issn 1822 – 8402 european integration studies. 2010. no 4

european structural funds assistance for young 
researchers in latvia

Marta Mezeniece, Baiba Rivza
Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics


Latvia is a small country and small open economy and its main and the most competitive recourses are 
highly educated society and well developed science based on the research, innovation and modern technologies. 
To create a well functioning innovation system as a part of knowledge-based economy several conditions has 
to be met to insure that all parts of national innovation system do effectively work together.

Latvia is considered to be a country in transition between efficiency driven and innovation driven economy 
after Global Competitiveness report 2009-2010. This means that the development of the country soon would 
not be possible by improving productivity adopting existing technologies or making incremental improvements 
in other areas. Bigger and bigger role of country’s competitiveness will be in its ability to innovate. This 
means sufficient investment in research and development, the presence of high-quality research institutions, 
extensive collaboration in research between universities and research institutes as well as technology transfer 
to the industry, and the protection of intellectual property. As one of the main obstacles that prohibit the 
scientific activities development in Latvia after restricted amount of funding is the lack of young scientists. 
The most significant reasons of ageing of scientific personnel are the insufficient number of doctoral students, 
brain drain of young scientists, the low percentage of research and development personnel (just 0.54% of the 
labour force in 2008 (Eurostat)). 

The aim of this article is to analyse if the problems that accrue in higher education and science because 
of lack of young human recourse inflow can be solved by interaction of state using the European union (Eu) 
structural funds assistance. 

During the programming period 2004-2006 the five main universities in Latvia implemented projects under 
the activity ‘Improvement of quality and implementation of doctoral studies and post-doctoral research’. 
The aim of these projects was to improve the quality and implementation of doctoral level studies and post-
doctoral research in natural science and technology fields as well as to increase the number of new enrolees 
in the doctoral studies and provide research grants to the best doctoral students and new researchers. The 
research shows that the number of matriculated doctoral students in the prior study areas in the universities 
having implemented such projects has grown for 65.73% over the period of analysed seven years (2003-
2009). The study concludes that Eu structural funds assistance increases the motivation to start studies at 
doctoral level and encourage the students to choose carry out research in natural science and technology 
fields. In order to attract the young scientists to the research institutes the young scientists have to be involved 
in the research projects and the mentoring approach could be used to gain good results in the alternation 
of researchers’ generations by use of Eu structural funds assistance. The research is mainly based on such 
economic research methods as grouping, chain and basis increase rate calculations. Comparative, analytical 
and historical methods have been manly used in the paper, taking into consideration the large amount of 
scientific literature. 


Eu Structural funds, ageing of scientists, doctoral studies, national innovation system. 


Guidelines for Development of Science and 
Technology, 2009-2013 developed by the Ministry of 
Education and Science defines low number of people 
employed in science and research to ensure the country’s 
economic strategy implementation and sustainable 
growth, reduction in the number of scientists and 

aging of scientists, and insufficient number of doctoral 
students as one of main development problems in the 
field of science and technology in Latvia. 

Latvian National Development plan, 2007-2013, 
states main three priorities: 1) an educated and creative 
individual, 2) technological excellence and flexibility 
of companies, 3) development of science and research.  
The main problem that is identified and has to be solved 



as soon as possible is lack of young and emerging 
scientists working in Latvian research institutions and 
the aging of academic personal in higher education 
institutions. Therefore there are set several tasks to 
attract young scientists to scientific institutions and to 
motivate young people to choose a career in science, 
per example, improve the grant and scholarship system 
for doctoral studies, create a research support system 
for young postdoctoral scientists, motivate emigrated 
Latvian scientists and young experts to return and work 
in Latvian scientific institutions. The main financial 
instrument for solving the problem mentioned above is 
EU Structural Funds.

Latvia as a separate NUTS II region since 2004 
is eligible for Objective 1 Structural Funds support. 
One of the priorities of the Single programming 
document, that was designed for EU Structural Funds 
intervention in Latvia for the programming period 
2004-2006, was Development of Human Resources 
and Promotion of Employment. Under this priority the 
measure “Development of Education and Continuous 
Training” included activity “Improvement of quality 
and implementation of doctoral studies and post-
doctoral research”. The main five universities in Latvia 
implemented projects under this activity. The aim of these 
projects were to improve the quality and implementation 
of doctoral level studies and post-doctoral research 
in natural science and technology fields as well as to 
increase the number of new enrolees in the doctoral 
studies and provide research grants to the best doctoral 
students and new researchers. Projects were completed in 
summer 2008 and the EU Structural Funds programming 
documents for the period 2007-2013 declared European 
Social Fund grants for master students in natural science 
and technology field and grants for doctoral students 
and young researchers in the all fields of research. There 
are some comprehensive researches that examine if the 
assistance of EU Structural Funds fulfilled indicators 
that were set in Single programming document for the 
programming period 2004-2006 were met, although 
deeper study on EU Structural Funds support’s impact 
on dynamics of number of new enrolees in the doctoral 
studies and the number of doctor’s degree has to be 
carried out. 

