issn 1822 - 8402 european integration studies. 2010. no 4


Birute Mikulskiene
Mykolas Romeris University


Global competition encourages companies to seek a more innovative way to survive. More and more 
complex R&D based activities are introduced, and the managerial approach is of great importance, while 
R&D by its nature requires special managerial dealing. Meanwhile, public R&D institutions act in less 
competitive environment, which has conditioned lower tension and less stressful environment resulting in less 
innovative output. As a consequence, the managerial approach for public R&D institutions is left out of day-
to-day processes. However, the fact that public research institutions, as new knowledge generators, represent 
a different approach concerning R&D results from R&D intensive business, which supposes to exploit R&D 
results, should be taken into consideration. To increase the performance of public and private partnership in 
R&D, the unified mutually accepted platform for both, public and private R&D sectors, is the main concern 
of policy makers and R&D practitioners. The managerial approach dealing with different nature of R&D 
performance could facilitate the public and private partnership and increase the linkages. Despite many 
progressive transformations that have been discussed and introduced during 2007-2010 years on the national 
level, the managerial approach is still missing in the agenda of R&D policy in Lithuania.

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the key responsibilities of a R&D manager and to discus the 
role of the R&D manager inside public R&D institutions organisational structure, which fits the demand of 
public and private partnership. 

This research was conducted for the R&D sector that has substantial long-lasting policy support, which 
has the expression of extra funds allocation annually on competition basis in the period of 2002 – 2009. 
the Biotechnology and Laser Technology R&D domain was chosen for the investigation. The selected R&D 
sectors demonstrate high excellence both in fundamental research and technological development and have 
long-lasting tradition cooperation between public and private institutions. 

The main duties of a R&D project manager are analysed. The investigation revealed the principal mission 
for the R&D manager to become a mediator between researchers and entrepreneurs. The duality of the 
R&D project manager is observed and could be expressed via competition of objectives: to be flexible for 
knowledge creative environment and be strict in scheduling and seeking time efficiency. The investigation 
has disclosed that R&D management is still not clearly conceptualised in the eyes of researchers and the 
managerial aspect as an opportunity for seeking results oriented R&D system is not exploited. Since the 
organisational design is very sensitive to the positive impacts of manager incorporation in R&D process 
performance, when decentralisation is balanced to ensure creativity on the one hand and responsibility on 
the other hand, certain organisation design aspects are discussed.


R&D, project management, R&D manager, public and private partnership. 


Global competition encourages companies to seek 
a more innovative way to survive. More and more 
complex R&D based activities are introduced and the 
managerial approach is of great importance, while 
R&D by its nature requires special managerial dealing. 
However, being time and money consuming, R&D 
activities are under high risk and uncertainty. Therefore, 
public and private partnership seems to be the plausible 
measure which could be exploited as a stabilised factor 

for the private sector sharing the risk on the one hand 
and increasing the performance and effectiveness for 
the public R&D sector on the other hand. The other 
benefits could be named as follows: helping focus public 
R&D programs, increase awareness between industry, 
regulators and researchers, closing the gap between 
theory and technology (Sperling, 2001). 

However, the fact that public research institutions, 
as new knowledge generators, represent a different 
approach concerning R&D results from R&D intensive 



business, which supposes to exploit R&D results, should 
be taken into consideration when public and private 
partnerships are under discussions. Meanwhile, public 
R&D institutions act in a less competitive environment, 
which has conditioned lower tension and less stressful 
environment resulting in less innovative output. As a 
consequence, the managerial approach for public R&D 
institutions is left out of day-to-day processes. Different 
private and public institution attitudes to driven targets, 
availability of time for innovation, motivation, and 
desirable results place the R&D management in duality 
state and make public and private partnership as a form 
of cooperation under risk of unmanageability. 

To increase the performance of public and private 
partnership in R&D, the unified mutually accepted 
platform for both, public and private R&D sectors, is the 
main concern of policy makers and R&D practitioners. 
The managerial approach dealing with different nature of 
R&D performance could facilitate the public and private 
partnership and increase the linkages. Despite many 
progressive transformations that have been discussed 
and introduced during 2007-2010 years on the national 
policy level, the managerial approach is still missing in 
the agenda of R&D policy in Lithuania (Mikulskiene, 
2009 a, Mikulskiene, 2009 b).

