Assessment of Hepatitis B Virus and Associated Risk Factors 

Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arsi 

University Asella Referral and Teaching Hospital, Ethiopia 

Nigatu Tumsa1, Tulu Degefu1, Zerihun Belay2 

Adama Science and Technology University School of Applied Natural Sciences, 

Applied Biology Program. 


Hepatitis B virus is a public health problem worldwide. Vertical transmission from 

mother to baby is an important route of transmission for hepatitis B virus infection. 

Consequently, screening pregnant women and realizing the sero-prevalence of 

hepatitis B virus during pregnancy is vital to prevent the infection of new born baby 

from positive mother. The objective of this study was to assess the sero-prevalence 

of hepatitis B virus among pregnant women and to identify potential risk factors 

associated with the infection. The study was conducted from January to May, 2016 

using data from pregnant women attending the antenatal care unit of Arsi University 

Asella Referral and Teaching Hospital, Arsi Zone,Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. 

Blood samples were collected from 454 pregnant women and tested for hepatitis B 

surface antigen using rapid strip test which is a qualitative solid phase two site 

sandwich immunoassay. A pre-structured questionnaire was used to collect socio- 

demographic data and to find out possible risk factors. The overall study subjects 

with hepatitis B surface antigen positive were 44(9.7%). Most 301(66.3%) of study 

participants live in urban and 442(97.4%) were married. The socio-demographic 

status of the participants shows that high hepatitis B surface antigen positivity was 

among the urban 29(65.9%) and those who were house wife. All except the 

gestational age of 3

 trimester (p<0.05) the participants demographic 

characteristic had no significant association with Hepatitis B Virus. None of the risk 

factors had statistically significant association with hepatitis B virus (P>0.05). It 

can be concluded that high prevalence of hepatitis B virus among pregnant women 

was found in this study as compared to the previous studies in different regions of 

Ethiopia. This high prevalence indicates the importance of implementing preventive 

measures including vaccination to women in the child bearing age as they are at 

increased risk of acquiring HBV compared to the general population. 

Key words: Hepatitis B virus, pregnant women, prevalence, risk factors 


Hepatitis B virus is the most 

serious types of viral hepatitis 

which can lead to chronic liver 

disease and put people at high risk 

of death from cirrhosis of the liver 

and liver cancer. Globally, over 350 

© Adama Science & Technology University 

Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (EJSSD) 

p-ISSN 1998-0531 Volume 5 (1), 2018 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



million people are affected with 

hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection 

and over 1 million die annually of 

HBV-related chronic liver disease 

(Teresa and Wright, 2006). 

Although the major source of 

HBV is blood and blood products 

it is also found in semen, saliva, 

tears, breast milk, vaginal and 

menstrual secretions and amniotic 

fluid. Transmission occurs 

through contaminated blood and 

blood components by transfusion, 

needle sharing, tattooing and 

through very close personal 

contact involving the exchange of 

semen, saliva and vaginal 

secretions and child birth 

(Lavanchy, 2004). Population at 

risk include health care personnel, 

intravenous drug users, 

hemophiliacs, infants born to 

HBsAg positive mothers, renal 

dialysis patients, sexual partners of 

HBV carriers and individuals with 

multiple sexual partners (CDC, 


The major mode of 

transmission of hepatitis B virus is 

mother to child (Teresa and 

Wright, 2006). It has been reported 

that 10–30% of HBsAg positive 

pregnant mother transmit the virus 

to their babies. However, mothers 

who are positive for both HBsAg 

and HBeAg have chance of 

transmitting HBV to their new 

born is 70-90 % (Kwon and Lee, 

2011). Up to 90% of the newborns 

born from these mothers go on to 

develop chronic hepatitis B caused 

by HBV if they do not receive 

hepatitis B virus immunoglubulin 

and hepatitis B vaccine at birth 

(Apuzzia et al., 2012). 

