E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

European Integration Studies
No. 12 / 2018
pp. 77-91
DOI 10.5755/j01.eis.0.12.20846 

the Regional 
Through Clusters‘ 
Approach: Case 
of the Latvian 
Technology Cluster 


Zane Zeibote, Tatjana Muravska
University of Latvia

Accepted for  

The Regional 
Through Clusters‘ 
Approach: Case 
of the Latvian 
Technology Cluster 

EIS 12/2018

The purpose of this research is to contribute to the debate on regional competitiveness concept by 
evaluating genesis of the studies of concept development, and the impact assessment. This paper also 
presents the impact of clusters on regional competitiveness through the experience of the Latvian In-
formation Technology (IT) cluster. The methods used in the research are literature analysis, correlation 
and statistical analysis. The main tasks include: (i) the usage of competitiveness concept to describe 
main factors of regional competitiveness, (ii) identification of the role of clusters for regional compet-
itiveness by testing the linkage between regional competitiveness and state of cluster development, 
(iii) presenting the experience of the Latvian Information Technology (IT) cluster and the assessment 
of advantages companies operating in the cluster environment. 
The novelty of the research is testing the relationship between regional competitiveness and state of 
cluster development, as well as introducing the assessment of the CEOs of the Latvian IT cluster com-
panies on advantages of cluster environment. In addition, synthesis of the cluster’s concept has led to 
findings on mandatory and desirable features of clusters.
The authors conclude that economically more advanced regions have better developed clusters, while 
regions with higher state of cluster development are more competitive. The experience of Latvian IT 
companies in the cluster’s environment recognize that more can be achieved by working together than 
if acting alone. However, benefits of belonging to cluster aren’t always recognized and exploited.

KEYWORDS: clusters; information technology (IT); innovation; regional; competitiveness.

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

The actuality of research is based on the authors’ perception that the regional competitiveness is 
based on competitive advantages, which has been a subject of research by many scholars serving 
as a basis for the current scientific methodology to assess competitiveness of regions. The author 
supports a view of considering regional competitiveness as the capacity of a region to create and 
support competitive economic environment, which could promote a long-term competitiveness 
of companies. However, the importance of the state of clusters’ development for developing fa-
vourable and supportive business environment hasn’t been fully recognized by national and re-
gional policy makers, as well as by businesses. Therefore, this is important to build upon the 
discussion on clusters by showing new perspectives for increasing competitiveness leading to 
economic development and growth, as well as more profits for companies and welfare for people.

The aim of this paper is to contribute to debate on factors influencing the regional competitiveness 
from the perspective of clusters’ development, as well as testing the importance of clusters for 
businesses by assessing the experience of the Latvian IT cluster based on the survey among the 
CEOs of the cluster’s companies.

The originality of this research is based on testing the linkage between regional competitiveness 
and state of cluster development by using the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness 
Report data (2016-2017), as well as for the first time presenting the results of survey conducted 
among the CEOs of the Latvian IT cluster member companies on their assessment of benefits 
provided by the cluster environment. 

Methodology: This study is based on qualitative and quantitative methods, including the analysis 
of scientific publications and research papers, correlation analysis, statistical data analysis and 
other.  The correlation analysis is based on data of the Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) for 
three years – 2015, 2016 and 2017, where the correlation coefficient between the rankings of the 
competitiveness index and cluster development status indicators were calculated. (Please, see 
the description of algorithm on page 7.). Furthermore, the results of survey of the Latvian IT sector 
experts conducted from April to June, 2016 (n = 25) are analysed (pp. 8-11). Survey answers were 
given in the scale from 1 to 10 in order to obtain data for performing in-depth statistical analysis 
of survey results.  The following methods were used for statistical processing of data and analysis:

 _ Descriptive statistics methods – central tendencies (arithmetic average, mode, median) and 
variation indicators (standard deviation, amount of variation, coefficient of variation);

 _ Grouping according to various characteristics or by various criteria;

 _ Methods of multidimensional analysis – variance analysis and correlation analysis.

Main limitations of the research are related to a number of survey respondents - 25 of 31 re-
spondents or 80% of the Latvian IT cluster members answered survey questions. Also, a fact that 
the Latvian IT cluster members are involved in IT software and hardware production could relate 
conclusions to specifics of the IT sector, which may not be applied for the overall analysis of the 
impact of clusters on regional competitiveness.  

