Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 27, N o 3, September 2014, pp. 435 - 453 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1403435N WIRELESS SENSOR NODE WITH LOW-POWER SENSING  Goran Nikolić 1 , Mile Stojčev 1 , Zoran Stamenković 2 , Goran Panić 2 , Branislav Petrović 1 1 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia 2 IHP - Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics, Frankfurt, Germany Abstract. Wireless sensor network consists of a large number of simple sensor nodes that collect information from external environment with sensors, then process the information, and communicate with other neighboring nodes in the network. Usually, sensor nodes operate with exhaustible batteries unattended. Since manual replacement or recharging of the batteries is not an easy, desirable or always possible task, the power consumption becomes a very important issue in the development of these networks. The total power consumption of a node is a result of all steps of the operation: sensing, data processing and radio transmission. In most published papers in literature it is assumed that the sensing subsystem consumes significantly less energy than a radio block. However, this assumption does not apply in numerous applications, especially in the case when power consumption of the sensing activity is comparably bigger than that of a radio. In that context, in this work we focus on the impact of the sensing hardware on the total power consumption of a sensor node. Firstly, we describe the structure of the sensor node architecture, identify its key energy consumption sources, and introduce an energy model for the sensing subsystem as a building block of a node. Secondly, with the aim to reduce energy consumption we investigate joint effectiveness of two common power-saving techniques in a specific sensor node: duty-cycling and power-gating. Duty-cycling is effective at the system level. It is used for switching a node between active and sleep mode (with the duty- cycle factor of 1%, the reduction of in dynamic energy consumption is achieved). Power-gating is used at the circuit level with the goal to decrease the power loss due to the leakage current (in our design, the reduction of dynamic and static energy consumption of off-chip sensor elements as constituents of sensing hardware within a node of is achieved). Compared to a sensor node architecture in which both energy saving techniques are omitted, the conducted MATLAB simulation results suggest that in total, thanks to involving duty-cycling and power-gating techniques, a three order of magnitude reduction for sensing activities in energy consumption can be achieved. Key words: wireless sensor networks, sensor elements, power cosumption, duty-cycling, power-gating   Received February 18, 2014; received in revised form May 29, 2014 Corresponding author: Goran Nikolić Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia ( 436 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ 1. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks, WSNs, consist of a large number of sensor nodes, SNs, deployed randomly (or in some specific places) within a restricted area. Applications for WSNs range from consumer electronics, military target tracking, industrial monitoring, health monitoring, home environmental control, forest fire detection, greenhouse monitoring, etc [1]. Since SNs are usually battery-powered devices and operate unattended for a relatively long period of time, maximizing energy efficiency of SN is critical [1], [2]. Typically, this constraint is imposed by the limited capacity of the SN's battery [3]. To optimize the design of SN, an accurate power consumption model, which allows a good forecast of battery lifetime, is needed. In order to extend the lifetime of SN, a wide variety of techniques for minimizing SN's energy consumption have been proposed in literature [4], [5], [6]. Some of them deal with saving energy at MAC (Media Access Control) level [7], [8], [9], others at routing protocols [10], [11], [12], third with dissemination data aggregations or fusion [13], [14], fourth with involving novel architectures that utilize the optimized radio and digital parts [15], [16], [17], fifth employ on-chip power gating in order to reduce the static power loss [18], [19]. To address the problem of power saving within a SN, two promising approaches based on dynamic voltage scaling [20], [21] and power gating [22], [23] are used. The first represents a useful solution for high performance SNs, while the second is effective in SNs operating with low duty-cycle where the SNs alter between off and on states to minimize the energy consumption [22], [16], [17]. SNs, as constituents of WSN, are capable of performing computation, communication and sensing of oriented tasks. Accurate prediction of the SN lifetime requires an accurate energy consumption model and estimation of sensor activities. The energy model which accurately reveals the energy consumption of SN is an extremely important part of the protocol development, sensor node micro-architecture design (radio, microcontroller and sensing subsystem), battery capacity, and performance evaluation in WSNs. There have been various attempts to model SN