item: #1 of 380 id: erjee-100 author: Nurani, Siti; Mufliharsi, Risa; Yohanna, Larisa title: LINGUISTIC FEATURES ANALYSIS OF THE ENGLISH ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WEBSITES date: 2015-04-03 words: 5711 flesch: 57 summary: The mode of discourse analysis in this present study will include three main discussions, that is, language role, channel, and medium. It is observed that language role used in communicating among others reflects and expresses the aspects of the context in which the language is used. keywords: analysis; commerce; discourse; english; field; language; role; use; verbs cache: erjee-100.pdf plain text: erjee-100.txt item: #2 of 380 id: erjee-101 author: Dunlai, Lin title: A STUDY OF WRITING TASKS IN THE NMET 2014 date: 2015-04-03 words: 6433 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the model proposed in Figure 1, this section will examine the NMET 2014 writing tasks from setting: task, setting: administration and linguistic demands: task input and output. Test papers are confidential until they are put into real use. keywords: candidates; chinese; english; nmet; paper; prompts; tasks; test; text; validity; writing; writing tasks cache: erjee-101.pdf plain text: erjee-101.txt item: #3 of 380 id: erjee-102 author: Nurmayanti, Maya title: THE USE OF PAIR COMPOSITION METHOD ON STUDENTS’ DESCRIPTIVE WRITING SKILL date: 2015-04-03 words: 4426 flesch: 51 summary: The seriousness of students during learning process: a. Giving attention to the teacher explanation and instruction √ √ √ b. The data were collected from observation, the result of analysis showed that 66% of the seriousness of students during learning process was high, 78% of enthusiasm of students in doing task was high, and 58% of students’ participation was high. keywords: composition; learning; method; pair; students; writing cache: erjee-102.pdf plain text: erjee-102.txt item: #4 of 380 id: erjee-103 author: Juita, Ita title: APPLYING COGNITIVE CODE TOWARD INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS’ WRITING COMPETENCE IMPROVEMENT date: 2015-04-03 words: 3253 flesch: 61 summary: Cognitive code looks students or learners as thinking being and learn based on their learning experience. Keywords: cognitive code, writing competence, learners’ errors Cognitive code looks students or learners as thinking being and learn based on their learning experience (Hutchinson and Waters, 1991). keywords: code; cognitive; research; students; test; writing cache: erjee-103.pdf plain text: erjee-103.txt item: #5 of 380 id: erjee-104 author: Agustiana, Vina title: PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ ANXIETY DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM date: 2015-04-03 words: 4793 flesch: 60 summary: The research tools were close-ended questionnaires filled by pre-service teachers and semistructured interviews conducted with 5 of the participant pre-service teachers. Keywords: foreign language teaching anxiety, pre-service teachers, teaching practicum INTRODUCTION keywords: anxiety; data; english; language; mean; practicum; pre; rate; service; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-104.pdf plain text: erjee-104.txt item: #6 of 380 id: erjee-105 author: Meidasari, Venny Eka title: TEACHING COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION: AN ACTIVE RECEPTION ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE TRANSLATION AND READER'S RECEPTION date: 2015-04-03 words: 4596 flesch: 45 summary: The concept of translation competence has existed but has had different labels; There are some definitions of translation competence, which are the following: Bell (1991: 43) defines translation competence as “the knowledge and skills the translator must possess in order to carry out a translation”. Wilss (1982: 58) says translation competence calls for “an inter-lingual super-competence based on a comprehensive knowledge of the respective SL and TL, including the text- pragmatic dimension, and consists of the ability to integrate the two monolingual competencies on a higher level;” and finally, the other definition is that of PACTE research. keywords: communication; competence; language; reader; reception; strategies; text; theory; translation cache: erjee-105.pdf plain text: erjee-105.txt item: #7 of 380 id: erjee-106 author: Darsih, Endang title: INDONESIAN EFL TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF 2013 ENGLISH CURRICULUM date: 2015-04-03 words: 4155 flesch: 49 summary: It means that teacher must observe, assess a real students ability, not only in the end of the process of learning, but while the process, even in the pre activity, for example we have to prepare material, state the objective or goal, teacher process must be met with the objective that he/she want to accomplish. However English teachers find it hard to apply scientific approach. keywords: curriculum; education; english; implementation; interview; learning; process; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-106.pdf plain text: erjee-106.txt item: #8 of 380 id: erjee-107 author: SW, Ayang Winda title: APOLOGIZING STRATEGIES REALIZATION OF INDONESIAN: A CASE STUDY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KUNINGAN STUDENTS date: 2015-04-03 words: 4753 flesch: 65 summary: This is a case study which aims to analyze Indonesian students strategies in asking for apology in the university of Kuningan. The following are utterances of accepting responsibility situation employed by the participants : Kami sadar kami salah, kami meminta maaf (We realize we were wrong, we are sorry) keywords: apologizing; apology; fault; indonesian; maaf; repair; responsibility; saya; situation; speaker; strategies; students cache: erjee-107.pdf plain text: erjee-107.txt item: #9 of 380 id: erjee-108 author: Nugroho, Muhammad Aprianto Budie title: PICTURES FOR IMPROVING INDONESIAN EFL STUDENTS’ SPEAKING COMPETENCE date: 2015-04-03 words: 3266 flesch: 63 summary: Students come to study of foreign language in high school in strong convictions that “language” means “an instrument of communication”. Students who are able to speak the language feel great sense of satisfaction and his attitude toward language learning is more enthusiastic. keywords: language; learning; pictures; speaking; students; teaching; test cache: erjee-108.pdf plain text: erjee-108.txt item: #10 of 380 id: erjee-109 author: Ch’ng, Looi-Chin title: PROMOTING INCIDENTAL VOCABULARY LEARNING THROUGH VERBAL DRAMATIZATION OF WORDS date: 2015-04-03 words: 4811 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: incidental vocabulary learning, readers’ theatre, language learning INTRODUCTION In short, repeated oral reading of story based text in particular is highly favourable in driving learners to learn the language via incidental vocabulary learning. keywords: incidental; language; learning; reading; students; vocabulary; words cache: erjee-109.pdf plain text: erjee-109.txt item: #11 of 380 id: erjee-110 author: Zakaria, Ali Ahmed Osman; Mugaddam, Abdel Rahim Hamid title: AUDIENCE AWARENESS IN THE WRITTEN DISCOURSE OF SUDANESE EFL UNIVERSITY LEARNERS date: 2015-04-03 words: 5215 flesch: 62 summary: Results showed that the written discourse produced by Sudanese EFL students did not reveal an awareness of the audience with whom they communicate. Sudanese EFL students have a little knowledge of the nature of the audience to whom they write. keywords: audience; awareness; discourse; english; students; write; writing cache: erjee-110.pdf plain text: erjee-110.txt item: #12 of 380 id: erjee-111 author: Dastmalchi, Faezeh Yousefian title: THE EFFECT OF IRANIAN FEMALE EFL LEARNERS’ POLITENESS STRATEGIES AWARENESS ON THEIR LETTER WRITING ABILITY date: 2015-04-03 words: 4433 flesch: 56 summary: On the other hand, to measure and score the use of politeness strategies in the participants’ writing tests, the frameworks based on the “matrix criteria of politeness strategy” by Brown and Levinson (1987) and the Politeness maxims of Leech (1983) were used. English Review: Journal of English Education 3(1), 22- 30 Received: 03-11-2014 Accepted: 12-11-2014 Published: 01-12-2014 Abstract: This research examines the effect of teaching politeness strategies based on the models proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) and Leech (1983) to intermediate English learners on their ability in writing more polite letters. keywords: learners; letter; participants; politeness; strategies; test; writing cache: erjee-111.pdf plain text: erjee-111.txt item: #13 of 380 id: erjee-112 author: Gusrayani, Diah title: DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE FROM THE RESULTS OF SCAFFOLDING IN ENGLISH TEACHING date: 2015-04-03 words: 4918 flesch: 55 summary: Scaffolding student learning: Instructional approaches and issues. Teacher B, with her skillful interactional scaffolding and teacher’s talk has also succeeded in developing students’ internalized and strategic way of thinking. keywords: concept; education; english; journal; knowledge; learning; scaffolding; students; teacher; teaching cache: erjee-112.pdf plain text: erjee-112.txt item: #14 of 380 id: erjee-113 author: Rahmatunisa, Wulan title: PROBLEMS FACED BY INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS IN WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY date: 2015-04-03 words: 4216 flesch: 58 summary: The formulations of this study are as follows: (1) What are the problems faced by EFL students in writing argumentative essay? The participants are the second year of four university students who enrol their study in English Department and precisely they are EFL students in undergraduate study. keywords: argumentative; efl; essay; problems; students; study; writing cache: erjee-113.pdf plain text: erjee-113.txt item: #15 of 380 id: erjee-114 author: Taufiqulloh, Taufiqulloh title: A SELF-ASSESSMENT MODEL IN TEACHING ACADEMIC WRITING FOR INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS date: 2015-04-03 words: 3654 flesch: 47 summary: Enhancing learning through self assessment. In essay writing, for example, learners are required to not only invent, express and organize ideas as well as translate them into readable texts, but also to make use of correct grammar and sentence patterns. keywords: assessment; essay; learning; model; self; students; writing cache: erjee-114.pdf plain text: erjee-114.txt item: #16 of 380 id: erjee-118 author: Sumekto, Didik Rinan title: STUDENTS’ ORAL SKILL IMPROVEMENT AS REVEALED IN LEARNING-BASED PERFORMANCE date: 2015-04-03 words: 5652 flesch: 45 summary: The ineffectiveness contributes a desire to improve student learning, to improve curriculum, to adapt instructional or assessment strategies, a desire for one’s own professional development or to search for connections and meaning in one’s work, and issues in the larger class or community context in learning (Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen, 2010). Other studies proved that participative instruction could be integrated into regular English language teaching, not only would higher education students’ speaking proficiency improve, but their attitudes towards class would also become more positive. keywords: discussion; education; english; individual; learning; participants; performance; phase; skill; speaking; students cache: erjee-118.pdf plain text: erjee-118.txt item: #17 of 380 id: erjee-119 author: Nurhasanah, Nunung title: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER AS MEDIATOR IN EFL CLASS date: 2015-04-03 words: 5362 flesch: 61 summary: AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER AS MEDIATOR IN EFL CLASS ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 3, Issue 1, December 2014 AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHER AS MEDIATOR IN EFL CLASS Nunung Nurhasanah Department of English Education, University of Kuningan, Indonesia. keywords: class; criteria; english; learning; mediator; students; task; teacher; xiongyong cache: erjee-119.pdf plain text: erjee-119.txt item: #18 of 380 id: erjee-120 author: Fadhly, Fahrus Zaman; ., Nurendah title: APPLYING SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO ENHANCE INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS’ DESCRIPTIVE WRITING PERFORMANCE date: 2015-04-03 words: 3912 flesch: 34 summary: Fromthe result above, theuseof scientific approachgives some implications for enhancing student’s descriptivewriting skill, theyare: (1) Scientific approachappropriates in teachingwritingdescriptive text; (2) Using scientific approach helps student in learning,understandingandwriting descriptive text; (3) Scientific approach makes teacher easily to create the interesting teaching-learningprocess of writingdescriptive text; (4)Theuseof Scientific approachmakes students construct theirunderstandingabout descriptive text actively; (5) It also motivates students towrite andexpress their ideas, imagination, thus their writing skill enhanced; (6) Scientific approachmakes studentsmore interested tomaterial taught Scientific approach to enhance Indonesian EFL learners’ descriptive writing skill. keywords: approach; class; control; english; experimental; result; skill; students; study; table; test; text; thewriter; writing cache: erjee-120.pdf plain text: erjee-120.txt item: #19 of 380 id: erjee-1239 author: Srivastava, Kajal title: SELF-ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS BY MANAGEMENT STUDENTS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN INDIAN CONTEXT date: 2018-06-10 words: 3474 flesch: 50 summary: Self-assessment of communication skills by management students: An empirical study in Indian context. Published: 01-06-2018 Abstract: Communication skills are most sought after by the business world and are considered to be vital for personal and professional growth. keywords: communication; english; management; skills; speaking; statements; students cache: erjee-1239.pdf plain text: erjee-1239.txt item: #20 of 380 id: erjee-1240 author: Mangga, Stephanus title: COMPARISON OF NOUNS REDUPLICATION IN INDONESIAN AND JAPANESE LANGUAGE date: 2018-06-10 words: 4164 flesch: 59 summary: First, it describes the similarities and differences of noun reduplication type in Indonesian and Japanese language. It is also happens in reduplication form of kuchi > kuchi-guchi, kuni > kuni-guni, ki > ki-gi, koe > koe-goe. keywords: category; form; group; indefinite; japanese; kbk; language; noun; reduplication cache: erjee-1240.pdf plain text: erjee-1240.txt item: #21 of 380 id: erjee-1241 author: Ngafif, Abdul title: THE USE OF WEB-BASED EXAM (WBE) TO OPTIMIZE STUDENTS’ TESTING RESULT date: 2018-06-10 words: 4390 flesch: 59 summary: By applying RnD research model, the researcher applies a concept called web- based exam system which uses three main tools to run the system (teacher’s laptop as the server, WBE software, and access point to communicate the server and the user). Journal of English Education Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2018 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 47 compute the effectiveness of the system and from the computation, it is known that Zvalue is higher than Ztable (5.438 > 1.96) meaning that the use of Web Based Exam testing system is effective to reduce the students’ cheating habit (Ha is accepted). keywords: cheating; researcher; students; system; test; testing; web cache: erjee-1241.pdf plain text: erjee-1241.txt item: #22 of 380 id: erjee-1254 author: Insani, Hikmah Nur; Suherdi, Didi; Gustine, Gin Gin title: UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES IN USING EDMODO AS AN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL NETWORK date: 2018-06-10 words: 4725 flesch: 55 summary: This research aims to investigate perception of undergraduate students on the use of Edmodo as an educational social network which has been implemented in the classroom. As results, it was found that undergraduate students showed positive response and attitudes towards the use of Edmodo in their learning process. keywords: edmodo; learning; network; participants; process; students; undergraduate; use cache: erjee-1254.pdf plain text: erjee-1254.txt item: #23 of 380 id: erjee-1255 author: Manan, Nanan Abdul title: COMMITMENT, COMMUNITY AND BRAVERY: THE CORE ACTIVITIES IN ENDORSING SPEAKING SKILL BY ENGLISH CAMP PROGRAM date: 2018-06-10 words: 5254 flesch: 61 summary: ECP is a simple activity that can create a big result in speaking English skill. Making one vision to increase speaking skill, having a gather commitment, staying in the disciple community, lead the students to be better one in English speaking skill. keywords: ecp; english; language; learning; practice; program; skill; speaking; students cache: erjee-1255.pdf plain text: erjee-1255.txt item: #24 of 380 id: erjee-1256 author: Oktarina, Santi; Emzir, Emzir; Rafli, Zainal title: STUDENTS’ AND LECTURERS’ PERCEPTION ON ACADEMIC WRITING INSTRUCTION date: 2018-06-10 words: 3678 flesch: 53 summary: Writing also brings many advantages for college-students Santi Oktarina, Emzir, & Zainal Rafli Students’ and lecturers’ perception on academic writing instruction 70 (Akhadiah, Arsjad, & Ridwan, 2003; Oktarina, 2014). Their perception concerning to academic writing instruction in Indonesian language classes is one of aspects collected in this research. keywords: instruction; language; lecturers; lesson; students; teaching; writing cache: erjee-1256.pdf plain text: erjee-1256.txt item: #25 of 380 id: erjee-1258 author: Yunita, Wisma; Emzir, Emzir; Mayuni, Ilza title: NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR ENGLISH GRAMMAR LEARNING MODEL FROM STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES date: 2018-06-10 words: 5836 flesch: 59 summary: For English grammar learning materials, especially WismaYunita , Emzir, & IlzaMayuni Needs analysis for english grammar learning model from students’ perspectives 92 the basic knowledge of English grammar, the common ones usually refer to English tenses. Need analysis for English grammar learning model from students’ perspectives. keywords: analysis; english; grammar; language; learning; model; needs; process; students cache: erjee-1258.pdf plain text: erjee-1258.txt item: #26 of 380 id: erjee-1259 author: Sutrisno, Bejo; Rasyid, Yumna; Rahmat, Aceng title: THE EFFECT OF COOPERATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING AND PERSONALITY TYPES TOWARDS ESSAY WRITING date: 2018-06-10 words: 5482 flesch: 50 summary: Third, introverted personality type students with n = 16, the lower score is 65; the higher score is 91; and the average score is 76.8; Fourth, extroverted personality type students with n = 16, the lower score is 62.7; the higher score is 83; and the average score is 71.9; Fifth, group of introverted personality type students with TPS learning technique with n = 8, the lower score is 74; the higher score is 91; Bejo Sutrisno, Yumna Rasyid, & Aceng Rahmat The effect of cooperative language learning and personality types towards essay writing 100 and the average score is 82.1; and last, group of introverted personality type students with STAD learning technique with n = 8, the lower score is 65; the higher score is 80.3; and the average score is 71.5. Akbar, Roohani & Hasanimanesh (2015), explored the impact of extroversion and introversion personality types on EFL learners’ writing ability. keywords: english; essay; learning; personality; skill; students; techniques; type; writing cache: erjee-1259.pdf plain text: erjee-1259.txt item: #27 of 380 id: erjee-1260 author: Syafri, Frimadhona; Rafli, Zainal; Emzir, Emzir title: E-LEARNING FOR LEARNERS’ COMPREHENSION IN LINGUISTICS : A NEED ANALYSIS date: 2018-06-10 words: 6877 flesch: 56 summary: This explains that most learners desperately need topics in discussion forums allow learners to construct their own ideas or knowledge. 3) Evaluation of learning is illustrated in the following graph. The data explains that most learners desperately need ELENA as a facility for learners in repeating newly learned knowledge. keywords: choose; data; learners; learning; need; option; statement cache: erjee-1260.pdf plain text: erjee-1260.txt item: #28 of 380 id: erjee-1261 author: Ardiasih, Lidwina Sri; Emzir, Emzir; Rasyid, Yumna title: IMPLEMENTING CONSTRUCTIVISM APPROACH IN ONLINE WRITING COURSE: LEARNERS’ NEED ANALYSIS date: 2018-06-01 words: 5918 flesch: 49 summary: Differing from the other skills, in developing writing skills learners do not merely focus on the writing products, butmore on its process in which they have to follow certain steps. In this activity the participants record ideas or ideas in a journal and exchange with other participants for comments or questions. keywords: approach; course; iii; learners; learning; material; participants; writing cache: erjee-1261.pdf plain text: erjee-1261.txt item: #29 of 380 id: erjee-1262 author: Yundayani, Audi title: PRESENT SITUATION ANALYSIS: STUDENTS’ EARLY CHARACTERISTICS IN WRITING FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES date: 2018-06-01 words: 4053 flesch: 53 summary: Learning Setting: Target students are unskilled students in English subject. Target students were unskilled students in English subject. keywords: analysis; english; learning; process; purposes; situation; students; writing cache: erjee-1262.pdf plain text: erjee-1262.txt item: #30 of 380 id: erjee-1460 author: Fathira, Vina; Utami, Silvia title: IMPLEMENTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ UNDERSTANDING OF POLITENESS AND GENDER date: 2019-06-02 words: 3685 flesch: 56 summary: In Brown and Levinson‟s theory, there are some strategies used in politeness, namely bald Vina Fathira & Silvia Utami Implementing advertisement for improving students’ understanding of politeness and gender 144 on-record strategy, positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy, and off-record indirect strategy (Karimkhanlooei & Vaezi, 2017; Pangestuti, 2015). In addition, the advertisement was analyzed to find out the positive face, negative face and politeness with regard to some strategies, such as: a) bald on-record strategy, b) positive politeness strategy, c) negative politeness strategy, and d) off-record indirect strategy. keywords: concept; gender; good; politeness; students; test cache: erjee-1460.pdf plain text: erjee-1460.txt item: #31 of 380 id: erjee-1493 author: Danuwijaya, Ari Arifin title: ITEM ANALYSIS OF READING COMPREHENSION TEST FOR POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS date: 2018-12-09 words: 6411 flesch: 58 summary: Samples of the statistical analysis on test items 1 (c3) option wt. n p pb(r) b(r) avg. Analysis of test items on difficulty level and discrimination index in the test for research in education. keywords: analysis; comprehension; difficulty; discrimination; english; item; language; reading; students; takers; test cache: erjee-1493.pdf plain text: erjee-1493.txt item: #32 of 380 id: erjee-1494 author: Kurniawati, Nia title: BRIDGING TECHNOLOGICAL GAP AMONG ENGLISH TEACHERS THROUGH DIGITAL SQUAD PROJECT date: 2018-12-09 words: 5476 flesch: 56 summary: Bridging the technological gap among English teachers through digital squad project. Nia Kurniawati Bridging technological gap among English teachers through digital squad project 42 A career in education requires hard work and dedication, but, for the diligent educator, can prove very rewarding (Kennedy, 2016). keywords: digital; english; generation; members; project; squad; teachers; technology; workshop cache: erjee-1494.pdf plain text: erjee-1494.txt item: #33 of 380 id: erjee-1495 author: Darsih, Endang title: FOSTERING LANGUAGE LEARNER AUTONOMY: INDONESIAN EFL LECTURERS VOICES date: 2018-12-09 words: 4964 flesch: 55 summary: Thirdly, the majority of participants (64.7%) believe that involving students in determining materials or teaching materials Endang Darsih Fostering language learner autonomy: Indonesian EFL lecturers’ voices 54 can improve student autonomy. This disagreement seen in 76.5% of participants belief that student learning autonomy means learning without lecturer. keywords: autonomy; education; english; language; learner; learning; lecturers; students cache: erjee-1495.pdf plain text: erjee-1495.txt item: #34 of 380 id: erjee-1496 author: Dakhi, Saniago; Hutabarat, Horas title: LANGUAGE EFFECTIVENESS AND FACTORS INFLUENCING SCIENTIFIC WRITING OF INDONESIAN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS date: 2018-12-09 words: 7515 flesch: 45 summary: Journal of second language writing, 18(3), 191-208. doi: 10.1016/j.jslw.2009.05.003. It, for instance, is evidenced by Stegan (2003) investigating the lexical density in oral and versus written Rangi texts, Seyabi and Tuzlukova (2014) reporting the post-basic school and university students’ lexical items and content, Chokwe (2013) researching academic writing skills, and Huy (2015) confirming the student’s writing problems, i.e. lexical item and grammar. keywords: complexity; density; doi; english; factors; journal; language; learning; research; review; students; teaching; thesis; undergraduate; writing cache: erjee-1496.pdf plain text: erjee-1496.txt item: #35 of 380 id: erjee-1497 author: Halimah, Halimah; Ibrahim, Gufran Ali; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: CELLO AS A LANGUAGE TEACHING METHOD IN INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 4.0 ERA date: 2018-12-09 words: 4532 flesch: 58 summary: Accuracy and fluency are the two factors which determine the success of English language students in the future. Developing accuracy and fluency in spoken English of Chinese EFL learners, 7(2), 110–118. keywords: english; language; learning; method; orai; speaking; speech; students; teaching cache: erjee-1497.pdf plain text: erjee-1497.txt item: #36 of 380 id: erjee-1498 author: Metboki, Yakob title: PROBLEMS HINDERING STUDENT TEACHERS’ ELT MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT: A STUDY IN THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM IN EASTERN INDONESIA date: 2018-12-09 words: 5152 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords: English language teaching; materials development; internship program; students- teachers’ problems; survey. On the one hand, being a student-teacher (so called a prospective teacher), having experience in material development is, of course, one of the keys to successful field practice. keywords: chart; development; english; language; materials; participants; student; study; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-1498.pdf plain text: erjee-1498.txt item: #37 of 380 id: erjee-1499 author: Abbas, M. Fadhly Farhy; Herdi, Herdi title: SOLVING THE STUDENTS’ PROBLEMS IN WRITING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY THROUGH COLLABORATIVE WRITING STRATEGY date: 2018-12-09 words: 5089 flesch: 56 summary: In other word, the implementation of collaborative writing strategy in the teaching of argumentative essay writing can improve the students’ writing skill. Before the M. Fadhly Farhy Abbas & Herdi Solving the students’ problems in writing argumentative essay through collaborative writing strategy 108 introduction activity, the researchers conducted a warming up activity in the form of recalling what students understood about the argumentative essay and how to write it down. keywords: argumentative; essay; good; score; students; test; writing cache: erjee-1499.pdf plain text: erjee-1499.txt item: #38 of 380 id: erjee-1500 author: Megawati, Fika; Astutik, Yuli title: TEACHING PRACTICUM: INVESTIGATING EFL PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ SELF-EFFICACY date: 2018-12-09 words: 5874 flesch: 51 summary: It was observed that only a few of student teachers had experience in teaching, particularly in English course. In line with this, Riesky (2013) mentioned that student teachers spent their time to solve the students‟ problem in their teaching practicum in addition to managing their main job (teaching) during the program. keywords: education; efficacy; english; lesson; pre; self; service; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-1500.pdf plain text: erjee-1500.txt item: #39 of 380 id: erjee-1501 author: Utami, Fatmawati Setia; Pabbajah, Mustaqim; Juhansar, Juhansar title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF JUMBLED-SENTENCES TOWARD STUDENTS’ SKILL IN WRITING REPORT TEXT date: 2018-12-09 words: 5281 flesch: 54 summary: All in all, to overcome students’ problems in writing report text and to enhance students’ writing skill, the researchers explore the following research questions to be answered: 1) what is the implementation of jumbled- sentences toward the students’ skill in writing report text?; 2) what is effectiveness of jumbled-sentences technique toward students’ writing skill?; and 3) what factors are influencing students’ skill in writing report text?. It meant that the implementation of jumbled- sentences as the teaching technique for writing report text could help the students in developing the idea and organizing sentences into a good and a correct paragraph. keywords: report; researchers; sentences; skill; students; teaching; test; text; writing cache: erjee-1501.pdf plain text: erjee-1501.txt item: #40 of 380 id: erjee-1526 author: Fatimah, Asri Siti; Santiana, Santiana; Saputra, Yuyus title: DIGITAL COMIC: AN INNOVATION OF USING TOONDOO AS MEDIA TECHNOLOGY FOR TEACHING ENGLISH SHORT STORY date: 2019-06-02 words: 5176 flesch: 57 summary: Digital comic: An innovation of using ToonDoo as media technology for teaching English short story. Published: 01-06-2019 Abstract: This study investigates the use of ToonDoo as media technology for teaching English short story. ToonDoo as the newest technology for creating comic or picture story is very beneficial helping teacher to creatively provide innovative strategy providing better classroom environment for the English learners, especially for those studying English short story. keywords: english; short; story; students; teaching; toondoo; use cache: erjee-1526.pdf plain text: erjee-1526.txt item: #41 of 380 id: erjee-1528 author: Khan, Soada Idris title: AN EVALUATION OF TECHNICAL REPORT WRITING SYLLABUS AT THE PREPARATORY YEAR PROGRAM date: 2018-12-09 words: 4272 flesch: 60 summary: Published: 01-12-2018 Abstract: The current study aims to critically analyze the contents of the Technical Report Writing syllabus as well as identify whether the syllabus meets course objectives or not. It reflects the instructor‟s feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about the subject matter, teaching, learning, and students, as well as setting out the “nuts and bolts” of the course. keywords: course; participants; students; syllabus; teachers; textbook; writing cache: erjee-1528.pdf plain text: erjee-1528.txt item: #42 of 380 id: erjee-1529 author: Hosseini, Misagh; Rezvani, Ehsan title: CRITERIA USED BY PROFICIENT VS. LESS PROFICIENT EFL TEACHERS IN PRAGMATIC ASSESSMENT: THE CASE OF REQUEST SPEECH ACT date: 2018-12-09 words: 4747 flesch: 56 summary: Criteria used by proficient vs. less proficient EFL teachers in pragmatic assessment: The case of request speech act. Keywords: Interlanguage pragmatics; request; speech act; pragmatic assessment. keywords: assessment; criteria; efl; english; language; low; request; teachers cache: erjee-1529.pdf plain text: erjee-1529.txt item: #43 of 380 id: erjee-1530 author: Susanto, Susanto; Nanda, Deri Sis title: TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED STUDENTS: AN ETHNOGRAPHIC CASE STUDY date: 2018-12-09 words: 3904 flesch: 58 summary: Students and teachers’ experiences in the classrooms In interviews, students discussed their struggles in learning English. In the classroom, what strategies do the teacher and visual impaired students employ for teaching and learning English as a foreign language? keywords: classroom; education; english; journal; language; learning; students cache: erjee-1530.pdf plain text: erjee-1530.txt item: #44 of 380 id: erjee-1533 author: Firdaus, Firdayanti; Amaniarsih, Dwi Suci title: IMPROVING THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH STORYTELLING date: 2018-12-01 words: 4138 flesch: 65 summary: It is supported by the results of the observations and interviews conducted with English teachers at Senior High School of Harapan-1 Medan in which many students were not able to speak English. In addition, many students think that speaking English is a very complex task to fulfill. keywords: ability; cycle; english; speaking; storytelling; students cache: erjee-1533.pdf plain text: erjee-1533.txt item: #45 of 380 id: erjee-1534 author: Puspitasari, Indah title: DEVELOPING ENGLISH FOR TOURISM MATERIALS TROUGH STAKEHOLDERS’ NEEDS ANALYSIS date: 2018-12-01 words: 4484 flesch: 49 summary: As Pitana (2009) notes stakeholder tourism is a tourist, businessman, government, community, college, community and non- government organization. Developing English for tourism materials trough stakeholders’ needs analysis. keywords: analysis; banyumas; english; hotels; information; materials; needs; stakeholders; tourism cache: erjee-1534.pdf plain text: erjee-1534.txt item: #46 of 380 id: erjee-1535 author: Fadhly, Fahrus Zaman; Emzir, Emzir; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: EXPLORING COGNITIVE PROCESS OF RESEARCH TOPIC SELECTION IN ACADEMIC WRITING date: 2018-12-01 words: 5632 flesch: 50 summary: Published: 01-12-2018 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to explore and reconstruct the cognitive processes experienced by Indonesian scientific writers in selecting research topic in academic writing. By using grounded theory approach, this research explored the Indonesian scientific writers’ cognitive processes and revealed eleven ways or approaches in finding and selecting research topics, i.e: institutional research road map, literature review, search before research, research trends in the world, national topics of research, interpretation of regulations, court decisions, pros and cons of actual cases or topics, discussion and research sharing method, exposure of controlled data, and looking for possible space for existing papers. keywords: data; education; journal; learning; process; research; selection; topic; writing cache: erjee-1535.pdf plain text: erjee-1535.txt item: #47 of 380 id: erjee-1538 author: Taufiqulloh, Taufiqulloh; Wardhani, Sri; Sulistyawati, Anin Eka title: NEEDS ANALYSIS IN EFL READING CLASS: A STUDY TO PROMOTE LEARNER AUTONOMY THROUGH SELF-ASSESSMENT date: 2018-12-01 words: 5416 flesch: 58 summary: Reading assessment: A primer for teachers and coaches. Second, a teacher or coach must identify areas of weakness with regard to the good reader behaviors, in order to align instruction with student needs. keywords: assessment; class; efl; reading; self; students cache: erjee-1538.pdf plain text: erjee-1538.txt item: #48 of 380 id: erjee-1560 author: Dakhi, Saniago; Murniarti, Erni; Boiliu, Noh Ibrahim; Masful, Mila Falma title: ID EFL LEARNING: AN IMPLICATION FOR LEARNING INTERNALIZATION date: 2019-06-01 words: 6950 flesch: 47 summary: Applying such concepts, the characteristics of seeking pleasure to learn language, needs the creativity of EFL teachers, delightful teaching, good teaching culture, and facilities as once EFL learning automatized or internalized, enormous impact will be gained. The dynamic of EFL learning was also supported by Alhodiry’s argument (2016), which concluded that most students had an intrinsic motivation, meaning distinctive degrees of internal motivation found, whereas there were some variations in the level of extrinsic motivation among the students. keywords: automaticity; culture; doi; education; efl; efl learning; english; internalization; journal; language; learning; personality; process; students; teaching; unconscious cache: erjee-1560.pdf plain text: erjee-1560.txt item: #49 of 380 id: erjee-1567 author: Herlina, Ninin title: IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH HYPNOCATIVE SPEECH METHOD date: 2018-12-01 words: 3926 flesch: 61 summary: The method was created with aims to overcome various challenges faced by students in learning English. The challenge faced by students is related to the lack of methods that train students to improve their ability to speak English. keywords: ability; cycle; english; learning; object; speech; students cache: erjee-1567.pdf plain text: erjee-1567.txt item: #50 of 380 id: erjee-1605 author: Dukut, Ekawati Marhaenny title: THE LOCAL-GLOBAL INNOVATION OF AN INDONESIAN TOEFL-LIKE GAME: A CULTURAL HYBRIDITY MODEL date: 2019-06-02 words: 7433 flesch: 55 summary: A research on Mobile Games Trend in Indonesia 2017: Behavior of Mobile Games Usage (Nusaresearch, 2017) reports that 518 samples of 17-49 year-olds citizens enjoy their free time playing mobile games are reported to rely on Android platform. Mobile games trend in Indonesia 2017 behavior of mobile games usage, (August). keywords: animation; cultural; culture; english; game; gen; global; indonesian; local; mobile; players; students; toefl cache: erjee-1605.pdf plain text: erjee-1605.txt item: #51 of 380 id: erjee-1631 author: Eliza, Tiara title: PRAGMATIC TRANSFER IN APOLOGY EMPLOYED BY ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS OF ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY (UIN) RADEN FATAH date: 2019-06-02 words: 5411 flesch: 64 summary: The Speakers attempt to minimize the cost to Hearers by repeating apology expressions or at least reducing the unexpected consequences from their offense (Wouk, 2006). Published: 01-06-2019 Abstract: This study intends to find out and to describe apology strategies made by the sixth and eighth semester students of English Education Study Program of Islamic State University (UIN) Raden Fatah Palembang, and to explain how the pragmatic transfer interferes the apology strategies. keywords: apology; english; expression; language; speaker; strategies; students; transfer cache: erjee-1631.pdf plain text: erjee-1631.txt item: #52 of 380 id: erjee-1639 author: Khikmah, Lailatul title: TEACHERS’ CREATIVITY IN DESIGNING LEARNING ACTIVITIES: SUSTAINING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION date: 