European Integration studies 2008.indd




Ligita Valalyt

K stutis Kriš i nas

Kaunas University of Technology 

Institute of Europe


This paper aims to answer the question “What does a concept of the e-Citizen consists of in Kaunas 

region and why?” Generally the concept of the e-Citizen is directly related to the vision of eEurope, i.e. 

with all to the development of eEurope directed actions, which are highly attended of European Union 

in recent years. Analyzing the e-Citizen’s subject, it is essential to examine the issue of e-service, because 

the e-Citizen’s vision is shaped by using e-service concept, which aims to involve every citizen, family, 

school, enterprise and administration in the digital era. The research problem includes e-Citizen’s 

concept and the initiatives in Kaunas region, thus highlighting the interaction between dimensions of 

e-Services and e-Citizen, also both why those initiatives are required and what is an outlook in this range 

for Kaunas region.

The main task is to answer the question concerning e-Citizen’s concept by analyzing the e-Initiatives 

in Lithuania and Kaunas region. These e-Initiatives are underlying goals of eEurope and i2010. The aim 

of the research is to module the picture of Kaunas e-Citizen and show a value of mentioned initiatives for 

the inhabitants of Kaunas region by analyzing the implemented and continuing e-Region’s projects.


e-Citizen; Kaunas e-Region;  the Strategy plan of e-Kaunas; e-Europe; i2010; e-service; 

e-Government; e-learning; e-health; e-security; e-culture.


Today nobody has a doubt about wide spread 
of IT to all areas of social life, infl uencing the 
interactions between citizens and government, legal 
and political processes between them (O. Bar kut ,
A. Mikalauskien , R. Skyrius, 1999). Today‘s 
government is oriented to the society that successfully 
applies available resources of information and 
knowledge. The development of electronic services 
(hereinafter – e-Services) is one of the aspects 
revealing such a situation. The topic of e-Services
is analysed by both, Lithuanian and foreign authors, 
widely. R. Gudauskas (2000), T. Talandis (2004), J. 
Aleknavi ius (2001; 2003), K. Andrijauskas (2007), 
D. Dzemydien , R. Naujikien , (2007) wrote about 
e-Services.  In his research M. Asgarkhani (2005) 
emphasizes the worth and effi ciency of the public 
e-Services, inducting social, cultural and ethical 
impact on the citizens. A. Ancarani (2005) widely 
studied the quality of e-Services paying attention 
to the increasing of transparency, productivity and 
effi ciency of e-Services in the public sector mostly. 
While A. Sahai, J. Ouyang, V. Machiraju, K. Wurster 

(2000) examined the creation of e-Services’ system
for meeting demand of business sector. S. Croom, 
R. Johnston (2003) analysed the issue of e-Business
development. R. T. Rust and P. K. Kannan (2003) 
analysed e-Services as the development of business 
opportunities. G. Piccinelli, C. Preist, C. Partolini 
(2001) highlighted “business-to-business” (B2B) 
interactions, where e-Services were analysed as 
the decision of implementation of the new services 
of business. Whereas L. Aversano and G. Canfora 
(2002) designed models for the introduction of 
e-Services to the business processes, i.e. models the 
processes, services and composition of processes, 
and on the basis of IT generates models of labor fl ow 
and interaction with available services. R. T. Rust, 
K. N. Lemon (2001) analyzed the critical aspects 
of e-Services for the effi cient interaction with the 
consumers. J. M. Field, G. R. Heim, K. K. Sinha (2004) 
oriented to the development of the model of quality 
assessment and management of e-Services. D. Gefen, 
D. W. Straub (2003) highlighted the most important 
differences between B2C e-Services and traditional 
services provided to the customers online. Moreover, 



consumer confi dence in e-Services was investigated.
An assumption can be made that analyzed topic is 
multidisciplinary, because it is an object of interest 
of the researchers of social and technical sciences. 
Rapid globalization processes and the creation of 
information society have a new weight on information 
and innovations (especially technical). Technology 
progress is one of the most signifi cant factors on 
the economical growth at the moment. Scientifi c 
problem: what are the most important initiatives 
creating the e-Citizen concept in Kaunas region?
What perspectives could be supposed? Novelty of 
the problem is revealed through the development 
of e-Services initiatives, which determine structural 
changes, competitive advantage and economic growth 
in Kaunas region.

