European Integration studies 2008.indd 141 ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2008. No 2 Information about the article’s authors ANOHINA Alla, in Computer Systems since 2007, lecturer. Her main research fi elds are intelligent tutoring systems, computer-assisted assessment systems and artifi cial intelligence. She has seven years’ experience of teaching in the fi eld of computer science. She has participated in several research projects related with the development of educational software. Riga Technical University, phone +371 67089595, e-mail: alla. BAVRINA Ludmila Mg.phil., senior lecturer; Baltic International Academy (Latvia); Pedagogical and andragogical issues in higher education, pedagogical professional competence, ESP curriculum design; Phone:+371-2-26585834; E-mail: BERLIN Alexandre, Ph. D., Honorary Director, European Commission; E-mail: ČIBURIENĖ Jadvyga Dr., Assoc. Prof. of social sciences (economics), Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Economics and Management, phone: +370 37 30 05 76, e-mail: DAUGĖLIENĖ Rasa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. of Social sciences (management and administration), Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; e. mail:; phone: +370 37 30 01 39 GAWLIKOWSKA-HUECKEL Krystyna, Professor, University of Gdańsk, The Faculty of Economics; GREBLIKAITĖ Jolita, PhD student of social sciences Institute of Europe, Kaunas University of Technology; tel. +370 37 300139, e-mail GRUNDSPENKIS Janis, since 1993, professor of Computer Science. He is the dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, the director of the Institute of Applied Computer Systems and the head of the Department of Systems Theory and Design. His research interests are agent technologies, knowledge engineering and management, and structural modelling. He participated in 2 projects within FP 5 and FP 6, managed several projects funded by Latvian Ministry of Education and Science and ESF, as well as he was a coordinator from Latvia in SOCRATES/ ERASMUS projects MOCURIS, ECET and DEC, Leonardo da Vinci project SocSimNet. Riga Technical University, phone +371 67089581, e-mail: janis. GUŠČINSKIENĖ Jūratė, Dr., Assoc. Prof. of social sciences (sociology), Kaunas University of Technology, Faculty of Social sciences, phone: +370 37 30 01 44; e-mail JUNEVIČIUS Algis, Dr., assoc. Prof., Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; Kęstučio str. 8, Kaunas; E-mail:; Phone: (+370) 37-225216 KERAS Antanas, Dr., assoc. prof. Science fi eld – development of the Information society. Mykolas Romeris university. Tel. +370 5 27 14 571. Email: KERAS Valerijus, dr., assoc. prof. Science fi eld – comparative scientology; development of scientifi c technical programmes. Mykolas Romeris university. Tel. +370 37 300 476 KERŠYTĖ Jurgita, PhD student of social sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe, +370 37 300140, KRIŠČIŪNAS Kęstutis Prof. Habil Dr. of technical sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; +370 37 30 01 37, e-mail KVEDARAVIČIŪTĖ Inga, Master degree student; Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; E-mail: 142 ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2008. No 2 LAVENDELS Jurijs, in Technical Cybernetics since 1987, associated professor of Computer Science. He has 7-years experience in post-graduate education of secondary school’s teachers in informatics and he is a methodical leader of several ongoing projects supported by European Social Fund and European Community. Riga Technical University, phone +371 67089575, e-mail LIUTKUS Egidijus, Master degree student; Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; E-mail: MICKEVIČIENĖ Monika, PhD student of social sciences Institute of Europe, Kaunas University of Technology; tel. +370 37 300139, Indicating science fi eld and direction: assessment of competitiveness of organization in EU Single market. Institution e-mail monika.mickevičienė PAUŽAITĖ Živilė PhD student of social sciences Institute of Europe, Kaunas University of Technology; tel. +370 37 225216, e-mail PILSUMA Vita, Ph. Stud. in economics, Latvijas Banka, +371 6702 2319, RIEKAŠIUS Remigijus, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Klaipėda University, phone: +370 686 24780, E-mail: remigijus. SITIKOVS Vjaceslavs, in Technical Cybernetics since 1982, associated professor of Computer Science. He is an experienced computer science teacher and a specialist in Project Management. He has the grade of Project Management Professional (PMP) awarded by Project Management Institute (PMI). He managed a couple of large-scale international projects of software development and implementation. He is the member of EUROSCIENCE, EDEN, the expert of European Social Fund in Latvia, and Project Manager of several ongoing projects supported by European Social Fund and European Community. Riga Technical University, phone +371 67089583, e-mail SKURCZYŃSKI Marcin, Ph. D. in economics, specialization in relationship marketing and market research at University of Gdansk, Institute of International Business; tel. +48 (58) 523 13 84, e-mail: marcin.skurczynski@ STUMBRAITĖ Edita, PhD student of social sciences (public administration); Mykolas Romeris University, phone: +370 687 22834, E-mail: SVARINSKIS Leonārs, Dr. oec., prof., Rēzeknes Augstskola, +371 6462 3709, TIMOSHTCHENKO Julia,, assistant professor, Baltic International Academy (Latvia); ICT use and design in educational practice; Phone:+371-67100242 ; E-mail: UMINSKI Stanislaw, PhD., research Centre on European Integration, University of Gransk, Poland. E-mail: VALALYTĖ Ligita, Master student in European studies, Kaunas university of Technology, Institute of Europe, Phone +370 686 50788, E-mail: VINOGRADOVA Viktorija, in Computer Systems since 2003, currently doctoral student. Her doctoral thesis topic covers use of Knowledge Management tools in curriculum management. In 2006 she participated in RTU “Computer Systems” curriculum audit performed in the QUESTE project. She is a project manager assistant of several ongoing projects supported by European Social Fund and European Community. Riga Technical University, phone +371 67089559, e-mail ŽITKUS Leonas, Dr., assoc. Prof., Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe; Kęstučio str. 8, Kaunas; Indicating science fi eld and direction: assessment of European integration consequences, European dimensions of management. Institution: Kaunas University of Technology, Institute of Europe. Phone: +370 37 300138 E-mail: