item: #1 of 94 id: english-1051 author: Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: Contrastive Analysis of Discourse Representation In Indonesia Newspaper (KOMPAS) and English Newspaper Reports (Jakarta Post) date: 2019-12-09 words: 4739 flesch: 52 summary: Classifying the modes of discourse representation is closely associated with the degree to which represented discourse is demarcated from representing discourse. Modes of discourse representation involve direct discourse representation (direct discourse, direct discourse (slip), and free direct discourse) and indirect discourse representation (indirect discourse and free indirect discourse). keywords: discourse; discourse representation; english; newspaper; reporting; representation; representing; speech; verbs cache: english-1051.pdf plain text: english-1051.txt item: #2 of 94 id: english-1111 author: Inderawati, Rita; Sofendi, Sofendi; Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko; Vianty, Machdalena; Suhendi, Didi title: Students Engagement in Utilizing Technology For Learning Support date: 2019-12-09 words: 5420 flesch: 48 summary: In relation to this, investigating students’ perception Rita Inderawati, Students’ Engagement in Utilizing Technology |183 about the use of technology in teaching and learning process is necessary to conduct so it can provide a better picture about what students really think about technology integration. Equipment Used by Students The equipment used by students is in the form of hardware in the form of software. keywords: activities; campus; deakin; education; face; learning; students; teaching; technology; university; use cache: english-1111.pdf plain text: english-1111.txt item: #3 of 94 id: english-1112 author: Agustin, Heli; Noviyenty, Leffi; Utami, Henny Septia title: An Analysis of Classroom Activities Pursuant to Effective Techniques Teaching English in Integrated Vocational Schools date: 2019-12-09 words: 10139 flesch: 56 summary: The indicators are the teacher does not ask the students to use logic to evaluate their position and the teacher B does not implemented student debate technique. The next question from the researcher is about student debate. keywords: classroom activities; discussion; english; group; learning; material; researcher; school; students; teacher; teacher b; teaching; technique cache: english-1112.pdf plain text: english-1112.txt item: #4 of 94 id: english-1113 author: Azzahra, Irah Khoiriyah title: A Pragmatics Analysis of Deixis in Surah Al Baqarah Translated By Abdullah Yusuf Ali date: 2019-12-09 words: 7766 flesch: 65 summary: Here the writer shows the finding of place deixis word in Al-Qur’an English Translation of surah Al-Baqarah by Abdullah Yusuf Ali to refer the object by describing or naming and locating via deictic word. The finding of time deixis word in Al-Qur’an English Translation of surah Al-Baqarah by Abdullah Yusuf Ali is presented in the table below. keywords: abdullah; ali; baqarah; deixis; english; person; research; surah al; time; writer; yusuf cache: english-1113.pdf plain text: english-1113.txt item: #5 of 94 id: english-1154 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: Error Analysis Found in Students’ Writing Composition in Simple Past Tense of Recount Text date: 2020-11-13 words: 6007 flesch: 70 summary: It shows that the most prevalent error found in the writing composition of the students is in the grammar aspect as 57 data or 53.37 percent based on the frequency of each aspect of error writing. This study was to find the types of error analysis and the most dominant form of error analysis found in the Simple Past Tense Writing Composition of Students, especially in Recount Text. keywords: analysis; composition; error; example; spelling; students; writing cache: english-1154.pdf plain text: english-1154.txt item: #6 of 94 id: english-1158 author: Wijayanti, Erfin title: The Effect of Reading Newspaper and Short Stories on Students’ Vocabulary Size at Cenderawasih University Setting date: 2020-05-11 words: 6078 flesch: 63 summary: After analyzing the data, both groups demonstrated a significant increase in vocabulary size. However, in the condition that the vocabularies of the texts are neither too far from learners' vocabulary knowledge nor vocabulary size. keywords: english; group; newspaper; reading; size; story; students; test; vocabulary; words cache: english-1158.pdf plain text: english-1158.txt item: #7 of 94 id: english-1164 author: Warna, Dewi; Wijaya, Beni; Sartika, Eka; Riznanda, Winny Agustia title: Cohesive Devices Used in Argumentative Essays of Undergraduate EFL Students in Indonesia date: 2019-12-09 words: 7366 flesch: 49 summary: Lexical Cohesion a. Reiteration - b. Collocation - Total 67 From the table above, it can be seen that the use of cohesion tools in student essays is very good because only 67 errors were found in the use of cohesion instrument consisting of 41 errors in reference use dominated by 28 personal references followed by demonstrative references 4 and comparative 9. In student argumentative essays, certain forms are chosen over others for specific purposes that support the overall purpose of the argumentativetext. keywords: argumentative; cohesion; conjunction; devices; english; essays; reference; students; study; text; use; writing cache: english-1164.pdf plain text: english-1164.txt item: #8 of 94 id: english-1165 author: Atmadja, Andila title: The Vocabulary Profile of UN (Ujian Nasional) Reading Texts of Senior High School date: 2020-05-11 words: 6243 flesch: 64 summary: The subject of this study was English UN reading text 2015 for Senior High School. The instrument of this study was Lewis’ (1997) concept of lexical items adapted by Laksmi’s (2012) study to investigate the vocabulary profile of English UN reading text 2015 and 1000 - 3000 level new general service list and new academic words lists by Browne and Coxhead (2013) within Vocab Profiler software inventing by Cobb (2009). keywords: english; expression; high; items; reading; text; vocabulary; words cache: english-1165.pdf plain text: english-1165.txt item: #9 of 94 id: english-1193 author: Riznanda, Winny Agustia title: Discourse Markers in Tertiary Level Students’ Essay Writing: Ability and Problems date: 2021-05-28 words: 4325 flesch: 54 summary: The aim of the present study was to find out how Discourse Markers (DM) were applied to build coherence in EFL students’ essay writing and the problems encountered. This study indicated that EFL learners encountered difficulties in using DM appropriately in essay writing. keywords: discourse; english; essay; journal; language; markers; students; use; writing cache: english-1193.pdf plain text: english-1193.txt item: #10 of 94 id: english-1460 author: Isti'anah, Arina; Krismarini, Caecilia Riris; Putri, Elisabet Ayu Pramesthi Lebdo title: Stylistic Analysis of Maya Angelou’s “Woman Work” date: 2020-05-11 words: 5716 flesch: 69 summary: Summary of Pronoun in “Woman Work” Pronoun Frequency Stanza, line I 6 1, lines 1, 7, 9, 12 3, line 4 5, line 4 Me 6 2, lines 1, 2 3, lines 1, 3 4, lines 2, 4 My 2 3, line 4 5, line 4 Your 1 3, line 2 Lines 2 until 8 contain verb phrases, which has the same function as children and to tend in line 1, which is as a Goal and Circumstance of purpose. keywords: angelou; language; line; nature; poem; stanza; woman cache: english-1460.pdf plain text: english-1460.txt item: #11 of 94 id: english-1475 author: Siboro, Efrika; Bram, Barli title: Morphological Analysis of Derivational Affixes in Brothers Grimm’s the Story of Rapunzel date: 2020-05-14 words: 3441 flesch: 63 summary: The analysis of word formation processes in the Jakarta Post website. Morphology is the study of word formation, the words’ structure and the process how the words are formed (Meinawati & Alawiyah, 2018; Jantika, Suganda, Wahya, and Sobarna, 2014; Oz, 2014; Lieber, 2009; Mccarthy, 2002; Aronoff & Fudeman, 2011; Kusmawardhani, 2018; Rugaiyah, 2018). keywords: adj; affixes; noun; suffix; verb; word cache: english-1475.pdf plain text: english-1475.txt item: #12 of 94 id: english-1494 author: Nartiningrum, Novrika; Nugroho, Arif title: Online Learning amidst Global Pandemic: EFL Students’ Challenges, Suggestions, and Needed Materials date: 2020-11-13 words: 7901 flesch: 52 summary: Similar study done by Baz (2016) that investigated the attitudes of EFL students and teachers towards the use of technology in language teaching and learning. All in all, considering the present situation and previous researches, the present study intend to uncover the challenges, suggestions, and needs of EFL students in Indonesia towards the implementation of English online classes. keywords: challenges; classes; digital; efl; english; language; learning; materials; online; pandemic; students; study; suggestions cache: english-1494.pdf plain text: english-1494.txt item: #13 of 94 id: english-150 author: Hidayah, Jumatul title: Speaking and Writing Assessment Applied by English Lecturers of State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) at Curup-Bengkulu date: 2017-06-22 words: 6111 flesch: 59 summary: 4. Information from Speaking and Writing Assessment Used by Lecturer as a Feedback to Students The use of feedback by speaking and writing lecturers can be seen in figure 2 below. The results of this research are: 1) there were 9 types of speaking assessment used; question and answer, instruction and direction, paraphrasing, role play, conversation, discussion, picture-cued storytelling and retelling story. keywords: assessment; lecturer; rubric; speaking; students; types; writing cache: english-150.pdf plain text: english-150.txt item: #14 of 94 id: english-153 author: Morganna, Ruly title: Theoretical, Pedagogical, and Practical Views of Genre Based Instruction date: 2017-06-22 words: 6449 flesch: 52 summary: Another account lies within the pedagogical principle of genre based teaching, constructivism, which offers the learning procedures leading students to have critical details upon the process of knowledge construction. Vigotsky’s (1974) notion of three learning steps, object, other, and self- regulation, which are unique and potential to guide students to have critical understanding of what is being learned, is transferred into the procedures of genre based instruction. keywords: english; genre; issn; learning; students; teacher; teaching; text cache: english-153.pdf plain text: english-153.txt item: #15 of 94 id: english-154 author: Rejeki, Sri title: Approach and Methods on TEFL: Inquiry-Based Language Learning (IBLL) date: 2017-12-06 words: 4620 flesch: 60 summary: 4. Students not only interact with the textbooks but also with the raw data, primary resources, the teacher, and other students. The students ask questions and discuss them with the teacher and other students. keywords: english; ibll; inquiry; issn; knowledge; learning; students; teacher; teaching cache: english-154.pdf plain text: english-154.txt item: #16 of 94 id: english-156 author: Noviyenty, Leffi title: An Analysis of Marking System Used by Speaking Lecturers of STAIN Curup in Testing Students’ Speaking Ability date: 2017-06-22 words: 6063 flesch: 53 summary: The findings show that English speaking lecturers of STAIN Curup has already guided theories of testing speaking in scoring their students’ speaking ability. In speaking test, is not always easy to get students to speak. keywords: criteria; english; issn; marking; speaking; stain; students; test; testing cache: english-156.pdf plain text: english-156.txt item: #17 of 94 id: english-157 author: Polisda, Yen title: Peer Review: A Strategy to Improve Students’ Academic Essay Writings date: 2017-06-20 words: 5216 flesch: 62 summary: Unlike in peer review, in teacher review students did not have such opportunity since they had to revise by themselves based on the symbols given by the teacher. Students may check, discuss, and evaluate their work with peer students without being afraid of the grade from teachers (Yang, Badger, & Yu, 2006). keywords: essay; issn; peer; research; review; students; teacher; writing cache: english-157.pdf plain text: english-157.txt item: #18 of 94 id: english-160 author: Muhlis, Azhari title: Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Among Indonesian EFL Senior High School Students date: 2017-06-22 words: 8280 flesch: 61 summary: From the questionnaire given to the participants, some potential factors of foreign language reading anxiety were found. The result is still similar with the previous studies which found interrelationship between high reading anxiety and low proficiency in L2 reading comprehension. keywords: anxiety; english; issn; item; language; reading; students; study; text cache: english-160.pdf plain text: english-160.txt item: #19 of 94 id: english-170 author: Vintoni, Aridem title: Early Speech Acts in Child Language date: 2017-12-06 words: 2006 flesch: 67 summary: However, how is the process of the evolution at the early stage of child language development? However, how is the process of the evolution at the early stage of child language development? keywords: acts; children; development; language; speech cache: english-170.pdf plain text: english-170.txt item: #20 of 94 id: english-171 author: Budiman, Asep title: Behaviorism and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology date: 2017-12-06 words: 4245 flesch: 51 summary: Learning programs such as the teaching machine, learning program, modules, and other learning programs are based on the concept of stimulus-response relationships and the importance reinforcing factors, an instructional program that implements learning theory proposed by Skinner. Behaviorism theory is certainly different from other theories. keywords: behaviorism; issn; language; learning; process; response; stimulus; theory cache: english-171.pdf plain text: english-171.txt item: #21 of 94 id: english-1793 author: Atmanegara, Yunani; Dianti, Rahma title: The Implication of Flipped Learning Model in Tertiary Critical Reading Class date: 2020-11-13 words: 5908 flesch: 50 summary: Students’ prior critical reading skill was considerably low. Yet, students still needed teacher’s assistance to direct their learning process. keywords: class; english; learning; learning model; model; reading; results; skill; students; test cache: english-1793.pdf plain text: english-1793.txt item: #22 of 94 id: english-1818 author: As Sabiq, Agus Husein title: Localized English for Ngapak Javanese Speakers as Language Instruction date: 2020-11-13 words: 8646 flesch: 55 summary: Non-native teachers of English are shown having problems by making incorrect pronunciation, using first language accent, and lack of requisite skills in English language teaching and learning. How suitable is the use of local dialect in English as language instruction in English language teaching for Ngapak Javanese learners? keywords: dialect; english; english language; indonesia; javanese; journal; language; learning; ngapak; problems; research; speakers; students; teachers; teaching; use cache: english-1818.pdf plain text: english-1818.txt item: #23 of 94 id: english-1822 author: Kusumadewi, Luh Kade Diana; Adnyani, Luh Diah Surya; Pratiwi, Ni Putu Astiti title: Effective Commands to Overcome Students with Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom date: 2020-11-13 words: 6373 flesch: 51 summary: Based on students responses who given commands by teachers it can be concluded that mostly all of the commands used were effective to overcome students disruptive behavior because after the commands given, the students followed teachers’ instruction to stop ongoing disruptive behaviors. ENGLISH FRANCA : Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol.4, No.2, 2020, IAIN Curup P-ISSN2580-3670, E-ISSN2580-3689 DOI:, Page 181-202 Effective Commands to Overcome Students with Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Luh Kade Diana Kusumadewi Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia Luh Diah Surya Adnyani Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia Ni Putu Astiti Pratiwi Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia ABSTRACT keywords: behavior; classroom; command; observation; students; study; teachers; types cache: english-1822.pdf plain text: english-1822.txt item: #24 of 94 id: english-2026 author: Pale, Erlinda Sonya; Wisrance, Maria Wihelmina title: Analysis of Demotivating Factors Affecting Students’ Willingness to Speak English date: 2021-05-28 words: 5765 flesch: 46 summary: Based on the data presented above, it can be noticed that some demotivating factors affect the students' willingness to use English during the learning process in English Department at Universitas Timor. The hesitation to speak English in the class was the crucial problem that occurred in semester seven students of the English Department of Timor University. keywords: classroom; english; factors; language; learners; motivation; speaking; students; study; willingness cache: english-2026.pdf plain text: english-2026.txt item: #25 of 94 id: english-2040 author: Arsyad, Safnil; Widiarti, Vira; Wulandari, Mega Fitri title: Argument Strategies and Linguistic Realizations of the Discussion Sections in Local, National, and International Journal Articles in English Education by Indonesian Authors: How do they differ and/or Resemble? date: 2021-05-28 words: 6346 flesch: 46 summary: This is in line with that of Swales (1990) who proposed that the discussion section of research journal articles can have up to eight moves (Moves) or text segments that have clear communicative goals for readers. Keywords: argument strategy, Research article, comparative rhetorical study INTRODUCTION The Directorate-General for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture invites Indonesian scholars, graduate students, and lecturers to publish invalidated national journals and well-known foreign journals. keywords: argument; articles; authors; discussion; english; findings; indonesian; journal; research; results; section; study; tense cache: english-2040.pdf plain text: english-2040.txt item: #26 of 94 id: english-2059 author: Hayati, Rita; Anggraini, Hesti Wahyuni; Jaya, Hariswan Putra title: ICT and Learning Attitude towards Students’ Academic Paragraph Writing in College Level date: 2021-05-28 words: 6028 flesch: 56 summary: Not only that, by using ICT students could be focused, and also saved their time because it could make students easier to find information faster from everywhere and anytime (Inderawati, 2011). Kara (2009) stated that learning attitude had a clear influence on student’s behavior and its consequences on their performance. 