European Integration studies 2011.indd 45 ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 EUROPE OF KNOWLEDGE: THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATIONS Borisas Melnikas Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Abstract The complexity of global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes, as well as the processes of the European integration is analyzed in the article. The complex analysis and the multidimensional evaluation of the processes of global transformations and of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation in the European Union as an perspective theoretical approach in research on societal changes in the context of globalization is defined and described in the article. The variety of global transformations is described, the main problems and processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization are identified and studied. The processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy are defined as the processes belonging to the category of global transformation processes: it means that the complex interaction between the general processes of global transformations and the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy is a very important factor of the positive changes in the societal life in the context of globalization and European integration. The main idea of the complex analysis and of the evaluation of the factors of interaction between the general processes of global transformations and the processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation is that all these processes as a common global transformations are defined and analyzed, and the new challenges for creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization are identified. The main regularities of the global transformations are identified, their impact on real processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation in the European Union is characterized. Keywords: Global transformation, European integration, knowledge based society, knowledge economy, creation processes, regularities. Introduction The creation of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy is perceived as one of the most important priorities of the modern society and its lifestyle development, as well as of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, especially – in the European Union. The creation of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy is assessed as the most important assumption and the main way to solve most of the social, economic, technological, even security and defense problems worldwide as well as in various countries or regions in general and in various countries or regions in the space of the European Union. The processes of the creation of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy expresses the essential qualitative changes in all the areas of social, economic, political life, science and technological progress, and interaction with nature. The processes of the creation of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy deeply influences the content of globalization processes and the effect on a situation in the modern world. It may be noted that the processes of the creation of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy, in general, could be perceived and assessed as an essential worldwide transformation, which determines a number of breakings and sallies, important to all the humankind. The processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy must be analyzed in complexity. In general, the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy could be defined as the processes belonging to the category of global processes: it also means that the complex interaction between the processes of global changes and the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy is a very important factor of the positive development in the societal life in the general context of globalization. There are very different theories and theoretical models of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes, as well as different theoretical models of these processes. Problem is that the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes and the processes of global transformations are usually analyzed separately: the factor of the complex interaction between different processes of global transformations and the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy is often ignored. It means, that a complex analysis of the processes of both types, as well as an evaluation of the factors of interaction between these processes could be defined as an perspective way to solve some actual theoretical and practical problems in the area of knowledge based society and knowledge economy, especially in the context of globalization. The main idea of the complex analysis and of the evaluation of the factors of interaction between the different processes of global transformations and the processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation is that all these processes as a general global transformations are defined and analyzed, and the new challenges for creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 46 context of globalization are identified. This idea is described in details in the article. The object of this article is the processes of global transformations, especially - the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy; the main focus is put on the interaction between the processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation and of the general processes of global transformations in general context of globalization. Tasks of the article: to explore the new definitions and to systematize the general processes of global transformations; to describe the main global transformations and to identified their role; to describe the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes in the context of globalization; to explore the main challenges for societal development in the context of global transformations, including – in the context of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes. Research methodology – theoretical study, including comparative analysis of the theoretical works, and complex analysis of long-term tendencies typical for political, social and economic changes and development processes in the European Union. The global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes: complexity and idea of the multidimensional evaluation The processes of the development and changes in the contemporary society are very complicated and controversial. A lot of new phenomena and circumstances show up under the contemporary conditions of social, economic, political development and progress of science and technologies. In order to understand and react to them, it is necessary to see into so-called problems of the complexity of the development processes and changes of different types and nature and to strive that these problems were solved adequately with the new challenges in the life of the society. Besides, the importance and significance of the problems of the complexity of development processes and changes are indicated by the fact that the understanding and salvation of these problems is one of the main priorities implemented in the contemporary practice of scientific research. The complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes could be defined as an especially important case: the importance and significance of this case are indicated by the dominance and prevalence of the processes and problems of globalization, as well as processes and problems of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation in the context of the changes, development processes and problems of the contemporary society and its life in general, especially – in the European cultural, social, economic and political space. . Modern attitudes to the complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes, to the concept of complexity of these processes, as well as to the understanding and salvation of the problems of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes in the context of globalization can be characterized by extremely wide variety. Such variety determines the fact that the phenomena, problems and topicalities can be analyzed by: • including spaces of different extent (various regions, countries or their groups, the world), as well as including different systems (various organizations, their groups, other systems), • involving different combinations of processes, phenomena, factors and circumstances of social, economic, political development, and progress of science and technologies into the unit of developmental processes, • giving preference to different social, economic, ecological, technological, political as well as other manifestations, consequences or circumstances of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes in the context of globalization, • regarding the management, administration and governance features of various processes of development and progress as well as the multiplicity of different subjects and their interests that take place in management , administration and governance processes. The research of the problems of complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes is multi- and interdisciplinary by nature, must inevitably have attitudes to social and economic development, progress in technologies, environmental protection and changes in the modern society and its life, which reflect various areas of science, integrated in them. An important aspect of the research on complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation processes is a regional one, since various social, economic, technological, ecological factors are assessed in the extent of variously identified regions, by trying to reveal the interaction of processes and changes of different nature in various regional systems herewith. This aspect could be defined as especially important in the conditions of European integration and enlargement of the European Union. The problems of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation, including - in the context of globalization, are analyzed through various aspects in a number of scientific works. Particularly important are studies of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes in the global space, as well as in European Union and in different countries ( Boldrin, Canova (2001); Cohendet, Stojak (2005); Currie (2000); David, Foray (2002); Daugeliene (2007); Dicken (1998); Ein-Dor, Myers, Raman, (2004); Farnsworth (2005); Garrett, Mitchell (2001); Goeransson, Soederberg (2005); Grace, Butler (2005); Hayo, Seifert (2003); Hunt (2000); Huseman, Godman (1999); Leydesdorff (2004); McNally (1999); Melnikas (1990, 2002, 2008); Melnikas, Reichelt (2004); Merrill, Sedgwick (1997); Munasinghe, Sunkel, de Miguel (2001); Olsen, Osmundsen (2003); Parker (1998); Perraton (2001); Redding, Venables (2004); Sangmon (2002); Steinmueller (2002). Traditional attitudes to the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation emphasize the technological priorities, the new values, the new models of lifestyle as well as necessity to ensure the internecine compatibility and compensation of developmental processes and changes that have different nature. The modern concepts of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy as well as the concepts of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes are very multiple (Castells (2000-2004); Dang, Umemoto (2009); Fischer, Gran, Hacker, Jakobi, Petzold, Pusch, Steinberg ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 47 (2010); Steinmueller (2002); Melnikas (1990-2010)). Therefore, it is obvious, that the concepts of the knowledge based society and of the knowledge economy may be defined and described differently. At the same time it can be seen, that most of the scientific works on knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation does not pay sufficient attention to the impact of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes on the development processes in the global space as well as in the various sectors of societal life. On the other side, most of the scientific works on knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes are not directly oriented to the solving of actual problems of economic, social, political, technological, ecological development, especially - economic, social, political, technological, ecological sustainability and sustainable development in general (Castells (2000-2004); Friedman (2006, 2009); Melnikas (2010)). In general, contemporary practice of scientific research on problems of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation is characterized by the prevalence of the specific studies and research works, which are oriented to the separately research on various specific topics of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation problems and processes: various aspects of the complexity of the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization have not been investigated. Despite the fact that traditional attitudes to the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation in the context of globalization are characterized by a wide variety, extensive coverage of processes and problems and considerable possibilities of practical application, it is still possible to claim that nowadays there appear many new circumstances, conditions and phenomena, the impact and role of which insufficiently reflect in most of the traditional attitudes. For this reason, traditional concepts of the processes and problems of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy become more and more inadequate to the modern needs and challenges and require essential supplements and specifications. It must be noted, that modern attitudes to the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy should deeper reflect the role and influence of new type transformation processes that are taking place in the world now. The most important role and influence are of those transformations, which reflect the global spread of values and ideas of the knowledge based society and of the sustainability of new knowledge creation processes : namely the creation of knowledge based society and the spread of its values and ideas, as well as the spread of the ideas and values of sustainability of new knowledge creation processes in the global environment condition can activate and stimulate the new transformations in the modern society and its life, as well as help to understand the necessity to react to the needs of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy and solve new problems in a new way. It is possible to claim that the essential priority of the actualization of the traditional concepts of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation and development processes is that the modern concept should be oriented to the complexity and sustainability of social, economic, technological, ecological development processes and must reflect both the global transformation processes in general and those global transformation processes, which reflect the creation of knowledge based society, knowledge economy and the spread of values and ideas of the sustainability of new knowledge creation processes. When actualizing the concepts of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation and considering the circumstances of the global transformations, it is purposeful to refer to certain theoretical attitudes, which could be used when analyzing various phenomena of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes. The idea of multidimensional evaluation of the processes of global transformations as well as processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation, and the so-called “power” concept should be distinguished among those theoretical attitudes: their ideas and application possibilities are revealed in various studies (Melnikas (1990, 2002, 2007, 2010)). The global transformations as a general context of the processes of knowledge based society creation in the European Union Situation in the space of European Union as well as in the contemporary world in general is more and more conditioned by multiple globalization processes, which appear in all areas of political social, economic life, and in all sectors of culture as well as of science and technological progress. Globalization processes proximately influence society’s lifestyle and the quality of life, as well as the changes, which take place in all areas of life (Ravenhil (2008); Friedman (2006, 2009); Appiah (2007); Castells (2000-2004); Chossudovsky (2003); Melnikas (2002)). Besides, the perception and assessment of the meaning of globalization processes regarding the content and singleness of changes in the world are considered a very important assumption to scientifically cognize and adequately analyze the nature of globalization itself: it is obvious, that deep and complex cognition and analysis of globalization processes are possible only in those cases, when globalization processes are treated as changes, which take place in a global extent, and as global environment of such changes. Relation of the conception of globalization processes to global changes and their environment allows speculating that the so-called processes of global transformations are considered exceptionally significant among globalization processes. The reason for such speculation is the fact, that the essence of transformation processes (or, simply, transformations) is qualitative changes, which determine the creation of new systems: globalization processes namely express the world’s qualitative changes; therefore, the transformation processes are treated as exceptionally important and significant in the general whole of globalization processes. Global transformation processes are characterized by a wide variety and may be identified and classified according to various features. The following features may be treated as the most important ones among the features, which should be taken into consideration when identifying and classifying the processes of global transformations: • features, which characterize natural and climate conditions, as well as their influence on various global ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 48 changes and situation, • features, which characterize human resources, their potential, change of its structure, as well as global role of human resources, • features, which characterize the society, its development, structure, change dynamics, as well as features, which help to describe various types and models of the society itself and its organization, and global spread and spread dynamics of these types and models, • features, which characterize global variety and spread of cultures, mentalities, value systems, models of lifestyle, and social behavior stereotypes, • features, which characterize the processes of social, political, economic development, as well as science and technological progress, the impact and consequences of these processes, which appear or may appear globally. The above-mentioned features, as a unit, as well as various their combinations allow universally and complexly describing the modern processes of global transformations and their variety. It is obvious, that regarding the complex cognition of global transformations, other features, characterizing such transformations may appear. The variety of global transformations is also shown by the fact that global transformations may be identified, assessed and analyzed by two different approaches: • geographically regional approach, when global transformations, their expression or their impacts on the society and its life are assesses and analyzed according to a country, region, continent or other geographically or regionally identified system, • sectoral approach, when global transformations, their expression or their impacts on the society and its life are assessed and analyzed by distinguishing certain sectors, out of the whole of global transformations, which are identified by regarding the content, character or forms of expression of global transformations themselves, and by assessing and analyzing the global transformations according to various sectors (besides, various sectors may be identified by highlighting multiple features, typical of the global transformations themselves). Moreover, the variety of global transformations shows that global transformations, as a unit, are exceptionally complicated area, which requires scientific cognition and research. It is possible to claim, that the underlying aim of the research in this area is to assess and foresee possible impacts of global transformations on the society, its development, its life, as well as to make assumptions for purposeful influence and management of the society development processes. The impacts of global transformations on the modern society in general and on the changes in its life, development and progress are multiple, complicated and even contradictory. Several circumstances determine the multiplicity and complication of the impact of global transformations on the society and changes in its life. Firstly, the global transformations themselves are characterized by a variety of typical features, which inevitably conditions the multiplicity and complication of these transformations and their impact. Secondly, global transformations, as a unit, may be identified as composing different geographically regional or sectoral systems: the variety of different geographically regional or sectoral systems reflects the multiplicity and complication of the impact of global transformations on the society and changes in its life. Thirdly, controversial tendencies, when certain development, progress and change processes evoke positively and negatively assessed results, inevitably appear under the conditions of the variety, multiplicity and complication of the global transformations and their impact on the society and changes in its life. Global transformations, which express the changes of natural and climate conditions, are very significant because these transformations reflect new challenges and needs to solve multiple ecological problems, radically reduce environmental pollution, save limited natural resources and seek for new alternatives for the use if these resources, as well as implement the means for the prevention of natural disasters and the reduction and elimination of their results (Friedman (2009)). The significance of global transformations, which express the changes of natural and climate conditions, is shown by objectively highlighted influences to implement qualitatively new principles and standards of the development and management of various eco-systems globally. Essential changes in the modern society and its life are inevitably determined by the creation, spread and implementation of such principles and standards (Melnikas (2002, 2010)). Global transformations, which express the changes of the potential of human resources and its structure, are especially significant due to two essential reasons. Firstly, these global transformations reflect the changes of human resource potential and their influence on the change of the modern society and its lifestyle. Secondly, these global transformations reflect the efficiency and usefulness of various impacts on the potential of human resources and its change. Global transformations, which express the changes of the potential of human resources and its structure may be perceived and assessed as the ones, which reflect and influence demographic situation and its changes globally, in separate continents, countries or regions, among different