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Marian Oliński 

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn 


This article presents the problems of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises. Small and 
medium enterprises meet a lot of useful functions in each market economy. Dynamic development of this 
sector has a considerable influence on the growth of the whole economy. Enabling this growth requires 
applying efficient instruments in economic policy as well as in certain regions policies. Nevertheless public 
aid directed to the small and medium-sized enterprises has to meet the law requirements and should 
characterize the suitable level of efficiency. So apart from showing the scale and level of support also the 
efficiency of support were shown. 


Small and medium-sized enterprises, public aid


Peculiarities of small and medium-sized 
enterprises (SMEs) cause that (independently from the 
economic system), there are facing a lot of barriers 
which slow its development, often unknown to the 
bigger companies. These barriers include a lot of 
different areas. In economic discussions and articles 
about SMEs, barriers are divided in different ways 
(for examples very often are conspicuous: market and 
social barriers, financial, law, information, connected 
with infrastructure and economic policy and so on).    

On the other hand, small and medium-sized 
enterprises sector plays a significant role in any 
market economy. Therefore, business promotion 
policy has to consider this kind of enterprises. 
Promotion strategies have to be developed based on 
the weaknesses and strengths of Polish SMEs. A 
concept of business promotion by central government, 
voivodships, counties, towns must adapt to the 
economic conditions of the SMEs (OLIŃSKI 2003, p. 

It should be emphasized that every developed 
country runs active economic policy towards small 
and medium enterprises from many years. In Poland 
the authority to grant the public aid has almost 3 
thousand different kind of institution. Most of them 
are community institutions. It is important to mention 
that the development programme should guarantee the 
aid, not care. Besides, building the effective system of 
support it should be characterized by simplicity and 
concreteness (lack of inordinate enlargement of 
structure and doubling the tasks).     

The main objective of the article is the attempt to 
describe the role of public aid in the process of 
supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises. In 
the article the scale of public aid were shown and also 
the estimates of support.  

The main task has to be solved in this article is 
how to estimate the profitability of using the public 
aid – what is the main problem of central and local 

The Public aid in the process of supporting 
the development of small and medium 

In the specific meaning the public aid contains 
only the domestic funds. According to this rule it 
doesn’t contain the structural funds, though it could be 
consider as a form of public support. Besides the 
domestic aid and structural funds added together 
decides about intensity of public support for the 
enterprises (Misiąg 2005, p. 9). Besides as it 
mentioned above the law of public aid granted in 
Poland is very strictly connected with European Law, 
since the Polish accession to European Union it has to 
apply the European Law.  The criteria of qualifying 
the specific means to the public aid contain the 87 
article in the Treaty of European Union. According to 
this article the support for the enterprises falls within 
the regulations of public aid, however few conditions 
must be fulfilled: 

• it is distributed from the public funds or from 
the State; 

• it has the selective character (the privilege of 
specific trade articles or specific enterprises); 



• threatens the competition or influence the 
trade between European Union countries 
Urz. WE L 83 z 27.03.1999 r., str. 1-9). 

In the present moment, there are a lot of 
discussions about the specific conditions of public aid 
system going on the high level of authorities. The 
public aid should be aimed towards increase of 
competitiveness, particularly in the group of small and 
medium-sized enterprises. The public aid directed 
towards big companies is ineffective and will be 
diminished. The chairman confirms this direction 
publicly “Our country will gradually diminish the 
amount of public aid towards big-sized companies and 
aim them towards small and medium-sized 
enterprises. These activities are considered to be the 
way of increasing the competitiveness and innovation 
of this kind of enterprises” (KAMIŃSKI, POGAŃSKI 
2004, p.3). 

In the area of economic policy of European 
Union, the most often division of public aid is division 
on three basic categories: 

• sector aid, 
• regional aid, 
• horizontal aid. 
The sectoral aid is connected with 

restructurization the specific branches of economy 
such as mining, steelworks, shipbuilding industry etc. 
and also single companies. It concerns the mitigation 
of social effects of the restructurization. This aid is 
often surveyed with great attention and it is allowed 
only if it is possibility of diminishing the production 

The regional aid is connected with diminishing 
the regional differences in development. In the 
European Union the delayed region is region with 
gross domestic product less than 75% of European 
average. The basic condition of this kind of aid is 
submission by beneficiary the application form before 
conducting the labor under specific project.  

The horizontal aid is connected with realization 
of specific goals. Differently from the regional aid the 
area doesn’t matter. Also differently from the sectoral 
aid the branches doesn’t matter. The most important 
ways of support in the sphere of horizontal aid are 
trade subsidies, the aid in supporting the creation of 
new places of work, the innovation work, the 
development of research and development sphere, and 
also the support of small and medium-sized 

The directions from European Union countries 
are based on the conviction that public aid should be 
realized horizontally or regional because this kind of 
aid will allow better stability of development 
(SURDEJ 2000, p. 23). The small and medium-sized 
enterprises are considered to be the main factor 

influencing the long term development and that’s why 
their support is taken as a horizontal aid. 


