11248 FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 36, No 2, June 2023, pp. 285-298 https://doi.org/10.2298/FUEE2302285R © 2023 by University of Niš, Serbia | Creative Commons License: CC BY-NC-ND Original scientific paper A STUDY OF BINARY DECISION DIAGRAM CHARACTERISTICS OF BENT BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS Miloš Radmanović Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia Abstract. Bent Boolean functions exist only for an even number of variables, moreover, they are unbalanced. Therefore, they are used in coding theory and in many areas of computer science. General form of bent functions is still unknown. One way of representing Boolean functions is with a reduced ordered binary decision diagram (ROBDD). The strength of ROBDDs is that they can represent Boolean functions data with a high level of redundancy in a compact form, as long as the data is encoded in such a way that the redundancy is exposed. This paper investigates characteristics of bent functions with focus on their ROBDD parameters. Decision diagram experimental framework has been used for implementation of a program for calculation of the ROBDD parameters. The results presented in this paper are intended to be used to create methods for the construction of bent functions using a ROBDD as a data structure from which the bent functions can be discovered. Key words: Coding theory, Boolean functions, bent functions, binary decision diagram 1. INTRODUCTION Bent functions were introduced by Rothaus in 1976 as Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity [1]. This feature has led to the fact that they are used in many areas of computer science, but their most significant application is in coding theory [2]. However, their application is quite limited because the general form of these functions is still unknown [3]. As the number of variables in a function increases, bent functions become extremely rare in the set of all possible functions. Therefore, the construction of these functions is computationally demanding. Also, there is no formal method for enumeration, generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of variables. For this reason, researching the characteristics of these functions is of great interest to the scientific community. Some characteristics of bent functions are known. It is well known that all Walsh spectral coefficients of bent functions, whose values are mapped onto {-1, 1}, have the same absolute value 2n/2, where n is the number of variables of the function. They have the maximum possible value of nonlinearity equal to (2n−1 ± 2(n/2)-1), and they only exist Received November 01, 2022; revised December 30, 2022 and March 14, 2023; accepted April 10, 2023 Corresponding author: Miloš Radmanović Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Niš, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18104 Niš, Serbia E-mail: milos.radmanovic@elfak.ni.ac.rs 286 M. RADMANOVIĆ for an even number of variables. It is known that the algebraic degree of bent functions is at most n/2 for n ≥ 4 [3]. It is also well known that from given bent functions, new bent functions with the same or a greater number of variables can be constructed [4]. Extensive work on bent functions has been done and various interesting results of research have been brought out in respect of construction and classification of specific subsets of bent functions [3], [5]. As the number of variables increases, it is very time consuming to discover a bent function. The number of bent functions is small compared to the complete set of all Boolean functions and therefore, their detection in some defined boundaries is very time- consuming. Testing of bentness across all possible functions, using all known characteristics, even for small numbers of variables (n>4), requires a lot of processing time. Consequently, the complete set of n-variable bent Boolean functions is known only for n ≤ 4 [3]. The general number of bent functions is an open problem. Note that the number of bent functions increases rapidly with increasing n. There are 8 bent functions in 2 variables, 896 bent functions in 4 variables, 5,425,430,528 bent functions in 6 variables, and 99,270,589,265,934,370,305,785,861,242,880 bent