social groups and layers, as well as in the spread areas of different ethnic, confessional, cultural or other mentality groups, which determine the impacts of demographic situations and their changes on the developing economical, social, political, ecological or other situation in the world, in separate continents, countries or regions, determine possibilities and assumptions that new threats, dangers or problems, which will be caused by the changes in the demographic situation, will inevitably appear in the world, in separate continents, countries or regions, which show the variety of reasons, why the structure of human potential and demographic situation change, as well as the variety of possibilities to influence the changes of demographic situation. The significance of global transformations, which express the changes of the potential of human resources and its structure, is shown by objectively appearing needs of the world, separate continents, countries and regions to implement newly perceived humanistic orientations, which reflect an increasing priority of natural human rights and freedoms, as well as complexly treated pursuit to improve the life quality: namely the perception, highlighting and implementation of the importance of humanistic orientations must be treated as the basis to react to the global transformations expressing the potential of human resources and the change of its structure ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 49 (McNally (1999)). Global transformations, which express changes typical for the modern society, its structure and organization, are very significant for several essential reasons. Firstly, these global transformations reflect quite controversial processes, happening in the world, when assimilation and variety increase tendencies are typical of the change of society structures in different countries and regions. Secondly, these global transformations reflect the tendencies of the convergence of various society organization forms, including the tendency, the essence of which is convergence, multiple integration and even assimilation of a country’s models and types, typical of a modern country, as the highest form of the society organization. Thirdly, these global transformations reflect very significant changes, which are typical of the role, activity and influence of modern countries, various international organizations, as well as international business subjects and other organizations, movements or formations. Fourthly, these global transformations reflect new type threats, dangers and risks, as well as new type possibilities when developing multiple progresses, which arise or appear under the conditions of change of modern society structures and its organization forms. Global transformations, which express changes typical for the modern society, its structure and organization, may be perceived and assessed as the ones, which: • determine the changes of powers and function structures, typical of modern countries, which reflect a general tendency, when the role of a state influencing and affecting the situation in various areas of social, economic, political development as well as science and technological progress, changes in essence. (The changes of the role of a state may be expressed in two ways: the first one is that a modern state gains new powers and takes up new functions; and the second – that, in the areas of traditional powers expression and implementation of traditional functions, the role of a state is more determined by its cooperation with various international and non-governmental organizations, with various social movements, various organizations, functioning in business and public sectors, and other subjects, most importantly – the subjects of international business, their networks and other formations), • determine essential changes, typical of the activity and role of formal and informal international organizations and other formations, especially – for the activity and role of international inter-state organizations and international economical and business organizations: under contemporary conditions, namely international organizations and other formations of various subjects perform various functions and gain more and more powers to influence and affect a situation and development processes in separate countries or regions as well as internationally, • influence essential changes in the modern management systems of the society development processes, including changes of democracy conception, and changes implementing democracy values and principles in a real management and self-government practice (besides, the changes of democracy and its values and principles naturally determine needs for change in various management system chains of the modern society development processes), • determine creation and activity activation, variety increase and influence growth of various non- governmental organizations, movements and informal structures in the world, separate countries or regions: an appropriate tendency reflects manifestations of new society activeness forms as well as the increase of various interest groups’ role and significance, • determine the fact, that in the future there is going to be new type interaction between various subjects of activity and management, which operate internationally (states, various their organizations, other international organizations, various international business subjects and their formations), as well as regionally (various institutions of public administration, business subjects, international and local organizations, other subjects): it must be noted, that new type interaction appears and may appear in various forms of network, • determine the fact, that there is going to be new type interaction between an individual and various organizations locally, regionally, in countries or internationally, and such interaction is gaining a bigger role and is becoming more and more intensive: under contemporary conditions individuals are becoming significant subjects of the society development processes, who are actively acting the globalization environment. The significance of global transformations, which express the change of modern society structures and is organization forms, is shown by objectively appearing needs to adequately react to the changes of organization forms, typical to the modern society, as well as changes in the management of the society development processes and changes of the democracy and the conception of its value and principles as well as the results of such conception change. It must be emphasized, that the significance of the above-mentioned global transformations is also shown by the objectively appearing needs to ensure the consolidation of humanistic and democratic values when globalization processes are becoming more and more intense, when the mobility of individuals, various social groups and layers, as well as organizations is increasing in various forms, and when new possibilities to develop multiple interaction among various activity and management subjects is increasing. The global transformations, which express the changes typical for the modern society, its structure and organization, as well as the changes of the potential of human resources and its structure, could be defined as a global context of the changes of the potential of human resources and of the various organizational changes in all spheres and sectors of the contemporary society and its life. Global transformations, which express the changes of cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes, are very important because these transformations proximately affect ideals, expectations, ideological attitudes, assessment criteria as well as lifestyle models and underlying development trends, which are entrenched in the society and its life. It is obvious, that global transformations, which express the changes of