item: #1 of 42 id: cord-000724-lzhobnch author: ZHANG, J. title: Seasonal influenza vaccination knowledge, risk perception, health beliefs and vaccination behaviours of nurses date: 2011-11-18 words: 3528 flesch: 37 summary: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Prioritization strategies for pandemic influenza vaccine in 27 countries of the European Union and the Global Health Security Action Group : a review National seasonal influenza vaccination survey in Europe Influenza vaccination coverage rates in five European countries during season 2006/07 and trends over six consecutive seasons Influenza vaccination among primary healthcare workers Influenza vaccination acceptance among health-care workers : a nationwide survey Influenza vaccination uptake monitoring on behalf of the Department of Health Attitudes, knowledge and factors related to acceptance of influenza vaccine by pediatric healthcare workers Correlation between healthcare workers' knowledge of influenza vaccine and vaccine receipt Factors affecting nurses' decision to get the flu vaccine Factors affecting influenza vaccine uptake among health care workers Knowledge and attitudes about influenza vaccination amongst general practitioners, practice nurses, and people aged 65 and over Influenza vaccination coverage among hospital personnel over three consecutive vaccination campaigns Influenza vaccination rates and motivators among healthcare worker groups Influenza vaccination in paediatric nurses : cross-sectional study of coverage, refusal, and factors in acceptance Predictors of influenza vaccination amongst Australian nurses Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome and the perceived avian influenza epidemic on the increased rate of influenza vaccination among nurses in Hong Kong Influenza vaccination among registered nurses : information receipt, knowledge, and decision-making at an institution with a multifaceted educational program Understanding healthcare worker uptake of influenza vaccination : a survey Accessed Trends in influenza vaccination coverage rates in the United Kingdom over six seasons from 2001-2 to 2006-7 Pandemic H1N1 (swine flu) and seasonal influenza vaccine uptake amongst frontline healthcare workers in England Avian flu : the creation of expectations in the interplay between science and the media Development of the multidimensional health locus of control (MHLC) scales Policy statementrecommendation for mandatory influenza immunization of all health care personnel Revised SHEA position paper : influenza vaccination of healthcare personnel Mandatory vaccination of health care workers The ethics of mandatory vaccination against influenza for health care workers Point counterpoint : mandatory flu vaccination for health care workers Beliefs on mandatory influenza vaccination of health care workers in nursing homes : a questionnaire study from the Netherlands Sensitivity and specificity of patient self-report of influenza and pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccinations among elderly outpatients in diverse patient care strata We are grateful for the statistical advice of Peter Milligan. [27] , further studies are needed to explore the influences on nurses' attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination and to identify the major influencing factors for their vaccination behaviours. keywords: analysis; behaviours; campaigns; care; clusters; control; coverage; difference; factors; groups; hcws; health; healthcare; higher; history; influenza; intent; items; knowledge; mandatory; nurses; p=0; perception; personal; previous; rate; ratio; respondents; risk; risk perception; score; seasonal; significant; studies; study; uptake; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; variables; workers; years cache: cord-000724-lzhobnch.txt plain text: cord-000724-lzhobnch.txt item: #2 of 42 id: cord-011663-3ggah1y1 author: Haider, Najmul title: Response to ‘Evaluation of modelling study shows limits of COVID-19 importing risk simulations in sub-Saharan Africa’ (Epidemiology and Infection – HYG-LE-10513-May-20) date: 2020-06-10 words: 368 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-011663-3ggah1y1 authors: Haider, Najmul; Yavlinsky, Alexei; Kock, Richard title: Response to ‘Evaluation of modelling study shows limits of COVID-19 importing risk simulations in sub-Saharan Africa’ (Epidemiology and Infection – HYG-LE-10513-May-20) date: 2020-06-10 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s0950268820001211 sha: doc_id: 11663 cord_uid: 3ggah1y1 nan Response to 'Evaluation of modelling study shows limits of COVID-19 importing risk simulations in sub-Saharan Africa' ( Evaluation of modelling study shows limits of COVID-19 importing risk simulations in sub-Saharan Africa 2020) keywords: africa; covid-19; modelling; risk; saharan; sub cache: cord-011663-3ggah1y1.txt plain text: cord-011663-3ggah1y1.txt item: #3 of 42 id: cord-253208-wknht58z author: Wang, Xue title: Ratios of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelet-to-lymphocyte predict all-cause mortality in inpatients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a retrospective cohort study in a single medical centre date: 2020-09-09 words: 3959 flesch: 48 summary: [26] , the NLR was significantly higher in severe patients, when compared to non-severe patients, at all time points after hospital admission, and the NLR was positively correlated with hospitalisation time from day 5 after admission. [4] reported that severe cases are likely to have higher NLRs caused by the higher neutrophil counts, but these cases would have lower lymphocyte counts, when compared to non-severe patients, indicating that the surveillance of NLRs might be helpful for the early screening of the critical illness of COVID-19. keywords: age; analysis; blood; cases; cause; cells; china; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; current; data; death; disease; elevated; factors; health; higher; hospital; inflammatory; laboratory; lymphocyte; medical; mortality; neutrophil; nlr; non; patients; platelet; plr; pneumonia; prognosis; ratio; respiratory; retrospective; risk; sars; severe; severity; studies; study; survivors; test; value; wuhan cache: cord-253208-wknht58z.txt plain text: cord-253208-wknht58z.txt item: #4 of 42 id: cord-261282-r1nprlne author: CHUGHTAI, A. A. title: The presence of fever in adults with influenza and other viral respiratory infections date: 2016-10-03 words: 3874 flesch: 49 summary: Clinical presentation of influenza in hospitalized patients Fever in the elderly Ischaemic heart disease, influenza and influenza vaccination: a prospective case control study Natural course of fever during influenza virus infection in children Clinical features of the initial cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in China Clinical predictors for diagnosing pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and seasonal influenza (H3N2) in fever clinics in Beijing A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared to medical masks in healthcare workers A cluster randomized clinical trial comparing fit-tested and non-fit-tested N95 respirators to medical masks to prevent respiratory virus infection in health care workers A randomized clinical trial of three options for N95 respirators and medical masks in health workers Hospital triage system for adult patients using an influenza-like illness scoring system during the 2009 pandemic -Mexico Pandemic Influenza Triage Tools: User Guide Predicting influenza infections during epidemics with use of a clinical case definition Evaluation of clinical case definitions of influenza: detailed investigation of patients during the 1995-1996 epidemic in France Influenzavirus infections in Seattle families, 1975-1979. Influenza infection and disease Differing virulence of H1N1 and H3N2 influenza strains Influenza A and B virus infections in children Differences in clinical features between influenza A H1N1, A H3N2, and B in adult patients Seasonal influenza in adults and children -diagnosis, treatment, chemoprophylaxis, and institutional outbreak management: clinical practice guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Signs and symptoms predicting influenza in