item: #1 of 46 id: eshr-1485 author: Ayu, Suci Musvita; Andriyanti, Desy Riski title: VOLUNTARY COUNSELLING AND TESTING (VCT) SERVICES ON HIV/AIDS IN PRIVATE HOSPITAL OF YOGYAKARTA date: 2020-03-31 words: 3823 flesch: 59 summary: Regarding the stigma and discrimination against VCT clients, in the principle of VCT services, it has to be professional, respect the rights and dignity of all clients (14). This study aimed to explore the implementation of VCT services on HIV/AIDS at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Yogyakarta. keywords: access; aids; arv; blood; cases; client; clinic; confidentiality; consent; counseling; counselor; data; epidemiology; eshr; gemphita; health; hiv; hospital; implementation; indonesia; information; knowledge; laboratory; long; ministry; muhammadiyah; no1; number; patient; pku; post; pre; prevention; process; program; quality; ready; research; results; risk; services; society; sop; staff; test; test counseling; testing; time; treatment; vct; vct services; voluntary; waiting; yogyakarta cache: eshr-1485.pdf plain text: eshr-1485.txt item: #2 of 46 id: eshr-1507 author: Lating, Noval Ali; Sofiana, Liena title: TRAVELER’S KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES TO ACCESS TOURISM HEALTH CENTRE AT GUNUNGKIDUL: CASE STUDY AT INDRAYANTI BEACH date: 2020-05-05 words: 2125 flesch: 58 summary: The results of this study were consistent with the theory of behavior model of health services utilization, that knowledge is one of the predisposing factors that affect a person in the use of health services (5). According to the Health Behavior Model of Health Services Utilization, there are three factors that influence the utilization of health services: predisposing and enabling need (5). keywords: access; attitude; beach; behavior; centre; dan; education; epidemiology; eshr; gunungkidul; health; health centre; health services; indrayanti; information; kesehatan; knowledge; level; no1; pariwisata; pemanfaatan; pengetahuan; people; person; relationship; research; respondents; results; services; society; study; tourism; tourism health; tourists; travelers; use; utilization; visitors; vol; yogyakarta cache: eshr-1507.pdf plain text: eshr-1507.txt item: #3 of 46 id: eshr-1577 author: Anggraini, Vidya Aries; Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati; Purnamawati, Desita; Wijayanti, Siwi Mars Pramatama title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (DHF) IN SEMANU II PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE, GUNUNGKIDUL FROM JANUARY-JUNE 2019 date: 2020-04-02 words: 2459 flesch: 70 summary: Microsoft Word - 1577-4040-R1-R2-PR.edited.docx Epidemiology and Society Health Review| ESHR Vol 2 No1 2020 23 Research Article Epidemiology of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Semanu II Primary Health Centre, Gunungkidul from January-June 2019 Vidya Aries Anggraini1, Sulistyawati Sulistyawati1,2*, Desita Purnamawati3, Siwi Pramatama Mars Wijayanti4 1Faculty of Public Health, University of Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2 Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Umeå University, Sweden 3 Semanu II, Primary Health Center, GunungKidul District, Indonesia 4 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Jenderal Soedirman, Purwokerto, Indonesia * Correspondence: This study aims to describe Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Semanu II Primary Health Centre, GunungKidul, Yogyakarta. keywords: aedes; berdarah; cases; children; dan; data; demam; dengue; dhf; epidemiology; eshr; fever; figure; group; gunungkidul; health; hemorrhagic; humidity; incidence; indonesia; january; june; kejadian; march; mosquito; no1; pacarejo; people; phc; primary; public; research; semanu; society; study; tahun; thailand; vector; village; virus; vol; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-1577.pdf plain text: eshr-1577.txt item: #4 of 46 id: eshr-1872 author: Ningrum, Setya; Rokhmayanti, Rokhmayanti; Sutopo, Mieng Nova title: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS THE COVERAGES OF FILARIASIS MASS PREVENTION DRUG (POPM) IN CENTRAL JAVA YEAR 2018: CASE STUDY IN GROBOGAN, SEMARANG, AND WONOSOBO date: 2020-04-01 words: 3009 flesch: 58 summary: The purpose of this study is to compare the survey coverage of POPM filariasis. This study aims to compare the coverage of POPM filariasis and people's motivation not to participate, include their characteristics in Grobogan, Semarang, and Wonosobo. keywords: aged; analysis; bbtklpp; cakupan; characteristics; coverage; dan; data; districts; drug; epidemiology; eshr; faktor; filariasis; grobogan; health; high; indonesia; information; jawa; kabupaten; kesehatan; low; medication; medicine; no1; number; obat; people; popm; pregnant; program; reason; research; respondents; school; semarang; society; study; survey; target; tengah; vol; wonosobo; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-1872.pdf plain text: eshr-1872.txt item: #5 of 46 id: eshr-1873 author: Stevani, Devi; Husna, Himatul; Ardiyanti, Muthia; Sari, Yuni Andira; Nurfita, Desi; Sugiarto, Sugiarto; Nurkhoiriyah, Siti title: DENGUE RISK FACTOR IN BANGUNTAPAN III PHC, BANTUL, INDONESIA date: 2020-05-05 words: 2499 flesch: 63 summary: Some previous research revealed that environmental factors and people's habits strongly influence the increase in dengue incidence. METHODS This study is observational analytic with a case-control design to study the relationship between risk factors of dengue incidence. keywords: aedes; banguntapan; bantul; bivariate; case; conditions; control; data; dengue; dhf; disease; distance; district; epidemiology; eshr; factor; fever; habit; health; house; iii; incidence; increase; indonesia; kesehat; mosquito; napping; no1; number; people; phc; relationship; repellent; research; residential; respondents; risk; society; study; sunlight; value; vector; vol; yogyakarta cache: eshr-1873.pdf plain text: eshr-1873.txt item: #6 of 46 id: eshr-2160 author: Rofiqoh, Siti; Rizkian, Imam Hanifudin; Vandawi, Naila; Lianasari, Febri title: CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTHERS AND STUNTING TODDLERS IN PEKUNCEN VILLAGE, WIRADESA, PEKALONGAN, INDONESIA date: 2020-05-28 words: 3507 flesch: 57 summary: Various issues arise in stunting children, including issues of stunted physical growth, mental development, health problems, poor school performance, low education, and low income as adults that have an impact on poverty (1). A set of questionnaires was employed to