cultures, mentalities, value systems, ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 50 social behavior stereotypes are also important because these transformations particularly reflect the manifestations and tendencies for change of the society’s psychological state, morale, ethnic and esthetic attitudes, spirituality, innovations and creativity, inertness and conservatism, tolerance and adaptation to the environment abilities. Global transformations, which express the changes of cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes, may be perceived and assessed as the ones, which: • determine the activation of spread processes and variety increase of different cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes, as well as their interaction and convergence tendencies: the expression of such tendencies reflects inevitable creation and development processes of qualitatively new cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes, as well as their spread areas in separate continents, countries or regions, as well as internationally in general, • determine the fact, that historically “alien” cultures intensively “penetrate” into historically created traditional concentration spaces of certain ethnic, confessional or other cultures, and that this “penetration” causes ambivalent consequences: they create preconditions for intensive connection of various cultures and creation of qualitatively new cultures, as well as they create preconditions for the expression of new conflicts, threats and dangers, which could be determined or encouraged by the increasing variety of cultures and too great inadequacy of different cultures, • encourage the creation of preconditions for the expression of multiple synergetic effects, which may determine the activation and development of innovations which include all areas of life, as well as the appearance of new risks, threats and dangers, • determine inevitable changes in those systems of criteria and dimensions, on the basis of which it may be possible to react to the natural change of cultures, mentalities and other spaces, including the ones, on the basis of which it may be possible to “structuralize” various world’s spaces (especially – to identify the spread areas of various cultures, interest or influence spheres of various countries and their groups, various markets). The changes of criteria and dimension systems not only determines the changes in the cognition of the modern world and the establishment and identification areas of various “cause-effect” connections, but also determine essential changes when creating, adapting and implementing means used by the society and meant for single-minded reaction to the change of cultures, mentalities, value systems and social behavior stereotypes. The significance of global transformations, which express the changes of cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes, is shown by the emphatic needs to adequately react to the changes of cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes and their spread areas, to the outcomes of changes, which include all the areas of the modern society life, as well as to the fact, that these changes influence the change of the society structures and its lifestyle models. It must be noted, that the significance of these global transformations is also shown by the fact, that the change of cultures, mentalities, value systems, social behavior stereotypes highly influences society’s tendencies to initiate and tolerate changes in various areas of its life (Melnikas (2002)). Global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, are extremely significant due to two reasons. Firstly, these transformations determine long-term qualitative changes and long-term development tendencies, which inevitably appear and will appear in all areas of the society, its life and development globally, as well as in separate countries or regions. Secondly, these transformations determine the multi-channel influences and “cause-effect’ connections, which reflect general interaction phenomena, when changes in some areas of the society life and development proximately influence changes in other areas of the society life and development. The general interaction phenomena shows, that these global transformations reflect multiple functional as well as correlation connections, which show various subordinations among the changes in different areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress and the change tendencies. The importance of global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, is also obvious because these transformations reflect the assimilation of processes and changes, which take place in particular areas of development, progress and society life, worldwide or in large global areas. The essence of such assimilation is that a situation in particular areas of the society life, development and progress in different countries or regions is becoming more and more assimilated, due to the appearing orientations to identical standards, norms, etalons, ideals, expectations, activity models, or stereotypes. It means that general global changes, which include different areas of social, economical, political development, science and technological progress, increasingly influence the situation in certain development and progress areas in separate countries or regions, as well as in every country or region in general. Global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, may be perceived and assessed as the ones which: • determine the fact that the influence of the development, progress and change in some areas of the society’s life on the development progress and change in other areas of the society’s life is increasing worldwide and in separate countries or regions. Such increase of many- sided, multiple and multi-channel influences reflects the significance increase of interaction, convergence and harmony among different sectors of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, and shows a common tendency, that changes in certain sectors determine the changes in others under the conditions of globalization, • determine trajectory, extent and rate inter-inadequacies among the processes and changes in different areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, when development, progress and change processes taking place in different areas ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 51 are characterized by more and more different and incompatible trajectories, extent and rate. At the same time, ambivalent assumptions emerge – the assumptions that qualitative sallies should be implemented in certain areas of the development, progress and change, and the assumptions that disproportions and conflicts should emerge in certain areas of the development, progress and change, which may have various negative consequences on the society and its life, • condition the needs to comprehensively coordinate and harmonize changes, which take place in different areas of social, economical, political development, science and technological progress. Despite the fact that global transformations are perceived as an objectively appearing phenomenon, it is still necessary to react single-mindedly to various manifestations of this phenomenon and strive to rationally adapt to the objectively inevitable changes and effectively implement the prevention of undesirable effects using the means of coordination and harmonization, including the cases when unacceptable and undesirable inequality appears in different areas on the development, progress and change. Global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, reflect the possibilities to solve and eliminate problems, which arise in various areas with the help of the experience or new development, progress and change results cumulated in other areas. These global transformations reflect common tendencies significant for the modern society