children: a matched case-control analysis of prospectively collected clinical data Clinical signs and symptoms predicting influenza infection Viral shedding and clinical illness in naturally acquired influenza virus infections Is influenza an influenza-like illness? keywords: adults; age; analysis; cases; children; china; clinical; common; coronavirus; data; definition; disease; elderly; fever; h3n2; hcws; high; higher; hmpv; ili; illness; infections; influenza; laboratory; patients; predictors; rates; research; respiratory; risk; rsv; sensitive; significant; smoking; strains; studies; study; surveillance; symptoms; trial; vietnam; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-261282-r1nprlne.txt plain text: cord-261282-r1nprlne.txt item: #5 of 42 id: cord-263245-2qub96mz author: Singh, D. title: Alcohol-based hand sanitisers as first line of defence against SARS-CoV-2: a review of biology, chemistry and formulations date: 2020-09-29 words: 4789 flesch: 35 summary: The E protein is a multifunctional membrane protein of SARS-CoV The relationship of concentration and germicidal efficiency of ethyl alcohol Analysis of alcohol-based hand sanitizer delivery systems: efficacy of foam, gel, and wipes against influenza A (H1N1) virus on hands Inactivation of surrogate coronaviruses on hard surfaces by health care germicides Chemical disinfection of non-porous inanimate surfaces experimentally contaminated with four human pathogenic viruses Inactivation of respiratory syncytial virus by detergents and disinfectants Inactivation of SARS coronavirus by means of povidone-iodine, physical conditions and chemical reagents Stability and inactivation of SARS coronavirus Efficacy of various disinfectants against SARS coronavirus Inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 by WHO-recommended hand rub formulations and alcohols Comparison of the efficacy and drying times of liquid, gel and foam formats of alcohol-based hand rubs WHO Recommended Hand-rub Formulations Temporary policy for manufacture of alcohol for incorporation into alcohol based hand sanitizer products during the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19); Guidance for industry U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) CDC Statement for Healthcare Personnel on Hand Hygiene during the Response to the International Emergence of COVID-19 Virucidal activity of World Health Organization-recommended formulations against enveloped viruses, including Zika, Ebola, and emerging coronaviruses Efficacy of hand rubs with a low alcohol concentration listed as effective by a national hospital hygiene society in Europe The relative influences of product volume, delivery format and alcohol concentration on dry-time and efficacy of alcohol-based hand rubs Limited efficacy of alcohol-based hand gels Efficacy of ethanol-based hand foams using clinically relevant amounts: a cross-over controlled study among healthy volunteers Less and less-influence of volume on hand coverage and bactericidal efficacy in hand disinfection Impact of the amount of hand rub applied in hygienic hand disinfection on the reduction of microbial counts on hands Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee Guideline for hand hygiene in health-care settings. A mixture of ethylhexylglycerin, dexpanthenol and a fatty alcohol serves as a suitable alternative with no effect on hand rub efficacy keywords: activity; acute; agents; alcohol; antimicrobial; antiseptics; application; bovine; chemical; concentration; conditions; contact; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disinfectants; disinfection; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; enveloped; ethanol; factors; fda; foam; food; formulation; gel; glycerol; guidelines; hand; health; human; hygiene; hygienic; inactivation; isopropanol; log; membrane; method; non; organization; presence; product; protein; reduction; respiratory; review; rub; rubs; sanitisers; sars; severe; soap; spread; standard; study; surfaces; surrogate; syndrome; test; testing; time; virucidal; virus; viruses; volume; washing; water; world cache: cord-263245-2qub96mz.txt plain text: cord-263245-2qub96mz.txt item: #6 of 42 id: cord-275002-axp2ggbf author: Brandl, M. title: Mass gathering events and undetected transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in vulnerable populations leading to an outbreak with high case fatality ratio in the district of Tirschenreuth, Germany date: 2020-10-13 words: 3208 flesch: 56 summary: In order to investigate reasons for the rapid increase of cases and the magnitude of the outbreak, we used national and local surveillance data on laboratory-confirmed, reported COVID-19 cases in TIR from 17 February to 11 May 2020. The outbreak was characterised by a rapid increase in case numbers and a comparatively high crude case fatality ratio (CFR; 11%). keywords: age; beer; care; cases; cfr; community; cov-2; covid-19; crude; data; date; day; disease; district; elderly; exposures; facilities; february; germany; health; high; homes; local; march; measures; mitterteich; number; onset; outbreak; public; rest; sars; standardised; state; symptoms; tir; tirschenreuth; transmission cache: cord-275002-axp2ggbf.txt plain text: cord-275002-axp2ggbf.txt item: #7 of 42 id: cord-276916-j53i5xfs author: Kraemer, M. U. G. title: Reconstruction and prediction of viral disease epidemics date: 2018-11-05 words: 4088 flesch: 31 summary: The Lancet Elsevier Ltd Big city, small world: density, contact rates, and transmission of dengue across Pakistan Chains of transmission and control of Ebola virus disease in Conakry Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia Inference of R0 and transmission heterogeneity from the size distribution of stuttering chains Detecting differential transmissibilities that affect the size of self-limited outbreaks Using routine surveillance data to estimate the epidemic potential of emerging zoonoses: application to the emergence of US swine origin influenza A H3N2v virus How generation intervals shape the relationship between growth rates and reproductive numbers Similar impacts of control measures Practice of epidemiology a new framework and software to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers during epidemics Real-time estimates in early detection of SARS Exposure patterns driving Ebola transmission in West Africa: a retrospective observational study A Bayesian MCMC approach to study transmission of influenza: application to household longitudinal data Household transmission of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus in the United States Association between antibody titers and protection against influenza virus infection within households Household transmission of influenza virus Role of social networks in shaping disease transmission during a community outbreak of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza How social structures, space, and behaviors shape the spread of infectious diseases using chikungunya as a case study Quantifying influenza virus diversity and transmission in humans Mathematical modeling of the West Africa Ebola epidemic Real-time assessment of health-care requirements during the Zika virus epidemic in Martinique Temporal changes in Ebola transmission in Sierra Leone and implications for control requirements: a real-time modelling study Nextstrain: real-time tracking of pathogen evolution Ebola: the power of behaviour change Estimating the future number of cases in the Ebola epidemic -Liberia and Sierra Leone Probabilistic forecasting in infectious disease epidemiology: the 13th Armitage lecture Evaluating probabilistic dengue risk forecasts from a prototype early warning system for Brazil The RAPIDD Ebola forecasting challenge special issue: preface Results from the second year of a collaborative effort to forecast influenza seasons in the United States Real-time, portable genome sequencing for Ebola surveillance Genomic epidemiology reconstructs the introduction and spread of Zika virus in Central America and Mexico Emerging concepts of data integration in pathogen phylodynamics Unraveling the drivers of MERS-CoV transmission Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control Mapping residual transmission for malaria