2019-06-02 words: 5670 flesch: 59 summary: Teachers’ creativity in designing learning activities: Sustaining students’ motivation. Keywords: designing learning activity; learning activities; students’ motivation; sustaining students’ motivation; teachers’ creativity; teachers’ perspective. keywords: activities; activity; learning; motivation; students; teachers; teaching; use cache: erjee-1639.pdf plain text: erjee-1639.txt item: #53 of 380 id: erjee-1647 author: Widagsa, Rudha; Wiyanah, Sri; Wahyuni, Primasari title: THE INFLUENCE OF INDONESIAN PROSODIC FEATURES ON ENGLISH WORD STRESS PRODUCTION date: 2019-06-02 words: 4735 flesch: 61 summary: However, research on word stress, more specifically in English word stress by English-L2 speakers especially Indonesian students has not been done. English word stress on third syllable Table 4 surprisingly shows a different result in which the highest percentage of word stress fell in the first syllable instead of the last syllable. keywords: english; features; indonesian; language; pronunciation; stress; syllable; word cache: erjee-1647.pdf plain text: erjee-1647.txt item: #54 of 380 id: erjee-1690 author: Syafii, Muhammad Lukman; Sugianto, Alip; Cendriono, Nanang title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL BY USING MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION STRATEGY date: 2019-06-02 words: 5112 flesch: 58 summary: Meanwhile, the students’ involvement has achieved the criteria of success (100% of students) in Cycle 1. In addition, the students’ perception towards the implementation of Multimedia Presentation strategy was 94.29% and only 5.71% of students who were not interested in the implementation of Multimedia Presentation strategy in teaching speaking skills. keywords: cycle; involvement; speaking; strategy; students; teaching cache: erjee-1690.pdf plain text: erjee-1690.txt item: #55 of 380 id: erjee-1717 author: Aimah, Siti; Mulyadi, Dodi; Ifadah, Muhimatul title: METADISCOURSE MARKERS WRITTEN IN INTRODUCTION SECTION OF FINAL PROJECT OF UNIMUS EFL LEARNERS date: 2019-06-02 words: 6253 flesch: 51 summary: Metadiscourse markers written in introduction section of final project of Unimus learners. Published: 01-06-2019 Abstract: Metadiscourse marker is one of determining indicators of the quality of the writers’ writing. keywords: english; learners; markers; metadiscourse; readers; text; use; writing cache: erjee-1717.pdf plain text: erjee-1717.txt item: #56 of 380 id: erjee-1731 author: Lustyantie, Ninuk; Dewi, Figiati Indra title: LEECH’S POLITENESS PRINCIPLE IN LENONG BETAWI HUMOROUS DIALOGUE ENTITLED “ANAK DURHAKA” date: 2019-06-02 words: 6473 flesch: 58 summary: Meanwhile, the percentage results of violation politeness maxims obtained 9.21% for agreement maxim, 2.63% for tact maxim, 13.81% for sympathy maxim, 4.16% for generosity maxim, 20.83% for approbation maxim, and 13.15% for modesty maxim. The percentage results of fulfillment politeness maxims obtained 12.28% for agreement maxim, 10.52% for tact maxim, 8.11% for sympathy maxim, 2.41% for generosity maxim, 1.97% for approbation maxim, and 0.87% for modesty maxim. keywords: betawi; burhan; dialogue; findings; fulfillment; haji; kimung; lenong; maxim; politeness; speech; violation cache: erjee-1731.pdf plain text: erjee-1731.txt item: #57 of 380 id: erjee-1732 author: Alghaberi, Jameel Ahmed title: METHODS FOR TEACHING SPEAKING SKILL AT THAMAR SCHOOLS AND THEIR IMPACTS ON LEARNERS’ ORAL COMPETENCY date: 2019-06-02 words: 5186 flesch: 53 summary: In February, 2005, a workshop was held in Sana'a by iEARN to introduce secondary school teachers to how they can apply the connective power of the Internet and other technologies to their classroom curriculum subjects. When these concerned bodies were interviewed by the researcher, they disclosed the bitter fact that they had nothing to support English language teaching at schools. keywords: english; language; schools; speaking; students; teachers; teaching; thamar cache: erjee-1732.pdf plain text: erjee-1732.txt item: #58 of 380 id: erjee-1771 author: Mishima, Masakazu title: RE-CONCEPTUALIZING L2 WRITING REVISION STRATEGIES FROM AN ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE: AN INTERVIEW BASED INQUIRY date: 2019-06-02 words: 10795 flesch: 58 summary: A review of writing strategies. As mentioned earlier, the results that follow are primarily based on Jiang’s accounts of revision strategy use while contextualizing them where relevant via the other data sources. keywords: agency; elif; feedback; instructor; jiang; language; researcher; revision; strategies; strategy; use; writing cache: erjee-1771.pdf plain text: erjee-1771.txt item: #59 of 380 id: erjee-1772 author: Nosratinia, Mania; Nikpanjeh, Niousha title: PROMOTING FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNERS’ WRITING: COMPARING THE IMPACT OF ORAL CONFERENCING AND COLLABORATIVE WRITING date: 2019-06-02 words: 5352 flesch: 52 summary: Contrary to oral conferencing group, the students in collaborative writing group were asked to write their compositions collaboratively in classroom. Collaborative writing group Whether to have students choose their own partners or they should be assigned at random into groups is the first major consideration in applying collaborative writing method (Mulligan & Garofalo, 2011). keywords: conferencing; english; group; language; learners; participants; students; test; writing cache: erjee-1772.pdf plain text: erjee-1772.txt item: #60 of 380 id: erjee-1773 author: Elyas, Tariq; Alghofaili, Noor Motlaq title: NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS VERSUS NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS: THE IMPACT OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS ON EFL LEARNER'S ENGLISH PROFICIENCY date: 2019-06-02 words: 6471 flesch: 63 summary: However, research on the phenomenon of native English-speaking teacher (NEST) and non-native English speaking teacher (NNEST) indicates the fact that the latter can be more effective owing to their experience of being a language learner. Journal of English Education Volume 7, Issue 2, June 2019 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 27 NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS VERSUS NON-NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS: THE IMPACT OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS ON EFL LEARNER'S ENGLISH PROFICIENCY Tariq Elyas European Languages Department, Faculty of Arts & Humanities, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia E-mail: Noor Motlaq Alghofaili English Language Institute, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia E-mail: APA Citation: Elyas, T., & Alghofaili, N. M. (2019). keywords: english; group; language; listening; module; nests; speaking; students; teachers; test cache: erjee-1773.pdf plain text: erjee-1773.txt item: #61 of 380 id: erjee-1774 author: Hussain, Majed Othman Aba; Iqbal, Muhammad; Khan, Imran title: EFFICACY OF METHODOLOGICAL PRACTICES UNDERTAKEN BY SAUDI ENGLISH TEACHERS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS DURING THEIR FORMATIVE PHASE date: 2019-06-02 words: 4668 flesch: 52 summary: This goes in line with Alseghayer’s (2011b) findings showing that English teachers who teach in Saudi schools devote their teaching practices as follows: 32% to grammar, 30% to translation, 17% to reading, 12% to writing, and 9% to speaking. Efficacy of methodological practices undertaken by Saudi English teachers in public schools during their formative phase. keywords: education; english; language; practices; saudi; schools; sets; skills; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-1774.pdf plain text: erjee-1774.txt item: #62 of 380 id: erjee-1775 author: Mursyid, Mursyid; Kurniawati, Nia title: HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS AMONG ENGLISH TEACHERS ACROSS GENERATION IN EFL CLASSROOM date: 2019-06-02 words: 3576 flesch: 54 summary: Published: 01-06-2019 Abstract: Higher order thinking skills are the next cognitive ability to evaluate, analyze and create. This study aims at investigating the perceptions, the practice, and the constraints in endorsing higher order thinking skills in teaching foreign language. keywords: hots; order; skills; students; teachers; thinking cache: erjee-1775.pdf plain text: erjee-1775.txt item: #63 of 380 id: erjee-1777 author: Thamrin, Nani Ronsani; Agustin, Silvia title: CONCEPTUAL VARIATIONS ON READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS (HOTS) STRATEGY date: 2019-06-02 words: 5005 flesch: 53 summary: Categories for assessing higher order thinking skills Student’s mark Level of students’ higher order thinking 100 - 76 Excellent 75 - 51 Good 50 - 26 Enough 25-1 Poor (adapted from Lewy & Aisyah, 2011) The need of learning reading is increasing along with the needs of students to acquire information during their study. keywords: hots; information; order; reading; skills; students; text; thinking cache: erjee-1777.pdf plain text: erjee-1777.txt item: #64 of 380 id: erjee-1800 author: Yundayani, Audi; Susilawati, Susilawati; Chairunnisa, Chairunnisa title: INVESTIGATING THE EFFECT OF CANVA ON STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILLS date: 2019-06-01 words: 3974 flesch: 55 summary: Previous studies have indicated that such factors as lack of writing experience, language deficiency, and low motivation may cause EFL students face difficulties in writing (Ying, 2018; Yundayani, 2018; Zhang, 2018). The visual media also supports the creation of EFL students, expressing themselves to communicate with others. keywords: canva; english; language; learning; media; students; use; writing cache: erjee-1800.pdf plain text: erjee-1800.txt item: #65 of 380 id: erjee-1813 author: Sopian, Sopian; Inderawati, Rita; Petrus, Ismail title: DEVELOPING E-LEARNING BASED LOCAL-FOLKLORES FOR EIGHTH GRADERS date: 2019-12-27 words: 6267 flesch: 53 summary: Research conducted by Loeas (2011), the implementation of e-learning learning with sandwich patterns raises the joy of learning, fosters high interest or motivation because students can learn independently to master the competencies required in the course. Planning e-learning based local folklores for instructing and adapting needs some fundamental procedures and standards. keywords: design; education; english; evaluation; folklores; learning; level; narrative; product; reading; students; validity cache: erjee-1813.pdf plain text: erjee-1813.txt item: #66 of 380 id: erjee-1924 author: Satriani, Intan title: STORYTELLING IN TEACHING LITERACY: BENEFITS AND CHALLENGES date: 2019-12-27 words: 5637 flesch: 58 summary: (S1) (Interview, translated version) Incorporating with the student’s interview result, learning reading and writing through storytelling made student’s engagement in learning increased. Students attended individual interview which run about 15 minutes and was audio taped. keywords: english; literacy; reading; story; storytelling; students; teacher; teaching; writing cache: erjee-1924.pdf plain text: erjee-1924.txt item: #67 of 380 id: erjee-1930 author: Wihadi, Marwito; Sujatna, Eva Tuckyta Sari title: PREPONDERANT MODALITY IN STUDENTS’ ENGAGING ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAYS date: 2019-12-27 words: 4892 flesch: 43 summary: Published: 01-12-2019 Abstract: Expressing modality in Appraisal is cordially expected to be prevalent in argumentative writings in that writers in the Engagement System set up negotiation or alternative points of views. Epistemic modality deals with the writers’ commitment, in divergent levels, that they put on their proposition expressed in their writing. keywords: analysis; argumentative; discourse; english; essays; genre; language; martin; modality; study; writers cache: erjee-1930.pdf plain text: erjee-1930.txt item: #68 of 380 id: erjee-1972 author: Avillanova, Anchieta Ave; Kuswandono, Paulus title: ENGLISH TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: THE CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES date: 2019-12-27 words: 6253 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: junior high school; English teachers; teacher professional development; challenges; needs. Measuring performance of teacher certification program. keywords: development; education; english; indonesia; professional; programs; study; teachers; teaching; tpd cache: erjee-1972.pdf plain text: erjee-1972.txt item: #69 of 380 id: erjee-2002 author: Sukarni, Semi title: UNDERSTANDING LEARNERS’ NEED OF ESP FOR ACCOUNTANCY PROGRAM AT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL date: 2020-07-02 words: 5652 flesch: 58 summary: SA 54% A 44% D 2% SD 0% STUDENTS' NEED PERCENTAGE OF PUBLISHING TEXTBOOK CONTAINING ESP Semi Sukarni Understanding learners’ need of ESP for accountancy program at vocational school 280 Table 6. ESP materials and Skills needed by accounting students No Materials and Skills Percentage (%) Agree Percentage (%) Disagree 1 Understanding Cultural Diversity and Socilizing 85 15 2 Dealing with Numbers 95 5 3 Banking 100 0 4 Accounting and Financial Statements 100 0 6 Central Banking and Money 100 0 7 Job in Accounting 100 0 8 Accounting Principle 100 English for specific purposes for accounting students. keywords: english; esp; language; learners; need; skills; students; textbook cache: erjee-2002.pdf plain text: erjee-2002.txt item: #70 of 380 id: erjee-2011 author: Haerazi, Haerazi; Prayati, Zukhairatunniswah; Vikasari, Rully May title: PRACTICING CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) APPROACH TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION IN RELATION TO MOTIVATION date: 2019-12-27 words: 4972 flesch: 55 summary: Student motivation, blended learning & an iPod project in tertiary Japanese language teaching at ANU. Published: 01-12-2019 Abstract: The need to acquire reading skills is increasing along with the needs of students to attain information. keywords: approach; ctl; english; learning; motivation; reading; students; teaching; text cache: erjee-2011.pdf plain text: erjee-2011.txt item: #71 of 380 id: erjee-202 author: Ching Hei, Kuang; David, Maya Khemlani title: NOT CARELESS BUT WEAK: LANGUAGE MIXING OF MALAYSIAN CHINESE IN A BUSINESS TRANSACTION date: 2015-08-19 words: 5685 flesch: 69 summary: Language mixing of Malaysian Chinese in a business transaction. Language mixing was applied as a strategy to sustain the conversation mainly because of the interlocutors’ weak proficiency in specific languages. keywords: business; chinese; david; english; example; language; mandarin; mixing; speaker; tea; turn cache: erjee-202.pdf plain text: erjee-202.txt item: #72 of 380 id: erjee-203 author: Rahmat, Noor Hanim; Abdul Rahman, Sharifah Amani Bte Syed; Mohd Yunos, D Rohayu title: INVESTIGATING TURNTAKING STRATEGIES IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS AMONG ESL ADULT LEARNERS date: 2015-08-19 words: 2385 flesch: 51 summary: INVESTIGATING TURNTAKING STRATEGIES IN CLASS DISCUSSIONS AMONG ESL ADULT LEARNERS ENGLISH REVIEW: Investigating turntaking strategies in class discussions among ESL adult learners. keywords: adult; class; discussion; learners; participation; strategies cache: erjee-203.pdf plain text: erjee-203.txt item: #73 of 380 id: erjee-204 author: Jassem, Zaidan Ali title: THE ARABIC ORIGINS OF ENGLISH AND INDO-EUROPEAN "URBAN TERMS": A RADICAL LINGUISTIC THEORY APPROACH date: 2015-08-19 words: 11902 flesch: 53 summary: Corridor (current, concur, occur, recur) via French 'long hallway', from Italian corridore 'a gallery; lit., a runner', from correre 'to run', from Latin currere 'to run, move quickly', from Arabic karra 'to roll, run'; or jara 'to run', jaria(t) (n) 'stream', turning /j & t/ into /d/. Cottage (cot) via Old English and French cote, cote 'hut, cottage', from Arabic koot/kuwat (Kuwait) 'an opening in a house/wall' via lexical shift; kookh 'a shed' where /kh/ became /t/; 2aTTa(t) 'a hut', turning /2 & T/ into /k & t/; or khushsha(t) 'a petty house' via reordering and turning /kh & sh/ into /k & j/. County (count, countess, viscount; account, recount, discount) via Anglo-French, from Latin comitatus 'jurisdiction of a count', from Latin comitem (nominative comes) Room (rural, rustic) via Old English and High German rum 'space (extent, time); scope, opportunity; roomy, wide, long, spacious', German Raum 'space', Latin rus 'open land, country', from Arabic maraa2 'a space for resting or going to' or mar3a 'grazing place, moorland' via reversal and /2 (3)/-loss. keywords: /s/; /t/; approach; arabic; city; english; european; french; german; greek; house; indo; jassem; journal; land; language; latin; origins; reordering; retrieved; root; shift; terms; theory; turning; url; village; words cache: erjee-204.pdf plain text: erjee-204.txt item: #74 of 380 id: erjee-205 author: Olowu, Ayodeji; Akinkurolere, Susan Olajoke title: A MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF SELECTED ADVERTISEMENT OF MALARIA DRUGS date: 2015-08-19 words: 3673 flesch: 57 summary: Visual images: A general overview In every imaginable public space, visuals are presented for viewer’s consumption. Consequently, visual image may have the capacity of conveying messages that would meet with greater resistance if put in words, but which are received more readily in visual form (P. 125) . keywords: advertisement; analysis; colour; discourse; drugs; image; malaria; multimodal cache: erjee-205.pdf plain text: erjee-205.txt item: #75 of 380 id: erjee-2057 author: Maolida, Elis Homsini; Salsabila, Vina Aini title: INTEGRATING PROCESS-GENRE APPROACH WITH PROJECT IBUNKA TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH WRITING date: 2019-12-27 words: 6016 flesch: 55 summary: In joint and independent writing, the students go through several stages of writing process such as planning, drafting, writing, revising and editing. The writing complexity arises from requirements to master multiple skills of writing (Nyasimi, 2014) such as contribution of the writer‟s long-term memory, task environment, writing process (Flower & Tillema, 2013) and involvement of language knowledge, language contexts, and language usage skills (Tudor, 2017) keywords: approach; cycle; english; genre; ibunka; process; project; students; text; writing cache: erjee-2057.pdf plain text: erjee-2057.txt item: #76 of 380 id: erjee-206 author: Rohadi, Tedi title: ASSISTING STUDENTS TO ATTACK WRITING TASKS ON IELTS TEST WITH “PROBING TECHNIQUE” date: 2015-08-19 words: 3176 flesch: 61 summary: ASSISTING STUDENTS TO ATTACK WRITING TASKS ON IELTS TEST WITH “PROBING TECHNIQUE” TEDI ROHADI Assisting Students to Attack Writing Tasks on IELTS Test With “Probing Technique” ASSISTING STUDENTS TO ATTACK WRITING TASKS ON IELTS TEST WITH “PROBING TECHNIQUE” Tedi Rohadi Department of English Education State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) From students’ point of view, they could TEDI ROHADI Assisting Students to Attack Writing Tasks on IELTS Test With “Probing Technique” communicate directly to teachers as well as concentrate fully to prepare the answers of the questions delivered by the teachers. keywords: ielts; probing; questions; students; task; test; writing cache: erjee-206.pdf plain text: erjee-206.txt item: #77 of 380 id: erjee-2068 author: Agustiana, Vina title: REAL TEACHING: ANXIETY AND SOLUTION date: 2019-12-27 words: 5152 flesch: 57 summary: Student teacher anxiety related to the teaching practicum. Published: 01-12-2019 Abstract: Anxiety in dealing with real teaching is experienced by preservice teachers. keywords: anxiety; preservice; real; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-2068.pdf plain text: erjee-2068.txt item: #78 of 380 id: erjee-208 author: Putri, Nanda Anggarani; Kurniawan, Eri title: PERSON DEIXIS IN USA PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN SPEECHES date: 2015-08-19 words: 5933 flesch: 71 summary: Pronouns which refer to an entity other than the speaker and the addressee, for example pronoun he, she, it, and they, are called third person pronoun. First person plural pronoun which is represented by pronoun we often times has vague meaning. keywords: deixis; line; obama; person; pronoun; romney; speech; speeches cache: erjee-208.pdf plain text: erjee-208.txt item: #79 of 380 id: erjee-209 author: Khairuddin, Khairuddin title: THE TRANSLATION OF METAPHORS IN HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS FROM ENGLISH TO INDONESIAN date: 2015-08-19 words: 4249 flesch: 52 summary: Table 1: Metaphor translation strategies applied in the translation of English metaphors in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets to Indonesian Table 2: Percentage of evaluation result of English metaphor translation in Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets to Indonesian CONCLUSIONS From the data analysis and discussion, the research has reached some conclusions. Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 3, Issue 2, June 2015 metaphor translation, and its ubiquity in novels were the attraction calling for this study. keywords: english; harry; indonesian; language; meaning; metaphor; metaphor translation; original; text; translation cache: erjee-209.pdf plain text: erjee-209.txt item: #80 of 380 id: erjee-2092 author: Riyono, Ahdi; Emzir, Emzir; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: TRANSLATION OF THE RELATIONAL VALUES OF EUPHEMISTIC EXPRESSIONS INTO ENGLISH FROM INDONESIAN LITERARY WORK date: 2019-12-27 words: 5673 flesch: 58 summary: This research found that all of the techniques are used to translate swearword, they were censorship technique, substitution technique, taboo for taboo technique, and euphemism technique. English dysphemisms rendered into Indonesian ones are 50% data, and 25% data of euphemism expressions transferred into Indonesian euphemism. keywords: data; english; euphemism; expressions; form; language; meaning; techniques; translation; word cache: erjee-2092.pdf plain text: erjee-2092.txt item: #81 of 380 id: erjee-210 author: Supri, Ida Zuraida title: MULTIMEDIA-BASED ACTIVITY IN YOUNG LEARNERS’ ENGLISH CLASS: IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOME date: 2015-08-19 words: 6802 flesch: 65 summary: MULTIMEDIA-BASED ACTIVITY IN YOUNG LEARNERS’ ENGLISH CLASS: IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOME IDA ZURAIDA SUPRI Multimedia-Based Activity in Young Learners’ English Class: Implementation and Outcome MULTIMEDIA-BASED ACTIVITY IN YOUNG LEARNERS’ ENGLISH CLASS: IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOME Ida Zuraida Supri Department of English, Widyatama University, Indonesia Email: APA Citation: Supri, I. Z. (2015). English Review: Journal of English Education, 3(2), 210-222 Received: 10-03-2015 Accepted: 27-04-2015 Published: 01-06-2015 Abstract: This research aims at investigating how multimedia facilitates young learners’ learning English. keywords: activity; children; english; language; learners; learning; multimedia; teaching; time cache: erjee-210.pdf plain text: erjee-210.txt item: #82 of 380 id: erjee-211 author: Suhartini, Cucu; Wulansari, Yulianti title: DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACTS REALIZATION OF INDONESIAN EFL TEACHER date: 2015-08-19 words: 3151 flesch: 64 summary: YULIANTI WULANSARI Directive Speech Acts Realization of Indonesian EFL Teacher In addition, it is noted that one function of directives can CUCU SUHARTINI & YULIANTI WULANSARI Directive Speech Acts Realization of Indonesian EFL Teacher be realized through various types. keywords: directives; efl; english; functions; speech; teacher cache: erjee-211.pdf plain text: erjee-211.txt item: #83 of 380 id: erjee-2110 author: Zahra, Wardah; Inderawati, Rita; Petrus, Ismail title: THE USE OF ICT IN AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT OF THE STUDENTS’ PRODUCTIVE SKILLS date: 2019-12-27 words: 6260 flesch: 46 summary: Identically, Zaim (2013) in his study found out that English teachers faced difficulties in constructing appropriate assessment instruments to evaluate oral and written language skills. The use of ICT in authentic assessment influences the students’ performances All of English teachers at SMA LIGM in the interview agreed that integrating ICT in authentic assessment would positively motivate the students to strive for valuable performances. keywords: activities; assessment; classroom; education; english; ict; learning; skills; students; teachers cache: erjee-2110.pdf plain text: erjee-2110.txt item: #84 of 380 id: erjee-2112 author: Zainudin, Ahmad; Vianty, Machdalena; Inderawati, Rita title: THE PRACTICE AND CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN EFL TEACHERS QUESTIONING BEHAVIOR date: 2019-12-27 words: 5728 flesch: 54 summary: The purposes of this study are to investigate how critical thinking was implemented in EFL teachers’ questions in the classroom and the challenges faced by EFL teachers in integrating critical thinking questions. In conclusion, the teachers faced various challenges in implementing critical thinking questions in the classroom. keywords: education; english; level; order; questions; students; teachers; thinking cache: erjee-2112.pdf plain text: erjee-2112.txt item: #85 of 380 id: erjee-2114 author: Septiyanti, Mitha; Inderawati, Rita; Vianty, Machdalena title: TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL AND CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) PERCEPTION OF ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS date: 2020-07-02 words: 6297 flesch: 51 summary: Therefore, it is now very important for English Education students as pre- service teachers to possess technology knowledge as one of 21st century skills. This study aims to find out the TPACK perception of English Education students at Lampung University, the way the students obtain TPACK in learning, and the role of lecturers in assisting the students to obtain TPACK in learning. keywords: content; education; english; knowledge; learning; lecturers; students; teachers; teaching; technology; tpack cache: erjee-2114.pdf plain text: erjee-2114.txt item: #86 of 380 id: erjee-2118 author: Miqawati, Alfi Hidayatu title: PRONUNCIATION LEARNING, PARTICIPATION, AND ATTITUDE ENHANCEMENT THROUGH MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (MALL) date: 2020-07-02 words: 4093 flesch: 47 summary: Arashnia & Shahrokhi (2016) conducted an experimental study about the use of mobile learning application and they found out that students taught English pronuciation using mobile phone application outperformed those who were taught using ordinary methods (without mobile phones). Published: 01-06-2020 Abstract: A mobile application, Tflat English Pronunciation, is proposed in the teaching of pronunciation for it possesses features that can assist students when learning how to enunciate English words and identify English phonemic symbols. keywords: application; english; language; learning; mall; mobile; pronunciation; students; teaching cache: erjee-2118.pdf plain text: erjee-2118.txt item: #87 of 380 id: erjee-212 author: You, Su title: INVESTIGATING CHINESE EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF WRITING PROMPTS OF DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF INFORMATION date: 2015-08-19 words: 4521 flesch: 59 summary: Guidelines for designing writing prompts: clarifications, caveats and cautions. As prompt with necessary content and structure support is the format frequently used in the writing assessment in China(Gu, Yang & Feng, 2009), there is the necessity to investigate Chinese EFL students’ perceptions of different writing prompts. keywords: english; information; perceptions; points; prompt; students; writing cache: erjee-212.pdf plain text: erjee-212.txt item: #88 of 380 id: erjee-2120 author: Argawati, Ningtyas Orilina; Suryani, Lilis title: PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN TEACHING WRITING: THE IMPLEMENTATION AND STUDENTS’ OPINION date: 2020-07-02 words: 5337 flesch: 66 summary: Journal of English Education Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2020 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 219 PROJECT-BASED LEARNING IN TEACHING WRITING: THE IMPLEMENTATION AND STUDENTS’ OPINION Ningtyas Orilina Argawati English Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia E-mail: Lilis Suryani English Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, IKIP Siliwangi, Indonesia E-mail: APA Citation: Published: 01-06-2020 Abstract: Writing becomes the most challenging skill for the students as it needs more time to develop and tend to raise problem to students. keywords: cycle; learning; project; students; test; writing cache: erjee-2120.pdf plain text: erjee-2120.txt item: #89 of 380 id: erjee-213 author: Aini, Wildan Nurul title: REALIZATION OF DISAGREEMENT STRATEGIES BY INDONESIAN SPEAKERS date: 2015-08-19 words: 3653 flesch: 59 summary: Realization of disagreement strategies by Indonesian speakers. Published: 01-06-2015 Abstract: This study investigates the realization of disagreement strategies employed by Indonesian speakers. keywords: disagreement; face; interlocutor; power; speakers; strategies; strategy cache: erjee-213.pdf plain text: erjee-213.txt item: #90 of 380 id: erjee-214 author: Riani, Desy Olivia title: COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING IMPLEMENTATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION date: 2015-09-02 words: 3785 flesch: 48 summary: Students’ reading comprehension improvement on each reading comprehension aspect was summarized in the following table: Students’ Improvement on Reading Comprehension Aspects ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2013 In terms of main idea, students mean score before the implementation of CSR was 2,3. So, it could be concluded that majority of student with percentage 82 % of students were agree towards the implementation of CSR and they gave positive attitude towards the implementation of CSR. keywords: comprehension; csr; english; implementation; mean; reading; score; students; test cache: erjee-214.pdf plain text: erjee-214.txt item: #91 of 380 id: erjee-2146 author: Sumekto, Didik Rinan; Riyanto, Riyanto; Hilmi, Avin Fadilla; Purnama, Nursyabani title: IMPACTS OF CLASSROOM’S MOBILE LEARNING: CAN SMARTPHONE SUPPORT STUDENTS’ COLLABORATION? date: 2020-01-23 words: 6557 flesch: 45 summary: Published: 01-12-2019 Abstract: The trend of facilitating technological devices for students in the classroom still becomes controversial among teachers, whether these devices can be effectively applied or conversely. This actual establishment indicates smartphones usage and high average expectations among students (Kétyi, 2013), as the daily use of smartphones had better contain the benefits, such as ubiquity, portability, interactivity, and teachers’ feedback and comments (Kacetl & Klímová, 2019). keywords: classroom; collaboration; doi; education; effectiveness; english; figure; learning; mobile; peer; smartphones; students; teachers cache: erjee-2146.pdf plain text: erjee-2146.txt item: #92 of 380 id: erjee-215 author: Nursyamsu, Roni; Munif, Lukluk Argita title: A STUDY OF ENGLISH INTONATION IN INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS date: 2015-09-02 words: 4100 flesch: 58 summary: First, there are 5 kinds of intonation pattern used by the respondent: fall \ , rise (final) / , rise (non-final) / , fall-rise (final) \/ , fall-rise (non-final) \/. Second, there are three kinds of information structures: unit of information (tonality), focus of information (tonicity), and status of information (tone). English Review: Journal of English Education, 1(2),223-230 Received: 12-02-2013 Accepted: 03-04-2013 Published: 01-06-2013 Abstract: This study examined the patterns of intonation and kinds of information structure that occur in EFL learners. keywords: english; information; intonation; pitch; syllable; tone; tonic cache: erjee-215.pdf plain text: erjee-215.txt item: #93 of 380 id: erjee-216 author: Muljanto, Setia title: ANALYSIS OF BARRIERS IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION AMONG JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2015-09-02 words: 3219 flesch: 54 summary: This means that students faced listening barriers especially in processing information. Keywords: listening barriers, listening comprehension, TOEIC test. keywords: barriers; comprehension; english; listening; research; students; test cache: erjee-216.pdf plain text: erjee-216.txt item: #94 of 380 id: erjee-217 author: Yulyana, Yuli title: CODE SWITCHING ANALYSIS IN CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS IN HUSNUL KHOTIMAH ISLAMIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2015-09-02 words: 4443 flesch: 54 summary: Code switching emphasizes the creative performance that offers tentative structural constraints on code switching. The number of frequency from students code switching is 70 occurrences. keywords: classroom; code; code switching; language; students; switching; teacher cache: erjee-217.pdf plain text: erjee-217.txt item: #95 of 380 id: erjee-2324 author: Aminullah, Arif; Loeneto, Bambang Apriady; Vianty, Machdalena title: TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES AND PROBLEMS OF USING ICT IN TEACHING EFL date: 2019-12-28 words: 6274 flesch: 59 summary: The objectives of this research were (1) to find out the attitudes of English teachers of public senior high schools in Palembang towards the use of ICT in the process of teaching and learning English, and (2) to find out the problems that commonly faced by English teachers towards the use of ICT in the process of teaching and learning English. Journal of English Education Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 149 attitudes of English teachers towards ICT and problems faced by them in using ICT in the process of teaching and learning language in the classroom are considerably pivotal. keywords: attitudes; english; ict; learning; problems; process; teachers; teaching; use cache: erjee-2324.pdf plain text: erjee-2324.txt item: #96 of 380 id: erjee-2350 author: Khan, Soada Idris title: TEACHERS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS PEER OBSERVATION AT NAJRAN UNIVERSITY: A CASE STUDY date: 2019-12-27 words: 3669 flesch: 54 summary: Peer observation is presented as a developmental mode of observation that aims at Soada Idris Khan Teachers’ attitude towards peer observation at Najran University: Teachers‟ attitude towards peer observation at Najran University: keywords: observation; participants; peer; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-2350.pdf plain text: erjee-2350.txt item: #97 of 380 id: erjee-2351 author: Fay, Aline de Azevedo; Matias, Juliana title: TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH YOUTUBE: GRAMMAR VIDEO ANALYSIS OF THREE BRAZILIAN YOUTUBE CHANNELS DEDICATED TO EFL TEACHING date: 2019-12-27 words: 6726 flesch: 68 summary: Future research is needed to understand if there is the necessity to apply cutting-edge tools to teach on YouTube and if it is mandatory to review and to adapt the pedagogical practices for language learning YouTube videos. Journal of English Education Volume 8, Issue 1, December 2019 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 1 TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH YOUTUBE: GRAMMAR VIDEO ANALYSIS OF THREE BRAZILIAN YOUTUBE CHANNELS DEDICATED TO EFL TEACHING Aline Fay de Azevedo School of Humanities, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil E-mail: Juliana Matias School of Humanities, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil E-mail: APA Citation: Fay, A. A., & Matias, J. (2019). keywords: english; example; grammar; meaning; phrasal; teaching; use; verbs; video; youtube cache: erjee-2351.pdf plain text: erjee-2351.txt item: #98 of 380 id: erjee-2593 author: Karjo, Clara Herlina; Wijaya, Stephani title: THE LANGUAGE FEATURES OF MALE AND FEMALE BEAUTY INFLUENCERS IN YOUTUBE VIDEOS date: 2020-07-02 words: 5961 flesch: 60 summary: The differences between men and women language styles in writing twitter updates. Lakoff (2004) maintained that women speech pattern differ from men because of their subordinate social status (Jan, 2017). keywords: beauty; features; female; influencers; language; male; speech; use; women cache: erjee-2593.pdf plain text: erjee-2593.txt item: #99 of 380 id: erjee-2617 author: Wiranda, Resty; Petrus, Ismail; Vianty, Machdalena title: THE USE OF ICT IN LEARNING PROCESS BY VOCATIONAL TEACHERS OF ENGLISH date: 2020-07-02 words: 4815 flesch: 47 summary: ”(AD) “For this problem I can only advise the teacher to give another alternative task to these students or can divide students into groups so that students who do not have ICT devices can join students who have ICT facilities because the school does not facilitate students to use laboratories outside school hours”. “The problem I faced was that not all students at Vocational High School 3 in Sekayu had ICT devices to use outside of school hours so that I sometimes chose not to give assignments that needed ICT devices.”