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the key 
responsibilities of a R&D manager and to discus the role 
of the R&D manager inside the public R&D institutions 
organisational structure, which fits the demand of public 
and private partnership. 

The research method includes comparative and 
systematic analysis of scientific references regarding 
R&D project management and interviewing researchers 
from public and private sector. Data is collected from 
interviews with R&D project leaders, who are herewith 
the leaders of informal groups and in some cases leaders 
of formal units as well. 

Analytical approach

R&D public and private partnership. Among 
various definitions of public and private partnership, the 
following one is accepted for the base of this research: 
“a cooperation between public and private actors in 
which actors develop mutual products and/or services 
and in which risk, costs and benefits are shared” (Klijn 
et al, 2003).

The definition of public and private partnership in 
R&D as a form of cooperation could be specified as 
the linkage between a public or non-profit organization 
such as a university, research institute, or government 
laboratory and a private knowledge intensive company 
with the purpose of partnership in engaging in technology 
co-development or cooperative R&D, technology 
transfer, technology assistance, joint or grant funding. 
Public and private partnership management background 

lies in the nature of R&D management. 
R&D management. R&D management as a 

research topic is on the scene for the countries, where 
strong industry has built its success on R&D for years 
and represents prominent R&D outputs suitable for 
further use, for instance – UK (Winter et al., 2006), 
Italy (Cesaroni et al., 2004), New Zealand (Elias et al., 
2002), China (Yunsheng et al., 2007), Sweden (Wincent 
et al., 2009). During the last century, R&D management, 
as innovation stimulator, has passed the evolution of 5 
generations, which were characterized by simultaneous 
progress of handling of R&D activities (Jincao, 2005; 
Park, 2005). The first generation of using R&D was 
expressed by corporate lab creation, what later in second 
generation was transformed into the whole business 
system incorporated R&D. The third generation is 
represented by the project management and portfolio 
management. The fourth generation puts suppliers and 
customers on the R&D management scene, while the 
next generation is represented as a network of innovation 
actors and stakeholders. The effective management of 
R&D process, when is multiple, complex to manage, and 
a wide variety of management targets exists, becomes a 
multidimensional task.

Every new generation adds extra managerial task to 
the list of a manager’s duty (Wang et al. 2005). 

The managerial approach to R&D activities is based 
on the projects management, concerning project idea 
conceptualisation, project timing, budget, project teams 
and leadership. Seeking to describe the main manager 
duties of R&D in six evolutionary generations, in the 
first instance it is necessary to classify R&D performance 
components that are outside direct R&D activities but 
can’t be separated from the whole system. 

R&D activities. The activities carried out by R&D 
organizations are the following: fundamental research, 
applied research, development, demonstration, 
technology scanning, and entries to the market. The 
described activities are characterized by the different 
time scale (short-term projects of 1 to 3 years for entries 
to the market and more than 3 years for applied research), 
funding resources (internal for entries to market, external 
for fundamental research, mixed for any other). 

R&D project team. Innovation is the result of 
integrated and diverse efforts across different units in 
organisation. There is evidence of positive relationship 
between R&D team managing and R&D performance 
(Yunsheng et al., 2007). The same situation is observed 
in formal and informal groups, where responsibilities 
are shared among participants. The organisational 
framework must create supportive environment 
for informal group activities in order the project 
management culture would be created successfully. In 
building the successful project team, four components 
are essential: accountability, adequate information and 



resources, appropriate staffing and training, rewards for 
efforts (Kolb et al., 2008). 

Funding. Searching for the source of project 
funding, participation in funding competition is a long- 
lasting, high skill and time consuming activity, which 
accompanies any R&D activity. This duty might be 
delegated to a finance-friendly person, i.e., a manager. 
Due to high uncertainties, long duration, R&D activities 
are more and more often outsourced due to the economical 
and managerial reason (Mukherjee et al, 2007). 