Research aim – to highlight e-Citizen‘s concept
and initiatives in the Kaunas region, in purpose 
evaluating the perspectives. 

Research tasks:
To defi ne the term of 1. e-Services;
To give 2. eEurope vision; 
To evaluate the situation of 3. e-Services in Li-
thuania and Kaunas region; 
To characterize the impact of 4. e-Citizen‘s ini-
tiatives and perspectives in the Kaunas regi-

Research object: e-Citizen‘s concept and 

Research methods: analysis of the EU legal 
acts and specifi c literature, and contemplation of the 
perspectives of initiatives of the Kaunas region. 

The term of electronic services 

T. Talandis (2004) notices wide spectrum of 
e-Services and proceedings, including new business 
models, public administration methods, new media 
types and new economical and political relationships. 
According to the legal website EUROPA (2002), 
E-Service is a service or resources online, improving 
communication among citizens, business and 
European institutions. J. Aleknavi ius (2001) notices 
that e-Service is a service which fulfi ls targets, deals 
with the problems or transfers data and is provided on 
the web. Citizens, businesses and other e-Services can 
use e-Services. They can be provided through various 
devices of information. (J. Aleknavi ius, 2001).

Public service includes communication of 
citizen or business unit with public institution. (e.g., 
inquiry and answer to the question, fi lling of various 
documents, submission, accounts...) (J. Aleknavi ius,
2003). Public e-Service gives an opportunity to
perform various needed operations and get information 
digitally to a person in the place of his occurrence and 
trough the public networks of computers. Provision 

of public e-Services is evaluated on the basis of 
maturity models (K. Andrijauskas, 2007). Services 
of the fi rst phase – mean a provision of information 
(D. Dzemydien , R. Naujikien , 2007). Second phase 
includes original information and explanations, and 
the help on any public e-Service online. In virtual 
setting document forms, which could be printed 
and fi lled, are accessible. When transferring public 
e-Services to the third and fourth maturity phase, the 
problems of natural and legal persons’ identifi cation 
in the government’s information systems should be 
solved and the connection of the public administration 
redesigned. Such a strategy is scheduled of the 
development of the public administration till the year 
of 2010 (D. Dzemydien , R. Naujikien , 2007).

Picture1. E-Services classifi cation and users 

(formed by L. Valalyt , 2008)

Vision of electronic Europe

Recently, the EU institutions pay attention to the 
development questions of information considerably. In 
March in the year of 2000 European Council confi rmed 
the initiative “Electronic Europe – information society 
for everyone (e-Europe)” (eEurope 2005 Action Plan, 
2005). The aforementioned eEurope initiative is 
designed on the basis of nowadays policy. The initiative 
purpose is to reduce the differences of access to the 
internet and its usage of the member sates, and to fi nd 
common decisions of problems as well. The main aim 
of e-Europe is to involve every citizen, family, school, 
enterprise and administration institution to the digital 
era; to create computer sophisticated Europe that is 
sponsored by cultured, ready to fund and develop 
ideas business; to ensure that process will be socially 
attractive, encourage consumer confi dence and 
strengthen social cohesion. In order to eliminate or 
reduce the barriers, the directive INSPIRE (2007/2/
EC), which aim is to develop essential spatial data, was 
initiated; to harmonize data according to the common 
standards; to create metadata and administration; to 
exchange national spatial data between governmental 
institutions in the territory of Europe (Commission 
Communicate…, 2008). The aforementioned directive 
is valuable, because allows reaching information for 
the society and other stakeholders; equalizes formats 



of spatial information and it’s presenting; establishes 
periodicity of updating of spatial information; 
implements the means of spatial information analysis 
and it’s presentation in various layers; due to the 
occurrence of the coordination of common actions 
(K. Andrijauskas, 2007). According to the USA 
experience, new technologies can accelerate growth 

and create new job places, because of the fact that in 
the companies providing internet services work about 
2.3 million  direct  employees, apart the impact to the 
non-direct employment that is 1.6 million (eEurope, 

