Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 30, N o 1, March 2017, pp. 67 - 80 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1701067L A NON-INVERTING BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER WITH AN ADAPTIVE DUAL CURRENT MODE CONTROL  Srđan Lale 1 , Milomir Šoja 1 , Slobodan Lubura 1 , Dragan D. Mančić 2 , Milan Đ. Radmanović 2 1 University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia Abstract. This paper presents an implementation of adaptive dual current mode control (ADCMC) on non-inverting buck-boost converter. A verification of the converter operation with the proposed ADCMC has been performed in steady state and during the disturbances in the input voltage and the load resistance. The given simulation and experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control method. Key words: adaptive dual current mode control, non-inverting buck-boost converter, operating modes, transient response 1. INTRODUCTION A non-inverting buck-boost power electronics converter is one of the most versatile non-isolated converter topologies. It has become increasingly popular in many applications, including: electric vehicles [1], DC microgrids [2], battery-powered portable electronic devices (e.g. cellular phones and laptops) [3], [4], power factor correction (PFC) circuits [5], photovoltaic systems [6], etc. The non-inverting buck-boost converter provides the output voltage that is either lower or higher than the input voltage. This property is significant in so- called dynamic voltage scaling (DVS)-based power-efficient supplies, which provide adjustable voltage levels, according to the instantaneous operating conditions [7]. One of the most important features of this converter type is bidirectional operation, which is especially useful in applications such as DC microgrids and electric vehicles. The conventional two-switch topology of the non-inverting buck-boost converter is shown in Fig. 1 (a), being a result of a cascaded combination of a buck converter followed by a boost converter. It contains two power switches T1 and T2. If a bidirectional operation of the non- inverting buck-boost converter is required, a four-switch topology from Fig. 1 (b) must be used,  Received January 25, 2016; received in revised form April 10, 2016 Corresponding author: Srđan Lale University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Vuka Karadžića 30, 71126 Lukavica, East Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina (E-mail: 68 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ where the diodes D1 and D2 from Fig. 1 (a) are replaced with additional power switches T3 and T4. Fig. 1 A 2-switch (a) and 4-switch (b) topology of the non-inverting buck-boost converter Depending on the ratio between the input voltage vg and the output voltage vo, the non-inverting buck-boost converter can operate in buck mode (vovg). As it is discussed in [8], these operating modes can be achieved in different ways. A conventional way is to control simultaneously the switches T1 and T2 with the same gate signal. Although this switching scheme is simple, it provides low converter efficiency. In order to increase the efficiency, the operating modes are split: converter operates either as buck converter (only switch T1 is controlled, while T2 is always turned off) when vovg. However, the control of the switches is more complicated in this case, because it is necessary to provide mode detection and smooth and stable transition between the modes. Different control methods can be applied to the non-inverting buck-boost converter, depending on the application. This paper is focused on using only current mode control (CMC). In most cases, for example in [2], [3], [5], [9], regardless of the applied CMC method, it is suggested that the non-inverting buck-boost converter operates either as buck or boost converter, as described above. In [5], a non-inverting buck-boost converter as a part of PFC rectifier works in both modes during fundamental period. After detection of each operating mode, the built-in control logic decides to work as conventional peak CMC (PCMC) or valley CMC (VCMC). Therefore, the control shifts between PCMC (boost mode with duty cycle below 0.5) and VCMC (buck mode with duty cycle above 0.5) when the input rectified voltage crosses the output DC voltage, without need for slope compensation. In [9] a synchronous buck-boost LED driver controller is presented, which uses more complex control as a combination of PCMC and VCMC with slope compensation. However, as it is stated in [2], an implementation of conventional CMC methods to this converter, such as PCMC and VCMC, is not a simple task, because they require information about converter operating modes. An average CMC (ACMC) can be applied to the non-inverting buck-boost converter, without determination of operating modes [2]. By using a dual-carrier modulator described in [2], it is possible to achieve a smooth transition between the buck and the boost mode and to precisely control the inductor current throughout the entire operating range. There are other ACMC approaches, for example in [3], which unlike the above mentioned ACMC [2] has a mode selector circuit, which determines the operating mode during a switching cycle. Due to the inherent ability of natural transition between PCMC and VCMC and vice versa, a dual current mode control (DCMC) proposed in [10] could be suitable for implementation on the non-inverting buck-boost converter, with simultaneously controlled A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 69 switches T1 and T2. The converter will operate in buck mode with PCMC (duty cycle below 0.5) and in boost mode with VCMC (duty cycle above 0.5). In this way, there is no need for detection of operating modes. Also, the converter is stable for the entire