Stakeholders managing. The scientific references 
have distinguished the importance of timely recognition 
of stakeholders and proper involvement in R&D project 
as managerial task (Elias et al., 2002). The term of 
stakeholders is comprehended a long list of interest 
parties that equally shared the responsibility of success 
of R&D project development. They include a sponsor, 
consumers, distributors, suppliers and any other parties 
interested in R&D. The list of stakeholders can’t be static 
and may vary depending on the project type, i.e., taking 
into regard whether research or development project is 

public and private managerial background: nature 
of duality. If we argue that a manager gets the mandate to 
make actions coherent, we must describe the component 
of coherence. Investigations reviewed in literature based 
on big international prosperous companies, such as 
Nissan or Erickson (Chiesa, 2000), have revealed that 
R&D public and private partnership success depends on 
“appropriate managerial and organisational tools and 
mechanisms”, when it is aimed to improve the quality 
with every new challenging technological task 

However, partnership as a type of cooperation is not a 
spontaneous action, since it is going to connect different 
performance cultures, as public and private R&D is. It 
requires a special approach and substantial managerial 
efforts. The nature duality of R&D management lies in 
the following subjects:

Driving forces. A businessman’s interest to invest in 
R&D is driven by the financial benefit, while a researcher 
in a public institution is driven by the personal curiosity 
mainly. As a consequence, managers get the mandate 
which covers mediation between representatives of 
different cultures, nature of which is driven by very 
opposite forces, which must be merged in a balanced 

Result orientation vs. process orientation. Curiosity 
driven targets determine the expression of results. A 
researcher is focused on new knowledge while both 
proving and disproving of a suggested theory or analytical 
approach is accepted plausibly. Meanwhile, R&D 
results which could be sold in the market and give real 
profit are acceptable for a company. More specifically, a 
researcher could sell the idea, while a company is selling 
goods with applicable practical value.

Time pressure. Global competition makes pressure on 
R&D intensive companies to be mobile and catch new 
knowledge on the way. Time pressure pushes companies 
to use tacit knowledge. As a consequence, they aim to 
be as close to knowledge generation as possible, to use 
every of knowledge spreading channels as formal or 
informal networks (Kratzer et al., 2008). Meanwhile, a 
public R&D organisation can operate in the self-defined 
time regime, which is sometimes slightly determined by 
external funding bodies. 

Control level. The notion of soft management 
control is going to be introduced when R&D project 
management is considered. Scholars distinguish between 
the manager’s role in research and development projects 
in terms of intensity and frequency of interaction. In 
research projects, the manager’s role is limited by 
“soft” coordination to the exchange of views in order 
to safeguard the free spirit of scientific creativity, while 
development projects require more “intense interaction” 
(Chiesa et al., 2009) in every project phase starting from 
project conception definition to project finalization on 
time and within budget.

Communication. The duality of the manager’s duty 
lies in finding the language equally understandable by 
both researchers and other stakeholders from non-pure 
scientific world. Stakeholders represent the wide range 
of diverging part of society, which has its own working 
language, priorities, and way of acting. 

Leadership vs. assistance. The manager and leadership 
are comprehended as complementary categories. It has 
been proved that the leadership style directly influences 
innovation, shapes activity outputs and works as 
stimulus for team collaboration and identification 
(Paulsen et al., 2009). R&D autonomy tends to suggest 
that it could feel the lack of assistance instead of outside 
leadership. It is not expected that a leader will assist. In 
such a case we transit to the opposed categories instead 
of complementary categories. 

Coping with different R&D performing culture 
represented by two poles of R&D performers (public-
oriented and business-oriented), special managerial 
efforts to facilitate public-private partnership are needed. 
Active managerial strategies are discussed in literature 
(Bjerregaard, 2009) and new managerial concepts should 
be elaborated and proposed (Klijn et al, 2008).  

Organisational design. To facilitate the public 
and private partnership management and coordination, 
certain infrastructure which could act in alignment 
with organisational design is needed. It is possible to 
distinguish two types of infrastructures: temporary 
(coordination body) (Sperling, 2001) and permanent 
(R&D manager or R&D support structure). The 
coordination body takes the leading role for public and 
private partnership coordination and steering, it acts as 
an independent actor in the “zone” free from individual 



public institution or private company stakes, and moves 
forward on the basis of unified stakes. This coordination 
body could act effectively just in the case with support 
of each organisational design (permanent infrastructure). 
As for the organisational structure, the balance between 
R&D centralisation and decentralisation is under 
discussion (Chiesa, 2008). The tendencies of downsizing, 
outsourcing and internationalization in coherence with 
decentralization of R&D (Christensen, 2002) were 
demonstrated for the last three decades. Thus, the 
organizational design in public R&D institutions should 
respond to the decentralization approach for R&D 
management while a R&D manager is incorporated in 
the hierarchic structure of an organization. 