Key results of this study confirm the importance of cluster development for the regional com-
petitiveness and reveal main benefits and shortages of companies participating in the Latvian 
IT cluster. Therefore, the research is contributing to discussion on the regional competitiveness 
and strategic decision making on cluster development, as well as participation of companies in 
cluster organizations, which could provide long term competitive advantage for regions and en-
trepreneurship. Research results reveal specific issues important for the regional competitive-
ness and cluster development helping to deal with sustainability challenges through increasing 
competitiveness through promoting innovation, as well as economic and business efficiency. 


E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

The concept of competitiveness is related to the concept of competition, which is a special type of 
economic environment and ability of an economic subject to survive in this environment.  Since 
1980ies the competitiveness theory has become a new sub-sector of the theory of economy, 
which examines factors influencing the competitiveness of states and regions and is specifically 
useful for analysing new economic globalisation processes (Garelli S, 1999).

The World Economic Forum, WEF (2006) defines the competitiveness as a combination of in-
stitutions, policies and factors, which determine productivity level of a territory, which, in turn, 
determines the welfare level adequate for the economic development.

The World Competitiveness Research Centre (WCRC) of the Swiss International Management 
Development Centre (2005) offers the following definition: the regional competitiveness is a part 
of economic theory, which analyses factors and policy instruments, which influence the ability of 
a region to create and support favourable environment and provide a possibility for companies to 
create added value, but for inhabitants – to achieve welfare. 

The definition of European Commission, EC (2017) is as follows: regional competitiveness is the 
ability of a region to ensure attractive and sustainable life and work environment for companies 
and inhabitants (European Commission, 2017).

The National Competitiveness Council of Ireland (2005) considers that the regional competitive-
ness is a meaningful concept that includes a wide spectrum of factors, which promotes ability 
of companies to succeed on international markets and at the same time pride opportunities for 
people to increase level and quality of life.

According to Markusen (2002): “the region is competitive when real income growth occurs faster 
than its market rivals”.

Competitiveness can also be viewed as a new stage of a territorial (regional) development, which 
depends on competitive advantages of regions. The achievement of the competitiveness stage 
helps to ensure further efficient and profitable use of attracted competitive resources, which en-
sures economic efficiency and improvement of economic indicators.

However, there are several differences between territorial competitiveness and advantages: the 
competitiveness is related to efficient and optimal use of resources, while the advantages mean 
the ability to attract, keep and sustain resources on a particular territory. The competitiveness 
is more oriented to acknowledgement of development perspectives, while the advantages are 
focused on efficient and open business perspectives (Pellegrini, 2006). The main difference be-
tween competitiveness and advantage is hidden on the level of active participation of the gov-
ernment in economy. The factors of attractiveness are based on the level of government support 
and they are almost fully under the influence and control of the government. At the same time, 
the factors of competitiveness are outside of the direct government influence (Serrano, 2003). 

According to the literature analysis the authors have described the nature of the concept of 
regional competitiveness as the ability to create and support the competitive economic environ-
ment by:

 _ Managing the set of own advantages to achieve prosperity;

 _ Creating and supporting the environment, where companies can create added value; 

 _ Increasing real income under conditions of the free trade;

 _ Supporting ability of companies to achieve success in international markets;

 _ Satisfying increasing demand and support export;

 _ Successfully competing with other countries/regions in international markets.

The authors consider that competitive advantage of regional stakeholders is a desired result of 
competitiveness, not a factor. This approach is based on the statement of Michael Porter (1998) 

The genesis 
of regional 

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

on developing new guidelines of a new Regional Competitiveness concept: “The new theory must 
give answers to the following questions: why some companies working in certain countries are 
able to innovate more than others and why some countries provide a business environment that 
gives companies the opportunity to improve and develop their activities faster than their foreign 

Moreover, Michael Porter (1990) underline four main determinants, which serve as a basis of re-
gional competitive advantages or environment, which are created and sustained by each region:

 _ Production factors – determine the position of the region in relation to such production factors 
as qualified labour force and infrastructure, which is necessary to stand against forces of com-
petition in a particular sector;

 _ Demand factors of regional market are related to products and services of a particular sector;

 _ Related and supportive industries – competitive sectors (companies) on a global market and 
presence of suppliers or related industries in the region – includes also presence of business 
clusters, which is in a greater detail in the next part of this study;

 _ Strategy, structure and competition – regional conditions for the emergence of stakeholders, 
stakeholders’ organizations and management, as well as internal competition. 

