item: #1 of 32 id: ejge-4274 author: Studinger, Philipp; Bauer, Michael W. title: Regional demands for policy participation in the EU multilevel system date: 2012-06-30 words: 10231 flesch: 39 summary: By comparing the preference patterns for regional policy competences to what we deem would be the objective functional policy allocation, we are able to assess whether or not there is a correlation. The table shows the mean value of the desired number of policies for regional policy competences. keywords: 1(1; administration; administrators; alesina; allocation; ambitions; analysis; approach; areas; authorities; authority; bureaucrats; career; central; coalition; codetermination; competences; context; countries; country; crats; cultural; data; demands; dependent; desire; different; economics; efficient; elites; employment; european; european journal; explanatory; factors; favour; federalism; fiscal; functional; functionality; general; governance; government; greater; hand; high; hooghe; identity; individual; institutional; integration; interviewees; involvement; journal; level; level subnational; line; marks; model; multilevel; number; opportunity; opposition; order; paper; participation; particular; party; policies; policy; policy competences; policy participation; political; politics; population; positive; preferences; press; public; regional; regional government; regional level; regional policy; regions; regulation; research; respect; sample; second; security; significant; situation; social; stateless; states; studies; study; subnational; survey; system; table; union; university; utility; van; variable; variance cache: ejge-4274.pdf plain text: ejge-4274.txt item: #2 of 32 id: ejge-4275 author: Buts, Caroline; Jegers, Marc; Jottier, Dimi title: The effect of subsidising firms on voting behaviour: Evidence from Flemish elections date: 2012-06-30 words: 7805 flesch: 53 summary: Instead of higher subsidies leading to better election outcome, one could argue that more subsidies are awarded to regions where incumbent support was rather low in the past. Throughout the four estimations, we find that there is a significant positive relationship between subsidies and the vote share in 2009, meaning that cantons that receive high subsidies the year previous to the elections reward incumbent 9 Including a dummy variable for cantons containing one of the five province capitals does not alter results significantly. keywords: 1(1; accountability; aid; analysis; barrel; behaviour; cantons; capita; change; condition; control; dewatripont; different; economic; effect; effort; elections; electoral; european; evidence; firms; flemish; following; general; government; high; higher; impact; important; incumbent; incumbent parties; influence; johnston; journal; kind; level; life; likely; literature; local; look; measures; mechanism; national; order; outcome; paper; parties; performance; policy; political; politicians; politics; pork; public; r&d; region; relationship; research; resources; results; review; seabright; second; share; significant; small; smaller; socio; specific; spending; state; studies; subsidies; subsidy; support; time; union; variable; vote; voters; voting; way cache: ejge-4275.pdf plain text: ejge-4275.txt item: #3 of 32 id: ejge-4276 author: Hughes Hallett, Andrew; Kuhn, Moritz; Warmedinger, Thomas title: The gains from early intervention in Europe: Fiscal surveillance and fiscal planning using cash data date: 2012-06-30 words: 10500 flesch: 64 summary: Change in the fiscal impulse of the German in reaction to a additive constant and constant slope revision of the original SP plan to meet the debt target in 2005 2002 2003 2004 2005 Deficit planned -2.00% -1.00% 0.0% 0.0% Additive constant -2.82% -0.75% 0.25% 0.25% Constant slope -2.82% -1.46% -0.10% 1.26% Fiscal impulse Additive constant +0.82% -0.25% -0.25% -0.25% Constant slope +0.82% +0.46% Deficit -0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% GDP growth 4.76% 4.85% 4.54% 4.54% Debt 103.12% 98.35% 94.07% 89.78% Deficit and growth rates are taken from the plan submitted by the government. keywords: 1(1; additive; additive constant; adjustment; andrew; annual; approach; budget; calculations; case; cash; changes; commission; constant; constant slope; corrections; credibility; cuts; data; debt; debt ratio; debt target; deficit; deficit plan; deviation; different; early; early interventions; economics; end; european; european journal; figure; fiscal; forecast; gains; gdp; germany; government; government deficit; growth; hallett; hughes; impulse; interest; interventions; italian; italy; journal; large; line; measures; necessary; need; new; nominal; numbers; original; paper; payments; period; plan; planned; policies; policy; rates; ratio; real; respect; revision; r∆d; series; slippage; slope; sp plan; spending; table; target; time; use; year cache: ejge-4276.pdf plain text: ejge-4276.txt item: #4 of 32 id: ejge-4277 author: Ben Arfa, Nabil title: Sources of economic fuctuations in France: A structural VAR model date: 2012-06-30 words: 6764 flesch: 54 summary: Impulse response functions of the growth rate -.006 -.004 -.002 .000 .002 .004 .006 .008 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the growth rate to external shock -.006 -.004 -.002 .000 .002 .004 .006 .008 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the growth rate to supply shock -.006 -.004 -.002 .000 .002 .004 .006 .008 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the growth rate to real demand shock -.006 -.004 -.002 .000 .002 .004 .006 .008 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the growth rate to nominal demand shock -.0002 .0000 .0002 .0004 .0006 .0008 .0010 .0012 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response ot the growth rate to oil price shock Indeed, as it was predicted by economic theory, a positive supply shock involves an improvement of the activity level, this improvement remains rather bearable in long-term. Impulse response functions of the foreign exchange rate -.015 -.010 -.005 .000 .005 .010 .015 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the foreign exchange rate to oil price shock -.015 -.010 -.005 .000 .005 .010 .015 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the foreign exchange rate to external shock -.015 -.010 -.005 .000 .005 .010 .015 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the foreign