The current research is constructed in the way to 
find out whether there exists space between researchers 
and businesses in Lithuania for a manager mediation to 
increase public and private partnership and performance 
interaction. This analysis lets us identify the attributes 
which could be assigned to the role of a R&D manager.

The Lithuanian Biotechnology and Laser Technology 
R&D domain was chosen for investigation for several 
reasons. Firstly, both sectors demonstrate public R&D 
excellence. Institutions were chosen according to the 
highly ranked scientific output (number of publications, 
patents, number of projects). Secondly, there are 
several R&D intensive companies established as spin-
off and now using external public R&D outputs and 
internally created knowledge in these sectors. There is 
both informal and formal cooperation between R&D 
intensive companies and a selected public institution. 
Thirdly, these sectors have substantial long-lasting 
policy support, which has the expression of extra funds 
allocation annually on competitive basis in the period of 
2002 – 2009. This support has been planned to prolong 
in the same extent. 

The institutional selection was made seeking to 
cover all possible available organisational structure 
(Research University – one selected structural unit has 7 
acting informal groups, research institute – one selected 
structural unit with 4 informal groups, R&D intensive 
companies – 2). 217 participants are covered in this 
investigation in total. Formal and informal teams as a 
single undivided unit are analysed. The team size varies 
from 4 to 21 persons.

Data has been collected from semi-structural 
interviews with R&D project leaders, who are herewith 
the leaders of informal groups and in some cases leaders 
of formal units as well. Also paperwork, analysis of 
existing organisational structure and active participation 
in R&D projects is conducted.


According to the leaders of the interviewed R&D 
teams, the public and private partnership has the 
expression of cooperation in R&D projects. However, 
managerial activities concerning public and private 
partnership are not conceptualised, except for project 

The investigation has revealed that a R&D project 
manager position in the formal staff list exists neither 
in R&D intensive companies, nor in public research 
institutions. Projects are managed by local internal 
capabilities: a senior researcher manages projects in a 
public research organisation, or an upper-level executive 
takes the role of the leader of activities related with 
R&D. It is common without any exception that every 
team leader acting as a manager starts his carrier as a 

Public R&D organisations have only a few positions 
of academic career for researchers: starting with a junior 
researcher, then senior researcher and chief researcher 
as the upper-level of academic career. Among others 
requirements for the upper academic position as being 
active in R&D activity and taking part in scientific 
communication, a chief researcher should lead the 
R&D topic, which means being the informal leader 
of an informal team. Actually, a dual career path is 
present, when, in addition to direct R&D activities, 
the management of R&D is assigned. The abundant 
evidence demonstrates that managerial activities step 
by step are transforming into full administrative work 
and takes the whole working time, while formally it is 
a researcher’s position with formal annual requirements 
for scientific outputs. The duality of occupation is the 
ground for R&D activity imitation. 

Answering the question what the main duties of a 
R&D project leader regarding R&D management were, 
respondents mentioned the main tasks listed as follows: 
project idea generation, goals and task formulation, 
team formation (in many cases, informal team is 
settled long ago and usually incorporates researchers 
and engineers with the same background), project 
proposal writing, project management, which is called 
day-to-day administration, participation in direct R&D 
activities, paper work, ending with report writing and 
communication of R&D results. Generally, in practice, 
communication is limited with the preparation of 
scientific publications. Meanwhile, two project leaders 
have reported non-typical accidental communication 
cases: indirect communication via media when seeking 
public awareness (several interviews for the press 
about personal researcher’s lifestyle) and writing 
of popularisation publications. All the mentioned 
managerial activities are supplementary activities to 
the main duties of teaching and directing of R&D 



No special attention is given to stakeholder analysis or 
communication strategy with stakeholders; however, an 
unexpressed communication channel with governmental 
bodies is established and perfectly used for the time 
being, which has the expression of steady additional 
public budget allocation. Communication with a wider 
range of stakeholders is not mentioned as the task of 
project leaders. Meanwhile, project leaders take part in 
R&D policy formation on demand as external experts on 
the national and EU level frequently, they communicate 
with private partners.