These factors determine the creation of a business environment for regional stakeholders. Each 
of the aforementioned determinants is typical for a particular region and their combination pro-
vides important preconditions for global competitiveness of regional companies. 

The genesis of regional competitiveness concept was in the focus of attention of many scholars 
since late 1980ies and determines the importance of competitiveness and competitive advan-
tages are important concepts for the regional economic advance and growth through strategic 
regional cluster development.



The authors analysis is based on theories related to factors influencing regional competitiveness 
developed by M. Porter (1998), H. Hernesniemi (Hernasniemi et al, 1996) and J. Dunning (1993). 

M. Porter (1998) was the first, who created the system of factors influencing the regional com-
petitiveness, which is called the Diamond Model. The Diamond Model identifies the four forces of 
competitiveness based on the above mentioned four determinants: 1) Production factor (volume, 
quality and specialization of production factors); 2) Demand factor (experienced and demanding 
local consumer; requirements of consumers; untypical local demand in specific segments); 3) 
structure and competition (local situation, which support investment and continuous develop-
ment; strong competition between local companies); 4) Related and supporting industries (pres-
ence of competitive local suppliers and competitive local industries, Figure 1).

The Figure 1 shows the classical Diamond Model of Michael Porter (1998) amended with three 
newly added components important for the creation of a favourable business environment. 
These three new features were added by the Finnish researchers in their fundamental industrial 
research „Advantage Finland – The Future of Finnish Industries” (Hernesniemi et al, 1996) and 
include:1) Government; 2) Chance; 3) International business activity.

The government has an important role in several aspects, such as: 1) providing guaranty for 
sufficient supply of resources, which are necessary for the development, especially, factors for 
creating advantages; 2) creating basis for the economic development and innovation – measures 
for protecting environment, safety standards etc.; 3) ensuring functioning of the market system; 
and 4) stimulating the development of human capital.

The factor of chance has been recognized as having an important role in many industrial under-
takings. And the International business activity was added to the Diamond model later in a result 

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

of discussion with J. Dunning (1993). According to M. Porter’s views multinational economic 
subjects are external elements with respect to the Diamond Model. He also considers that glob-
al economic subjects aren’t meaningful in the presence of already established competitive ad-
vantages, because, there are such global economic subjects with their own corporative culture, 
which doesn’t influence separate nations. 

One of the four main determinants serving as a basis of regional competitive advantages or en-
vironment, which is also reflected as one of tops of the Diamond model is Related and supporting 
industries, which are represented by competitive sectors (companies) on a global market and pres-
ence of suppliers or related industries in the region and also includes also the presence of business 
clusters. This indicates that cluster is one of determinants influencing regional competitiveness.

Source: Hernesniemi H., Lammi M., Yla-Anttila P. (1996) Advantage Finland – The Future of Finnish Industries: ETLA 
[the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy] report of the Finnish clusters’ study. Helsinki: Taloustieto Oy.

Figure 1
Amended M. Porter’s 
Diamond Model – 
regional competitiveness 

The idea about business networking started already more than 120 years ago in the beginning of 
industrial revolution. The economist Alfred Marshall (1890) wrote about concentration of special-
ized industries in particular territories. He also, noted the effects of specialization in new industrial 
areas of England, which served as basis for his famous comment – industry secrets are in the air.

During 1990ies, when deeper discussion on the nature of clusters was started, researchers Jacob 
and De Man (1996) made an argument that the concept of clusters is not defined and, thus, they 
were using the main dimensions of the cluster definition of Porter to further define the cluster. 
They were the following: 1) geographical or spatial cluster is a notion of economic activity; 2) hori-
zontal and vertical relationships between cluster participants; 3) use of similar technologies; 4) 
the presence of the central player (e.g. large company, research centre, etc.); 5) quality of business 
cooperation or network. However, in the theory developed by Jacob and De Man (1996) the role of 
a central player was determined as the most crucial. 