elimination Spatial and temporal dynamics of superspreading events in the 2014-2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic Measuring the path toward malaria elimination Genomic and epidemiological monitoring of yellow fever virus transmission potential Global spread of dengue virus types: mapping the 70 year history Understanding herd immunity Use of serological surveys to generate key insights into the changing global landscape of infectious disease M. U. G. Kraemer Ebola virus disease in West Africathe first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections Zika virus in the Americas: early epidemiological and genetic findings Spread of yellow fever virus outbreak in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2015-16: a modelling study The elimination of urban yellow fever in the Americas through the eradication of Aedes aegypti The hidden geometry of complex, network-driven contagion phenomena Emergence and pandemic potential of swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus Unifying viral genetics and human transportation data to predict the global transmission dynamics of human influenza H3N2 Spread of a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus via global airline transportation Who's blueprint list of priority diseases Digital disease detection -harnessing the web for public health surveillance Updates to the zoonotic niche map of Ebola virus disease in Africa Mapping the zoonotic niche of Marburg virus disease in Africa Towards a genomics-informed, real-time, global pathogen surveillance system Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health The global distribution and burden of dengue Progress and challenges in infectious disease cartography Global distribution and environmental suitability for chikungunya virus Mapping global environmental suitability for Zika virus Mapping the zoonotic niche of Ebola virus disease in Africa Mapping the zoonotic niche of Lassa fever in Africa Existing and potential infection risk zones of yellow fever worldwide: a modelling analysis Model-based projections of Zika virus infections in childbearing women in the Americas Assessing Seasonal Risks for the introduction and Mosquito-borne spread of Zika virus in Europe Potential for Zika virus introduction and transmission in resource limited countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific Assessment of the potential for international dissemination of Ebola virus via commercial air travel during the 2014 West African outbreak Zika virus transmission in Angola and the potential for further spread to other African settings Nowcasting the spread of chikungunya virus in the Americas Local and regional spread of chikungunya fever in the Americas Yellow Fever in Africa: estimating the burden of disease and impact of mass vaccination from outbreak and serological data The revised global yellow fever risk map and recommendations for vaccination, 2010: consensus of the informal WHO working group on geographic risk for yellow fever Global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 to 2016: an adjusted retrospective analysis. keywords: africa; americas; angola; available; brazil; cases; chains; chikungunya; control; data; dengue; disease; dynamics; ebola; ecological; environmental; epidemic; epidemiological; estimates; example; fever; fig; genomic; geographic; global; health; human; infectious; influenza; information; international; introduction; large; local; location; mapping; mers; modelling; models; new; number; origin; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; potential; public; real; respiratory; risk; sampling; small; sources; spatial; spread; surveillance; syndrome; time; transmission; underlying; viral; virus; west; yellow; zika cache: cord-276916-j53i5xfs.txt plain text: cord-276916-j53i5xfs.txt item: #8 of 42 id: cord-277159-klhmed21 author: Bassal, R. title: Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus in dromedary camels, Bedouins, Muslim Arabs and Jews in Israel, 2009–2017 date: 2019-02-22 words: 2847 flesch: 48 summary: Prevalence rates of anti-HEV antibodies in camels and in human sera were calculated by dividing the number of samples positive to anti-HEV antibodies by the total number of samples tested in each group. We studied HEV seroprevalence in dromedary camels and among Bedouins, Arabs (Muslims, none-Bedouins) and Jews and assessed factors associated with anti-HEV seropositivity. keywords: age; analysis; anti; antibodies; arabs; bedouins; blood; camels; donors; dromedary; economic; exposure; factors; genotypes; groups; hepatitis; hev; higher; human; igg; infection; israel; jews; low; non; overall; population; positive; rates; risk; rna; samples; sera; seropositivity; seroprevalence; socio; specific; status; study; virus; years cache: cord-277159-klhmed21.txt plain text: cord-277159-klhmed21.txt item: #9 of 42 id: cord-285061-7vah0pjm author: Khosravi, A. title: The basic reproduction number and prediction of the epidemic size of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Shahroud, Iran date: 2020-06-10 words: 2926 flesch: 52 summary: The R(0) of COVID-19 was estimated using the serial interval distribution and the number of incidence cases. The aim of this study was to estimate the basic reproduction number (R(0)) of COVID-19 in the early stage of the epidemic and predict the expected number of new cases in Shahroud in Northeastern Iran. keywords: april; average; basic; cases; community; contact; coronavirus; covid-19; daily; data; days; distribution; early; epidemic; expected; february; health; incidence; infection; iran; likelihood; march; measures; new; number; population; positive; public; reproduction; shahroud; spread; study; testing; time cache: cord-285061-7vah0pjm.txt plain text: cord-285061-7vah0pjm.txt item: #10 of 42 id: cord-287233-srkny5v4 author: Yu, Hai-ping title: Application of ‘mobile hospital’ against 2019-nCoV in China date: 2020-04-24 words: 1744 flesch: 51 summary: Mobile hospitals have some shortcomings that need to be further improved. How mobile hospitals can better cope with bad weather should be addressed in future work. keywords: anti; area; bags; chlorine; control; disease; disinfection; emergency; epidemic; fever; health; hospital; infectious; laboratory; management; medical; mobile; ncov; outbreak; patients; protective; room; shelter; special; staff; team; temperature; tent; treatment; wuhan cache: cord-287233-srkny5v4.txt plain text: cord-287233-srkny5v4.txt item: #11 of 42 id: cord-288102-iom6lu7o author: Han, Jing title: Analysis of factors affecting the prognosis of COVID-19 patients and viral shedding duration date: 2020-06-25 words: 4293 flesch: 47 summary: Severe patients were treated with lopinavir or ritonavir. One of the limitations of this study is that we assessed patients for only a limited time when they were hospitalised; thus, a longer follow-up period might be needed to further assess the prognosis of and viral shedding in cured COVID-19 patients. keywords: admission; age; analysis; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; cox; current; days; diabetes; disease; duration; factors; fever; good; group; hypoproteinaemia; important; independent; infection; levels; median; mers; mild; model; mortality; onset; pao; patients; pneumonia; poor; prognosis; regression; respiratory; results; retrospective; risk; sars; severe; shedding; significant; study; symptom; time; timely; treatment; variables; viral; viral shedding cache: cord-288102-iom6lu7o.txt plain text: cord-288102-iom6lu7o.txt item: #12 of 42 id: cord-289907-wzctqkd7 author: Elimian, K. O. title: Descriptive epidemiology of coronavirus disease 2019 in Nigeria, 27 February–6 June 2020 date: 2020-09-11 words: 5019 flesch: 48 summary: A total of 40 926 persons (67% of total 60 839) had complete records of RT-PCR test across 35 states and the Federal Capital Territory, 12 289 (30.0%) of whom were confirmed COVID-19 cases. The highest proportion of COVID-19 cases and deaths were recorded in persons aged 31–40 years (25.5%) and 61–70 years (26.6%), respectively; and males accounted for a higher proportion of confirmed cases (65.8%) and deaths (79.0%). keywords: activities; age; analysis; asymptomatic; cases; characteristics; china; classified; clinical; collection; common; confirmed; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 cases; data; days; deaths; diagnosis; disease; early; epidemiology; facility; fct; fever; health; higher; incidence; infection; june; laboratory; management; national; ncdc; nigeria; non; outbreak; patients; period; persons; population; primary; proportion; public; records; response; review; sample; sormas; states; study; surveillance; symptoms; system; testing; time; variables; world; years cache: cord-289907-wzctqkd7.txt plain text: cord-289907-wzctqkd7.txt item: #13 of 42 id: cord-290591-yi6yjjne author: Desai, Angel N. title: Bending the epidemic curve: advancements and opportunities to reduce the threat of emerging pathogens date: 2019-04-03 words: 940 flesch: 33 summary: These, and indeed the great majority of emerging disease threats, are zoonotic and require us to consider other hosts and the environment in addressing them. Outbreaks of re-emerging infectious diseases in high-income countries are also discussed, often implicating products imported across borders as well as trans-national spread due to as yet unknown causes. keywords: control; diseases; efforts; epidemic; epidemiology; global; health; impact; infection; measures; outbreak; pathogens; preparedness; prevention; public; respiratory; review; surveillance; threats cache: cord-290591-yi6yjjne.txt plain text: cord-290591-yi6yjjne.txt item: #14 of 42 id: cord-291361-2vn1o7ag author: Li, Jing title: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of three family clusters of COVID-19 transmitted by latent patients in China date: 2020-07-06 words: 3628 flesch: 47 summary: However, the lymphocyte counts of sporadic cases were significantly lower than those of family cluster cases ((1.32 ± 0.55) × This study revealed that sporadic cases had lower levels of albumin and lymphocyte counts than family cluster cases; otherwise, there were no significant differences in terms of other epidemiological characters and clinical features between the two groups. keywords: cases; characteristics; china; clinical; cluster; contact; coronavirus; counts; cov-2; covid-19; days; different; disease; epidemiological; family; generation; history; illness; index; infected; infection; january; lymphocyte; members; novel; onset; patients; pneumonia; respiratory; sars; second; severe; sporadic; study; symptoms; time; transmission; wuhan cache: cord-291361-2vn1o7ag.txt plain text: cord-291361-2vn1o7ag.txt item: #15 of 42 id: cord-292502-m76rne1l author: Cheema, S. title: The COVID-19 pandemic: the public health reality date: 2020-09-22 words: 2731 flesch: 44 summary: Moving forward and with pandemics likely to re-occur, we call for health decisions to be made on the basis of science and public health evidence. The study points out that 40% use cleaning agents or disinfectants in an unsafe manner that presents health risks. keywords: analysis; cases; communicable; confusion; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; database; deaths; disease; economic; effects; evidence; fatality; global; health; healthcare; high; illness; impact; income; individuals; infection; influenza; loss; low; measures; middle; misinformation; mortality; number; organization; pandemic; population; public; questions; rate; recent; risk; social; unemployment; usa; use; world cache: cord-292502-m76rne1l.txt plain text: cord-292502-m76rne1l.txt item: #16 of 42 id: cord-293525-c7nwygl1 author: Saldanha, I. F. title: Extension of the known distribution of a novel clade C betacoronavirus in a wildlife host date: 2019-04-03 words: 5044 flesch: 44 summary: [30] , thus making any association difficult to detect should it occur with EriCoV infection in the hedgehog. Experimental infection studies and the development of in situ hybridisation to localise EriCoV in tissues would be worthwhile in the future to further elucidate the clinical significance of EriCoV infection. keywords: abnormalities; age; animals; assay; association; available; bats; betacoronavirus; body; british; centres; colour; contents; coronavirus; data; detection; disease; distal; east; england; ericov; erinaceus; europaeus; european; evidence; examination; faecal; faeces; findings; genome; german; green; hedgehogs; high; host; identity; infection; intestinal; large; mers; middle; pcr; pme; population; positive; proportion; protein; real; region; reservoir; respiratory; rna; samples; sampling; sequence; sequencing; significant; species; spike; status; studies; study; syndrome; table; time; total; tract; transmission; usa; variables; viral; western; wildlife cache: cord-293525-c7nwygl1.txt plain text: cord-293525-c7nwygl1.txt item: #17 of 42 id: cord-297326-n0fpu8s3 author: ÁLVAREZ, E. title: New coronavirus outbreak. Lessons learned from the severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic date: 2015-01-16 words: 4998 flesch: 43 summary: Parameters of system dynamics models are subject to uncertainty. our model, together with other system dynamics models can be used by epidemiologists to investigate the likely consequences of future re-emergences of SARS-CoV based on analysis of the previous known epidemics. keywords: acute; analysis; attack; attack rate; authorities; auxiliary; cases; changes; contacts; contagion; control; coronavirus; cov; cumulative; daily; data; day; different; disease; dynamics; epidemic; equations; fig; frequency; health; hong; hong kong; human; infected; infectious; kong; measures; mers; model; number; outbreak; output; parameters; people; population; process; rate; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; sars; sensitivity; severe; simulation; spread; susceptible; syndrome; system; table; threshold; time; transmission; value; variables cache: cord-297326-n0fpu8s3.txt plain text: cord-297326-n0fpu8s3.txt item: #18 of 42 id: cord-305264-0uhabgsr author: Weng, C-H. title: Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination and clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 in Rhode Island, United States: a cohort study date: 2020-07-09 words: 1530 flesch: 45 summary: patients had BCG vaccination. Individuals with BCG vaccination were less likely to require hospital admission during the disease course (3.7% vs. 15.8%, P = 0.019). keywords: bacillus; bcg; calmette; chan; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; guérin; health; likely; non; patients; population; protection; recent; sars; severe; study; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; weng; years cache: cord-305264-0uhabgsr.txt plain text: cord-305264-0uhabgsr.txt item: #19 of 42 id: cord-307834-shmpfnrj author: Massad, Eduardo title: Two complementary model-based methods for calculating the risk of international spreading of a novel virus from the outbreak epicentre. The case of COVID-19 date: 2020-06-09 words: 3757 flesch: 48 summary: At the time of writing, this province was responsible for approximately 82% of the total number of COVID-19 cases in the world. The risk of New Cases invasion of a previously unaffected country, Risk new cases , can be defined as the probability that at least one autochthonous case be produced by the arrival of one single infected individual at the area during his/her infectiousness period. keywords: autochthonous; basic; case; china; country; covid-19; disease; endemic; equation; free; hubei; incidence; individuals; infected; infection; infective; latent; model; new; number; outbreak; period; population; prevalence; probability; province; rate; reproduction; risk; sars; secondary; spread; time; travellers cache: cord-307834-shmpfnrj.txt plain text: cord-307834-shmpfnrj.txt item: #20 of 42 id: cord-309001-erm705tg author: Liu, Q. title: Laboratory findings and a combined multifactorial approach to predict death in critically ill patients with COVID-19: a retrospective study date: 2020-06-30 words: 3457 flesch: 48 summary: (1) Combination of predictors and development of predictive model Three laboratory indicators were combined to provide a predictive probability value for the outcome of death in COVID-19 patients, which was expressed in terms of PRE. The cohort study from Jin Yin-tan Hospital and Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital (Wuhan, China) also