There are several authors in Latvia that have 
been writing about innovative activities (Boļšakovs, 
2008), innovation process and system (Dimza, 2003), 
knowledge society (Karnītis, 2004), higher education 
institution’s role in economic development (Sloka and 
Vilciņa, 2009), (Mazūre et.al., 2009), knowledge-based 
economy (Bikse, 2007). Many studies on the research 
policy topic are carried out in the world, but there is lack 
of studies in the field of research policy that concentrate 
on Latvian national education system as a part of national 
innovation system. 

To create a well functioning innovation system (the 
example of Ireland’s national innovation system see in 
Figure1) several conditions has to bee met to insure that 
all parts of national innovation system do effectively 
work together.


Research and development (R&D) 

Introduction and acquisition of technology 

Technology parks, technology centers  
Market development 


Primary and 
secondary education 
Vocational education 

Higher education 
Basic Research 


Risk capital  
Venture funds 

Investments in innovation activities  
Research and development ensuring 

Legislative and tax policy 

figure 1. The national innovation system of Ireland
Source: Science, Technology and Innovation. The White 
Paper by Government of Ireland. Department of Enterprise 
& Employment, Dublin, 1996

The main conditions that ensure effectively working 
national innovation system are (Dimza, 2003): 

Universities conduct fundamental research at the −	
global level, allowing students to obtain a competitive 
and internationally recognized higher education. 
Public and private professional education and 
vocational institutions train with necessary skills and 
knowledge, highly qualified and for certain science-
capacious industry sectors suitable professionals;
Producing sector (mainly private) are able to invest −	
in innovation activities and to fund research in the 
country up to 80% (of total research and development 
spending in the country);
The government creates enabling environment for −	
innovation, applying favourable credit policy, tax 
and customs policy, as well as investment policies 
in order to make more beneficial the private sectors 
investments to innovative activities;
The financial sector, bought public and private, is −	
capable to take the risk and provide financing for 
Vīksne D. in her research concludes that higher 

education institutions have started activities to involve 
students and academic staff in the development and 
promotion of innovative entrepreneurship in the 
respective region, thus student motivation to stay and 
start business in their region is created (Vīksne, 2010). 
The next step towards efficient National innovation 
system is strengthening of Education and science 
systems collaboration.



The research performed by Prodan I. and Drnovsek 
M. shows that greater numbers of years spent at 
an academic institution hinder the formation of 
academic-entrepreneurial intentions. Because tenured 
professorships guarantee academics’ basic socioeconomic 
status, they are less motivated to endanger their research 
by redirecting interest and energy to business matters 
(Prodan, Drnovsek, 2010).

Therefore authors of this paper found it topically 
to analyze ageing of scientific personnel and other 
problems that accrue in higher education and science due 
to lack of young human recourse inflow can be solved 
by interaction of state using state European Structural 
funds assistance. 

The aim of research is to analyse if the problems 
that accrue in higher education and science because 
of lack of young human recourse inflow can be solved 
by interaction of state using the European Union (EU) 
Structural funds assistance. 

To meet the research aim we set research tasks:
Analyze if using of EU Structural funds assistance −	
in programming period 2004-2006 increased the 
number of new enrolees in the doctoral studies in 
natural science and technology fields; 
Study the coloration between EU structural funds −	
support number of young scientists working in higher 
education institutions and the research institutes of 
higher education institutions.
Research object is young researchers and doctoral 

students in Latvia. 
The following economic research methods were used 

for tackling the tasks: grouping, chain increment rate, 
basis increment rate, graphic illustration. Monographic 
descriptive method, analysis and synthesis are used in 
the paper to study the problem elements and synthesize 
coherencies. Authors studied legal framework in Latvia 
and scientific publications in research policy, educations 
systems, mentoring in higher education. Induction 
method is used for summarizing individual facts in 
general statements, but deduction method for theoretical 
explanations and logical synthesis of the empirical 

The analysis of doctoral students and working 
researchers in Latvia is based on statistical data obtained 
from Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, Eurostat and 
the information included in Reports on Higher education 
in Latvia (figures, data, tendencies) acquired from 
Ministry of Education and Science during the period 

All data analysis was performed using the statistical 
methods. Comparative, analytical and historical 
methods have been manly used in the paper, taking into 
consideration the large amount of scientific literature.