functions in 8 variables [5]. For example, for a complete enumeration of bent functions with 8 variables (which is approximately 8.57*10-44 percent of all functions), using maximal algebraic degree, has used approximately 50 personal computers running for 3 months [6]. For this reason, identifying new characteristics can help in more efficient detection of bent functions. One way to represent a Boolean function is with a binary decision diagram (BDD). BDDs were originally introduced as an efficient support to the procedures and operations required to solve a given problem in synthesis and verification of logic circuits [7]. They are popular data structures widely used in various other areas where manipulation and computation with Boolean functions is required. BDD is a representation of a Boolean expression using a rooted directed acyclic graph that consists of terminal nodes (with constant values 0 or 1) and non-terminal nodes (marked with variables). A reduced ordered binary decision diagram, which is a widely used data structure in practice, is a BDD with a particular variable order where redundant nodes are shared, and redundant subtrees are also shared. ROBDDs are derived by the reduction of the corresponding binary decision tree (BDT). ROBDDs provide a compact representation allowing one to process large Boolean functions efficiently in terms of space and time [7]. The most important characteristic of the ROBDD is the size of the graph representation or number of nonterminal nodes. This parameter is critical since the memory requirement during the construction of an ROBDD is directly proportional to the size [2]. Besides the size, the following basic parameters are most often considered: the number of paths, width, and the average path length. There is a direct correspondence between these characteristics and the basic characteristics of a logic network derived from ROBDDs. For example, the size of an ROBDD corresponds to the number of elementary modules in the corresponding realization of a logic network [1]. The paths related characteristics directly correspond to the interconnection complexity of the logic realization. Therefore, this paper proposes researching the basic ROBDD characteristics of bent functions. Previously, Shafer [9], has analyzed the ROBDD characteristics of disjoint quadratic bent functions, symmetric bent functions, and homogeneous bent functions of 6- variables. Specifically, disjoint quadratic bent functions were found to have size 2n − 2 for A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 287 functions of n-variables, symmetric bent functions have size 4n − 8, and all homogeneous bent functions of 6-variables were shown to be P-equivalent. Two functions are P-equivalent iff those two functions have identical BDDs for distinct variable orderings [9]. However, in this paper the complete set of bent functions with 4 variables is analyzed. For bent Boolean functions with 6 or 8 variables, only appropriate subsets of bent functions are analyzed and not only the size is included, but also the number of paths, width, and the average path length. A decision diagram experimental framework has been used for implementation of a program for the calculation of ROBDD characteristics. For discovery of bent functions, it uses maximal algebraic degree as the search space boundary. Also, it uses the implementation of the discovery of bent functions using Reed-Muller (RM) subsets, which is described in [10]. Experimental results show interesting ROBDD characteristics of bent functions. For each ROBDD characteristic, the range of values is determined. Additionally, this paper also investigates the same ROBDD characteristics of non-bent functions with n-variables having Hamming weight equal to (2n-1±2(n/2)-1). These additional characteristics confirm that experimental results can be used to create methods for discovering bent functions using ROBDD. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shortly introduces the theoretical background about bent functions and their discovery in the RM domain. Section 3 discusses ROBDDs and their characteristics. The experimental results are shown and discussed in Section 4. The closing Section 5 summarizes the results of the research reported in this paper. 