The determining criteria of a cluster were further extended by Rosenfeld (1997) including the size 
of the cluster, the economic or strategic significance of the cluster, the range of products or ser-
vices, and similar investments (technology, labour, etc.). However, this scientist does not encour-
age the definition of the cluster to take into account the size or employment factor of the related 
industries, stressing that many efficient clusters are located in small interconnected industries 
where there may be no significant concentration of labour. According to Rosenfeld’s definition 

The role of 
clusters for 

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

(1997) the cluster is “concentration of geographically related, similar, related or complemen-
tary undertakings with assets for business transaction, communication and dialogue channels 
that jointly use specialized infrastructure, labor market and services, and are exposed to similar 
threats and benefit from the use of similar opportunities. Therefore, this definition clearly indi-
cates that cooperation and social relations between companies are essential for the identification 
of clusters. This definition stresses the joint use of specialized infrastructure as a precondition for 
clusters’ development.

Discussing the concept of cluster authors suggest to apply the form of definition offered by the 
Swedish project – The Cluster Policies Whitebook (Andersson et al, 2004). The research done by 
the project recognises the objective multiplicity of the concept and specifies the key elements of 
the concept of cluster that have to be identified. Opposite to Porter (1998), they offer a broader 
list of such elements, adding the desired signs of the cluster:1) specialisation – the type of core 
activity that defines cluster formation; 2) competition and co-operation – this combination de-
scribes the link between cluster members; 3) clusters’ lifecycle – clusters and cluster initiatives 
are not temporary phenomena; 4) innovation – cluster participants are involved in the process of 
technological, commercial and knowledge sharing.

The concept of a cluster life cycle has evolved in the context of the life cycle and industrial life 
cycle of the product. Individual researchers (Brenner, 2008) have tried to draw parallels between 
a cluster life cycle and an industry life cycle, arguing that there are relationships between a cer-
tain industry business cycle and a cluster of this industry. Usually, the cluster is created at the 
beginning of the industrial life cycle and is developed simultaneously with the development of the 
related product market. Clearly, if the industry has reached a maturity stage, markets are satu-
rated and highly competitive then the cluster typically stabilizes and shows only a small dynamic. 
At the same time, it should be taken into account that the life cycles of clusters and industries are 
evolving differently during their periods of life, and therefore only individual relationships can be 
identified and cannot be fully compared (Menzel&Fornahl, 2007).

In synthesizing the development of Porter (1998) and other researchers, and based on compar-
ative analysis of economic interaction forms, the concept of “cluster” in the form of a schematic 
model maybe established (Figure 2).

The characteristics of the cluster life cycle are closely linked to regional policy and competitive-
ness. For example, clusters include related industries that are important for the rise of regional 



Mandatory features of cluster: 
Legal independence pf 

Economic interconnectedness 
Diversity of ac�vity types and 

diversity of status 
Geographical concentra�on 

within the region 

Desirable features of cluster: 
Compe��on and coopera�on 



Source: Authors’ design based on Anderson (Andersson et al, 2004), Brenner (.Brenner T., 2008), Jacob and De Man 
(Jacobs D., De Man A.P., 1996), Menzel and Fornahl ( Menzel M., Fornahl D., 2007), Porter (Porter M., 1998) Rosenfeld 
(Rosenfeld S.A. (1997). 

Figure 2
Amended M. Porter’s 

Diamond Model – 
regional competitiveness 


E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

competitiveness. These may include specialised suppliers of manufacturing ingredients, produc-
tion facilities, services and providers of specific infrastructure services. Clusters typically consist 
of products of certain channels and consumer by-products and complementary products, as 
well as similar skills, technology or other related to total investments or raw materials. Many 
cluster organisations also include public administration - government institutions, as well as 
higher education and research institutions, agencies, “brain centres”, vocational education train-
ing institutions, business support organisations, etc. that provide vocational training, education, 
information, research opportunities and technical support. Companies creating such synergies, 
not only in competition but also cooperating in the name of common interest, each represent 
clusters’ life-development cycles in their activities. Cooperation may exist even in the context of 
strong competition, as these interrelated companies will, in turn, be linked to a different target 
group on the customer market and will cooperate with other partners in developing the product.

According to researcher OECD report (2005) the most appropriate method for analyzing and 
identifying clusters in the Central and Eastern European countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, 
Hungary, the Czech Republic) has been the Location Quotient (LQ). The LQ is calculated by using 
the available NACE data for capturing regional concentration of companies or labour. Their re-
search also includes qualitative research methods, such as analysis, surveys, expert interviews, 
etc. This should be recognized that the LQ method also has some shortages. For example, in 
Europe it mostly uses the NACE data on 2-digit level, while in USA the 4-digit level data are 
available. Also, the LQ doesn’t take into account such important factors as the export and inno-
vation capacity of companies, product life cycle, etc. Therefore, we can conclude that the cluster 
analysis methodology is still underdeveloped. 