(SH) The most common problem faced by the teachers of English at vocational high schools in Sekayu were unavailability of students’ personal Schools Teachers Problems Solutions Vocational High School 1 in Sekayu EY School regulation asking permission from the school to students are allowed to use Smartphones during English lessons AG The awareness of students in maintaining school facilities. keywords: education; english; ict; learning; process; school; sekayu; students; teachers; use cache: erjee-2617.pdf plain text: erjee-2617.txt item: #100 of 380 id: erjee-2618 author: Namaziandost, Ehsan; Shafiee, Sajad; Ahmadi, Behrouz title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHING GENRE IN L2 LISTENING CLASSROOM: IRANIAN PRE-INTERMEDIATE EFL LEARNERS IN FOCUS date: 2019-06-01 words: 4972 flesch: 61 summary: Listening is commonly viewed as a striking linguistic ability as an area of language acquisition where language students gain superiority faster and at a more significant level than other language skills. GBT can help language students improve their listening skills by acclimatizing them with the traditions of language use and by providing them with background information in the specific types of language spoken. keywords: efl; english; gbt; genre; language; learners; listening; students; study; teaching; writing cache: erjee-2618.pdf plain text: erjee-2618.txt item: #101 of 380 id: erjee-2620 author: Alamsyah, Aam; Mutaat, Mutaat; Darmawan, Radik title: INCORPORATING CULTURAL FACTORS IN EFL CONTEXT date: 2019-12-01 words: 4781 flesch: 53 summary: [I think it is logical if we are supposed to learn English cultures since we are English literature students; thus it is quite reasonable if we learn English culture so that we can appreciate things about English] (Interview) Published: 01-12-2019 Abstract: This study highlighted the issue of the incorporation of English cultures, cultural preference and diversity in relation to the students’ English program. keywords: culture; data; english; interview; language; learning; participants; students; study cache: erjee-2620.pdf plain text: erjee-2620.txt item: #102 of 380 id: erjee-2824 author: Simatupang, Ervina CM; Supri, Ida Zuraida title: COMPOUND WORDS THAT OCCUR DURING THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC COVID-19: A MORPHOSEMANTIC STUDY date: 2020-07-02 words: 4622 flesch: 66 summary: The percentage of meaning in compound words CONCLUSION Based on the analysis, it is found that there are two types of compound word, namely compound nouns (67%) and compound verbs (33%). Moreover, Williams (1975) emphasizes that compounding is the process of putting together two or more independent words to make one word. 3) Blending – This process concerns the formation of words whereby new words are formed by combining parts of two words; for example, smog (smoke + fog), brunch (breakfast + lunch), and newscast (news + broadcasting). keywords: category; compound; covid-19; data; meaning; new; study; words cache: erjee-2824.pdf plain text: erjee-2824.txt item: #103 of 380 id: erjee-2987 author: Sudarmaji, Imam; Mulyana, Agus; Karsiyah, Karsiyah title: APPLYING DIGITAL STORYTELLING TO IMPROVE INDONESIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ VISUAL MEMORY AND WRITING SKILL date: 2020-07-02 words: 5695 flesch: 58 summary: Students disagree with the teacher or they have a comment The answer from the statement contained 3 answers were: 1) students said that immediately was 61% can be categorized as an active students, 2) students waited until after class and told it to the teacher was 25% can be categorized an initiative students, and 3) students remained silent was 14%. Students disagree in learningprocess The teacher who teach with the conventional learning The answers from the statement contained 3 answers were: 1) students can easily follow without having friend disturbing them was 44%, 2) students talked to fellow students about how they experienced the course after class was 42%, 3) there was at least no turmoil as we don’t have to work together was 14%. keywords: class; control; learning; memory; skill; storytelling; students; test; writing cache: erjee-2987.pdf plain text: erjee-2987.txt item: #104 of 380 id: erjee-2988 author: Ilham, Ilham; Musthafa, Bachrudin; Yusuf, Fazri Nur title: UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ NEEDS OF WRITING COURSE MATERIALS: A CASE OF INDONESIA date: 2020-07-02 words: 5235 flesch: 54 summary: Based on the researcher's observation of English writing materials taught at English Department Muhammadiayah University of Mataram, it was found that the process of implementing writing skill instructional materials in the context of English classes is far from ideal, especially in terms of making students involved in the teaching and learning process. Yes No a. Improvement of vocabulary mastery 23 (100%) - b. Improvement on cohesion, coherence, and spelling 20 (87%) 3 (13%) c. Improvement of grammar 23 (100%) - d. Improvement of writing material which stimulates students to write 22 (96%) 1 (4%) e. Improvement of knowledge of academic writing 23 keywords: analysis; doi; english; language; learning; materials; needs; students; text; writing cache: erjee-2988.pdf plain text: erjee-2988.txt item: #105 of 380 id: erjee-2998 author: Nurviyani, Vina; Suherdi, Didi; Lukmana, Iwa title: DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ READING SKILL THROUGH MAKING MULTIMODAL INFERENCES date: 2020-07-02 words: 5522 flesch: 48 summary: With respect to making inference, some studies exploring the inferences have been carried out, such as the research of implementation of multimodal inferences in vehicle-driver interaction (Sezgin, Davies, & Robinson, 2009); effects of making reading inference on self- esteem (Wilson, Kim, Raudenbush, & Kim, 2017), implementation of inference strategy (Jumiaty, 2014; Attaprechakul, 2013; Rieskamp, 2008); and effectiveness of teaching making inferences in reading (Kispal, 2008). The effects of making reading inferences on mastery goals, self-esteem and the effects of making reading inferences on mastery goals, self-esteem and TOEIC reading comprehension. keywords: comprehension; english; inferences; making; multimodal; reading; reading comprehension; reading skills; skills; students; text cache: erjee-2998.pdf plain text: erjee-2998.txt item: #106 of 380 id: erjee-2999 author: Darsih, Endang; Asikin, Nida Amalia title: MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING: EFL LEARNERS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARD THE USE OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS IN LEARNING ENGLISH date: 2020-07-02 words: 6843 flesch: 54 summary: English mobile application used by English education students Based on the results of the questionnaires presented in figure 2 it shows that the number of English mobile applications used by students is quite a lot; there are fifteen types of applications used by students of English education study programs to help their learning including Kamusku, Google Translate, BBC, Grammar test, English Idiomatic, U dictionary, You tube, Elsa speak, Duolinggo, Quizlet, Speech notes, Kahoot, Zoom, Google Meet and Kine Master. For the last item related to the statement 'Overall, I find English mobile applications useful in my learning' it is known that as many as 80% agree and 20% strongly agree that the English- speaking smartphone application is beneficial for student learning. keywords: applications; english; english mobile; language; learning; mall; mobile; mobile applications; students; use cache: erjee-2999.pdf plain text: erjee-2999.txt item: #107 of 380 id: erjee-3001 author: Muziatun, Muziatun; Virginia, Thalia Miranda; Jusuf, Ansar Tario title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WRITE-AROUND PLUS STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL date: 2020-07-02 words: 5748 flesch: 65 summary: In grammar aspect students only got 36 score in pre-test, but in post- test students got 60 score. CONCLUSION Using write-around plus strategy is an effective way to teach students in improving students’ writing in descriptive text. keywords: english; learning; score; strategy; students; test; text; write; writing cache: erjee-3001.pdf plain text: erjee-3001.txt item: #108 of 380 id: erjee-3027 author: Septiana, Ira; Petrus, Ismail; Inderawati, Rita title: NEEDS ANALYSIS-BASED ENGLISH SYLLABUS FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENTS OF BINA DARMA UNIVERSITY date: 2020-06-01 words: 6659 flesch: 55 summary: Likewise, about class Ira Septiana, Ismail Petrus, & Rita Inderawati Needs analysis-based English syllabus for computer science students of Bina Darma University 300 activities and climate what is needed by students. Somehow, the results of the analysis help the course designer, lecturer, or teacher to make the course / class more interesting, enjoyable, and effective for teaching and learning processes related to theory According to Chandra (2015), class management has two different objectives: Ira Septiana, Ismail Petrus, & Rita Inderawati Needs analysis-based English syllabus for computer science students of Bina Darma University 304 This not only strives to build and maintain an orderly environment so that students can engage in meaningful academic learning, but also aims to enhance students' social and moral growth . keywords: analysis; computer; data; english; language; learning; needs; students; study; syllabus; teaching; university cache: erjee-3027.pdf plain text: erjee-3027.txt item: #109 of 380 id: erjee-3028 author: Sabgini, Kharisma Naidi Warnanda; Khoiriyah, Khoiriyah title: THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ REFLECTION IN ENGLISH FOR YOUNG LEARNERS TEACHING PRACTICE date: 2020-06-01 words: 7479 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: reflection; pre-service teacher; EYL teaching practice. (2014) argued that pre-service teacher is concerned about their teaching practice as to whether their teaching practice is effective. keywords: education; english; journal; learners; practice; pre; reflection; self; teacher; teaching; teaching practice; video cache: erjee-3028.pdf plain text: erjee-3028.txt item: #110 of 380 id: erjee-3029 author: Maro, Rahmawati Khadijah; Gusdian, Rosalin Ismayoeng; Safitri, Berliana Febrianti title: INVESTIGATING ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION STUDENTS’ READING PREFERENCES date: 2020-06-01 words: 4019 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: reading preferences; reading materials; English language education students. Regarding the development of reading skills, the priority of reading preferences should be given to make reading more attractive as well as improving the quality of reading itself (Aydın and Ayrancı, 2018). keywords: education; english; language; materials; preferences; reading; students cache: erjee-3029.pdf plain text: erjee-3029.txt item: #111 of 380 id: erjee-305 author: Yulianto, Slamet Wahyudi title: Critical Pedagogy Principles in Teaching EFL Reading date: 2016-08-19 words: 7586 flesch: 53 summary: It is crucial for EFL teacher education institutions to give sufficient understanding and training for teacher students regarding the use of critical pedagogy principles in their future classroom. It is recommended for EFL teacher education to introduce and promote the contextualized principles of critical pedagogy to EFL teacher students. keywords: classroom; education; efl; english; freire; knowledge; language; new; pedagogy; principles; reading; students; teacher; teaching; thinking cache: erjee-305.pdf plain text: erjee-305.txt item: #112 of 380 id: erjee-307 author: Mohammad, Taj title: Phonological, Morphological and Syntactical Influences of Mother Tongue on Arab Learners date: 2015-12-01 words: 5393 flesch: 62 summary: Many problems dealing with Arab students have been identified in their course of studying English language. The Linguistic Attitudes of Arab University Students: Factorial Structure and Intervening Variables (In Arabic). keywords: arabic; english; example; language; learners; sentence; spelling; students; writing cache: erjee-307.pdf plain text: erjee-307.txt item: #113 of 380 id: erjee-308 author: Miftakh, Fauzi title: Investigating Indonesian EFL Students’ Responses of the Implementation of Intercultural Language Learning date: 2015-12-01 words: 4524 flesch: 42 summary: Investigating Indonesian EFL students‟ responses of the implementation of intercultural language learning. Based on the findings, the students gave positive responses to the implementation of intercultural language learning and they showed a greater interest in participating in the course. keywords: culture; education; english; language; learning; students; teaching cache: erjee-308.pdf plain text: erjee-308.txt item: #114 of 380 id: erjee-309 author: Solihat, Dadang; Novianti, Diah title: Error Analysis of Writing Verbs in Discussion Text date: 2015-12-01 words: 3261 flesch: 61 summary: The first error is basic subject- verb agreement error, the wrong verb is written by the student in the discussion text. The limitation of the problem is to classify the students‟ errors based on Linville„s error types in writing verbs, there are subject-verb agreement errors, verb tense errors, and verb form errors. keywords: discussion; english; errors; students; verb; writing cache: erjee-309.pdf plain text: erjee-309.txt item: #115 of 380 id: erjee-310 author: Devi, Anit Pranita; Musthafa, Bachrudin; Gustine, Gin Gin Gustine title: Using Cooperative Learning In Teaching Critical Thinking In Reading date: 2016-08-19 words: 6502 flesch: 45 summary: From this point of view, cooperative learning tasks may be one of the ways in developing students’ critical thinking as the students work in cooperative learning groups to achieve same goals. Using cooperative learning in teaching critical thinking in reading. keywords: education; english; group; ideas; johnson; learning; reading; students; study; teaching; thinking cache: erjee-310.pdf plain text: erjee-310.txt item: #116 of 380 id: erjee-311 author: Nugroho, Muhammad Aprianto Budie; Mayda, Nining title: Motivational Strategies in Teaching English as Foreign Language: A Case Study in Junior High School 7 Kuningan date: 2015-12-01 words: 6022 flesch: 49 summary: Psychology for language teachers: A social constructivist approach. These place, population and sample were chosen because researchers expected to identify how English teachers of seventh grade in Junior High School 7 Kuningan motivate students through applying motivational strategies in learning and teaching 84 ENGLISH REVIEW: keywords: classroom; english; learning; motivational; result; strategies; students; teacher; teaching cache: erjee-311.pdf plain text: erjee-311.txt item: #117 of 380 id: erjee-312 author: Jordan, Peter E. R. title: Second Language Acquisition And Linguistic Freedom Through Drama date: 2015-12-01 words: 5148 flesch: 49 summary: The act of concealing and thus transforming identity can often be of great benefit to language students, particularly those who are shy and reserved, either for personal or for cultural reasons. The use of gesture to underpin spoken language differs from culture to culture. keywords: acquisition; actors; commedia; dell’arte; drama; english; language; learning; second; students; theatre cache: erjee-312.pdf plain text: erjee-312.txt item: #118 of 380 id: erjee-314 author: Firmansah, Arif title: Interpersonal Meaning in Netanyahu’s Speech date: 2015-12-01 words: 3896 flesch: 58 summary: Temporal finite in the both speech are significantly appeared in Iran and Palestine speech (73.38% and 71.72% out of clause). Interpersonal meaning in Netanyahu‘s speech. keywords: finite; iran; meaning; palestine; speaker; speech cache: erjee-314.pdf plain text: erjee-314.txt item: #119 of 380 id: erjee-315 author: Faris, Ihsan Nur Iman title: The Use of Hedges in Tertiary EFL Students' Presentation date: 2015-12-01 words: 5666 flesch: 53 summary: However, research on the use of hedges by tertiary students in EFL countries such as Indonesia, especially, in a specific context such as in a discussion session of a presentation is still scarce. As tertiary students are required to be cautious and precise in making a statement (Hyland, 1996a and 1996b; Emilia, 2009; Malik and Hamied, 2014; Alwasilah, 2015), the use of hedges to attenuate epistemic commitment seems reasonable. keywords: forms; hedges; hedging; questions; research; students; use cache: erjee-315.pdf plain text: erjee-315.txt item: #120 of 380 id: erjee-316 author: Adiantika, Hanif Nurcholish title: Cohesive Devices In EFL Students’ Expository Writing date: 2015-12-01 words: 4757 flesch: 50 summary: The students might be encouraged by their teacher of writing and discourse to apply as many cohesive devices as possible to conduct cohesive whole texts. Cohesive devices in EFL students‟ expository writing. keywords: cohesion; devices; halliday; hasan; students; text; writing cache: erjee-316.pdf plain text: erjee-316.txt item: #121 of 380 id: erjee-317 author: Susanto, Susanto title: A Systemic Functional Study on the Conversational Structure of an Indonesian Spontaneous Dialogue date: 2015-12-01 words: 2204 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: conversational structure, exchange, commodity, systemic functional linguistics. The present data then shows that receptive nature in conversational structure is dominant in the conversation. keywords: conversational; fig; language; structure cache: erjee-317.pdf plain text: erjee-317.txt item: #122 of 380 id: erjee-330 author: Theodosiou, Catherine Georgopoulou title: CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL): AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON CLIL COMPATIBILITY WITH THE MODERN GREEK EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM date: 2016-10-24 words: 4028 flesch: 38 summary: In the second Unit entitled 'My eat well plate', the students of both classes 151 A RAINBOW Catherine Georgopoulou-Theodosiou Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): An Experimental Study on CLIL Compatibility With The Modern Greek Educational System were asked to work in groups in order to design and present a healthy dish and then to be recorded during the description of their healthy dishes. Picture 7 shows a simple CLIL Matrix but there is a more informed awareness-raising tool created by an international team of CLIL experts, which cross-combines content, language, integration and learning with culture, 155 Catherine Georgopoulou-Theodosiou Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): An Experimental Study on CLIL Compatibility With The Modern Greek Educational System communication, cognition and community. keywords: assessment; clil; content; education; english; language; learning; project; students; teaching cache: erjee-330.pdf plain text: erjee-330.txt item: #123 of 380 id: erjee-331 author: Imam Yuliarto, Taufiqulloh Yuvita title: UTILIZING PEER AND TEACHER FEEDBACK IN ACADEMIC WRITING CLASS date: 2016-10-24 words: 4287 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: Teacher feedback, peer feedback, essay writing INTRODUCTION In the EFL context of higher education, writing is considered as an important skill since it is not only an object of education, but it is also a skill leading to professional development. Two specific support mechanisms that can be used are teacher feedback and peer feedback, which have been studied in different domains and educational levels (i.e., Gielen, Tops, Dochy, Onhema, & Smeets, 2010). keywords: education; english; essay; feedback; peer; students; teacher; test; writing cache: erjee-331.pdf plain text: erjee-331.txt item: #124 of 380 id: erjee-332 author: Achiri, Samya; Hadjeris, Fadhila title: BETWEEN REALITY AND IDEALISM: DOES NOVEL READING GENERATE EMPATHY IN ALGERIAN EFL STUDENTS? date: 2016-10-24 words: 5136 flesch: 52 summary: In a response to the question about the type of novels students like reading most, 29.54% of them chose historical novels, and only 2.27 % preferred satirical novels. Before dealing with these two important questions, the researchers find it worth to answer the following questions: 1) How much do EFL students read literary novels and to what extent are they able to respond critically to the texts they read? keywords: efl; empathy; english; issues; literature; novel; reading; students; university cache: erjee-332.pdf plain text: erjee-332.txt item: #125 of 380 id: erjee-333 author: Ekundayo, Omowumi Bode Steve; Akinbobola, Abiola Olubunmi title: SYMBOLIC AND PROPHETIC SYNTAGMAS IN CHINUA ACHEBE’S ANTHILLS OF THE SAVANNAH date: 2016-10-24 words: 6110 flesch: 61 summary: For example, in this essay, some symbolic syntagmas are identified based on a consideration of history, so that they are analyzed as prophetic syntagmas not necessarily because the structures on the surface depict them as such, but because they happened many years after they had been written in AS. However, character syntagmas are examined in sub-section (3.5). 188 ENGLISH REVIEW: keywords: achebe; anthills; characters; english; events; ikem; literary; nigeria; novel; saro; syntagmas; wiwa cache: erjee-333.pdf plain text: erjee-333.txt item: #126 of 380 id: erjee-335 author: Azmi, Mohd Nazri Latiff; Ching, Lidwina Teo Pik; Jamaludin, Norbahyah Binti; Ramli, Muhammad Nur Haziq Bin; Razali, Muhammad Habibbullah Bin; Amram, Muhammad Ammar Yasser Bin; Jayakumar, Kauselya A/P title: THE COMPARISONS AND CONTRASTS BETWEEN ENGLISH AND MALAY LANGUAGES date: 2016-10-24 words: 4699 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: English language, Malay language, history of language INTRODUCTION Language is a complex way of communication that is used by human beings to communicate with each other; there are tons of different languages that are used by people today and more yet to be discovered. There are few similarities between Malay language and English language from the aspect of semantic. keywords: affixes; antonym; bahasa; english; example; language; malay; malay language; meaning; sound; word cache: erjee-335.pdf plain text: erjee-335.txt item: #127 of 380 id: erjee-336 author: Mustofa, Ali title: LITERARY TEACHING AND ITS CONSTRAINTS: PARADIGMS AND PROBLEMS date: 2016-10-24 words: 6561 flesch: 53 summary: In language teaching, literary teaching has been promoted influential and approved effective to encourage the students’ character building in terms of some issues: historical, philosophical, cultural, social, and psychological contexts. Some constraints may arise in language teaching due to the cultural and the philosophical boundaries. keywords: constraints; english; issues; language; literature; order; problems; students; teacher; teaching; work cache: erjee-336.pdf plain text: erjee-336.txt item: #128 of 380 id: erjee-337 author: Prabawa, Wawa Puja title: SPEAKING STRATEGIES USED BY INDONESIAN TERTIARY STUDENTS date: 2016-10-24 words: 4756 flesch: 59 summary: This study attempts to reveal: (1) speaking strategies used by Indonesian tertiary students in terms of speaking English and strategies to improve their speaking ability, and (2) to identify speaking strategies mostly used by the students when they speak English and improve their speaking ability. Keywords: Speaking, strategy, speaking strategy, tertiary students INTRODUCTION People usually learn English because for some reasons, in some ways, they want to be able to communicate in English (Edge, 1993, p. 17). keywords: english; language; learning; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; tertiary cache: erjee-337.pdf plain text: erjee-337.txt item: #129 of 380 id: erjee-338 author: Anshori, Adam title: THE EMPOWERMENT OF CHILDREN IN EDITH NESBIT’S THE RAILWAY CHILDREN date: 2016-10-24 words: 5769 flesch: 62 summary: The data of the research are events occurred in The Railway Children by Edit Nesbit that describe the empowerment of child characters to cope with their problems and feelings. Another form of inferiority is that the authors place child characters in a weaker side. keywords: adults; characters; children; empowerment; life; literature; research; story cache: erjee-338.pdf plain text: erjee-338.txt item: #130 of 380 id: erjee-341 author: Pour, Vahid Shahidi; Zarei, Gholam Reza title: INVESTIGATING AGE–BASED COMPLIMENTS IN PERSIAN date: 2016-10-24 words: 6231 flesch: 55 summary: It must co-occur with a bound semantic formula to be interpreted as part of a C. Unbound semantic formulas can be further divided into two sub-types: explicit compliments and implicit compliments. Explicit compliments are also defined as those responses that carry at least one positive semantic value (Jin-pei, 2013). keywords: compliments; english; language; participants; persian; speakers; speech; strategies; study; use cache: erjee-341.pdf plain text: erjee-341.txt item: #131 of 380 id: erjee-342 author: Susanto, Susanto title: A CASE STUDY OF PROSODIC PHRASAL GROUPING AND INTONATIONAL PROMINENCE IN LANGUAGE ACQUISITION date: 2016-10-24 words: 1713 flesch: 66 summary: Children are capable of processing prosodic prominence that express focus or contrast in a discourse (Ito & Speer, 2006; Weber, Braun, & Crocker, 2006). 28-03-2016 Published: 01-06-2016 INTRODUCTION In the acquisition of a language, children use prosody in their comprehension and production of utterances and they are sensitive to prosody’s rhythmic and melodic patterns (Ito, 2002). keywords: child; english; fig; prosody cache: erjee-342.pdf plain text: erjee-342.txt item: #132 of 380 id: erjee-3776 author: Azizah, Nur; Inderawati, Rita; Vianty, Machdalena title: Bangka-culture-based descriptive reading materials for tour and travel in SMK: Students’ needs analysis date: 2020-12-15 words: 7704 flesch: 52 summary: The result of the need analysis showed that: 1) English was important for the students mostly to support their future carrier, 2) students’ English proficiency was in the beginner level, 3) students still had some difficulties in reading comprehension, 4) the kind of text needed was a descriptive text, 5) the forms of questions mostly suggested were multiple choice and essay, 6) there was a need of integrating English reading materials with the materials of the content subjects, 7) students still lacked knowledge about Bangka local culture, 8) there were no existing English reading materials which were integrated with Bangka local culture, 9) two main reasons of integrating Bangka local culture in reading, were enhancing the students’ knowledge about Bangka culture, and promoting their skills in their study program, 10) the aspects of Bangka local culture needed to be integrated into English reading materials were about arts, customs, foods, traditional clothes, traditional equipment, folklores, and historical places. The interview was conducted to the English teachers and content teachers, head of the study program, and assistant curriculum especially related to teaching English in SMK, the existing English reading materials, and the use of Bangka local culture in developing English reading materials. keywords: analysis; bangka; culture; english; materials; needs; reading; reading materials; students; study cache: erjee-3776.pdf plain text: erjee-3776.txt item: #133 of 380 id: erjee-3777 author: Setyaningrum, Rina Wahyu; Setiawan, Slamet; Anam, Syafiul; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi title: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in science class during covid-19 outbreak: A narrative inquiry date: 2020-12-15 words: 6852 flesch: 54 summary: In addition to this, there will be more and more versatile options for both content and language learning. Nevertheless, the affective component of foreign language learning is crucial in CLIL environments. keywords: clil; content; covid-19; english; language; learners; learning; science; students; teacher; teaching; time cache: erjee-3777.pdf plain text: erjee-3777.txt item: #134 of 380 id: erjee-3778 author: Putri, Arima Renny Dayu; Kuswandono, Paulus title: The roles of critical incidents to construct public senior high school english teachers’ identities development date: 2020-12-15 words: 7474 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: Critical Incident (CIs); teacher identity; Public Senior High School English Teacher INTRODUCTION Experiencing critical incidents in teaching process can substantially help teachers develop their identities. Agency is connected to teacher identity because a teacher is a person who applies agency continuously. keywords: cis; english; identities; identity; school; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-3778.pdf plain text: erjee-3778.txt item: #135 of 380 id: erjee-3779 author: Heryatun, Yayu; Septiana, Tri Ilma title: Pre-service teachers’ emotion in teaching practicum date: 2020-12-15 words: 4705 flesch: 55 summary: Teaching practicum program which is provided to pre-service teachers aims to develop teacher competencies and link the pedagogical theories that they have learned with actual teaching practice in school. It means pre-service teachers during teaching practicum have emotional experience both positively or negatively, as a result throughout interaction with mentor teachers, students, even with their own friends. keywords: education; emotion; hargreaves; practicum; pre; school; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-3779.pdf plain text: erjee-3779.txt item: #136 of 380 id: erjee-3780 author: Hidayati, Mawaddah; Inderawati, Rita; Loeneto, Bambang title: The correlations among critical thinking skills, critical reading skills and reading comprehension date: 2020-12-15 words: 6135 flesch: 47 summary: Correlation between critical reading skills and reading comprehension Critical reading skills Reading comprehension evaluating an argument Pearson Correlation -.240 Sig. The objectives of this study were: (1) to find out whether or not there was a significant correlation among students critical thinking skills and reading comprehension, (2) to find out whether or not there was a significant correlation among critical reading skills and reading comprehension, and (3) to find out whether or not there was a significant correlation among the predictor variables (critical thinking skills and critical reading skills) and the criterion variable (reading comprehension) of English Education Study Program students of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. keywords: comprehension; correlation; education; reading; reading comprehension; reading skills; skills; students; thinking cache: erjee-3780.pdf plain text: erjee-3780.txt item: #137 of 380 id: erjee-3782 author: Rositasari, Tri; Larasati, Finza; Saraswaty, Dwi Rara title: The influence of means ends analysis (MEA) model on grammar achievement date: 2020-12-15 words: 4928 flesch: 61 summary: The table above showed a very significant difference in student grammar. Moreover, Supendi, Jamiah, & Ahmad (2017) showed that the students’ problem-solving with Means Ends Analysis model is better than in Direct Instruction model. keywords: analysis; ends; english; grammar; learning; mea; means; model; students; study; test cache: erjee-3782.pdf plain text: erjee-3782.txt item: #138 of 380 id: erjee-3783 author: Sutisna, Entis; Vonti, Lungguh Halira title: Innovation development strategy for hybrid learning based English teaching and learning date: 2020-12-15 words: 5286 flesch: 50 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 9, Issue 1, December 2020 105 However, besides the benefits, there are several disadvantages of blended learning discussed by experts. There were three courses given in blended learning and the researcher only took 5 students from each class by using random sampling technique. keywords: blended; courses; education; english; face; hybrid; learning; lecturers; process; research; students; teaching cache: erjee-3783.pdf plain text: erjee-3783.txt item: #139 of 380 id: erjee-3784 author: Muziatun, Muziatun; Achmad, Syarifuddin; Samidu, Puspita Wulandari title: Five language style analysis of the host in the tonight show talk show: A sociolinguistics analysis date: 2020-12-15 words: 6434 flesch: 68 summary: By the explanation above, the finding and analysis of each style found in the data are presented, as follow: Muziatun, Syarifuddin Achmad, & Puspita Wulandari Samidu Five language style analysis of the host in the tonight show talk show: A sociolinguistics analysis 118 Table 1. Language style in “The Tonight Show” Guest/ Date Types of language style Utterances Situation Barack Obama (10th of June 2016) The objective of this study is to investigate the types of language style used by Jimmy Fallon in his talk show based on Joos’s (1967) theory. keywords: analysis; conversation; data; jimmy; language; language style; style; talk; utterances; video cache: erjee-3784.pdf plain text: erjee-3784.txt item: #140 of 380 id: erjee-3785 author: Solihati, Tri Agustini; Rahayu, Nurti title: A study on students' needs in learning English for pharmacy (A starting point to design innovative syllabus) date: 2020-12-15 words: 5700 flesch: 56 summary: This study aims to discover the needs of pharmacy students as an input to design an ESP syllabus. Keywords: needs analysis; pharmacy students; ESP; keywords: analysis; english; esp; language; learning; needs; pharmacy; skills; students; study; syllabus; teaching cache: erjee-3785.pdf plain text: erjee-3785.txt item: #141 of 380 id: erjee-3786 author: Loveta, Gita; Loeneto, Bambang A; Vianty, Machdalena title: Students’ expectation toward teacher’s teaching style and contribution to students’ English performance date: 2020-12-15 words: 5545 flesch: 50 summary: Summary of students’ expectation toward English teacher teaching style Teaching Styles SMA N 13 SMA N 17 SMA N 21 Total Average N Average N Average N Average Expert 39 30 35 30 36 32 30.7 Formal Authority 32 28 33 28 33 29 28.3 Personal Model 38 31 35 30 35 The sample taken was one civil servant English teacher along with the classes keywords: english; performance; sma; students; style; teacher; teaching; teaching style cache: erjee-3786.pdf plain text: erjee-3786.txt item: #142 of 380 id: erjee-3787 author: Ringkisa, Octa Risfa Ria; Vianty, Machdalena; Loeneto, Bambang A. title: Developing questions of high order thinking skill using adventure story narrative text for junior high school students in Palembang date: 2020-12-15 words: 7833 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Developmental research; developing questions; higher order thinking skill; higher-order questions; adventure story; narrative text Octa Risfa Ria Ringkisa, Machdalena Vianty, & Bambang A. Loeneto Developing questions of high order thinking skill using adventure story narrative text for junior high school students in Palembang 146 technology of information and collaborating. The indicators and learning objectives of developed questions were derived from basic competence. keywords: evaluation; order thinking; questions; reading; skill; stage; students; text; thinking skill; writer cache: erjee-3787.pdf plain text: erjee-3787.txt item: #143 of 380 id: erjee-3788 author: Irfan, Irfan; Sofendi, Sofendi; Vianty, Machdalena title: Technological knowledge application on academic writing English education study program students date: 2020-12-15 words: 5757 flesch: 48 summary: Interval score of technological knowledge questionnaire No. Level of Technological Knowledge Type of Knowledge Tacit Knowledge Prescriptive Knowledge Descriptive Knowledge 1 Artisan 5-30 5-20 5-15 2 Technical Maxim 31-45 21-35 16-25 3 Descriptive Laws 46-50 36-40 26-35 4 Technological Theories 46-50 41-50 36-50 Technique for analyzing the data Abstract: Technological knowledge plays a role in academic writing such as assisting in finding suitable references, checking plagiarism, and publishing the article. keywords: education; english; knowledge; level; questionnaire; students; technology; writing cache: erjee-3788.pdf plain text: erjee-3788.txt item: #144 of 380 id: erjee-3794 author: Galiansa, Galiansa; Loeneto, Bambang A; Sitinjak, Mgrt. Dinar title: The correlations among English language exposure, learning motivation, and reading comprehension achievement of high school students in Palembang date: 2020-12-15 words: 7630 flesch: 40 summary: Dinar Sitinjak The correlations among English language exposure, learning motivation, and reading comprehension achievement of high school students in Palembang 168 English in order to expand their opportunities for success. Dinar Sitinjak The correlations among English language exposure, learning motivation, and reading comprehension achievement of high school students in Palembang 170 METHOD A quantitative research approach was used with a correlational research design. keywords: comprehension; english; english language; exposure; language exposure; learning; learning motivation; motivation; reading; reading comprehension; students cache: erjee-3794.pdf plain text: erjee-3794.txt item: #145 of 380 id: erjee-3795 author: Oktoma, Erwin; Rafli, Zainal; Rahmat, Aceng title: Metacognitive learning strategies in argumentative writing skills date: 2020-12-15 words: 6324 flesch: 46 summary: This proves that there is a significant difference in argumentative writing skills between students who learn with metacognitive learning strategies and students who learn with concept map learning strategies. The first group is an experimental group consisting of students who are treated with metacognition learning strategies. keywords: argumentative; knowledge; learning; learning strategies; metacognitive; process; skills; strategies; students; writing; writing skills cache: erjee-3795.pdf plain text: erjee-3795.txt item: #146 of 380 id: erjee-3799 author: Safiyeh, Hadeel Abu; Farrah, Mohammed title: Investigating the effectiveness of flipped learning on enhancing students’ English language skills date: 2020-12-15 words: 6120 flesch: 52 summary: And these sources help to improve the learners' competency Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of utilizing flipped classrooms on seventh graders' English language skills (reading comprehension, writing, listening, and speaking) and areas (grammar and vocabulary) at Farahat Secondary Girls' School. However, according to some researchers, flipped classroom is not without drawback. keywords: classroom; english; language; learners; learning; listening; skills; students; writing cache: erjee-3799.pdf plain text: erjee-3799.txt item: #147 of 380 id: erjee-3800 author: Yunita, Wisma; Syahrial, Syahrial; Hati, Gita Mutiara title: English teachers’ knowledge on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) date: 2020-12-15 words: 6377 flesch: 62 summary: It shows that SHS English teachers have better knowledge than JHS English teachers on the benefits of HOST for their students in the learning process. OV Choose 43 26 69 53 21 74 9 Cognitive 3:(HOTS) – C4 (Analyze) – OV Check 65 4 69 70 4 74 10 Cognitive 3: (HOTS) – C5 (Evaluate) – OV Decide 23 46 69 27 47 74 Total 326 157 483 373 145 518 Percentage 67.50% 32.50% 100% 72% 28% 100% Table 7 shows that the percentage of correct answers from SHS English teachers is higher than JHS English teachers. keywords: english; english teachers; good; hots; knowledge; learning; skills; students; teachers; thinking cache: erjee-3800.pdf plain text: erjee-3800.txt item: #148 of 380 id: erjee-3822 author: Ahmed, Sabri Thabit Saleh; Salem, Bushra Thabit Ahmed; Pawar, Sunil V. title: Yemeni EFL students’ perceptions and implementation of computer-assisted language learning. date: 2020-12-11 words: 7090 flesch: 55 summary: Adult ESL student perceptions on computer assisted language learning. Engineering students’ perception towards the use of computer assisted language learning. keywords: attitudes; competence; computer; efl; english; language; language learning; learning; students; technology; use cache: erjee-3822.pdf plain text: erjee-3822.txt item: #149 of 380 id: erjee-3824 author: Budiarta, I Komang; Santosa, Made Hery title: TPS-Flipgrid: Transforming EFL speaking class in the 21st century date: 2020-11-16 words: 5530 flesch: 52 summary: The present qualitative research with case study design was mainly intended to fathom out the students’ perceptions and the benefits of implementing TPS-Flipgrid in EFL speaking class. The implementation of TPS-Flipgrid in the present qualitative research with case study design for the sake innovating EFL speaking class has brought the language learning into certain level. keywords: class; english; flipgrid; learning; speaking; students; teaching; tps cache: erjee-3824.pdf plain text: erjee-3824.txt item: #150 of 380 id: erjee-384 author: Arnold, Josie title: WRITING ABOUT WHAT WE SEE: EKPHRASIS TODAY date: 2016-12-12 words: 5278 flesch: 58 summary: In doing so it suggests that existing audience theory can and should be extended in regard to new media audiences, players or users. 