The main parts of E-Europe that form the picture–
vision of eEurope are the following:

E-Learning is a mean for organization of internal and external trainings for the workers, 
providers, business partners, pupils or students. The following method extends the organization 
opportunities of trainings, saves working hours and reduces the training, administration and 
communication costs. 

E-Business – is a purchase and sale online. E-Business could be divided into two parts – a 
purchase and a sale. B2C is sales, while B2B includes electronic transfer of data (purchase 
and sales). Systems of B2E exist as well. Many companies are looking for the decisions for 
all three types of transactions. 

E-Health includes means with main purpose to facilitate communication between patients 
and doctors; to improve the level of health services in the member states. The bigger part of 
electronic means is initialized in order to tackle with the existing problems (e.g. long queues 
near reception desk, lack of information on some illness) (A. Rapolevi i t , 2007). 

E-Government can be understood as the government that is available in the electronic space, 
and its government function is implemented trough IT. E-Government is one of the means 
used to improve the quality of society and government communication; to modernize a 
governance; to implement the reform of state while adapting to the requirements of knowledge 
society successfully (M. Kiškis, A. Kraujelyt , 2006).

When creating E-Europe, a few problems 
were found: expensive, insecure, slow connection 
of the internet and E-Commerce; citizens’ lack of 
information for the usage of ICT; lack of the dynamic 
business and services provided; unsatisfactory active 
governmental sector that could give new opportunities 
for the development of the new programs and services. 
In June of the year 2002 European Commission 
formulated the action plan “E-Europe 2005: 
information society for everyone”, according which 
an access to the infrastructure of broadband network 
and development guidelines of provided E-Services 
is given for everyone (e-business, e-learning; 
e-inclusion; e-health) (eEurope 2005 Action Plan, 

In June of the year of 2005 the i2010 umbrella 
EU strategy of ICT development, which extended 
the initiatives of E-Europe, was confi rmed. i2010
is concentrated to the convergence of the industry 
of telecommunications, providers of the internet 
services and content industry, e.g.: media’s depolarize 
(Commission Communicate ...., 2005). The most 
signifi cant EU documents related with E-Europe are
showed in the 2nd fi gure.

eEurope 2002 

eEurope + 


eEurope 2005 i2010 










skills, trust 














impact, scatter of 

good practices 

Figure 2. EU policy when developing information 

society (Strategy on the creation of information 

society, 2005)

Situation of e-Services in Lithuania and 

Kaunas region

LR Home Offi ce research (2008) indicated that 
maturity index of public E-Services for citizens – 
51 %. Only 5 of 26 services are provided maximally: 
tax return and consultation on incomes and property; 
search of free work places, etc. The Committee of 



information society to the LR Government (2007) 
presents data revealing that 66 services are transferred 
to the electronic space in Kaunas region, i.e. 45 % 
of all services. LR Home Offi ce research (2008) 
indicated that the common maturity index of the public 
services to business is 62 % and exceeds the common 
maturity index of public services to citizen, which is 
51 %. Only 6 of 16 public services are provided to 
business maximally (taxes declaration; pay back and 
pay customs, etc.). It is obvious that most of public 
services are not provided in an ultimate level and only 
a few of them meet the requirements of the fi fth level. 
When comparing the transfer of the public services 
for business, European tendencies predominate in 
Lithuania – the public services for the business are 
transferred much faster than for citizens. Only 5 of 
20 public services for business and citizens scheduled 
on the EU directives are transferred to the electronic 
space. Today, in Lithuania about 70 % of public 
sector services are transferred to the E-Government, 
average of EU – 75 %, Estonia – 90 %. It is scheduled 
that till the year of 2010 all the member states 
provide 12 e-Government services for citizens and 8 
e-Government services for business. 