exchange rate to supply shock -.015 -.010 -.005 .000 .005 .010 .015 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the foreign exchange rate to real demand shock -.015 -.010 -.005 .000 .005 .010 .015 5 10 15 20 25 30 Response of the foreign exchange rate to nominal demand shock European Journal of Government and Economics 1(1) 81 Table 6. keywords: -.004; 1(1; activity; balance; business; cointegration; constraints; contribution; cycle; decomposition; demand; demand shock; economic; economy; effect; european; european journal; exchange; exchange rate; external; external shock; fluctuations; foreign; french; functions; government; growth; growth rate; impulse; journal; level; long; matrix; model; nominal; nominal demand; oil; oil price; price; price shock; rate; real; real business; real demand; response; results; run; shock; structural; supply; supply shock; table; term; test; theoretical; theory; trade; var; var model; variables; variance; vector cache: ejge-4277.pdf plain text: ejge-4277.txt item: #5 of 32 id: ejge-4278 author: Cancelo, Jose Ramon title: Cyclical synchronization in the EMU along the financial crisis: An interpretation of the conflicting signals date: 2012-06-30 words: 6827 flesch: 49 summary: JEL classification E32; F42; F44 Keywords international business cycles; euro area; cyclical convergence; asymmetric responses * Address for correspondence: After this introduction, Section 2 reviews the literature on currency areas, to make clear why cyclical synchronization is so important for a monetary union, and to highlight the factors that strengthen the convergence of the national cycles of its members. keywords: 1(1; aggregate; area cycle; area synchronization; asymmetric; bivariate; business; changes; commission; common; comovements; convergence; correlations; countries; crisis; currency; currency area; current; cycle; cyclical; cyclical correlations; cyclical synchronization; data; divergence; economics; empirical; emu; euro area; european; european journal; european union; figure; financial; fiscal; gdp; general; government; greece; higher; integration; intensity; international; intra; ireland; journal; market; mean; member; monetary; national; output; period; phase; policies; policy; private; recent; rest; rolling; sample; shocks; states; synchronization; time; trade; union; window; world; years cache: ejge-4278.pdf plain text: ejge-4278.txt item: #6 of 32 id: ejge-4279 author: Varela, Diego; Benedetto, Giacomo; Sanchez-Santos, Jose Manuel title: Editorial statement: The first year of the European Journal of Government and Economics date: 2012-12-31 words: 1063 flesch: 47 summary: The DOAJ itself is not only open access, but nor does it charge indexed journals or publishers. A particularity of this index, as its name indicates, is that it only lists journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. keywords: access; authors; economics; editorial; european; government; index; journal; papers; political; publication; readers; science; statement; technical; university; waiting; year cache: ejge-4279.pdf plain text: ejge-4279.txt item: #7 of 32 id: ejge-4280 author: Helland, Leif; Hovi, Jon; Monkerud, Lars title: Can exit prizes induce lame ducks to shirk less? Experimental evidence date: 2012-12-31 words: 9867 flesch: 52 summary: These results make it evident that position C subjects behave differently in the prize and no-prize treatments. We find that a significantly higher number of outgoing subjects contribute in the treatment with exit prizes than in the baseline treatment without exit prizes. keywords: 1(2; automatons; average; award; behavior; choice; concerns; condition; contribute; contribution; cooperative; decisions; design; deviation; differences; dit; ducks; economics; effect; efficiency; electoral; equilibrium; ernst; european; evidence; exchange; exit; experimental; fehr; figure; final; focal; game; generations; gift; goods; government; grim; group; hypothesis; impact; incentive; journal; lame; legislative; levels; model; nets; number; observations; olg; outgoing; overlapping; path; payoffs; percentage; period; player; point; political; position; previous; prize; prize treatment; public; punishment; representatives; results; review; second; shepsle; shirking; significant; single; stage; strategies; strategy; subjects; table; tests; total; treatment; trigger; university; use; value; vote; voting; yes cache: ejge-4280.pdf plain text: ejge-4280.txt item: #8 of 32 id: ejge-4281 author: Fiorino, Nadia; Galli, Emma; Petrarca, Ilaria title: Corruption and Growth: Evidence from the Italian regions date: 2012-12-31 words: 7813 flesch: 48 summary: Corruption alters the composition of government expenditures towards less productive activities and thus the greater the government expenditures the greater the negative effects of corruption (Mauro, 1998, Tanzi and Davoodi, 1998; Gupta et al., 2001). We re-address this issue for a more recent period of the Italian history (1980-2004) characterised by high variability in both growth rates and corruption crimes. keywords: 1(2; associative; attainment; bias; capital; coefficients; cor+ascr_f; cor_f; corruption; corruption crimes; country; crimes; criminal; current; data; dependent; different; diffusion; dynamic; economic; economic growth; economics 1(2; economy; effect; empirical; equation; estimates; estimation; european; european journal; expenditure; force; gdp; gdp growth; gini; gmm; government; growth; impact; income; index; institutional; investments; italian; italian regions; italy; journal; lagged; level; linear; literature; low; mauro; measure; model; negative; newspapers; number; observations; panel; period; political; population; positive; potential; productive; prosecutions; public; quality; regional; regions; relationship; results; robust; role; school; share; significant; size; social; statistics; step; system; t-1; table; time; total; university; use; values; variables; voters; years cache: ejge-4281.pdf plain text: ejge-4281.txt item: #9 of 32 id: ejge-4284 author: Lodge, David; Rodriguez-Vives, Marta title: How long can austerity persist? The factors that sustain fiscal consolidations date: 2013-06-29 words: 10100 flesch: 41 summary: However, they also find that a) positive large output gaps increases the likelihood of starting fiscal consolidations, although they reduce the chances of success, and b) that fiscal