energy consumption. In [24] a model that includes MCU processing and radio transmission and receiving is considered. In [25] and [26] sensing activities including sensor sensing, sensor logging and actuation are omitted. In [23] a comprehensive energy model for WSN that takes into account all key energy consumption sources within a SN is described. By studying component energy consumption in different SN states the authors in [27] present the energy models of the SN core components. In [28] a combination of two complementary approaches intended to reduce the energy consumed by a sensor node, duty cycling (waking up a sensing board only for the time needed to acquire a new set of samples and powering it off immediately afterwards) and adaptive sensing strategy (a huge computation approach which is able to dynamically adapt the sensor activity to the real dynamics of the process) is proposed. As is reported in [4], [29], [30], on time radio operation dominates the system power budget for order of magnitude in respect to the other two operations (data processing and sensing) combined, even when the radio module operates at a low duty cycle (approximately from 1 to 2 %). Since data processing and sensing activities account for a small fraction of power budget, the authors suggest that SN's lifetime improvement requires a significant reduction in communication activities. However, our current research shows that by using a more realistic power consumption model of the sensing subsystem which clearly separates the power consumption of each sensor element, it is possible to derive clearer Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 437 results which provide insight into which sensing elements are limiting the WSN performance. In other words, in this work we extract the impact of sensing hardware on the total power consumption and point to the fact that the contribution of the sensing subsystem to the total power consumption of the SN cannot be neglected (ignored) especially in the case when WSNs with medium- (high-) energy consuming sensor elements are used. In other words, the main novelty presented in this paper deals with involving a joint combination of two common power saving techniques (duty cycling and power gating) during the operation of a sensor node. Due to space constraints this paper concentrates only on sensing subsystem power consumption. For discussions on wireless communications and data processing activities, readers can refer to the following papers [6], [27], [30], [31]. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, sensor node architecture is involved and operating functionalities of all constituents are identified. In addition, details which deal with specifics of connectivity at sensor elements and the power supply are given. Section 3 concentrates on sensor node energy profile. Justification of involving two power saving techniques, duty-cycling, at system level, and off-chip power-gating, at sensing subsystem level is discussed, too. Section 4 deals with power estimation. Also, the energy profile during initialization and sensing activities is calculated. Section 5 concludes the paper. 2. SENSOR NODE ARCHITECTURE An overall hardware structure of a SN is presented in Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Overall block scheme of a sensor node. The SN consists of several building blocks: a) MCU- referred as a processing subsystem, controls the operation of all constituents within the SN and performs data processing. The MCU includes microcontroller and memory for local data processing. Most existing processing subsystems employ microcontrollers, notably Texas Instruments' MSP430, Intel's Strong ARM, or Atmel's AVR. These microcontrollers enable some of their internal components to be turned-off completely when they are idle or sleep. CMOS compatible memories including static random-access memory, SRAM, and embedded dynamic random-access memory, DRAM, permit SNs to perform more complex digital signal processing algorithms (collection, aggregation, and compression) and log more sensor data. 438 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ b) Off-Chip Sensor Elements (OCSE) – called a sensing subsystem, implemented as a set of passive and active sensors (digital or analog) convert input information from the external environment into electrical signals. In most applications, wireless SNs are used for monitoring light, pressure, vibration, flow rates in pipelines, temperature, ventilation, electricity, etc. Commonly, sensor elements generate voltage or current signals at their outputs. These signals are first amplified (conditioned) and then digitized with an analog- to-digital converter, ADC, before data are digitally processed, stored and transmitted. c) Radio Block (RB) – implemented as a short range transceiver which provides wireless communication with the host or SNs within a WSN. The power consumption of a transceiver can be reduced both at: i) the circuit level by developing more energy-efficient RF circuits (using weak inversion operation in the RF building blocks, RF-MEMS passive components, ultra-wideband transceivers which send narrow pulses of energy to transmit data), and ii) at a system level by using RF communication (including shortening the communication distance, minimizing the amount of data sent over the RF link or using energy-efficient communication protocols, or powering down the transceiver during idle periods, i.e., using a duty-cycling concept). For more details about this problematic see reference [30]. d) Battery Supply Unit (BSU) – is a part of the power subsystem acting as a controllable unit which individually switches on/off the power supply of each SN's building blocks. BSU is responsible for providing the right amount of supply voltage to each individual SN hardware component. A bulky battery is included in the BSU to power the SN's subsystems. The BSU is a very important building block of the SN intended to improve the WSN lifetime, and therefore numerous techniques based on the efficient exploitation of energy resources have been introduced with the aim to prolong the WSN lifetime. For more details see [31]. As we have already mentioned, currently, SNs are powered by batteries. However, batteries are characterized by several disadvantages, including: i) the need to either replace or recharge then periodically; and ii) being of a big size and weight compared to SN electronics. One promising solution to overcome these drawbacks is to harvest energy from the environment to either recharge a battery or even to directly power the SN. As is presented in Table 1, the energy harvesting circuits can be classified into two groups. Table 1 Classifications of energy harvesting circuits energy source type of energy human kinetic, thermal environment kinetic, thermal and radiation For more details see references [32], [33]. Among the most popular harvesting circuits used in SNs are those based on converting solar energy, as a radiation type of energy. The main advantages for using solar energy are as follows: i) it is excellent in remote or difficult access location; ii) it is a totally clean and renewable source; iii) for supplying small current loads such as SNs; and iv) in any country the use of solar energy like this is feasible throughout the entire territory. Depending on the specific application, SNs may also include additional components like the location finding system to determine their position, a mobilizing unit to change their location, etc. More details about SN architectures and functionalities of their Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 439 building blocks can be found in [34]. Different types of communication interfaces, such as parallel and serial buses interconnect the aforementioned subsystems. Among serial buses the most frequently used interconnects are SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I 2 C (Inter- Integrated Circuit). A SPI is a preferable design solution for high-speed, while I 2 C for low-speed communication. Today's wireless SN is a simple device, and its components that make up its subsystems are commonplace off-the-shelf components usually located on a printed circuit board. 2.1. Connecting sensor elements Within an SN architecture, sensor elements can be implemented as: a) on-chip constituents - typical for future generation (advanced system-on-chip, SoC design) of wireless SN designs, and b) off-chip constituents - SN composed of discrete components typical for currently common market available (on-the-shelf) wireless SN systems. The recent progress in ultra-low power circuit design is creating new opportunities in SN architectures with on-chip for temperature and image sensor elements [35], [36]. Important advances have been made to achieve millimeter-scale SN and standby power as low as 30 pW [37], or microwatt successive approximation register SAR-ADC with the figure of merit down to 4.4 fJ per conversion step [38], but many design challenges remain yet open. Our design choice is based on the use of the off-the-shelf components. Such solution implies that sensor elements are of the off-chip type, i.e., externally connected components to the ADC (in our proposal ADC is a constituent of the MCU). In this paper, by involving adequate energy models, we will consider implementations of duty-cycling and power- gating techniques and investigate how to reduce the dynamic and static power when both power saving approaches are used. 2.2. Power supply subsystems In a SN, each subsystem/circuitry requires different supply voltage for its operation. For example, in most common currently used designs, the MCU and other digital circuits can run at supply voltage which ranges from 3 V to 1.8 V. Analog components such are RF transceiver and sensor elements, in order to provide correct operation and noise margins, require higher supply voltages which range from 1.2 V to 2.5 V. Batteries (Lithium 3.3 V−4.2 V) incorporated as power sources in SNs are limited in their output voltage by their chemistries, and their voltages degrade with use. Since battery voltages do not usually match the desired subsystem/circuit supply voltages, switching dc-to-dc or linear low drop-out voltage regulator power converting electronics is used. Bearing in mind that a current consumption of SN is within a range of several tens of mA (in active mode) down to several A (in sleep mode) the power electronics must be specifically designed for a low-power operation. As a preferable solution, we propose linear low drop-out voltage regulator for powering the SN subsystem. In general, for powering low- level of power devices, such as SN, the linear low drop-out voltage regulator has a better performance in respect to dc-to-dc converter (dc-to-dc converters are usually designed for high output power levels and do not efficiently convert the low level of the power needed by SNs [30]). 