and its life. The above-mentioned tendency appears multiply and controversially – factors of the same origin may differently influence various processes of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, and the effects of those influences may also be very different and differently assessed. The significance of global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, is shown by objectively appearing needs to adequately react: • to the variety, inequality and outcome multiplicity of the appropriate development, progress and change processes, • to new risks, dangers and threats, which arise and appear owing to changes, as well as to the needs harmoniously adapt to the multiple and controversial development, progress and change processes, which appear in various areas, • to the needs to single-mindedly influence and even manage the development, progress and change processes within the limits of objectively existing and conspired possibilities. It must be emphasized, that the above-mentioned global transformations show the modern society’s powers to actively and single-mindedly influence its life’s conditions at the same time partially programming the trajectories of further development and progress. In general, the global transformations, which express changes in various areas of social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, could be defined as an important precondition and as a global context of various social, economic, political, technological changes in all spheres and sectors of the contemporary society and its life, as well as in all countries and regions: this statement is especially important in the conditions of European integration and enlargement of the European Union (Foltean, Feder (2009); Armstrong (20060; Daugeliene (2007); Zeitlin (2008); Wendt (2005); Melnikas, Reichelt (2004)). In conclusion, it may be noted, that global transformations, as a unit, are so much multiple and complicated, that even a detailed study of these transformations creates assumptions to perceive and assess various factors and circumstances, which are typical to transformations and their effects, only very superficially. The new challenges for the knowledge based society creation in the European Union: the context of global transformations Global transformations are typical not only for contemporary world in general, but also for the space of the European Union. Global transformations, their expression and influence on the modern society and its life are characterized by wide variety and significant common regularities. Among common regularities, typical of global transformations, the following must be emphasized: • regularities, which reflect universalism and unification processes under the conditions of global transformations, • regularities of the increasing uncertainties and their expression, • regularities of unsynchronized development and the expression of resonance effects, • regularities, which express society’s needs to activate innovations, stimulate creativity, and strengthen adaptation and tolerance skills. The above-mentioned regularities are perceived as very important and significant under contemporary conditions. Regularities, which reflect universalism and unification processes under the conditions of global transformations, express a typical tendency of the universal convergence. The essence of this tendency is that identical standards, norms, etalons, as well as expectations, activity and lifestyle models, behavior stereotypes, which reflect the newest achievements and the newest conception of quality and modernity in all areas of the society life, social, economic, political development, science and technological progress, spread, are assimilated, implemented and renewed on a world scale. This tendency reflects a periodic phenomenon, the essence of which is continuously periodic situation assimilation typical of every specific area of the society’s life, development and progress on a world scale. Regularities of the increasing uncertainties and their expression reflect the factor that more and more various uncertainties are appearing under the conditions of global transformations, and the expression of these uncertainties is much more various. These regularities are very important when trying to perceive and solve the problems of the sustainable development, besides, more and more uncertainties are appearing under the conditions of global transformations, which are necessary to consider when diagnosing, forecasting and planning the processes of the sustainable development. ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 52 Regularities of unsynchronized development and the expression of resonance effects reflect two simultaneous tendencies, which are different as well as complementary: • development, progress and change processes, which take place in different areas of the society’s life, activity and development, as well as in different countries or regions, are characterized by multiple unsynchronicities, unbalancing, and inequalities: this tendency reflects the appearing possibilities that various development, progress and change processes may be characterized by increasing disproportions, which may provoke additional risks and threats, • development, progress and change processes, which take place in different areas of the society’s life, activity and development, as well as in different countries or regions, are characterized by the congruence of space and time parameters (this tendency also reflects the resonance of different processes and may be described as a tendency reflecting resonance effects). This tendency reflects the appearing new risks and threats, which are or may be caused by the resonance of different processes and changes as well as new development and progress possibilities, which may be based upon the synchronization of different processes and changes. It is obvious that regularities of unsynchronized development and the expression of resonance effects are assessed as extremely important when solving the problems of the sustainable development: • unsynchronized development reflects the assumptions for the sustainable development problems to appear, as well as the possibilities to purposefully regulate pace and extent of different development processes and changes, and at the same time adequately react to various disproportions and inequalities, • the expression of resonance effects reflects undesirable consequences of unharmonious or insufficiently sustainable development, as well as the possibilities to purposefully concentrate various management effects, which are intended to react to the development, progress and change processes, which require correction. It must be emphasized that the circumstances of regularities of unsynchronized development and the expression of resonance effects in all cases require exceptional attention when trying to adequately perceive, identify and solve the problems of the sustainable development. Regularities, which express the needs to activate innovations, stimulate creativity, and strengthen adaptation and tolerance skills, generally reflect the main challenges, which arise under the conditions of global transformations. These regularities reflect general tendency, which shows, that there is an increasing significance for the needs, which are intended to: • activate innovations and stimulate creativity by reacting to new challenges and new problems, including the problems of the harmonious development, under the conditions of global transformations; • strengthen adaptation and tolerance skills, because, under the conditions of globalization, there is a strong need to adapt to new circumstances and adapt various systems to new requirements, as well as tolerate various changes by reacting to them rationally, and by regarding the attitudes of the sustainable development. The above-mentioned regularities of global transformations are