consolidation is likely to start when the domestic economy is doing well compared to other economies. The factors that sustain fiscal consolidations David Lodge, European Central Bank Marta Rodríguez-Vives, European Central Bank Abstract To put public debt on a sustainable path, many governments face the task of enacting large fiscal consolidation followed by years of sustained primary surpluses. keywords: account; adjustment; alesina; analysis; approach; austerity; balance; bond; budget; burden; capb; change; column; composition; conditions; consolidation; countries; credit; crisis; current; debt; deficit; definition; different; duration; e.g.; economic; economies; effects; efforts; episode; estimates; european; evidence; exchange; expenditure; factors; financial; fiscal; fiscal consolidation; function; gdp; government; granados; greece; growth; hagen; hazard; high; imf; important; initial; interest; international; ireland; journal; large; length; literature; lodge; long; longer; macroeconomic; measures; model; monetary; mulas; number; oecd; output; paper; past; period; policy; primary; private; probability; rate; real; results; revenue; rodríguez; role; rules; sample; sector; significant; studies; success; table; term; variables; vives; von; weibull; working; years; yields cache: ejge-4284.pdf plain text: ejge-4284.txt item: #10 of 32 id: ejge-4286 author: Pajala, Antti title: Government vs opposition voting in the Finnish parliament Eduskunta since World War II date: 2013-06-29 words: 9438 flesch: 61 summary: With respect to plenary voting opposition parties can act in two ways: vote more frequently with the government or against it. However, as plenary votes are mostly a product of opposition activity and opposition parties support their own initiatives, intuitively it should be the case that opposition parties move apart from the government during the last year of an electoral period. keywords: 2(1; analyses; antti; axis; behaviour; cabinet; case; choice; coalition; cohesion; complete; cooperation; data; decades; dimension; economics; eduskunta; elections; electoral; era; european; example; extreme; figure; finland; finnish; government; government coalition; government groups; government majority; groups; helsinki; ideological; important; journal; kesk; kok; laakso; largest; left; likely; lipponen; main; majority; measure; mps; nousiainen; number; nyholm; opposition; opposition groups; opposition parties; opposition ppgs; opposition voting; order; pajala; paloheimo; parliamentary; parliamentary era; parliamentary opposition; parties; party; plenary; plenary votes; plenary voting; policy; political; ppgs; previous; research; respect; results; right; sdp; second; second parliamentary; seeking; strategies; studies; systems; table; term; time; true; university; value; vector; votes; voting; war; years cache: ejge-4286.pdf plain text: ejge-4286.txt item: #11 of 32 id: ejge-4288 author: Muñoz-Goy, Celia title: Social capital in Spain: Are there gender inequalities? date: 2013-06-29 words: 7291 flesch: 50 summary: The main results show gender differences in the access, mobilisation and type of social networks, as well as in the extent and type of social participation. Although many of these differences decrease when controlling variables related to employment status, family and age, some variations still remain, especially regarding the type of social networks, because women tend to connect mainly with the family, while men extend their networks of relationships beyond parental ties. keywords: accessibility; acquaintances; age; analysis; associations; capital; cases; civic; control; data; dependants; differences; different; education; factors; family; friends; gender; gender differences; goy; groups; higher; horizontal; inequalities; inequality; labour; level; low; membership; middle; mobilisation; muñoz; n.s; network; new; occupational; organisations; osim; paid; participation; people; person; political; range; resources; sample; segmentation; significant; single; size; social; social capital; spain; status; structural; survey; table; type; use; variables; variety; women cache: ejge-4288.pdf plain text: ejge-4288.txt item: #12 of 32 id: ejge-4291 author: Greer, Alan title: The Common Agricultural Policy and the EU budget: stasis or change? date: 2013-12-30 words: 9927 flesch: 48 summary: JEL classification Q18; H230 Keywords Agricultural Policy, CAP reform, Multi-annual Financial Framework, co-decision European Journal of Government and Economics 2(2) 120 Introduction Agriculture has always provided a fertile field for students of politics and public policy, especially those of us fascinated by how the political power of farmers in Europe has persisted despite the long gradual decline in their number and the relative economic importance of the sector. Greer ● The Common Agricultural Policy and the EU budget 121 Budgetary considerations have played a key role in agricultural policy change, sometimes bringing the issue onto the policy agenda and opening a policy window for CAP reform, for example the crisis of over-production in the 1980s. keywords: agenda; agreement; agricultural; agricultural policy; areas; balance; brussels; budget; budgetary; cap; cap budget; cap reform; cent; change; commission; committee; common; common agricultural; competitiveness; context; convergence; core; council; countries; cuts; deal; decision; defra; development; direct; economics; environmental; eu budget;; european; european commission; example; expenditure; farmers; final; financial; food; framework; france; funding; government; greater; greening; greer; growth; house; influence; institutional; interests; journal; july; june; level; main; making; market; measures; member; mff; ministers; national; negotiations; new; outcomes; overall; oxford; parliament; payments; pillar; policy; process; proposals; public; radical; reduced; reduction; reform; report; resources; role; rules; rural; second; spending; states; subsidies; substantial; support; terms; total; traditional; union cache: ejge-4291.pdf plain text: ejge-4291.txt item: #13 of 32 id: ejge-4292 author: Ikpe, Marius; Nteegah, Alwell title: Value Added Tax and price stability in Nigeria: A partial equilibrium analysis date: 2013-12-30 words: 5740 flesch: 46 summary: Bogetic and Hasan (1993) found that Indonesia introduced VAT in 1983, and by 1988, the ratio of VAT revenue to GDP had