collect the data among 35 respondents, which is the mothers of stunting toddler. keywords: access; authoritarian; available; birth; breastfeeding; characteristics; children; data; democratic; district; education; epidemiology; eshr; exclusive; family; feeding; food; good; growth; health; history; income; indonesia; intake; knowledge; level; low; mothers; no2; normal; nutrition; parenting; parents; pekalongan; pekuncen; permissive; research; results; risk; services; society; study; stunting; table; toddlers; type; village; vol; weight; wiradesa cache: eshr-2160.pdf plain text: eshr-2160.txt item: #7 of 46 id: eshr-2164 author: Widodo, Arif; Supratman, Supratman title: THE DIFFERENT MENTAL HEALTH PATIENT QUALITY OF LIFE DURING SHACKLING, TREATMENT, AND POST TREATMENT date: 2020-05-28 words: 3927 flesch: 57 summary: METHODS This study aimed to assess the different quality of life of mental health disorder patients during their shackling, treatment in hospital, and post-treatment in Sukoharjo, Central Java of Indonesia. Mental disorder patients, especially psychosis, will experience a reality orientation disorder, mood changes, personality disorder, habits, and or withdrawal that end up isolating themselves (9). keywords: ability; analysis; basic; care; central; community; condition; dan; different; disorders; epidemiology; eshr; factors; families; family; form; good; health; hospital; human; illness; increase; indonesia; java; jiwa; kesehatan; life; mean; members; mental; mental health; pasung; patients; people; period; physical; post; previous; productive; psychiatric; quality; regency; research; results; rights; schizophrenia; services; shackled; shackling; society; stigma; study; sukoharjo; surakarta; survivor; table; treatment; vol; work; years cache: eshr-2164.pdf plain text: eshr-2164.txt item: #8 of 46 id: eshr-2205 author: Kristinawati, Beti; Khasanah, Riska Nurul; Rahmawati, Siti title: HEALTH EDUCATION TO IMPROVE THE COMPLIANCE OF LOW SALT DIETS IN PATIENTS WITH HYPERTENSION date: 2020-07-05 words: 2934 flesch: 54 summary: The influence of knowledge, attitudes and family support for hypertension diets in Hulu Village, Pancur Batu Sub-District in 2016. The knowledge level of hypertension patients for drug therapy in the primary health care of Malang. keywords: activities; activity; blood; center; compliance; complications; consumption; data; diet; district; drono; education; elderly; epidemiology; eshr; factors; foods; health; high; hypertension; indonesian; intake; intervention; klaten; knowledge; level; low; muhammadiyah; ngawen; non; patients; people; post; pressure; public; research; results; risk; salt; score; society; sodium; study; sufferers; test; village; vol; women cache: eshr-2205.pdf plain text: eshr-2205.txt item: #9 of 46 id: eshr-2217 author: Indriyastuti, Hastin Ika; Utami, Wuri; Juad, Juad title: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN MOTHER’S KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING AND THE PATTERN IN THE 6-MONTH CHILD IN POSYANDU OF JATIMULYO VILLAGE, PETANAHAN SUB-DISTRICT, KEBUMEN REGENCY, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA date: 2020-06-26 words: 2960 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, the higher level of exclusive breastfeeding knowledge, the higher motivation to practice exclusive breastfeeding. Microsoft Word - 2217-6250-1-Final-8.docx Epidemiology and Society Health Review| ESHR Vol 2, No2 (2020) 53 Research Article Correlations between mother’s knowledge level of exclusive breastfeeding and the pattern in the 6-month child in Posyandu of Jatimulyo Village, Petanahan Sub- District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, Indonesia Hastin Ika Indriyastuti 1*, Wuri Utami2, Juad Juad2 1 Midwifery Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Muhammadiyah, Gombong, Central Java, Indonesia 2 Nursing Program, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Muhammadiyah, Gombong, Central Java, Indonesia *Correspondence: keywords: breastfeeding; children; district; education; epidemiology; eshr; exclusive; exclusive breastfeeding; health; high; indonesian; jatimulyo; knowledge; level; milk; moderate; months; mothers; no2; parity; partial; patterns; petanahan; predominant; relationship; research; respondents; shows; society; study; sub; total; value; village; vol cache: eshr-2217.pdf plain text: eshr-2217.txt item: #10 of 46 id: eshr-2245 author: Asidik, Azip Hasbi; Rokhmayanti, Rokhmayanti; Supraptiningsih, Sri; Puratmaja, Yudha title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DENGUE IN JETIS PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRE, YOGYAKARTA 2013-2016 date: 2021-02-19 words: 3318 flesch: 65 summary: Number of dengue case in Jetis PHC, 2013 - 2016 During 3 years of observations, most dengue cases occurred in 2016, with 1 case of death in January. The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiology of dengue cases based on time, place, people, observe dengue trend, and assess the larva free rate target’s achievement. keywords: analysis; areas; asia; bumijo; cases; centre; city; climate; community; control; data; dengue; dengue cases; disease; distribution; early; epidemiology; eshr; factors; fever; figure; free; health; high; incidence; increase; indonesia; jetis; june; larva; mortality; mosquito; peak; people; phc; place; population; primary; public; rainfall; rate; research; society; study; target; time; transmission; trend; urban; vector; village; vol; year; yogyakarta cache: eshr-2245.pdf plain text: eshr-2245.txt item: #11 of 46 id: eshr-2295 author: Rahmadiena, Qonita; Risanti, Erika Diana; Dewi, Listiana Masyita; Setiawati, Shinta Riana title: LOW BIRTH WEIGHT AND IMMUNIZATIONS STATUS: RISK FACTORS OF ACUTE RESPIRATORY INFECTION IN CHILDREN 2-5 YEARS date: 2021-03-04 words: 2930 flesch: 56 summary: Low birth weight is a risk factor of ARI in infants due to the low number of immune cells in the body of infants with low birth weight, namely T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes (9). Multivariate Analysis ARI Incidence Total p-value RP 95% CI ARI Non-ARI LBW History LBW 3 2 5 0.597 1.286 0.183-9.021 Non-LBW 14 12 26 Immunization Status Complete 5 2 7 0.287 2.5 0.403-15.501 Incomplete 12 12 24 keywords: acute; aged; analysis; ari; birth; birth weight; children; complete; deaths; diseases; dpt; factors; health; history; hospital;; immunization; incidence; infants; infection; lbw; low; low birth; mortality; muhammadiyah; non; patients; pneumonia; prevalence; rahmadiena; relationship; research; respiratory; risk; significant; status; study; surakarta; table; toddlers; vaccine; vol; weight; years cache: eshr-2295.pdf plain text: eshr-2295.txt item: #12 of 46 id: eshr-2987 author: Wahyuni, Dwi; Puspitasari, Elika title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PREECLAMPSIA AND LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (LBW) IN WONOSARI, GUNUNGKIDUL REGIONAL HOSPITAL date: 2021-03-04 words: 2976 flesch: 64 summary: The common causes of infant and neonatal mortality in the Special Region of Yogyakarta were low birth weight babies (LBW) and sepsis. 