
© 2023 Adama Science & Technology University. All rights reserved 

Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development  

e-ISSN 2663-3205                                                                           Volume 10 (1), 2023 

Journal Home Page: www.ejssd.astu.edu.et  ASTU  

Research Paper 

Investigation of a Lodged Bullet inside a Human Brain using Computed Tomographic 

(CT) Imaging 

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw1, Getasew Admasu Wubetu2,3 , Getnet Yitayew Tessema4  

1Department of Physics, College of Natural Science and Computational, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos, Ethiopia  

2Department of Physics, College of Science, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 

3Department of Physics, College of Natural and Computational Science, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 

4Department of Radiology and Imaging, College of Medicine and Health Science, Bahir-Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia 

Article Info  Abstract 

Article History: 

Received 02 August 2022 

Received in revised form 

09 December 2022 

Accepted 12 December 


 We reported the location of a lodged bullet inside a human brain from the 2D and 3D images 

using Computed Tomography (CT). It is based on the scanning of the hard and the soft tissues 

of the brain as well as a bullet by X-ray photons on the circular 3600 CCD detectors. The 

absorption on the target brain and the bullet had significant differences in the measured current 

(mA) and the mapped Hounsfield Unit (HU) as a function of the number of slices. The 2D and 

the reconstructed 3D images displayed the brain soft tissue, which was dark with low HU 

compared to the white in the bullet part with a higher HU.  The attenuation coefficients of a 

bullet with Copper (Cu) and the skull of the brain with Calcium (Ca) were higher than that of 

the brain soft tissues with Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O). A typical example is the observation 

of the image at the center of the slices displayed brighter at 3071 HU. 3D structures of brain 

images were generated and visualized in different viewing positions. The measured value for 

a lodged bullet was 11.28 cm away from its entry (Frontal), 7.92 cm from the back, and 6.96 

cm deep, down from the upper part of the brain. Based on our analysis, the bullet is located in 

the left hemisphere, which is part of the hypothalamus and parity. 



Lodged Bullet Investigation, 

Computer Tomography, 

Attenuation Coefficient, 

Hounsfield Value,  

X-ray Tomography,  

CT Brain Imaging 


1. Introduction 
Computed Tomography (CT) scan is one of the 

diagnostic tools used to diagnose a patient with a foreign 

metallic body inserted in the brain. It can image cross-

sections with a series of X-ray projections taken from 

different angles around the patient and captured by the 

detectors (Landis and Keane et al., 2010). The new 

design of CT  has a revolutionary impact on clinical 

practice and investigation in forensic medicine for the 

observation of foreign bodies embedded in a person (De 

Beer et al., 2008). CT imaging is a highly acceptable 

method of investigating a lodged bullet inside the 

Corresponding author, e-mail: getasew.wubetu2@mail.dcu.ie or getasew.admasu@bdu.edu.et    


human brain (Gascho, 2021; Bolliger, 2021; Thali, 

2021a). The CT has high spatial resolution and 

detections at different angles for taking the capture of 

different slices of 2D images and later building them up 

to the reconstructed 3D images (Liu, 2022; Gascho et 

al.,2020).   Previous studies have shown that CT allows 

accurate detection and classification of foreign metals 

such as cardiac pacemakers, ferromagnetic vascular 

clips, and nerve simulators (Nguyen et al., 2017).  The 

detection of a bullet inside the brain has been studied by 

different authors such as Gascho et al., (2020). X-ray 


Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


radiation can cause permanent damage to a brain during 

scanning so proper dose and careful detection are 

needed (Gascho, 2020b; Bolliger, 2021b and Thali, 

2021b). Such detection can help to look at the hidden 

part of the brain with inserted metal as the attenuations 

of the metals; these attenuations of metals are different: 

the hard and soft tissues of the brain (Bolliger and Thali, 

2021b). It has been observed from the 2D and the 

reconstructed 3D images that the attenuation coefficient 

of Cu is greater than that of Ca and soft tissues (Seletchi 

and Duliu, 2007).  

In this work, we investigated a lodged bullet inside 

the dead body of a 25-year-old man using CT imaging.  

The 2D images were taken from Felege Hiwot Referral 

Hospital and the reconstructed 3D images from the 2D 

images by radiant viewer software. Then, the location of 

the bullet in the brain was determined quantitatively and 

qualitatively from the measured current values. It is 

derived from the attenuation of the incident X-ray 

source detection on both the hard and soft tissues of the 

brain as well as the bullet in the form of the measured 

current and the mapped HU.  

2. Materials and Methods 


Figure 1 displays the Optima CT-540 scan machine at 

Felege Hiwot Specialized Hospital in Bahir Dar, 

Ethiopia. This machine has three main parts: an X-ray 

source, detectors, and a circular sample stage.  The X-ray 

source was rotated through the gantry and equipped with 

3600 detectors in a circular ring-like structure.  Standard 

imaging protocols were used to image the bullet 

embedded in the brain of the dead body of a 25-year-old 

man who died by a gunshot. The key input parameters 

were set for the CT scan with a peak voltage of 120 kV, 

current scout image of 10 mA, slice thickness of 0.625 

mm, scanning time of 2s, and the helical acquisition 

protocol. The data acquisitions were taken step-by-step 

for measuring the 2D images at different projections.  

2.2.Imaging Procedure 

In the imaging process, the first thing is to keep the 

patient inside the Gantry on the CT scan and lay him 

down on the examination table in the appropriate 

position. The X-ray beam was focused onto the brain of 

the dead body of a man that follows a spiral path of 

rotation to be imaged by each 3600 CCD detector in the 

circular directions. The input parameters were set with 

a low radiation dose to produce quality images. 

Normally, there is a standard procedure for taking the 

patient’s 2D images by setting the noise management 

that should be pre-set to filter out unnecessary data to be 

shielded and set at lower peak voltage settings to 

accomplish the lowest possible dose necessary. Then, 

the CT scan was set to measure the cross-sectional 

images of 2D slices and further constructed the 3D  

image (Gruetzemacher et al., 2018). Generally, the 

technologist took the order to the patient to avoid any 

movement during the scan; hence, this will be important 

in taking quality images of the examination (Fahrni et 

al., 2017). The CT computer program process had a 

large volume of data to create two-dimensional cross-

sectional images of a patient’s head part which were 

then displayed on a monitor. Then, the image processing 

was completed using radiant viewer software. The scout 

and slices were generated from the CT images taken. 

2.3.The Physics of x-ray Computed Tomography 

The X-ray radiation depends on parameters such as 

intensity, attenuation, wavelength, and microstructural 

parameters of the human brain (Sagsoz et al., 2010). X-ray 

tomography was used to visualize the hard and soft tissues 

alternatively (Said, Noor, and Yueniwati, 2014). 

Appropriate software is used for better efficiency,  higher 

sensitivity,  faster exposure, and dynamic imaging (Cong., 

et al 2011). Figure 2 shows the basic principle that governs 

the interaction of the X-ray with the sample to give a 2D 

image projection constructed to the 3D image. Assuming 

that the X-rays are a single energetic source, the intensity 

I1 of an X-ray beam of incident intensity I0 transmitted 

beam through a small volume of tissue having thickness x 

and attenuation coefficient µ1 (Turbell et al., 2001).can be 

written based on Beer-Lambert law as: 

eII 1



The scanning of the X-rays passes from one side to the 

other with the Charge Coupled Device (CCD) detection 

recording the attenuated coefficient for both the bullet and 

the brain's soft and hard tissues. The intensity of the 

attenuated X-ray source is given by (Chamard et al., 2010): 



ii x

eII 1



where μi and xi are the linear attenuation coefficient of, and 

path length through, the material, i.

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


Figure 1: The CT machine is displayed in two separate rooms for medical imaging in Felege Hiwot 

Specialized Hospital 


Figure 2: Basic principle of CT imaging procedure to construct the 3D image from 2D slices. 

3.Results and Discussion 

The CT data are manipulated sequentially in the 2D 

slices and computationally reconstructed by adding each 

slice to 3D images. The radiant viewer software is a 

powerful tool for manipulating the HU values for each 

slice of the brain with a bullet inside. Three modes of 

assessment have been used to study the embedded bullet 

(Xue et al., 2012).  These include imaging based on 

scout images, current properties, and HU values of the 

slices respectively.  