risen to 4.5 percent. For instance, VAT revenue in the year of its inception (1994) was N8.194 billion, which was 36.5 percent greater than the projected N6 billion for that year (Ajakaiye, 1999). keywords: 2(2; african; aggregates; ajakaiye; analysis; bank; consumption; cost; countries; data; development; economics; economy; effects; empirical; equilibrium; european; federal; fiscal; funds; goods; government; growth; high; ikpe; impact; income; inflation; inflationary; instability; interest; intermediate; journal; level; macroeconomic; means; model; money; nigeria; nteegah; outputs; partial; particular; percent; period; policy; price; production; rate; real; regression; results; revenue; rexg; rint; saharan; services; significant; study; sub; supply; tax; taxation; test; time; trend; value; variables; vat; world cache: ejge-4292.pdf plain text: ejge-4292.txt item: #14 of 32 id: ejge-4294 author: Bolin, Niklas title: New party parliamentary entry in Western Europe, 1960-2010 date: 2014-06-27 words: 8168 flesch: 56 summary: In the first part of the empirical section the development of new party parliamentary entry, both temporally and spatially, will be mapped out. Bolin ● New party parliamentary entry in Western Europe 7 How can new party parliamentary entry be explained? keywords: analysis; article; bolin; cent; correlation; countries; country; data; dependent; different; economics; effective; elections; electoral; entries; entry; established; europe; european; explanatory; extent; factors; figure; formation; government; hauss; hino; important; institutional; journal; level; low; mean; model; national; new; new parties; new party; new political; number; odds; oecd; opportunity; order; oxford; parliamentary; parliamentary entry; parliaments; parties; party; party parliamentary; party systems; period; perspective; political; political parties; politics; press; rayside; regional; regression; representation; research; results; right; robertson; second; significant; sociological; structure; studies; study; success; system; table; threshold; time; turnout; university; variable; volatility; votes; western cache: ejge-4294.pdf plain text: ejge-4294.txt item: #15 of 32 id: ejge-4295 author: Hoff-Elimari, Eivind; Bardi, Anat; Matti, Simon; Östman, Kristina title: Collective action problems: Disentangling possible feedback loops between government policies and the public’s value-change date: 2014-06-27 words: 9508 flesch: 53 summary: Judging from Figure 5, both causal directions between public opinion and government value priorities are possible: ESS4 was recorded 11 September 2009-12 March 2010, the elections took place on 25 February 2011, and ESS5 was recorded 20 September 2011-31 January 2012. Public values and conflicting views about justice', Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 53(1): 201–211. keywords: 3(1; action; american; april; bardi; case; change; collective; countries; cultural; czech; data; dimension; direction; economics; eds; effects; elections; elimari; enhancement; ess; ess1; ess2; ess3; ess4; ess5; european; feedback; figure; general; goals; government; greece; gross; hoff; hypothesis; important; influence; ireland; items; journal; large; loops; lopes; mark; mass; matti; mean; national; net; net self; new; office; opinion; opinion net; party; paul; people; period; policies; policy; political; politics; portugal; possible; preferences; press; priorities; problems; pss; psychology; public; public opinion; public policy; republic; research; respondents; responsiveness; review; right; rounds; santana; scale; schwartz; science; score; self; selftranscendence; shalom; significant; social; spain; subsequent; support; survey; sweden; system; sócrates; time; transcendence; transcendence score; types; university; url; value; value priorities; way; wlezien; york; zanna; östman cache: ejge-4295.pdf plain text: ejge-4295.txt item: #16 of 32 id: ejge-4296 author: Kanol, Direnç title: Interest group influence in micro-states: the role of networking skills date: 2014-06-27 words: 7073 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords Cyprus; interest groups; interest group influence; lobbying; micro-states; networking skills. European Journal of Government and Economics 3(1) 48 Introduction What determines interest group influence? keywords: access; actors; amenta; american; anckar; argument; baumgartner; chicago; citizen; civil; cyprus; democracy; democratic; dependence; economics; european; evidence; expert; good; governmental; group; group influence; important; influence; information; interest; interest group; interviews; issue; journal; kanol; large; literature; lobbying; makers; making; micro; nature; networking; new; northern; number; opinion; organisations; paper; peace; peacebuilding; people; pfeffer; policy; political; politicians; politics; population; press; process; public; relationships; republic; research; resource; review; role; salancik; science; skills; small; social; society; states; support; technical; theory; turkish; university cache: ejge-4296.pdf plain text: ejge-4296.txt item: #17 of 32 id: ejge-4297 author: Bilgin, Cevat title: Determinants of tax morale in Spain and Turkey: an empirical analysis date: 2014-06-27 words: 7167 flesch: 51 summary: Alm and Torgler (2005) compared tax morale levels of USA with Spain by using 1990 and 1995 WVS data that concluded that tax morale level in USA is higher. When it comes to tax morale level, level 4 gives the highest rate which is that 80 percent of respondents find that cheating on taxes is never justifiable. keywords: age; capital; compliance; confidence; countries; data; determinants; economic; education; education level; effects; employment; estimated; european; factors; financial; government; high; importance; income; income level; interval; journal; justice; level; marginal; marital; model; morale; national; ordered; parliament; people; percent; political; politics; pride; probit; public; related; religion; religiosity; results; satisfaction; sector; significant; social; spain; status; studies; survey; system; tax; tax morale; taxes; time; torgler; turkey; variables cache: ejge-4297.pdf plain text: ejge-4297.txt item: #18 of 32 id: ejge-4298 author: Martinez-Lopez, Diego; Sjongren, Tomas title: Vertical externalities with lump-sum taxes: how much difference does unemployment make? date: 2014-06-27 words: 5535 flesch: 49 summary: Consequently, the behaviour of federal government becomes a crucial issue to determine the effect of unemployment on the achievement of the production efficiency condition in the provision of public inputs. Hence, to replicate the second best outcome for the provision of public inputs is a real possibility when federal government can spend money in public inputs which are complementary to state public inputs. keywords: benefits; best; budget; case; condition; constraint; country; demand; different; economics; effect; efficiency; expenditure; externalities; federal; federal government; fiscal; follows; functions; government; impact; inputs; instruments; journal; labour; level; lump; market; martinez; model; optimal; optimality; order; outcome; policy; presence; production; provision; public; public inputs; rate; results; rule; second; spending; state; sum; tax; taxes; unemployment; unitary; variables; vertical; workers;  ;   cache: ejge-4298.pdf plain text: ejge-4298.txt item: #19 of 32 id: ejge-4300 author: Schomaker, Rahel title: Institutional quality and private sector participation: theory and empirical findings date: 2014-12-30 words: 7906 flesch: 34 summary: European Journal of Government and Economics 3(2) 116 Dudkin, G. and Välilä, T. (2005) ‘Transaction Costs in Public Private Partnerships: The Economics of Public Private Partnerships. keywords: 3(2; accountability; acemoglu; additional; administration; analysis; bank; business; case; company; context; contract; contractual; control; corruption; costs; countries; country; crucial; data; definition; degree; democratic; development; different; economic; effectiveness; empirical; enterprises; european; evidence; existence; financial; framework; future; good; governance; government; grimsey; growth; high; important; incomplete; increase; indicators; information; infrastructure; institutional; institutional economics; institutional quality; international; investment; involvement; journal; kaufmann; lack; law; level; lewis; main; micro; models; new; north; number; ols; overall; paper; participation; partnerships; political; positive; potential; ppp; ppps; private; private partnerships; private sector; privatisation; projects; provision; public; public private; public sector; public services; quality; regression; regulatory; relevant; research; respective; results; rights; risk; robinson; role; rule; schomaker; sector; sector participation; services; significant; sound; specific; stability; state; term; theoretical; transaction; transaction costs; variables; voice; wealth; welfare; world cache: ejge-4300.pdf plain text: ejge-4300.txt item: #20 of 32 id: ejge-4304 author: Alfano, Maria Rosaria; Baraldi, Anna Laura title: The role of political competition in the link between electoral systems and corruption: an extension date: 2015-06-29 words: 10277 flesch: 50 summary: The role of political competition in the link between electoral systems and corruption: an extension Maria Rosaria Alfano, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli Anna Laura Baraldi, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli Abstract This work provides an extension to an international context of the analysis made by Alfano, Baraldi and Cantabene (2013) on the role of political competition as a channel through which electoral systems affect corruption. Keywords Political competition; electoral systems; corruption. keywords: 4(1; abc; alfano; analysis; baraldi; c_c; competition; competitiveness; control; corruption; corruption index; countries; country; cpi; cross; data; decrease; degree; democracy; dependent; different; direction; economic; effect; elections; electoral; electoral rules; electoral system; empirical; endogenous; equation; estimation; european; evidence; free; freedom; gallagher; gdi; governance; government; hypothesis; increase; index; indirect; italian; journal; lags; law; level; literature; lngdp; majoritarian; measure; model; number; order; overall; panel; paper; parties; persson; political; political competition; political parties; politicians; pop; positive; press; proportionality; public; results; rules; score; seats; significant; size; source; step; system; table; test; threshold; time; total; use; value; variable; votes; way; women; world cache: ejge-4304.pdf plain text: ejge-4304.txt item: #21 of 32 id: ejge-4310 author: Antelo, Manel; Santias, Francisco Reyes; Calvo, Adela Martinez title: Bed capacity and surgical waiting lists: a simulation analysis date: 2015-12-30 words: 7151 flesch: 50 summary: Beds-inpatient activity elasticity In this subsection we examine what happens in the simulation analysis if the number of hospital beds increases. It is well known that, if the number of hospital beds increases, inpatient activity tends to adapt itself to the hospital’s new productive capacity. keywords: 4(2; activity; admission; analysis; antelo; available; beds; black; calvo; capacity; cent; cent increase; chus; complex; compostela; countries; daily; data; days; demand; density; distribution; economics; effect; elasticity; elective; european; figure; function; government; health; healthcare; holidays; hospital; hospital beds; impact; increase; inpatient; inpatient activity; journal; lead; length; line; lists; martinez; median; model; new; normal; number; occupancy; paper; patients; pattern; period; policies; rate; real; results; reyes; roemer; santiago; santias; scenario; simulated; simulation; size; stay; supply; surgery; surgical; system; time; values; variable; waiting; waiting lists; working cache: ejge-4310.pdf plain text: ejge-4310.txt item: #22 of 32 id: ejge-4311 author: Di Foggia, Giacomo; Arrigo, Ugo title: The scope of public organisations with productive functions: insights from the inefficiency of Italian local public transport date: 2015-12-30 words: 9672 flesch: 43 summary: We also agree with findings of the Competition authority AGCOM (2014) who advises that the most important aspects for the market development are the proper definition of the areas of public service, both in terms of territory as regards the nature of the services offered and the definition of minimum services and the related question of the correct quantification of the compensation of the public service obligations. Amaral, Miguel, Stéphane Saussier and Anne Yvrande-Billon (2009) ‘Auction procedures and competition in public services: The case of urban public