25. Singh G, Chouhan R, Sidhu K. Maternal factors for low birth weight babies. keywords: age; babies; baby; berat; birth; birth weight; case; control; dengan; factors; gestational; group; gunungkidul; hospital;; infants; lahir; lbw; low; low birth; maternal; mortality; mothers; people; preeclampsia; pregnancy; previous; puspitasari; regional; relationship; rendah; research; respondents; results; risk; significant; study; value; vol; wahyuni; weight; wonosari; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-2987.pdf plain text: eshr-2987.txt item: #13 of 46 id: eshr-3594 author: Aula, Ahmad Samratul title: HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ACCEPTANCE AT WONOSARI REGIONAL HOSPITAL, GUNUNGKIDUL, YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA date: 2021-03-04 words: 2262 flesch: 52 summary: Perceived ease of use was found significant associated with HMIS use (p-value ≤ 0.05). In this study, we found that attitude did not influence HMIS use. keywords: acceptance; attitude; aula; customers; data; ease; external; good; gunungkidul; health; hmis; hospital;; indonesia; informasi; information; kesehatan; management; model; perception; previous; regional; research; respondent; sex; study; system; tam; technology; use; usefulness; users; variable; vol; wonosari; yogyakarta cache: eshr-3594.pdf plain text: eshr-3594.txt item: #14 of 46 id: eshr-3629 author: Ardiyanti, Muthia; Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati; Puratmaja, Yudha title: SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF TUBERCULOSIS, POPULATION AND HOUSING DENSITY IN YOGYAKARTA CITY 2017-2018 date: 2021-03-04 words: 3273 flesch: 58 summary: Bivariate analysis between TB risk factors for TB incidence Variable R p-value Population density - 0.568 0.034 Housing density - 0.652 0.012 Figure 1 shows the distribution of TB incidence tends to the distribution of population density inversely. Method: This study used an ecological study design to determine the correlation between population and housing density with TB incidence in Yogyakarta City in 2017-2018. keywords: analysis; ardiyanti; areas; cases; city; dan; density; disease; distribution; district; factors; health; high; highest; housing; housing density;; incidence; km²; kota; lowest; number; people; population; population density; relationship; risk; significant; spatial; study; sub; tahun; tb incidence; tuberculosis; umbulharjo; value; vol; yogyakarta; yogyakarta city cache: eshr-3629.pdf plain text: eshr-3629.txt item: #15 of 46 id: eshr-3635 author: Ayu, Suci Musvita; Fa'uni, Arini Mayang title: DIFFERENCES OF TODDLER OBESITY BASED ON EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING HISTORY IN TEGALREJO HEALTH CENTER, YOGYAKARTA date: 2021-03-04 words: 3411 flesch: 66 summary: Even according to WHO, the number of obese children will continue to increase every year. The research sample consisted of 34 toddlers aged 6-24 months, calculated using the difference of two proportions: 17 cases of obese children under five and 17 controls under five who were not obese. keywords: anak; asi; ayu; babies; breastfed; breastfeeding; case; centre; children; city; control; coverage; dan; data; differences; eshr.v3i1.3635; exclusive; exclusive breastfeeding; fa'uni; formula; group; health; highest; history;; indonesia; kesehatan; milk; months; mother; number; nutritional; obese; obesity; overweight; research; results; risk; school; status; table; tegalrejo; times; toddler; toddler obesity; vol; world; yogyakarta cache: eshr-3635.pdf plain text: eshr-3635.txt item: #16 of 46 id: eshr-3719 author: Astuti, Fardhiasih Dwi; Azka, Arlina title: ENTOMOLOGICAL INDEX AND INSECTICIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY STATUS IN DENGUE-ENDEMIC AREAS YOGYAKARTA date: 2021-07-31 words: 4455 flesch: 55 summary: The sample of Aedes aegypti was obtained through the larval collection and ovitrap installation in 100 places. Insects such as Aedes aegypti can maintain and pass resistance traits to their offspring for a long time (11,12) Resistance to Malathion has been reported in several areas in Indonesia, including Simbangkulon Village, Buaran District, West Kedungwuni Village, Kedungwuni District, and Karangsari Village, Karang Anyar District, Pekalongan District (13). keywords: activity; aedes; aedes aegypti; aegypti; area; astuti; bahasa; cases; city; community; control; dengue; density; dhf; district; endemic; entomological; enzyme; esterase; fever; fogging; free; health; hemorrhagic; high; house; impregnated; incidence; index; indonesia; insecticide; jakarta; larvae; malathion; ministry; mortality; mosquito; organophosphates; paper; permethrin; population; port; psn; pyrethroid; rate; regency; research; resistance; results; risk; sorosutan; status; study; susceptibility; test; testing; tolerant; transmission; value; vector; village; vol; vulnerability; west; yogyakarta cache: eshr-3719.pdf plain text: eshr-3719.txt item: #17 of 46 id: eshr-3761 author: Pratama, Yanasta Yudo; Marwati, Tri Ani; Hidayat, Muhammad Syamsu title: FACTORS RELATED TO STUNTING INCIDENCE IN CHILDREN UNDER-FIVE YEARS IN ARGODADI, SEDAYU, BANTUL date: 2021-07-31 words: 3050 flesch: 64 summary: Stunting is also harmful to national development because stunted children have low productivity and intelligence. [<150 cm], they have three times greater odds to have stunting children than mothers with tall posture [>150 cm]. keywords: age; argodadi; bahasa; bantul; birth; body; care; case; children; control; dan; development; education; eshr.v3i2.3761; factors; group; growth; health; height; high; incidence; indonesia; low; maternal; months; mother; normal; nutritional; parents; posture; pregnancy; relationship; research; risk; sedayu; short; status; study; stunted; stunting; toddlers; vol; women; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-3761.pdf plain text: eshr-3761.txt item: #18 of 