The scope and intensity of support of small 
and medium-sized enterprises in Poland 

As it mentioned above one of the most common 
division of public aid is division into three spheres: 
sectoral, horizontal and regional. The structure of aid 
changes throughout the years very rapidly (picture1). 

24,2 30,1 24,1 17,9


32 28,8

73,5 64,4

31,9 33,6


50,5 49,9

1,3 3,7

3,4 4,6

2,7 9,7

1 1,8

40,6 43,9
16,6 7,8








1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004** 2005**

sectoral horizontal regional others

* for example public aid suuporting export development, 
social aid,  ** transport aid excluded 
Picture 1. Appropriation of public aid 
Source: Own study based on Reports on State 
Aid in Poland Granted to Entrepreneurs in 1999, 
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, Office for 
Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), 

Initially in the years 1999-2000 the biggest 
support was granted in the sphere of horizontal aid. So 
it was allocated in protection of environment, the 
maintenance of employment, research and 
development, support of small and medium-sized 
enterprises, restructurization. In the year 2003 the 
biggest amount of resources was directed towards 
sectoral aid, which totally achieved the level of 71%. 
In the next years 2004 and 2005 the biggest support 
was again mostly directed towards horizontal aid. 

The value of horizontal aid in the year 2005 was 
lower by about 2 632, 8 mln PLN than aid distributed 
in the year before. Mainly because of almost complete 
lack of aid directed on restructurization. The value of 
the aid given in the year 2005 total 1 048,5 mln PLN 
(28,8% of general value of the aid), 82,4% of that was 
distributed into restructurization of mining industry 
(863,8 mln PLN). In the year 2005 there wasn’t any 
aid directed towards steelworks industries and also for 
the motor companies.  

The regional aid represents 21,0% of total aid, 
most of that exactly 664,5 mln PLN was conducted 
for the support of new investments. 

The value of the aid, which wasn’t qualified to 
any group total 12,4 mln PLN and mainly it was aid 
about social characteristics directed towards 
individual consumers – 9,2 mln PLN was divided into 
subject subvention to the school and university books. 



0,6 6,17















w  %

support for SME share in total aid

Picture 2. SMEs support -in million PLN- and 
share in total aid in 1999-2004 
Source: Own study based on Reports on State 
Aid in Poland Granted to Entrepreneurs in 1999, 
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, Office for 
Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), 

Also the support of small and medium-sized 
enterprises changes throughout the last few years. 
Since 1999 until 2002 the value of the aid has grown 
very fast and in the year 2003 has stopped and 
achieved the level of the year before, and in the year 
2004 has fallen down to 50% of its initial value. The 
support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the 
year 2004 total 67,5 mln PLN and it was much 
smaller than in the years before (146,6 mln PLN in the 
year 2003, 136,6 mln PLN in the year 2002 and 304,6 
mln PLN in the year 2005). In the year 1999 didn’t 
take any part in the horizontal aid, in the year 2000 
total 4% of horizontal aid, and in 2005 almost 17%. 
So the progress was impressive.  

In the year 2005 similar to 2004 about 59% of 
total aid was directed into big companies. The high 
level of support for these kind of enterprises is the 
result of high individual support for those who 
benefited the public aid. If we analyze the amount of 
beneficent according to its size, only 7% of this 
amount represents the big-sized companies. The other 
beneficiary small and medium-sized enterprises 
represent the rest of the enterprises.  

In the area of support of small and medium-sized 
enterprises it is worth mention the impressive growth 
of value in the year 2005 – 304,1 mln PLN comparing 
to the 67,5 mln PLN in the year 2004. It is result of 
much bigger aid from the Polish Agency for 
Enterprise Development (PARP) – 260,1 mln PLN 
(table 1). The aid was given mainly from the support 
programme called the support of investments in small 
and medium-sized enterprises which has the residence 
on the Polish ground. The total amount of the funds 
was 237,5 mln PLN. Programme was the part of 
sectoral Programme – The Growth of Enterprise 
Competitiveness. The Programme of support of small 
and medium-sized enterprises also is realized by the 
regional marshals. In the Integrated Operational 
Programme of Regional Development for the years 
2004-2006, the Programme for the support of 

investments in small and medium-sized enterprises 
was prepared. In the year 2005 total amount of 22,1 
mln PLN was shared into enterprises.  

The table 1 shows that most important form of 
the public aid directed into small and medium-sized 
enterprises are subsidies.  

The most important bodies which decide about 
destiny of the funds are the chairman of Polish 
Agency for Enterprise Development, marshals of the 
regions and also the regional financial institutions. 
These institutions respond for 96% of aid given to the 
sector of small and medium-sized enterprises. Its role 
in the area of the distribution the funds and the 
amount of the aid are very important. These 
institutions are strictly connected. The regional 
financial institutions are part of National Service 
System, which was established by Polish Agency for 
Enterprise Development in the year 1995 due to the 
realization of Programme PHARE 1995 –STEP I. 