2. BACKGROUND THEORY If a function f and its Walsh spectrum Sf,w, in matrix notation, are represented by vectors T nfffF ],,,[ 121,0 − =  , and T wf n sssS ],,,,[ 1210, − =  respectively, the Walsh transform is defined by the Walsh matrix W(n) [11]: F wf nWS )1)(( , −= (1) wf n n SnXxxf ,1 )(2),,( − = (2) where  i n i xnX 211)( 1 −= = , TfffF n ])1(,,)1(,)1[((-1) 1210 −−−−=  (3) and )1()( 1 WnW n i= = ,       − = 11 11 )1(W (4) where W(1) represents the basic Walsh transform matrix and  is the Kronecker product. The nonlinearity of an n-variable Boolean function f is the (Hamming) distance of f from the set of all n-variable affine functions [3]. Boolean functions achieving maximal nonlinearity are called bent functions. Every bent function has a Hamming weight (number of times it takes the value 1) of 2n−1 ± 2(n/2)-1. For example, bent functions with 4 variables have Hamming weight of 6 or 10, with 6 variables have 28 or 36, and with 8 variables have 120 or 136. 288 M. RADMANOVIĆ A Boolean function f in (1,−1) encoding is bent if all Walsh spectral coefficients Sf,w have the same absolute value 2n/2. The fast transform algorithm can be used to compute the coefficients in Walsh spectrum. This algorithm is composed of the “butterfly” operations which are repeated and have structure derived from the basic transform matrices [11]. The recursive definition of the Walsh transform matrix, expressed in Eq. (4), is the fundamental for the definition of the fast Walsh transform algorithm similar to a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The computation of the fast transform algorithm consists of the repeated application of the same “butterfly” operations determined by the basic transform matrices [10]. Figure 1 shows the “butterfly” operation for the Walsh transform matrix. The “butterfly” operation are performed in each step over a different subset of data. Figure 1 also shows the flow graphs of the fast Walsh transform algorithm of the Cooley-Tukey type for computation of the Walsh spectrum of a 2-variable Boolean function f given by the truth-vector F = [ f (0), f (1), f (2), f (3)]T. This algorithm is highly exploited for testing of bentness across all possible Boolean functions in some defined space for their discovery. Fig. 1 The flow graph of the fast Walsh transform for 2-variable Boolean function For example, bentness testing for a function of 4 variables f (x1,x2,x3,x4), given by truth vector [1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0] T F = , with (1,−1) encoding, can be calculated as shown on Figure 2. It should be noticed that the absolute values of all Walsh coefficients are equal to 4. A positive polarity Reed-Muller form comprises exclusive-OR of AND product terms, where each variable appears uncomplemented. Any Boolean function f can be represented by the positive polarity RM form in matrix notation defined as [11]: FnRS RMf )(, = (5) RMfn SnXxxf ,1 )(),,( = (6) where  i n i xnX 1)( 1= = (7) and )1()( 1 RnR n i= = ,       = 11 01 )1(R , 1 ))1(()1( − = RR , 1 ))(()( − = nRnR (8) where addition and multiplication are modulo 2, R(n) is the positive Reed-Muller transform matrix of order n, and )1(R is the basic positive Reed-Muller transform matrix. A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 289 Fig. 2 Example of the bentness testing for a 4-variable Boolean function in the (1, -1) encoding using the fast Walsh transform The elements of ],...,.,,,,,[ ...12123231331221,0, nRMf aaaaaaaaaS = are coefficients in the positive polarity Reed-Muller (PPRM) espressions for any Boolean function [11]:  = = nji nnjiij n i ii xxxaxxaxaaxf 1 2112 1 0 )(   (9) where Σ denotes modulo 2 summation. The algebraic degree or the order of nonlinearity of a Boolean function f is a maximum number of variables in a product term with non-zero coefficient ak, where k is a subset of {1,2,3,...,n}. When k is an empty set, the coefficient is denoted as a0 and is called the zero-order coefficient. Coefficients of order 1 are a1,a2,...an, coefficients of order 2 are a12,a13,...a(n−1)n, coefficient of order n is a12...n. The number of all coefficients of order i is         i n . The PPRM coefficients are divided into order groupings according to the number of ones in the binary representation of its index in the spectrum. 