HBV is the leading cause of 

chronic liver disease and liver- 

related deaths worldwide with the 

majority of these causes occurring 

in Africa and Asia, where HBV 

prevalence is higher than 8 % 

(Hoffmann and Thio, 2007). The 

global prevalence of chronic HBV 

infection varies widely from high 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



(>8%) to intermediate (2-7%) and 

low < 2% (Custer et al., 2004). The 

prevalence of HBV is estimated at 

8 % in West Africa and 5-7% in 

Central Eastern and Southern 

Africa (Su, 2010). 

Hepatitis B virus is endemic 

in Africa next to Asia, with a sero- 

prevalence rate of between 8 and 

20% (Elizabeth and Ramsey, 

2011). In Ethiopia, Hepatitis B is 

endemic with an average 

prevalence of 10.8 %. However, it 

is likely to be underreported due to 

the lack of diagnostic facilities and 

appropriate surveillance systems 

(Fassil Shiferaw et al., 2016). In 

Ethiopia studies have shown that 

wide geographic and socio- 

economic variation in hepatitis B 

prevalence, ranging between 5.7 

and 10.8 % (Asfaw Negero et al., 

2011). The sero-prevalence of 

HbsAg is found to be as high as 

14.4% in blood donors 

(Rahlenbeck et al., 1997). Earlier 

hospital-based studies showed that 

hepatitis B accounts for 12 % of 

hospital admissions and 31 % of 

deaths in Ethiopian hospitals 

(Tsega, 2000). 

In a study that was done to 

define the mode of transmission of 

HBV infection in Ethiopia showed 

that 5% of pregnant women were 

reported to be positive for HBsAg 

(Tsega et al., 1988). In another 

study which was done to 

determine the sero prevalence of 

HBsAg and its risk factors among 

pregnant women in Jimma 

southwestern Ethiopia was 3.7% 

(Mohammed Awole and Solomon 

Gebresilasie, 2005). Recent 

studies at public hospitals in 

Ethiopia by Tsegaye Yohanes et 

al.(2016) and Yeshi Metaferia et 

al. (2016) showed that the 

prevalence of HBV infection 

among pregnant women was 

intermediate (2-7.8 %). 

Apart from a dearth of 

information, concerning the 

prevalence of HBV infection 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



among pregnant women in 

Ethiopia, the existing data are also 

differing from region to region. In 

addition, viral hepatitis screening 

services are not widely available 

except for the occasional 

mandatory medical checkups for 

work or travel purposes. The 

magnitude of the problem is so 

high that over 5.2% million people 

are estimated to be living with 

chronic HBV infection among the 

general population of Ethiopia 

(Ott et al., 2012). Knowing the 

prevalence of HBV specifically 

during pregnancy is vital for the 

reason that major mode of 

transmission is prenatal and the 

best way of assessing the 

prevalence in general population is 

its prevalence in pregnant mothers. 

So screening of all pregnant 

mothers is critical to know the 

burden of the problem and to 

indicate the prevalence of HBV in 

Ethiopia including the central 

regions of the country. 

By considering the existing 

scarcity of information about HBV 

infection in highly risk groups 

especially pregnant women the 

current study was conducted to 

determine the prevalence of HBV 

among pregnant women and risk 

factors associated with hepatitis B 

infection among pregnant women 

attending antenatal care at Arsi 

University, Asella Referral and 

Teaching Hospital, Central 




2.1. Study area 

The research was conducted 

at Arsi University Asella Referral 

and Teaching Hospital, Ethiopia. 

Asella is found in Oromia 

Regional State, central Ethiopia, at 

a distance of 178 km southeast of 

capital city Addis Ababa. 

