
© 2020 Adama Science & Technology University. All rights reserved 

Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development  

e-ISSN 2663-3205                                                                           Volume 7 (1), 2020 

Journal Home Page: www.ejssd.astu.edu.et  ASTU  

Research Paper 

Combination of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer to Improves Tef (Eragrostis tef) 

Yield and Yield Components and Soil Properties on Nitisols, in the Central Highlands 

of Ethiopia 

Girma Chala

Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, EIAR, P.O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

Article Info  Abstract 



Farm yard manure  

Nitrogen Phosphorus  


 A field experiment was made to evaluate combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield 

and yield components of tef and soil properties. The study was conducted for three consecutive 

cropping seasons (2015-2017) on farmers’ fields in Welmera district of Oromiya Regional State. The 

objective of this study was to evaluate the response of organic and inorganic nutrient source on growth 

and yield of tef under balanced fertilizers. The treatments included eleven selected combinations of 

organic and inorganic nutrient sources (Farm yard manure, Compost, Nitrogen and Phosphorus). The 

design was randomized complete block with three replications. Results revealed that tef yield and 

yield components were significantly affected by the application of organic and inorganic fertilizer 

sources. The highest tef grain yield (2042.6 kgha-1) was obtained from the applications of 25% 

compost with 75% recommended nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. While, highest biomass yield 

(8535.4 kgha-1) was obtained from the applications of full doses of recommended N and phosphorus 

fertilizers. Application of the different organic fertilizers improves the organic matter, Total N, 

available P and pH of the soil in the study area. The result also showed that the highest marginal rate 

of return was obtained from application of 50% FYM (farm yard manure) + 50% recommended 

nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, which is economically the most feasible alternative for tef 

production on nitisols of central Ethiopian highlands. Therefore, based on the MMR application of 

50% FYM (farm yard manure) + 50% recommended nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can be 

recommended for tef production for the study areas. 

1. Introduction 

Cereals are an important dietary protein and energy 

source throughout the world (Bos et al., 2005). Tef is 

grown as important cereal in Ethiopia (Abeba, 2009). It 

is national obsession and is grown by an estimated 6.3 

million farmers (Claire et al., 2014). It has also recently 

been receiving global attention particularly as a ‘health 

food’ due to the absence of gluten and gluten-like 

proteins in its grains (Spaenji et al., 2005). Tef has 

significantly highest share in Ethiopia in area of 

production and it was reported that tef covered 27.02% 


Corresponding author, e-mail: chalagirma4@gmail.com 


of the total area under cereal production followed by 

maize 17.3% (CSA, 2017/18). 

Tef performs well at an altitude of 1800-2100 mater 

above sea level annual rainfall of 750-1100 mm, a 

temperature of 10°C-27°C it can adapt wide range of 

agro-climatic conditions (Ketema, 1993). Moderately 

fertile clay and clay loam soils are ideal for tef. It can 

also withstand moderate water logged conditions 

(National Soil Service, 1994). Regardless of its wider 

adaptation, productivity of tef is low in the country with 


Girma Chala              .                                                                                                   Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 7 (1), 2020 


the national average grain yield of 1.65 tons ha-1 (CSA, 

2017/18). This is mainly because of low soil fertility 

(Negassa et al., 2013) and severe organic matter 

depletion (IFPRI, 2010) aggravated by low rate of 

chemical fertilizer application. The rate of chemical 

fertilizer application is low in the country due to 

unaffordable price for resource-poor smallholder 

farmers (Endale, 2011). The continued use of chemical 

fertilizers is also not recommendable as it causes for 

health and environmental hazards such as ground and 

surface water pollution by nitrate leaching (Pimentel D., 


One of the possible options to make use of low rate 

of chemical fertilizer application without nutrient 

deficiency of the soil could be recycling of organic 

wastes. But it is also difficult to attain sustainable 

productivity either by inorganic fertilizers or organic 

sources alone (Godara, 2012). The best remedy for soil 

fertility management is, therefore, a combination of both 

inorganic and organic fertilizers, where the inorganic 

fertilizer provides nutrients and the organic fertilizer 

mainly increases soil organic matter and improves soil 

structure and buffering capacity of the soil (Godara, 

2012). The combined application of inorganic and 

organic fertilizers is also widely recognized as a way of 

increasing yield and improving productivity of the soil 

sustainably (Mahajan et al., 2008). Nutrient management 

has major role to play in obtaining higher productivity 

and sustainable production of crops cannot be 

maintained by using chemical fertilizers alone, because 

of deterioration in soil physical and biological 

environments (Khan et al., 2008). Several researchers 

(Singh et al., 2001) have demonstrated the beneficial 

effect of integrated nutrient management in mitigating 

the deficiency of many secondary and micronutrients.  

There are also some research reports in Ethiopia that 

revealed the combined effect of organic (Vermicompost, 

compost and manure) and chemical (NP) fertilizer 

enhanced the yield of tef and reduced the amount of 

recommended chemical fertilizer by half (Girma et al., 

2017).  Similarly, effect of organic sources (compost 

and manure) and chemical (NP) fertilizer enhanced the 

yield of teff and reduced the amount of recommended 

chemical fertilizer by half (Kassahun et al., 2012 and 

Agegnehu et al., 2014) Though there is a huge variation 

in crop response to different NP fertilizer rates, 64/46 

N/P2O5 kgha-1 was given by Ministry of Agriculture 

and Rural Development as national blanket 

recommendation (Yadeta et al., 2012). Farmers in 

Ethiopia have also awareness about compost and have 

been preparing and using huge amount especially in 

central highlands of Ethiopia (personal comminution). 

However, there is little information about the rate of 

application of compost and chemical fertilizer in the 

study area either to apply in sole or in combination. This 

work, therefore, aimed to determining the effect of 

organic and inorganic fertilizers and their combinations 

on the yield and yield components of tef. 

2. Materials and Methods 

2.1. Experimental Site 

The experiment was conducted in the District of 

Welmera and Ejere, West Shewa Zone of Oromia 

National Regional State for three consecutive cropping 

seasons (2015, 2016 and 2017). The experiment site is 

located at 090 03′ N latitude and 380 30′ E longitude  and 

altitude 2400 meter above sea level for welmera and 090 

02′ N and 380 26′ E (Figure 1) and an altitude of 2200 

meter above sea level for Ejere. Distance of Welmera 

and Ejere 30 and 45 km west of Addis Ababa 

respectively. The mean annual rainfall of the study area 

was 1100mm of which about 85% falls from June to 

September and the rest from March to May (Holeta 

Agricultural Research unpublished Metrological data). 

The mean annual temperature is about 14.30c, with the 

mean maximum and minimum temperatures of 21.70c 

and 6.90c respectively (Figure 2).  

The major soil types of the trial sites are Eutric 

Nitisols (FAO-WRB, 2006). The crops widely grown in 

the study area include wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 

barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), tef (Eragrostis tef), faba 

bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and potato (Solanum 

tuberosum L.)(Personal communication).  

2.2. Experimental materials and layout 

The experimental Compost and farm yard was 

prepared following the standard procedure for compost 

preparation (Suparno et al. 2013). The weight of the 

compost and farm yard manure was measured for each 

level at air dried (at 10.5% moisture) bases right before 

application. The teff variety named kuncho (DZ-Cr-

387), which was developed and released by Debrezeit

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Figure 1: Map of the study area 

















Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



Figure 2: Annual rainfall and average mean of temperature in Holeta from 2006 to 2017 (Source: Holeta Agricultural 

Research Center Meteorological Report). 

Agricultural Research Centre in 2006 was used for the 

experiment. It is a high yielding white-seeded cultivar 

adapted to a wide range of altitudes. Urea (46% N) and 

DAP (18% N and 46% P2O5) were used as a source of 

nitrogen and phosphorus. The experiment was laid out 

in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in 

factorial arrangement and treatments were replicated 

three times. The trial was carried on permanent plots 

during the experimental period. The gross plot size was 

3 m × 3 m (9 m2) and the net plot size was 2.6m × 2.5 m 

(6.5 m2). Compost was incorporated to the soil on 

prepared seedbeds twenty one days before planting and 

chemical fertilizers (NP) were applied during planting 

and seeds were row planted at the rate of 12 kgha-1. All 

other cultural practices were uniformly applied as per 

the recommendations. 