Electronic declaration system (lt. - EDS) – the 
project of the State Tax Inspectorate was awarded 
with the “Good practice” label of the year of 2007 (the Good Practice label is only given to 10% 
of the cases published on the web portal). Lithuanian 
Labor Exchange website was awarded in the year of 
2007 in the category of e-Government as “The best 
e-content project” in Vilnius (IVPK, 2007). 

Good conditions and necessity to implement 
e-City project are in Kaunas region. In the Kaunas 
strategic plan (2004) the main accent is given to 
the intensive education of information society and 
development of the knowledge based economy, 
ensuring the competitiveness of Kaunas region. All 
the aforementioned actions will make public life of 
city much more effective and convenient. All the 
conditions for e-City development are in Kaunas 
region – citizens’ abilities to use IT; strong intellectual 
potential of IT and telecommunications, mechanics, 
electrotechnics and pharmacy in the universities, 
structures of business; compact city; developed 
infrastructures of IT and telecommunications. The most 
signifi cant factor stopping e-City development is the 
absence of e-Content (e-Content consist of e-Banking,
e-Business, e-Communication, e-Government;
e-Information, e-Health and e-Transport sectors).

In Kaunas city, like in all the country, e-Banking
services expand widely and the number of the users 
of these services grows as well. E-Business segment
developed services for the citizens incompletely but 
between enterprises e-Business is used on a mass 

scale. E-Communication is one of the reasons for 
the usage of the internet. In Kaunas city, like in other 
Lithuania’s municipalities, e-Government sector has 
made a signifi cant progress during the last several 
years. E-Information is rapidly spreading part of the 
e-Content. It can be simply uploaded to the internet 
and is frequently searched of citizens. Kaunas has 
perfect conditions to be the e-Health leader, because 
medical services for the citizens of all the country 
are provided in Kaunas, moreover, it has a strong 
potential of medicine and pharmacy. E-Transport 
sector has done a progress – an e-Ticket, which is 
the fi rs step to the presentation of the city’s e-Citizen
card, ensuring the effi ciency and practical services 
of the public transport for citizens, was presented. 
Due to the universality of the city’s e-Card, private 
sector’s integration to the development of the e-City
can be reached and education of information society, 
and attractiveness of the city ensured.

Since the year of 2003 under the triangular 
agreement among Kaunas municipality, Kaunas 
city and Tampere city (Finland) the project “Kaunas 
e-Region” has been started to be implemented by the 
municipalities. R. Gatautis and V. Pukas (2007) notice 
that this program was developed due to the support 
of Phare 2001. The results of the aforementioned 
support were the research of the viability of e-Kaunas
region; current situation analysis and planning of 
the most signifi cant future goals in six areas (see 
Figure3). Tampere model was used as the guidelines 
of developing program of Kaunas e-Region.

Picture 3.  The complex of projects that were 

implemented in Kaunas region (Partnership 

Program of Information Society, 2004)

The general objectives of the project are to 
enhance the process of Lithuania’s integration to 
the EU (eEurope dimension); to create a partnership 
between Kaunas and Tampere regions for the strategic 
development of Information Society (eTampere); to 
contribute to the sustainability of the development 
of Information Society in the whole Baltic region 
(eNorth dimension). The main results of the projects 
are the following: Feasibility Study of Kaunas 
eRegion; Partnership Program of Information Society 
of the Kaunas region; Subroutines of implementation 
model of the Kaunas eRegion (see Table 1).



