European Integration studies 2008.indd 143 ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2008. No 2 Requirements’ for the preparation of the article 1. General requirements Show, who and how has analyzed the scientifi c problem of the article in native country as well as 1. in foreign (name of the author, year), so grounding the scientifi c problem of the article in the introduction. At the end of the article has to be literature list (no less 25). All the sources of the list have to be 2. referenced in the article, indicating the family names of the authors and the publication year, e.g. (Molle, 2006). The literature sources of the article must include as much as possible ISI ( 3. cited journals (normally, no less than 20 articles). The 4. structure of the article should be as follows: Title of the article • Full fi rst name of the author and the family name • Author’s working place • Abstract of the article (about 3000 characters) • Keywords • Introduction, indicating the • article’s scientifi c problem, novelty, aim, tasks, object, research methods Text of the article • Conclusions • List of references • Presenting an article, the following data about the author has to be added separately: 5. Name, fi rst name, working place and it’s address • Academic degree and name, indicating science fi eld and direction, phone, E-mail • Spheres and subjects of academic interests • Other supplementary information added as a free choice of the author.• 2. Requirements for the preparation of an electronic form of an article to European Integration Studies ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES (Times New Roman, 12 pt, Bold) >14 pt TITLE (Times New Roman, 14 pt, Bold) >14 pt Name Surname (Times New Roman, 14 pt, Bold) >12 pt Name of author’s university (Times New Roman, 14 pt, Italic) >14 pt Abstract (Times New Roman, 11 pt, Bold) 6 pt The author presents a 5-6 pages long article (e-version) to the editors-in-chief. Software requirements ISSN 1822-8402 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION STUDIES. 2008. No 2 >6 pt Articles should be prepared by means of Microsoft Windows 98 or later operational system and Microsoft Word 2000 word processor. >12 pt Page format >6 pt Text of an article should be laid out on A4 format (210 x 297 mm) page with the following margins set: top – 200 mm, bottom – 200 mm, left– 200 mm. and right – 100 mm. Requirements for the preparation of an electronic form of an article journal (First line 0,5 cm) >12 pt Information layout and editing in the article >6 pt At the beginning of the article the following information should be presented in separate paragraphs: title, authors’ names, working place without splitting the text into columns. The main text of the article should be arranged in two columns with 5 mm spacing between them and in single line spacing. A reference list in alphabetical order should be given at the end of the text. >12 pt References (11 pt, Bold) >6 pt Molle, W. The Economics of European Integration: Theory, Practice, Policy. 5th ed. Ashgate Publishing Lim- ited, 2006. Baldwin, J.R. A Firm-Based Approach to Industry Classifi cation: Identifying the Knowledge-Based Economy / Baldwin, J.R., Gellatly, G. // Doing Business in the Knowledge-Based Economy / Ed. L.A. Lefebvre, E. Lefebvre, P. Mohnen. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2001. P. 199-238. Castles. S. The Age of Migration / Casltes, S, Miller, M. 3rd ed. New York: The Guilfard Press, 2003. Moguerou, Ph. The Brain Drain of Ph.D.s from Europe to the United States: What We Know and What We would Like to Know. European University Institute. 2006. 41 p. On line paper: bitstream/1814/4286/1/RSCAS+2006.11.pdf >12 pt About the authors: SURNAME Name, Academic degree and name, indicating science fi eld and direction; Institution, phone, E-mail (11 pt)