3.1.Scout Images 

Figure 3 illustrates the scout image of a head. The 

frontal and lateral scout images show in A and C 

respectively with a question mark to identify the 

location of the bullet from different directions. As 

mentioned earlier, the introduction part of the 2D and 

reconstructed 3D imaging is helpful to extract the 

measured current in mA and HU as a function of the 

number of slices from the differences in the intensity (I) 

the attenuation coefficients of the hard and soft brain 

tissues and a bullet.  

3.2.Image Slices 

Figure 4 displays the multiple discrete slices 

produced using the scout CT scan to define the starting 

and ending locations of the head. The 255 slice 

thicknesses were measured to be 0.625 mm generated 

from the diagnosis of the lodged bullet inside the skull.  


Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


Figure 3: The scout images of a head. 

Figure 4: The 2D view of a slice image of the brain with different profiles.

The 2D slices correspond to the gray levels of the 

images of the head due to X-ray source attenuation, 

reflection, scattering, and absorption. Typically, the X-

ray attenuation primarily is a function of X-ray energy 

and the density and composition of the brain tissues and 

the bullet.  From the measured HU and current values, 

it is indicated that the gray level observed by the blue 

arrows on the 2D slice image of a brain with a different 

profile of CT imaging for a variation of a slice thickness 

in a range of 3 to 5 mm (Osborne et al., 2016) and the 

interpretation based on Michael et al., (2001). The 

assignment of each pixel based on the attenuation of 

water value on the scale reading is named Hounsfield 

Units (HU), after Sir Godfrey Hounsfield (Osborne et 

al., 2016). 

The different tissues are represented by arrows as 

displayed in Figure 4. Blue arrows indicate air, fat, fluid, 

and soft tissue of the brain described as the red dot lines 

(beam hardening artifact from the metal alloy in a 

lodged bullet). Besides, the red arrows around the brain 

(bone of the skull around the brain) display the bright 

area indicated at the center of the slices by the green 

arrow that shows the expected location of the bullet in 

the brain. The CT helical slice above highlights the 

common anatomical structures which may help interpret 

the CT image of a shot brain. The HU value ranges of 

each area indicated using different arrows are labeled in 

Table 1 based on the following equation: 






where μwater and μtissue are the linear attenuation 

coefficient of water and the linear attenuation 

coefficient of tissue, respectively.

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


Table 1: HU values of areas indicated by different arrows and their profiles in Figure 4 

Areas indicated by  arrows HU values in (HU) Remarks 

Area indicated by red arrows 768 up to 1434 Skull bone  

Area indicated by blue arrows -15 up to 43 Fluid and Soft tissues    

Area indicated by green arrow at the center 3071 Bullet 

The amount of X-rays absorbed by the brain and the 

bullet was mapped as HU. The denser the tissue, the 

more X-rays were attenuated, and the higher the number 

of HU. Water was always set to be 0 HU, while the air 

was −1000HU, and bones had values between several 

hundred to thousands of HU (Bolliger et al., 2021). 

Brain profiles were thus separated (air, soft tissues, 

fluids, bone, and bullets). The HU mapping was in the 

range of -1024 to +3071 for the CT scan.  Therefore, the 

maximum HU value was determined to be the bullet. 

The penetration level of the bullet was determined 

individually from the measured slice variation in both 

brightness and darkness, as shown in Figure 5. It can be 

observed that the bright image with a higher density of 

the bullet has attenuation that only allows a small 

amount of radiation to pass through it.  

Typically, the 108th and 124th slices with a dark area 

at the center of the 2D slice images have been observed 

in Figure 5. However, the slices of the 109th to 123rd 

images have brighter areas at the center that indicates a 

lodged bullet in these slice numbers. Therefore, the scan 

of the X-rays onto the metal bullet highly attenuated the 

incident source due to the heavier metallic atoms Cu in 

the bullet. Besides, the observation of a brain with a 

higher elemental combination of water of H and O 

atoms is observed as dark, there are heavy elements Ca 

for the hard tissue and Cu for a bullet with brighter 

figure print in the 2D slices each slice as a brighter area. 

3.2.1. The current (in mA) through the slices  

Figure 6 (a) displays the variation of the measured 

current vs. the number of slices set in the brain. The 

incident current was set at 10 mA and it produces 100 to 

306 mA for each slice. It has been observed that the 

maximum current was recorded in the range of 300 to 

306 mA for the slice numbers ranging from 100-120.  It 

has been observed that such a high current for these 

slices is due to the presence of a bullet in the scanned 

slices that increases the conductivity of the measured 

slice and in turn, increases the current in these ranges of 

the measured slices. The variation of 255 slices with 

constant readings of the current was assessed on the 

slices between the 105th and 123rd. The brain profiles are 

composed of different materials. So Cu in a bullet is a 

conductor with low resistivity. So, slices that had a 

bullet read the high current value. The current readings 

on the other slices were controlled by a high resistance 

of the brain profiles. The current readings from slices 

105th up to 123rd were constant as a result of the presence 

of the bullet.  A maximum of 306 mA current was 

measured from the 2D images of slices as the result of 

the higher conductivity of Cu in a bullet However, the 

currents were normal for the 2D l slices that varied from 

112 mA up to 304 mA. 

3.2.2. The Hounsfield value profiles of the slices 

Studies prove that metal artifacts degrade the image 

qualities of bullets (Makris et al., 2008). In contrast, the 

results of 2D image slices measured as HU were 

displayed in Figures 6 (b) as the results of the different 

densities in a head such as air, water, soft tissue bone, 

hard tissue, and a bullet in terms of different HU values. 

Medical scanners typically work in a range of –1024 HU 

to +3071 HU (Osborne et al., 2016). It is labeled as the 

tissues greater than +100 HU in density appears pure 

white.  There are standard labels in HU, where fat (-60 

HU) and air (-1000HU) respectively form the examined 

patients. Therefore, in this work, the HU value reading 

includes the maximum range of the medical scanner, the 

same +3071 HU (pure white), where a lodged bullet is 

identified. Some slice profiles were assessed as 

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (0 HU), Skull bone (+100 

HU), fat ( -50 HU), the air outside the patient (-1000 HU), 

and subdural hematoma (+60 HU) (Gigantesco and 

Giuliani, 2011). We discussed the image profiles of the 

slices based on the HU values by plotting the graph as 

shown in Figure 6(b).  This assessment included 22 slices. 

The HU numbers were closely spaced at the ranges of the 

soft tissue and below the level of water. Spatially, slices 

from 111th up to 120th indicated the HU values around the 

proposed range. 

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


Figure 5:  Systematic illustrations of slice images of the head (from 108th up to 124th). 

Figure 6 (a): The tube current vs. number of slices; (b): The HU values as a function of the number of a slice with 

maxima and minima in HS. 


The center of the selected slices was evaluated as 3071 

HU (pure white) and slices from 111th up to 121th had 

closely spaced HU readings below the level of water. 

Most of the indicated areas of the slices indicate that the 

profile around the location of the proposed area might be 

soft tissues and fluid.  It has been observed that the 3071 

HU was at the center of the measured slices to the 109th 

to 123rd. Now, the HU values through the brain images 

were compared with previous literature and discussed 

accordingly. It is believed that the CSF HU values are in 

the range of 0 to 15 (Nguyen et al., 2017). The HU ranges 

could vary from -1000 HU (air) up to +1000 HU (metal) 

(Makris et al., 2008). The range of CT  scan numbers was 

at HU value of up to 2000, and each scan represents a 

shade of gray with +1000  (white) and -100  (black) at 

either end of the spectrum.  It has been indicated by 

(Gruetzemacher and Paradice, 2018), the metals' HU 

values are above 1000HU. However, the image of the 

bullet could read 3071 HU. CT scan 2D slices at different 

levels can determine the ventricular system with a central 

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


image depicting the CSF flows. It has a lateral ventricle 

and CSF circulates into the subarachnoid space by exiting 

through the medial and lateral apertures (Lind et al., 


3.2.3. The location of a lodged bullet 

The internal structure of the brain around the 

location of a lodged bullet is indicated as the lateral 

cerebral vein, third ventricle, lateral ventricle, internal 

cerebral veins, midbrain, cerebral aqueduct, and 

thalamus. We investigated a lodged bullet at the left 

side of the third ventricle. The helical slice of the brain 

parts around the lodged bullet is shown in Figure 7 (a). 

The 3D multiple planar reconstructions (MPR) 

technique was preferred to compare 2D and 3D images 

of the brain. The 3D MPR images of the brain were 

displayed and appropriate positions were adjusted by 

locating the x-y coordinate system at the location of the 

lodged bullet on slices. In this setup, the frontal and 

lateral 3D images and the selected slices were 

displayed at the same time. The comparison between 

2D and 3D images helped guess and investigate the 

location of the lodged bullet inside the brain, as shown 

in Figure 7 (b). 

We compared the lateral and frontal 3D images with 

2D slices to gain evidence about the location of the 

bullet. The slices and the frontal 3D images indicated 

as the bullet was located in the left hemisphere of the 

brain. The lateral 3D image of the brain demonstrated 

how much the location was deep and how far the bullet 

was from the entry part at the frontal. 

The lengths were 11.28cm from the frontal, 79.2cm 

from the back, 6.96cm from the upper part of the brain, 

and as far as possible from the area of the mouth to the 

location of the lodged bullet respectively, as shown in 

Figure 8 (a). The bullet is closely located on two major 

parts of the brain, namely, the Hypothalamus, which is 

the central part of the brain, and the Parietal, which is 

part of the Cerebrum.  

The use of CSF selection as a reference may serve 

as an adjunct for the evaluation of surgical lesions 

(Kurihara et al., 2013). The CSF refers to the space 

between the dura and the pia mater (Papp et al., 2017). 

This space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid, which is a 

clear, very low-protein liquid similar to blood plasma 

but with a different electrolyte concentration (Nguyen 

et al., 2017). This system is divided into two to four 

cavities that are connected by a series of holes. Two 

ventricles are enclosed in the cerebral hemisphere 

called lateral ventricles which could be part of the 

location of the bullet. CSF volume is the nearest and 

comparable to a lateral ventricle (Osborne et al., 2016).  

The CT scan imaging was taken by the CCD to 

image the 2D slices, which were later constructed by 

the 3D images as shown in Figure 8 (b).  CT scan 

imaging changes the modern approach to determining 

patients’  practical observation of the brain that pre-

determines to acquire 0.5 to 0.625 mm thick 

tomographic images (Ro et al., 2015). In this work, we 

set the slice thickness at 0.625 mm to include the 

region of interest to investigate the location of the 

bullet, as shown in the reconstructed 3D image shown 

in Figure 8 (b). 

3.3. Three-dimensional (3D) images 

The 3D images of the head anatomy and the 

surrounding structures can be based on the 

interpretation of 2D slice summations (Osborne et al., 

2016). It is based on the generation of 2D images using 

radiant viewer software. Such visualization can help to 

determine the small thickness in the measured multiple 

slices. It has been observed that a lodged bullet was on 

the 17 slices (ranging from 108th up to 124th) from the 

generated 3D image and is found to be 10.625 mm 

thick. The gray and dark colors help us to determine 

the HU for these measured slices. The upper gray level 

is measured at 1450 HU and the lower one at -900 HU. 

The darker colors range from -900 to 1450 HU.  

However, the upper gray levels are in the range of 1450 

to 3071 HU for the brighter part touched by a bullet. 

Figure 9 shows the frontal view of the head with an 

observation of the point link in the front skull and 

observed a lodged bullet from the reconstruction of the 

255 slices.  The bullet entered the skull at the front of 

the head and there was no indication of an exit wound, 

so the bullet may remain inside the head. Here, the 

image has WW: 287, WL: 332, L-I: 0.00, S-I: 210 HU. 

This means that a total range of 287 HU is displayed, 

centered on a density of 332 HU.  Figure 9 (a) shows a 

3D image generated from 255 slices of 2D images. The 

original 3D image was rotated at 210 … towards a 

vertical … with the best number of selected slices 

based on their physical profiles to map the skull. 

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


Figure 7 (a): Illustration of helical slices of brain parts around the location of a lodged bullet; (b): Comparison 

of a lodged bullet location using 2D and 3D images. 

Figure 8; (a) Illustration of the location of the bullet from the 3D MPR method; (b) 3D image generated 

from 17 slices. 