46 id: eshr-3801 author: Pratama, Yanasta Yudo title: FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HYPERTENSION AMONG POSTMENOPAUSAL WOMEN IN PARANGTRITIS COASTAL AREA IN BANTUL, YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA date: 2021-07-31 words: 3136 flesch: 58 summary: Post-menopausal hypertension: Mechanisms and therapy. Thus, post-menopausal women more often had hypertension than pre-menopausal. keywords: age; area; bahasa; blood; bmi; body; cardiovascular; case; characteristics; cholesterol; coastal; control; endogenous; eshr.v3i2.3801; factors; health; higher; hypertension; increase; index; levels; mass; menopausal; menopausal women; mmhg; obesity; old; parangtritis; people; post; postmenopausal; pratama; pressure; relationship; research; results; risk; role; sex; significant; study; table; total; vol; women cache: eshr-3801.pdf plain text: eshr-3801.txt item: #19 of 46 id: eshr-3865 author: Wardani, Yuniar; Santri, Ichtiarini Nurullita title: REFORM OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH SERVICES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: IS IT NECESSARY? date: 2021-07-31 words: 2198 flesch: 56 summary: It is essential to introduce the new digital approaches to accelerate the access of health information and services for maternal health care and contraceptives such as telemedicine using mobile phones and social media (5). The Ebola pandemic in West Africa might undermine maternal health services in standard resilience health systems (9). keywords: access; available; care; cases; child; child health; children; community; coronavirus; covid-19; data; disease; essential; global; government; health; health services; indonesia; level; march; maternal; mothers; necessary; new; pandemic; pregnant; public; quality; reform; report; reproductive; services; sexual; sustainability; system; timely; vol; wardani; women cache: eshr-3865.pdf plain text: eshr-3865.txt item: #20 of 46 id: eshr-4039 author: Nurfita, Desi; Parisudha, Annisa; Sugiarto, Sugiarto title: STUNTING DETERMINANTS IN KULONPROGO DISTRICT, YOGYAKARTA YEAR 2019 date: 2022-01-23 words: 3039 flesch: 56 summary: Stunting in Kulonprogo District Figure 3 shows the proportion of stunted children under five by Puskesmas in the Kulonprogo District. Most mothers with stunting children conducted exclusive breastfeeding (66%). keywords: age; analysis; anemia; available; breastfeeding; children; chronic; data; deficiency; determinants; district; early; education; energy; exclusive; factors; families; family; figure; food; growth; health; incidence; income; indonesia; initiation; intake; kulonprogo; kulonprogo district; low; maternal; mothers; number; nurfita; nutrition; pregnancy; pregnant; prevalence; priority; puskesmas; research; risk; status; study; stunting; toddlers; vol; year; yogyakarta cache: eshr-4039.pdf plain text: eshr-4039.txt item: #21 of 46 id: eshr-4301 author: Hartanti, Rissa Widyasworo; Handayani, Lina title: PRE-OPERATIVE EDUCATION TO REDUCE ANXIETY: LITERATURE REVIEW date: 2021-07-31 words: 3401 flesch: 51 summary: Several reasons can cause pre-operative anxiety, including fear of physical changes, uncertainty, surgery pain, death risk (5). Health education is one of the non- medical therapies that reduce pre-operative anxiety. keywords: analysis; anxiety; articles; available; bahasa; colonoscopy; control; data; education; effect; group; hartanti; health; health education; indonesia; information; instrument; intervention; level; literature; media; mental; method; number; operation; operative; pain; patients; physical; post; pre; preoperative; preparation; procedure; randomized; readiness; research; respondents; results; review; samples; scale; studies; study; support; surgery; surgical; test; vol; wilcoxon cache: eshr-4301.pdf plain text: eshr-4301.txt item: #22 of 46 id: eshr-4641 author: Mukhopadhyay, Amita; Debata, Ipsita; Kamate, Ravikiran P; Nagendra, Nagaiah; Rodrigues, Priyanka title: A COMMUNITY-BASED STUDY OF MILK ADULTERATION AND CHILDHOOD MALNUTRITION IN BANGALORE RURAL DISTRICT, INDIA date: 2021-09-14 words: 4546 flesch: 54 summary: Our objectives were to assess the nutritional status of children aged 1–5 years, to test milk samples from the children’s households for common adulterants, and further to explore the association of milk adulteration with malnutrition in children so that baseline data could be made available and utilized in future to confront these two important public health issues. A fundamental limitation of this study was that testing for milk adulterants was qualitative. keywords: 2017; adulterants; adulterated; adulteration; age; analysis; association; available; bmi; boys; children; common; community; data; district; education; family; findings; food; fssai; girls; health; height; hfa; higher; india; institute; internet; karnataka; low; lower; malnutrition; maternal; median-2sd; medical; milk; milk adulteration; mukhopadhyay; national; nuclear; nutritional; population; prevalence; primary; research; results; rural; safety; samples; significant; socioeconomic; standards; status; study; stunting; survey; table; tests; total; underweight; value; vol; wasting; water; wfa; wfh; whocgs; years cache: eshr-4641.pdf plain text: eshr-4641.txt item: #23 of 46 id: eshr-4669 author: Sharma, Priyanka; Dogra, Sandeep ; Mahajan, Bella; Sharma, Shashi Sudhan title: Biofilm Formation by Uropathogens and Its Impact on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern date: 2022-08-02 words: 3254 flesch: 53 summary: CRA method detected 83 isolates(46%) as biofilm producers, whereas TA method detected only 59(33%) isolates as biofilm producers. 9. L K. Riddle of biofilm resistance. keywords: 10mcg; adherence; aeruginosa; agar; antibiotics; antimicrobial; bacterial; biofilm; biofilm formation; care; case; coli; congo; cra; department; detection; different; drug; escherichia; eshr.v4i2.4669; finding; formation; gentamicin; gram; hospital; impact; india; infections; isolates; klebsiella; method; negative; non; patients; pattern; positive; producers; production; pseudomonas; red; resistance; results; sharma; similar; spp; staphylococcus; study; susceptibility; table; total; tract; tube; urinary; uropathogens; uti; vol cache: eshr-4669.pdf plain text: eshr-4669.txt item: #24 of 46 id: eshr-4728 author: Rooiqoh, Qothrunnadaa Fajr; Tamtomo, Didik Gunawan; Cilmiaty, Risya title: BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS AND LIPID PROFILES OF T2DM AMONG HYPERTENSION PATIENTS IN BAMBANGLIPURO HEALTH CENTRE date: 2022-02-21 words: 3445 flesch: 55 summary: The objective of this study was to determine the differences in blood glucose level and lipid profile among T2DM patients with hypertension and without hypertension. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in LDL, and there were no significant differences in fasting blood glucose levels in T2DM patients with hypertension and without hypertension. keywords: analysis; atherosclerosis; bambanglipuro; blood; blood glucose; cardiovascular; centre; cholesterol; control; criteria; data; diabetes; differences; disease; dm patients; factors; glucose; glycemic; hba1c; hdl; health; heart; hypertension; hypertension patients; indonesia; insulin; ldl; levels; lipid; mean; mellitus; patients; people; pressure; profiles; qothrunnadaa; relationship; research; results; risk; significant; studies; study; sugar; t2 dm; test; total; triglyceride; type; vol; years cache: eshr-4728.pdf plain text: eshr-4728.txt item: #25 of 46 id: eshr-5038 author: Sharma, Priyanka; Raina, Rachana; Purbi, Shweta; Sharma, Shashi Sudhan title: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Workers in Management of Bio-Medical Waste – A Cross-Sectional Study date: 2022-08-02 words: 2881 flesch: 64 summary: Awareness of bio-medical waste management among hospital and dental college and hospital employees. Knowledge, attitude and practice of biomedical waste management among health care personnel in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry. keywords: attitude; average; bio; biomedical; bmwm; care; cross; doctors; environment; good; group; health; hospital; iii; india; jammu; knowledge; management; medical; paramedics; participants; poor; practice; research; rules; sanitary; sectional; sharma; staff; study; vol; waste; workers cache: eshr-5038.pdf plain text: eshr-5038.txt item: #26 of 46 id: eshr-5062 author: Priya K, Josephine; Sobagaiah, Ranganath T; Debata, Ipsita title: ASSESSMENT OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AWARENESS AMONG ADOLESCENT GIRLS IN A CITY OF SOUTH INDIA: AN INTERVENTIONAL STUDY. date: 2022-01-31 words: 3726 flesch: 57 summary: For the educational intervention, teachers selected by the institution were trained on relevant aspects of adolescent reproductive health. At the community level it is vital to have culturally appropriate Information, Education and Communication strategies for improving adolescent reproductive health. keywords: academic; adolescent; adolescent girls; age; analysis; assessment; average; awareness; bangalore; better; change; city; class; colleges; countries; data; domains; educational; effect; girls; good; group; health; health awareness; india; intervention; josephine; knowledge; levels; menstrual; menstruation; performance; poor; population; post; pre; pregnancy; priya; puberty; reproductive; reproductive health; research; schools; score; sexual; size; south; students; study; table; test; total; vol; world cache: eshr-5062.pdf plain text: eshr-5062.txt item: #27 of 46 id: eshr-5097 author: Amalia, Kartika Putri; Rahayu, Sri; Harfiani, Erna title: Factors Associated with Successful Tuberculosis Treatment in the Primary Health Care of Bekasi date: 2022-08-06 words: 3319 flesch: 56 summary: Bekasi is the second-largest city with tuberculosis patients after Bandung, with 3,355 patients in 2015. Inadequate nutritional intake in tuberculosis patients will increase the recovery time. keywords: adherence; age; bacteria; bekasi; bmi; care; cases; city; correlation; drug; eshr; health; health care; indonesia; issn; jakarta; medication; new; normal; nutritional; oat; online; patients; primary; print; productive; pulmonary; rate; research; results; significant; society; status; successful; treatment; tuberculosis; value; vol cache: eshr-5097.pdf plain text: eshr-5097.txt item: #28 of 46 id: eshr-5221 author: Pratama, Yanasta Yudo; Rosada, Marwan; Arlinda, Elyn title: WHY IS HEALTH PROTOCOL STILL NEEDED EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE ARE GETTING VACCINATED? date: 2022-01-31 words: 508 flesch: 49 summary: In addition, evidence highlights that the immune response induced by COVID-19 vaccination exceeds that caused by natural infection with SARS-CoV- 2. Vaccination potency may decrease sometime after vaccination, which requires us to maintain health protocols that obey the health protocols enforced by the government. keywords: covid-19; government; health; indonesia; november; protocols; society; vaccination; virus cache: eshr-5221.pdf plain text: eshr-5221.txt item: #29 of 46 id: eshr-5341 author: Marwati, Tri Ani; Kusmayanti, Nur Aini; Rosyidah, Rosyidah title: Quality of Life Among Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Indonesian Chronic Disease Management Program (Prolanis) date: 2022-08-07 words: 3917 flesch: 58 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to advance the Prolanis community to maintain the quality of life, life satisfaction, and lifestyle of patients with diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the researchers recommend that the Prolanis member be more active in the Prolanis community to maintain the quality of life, life satisfaction, and lifestyle of patients with diabetes mellitus, including by providing a pocketbook, Healthy Living Guide for Diabetes Mellitus Patients. keywords: analysis; bpjs; care; characteristics; chronic; chronic disease; community; comorbidities; consumed; data; day; demographic; diabetes; diabetes mellitus; diet; disease; education; figure; good; group; health; high; idf; indonesian; international; kesehatan; level; life; low; management; marwati; mellitus; mellitus patients; month; organization; participants; patients; people; physical; program; prolanis; quality; questionnaire; research; researchers; results; satisfaction; satisfied; social; status; studies; study; support; times; type; vol; week; whoqol; world; yogyakarta cache: eshr-5341.pdf plain text: eshr-5341.txt item: #30 of 46 id: eshr-5391 author: Hastani, Addellia Yoma ; Agustin, Helfi; Budiman, Hary; Addini, Ezza title: Behavior assessment for non-communicable disease prevention using the health belief model date: 2023-02-08 words: 4904 flesch: 50 summary: Health behavior and health education : theory, research, and practice. The activities are smoke-free villages, health education, periodic health checks, physical activities, and advocacy to replace the snack menu at community meetings with fruit and vegetables.7 Research using Health Belief Model (HBM) is used