440 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ Before we start describing the principle of operation of BSU (see Fig.1), it is necessary to first explain the meaning of the following two terms: power gating and duty cycle. Power gating is a technique used in integrated circuit design to reduce power consumption, by shutting off the current to blocks of the circuit that are not in use [39]. A duty cycle is the percentage of one period in which a signal is active. A period is the time it takes for a signal to complete an on-and-off cycle [40]. In our case, the time interval during which the SN is on or off is known as its active, TON, and inactive (sleep) time interval, TOFF, respectively. According to the previous, the duty cycle (DC) is defined as: ( ) ON ON OFF DC T T T  (1) The focus of our interest in this paper is the implementation of a power distribution system, as part of BSU which relates to switching on/off both the sensor elements within OCSE and the transceiver (as a constituent of RB) in a timely defined manner. By using a combination of a duty-cycling which relates to powering the SN at a system level, and power-gating technique intended to power the SN at a sensor element level, a significant saving of dynamic and static power during SN operation can be achieved. A global scheme of BSU is presented in Fig. 2. It consists of: a) Battery – acts as a main energy source for powering SN's functional unit; b) Dual-Channel Controllable LDO Regulator – implemented as single-input (in1) two- output (out1 and out2) linear low drop-out voltage regulator. By setting the control enable signals en1 and en2 to logic one/zero, the voltage at the outputs out1 and out2 can be switched on/off. At the output out1 voltage is always present, since en1= {1}, while voltage at the output out2 can be switched on/off by setting en2= {1/0}, respectively. Power-gating for OCSE is achieved by switching on/off the pin out2 (output of the LDO, see Fig. 2). Dual-channel controllable LDO regulator -LDO- Controllable turn-on/off load switch -CLS1- Controllable turn-on/off load switch -CLSn- Controllable turn-on/off load switch -CLS2- battery uninterruptable power supply line to MCU ... Analog or digital sensor 1 -SE1- Analog or digital sensor 2 -SE2- Analog or digital sensor n -SEn- on/off power supply line out1 out2 en1 en2 global power-gating enable line for sensor block n individual power-gating enable lines for sensor element from MCU in Off-chip sensor elements Battery supply unit Controllable turn-on/off load switch on/off power supply line to RF block power-gating enable line from MCU to ADC or SPI part of MCU ... Fig. 2 Power distribution system of sensor node Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 441 c) Controllable Turn On/Off Load Switches (CLSs) – each CLS is implemented as a P- channel, or N-channel MOSFET transistor which can be individually switched on/off. In this manner power-gating at a local control level within the sensing subsystem is provided (i.e., MCU can separately switches on/off the power supply voltage for each sensor element by setting a corresponding control line to logic one/zero). 3. ENERGY PROFILE The proposed WSN considered in this paper is composed of several SNs deployed in a restricted area. This system is primarily intended to monitor scalar values like acceleration, space orientation, and audio signals. In this type of application almost all of the mentioned sensor measurements do not need to be taken continuously which implies that the environmental conditions can be periodically sampled. For example, taking one sample per two minutes could be adequate to monitor temperature, pressure, light, humidity, etc. Power management is an efficient way to conserve energy in WSN. The crucial idea of power management is to dynamically make the SNs inactive in order to reduce their energy consumption, i.e. to decide when a SN should go to the inactive state and the amount of time to stay so. Most power management strategies proposed in literature [31], [41] assume that data acquisition (sensing activity) consumes significantly less energy than wireless data transmission [4]. However, in a large number of practical applications, this assumption does not hold, especially in the case when the power consumption of active (not passive) sensor element can be comparable to that of the communication subsystem. Similar problem was considered in reference [42], [43]. In order to cope with this challenge in an effective way, we propose to implement the power management concept into two levels, system and component level, respectively. At the first level, a duty cycle technique is used, by which we identify the idle and active time periods of SN's constituents. At the second level, power gating technique is used, by which unutilized sensor elements are switched off while the analyzed sensor element is switched on. In other words, our goal is that during most of the time, the inefficient (unnecessary) power consumption of sensor elements due to not-optimal configuration of hardware and software components is significantly reduced. Let us note that a sensor node as an electrical system is time invariant, i.e. the total energy consumption depends on its individual energy consumption components. Having this in mind, in the sequel we will separately analyze the effects and benefits of implementation of duty-cycling and power-gating techniques on energy consumption only for the sensing subsystem as SN constituent. 