found that DD greater than 1 μg/ml was the risk factor of death in COVID-19 patients. keywords: admission; analysis; bun; china; clinical; combined; coronavirus; covid-19; data; death; dimer; disease; factors; findings; hospital; ill; indicators; laboratory; logistic; lymr; medical; model; mortality; novel; number; outcome; patients; prediction; ratio; regression; research; respiratory; retrospective; sars; severe; single; studies; study; system; table; time; wuhan cache: cord-309001-erm705tg.txt plain text: cord-309001-erm705tg.txt item: #21 of 42 id: cord-313415-5qrpucr4 author: Lai, Rongtao title: Sentinel surveillance strategies for early detection of coronavirus disease in fever clinics: experience from China date: 2020-08-25 words: 1904 flesch: 44 summary: Therefore, patients with a normal body temperature (oral temperature <37.3°C) but with respiratory symptoms and underlying disease; as well as those with an epidemiological history, including a history of travel to epidemic areas and contact with COVID-19 patients are recommended to visit fever clinics. To efficiently and effectively control the epidemic and to minimise its negative economic impact, rapid screening and immediate isolation of suspected COVID-19 cases in fever clinics was important. keywords: cases; china; clinics; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; epidemic; fever; hospitals; influenza; isolation; medical; outbreak; patients; period; respiratory; role; sars; screening; sentinel; shanghai; surveillance; symptoms cache: cord-313415-5qrpucr4.txt plain text: cord-313415-5qrpucr4.txt item: #22 of 42 id: cord-321260-oi37dfsp author: Ahmed, Anwar E. title: Estimating survival rates in MERS-CoV patients 14 and 45 days after experiencing symptoms and determining the differences in survival rates by demographic data, disease characteristics and regions: a worldwide study date: 2017-12-22 words: 3069 flesch: 52 summary: The authors of all previously published studies of MERS-CoV were not able to assess survival rate in MERS cases from various countries that were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). This study aimed to assess how region, patient and disease characteristics influence 14- and 45-day mortality in MERS patients. keywords: age; arabia; author; cases; characteristics; coronavirus; countries; cov; data; day; death; disease; east; factors; healthcare; infection; korea; mers; middle; mortality; patients; rates; regions; republic; respiratory; risk; saudi; study; survival; symptoms; syndrome; underlying; years cache: cord-321260-oi37dfsp.txt plain text: cord-321260-oi37dfsp.txt item: #23 of 42 id: cord-323551-22v2hn3v author: Galanti, M. title: Rates of asymptomatic respiratory virus infection across age groups date: 2019-04-15 words: 3121 flesch: 36 summary: key: cord-323551-22v2hn3v authors: Galanti, M.; Birger, R.; Ud-Dean, M.; Filip, I.; Morita, H.; Comito, D.; Anthony, S.; Freyer, G. A.; Ibrahim, S.; Lane, B.; Matienzo, N.; Ligon, C.; Rabadan, R.; Shittu, A.; Tagne, E.; Shaman, J. title: Rates of asymptomatic respiratory virus infection across age groups date: 2019-04-15 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s0950268819000505 sha: doc_id: 323551 cord_uid: 22v2hn3v Respiratory viral infections are a leading cause of disease worldwide. These findings indicate a high burden of asymptomatic respiratory virus infection exists in the general population. keywords: adults; age; analysis; asymptomatic; burden; children; community; contact; daily; definitions; disease; effects; fever; groups; hmpv; individuals; infections; influenza; information; lower; multiple; muscle; pain; participant; population; positive; respiratory; results; role; rvp; samples; score; severe; severity; shedding; study; symptoms; systemic; testing; transmission; upper; viral; viruses; weekly cache: cord-323551-22v2hn3v.txt plain text: cord-323551-22v2hn3v.txt item: #24 of 42 id: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf author: Biswas, Raaj Kishore title: Underreporting COVID-19: the curious case of the Indian subcontinent date: 2020-09-11 words: 2600 flesch: 46 summary: Similarly, as COVID-19 is not identical with regard to seasonal outbreaks such as measles or dengue in Bangladesh or wild polio in Pakistan, we cannot predict COVID-19 fatality rate from the mortality of the previous seasonal outbreaks, which is likely to lead to a dubious understanding of COVID-19 numbers in these countries. International Labor Organization (2020) COVID-19 and the World of Work Distribution of reported COVID-19 fatalities in three higher income countries (UK, Italy and Germany) and three countries of ISC (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) for the first 169 days Coronavirus info Bangladesh: Press release Coronavirus: What is the true death toll of the pandemic? keywords: bangladesh; cases; coronavirus; countries; country; coverage; covid-19; daily; data; days; deaths; dhaka; disease; early; example; fatalities; fatality; health; income; india; infection; isc; italy; june; likely; limited; lmics; low; number; observed; pakistan; pandemic; patients; people; public; rate; research; response; sample; subcontinent; symptoms; testing; tests; total; transmission; underreporting cache: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf.txt plain text: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf.txt item: #25 of 42 id: cord-325453-5eskj42c author: Haider, Najmul title: The Global Health Security index and Joint External Evaluation score for health preparedness are not correlated with countries' COVID-19 detection response time and mortality outcome date: 2020-09-07 words: 5715 flesch: 51 summary: Additionally, it appears Iran has exported COVID-19 cases to at least 12 other countries including Bahrain, Kuwait and Lebanon that had not reported importing cases from China or other countries by the end of February 2020 We hypothesised that countries with higher GHSI or JEE scores would have detected their first COVID-19 case earlier, and would experience lower mortality outcome compared to countries with lower scores. keywords: 11th; 1st; 20th; 31st; aged; air; analysis; cases; china; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 cases; data; deaths; december; detection; epidemic; evaluation; february; ghsi; global; health; higher; importation; index; indices; international; irr; jee; july; lower; march; model; mortality; mortality outcome; outbreak; outcome; overall; pandemic; percentage; population; potential; preparedness; rate; readyscore; regression; reporting; response; risk; sars; score; security; study; time; value; world cache: cord-325453-5eskj42c.txt plain text: cord-325453-5eskj42c.txt item: #26 of 42 id: cord-327701-1qgaxcqq author: Scott, E. M. title: Risk factors and patterns of household clusters of respiratory viruses in rural Nepal date: 2019-10-14 words: 4723 flesch: 39 summary: Our findings, from a population consisting of crowded households, lower levels of maternal education and fewer children attending school compared to other household transmission studies, suggest that differences in socio-demographic, cultural and environmental contexts influence household transmission risk factors, including the source of household introduction. In a prospective longitudinal study utilizing intensive weekly home-based active surveillance to evaluate the household transmission of nine respiratory viruses in rural South Asia, initial infection in young children was associated with the greatest risk of symptomatic respiratory virus household transmission with spread to infants occurring in 45% of transmission events. keywords: adults; age; aged; alri; analysis; asymptomatic; case; characteristics; children; data; days; episodes; events; factors; following; household; hrv; human; illness; incidence; index; individuals; infants; infection; influenza; initial; likely; low; members; model; mothers; multiple; multivariable; nepal; non; pcr; population; positive; preschool; previous; proportion; region; respiratory; risk; rsv; rural; school; secondary; shedding; socio; studies; study; surveillance; symptoms; syncytial; time; transmission; viral; virus; viruses; years; young cache: cord-327701-1qgaxcqq.txt plain text: cord-327701-1qgaxcqq.txt