2.3. Treatment Combinations 

T1= Negative control 

T2= Recommended NP 

T3= Recommended FYM based on N equivalency  

T4= Recommended Compost based on N 


T5= 25% Recommended FYM based on N 

equivalency + 75% Recommended NP 

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T6= 50% Recommended FYM based on N 

equivalency + 50% Recommended NP  

T7= 75% Recommended FYM based on N 

equivalency + 25% Recommended NP  

T8= 25% Recommended Compost based on N 

equivalency + 75% Recommended NP 

T9= 50% Recommended Compost based on N 

equivalency + 50% Recommended NP 

T10=75% Recommended Compost based on N 

equivalency + 25% Recommended NP 

T11=33% FYM +33% Compost +33% 

Recommended NP  

Samples were collected from well decomposed 

farmyard manure and compost before they were applied 

to the field. Then their N and P contents were analyzed 

in the laboratory to determine the rate of application of 

each treatment, which was based on recommended N 

equivalent rate for the test crop. The contents of N and 

P before application in the analyzed samples were 

0.88% N and 0.68% P for conventional compost both on 

55% dry weight basis and 1.72% N and 0.76% P for 

farm yard manure on 50% dry weight basis. Manure and 

compost were applied to the field three weeks before 

sowing and thoroughly mixed in the upper 15 to 20 cm 

soil depth. Nitrogen and P fertilizers were applied in the 

form of Urea and DAP respectively. To minimize the 

loss and increase its efficiency half rate of N was applied 

as split at planting and the remaining half was side 

dressed at tillering stage of the crop whereas all P rates 

were applied as basal application during planting time. 

The seed was drilled at the recommended seed rate of 

15kg/ha in row on 5th, 8th and 6th July of 2015, 2016 and 

2017 respectively. To avoid variability came by sowing 

date, the trial was planted at the same date at both 

districts because of Welmera and Ejere districts were 

classified under similarly agro-ecology and crop 

planting calendar for both districts from July 1- July 12 

are the critical time for tef. All recommended agronomic 

management practices were carried out during the crop 

growth period as per needed. 

2.4. Data Collection and Analysis 
Composite surface soil samples were collected from 

experimental fields (0-20 cm depth) before treatment 

application. Similarly, soil samples were collected after 

harvest of the crop from each plot and then composited 

by replication to obtain one representative sample per 

treatment. The collected samples were analyzed for the 

determinations of pH, organic carbon (OC), total N and 

available P. Soil pH was determined with a pH meter 

from  soil: water of 1:1 (w/v) (Carter, 1993). Organic 

carbon was determined by the method of Walkley and 

Black (1934) and total N using Kjeldahl method 

(Jackson, 1958). Available P was determined following 

the procedures of Bray and Kurtz (1945). 

Collected plant samples include grain yield, above 

ground total biomass, plant height and panicle length. 

Grain and biomass yield were measured based on plant 

samples taken from ten central rows (2.6m x 2.5m= 

6.5m2), plant height was measured (in cm) by taking five 

randomly selected plants per plot from the soil surface 

to the tip of the crop at full maturity stage. Grain yield 

was adjusted to a moisture content of 12.5% before 

taking sample weight.  

The agronomic data were subjected to analysis of 

variance (GLM procedure) using SAS statistical 

computer package (SAS, 2002). The total variability for 

each trait was quantified using separate and pooled 

analysis of variance over years using the following 

model (Gomez and Gomoz, 1984): 

Pijk =µ+Yi + Rj (i) + Tk + Ty (ik) + eijk 

Where pijk is total observation, µ = grand mean, yi= 

effect of the ith year, Rj (i) is effect of the jth replication 

(with in the ith year), Tk is effect of the Kth treatment 

with ith year TY (ik) is the interaction of kth treatment 

with ith year and eijk is the random error. Duncan 

multiples range test (DMRT) at 5% probability level 

was used to detect differences among means.  

