1561 Journal of English Language Teaching in Indonesia e–ISSN 2580-7684 183 THE COMPREHENSION OF REFLECTIVE PRACTICE AMONG EFL PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS IN INDONESIA: A CASE STUDY Asep Dedeh Permana1*, Eri Kurniawan2, Lulu Laela Amalia3,, UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA ABSTRACT In English Language Teaching, reflective practice is a significant pedagogical approach for teacher professional development. keywords: education; english; feedback; practice; professional; reflection; students; teachers; teaching cache: eltin-4034.pdf plain text: eltin-4034.txt item: #118 of 123 id: eltin-4035 author: M Rafli; Muslim, Ahmad Bukhori title: FOREIGN LANGUAGE SPEAKING ANXIETY ON HIGH-ORAL PROFICIENCY STUDENTS: AN INTERVIEW STUDY date: 2023-07-27 words: 6344 flesch: 50 summary: To address this research gap, this study aims to provide insights into the experience and sources of foreign language anxiety among students with high oral proficiency. Keywords: EFL students, English majors, Foreign language anxiety, Foreign language Speaking anxiety, High-oral proficiency students A. INTRODUCTION keywords: anxiety; english; journal; language; language anxiety; level; proficiency; research; speaking; students cache: eltin-4035.pdf plain text: eltin-4035.txt item: #119 of 123 id: eltin-524 author: Maulana, Angga; Lestari, Fegy title: NEEDS ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE STUDENTS IN ENGLISH ORAL COMMUNICATION date: 2017-10-27 words: 3984 flesch: 46 summary: Regarding situations that facilitate students in oral communication in English, they generally feel that careful preparation, self-confidence, and mastery over the vocabulary and topics discussed becomes a factor that facilitates oral communication activity. Today, oral communication skills in English play an important role in the world of work. keywords: communication; english; factors; information; learning; linguistic; needs; students cache: eltin-524.pdf plain text: eltin-524.txt item: #120 of 123 id: eltin-525 author: Apsari, Yanuarti title: THE USE OF PICTURE SERIES IN TEACHING WRITING RECOUNT TEXT date: 2017-10-27 words: 4168 flesch: 61 summary: Thus, in producing writing students need to focus on how to generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to use discourse markers, and rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning, how to edit text for appropriate grammar, and how to produce a final product (Brown, 2001). Accordingly, in producing writing students need to focus on how to generate ideas, how to organize them coherently, how to use discourse markers, and rhetorical conventions to put them cohesively into a written text, how to revise text for clearer meaning, how to edit text for appropriate grammar, and how to produce a final product (Brown, 2001). keywords: learning; picture; series; students; teaching; text; writing cache: eltin-525.pdf plain text: eltin-525.txt item: #121 of 123 id: eltin-526 author: Suhana, Asep; Haryudin, Acep title: THE EFFECTS OF READING HABIT TOWARDS STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION AT PRIVATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLIN PURWAKARTA date: 2017-10-27 words: 6817 flesch: 62 summary: Reading habits determine the academic achievements of students to a great extent. Operational Definition: Reading habit is the total score of the respondents' answers on an instrument of reading habit constructed based on the following indicators: 1). keywords: comprehension; data; habit; reading; reading comprehension; reading habit; regression; research; score; students; table; test; variable cache: eltin-526.pdf plain text: eltin-526.txt item: #122 of 123 id: eltin-527 author: Zulaihah, Siti; Harida, Ratri title: AUTONOMOUS LEARNING STRATEGY OF THE SUCCESSFUL NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTS date: 2017-10-27 words: 7821 flesch: 51 summary: 71 AUTONOMOUS LEARNING STRATEGY OF THE SUCCESSFUL NONTRADITIONAL STUDENTS Siti Zulaihah & Ratri Harida STKIP PGRI Ponorogo ABSTRACT Most students of English Education Program in STKIP PGRI Ponorogo can be considered as nontraditional students with family, work, and other life responsibilities which have many influences on their educational goals. Choy in Buvoltz, Powell, Solan & Longbotham (2008) classified this type of students as nontraditional students. keywords: ability; indicator; interview; language; learning; materials; resources; strategy; students cache: eltin-527.pdf plain text: eltin-527.txt item: #123 of 123 id: eltin-528 author: Ma’arif, Iin Baroroh; Ashlihah, Ashlihah title: STUDENTS POSITIVE RESPONSE THROUGH THINK PAIR SHARE STRATEGY ON ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS date: 2017-10-27 words: 1531 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: Think Pair Share strategy, student response A. INTRODUCTION English is the current international language. The first topic concerns students' feelings after the implementation of the Think Pair Share strategy in the class shows that 87.03% of students feel enthusiastic and motivated to learn and practice their English speaking skills, while others (12.96%) feel unconvinced that Think Pair Share strategies can make them more motivated to improve their speaking ability. keywords: pair; share; strategy; students; think cache: eltin-528.pdf plain text: eltin-528.txt