The visualization of the internal parts of the head was 

shown from the deeper upper layer to the 

hypothalamus by rotating the 3D images at different 

directions and angles.  This 3D image of the skull 

shown in Figure 9 (b) was constructed from the first 

200 slices out of 255 that generate a slice thickness of 

0.625mm. Our brain has complex structures and 

different functions. The images are displayed with the 

parameters such as WL at 287, WW at 332, LR at 00, 

SI at 63.40, and Roll at 21.80. This means that a total 

range of 287 HU is displayed, centered on a density of 

332 HU. The 3D image was constructed from 200 

slices and rotated at 70.00 towards a vertical circular 

trajectory downwards to observe the location of the 

lodged bullet inside the 3D image of the brain. This 

image could show the location of the bullet in the 

internal part of the brain, around the hypothalamic 

area. To be sure about the location of the lodged bullet 

in the hypothalamic part, the rotated images are shown 

in Figure 10.   

To further observe the reconstructed 3D images at 

different angles upon the rotation of the X-rays, the 

source in the Gantry is shown in Figure 9 and Figure 

10. The visualization of the 3D images displayed 

taking Bo as referenced is anticlockwise rotated by B1 

by 700, B2 by 800, and B3 by 850 HU respectively. 

The findings of this study show that the bullet has 

traveled subcutaneously through the cerebrum passed 

through the lateral ventricle, and rested in the 

hypothalamus, near the cerebellum.

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 



Figure 9: Illustration of 3D CT image of skull very well demonstrating entry of the lodged bullet. 


Figure 10: Systematic visualizations of the location of the bullet in different viewing positions. 

4. Conclusion 

The clear observation of an embedded bullet can be 

easily identified by taking successive 2D slices by the 

CT scan and later reconstructing it into 3D images 

using radiant software. The X-ray source is scanning 

both the hard and soft tissues of the brain and an 

embedded bullet. The attenuation coefficients are 

different for these targets.  It is based on the differences 

in the intensities for the measured values for the air, 

water, soft and hard tissue, and a bullet during the 2D 

slices images to measure the current in mA for each 

slice and mapped to the HU. Typically, the HU value 

of the bullet was 3071H. The current readings from the 

slices were maximum on the lodged bullet due to the 

high density of the bullet made of Cu and low current 

flows through normal slices made of H & O (slices 

without a bullet). The 3D images were rotated in 

different positions to visualize the bullet inside the 

brain images. Correspondingly, findings from scout 

images, slices, and 3D images indicate that the bullet 

entered the frontal skull, and then passed toward the 

frontal cerebrum and other complex parts of the left 

hemisphere of the brain. Finally, the lodged bullet is 

estimated to be in the ventricular system and the 

hypothalamus part of the brain image. An experienced 

physician could refer to this type of study during 

medical and surgical cases. Atypical gunshot wounds, 

such as the case under investigation, an implications 

for multiple issues including delayed diagnostic tests, 

inaccurate radiological readings, and inappropriate 

medication management. Ordering full head CT scans 

and making quick decisions in surgical and medical 

management are critical takeaways in providing 

quality care to patients with these injuries. 


The authors would like to thank Bahir Dar University, 

Ethiopia, for providing a scholarship to the first author 

to complete his MSc research in Laser Spectroscopy. 

Wubante Mehari Wollelaw et al                                                                                Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 10 (1), 2023 


We also extend our gratitude to Felege Hiwot 

Specialized Hospital, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, for providing 

us with the CT data.  

Conflict of Interest 

 On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author 

declares that there is no conflict of interest in this study.  

Authors’ Contributions  

GAW has proposed the problem and GY has provided 

the CT images. WMA and GAW have processed the CT 

images to convert the physical parameters and interpret 

the data.  WMW has drafted the manuscript and GAW 

reviewed the manuscript.  All of the writers have 

approved the manuscript in its current state.   

Ethical Statement/Consent 

The authors declare that there is no human participant in 

the investigation of our paper. The experiment result 

was based on the CT imaging of the body of a 25-year-

old person to look at the physics of a lodged bullet inside 

the human brain. Therefore, the authors declare that the 

work described has been carried out following the 

Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical 

Association revised in 2013 for experiments involving 

humans as well as following the EU Directive 

2010/63/EU for animal experiments.  




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