3.1. Duty cycling Duty cycling is a well-known technique for minimization of power consumption in wireless SNs. The main idea behind this is clear: keep hardware (sensing-, communication-, and some parts of power- and processing-subsystems – see Fig. 1.) in a low power sleep state, except during instances when the hardware is needed. Many realizations of duty-cycling technique allows even the MCU to be put into a low power state for long time periods, while its internal or external clock tracks the time in order to trigger a later wake-up. The wake-up time is the time from activation of the interrupt signal (by a Real Time Clock, RTC, circuit) to the beginning of an interrupt service routine. Let us note that, all activities which deal with the duty cycle 442 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ operation (switching into different power modes the transceiver, MCU, and low-drop out regulator) are performed by the MCU under software control. The total energy consumed by SN, Et, depends on the dynamic (active), Ed, and static (leakage) power loss, Es. t d s LF d LF s E E E DC T P T P       (2) where, 0 < DC < 1, TLF is the lifetime of a SN, and Pd and Ps correspond to dynamic and static power, respectively. From Eq. 2, the portion of energy lost due to the leakage is 1 1 s dt s E PE DC P   (3) The ratio Pd / Ps is technology dependent and is proportional to the MOS transistor channel properties. Similarly as in [18] 1 , taking the corresponding Pd / Ps for three different CMOS technologies, we have calculated the impact of energy loss in respect to the total energy consumption in terms of a DC factor. The obtained results are presented in Fig. 3. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Duty-cycle E s /E t [% ] Energy loss due to leakage as a function of duty-cycle for different CMOS technologies For 0.18 um CMOS technology For 0.13 um CMOS technology For 0.25 um CMOS technology Fig. 3 Energy loss due to leakage as a function of duty-cycle for different CMOS technologies For digital components of the SN, similarly as in reference [44], we assume that Pd / Ps is  1000 for 0.25 m technology,  20 for 0.18 m technology, and  4 for 0.13 m technology. By analyzing Fig. 3 we can conclude the following: 1 For the sake of clarity, the reference [18] defines the power consumption in active state (Pa = Pd + Ps) and the power consumption in inactive state (Pi = Ps) Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 443 1. With CMOS technology, scaling the energy loss due to static power increases. In other words, the static power loss is comparable to dynamic power loss (high amount of power is lost due to the leakage currents of CMOS circuitry [45]). 2. In standard applications a DC factor of the SN is low ( 1% ), which makes the total system power dominated by the standby power, i.e. static power losses. 3. Theoretically, better energy efficiency (achieved by decreasing ED) can be obtained by further decreasing the DC factor. However, in this case the influence of the clock system, as components of SN, on the overall time synchronization accuracy of the WSN becomes critical [46], [47]. Namely, the impact of variations in environmental temperature on clock drift in highly duty-cycled wireless SNs is emphasized [47]. 3.2. Power gating With the aim to switch-off the leakage currents of inactive sensor elements we decide to implement power-gating, because as a design technique it is primarily used to reduce the overall static power loss in a circuit [48]. The efficiency of power gating depends on the activity profile of SN's components. By adapting an event-driven control mechanism we will first present the activity model of a SN at a general level (see Fig. 4), and then in Section 4 we will study energy consumption issues of sensor elements units (constituents of the sensing subsystem – see Fig. 2) that switch-on and –off during the sensing period. SN_active state SN_sleep state See timing in Fig. 6 T = 2 min wake-up event generated by on-chip RTC wake-up event generated by on-chip RTC T TOFFTON initialization sensing data processing communication Duty cycle profile Profile of SN activities during SN_active state Events profile Power consumption of a single sensor element TSEN Consumption profile see Fig. 5 initialization and sensing activities of SN (a) (b) (c) Fig. 4 Activity profile of a sensor node 444 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ As can be seen from Fig. 4 a), the RTC circuit, as a building block of the MCU, periodically generates an interrupt signal