item: #27 of 42 id: cord-327867-1wkbjtji author: Da'ar, Omar B. title: Underlying trend, seasonality, prediction, forecasting and the contribution of risk factors: an analysis of globally reported cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus date: 2018-06-11 words: 3188 flesch: 45 summary: MERS situation update Estimating survival rates in MERS-CoV patients 14 and 45 days after experiencing symptoms and determining the differences in survival rates by demographic data, disease characteristics and regions: a worldwide study Building predictive models for MERS-CoV infections using data mining techniques Clinical presentation and outcomes of Middle East respiratory syndrome in the Republic of Korea Risk factors for severity and mortality in patients with MERS-CoV: analysis of publicly available data from Saudi Arabia Risks of death and severe disease in patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Prevalence of comorbidities in the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV): a systematic review and meta-analysis State of knowledge and data gaps of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in humans Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection Hospital outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Treatment outcomes for patients with Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV) infection at a coronavirus referral center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Evidence of person-to-person transmission within a family cluster of novel coronavirus infections The epidemiology of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Clinical features and virological analysis of a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection An observational, laboratory-based study of outbreaks of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Jeddah and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection: virus-host cell interactions and implications on pathogenesis Hospital-associated Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections Hospital-associated Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections MERS-CoV outbreak in Jeddah-a link to health care facilities Human-Dromedary camel interactions and the risk of acquiring zoonotic Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection Early identification of pneumonia patients at increased risk of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in Saudi Arabia Human infection with MERS coronavirus after exposure to infected camels, Saudi Arabia Acknowledgements. The predictors of 3-and 30-day mortality in 660 MERS-CoV patients Development of a risk-prediction model for Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in dialysis patients Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study MERS-CoV infection in humans is associated with a pro-inflammatory Th1 and Th17 cytokine profile Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia: demographic, clinical and survival data Severe acute respiratory syndrome vs. the Middle East respiratory syndrome Viral shedding and antibody response in 37 patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). keywords: analysis; arabia; average; baseline; cases; component; contributions; coronavirus; cov; cov cases; data; east; factors; forecast; global; infection; january; linear; literature; mers; middle; monthly; patients; regression; reported; respiratory; results; risk; saudi; seasonality; series; significant; study; syndrome; time; trend cache: cord-327867-1wkbjtji.txt plain text: cord-327867-1wkbjtji.txt item: #28 of 42 id: cord-330954-ft14aa2n author: Liu, B. M. title: Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 patients in convalescence period date: 2020-06-03 words: 3791 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-330954-ft14aa2n authors: Liu, B. M.; Yang, Q. Q.; Zhao, L. Y.; Xie, W.; Si, X. Y. title: Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 patients in convalescence period date: 2020-06-03 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s0950268820001181 sha: doc_id: 330954 cord_uid: ft14aa2n However, the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 patients in isolation period have not been clarified. keywords: adult; age; antibodies; cases; chest; clinical; convalescent; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; detection; difference; discharge; disease; drugs; findings; frequency; groups; isolation; medical; nrp; patients; period; positive; respiratory; results; rna; sars; significant; specimens; study; symptoms; system; table; time; viral cache: cord-330954-ft14aa2n.txt plain text: cord-330954-ft14aa2n.txt item: #29 of 42 id: cord-332097-mrsmwxvo author: SZILAGYI, P. G. title: Incidence and viral aetiologies of acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) in the United States: a population-based study date: 2016-03-02 words: 4923 flesch: 46 summary: A specific virus was identified in 39% of specimens: human coronavirus (13% of samples), rhinovirus (12%), RSV (7%), influenza virus (4%), human metapneumovirus (4%), and adenovirus (1%). The most common viruses were CoVs (14% of all ARI cases), followed by RVs (12%), RSV (7%), influenza viruses (4%), hMPV (4%), and adenovirus (1%). keywords: acute; adults; aged; ari; aris; burden; calls; cases; children; communities; community; cumulative; days; disease; feverishness; findings; healthcare; human; illness; incidence; individuals; infection; influenza; interview; marshfield; medical; month; nasal; new; period; population; positive; primary; research; respiratory; rochester; rsv; season; source; specimens; states; studies; study; subjects; surveillance; swabs; symptoms; telephone; throat; vaccination; vaccine; viral; viruses; visits; week; weekly; wide; years; young cache: cord-332097-mrsmwxvo.txt plain text: cord-332097-mrsmwxvo.txt item: #30 of 42 id: cord-332258-o3u52mhl author: Brlek, A. title: Possible indirect transmission of COVID-19 at a squash court, Slovenia, March 2020: case report date: 2020-06-19 words: 1805 flesch: 55 summary: key: cord-332258-o3u52mhl authors: Brlek, A.; Vidovič, Š.; Vuzem, S.; Turk, K.; Simonović, Z. title: Possible indirect transmission of COVID-19 at a squash court, Slovenia, March 2020: case report date: 2020-06-19 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s0950268820001326 sha: doc_id: 332258 cord_uid: o3u52mhl Since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, there is an ongoing debate and research regarding the possible ways of virus transmission. However, there is ongoing research to identify other possible ways of transmission, such as transmission through faecal-oral route [2, 3] , indirect transmission through contaminated common objects or with virus aerosolisation [4, 5] . keywords: cases; cluster; confirmed; contact; covid-19; developed; dressing; epidemiological; hall; infection; march; pair; person; possibility; room; sports; squash; symptoms; time; transmission; venue; virus cache: cord-332258-o3u52mhl.txt plain text: cord-332258-o3u52mhl.txt item: #31 of 42 id: cord-337692-b89ow1mf author: Petti, S. title: Ecologic association between influenza and COVID-19 mortality rates in European countries date: 2020-09-11 words: 5125 flesch: 34 summary: Associations between demographic, health and healthcare determinants and 3-year average crude influenza mortality rate and crude COVID-19 mortality rate (log transformed), assessed through simple regression analyses (regression coefficients; 95% confidence intervals in brackets) Influenza mortality rate COVID-19 mortality rate [48] [49] [50] . We investigated the ecologic association between influenza mortality rates and COVID-19 mortality rates in the European context. keywords: agreement; analysis; association; average; burden; care; circulation; coefficient; confidence; control; coronavirus; correlation; countries; country; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 mortality; crude; data; deaths; determinants; differences; disease; ecologic; elderly; european; factors; health; healthcare; higher; highest; incidence; individuals; influenza; influenza mortality; interval; italy; level; life; measures; mortality; mortality