According to the LQ method used by the OECD (2005) the LQ is defined according to the formula:

LQ = (Eij / Ei) / (Ekj / Es) (1)

Eij – number of companies or employed in the industry j and the region i; Ei – total number of com-
panies or employed of the region i; Ekj – total number of companies or employed in the industry of 
the country; Es – total number of companies of employed in the country. 

As regards cluster formation in the region, according to LQ>1.25, but in order to assess wheth-
er the business/workforce localization in a given region is indeed a cluster, additional analy-
sis of different indicators, such as growth and wages, etc., should be carried out, which should 
be proportionally higher in the cluster than in the industry as a whole, as well as analysis of 
the commitments between cluster participants. Nevertheless, the LQ method is the most 
widely used approach for identifying clusters in Europe and also in the Northern America.

According to the mapping done by the European Cluster Observatory (ECO) there were 17 statis-
tical clusters located on the territory of Latvia, of which 9 clusters are significant on the European 
level. However, there are also other sectors in Latvia, which has shown cluster development po-
tential and, which have been supported by the European Regional Development Fund (EC, 2016).

According to the views of scholars (Lindqvist et al, 2003; Karlsson, 2008; Solvell et al, 2009, 
Cortright, 2006) the basis for national and regional level cluster mapping is statistical signif-
icance of clusters evaluated in accordance to labour or companies’ concentration across in-
dustries. Therefore, the cluster mapping methodology could allow policy makers to define, 
which industries are particularly important for the successful economic development of state 
and its regions, as well as use this methodology as a basis for adjusting policy documents 
related to SMEs and entrepreneurship support, promotion of investment and innovation, etc.

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

The WEF Global Competitiveness Report applies the empirical indicator - State of Cluster Devel-
opment – to award regions with cluster development rankings on the scale 1 – 7, i.e. from the 
stage «no clusters» to «clusters are created in numerous sectors».

For evaluation the relation between regional competitiveness and cluster development the au-
thors follow the defined algorithm:

1 It is necessary to define the shape, mathematical direction and strength of the correlation between cluster development and competitiveness of regions’ which are included in the 
global competitiveness ratings in 2015, 2016 and 2017, by calculating the correlation coefficient 
between the rankings of the competitiveness index and cluster development status indicators.

2 The correlation force referred to in paragraph 1 must be analysed according to groups of regions located at different stages of competitiveness – the stage of production factors, 
the stage of efficiency and the innovation stage, with an objective to identify at which stage of 
competitiveness the relationship is stronger and more significant. The calculation is based on the 
correlation coefficient of rankings, previously dividing the array of data into three groups corre-
sponding to the regional development stages.

3 The correlation referred to p.1 above must be evaluated according to groups of regions of the European Union divided according to their stages of competitiveness, with an objective to 
understand significance and strengths of the relationship between competitiveness and cluster 

The implementation of the above algorithm allows demonstrating the impact of clusters on re-
gional competitiveness. For this purpose, each region’s rankings by cluster development status 
indicator and after the competitiveness index, as well as the competitiveness stage and affiliation 
of each region, were analysed using the SPSS program.

To capture the interaction between the regional competitiveness and cluster development the 
correlation analysis was performed by using the Global Competitiveness Index rankings of the 
regions and rankings of the cluster development status of the same regions.

The correlation diagram in Figure 3 shows the Global Competitiveness Index rankings of the 
regions on the vertical axis and rankings of the cluster development status on the horizontal 
axis (Figure 3).

The G
lobal C


Index of regions

Source: authors’ design according to The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018 (Schwab K, 2017).

Figure 3
Example: correlation 
diagram of rankings, 

2017, n=137

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

Similar correlation analysis was performed for three years (2015, 2016 and 2017), which results 
revealed similar results. The Figure 3 provides an example of the correlation analysis for 2017 
showing that regional competitiveness and cluster development were intertwined with linear 
direct correlation, i.e. clusters were better developed in regions with higher competitiveness, 
or vice versa, regions with better developed clusters were also more competitive. The linear 
nature of the relationship means that by increasing competitiveness of the region, the develop-
ment level of clusters, increased arithmetically proportionally (Krastins, 2003). Conversely, as a 
result of the development of regional clusters, their competitiveness increased proportionally.


Assessment (points)

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.