The most typical attitude towards R&D management 
is revealed by questions about the demand for a R&D 
manager. From the whole set of interviewed team 
leaders, only one leader acknowledged the demand 
of R&D manager who could be introduced into the 
horizontal structure of the team. He is leading quite 
a large R&D team of 21 participants. Actually, team 
leaders of the smallest informal team assure that they 
tackle with R&D project management. Small teams of 
4-6 researchers per informal group secure the effective 
flow of information and sharing of new knowledge; it 
is easier to condition the team identity and secure the 
rewards for efforts. 


Duties for R&D manager. The investigation 
revealed that there is a gap between R&D performance 
and professional management practice, which causes 
misalignment of public and private partnership. 
Determining the hypothetic requirements for R&D 
managers, only the supporting R&D activities at micro 
level (assisting to a scientific leader) were stressed as 
the main concern. This could imply that the macro level 
in public and private partnership was left outside R&D 
performance management.

Despite the fact that no unified description of the 
duties of R&D managers was traced, it is possible to 
define the desirable requirements for a R&D manager 
as R&D project team member. The role of a manager 
varies within organisation depending on the units or 
type or R&D project he or she could assist. The full list 
of a manager’s duties is oriented to support researchers 
in their every occupation making the researchers’ mind 
free for their direct activities and to stimulate business-
oriented thinking. Communication is critical to a R&D 
project manager. According the respondents, a manager 
must keep the following duties:

Administrative assistance in everyday duties; •
Communication (internal and external). •
The list of duties fully corresponds to the following 

conceptualised requirements:
Non-specified higher university degree, preferably in  •
the same field as that of the management team;
Creative and communicative person; •

Commitment and good organisation, negotiation and  •
presentation skills;
Fluent foreign language (English is preferable) for  •
scientific communication;
Experience in the particular field is of great  •
Experience in international R&D project  •
Skill to establish balance between power and  •
Commitment and responsibility; •
Technical expertise; •
Problem solving. •
When enumerating the requirements for a manager, 

researchers were guided by the aim to have scientific 
freedom for themselves and delegated those activities 
that were extra to them. Actually, researchers emphasised 
the commitments of a manager but nobody asked for 

All researchers suspiciously analysed the hypothetic 
suggestion to hire a manager for project management 
from outside, if the manager’s background were other 
than that of the project team. They worried about losing 
the control of the project performance, R&D results 
development and letting the project success to the hands 
of the manager who “could not understand the R&D 

For the time being, public and private partnership 
is the common rhetoric for politicians; however, there 
is no clear translation of policy measures to policy 
implementers who are represented by stakeholders 
(R&D performers, investors, R&D results transferring 
bodies, customers, suppliers, media). The sole tangible 
measure from the side of policy public and private 
partnership implementation is the requirement for R&D 
team formation. The R&D funding bodies determined 
the conditions of eligible partners: they demand that 
public R&D performers should participate only along 
with private R&D supporters.

Despite the similarities of attitudes to R&D project 
management role, the strong antagonism between 
researchers from public research institutions and R&D 
intensive companies is noticed when asking about 
partnership on R&D project development. A company 
manager stated that researchers from Lithuanian public 
institutions performed high-quality research, created 
wonderful, inspirited fundamental theories, but, on 
the other hand, the national research system worked 
in regime of “performance”, but not in regime of 
“production”. That is the main obstacle that makes R&D 
oriented companies to keep away from universities R&D. 
On the other hand, researchers from the public sector 
claim that companies avoid investing into fundamental 
research, make preference for partnership just in 
commercialisation project phases and prefer investing 



into short-term projects. The antagonistic nature has 
proved the duality of managerial approach and is tightly 
related with the interpretation of stakeholders’ input. 
However, stakeholders’ management is let out of manager 
duties and still not conceptualised as an additional 
success factor for R&D. That could be generalised as 
weak comprehension of benefits gained from public 
and private partnership. Different expectations, driving 
forces, timing pressure, commitments, organisational 
culture makes a R&D manager’s role highly complex.

Based on the analysis, the full set of a manager’s duties 
which could facilitate public and private partnership 
have been formulated and are the following:

Administrative assistance in everyday duties; •
Communication (internal and external); •
Communication with a stakeholder (stakeholder  •
identification and involvement in the project);
Outsourcing of management; •
Searching and competing for funding; •
Equipment support. •
Organizational structure has crucial impact on the 

duties of a manager and managerial impact on public and 
private partnership. Therefore, a R&D manager must 
take the responsibility to assist R&D team and put that all 
above-mentioned components in to whole active system. 
Thus, the organizational design in public R&D institutions 
should respond to decentralization approach for R&D 
management while a R&D manager is incorporated in 
the hierarchic structure of an organization. The degree 
of hierarchy is tightly related with the certainty of task 
units are dealing with. Due to R&D uncertainty, high risk 
and duality of R&D management, the hierarchic degree is 
accepted as low as possible. 