to evaluate health behaviors and investigate possible HBM interventions to improve behaviors. keywords: action; active; activities; activity; analysis; assessment; barriers; based; behavior; belief; belief model; benefits; communicable; community; cues; data; diabetes; disease; disease prevention; education; efficacy; elderly; hastani; hbm; health; health belief; hypertension; inactive; individual; living; mellitus; model; ncd; negative; non; obstacles; participants; participation; perception; physical; positive; practice; prevention; program; relationship; research; respondents; results; risk; self; severity; significant; smoke; study; support; susceptibility; table; test; value; vol; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-5391.pdf plain text: eshr-5391.txt item: #31 of 46 id: eshr-5514 author: Unwanah, Lana; Djannah, Sitti; Suryani, Dyah; Pratama, Yanasta Yudo; Tristifanny, Annisa; Rahmanda, Andita ; AbuHilail, Hamza title: Correlation Between Education and Age to the Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination date: 2022-08-06 words: 3633 flesch: 56 summary: However, in Indonesia, the response to COVID-19 vaccination remains low. About 65% of the respondents expressed their willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccination if provided by the Indonesian government, 27% reported hesitancy, and 8% refused to accept the COVID-19 vaccine (6). keywords: adverse; aefi; afraid; age; available; background; belief; correlation; covid-19; covid-19 vaccine; data; degree; education; effects; events; government; health; high; indonesia; information; intention; jan; knowledge; level; media; motivation; old; pandemic; participants; people; perception; plos; program; protocols; public; research; respondents; risk; school; significant; social; study; table; unwanah; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vol; willingness; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-5514.pdf plain text: eshr-5514.txt item: #32 of 46 id: eshr-5529 author: Rustiawan, Asep; Rifai, Muchamad title: Local Wisdom Fly Trap Effectiveness in the Culinary Area of Bantul Beach Tourism, Yogyakarta date: 2022-08-02 words: 3317 flesch: 68 summary: The data meant that the effectiveness of trapping sticky paper fly traps differs from plastic bowls and plastic bottles. The results of the ANOVA statistical test and the Post Hoc Test Multiple Comparison follow- up tests showed that sticky paper fly traps had significantly different effectiveness in trapping flies than plastic bowl fly traps, even substantially different from plastic bottles. keywords: agents; anova; area; available; bait; bantul; bantul beach; beach; bottles; bowls; community; contrast; control; culinary; culinary area; data; different; disease; effectiveness; environment; flies; fly; fly traps; groups; health; local; myiasis; number; paper; plastic; plastic bottles; plastic bowl; public; research; results; rustiawan; seafood; shrimp; significant; spread; stalls; sticky; sticky paper; study; table; test; tourism; trap; trap effectiveness; type; value; vol; wisdom; yogyakarta cache: eshr-5529.pdf plain text: eshr-5529.txt item: #33 of 46 id: eshr-5705 author: Rosyidah, Rosyidah title: EMERGING CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE DUE TO COVID-19 IN INDONESIA date: 2022-02-22 words: 536 flesch: 44 summary: Furthermore, expanding access to health services for the missing-middle group, namely, people who are not included in the Government Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) but still find it challenging to pay health care services. The goal of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means a situation in which all individuals and communities have access to health services, whenever and wherever they need them, without financial barriers to obtaining them. keywords: access; bpjs; coverage; covid-19; health; indonesia; kesehatan; people; services; uhc; universal cache: eshr-5705.pdf plain text: eshr-5705.txt item: #34 of 46 id: eshr-5814 author: Yasin Mustamin, Achmad; Pratama, Yanasta Yudo; Ani Marwati, Tri title: Mental Health Problems during COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2022-08-07 words: 728 flesch: 45 summary: The government makes protocols and policies to optimize the integration of mental health services with the main focus on a public health-based approach and strengthening primary health services, especially in preventive efforts in terms of mental health. The situation of this pandemic pushes WHO and mental health services as an integral component of the condition. keywords: covid-19; depression; disorders; health; indonesia; main; mental; pandemic; patients; people; problems; public; respondents; services; workers cache: eshr-5814.pdf plain text: eshr-5814.txt item: #35 of 46 id: eshr-6129 author: Riaz, Fatima; Nimesh, Archana title: Correlation between HbA1c and lipid profile in diabetes: a primary health concern in Aseer, Saudi Arabia date: 2023-07-29 words: 3721 flesch: 55 summary: Linear regression analysis was used to check the correlations between the biochemical parameters in diabetes patients. RESULTS The demographic data and glycemic and lipid profiles of diabetes patients have been shown in Table 1. keywords: analysis; arabia; aseer; blood; bmi; body; cardiovascular; care; cholesterol; complications; concern; control; correlation; data; diabetes; diabetic; disease; dyslipidemia; glucose; glycemic; group; hba1c; hdl; health; high; hypertension; insulin; ldl; levels; lifestyle; lipid; lipid profile; mean; mellitus; obesity; patients; prevalence; primary; profile; riaz; risk; saudi; study; table; total; type; vldl; vol cache: eshr-6129.pdf plain text: eshr-6129.txt item: #36 of 46 id: eshr-6216 author: Purnama, Jihan Srikandhia ; Sofiana, Liena title: Association between close contact history and the risk of COVID-19 in Purwakarta District, Indonesia date: 2023-03-11 words: 3961 flesch: 62 summary: Close contacts are suspected of having a greater chance of being confirmed because exposure to confirmed cases carried out continuously for more than 15 minutes will make people with close contact status more susceptible to contracting the virus.9 People with a history of close contact with confirmed cases are at high risk for exposure to the virus through droplet transmission. A small percentage of close contact cases only sometimes progress to confirmed cases, as observed from the COVID-19 surveillance report of the Purwakarta District Health Office. keywords: adult; age; association; asymptomatic; available; cases; china; close; close contact; contact; contact history; contaminated; coronavirus; covid-19; dan; data; disease; district; droplets; early; elderly; environment; exposure; family; health; high; history; household; incidence; increase; indonesia; infection; internet; java; kesehatan; late; number; office; patients; pencegahan; people; person; public; purnama; purwakarta; purwakarta district; research; respiratory; results; risk; sars; severe; social; status; study; table; transmission; virus; vol cache: eshr-6216.pdf plain text: eshr-6216.txt item: #37 of 46 id: eshr-6313 author: De, Maumita; Bhattacharya, Saikat; Mondal, Soumitra title: A qualitative study on the effectiveness of displayed health education materials (HEMs) in an immunization clinic of a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal, India date: 2023-02-02 words: 4343 flesch: 57 summary: Piles showing health education posters according to the topic discussed = Cluster 1 contains posters on child health, including immunization = Cluster 2 contains posters on nutrition and breastfeeding = Cluster 3 contains miscellaneous posters like hygiene & family planning While sorting those as per the presentation of display material, three piles were found. Piles showing health education posters according to the type of presentation = Cluster 1 contains posters having a single big picture = Cluster 2 contains posters having multiple small pictures with a message in the local language = Cluster 3 includesa poster with no pictures and writing inthe local language DISCUSSION keywords: attractive; attractiveness; banners; bengal; breastfeeding; caregivers; children; clinic; different; education; education materials; effectiveness; english; general; group; hand; health; health education; hems; hygiene; illiterate; immunization; india; language; literacy; local; materials; maumita; medical; message; minutes; mothers; noticed; participants; patients; pictorial; pictures; pile; posters; pract; presentation; qualitative; respondents; room; studies; study; subjects; time; total; understanding; vaccination; vol; waiting; west; years cache: eshr-6313.pdf plain text: eshr-6313.txt item: #38 of 46 id: eshr-6369 author: Yuliansyah, Herman; Sulistyawati; Surahma Asti Mulasari title: Technological Innovation is Needed to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in Indonesia date: 2022-08-07 words: 753 flesch: 51 summary: The increasing trend of artificial intelligence technology (4) and the Internet of Things (IoT) (5) usage is an opportunity to support stunting prevention. This innovation should provide alerts for early stunting detection so that program targets can be more accurate. keywords: 2022; ahmad; artificial; available; children; data; health; indonesia; innovation; intelligence; internet; learning; machine; prevention; public; stunting; things; toddlers cache: eshr-6369.pdf plain text: eshr-6369.txt item: #39 of 46 id: eshr-7237 author: Sudarko, Luthfi Nur Rochman; Djannah, Sitti Nur; Handayani, Lina ; Hidayat, M. Syamsu; Tukiyo, Intan Wahyuni title: Study of adolescent health behavior towards non-communicable disease risk factors in Special Region of Yogyakarta date: 2023-02-07 words: 5055 flesch: 60 summary: (Study of adolescent health behavior towards non-communicable disease risk factors in Special Region of Yogyakarta) Vol. 5, No. 1, 2023, pp. (Study of adolescent health behavior towards non-communicable disease risk factors in Special Region of Yogyakarta) Vol. 5, No. 1, 2023, pp. keywords: activities; activity; adolescents; aged; alcohol; anak; awareness; behavior; blood; body; cases; communicable; communicable diseases; consumption; dalam; dan; data; death; diabetes; disease; disease risk; eating; education; eshr; factors; faktor; figure; fruit; group; habits; health; health behavior; high; history; hypertension; income; increase; kesehatan; lack; lifestyle; low; mellitus; menular; ncd; ncds; non; number; pada; patterns; penyakit; people; percentage; physical; physical activity; poor; pressure; prevalence; previous; public; region; related; research; results; risiko; risk; risk factors; riskesdas; smoking; special; special region; studies; study; sudarko; tidak; unhealthy; use; v5i1.7237; vegetables; vol; years; yogyakarta cache: eshr-7237.pdf plain text: eshr-7237.txt item: #40 of 46 id: eshr-7257 author: Setiyaningsih, Riyani ; Prihasto, Sapto; Ayuningrum , Fahmay Dwi; Prasetyo , Arif Suryo ; Prihatin, Mega Tyas; Negari, Sekar; Alfiah, Siti; Susanti, Lulus; Sulistyorini, Evi; Cahyandaru, Jery; Garjito, Triwibowo Ambar title: Distribution and behavior of Anopheles maculatus and its potential as a Malaria vector in Indonesia date: 2023-03-12 words: 4323 flesch: 56 summary: Another factor that supports mosquitoes in becoming malaria vectors is their long life and resistance to Plasmodium entering their body.9–11 Studies on the distribution and behavior of An. maculatus as a malaria vector need to be carried out considering the importance of this species as a malaria vector in several provinces in Indonesia. The results showed that An. maculatus was found in the Riau Islands, Lampung, Bangka Belitung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Central Sulawesi. keywords: activity; animal; anopheles; anopheles maculatus; area; bait; bangka; barat; behavior; belitung; blood; central; central java; collection; control; culicidae; data; density; diptera; distribution; east; east java; endemic; eshr.v5i1.7257; highest; human; indonesia; islands; jakarta; java; lampung; maculatus; maculatus mosquitoes; malaria; malaria vector; method; mosquitoes; night; north; number; outdoor; philippines; plasmodium; potential; provinces; research; results; riau; sampling; setiyaningsih; south; species; studies; study; suck; sulawesi; sumatra; survey; table; team; technical; thailand; time; transmission; trap; trop; vector; vol; west; west java cache: eshr-7257.pdf plain text: eshr-7257.txt item: #41 of 46 id: eshr-7279 author: Yanti, Dwi Syaputri ; Sumardiyono, Sumardiyono; Kusnandar, Kusnandar title: The relationship between household good security and incidence of stunting in toddlers during the new normal: A systematic review date: 2023-03-13 words: 3917 flesch: 54 summary: et al., (2018) 15 To determine the relationship between household food security with the incidence of stunting and obesity (SCOWT) Cross- sectional study There is a relationship between household food insecurity with stunting children and SCOWT 