Table 1.Public aid appropriating on 
development small and medium-sized 
enterprises in Poland in 2005 

Supporting institution  
Worth of 
(mln PLN) 

category of 

Chairman of  PARP 260,1 subsidies 
Marshals 22,1 subsidies 
Financial Regional 
Institutions  12,1 subsidies 

Minister of the 
Treasury 6,2 

selling of 
public property 

City presidents, Towns 
Chiefs officer of a 
group of villages 

3,2 remission of tax arrears 

fiscal offices and 
customs 0,8 

remission of tax 

Chairman of National 
Fund for Environment 
Protection and Water 

0,1 preferential loans 

Suma 304,6 
Source: Report on State Aid in Poland Granted to 
Entrepreneurs in 2005, Office for Competition 
and Consumer Protection (UOKiK), Warsaw  
2006, p. 24–25. 
The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 

coordinates The National Service System and also 
support them in the sphere of organization the 
participants of network.  

The estimation of profitability of using the 
public funds in the small and medium-sized 

The effectiveness and profitability of using the 
public funds in the small and medium-sized 



enterprises often base on the opinion of interested 
enterprises. The opinions of entrepreneurs could be 
consider as a valuable source, because they know very 
well their own businesses and can monitor them all 
the time. So they can check the influence of support 
they get. The opinions are very valuable and worth 
further analysis. Of course they have the dose of 
subjectiveness. The opinions show the small effect of 
support caused by the complicated procedures and 
also show the problem of the proper clearance from 
the given aid. From the other hand the positive 
evaluation of the given aid could not be connected 
with its effectiveness of the profitability of the 
enterprise. There are many factors which could 
influence the effectiveness of the enterprise such as 
prosperity in the specific branches, which leads to 
better profitability of the enterprise. So the public aid 
is only one of the factor which influences the 
profitability of the company.    

That’s why a very important role plays different 
activities aimed to objectiveness the effect of public 
aid given to the small and medium-sized enterprises. 
The example of such activities could be a enforcement 
of describing the product indicators (direct effect of 
the public aid measured by the specific indicators for 
example the number of services given to the 
enterprises) or by the result indicators (direct 
influence of the investments given to the social and 
economical surrounding after the realization of the 
project, for example the number of the enterprises 
which benefited from the services; measured every 
year or after the realization of the project. If we take 
into consideration the cautiousness in the evaluation 
of the effect of public aid one of the better ways is 
evaluation of the profitability of using the public 
funds. Besides in many cases the public aid could be 
considered as a quasi-investment. For example we 
could check if the public aid effects in growth of 
enterprises income and so the companies gives more 
money to the National budget due to the higher 

If we analyze the effectiveness of the public aid 
we can use the financial indicators often used in the 
economical analysis (for example in the indicator 
analysis we could use the financial indicator such as 
quick test, the profitability indicators and so on).  So 
the ways of measuring the effectiveness of the public 
aid can be numerous. It is worth mention that local 
and regional authorities could force the beneficiary to 
show the data and information about the enterprise 
(when the enterprise doesn’t fulfill its duty the 
authorities could force them to giving back the aid or 
put financial penalty), so the evaluation of 
effectiveness could be conduct very easily due to the 
lack of information barriers.   



Nowadays the significant part of well developed 
economies could be described as “mixed economies”. 
It means that even if the private companies are 
dominant, some kinds of activities are run by public 
subjects. Apart from the private and public structure, 
also important role plays the State by law agreement, 
the describing the directions of politics, the 
institutional solutions, and the support instrument 
which influence the behavior of small and medium-
sized enterprises etc. One of the kind of instruments 
which directly influence the functioning of the private 
enterprises is public aid. As it mentioned above, there 
are no direct connection between the role of the small 
and medium-sized enterprises and its share in the 
public aid. The common opinion which emphasizes 
the limited aid influence on the enterprises 
profitability doesn’t mean that it should be used with 
better effect. The most often description of the public 
aid is define as a activity caused advantages in the 
enterprises and also liability in the State budget. But 
we have to look into public aid more commercially. It 
is just attitude in the area of giving aid to the small 
and medium enterprises. So the advantages and 
disadvantages should take place only in short terms of 
time. In the long term of time the advantages should 
be mutual, and public aid should be considered as 
long term investments benefit both sides enterprise 
and State. The public aid is definitely an economic 
category and it should not be considered without 
separation from market reality.  


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Wydawnictwa Profesjonalne.  

Misiąg F. (red.) (2005), Pomoc publiczna dla małych i 
średnich przedsiębiorstw. Mity i rzeczywistość - 
Warszawa, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne. 

Oliński M. (2003), Adjustment of polish small and 
medium enterprises to operate under conditions 
of european integration, in: Friedrich P., 
Tkaczynski J.W. (red.)  Business promotion 
activities in Poland and Germany - Toruń, 
TNOiK, 69 p.   

Reports on State Aid in Poland Granted to 
Entrepreneurs in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 
2004, 2005, Warsaw, Office for Competition and 
Consumer Protection (UOKiK),  

Surdej A. (2000), Polityka państwa wobec sektora 
małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw we Włoszech - 
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