rates; multiple; number; outbreak; pandemic; patients; population; public; rates; regression; reported; risk; sars; studies; study; table; vaccination; variables; year cache: cord-337692-b89ow1mf.txt plain text: cord-337692-b89ow1mf.txt item: #32 of 42 id: cord-340938-mk01k235 author: Xu, Kandi title: Application of ordinal logistic regression analysis to identify the determinants of illness severity of COVID-19 in China date: 2020-07-07 words: 4150 flesch: 42 summary: A retrospective cohort of COVID-19 patients from four hospitals in three provinces in China was established, and 598 patients were included from 1 January to 8 March 2020, and divided into moderate, severe and critical illness group. Our findings highlight that the identified determinants may help to predict the risk of developing more severe illness among COVID-19 patients and contribute to optimising arrangement of health resources. keywords: admission; age; analysis; cases; chest; china; clinical; comparison; coronavirus; count; covid-19; critical; ctni; data; determinants; diagnosis; disease; elevated; factors; group; health; higher; hypertension; illness; illness severity; independent; injury; interval; iqr; laboratory; logistic; median; medical; model; moderate; moderate group; mortality; myohaemoglobin; onset; ordinal; patients; regression; respiratory; results; retrospective; risk; severe; severe group; severity; significant; study; table; variables; worse cache: cord-340938-mk01k235.txt plain text: cord-340938-mk01k235.txt item: #33 of 42 id: cord-341795-zbqfs77n author: Sikkema, R. S. title: Global status of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels: a systematic review date: 2019-02-21 words: 5008 flesch: 51 summary: The publications in this review show that the MERS-CoV mainly circulates in dromedary camel populations in the Middle East and part of Africa, and has been infecting dromedary camels in Africa for more than three decades. In total, 33 papers describe camel studies in the Middle East, 13 studies investigated camels from Africa and the remaining seven surveys were from Spain, Australia, Japan, Bangladesh and Pakistan (Table 1) . keywords: additional; africa; age; animal; antibodies; antibody; arabia; camels; circulation; coronavirus; countries; cov; data; detection; dromedary; dromedary camels; east; east respiratory; egypt; evidence; experimental; female; field; herds; higher; human; infection; lower; male; median; mers; middle; middle east; nasal; pakistan; papers; population; positive; range; rate; reservoir; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; results; review; risk; rna; samples; saudi; serological; seroprevalence; shedding; studies; study; swabs; syndrome; syndrome coronavirus; viral cache: cord-341795-zbqfs77n.txt plain text: cord-341795-zbqfs77n.txt item: #34 of 42 id: cord-345020-ai5tib7h author: Price, O. H. title: Using routine testing data to understand circulation patterns of influenza A, respiratory syncytial virus and other respiratory viruses in Victoria, Australia date: 2019-06-17 words: 4187 flesch: 35 summary: The impact of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 on the circulation of respiratory viruses Influenza A/H1N1 2009 pandemic and respiratory virus infections Early occurrence of influenza A epidemics coincided with changes in occurrence of other respiratory virus infections Possible interference between seasonal epidemics of influenza and other respiratory viruses in Hong Kong The interferon response circuit: induction and suppression by pathogenic viruses In vitro growth profiles of respiratory syncytial virus in the presence of influenza virus Investigating viral interference between influenza a virus and human respiratory syncytial virus in a Ferret model of infection Interval between infections and viral hierarchy are determinants of viral interference following influenza virus infection in a ferret model Genotypic diversity, circulation patterns, and co-detections among rhinoviruses in Queensland Frequent detection of respiratory viruses without symptoms: toward defining clinically relevant cutoff values Do rhinoviruses reduce the probability of viral co-detection during acute respiratory tract infections Rate and influence of respiratory virus co-infection on pandemic (H1N1) influenza disease Communicable Diseases Australia (CDA) -National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) From May 2002 to December 2017, 58 114 clinical specimens were collected from communities and hospitals and tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for respiratory virus infection at VIDRL. keywords: age; associations; children; circulation; clinical; coronavirus; data; detection; epidemics; infection; influenza; interference; likely; magnitude; metapneumovirus; negative; observed; pandemic; parainfluenza; patients; peaks; picornavirus; positive; proportion; respiratory; result; rhinovirus; rsv; samples; seasonal; significant; specimens; studies; study; syncytial; table; testing; tests; timing; viral; virus; viruses; winter; years cache: cord-345020-ai5tib7h.txt plain text: cord-345020-ai5tib7h.txt item: #35 of 42 id: cord-346673-kyc1wks5 author: NICKBAKHSH, S. title: Extensive multiplex PCR diagnostics reveal new insights into the epidemiology of viral respiratory infections date: 2016-03-02 words: 5419 flesch: 36 summary: The resultant accumulation of data provides a novel opportunity to investigate viral respiratory infections in a more comprehensive fashion than previously possible. Viral respiratory infections were more likely to be detected in winter, in children aged 1-5 years, and in GP attendees, irrespective of the other factors. keywords: age; aged; analysis; attendees; burden; children; clinical; common; cov; critical; data; diagnostic; epidemiology; episodes; factors; fig; general; greater; groups; healthcare; high; hospital; human; iav; illness; infections; influenza; likely; major; multiple; multivariable; non; origin; overall; pandemic; patient; pcr; period; population; prevalence; respiratory; results; rsv; samples; scotland; season; services; severe; significant; single; statistical; study; tested; testing; time; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-346673-kyc1wks5.txt plain text: cord-346673-kyc1wks5.txt item: #36 of 42 id: cord-347916-9suvf3ln author: Kong, Man title: Higher level of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte is associated with severe COVID-19 date: 2020-07-09 words: 3305 flesch: 46 summary: Early identification of risk factors for severe patients is vital to afford appropriate supportive care or access to ICU if necessary. A study (n = 61) recently reported that NLR was the most useful factor affecting the incidence of severe COVID-19 and indicated the incidence of severe illness with NLR ≥ 3.13 keywords: blood; care; cases; cd4; cd8; cells; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; count; covid-19; data; disease; early; factor; group; higher; hospital; illness; immune; incidence; increased; infection; inflammatory; lower; lymphocyte; mild; model; neutrophil; nlr; novel; patients; pneumonia; ratio; regression; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; severe group; significant; study; subsets; syndrome; wuhan cache: cord-347916-9suvf3ln.txt plain text: cord-347916-9suvf3ln.txt item: #37 of 42 id: cord-348039-kl1a0au3 author: Majowicz, S. E. title: What might the future bring? COVID-19 planning considerations for faculty and universities date: 2020-04-29 words: 2898 flesch: 35 summary: COVID-19 planning considerations for faculty and universities date: 2020-04-29 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s0950268820000898 sha: doc_id: 348039 cord_uid: kl1a0au3 This paper applies a scenario planning approach, to outline some current uncertainties related to COVID-19 and what they might mean for plausible futures for which we should prepare, and to identify factors that we as individual faculty members and university institutions should be considering now, when planning for the future under COVID-19. This paper applies a similar approach, in order to: (a) outline some current uncertainties related to COVID-19, and what they might mean for plausible futures for which we should prepare; and (b) list factors that we as individual faculty