called wakeup. The period of wakeup is T, in our case T = 2 min. The appearance of the signal wakeup initiates a SN and it enters into SN_active state (see Fig. 4b)). During SN_active state (Fig. 4c)) four sequential activities are performed, initialization, sensing, data processing, and communication. Activity initialization deals with restoring the content of MCU registers to the preceding SN_active state and setting peripherals (LDO regulator, Controllable load switches, and Transceiver – see Fig. 2) into the corresponding operating mode. The sensing activity is responsible for information collection and analog-to-digital conversion. The energy consumption during this activity comes from multiple operations, including power-on (-off) switching of sensor elements, signal sampling, and analog-to- digital conversion/SPI communication. If we assume that n sensor elements are connected to the MCU (see Fig. 2), then the total energy consumption of the sensing subsystem, EST, can be expressed as: 1 ( ) n ST FOi OFi wi Ci i E N e e E E       (4) where:  eFOi (eOFi) is the one time energy consumption of opening (closing) sensor element operation – switching sensor element i from OFF (ON) to ON (OFF) state;  Ewi – energy consumption during warm-up time period of sensor element i;  ECi – energy consumption during analog-to-digital conversion period;  N – number of SN active states during lifetime of a SN, and  n – number of sensor elements in a SN. Power consumption profile of a SN during single sensing activity of a sensor element is sketched in Fig. 5. Power Time OFF ON t  WU T CON T ON OFF t  OFF P ON P SENSOR PERIOD T Fig. 5 Power consumption profile of a single sensor element Notice: A time interval tOFFON (tONOFF) includes transient time of Controllable load switch CLSi, i = 1,...,8, and transient time of a sensor element SEi Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 445 As is marked in Fig. 5, tOFFON (tONOFF) corresponds to a time interval needed for switching the sensor element from OFF (ON) to ON (OFF) state, TWU to warm-up time interval, and TCON to analog-to-digital conversion time interval. Basic constituents of most sensor elements are analog circuits (input and output amplifiers, active filters, etc.). In analog circuits, the power gates must be turned-on long enough before the active system operation in order to allow the circuits to reach a stable dc state. This implies that both the sensor elements and their coupling with the source of stimulus cannot always respond instantly. Namely, the sensor is characterized with a time- depended characteristic, and a delay (latency) appears in representing a true value of a stimulus. In Fig. 5 this delay corresponds to the warm-uptime TWU. In essence, warm-up time is the time between applying to the sensor power or excitation signal and the moment when the sensor can operate within its specified accuracy [48]. The warm-up time depends on the type of sensor. Many sensors may have a negligible short warm-up time (in the range from 100 s up to1ms ), but those that operate in a thermally or humidity controlled environments, such as a thermostat and humidity sensor, may require from several hundred up to seconds or minutes of warm-up time after powering-up only the sensor elements. From the aspect of energy consumption, a sensor with a shorter warm-up time causes a lower amount of power loss. Let us assume that all sensors are homogenous. This means that for i, i = 1,...,n, the following is valid EWi = EW, ECi = EC and eFO = eOF = eS. According to the aforementioned, the eq. (4) now has the form ( )2 ST S W C E N n e E E      (5) The total energy consumed during warm-up time is TW W E N n E   (6) If we take that in average, eS = 0.1EC, then a portion of energy due to the warm-up is (2 ) 1 1.2 1 TW W ST S W C C W E N n E E N n e E E E E            (7) If we further take that EW = k  EC where k is an real number, the portion of energy loss, ETW / EST, in terms of EW is presented in Table 2. Table 2 A portion of energy lost in term of k k 0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.8 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 1000 ∞ ETW / EST 0 0.077 0.143 0.294 0.400 0.454 0.625 0.800 0.892 0.943 0.976 0.989 0.999 1 By analyzing the results presented in Table 2 we can conclude that as warm-up time increases the portion ETW / EST asymptotically brings closer to value 1 . This means that at the lower limit, TWU = 0, the total energy loss is EST = N * n * (2eS + EC), and at the upper 446 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ limit TWU  , the total energy loss is EST  N * n * EW, i.e. EW becomes dominant. In general, better design solution concerning ETW is one in which TSW  0, but in this case the sensor elements are all time active. As a direct consequence of this approach the power consumption of a sensing subsystem will be high. To cope efficiently with this problem, involving of power gating technique represents a good compromise. But in such a solution, the sensor warm-up time cannot be ignored when SN's energy model is considered. 