A. Andr nas (2003) notices that Kaunas 
municipality has started the fi rst transaction of 
electronic self-government implementation in 
autumn of the year of 2001 (Pilot project “Interactive 
map of Kaunas investment” (
kim); “Model of spatial consulting-room”; e-self-
Government conception; analysis of public services 
provided by Kaunas municipality). A. Lukoševi ius
(2004) notices that Kaunas using available potential 
and experience of international partners has a chance 
to be the leader of e-Health (e-cluster of e-Health is
noticeable). Kaunas territory map of business is made 
and supervised by the park of high-technologies of 
information of Kaunas and funded by the Kaunas 
municipality as well. The aforementioned website is 
an interactive online system of the search and analysis 
of the geographic and objective information, including 
whole the areas of the performance of enterprises and 
whole enterprises of the Kaunas region (LR Ministry 
of Economy, 2007).

Table 1. Objects of the initiatives of Kaunas 

eRegion (L. Valalyt , 2008)

E-Democracy E-Business e-Infra

To strengthen 
the processes 
of democracy 
by providing 
information of the 
decision making 
processes via the 
Internet to the 
public and increase 
between decision 
makers and 

To improve 
business skills of 
the information 
between SME-
and create the 
ecosystem for 
the support of 

To create the 
that supports the 
development of 
the information 
society. It must 
be reliable, 
easily accessed, 
speedy and low 

E-Health E-Municipality E-Abilities

To improve health 
care and make it 
more cost/effective 
by utilizing ICT 
in all the levels of 
healthcare system. 

Public services 
should be 
and together 
with the private 
sector. The 
aim is the 
quality and cost 
effective service 

To make sure 
that all the 
citizens have 
skills, access 
and motivation 
in order utilize 
the services of 
society fully. 
should utilize 
whenever it is 
appropriate for 
the learning and 

According to the e-Kaunas strategic plan for the 
period of 2006 – 2015 (2006), e-Kaunas is defi ned as 

the competitive European and global world city, where 
IT usage is associated with daily actions, giving much 
bigger benefi t to the society and business.  In the end of 
the year of 2007 the idea of introduction of e-Citizen 
card in Kaunas was pronounced. This card is one part 
of e-Kaunas project. The aim of the aforementioned 
initiative is to facilitate settlements that are less than 
200-300 Lt. A. Ba ili nas (2007) notices that Kaunas 
inhabitants have had an e-Ticket for the settlements 
of public transport (initiative was completed) in the 
fi rst phase. In the second phase much wider packet of 
services is introduced i.e. more settlement functions 
are incorporated into the card. The authors of the 
project work with the Kaunas website as well, i.e. 
the internet portal about the events of Kaunas region, 
provided various services, business institutions and 
private sector, science institutions, etc. The project 
e-Kaunas includes municipality and the transfer 
of the municipality companies to the e-Space. This 
eKaunas project would get near 300 mln. Lt hopefully. 
EKaunas (ID, e-Signature; e-Commerce, e-Tickets in 
transport, theater, e-Public utilities (data of accounts, 
settlements), e-Studies book, driving license, e-Social
insurance. The competence centre of the e-Services
project of Kaunas public company “Technopolis” 
that main aim is to create the public infrastructure 
enabling the development of e-Services for the small 
and medium enterprises and public sector is between 
15 best implemented projects of the EU. 

Today, projects related with the e-Citizens concept
are implemented in Kaunas region. The creation of 
the system of electronic ticket for the public transport 
and passengers’ information. One of the project 
partners is Kaunas municipality (19 494 850.80 Lt). 
Vytautas Magnus University is implementing the 
project “Mean of information translation online” (5 
585 600.00 Lt). The aim of the project is the creation 
of means for online machine translation from English 
into Lithuanian and the exploration of the service of 
free machine translation  in the websites by invoking 
available specialists of the Lithuanian language, 
cumulating Lithuanian resources and “know-how” 
from the international hegemonic, and IT companies in 
range of machine translation. The project “The system 
of patient registration in advance” (7 350 378.00 Lt), 
despite the fact that this project is implemented by the 
public company Santari k s clinic of  the Hospital of 
Vilnius University, the main partners of the project 
are from the Kaunas region (6 partners). The main 
purpose of this project is to create the system of 
patient registration in advance, which integrates the 
separate registration system of the medical institution. 
The project “Broadband network of information 
technology of rural area RAIN” (73 676 946.15 Lt) 
is implemented in all the territory of Lithuania.  The 