transport in France and London’, Utilities Policy 17(2):166-175. keywords: 4(2; administration; analysis; arrigo; authors; average; business; cent; commission; companies; comparative; competition; competitiveness; control; corruption; costs; countries; data; development; different; economics; efficiency; employees; energy; enterprises; environment; equity; et al; european; european journal; evidence; factors; financial; findings; firms; foggia; framework; functioning; functions; general; goods; governance; government; growth; ibl; impact; important; index; industrial; industry; information; institutional; international; italian; italy; journal; key; level; liberalisation; literature; local; local public; lpt; management; market; measures; model; negative; net; new; non; number; objectives; oecd; open; operating; operators; organisations; ownership; paper; performance; policies; policy; political; positive; prco12; press; private; procedures; productive; productivity; profitability; public; public administration; public management; public organisations; public sector; public service; public transport; reform; regulation; regulatory; report; research; resources; results; return; review; robert; roe; role; rules; scope; sector; selection; services; significant; soes; state; support; table; terms; time; total; transport; university; value; variables cache: ejge-4311.pdf plain text: ejge-4311.txt item: #23 of 32 id: ejge-4312 author: Lempert, David title: A quick indicator of effectiveness of “capacity building” initiatives of NGOs and international organizations date: 2015-12-30 words: 23314 flesch: 36 summary: In short, foxes have entered the henhouse in design and implementation of capacity building projects in international development as well as many other governmental systems, and there is a need to devise better oversight systems. This support is linked to agreed measures of local performance and serves as an incentive for local capacity building. keywords: -0.5; 4(2; abuse; accountability; accountable; activities; agendas; aid; analysis; approach; appropriate; areas; article; assessment; author; awareness; balance; bank; basic; benchmarks; beneficiaries; benefits; best; business; capacity building; capacity development; capital; category; causes; change; citizens; civil; claim; clear; colonial; community; competence; conflicts; control; corruption; cost; countries; country; cultural; current; david; debatable; declaration; democracy; democratic; design; development; different; direct; donors; easy; economics; education; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; elites; established; european; evaluation; fact; failures; field; focus; foreign; framework; functions; funding; funds; goals; good; governance; government; harm; human; impact; implementation; indicator; influence; initiatives; inputs; institutions; interest; international; international development; interventions; investment; journal; june; key; lack; law; legal; lempert; levels; like; likely; little; local; long; loss; major; management; measurable; measure; mission; model; money; nations; needs; negative; new; ngos; non; offers; officials; order; organizations; outputs; overall; oversight; particular; people; performance; place; points; policies; policy; political; potential; power; principles; private; problem; procedures; professional; project; public; questions; quick; real; recipient; resources; results; review; rights; role; root; score; scoring; section; sector; services; skills; social; society; specific; spending; stakeholders; standards; strategic; study; sub; support; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; symptoms; systems; term; test; tool; training; transparency; u.s; uncdf; undp; united; url; usaid; use; ways; work; working; world; world bank cache: ejge-4312.pdf plain text: ejge-4312.txt item: #24 of 32 id: ejge-4317 author: Varela, Diego; Benedetto, Giacomo; Sanchez-Santos, Jose Manuel title: Editorial statement: The first five years of the European Journal of Government and Economics date: 2017-01-05 words: 1426 flesch: 39 summary: Besides us, this editorial board has included the following members: Varela, Benedetto and Sanchez-Santos ● The first five years of EJGE 80  Manel Antelo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain  Eduardo Bandres, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain  Michael W. Bauer, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany  Peter Benczur, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy  Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, World Bank, Washington DC, United States  Jose Ramon Cancelo, Universidade da Coruña, Spain  Raul Caruso, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italy  Luiz de Mello, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, France  Michael Ehrmann, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany  Fabio Franchino, Università degli studi di Milano, Italy  Miriam Hartlapp, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Germany  Bjorn Hoyland, University of Oslo, Norway  Raya Kardasheva, Kings College London, United Kingdom  European Journal of Government and Economics 5(2) 79 keywords: achievements; challenges; countries; difficulties; din; economics; editorial; editors; european; european journal; fields; future; government; ideas; journal; kingdom; new; number; papers; spain; team; united; universidad; universitatea; university; varela; years cache: ejge-4317.pdf plain text: ejge-4317.txt item: #25 of 32 id: ejge-4319 author: Pateiro-Rodriguez, Carlos; Prado-Domínguez, Javier; García-Iglesias, Jesús Manuel; Barreiro-Viñán, José Manuel title: Switching costs in the European postal service. Are there any solutions? date: 2017-01-05 words: 8267 flesch: 47 summary: Article 6 states that Member States will adopt the necessary measures to ensure that users and postal service providers regularly receive up-to-date information and with sufficient accuracy from UPS providers regarding their universal services. Keywords Liberalization; universal postal service; switching costs; postal network. keywords: 5(2; access; address; area; authors; available; barreiro; barrier; boxes; brand; case; change; competition; competitors; conditions; consumer; costs; crew; customer; delivery; directive; domínguez; economics; eds; effects; elements; entrant; entry; european; european