4. POWER ESTIMATION In this article we continue our work [49], and present a complete energy consumption profile of the wireless sensor node during the activities initialization, and sensing, only within the SN_active state. In our case, the sensing subsystem OCSE (see Fig.2) is composed of eight sensor elements, SE1, ..,SE8. Sensor elements from SE1up to SE7 are of analog type and drive the on-chip ADC (as a component of MCU (MSP430FR59xx)). These sensor elements are used for sensing temperature (LMT87), humidity (SHT21S), acceleration (ADXL377), ambient light (ISL76671), position (SS345PT), motion (L3G3250A), and audio microphone (MP33AB01), respectively. The last sensor (T5400) is used for measurement pressure and it transfers data to MCU via an SPI interface. For more details about electrical and time specifications of sensor elements see Farnell website [50]. The power supply voltage out 2 = 3V (marked as VOUT2 output of a low-drop out dual-channel voltage regulator TLV716 [51]). ACLSi is implemented as a P-channel MOSFET transistor TPS22908 [52] (see Fig.2). Electrical and time specifications (found in the devices documentations and determined by direct measurements) and energy consumption per sensor element (determined by calculation and direct measurements) are presented in Table 3. Table 3 Electrical and timing specifications, and calculated energy consumption per sensor element S e n so r e le m e n t T y p e s e n so r o u t2 [V ] S E ia v . c u rr e n t [m A ] t O F F -O N [m s] e F O [u J] T W U [m s] E W [u J] T C O N * [m s] E C [u J] t O N -O F F [ m s] e O F [u J] 1 LMT87 3 0.0041 2.01 0.012  n.a. 0 .0 0 3 5 0.000043 0 .0 0 5 0.000031 2 SHT21 0.1811 150.11 40.778 8000 4346.400 0.001902 0.001358 3 ADXL377 0.3011 5.11 2.308  n.a. 0.003162 0.002258 4 ISL76671 0.0361 0.205 0.011 0.350 0.038 0.000379 0.000271 5 SS345PT 3.0011 0.11 0.495 0.0015 0.014 0.031512 0.022508 6 L3G3250A 6.3011 0.11 1.040 0.3 5.671 0.066162 0.047258 7 MP33AB01 0.3011 0.11 0.050  n.a. 0.003162 0.002258 8 T5400 0.7911 2.61 3.097 10 23.733 16 37.9728 0.005933 Notice: Conversion time TCON is determined by SAR-ADC, as constituent of MCU, and for 12-bit resolution and it is 3.5 s (identical for all sensor elements); n.a. stands for not available data from catalog Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 447 According to eq. (4) and data presented in Table 3, under the assumption that N = 1 and n = 8, the estimated energy consumption of our design during powering-up of sensor elements (initial phase of sensing activity) can be expressed as 8 1 47.791 0.081875 4375.856 38.07912) 4461.808 ( ) ST FOi OFi wi Ci i E e e E E J            (8) Let us note that this value corresponds to the worst-case of energy consumption for all CLSi and SEi during the sensing activity (Namely, after powering-up of sensor elements this activity happens only once during the life-time of the sensor node. It is typical for sensor element stabilization to environment conditions. Therefore, its impact, concerning power estimation, can be neglected). 4.1. Energy profile during initialization and sensing activities With the aim to determine the total energy consumption during the active state of a sensor node it is necessary to take into account the energy loss of other building blocks (MCU and BSU (see Fig. 1 and 2)) during the time period TSEN (see Fig. 4). A detailed timing diagram during initialization and sensing activities is presented in Fig. 6. As can be seen from Fig. 6a) the initialization activity begins at TSTARTON and ends with T1. The activity sensing deals with the right part of Fig 6 a), time interval from T1 to T2, continues with Fig. 6 b), time interval from T2 to T3, and ends with the left part of Fig. 6c), time interval from T3 to TENDON. The right part of Fig. 6c) includes data processing and communication activities, time interval from TENDON to TSTARTOFF, and SN_sleep state, time interval from TSTARTOFF to TENDOFF. Duration of a time interval from TSTARTON to TENDOFF is 2min. In Table 4, details concerning time interval durations of all activities during initialization and sensing activities (defined in Fig. 6) including the average current and energy consumption for each time-subinterval are given. Total time duration of initialization and sensing activities is TSEN = 191.036ms and the corresponding energy consumption during this period is 278.31J. Timing diagrams and power consumption profile during initialization and sensing activities (obtained by MATLAB,) are presented in Fig. 7. Figure Subplot 1 (down-left part of Fig. 7) deals with the initialization activity and acquiring data from SE1 and SE2. Figure Subplot 2 (down-right part of Fig. 7) refers to acquiring data from SE3 to SE8. 