18-11-2016 Published: 01-12-2016 Abstract: Visual media presents us with an opportunity to enter into the written scholarly discussions about an understanding of the paradox that what is seen and what is written are different representation. keywords: art; audience; discourse; ekphrasis; media; new; print; today; visual; words; writing cache: erjee-384.pdf plain text: erjee-384.txt item: #151 of 380 id: erjee-385 author: Ogunyemi, Christopher Babatunde title: AMBIGUITY IN AUTOBIGRAPHICAL NARRATIVES IN NIGERIA: VALORIZING SEXISM AND DISPLACEMENT IN OGONI COSMOLOGY date: 2016-12-12 words: 7050 flesch: 44 summary: Ambiguity in autobiographical narratives in Nigeria: Valorizing sexism and displacement in Ogoni Cosmology. Our intention in this paper is not to be bogged down by the tradition in writing autobiographical narratives but to examine succinctly male dominance and the background of ‘patrilineage’ in Wiwa’s aforementioned works which explain what most Africa society’s experience in their contact with one another. keywords: art; autobiography; english; gender; life; male; narratives; narratology; nigeria; ogoni; self; society; study; work; writings cache: erjee-385.pdf plain text: erjee-385.txt item: #152 of 380 id: erjee-3859 author: Hartono, Hartono; Arjanggi, Ruseno title: Lecturers' attitude toward and anxiety in writing English academic papers for international publications date: 2020-12-30 words: 5832 flesch: 43 summary: However, by referring to the cumulative documents from 1996 to 2019, in 2019 Scimago Journal & Country Ranks listed Indonesian international publication the 11th among the countries in Asiatic regions for all subject areas and categories, and the 4th among the ASEAN countries. Learners with high level of foreign language anxiety may have a mental block which affects their ability to process information in foreign language contexts (Liu, 2006). keywords: academic; anxiety; attitude; english; indonesian; language; lecturers; papers; publications; study; writing cache: erjee-3859.pdf plain text: erjee-3859.txt item: #153 of 380 id: erjee-386 author: Oliver, Mark J. title: NOTICING HYBRID RECASTS IN TEXT CHAT date: 2016-12-12 words: 5640 flesch: 56 summary: When compared with findings from previous face-to-face (Lyster & Ranta, 1997; Mackey et al., 2000) and text chat (Lai & Zhao, 2006; Sauro, 2009) recast studies, results indicate that the corrective force of hybrid recasts might be clearer than traditional recasts. Noticing hybrid recasts in text chat. keywords: feedback; hybrid; language; learner; noticing; recasts; text; uptake cache: erjee-386.pdf plain text: erjee-386.txt item: #154 of 380 id: erjee-388 author: Wei, Yuehong; Zhang, Li title: ENDORSING SENSE OF IDENTITY FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH LANGUAGE PERFORMANCE date: 2016-12-12 words: 5030 flesch: 70 summary: English learning has its’ own tasty and most of student dislike it. Especially for freshmen who are forced to learn English for College Entrance Examination, their attitude toward English learning have been changed since they feel less stressful when entering college. keywords: english; identity; learning; sense; students; teacher; teaching cache: erjee-388.pdf plain text: erjee-388.txt item: #155 of 380 id: erjee-389 author: David, Maya Khemlani; Saeipoor, Neda; Ali, Mumtaz title: RAPE CASES: GENRE AND RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF CONTROVERSIAL MALAYSIAN LEGAL JUDGEMENTS date: 2016-12-12 words: 3762 flesch: 48 summary: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 5, Issue 1, December 2016 RAPE CASES: GENRE AND RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF CONTROVERSIAL MALAYSIAN LEGAL JUDGEMENTS Maya Khemlani David University of Malaya, Malaysia Email: Neda Saeipoor University of Malaya, Malaysia Email: Rape cases: Genre and rhetorical analysis of controversial Malaysian legal judgement. keywords: analysis; cases; court; english; genre; law; rape; reports; study cache: erjee-389.pdf plain text: erjee-389.txt item: #156 of 380 id: erjee-390 author: Samsi, Yogi Setia title: PROMOTING DIGITAL STORYTELLING AND DICTIONARY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY date: 2016-12-12 words: 3705 flesch: 62 summary: After doing pretest, treatment was held in experimental class by using digital storytelling and dictionary, that used the technology such as infocus, projector, speaker, and LCD in which the materials were taken from youtube, while control class only used song lyrics. In the next step, posttest was held in both classes to know the improvement after the treatment in experimental class. keywords: class; experimental; group; students; test; vocabulary cache: erjee-390.pdf plain text: erjee-390.txt item: #157 of 380 id: erjee-391 author: Daniel, Iyabode Omolara Akewo title: NIGERIANS UTILISATION OF CODE-MIXING AS COMMUNICATIVE DEVICES date: 2016-12-12 words: 6119 flesch: 67 summary: Nigeria English: Even within Nigeria, there are variants such as Yoruba English, Hausa English, Igbo English, etc. keywords: code; communication; daniel; data; education; english; journal; language; mixing; nigerian; won; yoruba cache: erjee-391.pdf plain text: erjee-391.txt item: #158 of 380 id: erjee-392 author: Velasco, Yvonne P.; Dolor, Mary Ann V. title: THE NOTIONS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND RESEARCH INSTRUCTORS ON THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ON THE RESEARCH WRITING PROCESS OF THEIR COLLEGE STUDENTS date: 2016-12-12 words: 5881 flesch: 51 summary: The results reveal that teachers generally viewed the impact of digital technologies as positive but also showed misgivings on some aspects of technology use. The notions of English language and research instructors on the impact of digital technologies on the research writing process of their college students. keywords: digital; education; english; impact; information; participants; research; students; teachers; teaching; technologies; technology; use cache: erjee-392.pdf plain text: erjee-392.txt item: #159 of 380 id: erjee-393 author: Rokhayati, Titi title: INTERCULTURAL APPROACH AND CHARACTER EDUCATION- BASED DEVELOPING ENGLISH TEXTBOOK date: 2016-12-12 words: 4602 flesch: 52 summary: The method used in this research is R and D. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that English book published by the government in 2014 requires improvement in terms of 1) the current topic which are very important because the topics are most needed by the students as information directly from the book contained current trends, 2) Insight of diversity means that the knowledge, experience, and discourse reflected in the texts contained insight of diversity including the target language, and 3) Relationship with social emotional material students need to be improved. Keywords: Textbooks, English, intercultural approach, character education INTRODUCTION English is the first foreign language in Indonesia which becomes a compulsory subject for students of Junior high school to universities. keywords: character; education; english; intercultural; language; material; research; students; textbook cache: erjee-393.pdf plain text: erjee-393.txt item: #160 of 380 id: erjee-395 author: Ananda, Sinta; Wihadi, Marwito; Suryana, Yayan title: PRESUPPOSITION ANALYSIS IN SOME SELECTED CONSUMER ADVERTISEMENT SLOGANS OF THE JAKARTA POST date: 2016-12-12 words: 3641 flesch: 39 summary: This research aimed at finding the types of presupposition and describing the functions of presupposition in advertisement found in consumer advertisement slogans of the Jakarta post newspaper. Implicit competition is the function which frequently used in consumer advertisement slogan. keywords: advertisement; consumer; newspaper; presupposition; slogans; writer cache: erjee-395.pdf plain text: erjee-395.txt item: #161 of 380 id: erjee-396 author: Putri, Maharani Widya; Oktoma, Erwin; Nursyamsu, Roni title: FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN ENGLISH STAND-UP COMEDY date: 2016-12-01 words: 7487 flesch: 60 summary: After finding the occurrences of figurative language in the data source, the first step in the analyzing process to answer research questions is identifying the types of figurative languages found by using the theory of figurative language by McArthur (1992). Figurative language in English stand-up comedy. keywords: comedy; english; irony; language; people; peters; russell; stand cache: erjee-396.pdf plain text: erjee-396.txt item: #162 of 380 id: erjee-4347 author: Waloyo, Alimin Adi; Khoiriyah, Khoiriyah; Farah, Rafika Rabba title: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION TO CLIL AND WEB-BASED MATERIAL IMPLEMENTATION IN A PRIMARY SCHOOL date: 2021-06-25 words: 5200 flesch: 49 summary: Take an example, a science teacher is planning to design a unit of CLIL materials for the fifth grade. I think CLIL materials will be beneficial for the students, if we try to implement it… (FGD#teacher9) keywords: approach; clil; content; english; implementation; language; materials; school; teachers; web cache: erjee-4347.pdf plain text: erjee-4347.txt item: #163 of 380 id: erjee-4348 author: Rokhaniyah, Hesti; Putra, Oddy Virgantara title: DEVELOPING WEB-BASED ONLINE TEST SYSTEM TO BOOST IELTS ACADEMIC READING SCORE date: 2021-06-25 words: 6301 flesch: 49 summary: The following was a profile of the web-page of web- based online test: Figure 3. The drawback of this research was this web- based online test was not equipped with personal chat facilities to communicate with other users. keywords: academic; english; ielts; journal; language; learners; learning; online; reading; research; score; system; test; web cache: erjee-4348.pdf plain text: erjee-4348.txt item: #164 of 380 id: erjee-4349 author: Inderawati, Rita; Petrus, Ismail; Eryansyah, Eryansyah; Meilinda, Meilinda title: NEEDS ANALYSIS OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOK TO LOCAL CULTURE MATERIALS AND THE 21ST CENTURY COMPETENCIES date: 2021-06-25 words: 4284 flesch: 50 summary: According to many kinds of research, developing students’ reading comprehension, extending their awareness, and becoming more aware of their own culture could be achieved by the help of local culture reading materials (Elviana, Inderawati, & Mirizon, 2020; Fu, 2018; Sopian, Inderawati, & Petrus, 2019; Yousef, Chatti, & Schroeder, 2014). In this recent research, an English textbook developed with Palembang local culture in mind and reviewed by students considers student needs. keywords: analysis; culture; education; english; materials; needs; reading; skills; students cache: erjee-4349.pdf plain text: erjee-4349.txt item: #165 of 380 id: erjee-4350 author: Jonathans, Peggy Magdalena; Widiati, Utami; Astutik, Indri; Ratri, Devinta Puspita title: THE PRACTICES OF INTENTIONAL VOCABULARY ACQUISITION FOR ASIAN EFL LEARNERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW date: 2021-06-25 words: 6063 flesch: 40 summary: EFL vocabulary acquisition and retention reading plus vocabulary enhancement activities and narrow reading. Reynolds (2015) utilized digital games under the right conditions to induce incidental vocabulary acquisition but the amount of words gains is not comparable to that of reading exposure. keywords: acquisition; doi; efl; english; incidental; language; learners; learning; reading; vocabulary; vocabulary acquisition cache: erjee-4350.pdf plain text: erjee-4350.txt item: #166 of 380 id: erjee-4351 author: Sari, Novita; Mirizon, Soni; Inderawati, Rita title: DEVELOPING LEARNING MEDIA OF RECOUNT TEXTS FOR VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2021-06-25 words: 7586 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords: development research; interactive multimedia; recount text; VHS Novita Sari, Soni Mirizon, & Rita Inderawati Developing learning media of recount texts for vocational high school students 264 PISA mean score of Indonesia students was 371. Developing learning media of recount texts for vocational high school students. keywords: education; english; evaluation; learning; level; materials; multimedia; practicality; product; reading; recount; score; students; text cache: erjee-4351.pdf plain text: erjee-4351.txt item: #167 of 380 id: erjee-4352 author: Ernalida, Ernalida; Oktarina, Santi; Turama, Rizki title: ANALYSIS OF TEACHER NEEDS RELATED TO E-LEARNING SCHOOLOGY CONTENT IN CREATIVE WRITING IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS THROUGHOUT PALEMBANG CITY date: 2021-06-25 words: 5715 flesch: 50 summary: writing approach (process and outcome approach), paying attention to the background of the reader, integrating all language skills, being authentic, related to the writing process, how to respond to and correct student writing, and writing conventions (Brown, 2011). Seventh, the teacher believed that peer assessments are needed in creative writing learning activities with an average value of 4.16. keywords: average; content; education; form; learning; needs; research; results; schoology; schools; students; teachers; writing cache: erjee-4352.pdf plain text: erjee-4352.txt item: #168 of 380 id: erjee-4353 author: Nanda, Deri Sis; Susanto, Susanto title: USING DRAMA IN EFL CLASSROOM FOR EXPLORING STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING date: 2021-06-25 words: 3603 flesch: 56 summary: When drama pedagogy activities, e.g. role-play, are conducted in classroom, the students are invited to engage in the content discussion, share their thoughts and opinions about characters and motivations. It is as suggested in Golinkoff, Hirsh- Pasek and Singer (2006), and Zigler and Bishop- Josef (2006) that drama pedagogy activities bring the involvement of not only the students but also the teachers. keywords: drama; english; language; learning; pedagogy; students; teachers cache: erjee-4353.pdf plain text: erjee-4353.txt item: #169 of 380 id: erjee-4354 author: Nica, Arko; Petrus, Ismail; Vianty, Machdalena title: DEVELOPING DESCRIPTIVE READING MATERIALS ABOUT PALEMBANG HISTORICAL BUILDINGS date: 2021-06-25 words: 4078 flesch: 51 summary: Based on the results of students’ need analysis, it can be concluded that developed reading materials (i.e. descriptive text about Palembang historical buildings) were needed to be developed. Developing descriptive reading materials about Palembang historical buildings. keywords: english; evaluation; level; materials; practicality; reading; students; text cache: erjee-4354.pdf plain text: erjee-4354.txt item: #170 of 380 id: erjee-4355 author: Pratami, Selly Putri; Nurhayati, Nurhayati; Saripudin, Agus title: SITI ZUBAIDAH: THE ISLAMIC FEMINISM REVIEW BASED ON BARLAS’ THEORY date: 2021-06-25 words: 7537 flesch: 62 summary: Two matters could be discussed: (1) the Islamic feminism in general based on 17 themes taken from Barlas’ theory (2002) and Islamic feminism themes by Asriaty (2014), Junaidi & Hadi (2010), and Solihatin (2017), and (2) the heroic indications of women's characters based on the 17 guideline theme. Abstract: This research aims to analyze Islamic feminism in the heroic story of Syair Situ Zubaidah. keywords: barlas; characters; dalam; dan; education; english; female; feminism; gender; islamic; islamic feminism; jurnal; line; literature; page; pendidikan; poems; qur’an; research; review; siti; siti zubaidah; stanzas; surah; syair; theory; women; zubaidah cache: erjee-4355.pdf plain text: erjee-4355.txt item: #171 of 380 id: erjee-4356 author: Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra; Noermanzah, Noermanzah title: EARLY CHILDHOOD LANGUAGE POLITENESS STRATEGY MODEL IN MULTIETHNIC COMMUNICATION date: 2021-06-25 words: 6317 flesch: 51 summary: This is an extraordinary achievement and according to Nafissi & Shafiee (2019) that early childhood language politeness strategies are influenced not only by their parents, but by providing models of language politeness for teachers in schools. Speakers of Japanese children also do something similar when talking to foreigners (Nakamura, 2012), that is, children use language that tends to lower Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe the strategy model of early childhood language politeness in multi-ethnic communication with different social rules in Bengkulu. keywords: acquisition; bengkulu; childhood; children; communication; data; language; language politeness; model; partners; politeness; research; speech; use cache: erjee-4356.pdf plain text: erjee-4356.txt item: #172 of 380 id: erjee-4360 author: Rohayati, Dedeh; Rachmawati, Etika title: THE IMPACTS OF CREATING YOUTUBE VIDEO PROJECT TO FACILITATE STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING date: 2021-06-25 words: 5811 flesch: 45 summary: The finding revealed that: (1) students were aware of the learning which is based on project and understand critical thinking; (2) students perceived creating YouTube video project in learning the topic of English for Medical as a tool to facilitate critical thinking skill; (3) students demonstrated their satisfactory improvement in English for Medical; and (4) students were aware of digital literacy to support their future career and lifelong learning. Critical thinking skills will be easier to be facilitated…there are so much contents on you tube, so we have to select, to learn, to think critically in learning English for medical…creating YouTube video for English for medical can improve critical thinking, because with PBL we must be able to think critically to solve a problem, complete a project, and find solutions to these problems, so students will think critically…it can improve critical thinking skills because English for medical learning is designed and oriented towards high-level skills so that students are able to analyze, evaluate, create, and solve problems. keywords: creating; english; learning; medical; project; students; thinking; video; youtube cache: erjee-4360.pdf plain text: erjee-4360.txt item: #173 of 380 id: erjee-4361 author: Iryanti, Nurlista; Inderawati, Rita; Mirizon, Soni title: INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT MATERIALS BASED ON PALEMBANG LOCAL CULTURE BY IMPLEMENTING LSLC FOR STUDENTS TO UNDERSTAND LEARNING date: 2021-06-25 words: 7284 flesch: 56 summary: In line with Sato (2011), the teacher should know what the students have said and connected it to other students if there are students who are still confused the teacher must approach and guide the students. Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2021 333 INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN OF DESCRIPTIVE TEXT MATERIALS BASED ON PALEMBANG LOCAL CULTURE BY IMPLEMENTING LSLC FOR STUDENTS TO UNDERSTAND LEARNING Nurlista Iryanti Language Education, Faculty of Teaching Training and Education, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia Email: Rita Inderawati (Corresponding Author) keywords: design; english; learning; lesson; lslc; palembang; process; students; study; teacher; teaching; text cache: erjee-4361.pdf plain text: erjee-4361.txt item: #174 of 380 id: erjee-4362 author: Lekawael, Rosina F. J.; Ferdinandus, Marcy S. title: INVESTIGATING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF EXTENSIVE READING TOWARD THEIR VOCABULARY MASTERY IN ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF PATTIMURA UNIVERSITY AMBON date: 2021-06-25 words: 5947 flesch: 55 summary: The first question was regarding extensive reading materials; the second question looked into the effect of extensive reading to students’ comprehension and vocabulary learning; the third question inquired about learning situation; the fourth question asked about extensive reading practice in English department; and the last question targeted to discover students’ expectation to extensive reading course. I believe that extensive reading has a positive effects to increase comprehension and vocabulary 98% 0% 2% 2 I believe that extensive reading materials affect me to be motivated on the vocabulary building in class 88% 3% 9% 3 keywords: class; english; language; learning; materials; reading; students; vocabulary cache: erjee-4362.pdf plain text: erjee-4362.txt item: #175 of 380 id: erjee-4370 author: Wati, Sakdiah; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Apriani, Eka title: LEARNING MODULE DEVELOPMENT ON COMPILING EXPOSITION AND ARGUMENTATION TEXT USING PROJECT-BASED LEARNING date: 2021-06-25 words: 6431 flesch: 52 summary: Analysis of this document is used to revise the teaching materials in the form of modules and to see the location of the students' difficulties in answering those contained in teaching materials in the form of student learning modules. This test is given in the form of multiple- choice questions and essays which refer to indicators on the teaching materials contained in student activity modules. keywords: exposition; learning; learning module; material; model; module; project; results; stage; students; test; text cache: erjee-4370.pdf plain text: erjee-4370.txt item: #176 of 380 id: erjee-4371 author: Pratiwi, Ira Audina; Mirizon, Soni; Inderawati, Rita title: CHARACTER BUILDING IMPLANTED IN ENGLISH LESSONS AS PRESCRIBED IN 2013 CURRICULUM date: 2021-06-25 words: 6014 flesch: 52 summary: Character values are not taught directly, but they are integrated into the teaching and learning process, self-development activity, and school culture (Ministry of National Education, 2010). Before integrating character values in the teaching and learning process, English teacher should design lesson plans with character building included. keywords: building; character; education; english; learning; lesson; students; study; teacher; teaching; values cache: erjee-4371.pdf plain text: erjee-4371.txt item: #177 of 380 id: erjee-4374 author: Anam, Syafi’ul; Putri, Nanin Verina Widya title: HOW LITERATE AM I ABOUT ASSESSMENT: EVIDENCE FROM INDONESIAN EFL PRE-SERVICE AND IN-SERVICE TEACHERS date: 2021-06-25 words: 6649 flesch: 48 summary: Teacher assessment literacy: Surveying knowledge, conceptions and practices of classroom-based writing assessment in Hong Kong. The way teachers practice assessment in the classroom can influence students’ learning quality. keywords: assessment; assessment literacy; classroom; classroom assessment; efl; english; language; literacy; pre; service; service teachers; students; teachers cache: erjee-4374.pdf plain text: erjee-4374.txt item: #178 of 380 id: erjee-4379 author: Daulay, Irma Khoirot; Asrul, Nurmahyuni title: THE EFFECT OF MEDIA GUESSING GAME TOWARDS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ WRITING ABILITY ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT LOCAL TOURISM CONTENT date: 2021-06-25 words: 6116 flesch: 61 summary: It means that the learning process of descriptive writing by using guessing game media was improved. The effect of using guessing game media themed local tourism on students’ achievement in writing narrative text. keywords: ability; english; game; group; guessing; learning; media; students; text; writing cache: erjee-4379.pdf plain text: erjee-4379.txt item: #179 of 380 id: erjee-4419 author: Rahayu, Nurti; Suharti, Dwi Sloria; Wigati, Fikri Asih; Taufanawati, Emi title: INVESTIGATING THE COMPONENTS OF OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION IN EFL CLASSROOM: A LESSON PLAN ANALYSIS date: 2021-06-25 words: 5726 flesch: 46 summary: The so-many pages of lesson plan teachers previously engaged has now been adjusted into a one-page lesson plan (RPP) (Kementerian Pendidikan & Kebudayaan Indonesia, 2019). Keywords: ESP; lesson plan; vocational school; Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Nurti Rahayu, Dwi Sloria Suharti, Fikri Asih Wigati, & Emi Taufanawati Investigating the components of outcome-based education in EFL classroom: A lesson plan analysis 400 This OBE framework is applied to the Merdeka Belajar education curriculum. keywords: activities; analysis; assessment; education; english; learning; lesson; obe; plan; students; teachers; teaching; text cache: erjee-4419.pdf plain text: erjee-4419.txt item: #180 of 380 id: erjee-4454 author: Yuningsih, Eka; Nurhayati, Nurhayati; Izzah, Izzah title: THE PERSONALITY OF “BORNO” IN KAU, AKU, DAN SEPUCUK ANGPAU MERAH NOVEL WRITTEN BY TERE LIYE: PSYCHOANALYSIS STUDY date: 2021-06-15 words: 6254 flesch: 71 summary: Tiga hari berturut-turut Mei tidak muncul di dermaga. The novel tells the love story of Borno and Mei due to a pincher, Sepit. keywords: aku; angpau; boat; borno; character; dan; data; ego; father; kau; literature; liye; love; mei; merah; novel; personality; psychoanalysis; sepucuk; superego; tidak; yang cache: erjee-4454.pdf plain text: erjee-4454.txt item: #181 of 380 id: erjee-4457 author: Juniarti, Yanti; Subadiyono, Subadiyono; Alwi, Zahra title: THE NEED ANALYSIS OF WRITING MODULE WITH EDMODO date: 2021-06-15 words: 4119 flesch: 49 summary: A percentage of 91.4% of students stated that they wanted technology- based teaching materials that were developed into modules assisted with Edmodo. Based on the questionnaire, a percentage of 77.1% students argued that the developed teaching materials should cover paper concepts, discussions, and exercises; 30% of students needed teaching materials containing examples; 21.4% of students needed teaching material containing paper concepts; 20% students needed exercises, and 1.4% students mentioned other needs. keywords: analysis; edmodo; learning; materials; module; need; paper; percentage; students; teaching; writing cache: erjee-4457.pdf plain text: erjee-4457.txt item: #182 of 380 id: erjee-4519 author: Kariadi, Mustasyfa Thabib; Riyanton, M.; Anggraheni, Dini title: PLANNING AND DEVELOPING CREATIVITY THROUGH MEDIA-BASED LEARNING IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING date: 2021-06-15 words: 6154 flesch: 52 summary: In addition, the assessment is also to identify student learning strategies that can be most successful, inform students' strengths or weaknesses about their knowledge and approach, inform teachers to use them in learning so that they match the needs and abilities of students. Likewise, the teachers' preparation of the learning implementation plan also included competency standards, basic competencies, learning objectives, learning resources, teaching media, learning tools, and implementing student teaching and learning activities. keywords: classroom; creativity; english; language; learning; media; planning; process; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-4519.pdf plain text: erjee-4519.txt item: #183 of 380 id: erjee-4545 author: Murwantono, Didik; Rinawati, Rinawati title: CULTURE SHOCK AND CAMPUS PROGRAM IN ELT FOR THAI UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM SULTAN AGUNG AND UNIVERSITY OF AHMAD DAHLAN date: 2021-06-15 words: 5595 flesch: 55 summary: The existence of culture shock is undeniably true for foreign students studying in other countries. Campus programs also played a critical role in lessening culture shock. keywords: campus; class; culture; elt; english; islam; program; research; shock; students; thai; university cache: erjee-4545.pdf plain text: erjee-4545.txt item: #184 of 380 id: erjee-4546 author: Nugraha, Muhammad Anjar; Maulida, Ida title: ENGLISH TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TO EDUCATION 4.0 DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-06-15 words: 4988 flesch: 50 summary: They assume that teacher professional development refers to a variety of both formal and informal experiences of an individual or collective process that should be accomplished by the teachers. English teacher professional development to education 4.0 during the covid-19 pandemic. keywords: activities; development; education; learning; pandemic; participants; professional; school; teachers cache: erjee-4546.pdf plain text: erjee-4546.txt item: #185 of 380 id: erjee-4580 author: Setiawan, Wawan title: EVALUATION ON AN ENGLISH COURSEBOOK IN ONLINE LEARNING: VOICES FROM TEACHERS date: 2021-06-15 words: 6230 flesch: 55 summary: In general, coursebook evaluation is a procedure of where judgments are made by the users to assess its potential values (Tomlinson, 2003). The purpose of coursebook evaluation is to estimate the suitability of materials following the existing teaching and learning context (Mishan & Timmis, 2015). keywords: coursebook; english; evaluation; language; learning; materials; online; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-4580.pdf plain text: erjee-4580.txt item: #186 of 380 id: erjee-4656 author: Fauzan, Umar; Toba, Rostanti; Nirmayana, Nirmayana title: THE LEARNING STYLE OF HIGH ACHIEVER STUDENTS OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF IAIN SAMARINDA date: 2021-08-31 words: 4664 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, learning style is one dominant factor because learning style is influenced by our brain (Winardi, 2010). To go further, learning style has some characteristic on which they are based. keywords: achiever; english; high; iain; learning; learning style; research; samarinda; students; style cache: erjee-4656.pdf plain text: erjee-4656.txt item: #187 of 380 id: erjee-4687 author: Lubis, Arif Husein; Triarisanti, Risa; Ansas, Velayeti Nurfitriana title: CAN TECHNOLOGY-ENHANCED FLIPPED LEARNING INSTILL CHARACTER EDUCATION? INDONESIAN UNDERGRADUATE EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS date: 2022-10-30 words: 7260 flesch: 43 summary: Item type Objective 1, 3, 5 Checklist Occurrences of character values through flipped learning activities 2, 4, 6 Open- ended Reasons for the responses in item 1, 3, 5 7, 11, 15, 19 Checklist Occurrences of character values through the use of ICT-based learning media 9, 13, 17, 21 Checklist The decline of characters from the use of ICT-based learning media 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Open- ended Reasons for the responses about character education through and the decline of characters from the use of ICT-based learning media The results revealed that flipped learning could instill character values of responsibility, independence, and curiosity. keywords: character; character education; character values; education; efl; english; learning; media; students; technology; values cache: erjee-4687.pdf plain text: erjee-4687.txt item: #188 of 380 id: erjee-4982 author: Fitriani, Dian; Loeneto, Bambang A.; Inderawati, Rita title: FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT IN ENGLISH LEARNING OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2021-06-15 words: 7448 flesch: 43 summary: The data obtained from the interview about teachers‟ understanding of formative assessment were analyzed using rubric of understanding of formative assessment and were categorized into bad, good, and very good with the scoring range: 0- 10 was categorized bad, 11-20 was categorized Dian Fitriani, Bambang A. Loeneto, &Rita Inderawati Formative assessment in English learning of junior high school 466 good, and 21-30 was categorized very good. In the process of the implementation of formative assessment, teachers are required to carry out follow-up actions as feedback for both teachers Dian Fitriani, Bambang A. Loeneto, &Rita Inderawati Formative assessment in English learning of junior high school 472 and students. keywords: assessment; education; english; formative; learning; process; students; teachers; teaching; understanding cache: erjee-4982.pdf plain text: erjee-4982.txt item: #189 of 380 id: erjee-532 author: Hei, Kuang Ching; David, Maya Khemlani title: EMPOWERING LANGUAGE TEACHERS THROUGH ACTION RESEARCH: TWO CASE STUDIES FROM MALAYSIA date: 2017-06-05 words: 6528 flesch: 59 summary: Action research can also be classified according to purposes: i) to determine what is currently occurring and ii) 166 Kuang Ching Hei & Maya Khemlani David Empowering language teachers through action research: Two case studies from Malaysia to test a hypothesis (Meerah & Osman, 2013). Kurt Lewin (1946), then a professor at MIT, terms such kind of research as action research (Adelman, 1993) Action research can be seen as an innovative technique that can be integrated into teacher preparation programmes wherever the classroom context lies – countryside, suburbs, cities, huge institutions or small schools, so that future teachers can try out new approaches of teaching that can help them to understand their learners better. keywords: action; action research; education; english; kuang; language; learning; problem; research; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-532.pdf plain text: erjee-532.txt item: #190 of 380 id: erjee-533 author: Al Mubarak, Amin Ali title: AN INVESTIGATION OF ACADEMIC WRITING PROBLEMS LEVEL FACED BY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT AL IMAM AL MAHDI UNIVERSITY- SUDAN date: 2017-06-05 words: 5877 flesch: 50 summary: An investigation of academic writing problems level faced by undergraduate students at Al Imam Al Mahdi University - Sudan. What are the factors that may cause difficulties academic writing problems? keywords: graduation project; percent; problems; project; project figure; student project; students; writing cache: erjee-533.pdf plain text: erjee-533.txt item: #191 of 380 id: erjee-534 author: Abualzain, Osama Yousif Ibrahim title: EXPLORING THE IMPACT OF FREE VOLUNTARY READING IN UPGRADING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' CREATIVE WRITING AT AL BAHA UNIVERSITY date: 2017-06-05 words: 3427 flesch: 62 summary: Also, they stress that creative writing enables the students to express themselves more efficiently and with great confidence. Therefore, this study highlights the three following research questions: - Is there a relationship between FVR and creative writing? keywords: english; fvr; reading; students; test; university; writing cache: erjee-534.pdf plain text: erjee-534.txt item: #192 of 380 id: erjee-5348 author: Suharyadi, Suharyadi; Widiati, Utami; Basthomi, Yazid title: EXPLORING EFL TEACHERS’ NEW PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF GENRE-BASED APPROACH date: 2021-12-30 words: 8848 flesch: 53 summary: Knowing teachers’ levels of knowledge is surely pivotal for us to identify parts of knowledge teachers know and do not know so that we can develop an effective instruction. Teacher knowledge about oral English instruction and teacher profiles: An EFL perspective. keywords: concepts; content; curriculum; education; english; gba; gba teaching; journal; knowledge; language; pck; reading; shallow; speaking; teachers; teaching; writing cache: erjee-5348.pdf plain text: erjee-5348.txt item: #193 of 380 id: erjee-5349 author: Aria, Dewi; Sukyadi, Didi; Kurniawan, Eri title: TEACHER ASSESSMENT LITERACY: INDONESIAN EFL SECONDARY TEACHERS' SELF-PERCEIVED ON CLASSROOM-BASED ASSESSMENT PRACTICE date: 2021-12-30 words: 6832 flesch: 49 summary: Teacher assessment literacy: Indonesian EFL secondary teachers’ self-perceived on classroom-based assessment practice. Teacher assessment literacy: a review of international standards and measures. keywords: assessment; assessment literacy; classroom; education; efl; language; learning; literacy; practice; principles; students; teachers cache: erjee-5349.pdf plain text: erjee-5349.txt item: #194 of 380 id: erjee-5351 author: Suhadi, Jumino; Manugeren, M.; Purwarno, Purwarno; Siwi, Purwanto; Ekalestari, Susi title: FUNCTIONS OF EUPHEMISM IN PUTU WIJAYA’S SHORT STORY GURU date: 2021-12-30 words: 6502 flesch: 51 summary: Language function: the analysis of connotative functions in Meghan Markle’s Speech. This statement does not imply that all languages have the same part of euphemism, which means that statements contained in one language and considered a form of euphemism are not necessarily the same as those in other languages. keywords: analysis; data; english; euphemism; functions; human; language; means; putu; social; society; story; use; wijaya; words cache: erjee-5351.pdf plain text: erjee-5351.txt item: #195 of 380 id: erjee-5352 author: Purba, Ridwin; Herman, Herman; Manullang, Veronika R. M; Ngongo, Magdalena title: INVESTIGATION OF DECODING FILLERS USED IN AN ENGLISH LEARNING TALK SHOW “ENGLISH WITH ALICE” date: 2021-12-30 words: 6156 flesch: 60 summary: Moreover, English speakers or listeners are foreign or second language. Because of non-English speaking context and least opportunity to interact with native English speakers, oral skills difficulty is a perquisite issue for learners (Khan, 2011). keywords: alice; english; episode; fillers; functions; group; guests; language; learning; research; speakers; talk cache: erjee-5352.pdf plain text: erjee-5352.txt item: #196 of 380 id: erjee-5354 author: Aprianti, Fitri; Winarto, Eline Rozaliya title: DEVELOPING LEARNER AUTONOMY IN WRITING THROUGH THE USE OF E-PORTFOLIO date: 2021-12-30 words: 7668 flesch: 56 summary: In this case, the results indicated that the requirements of the e-portfolio for the participant to constantly use the target language may have possibly supported the initial autonomy development in writing, while the participants’ independence in deciding aspects of writing in the e-portfolio may play a role in supporting the constructs of learner autonomy especially in terms of learner involvement, and lastly, the segment of learner reflection provided in the e-portfolio may have a critical role to play in the subsequent learner autonomy development of the participants. The result of nonparametric independent sample t test is in the following table supported that the class with e-portfolio program outperformed the class without e-portfolio program. keywords: class; language; learner autonomy; learning; portfolio; reflection; students; test; use; writing cache: erjee-5354.pdf plain text: erjee-5354.txt item: #197 of 380 id: erjee-5355 author: Arroyyani, Risa; Nurhayati, Lusi title: A WEB-BASED ENGLISH INSTRUCTION BLUEPRINT DESIGN: AN APPLICATION OF ESP WRITING COURSE date: 2021-12-30 words: 7409 flesch: 56 summary: The first consists of Arrangement of Ideas and Examples (AIE), Communicative Quality (CQ), or Coherence and Cohesion (CC), and Sentence Structure Vocabulary (SSV) as a guide for the sub-skills the students must master, as a guide in determining student learning objectives based on these sub-skills. CONCLUSION Designing a blueprint is one stage in developing overall teaching materials, particularly in web- based learning development. keywords: blueprint; design; english; feedback; form; history; language; learning; patient; students; table; tasks; web; website; writing cache: erjee-5355.pdf plain text: erjee-5355.txt item: #198 of 380 id: erjee-5356 author: Setiyono, Junaedi; Sukarni, Semi; Ngafif, Abdul title: ONLINE LEARNING PERCEPTION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC VIEWED FROM HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2021-12-31 words: 4825 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: online learning; perception; SMA; SMK; students Junaedi Setiyono, Semi Sukarni, Abdul Ngafif Online learning perception during covid-19 pandemic viewed from high school students 76 list, and the media used, online learning is vastly different from traditional learning. The effect of online learning on communication between instructors and students Junaedi Setiyono, Semi Sukarni, Abdul Ngafif Online learning perception during covid-19 pandemic viewed from high school students 82 during covid-19 pandemic. keywords: covid-19; high; learning; online; pandemic; perception; school; smk; students cache: erjee-5356.pdf plain text: erjee-5356.txt item: #199 of 380 id: erjee-5357 author: Moeljono, Eleazar Evan; Lintangsari, Alies Poetri title: INVESTIGATING INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS’ CRITICAL THINKING: CURRENT STATE AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS date: 2021-12-31 words: 4545 flesch: 30 summary: Since this situation might weaken the national growth in the global setting, it is urgent to add the notion of English Abstract: This research aims to investigate the critical thinking skills of 86 Indonesian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners who are prepared to be English teachers using an adapted questionnaire measuring critical thinking skills. This research argues the diagnosis of critical thinking state in Indonesia’s pre-service English teachers and the future directions to leverage critical thinking skills. keywords: efl; english; learners; mean; reading; score; skills; students; thinking cache: erjee-5357.pdf plain text: erjee-5357.txt item: #200 of 380 id: erjee-5359 author: Nehe, Berita Mambarasi title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION ON GOOGLE MEET VIDEO CONFERENCING PLATFORM DURING ENGLISH SPEAKING CLASS IN PANDEMIC ERA date: 2021-12-31 words: 5760 flesch: 54 summary: Student interaction plays an important role in the classroom because students can improve their speaking skills in a classroom setting. Students feel satisfied when get interaction in online classes by using a google meet video conference platform, teacher give motivation directly from teacher verbally, they see the teacher from beginning until the end class, students can get direct explanation when students do not understand with the material, adequate facilities, and so on. keywords: class; english; google; google meet; interaction; learning; lecturer; meet; online; speaking; students; video cache: erjee-5359.pdf plain text: erjee-5359.txt item: #201 of 380 id: erjee-5360 author: Akbarjono, Ali; Melati, Pipit; Martina, Feny; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: CONTENT ANALYSIS OF SPEAKING ACTIVITIES IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM FOR THE FIRST GRADE STUDENTS AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL date: 2021-12-31 words: 5448 flesch: 57 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 1, December 2021 107 teachers also certainly need good references in learning, so as to help with these problems and make it easier for teachers and students to choose good English textbooks, especially content speaking activities that should be in accordance with the syllabus curriculum used at the school, namely the 2013 curriculum. Content analysis of speaking activities in English textbook based on 2013 curriculum for the first grade students at senior high school. keywords: activities; analysis; curriculum; english; learning; page; speaking; students; textbook cache: erjee-5360.pdf plain text: erjee-5360.txt item: #202 of 380 id: erjee-5361 author: Mansur, Angga Aminullah; Asmawati, Dian Nur title: THE UTILIZATION OF ZOOM, GOOGLE CLASSROOM, AND QUIZIZZ IN MARITIME ENGLISH LEARNING date: 2021-12-31 words: 4841 flesch: 58 summary: CONCLUSION The utilization of Zoom, Google Classroom, and Quizizz in online ME learning does not eliminate but restores the principle roles and functions of a conventional face to face setting. Keywords: Maritime English; online learning platforms; utilization; effectivity. keywords: classroom; english; google; google classroom; learning; online; quizizz; students; zoom cache: erjee-5361.pdf plain text: erjee-5361.txt item: #203 of 380 id: erjee-5362 author: Prasetya, Eska Perdana title: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW OF A SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL: IMPROVING LITERACY IN ONLINE CLASSROOM LEARNING date: 2021-12-31 words: 4554 flesch: 46 summary: There are scientific literacy and literacy learning opportunities, digital tools and using technology, students' creativity and creating new applications, online environments and content knowledge, teachers and students hold positive attitudes, teaching philosophy and pedagogical knowledge, and texts and resource's positive identity work. Comparative study of scientific literacy: Indonesian and Thai pre-service science teachers report Author/ Year (El Islami & Nuangchalerm, 2020) keywords: education; english; journal; language; learning; literacy; online; research; review; students cache: erjee-5362.pdf plain text: erjee-5362.txt item: #204 of 380 id: erjee-5363 author: Jusriati, Jusriati; Nasriandi, Nasriandi; Kurniadi, Wisnu; Ratna, Ratna title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GOOGLE SITE AS E-LEARNING PLATFORM FOR TEACHING EFL DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-12-31 words: 5141 flesch: 55 summary: Students score in pre-test and post-test The pervious data associated with increasing student scores in the learning process as a result of this study is in line with the results stated by (Broto et al., 2021) who found that the use of Google Site as a teaching material and media was very effective in its use. Researchers : “In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of Google Site media compared to other Learning Platforms such as LMS UMP etc.?” ENGLISH REVIEW: keywords: education; efl; english; google; google site; implementation; learning; media; pandemic; platform; process; site; students; teaching; test; use cache: erjee-5363.pdf plain text: erjee-5363.txt item: #205 of 380 id: erjee-5364 author: Ismail, Hijril; Edi, Edi title: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF EFL READING FLUENCY FROM 2016 TO 2021 date: 2021-12-31 words: 4722 flesch: 45 summary: Reading fluency has been widely discussed in many articles. Scandinavia n journal of psychology Wiley Online Library CONCLUSION Reading fluency is a complex skill defined as “reasonably accurate reading at an appropriate rate with a suitable expression that leads to accurate and deep comprehension and motivation to read. keywords: analysis; articles; comprehension; disabilities; effects; fluency; journal; psychology; reading; reading fluency; research; students cache: erjee-5364.pdf plain text: erjee-5364.txt item: #206 of 380 id: erjee-5365 author: Ma’fiyah, Imroatul; Sitoresmi, Ulupi; Yulianto, Irpan title: EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF VIRTUAL LEARNING IN LISTENING CLASS: A CLASSROOM IMPLEMENTATION date: 2021-12-31 words: 5085 flesch: 48 summary: This also supported by the explanations of other students who prove that the role of facilitator is well carried out by lecturers, it’s seen from the presentation of material and the ability to share tricks on doing listening tasks, “Yes, I am. It becomes special application as a substitution of face to face meeting, since it involves learning by interacting with other students and lecturer in classroom context. keywords: class; education; english; learning; lecturers; listening; skills; students; teaching cache: erjee-5365.pdf plain text: erjee-5365.txt item: #207 of 380 id: erjee-5366 author: Nahartini, Desi; Dewi, Ratna Sari; Fitriah, Siti; Defianty, Maya; Anasy, Zaharil title: THE QUEST OF DEVELOPING A BETTER ENGLISH TRAINING MATERIAL FOR MIGRANT WORKER CANDIDATES IN INDONESIA date: 2021-12-31 words: 9982 flesch: 50 summary: In the context of PMI English language training, need analysis should be done to identify specific English language materials and content in order to suit the PMI English language needs especially when they have already stayed and worked abroad. Some lists of vocabulary (articles of clothing, objects in bedroom, objects in living room, objects in the house, kitchen utensils, family members, miscellaneous, vegetables/plants/flowers, objects in the bathroom, food/drinks/fruits) English language needs of TKI candidates keywords: analysis; blkln; candidates; communication; country; english; english language; indonesia; language; language training; learners; learning; migrant; needs; pmi; study; training; workers cache: erjee-5366.pdf plain text: erjee-5366.txt item: #208 of 380 id: erjee-5368 author: Ishak, Ishak title: THE ENGLISH TEACHER’S PROFICIENCY IN SOUTH SULAWESI: ITS IMPLICATIONS TO THE TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE date: 2021-12-31 words: 4345 flesch: 51 summary: As stated by Özgenel and Mert (2019), teacher performance is a key element in the success of school effectiveness and is very important. The method of the research was to explain all aspects of existing proficiency English teacher. keywords: classroom; education; english; journal; language; performance; proficiency; students; teacher cache: erjee-5368.pdf plain text: erjee-5368.txt item: #209 of 380 id: erjee-537 author: Fitriati, Sri Wuli; Isfara, Gabby Allen Vica; Trisanti, Novia title: TEACHERS’ QUESTIONING STRATEGIES TO ELICIT STUDENTS’ VERBAL RESPONSES IN EFL CLASSES AT A SECONDARY SCHOOL date: 2017-06-05 words: 5539 flesch: 60 summary: These skills need to be taught explicitly in English language education, particularly for student teachers, i.e. university students majoring in English education and prepared for being future teachers. Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 5, Issue 2, June 2017 that studies on teacher questioning should be broaden, for example, by comparing and contrasting questioning skills between English-native-speaker teachers and non- English-native-speaker teachers to provide complementary evidence and theoretical knowledge about questioning strategies. keywords: english; language; questioning; questions; responses; strategies; students; teachers cache: erjee-537.pdf plain text: erjee-537.txt item: #210 of 380 id: erjee-5370 author: Ernalida, Ernalida; Oktarina, Santi; Ansori, Ansori title: STUDENTS’ RESPONSES TOWARDS E-LEARNING SCHOOLOGY CONTENT ON CREATIVE WRITING LEARNING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2021-12-31 words: 4978 flesch: 58 summary: First, the suitability of the order of presentation of material in e-learning content is considered very high, 4.40. Second, e-learning content is able to provide very high learning motivation for students with a score of 4.20. keywords: content; education; language; learning; material; research; schoology; students; writing cache: erjee-5370.pdf plain text: erjee-5370.txt item: #211 of 380 id: erjee-5371 author: Barlian, Yelly Andriani; Wijayanto, Pikir Wisnu title: ANALYZING 'HATE SPEECH PHENOMENON' RESEARCH IN INDONESIA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW date: 2021-12-31 words: 5625 flesch: 47 summary: These failure terms were synthesized and clarified in research studies published between 1970 and mid- 2018 (Simpson, 2020). Keywords: hate speech; PRISMA checklist; systematic literature review. keywords: analysis; data; hate; hate speech; indonesia; literature; literature review; media; method; perspective; phenomenon; research; results; review; speech; study; title cache: erjee-5371.pdf plain text: erjee-5371.txt item: #212 of 380 id: erjee-538 author: Supri, Ida Zuraida title: UNEARTHING STUDENTS’ REALIZATION OF SPEECH ACT IN ASKING INFORMATION IN TELEPHONE CONVERSATION date: 2017-06-05 words: 5051 flesch: 61 summary: Unearthing students‟ realization of speech act in asking information in telephone conversation. Keywords: speech acts, utterance patterns INTRODUCTION Communicating is one of the basic human needs as a social creature. keywords: acts; asking; conversation; information; speech; students; subjects; telephone; use; utterance cache: erjee-538.pdf plain text: erjee-538.txt item: #213 of 380 id: erjee-5382 author: Ngongo, Magdalena title: THE INVESTIGATION OF MODALITY AND ADJUNCT IN SPOKEN TEXT OF PROPOSING A GIRL USING WAIJEWA LANGUAGE BASED ON HALLIDAY’S SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC APPROACH date: 2021-12-31 words: 6979 flesch: 67 summary: (I:178) //Oo, ka ne hida ngge hida ata Wee Leo// ne lodo ba waingga kette katonga weri kawendo// a lima hidi pangindi nggu// berarti kabullu lima powa nda wai na ranga kette katonga weri kawendo//. (21 a) //Nyaka ole… neme bali tonga//, patoo baka nda na bali gollu dommo ka ne panewe//. ///Pateki da bali tonga//, tanggala enam belas wulla ka ia tahun dua ribu tiga belas// ponu ranga heti//, ka ami pamalle///. //Wale keywords: adjunct; adverbial; clause; comment; english; girl; hida; hina; information; kabullu; language; meaning; modality; mood; nda; ndi; ngge; residue; table; text; use cache: erjee-5382.pdf plain text: erjee-5382.txt item: #214 of 380 id: erjee-5383 author: Muziatun, Muziatun; Mahmud, Muzdalifah; Hanapi, Fatia title: LOANWORDS IN BARACK OBAMA'S INAUGURAL SPEECH date: 2021-12-31 words: 6209 flesch: 63 summary: English borrowing words in Indonesian informatics engineering articles: Types and meanings. Loan words in modern english and their features. keywords: borrowing; dictionary; english; language; loan; loanwords; pattern; process; term; word cache: erjee-5383.pdf plain text: erjee-5383.txt item: #215 of 380 id: erjee-5385 author: Zadtyi, Harli; Petrus, Ismail; Vianty, Machdalena title: EFL TEACHERS’ CAPABILITY AND BARRIERS IN USING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) date: 2021-12-31 words: 5511 flesch: 41 summary: Examine the benefits of victimization ICT itself, it's needed to research the sort of ICT barriers faced by EFL teachers out of urban areas. ICT barriers classify into two categories: extrinsic and intrinsic. keywords: barriers; capability; education; efl; english; ict; learning; research; school; teachers; teaching; technology; use cache: erjee-5385.pdf plain text: erjee-5385.txt item: #216 of 380 id: erjee-5386 author: Checaria, Kananda Agustina; Petrus, Ismail; Inderawati, Rita title: DESCRIPTIVE READING MATERIALS FOR TENTH GRADERS: PALEMBANG TOURIST DESTINATIONS date: 2021-12-31 words: 6450 flesch: 38 summary: It can be concluded that a set of developed descriptive reading materials about Palembang tourist-destinations was practical and at a very high practicality level. Descriptive reading materials for tenth graders: Palembang tourist destinations. keywords: analysis; destinations; english; evaluation; materials; palembang; product; reading; students; study; tourist cache: erjee-5386.pdf plain text: erjee-5386.txt item: #217 of 380 id: erjee-5387 author: Dayanti, Nia; Sofendi, Sofendi; Eryansyah, Eryansyah title: THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG LEARNING STYLES, ECONOMIC STATUS, PARENTS’ EDUCATION BACKGROUND, AND ENGLISH PROFICIENCY IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS date: 2021-12-31 words: 5935 flesch: 48 summary: The correlation between Learning styles and English proficiency The findings of this study stated that there was no significant correlation between visual learning style and English proficiency. Correlation learning style (visual) test with English proficiency Correlations Visual English Proficiency Spearman's rho Visual Correlation Coefficient 1.000 -.172 Sig. keywords: background; correlation; educational; english; learning; parents; proficiency; questionnaire; status; students; styles cache: erjee-5387.pdf plain text: erjee-5387.txt item: #218 of 380 id: erjee-5394 author: Suherman, Rudi; Yunita, Sri; Hadiati, Siti Nurjanah title: LEARNING ENGLISH UTILISING ONLINE PLATFORMS DURING COVID -19 IN TERTIARY LEVEL: INDONESIAN EFL LEARNERS' RETROSPECTIVE PERCEPTION date: 2021-12-31 words: 5549 flesch: 47 summary: Thus, lecturer-student engagement during online learning is inevitably essential. Keywords: online platform; online learning; covid-19 pandemic; EFL learners’ perception. keywords: class; education; english; face; journal; language; learning; lecturers; online; platforms; students; study cache: erjee-5394.pdf plain text: erjee-5394.txt item: #219 of 380 id: erjee-5399 author: Oktaviani, Ulfah; Mirizon, Soni; Vianty, Machdalena title: TEACHERS’ BELIEFS AND CLASSROOM PRACTICES IN TEACHING CONTENT SUBJECTS THROUGH EMI date: 2021-12-31 words: 5889 flesch: 58 summary: Moreover, Aizawa and Rose (2018) who found that EMI teachers in Japan expressed difficulty in teaching in English, regardless of the level of their English proficiency. Second, Briggs et al. (2018) conducted a research about comparing teacher belief towards EMI in secondary and tertiary education found that teachers in both phases believed that the greater exposure brought about by EMI was beneficial to students in terms of their English language learning. keywords: beliefs; content; education; emi; english; instruction; language; medium; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-5399.pdf plain text: erjee-5399.txt item: #220 of 380 id: erjee-540 author: Lekawael, Rosina Fransisca J. title: THE IMPACT OF SMARTPHONE AND INTERNET USAGE ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING date: 2017-06-05 words: 3222 flesch: 58 summary: The impact of smartphone and internet usage on English language learning correct for this bias by measuring smartphone and internet use behaviorally. Therefore, English language learning should be focused on leading language teaching by using English resources from smartphone and internet, as media, which closed to students. keywords: english; internet; language; learning; smartphone; students cache: erjee-540.pdf plain text: erjee-540.txt item: #221 of 380 id: erjee-541 author: Ratri, Wulan Wahyuning; Emzir, .; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: FAMILY EDUCATION VALUES IN KIRANA KEJORA’S NOVELS (GENETIC STRUCTURAL RESEARCH) date: 2017-06-05 words: 5248 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: family education values, novel, genetic structural INTRODUCTION In teaching literature, warmth can be created by the content of literature teaching itself, for instance, the content of literature teaching which encouraging values of family education. The data were collected through document study, data observation about family education values in the novels by Kirana Kejora (Bintang Anak Tuhan, Air Mata Terakhir Bunda, Ayah Menyayangi Tanpa Akhir), and interview with Kirana Kejora. keywords: author; education; family; kejora; kirana; novels; values cache: erjee-541.pdf plain text: erjee-541.txt item: #222 of 380 id: erjee-5412 author: Munawir, Ahmad; Hasbi, Nurul Pratiwi title: THE EFFECT OF USING QUIZIZZ TO EFL STUDENTS’ ENGAGEMENT AND LEARNING OUTCOME date: 2021-12-31 words: 7264 flesch: 55 summary: This research applies a one-shot case study on explanatory quantitative research design to describe a phenomenon on the effectiveness of student engagement and learning outcomes after using Quizizz application in the EFL classroom of the 5th semester at the English Education Department in Universitas Sulawesi Barat. Moreover, student engagement is little or not significantly affected by the use of Quizizz. keywords: application; class; data; education; efl; engagement; english; learning; outcomes; quizizz; research; students; study; survey; teacher; test cache: erjee-5412.pdf plain text: erjee-5412.txt item: #223 of 380 id: erjee-542 author: Widiatmoko, Paulus title: ANALYSIS OF PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURAL ADDRESSES USING SEARLE'S TAXONOMY OF SPEECH ACTS date: 2017-06-05 words: 3922 flesch: 53 summary: Analysis of presidential inaugural addresses using Searle‟s taxonomy of speech acts. Keywords: speech acts, taxonomy, presidential inaugural address INTRODUCTION keywords: acts; address; country; inaugural; performance; speech; speech acts cache: erjee-542.pdf plain text: erjee-542.txt item: #224 of 380 id: erjee-543 author: Hikmah, Istianatul title: THE USE OF DEIXIS PERSONA OF SINGULAR SECOND PRONOUNS IN SIDOARJO FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS'S DIMENSIONS date: 2017-06-05 words: 5528 flesch: 70 summary: The use of deixis persona of singular second pronouns in Sidoarjo from the perspective of Sociolinguistics’ dimensions. 01-06-2017 Abstract: The study analyzes the use of deixis persona of singular second pronouns in daily conversation in Sidoarjo. keywords: conversation; hearer; persona; pronouns; relationship; sidoarjo; speaker; use cache: erjee-543.pdf plain text: erjee-543.txt item: #225 of 380 id: erjee-5531 author: Kosasih, Fauzy Rahman; Juhana, Juhana; Ramdani, Zulmi; Tae, Lidwina Felisima title: ENGLISH GRADUATE STUDENT’S PERCEPTION ABOUT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE LEARNING TUTOR IN DISTANCE EDUCATION date: 2023-02-28 words: 4874 flesch: 49 summary: The instrument made was based on a theoretical model of distance learning evaluation which was intended to see the effectiveness of a tutor in carrying out the learning process. The existence of distance learning has become the right choice, especially if the individuals and organizations that will organize the learning have limited time and certain distance (Mishra et al., 2020). keywords: distance; distance learning; education; effectiveness; english; evaluation; learning; study; tutor cache: erjee-5531.pdf plain text: erjee-5531.txt item: #226 of 380 id: erjee-5703 author: Nurpitriyani, Dewi; Hidayat, Didin Nuruddin; Husna, Nida; Alek, Alek title: UNVEILING COHERENCE: ANALYZING GRAMMATICAL DEVICES IN RECOUNT TEXT date: 2023-06-30 words: 6076 flesch: 51 summary: It was also found that the ninth-grade students of bilingual class can write well using numbers of grammatical cohesive devices even though there was still some monotonous repetition in their writing. Furthermore, other related research from Nurhidayat et al. (2021) and Syam (2020) revealed how significant grammatical cohesive devices are to build a well and meaningful writing since using grammatical cohesive devices, enhances us to use references to show our personal thought or to address the existence of the writer by using reference device, it may also to add something, or to oppose something by using conjunction, or to make our writing more natural, we are also able to substitute to avoid the redundant or repetition in our writing by using substitution device, and or omit something in the term of ellipsis device. keywords: cohesion; conjunction; devices; english; grammatical; recount; reference; students; text; use; writing cache: erjee-5703.pdf plain text: erjee-5703.txt item: #227 of 380 id: erjee-5705 author: Neno, Hesni; Emanuel, Ulu; Yulita, Delti title: TEACHERS’ READING HABITS AND THEIR EFFECT ON THE STUDENTS’ LITERACY date: 2022-10-30 words: 5945 flesch: 58 summary: A study of students online reading habits and preferences. EFL learners still found that reading is difficult and consuming time which caused the deficiencies of reading habits (Bakken & Lund, 2018; Daniel, Esoname, Chima, & Udoaku, 2017; Gustine, 2018). keywords: efl; english; habits; literacy; reading; reading habits; students; teachers; text cache: erjee-5705.pdf plain text: erjee-5705.txt item: #228 of 380 id: erjee-5711 author: Iftanti, Erna; Zahroh, Umy; Musrikah, Musrikah title: CORRELATION AMONG SEMANTIC, SYNTACTIC, PRAGMATIC, AND COGNITIVE BARRIERS TOWARDS ACCURACY GEOMETRY PROOFS date: 2021-12-31 words: 6492 flesch: 48 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 1, December 2021 309 CORRELATION AMONG SEMANTIC, SYNTACTIC, PRAGMATIC, AND COGNITIVE BARRIERS TOWARDS ACCURACY GEOMETRY PROOFS Erna Iftanti Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Education, UIN Tulungagung; Indonesia E-mail: Umy Zahroh Department of Math Education, Faculty of Teacher Education, UIN Tulungagung; Indonesia E-mail: Musrikah Department of Math Education, Faculty of Teacher Education, UIN Tulungagung; Indonesia E-mail: Keywords: communicative barriers; cognitive barriers; accuracy of geometry evidences. keywords: accuracy; accuracy proof; barrier; cognitive; correlation; geometry; geometry accuracy; mathematical; pragmatic; semantic; syntactic; table cache: erjee-5711.pdf plain text: erjee-5711.txt item: #229 of 380 id: erjee-5896 author: Efendi, Nasori; Rahmat, Aceng; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: REPRESENTATION OF STUDENTS’ CRITICAL THINKING IN WRITING: A CRITICAL LITERACY PERSPECTIVE date: 2023-02-28 words: 5121 flesch: 42 summary: Keywords: academic writing; critical literacy; critical thinking skills; higher education. Retracted: The assessment of critical thinking skills of gifted children before and after taking a critical thinking development course. keywords: analysis; arguments; education; english; journal; learning; level; skills; students; study; thinking; writing cache: erjee-5896.pdf plain text: erjee-5896.txt item: #230 of 380 id: erjee-5912 author: Tundreng, Syarifuddin; Noermanzah, Noermanzah; Rofi’i, Agus; Musayyedah, Musayyedah title: THE ESSENCE OF THE VALUE COURAGE OF THE BUGINESE-MAKASSARESE MAN IN THE NOVEL PULAU BY ASPAR PATURUSI: A GENETIC STRUCTURAL REVIEW date: 2022-10-30 words: 7801 flesch: 57 summary: Social value in the novel Hatta: Aku Datang karena Sejarah by Sergius Sutanto as teaching materials in teaching literature in schools. Buginese Makassarese philosophical values of life, which are understood based on the teachings of their ancestors (to Riolo) keywords: aspar; buginese; courage; family; honour; life; makassarese; makassarese man; man; men; novel; paturusi; people; pulau; self; value cache: erjee-5912.pdf plain text: erjee-5912.txt item: #231 of 380 id: erjee-6235 author: Nurcik, Ananta Buana; Kurniawan, Eri; Lubis, Arif Husein title: RHETORICAL MOVES ANALYSIS ON SCOPUS-INDEXED RESEARCH ARTICLE ABSTRACTS BY NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AUTHORS date: 2022-06-29 words: 6983 flesch: 50 summary: Due to the importance of research articles abstracts, having excellent skills in composing and writing them is a must. A genre analysis of research article abstracts written by native and non-native speakers of English. keywords: abstracts; article; authors; international; kurniawan; moves; research; salience; step cache: erjee-6235.pdf plain text: erjee-6235.txt item: #232 of 380 id: erjee-6237 author: Mujahidah, Ivana Nabilah Qoriroh; Sabilah, Fardini; Setyaningrum, Rina Wahyu title: WHY DO THEMES MATTER? THE TEACHERS’ VOICES ABOUT THEMATIC UNITS FOR TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS date: 2022-06-29 words: 8063 flesch: 53 summary: Factors affecting the professional development of elementary English teachers. Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022 359 WHY DO THEMES MATTER? keywords: activities; bahasa; communication; education; english; journal; july; language; learners; learning; lesson; students; teachers; teaching; teyl; themes; units; yls cache: erjee-6237.pdf plain text: erjee-6237.txt item: #233 of 380 id: erjee-6238 author: Kurniawati, Nia; Sofarini, Anisa; Maolida, Elis Homsini; Jatmika, Rahmat Taufiq Dwi title: THE PRAXIS OF INTEGRATING VIRTUAL REALITY INTO VOCABULARY TEACHING TO YOUNG LEARNERS date: 2022-06-29 words: 6273 flesch: 58 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022 371 THE PRAXIS OF INTEGRATING VIRTUAL REALITY INTO VOCABULARY TEACHING TO YOUNG LEARNERS Nia Kurniawati English Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur Indonesia Email: Anisa Sofarini English Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur Indonesia Email: Elis Homsini Maolida English Study Program, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur Indonesia Email: Rahmat Taufiq Dwi Jatmika International Administration and Business Study Program, Faculty of Applied Science Universitas Suryakancana, Cianjur, Indonesia Email: APA Citation: Kurniawati, N., Sofarini, A., Maolida, E. H., & Jatmika, R. T. D. (2022). The praxis of integrating virtual reality into vocabulary teaching to young learners. keywords: education; english; language; learners; learning; students; study; teacher; teaching; technology; use; vocabulary cache: erjee-6238.pdf plain text: erjee-6238.txt item: #234 of 380 id: erjee-6239 author: Oktarina, Yeni; Inderawati, Rita; Petrus, Ismail title: NEEDS ANALYSIS OF PALEMBANG-TOURIST-DESTINATION RECOUNT TEXT READING MATERIALS IN THE 21ST CENTURY LEARNING date: 2022-06-29 words: 6575 flesch: 52 summary: This study aimed to describe students', teachers', and stakeholders' perspectives in English reading materials based on student culture. Needs analysis of vocational high school textbook to local culture materials and the 21st century competencies. keywords: analysis; culture; english; inderawati; language; learning; local; materials; needs; reading; students; text cache: erjee-6239.pdf plain text: erjee-6239.txt item: #235 of 380 id: erjee-6240 author: Mandiri, Indra Cipta Putra; Gunawan, Muhammad Handi; Suharno, Suharno title: EFL STUDENT’S DIFFICULTIES IN EXTENSIVE LISTENING ACTIVITIES: A THEMATIC CONTENT ANALYSIS date: 2022-06-29 words: 5446 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: extensive listening; listening difficulties; thematic analysis. With the aforementioned definition of extensive listening, it should come as no surprise that extensive listening activities involves the act of listening to large amounts of motivating and engaging materials which are linguistically appropriate over a period of time, in which they listen to materials with a reasonable speed for general understanding (Renandya & Jacobs, 2016). keywords: activities; comprehension; difficulties; english; language; listening; listening activities; material; participants; podcast; saya; students; study; yang cache: erjee-6240.pdf plain text: erjee-6240.txt item: #236 of 380 id: erjee-6242 author: Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: THE EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE QUALITY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEXTBOOK date: 2022-06-29 words: 6707 flesch: 52 summary: The government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, can exercise its regulatory authority over education by promulgating regulations or policies governing textbook publication and establishing standards for textbook quality. An English book used by class XI high school students entitled Bahasa Inggris is one of Abstract: The purpose of this study is to elicit students' perceptions about the quality of English textbook used by Indonesian EFL students. keywords: content; education; efl; english; high; language; perceptions; quality; students; study; textbook; use cache: erjee-6242.pdf plain text: erjee-6242.txt item: #237 of 380 id: erjee-6243 author: Septiandini, Selly; Inderawati, Rita; Petrus, Ismail; Nurhayati, Nurhayati title: DEVELOPING MILLENNIAL DRAMA PERFORMANCE BASED-TEXTBOOK ON “SITI ZUBAIDAH” FOR UNDERGRADUATE EFL STUDENTS date: 2022-06-29 words: 6363 flesch: 49 summary: Based on the result of the questionnaire showed that (1) In the drama process, the difficulty Selly Septiandini, Rita Inderawati, Ismail Petrus, & Nurhayati Developing millennial drama performance based-textbook on “Siti Zubaidah” for undergraduate EFL students 426 that students often encounter is parts to be prepared (63.6%); (2) The type of drama performance teaching material that students use at university is module (60.6%); (3) The percentage of topics related to local culture in the text for the drama performed is 25% - 50% (48.5%); (4) In the teaching and learning process, the frequency provide material or stories related to the local culture of South Sumatra (Siti Zubaidah) is never (54.5%); (5) In teaching, the frequency make/develop material or text books related to drama performance is seldom 59.4%. The improvement of students’ drama performance is presented in the following figure 1 below: Selly Septiandini, Rita Inderawati, Ismail Petrus, & Nurhayati Developing millennial drama performance based-textbook on “Siti Zubaidah” for undergraduate EFL students 428 Figure 1. keywords: drama; drama performance; english; evaluation; learning; performance; product; siti; students; study; textbook; zubaidah cache: erjee-6243.pdf plain text: erjee-6243.txt item: #238 of 380 id: erjee-6244 author: Sihombing, Partohap Saut Raja; Herman, Herman; Saputra, Nanda title: HOW TO TEACH ENGLISH CONVERSATION? AN IMPLEMENTATION OF A MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS THROUGH IMAGES date: 2022-06-29 words: 4165 flesch: 49 summary: While, the goal was different, but by having these both researches, the researchers believe that images in perspective of multimodal are becoming more important nowadays in teaching English to the students whether in any kinds of English skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, including to other aspects such as vocabulary, and so on. CONCLUSION From the data analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) This multimodality of English conversation images is a representation of fantasy about animated images presented in learning. Visual image as media education. keywords: analysis; conversation; english; herman; images; language; learning; multimodal; students; verbal cache: erjee-6244.pdf plain text: erjee-6244.txt item: #239 of 380 id: erjee-6245 author: Lestari, Erina Ayu; Budiarti, Budiarti; Juhansar, Juhansar title: UTILIZING CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ ENGLISH WRITING PERFORMANCE date: 2022-06-29 words: 8475 flesch: 52 summary: Writing is the most challenging skill to learn for students who regard English as a second language or the foreign language. Descriptive text is one of the functional texts that students should master. keywords: clustering; english; learning; researchers; students; teaching; technique; test; text; writing cache: erjee-6245.pdf plain text: erjee-6245.txt item: #240 of 380 id: erjee-6246 author: Suryani, Nyayu Yayu title: THE PROBLEM FACED BY STUDENTS OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN READING ISLAMIC COMPREHENSION TEXT date: 2022-06-29 words: 7033 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: reading comprehension; problem faced; Islamic reading text. As Bulut (2017) pointed out that reading comprehension is a multi-step process that involves the reader's vocabulary knowledge, textual interaction, and application of comprehension strategies. keywords: answers; comprehension; english; islamic; number; percentage; problems; question; reading; reading comprehension; students; text cache: erjee-6246.pdf plain text: erjee-6246.txt item: #241 of 380 id: erjee-6247 author: E, Yon A; Rafli, Zainal; Nuruddin, Nuruddin title: TEACHING READING BY COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING: AN ACTION RESEARCH date: 2022-06-29 words: 5200 flesch: 52 summary: Reading performance pre-cycle and cycle one mean score in four indicators Students’ performance development after being taught using collaborative strategic reading The Diagram 3 portrays the growth of students’ mean score in all four dimensions of reading comprehension comparing the pre-cycle to cycle I. Table 4 provides the details of improvement. Improving students’ reading comprehension at Zakah and Waqf management class using collaborative strategic reading. keywords: comprehension; csr; cycle; english; performance; reading; score; students; teaching cache: erjee-6247.pdf plain text: erjee-6247.txt item: #242 of 380 id: erjee-6248 author: Mandasari, Berlinda; Aminatun, Dyah title: INVESTIGATING TEACHERS’ BELIEF AND PRACTICES TOWARD DIGITAL MEDIA OF ENGLISH LEARNING DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2022-06-29 words: 6591 flesch: 50 summary: Further, the reality that digital learning nowadays has become really popular for educators, has also influenced the way teachers think and do toward the impact of technology for teaching. Zhong (2020) stated that the insufficient access, the availability of the internet, the lack of technology and students’ capacity to participate in digital learning and lack of proper interaction with instructors became the major effects in the implementation of online learning. keywords: classroom; covid-19; digital; education; english; learning; media; mrs; online; pandemic; process; saya; students; teachers; teaching; technology; use; whatsapp cache: erjee-6248.pdf plain text: erjee-6248.txt item: #243 of 380 id: erjee-6249 author: Hrp, Indah Pratiwi; Sofendi, Sofendi; Petrus, Ismail title: THE CORRELATION AMONG RETICENCE, PERSONALITY TYPES AND SPEAKING PROFICIENCY OF ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM STUDENTS OF PGRI UNIVERSITY PALEMBANG date: 2022-06-29 words: 7604 flesch: 55 summary: Correlation personality types and speaking proficiency Personality Types Speakin g Personali ty Types Pearson Correlation 1 .197 Sig. Correlation reticence and speaking proficiency Reticence Speaking Reticence Pearson Correlation 1 .053 Sig. keywords: correlation; correlation coefficient; english; personality; proficiency; reticence; speaking; students; table; types; value cache: erjee-6249.pdf plain text: erjee-6249.txt item: #244 of 380 id: erjee-6250 author: Asri, Atiqah Nurul; Mubarok, Faiz Ushbah; Imron, Aly title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LOW-COST EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN TOEIC PREPARATION TEST date: 2022-06-29 words: 6598 flesch: 62 summary: Effective educational: Principles and guidelines for maximizing student learning from video content. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LOW-COST EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN TOEIC PREPARATION TEST Atiqah Nurul Asri Information Technology Department, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia E-mail: Faiz Ushbah Mubarok Information Technology Department, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia E-mail: Aly Imron Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia E-mail: APA Citation: Asri, A. N., Mubarok, F. U., & Imron, A. (2022). keywords: cycle; learning; post; preparation; results; score; students; test; toeic; video cache: erjee-6250.pdf plain text: erjee-6250.txt item: #245 of 380 id: erjee-6251 author: Winarto, Eline Rozaliya; Aprianti, Fitri title: THE REALIZATION OF TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING TO FOSTER STUDENTS’ SPEAKING FLUENCY IN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL CONTEXT date: 2022-06-29 words: 7507 flesch: 47 summary: Meanwhile, for students, they are expected to keep practicing their English with other students throughout interaction and discussion in order to accomplish the speaking skill’s expected outcomes. The realization of task-based language teaching to foster students’ speaking fluency in vocational school context. keywords: education; english; excerpt; fluency; language; learning; process; realization; skill; speaking; speech; students; study; task; tblt; teaching; words cache: erjee-6251.pdf plain text: erjee-6251.txt item: #246 of 380 id: erjee-6252 author: Novitasari, Dara; Petrus, Ismail; Vianty, Machdalena title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM AT STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS date: 2022-06-29 words: 6956 flesch: 51 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022 521 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF THE 2013 CURRICULUM The implementation of scientific approach of the 2013 curriculum at state junior high schools. keywords: approach; babat; curriculum; english; learning; students; teachers; teaching; toman cache: erjee-6252.pdf plain text: erjee-6252.txt item: #247 of 380 id: erjee-6255 author: Asnidar, Yusi; Sumantri, M. Syarif; Lustyantie, Ninuk title: FORM AND MODULATION OF METAPHOR TRANSLATION TO INDONESIAN OF VINGT-MILLES LIEUES SOUS LES MERS OF JULES VERNE date: 2022-06-29 words: 5901 flesch: 52 summary: Form and modulation of metaphor translation to Indonesian of Vingt-Milles Lieues Sous Les Mers of Jules Verne. The most dominant form of metaphor translation used is reproduction. keywords: data; english; form; french; indonesian; language; meaning; mediation; metaphor; metaphor translation; modulation; reproduction; research; translation cache: erjee-6255.pdf plain text: erjee-6255.txt item: #248 of 380 id: erjee-6256 author: Rahmawati, Fitria title: EXPLORING PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS EXPERIENCES TOWARDS SYNCHRONOUS ONLINE LEARNING AMIDST THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC date: 2023-07-29 words: 6189 flesch: 44 summary: This study examined the experiences of pre-service teachers enrolled in an English Language Education Department (ELED) as they engaged in synchronous online learning amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Fitria Rahmawati Exploring pre-service teachers’ experiences towards synchronous online learning amidst the covid-19 pandemic 1086 the opportunity to articulate their thoughts, actively participate, and contribute their ideas in a manner akin to that of a conventional physical classroom environment. keywords: covid-19; education; english; experiences; learning; online; pandemic; research; students; study; teachers cache: erjee-6256.pdf plain text: erjee-6256.txt item: #249 of 380 id: erjee-6259 author: Rosyidin, Iskandar; Nurrudin, Nurrudin; Dewanti, Ratna title: THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING MODEL TOWARDS STUDENTS’ COMPREHENSION OF THE ENGLISH READING TEXT date: 2022-06-30 words: 8888 flesch: 54 summary: This result supports Lismayani, Parno, & Mahanal (2017) who said in their findings that there is a relationship between students critical thinking skill and problem-solving ability. English reading comprehension score students given learning strategy PBL model with low critical thinking ability (A1B2) Based on the data collected from 11 students as respondents, it was known that the A1B2 score was the highest score of 36; the lowest score of 22; an average score of 28.45; median value of 28; mode value of 26; variance of 15.27; standard deviation of 3.91. keywords: comprehension scores; english; english reading; learning; model; pbl; pbl model; reading comprehension; students; tbl; test; thinking cache: erjee-6259.pdf plain text: erjee-6259.txt item: #250 of 380 id: erjee-6260 author: Rahayu, Aprilia Sari; Eryansyah, Eryansyah; Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STUDENTS’ LEARNING STYLES AND THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY AT SMA N 4 PALEMBANG date: 2022-06-30 words: 4600 flesch: 59 summary: Which means, 88.1% of the influence of student learning styles (visual learning styles, auditory learning styles, and kinesthetic learning styles) in learning English. Which means, 88.1% of the influence of student learning styles (visual learning styles, auditory learning styles, and kinesthetic learning styles) in learning English. keywords: ability; correlation; english; journal; language; learning; score; speaking; students; styles; vocabulary cache: erjee-6260.pdf plain text: erjee-6260.txt item: #251 of 380 id: erjee-6261 author: Ekawati, Anita Dewi title: STUDENTS’ BELIEFS ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA IN EFL CLASSROOM: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE date: 2022-06-30 words: 2935 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: student; beliefs; social media; EF; classroom Anita Dewi Ekawati Students’ beliefs about social media in EFL classroom: a review of literature 588 are very few obstacles in using digital media and using social media applications. So for Generation Z, both students and teachers, there Abstract: This article reviews research on student beliefs about the use of social media in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. keywords: efl; english; learning; media; review; students; writing cache: erjee-6261.pdf plain text: erjee-6261.txt item: #252 of 380 id: erjee-6263 author: Tiarina, Yuli; Wahyuni, Sri; Fitri, Dewi; Sakinah, Niken; Afif, Ahmad Fajar title: PISA READING LITERACY: ENCOUNTERING FEMALE AND MALE’ READING LITERACY ABILITY date: 2022-06-30 words: 6159 flesch: 52 summary: Syamsuri & Bancong (2022) stated that due to good motivation and focus, female students have better reading skills than male students. The lowest score of male students was 10; the lowest score for female students is also 10. keywords: ability; information; literacy; male; number; pisa; reading; score; students; text cache: erjee-6263.pdf plain text: erjee-6263.txt item: #253 of 380 id: erjee-6276 author: Novita, Lia; Purnawarman, Pupung; Suherli, Didi title: THE USE OF GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE CURRENT COVID-19 SITUATION AT THE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL CONTEXTS IN INDONESIA date: 2022-06-30 words: 6269 flesch: 53 summary: Based on the description above, it is necessary to conduct a research with the title: The Use of Google Classroom for Distance Learning Strategies on the Current Covid-19 Situation at Vocational School in Indonesia, with three main objectives, are; to know the implementation of optimization using Google classroom in the distance learning process, to know students respond to the use of Google classroom for distance learning, and to know whether distance learning using Google Classroom can achieve the learning objectives or not. This study seeks to determine the role of using Google classroom in the online learning process and student responses to the use of Google classroom during learning and the extent to which the effectiveness of using Google Classroom to achieve learning objectives. keywords: application; assignments; distance; distance learning; education; google classroom; learning; learning process; process; students; teachers; use cache: erjee-6276.pdf plain text: erjee-6276.txt item: #254 of 380 id: erjee-6278 author: Tambi, Tata; Murtadho, Fathiaty; Rahmat, Aceng title: THE EFFECT OF LEARNING STRATEGY AND COGNITIVE STYLE ON STUDENTS’ NARRATIVE WRITING ABILITY date: 2022-06-30 words: 4637 flesch: 52 summary: There was a different ability in narrative writing in Bahasa Indonesia between students having field independent cognitive style (A1) and students having field dependent cognitive style (A2). Tata Tambi, Fathiaty Murtadho, & Aceng Rahmat The effect of learning strategy and cognitive style on students’ narrative writing ability 618 Nugraha & Awalliyah (2016) on the study with the aim to analyze the differences in cognitive styles of students, namely field dependent and field independent cognitive style towards mastery of concepts found the students with field dependent cognitive style increased mastery of concepts with n-gain of 0.27, while students with field independent cognitive style increased mastery of concepts with n-gain 0.23. keywords: ability; field; independent; language; learning; narrative; strategy; students; study; style; writing cache: erjee-6278.pdf plain text: erjee-6278.txt item: #255 of 380 id: erjee-6282 author: Riswanto, Riswanto; Serasi, Reko; Salandega, Azzah; Kasmaini, Kasmaini title: THE EFFECT OF FICTION SHORT MOVIE ON STUDENTS’ ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY date: 2022-06-30 words: 4318 flesch: 57 summary: Short English movies are an excellent teaching tool because they keep students interested in what they are learning and help them enhance their vocabulary through active listening (Tnomat et al., 2022). Students’ perspectives towards English short movies as media to assist their vocabulary mastery in online learning. keywords: english; group; journal; language; learning; movies; speaking; students; teaching cache: erjee-6282.pdf plain text: erjee-6282.txt item: #256 of 380 id: erjee-6285 author: Ningsih, Sri Kusuma title: INTEGRATING ONLINE READING ACTIVITY IN A CRITICAL READING COURSE: A COURSE EVALUATION date: 2022-06-30 words: 5190 flesch: 54 summary: This is an important notion that online reading course raised issues regarding ‘in the online test, the question asking when which, and who are more difficult than other questions’ (item A7), ‘in the online test, the vocabulary question is the most difficult question’ (item A8), ‘paper-based test is more difficult to read than online test’ (item A1), ‘in the printed text test, the questions asking when, which, and who are more difficult than other questions’ (item A4), and ‘to me, there is no difference between reading on computer screens and reading on paper’ (item B5). Online reading for students offers advantages in improving their understanding, and the availability of e-books promotes better reading habits and enhances motivation. keywords: activity; course; item; lvi; online; reading; students; study; text cache: erjee-6285.pdf plain text: erjee-6285.txt item: #257 of 380 id: erjee-6286 author: Zainuddin, Zainuddin; Antoro, Sunu Dwi; Mulyono, Herri; Solihati, Nani; Rosalina, Rosalina; Ferawati, Ferawati title: ENHANCING EFL IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ TEACHING SKILL THROUGH THE ROLE OF VIDEO-BASED REFLECTIONS date: 2022-06-30 words: 4314 flesch: 56 summary: Hence, the objective of this study is to explore the use of video-based reflection for EFL teachers in Indonesia and teachers’ perception of video-based reflection. Secondly, eight of EFL teachers mentioned how video-based reflection assisted them to improve their teaching in the way the teachers’ delivering the material, the teaching method, and the preparation such has been declared above. keywords: interview; mrs; reflection; students; teachers; teaching; video cache: erjee-6286.pdf plain text: erjee-6286.txt item: #258 of 380 id: erjee-6302 author: Yamin, Moh.; Setiawan, Slamet; Anam, Syafi’ul; Retnaningdyah, Pratiwi title: THE TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGIES date: 2022-06-30 words: 7563 flesch: 49 summary: The existence of critical thinking in learning contemporary English language teaching methodologies according to the five respondents is the power that make easy in finding out variations of paradigm and this is good in enriching the knowledge of English language teaching methodologies. It means that the definition of contemporary English language teaching from the five respondents state that contemporary English teaching methodologies are produced based on the needs to answer the need and interest. keywords: contemporary; elt; english; language; learning; methodologies; students; teachers; teaching; thinking cache: erjee-6302.pdf plain text: erjee-6302.txt item: #259 of 380 id: erjee-6305 author: Dewanti, Ratna; Febri, Berliana; Solihat, Dadang title: DIGITAL LITERACY IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH LEARNING MATERIALS date: 2022-06-30 words: 7097 flesch: 42 summary: To see the extent of which digital literacy is incorporated in the English learning materials, the findings begin with the amount of the occurrence of digital literacy indicators in the materials. Digital literacy indicators covering seven components: information processing, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration, citizenship, ethics, operation skills and safety are used as the research instruments. keywords: digital; english; english learning; incorporates; indicators; information; learning; learning materials; literacy; materials; resources; skills cache: erjee-6305.pdf plain text: erjee-6305.txt item: #260 of 380 id: erjee-6307 author: Sari, Latifa Ika; Sari, Ria Hermina title: ONLINE ESP TEACHING DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: STUDENTS’ VOICES date: 2022-06-30 words: 5616 flesch: 55 summary: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 2, June 2022 679 ONLINE ESP TEACHING DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: STUDENTS’ VOICES Latifa Ika Sari Port and Shipping Management Department Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Indonesia Email: Ria Hermina Sari Nautical Studies Department Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Indonesia Email: APA Citation: Sari, L.I & Sari, H.S. (2022). ESP (English for Specific Purposes) refers to the teaching and learning of English as a second or a foreign language in which the objective of the course is to prepare students to use English in a specific community. keywords: english; learning; lecturers; media; online; students; teaching; use; youtube; zoom cache: erjee-6307.pdf plain text: erjee-6307.txt item: #261 of 380 id: erjee-6312 author: Noermanzah, Noermanzah; Wardhana, Dian Eka Chandra; Awalludin, Awalludin title: FOSTERING QUALITATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS SKILLS THROUGH CASE METHOD date: 2022-06-30 words: 6677 flesch: 40 summary: From the results of observations, the occurrence of low student understanding in carrying out qualitative content analysis in analyzing discourse is influenced by several things such as lack of understanding of the work procedures of qualitative content analysis, incomplete qualitative content analysis teaching materials, lack of practice in analyzing discourse with qualitative analysis methods, methods less interesting learning, and low student motivation in studying a discourse with qualitative content analysis methods. The better the ability to analyze discourse with qualitative content analysis methods, the better students will be in understanding correct information as new knowledge. keywords: activities; analysis; analysis methods; case; content analysis; discourse; discourse analysis; learning; methods; research; results; students cache: erjee-6312.pdf plain text: erjee-6312.txt item: #262 of 380 id: erjee-6314 author: Mega, Iful Rahmawati; Yuanita, Yuanita; Arsisari, Ayen; Ulfah, Widati Amalin title: LEARNERS’ DIGITAL LITERACY IN THE ONLINE LEARNING DURING COVID-19 date: 2022-06-30 words: 4557 flesch: 44 summary: As a Abstract: This research investigates the understanding of digital literacy in the online learning process during covid-19 for students in the Higher Education students in Indonesia. The objectives of this study are to describe the aspects of digital literacy in the concepts of Bawden, they are basic skill of digital literacy, attitudes and perspectives, background knowledge of the information, technology and iinformation skills, and attitudes and perspectives. keywords: covid-19; education; information; journal; learning; literacy; pandemic; skills; students; technology cache: erjee-6314.pdf plain text: erjee-6314.txt item: #263 of 380 id: erjee-6323 author: Karwandi, Karwandi; Inderawati, Rita; Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar title: CREATIVE WRITING AND INNOVATIVE PROCESS OF BEOWULF VIRTUAL DRAMA UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS date: 2022-10-30 words: 5832 flesch: 52 summary: Creative writing and innovative process of Beowulf virtual drama undergraduate students. Process drama as a tool for teaching modern languages: supporting the development of creativity and innovation in early professional practice. keywords: drama; drama script; education; english; lecturers; performance; process; script; students; writing cache: erjee-6323.pdf plain text: erjee-6323.txt item: #264 of 380 id: erjee-6326 author: Simanjuntak, Narambean; Simaremare, Rodia Mestina; Saputra, Nanda; Ngongo, Magdalena; Herman, Herman title: ‘WE ALL ARE PERFECTLY IMPERFECT’: AN INTERPERSONAL METAFUNCTION OF MUNIBA MAZARI’S SPEECH IN A CASE ON SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTICS date: 2022-10-30 words: 5290 flesch: 49 summary: The researcher describes the analysis of interpersonal function by showing a number of clauses in Muniba Mazari's speech as representatives for elaborating the explanation of interpersonal function elements such as mood and residue. And the results for analysis of speech function there are 13 commands, 11 questions, and 135 statements. keywords: adjunct; data; element; function; mazari; mood; muniba; research; speech cache: erjee-6326.pdf plain text: erjee-6326.txt item: #265 of 380 id: erjee-6330 author: Siahaan, Leroy Holman; Rahmat, Aceng; Nuruddin, Nuruddin title: COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING EFFECT ON READING COMPREHENSION BY CONSIDERING LEARNERS’ COGNITIVE STYLES date: 2022-06-30 words: 3928 flesch: 57 summary: The teacher plays an active role in monitoring student activities and provides immediate feedback when students seem to have difficulties. Received: 03-04-2022 Accepted: 17-05-2022 Published: 30-06-2022 INTRODUCTION Students need reading comprehension when they read scientific literature. keywords: comprehension; csr; face; field; independent; learners; learning; moodle; reading; students; styles cache: erjee-6330.pdf plain text: erjee-6330.txt item: #266 of 380 id: erjee-6331 author: Muthmainnah, Muthmainnah; Riswanto, Riswanto; Santiana, Santiana; Apriani, Eka; Syafryadin, Syafryadin title: DEVELOPING ELT MATERIALS-ICT BASED AMID COVID-19 date: 2022-06-30 words: 8710 flesch: 50 summary: “Learning English is very important because English is an international language and a language that is recognized worldwide.” (code 2) “Learning English is important because it can be used in finding a job, especially now that we are globally connected to the world.” keywords: based; education; efl; english; ict; journal; language; learning; materials; media; percent; research; social; students; study; teachers; teaching; technology; use cache: erjee-6331.pdf plain text: erjee-6331.txt item: #267 of 380 id: erjee-6332 author: Haryono, Purwo; Tukiyo, Tukiyo title: THE EFFECT OF MOBILE LEARNING-BASED TEAM GAME TOURNAMENT LEARNING MODEL ON RECOUNT TEXT WRITING ABILITY: THE ROLE OF LEARNING STYLE AS VARIABLE MODERATION date: 2022-06-30 words: 4502 flesch: 54 summary: However, from the previous research, there is no research that involves TGT, recount text learning ability, with the use of learning style as moderation has been conducted. The effect of mobile learning-based team game tournament learning model on recount text writing ability: the role of learning style as variable moderation. keywords: ability; game; learning; model; recount; recount text; students; style; team; text; tournament; writing cache: erjee-6332.pdf plain text: erjee-6332.txt item: #268 of 380 id: erjee-6334 author: Mulyani, Martina; Novianti, Alviaderi title: SCRUTINIZING STUDENTS ONLINE LEARNING PERFORMANCE: A CASE STUDY ON STUDENT AGENCY date: 2022-10-30 words: 6418 flesch: 60 summary: Scrutinizing students online learning performance: a case study on student agency. One factor that contributes to student motivation and sustains student learning is student agency. keywords: agency; education; english; example; learning; mindset; online; research; students; study cache: erjee-6334.pdf plain text: erjee-6334.txt item: #269 of 380 id: erjee-6339 author: Anggraini, Yenni; Eryansyah, Eryansyah; Silvhiany, Sary title: THE FACTORS OF STUDENTS’ INVESTMENT IN LEARNING ENGLISH DURING ONLINE LEARNING AT ONE OF SMPN IN MUSI RAWAS date: 2023-02-28 words: 4486 flesch: 59 summary: English Review: Journal of English Education, 11(1), 47-52. While Ani’s brother had become an English teacher at one of English course in Muara Beliti since he was at senior high school. keywords: english; investment; language; learning; motivation; parents; students; study cache: erjee-6339.pdf plain text: erjee-6339.txt item: #270 of 380 id: erjee-6342 author: Rahayu, Aprilia Sari; Eryansyah, Eryansyah; Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar title: FOUR STRATEGIES IN TEACHING SPEAKING DURING COVID -19 PANDEMIC AT SMA N 04 PALEMBANG date: 2022-10-30 words: 8762 flesch: 59 summary: By using the story telling strategy students were Aprilia Sari Rahayu, Eryansyah Eryansyah, & Margaretha Dinar Sitinjak Four strategies in teaching speaking during covid-19 pandemic at SMA N 04 Palembang 846 able to tell stories using English. They had difficulty accessing the internet network at home, they were tired of dealing with gadgets for too long and even had to handle eye pain when dealing with cell phones for too long and the imbalance in student learning time that was very little. keywords: english; learning; pandemic; process; speaking; strategies; strategy; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-6342.pdf plain text: erjee-6342.txt item: #271 of 380 id: erjee-6421 author: Nagauleng, Andi Mukarramah; Waris, Ahmad Mustamir title: INDEPENDENT LEARNING IN ENGLISH ONLINE CLASS DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC: STUDENTS PERCEPTIONS AND ITS CHALLENGES date: 2022-06-30 words: 6918 flesch: 50 summary: To develop student learning independence, the teacher should create a conducive learning atmosphere and avoid anything that would interfere with student learning, encourage students to understand the correct methods and procedures in completing a task, help students manage time, foster self-confidence in students that they can do assignments given, encourage students to control their emotions and should not be panic easily when completing assignments or facing difficulties, as well as showing the progress that students have achieved (Ezra, Cohen, Bronshtein, Gabbay, & Baruth, 2021). High learning independence would make students learn independently without anyone asking; thus, student learning behavior is more exploratory, making decisions, being confident, and creative. keywords: class; covid-19; dan; data; english; english online; group; independent; internet; journal; learning; material; online; online learning; pandemic; perceptions; siswa; students; teachers; teaching; translation cache: erjee-6421.pdf plain text: erjee-6421.txt item: #272 of 380 id: erjee-6430 author: Hidayat, Arip; Muliastuti, Liliana; Dewanti, Ratna title: POETRY APPRECIATION TEACHING MATERIAL DESIGN BASED ON CONTEXTUAL APPROACH date: 2022-10-30 words: 4062 flesch: 44 summary: Participant analysis result The reduction results from students, experts, and lecturers’ interviews lead to a framework of appreciation teaching materials that can be described based on the units that form the book, and the complete structure of the book. With contextual teaching materials, students are expected to be able to connect what they learn with how it is used in real life. keywords: appreciation; approach; contextual; development; learning; materials; pembelajaran; poetry; research; students; teaching; teaching materials cache: erjee-6430.pdf plain text: erjee-6430.txt item: #273 of 380 id: erjee-6431 author: Inderawati, Rita; Susanti, Sri; Nurhayati, Nurhayati; Sitinjak, Margaretha Dinar title: DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL READING MATERIALS WITH LOCAL CULTURE-BASED NARRATIVE TEXTS FOR THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS date: 2022-06-30 words: 7820 flesch: 50 summary: The students got Jennings Infromal Reading Assessment developed by Dr. Joyce which included reading texts at level 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Table 1. The students did the reading test for the students’ reading level analysis, Jennings Informal Reading Assessment developed by Dr. Joyce which included reading texts at level 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. keywords: culture; english; evaluation; high; inderawati; level; materials; narrative; product; reading; reading materials; students; texts; validity cache: erjee-6431.pdf plain text: erjee-6431.txt item: #274 of 380 id: erjee-6432 author: Yusuf, Yusri; Usman, Jarjani; Yusuf, Yunisrina Qismullah title: THROUGH THE METAPHORICAL LENS: UNDERSTANDING OTHERING OF LANGUAGE LECTURERS IN INDONESIAN HIGHER EDUCATION date: 2022-06-30 words: 6616 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, universities or other educational institutions as venues where people learn and live democratically, elegantly, and actively, should attempt to eliminate othering practices as they can negatively affect the quality of education. Despite negatively affecting the quality of education and democratic living in higher education, research on othering practices in Indonesian universities, especially in Aceh province, is scant. keywords: acehnese; awak; education; english; indonesia; kön; language; lecturers; metaphor; othering; people; positions; university; yusuf cache: erjee-6432.pdf plain text: erjee-6432.txt item: #275 of 380 id: erjee-6452 author: Rais, Burhanudin; Kristiawan, Risto title: ENGLISH PRESERVICE TEACHERS' PERCEPTION OF ICT: THE STUDY ON THE STUDENTS FROM RURAL AREAS date: 2022-10-30 words: 5645 flesch: 55 summary: However, the teachers targeted by the researchers are not people who already have a career as teachers but preservice English teachers. Unavailable The second difference is the participants of the research, they are preservice English teachers that are now English learners from various rural areas. keywords: data; english; ict; internet; learning; perception; process; school; students; teachers; teaching; use cache: erjee-6452.pdf plain text: erjee-6452.txt item: #276 of 380 id: erjee-6462 author: Naibaho, Lamhot title: FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ FAILURES DUE TO ANXIETY IN LEARNING ENGLISH date: 2022-10-30 words: 5084 flesch: 57 summary: It is used to measure English language anxiety. The finding of this study is that English language learners have moderately high speaking skills anxiety and that the level of English language anxiety of English language learners at UKI as a whole in the two English language skills, namely listening and speaking skills, reached a medium-high level. keywords: anxiety; english; english language; language; language anxiety; learning; listening; skills; speaking; students; study cache: erjee-6462.pdf plain text: erjee-6462.txt item: #277 of 380 id: erjee-6470 author: Ilham, Ilham title: IMPLEMENTING PROJECT-BASED LEARNING FOR EFL STUDENTS’ WRITING ACHIEVEMENT AT TERTIARY LEVEL date: 2022-10-30 words: 6075 flesch: 54 summary: Implementing project-based learning for EFL students’ writing achievement at the tertiary level. Ilham Implementing project-based learning for EFL students’ writing achievement at the tertiary level 1004 vocabulary. keywords: education; efl; english; journal; language; learning; pbl; project; students; teaching; test; writing cache: erjee-6470.pdf plain text: erjee-6470.txt item: #278 of 380 id: erjee-6472 author: Anisah, Lina title: UTILIZING “WORDWALLS’ AS AN ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR INDONESIAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2022-10-30 words: 7927 flesch: 56 summary: Are you interested in using Wordwall application? I'm interested in using Wordwall application. keywords: assessment; assessment tool; average; data; english; interview; learning; questions; research; results; students; use; wordwall application cache: erjee-6472.pdf plain text: erjee-6472.txt item: #279 of 380 id: erjee-6523 author: Edi, Edi title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH LEARNING BASED ON MODEL OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (ICC) FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATION INDEPENDENCE date: 2022-10-30 words: 5496 flesch: 36 summary: This research shows, that the researcher finds out the implementations of Learning English based on model intercultural communicative competence (ICC) for improving student communications independence in the English Educational Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Mataram. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ENGLISH LEARNING BASED ON MODEL OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE (ICC) FOR IMPROVING STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATION INDEPENDENCE Edi English Educational Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia E-mail: APA Citation: Edi. (2022). keywords: communicative; competence; cultures; english; icc; language; participants; people; skills; students cache: erjee-6523.pdf plain text: erjee-6523.txt item: #280 of 380 id: erjee-6525 author: Suherman, Andri title: EXPLORING LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT LITERACY OF EFL TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF INDONESIAN HIGHER EDUCATION date: 2022-10-30 words: 6067 flesch: 50 summary: Although the concept of assessment literacy is lacking of consensus, in consistent with the Standards of Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students, Giraldo (2018) argued that language teachers need to possess a high level of language assessment literacy (hereafter LAL) to be able to develop appropriate testing methods, to administer tests, to score tests and use them to aid instruction, to communicate the test results to stakeholders, and to become aware of the ethical use of tests. Teacher assessment literacy: Surveying knowledge, conceptions and practices of classroom-based writing assessment in Hong Kong. keywords: assessment; education; efl; knowledge; lal; language; learning; literacy; students; teachers; test cache: erjee-6525.pdf plain text: erjee-6525.txt item: #281 of 380 id: erjee-66 author: Jing, Li title: WORD ORIGIN HELPS EXPAND LEARNERS’ VOCABULARY: A VOCABULARY TEACHING APPROACH date: 2015-04-03 words: 2422 flesch: 63 summary: Word origin helps expand learners’ vocabulary a vocabulary teaching approach. The introduction to word origin (motivation) by teachers can also help the learners gain interest in the process of learning and learn more about the cultural and historical background of the English-speaking countries. keywords: english; language; origin; vocabulary; word cache: erjee-66.pdf plain text: erjee-66.txt item: #282 of 380 id: erjee-6621 author: Manugeren, M; Purwarno, Purwarno; Siwi, Purwanto; Ekalestari, Susi; Wulan, Sri title: SOCIAL CRITIQUE IN MERDEKA SHORT STORY BY PUTU WIJAYA: A DYSTOPIAN LITERATURE APPROACH date: 2022-10-30 words: 6760 flesch: 53 summary: Social critique in Merdeka short story by Putu Wijaya: This shows that society consists of several Abstract: Changes in a society produce social critiques which in turn become a means of communicating new ideas in addition to assessing old ideas for social change, in short as a vehicle for the conservation and reproduction of a social system. keywords: critique; damage; dystopian; gap; literature; merdeka; people; problems; self; society; story; wijaya cache: erjee-6621.pdf plain text: erjee-6621.txt item: #283 of 380 id: erjee-6633 author: Nurlatifah, Lala; Yusuf, Fazri Nur title: STUDENTS' PROBLEMS IN WRITING ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT IN EFL CLASSROOM CONTEXT date: 2022-10-30 words: 6183 flesch: 50 summary: The example of student writing in Excerpt 8 shows that paragraphs were challenging to understand because of the limited vocabulary and grammar. Writing problems are usually encountered in the early stage of writing. keywords: efl; english; excerpt; exposition; media; problems; social; students; text; vocabulary; writing cache: erjee-6633.pdf plain text: erjee-6633.txt item: #284 of 380 id: erjee-6648 author: Rahayu, Nurti; Hamied, Fuad Abdul; Sukyadi, Didi; Yusuf, Fazri Nur title: NOVICE STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCE OF TAKING TOEIC PREPARATION CLASS: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL CASE STUDY date: 2022-10-30 words: 7874 flesch: 52 summary: In the study, novice students are regarded as the research subjects who have constructed meaning from their experiences of taking test preparation classes. The primary subthemes that emerged from the data were (a) lessons learned from the class, (b) favorite learning method, and (c) perceived learning outcome Lesson learned from the class Research participants shared their perceived experience of taking test preparation classes. keywords: class; education; english; language; learning; participants; preparation; students; study; taking; test; test preparation; toeic cache: erjee-6648.pdf plain text: erjee-6648.txt item: #285 of 380 id: erjee-6653 author: Nafa, Anis Nurul Hidayah; Yuliana, Miftha; Jailani, Mohammad Kholilurrahman; Sari, Nana Parama; Anggraini, Wuri; Sabilah, Fardini title: DEVELOPING CROSS-CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING (CCU) MATERIALS IN TOURISM GUIDING FOR VOCATIONAL STUDENTS date: 2023-06-24 words: 7197 flesch: 49 summary: Therefore, the speaking ability of tourism students must be improved. Therefore, this study discusses certain English terms that are used in the tourism industry by tourism vocational students or, in short, English for Tourism Purposes. keywords: analysis; ccu; education; english; language; learning; materials; practice; research; skills; speaking; students; study; tourism; understanding cache: erjee-6653.pdf plain text: erjee-6653.txt item: #286 of 380 id: erjee-6675 author: Hizriani, Nani; Nor, Hidayah; Saadillah, Saadillah title: THE SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING AT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF UNIVERSITIES IN SOUTH KALIMANTAN: PRACTICES AND CHALLENGES date: 2022-10-30 words: 6720 flesch: 44 summary: Asynchronous online learning can be defined in a variety of ways due to its nature, components, and capabilities that are shared among specific features. Synchronous online learning methods include direct input, increased incentive, and the obligation to engage and be present (Kebritchi et al., 2017). keywords: challenges; classroom; education; english; interaction; journal; learning; lecturers; online; students; teaching; time cache: erjee-6675.pdf plain text: erjee-6675.txt item: #287 of 380 id: erjee-6688 author: Apriani, Eka; Labiran, Roni; Esmianti, Farida; Syafryadin, Syafryadin; Supardan, Dadan title: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING TECHNIQUE BY USING WEBLOG IN IMPROVING STUDENTS’ ISLAMIC WRITING: ACHIEVEMENT AND INSIGHT date: 2022-10-30 words: 6696 flesch: 55 summary: This demonstrates that the ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 10, Issue 3, October 2022 955 usage of weblogs and the implementation of mind-mapping