152 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol.5, No.1, 2021 Dehbozorgi (2012, p. 44) in his research on EFL students majoring in English Translation Department in Iran found that result mostly participants received high scores for their attitudes. keywords: attitude; english; ict; language; learning; research; students; study; technology; use; writing cache: english-2059.pdf plain text: english-2059.txt item: #27 of 94 id: english-2065 author: Prihandoko, Lastika Ary title: The Interplay of Information Literacy, Learning Facility, Learning Achievement & Motivation Toward Online Learning Experience During COVID-19 Crisis: PLS-SEM Approach date: 2021-05-28 words: 4702 flesch: 43 summary: These previous studies have given valuable insight concerning influential factors of online learning experience viewed from students, instructors, and institutions. In summary, the online learning facility perspective was significantly correlated with online information literacy experience, online learning achievement motivation, and online learning experience. keywords: achievement; experience; information; learning; learning experience; literacy; model; motivation; online; students cache: english-2065.pdf plain text: english-2065.txt item: #28 of 94 id: english-2082 author: Astuti, Puji title: Perception Low Grade Teachers to Thematic Learning on Curriculum 2013 at Sumber Rahayu OKU Timur Elementary School date: 2021-05-28 words: 6368 flesch: 45 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to supervise and control student learning activities at school and home. Thematic learning curriculum 2013, notes are needed to observe whether the implementation has been effective. keywords: curriculum; data; elementary; grade; learning; process; rahayu; school; students; sumber; teachers; thematic cache: english-2082.pdf plain text: english-2082.txt item: #29 of 94 id: english-2146 author: Wahyuni, Sri title: English Language Needs for Medical Students: A Link and Match of Academic and Professional Career date: 2021-05-28 words: 4388 flesch: 52 summary: Thus, the use of medical English in seminars, textbooks, and journal articles has increased (Pavel, 2019); (Vera-Cazorla, 2015), thus suitable course contents for English must be carefully selected (Javid, 2011) and updated (Vera-Cazorla, 2015) . (2018) in their study of Arabian medical students found out that learning medical English which was linked and matched to professional English is very crucial. keywords: academic; english; language; medical; needs; skills; students cache: english-2146.pdf plain text: english-2146.txt item: #30 of 94 id: english-2173 author: Sundari, Dike; Hidayah, Jumatul; Edy, Sarwo; Esmianti, Farida title: Error Analysis of English Sentence Structure in Students’ Written Paragraphs date: 2021-05-28 words: 8211 flesch: 60 summary: In so doing, the quantitative study was conducted using document analysis anchored in the already made construct of sentence structure errors as proposed by Dulay, Burt & 44 |ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2021 Krashen (1982). The percentages of types of sentence structure errors in students' paragraphs N o Sentence Structure Accuracy Frequency Percentage (%) keywords: addition; analysis; clauses; domain; english; errors; language; research; sentence; sentence structure; structure; students; words; writing cache: english-2173.pdf plain text: english-2173.txt item: #31 of 94 id: english-2212 author: Fitria, Tira Nur title: An Analysis of the Students’ Difficulties in TOEFL Prediction Test of Listening Section date: 2021-05-28 words: 5856 flesch: 61 summary: Based on those answers, it shows that most students feel that the speaker's accent affects their TOEFL Listening skill”. Based on those answers, it shows that most students feel that the sentence structure conveyed by the speaker is too complex then affects their TOEFL Listening skills. keywords: difficulties; english; listening; questions; section; students; test; toefl; toefl listening cache: english-2212.pdf plain text: english-2212.txt item: #32 of 94 id: english-2329 author: Arafah, Rifda; Danim, Sudarwan; Dharmayana, Wayan; Anshori, Sakut; Prihantoro, Prihantoro title: The Impact of a Three-Step Interview on Students’ Speaking Ability date: 2021-11-22 words: 5889 flesch: 64 summary: The researcher gives three criteria to know how effective the Three-Step-Interview used in speaking ability those are the mean score, standard deviation, and student score. X1e: Pre-test student speaking abilities of experimental class X1c: Pre-test speaking ability of control class students X2e: Post-test speaking ability of experimental class students X2c: Control class student speaking ability in post-test The population is the entire object or individual that will be investigated in connection with the necessary data. keywords: class; control; interview; mean; post; score; speaking; step; students; test cache: english-2329.pdf plain text: english-2329.txt item: #33 of 94 id: english-248 author: Rusmawan, Putu Ngurah title: Using Crossword Puzzle to increase Students’ Vocabularies for Writing Skill in Descriptive Text date: 2018-06-30 words: 7736 flesch: 64 summary: Using Crossword Puzzle to Improve Students’ Writing Descriptive Text at Seventh Grade of SMP Islam Mamba’ul Ulum Al Mubarok Jabon Sidoarjo. The writing habit should be stimulated among students and give them understanding about writing. keywords: crossword; cycle; puzzle; researcher; students; teaching; test; text; writing cache: english-248.pdf plain text: english-248.txt item: #34 of 94 id: english-2580 author: Kasmaini, Kasmaini title: Boosting English Students’ Writing Skill via Roundtable Strategy date: 2021-05-28 words: 5986 flesch: 66 summary: This Cooperative round table learning model emphasizes providing students with expanded learning opportunities and a conducive environment in which to gain and grow valuable intelligence, behaviours, beliefs, and social skills Students not only learn and consider what the teacher proposes in class as they use the cooperative round table model, but may benefit from other students' knowledge and have the ability to educate other students (Solihatin and Raharjo, 2008:2). Roundtable Strategy Kasmaini & Riswanto: Boosting English Students’ Writing Skill via Roundtable Strategy│23 Cooperative round table can also be a strategy used for the learning process where students will find it easier to comprehensively determine difficult concepts if they discuss them with other students. keywords: cycle; education; english; language; learning; results; roundtable; strategy; students; study; teaching; text; writing cache: english-2580.pdf plain text: english-2580.txt item: #35 of 94 id: english-2589 author: Feronica, Rani Ayu; Apriani, Eka; Edy, Sarwo title: The Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) in Junior High School: Teaching Practice and Problems date: 2021-11-22 words: 4914 flesch: 52 summary: English Teacher 1 The teaching practice of HOTS implementation by English teacher 1 was: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. English Teacher 2 : I have limited access and connection to using the internet to implement HOTS in my home. keywords: english; hots; implementation; learning; order; skills; students; teacher; teaching; thinking cache: english-2589.pdf plain text: english-2589.txt item: #36 of 94 id: english-2613 author: Afriani, Zelvia Liska; Utami, Valisneria title: Strategies in Online Speaking Classroom in the Time of Covid-19: A Descriptive Study at Tertiary Level date: 2021-11-22 words: 6012 flesch: 63 summary: Improving Students 274 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2021 Speaking Motivation by Using Role Play Technique at Institute Islamic in Indonesia. This regulation requires immediate adaptation, which makes students and teachers have to carry out the learning process online. keywords: classroom; covid-19; learning; online; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; teachers; teaching cache: english-2613.pdf plain text: english-2613.txt item: #37 of 94 id: english-2619 author: Asrifan, Andi; Abdullah, Harun; Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah; Patil, Atul title: An Analysis of Code Mixing in the MOVIE “From London to Bali” date: 2021-11-22 words: 7620 flesch: 66 summary: deh loe mau jadi gembel juga boleh WLCM there is the word stupid which is categorized as mixing basic word codes because it has not undergone any morphological processes 2. The word ajak can be classified into basic words because they are the basis for the formation of more complex words. keywords: aku; analysis; bali; code; codemixing; data; english; films; gue; indonesian; ini; language; level; level code; loe; london; mixing; movie; ngak; research; types; use; wlcm; word cache: english-2619.pdf plain text: english-2619.txt item: #38 of 94 id: english-2704 author: As Sabiq, Agus Husein; Arwi, Siti Hariroh; Khusna, Anisatul; Adifia, Dhelvy Ulfa Shita; Nada, Dhea Zabana Qothrun title: Investigating Gender Differences on the Students’ Attitudes and Motivation toward English Learning date: 2021-11-22 words: 7367 flesch: 49 summary: The cognitive component of attitude concerns the convictions of language students regarding their comprehension of the language they study. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the students' attitudes toward the English language and their motivation toward English language teaching based on gender differences in a state junior high school in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. keywords: attitudes; differences; education; english; english language; female; gender; gender differences; journal; language; language learning; learning; male; motivation; students cache: english-2704.pdf plain text: english-2704.txt item: #39 of 94 id: english-2721 author: Daulay, Sholihatul Hamidah; Dalimunte, Muhammad; Ningrum, Diah Widya title: The Importance of Linguistics for Teachers in English Language Teaching date: 2021-11-22 words: 3370 flesch: 51 summary: In this case, the researcher used the step-by-step process to gather information from some articles, journals that related to the variables researched namely linguistics, language teachers, and language teaching. This is because language teaching goes hand in hand with language growth. keywords: english; language; language teaching; linguistics; research; study; teacher; teaching cache: english-2721.pdf plain text: english-2721.txt item: #40 of 94 id: english-289 author: Arianie, Masita title: Authentic Material and Interactive Activities in EFL Classroom date: 2017-12-06 words: 7499 flesch: 61 summary: Often, in-class exercises can be used to gauge student learning, to help students think more deeply about the course material, and prompt class discussion. The purpose of this paper is to highlight interactive activities which can motivate students and increase their interest in leaning English in EFL classroom. keywords: activity; class; classroom; curup; english; group; issn; language; learning; materials; reading; step; students; teaching cache: english-289.pdf plain text: english-289.txt item: #41 of 94 id: english-291 author: Apriani, Eka title: Utilizing Preservice English Teachers Strategies and Classroom Management at Junior High School in Rejang Lebong Regency date: 2017-12-06 words: 15368 flesch: 59 summary: He also states that there are some factors that effected classroom management such as maintaining discipline, giving feedback seating arrangement, and relation among teacher students (TS) and students-students (SS).That factors can be defined as follows: a. It was of particular interest to evaluate teaching students’ on several variables related to classroom mangement such as teaching style, teaching self-efficacy, teaching attitudes and behaviours, before and after the completion of the course. keywords: classroom; classroom management; curup; english; english franca; feedback; issn; learning; management; pet; preservice; research; rl smpn; smpn; stain; strategies; students; teacher; teaching; teaching strategies cache: english-291.pdf plain text: english-291.txt item: #42 of 94 id: english-3246 author: Suparto, Windy Puspitasari; Yusmah, Yusmah; Kasman, Nuraini; Amir, Muhammad; Wafi, Abdul title: The Application of Collaborative Writing Strategy in Teaching Composition in a Public Junior High School date: 2021-11-22 words: 5627 flesch: 50 summary: (2004, p.74–81) proposed five types of collaborative writing strategies, namely: group single author writing, sequential single writing strategy, horizontal division parallel writing, Windy, The Application of Collaborative Writing Strategy in Teaching Composition in a Public Junior High School - 313 stratified division parallel writing, and reactive writing strategy, that the application of collaborative writing strategy in teaching composition in a public junior high school. Because writing matters: Improving student writing in our schools. keywords: division; parallel; strategies; strategy; students; teacher; teaching; writing; writing strategy cache: english-3246.pdf plain text: english-3246.txt item: #43 of 94 id: english-3329 author: Al Aqad, Mohammed H.; Al-Saggaf, Mohammad A.; Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah title: The Impact of Audio-Visual Aids on Learning English among MSU Third-Year Students date: 2021-11-22 words: 4446 flesch: 49 summary: The purpose of this study is to look at the influence of employing multimedia in English language acquisition among MSU students. The study's findings 202 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2021 indicate that multimedia inspires BTESL students to learn English creatively and engagingly. keywords: education; english; language; learning; multimedia; students; study; teaching; technology; use cache: english-3329.pdf plain text: english-3329.txt item: #44 of 94 id: english-3364 author: Hayati, Noor; Usman, Usman title: The Study of Strategies in Learning English and English Academic Achievement date: 2021-11-22 words: 6596 flesch: 54 summary: This research aimed at investigating the correlation between English language learning strategies and English academic achievement. According to researchers at Taibah University, the last rank of English language learning strategies used by students was compensation strategy, which allows learners to use new information despite knowledge gaps. keywords: achievement; english; english language; language; language learning; learners; learning; learning strategies; strategies; strategy; students; study cache: english-3364.pdf plain text: english-3364.txt item: #45 of 94 id: english-3398 author: Adara, Reza Anggriyashati; Puspahaty, Novita title: How EFL Learners Maintain Motivational Factors and Positive Attitudes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study date: 2021-11-22 words: 6259 flesch: 47 summary: Learning English also helps me to understand many things. (Respondent 1) “Learning English is very happy because with this I can meet many friends from various countries. keywords: attitudes; covid-19; efl; english; language; learners; learning; motivation; pandemic; students; study cache: english-3398.pdf plain text: english-3398.txt item: #46 of 94 id: english-3665 author: Inderawati, Rita; Amrullah, Amrullah; Sofendi, Sofendi; Mirizon, Soni; Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko; Ernalida, Ernalida; Indrawati, Sri; Shilviany, Sary; Alwi, Zahra title: South Sumatra Local Culture-Based Teaching Materials Training for Vocational School Language Teachers date: 2022-05-31 words: 5100 flesch: 44 summary: Teaching materials can be distinguished according to their type and function, a teacher does not have to be fixated on making or developing teaching material. Intelligence in managing time is very important because it can be one of the inhibiting factors for someone in designing or developing teaching materials. keywords: culture; english; language; learning; local; materials; south; students; teachers; teaching; teaching materials; training cache: english-3665.pdf plain text: english-3665.txt item: #47 of 94 id: english-373 author: Lestari, Pritantina Yuni; Kurniawan, Erwin Hari title: Padlet as Media to Improve Writing Mastery of English Department Students of Uniska 2015-2016 date: 2018-06-30 words: 4262 flesch: 56 summary: The objective of this study is to know whether the use of Padlet as media can improve students’ descriptive writing mastery of students of English Department of Uniska in the third semester. Each cycles consisted of three opportunities for students to have interaction using Padlet. keywords: cycle; learning; media; padlet; process; students; teaching; writing cache: english-373.pdf plain text: english-373.txt item: #48 of 94 id: english-376 author: Baihaqi, Yasmika; Rutiningsih, Maya title: The Influence of using Suggestopedia Method Toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Eight Grade of the Second Semester in SMPN 06 Metro in Academic Year 2016/2017 date: 2019-01-03 words: 8157 flesch: 60 summary: It is also supported by Thresia (2015:38) who states that through suggestopedia students learn to trust the power of the mind, students also learn that deliberately induced states of relaxation can be valuable at times in the classroom. Students can also benefit from the use of music to get students sit back and relax. keywords: class; influence; method; researcher; students; suggestopedia; suggestopedia method; test; vocabulary; vocabulary mastery cache: english-376.pdf plain text: english-376.txt item: #49 of 94 id: english-3828 author: Riswanto, Riswanto; Haryanto, Endang; Maisyarah, Maisyarah title: An Analysis of Self-Directed Learning in Speaking Class During Pandemic Covid-19 date: 2022-05-31 words: 3238 flesch: 47 summary: Then the six indicators of self-control are categorized at the high level, which means students believe that learning activities ultimately affect themselves and observe the rise and decrease in student learning outcomes obtained. ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic is a situation where students are responsible and independent in their learning. keywords: covid-19; english; factors; learning; motivation; pandemic; self; speaking; students cache: english-3828.pdf plain text: english-3828.txt item: #50 of 94 id: english-3915 author: Utami, Henny Septia; Morganna, Ruly title: Improving Students’ English Pronunciation Competence by Using Shadowing Technique date: 2022-05-31 words: 8480 flesch: 51 summary: Doubts, for example, can be eliminated by extensive shadowing practice, and pronunciation can be improved because shadowing trains students to produce appropriate variations of English phonemes. First, for each meeting in each cycle, the process of learning English pronunciation using shadowing techniques included ten stages that included listening, listening while marking, mumbling, parallel reading, comprehending meanings, shadowing prosody sounds, recording, listening, and making comparisons, reviewing, and reflecting. keywords: cycle; english; indicators; intonation; learning; post; pronunciation; shadowing; sounds; stress; students; technique; test cache: english-3915.pdf plain text: english-3915.txt item: #51 of 94 id: english-4106 author: Tarigan, Stevani Likasari; Safryadin, Safryadin; Sofyan, Dedi title: Challenges Faced by English Teachers in Indragiri Hulu Regency in Teaching Speaking Through Online Platform date: 2022-05-31 words: 8214 flesch: 53 summary: Subsequently, item 9 (I have difficulty giving examples in doing 176 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022 intonation on online speaking learning) had a total score of 123 (33 English teachers), this item had a negative percentage (63.4%). The next item was item 10 (I have difficulty making practice to students in online speaking learning) which had a total score of 123. keywords: challenges; difficulty; english; english teachers; hulu; indragiri; learning; negative; online; regency; speaking; students; teachers; teaching; time cache: english-4106.pdf plain text: english-4106.txt item: #52 of 94 id: english-4109 author: Williyan, Aldha title: Overlap in EFL Learners' Online Casual Conversation: How Men and Women Differ date: 2022-05-31 words: 5962 flesch: 61 summary: In that period, there were 131 turns in female online conversations and 139 turns in male online conversations. The values of being female and male that are obtained from society every day and which are taught by parents from an early age greatly affect how they behave in interacting, one of which is during online casual conversation. keywords: conversation; english; excerpt; gender; language; overlap; study; women cache: english-4109.pdf plain text: english-4109.txt item: #53 of 94 id: english-4116 author: Hidayah, Jumatul; Prihantoro, Prihantoro title: ICT-Based Learning in New Normal Era: Viewed from Practice and Impact in ELT Classroom date: 2022-05-31 words: 9228 flesch: 50 summary: In detail, the first indicator was concerned with the use of ICT materials (4 items). For collecting the qualitative data on ICT use, the researchers applied an observation technique. keywords: classroom; data; education; elt; english; ict; ict use; language; learning; lecturers; materials; online; students; study; teaching; use cache: english-4116.pdf plain text: english-4116.txt item: #54 of 94 id: english-4117 author: kasmaini, Kasmaini; zahrida, Zahrida title: Improving Students' Writing Ability by using Inquiry-Based Learning Model date: 2022-05-31 words: 5814 flesch: 61 summary: Stone (Dahar, 1991) in Saliman (2021) defines inquiry learning as a strategy in which students are the center of learning, for example, Kasmaini & Zahrida: Improve the Writing Ability of S1 English Education FKIP UNIB Students Using the Inquiry-Based Learning Model-101 in informing a group, students are given a problem or seek answers to a question in a clearly outlined procedure and group structure. The lecturer collects student writings for correction. keywords: absn; cycle; education; english; inquiry; learning; model; students; text; writing cache: english-4117.pdf plain text: english-4117.txt item: #55 of 94 id: english-4136 author: Hidayati, Arini Nurul; Sri, Melisa; Abdullah, Fuad; Ramalia, Tenia; Yunita, Widia; Sulastri, Fera title: Whatsapp in the Indonesian Online EFL Learning Milieu: How Do the Students Engage? date: 2022-05-31 words: 5184 flesch: 47 summary: To conclude, the finding informs that WhatsApp has given meaningful online learning activities that can encourage EFL students to engage positively, and therefore, it is recommended to utilize as a learning platform for university students. The Impact of WhatsApp on EFL students’ Vocabulary Learning. keywords: efl; emoticons; engagement; english; journal; language; learning; online; students; teacher; whatsapp cache: english-4136.pdf plain text: english-4136.txt item: #56 of 94 id: english-4167 author: Jannah, Raudhatul; A. Gani, Sofyan title: Students Responses toward Fix-Up Options Strategy Implementation in Comprehending Text Personal Recount date: 2022-11-30 words: 5247 flesch: 54 summary: As a consequence, students' reading achievement rose and had a good influence on text comprehension. Keywords: Fix-up strategy, students response, personal text recount INTRODUCTION Reading is an activity that involves learning and comprehending the information contained in a text. keywords: comprehension; fix; options; options strategy; reading; recount; strategy; students; text cache: english-4167.pdf plain text: english-4167.txt item: #57 of 94 id: english-421 author: Edy, Sarwo; Rimadanti, Uci Sherly title: Teacher’ Guideline in Designing English Materials in Curriculum 2013 date: 2018-06-30 words: 2810 flesch: 56 summary: English teachers in those schools think that will not be interesting in this modern era if they just follow and use materials in a book or worksheet, so they combine the teaching materials from books and worksheets with the materials from internet, such as videos and additional exercises to make the students interested and easy to understand the materials and do the exercise but in applying the design of materials, some teachers actually ignore the important part in designing material guidelines. English language teaching materials should be contextualized. keywords: english; guidelines; materials; teachers cache: english-421.pdf plain text: english-421.txt item: #58 of 94 id: english-4210 author: Adawiyah, Rabi'atun; Daulay, Sholihatul Hamidah title: Using A Cognitive Therapy to Enhance Slow Learners’ Competence: Teacher’s Strategy date: 2022-05-31 words: 6179 flesch: 53 summary: Slow learners have been alluded to in international literature using various terms, such as slow learners Borah (2013) and low achievers. The goal of this study was to see how 22 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2022 cognitive therapy affected the memory skills of slow learner children in elementary school. keywords: ability; children; education; learners; learning; material; memory; research; school; students; teacher; therapy cache: english-4210.pdf plain text: english-4210.txt item: #59 of 94 id: english-4271 author: Wulandari, Nyimas Ayu; Amalia, Shynta; Ramdhani, Muhammad Iqbal title: Investigating Speaking Difficulties of Senior High School Students: Linguistics and Psychological Problems date: 2022-05-31 words: 5730 flesch: 63 summary: Psychological Problems Faced by the Year- Eleventh Students MA Nuhad Demak in Speaking English. Problems and difficulties of speaking that encounter English language students at Al Quds Open University. keywords: difficulties; english; grammar; lack; language; learners; problems; speaking; students cache: english-4271.pdf plain text: english-4271.txt item: #60 of 94 id: english-4344 author: Efriza, Dony; Deswarni, Dini; Sepyanda, Marsika title: What Can Reading Motivation Do for Improving Student’s Reading Comprehension? Implications for Reading Instruction in the School date: 2023-05-23 words: 5794 flesch: 53 summary: Students who have reading motivation and a score that is higher than the mean score of reading motivation are considered to have high reading motivation, whereas students who have reading motivation and a score that is lower than the mean score of reading motivation are considered to have low reading motivation. Reading motivation is one of the characteristics that influences reading comprehension itself and is essential to the successful acquisition of reading skills. keywords: comprehension; indicators; instruction; interest; language; motivation; reading; reading motivation; school; students; text cache: english-4344.pdf plain text: english-4344.txt item: #61 of 94 id: english-454 author: Noviyenty, Leffi title: Strategies in Learning