main object is to provide the broadband access for all 
the rural public administration institutions, hospitals, 
laboratories, schools, museums, libraries, public 
internet access points and also for the rural residents 
and business companies. The project “E-Health 
services” (19 077 834.00 Lt) is implemented as well, 
despite the fact that this project is implemented by 
the LR Ministry of Health, one of the most important 
partners is Kaunas Clinic of Medical University in 
this initiative.

Table 2. Number and support sum of the projects 

in Kaunas region (LR Finance Ministry, 


Funding projects 269

Implementing at the 


Finished: 85
BPD support 233 962 978.18 Lt

Kaunas University of Technology is the most 
active institution in creation of e-Citizen concept
and initiatives in Kaunas region. This university 
implements the project such as “The creation of 
academic e-publishing system of Lithuania” (3 367 
000.00 Lt) that aim is the creation of e-publishing 
system of science and studies, including e-documents’ 
arrangement, storage, search and presentation to 
the users invariant manners. The aim of the next 
project “Remote learning network grounded by the 
ICT development in Lithuania” (3 508 529.00 Lt) 
is to create the infrastructure of distance studies 
and create suitable conditions for the Lithuanian 
science institutions to provide high quality distance 
studies in all Lithuanian regions by creating the 
dynamic knowledge society, reducing rural areas and 
urban exclusion. The main aim of the project “The 
creation of science, information system of studies 
and experimental implementation in Lithuania” 
(2 855 600.00 Lt) is to create LieMSIS academic 
infrastructure, which would increase the availability 
of LieMSIS services and ensure effective usage of the 
resources of science institutions. Due to the project 
“Integral education activity of the system of distance 
learning in Lithuania” (4 129 986.00 Lt), institutions 
of Lithuanian science and studies can provide 
distance learning in Lithuania’s regions. Due to the 
project “The creation of Lithuania’s virtual library 
and full text database” (3 655 900.00 Lt), the process 
of life long learning is complemented by innovative 
learning manner, Lithuania’s virtual library and 
VDDB is created too. The project “Lithuania’s 
e-documents accumulation of science and studies 
and presentment to the readers” (3 267 486.00 Lt) 
empowers organization, keeping and presentation of 

e-documents of science and studies to the academics, 
students and to the society later. “L A” implements 
the project “The elements of the computer license 
for the Lithuania’s e-Citizen” (8 538 588.00 Lt) that 
allows getting skills and abilities of the computer 
license and increase the level of computer skills. The 
aforementioned skills empower an employee to be 
competitive in the labor market and improve the access 
to the work information. This project is implemented 
in all the territory of Lithuania.  The Association of 
the Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry 
and Crafts implements the project “The development 
of basic education and career education systems, 
and creation of suitable conditions for the life long 
learning in the e-education fi eld” (2 878 658.00 Lt) 
aiming to train shape abilities of all the schoolmasters 
to use the ICT means in the education process. One of 
the successful projects is Kaunas municipality project 
“Education of computer literacy for the economically 
active citizens in Kaunas region” (525 730.00 Lt). 
The aim of this project is to fasten the processes of 
information society and to create the knowledge based 
economy in Kaunas region, to strengthen human 
resources and their integration to the labor market, and 
reduce the exclusion in Kaunas region. This project 
is the continuing of the fi nanced project of PHARE 
2001 “Kaunas e-Region: IV partnership program”/ 
subprogram e-Skills/ (European
agency of social fund, 2008). 