assessed as very important when trying to adequately perceive and solve the problems of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy. Of course, regarding the complexity and variety of global transformations, as a unit, it is possible to make an assumption, that other regularities may be highlighted apart from the ones mentioned above. The knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation could be defined as priority in the system of global transformations processes. In this case the phenomena of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy as well as the trends and the concepts of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes should be analyzed in the context of processes of global transformations. In order to substantiate the appropriate definitions and descriptions, it is necessary to regard the following: • when describing a certain society, the underlying attention must be paid to the highlighting of the most important values, typical of the society itself, • when describing a certain economy, the underlying attention must be paid to the highlighting of the most important factors of the economy growth. It is possible to claim that it is purposeful to describe the concepts of the knowledge-based society and knowledge economy as follows: • the knowledge based society is the society which is characterized by the values of the predominance of creativity and creative activity, as well as the values, which express the generation, spread and use of new knowledge. In the knowledge based society, the underlying interests express the objectives to create, spread and use new products of art, technical, business and other creation, as well as initiate, generate and implement multiple creative ideas and innovations in all areas of life. • the knowledge economy is the economy, for which the underlying growth factor is the potential, intended for the generation, spread and use of the new knowledge, as well as the activation of creativity. The raising and possession of the abilities to create, spread and use new knowledge, ideas and innovations in all areas of life, as well as the incessant raise of the economical efficiency with the acceleration and activation means of the science and technological progress are the underlying conditions for economic growth and modernization in the knowledge economy. The provided descriptions of the concepts reflect the main orientations of values, which express the objectives of creativity, creation activation and new knowledge generation, typical of the knowledge based society, as well as the main features, which characterize the significance of the new knowledge generation, innovation and science and technological progress, typical of the knowledge economy. The highlighting of the underlying values, which are typical of the knowledge based society and which express the domination of creative activity, generation, spread and use of new knowledge, allows realizing that the essential internal contradiction of the knowledge based society is the contradiction among the society members, groups, layers and ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 53 variously identified subjects, which belong to two different categories: • one category is the society members, groups, layers and subjects, who become leaders, able to initiate the creation of new knowledge, ideas and innovations, participate in multiple creation actively, intensively and productively, develop creative activity, generate, spread and efficiently use the new knowledge and ideas. The society members, groups, layers and subjects, who belong to this category, generally take over the real power in the society and carry out the functions of its development and progress. What is more, the creation and spread of the new knowledge, ideas and innovations generally express the prerogative of making progress oriented decisions, especially strategic ones, • the other category is the society members, groups, layers and subjects, who lose or do not have real possibilities to initiate the creation of new knowledge, ideas and innovations, do not have real conditions and skills to participate in the creation actively and intensively, to develop creative activity independently, or to generate, spread and efficiently use the new knowledge and ideas. The society members, groups, layers and subjects that belong to this category generally become just ordinary effectors, who have very limited power and only perform the functions of effectors, including even those areas, where huge innovation changes take place. The above-mentioned contradiction reflects the internal differentiation logic, typical for the knowledge based society, when the position of different members, groups, layers or subjects of the society is determined by the role and place when initiating, generating, spreading and using new knowledge, ideas and innovations. Besides, the expression of the above- mentioned contradiction is universal: this contradiction may be perceived -s appearing in the lives of separate countries and regions, and as the one, which appears in separate groups or layers of the society, as well as the one, which may appear globally in the future. The above-mentioned contradiction reflects the meaning of those propulsions, which determine and will determine the development and progress of the knowledge based society, as well as the preconditions for various threats and dangers to appear, which may inevitably arise under the conditions of the knowledge based society. It is obvious, that the internal differentiation of the society, which expresses different role and place of various society members, groups, layers and subjects when initiating, generating, spreading and using new knowledge, ideas and innovations, may show itself in two ways: • as propulsion, which determines further development and progress of the knowledge-based society, because the objectives to activate and effectuate creative processes, when initiating, generating, spreading and using new knowledge, ideas and innovations, become the underlying stimulus of the development and progress, and the potency activating the processes of development and progress, • as a precondition for new threats and dangers to appear, because, under the conditions, when the society differentiation exceeds certain critical limits, there inevitably appear various tendencies of the destructive manner, including the tendencies to integrate various means, based on the use of the newest science and technological progress results, into destructive processes. The internal contradictions, typical of the knowledge based society, influence the processes of knowledge economy creation and development. The underlying conditions for economic growth and modernization, typical of the knowledge economy, which include education and possession of the abilities to create, spread and use new knowledge, ideas and innovations, as well as increase economic efficiency with the acceleration and activation means of science and technological progress, may be assessed in two ways: • as the propulsion, typical of the development and progress of the knowledge economy, which reflects the influence of the initiation, generation, spread and use of the new knowledge, ideas and innovations, as well as of the results of science and technological progress, on the growth and effectuation of the economy itself, • as the precondition for the new threats, dangers and risks to appear, which are characteristic of the knowledge- based society and knowledge economy and which may cause various undesirable negative results of the knowledge economy development and progress, which appear or may appear in various sectors of economic life as well as in various areas of the society’s life and development in general. It must be emphasized, that the essential principles to be implemented under the conditions of the creation and modernization