 _ Possibilities to attract highly qualified labour force by IT cluster’s companies are assessed as 
average. However, most of cluster’s companies (25%-75%) have employees with the Masters’ 
degree. (Arithmetic average = 4.5; Median=5; Mode=5; Standard-deviation=2.53, Figure 5)

Figure 4
Assessment of the 
impact of the IT cluster 
on the economic 
performance of its 
member companies, 
April – June 2016, n = 251

1 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.

The analysis conducted in the previous chapter has shown that cluster is an important factor for 
regional development and that more advanced regions have better developed clusters. There-
fore, in this chapter the assessment of the Latvian Information Technology (IT) cluster will be 
provided taking into account that this is the first cluster initiative in Latvia, which was identified 
by the scientific research in 2000 (Vanags et al, 2002). The Latvian IT cluster was started with the 
support of the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association in 2005 with 10 
member companies. It had become an officially established entity in 2007 with 19 leading Latvian 
IT companies as cluster’s members. In 2016, the Latvian IT cluster already had more than 30 
member companies, as well as academic cooperation partners. 

This analysis is based on the survey of the IT cluster companies with a purpose to identify main 
benefits and shortages of companies participating in the cluster organization, as well as investi-
gate the impact of cluster on the regional competitiveness.

The results of the survey are the following:

 _ More than half of respondents consider that the impact of belonging to the IT cluster on their 
economic performance is weak. Only 10% consider that the impact is great. On the other hand, 
all companies acknowledge their membership in the cluster and its benefits. (Arithmetic aver-
age = 4.3; Median=4; Mode=4; Standard-deviation=2.47, Figure 4). 

Case of 
the Latvian 

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

 _ Only 10% of members think that competition in the IT cluster is severe (10 points). Despite 
competitiveness among the IT cluster’s companies around 10% of respondents have indicated 
that during 2008-2016 their company greatly cooperated with other IT cluster companies on 
R&D and innovation (Figure 6).



Assessment (points)

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey

Figure 5
Assessment of the 

possibilities to attract 
highly qualified labour 

force, April – June 2016, 
n = 252


Assessment (points)

Source:  authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.

Figure 6
Assessment of the 

possibilities to attract 
highly qualified labour 

force, April – June 2016, 
n = 253

2 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.
3 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.

 _ Statistical indicators on competition of IT cluster’s members with other IT companies in the Bal-
tic Sea Region indicate that the neighbouring countries – Estonia and Lithuania are perceived as 
the greatest competitors. However, the competition is not perceived as strong (Table 1).

 _ While 45% of respondents assess their innovation success as good or very good, 55% of cluster 
members think that this is weak. However, all respondents answered that their companies are 
innovative and indicated that they had performed innovation related activities during the last 
two years. (Arithmetic average = 6.1; Median=6; Mode=6; Standard-deviation=2.06, Figure 7).

 _ Assessment of IT cluster members’ activities related to implementing organizational innova-
tion, process innovation, product innovation and social innovation have statistically significant 
difference which is demonstrated by the Kruskal Wallis test (χ2= 8,760, p = 0,033) results (Ta-
ble 2). The results show that IT cluster companies are more active in process innovation and 
product innovation.

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2


Median Mode


The lowest  

The highest as-

Denmark 2.9 1 1 2.996 1 10

Estonia 4.3 4 1 3.124 1 10

Russia 3.3 1 1 3.074 1 10

Lithuania 4.0 3 1 3.180 1 10

Poland 2.9 1 1 2.826 1 10

Finland 3.8 2 1 3.242 1 10

Germany 3.1 2 1 2.885 1 10

Sweden 3.7 2 1 3.142 1 10

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.

Table 1 
Assessment of Latvian 
IT cluster’s companies 
competition with other IT 
companies in the Baltic 
Sea Region, April – June 
2016, n = 254


Assessment (points)

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.  


Median Mode


The lowest  

The highest 


5.5 5 3;5;8 2.735 1 10

Process innovation 6.9 7 7;10 2.626 1 10

Product innovation 7.5 8 10 2.303 3 10

Social innovation 5.5 5.5 9 3.050 1 10

Source: : authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.

Figure 7
Assessment of the own 
innovation success by 
the IT cluster’s member 
companies, April – June 
2016, n = 255

Table 2
Assessment of the 
innovation level of 
IT cluster’s member 
companies, April – June 
2016, n = 256

4 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent
5 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.
6 Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2


Assessment (points)

Source:  : authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.