290 M. RADMANOVIĆ The algebraic degree of bent functions is at most /2n for 4n [8]. Thus, the maximal number of non-zero PPRM coefficents of a bent functions is:  =        2/ 0 n i i n . Since the order of Bent functions is limited, the number of non-zero PPRM coefficents is also limited and the positions of the coefficients in the PPRM spectrum are restricted. These restrictions are the main reasons for discovery possibility since they certainly reduce the possible search space for discovery in the Reed-Muller domain. As the Boolean function size increases, the possible search space increases too. For the PPRM transform, we need an inverse transform to get back from the Reed- Muller domain. Since the Reed-Muller transform matrix )(nR is a self-inverse matrix over GF(2), the forward and inverse transform are given by the same matrix. Figure 3 shows the flow graphs of the fast inverse Read-Muller transform algorithm of the Cooley-Tukey type for computation of the Boolean function f with the truth- vector [ (0), (1), (2), (3)] T F f f f f= from a PPRM spectrum. This algorithm is highly exploited for discovery of bent functions across all possible Boolean functions in the RM domain. Fig. 3 The flow graph of the fast inverse RM transform for 2-variable Boolean function For example, discovery of the bent function for a function of 4 variables f (x1,x2,x3,x4), with truth vector [1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0] T F = , using the fast inverse RM transform of its , [1,1, 0,1,1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0]f RMS = , is shown in Figure 4. The bentness testing for this truth vector, with (1,−1) encoding, is performed as shown in Figure 2. Black dots on the flow graph on the left side in Figure 4 indicate 11 possible positions for non-zero PPRM coefficients. The number of these possible positions is calculated according to the following formula: (10) 11641 2 4 1 4 0 442/4 0 =++=        +        +        =         =i i A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 291 Fig. 4 Example of the discovery of the bent function of 4 variables, using the fast inverse RM transform This means that there is one possible position for non-zero coefficient of the 0-th order, 4 possible positions for non-zero coefficients of the 1-st order and 6 possible positions for non- zero coefficients of the 2-nd order. The PPRM espression for the function from Figure 4 is: 43214214321 1),,,( xxxxxxxxxxxf = (11) Fast transform algorithms are highly exploited for discovering bent functions in the RM domain. 3. ROBDD A BDD is a directed acyclic graph that contains non-terminal nodes, two terminal nodes, and edges. An ROBDD is a reduced BDD for which the nodes at a same level are labelled with the same variable [12]. The reduction is performed by sharing the isomorphic subtrees and removing the redundant data in the BDT using the appropriately defined reduction rules [6]. Non-terminal nodes are labeled with variables xi and have two outgoing edges. Outgoing edges are labeled ‘0’ and ‘1’ according to the values of the variable xi. Terminal nodes contain the function values ‘0’ and ‘1’. The truth table entry 292 M. RADMANOVIĆ of a Boolean function labels edges from the root node to the corresponding terminal node. An example of the ROBDD representation for the function defined by the truth vector [0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0] T F = using ordering (x1,x2,x3,x4) is shown in Fig. 5. For characteristics of the ROBDD, the following basic parameters are most often considered: the size, the number of paths, width, and the average path length (APL) [13]. The efficiency of the ROBDD representation in the above example is that it represents a truth vector with a high level of redundancy in a compact form using non-terminal nodes, as long as the data is encoded in such a way that the redundancy is exposed. In a ROBDD for logic function f , the size of the ROBDD is the number of non-terminal nodes needed to represent the ROBDD. In the memory representation of the ROBDD, each non- terminal node requires an index and two pointers to the succeeding nodes. Fig. 5 The ROBDD representation of the function defined by F=[0111 1000 