postal; figure; financial; france; garcía; government; high; iglesias; incumbent; information; infrastructure; journal; kleindorfer; letterboxes; liberalization; long; loss; loyalty; mail; market; marketing; member; michael; national; necessary; network; new; number; opening; operator; order; outside; pateiro; paul; postal; postal market; postal sector; postal service; postcode; prado; present; price; process; provider; quality; redirection; regulatory; relationship; research; return; rodríguez; sector; sender; sender service; service; service provider; share; solution; states; switching; switching costs; system; term; territory; time; universal; universal service; ups; users; usp; viñán cache: ejge-4319.pdf plain text: ejge-4319.txt item: #26 of 32 id: ejge-4320 author: Meyer-Sahling, Jan-Hinrik; Janta, Barbara; Reinholde, Iveta; van Stolk, Christian title: Hidden costs of cuts: Austerity, civil service management and the motivation of public officials in Central and Eastern Europe after the crisis date: 2017-01-05 words: 9289 flesch: 48 summary: It builds on the literature on human resource management, motivation and performance in the public and private sector to examine the impact of post-crisis cutbacks in the area of civil service management on the motivation of public officials. Much less is still known about the position of public officials vis-à-vis the economic crisis and the austerity measures that have since been passed to varying extent in European democracies. keywords: administration; analysis; area; article; austerity; available; cent; central; change; civil; civil service; context; contrast; costs; countries; country; crisis; cutbacks; cuts; data; decrease; demmke; differences; dismissal; economic; effect; employees; european; experience; finance; financial; freezes; global; government; hidden; higher; hiring; human; impact; international; job; journal; latvia; level; likely; management; measures; meyer; ministerial; ministries; ministry; model; motivation; new; officials; opportunities; performance; poland; policy; post; practices; private; promotion; public; public administration; public officials; public sector; public service; recruitment; reform; regard; research; resource; resource management; respondents; results; review; sahling; salary; scale; sector; servants; service; service management; staff; survey; time; training; variables; work; years cache: ejge-4320.pdf plain text: ejge-4320.txt item: #27 of 32 id: ejge-4322 author: Peón, David; Antelo, Manel; Calvo-Silvosa, Anxo title: An inclusive taxonomy of behavioral biases date: 2017-07-07 words: 16000 flesch: 45 summary: Open debate The clash between the efficient and the inefficient shortcut views stands on whether the availability heuristic is useful to assess probability because instances of large classes are better recalled, or it leads to decision biases since it is affected by factors other than frequency –e.g. imagination, familiarity and salience. An inclusive taxonomy of behavioral biases European Journal of Government and Economics 6(1), June 2017, 24-58. keywords: 6(1; accounting; affect; ambiguity; american; analysis; anchoring; anomalies; asset; attention; attribute; attribution; authors; availability; aversion; barberis; base; behavioral; belief; biases; bracketing; bubbles; business; cambridge; camerer; cascades; category; choice; classic; cognitive; comparison; concepts; confirmation; conservatism; consumer; contagion; context; control; cultural; culture; debate; debiasing; decision; dependence; differences; different; discounting; dissonance; e.g.; economic journal; economics; economics 6(1; eds; effects; empirical; equity; errors; et al; european journal; events; evidence; excessive; exhibit; experimental; factors; fairness; fallacy; familiarity; fear; field; finance; financial; frame; framing; frederick; function; gains; gambler; gigerenzer; gilovich; goldstein; government; greed; griffin; hand; handbook; heuristic; hindsight; hirshleifer; human; illusion; impact; implications; individual; information; investment; investors; journal; judgment; kahneman; knetsch; leads; learning; list; literature; loewenstein; longshot; loss; loss aversion; losses; making; management; marketing; markets; memory; model; money; myopic; narrow; new; open; organizational; outcomes; overconfidence; people; perspectives; peón; peón et; point; policy; premium; press; probability; processes; prospect; psychological; psychology; public; puzzle; quarterly; quarterly journal; quo; r.h; rabin; rates; rationality; recent; recognition; reference; related; representativeness; research; results; reversals; review; risk; role; science; seeking; self; sensitivity; shefrin; shiller; slovic; small; social; standard; statman; status; studies; study; taxonomy; thaler; theoretical; theory; thinking; time; tversky; uncertainty; university; use; validity; value cache: ejge-4322.pdf plain text: ejge-4322.txt item: #28 of 32 id: ejge-4327 author: Membiela-Pollán, Matías; Pena-López, José Atilano title: Clarifying the concept of social capital through its three perspectives: individualistic, communitarian and macrosocial date: 2017-12-31 words: 11856 flesch: 49 summary: Social capital; individual social capital; communitarian perspective of social capital; general trust JEL classification. Social capital; individual social capital; communitarian perspective of social capital; general trust JEL classification. keywords: 6(2; a. pena; access; action; actors; american; approach; article; aspects; associations; attributes; authors; behavior; bordieu; castiglione; civic; closure; coleman; collective; common; communitarian; community; concept; cooperation; cultural; dasgupta; definitions; deth; development; different; economics; economy; eds; european; family; favors; fukuyama; functioning; general; generator; good; gordon; government; group; handbook; human; individual; individual social; individualistic; information; institutional; instrumental; journal; keefer; knack; lin; lópez; macro; macrosocial; measurement; membiela; mindedness; networks; new; norms; organization; oxford; paldam; pena; people; perspective; point; pollán; portes; potential; press; public; putnam; reciprocity; relationships; research; resources; santos; sense; serageldin; set; social capital; social networks; social perspective; social structure; social