2.5. Economic Analysis 
Economic data was collected to assess the costs and 

benefits associated with different treatments, partial 

budget, dominance and marginal analyses following 

technique described by CIMMYT (1988). The average 

yield was adjusted downwards by 10% to reflect the 

difference between the experimental yield and the 

expected yield of farmers from the same treatment. This 

is because, experimental yields even from on-farm 

experiments under representative conditions, are often 

higher than the yields that farmers could expect using 

the same treatments. For calculation the three years 

average market grain price of teff (ETB 20 kg-1), farm-

gate price of Urea and DAP fertilizers (ETB 11kg-1 and 

Girma Chala              .                                                                                                   Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 7 (1), 2020 


13.5 kg-1) respectively. Variable cost ratio (VCR) was 

calculated as a ratio of value of increased crop output to 

the cost of fertilizer applied. VCR measures the average 

gain in the value of crop output per kg of fertilizer 


3. Results and Discussion 

3.1. Effects of combination nutrient use on soil 

chemical properties 
Mean soil chemical properties such as pH, organic 

carbon (OC), N and P measured for samples was taken 

after harvesting. The result showed that higher 

concentrations of pH, total nitrogen (TN) and organic 

carbon (OC) were recorded from full dose application 

of farm yard manure (FYM) (Table 1). The lowest soil 

pH, TN, and OC were recorded from the negative 

control and the highest value of available phosphorus 

was obtained from full dose of compost. Though the 

values of OC were generally rated as low (Jones, 2003), 

the highest OC, 1.72% was recorded from plots treated 

with full doses of farm yard manure and the least 

(1.22%) was from the negative control treatment (Table 

1). Likewise, the total N and available P determined 

after harvesting is rated medium (Tekalign, 1991). As 

mentioned above for OC, the highest soil total N (0. 

26%) was recorded from plots treated with full doses of 

farm yard manure. The lowest soil N content 0.18% was 

obtained from negative control treatment as usual. 

Similarly, the highest soil available P (17.2 mg kg-1) was 

recorded from plots treated with full doses of compost. 

The highest pH value 5.2 was recorded from full 

doses of farm yard manure .The average soil pH of the 

experimental field after harvest was found to be 4.87, 

which is indicate some improvements but the soil still in 

acidic range. The lowest soil pH (4.26) was recorded 

from negative control treatment. Similarly, Ano and 

Ubochi (2007) reported that application of animal 

manure and compost increased soil pH.  According to 

Murphy (2007) rating, CEC content of soil after 

harvesting was very low (<6), low (6 to 12), medium (12 

to 25), high (25 to 40), and very high (>40). The result 

showed that the cation exchange capacity of study areas 

was medium (22.8 Cmolckg
-1). While the highest value 

of sulfur was obtained from application of full doses of 

farm yard manure (3.66 ppm). This may due to 

combination organic and inorganic sources nutrient 

provides excellent opportunities to overcome all the 

imbalances besides sustaining soil health and enhancing 

crop production. According to Vanlauwe et al. (2001) 

the direct interactions between chemical fertilizer and 

organic matter can improve soil fertility by restocking 

nutrients lost through leaching and by modifying the pH 

of the rhizosphere and making unavailable nutrients 

available. Generally, the above results indicate that 

combination use of organic and inorganic nutrient 

sources have significant improvement in the overall 

condition of the soil as well as agricultural productivity 

if best alternative option is adopted in the tef production 


Table 1: physical and chemical soil characteristics (0-20cm depth) of the experimental site after crop harvesting 

Treatments Soil physic-chemical properties 







Av.P (ppm) Sulfur 


OC (%) CEC 


Negative Clay 4.26 0.18 10.6 2.82 1.22 18.6 

RNP Clay 4.6 0.20 14.5 2.86 1.61 19.1 

FYM Clay 5.2 0.26 15.4 3.66 1.72 22.8 

Com Clay 5.06 0.24 17.2 2.74 1.64 18.2 

25%FYM + 75% RNP Clay 4.8 0.22 13.6 2.16 1.48 20.4 

50%FYM + 50% RNP Clay 4.9 0.22 14.8 3.08 1.58 18.8 

75%FYM + 25% RNP Clay 5.02 0.25 16.4 3.24 1.66 20.6 

25% Com + 75% RNP Clay 4.8 0.22 15.6 3.28 1.63 19.7 

50% Com + 50% RNP Clay 5.0 0.21 14.2 2.66 1.58 18.5 

75%Com + 25% RNP Clay 4.8 0.23 15.6 3.17 1.62 21.8 

33%FYM +33% Com + 

33% RNP 

Clay 5.18 0.24 16.8 2.91 1.64 22.2 

Ground mean  4.87 0.225 14.97 2.96 1.58 20.06 

TN=Total; Av.P=Available phosphorus; OC=Organic carbon; CEC=Cation exchange capacity 