According to CSA (2007), Asella 

town has a total population of 

74,268 of whom 37,337 are male 

and    36,931    are    females. The 

hospital is  a referral  and teaching 

Zerihun Belay Ethiop. J. Sci. Sustain. Dev., 5 (1), 2018 

© Adama Science & Technology University 



hospital serving people coming 

from all over 22 weredas in Arsi 

zone. It gives antenatal care 

service for more than average 20 

pregnant women daily. The 

hospital is with two laboratory 

rooms, one for MCH and the other 

for the other patients attending the 



2.2. Study population and design 

A   cross  sectional hospital 

based study was conducted among 

pregnant     women  attending 

antenatal care at Arsi University, 

Asella Referral  and  Teaching 

Hospital    and  voluntary   to 

participate in the study by giving 

blood sample for screening HBV 

infection    and   to   respond 

questionnaires  during   study 

period.  Sampling  size  was 

calculated with single proportion 

formula by taking Hepatitis B 

surface antigen prevalence from 

other studies conducted among 

pregnant      women    4.5% 

(Kothari,2004) 2%   error  of 

margin and 10 % non -response 


N= , 


(Where N=sample size; P = 

Proportion of HBsAg prevalence 

reported in similar study noted 

above (4.5%); d=2% error of 

margin; Z α/2 =Standard normal 

probability for 95% CI (1.96). 


2.3. Data collection and laboratory 


A pre-tested structured 

questionnaire was delivered to 

volunteer pregnant women to obtain 

socio-demographic information 

including maternal age, gestation age, 

occupation, educational status, 

living area and other information 

on risk factors for transmission of 

HBV including a history of 

previous blood transfusion, place 

of previous birth, any surgical 

procedure, tattooing, and hospital 

admission by data collectors. The 

questionnaires were first prepared 

in English then translated into 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



Afan Oromo and Amharic. 

After completion of the 

questionnaire, about 5ml of blood 

sample was aseptically collected 

by venipuncture from each 

participant into sterile plane bottle. 

The blood samples were left to 

form clots at room temperature, 

after which they were centrifuged 

for 10 minutes at 200 revolutions 

per minute (rpm) to separate serum 

or plasma from clot. Sample 

testing was done using rapid strip 

test which is one step test that 

utilizes the principle of rapid 

chromatographic immunoassay 

for the qualitative detection of 

Hepatitis B surface antigen in 

serum or plasma (Blumberg, 


The separated serum was 

allowed to equilibrate to room 

temperature (15-300C).To perform 

the laboratory test the foil pouch 

was opened and remove the strip. 

The strip was deepened in to the 

serum for at least 5 seconds until it 

was thoroughly wet and reaches 

the level indicated by the arrows 

on the strip. The strip was removed 

from the specimens and placed on 

a flat dry surface until the red lines 

appeared. The result was read in 

15 minutes. Interpretation of the 

result was made as follows. 

Positive: Two distinct red lines 

appear, one line should be in the 

control region(C) and another line 

should be in the test region (T). 

Negative: one red line appears in 

the control region (C).No apparent 

red or pink line appears in the test 

region (T). Invalid: control lines 

failed to appear due to insufficient 

specimen volume or incorrect 

procedural techniques. In that case 

the procedure was repeated with a 

new test strip. 

2.4 Data analysis 

The sero-prevalence of HBsAg 

was expressed in percentages in 

the study group and results were 

presented in tables. Data was 

entered and analyzed using the 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



statistical software SPSS version 

21. Chi-square test and bivariate 

logistic regression analysis were 

used to determine the association 

between dependent variables and 

the independent variables. The 

result was considered statistically 

significant at P<03. 



3.1 The Socio-demographic 

characteristics of the 


This study included 454 

pregnant women attending the 

antenatal care unit of Arsi 

University Asella Referral and 

Teaching Hospital during the 

period of January, 2016 to May, 

2016. Out of the total participants, 

197 (43.4%) were in the age group 

23-27, followed by 125 (27.5%) in 

the age group 28-32, 96  (21.16%) 

in the age group 18-22, 29 (6.4%) 

in the age group 33-37 and 7 

(1.5%) were in the age group 38- 


Most of the study subjects 

were from urban 301(66.3%) and 

almost near to the total number of 

the study participants were 

married 443 (97.5%). The 

majority of the study participants 

were house wives 77(17.0%) and 

about half of these women had an 

education level of less than 

secondary school (Table 1). 


3.2 The risk factors of HBV 


The risk factors included in 

this study were history of blood 

transfusion, hospital admission, 

surgical procedure, multiple 

sexual practice, female genital 

mutilation and body tattooing. 