techniques are successful and have a positive influence on increasing the quality of student writing on Islamic literature-related issues. According to communication Francis and Taylor as mentioned in Sanjaya et al., Web blogs are a novel and unique technical tool that may be utilised to boost student learning by sharing knowledge about students' interests and experiences with online learning (2020). keywords: blogs; english; islamic; learning; mapping; mind; mind mapping; students; teaching; technique; weblog; writing cache: erjee-6688.pdf plain text: erjee-6688.txt item: #288 of 380 id: erjee-6690 author: Anayati, Wan; Wardana, Muhammad Kiki; Mayasari, Mayasari; Purwarno, Purwarno title: LEXICOSTATISTICS OF MALAY AND MALAGASY LANGUAGES: COMPARATIVE HISTORICAL LINGUISTIC STUDY date: 2022-10-30 words: 4193 flesch: 51 summary: Keywords: comparative historical linguistics; kinship; lexicostatistics; Malagasy language; Malay language. The most recent study on this area was written by Serva & Pasquini (2022) who concur that Malagasy language was initially identified as a member of the Austronesian Family around the beginning of the 17th century. keywords: family; kinship; language; lexicostatistics; madagascar; malagasy; malay; research; study; time cache: erjee-6690.pdf plain text: erjee-6690.txt item: #289 of 380 id: erjee-67 author: Kalantari, Reza title: THE DILLEMAS OF MULTILINGUALISM IN IRAN date: 2015-04-03 words: 5488 flesch: 50 summary: The study of language groups in Iran shows that despite the considerable difference in the language behavior all groups value the knowledge of Persian, the common language used in day-to-day communication as well as the official language used in the educational and other formal establishments. Language problems and types of political and sociocultural integration: a conceptual postscript. keywords: bilingual; bilingualism; education; english; iran; iranian; language; persian; school; students; world cache: erjee-67.pdf plain text: erjee-67.txt item: #290 of 380 id: erjee-6702 author: Zakaria, Zakaria; Hasyim, Muh; Tundreng, Syarifuddin title: THE MYTH OF METAPHOR SYMBOLS IN SPEECH I HAVE A DREAM date: 2022-10-30 words: 7737 flesch: 53 summary: The myth of metaphor symbols in speech I Have A Dream 1040 use of public facilities, quoted from the free Wikipedia dated May 13, 2022 states that the Jim Crow Law is authoritarian and unfair because it only benefits the white race, such as the use of library facilities, people black people cannot access quality libraries like those used by white people, black people only get library facilities in schools, this incident is one of many events as a result of the Jim Crow Law. The content of Martin Luther King's I Have A Dream uses a lot of metaphorical symbols in expressing the political rights struggle of black people who live under the pressure of political discrimination. keywords: american; black; king; language; luther; martin; meaning; metaphor; myth; people; phrase; speech; symbols; system; text cache: erjee-6702.pdf plain text: erjee-6702.txt item: #291 of 380 id: erjee-6722 author: Simatupang, Ervina CM; Heryono, Heri title: NEW-WORD FORMATION AND SOCIAL DISRUPTION ON METAVERSE date: 2022-10-30 words: 6541 flesch: 52 summary: In other hand, it is also well-known as neologism; which is the formation of new words or languages that form new meanings and definitions of language. Later on, there is new word formation that refers to a word or phrase that is created to define a new object or new ideas that were not known before. keywords: data; english; form; language; metaverse; neologism; people; process; reality; research; social; technology; users; word cache: erjee-6722.pdf plain text: erjee-6722.txt item: #292 of 380 id: erjee-6725 author: Citraresmana, Elvi; Susilawati, Lusi; Hermandra, Hermandra title: INVESTIGATING THE SUNDANESE TRADITIONAL CUISINE PROPER NAMES THROUGH COGNITIVE LINGUISTIC STUDY FOR SUNDANESE LANGUAGE LEARNING date: 2022-12-30 words: 4568 flesch: 62 summary: Several researchers have observed Sundanese traditional food from some regions. However, some researchers also consider Sundanese traditional foods as food security. keywords: /o/; culinary; data; food; language; linguistics; names; research; sundanese cache: erjee-6725.pdf plain text: erjee-6725.txt item: #293 of 380 id: erjee-6756 author: Goziyah, Goziyah; Ariyana, Ariyana; Kamiri, Kamiri; Purawinangun, Ira Anisa; Sulaeman, Agus; Saputra, Nanda title: DEVELOPING CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING-BASED INDONESIA LANGUAGE MATERIAL FOR SOUTH KOREA FOREIGN SPEAKERS date: 2022-10-30 words: 6381 flesch: 43 summary: Web design for distance learning indonesian language BIPA. Gamelan as a learning media speaking skills to Indonesian language students for foreign speakers (BIPA). keywords: aspects; average; bipa; culture; curriculum; data; education; indonesian; language; learning; materials; speakers; students; syllabus; teaching cache: erjee-6756.pdf plain text: erjee-6756.txt item: #294 of 380 id: erjee-6760 author: Lihawa, Kartin; Machmud, Karmila; Helingo, Adimawati title: PORTRAYING ACADEMIC WRITING APPTITUDE AND THE PLAGIARISM ISSUES AMONG EFL STUDENTS date: 2023-06-24 words: 6317 flesch: 53 summary: Exploring paraphrase performances and strategies of graduate student writing. Portraying academic writing aptitude and the plagiarism issues among EFL students. keywords: education; english; essay; ideas; journal; language; liitfs_q; participant; plagiarism; research; sentences; students; writing cache: erjee-6760.pdf plain text: erjee-6760.txt item: #295 of 380 id: erjee-6794 author: Budiyono, Sri; Pranawa, Erry; Santoso, Gunawan Budi title: THE CORRELATION OF TEXT, CO-TEXT, AND CONTEXT IN THE SOLO POS DAILY NEWSPAPER EDITION 2021 date: 2022-10-30 words: 7217 flesch: 58 summary: He stated that reading comprehension is: (1) an effort to build a bridge between what is known and what is already known; (2) the process of understanding the meaning implied in words, sentences, and connecting texts; (3) in understanding the content of the text, the reader typically uses background knowledge, vocabulary, and grammatical knowledge, using certain strategies; (4) understanding is active and not passive; (5) comprehension is not just a matter of literally recording and reporting what one has read; (6) understanding constitutes a large number of decision-making; and (7) Abstract: This study aims to describe how are the results of the correlation analysis of text, co-text, and context in the Solo Pos Daily Newspaper, 2021 edition; whether the correlation of text, context, and context in the 2021 edition of the Solo Pos daily newspaper is cohesive and coherent. In a newspaper or in other terms, a newspaper, Solo Pos, of course, cannot be separated from the existence of discourse. keywords: abbreviated; context; correlation; daily; dalem; data; discourse; edition; education; english; journal; language; meaning; newspaper; pos; relationship; solo; study; text; word cache: erjee-6794.pdf plain text: erjee-6794.txt item: #296 of 380 id: erjee-68 author: Fadhly, Fahrus Zaman title: FLOUTS OF THE COOPERATIVE PRINCIPLE MAXIMS IN SBY’S PRESIDENTIAL INTERVIEWS date: 2015-04-03 words: 6500 flesch: 56 summary: METHOD This study attempted to unveil the flouts of CP maxims in SBY’s presidential interviews. The realization of flouted maxims and their ways DATA NO Flouted Maxims Ways of Flout Quantity Quality Relation Manner Hedging Indirectness Opened Answer Detailed Utterance #001 V - - - - - V V #002 V - - - - - V V #003 V - - - - - V V #004 V - - - - - V V #005 V - - - - - V V #006 V - - - - - V V #007 V - - - - - V V #008 V - - - - - V V #009 - V - - V - V V #010 - V - - V - V V #011 - V - - V - V V #012 - V - - V - V V #013 - V - - V - V V #014 - - V - - V V V #015 - - V - - V V V #016 - - - V - V V V #017 - - - V - V V V #018 - - - V - V V v ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2012 This study revealed that many utterances of SBY flouted the maxims of the Cooperative Principles (CP). keywords: flouts; functions; hedging; indirectness; information; interviews; maxims; sby; use; utterance; v v cache: erjee-68.pdf plain text: erjee-68.txt item: #297 of 380 id: erjee-6801 author: Rohadi, Tedi; Ikawati, Listiana; Aisyiyah, Muhsiyana Nurul title: EXPLORING EFL LEARNERS’ AGENCY IN ONLINE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING DURING THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC date: 2023-02-28 words: 6902 flesch: 50 summary: Moreover, the study highlights the importance of fostering student agency in EFL teaching and learning activities, which not only provide content-based learning but also create collaborative language learning environments that empower learners to utilize a variety of online resources and tools. Overall, this study provides insights into the effective implementation of online language education during unprecedented times while emphasizing the importance of student agency for successful EFL learning and teaching. keywords: agency; education; efl; english; language; learning; online; pandemic; students; teaching cache: erjee-6801.pdf plain text: erjee-6801.txt item: #298 of 380 id: erjee-6805 author: Prasetyaningrum, Dian Islami; Ruminar, Hafida; Kustanti, Asihing; Irwandi, Putra title: ANALYSIS OF MOTIVATION AND NON-COGNITIVE PERSONALITIES IN ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT AND GLOBAL COMPETENCES: THE CASE OF AGRICULTURE STUDENTS date: 2023-02-28 words: 5132 flesch: 41 summary: Analysis of motivation and non-cognitive personalities in English achievement and global competences: The case of agriculture students. This research wants to discover the influence of non-cognitive personality that will moderate students' motivation to learn English, which will also affect the achievement of English learning outcomes and global competence. keywords: ability; achievement; competence; english; global; individual; learning; motivation; personality; students cache: erjee-6805.pdf plain text: erjee-6805.txt item: #299 of 380 id: erjee-6807 author: Ismail, Hijril; Edi, Edi title: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF IMPLEMENTING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING WITH BLENDED LEARNING IN EFL ACADEMIC READING date: 2022-10-30 words: 5276 flesch: 44 summary: Academic reading problems in higher education are still often found in various types of researches (Monje & Macasieb, 2020), such as using a very formal vocabulary and having a high content complexity which can make it difficult for students to understand the reading text they are reading if they do not have adequate knowledge (Hartshorn et al., 2017; Muñoz & Valenzuela, 2020). This learning model can improve student learning outcomes. keywords: academic; agree; learning; model; pbl; problem; reading; students cache: erjee-6807.pdf plain text: erjee-6807.txt item: #300 of 380 id: erjee-6817 author: Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum; Pasaribu, Tiara K; Sinambela, Erika; Manullang, Vitri Rosalina title: INTERACTIVE METADISCOURSE MARKERS IN INDONESIAN EFL STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC WRITING date: 2022-10-30 words: 4366 flesch: 50 summary: CONCLUSION This study explored how EFL students used interactive metadiscourse markers when composing essays. The distribution of interactive markers on student writing in both groups is shown in Table 1. keywords: efl; english; interactive; journal; markers; metadiscourse; students; study; use; writing cache: erjee-6817.pdf plain text: erjee-6817.txt item: #301 of 380 id: erjee-6819 author: Pauzan, Pauzan; Ribahan, Ribahan title: PRACTICE ASSESSMENT OF ENGLISH TEACHERS IN STATE MADRASAH SCHOOL IN MATARAM CITY date: 2022-10-30 words: 5307 flesch: 50 summary: Assessment can also be classified into three types: self-assessment, peer research and teacher assessment (Maba & Mantra, 2017). In this regard, teacher assessment practice is understandable because making a formal review of a student's achievement, i.e. progress and achievement, is not very practical to teachers. keywords: agree; assessment; education; english; learning; practices; results; stage; students; teachers cache: erjee-6819.pdf plain text: erjee-6819.txt item: #302 of 380 id: erjee-6824 author: Franscy, Franscy; Siahaan, Leroy Holman title: THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEARNING COMMUNITY TECHNIQUE ON ENGLISH ESSAY WRITING SKILLS date: 2023-02-28 words: 5831 flesch: 52 summary: In addition, writing supports student learning. So that with this learning technique students can gain more knowledge and skills in language, especially English essay writing skills. keywords: community; cycle; english; essay; learning; research; results; skills; students; technique; writing cache: erjee-6824.pdf plain text: erjee-6824.txt item: #303 of 380 id: erjee-6830 author: Wahono, Suparwoto Sapto; Afifah, Kholidatul title: THE RECORD OF USING PICTURE SERIES TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILLS date: 2022-10-30 words: 5878 flesch: 60 summary: Using the media in assessing student writing is much more interesting and exciting (Wirastuti & Mantra, 2019). The formula used to determine and analyze the success criteria for student scores was as follows (Sugiono, 2017): M = Ʃx X 100% N Notes: keywords: cycle; english; ideas; narrative; picture; picture series; score; series; students; text; writing cache: erjee-6830.pdf plain text: erjee-6830.txt item: #304 of 380 id: erjee-6852 author: Lubis, Bambang Nur Alamsyah; Sagala, Rakhmat Wahyudin; Niswa, Khairun title: FLASHCARD MEDIA EFFECTIVENESS IN ENRICHING STUDENTS’ ENGLISH VOCABULARY AT VOCATIONAL SCHOOL date: 2023-02-28 words: 4707 flesch: 57 summary: The effect of learning model learning learning with Youtube versus media Flash Card media and learning motivation on learning outcomes in English. This is because flashcards media can be an effective media because students can immediately see the image of an object and the name of the object in English. keywords: english; flashcard; flashcard media; journal; language; learning; media; school; students; vocabulary cache: erjee-6852.pdf plain text: erjee-6852.txt item: #305 of 380 id: erjee-6886 author: Zahro, Syifa Khuriyatuz title: AN ALTERNATIVE DIGITAL FEEDBACK THROUGH SCREENCAST: BLENDED LEARNING PRACTICES ON ACADEMIC WRITING date: 2023-02-28 words: 6344 flesch: 47 summary: The three cycles were performed with three diverse styles of feedback; using text feedback, using screencast feedback without the teacher’s appearance, and using screencast feedback with the teacher’s appearance. The results discovered that screencast feedback was successfully implemented and evidenced to enhance students' writing skills. keywords: article; cycle; feedback; research; revision; screencast; students; teacher; video; writing cache: erjee-6886.pdf plain text: erjee-6886.txt item: #306 of 380 id: erjee-69 author: Sary, Fetty Poerwita title: THE PORTRAIT OF TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR YOUNG LEARNERS date: 2015-04-03 words: 5425 flesch: 59 summary: English Review: Journal of English Education, 1(1), 17-26 Received: 09-08-2012 Accepted: 12-10-2012 Published: 01-12-2012 Abstract: This observational study, which focuses on strategies used by teachers when teaching English as a Foreign Language to primary school students, was conducted in two classes at one of private international primary school. The major findings of this study include 1) although the teachers do the same stages in planning but the plan is implemented and resulted in different ways; 2) the teachers are able to use games as a tool for learning; 3) although curriculum requires teachers to integrate the skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking), in actual implementation, the teachers do not teach English in integrative ways; 4) time management in this school has become a problematic factor for the teachers; 5) with respect to teacher’s strategies in assessing students’ achievement, the teachers do assessment by way of remedial teaching once a week after the class is over in part where the students failed to understand. keywords: english; language; learning; learning process; process; students; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-69.pdf plain text: erjee-69.txt item: #307 of 380 id: erjee-6919 author: Sudar, Sudar; Tusino, Tusino; Dewi, Beta Radish Charica title: LEXICAL AND CONTEXTUAL MEANINGS IN SONG LYRICS” MOANA ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK”: PEDAGODICAL IMPLICATION date: 2023-07-01 words: 7354 flesch: 64 summary: By presenting the results of lexical and contextual meaning interpretation, students get wide knowledge of word meanings. Then teachers encourage students to perform for explaining the results of their finding about words having lexical contextual meaning from song lyrics. keywords: context; english; following; journal; lyrics; meaning; moana; researchers; song; song lyrics; soundtrack; word cache: erjee-6919.pdf plain text: erjee-6919.txt item: #308 of 380 id: erjee-6932 author: Vonti, Lungguh Halira; Rosyid, Abdul; Hidayati, Poppy Sofia title: MOODLE-BASED DIGITAL INTERACTIVE BOOK: STUDENT REFLECTIONS ON THE TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATED BLENDED CLASS date: 2023-02-28 words: 6701 flesch: 46 summary: One of the challenges is access internet and technology used in digital learning that forced the lecturers to innovate in providing a learning approach or using innovative teaching media as well as teaching material to facilitate students in the learning process independently wherever they are. Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2023 57 Questionnaires were selected to explore the students’ experiences during the use of Moodle- based digital interactive books and changes in attitudes, beliefs and perceptions during the semester as a result of classroom experience and professional development. keywords: book; content; dib; digital; education; english; learning; moodle; students; study; teaching; technology; use cache: erjee-6932.pdf plain text: erjee-6932.txt item: #309 of 380 id: erjee-70 author: Wihadi, Marwito title: ENDORSING REFLECTIVE TECHNIQUES TO PROLIFERATE STUDENTS’ INTERACTIONS AND UTTERANCES IN A DISCUSSION FORUM date: 2015-04-03 words: 3387 flesch: 52 summary: Student- student interactions are essential in a language acquistion in that they denote comprehensible input and ouput as stated that the former is in charge of advancement in language acquistion, and output is plausible as an impact of acquired competence (Krashen, 1982). Published: 01-12-2012 Abstract: High Intermediate-2 students’ brief responses in a discussion forum cause a long- expected discussion last in a couple of minutes in mixed-ability classes, depicting a minority of students are overtly dominant, while others are precisely passive. keywords: discussion; english; language; number; students; teacher; techniques cache: erjee-70.pdf plain text: erjee-70.txt item: #310 of 380 id: erjee-7076 author: Stevani, Margaret; Prayuda, Meikardo Samuel; Sari, Dyan Wulan; Marianus, Sumarlin Mangandar; Tarigan, Karisma Erikson title: EVALUATION OF CONTEXTUAL CLUES: EFL PROFICIENCY IN READING COMPREHENSION date: 2022-10-30 words: 7078 flesch: 53 summary: They have difficulty reading fluently due to their lack of vocabulary, and tabdulhis results in difficulties with comprehension because inferring or deducing word meanings from the context accounts for 75% to 90% of comprehension (Abdulmalik, 2020; Zamani et al., 2022). Investigation of vocabulary learning strategies to identify word meanings for Saudi EFL students in reading context. keywords: choice; clues; comprehension; context; english; knowledge; meaning; reading; students; text; vocabulary; words cache: erjee-7076.pdf plain text: erjee-7076.txt item: #311 of 380 id: erjee-71 author: Yunandami, Anni Kristanti; Gunawan, Muhammad Handi title: THE STUDENTS’ AND TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON THE USE OF COMPUTER IN EFL CLASSROOMS date: 2015-04-03 words: 4586 flesch: 61 summary: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2012 Computer encouraged the students to learn English because through computer they were able to get so many exposures; such as the examples of communicative dialog. Moreover, most of the teachers got the computer skill by learning on their own since there is no special training about computer use in the classroom. keywords: computer; efl; english; learning; perception; students; teachers; use cache: erjee-71.pdf plain text: erjee-71.txt item: #312 of 380 id: erjee-7150 author: Aryani, Rita; Hasan, Farah Soraya Djamal; Siahaan, Leroy Holman title: THE UTILIZATION OF THE QUIZIZZ APPLICATION TO ENGLISH SUBJECT AT SMKN 14, JAKARTA PUSAT date: 2022-10-30 words: 6882 flesch: 54 summary: According to Anggraini (2019), the factors influencing student learning inspiration are internal and external. Online learning has commonly been associated and interchangeably used with other alike-terms such as 'e-learning, 'blended,' or 'distance learning' (Hockly, 2015) and is often considered a growing educational alternative that evolves the role of technology in providing instructional materials and educational tools as well as in facilitating teachers students' interactions in distance learning (Horn & Staker, 2011; Blake, 2011; Hockly, Abstract: The era of disruption is hitting various fields, including education. keywords: application; classroom; education; english; face; google; learning; materials; online; quizizz; students; teachers; use; zoom cache: erjee-7150.pdf plain text: erjee-7150.txt item: #313 of 380 id: erjee-7195 author: Williyan, Aldha; Sirniawati, Sirniawati; Istianah, Tia Nur; Guntur, Mochamad title: CRITICAL REVIEW ON A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS RESEARCH: WHAT NOVICE WRITERS CAN LEARN date: 2023-02-28 words: 5412 flesch: 59 summary: Moreover, it is academic writing like research articles. It is not only anticipated that it will benefit the writer, but Abstract: EFL learners inevitably will enter the world of academia, which makes it mandatory for them to write academic writings, especially in the form of research articles. keywords: article; authors; discourse; findings; journal; research; study; writers; writing cache: erjee-7195.pdf plain text: erjee-7195.txt item: #314 of 380 id: erjee-72 author: Marlina, Ririn title: THE ANALYSIS OF THEMATIC ROLE IN NARRATIVE TEXTS OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS date: 2015-04-03 words: 4418 flesch: 73 summary: Thematic role is a way to describe the role of noun phrase in a sentence, so that thematic role is closely related with the grammatical function. Thematic role can be analyzed by considering the noun phrase’s function based on the verb which is used in the sentence, because thematic role is closely related with the verb. keywords: narrative; role; sentence; texts; theme; verb cache: erjee-72.pdf plain text: erjee-72.txt item: #315 of 380 id: erjee-7209 author: Mulyanah, Ade; Sariah, Sariah; Widiastuti, Rini; Idris, Nuny Sulistiany; Budihastuti, Exti; Kurnia, Nia; Nurfaidah, Resti title: NEED ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN LANGUAGE TRAINING MATERIALS FOR FOREIGN WORKERS USING THE COMMUNICATIVE METHOD date: 2023-06-24 words: 5679 flesch: 45 summary: Therefore, this study aims to (1) describe the current condition of Indonesian language training for foreign workers by the Manpower Office; (2) identify Indonesian language training needs for foreign workers. Secondly, the identification of Indonesian language training needs for foreign workers . keywords: analysis; approach; bipa; data; english; foreign; indonesian; language; learning; materials; needs; students; teaching; training; workers cache: erjee-7209.pdf plain text: erjee-7209.txt item: #316 of 380 id: erjee-7232 author: Kasmaini, Kasmaini; Danim, Sudarwan; Kristiawan, Muhammad; Zahrida, Zahrida; Sufiyandi, Sufiyandi; Maharrani, Dwi title: IMPROVING ENGLISH STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH AN ACTION LEARNING STRATEGY date: 2023-02-28 words: 6935 flesch: 59 summary: Improving students’ speaking skill through debate technique. Improving English students’ speaking skills through an action learning strategy. keywords: action; als; cycle; education; english; learning; research; skills; speaking; strategy; students; study cache: erjee-7232.pdf plain text: erjee-7232.txt item: #317 of 380 id: erjee-73 author: Meiranti, Risa title: IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING SKILLS THROUGH FIELD TRIP METHOD date: 2015-04-03 words: 3851 flesch: 56 summary: The RISA MEIRANTI Improving Students' Writing Skills Through Field Trip Method phrase not thinking here is not meant students do not have a mind, but directed on student learning in school. IMPROVING STUDENTS' WRITING SKILLS ENGLISH REVIEW: keywords: cycle; field; learning; method; score; students; trip; writing cache: erjee-73.pdf plain text: erjee-73.txt item: #318 of 380 id: erjee-7316 author: Andriany, Liesna; Purwarno, Purwarno; Mustofa, Mustofa; Matondang, Saiful Anwar; Barus, Efendi title: EAST JAVA LUDRUK: PRAGMATIC LEARNING PERSPECTIVE ORIENTED CHARACTER EDUCATION date: 2023-02-28 words: 6540 flesch: 55 summary: Thus, in the study of East Javanese Ludruk text in the perspective of pragmatic learning based on critical analysis, it is known that students are able to capture messages and respond to Ludruk texts through linguistics and nonlinguistic as a basis for enlightenment for their lives. Keywords: character education; East Javanese Ludruk; learning; pragmatic. keywords: analysis; character; character education; east; east java; education; english; javanese; journal; language; learning; ludruk; stories; students; values cache: erjee-7316.pdf plain text: erjee-7316.txt item: #319 of 380 id: erjee-7319 author: Putri Maharani, Anak Agung; Wersi Murtini, Ni Made; Putu Arsana, Anak Agung title: SMART SOCIETY 5.0: THE DIGITAL LITERACY READINESS OF THE ENGLISH TEACHERS date: 2023-06-24 words: 5721 flesch: 45 summary: This study aims to assess the level of digital literacy readiness among English teachers, explore potential differences between male and female teachers in their digital literacy readiness, and investigate the factors that influence their digital literacy readiness. The quantitative data were gathered using an online questionnaire that addresses the respondents’ level of digital literacy readiness, and the disparities in the digital literacy readiness level of male and female group. keywords: digital; education; english; learning; literacy; literacy readiness; readiness; students; teachers; teaching; technology cache: erjee-7319.pdf plain text: erjee-7319.txt item: #320 of 380 id: erjee-7343 author: Kakerissa, Wenda Marlin; Lengkanawati, Nenden Sri; Muslim, Ahmad Bukhori title: UTILIZING INDONESIA’S SUPERDIVERSITY AS A LEARNING SOURCE IN CREATIVE WRITING TEACHING FOR INDONESIA EFL STUDENTS date: 2023-06-24 words: 9156 flesch: 53 summary: The biggest challenge of this activity was when EFL students were asked to produce creative writing in the form of a simple poem in English and follow a specific pattern of writing according to the type of creative poetry requested using the topic of Indonesian diversity. The EFL learners can enjoy practicing creative poetry writing as an effective classroom method that assists in avoiding falling into the traps of the routine of traditional ways of instruction. keywords: diversity; efl; english; indonesia; language; learning; line; poem; poetry; skills; students; study; super; teaching; writing cache: erjee-7343.pdf plain text: erjee-7343.txt item: #321 of 380 id: erjee-74 author: Lestari, Ayu Riska title: A STRUGGLE FOR LOVE OF BELLA SWAN REFLECTED IN NEW MOON MOVIE: AN INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACH date: 2015-04-03 words: 5131 flesch: 70 summary: Love is a struggle as described in New Moon movie which tells about a struggle for love of Bella Swan to maintain her love. This study is expected to be able to give information and knowledge about Alfred Adler‘s individual psychology theory described through a character named Bella Swan in New Moon movie. keywords: adler; bella; edward; love; moon; movie; new cache: erjee-74.pdf plain text: erjee-74.txt item: #322 of 380 id: erjee-7412 author: Almucharomah, Sri Kurniati; Sahayu, Wening; Triono, Sulis title: SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF COVID-19 MEME IN SOCIAL MEDIA date: 2023-02-28 words: 5978 flesch: 62 summary: Other researchers also studied the usage of Covid-19 meme. CONCLUSION Signifiers found in meme Covid-19 such: there are snippets of famous movie scenes and games. keywords: analysis; children; covid-19; data; internet; meaning; media; meme; pandemic; people; research; semiotics; signs cache: erjee-7412.pdf plain text: erjee-7412.txt item: #323 of 380 id: erjee-7468 author: Maesyaroh, Siti; Asikin, Nida Amalia; Daswa, Daswa title: INNOVATION OF WEB BASED ENGLISH LEARNING MEDIA DEVELOPMENT date: 2023-06-24 words: 4512 flesch: 50 summary: Development of web- based learning media to improve student skills in basic web programming courses at STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. Development of web- based learning media to improve student skills in basic web programming courses at STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. keywords: application; development; english; figure; language; learning; material; media; questions; web cache: erjee-7468.pdf plain text: erjee-7468.txt item: #324 of 380 id: erjee-75 author: Sari, Sesillia Rani Setyo title: IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LANGUAGE CENTRES IN SALATIGA THROUGH GOOD RECRUITMENT PROCESS AND TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS STANDARD date: 2015-04-03 words: 6276 flesch: 59 summary: In Richards & Nunan (Eds), Second language teacher 37 SESILLIA RANI SETYO SARI Improving The Quality Of Language Centres In Salatiga education. Teacher observation in secong language teacher education. keywords: centres; effectiveness; english; language; salatiga; teachers; teaching; writer cache: erjee-75.pdf plain text: erjee-75.txt item: #325 of 380 id: erjee-7540 author: Barus, Efendi; Matondang, Saiful Anwar; Manugeren, M.; Purwarno, Purwarno; Siwi, Purwanto; Ekalestari, Susi; Wulan, Sri title: POLITICAL ACTIVIST COMMUNITY PORTRAIT IN LEILA S. CHUDORI’S NOVEL LAUT BERCERITA date: 2023-02-28 words: 7556 flesch: 55 summary: This expression is also in line with the meaning that social awareness is an individual's way of analyzing, remembering, and using information related to social life. The results of the study show that the attitudes reflected in the political activist movement are social awareness, hard work and tolerance. keywords: activists; attitude; awareness; chudori; community; data; english; journal; laut; life; literature; novel; people; research; society; sociology; tolerance; work cache: erjee-7540.pdf plain text: erjee-7540.txt item: #326 of 380 id: erjee-7570 author: Darsih, Endang; Agustiana, Vina; Rahmatunisa, Wulan title: EXPLORING THE INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) IN ONLINE TEACHING AMONG EFL LECTURERS date: 2023-06-24 words: 5787 flesch: 45 summary: The next sections will go through the TPACK level of English Education lecturers for items in each area. 4.4 Total average 4.13 Table 4 shows that Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) level of English Education lecturers is in high level (Mean = 4.13). keywords: average; content; content knowledge; education; english; knowledge; lecturers; level; teaching; technology; tpack cache: erjee-7570.pdf plain text: erjee-7570.txt item: #327 of 380 id: erjee-7572 author: Triyana, Nyimas; Habizar, Habizar; Putri, Melda Nifia title: WILLINGNESS TO SPEAK: WHAT FACTORS INFLUENCE EFL LEARNERS? date: 2023-07-11 words: 6509 flesch: 50 summary: For this reason, students should participate in a class discussion they find fascinating in the learning process. The research revealed some ways for increasing students' willingness to communicate, including encouraging them to speak English through daily talk and conversation, implementing special bilingual programs, assigning group projects, maintaining humor and solidarity among students, giving rewards and punishments, hosting meet- and-greet events, and attending bilingual students' shows. keywords: class; classroom; communication; english; factors; journal; learning; students; study; willingness; zoom cache: erjee-7572.pdf plain text: erjee-7572.txt item: #328 of 380 id: erjee-7575 author: Purba, Anita; Nasution, Tutiariani; Matondang, Marhaeni KD; Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain; Purba, Ridwin title: APPLICATION OF BROWN AND LEVINSON’S MODEL ON JOE BIDEN’S VICTORY SPEECH: A CASE ON POLITENESS STRATEGY date: 2023-02-28 words: 4619 flesch: 57 summary: Application of Brown and Levinson’s model on Joe Biden’s victory speech: A case on politeness strategy. English is important to learn because English as Abstract: This research discussed about politeness strategies in Joe Biden’s victory speech. keywords: biden; data; joe; politeness; politeness strategy; research; speech; strategy; victory cache: erjee-7575.pdf plain text: erjee-7575.txt item: #329 of 380 id: erjee-7579 author: Harisbaya, Ayu Intan; Kurniawan, Eri; Lubis, Arif Husein title: AUTHORS’ AFFILIATION INFLUENCE TOWARDS RHETORICAL MOVES AND LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF REJECTED RAAS date: 2023-02-28 words: 7788 flesch: 53 summary: Moreover, using rejected research article abstracts as the source of data analysis is also still scarce to be found in rhetorical moves research that has existed so far because the data is not accessible for public in any national or even international journals. Rhetorical moves analyses have been extensively established in the area of research article abstract; however, scant attention has been paid to analyzing RAA based on authors’ affiliation. keywords: abstracts; analysis; authors; class; linguistic; moves; research; step cache: erjee-7579.pdf plain text: erjee-7579.txt item: #330 of 380 id: erjee-7580 author: Solihat, Dadang; Fadhly, Fahrus Zaman; Wihadi, Marwito title: VARIETY OF ENGLISH LEARNING MEDIA TECHNOLOGY: VOICES FROM NOVICE LEARNERS date: 2023-02-28 words: 4144 flesch: 55 summary: Variety of English learning media technology: voices from novice learners. Dadang Solihat, Fahrus Zaman Fadhly, & Marwito Wihadi Variety of English learning media technology: Voices from novice learners 212 technological advancements due to the appearance of software that teaches reading, writing, and grammar (Rivera, 2017). keywords: english; journal; learning; media; question; result; students; teachers; technology; use cache: erjee-7580.pdf plain text: erjee-7580.txt item: #331 of 380 id: erjee-7594 author: Putri, Eka; Purnomo, Mulyadi Eko; Oktarina, Santi title: SOCIAL CONFLICTS FOUND IN THE LEGENDS OF DAYANG MERINDU AND NAYA SENTIKA AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATIONS IN LITERATURE LEARNING date: 2023-02-28 words: 9728 flesch: 57 summary: Hasuna & Komalasari (2018) explained that oral literature is a cultural heritage that has developed orally from Abstract: This research describes the realizations of social conflicts, the function of social conflict, the similarities and differences of Dayang Merindu and Naya Sentika legends, and the implications on literature learning. From the results of his research, an analysis was obtained in the form of social conflicts, factors causing social conflict, and ways to resolve conflicts in the novel Because I'm Not Blind by Rendy Kuswanto. keywords: community; conflict; conflict realizations; dan; dayang; dayang merindu; excerpt; functions; interest; legends; literature; merindu; naya sentika; people; researchers; results; solidarity; sunan cache: erjee-7594.pdf plain text: erjee-7594.txt item: #332 of 380 id: erjee-7597 author: Utami, Resky; Nurhayati, Nurhayati; Indrawati, Sri title: THE CHANGE OF GREETING WORDS IN BESEMAH LANGUAGE AND ITS IMPLICATION FOR LEARNING REGIONAL LANGUAGES date: 2023-02-28 words: 6538 flesch: 66 summary: Keywords: addressing terms; Besemah; implications, shifts. Addressing terms refer to utterances for permanent communication. keywords: addressing; bahasa; beliyaw; besemah; besemah language; daerah; father; generation; greeting; language; people; research; researchers; spoken; system; terms; wives; words cache: erjee-7597.pdf plain text: erjee-7597.txt item: #333 of 380 id: erjee-76 author: Golestan Un, Seyed Jalal Abdolmanafi-Rokni title: THE EFFECT OF USING EMAIL ON ENHANCING IRANIAN EFL LEARNERS’ GRAMMAR DEVELOPMENT date: 2015-04-03 words: 4761 flesch: 54 summary: First, by using email students become familiar with a communication tool that is vital to their survival in the 21st century. Alabad (2010) stipulated that using computer for language learning and teaching has an important positive effect on them. keywords: computer; efl; email; english; grammar; group; language; learners; learning; study cache: erjee-76.pdf plain text: erjee-76.txt item: #334 of 380 id: erjee-7610 author: Sari, Winda; Ilham, Ilham; Ismail, Hijril; Humaira, Humaira; Humaira, Humaira; Rahmaniah, Rima; Rahmaniah, Rima; Irwandi, Irwandi; Irwandi, Irwandi title: META-ANALYSIS OF MIND MAPPING IN VOCABULARY LEARNING OF THE PAST DECADE date: 2023-06-24 words: 6306 flesch: 56 summary: Furthermore, in terms of studies dealing with the use of mind mapping research in senior high school, there are many studies has been carried out (Elkareem et al., 2019; Heidari & Karimi, 2015; Khodabandeh, 2021; Nia & Pratama, 2019; Rahayu et al., 2019; Waloyo, 2017; Wikandari, 2022). Fixed and random effects Q df P Omnibus test of Model Coefficients 75.082 1 < .001 Test of Residual Heterogeneity 964.368 50 < .001 From JASP's results obtained via vocabulary learning media using mind mapping analysis keywords: education; effect; english; journal; learning; level; mind mapping; research; school; students; study; vocabulary; vocabulary learning cache: erjee-7610.pdf plain text: erjee-7610.txt item: #335 of 380 id: erjee-766 author: Ghasedi, Parviz; Mashhady, Habibollah; Okati, Farideh title: THE EFFECTS OF HOMOGENEOUS AND HETEROGENEOUS PUSHED OUTPUT INSTRUCTIONS ON SPEAKING COMPLEXITY date: 2017-12-23 words: 5699 flesch: 56 summary: Taking the significant role of speaking in EFL/ESL academic contexts into account and paying specific attention to the factors, such as having no opportunity to use English in real context, teacher centered classroom, and lack of language teacher attention to the speaking sub-components (Mohammadi, Gorjian, & Pazhakh, 2014) that are considered as the main challenges of EFL learners, one should welcome any fruitful strategy that boost learner output complexity. The result of Independent sample t-test indicated significant differences between the mean scores of CG and HG (F=6.106, t= - 2.080, df= 24, p= .001).Therefore, it can be claimed that homogeneous pushed output based instructions have significant effects on EFL learner speaking complexity. keywords: complexity; effects; efl; language; learners; output; results; speaking; study; test cache: erjee-766.pdf plain text: erjee-766.txt item: #336 of 380 id: erjee-767 author: Ogunyemi, Christopher Babatunde title: FEMINIST AND STRUCTURAL NARRATOLOGIE AS IDENTITY (RE)-CONFIGURATIONS IN AFRICAN NARRATIVES: A META-CRITICAL EXPOSITION OF LITERARY ARTICLES date: 2017-12-23 words: 7279 flesch: 43 summary: Feminist and structural narratologie as identity (re)- configurations in African narratives: A meta-critical exposition of literary articles. For Fludernik, narratology is a genre which describes constant Christopher Babatunde Ogunyemi Feminist and structural narratologie as identity reconfigurations in African narratives: A meta-critical exposition of literary articles 22 variables and combinations typical of narrative and to clarify how these characteristics of narrative texts connect to the framework of theoretical models (Fludernik, 2009, p. 3). keywords: african; english; feminist; gender; identity; literature; male; narrative; narratology; nigeria; women; works cache: erjee-767.pdf plain text: erjee-767.txt item: #337 of 380 id: erjee-7675 author: Gunawan, Hero; Sari, Puspita title: SEMANTIC REVIEW ON THE REFORMULATION AS THE FORM OF CLARIFICATION IN APPOSITIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS date: 2023-02-28 words: 4730 flesch: 47 summary: The use of appositive reformulation emphasizes rewording or restating in a different way while maintaining the same meaning, making it easier for readers to comprehend the intended anchor in a given situation (Feist, 2022). Reformulation frequently employs what are known as reformulation markers when displaying the information's contents. keywords: anchor; appositive; clarification; english; equivalence; expression; reformulation; research; semantic cache: erjee-7675.pdf plain text: erjee-7675.txt item: #338 of 380 id: erjee-769 author: Ekawati, Yulia Nur title: ENGLISH TEACHERS’ PROBLEMS IN APPLYING THE 2013 CURRICULUM date: 2017-12-23 words: 3811 flesch: 57 summary: The solution of this problem is that teachers need to refresh their teaching competences especially about making lesson plan in any kind of workshop held by teacher team (MGMP) or socialization through Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Published: 01-12-2017 Abstract: The 2013 curriculum is regarded as the current issue for teachers and students. keywords: curriculum; english; learning; lesson; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-769.pdf plain text: erjee-769.txt item: #339 of 380 id: erjee-77 author: Jayathilake, Chitra title: CORRECTING ERRORS: THE RELATIVE EFFICACY OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF ERROR FEEDBACK IN SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING date: 2015-04-03 words: 5709 flesch: 55 summary: While the findings are discussed in relation to the previous literature, this paper concludes creating a cline of error correction forms to be promoted in Sri Lankan L2 writing contexts, particularly in ESL contexts in Universities. Correcting Errors: The relative efficacy of different forms of error feedback in Second Language writing ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2013 CORRECTING ERRORS: keywords: correction; error; feedback; group; language; learners; wcf; writing cache: erjee-77.pdf plain text: erjee-77.txt item: #340 of 380 id: erjee-770 author: Xue, Zhao; Hei, Kuang Ching title: GRICE’S MAXIMS IN HUMOUR: THE CASE OF “HOME WITH KIDS” date: 2017-12-23 words: 5989 flesch: 63 summary: There are three major theories of humour: superiority, incongruity and relief and they are widely depicted by most researchers in humour studies. Keywords: Chinese sitcoms, humour, flouting, violation, non-observance, maxims INTRODUCTION Humour is ubiquitous and cosmopolitan, existing throughout every culture, race and region. keywords: grice; home; humour; kids; maxims; sitcom; study; turn cache: erjee-770.pdf plain text: erjee-770.txt item: #341 of 380 id: erjee-771 author: Yundayani, Audi; Emzir, Emzir; Rafli, Zainal title: NEED ANALYSIS: THE WRITING SKILL INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL CONTEXT FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES date: 2017-12-23 words: 6245 flesch: 38 summary: Instructional material plays a very special role in constructing students’ knowledge and understanding by providing much access to specialized knowledge and skills. It will bring the basicinformation as further inquiry and suitable solution in developing instructional material, especially in writing skills for academic purposes. keywords: english; language; learning; material; need; process; purposes; skill; students; writing cache: erjee-771.pdf plain text: erjee-771.txt item: #342 of 380 id: erjee-7711 author: Rohmah, Farida Noor; Aditya, David Sulistiawan title: EFL TEACHERS’ REFLECTION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE FLIPPED CLASSROOM: CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIES date: 2023-06-24 words: 7303 flesch: 54 summary: Moreover, the resistance was related to their concern about student learning. (P3) Utilizing formative assessments The assessment difficulty must be overcome with a deliberate and considered strategy that includes continuing feedback and assistance for students, clear communication about expectations and grading criteria, and the use of many modes of assessment to give an in-depth assessment of student learning. keywords: assessment; challenges; classroom; efl; english; face; feedback; learning; online; students; study; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-7711.pdf plain text: erjee-7711.txt item: #343 of 380 id: erjee-7712 author: Mujayanah, Sri; Maruf, Nirwanto; Asari, Slamet title: WHATSAPP USE ON READING COMPREHENSION: EXPLORING THE IMPACT AMONG EFL LEARNERS date: 2023-06-24 words: 9648 flesch: 44 summary: However, the impact of WhatsApp use on reading comprehension among EFL learners has been largely unexplored (Saritepeci et al., 2019; Fischer & Yang, 2022), and there is a need for more research in this area. While some studies have found a positive relationship between the use of mobile technologies and reading comprehension (Zou & Ou, 2020; Oakley et al., 2022; Zhou, 2020), it is not clear whether this relationship holds true for WhatsApp use may facilitate or hinder reading comprehension. keywords: activities; comprehension skills; efl; language; learners; learning; materials; participants; reading; reading comprehension; use; whatsapp; whatsapp use cache: erjee-7712.pdf plain text: erjee-7712.txt item: #344 of 380 id: erjee-7718 author: Hadianti, Siti; Nugraha, Benny; Yunianika, Ika Tri title: NECESSARY OR COMPULSORY: STUDENTS' PERCEPTION ON SCIENTIFIC WRITING AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN date: 2023-06-24 words: 5520 flesch: 52 summary: After extracting data from the questionnaire, we develop an interview protocol that fits with the process of collecting the needed information and can be used to dig deeper into students’ perceptions of scientific writing courses. The activity of tuton and tuweb in scientific writing course is easy to be followed 3. keywords: course; education; english; learning; perception; research; students; tutor; writing cache: erjee-7718.pdf plain text: erjee-7718.txt item: #345 of 380 id: erjee-775 author: Sundari, Hanna; Rafli, Zainal; Ridwan, Sakura title: INTERACTION PATTERNS IN ENGLISH AS FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM AT LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOLS date: 2017-12-23 words: 5430 flesch: 59 summary: Teacher interaction in the classroom The study of interaction in language classroom and its implication for language learning have been widely conducted in the field of English language teaching (ELT). She wrote two types of classroom interaction: teacher fronted interaction and student-student interaction. keywords: classroom; english; group; interaction; language; patterns; questions; students; teacher cache: erjee-775.pdf plain text: erjee-775.txt item: #346 of 380 id: erjee-7753 author: Budiyono, Sri; Fadhly, Fahrus Zaman title: A QUALITATIVE EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS OF ARTICLE ABSTRACT WRITING IN ELT AND LITERATURE JOURNALS date: 2023-02-28 words: 5119 flesch: 45 summary: Wei et al. (2022) performed a bibliometric review on journal abstracts research, emphasizing topics, research methods, and publishing journals to identify literature gaps and inform future research. Paydari & Paramasivam (2019) carried out rethorical move analysis on abstract research in Iranian journal and library and information science, respectively, to determine areas receiving increased attention and future research directions. keywords: abstracts; analysis; elt; english; journals; language; literature; research; writing cache: erjee-7753.pdf plain text: erjee-7753.txt item: #347 of 380 id: erjee-776 author: Argawati, Ningtyas Orilina; Suryani, Lilis title: TEACHING WRITING USING THINK-PAIR-SHARE VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ LEVEL OF RISK-TAKING date: 2017-12-23 words: 4244 flesch: 63 summary: However, many teachers seem to prefer teaching writing using direct instruction method to teaching writing using Think-Pair- Share. On the other hand, teaching writing using Direct Instruction method is different with teaching writing using TPS since DIM does not involve group work. keywords: level; risk; students; taking; teaching; writing cache: erjee-776.pdf plain text: erjee-776.txt item: #348 of 380 id: erjee-7784 author: Munthe, Asmah Boru; Zein, T Thyrhaya; Sinar, T Silvana title: NEW NORMAL CAMPAIGN OF COVID-19 ADVERTISEMENTS BY WHO: A MULTIMODAL STUDY date: 2023-05-15 words: 4996 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, WHO launches non-commercial advertisements, the new normal campaign of Covid-19 advertisements, on its official website. The purpose of new normal campaign of Covid-19 advertisements is to set examples of implementing health protocol during Covid-19. keywords: advertisements; analysis; covid-19; data; elements; health; images; lof; lthe; multimodal; normal; protocols; readers; research; sof; sthe cache: erjee-7784.pdf plain text: erjee-7784.txt item: #349 of 380 id: erjee-779 author: Kardijan, Dian title: THE GAP BETWEEN LEARNING NEEDS AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN ENGLISH FOR HOSPITALITY SPECIFIC PURPOSES PROGRAM date: 2017-12-01 words: 6418 flesch: 41 summary: This prompts a re-instructional design of English learning for hospitality specific purposes program at this department currently. Dudley- Evans and St. John in Basturkmen state learning needs is language learning information: Effective ways of learning the skills and language to facilitate the learners’ Dian Kardijan, Emzir, & Zainal Rafli The gap between learning needs and its’ implementation in English for hospitality specific purposes program 126 lack in English learning (Basturkmen, 2010, p. 18). keywords: communication; english; hospitality; language; learning; materials; needs; purposes; students; teachers; teaching; workplace cache: erjee-779.pdf plain text: erjee-779.txt item: #350 of 380 id: erjee-78 author: Rosaline, Lisa; Asykari, Amru title: APPLYING WHOLE LANGUAGE APPROACH AND PUBLIC SPEAKING ACTIVITY IN SMART EKSELENSIA HIGH SCHOOL date: 2015-04-03 words: 3440 flesch: 58 summary: Applying whole language approach and public speaking activity in smart ekselensia high school. By applying whole language approach, it is expected that the students can practice their reading and writing skills independently. keywords: approach; english; language; public; speaking; students cache: erjee-78.pdf plain text: erjee-78.txt item: #351 of 380 id: erjee-780 author: Anshori, Dadang S. title: FRAMING OF JOURNALISM DISCOURSE TO IMPROVE DISCOURSE COMPETENCE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2017-12-01 words: 5726 flesch: 52 summary: Journal of English Education Volume 6, Issue 1, December 2017 p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643 137 FRAMING OF JOURNALISM DISCOURSE TO IMPROVE DISCOURSE COMPETENCE OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Dadang S. Anshori FPBS, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia E-mail: APA Citation: Anshori, D. S. (2017). Published: 01-12-2017 Abstract: This study aims to describe the analysis model of framing on journalism discourse in Indonesian textbooks in Senior High School to be used in language learning. keywords: competence; data; discourse; journalism; journalism discourse; language; learning; media; news; research; textbooks cache: erjee-780.pdf plain text: erjee-780.txt item: #352 of 380 id: erjee-7878 author: Tjalla, Magdahalena; Syamsir, Marlina; Zulfah, Zulfah; Sunubi, Abdul Haris; Arqam, Arqam title: EXPLORING CLASSROOM INTERACTION PATTERNS IN EFL VIRTUAL LEARNING date: 2023-02-28 words: 6570 flesch: 54 summary: The importance of teacher–students interaction in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Thus, teacher- Abstract: This study analyzed classroom interaction patterns in four EFL virtual learning classes at IAIN Parepare: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. keywords: classroom; classroom interaction; efl; english; follow; initiation; interaction; learning; pattern; students; virtual cache: erjee-7878.pdf plain text: erjee-7878.txt item: #353 of 380 id: erjee-79 author: Suchkova, Svetlana; Dudnikova, Gulnara title: LEARN TO TEACH WRITING THROUGH WRITING date: 2015-04-03 words: 5875 flesch: 63 summary: That is why, before creating teaching materials, a survey was conducted in the Pedagogical University of Samara, which allowed having a list of topics students are likely to be interested in writing about. It considers the major difficulties Russian students have when writing in English. keywords: book; course; english; learning; paragraph; review; skills; students; teachers; writing cache: erjee-79.pdf plain text: erjee-79.txt item: #354 of 380 id: erjee-7909 author: Elfrida, Rotua; Pasaribu, Arsen Nahum title: HATE SPEECH ON SOCIAL MEDIA: A CASE STUDY OF BLASPHEMY IN INDONESIAN CONTEXT date: 2023-06-24 words: 5212 flesch: 55 summary: Hate speech can also occur when someone is with friends, family, teachers, co-workers, and even when with parents. Likewise, the practice of hate speech has moved into cyberspace with various available internet-based communication facilities (Matamoros-Fernández & Farkas, 2021; Poletto et al., 2021; Chetty & Alathur, 2018). keywords: category; comments; data; et al; hate; hate speech; indonesian; media; minister; research; speech cache: erjee-7909.pdf plain text: erjee-7909.txt item: #355 of 380 id: erjee-7918 author: Misa, Mikhael title: MULTILITERACIES PEDAGOGY: A CASE STUDY OF CRITICAL READING IN ELT CLASSROOM BY IMPLEMENTING SITUATED PRACTICE date: 2023-06-30 words: 7393 flesch: 45 summary: Furthermore, when instructed in this discipline, students can assess their readings based on facts and logical reasoning rather than being swayed by emotions (Hakim et al., 2021). Instructors' most formidable challenge of English as a foreign language (EFL) is effectively teaching students to engage in critical reading. keywords: classroom; education; english; learning; lecturer; literacy; multiliteracies; pedagogy; practice; reading; students; study; teaching cache: erjee-7918.pdf plain text: erjee-7918.txt item: #356 of 380 id: erjee-792 author: Ratnaningsih, Sri title: SCIENTIFIC APPROACH OF 2013 CURRICULUM: TEACHERS’ IMPLEMENTATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING date: 2017-12-01 words: 4659 flesch: 48 summary: The first lesson plan labeled L1 was made by Teacher A; L2 and L3 was for lesson plans made by Teacher B; and L4 for lesson plan made by Teacher C. All lesson plans were written in Indonesian. Teacher B also presented the same material (describing people) for class C and D. In observing, she asked the students to maximize their sense to see the idol picture to be portrayed. keywords: approach; curriculum; english; learning; lesson; students; teacher; teaching cache: erjee-792.pdf plain text: erjee-792.txt item: #357 of 380 id: erjee-7972 author: Achmad, Diana; Muslem, Asnawi; Rahmanita, Tia; Khan, Humaira Irfan title: INVESTIGATING STUDENTS’ EXPECTATIONS OF THE LECTURERS’ STYLES IN TEACHING ENGLISH date: 2023-02-28 words: 8566 flesch: 57 summary: Student expectation of library science (Case study in Department of Science and Islamic Information. Each type of teaching style was represented by statements arranged in sequences. keywords: class; english; expectations; facilitator; learning; lecturers; students; style; table; teachers; teaching; teaching style cache: erjee-7972.pdf plain text: erjee-7972.txt item: #358 of 380 id: erjee-80 author: Khonamri, Fatemeh; Hamzenia, Zahra title: THE ROLE OF TASK-INDUCED INVOLVEMENT IN VOCABULARY LEARNING OF IRANIAN LANGUAGE LEARNER date: 2015-04-03 words: 5833 flesch: 57 summary: The result showed the priority of output task over input task. The scores on the first and second delayed posttests indicated that output and input tasks were equally effective in vocabulary learning although the scores on the immediate posttest revealed the priority of output task over input task. keywords: involvement; involvement load; learning; load; retention; task; vocabulary; words cache: erjee-80.pdf plain text: erjee-80.txt item: #359 of 380 id: erjee-81 author: Sugaryamah, Deuis title: THE PORTRAIT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUBJECT IN AN INDONESIAN PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (HECS) date: 2015-04-03 words: 4824 flesch: 51 summary: The Portrait Of English Language Subject In An Indonesian Private Higher Education Of Computer Science (HECS) own institution’ major and specific subjects. The Portrait Of English Language Subject In An Indonesian Private Higher Education Of Computer Science (HECS) those coming to the study of the language for the first time, suitable for younger learners, and were written as ‘general’ English, thus a gap in materials had to be filled for these specific purpose learners (2010). keywords: bahasa; computer; education; english; inggris; institution; language; learning; materials; students; subject; teaching cache: erjee-81.pdf plain text: erjee-81.txt item: #360 of 380 id: erjee-82 author: Khan, Rubina; Chaudhury, Tazin Aziz title: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEENNEEDS ANALYSIS ANDCOURSE EVALUATION INSIGHTS date: 2015-04-03 words: 3778 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: needs analysis, course evaluation, perceptions, ability, mismatch INTRODUCTION English is a part of Bangladesh’s colonial heritage; the language of the educated elite and not commonly used in daily interaction. A database of information about study in the college, language needs, perceptions, expectations for English courses, was generated and this was used as a resource primarily for curriculum design. keywords: course; english; evaluation; humanities; language; needs; students; teachers; university cache: erjee-82.pdf plain text: erjee-82.txt item: #361 of 380 id: erjee-8217 author: Lekawael, Rosina F. J.; Reniwuryaan, Ayuni Abdullah; Bilmona, Hanafi title: STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS ORAL PRESENTATION IN VIRTUAL LEARNING AT ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM OF PATTIMURA UNIVERSITY date: 2023-06-24 words: 6168 flesch: 51 summary: On the other hand, this revealed the fact that many students in the English Education Study Program held negative attitudes toward the face- to-face oral presentation which provides a real situation for the lecturer to help students for building and maintain a positive attitude toward the conventional oral presentation itself through the appropriate technique of teaching or creating a better teaching and learning environment due to the post-pandemic, all learning activities will be done offline or through conventional. In the context of the pandemic, the shift to virtual learning has also presented new challenges for language students, such as reduced social interaction and increased screen time. keywords: attitude; education; english; item; language; learning; presentation; speaking; students; study cache: erjee-8217.pdf plain text: erjee-8217.txt item: #362 of 380 id: erjee-8218 author: Priyanto, Imam Jahrudin title: IDEOLOGY IN TRANSLATION PROCESS OF NEWS CONTENT IN ENGLISH INTO INDONESIAN: A CASE OF PIKIRAN RAKYAT DAILY NEWSPAPER date: 2023-06-24 words: 5369 flesch: 50 summary: The speech and ideology of media institutions are frequently linked to news translation (Ethab, 2020). News translation: a unique form of communication production. keywords: english; ideology; indonesian; journal; language; meaning; news; pikiran; rakyat; research; strategies; study; translation cache: erjee-8218.pdf plain text: erjee-8218.txt item: #363 of 380 id: erjee-8225 author: Gunawan, Muhammad Handi; Hanifa, Eisha Sabila Dieni; Gunawan, Aninda Putri; Suherdi, Didi title: THE USE OF GOOGLE SITES IN EXTENSIVE LISTENING CLASSROOM: STUDENTS’ VOICES date: 2023-06-30 words: 7801 flesch: 54 summary: They admitted Muhammad Handi Gunawan, Eisha Sabila Dieni Hanifa, Aninda Putri Gunawan, & Didi Suherdi The use of Google sites in extensive listening classroom: Students’ voices 370 that the available features in Google Sites help them design websites easily. Google Sites homepage of student I2 Muhammad Handi Gunawan, Eisha Sabila Dieni Hanifa, Aninda Putri Gunawan, & Didi Suherdi The use of Google sites in extensive listening classroom: Students’ voices 374 Figure 14. keywords: activities; classroom; course; english; google; google sites; journal; june; learners; learning; listening; research; students; use cache: erjee-8225.pdf plain text: erjee-8225.txt item: #364 of 380 id: erjee-83 author: Hygienis, Fahmy title: SUNDANESE ISOGLOSSES OF LEXICAL VARIATION IN KUNINGAN date: 2015-04-03 words: 3442 flesch: 64 summary: For example in lexical variation map of wedding tent, the symbols like: = represents the tatarub variation, = represents paratag, = represents balandongan, and = represents papayon. Sundanese isoglosses of lexical variation in Kuningan. keywords: data; dialect; isoglosses; kuningan; map; maps; study; variations cache: erjee-83.pdf plain text: erjee-83.txt item: #365 of 380 id: erjee-8319 author: Masitoh, Masitoh; Rachmatia, Meutia; Susanti, Elis; Kuning, Dewi Sri; Zatadini, Nabila title: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF PHONOLOGICAL ELEMENTS IN LAMPUNG LANGUAGE: DIALECT A PEMINGGIR AND DIALECT O ABUNG date: 2023-06-30 words: 7139 flesch: 60 summary: The phoneme details above are as follows: (1) In Lampung dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung there were seventh phonemes of hambat/stop consonants consisting of four voiceless phonemes, namely /p/, /t/, /k/, and /Ɂ/, as well as three voiced phonemes, namely /b/, /d/, and /g/. (2) In the Lampung language, dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung were found two Africanite phonemes consisting of one voiceless phoneme /c/ and one voiced phoneme /j/. (3) In Lampung dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung there were three fricative / sliding consonant phonemes consisting of two voiceless phonemes, namely /s/ and /h/, and one voiced phoneme, namely /Я/. (4) In Lampung dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung there were four nasal or nasal consonant phonemes, namely /m/, /n/, /ñ/, and /ŋ/. (5) In Lampung dialect A Peminggir there was no vibrating phoneme /r/, while in dialect O Abung there was one vibrating consonant phoneme, namely /r/. (6) In Lampung language, dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung there was one lateral consonant phoneme, namely /l/. (7) In Lampung language, dialect A Peminggir and dialect O Abung there were two semi vowel consonant phonemes, namely /w/ and /y/. A comparative analysis of phonological elements in Lampung language: Dialect A peminggir and dialect O Abung. keywords: abung; abung dialect; consonant; dialect; dialect o; english; lampung dialect; lampung language; language; language dialect; o abung; peminggir; peminggir dialect; phonemes; position; syllables; vowel; word cache: erjee-8319.pdf plain text: erjee-8319.txt item: #366 of 380 id: erjee-84 author: Akmal, Refdi title: PATTERNS OF RESPONSES TO COMPLIMENTS ON PHYSICAL APPEARANCE IN SUNDANESE WOMEN date: 2015-04-03 words: 3397 flesch: 55 summary: Heidari (2009); Matsuoka (2009) – revealed that gender give rise variations of strategies on compliment responses (CR). Despite the studies carried out in terms of compliments responses within cross cultures setting, this study is in attempt to see the pattern of compliment responses when they are uttered by the REFDI AKMAL Patterns Of Responses To Compliments On Physical Appearance In Sundanese Women same and different gender basis within a single culture setting. keywords: appearance; compliments; english; patterns; responses; study; women cache: erjee-84.pdf plain text: erjee-84.txt item: #367 of 380 id: erjee-8414 author: Inderawati, Rita; Eryansyah, Eryansyah; Maharrani, Dwi; Suhendi, Didi; Siahaan, Sardianto title: VIRTUAL DRAMA PERFORMANCE: IS IT A NEED DUE TO PANDEMIC OR TECHNOLOGICAL ERA? date: 2023-06-30 words: 6245 flesch: 51 summary: Due to the needs, it was necessary to develop virtual drama performance through online application because 55.5% of students thought that it would increase their knowledge and understanding of the topic in learning Literature in ELT course in university. Other significant issues with virtual theatre performances that have not been discovered both philosophically and practically include: 1) virtual drama performance textbooks and virtual drama performances using Zoom, Google Meet, or other video conferencing services, 2) keywords: analysis; course; drama; education; elt; english; learning; literature; need; online; pandemic; performance; students cache: erjee-8414.pdf plain text: erjee-8414.txt item: #368 of 380 id: erjee-85 author: Murugan, Agelyia; Razali, Wan Noorli bt title: ENHANCING STUDENTS’ INTERACTION SKILLS AND CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING THROUGH MOVIES date: 2015-04-03 words: 3092 flesch: 55 summary: Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol. 1, Issue 2, June 2013 ENHANCING STUDENTS’ INTERACTION SKILLS AND CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING THROUGH MOVIES Agelyia Murugan Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia E-mail: Wan Noorli bt Razali Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia E-mail: APA Citation: Murugan, A. & bt Razali, W. N. (2013). It is important to incorporate the Universal Intellectual Standards of Critical Thinking Theory into the crucial foundation in encouraging active participation of students. keywords: english; language; learning; movies; skills; students; thinking cache: erjee-85.pdf plain text: erjee-85.txt item: #369 of 380 id: erjee-86 author: Kochiyama, Arisa title: TEACHING GENDER AWARENESS THROUGH FAIRY TALES IN THE EFL CLASSROOM date: 2015-04-03 words: 3901 flesch: 68 summary: And then the study will discuss how teachers can promote students’ gender awareness adopting traditional fairy tales and modern ones in their EFL classrooms. Traditional fairy tales and modernized ones allow students not only to learn the target language but also to think critically about how men and women are portrayed and compare these portrayals to their own lives. keywords: beauty; fairy; gender; snow; story; tales; white; women cache: erjee-86.pdf plain text: erjee-86.txt item: #370 of 380 id: erjee-87 author: Motallebzadeh, Khalil; Asa'di, Elham title: IRANIAN EFL TEACHERS AND STUDENTS' DEVELOPMENT THROUGH OBSERVATION date: 2015-04-03 words: 3943 flesch: 47 summary: In order to move along the recent progress in teacher observation the researchers did investigations in this regard. Among teachers with higher scores some were considered as less-experienced and some were selected as experienced teachers based on the years they have taught English in language schools. keywords: english; observation; statistic; students; teachers; teaching; test cache: erjee-87.pdf plain text: erjee-87.txt item: #371 of 380 id: erjee-88 author: Suryana, Yayan title: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION ON ICT-BASED ENGLISH TEACHING date: 2015-04-03 words: 4284 flesch: 59 summary: The findings were about the existing condition of ICT facilities and English teachers, the teachers’ perception on the application of ICT- based English teaching, and the impact of the application of ICT-based English teaching in human capital, social capital and social economic growth. Existing condition of ICT facilities and English teachers at several schools In this part, the existing conditions were divided into two points: the school ICT facility and the teachers ICT facilities at several schools Before describing the existing conditions of ICT, let us broadly classify the ICT resources that must be owned by the school, as follows: (i) Hardware – the equipment, such as a PC or interactive whiteboard, linked smart boards, opaque projectors, LCD projectors; (ii) Software – the stored instructions which enable the hardware to operate automatically, together with the information that it stores and processes, such as a word processing program and the documents produced using it; (iii) Media – the materials that carry data and programs, such as floppy or hard disks; (iv) Services – combinations of hardware, software and human resources that enable users to achieve more than they could with hardware and software alone, such as the internet. keywords: english; english teaching; ict; perception; school; teachers; teaching cache: erjee-88.pdf plain text: erjee-88.txt item: #372 of 380 id: erjee-90 author: Thamrin, Nani Rosnani; Wargika, Baran title: THE CHARACTER ANALYSIS OF GLEN HANSARD IN ONCE FILM date: 2015-04-03 words: 5743 flesch: 74 summary: the period and the author’s personal vision affect the treatment of character as Roberts (1963: 55) states: Character in literature is an extended verbal representation of a human being, specially the inner self that determines thought, speech and behavior and whereas in life things may “just happen,” in literature the actions, interactions, speeches and observations are all arranged to give you details you need for conclusion about character. Keywords: literary works, film, character, characterizing. keywords: character; conversation; film; glen; hansard; recording; song; table cache: erjee-90.pdf plain text: erjee-90.txt item: #373 of 380 id: erjee-91 author: Nemati, Faezeh; Ashraf, Hamid title: NOTICING: A FACTOR TO IMPROVE IRANIAN PRE-INTERMEDIATE EFL LEARNERS’ STRUCTURAL ACCURACY date: 2015-04-03 words: 3927 flesch: 57 summary: Also, the researcher estimated the correlation coefficient between the scores given noticing group. Table 9 Correlations between scores of rater1 & rater2 for noticing group in pretest Noticing G. at Pretest-R1 Noticing G. at Pretest-R2 Noticing G. at Pretest-R1 Pearson Correlation 1 .858** Sig. keywords: control; focus; form; group; language; noticing; scores cache: erjee-91.pdf plain text: erjee-91.txt item: #374 of 380 id: erjee-92 author: Aulia, Faisal; Wulandari, Yasinta title: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ COMPETENCE IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH “FRESH” TECHNIQUE date: 2015-04-03 words: 4588 flesch: 65 summary: It is states that the rationale for using a holistic scoring system is that the total quality of written text is more than the sum of its components (O’Malley 1996). Journal of English Education ISSN 2301-7554 Vol.2, Issue 1, December 2013 IMPROVING STUDENTS’ COMPETENCE IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS THROUGH “FRESH” TECHNIQUE Faisal Department of English Education, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, Indonesia E-mail: Yasinta Wulandari Department of English Education, Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto, Indonesia E-mail: APA Citation: Faisal & Wulandari, Y. (2013). keywords: competence; english; students; technique; test; text; writing cache: erjee-92.pdf plain text: erjee-92.txt item: #375 of 380 id: erjee-93 author: Khodabakhshi, Saloumeh; Rahimi, Ali title: INVESTIGATING THE PROBLEMS OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ENGLISH IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS IN IRAN date: 2015-04-03 words: 3258 flesch: 66 summary: Pedagogical Skills 3. has a well-thought-out, informed approach to language teaching. Second language teaching and learning. keywords: english; items; language; learning; problems; syllabus; teaching cache: erjee-93.pdf plain text: erjee-93.txt item: #376 of 380 id: erjee-94 author: Oktoma, Erwin; Mardiyono, Styfanus title: THE ANALYSIS OF PRESUPPOSITION IN THE SHORT STORIES OF SILVESTER GORIDUS SUKUR date: 2015-04-03 words: 4536 flesch: 56 summary: (7:5:54) -Silvester could not have flown away This is categorized into non- factive, it is triggered by “wish” and the fact is not true Percentages type of presupposition in the short stories: the percentage of existential presupposition is 138 or 63,01% of findings; that of lexical presupposition is 47 or 21,46% of findings, that of structural presupposition is 9 or 4,10 % of findings; that of factive presupposition is 15 or 6,84 % of findings; that of non-factive presupposition is 7 or 3,19% of findings and the last one is Counterfactual: 3 or 1,36% of findings. In order to analyze the data, the writer employs Yule’s theory which divides presupposition into 6 types: existential presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, non-factive presupposition and counterfactual presupposition. keywords: existential; factive; non; presupposition; silvester; stories; story cache: erjee-94.pdf plain text: erjee-94.txt item: #377 of 380 id: erjee-95 author: Saehu, Andang title: AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH THESIS WRITING: A Case Study of English Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung date: 2015-04-03 words: 4044 flesch: 57 summary: objectivity √ √ √ √ √ 5 83 6. familiarity √ √ √ 3 50 b. proposing a topic √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 100 c. defending proposal √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 100 Researching a. posing research question √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 100 Stages of thesis writing Process Stages of Thesis Writing Process Respondent 1 2 3 4 5 6 F % Initial process a. finding a topic √ √ √ √ √ √ 6 100 the reasons of selecting and finding a topic 1. keywords: english; problems; respondents; study; thesis; writing; √ √ cache: erjee-95.pdf plain text: erjee-95.txt item: #378 of 380 id: erjee-96 author: Dang, Dzung Trung title: INCORPORATING A COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS APPROACH TO THE TEACHING OF A SELECTION OF FIGURATIVE IDIOMS IN EFL CONTEXT date: 2015-04-03 words: 2759 flesch: 68 summary: Incorporating a cognitive linguistics approach to the teaching of a selection of figurative idioms in efl context. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on ways to deal with a selection of figurative idioms by employing a CL perspective and to suggest some pedagogical implications. keywords: english; idioms; meaning; students; teacher cache: erjee-96.pdf plain text: erjee-96.txt item: #379 of 380 id: erjee-97 author: Ashraf, Hamid; Salami, Maryam title: WEB-BASED LANGUAGE CLUB AFFECTING EFL LEARNERS' PROFICIENCY: A CASE OF IRANIAN LEARNERS date: 2015-04-03 words: 7022 flesch: 59 summary: The research question to meet the purpose of the study is: “Does the membership of Iranian EFL university students in Web- based language clubs significantly affect their English language proficiency?” METHOD The data needed to account for the purpose and hypothesis of the study was collected through the administration of a standard test to a group of EFL learners. Therefore, language clubs, the focus of this study, could be significant in that they will provide a suitable context for language learners to practice and use language out of their classes. keywords: data; efl; english; language; learners; learning; participants; posttest; pretest; proficiency; study cache: erjee-97.pdf plain text: erjee-97.txt item: #380 of 380 id: erjee-99 author: Nisa, Sinta Hoerun title: CLASSROOM INTERACTION ANALYSIS IN INDONESIAN EFL SPEAKING CLASS date: 2015-04-03 words: 4182 flesch: 56 summary: Thirdly, the data were then calculated and analyzed the amount of each category of teacher talk, student talk, and classroom interaction type. Based on four times observation that have been conducted at the second semester of English Education Department in the University of Kuningan, it was found that all categories both in teacher talk and student talk as mentioned in FLINT system (Moskowitz, 1971 as cited in Brown, 2001: 170) had been applied by the subjects. keywords: classroom; english; interaction; language; speaking; students; teacher cache: erjee-99.pdf plain text: erjee-99.txt