448 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ (a) (b) MCU current First instruction of the user program is executed Activate LDO MCU wake up LDO OUT2 current CLS1 current Activate load switch LDO shutdown current OUT 2 LDO quiescent current OUT2 LDO quiescent current OUT 1 n *CLSx leakage current CLSx quiescent current and (n-1) * CLSx leakage current Activate Temperature sensor S1 current S2 current Activate Humidity sensor CLS2 current TSTART-ON T1 T2 TWUM TIN TWUL TWLS TWS1 TADC TCMT TWS1 TADC TCMT sensinginitialization MCU current LDO OUT2 current CLS3 current LDO quiescent current OUT2 LDO quiescent current OUT 1 CLSx quiescent current and (n-1) * CLSx leakage current S3 current S4 current S5 current CLS4 current CLS5 current S6 current CLS6 current Activate Accelerometer sensor Activate Ambient Light sensor Activate Position sensor Activate Motion sensor T2 TCMT TWS3 TADC TCMT TWS4 TADC TCMT TWS5 TADC TCMT TWS6 TADC TCMT T3 sensing MCU current LDO OUT2 current LDO quiescent current OUT2 LDO quiescent current OUT 1 CLSx quiescent current and (n-1) * CLSx leakage current S7 current Activate Microphone sensor CLS7 current S8 current Activate Pressure sensor CLS8 current LDO shutdown current OUT 2 n *CLSx leakage current LPM 3.5 operating mode TCMT TADC TCMTTWS7 TWS8 TSPI TOL T3 TEND-ON TSTART-OFF TEND-OFF data processing & communication SN_sleep sensing (c) Fig. 6 Profile of power consumption during sensing activity Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 449 Table 4 Time interval duration, average current and energy consumption during initialization and sensing activities for each MCU and OCSE sub-interval Time interval Duration [ms] Average current [mA] Energy [J] TWUM 0.3500 0.290 0.1522500 TIN 1.0000 0.495 1.4850000 TWUL 0.9000 0.495 0.6682500 TWLS 0.1600 0.570 0.1368000 TWS1 1.9000 0.590 1.6815000 TADC 0.0035 0.720 0.0075600 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0005625 0.1600 0.078 0.0187200 TWS2 150.000 0.729 164.02500 TADC 0.0035 0.877 0.0092085 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0005625 0.1600 0.235 0.0564000 TWS3 5.0000 0.869 6.5175000 TADC 0.0035 1.017 0.0106785 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0005625 0.1600 0.375 0.0900000 TWS4 0.4450 0.604 0.4031700 TADC 0.0035 0.752 0.0078960 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0005625 0.1600 0.110 0.0264000 TWS5 0.0015 3.569 0.00803025 TADC 0.0035 3.717 0.0390285 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0056250 0.1600 3.075 0.7380000 TWS6 1.0000 6.869 10.303500 TADC 0.0035 7.017 0.0736785 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0056250 0.1600 6.375 1.5300000 TWS7 3.0000 0.869 3.9105000 TADC 0.0035 1.017 0.0106785 TCMT 0.0050 0.075 0.0056250 0.1600 0.078 0.0187200 TWS8 10.000 1.359 20.385000 TSPI 16.000 1.373 65.904000 TOL 0.1000 0.496 0.0744000 Notice: Where TWUM – wake-up time of the MCU; TIN – MCU initialization; TWUL – out2 wake-up time of the LDO; TWLS – wake-up time of the CLS; TWSx – warm-up time of a sensor x={1,2, ..,8}; TADCx – conversion time x={1,2, ..,7}; TCMT – switching time which includes Tturn-off(LSx+Sx) + T turn- on(LSx); TSPI – SPI time; TOL – time-off LDO 450 G. NIKOLIĆ, M. STOJĈEV, Z. STAMENKOVIĆ, G. PANIĆ, B. PETROVIĆ Fig. 7 Diagrams of power consumption during initialization and sensing activities for MCU and OCSE blocks In order to evaluate the performance of our design concerning energy reduction, we have compared the following two design solutions: a) total energy consumption of a sensor subsystem Epg during initialization and sensing activities, with the implemented duty-cycling and power-gating techniques (Epg = 638J ); and b) total energy consumption of a sensor subsystem Ewpg without implementation of duty-cycling and power-gating techniques (Ewpg = 3.92 J). The estimated ratio is Ewpg / Epg = 6146. The obtained result justifies the involvement of both power saving techniques in a sensing subsystem of a wireless sensor node. 5. CONCLUSION Wireless sensor nodes place sensor elements in the physical world in order to gather information. This activity consumes energy. Due to the limited battery capacity, energy conservation becomes a goal. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive insight into aspects of energy consumption of a sensing subsystem within a sensor node architecture. In order to achieve reduction in energy consumption in a sensor node operation, we propose using a combination of two power saving techniques. The first one, called duty- cycling, is used for power reduction at a system level, i.e. switching on/off the sensor node architecture between active and sleep state. The second one, referred to as power Wireless Sensor Node with Low-Power Sensing 451 gating, is intended for switching on/off the sensor elements (constituent of the sensing subsystem within SN), during acquiring information from the external environment. The obtained results based on the analysis and validation by MATLAB show that on average, three order of reduction in energy consumption can be achieved when the mentioned two techniques intended for power saving are implemented with respect to the case when they are turned off. For the time period of two minutes the energy consumption when the two techniques are used is 638 J compared to 3.92 J in the case when the duty-cycling and power- gating techniques are turned off. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Project No. TR-32009 – “Low-Power Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Platforms”. REFERENCES [1] I. F. Akyildiz, and M. C.Vuran, "Wireless Sensor Networks", John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2010 [2] A.J. Goldsmith, and S. B. Wicker, "Design Challenges for Energy Constrained Ad Hoc Wireless Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications, 2002, Vol. 9, No. 4, (pp. 8-27) [3] G. 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