Most of the participants 

408(89.9%) had no history of 

blood transfusion. Of the total, 

333(73.3%) were not admitted in 

hospital. Of the total, only 

36(7.9%) of the pregnant women 

had history of surgical procedure. 

But  majority  of  the  participants 

439(96.7%)   had   no   history  of 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



multiple sexual practice. 

Similarly, 282(62.1%) of the 

pregnant women had no genital 

mutilation and only 25(5.5%) had 

tattoo on their body (Table 2). 


Table 1. The socio-demographic characteristics of pregnant women attending 

the antenatal unit at Arsi University Asella Referral and Teaching 

Hospital, 2016. 

Socio-demographic characteristics Frequency Percentage (%) 

Age group   

18-22 96 21.1 

23-27 197 43.4 

28-32 125 27.5 

33-37 29 6.4 

38-42 7 1.5 


Urban 301 66.3 

Rural 153 33.7 

Marital status   

Single 11 2.4 

Married 443 97.5 

Educational status   

Illiterate 71 15.6 

1-8 157 34.6 

9-12 142 31.3 

Diploma 65 14.3 

Degree and above 19 4.2 

Gestational age   

1st trimester 46 10.1 

2nd trimester 104 22.9 

3rd trimester 304 67.0 

Abortion status   

Yes 87 19.2 

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No 367 80.8 

Place of previous delivery   

No birth 197 43.4 

Home 80 17.6 

Health institution 177 39 

Screened for HBV   

Yes 274 60.4 


No 180 39.6 

Vaccination for HBV   

Yes 19 4.2 

No 435 5.8 

Total=454(100%) under each variable 

Table 2. The risk factors characteristics of the participant women attending 

the antenatal unit at Arsi University Asella Referral and Teaching 

Hospital, 2016 

Variables Frequency Percent 

History of blood transfusion   

Yes 46 10.1 

No 408 89.9 

Hospital admission   

Yes 121 26.7 

No 333 73.3 

Surgical procedure   

Yes 36 7.9 

No 418 92.1 

Multiple sexual activity   

Yes 15 3.3 

No 439 96.7 

Body tattooing   

Yes 25 5.5 

No 429 94.5 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 




Female genital mutilation   

Yes 172 37.9 

No 282 62.1 


3.3. Sero-prevalence of HBV in 

pregnant women by socio - 

demographic characteristics 

Among 454 pregnant women 

tested for HBsAg, 44(9.7%) were 

positive for HBsAg (Table 3). The 

sero-prevalence of HBsAg in 

relation to age showed that the 

highest prevalence of HBsAg 

15(34.1%) were in the age group 

of 23-27, followed by 14 (31.8%) 

in the age group of 28-32, and 12 

(27.3%) was in the age group of 

18-22. Majority of pregnant 

women 29(65.9%) positive for 

HBV were in urban and all of 

44(100%) positive mothers were 

married. High number of HBsAg 

positive 27(61.3%) were in 

elementary and high school 

educated. With regard to 

occupation HBsAg positivity was 

highest 29 (65.9%) among house 

wife and most 24(54.5%) of 

HBsAg positive mothers were on 

3rd trimester followed by 12 

(27.3%) on 2nd trimester (Table 3). 

3.4.  The Association between 

prevalence and risk factors of 

hepatitis B virus 

The expected risk factors 

associated with exposure to 

HBsAg were determined by 

comparing the significant 

association (P<0.05) of HBsAg 

detection for study participant as 

shown in Table (4). None of the 

risk factors had been found to be 

associated with HBsAg sero- 

positivity (P>0.05). However, 

almost most of the study 

participants were exposed to at 

least one HBV infection risk 

factors. Among 454 pregnant 

women tested 172 (37.9%) had 

history of female genital 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



mutilation of these 20(45.5%) 

were positive for HBsAg which 

was the highest prevalence among 

risk factors. Out of 121(26.6%) 

who were admitted to hospital 14 

(31.8%) were positive for HBV. A 

total of 46(10.1%) had history of 

blood transfusion of these 3(6.8%) 

were positive for HBsAg, 36 

(7.9%) had surgical procedure of 

these only 2(4 .5%) were positive 

for HBsAg. 15(3.3%) had multiple 

sexual activity out of these only 

3(6.8%) were positive. Pregnant 

women who had body tattoo were 

25(5.5%) among these only 

2(4.5%) were positive for 

Hepatitis B surface antigen. 