and Techniques in Teaching English Speaking date: 2018-06-30 words: 4113 flesch: 61 summary: Students’ Strategies in learning to Speak English in the Class at School and out Class in Their Daily Life After giving questionnaire to 55 selected students of SMAN 1 Curup and to 7 English teachers, also doing the interviews and several observations not only in the classroom (during the English teaching and learning process) but also outside the class at school, the finding is presented as in the following table: Table 2 The Category of Students’ Strategies in learning to Speak English Speaking Strategies are strategies used by the students in learning to speak English in the class and outclass, which are categorized into three kinds: metacognitive, cognitive and social/affective strategies. keywords: english; language; learning; speaking; strategies; students; teachers; teaching; techniques cache: english-454.pdf plain text: english-454.txt item: #62 of 94 id: english-459 author: Inderawati, Rita; Hafiz Pratama, Ahmad; A. Loeneto, Bambang title: Peer Assessment in Facebook Comment Column about One Topic in Writing II Subject of the Fourth Semester Students of Sriwijaya University English Study Program date: 2018-06-30 words: 8156 flesch: 61 summary: Writing is one of the important skills which should be learned and mastered by students. There were three writing courses in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education that students learnt for the academic year 2013 of English Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University; Writing I, Writing II, and Writing III. keywords: average; comment; english; facebook; paragraph; score; sentence; students; writing cache: english-459.pdf plain text: english-459.txt item: #63 of 94 id: english-4659 author: Syafutri, Tania; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Sofyan, Dedi title: Error Analysis on Noun Phrase in Students’ Undergraduate Theses date: 2022-11-30 words: 4530 flesch: 45 summary: The differences between noun phrase errors made by Indonesia University of Education and Bengkulu University students in the introduction parts of their undergraduate theses, in which there were differences, such as the most frequent type of noun phrase error in the student's undergraduate thesis introductions. ABSTRACT The aim of this research is (1) to analyze the components of noun phrase errors that are often made by students in the introduction parts of their undergraduate theses, (2) to analyze the types of noun phrase errors that are often made by students in the introduction parts of their undergraduate theses, (3) to find out the differences between noun phrase errors made students in the introduction parts of their undergraduate theses. keywords: errors; introduction; noun; noun phrase; phrase; students; university cache: english-4659.pdf plain text: english-4659.txt item: #64 of 94 id: english-4774 author: Aeni, Nur; Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah; Strid, John Evar; Apriani, Eka title: Off-Record Politeness Strategies Used by the EFL Teachers for Blended Classroom date: 2022-11-30 words: 5077 flesch: 60 summary: Researchers observed classrooms by recording teacher activity and analyzing it using The theory of etiquette techniques by Brown and Levinson. John Evar Strid Northern Illinois University, USA Eka Apriani Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the politeness strategies used by teachers when teaching English in coeducational classrooms and the impact of these strategies on students. keywords: classroom; english; language; politeness; record; strategies; students; teacher; teaching; use cache: english-4774.pdf plain text: english-4774.txt item: #65 of 94 id: english-4902 author: Aprilia, Fitria; Neisya, Neisya title: Women’s Stereotypes in “Pretty Girl” Song Lyrics: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study date: 2022-11-30 words: 5236 flesch: 57 summary: Woman image presents mental, spiritual, and daily behavior expression by women in many aspects; physical and psychological as women's self-image, family as well as community traits as part of social images. Woman image presents mental, spiritual, and daily behavior expression by women in many aspects; physical and psychological as women's self-image, family as well as community traits as part of social images. keywords: analysis; discourse; girl; image; language; lindemann; lyrics; maggie; song; study; women cache: english-4902.pdf plain text: english-4902.txt item: #66 of 94 id: english-5233 author: Puspita, Maya; Ramdhani, Muhammad Iqbal title: Black Voice Portrayed in The Movie of The Hidden Figures by Theodore Melfi date: 2022-11-30 words: 5407 flesch: 66 summary: According to Collins (2000) in the United States, the oppression of black women is carried out in a systematic and structured manner. When Mary complained about the Virginia school which would not allow Black women into the school she continued to complain about it, instead of Dorothy getting tired of listening to her and Dorothy giving advice to Mary in an irritated tone and Mary was silent. keywords: black; discrimination; dorothy; figures; katherine; mary; movie; people; picture; women cache: english-5233.pdf plain text: english-5233.txt item: #67 of 94 id: english-528 author: Ariani, Desti title: Conversational Gambits used by the English Education Program Students of Graduate Program of State University of Padang in Classroom Discussion date: 2018-12-31 words: 6416 flesch: 53 summary: This research is a descriptive research which aims at describing conversational gambits used by the English Education Program students of Graduate Program of Padang State University in organizing their utterances and interaction in classroom discussion. The finding showed that the type of conversational gambits frequently used by the students in classroom discussion was linking gambits. keywords: classroom; communication; discussion; english; gambits; program; students cache: english-528.pdf plain text: english-528.txt item: #68 of 94 id: english-5329 author: Nursyahdiyah, Nursyahdiyah; Dalimunte, Ahmad Amin; Daulay, Sholihatul Hamidah title: The Implementation of Flipped Classroom in EFL Reading During Covid-19 Pandemic: Indonesian EFL Students’ Voices date: 2022-11-30 words: 5331 flesch: 56 summary: Student learning and perceptions in a flipped linear algebra course. In the second question, most of the students felt that flipped classroom learning method helped them with reading skills. keywords: classroom; covid-19; efl; implementation; learning; method; pandemic; reading; students; study cache: english-5329.pdf plain text: english-5329.txt item: #69 of 94 id: english-5418 author: Huda Shofyana, Maila; Giri Aditama, Madya; Iqbal Nugroho, Harliyandri; Tri Asmoro, Heri title: Integrating Local Wisdom in Project-Based Learning to Improve Post-Pandemic English Learning date: 2022-11-30 words: 5154 flesch: 48 summary: This study shows student learning outcomes have increased after the action (Masruroh, 2021). This learning activity emphasized student activities in problem-solving by applying some skills such as researching, analyzing, creating, and presenting real experience learning products of students. keywords: education; english; jurnal; learning; method; model; pembelajaran; pendidikan; pjbl; process; project; research; students; teachers; wisdom cache: english-5418.pdf plain text: english-5418.txt item: #70 of 94 id: english-5438 author: Jaya, Hariswan Putera; Dari, Tita Ratna Wulan; Zuraida, Zuraida; Wijaya, Alhenri title: A Survey on High School Students’ Preferences toward the Use of Social Media as Online Learning Tools date: 2022-11-30 words: 6731 flesch: 62 summary: This condition undoubtedly invites students, teachers, and educators to use online social media in the teaching and learning process. Social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, and Google Classroom, to name but a few, are the ones that are often used by students for online learning because they can be used easily, anywhere and anytime. keywords: classroom; google; learning; media; social; students; study; teachers; tool; use; users cache: english-5438.pdf plain text: english-5438.txt item: #71 of 94 id: english-5442 author: Maskana, Nurul; Ilma, Ridha; Manalulaili, Manalulaili title: Zoom Cloud Meetings: Online Learning Media in Listening date: 2022-11-30 words: 5732 flesch: 51 summary: The researchers were intrigued by the above description and decided to perform the study Zoom Cloud Meetings: Online Learning Media in Listening, which focused on the impression of the usage of Zoom Cloud Meetings as media in learning to listen for EFL students. Discussion The researcher noted various viewpoints as a result of the use of Zoom Cloud Meetings as a medium in learning listening to EFL students at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang during the pandemic era, based on the findings of data analysis using thematic analysis. keywords: cloud; cloud meetings; education; english; language; learning; listening; media; meetings; students; teaching; zoom; zoom