Eu Structural funds assistance for young 
researchers and phD students in Latvia

Doctoral studies have to provide excellently educated 
doctors who are able to compete internationally. Not 
only quality is an issue, but the sufficient quantity of 
doctoral students is a matter of great importance. 
Although the total number of students is high – on the 
10 000 population it is 554 in year 2007, however, this 
indicator does not provide sufficient amount of doctoral 
students and doctors, that could form the new generation 
of scientists and guarantee continuity in terms of the 
formation of scientific institutions. The age structure of 
scientists at higher education institutions and research 
institutes of the universities is inadequate in long term 
perspective (Figure 2). 

figure 2. Age structure of scientists at higher 
education institutions and research institutes of the 
universities in Latvia, 2008

Source: author’s calculations based on the Report on Higher 
education in Latvia 2009 (figures, data, tendencies) 

Only 7% of the total number of scientists working 
at higher education institutions and research institutes 
of the universities are under age 35. Only five higher 
education institutions employ four and more scientists 
under age 35, but there are only 37 scientists (8%) under 
age 35 working in research institutes of the universities. 
The highest number 91 of young scientists works at the 
University of Latvia and it is 48 percent of all scientists 
under age 35 in the sector of higher education. The 
total number of scientists age 65 and more is 697 or 27 



percent of all scientists working in the sector of higher 

The data sows that the highest number or scientists 
under age 35 are working at higher education 
institutions which implemented the project under 
activity ‘Improvement of quality and implementation of 
doctoral studies and post-doctoral research’ and research 
institutes of the universities.

Taking into account the fact that the state budget 
funding for universities and scientific institutions in the 
year 2009 has been considerably reduced – scientific 
institutions, with a reduction of 41%, including science-
based funding, which includes scientists wage fund by 
52%. Given this fact there is a high risk not only to attract 
new scientists, but also the employment of scientists in 
the future.

After analysing available data and the scientific 
publications, authors deduced the reasons for the small 
number of doctoral students that could be both with the 
direct and indirect effects.

Directly impacting factors: 
Proportion of state-funded study places at doctoral −	
level is too low (only 1462 state-funded study places 
at doctoral level, 31 percent of students are covering 
study fee);
High rates of study fee for private-funded study −	
places at doctoral level (from 1350 to 6000 euro);
Low postgraduate scholarships for doctoral students −	
(114 euro and credit equalized grant 85 euro);
Low motivation for doctoral studies, which is caused −	
by many indirect factors.
Indirectly influencing factors: 
Old-fashioned infrastructure of higher education −	
institutions and research institutes; 
Low involvement of students in scientific projects at −	
early study phase;
doctoral studies weak links with research projects −	
held out by research institutes in the universities 
(Figure 2) 
Low level of wages of academic staff and unattractive −	
remuneration system of scientific personnel; 
Lack of safety factor, that doctor degree holder will −	
be needed in the labour market and would not fall in 
the risk group as overqualified workforce;
Remuneration system in public and private sector −	
(the education level does not affect the amount of 
The EU funds assistance can help to hinder the 

influence of direct factors (offer monthly grant of 
amount 427 euro master level students in the prior study 
areas, 854 euro for doctoral students, and 1138 euro for 
doctor degree candidates (last year doctorate students) 
studying in the all study areas). 

There are some EU structural funds activities that 
are focused on diminishing such indirectly affecting 
factors of low number doctoral students as old-
fashioned infrastructure of higher education institutions 
and research institutes – activities No. 
‘Development of research infrastructure’ (171.5 mil 
EUR), No. ‘Improvement of IT infrastructure 
and IT system for the research needs’ (17.6 mil EUR), 
and activity No. ‘Modernization of Premises 
and Devices for Improvement of Study Programme 
Quality at Higher Educational Establishments, including 
Provision of Education Opportunities for Individuals 
with Functional Disabilities’ (143.2 mil EUR). Low 
involvement of students in scientific projects and 
doctoral studies weak links with research projects 
held out by research institutes in the universities by 
implementing European Social fund projects under 
activity No. ‘Attraction of Human Resources to 
Science’ (57.3 mil EUR). 