1000 1000]T The width of a ROBDD is defined as the maximum number of nodes per level. The delay in a logic network is directly proportional to the number of levels of the ROBDD, which together with the width determines the surface area of the logic network [7]. A path in an ROBDD is the sequence of nodes connected by edges leading from the root node to the terminal node. The number of paths is the sum of all different paths to any of the terminals. The number of paths influences the ROBDD complexity. A minimized disjoint-sum-of-product representation can directly be extracted from an ROBDD and leads to a small logic network [8]. Path length is the number of non-terminal nodes on the path. APL represents the arithmetic mean of the lengths of all possible BDD paths [13]. The minimization of the APL leads to reduction of the logic network evaluation time. An example of the characteristics of ROBDD representation shown in Fig. 5 is given by: 66666.3)(( 2))(( 9))((# 6))(( = = = = fROBDDAPL fROBDDwidth fROBDDpaths fROBDDsize (12) A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 293 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS This section presents the basic ROBDD characteristics of bent functions with the initial order of variables as shown in Fig. 5. In these experiments, the order of the variables in the ROBDD was not changed. The complete set of all bent functions is analyzed only for functions of 4 variables. Due to the very time-consuming process for finding bent functions of 6 and 8 variables, the complete set of all bent functions is not analyzed for these cases. For bent functions of 6 and 8 variables, ROBDD characteristics were analyzed on a set of 1 million, and 10,000 bent functions, respectively. The following ROBDD characteristics are included in the analysis: the size (the number of nodes), the number of paths, width, and the average path length. For discovery of bent functions of 4 variables, the maximal algebraic degree is used as the search space boundary. Also, the implementation of the discovery of bent functions of 6 and 8 variables uses RM subsets described in [9]. This implementation performs discovery of single random bent function. Additionally, these experiments also show the number of non-bent functions with n-variables having Hamming weight equal to (2n-1±2(n/2)-1). Only functions that have a predefined Hamming weight are presented because they represent the search space when creating a potential method for discovering bent functions using ROBDD characteristics. Implementation of the program for analysis of bent and specific non-bent functions was created using a decision diagram experimental framework. Implementation is done by extension of an existing BDD package using the C++ programming language. The BDD package is implemented using all basic recommendations for programming BDD packages (unique table, operation table, garbage collector, swapping levels, etc.) [14], [15]. The experiments are performed on a PC Pentium IV running at 3.66 GHz with 8 GB of RAM. The BDD package performs operations using shared BDDs, but in these experiments, only the shared BDDs with one output were used. The size of the unique table and the operation table was limited to 262,139 entries. Garbage collection was activated when available memory ran low. Tables in this section present for each ROBDD characteristic (parameter) the total number of bent and specific non-bent functions that have that characteristic. Table 1 shows the number of bent functions of 4 variables with respect to the ROBDD size, number of paths, widths, and APL. It can be noticed that almost 70% of all bent functions of 4 variables have size 7 or 8, about 63% of functions have the number of paths 9, 10 or 11, about 58% of all bent functions of 4 variables have the ROBDD width 2, and about 40% have the ROBDD APL 3.33333 or 3.5. This table also shows the number of all non-bent functions having Hamming weight equal to 6 or 10 of 4 variables with respect to the ROBDD size, width, number of paths, and APL. It is evident that it is necessary to average 20 checks of functions that have Hamming weight 6 or 10 that one of them to be bent. Table 2 shows the number of bent functions of 6 variables on a sample of 1 million functions