trust; society; sociology; status; structure; study; subject; sánchez; term; theory; ties; trust; university; values; van; wolleb; woolcock; world; york cache: ejge-4327.pdf plain text: ejge-4327.txt item: #29 of 32 id: ejge-9146 author: Trofimov, Ivan D title: Wagner’s hypothesis in Europe: a causality analysis with disaggregated data date: 2023-06-14 words: 14196 flesch: 63 summary: As indicated in Table 7 in the Appendix, the inclusion of the dummy variable did not alter the results substantially, with bi-directional causality replacing Wagner hypothesis causality in few categories (specifications) and vice versa. Public expenditure growth in Greece and Portugal: Wagner's law and beyond. keywords: 0.001; 12(1; absence; alternative; analysis; bar; cases; categories; causality bi; causality test; causality y→g; chi; cointegration; countries; cross; d(g; d(y; data; directional bi; directional causality; directional y→g; economics; economics 12(1; economy; education; empirical; environmental; estimator; european; european journal; evidence; expansion; expenditure; finance; gdp; general; government; government expenditure; granger; growth; gupta; health; hpj; hypothesis; ivan; ivan d; journal; june; keynesian; lag; law; level; mann; musgrave; non; note; number; order; output; panel; panel causality; paper; peacock; period; pesaran; policy; political; prob; protection; public; public expenditure; public order; relationship; research; results; root; safety; sectional; sector; series; services; size; social; specification; spending; square; statistics; studies; table; test; testing; tilde; time; toda; total; trofimov; unit; value; variables; wagner; westerlund; wiseman; yamamoto; yy→g; y→g bi; y→g chi; y→g y→g cache: ejge-9146.pdf plain text: ejge-9146.txt item: #30 of 32 id: ejge-9283 author: Parsons, Brandon; Naghshpour , Shahdad title: Panel data analysis of internal conflict and income inequality date: 2023-06-14 words: 8526 flesch: 53 summary: The study determines how worsening internal and external conflict affects income inequality. Worsening internal conflict increases income inequality in developing countries but not in developed countries. keywords: 12(1; age; alesina; appendix; bank; bircan; brück; bureaucracy; capital; civil; coefficient; collier; conflict; countries; country; covariates; cross; data; dependent; developed; development; distribution; economic; economy; education; effects; european; external; gdp; gini; globalization; government; groups; growth; high; higher; human; icrg; impact; income; income inequality; increase; index; inequality; institutional; internal; internal conflict; investment; journal; june; kuznets; literature; low; lower; measures; medium; military; model; naghshpour; net; new; panel; parsons; perotti; political; population; production; rate; ratio; research; results; review; risk; score; sectional; significant; social; standard; states; study; subcomponents; table; time; trade; united; university; variable; vothknecht; war; working; world; years cache: ejge-9283.pdf plain text: ejge-9283.txt item: #31 of 32 id: ejge-9335 author: Ion, Oana Andreea title: Assessing the fairness of the EU Council qualified majority voting. A voting power critical perspective of the liberal intergovernmentalist accounts date: 2023-06-14 words: 9737 flesch: 49 summary: EU Council; input and output legitimacy; qualified majority voting; rational choice; voting power. Therefore, as indicated below, within the fairness framework, I emphasize in this paper the equal distribution of power criterion and I have opted to start my investigation by considering Penrose’s voting system (1946) as an example of the fair rule and applying it to the EU Council’s case, by analysing the intricate relation between voting power and voting weights. keywords: 12(1; analysis; andreea; approach; banzhaf; case; choice; cichocki; citizens; coalition; collective; compromise; council; countries; country; decision; democratic; design; different; distribution; double; economics; eds; equal; eu council; european; european journal; european union; example; fact; fairness; future; game; government; ideal; index; indices; individual; influence; institutional; international; jagiellonian; journal; june; kirsch; leech; level; lisbon; london; m.a; majority; majority voting; making; medium; member; moravcsik; ms2; new; nice; number; oana; order; outcome; penrose; political; population; power; power distribution; preferences; priori; process; qmv; qualified; quota; rational; root; routledge; rule; simple; slomczynski; square; states; system; theory; treaty; union; votes; voting; voting power; voting system; weighted; weights; zyczkowski cache: ejge-9335.pdf plain text: ejge-9335.txt item: #32 of 32 id: ejge-9345 author: Del Campo Villares, Manuel Octavio; Ferreiro Seoane, Francisco Jesús ; Jardón Ferreiro, Eladio; Molina Picazo, Miguel title: Territorial diagnostics and citizen perception of municipal public management, towards an efficient reform of Local Administration date: 2023-06-14 words: 8262 flesch: 39 summary: For this reason, the contribution of the work is located in the elaboration of an automatic and objective comprehensive scorecard (CMI) that allows us to know the efficiency in the management of municipal public services. This situation generates a financial and functional incapacity to guarantee the successful and efficient provision of local public services. keywords: 12(1; action; activity; adaptation; administration; analysis; areas; average; basic; budgetary; campo; capacity; change; citizen; communities; control; current; dac; data; decision; del; del campo; density; development; economic; economics 12(1; efficiency; elaboration; environment; et al; european; european journal; evolution; financial; functions; general; government; indicators; ine; information; inhabitants; interest; journal; june; knowledge; level; local; local administration; los; lps; making; management; model; municipal; municipalities; municipality; necessary; objective; perception; political; population; possible; private; proposal; provision; public; public administration; public management; public services; quality; questions; reality; reform; report; resources; result; sector; services; shows; situation; size; social; socio; space; spain; spanish; spatial; state; structure; study; sustainability; system; table; technical; terms; territorial; territory; time; way; work cache: ejge-9345.pdf plain text: ejge-9345.txt