Table 3. Sero-prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) by socio-demographic 

characteristics of the participant women attending the antenatal unit 

at Arsi University Asella Referral and Teaching Hospital, 2016. 

BsAg positivHBsAG (+) 

Freq. freq. %) 

HBsAg (-) 

Freq. (%) 
X2 P value 


18-22 12 27.3 84 20.5   


23-27 15  182 44.4   


28-32 14 31.8 111 27.1  0.912 

33-37 2 4.5 27 6.6   

38-42 1 2.3 6 1.5   


Urban 29 65.9 272 66.3 0.003  

Rural 15 34.1 138 33.7   




Single 0 0 11 2.7   

Married 44 100 398 97.1   





0 0 1 0.24   

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© Adama Science & Technology University 




nal status 





Degree & 













al age 



































































3.390 0.119 






11 25 60 14.6 

14 31.8 143 34.9 

13 29.5 129 31.5 

4 9.1 61 14.9 

2 4.5 17 4.1 


7 15.9 70 17.1  

















1 2.3 8 2 

5 11.4 40 9.8 


8 18.2 38 9.3 














Yes 13 29.5 74 18.1 


Place of 










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© Adama Science & Technology University 




No birth 20 45.5 177 43.2 

Home 13 29.5 67 16.3 

Hospital 11 25 166 40.5 


for HBV 



Yes 22 50 252 61.5 

No 22 50 158 38.8 


on for 


Yes 0 0 19 4.6 

No 44 100 391 95.4 

2.182 0.101 











*Total sample=454(100%), positive=44(100) Negative=410(100) under each variables 

Table 4. Bivarate assessment of risk factors for hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) 




+ve (%) 

X2 P-value 

History of blood 

46(10.1) 3(6.8) 0.588 0.156 

History of multiple 

sexual activity 
15 (3.3) 3(6.8) 1.665 0.998 

Surgical procedure 36(7.9) 2(4.5) 0.764 0.188 

Hospitalization 121(26.7) 14(31.8) 0.665 0.063 

Female genital 

172(37.9) 20(45.5) 1.186 0.243 

Body tattooing 25(5.5) 2(4.5) 10.160 0.330 

No risk factor 40(8.8) 0(0) 

Total 454(100) 44(100%)   

Zerihun Belay Ethiop. J. Sci. Sustain. Dev., 5 (1), 2018 

© Adama Science & Technology University 




In this study the overall 

prevalence of HBsAg in pregnant 

women was 9.7%. According to 

HBV prevalence classification of 

WHO (2011), the finding of this 

study has showed high endemicity 

of HBV infection (≥8%) among 

tested pregnant women. This 

investigation implies that the 

pregnant women are at high risk 

for transmission of the disease. 

The seroprevalence found in this 

study was comparable with the 

findings of previous studies in 

Sub-Saharan countries such as 

10.2% in Cameron (Noubiap et al., 

2015), 8.2% in northeast Nigeria 

(Olokoba et al., 2011) and in Mali 

8% (Maclean et al., 2012). 

Contrary to these, it was higher 

than the study conducted in 

different regions of Ethiopia in 

Addis Ababa 3% (Dessie Tegegne 

et al., 2014), in Jimma , southwest 

Ethiopia 3.7% (Mohammed 

Awole and Solomon Gebresilasie, 


2005), in Bahir-dar , northwest 

Ethiopia 3.8% (Yohanis Zenebe et 

al., 2014), Arba minch general 

hospital 4.3% (Tsegaye Yohanes 

et al.,2015) and in Addis Abeba in 

three teaching hospitals 4.5% 

(Sisay Kirba, 2014). 