with respect to the ROBDD size, number of paths, width, and APL. The reason why the entire set of bent functions with 6 variables was not tested is the long time it took to discover these functions. In this table, about 70% of the sampled bent functions of 6 variables have size 15,16, or 17, about 50% have the number of paths 22, 23,24 or 25, about 73% have a ROBDD width 2, and about 11% have the ROBDD APL 5.00007 or 5.125. Similarly, this table also shows the number of non-bent functions of 6 variables having Hamming weight equal to 28 or 36 on a sample when there are 1,000,000 discovered bent 294 M. RADMANOVIĆ functions with respect to the ROBDD size, number of paths, width, and APL. It can be noticed that the number of non-bent functions follows the number of bent functions with a ratio of about 40 times more. Table 3 shows the number of bent functions of 8 variables on a sample of 10,000 functions with respect to the ROBDD size, number of paths, width, and APL. The reason why the number of tested functions is reduced to 10,000 is the very long computation time required for discovery of these functions. In this table, about 60% of the sampled bent functions of 8 variables have size 22, 23, or 24, about 70% have the number of paths 30, 31, or 32. About 90% of the sampled bent functions have ROBDD width 2, and about 50% have ROBDD average path lengths 6.12903, or 6.133335. This table also shows the number of non-bent functions of 8 variables having Hamming weight equal to 120 or 136 on a sample when there are 10,000 discovered bent functions. It can be noticed that the number of non-bent functions follows the number of bent functions with a ratio of about 80 times more. If we look at all three tables for functions with 4, 6 and 8 variables, it is easy to determine the formulas for the characteristics that have the largest number of functions. It is discovered that the largest number of n-variable bent functions have size 4*n-8. Regarding other ROBDD characteristics for the maximum number of functions, no law can be determined. It is interesting that there is a law for bent functions of 4 and 6 variables where APL has formula 0.8333333*n. Table 1 The number of all bent and all non-bent functions of 4 variables having Hamming weight equal to 6 or 10 with respect to the ROBDD parameters. size #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 4 7 169 5 44 667 6 153 2001 7 308 4079 8 318 5296 9 66 2630 width #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 1 132 1780 2 520 8531 3 216 4113 4 28 442 #paths #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 5 3 90 6 17 272 7 52 728 8 117 1471 9 193 2398 10 210 2985 11 157 3074 12 95 2294 13 42 1186 14 9 323 15 1 33 APL #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 2.4 3 61 2.66667 12 123 2.83333 5 92 2.85714 12 176 3 38 572 3.125 78 907 3.14286 2 30 3.22222 8 430 3.25 39 484 3.33333 172 1740 3.4 42 1468 3.44444 13 227 3.5 168 1529 3.54545 86 2405 3.63636 71 669 3.66667 86 2143 3.75 9 152 3.76923 42 1182 3.85714 9 323 A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 295 Table 2 The number of bent and non-bent functions of 6 variables having Hamming weight equal to 28 or 36 with respect to the ROBDD parameters. size #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 8 3 142 9 49 2168 10 369 15845 11 2078 84473 12 9182 271672 13 33303 1005621 14 94595 2559252 15 195267 7037689 16 273064 10165891 17 225355 8587546 18 121807 5018437 19 37694 1889635 20 6794 506954 21 440 35829 width #f (bent) #f(non-bent) 2 269858 8434452 3 590964 22425672 4 133894 4584176 5 5284 155319 #paths #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 11 3 194 12 26 1593 13 120 5926 14 397 18922 15 1586 68573 16 3643 151345 17 7840 302133 18 20466 772155 19 37087 1363662 20 61213 2197944 21 83862 3018102 22 116633 4201566 23 135603 5127539 24 136380 6056333 25 117712 5578164 26 97858 4783127 27 80974 4205942 28 46092 2589411 29 26284 1881356 30 16647 1204724 31 8095 712410 32 1467 166751 33 12 1478 APL #f (b) #f (n-bent) 3.90909 3 122 3.91667 12 568 4.07692 24 799 4.08333 6 188 4.15385 32 1420 4.16667 8 521 4.21429 48 2278 4.23077 12 499 4.25 48 2568 4.26667 284 10891 4.28577 178 6995 4.30786 45 1591 4.3125 70 4575 4.33333 449 20481 4.35714 36 1665 