Assessment (points)

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.

Figure 7
Assessment of the 

own annual R&D 
investment, April – 
June 2016, n = 257

Figure 8
Assessment of the 

cooperation with the 
R&D institutions, 

April – June 2016, 
n = 258  

 _ The assessment of IT cluster companies’ investment in R&D reveals that more than half of 
companies (55%) invest around 10% of their annual turnover in R&D, one fourth of companies 
(25%) invest in R&D from 10% to 20% of their annual turnover and 10% of all cluster’s com-
panies invest from invest more than 30% of their annual turnover, which is quite significant 
(Figure 7).

7   Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.
8   Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.

 _ Almost half (39%) of the IT cluster companies assess that cooperation with R&D institutions is 
average, while 11% consider it as insufficient and 6% as weak. This indicates that the innova-
tion level in IT companies would be higher if the cooperation with research institutions could 
be better. (Arithmetic average = 5.7; Median=5; Mode=5; Standard-deviation=2.87, Figure 8).

 _ In relation to cooperation on activities related to marketing and branding around 14% of re-
spondents indicated that they very actively cooperate and around 28% indicated that they ac-
tively cooperate (Figure 9). 

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

Source: authors’ calculations using data of the Latvian IT cluster survey.


 _ The research results reveal that the most active cooperation taking place in the framework of 
the IT cluster is in the following areas: creation of favourable business environment, business 
development, marketing and branding, etc. Another important cooperation area is development 
cooperation, i.e. subcontracting, creation of new possibilities for business logistics, etc., where 
around 24% of IT cluster companies have indicated that they very actively participate with other 
IT cluster companies and another 24% answered that they active cooperate (Figure 9). There-
fore, the experience of IT cluster shows that it is an important regional player and companies 
working in the cluster can achieve more than if acting alone. The development of the cluster is 
making an impact on the development and competiveness of the whole country (region).

Figure 9
Assessment of the 
collaboration activities 
between the IT cluster 
members, April – June 
2016, n = 259

 _ The genesis of regional competitiveness concept was in the focus of attention of many scholars 
since late 1980ies and determines the importance of competitiveness and competitive advan-
tages are important concepts for the regional economic advance and growth through strategic 
regional cluster development.

 _ The authors assessing factors influencing regional competitiveness conclude that the main 
determinants serving as a basis of regional competitive advantages or business environment 
include the related and supporting industries in the region, which relates to the presence of 
business clusters. This indicates that cluster is one of determinants influencing regional com-

 _ Based on the authors’ research synthesis for promoting regional competitiveness, the manda-
tory and desirable features of clusters were identified, which are the following:

1. Mandatory features: legal independence of participants; economic interconnectedness; di-
versity of activity types and diversity of status; geographical concentration within the region; 

2. Desirable features: competition and cooperation, specialization; longevity; innovation.

 _ As a result of authors’ research on relationship between the regional competitiveness and 
cluster development, it has been empirically approved by applying the correlation analysis with 
more than 100 regions included in the World Economic Forum that more competitive regions 
have more developed clusters and regions with more developed clusters are more competitive.

9   Assessment scale 1–10, where 1 – not influenced; 10 – influenced by a great extent.

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

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 _ The Latvian IT cluster research reveals that its members attribute the most of importance to 
product innovation (29%) and also process innovation (25%), which is also important for the re-
gional competitiveness. Moreover, the Latvian IT cluster companies are investing in R&D (45%) 
more than the whole IT sector of Latvia, which is especially important for the regional economic 

 _ The research reveals that the Latvian IT cluster is an important regional player and companies 
working in the cluster can achieve more than if acting alone. The efficiency of the cluster is 
making a positive impact of the development and competiveness of the regional development 
and competitiveness of the country region.

E u r o p e a n  I n t e g r a t i o n  S t u d i e s 2 0 1 8 / 1 2

About the 


Scientific degree: M.A.
University of Latvia  

Fields of research interests
Regional policy, clusters, competitiveness

Bergenes Street 11, Riga, Latvia
Phone: +371 29417214
E-mail: zane.zeibote@lu.lv


Scientific degree: Dr. oec.
University of Latvia  

Fields of research interests
Regional and cohesion policies, productivity,  

Kalpaka Boulevard 4, Riga, Latvia
E-mail: tatjana.muravska@lu.lv

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