European Integration studies 2008.indd 140 ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2008. No 2 REVIEW on the second edition of the Attilio Stajano book RESEARCH, QUALITY, COMPETITIVENESS: European Union Technology Policy for the Knowledge Society Springer, 2008 In contemporary stage of European integration the topic of the book comes “just in time”. Looking from outside the topic seems multidisciplinary. It is great value of the book. After reading the book it becomes evident that delivery of ideas is essential interdisciplinary. It is next great value for the book about European integration. Integration is a complicated process, therefore request retrospective analysis. The book deals with origins of the European Union and evolution from the Treaty of Rome to the Treaty of Lisbon. Enlargement has been taken into consideration in the book as well. After studies of the fi rst part of the book the reader is involved into most sophisticated analysis of Europe’s sustainability in the dramatically competing world. Competitiveness of the European Union is analyzed step by step in the book. From overview of member states geopolitical situation other factors of competitiveness has been identifi ed and discussed. Emerging economies as well as enlargement countries have been disemboweled. The statement: The European Union is successful in some high-tech industrial sectors and can compete in mature, quality-based markets, but it ranks behind the US in terms of R&D investments and patent registrations in the end of eight chapter invites the reader to look after what should be done. Further author gives the answer to the previous remark: Finland and Sweden are investing in research more than any other Union country (and more than the average of the US) and in this way they are laying the ground for long-term prosperity. The issues discussed in the book are laid down constructively and consecutively. Third part of the book throws the seriously prepared reader into the jungles of Knowledge based economy and donates him the vision of Knowledge based Society. Objectives and Results of the Research as well as Institutions and Research programmes are analyzed. The vision of European Institute of technology is described. It is diffi cult not to agree that Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Competitiveness are the main factors for success of European Union in the World economies being developed towards Knowledge based society. Summarizing the values of the book which are not mentioned yet it is important to say the book is great for the European integration studies, written consecutively, understandably and interesting. The data given in the book are fresh and refl ects the text supportively. I hope, the book will become the table-book for everybody - politician, clerk, teacher and student – who are interested in the complicated topic of European Integration. Jean Monnet professor Krisciunas Kestutis, Doctor Habilitus, professor, Director of the Institute of Europe of Kaunas University of Technology