General Requirements The article should be prepared by Microsoft Windows operational system Microsoft Word text editor. The author submits the paper by registering to The suggested length of the article is ~4000–8000 words. The structure of the article should correspond to the general requirements of research papers. It should clearly present the research problem, the aim, research methods, results and discussion, conclusions, references, according to the American Pshycological Association 6th edition system used in the journal. Presented papers will be reviewed by two experts. 5. If you are referring to some authors in the paper, the name of the author and the year of publication should be indicated in the text and a full list of references provided at the end of the article. Structure of the article should be as follows: Notes for contributors _ Title of the article; _ Full name of the author; _ Abstract in English (approximately 1500–2000 printed characters); _ Keywords (5–7); _ Introduction; _ Theoretical background/literature review; _ Methods; _ Results and discussion; _ Conclusions; _ References; _ Date of submission (year, month); _ Information about the author. Requirements for the Preparation of an Electronic Form of an Article Text. An article shall be submitted according to the sequence specified in the general requirements of the article. The text of the article shall be submitted in A4 format (210 x 297 mm), using only the necessary text formatting, 11 pt. Times New Roman text font and 14 pt. Times New Roman font in Bold for article headings. Illustrations. Text in the tables and charts shall be written in 9 pt. font, using single line spacing. Tables and charts shall be numbered and have titles. Tables, charts and illustrations shall be submitted in separate files (not only in Word software). If illustrations are prepared using Excel software, it is necessary to provide open operational files of illustrations. The photo resolution shall not be less than 300 dpi. References Submitting the paper, the following data about the author (no more than 600 printed characters) should be presented separately: _ Name, surname; _ Scientific title and the title referring to a research field or trend; _ Area of research interests; _ Author’s working place, its address and e–mail. The list of references is presented in one column (10 pt) according to the alphabet. References (not less than 25 resources, wide use of ISI (http://www.isinet. com/isi). Here are some basic reference forms (jour- nal article; working papers; book; book chapter; the internet address). Journal article: Broner, F., Didier, T., Erce, A., & Schmukler, S. L. (2013). Gross Capital Flows: Dynamics and Crises. Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(1), 113–133. Working papers: Artige, L. & Nicolini, R. (2006). Evidence on the De- term inants of Foreign Direct Investment. The Case of Three European Regions (No. 07) (p. 33). Retrieved from– wp200607.pdf Book: Daugeliene R. (2011). ES ekonomine integracija: priezastys, raida, perspektyvos (p. 281). KTU: Tech- nologija. Book chapter: O’Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transi- tion, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107–123). New York: Springer. Internet Access: European Commission. (2013). TARIC Consulta- tion methodology. Retrieved December 14, 2013, from taric/taric_consultation.jsp?Lang=en&Taric=&End- Pub=&MeasText=&Area=RU&Regulation=&Lang- Descr=&MeasType=&SimDate=20131025&Start- Pub=&OrderNum=&GoodsText=&Level=&Expand=true