of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy reflect the aim to create favorable conditions to get synergy effects and to use them, as well as to create favorable circumstances to generate new synergy effects. In general, it is possible to claim, that the creation and modernization processes of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy may be assessed as the complex expression of the synergy effects. It must be noted, that the described regularities and aspects reflect the complex problems of the social, political, economic, technological development, which inevitably appear under the creation and development conditions of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy, and allow highlighting and reasoning the priorities of these problems salvation, especially – in the European Union. Conclusions The research on the processes of the knowledge based society creation in the European Union and on the problems of complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation could be defined as an important scientific research area, especially – as an important and significant object of social science. The research on the processes and problems of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation in the context of global transformations could be defined as especially important scientific research area in the conditions of the intensive European integration and enlargement of the European Union. The processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization ISSN 1822–8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2011. No 5 54 should be understood as the undivided unity. These processes are an important priority of the social, economic and technological changes and development processes, especially - in the European Union. These processes should be perceived as relevant to all spheres of life – meaning social, economic and political life, culture, advancement of science and technologies, interaction with nature in general and environment in particular. These processes should be comprehended as the ones providing social, cultural, political, economic, technological preconditions for modernization of the society and refinement of its life in accordance with the modern future oriented standards, norms and values. The processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization should be interpreted as multi-dimensional and extremely complex and uninterrupted global process which manifests itself in cyclical changes and leaps towards higher quality standards, norms and values. The idea of complexity of the global transformations and the knowledge based society creation should be implemented in all stages of scientific research, studies and practical activities, including the prioritizing various programs on multi- and cross-disciplinary research and studies, as well as strategic solutions of the complex character in various stages. The processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy in the context of globalization could be interpreted and analyzed as an important global transformation. The global transformations in general, as well as the processes of the creation of knowledge based society and knowledge economy could be analyzed in the context of the ideas of synergy effects: in general, the global transformations and the processes of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation may be attributed to the category of global transformation and synergy effects oriented development processes. Global transformation processes are characterized by a wide variety and may be identified and classified according to various features: features, which characterize natural and climate conditions, as well as their influence on various global changes and situation, features, which characterize human resources, their potential, change of its structure, as well as global role of human resources, features, which characterize the society, its development, structure, change dynamics, as well as features, which help to describe various types and models of the society itself and its organization, and global spread and spread dynamics of these types and models, features, which characterize global variety and spread of cultures, mentalities, value systems, models of lifestyle, and social behavior stereotypes, features, which characterize the processes of social, political, economic development, as well as science and technological progress, the impact and consequences of these processes, which appear or may appear globally. The impacts of global transformations on the modern society in general and on the changes in its life, development and progress are multiple, complicated and even contradictory. Several circumstances determine the multiplicity and complication of the impact of global transformations on the society and changes in its life. The global transformations themselves are characterized by a variety of typical features, which inevitably conditions the multiplicity and complication of these transformations and their impact. The global transformations, as a unit, may be identified as composing different geographically regional or sectoral systems: the variety of different geographically regional or sectoral systems reflects the multiplicity and complication of the impact of global transformations on the society and changes in its life. Controversial tendencies, when certain development, progress and change processes evoke positively and negatively assessed results, inevitably appear under the conditions of the variety, multiplicity and complication of the global transformations and their impact on the society and changes in its life. All in all, it is possible to claim, that global transformations, as a unit, are characterized by exceptional complication, variety and multiplicity, as well as great impacts on all changes, which take place in all areas of life, their content and trajectories. Global transformations, their expression and influence on the modern society and its life are characterized by wide variety and significant common regularities. By the creating knowledge based society and generating knowledge economy and its further development in the context of globalization and in the conditions of the European integration and enlargement of the European Union harmonization should be sought in the following: in the fields of various social, economic, political development, culture, advancement in science and technologies, interplay with nature and other fields; in the environment of changes in various countries, regions or otherwise geographically or regionally defined systems; in changes occurring in various layers in society. Creation and modernization of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy are very complicated processes, oriented to the formation of the new quality society and qualitatively new lifestyle. Moreover, these processes may be described as “twice” as complicated, because they win distinction by orientations to the pursuit of new quality in two aspects: • the knowledge based society and knowledge economy, compared to “traditional” society and economy, are in all cases described as qualitatively new, • creation and development of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy takes place under the conditions of the global changes, which means that qualitative changes take place in all global space, the essence of those changes is the creation and spread of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy. The creation and development processes of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy may be attributed to the category of global transformation processes, therefore all general phenomena, and characteristic of global transformations in general, are unconditionally typical of the creation and development of the knowledge based society and knowledge economy. 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