However, it was lower than 

the study reported in university of 

Benin, Nigeria in which the 

prevalence of HBV infection 

among pregnant women was 

12.5% (Ugbebor et al., 2011), in 

Zaria 18.2% (Luka et al., 2008), in 

Makurdi, Nigeria 11% 

(Mbaawuage, 2008) and in Taiwan 

15.5% (Lin, 2008). The difference 

in prevalence might be due to 

geographic variations and 

different sample populations 

(Vazquez-Martinez et al., 2003), 

difference in socioeconomic status 

and traditional practices. 

In developed nation where 

regular screening and vaccination 

of HBV is provided for pregnant;cauthor=true&amp;cauthor_uid=24731794

Zerihun Belay Ethiop. J. Sci. Sustain. Dev., 5 (1), 2018 

© Adama Science & Technology University 



women low prevalence rate (<2%) 

was  reported  (0.14  %-0.97%) in 

USA (Euler et al., 2003),  (1.65%) 

in Mexico (Vazquez –Martinez, 

2003) and (1.6%) in Saudi Arabia 

(Alrowaily et al., 2008). A study 

conducted by Ding et al. (2013) 

indicates that the prevalence of 

HBsAg among pregnant women in 

Shenyang, China was lower than 

the overall prevalence in China 

because the transmission from 

mother to child can be prevented 

by administration of 

immunoprophylaxis with HBIG 

and HBV vaccine. 

The present study also 

revealed that the socio- 

demographic characteristics of the 

pregnant women did not show 

significance association with the 

prevalence of HBV infection 

except the gestational age (P= 

0.011). The highest sero- 

prevalence of HBV infection was 

found in those pregnant women at 

the third trimester as compared to 

first and second trimesters. This 

was similar with other studies 

conducted elsewhere in Ethiopia 

(Zelalem Desalegn et al. 2016; 

Yeshi Metaferia et al., 2016). 

In this study, age was found to 

have no significant associations 

with HBV infection. However, 

other studies showed higher 

prevalence among women 

between the ages of 23 to 32 

(Tsegaye Yohanes et al., 2016; 

Nyamusi et al., 2017). This is 

expected because majority of 

women in the child bearing age are 

in their twenties. Moreover, 

though not significant higher 

prevalence of HBsAg 29(65.9%) 

was reported from urban area 

which is similar to in Sudan 

(Abdallah et al., 2011) and in 

Rwanda (Nyamusi et al., 2017). 

However, contrary to this other 

study in southern Ethiopia (Yeshi 

Metaferia et al., 2016) showed 

higher prevalence of HBsAg 

among pregnant mothers from 

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© Adama Science & Technology University 



rural area than the urban 


This study revealed that none 

of the expected risk factors were 

significantly associated with sero- 

positivity for HBsAg (Table 4). 

However the female genital 

mutilation was the highest in the 

percentage of the prevalence of 

HBsAg 20 (45.5%) which 

indicates that traditional practicing 

of unsterilized instruments for 

genital mutilation may increase 

the risks of infection than other 

risk factors. Elsewhere in the 

previous reports, other factors 

such as blood transfusion, body 

tattooing, multiple sexual activity 

and surgery were potential risk 

factors for HBV infection 

(Yohanis Zenebe et al.,2014: 

Yeshi Metaferia et al., 2016). This 

variation might be attributing to 

cultural, being aware on 

prevention and transmission, 

educational and behavioral 

differences for the risk factors of 

HBV infection. 



In conclusion, in this study, 

the prevalence of HBsAg among 

pregnant mothers attending Arsi 

University Asella Teaching 

Hospital was high according to 

WHO criteria. All of the 

demographic characteristics of the 

participants had no significant 

association with HBV infection 

except for the gestational age 

which shows the significant 

prevalence in the 3rd trimester 

compared to other factors. The 

high prevalence of HBsAg among 

pregnant women in this study 

indicates the importance of 

implementing preventive measures, 

including vaccination to women in 

the child bearing age as they are at 

increased risk of acquiring HBV 

compared to the general 


Zerihun Belay Ethiop. J. Sci. Sustain. Dev., 5 (1), 2018 

© Adama Science & Technology University 




We are very grateful to the 

pregnant women who showed 

willingness to participate in the 

study and to the staff of Arsi 

University Asella Referral and 

Teaching Hospital. 



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