In order to attract the young scientists to the research 
institutes the young scientists have to be involved in the 
research projects and the mentoring approach could be 
used to gain good results in the alternation of researchers’ 
generations. Larose S. et al. study the personal and 
social support factors involved in students’ decision to 
participate in formal academic mentoring and conclude 
that the willingness of enhancement in the academic 
mentoring depends on the student’s personality and help 
seeking habits (Larose S., et al., 2009), therefore there is 
a place for further research about student’s enhancement 
in the academic mentoring in Latvia.

In order to investigate if the number of new enrolees 
in the doctoral studies in natural science and technology 
fields is caused by EU structural funds assistance, 
authors studied the dynamic time series of the EU 
structural funds assistance impact on number of students 
at doctoral level in Latvia during the time period year 

The data in Table 1 shows that the number master’s 
degree gained in reporting year does decrease, but the 
base increase rate of number of matriculated doctoral 
students has grown for 47.85 percents. The number of 
doctoral students enrolled in the prior study areas in the 
universities, which implemented the ESF project, has 
grown more (the base increase rate is for 31.15 percent 
higher in the year 2009) than number of doctoral students 
enrolled in the not prior study areas. It means that the 
EU structural funds assistance increases the motivation 
to start studies at doctoral level and encourage the 
students to choose carry out research in natural science 
and technology fields. 



Table 1. The Eu structural funds assistance impact on number of students at doctoral level in Latvia, 2003-2009

No. Indicators

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


European Social fund’s support for 
doctoral studies and post-doctoral 
research -- 102645 1792238 2388695 4736132 2724690 7702569

2 chain increase rate,% -- 0.00 1 646.05 33.28 98.27 -42.47 182.70
3 base increase rate,% -- 0.00 1 646.05 2 227.14 4 514.09 2 554.48 7 404.09
4 number master’s degree gained 3183 3608 3382 3173 3237 2602 2578
5 chain increase rate,% -- 13.35 -6.26 -6.18 2.02 -19.62 -0.92
6 base increase rate,% -- 13.35 6.25 -0.31 1.70 -18.25 -19.01

number of matriculated doctoral 
students 418 420 530 484 464 619 618

8 chain increase rate,% -- 0.48 26.19 -8.68 -4.13 33.41 -0.16
9 base increase rate,% -- 0.48 26.79 15.79 11.00 48.09 47.85


number of doctoral students 
enrolled in the prior study areas in 
the universities, which implemented 
the ESf project 178 193 231 222 251 304 295

11 chain increase rate,% -- 8.43 19.69 -3.90 13.06 21.12 -2.96
12 base increase rate,% -- 8.43 29.78 24.72 41.01 70.79 65.73

number of doctoral students 
enrolled in the non prior study areas 240 227 299 262 213 315 323

14 chain increase rate,% -- -5.42 31.72 -12.37 -18.70 47.89 2.54
15 base increase rate,% -- -5.42 24.58 9.17 -11.25 31.25 34.58

 Source: author’s calculation based on the Report on Higher Education in Latvia 2009 (figures, data, tendencies) 


To build an effectively working innovation system, 
it is necessary to establish strong link between higher 
education institutions, research institutes and industry.

Support of European Union structural funds have 
positive impact on the development on science and 
innovations sphere, and it is one of the preconditions for 
the development of states’ competitiveness.

EU Structural Funds assistance in programming 
period 2004-2006 has increased the number of new 
enrolees in the doctoral studies whit base increase rate 
65.73 percent over the period of analysed seven years 
(2003-2009) in natural science and technology fields.

 EU structural funds assistance increases the 
motivation to start studies at doctoral level and 
encourage the students to choose carry out research in 
natural science and technology fields.

In order to attract the young scientists to the research 
institutes they have to be involved in the research projects 
and the mentoring approach could be used to gain good 
results in the alternation of researchers’ generations. 
There is a place for further research about student’s 
enhancement in the academic mentoring in Latvia.

The government have to increase proportion of state-
funded study places at doctoral level up to 100 percent.

Other possibility to increase the number of doctoral 
students is to raise the amount of credit equalized grant 
to the EU structural funds level and additional amount 

that would cover study fee, keep in force the restriction, 
that the credit equalized grant has to bee repaid if the 
scholar does not get the doctor degree in five years 
period after start of studies.


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The article has been reviewed.

Received in April, 2010; accepted in May, 2010.