cloud cache: english-5442.pdf plain text: english-5442.txt item: #72 of 94 id: english-5445 author: Apriani, Noni; Arsyad, Safnil title: The Linguistic Characteristics of Article Titles in Applied Linguistics Published in Accredited National Journals of Different Sinta Scores date: 2022-11-23 words: 7881 flesch: 58 summary: Anthony (2001) investigated the characteristic features of research article titles, including length, punctuation usage, word frequency, and preposition usage. Structural organization of research article titles: A comparative study of titles of Business, Gynaecology and Law. keywords: article; english; ja titles; journals; length; linguistics; research; sinta; structure; study; syntactic; titles; words cache: english-5445.pdf plain text: english-5445.txt item: #73 of 94 id: english-5451 author: Novitasari, Heryanti; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Sofyan, Dedi title: The Rhetorical Structure of Students’ Presentation in Speaking Class date: 2022-11-30 words: 9651 flesch: 62 summary: Furthermore, the typical patterns found in student presentations are Obligatory and Conventional. In addition, this Move also has a function to prepare listeners for presentation topics that will be delivered and discussed. keywords: audience; class; introduction; language; presentation; speaking; step; structure; students; study; topic cache: english-5451.pdf plain text: english-5451.txt item: #74 of 94 id: english-5452 author: Sartika, Utari Dwi; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Azwandi, Azwandi title: English Teachers' Perception of Implementing Project-Based Learning in Secondary Schools date: 2022-11-30 words: 6254 flesch: 50 summary: To promote student learning in the 2013 curriculum, teachers should implement learning strategies such as Discovery Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and Project-Based Learning. This study is aimed to investigate English teachers' perceptions about the implementation of Project-Based Learning and to analyze the challenges faced by English teachers in implementing Project-Based Learning in Secondary Schools of Bengkulu City. keywords: challenges; english; implementation; knowledge; language; learning; pbl; perception; process; project; research; schools; students; teachers; teaching cache: english-5452.pdf plain text: english-5452.txt item: #75 of 94 id: english-5458 author: Nabila, Kafa Bella; Ena, Ouda Teda; Bram, Barli title: Investigating Verbal Humor in Selected Mr. Iglesias Sitcom Shows Episodes date: 2022-11-30 words: 5390 flesch: 68 summary: This research focuses on verbal humor in a sitcom entitled Mr. Iglesias. This study aims to figure out the types of verbal humor using the General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) by Attardo & Raskin (1991). keywords: humor; iglesias; language; mechanism; opposition; research; script; sitcom; situation; theory cache: english-5458.pdf plain text: english-5458.txt item: #76 of 94 id: english-5525 author: Sa'diyah, Siti Halimatus; Rozi, Fathor; lestari, Wahyu title: Utilizing Suggestopedia Method in Teaching English Grammar date: 2023-05-23 words: 4355 flesch: 49 summary: In this case, one of the special areas for female students in the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School, Paiton, Probolinggo, East Java, took the initiative to use the suggestopedia method in learning English grammar. It can be seen when 75% of female students experienced an increase in Grammar scores, with the enthusiasm and activeness of female students in participating in lessons reaching 80%. keywords: english; grammar; language; learning; material; method; research; school; students; suggestopedia; suggestopedia method; teacher; teaching cache: english-5525.pdf plain text: english-5525.txt item: #77 of 94 id: english-5624 author: Riswanto, Riswanto; Afriani, Zelvia Liska; Adini, Vesi Putri title: The Effect of Auditory, Intellectually, And Repetition (Air) Model on Students’ Reading Comprehension at Eleventh Grade of SMAN 8 South Bengkulu date: 2022-11-30 words: 5153 flesch: 54 summary: Students must use a learning model that interests them to fully learn text reading comprehension and form the habit of reading. It is best to read intensively with students Riswanto, The Effect of Auditory, Intellectually and Repetition (AIR) Model on Students’ Reading Comprehension 433 and teachers to fully understand the content. keywords: air; auditory; comprehension; learning; model; reading; repetition; students; test cache: english-5624.pdf plain text: english-5624.txt item: #78 of 94 id: english-5709 author: Wijayanti, Erfin title: Teaching English by Using Canva: Students’ and Lecturers’ Voice date: 2022-11-30 words: 5495 flesch: 59 summary: Academic Journal of English Language and Education Vol. 6, No. 2, 2022, IAIN Curup P-ISSN 2580-3670, E-ISSN 2580-3689 DOI: 10.29240/ef.v6i2.5709 Teaching English by Using Canva: Students’ and Lecturers’ Voice Erfin Wijayanti IAIN Fattahul Muluk Papua ABSTRACT This research discovers students' and lecturers' voices on using Canva in English language teaching. keywords: agree; canva; english; items; language; learning; students; teachers; teaching; use cache: english-5709.pdf plain text: english-5709.txt item: #79 of 94 id: english-588 author: Saputri, Kurnia title: The Identification of Multiple Intelligence in Relation to English Achievement of the Sixth Graders of SD Negeri 32 Palembang date: 2018-12-31 words: 7394 flesch: 57 summary: Key words: English achievement and multiple intelligences. Moreover, the research about multiple intelligence conducted at elementary school is never done by the previous researchers. keywords: achievement; child; children; english; factors; intelligence; language; learning; people; score; students; types; world cache: english-588.pdf plain text: english-588.txt item: #80 of 94 id: english-598 author: Apriani, Eka; Supardan, Dadan title: Language Learning Disabilities: How Can I Help My Students with Dyslexia? date: 2018-12-31 words: 3680 flesch: 31 summary: Reading disability may be characterized by:1) difficulties in single word reading; 2) initial difficulties decoding or sounding out words;3) difficulties reading sight words;4) insufficient phonological processing; 5) expressive or receptive language difficulties; and difficulties with comprehension (SaskatchewanLearning, 2004). In the 4-8 grade level, the students have difficulties: 1) Difficulty understanding concepts and relationships, 2) Significant difficulty Eka Apriani & Dadan Supardan: Language Learning Disabilities: How Can I Help My Students with Dyslexia?|195 reading and spelling multisyllabic words, often omitting entire, 3) syllables as well as making single sound errors, 4) Lack of awareness of word structure, 5) Frequent misreading of common sight words (where, there, what, then, when, etc.), 6) Difficulties with reading comprehension and learning new information from text because of underlying word recognition difficulties, 7) If underlying oral language problems exist affecting vocabulary knowledge and grammar, difficulties in comprehension of text will occur, 8) Significant difficulties in writing related to problems in spelling as well as organizing ideas. keywords: children; difficulties; difficulty; disabilities; dyslexia; language; learning; reading; students cache: english-598.pdf plain text: english-598.txt item: #81 of 94 id: english-6284 author: Ariani, Desti; Hidayat, Ade; Girikallo, Adrianus Surianto title: The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Blended Learning System to Improve English Speaking Skill of Polytechnic Students date: 2023-05-23 words: 7027 flesch: 55 summary: However, the practice of speaking, which is frequently done in groups, is still carried out in a simple way where students are assigned a certain topic and they practice the speaking task in front of the class. Students are lack of both common and technical vocabularies. keywords: cycle; english; implementation; learning; online; project; skill; speaking; students; test cache: english-6284.pdf plain text: english-6284.txt item: #82 of 94 id: english-630 author: Morganna, Ruly title: Indonesian EFL Teachers Ideologies of Lingua Culture date: 2019-05-31 words: 8675 flesch: 43 summary: Today, in the perspective of linguistics pertinent to English social functions which prevail, the status of English language per se has evolved into the world lingua franca (hereafter as ELF) (Fang, 2017; Jenkins, 2006; Kusumaningputri & Widodo, 2018; Liu & Fang, 2017; Seidlhofer, 2001). One primary account making a convincing case as regards the status shift of English language as mentioned in prior is that the users of English nowadays encompass all the world citizens, whereby they are split into three circles, on the basis of the countries they are originally derived from, as depicted by Kachru (1990) in his world English’s model. keywords: culture; efl; efl learning; english; ideology; language; learning; lingua; native; students; teacher cache: english-630.pdf plain text: english-630.txt item: #83 of 94 id: english-633 author: Gusmuliana, Paidi title: The Use of Total Physical Response Strategy at Junior High School of SLBN South Curup, Rejang Lebong date: 2018-12-31 words: 7021 flesch: 60 summary: Based on definition of school above, it is very important for students who want to learn at the school to add the knowledge for themselves, but there are several kinds of schools in this world. Outstanding education aims to equip students with special needs to be able to play an active role in society. keywords: english; language; learning; material; physical; research; response; strategy; students; teacher; teaching cache: english-633.pdf plain text: english-633.txt item: #84 of 94 id: english-6442 author: Sari, Winda; Daulay, Sholihatul Hamidah title: Analysis of Teacher's Feedback on Students in Writing Recount Text at Senior High School date: 2023-05-23 words: 5477 flesch: 59 summary: Ferris (2002) says that written feedback refers to the teacher's or peer's response to student writing (official or unofficial) whether the writing is still in the form of a draft or the last revision. On the other hand, Ellis (2008a) states that written feedback is divided into six types, including: 1) direct feedback, in which the teacher immediately gives the correct form of the corrected word, 2) indirect feedback, in which the teacher shows errors that appear in writing but do not give the actual form, 3) metalinguistic, namely the teacher gives a kind of metalinguistic instructions about errors in student writing, 4) feedback focus, which is related to Whether the teacher attempts to improve all (or the majority of) student errors or selects one or two specific types of faults to be fixed, 5) electronic feedback in which the teacher provides feedback out mistakes made by students in their writing and provides hyperlinks to related files that provide the correct form of use, and 6) reformulation or rewriting, i.e. rewriting the entire student text in order to improve the wording used look like used by native speakers to keep the contents of an original text intact. keywords: feedback; form; language; recount; students; teacher; text; writing cache: english-6442.pdf plain text: english-6442.txt item: #85 of 94 id: english-6594 author: Pratiwi, Widya Rizky title: Indonesian Students’ Growth Perception of an English Immersion Program date: 2023-05-23 words: 6468 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, a language immersion program provides for the teaching and learning of regular school subjects while at the same time responding to the communicative needs of second language students. How do Indonesian students perceive their progress during and after joining intensive courses in this English village-based immersion program?. keywords: english; immersion; indonesian; inggris; kampung; language; learning; pare; perception; program; speaking; students; village cache: english-6594.pdf plain text: english-6594.txt item: #86 of 94 id: english-6880 author: Sugandi, Bastian; Syafiq, Ahmad title: Sharpen Listening Skills Through Innovative Probing-Promting Application of Cake in Limited Face-to-Face Learning in the Era of Independent Learning date: 2023-05-23 words: 4194 flesch: 55 summary: Flipped classrooms and student learning: not just surface gains. The use of cake application in the listening learning process has quite a significant impact on learning achievement, when compared to the previous score, the post-test score is higher than the pre-test score. keywords: application; cake; english; learning; listening; respondents; score; skills; students; test cache: english-6880.pdf plain text: english-6880.txt item: #87 of 94 id: english-6959 author: Aini, Nurul; Lubis, Yani title: Investigating EFL Students’ Speaking Anxiety: A Case Study at English Department of UINSU date: 2023-05-23 words: 5609 flesch: 60 summary: Assessment of Speaking Anxiety The goal of measuring student language anxiety is to help language teachers understand the nature of foreign language fear, particularly when it comes to speaking, and to help develop solutions to lessen student language anxiety. This amounts to 5 students who are considered to be anxious about Speaking English. keywords: anxiety; efl; english; fear; language; learning; speaking; students; study cache: english-6959.pdf plain text: english-6959.txt item: #88 of 94 id: english-7012 author: Sartika, Eka title: A Closer Look on Student-Teachers’ Attitudes, Habits, and Their Comprehension Achievement toward Reading of Tertiary Level date: 2023-05-23 words: 8538 flesch: 56 summary: The data were gathered through giving out reading attitude and reading habit questionnaires, as well as having 313 students complete a reading comprehension test. Keywords: reading attitude, reading habit, reading comprehension achievement Eka Sartika, 2023 keywords: achievement; attitudes; comprehension; comprehension achievement; correlation; habits; level; reading; reading attitudes; reading comprehension; reading habits; semester; students; study cache: english-7012.pdf plain text: english-7012.txt item: #89 of 94 id: english-7033 author: Mardiant, Raniah; Kurniawan, Eri title: Exploring Vocational High School EFL Teacher’s Understanding of Student-Centered Learning Assessment date: 2023-05-24 words: 7921 flesch: 44 summary: It measures and reports student learning, but it does more than that. Student- centered learning assessments also encourage students to be confident about their work without comparing it to others, especially when students can learn independently with the teacher as the guide to revise or correct their work. keywords: assessment; kurikulum; learning; learning assessment; merdeka; problem; research; school; student; study; teacher; understanding cache: english-7033.pdf plain text: english-7033.txt item: #90 of 94 id: english-810 author: Desfitranita, Desfitranita; Senjahari, Bayu title: Assessing Students Speaking Skills at 2nd Semester Students of English Study Program IAIN Curup date: 2019-05-31 words: 7925 flesch: 66 summary: Students Grammatical Errors in Speaking English 1.1 Misplace be ‘present time’ and ‘past time’ Keywords: Speaking errors, grammar, sentence construction 42 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019 INTRODUCTION Improving speaking skills is one of the aims of English language learners. keywords: english; errors; language; noun; preposition; present; research; sentence; speaking; students; study; time; verb cache: english-810.pdf plain text: english-810.txt item: #91 of 94 id: english-819 author: Suramto, Suramto title: Developing the Students English Listening Skill by Applying Drama Movies Viewing Techniques date: 2019-05-31 words: 4955 flesch: 63 summary: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Findings The post-test result of listening skill in the experimental group and control group are presented in table 1. 102 | ENGLISH FRANCA, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019 Table 1. Frequency and Mean of Students’ Listening skill Test Based on Achievement Level Variables Level of Achievement Mean Frequency and Percentage Std. Technique for analyzing the data used in this research was listening skill test. keywords: drama; english; listening; listening skill; movies; skill; students; viewing cache: english-819.pdf plain text: english-819.txt item: #92 of 94 id: english-825 author: Suhermanto, Hadi title: The Effect of Fix Up Strategy in Enhancing Students Reading Comprehension in IAIN Curup date: 2019-05-31 words: 5195 flesch: 62 summary: 1. Special for English teacher, fix-up strategy is one of teaching technique that can be considered to improve the students’ reading competence in the classroom especially in reading text. Reading comprehension is the core of the reading activity. keywords: comprehension; english; fix; meaning; reading; strategy; students; test; text cache: english-825.pdf plain text: english-825.txt item: #93 of 94 id: english-843 author: Jayanti, Ade Dwi title: Students Writing Ability on English Descriptive Text at Grade VIII in SMPN 33 Padang date: 2019-05-31 words: 8858 flesch: 64 summary: Keywords: Writing Ability, English Descriptive text. In order to know the students’ achievement in writing, testing writing ability is the best choice. keywords: ability; descriptive; english; ideas; language; students; text; vocabulary; writing cache: english-843.pdf plain text: english-843.txt item: #94 of 94 id: english-951 author: Astuti, Puji title: Relationship Between Motivation and Discipline of Students to Student Learning Outcomes Class XI Vocational High School date: 2020-05-11 words: 4829 flesch: 54 summary: Student learning outcomes can be influenced by various factors such as learning discipline factors and student motivation factors. For schools to always provide opportunities and motivations for teachers to do more self-development which later can contribute positively to improving student learning outcomes. keywords: class; discipline; english; learning; learning outcomes; motivation; outcomes; relationship; students cache: english-951.pdf plain text: english-951.txt