On the contrary, highly bureaucratic R&D 
organisations are an obstruction for a public and private 
partnership. Such organisations still avoid managerial 
view in the micro level of organisational design despite 
permanent efforts to introduce managerial offices in 
between the administration and R&D performers. 
Such kind of managerial support serves more to the 
administration functions for the upper hierarchical level 
administrators ensuring better administration and control 
targeted at the lower hierarchy level of R&D performers 
instead of implementing all R&D manager duties. Such 
kind of organisational structure contradicts the nature 
of R&D management and has negative impact on the 
emergence of public and private partnerships.  

Hereof, good R&D performance exists in organisations, 
where informal teams of researchers are formed from 
bottom up, are assisted by a manager and supported by 
the organisational structure in the macro level. A R&D 
manager could be granted the autonomy to safeguard 
creativity and balance control to support flexibility. For 
that occurrence an R&D manager should operate in tight 
contact with R&D performers on the same hierarchical 
level as researchers of informal groups.


Global competition encourages companies to seek a 
more innovative way to survive. More and more complex 
R&D based activities are introduced, and the managerial 
approach is of great importance. Meanwhile, public 
R&D institutions act in less competitive environment, 
which has conditioned lower tension and less stressful 
environment resulting in less innovative output. 

Therefore, the public and private partnership seems 
to be a plausible measure which could be exploited 
as a stabilised factor for the private sector sharing the 
risk on the one hand, and increasing performance and 
effectiveness for public R&D sector on the other hand. 

As a consequence, the managerial approach for public 
R&D institutions is left out of day-to-day processes. R&D 
management practice is still empty or implemented by self-
educated senior researchers. To increase the performance 
of public and private partnership in R&D, the unified 
mutually accepted platform for both, public and private 
R&D sectors, is the main concern of policy makers and 
R&D practitioners. The managerial approach dealing with 
different nature of R&D performance could facilitate the 
public and private partnership and increase the linkages.

The duality of duties of a R&D project manager 
lies in the nature of R&D, which is characterized by 
high autonomy level that stimulates creativity, high 
risk and uncertainty at multidimensional environment. 
That effect has direct impact on the managerial attitude, 
where competition of objectives must be taken into 
consideration. The task for a manager is to be flexible, 
to secure knowledge-based creative environment and 
be strict in scheduling and seeking time efficiency. 
The regardful attention should be paid on the question 
how autonomy of R&D activities and strict managerial 
control should be balanced. 

It is practiced that inside of a formal institutional 
structure, R&D project constructs its team from virtual 
or informal spontaneously grouped teams of researchers, 
and these informal groups are rather stable through the 
years. One of the successful factors of the investigated 
teams is the size, which, together with leadership, 
stimulates the team identity and secures high project 
performance. The leaders of the smallest teams express 
lower demand for R&D manager assistants than leaders 
of larger teams. The same could be underlined for the 
knowledge commercialisation oriented team.

The investigation has revealed that there is demand 
for a manager who could act as a mediator for R&D 
staff in its contact with external non-academic world. 
Mediation encompasses merging, stimulation, control, 
scanning, supporting, and networking. Equally, the 
manager is expected to be not a substitute of a R&D team 
leader but a team participant with shared and assigned 
non-R&D activities in his/her responsibility field.

The existing organisational structure functions as 
an obstacle rather than support for public and private 
partnership, since the tendency to incorporate managers 



in the upper level of hierarchical structure of R&D 
public organisation is rather spread. 

The tendency: not a single respondent mentioned other 
new knowledge communication forms seeking contacts 
with industry, government or other stakeholders. That 
could be the guide to explain why a R&D manager is still 
not introduced in R&D project management – that is the 
inadequate conceptualisation of R&D users, clients and 
whole list of possible stakeholders, the recognition of 
which can dramatically change the researchers’ attitude 
to R&D outputs and, consequently, to R&D process and 
benefits from public and private partnership.


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The article has been reviewed.

Received in April, 2010; accepted in May, 2010.