Summarizing all implemented initiatives that 
form and infl uence e-Citizen concept in Kaunas region, 
the conclusion can be made that many initiatives 
are designed for the development of infrastructure, 
technical preparation, development of IT skills and 
for the instrument (e-library …) creation. Those 
indicators allow upstarting the new initiatives. The 
e-Kaunas vision is being implemented in reality.  

Effect and perspectives of the e-Citizen’s 

initiatives in Kaunas region

The Kaunas region E- Region projects are the 
way for the implementation of e-Kaunas vision. 
Citizens get signifi cant benefi t – comfort, time 
saving, easy access, reduced corruption, development 
of skills. Kaunas experience could be a good example 
of practice for other regions.

Technical setting. E-Citizen’s concept 
implemented in the Kaunas region improved public 
access to the internet and paid much attention to 
the computer literacy. In order to make signifi cant 
infl uence, the aforementioned moments should 
be presented as substantial for the initiatives, but 
the created infrastructure isn’t the ultimate result. 
This infrastructure could be non-functional without 



e-Content (e-Skills, e-Services), therefore, the 
necessity is to improve and develop e-Infrastructure.  

Economic setting. E-Citizen’s initiatives 
infl uence competitiveness and investments of Kaunas 
region directly. The projects noted in this article 
were initiated by the science institutions and city 
municipality. Such a situation shows that business 
initiatives are limited but the perspective of science 
and business collaboration could be the solution. 
Growing science and technology park “Technopolis” 
is one of the perspectives for the implementation 
of this solution. The mission of “Technopolis” is to 
encourage collaboration among the higher education, 
research institutions and innovative enterprises of the 
state. This action should encourage wider business 
involvement to the creation process of e-Citizen 
concept in Kaunas region. The creation of e-Citizen card 
promotes business integration into the development 
of e-City as well. In the e-Transport sector the need 
for noticing the development of infrastructure of the 
transport information is. At the moment, the modern 
integrated system of traffi c control is being prepared 
to introduce. All aforementioned and forthcoming 
initiatives would allow citizens of Kaunas region to get 
public and business services, exchange information 
and communicate rapidly and handily; business would 
have possibility to optimize business processes and 
increase the productivity and competitiveness; state 
institutions would have possibility to provide services 
coming up the expectations of citizens.

Table 3. Perspectives of the e-Citizen‘s concept

Side effect:

Growing info exclusion;

Health problems;

Psychological problems;

Data security problems.

Expected effect:

E-Citizen’s concept set; 




e-Business e-Learning e-Health e-Government

Creative initiatives

Skills, abilities/ Empowerment


Social setting. Every new initiative infl uences 
many running processes in the society. E-Citizen 
initiative could infl uence social setting as well. The 
basic problem is the increasing rates of info exclusion 
or digital exclusion; psychology, heath (related 
with the usage of IT devices) and data protection 

In conclusion, impact of the e-Services can be 
not only positive. One negative impact is discomfort 
due to the lack of skills or technical problems, which 
are highlighted, when the vision is going to be 
implemented into reality. But good practices develop 
positive solutions to the e-Citizen’s vision. 


E-Service – all services, which easier communication •
among three institutions (government, citizens and 
business) and are required through ICT.  

eEurope•  vision creation with the help of three 
documents. In the latest strategy the convergence 
and content is accented.

Implementation of the public • e-Services in Lithuania 
and Kaunas region gets behind the EU average; 
however, it made a big progress comparing with 
previous year. KTU implements the biggest part 
of the projects related with e-Citizen’s concept.
All the initiatives could be included to the phase 
of infrastructure preparation in the Kaunas region. 
The aforementioned initiatives are the basis for 
further initiatives. 

E-Citizen initiatives perspectives: increase of •
science, business and public collaboration of 
the state with the e-Citizens initiatives; further 
development of existing infrastructure. 


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The article has been reviewed.

Received in March, 2008; accepted in April, 