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3.2. Effects of combination organic and inorganic 

nutrient on Tef yield and yield components 

The combined analysis of variance over three years 

showed that the effect of combination organic and 

inorganic nutrients was highly significant (p<0.01) on 

grain yield, biomass and day to physiological maturity 

but significantly affected at (p<0.05) plant height, 

panicle length and harvest index. The highest grain yield 

and plant height of tef (2042.6 kg ha-1 and 101.7cm 

respectively) were obtained from the application of 25% 

compost and 75% recommended rate of nitrogen and 

phosphorous. While the highest biomass yield 

(8535.4kg-1) was obtained from application of full dose 

of recommended nitrogen and phosphorus. The result of 

date physiological maturity was high at application of 

full dose of farm yard manure (146.8) and compost 

(146.3) and followed by negative control treatment 

(table 2). The application of 25% compost with 75% 

recommended N and P has also given comparable grain 

yield as compared to application of full dose of 

recommended N and P from inorganic fertilizer. 

Negative control treatment was given the lowest grain 

and biomass yields under all tested parameters (table 2). 

Therefore, the results of this study has clearly indicated 

that it is possible to fairly increase tef yield through 

combined or multiple nutrient application approach, 

rather than applying nutrient from one source. In line 

with the current result, research findings of Tekalign 

Mamo et al. (2001), Getachew Agegnehu et al. (2011) 

and Girma et al., (2017) indicated that wheat has 

showed significance response to the combined soil 

fertility management treatments containing both organic 

and inorganic forms under farmers’ field condition that 

they could be considered as alternative options for 

sustainable soil and crop productivity in the degraded 

highlands of Ethiopia. 

The highest (37.9cm) panicle length was recorded 

from application of 25% FYM + 75% Rec NP, whereas 

the lowest (29.0cm) panicle length was obtained from 

negative control treatments. This result is in line with 

many authors (Ejaz et al. 2002; Wakene et al., 2014) 

reported that panicle length of cereals were increase 

with increasing as NP rates increased. Harvest index 

shows the physiological efficiency of plants to convert 

the fraction of photo-assimilates to grain yield. Harvest 

index was significantly affected at (P< 0.005) to the 

combination of organic and inorganic nutrient sources, 

the highest (32.6%) and lowest (23.3%) harvest index 

was obtained from control treatments and recommended 

nitrogen and phosphorus respectively. In contrast, a 

mean HI of about 50% with a positive trend due to 

increasing nitrogen rate had previously reported in 

Ethiopia (Taye et al., 2002). There was substantial 

variation in harvest index of different from verities to 


Table 2: Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers application on Tef yield and yield components 

Treatments GY(kg/ha) BY(kg/ha) Ph(cm) Pl(cm) DPM HI 

Negative  746.7e 2505.1g 72.9c 29.0c 146.2a 32.6a 

Rec  NP 1980.4ab 8535.4a 102.0a 36.0ab 137.4d 23.3b 

FYM  1279.1cd 4212.1efg 91.4ab 33.6ab 146.8a 30.9ab 

Compost  1028.1cd 3863.6fg 81.8bc 31.6bc 146.3a 26.8ab 

25% FYM + 75% Rec NP 1956.0ab 6358.6bcd 100.8a 37.9a 138.1d 23.8b 

50% FYM + 50% Rec  NP 1804.7ab 7378.8ab 98.4a 34.9ab 140.1cd 24.6ab 

75% FYM + 25% Rec NP 1363.3cd 5717.2bcde 91.8ab 34.6ab 143.7ab 24.1ab 

25% Comp + 75% Rec NP 2042.6a 7388.9ab 101.7a 35.0bc 137.4d 27.9ab 

50% Comp + 50% Rec NP 1608.40bc 6813.1bc 93.0ab 35.6ab 142.6bc 31.7ab 

75% Comp + 25% Rec NP 1323.8cd 5222.2cdef 94.3ab 35.3ab 144.8ab 25.8ab 

33% FYM + 33%  Comp + 33% Rec NP 1319.3cd 4853.5def 90.9ab 34.1ab 144.9ab 27.9ab 

Critical range (CR) 405.5 1707.3 14.3 4.56 3.18 8.65 

CV (%) 17.4 19.2 9.9 8.52 1.43 20.4 

*, **= significant at P< 0.05 and P< 0.001, respectively; ns= not significant. Means in a column with the same letter are not 

significantly different from each other; GY= grain yield; BY= biomass yield; Ph= plant height; SL= panicle length; DPM= days 
physiological maturity, HI= Harvest index 