4. There is a relationship between household food security and the incidence of stunting (p = 0.018), and household food insecurity has a 6.9 times greater risk of experiencing stunting. keywords: access; aged; articles; available; balita; children; covid-19; criteria; crosssectional; dan; district; economic; era; factors; families; food; food security; gizi; good; health; household; household food; human; incidence; inclusion; indonesia; intake; kesehatan; ketahanan; lack; months; new; normal; nutritional; nutritious; pandemic; pangan; prevalence; relationship; research; results; review; risk; security; severe; status; study; stunted; stunting; table; toddlers; vol; yanti; years cache: eshr-7279.pdf plain text: eshr-7279.txt item: #42 of 46 id: eshr-933 author: Sofiana, Liena; Gustina, Erni; Wardani, Yuniar; Ayu, Suci Musvita; Maula, Aniq Diya Nata title: THE CORRELATION BETWEEN WORM INFECTIONS AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS date: 2019-09-09 words: 3504 flesch: 57 summary: Based on table 6, it is known that out of 8 respondents infected with worms, there were 1 respondent who had underweight nutritional status, 6 respondents had good nutritional status and 1 respondent had fat nutritional status. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between helminthiasis infection and nutritional status. keywords: area; cause; center; children; community; data; disease; elementary; epidemiology; eshr; fat; female; fisher; health; helminthiasis; indonesia; infection; kabupaten; kecacingan; kesehatan; loss; male; moyudan; no1; number; nutritional; nutritional status; percentage; primary; public; relationship; republik; research; respondents; results; school; sleman; society; status; students; study; table; test; total; value; vol; worm cache: eshr-933.pdf plain text: eshr-933.txt item: #43 of 46 id: eshr-934 author: Nurfita, Desi; Rokhmayanti, Rokhmayanti; Agustin, Helfi; Sugathan, Sandheep title: THE EVALUATION OF A SMOKE-FREE AREA DECLARATION PROGRAM TO CREATE A HEALTHY CITY AT PUSKESMAS GONDOKUSUMAN date: 2019-09-11 words: 4066 flesch: 56 summary: The head of community groups was assigned as the leader of the program in the area and therefore holds responsibilities for the program. It was given once to community groups. keywords: area; area declaration; area program; cigarette; city; community; data; declaration; declaration program; diseases; district; environment; epidemiology; eshr; evaluation; facilities; free; free area; fund; gondokusuman; government; groups; guidelines; head; health; health office; implementation; information; involved; kota; mayor; media; members; no1; non; office; parties; process; program; puskesmas; regional; regulation; research; smoke; smoking; society; study; units; work; yogyakarta cache: eshr-934.pdf plain text: eshr-934.txt item: #44 of 46 id: eshr-935 author: Wijayanti, Siwi Pramatama Mars; Fadillah, Alfianti Nur title: EPIDEMIOLOGY OF DIPHTERIA IN PURWAKARTA REGENCY INDONESIA date: 2019-09-09 words: 2882 flesch: 61 summary: Several data were collected in this study such as diphtheria cases by age, time of occurrence, gender, place and immunization status. Low coverage of immunization is highlighted in the result of this study, which could explain why diphtheria cases occurred continuously in this area. keywords: area; cases; children; clinical; coverage; data; descriptive; diphtheria; diphtheria cases; disease; epidemiology; eshr; figure; gender; groups; health; high; immunization; indonesia; infectious; java; journal; low; no1; occurrence; outbreak; people; population; purwakarta; rainy; regency; religious; research; risk; season; september; society; status; study; transmission; vaccination; vol; west; yearsold cache: eshr-935.pdf plain text: eshr-935.txt item: #45 of 46 id: eshr-936 author: Qura, Ummul; Ansar, Jumriani; Arsyad, Dian Sidik; Dwinata, Indra; Ikhsan, Muh; Suriah, Suriah title: THE DETERMINANTS OF CERVICAL CANCER EARLY DETECTION BEHAVIOUR WITH VIA TEST METHOD IN VISITORS OF POLI KIA-KB IN KASSI-KASSI PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER OF KOTA MAKASSAR date: 2019-09-09 words: 4387 flesch: 57 summary: Variables The study was conducted to find out the relation between the independent variables (education, knowledge, attitude, husband support, and health worker support) and the dependent variable (cervical cancer early detection behaviour with VIA test method). The test results on the five determinant variables of early detection behaviour of cervical cancer with VIA test method showed that four variables had a relationship with cervical cancer early detection behaviour with VIA test method, while the other one did not have any relationship with cervical cancer early detection behaviour with VIA test method in visitors of Policlinic KIA-KB in Kassi-Kassi Public Health Center, Rappocini Sub-district, Kota Makassar. keywords: analysis; attitude; behaviour; cancer; cancer early; center; cervical; cervical cancer; data; detection; detection behaviour; deteksi; early; early detection; education; epidemiology; eshr; faktor; health; high; husband; iva; kanker; kassi; knowledge; kota; low; makassar; method; no1; number; public; relationship; research; respondents; result; society; study; support; test; test method; vol; women; worker cache: eshr-936.pdf plain text: eshr-936.txt item: #46 of 46 id: eshr-938 author: Fatmawati, Fajar; Sulistyawati, Sulistyawati title: CLIMATE CHANGE AND DENGUE IN INDONESIA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW date: 2019-09-10 words: 3540 flesch: 47 summary: Research in Jakarta by using 9 years of data set (2008-2016) shows dengue incidence was significantly associated with rainfall about 254-667mm then followed by high dengue incidence in 0-3 month in the beginning of the year (13). All of the included articles were studying the association between climate variable and dengue incidence. keywords: analysis; articles; associated; association; available; average; case; change; changing; city; climate; correlation; dengue; dengue incidence; disease; district; english; environmental; epidemiology; eshr; factors; fever; global; google; health; hemorrhagic; high; humidity; impact; incidence; increase; indonesia; internet; jakarta; methods; monthly; mosquito; no1; north; number; period; plos; rainfall; regression; relationship; research; review; risk; situation; sleman; society; speed; studies; study; temperature; test; transmission; variability; variable; vol; wind cache: eshr-938.pdf plain text: eshr-938.txt