4.38463 7 302 4.4 284 9895 4.41176 200 9678 4.42857 72 2889 4.4375 1254 59642 4.46667 282 9612 4.47059 96 4576 4.50019 823 47612 4.52941 660 28902 APL #f (bent) #f (n-bent) 4.80952 868 44599 4.8125 13 568 4.81818 4922 228955 4.82353 103 5601 4.83333 1128 57546 4.84214 4359 178221 4.85 5518 316647 4.85729 9472 376566 4.86431 12929 564982 4.88235 234 9677 4.89596 2046 74766 4.90063 34213 1956687 4.90478 15467 602886 4.90909 2191 80885 4.91304 35656 2012624 4.91667 18849 604202 4.9447 147 6457 4.95023 2078 74702 4.95238 25216 870164 4.95424 398 19465 4.95456 45164 1972354 4.95652 11110 575503 4.95833 639 26774 5.00007 68074 3089332 APL #f (bent) #f (n-bent) 5.16667 6967 257702 5.17241 2640 98321 5.17391 2862 97023 5.17857 20647 860785 5.18182 84 3677 5.18518 14512 798544 5.19231 757 34577 5.2 18960 870556 5.20833 13085 561017 5.21429 2091 79045 5.21739 24 885 5.22222 8080 387122 5.23077 22424 874322 5.23333 1849 70554 5.2381 9 349 5.24 4806 156855 5.24138 11841 590446 5.25 9424 519445 5.25806 5351 254023 5.25926 1928 85266 5.26087 38 1671 5.26667 9674 385661 5.26923 5140 202677 296 M. RADMANOVIĆ 4.53333 14 569 4.55556 656 30187 4.56383 900 35671 4.57143 2 85 4.58916 3783 165761 4.60025 221 8647 4.61111 106 4854 4.62533 220 12587 4.63158 1266 52908 4.64706 1362 49762 4.65 6022 158712 4.66667 10588 458972 4.68421 7271 276134 4.6875 36 1589 4.7 1436 57125 4.7059 1276 45476 4.72228 6569 245564 4.73684 1609 47933 4.75 2227 78231 4.7619 7652 256443 4.76471 90 3554 4.77778 1040 39677 4.78947 19927 819556 4.80001 8330 122 5.04167 5929 258466 5.04348 42467 1704665 5.04545 29139 956027 5.04762 172 5702 5.05 52 1795 5.0527 96 3899 5.07692 13845 507879 5.08 36418 1422644 5.08333 10918 403354 5.08696 6941 353002 5.09117 13059 680223 5.09532 574 31066 5.10649 8 346 5.10714 5499 285302 5.11111 39390 1896601 5.11538 23450 873321 5.12 3655 154667 5.125 45599 1564998 5.13043 31476 1502337 5.13636 234 13121 5.14815 3456 165209 5.15067 39 1466 5.15385 19933 698680 5.16 32140 1570665 5.27586 2173 75331 5.28 4278 165006 5.28571 2793 95661 5.29167 24 1164 5.2963 12014 485664 5.30769 2616 106447 5.31034 3726 185433 5.31818 1 43 5.32143 3222 135886 Table 3 The number of bent and non-bent functions of 8 variables having Hamming weight equal to 120 or 136 with respect to the ROBDD parameters size #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 16 9 1040 17 37 4074 18 110 12061 19 196 19866 20 438 41860 21 960 91649 22 1598 137048 23 2006 160217 24 2518 219748 25 1340 121521 26 740 67832 27 40 3821 28 8 836 width #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 2 9110 712085 3 890 83305 APL #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 5.80769 300 40801 5.83333 30 2161 5.84 120 9212 5.91304 15 1408 5.91667 60 6304 5.92593 88 6602 5.96 16 1282 5.96154 44 3240 6 24 1960 6.0303 540 52486 6.03333 48 3595 6.03448 36 3342 6.03571 114 9354 6.03704 16 1750 6.03846 8 705 6.04 22 1886 6.04167 8 711 6.0625 216 17381 6.06452 54 3865 6.07143 24 1938 6.07407 44 3982 APL #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 6.11765 36 3296 6.12 4 341 6.12903 3600 269403 6.13333 1329 124259 6.14286 136 9576 6.14815 38 2902 6.15152 36 2920 6.15385 22 2114 6.15625 18 1390 6.16 5 84 6.16667 72 5751 6.17241 402 28489 6.18182 48 4112 6.2 40 2971 6.21875 492 40242 6.22222 68 5509 6.22581 233 22063 6.23077 13 1071 6.24138 64 5356 6.25 215 23555 6.25806 12 860 A Study of Binary Decision Diagram Characteristics of Bent Boolean Functions 297 #paths #f (bent) #f (non-bent) 23 15 1661 24 98 9720 25 167 16465 26 405 34536 27 261 21638 28 527 41872 29 925 73051 30 1597 124734 31 3899 331211 32 1446 125449 33 624 63760 34 36 4603 6.07692 10 764 6.09375 720 52980 6.10345 372 28586 6.11538 8 706 6.26667 102 7354 6.32143 14 1166 6.33333 13 1385 6.34483 51 4902 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK One efficient way to represent Boolean functions is with a reduced ordered binary decision diagram. The strength of ROBDDs is that they can represent Boolean function data with a high level of redundancy in a compact form. The quality of compactness is expressed by basic ROBDD parameters or characteristics. These basic characteristics are the size, the number of paths, the width, and the average path length. Using these