Girma Chala              .                                                                                                   Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 7 (1), 2020 


Table 3:  Partial budget and dominance analyses of organic and inorganic fertilizers trial on Tef 






Ave GY  


Adj GY 










(EB ha-1) 





egative  0 0 746.7 672.0 13440.6 0 0 0 13440.6   

FYM  0 0 1279.1 1151.2 23023.8 0 0 0 23023.8   

Compost  0 0 1028.1 925.3 18505.8 0 0 0 18505.8   

75% FYM + 25% 

RNP 37.5 32.5 1363.3 1226.9 24539.4 506.3 357.5 863.8 23675.7 598.5 

75% Comp + 25% 

RNP 37.5 32.5 1323.8 1191.4 23828.4 506.3 357.5 863.8 22964.7D   

33% FYM + 33% 

Comp + 33% 

RNP 50 43.5 1319.3 1187.4 23747.4 675 478.5 1153.5 22593.9D   

50% FYM + 50% 

RNP 75 65 1804.7 1624.2 32484.6 1012.5 715 1727.5 30757.1 819.9 

50% Comp + 50% 

RNP 100 65 1956 1760.4 35208 1350 715 2065 33143 706.9 

25% FYM + 75% 

RNP 100 113.5 1608.4 1447.7 28951.2 1350 1248.5 2598.5 26352.7D   

25% Com + 75% 

RNP 100 113.5 2042.6 1838.3 36766.8 1350 1248.5 2598.5 34168.3D   

RNP 150 130 1980.4 1782.4 35647.2 2025 1430 3455 32192.2D   

Ave GY=Average yield; Adj GY=Adjusted yield; GB= Growth benefit; TCV=Total cost varies; NB= Net benefit; 

MRR=Marginal rate of return. 

3.3. Economic Analysis 

The economic analysis showed that the application 

of 50% of farm yard manure plus 50% recommended  N 

and P fertilizers provided the highest marginal rate of 

the return (MRR) of 819.9% (Table 3) suggesting for 

one birr invested in wheat production, the producer 

would collect birr 8.19 after recovering his investment. 

Since the MRR assumed in this study was 100%, the 

treatment with application of 50% of farm yard manure 

and 50% recommended NP gave an acceptable MRR. 

Therefore, the application 50% FYM (based on N 

equivalent rate) and 50% N and P fertilizers mentioned 

above is found economical to be recommended on 

Nitisols of the study area and similar locations in the 

central highlands of Ethiopia. 

4. Conclusion 

The results of three years result were significantly 

different from each other and the residual effect of the 

previous year fertilizer application as the plots were 

fixed during the experimental period. Results of soil 

analysis after harvesting revealed that application of 

organic fertilizer improved soil pH, OC, total N and 

available P. Based on marginal return rate the use of 

50% recommended nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers 

from inorganic sources plus 50% farm yard manure 

based on N equivalent ratio should be recommended for 

farmers because they were affordable options for 

increasing soil fertility status and tef yield with 

improving soil physical and chemical properties in the 

small-scale farming systems of the study area. Hence, 

combined or multiple use of chemical fertilizer and 

locally available organic fertilizer application is the best 

approach for achieving higher fertilizer-use efficiency, 

maximum yield and economic return of input than the 

sole application of either of the input types. 


The authors acknowledge the Ethiopian Institute of 

Agricultural Research (EIAR) and would like to express 

their appreciation to Mr. Haile Beza, Mr. Beyene Offa, 

Mr. Tesfaye Negash, Mrs. Kessach Birhanu, and Mrs. 

Tigist Feyisa for their technical assistance during the 

execution of the experiments under field condition. 

Appreciation is also due for the services of the analytical 

soil laboratory of Holeta Agricultural Research Centre. 


Girma Chala              .                                                                                                   Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 7 (1), 2020 



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