members and university institutions should be considering now, when planning for the future under COVID-19. keywords: business; canada; capacity; community; contingency; covid-19; decisions; departments; different; distancing; e.g.; example; face; factors; faculty; fall; functions; future; health; impacts; individual; institutions; measures; pandemic; paper; phac; planning; plans; policies; public; research; resources; response; social; staff; students; time; uncertainties; universities; university; ways; workforce cache: cord-348039-kl1a0au3.txt plain text: cord-348039-kl1a0au3.txt item: #38 of 42 id: cord-349262-gnqbyc6t author: Hemida, Maged Gomaa title: The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the breath of some infected dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) date: 2020-10-14 words: 3174 flesch: 58 summary: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) neutralising antibodies in a high-risk human population Comparative serological study for the prevalence of anti-MERS coronavirus antibodies in high-and low-risk groups in Qatar Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus during pregnancy Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus seroprevalence in domestic livestock in Saudi Arabia Evidence for camel-to-human transmission of MERS coronavirus Detection of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus genome in an air sample originating from a camel barn owned by an infected patient Longitudinal study of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in dromedary camel herds in Saudi Arabia MERS coronavirus in dromedary camel herd, Saudi Arabia Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in dromedary camels in Africa and Middle East Genetic evidence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-Cov) and widespread seroprevalence among camels in Kenya Prevalence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in dromedary camels in Abu Dhabi Emirate MERS-CoV at the animal-human interface: inputs on exposure pathways from an expert-opinion elicitation Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the one health concept Dromedary camels and the transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) The viral RNAs were extracted from paired swabs and breath samples collected from dromedary camels using the Qiagen viral RNA (RNeasy Mini Kit, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) extraction kit, according to the manufacturer's protocol. keywords: air; animals; april; breath; breath samples; camels; collected; coronavirus; cov; detection; dromedary; dromedary camels; east; herd; high; human; infected; infection; march; mers; middle; molecular; nasal; nasal swabs; pcr; positive; reported; respiratory; results; rnas; samples; sampling; sequences; shedding; study; swabs; syndrome; table; time; transmission; viral; virus cache: cord-349262-gnqbyc6t.txt plain text: cord-349262-gnqbyc6t.txt item: #39 of 42 id: cord-349298-8s69wprh author: MUNYWOKI, P. K. title: Influence of age, severity of infection, and co-infection on the duration of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) shedding date: 2014-06-05 words: 3882 flesch: 45 summary: The present study revealed instances where negative samples arose within RSV infection episodes. The rate of recovery from RSV infection was age-dependent. keywords: age; aged; ahr; censored; children; data; days; detection; duration; episodes; estimates; group; household; individuals; infants; infected; infection; kenya; left; load; longer; lower; methods; midpoint; pcr; period; presence; rate; recovery; repeat; respiratory; rsv; samples; sampling; severity; shedding; similar; start; study; supplementary; symptomatic; symptoms; syncytial; table; time; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-349298-8s69wprh.txt plain text: cord-349298-8s69wprh.txt item: #40 of 42 id: cord-354272-99vw735a author: DARLING, N. D. title: Retrospective, epidemiological cluster analysis of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) epidemic using open source data date: 2017-10-24 words: 3551 flesch: 45 summary: The absence of apparent seasonality in the identified clusters further supports the significant role humanto-human transmission in healthcare settings plays in the propagation of MERS-CoV. Classification of each cluster into one or more of the three disease transmission categories (nosocomial, household, or exported) elucidated common characteristics among the clusters, including the overall concentration of case clusters in cities and healthcare institutions. Of the 51 identified clusters, 41 (80·4%) were classified as nosocomial clusters; 12 (23·5%) were household clusters; and eight (15·7%) were exported (Table 3 ). keywords: afhsb; analysis; asymptomatic; cases; clusters; confirmed; coronavirus; country; cov; data; date; duration; east; epidemic; epidemiological; healthcare; household; human; index; infection; ksa; literature; mers; middle; nosocomial; ongoing; onset; outbreak; period; respiratory; rok; role; source; symptom; syndrome; tier; total; transmission; travel cache: cord-354272-99vw735a.txt plain text: cord-354272-99vw735a.txt item: #41 of 42 id: cord-354474-hbl2ywix author: Temsah, M. H. title: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of healthcare workers during the early COVID-19 pandemic in a main, academic tertiary care centre in Saudi Arabia date: 2020-08-28 words: 4150 flesch: 43 summary: In addition, we assessed [19] the perceived adequacy of COVID-19 information and [15] perceived high fear/stress from the COVID-19 pandemic as compared to the previous MERS-CoV outbreak. A higher perceived adequacy of COVID-19 information (mean: 3.97 ± 1.00 vs. 3.7 ± 0.92, P = 0.001) and better hygienic practices (3.10 ± 0.84 vs. 2.65 ± 0.87, P < 0.001) were observed among HCWs who attended the Educational Day conference (Fig. 2) . keywords: adequacy; adherence; analysis; anxiety; arabia; attitudes; awareness; cases; control; coronavirus; covid-19; current; data; day; difference; disease; early; east; educational; experience; hcws; healthcare; higher; hospital; hygienic; impact; infected; infection; influenza; information; knowledge; levels; measures; medical; mers; outbreak; pandemic; patients; practices; previous; protective; respiratory; saudi; scores; significant; stress; study; syndrome; workers; worry cache: cord-354474-hbl2ywix.txt plain text: cord-354474-hbl2ywix.txt item: #42 of 42 id: cord-355171-oi3ezlsl author: MACINTYRE, C. R. title: Quantifying the risk of respiratory infection in healthcare workers performing high-risk procedures date: 2013-12-05 words: 3075 flesch: 42 summary: A cluster randomized clinical trial comparing fit-tested and non-fit-tested N95 respirators to medical masks to prevent respiratory virus infection in health care workers Which preventive measures might protect health care workers from SARS? Infection prevention and control during health care for confirmed, probable, or suspected cases of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus infection and influenza-like illnesses Epidemic and pandemic prone acute respiratory diseases -infection prevention and control in health care A randomised clinical trial of three options for N95 respirators and medical masks in health workers Dr Seale is in receipt of an NHMRC Australian-based Public Health Training Fellowship (1 012 631) . key: cord-355171-oi3ezlsl authors: MACINTYRE, C. R.; SEALE, H.; YANG, P.; ZHANG, Y.; SHI, W.; ALMATROUDI, A.; MOA, A.; WANG, X.; LI, X.; PANG, X.; WANG, Q. title: Quantifying the risk of respiratory infection in healthcare workers performing high-risk procedures date: 2013-12-05 journal: Epidemiol Infect DOI: 10.1017/s095026881300304x sha: doc_id: 355171 cord_uid: oi3ezlsl keywords: acute; analysis; bacterial; clinical; control; cri; daily; data; diseases; emergency; group; guidelines; hcws; health; healthcare; high; hospital; hrps; increase; infected; infection; influenza; intubation; laboratory; likely; low; number; outcomes; participants; patients; period; procedures; respiratory; risk; sars; settings; study; suctioning; table; transmission; vaccination; viral; virus; wards; workers cache: cord-355171-oi3ezlsl.txt plain text: cord-355171-oi3ezlsl.txt