characteristics, bent function analysis can be performed to determine their properties better. This paper investigates the characteristics of bent functions with a focus on their basic ROBDD parameters. A decision diagram experimental framework has been used for implementation of a program for calculation of these parameters. The complete set of all bent functions is analyzed for functions of 4 variables. Due to very time-consuming process for the discovery of bent functions of 6 and 8 variables, ROBDD characteristics were analyzed on a set of 1 million, and 10,000 bent functions, respectively. So that we can use these experimental results in future research, this paper also investigates the ROBDD characteristics of non- bent functions with n variables having Hamming weight equal to (2n-1±2(n/2)-1) with focus on the same parameters. The complete set of all non-bent functions of 4 variables is analyzed. The set of non-bent functions of 6 variables is analyzed on a sample when there are 1 million discovered bent functions and the set of non-bent functions of 8 variables is analyzed on a sample when there are 10,000 discovered bent functions. From the experimental results, it is evident that for bent functions of 4 variables there is a small set of values of ROBDD characteristics that most bent functions have. For example, for these functions, 70% of them have the ROBDD size of 7 or 8, 63% have the number of paths of 9, 10 or 11. 58% have the width 2 and 40% have the average path lengths 3.33333 or 3.5. For bent functions of 6 variables, the values of the ROBDD characteristics that have the largest number of bent functions can be determined again. The same applies to bent functions with 8 variables. It was also determined that the largest number of n-variable bent functions has a size of 4*n-8, and an average path length of bent functions of 4 and 6 variables is very close to 0.8333333*n. But unfortunately, it was not possible to confirm the same average path length formula for bent functions of 8 variables. Perhaps the reason for this is the small set of functions that was tested. 298 M. RADMANOVIĆ From the experimental results for non-bent functions, it is evident that they follow the characteristics of bent functions. The ratio of the number of non-bent to bent is about 20 times more for functions of 4 variables, about 40 times more for functions of 6 variables and about 80 times more for functions of 8 variables. These values also represent the search space when creating a potential method for discovering bent functions using ROBDD characteristics. The results presented in this paper are intended to be used to create methods for the construction of bent functions using ROBDD as a data structure from which the bent functions can be discovered. Research in this direction can reduce the time for discovering random bent functions. In addition, the results in this work represent new boundaries within which we can detect bent functions. It was shown that a large percentage of bent functions with 4, 6 and 8 variables have a very small range of ROBDD characteristics which are tested in this paper. Also, based on individual ROBDD characteristics, new subsets of bent functions can be defined. Bent function discovery can be performed within these ROBDD subsets that have a predefined Hamming weight. Future work will refer to the study of a pair or more ROBDD parameters of bent functions. It also can be extended to research of additional ROBDD parameters of bent functions, as well as to the study of the characteristics of not only binary decision diagrams, but also other types of diagrams, such as functional decision diagrams, algebraic decision diagrams, Kronecker decision diagrams, Pseudo-Kronecker decision diagrams, etc [7], [8], [11]. REFERENCES [1] O. Rothaus, "On Bent Functions", J. Comb. Theory Ser. A, vol. 20, pp. 300-305, 1976. [2] O. Logachev, A. Salnikov and V Yashchenko, Boolean Functions in Coding Theory and Cryptography, American Mathematical Society, 2012. [3] S. Mesnager, Bent Functions, Fundamentals and Results, Springer International Publishing, 2016. [4] N. Tokareva, Bent Functions, Results and Applications to Cryptography, Academic Press, 2015. [5] M. 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