range of duty cycle from 0 to 1, that is, the subharmonic oscillations do not exist. On the other hand, all excellent features of PCMC and VCMC are preserved, such as fixed switching frequency, good dynamics and what is very important - simplicity. A modified version of DCMC, named adaptive dual current mode control (ADCMC), is proposed in [11] and elaborated in detail in [12], which improves some features of DCMC, while the basic operating principles remain the same. In [12], only simulation results are given for the non-inverting buck-boost converter. In this paper, besides some simulation results, the experimental verification of ADCMC of this converter is presented. The paper is organized in the following way. The basic operating principles of ADCMC, on the example of the non-inverting buck-boost converter, are described in Section 2. The simulation and experimental results are presented in Section 3. Section 4 gives the concluding remarks. 2. OPERATING PRINCIPLES OF ADCMC OF NON-INVERTING BUCK-BOOST CONVERTER The basic scheme of ADCMC of the conventional non-inverting buck-boost converter is presented in Fig. 2 (a). The switches T1 and T2 are controlled simultaneously with the same gate signal. In order to increase the converter efficiency, there is a possibility of synchronous version of this converter, where the diodes D1 and D2 are replaced with power switches, as it is shown in Fig. 1 (b). In this paper, a synchronous version is not used. However, as it is stated in the Introduction, if bidirectional operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter is required, these additional two switches are necessary. A quiescent value of the output voltage Vo of the non-inverting buck-boost converter from Fig. 2 (a) is equal to: , 1 g o DV V D   (1) where D and Vg are the quiescent values of the duty cycle and the input voltage, respectively. According to (1), when 00.5 (boost mode), a stable operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter is guaranteed for the entire range of D without slope compensation. Instead of mode detection and artificial shifting between PCMC and VCMC, DCMC proposed in [10] is suitable for this application, because it has a natural ability of shifting between PCMC, when D<0.5, and VCMC, when D>0.5, without any mode selector circuits. Similarly as PCMC and VCMC, DCMC has a drawback in existence of a peak-to- average current error (a difference between the reference current iref and the average value of the inductor current ( ) s L T i t over switching period Ts). In ideal case of CMC, the aim is 70 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ to control precisely the average value of the inductor current over each switching period, that is, to make this error equal to zero. In order to eliminate peak-to-average current error, an enhanced version of DCMC is proposed in [11], named ADCMC. Fig. 2 a) ADCMC of the non-inverting buck-boost converter, b) Operating modes A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 71 The operating modes of ADCMC applied to the non-inverting buck-boost converter are shown in Fig. 2 (b). The main difference between ADCMC and DCMC is in the fact that the width between peak iref+ib and valley iref-ib current boundaries (the current bandwidth 2ib), is not constant and predefined for ADCMC, unlike DCMC, but it is adaptive and online calculated by using the instantaneous peak-to-peak ripple of the inductor current ΔiLpp on each switching period Ts. The adaptive current bandwidth 2ib for the non-inverting buck- boost converter is calculated as (Fig. 2 (a)): 2 , ( ) g o b ib Lpp ib s g o v v i K i K Lf v v     (2) where Kib is the scaling gain (Kib≥1), fs=1/Ts is the switching frequency, and L is the inductance value. The gain Kib determines whether 2ib≥ΔiLpp. When Kib=1, the adaptive current bandwidth 2ib becomes equal to the measured instantaneous peak-to-peak current ripple ΔiLpp, giving zero peak-to-average current error. It is evident from (2) that the calculation of adaptive current bandwidth 2ib depends on the inductance value L, which can be inconvenient if the L parameter is wrong or variable in different operating conditions. The wrong L parameter will lead to inaccurate current bandwidth 2ib and the appearance of the peak-to-average current error. A possible solution for this issue is to directly measure the instantaneous peak-to-peak ripple from the measured inductor current. This solution will be considered in the future work. A detailed analysis of ADCMC, including small-signal models and design of the output voltage compensator Gc(s) are presented in [12] for three types of DC–DC power electronics converters: buck, boost, and non-inverting buck–boost converter. This paper is focused on experimental verification of ADCMC of non-inverting buck-boost converter. 3. SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter under ADCMC, with the topology from Fig. 2 (a), was verified with simulations in Matlab/Simulink and experimentally. The parameters of the non-inverting buck-boost converter working in the continuous conduction mode (CCM), which are the same for both simulations and experiments, are listed in Table 1. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 3. The developed setup can be used for testing ADCMC on various types of converters, because the used prototype is made as a universal four-quadrant (4Q) converter, with possibility of easy configuration to the desired topology, such as buck, boost, non-inverting buck-boost, etc. Table 1 Parameters of the non-inverting buck-boost converter Vg [V] 12 L [µH] 220 C [µF] 1000 R [Ω] 20 fs [kHz] 23 72 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ Fig. 3 Experimental setup: 1) The prototype of the non-inverting buck-boost converter; 2) Electronic module for measurements and inner current loop; 3) PC with built-in MF624 board; 4) Driver module; 5) Input voltage source of the converter; 6) Power supply units; 7) Tektronix MSO 2014 oscilloscope A separate electronic module, which is connected to MF624 multifunctional data acquisition input/output digital board [13], is used for implementation of the measurements and inner current loop. The measurement of the inductor current, which is necessary for the inner current loop, is performed with LEM current transducer HX 10-NP [14]. The converter input and output voltage are measured with galvanic isolation via optocoupler IL300 [15] and sampled by 14-bit A/D converter (conversion time about 2 µs) of the MF624 board. MF624 board is built into the computer and it provides a real time processing with Matlab/Simulink environment. An implementation of the outer voltage loop and calculation of the adaptive current bandwidth 2ib for ADCMC is performed in real time in Simulink, using Real Time Windows Target (RTWT) environment. The reference current iref and current boundaries iref+ib and iref-ib are obtained from 14-bit D/A converter of the MF624 board and fed into the inner current loop. The fundamental sampling time for real time operation in Simulink was set to 25 μs, which is the minimum sampling time for this hardware. Power MOSFETs IRF540N (100 V, 33 A) [16] are used as power switches T1 and T2. A dual-channel galvanically isolated MOSFET driver module (turn on/off delay of 0.6 µs) was developed for driving the power switches. A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 73 A primary objective of the performed simulations and experiments is to demonstrate that the proposed ADCMC can be successfully applied to the non-inverting buck-boost converter, ensuring a stable operation in all operating modes and good dynamical properties, regardless of the application. Several cases of the converter operation were tested: in steady state for buck and boost operating modes, during the step changes in the input voltage and the load resistance and during the gradual change of the input voltage. 3.1. Operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter in steady state The output compensator, as a key part of the outer voltage loop, produces the reference current iref for the inner current loop (Fig. 2 (a)). In steady state, the reference current practically has a constant value. Therefore, in order to test the behavior of the inner current loop in steady state, the outer voltage loop can be disabled and the reference current should be set manually as a constant signal. A testing the operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter with ADCMC in steady state was performed for both cases: with and without the outer voltage loop. When the voltage loop is disabled, two values of the reference current were used to provide buck and boost operating mode. The simulation waveforms of the inductor current in steady state are shown for ire f = 0.5 A (buck mode) in Fig. 4 (a) and iref = 5 A (boost mode) in Fig. 4 (b). The corresponding experimental waveforms are given in Fig. 5 (a), (b). In the second case, a simple proportional-integral (PI) compensator for the regulation of the output voltage was employed. A design procedure for the output voltage compensator is derived in detail in [12]. As in the first case, the both operating modes were considered. The simulation waveforms of the inductor current in steady state are shown for two values of the output voltage: vo = 7 V (buck mode) and vo = 30 V (boost mode), in Fig. 4 (c) and Fig. 4 (d), respectively. The corresponding experimental results are presented in Fig. 5 (c), (d). It is evident from Fig. 4 that there is an excellent matching between the reference current and the average value of the inductor current. A very small peak-to-average current error still exists, which can be attributed to the delays in numerical calculation of the simulation. The experimental results from Fig. 5 are similar to the simulation results from Fig. 4. A small peak-to-average current error appears as a consequence of imperfections of the components used for realization of ADCMC. On the basis of the given results from Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 it can be concluded that ADCMC provide a stable operation of the non-inverting buck-boost converter for both values of the duty cycle: D < 0.5 and D > 0.5. 3.2. Robustness to the disturbances in the input voltage and load It is very important to evaluate how the converter with certain control is sensitive to the various disturbances which can occur during operation. In this paper, the disturbances such as the step and gradual changes of the input voltage and the step changes in the load resistance were considered. A line regulation, which is defined as converter ability to maintain the specified output voltage despite changes in the input voltage, was tested for ADCMC of the non-inverting buck- boost converter. 74 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ Fig. 4 The simulation waveforms of the inductor current, reference current and current boundaries in steady state, when the outer voltage loop is: a), b) disabled; c), d) enabled Fig. 5 The experimental waveforms of the inductor current, reference current and current boundaries in steady state, when the outer voltage loop is: a), b) disabled; c), d) enabled First, the step changes from 12 V to 6 V and vice versa, were introduced in the input voltage. The output voltage was regulated to 9 V. The load resistance was set to R=10 Ω. These step changes were performed in order to make a transition from buck to boost mode and vice versa, and to examine the dynamical behavior of ADCMC. The waveforms of the output voltage and the inductor current are shown in Fig. 6 (a), (b) (simulation) and Fig. 7 (experiment). The same parameters of the output voltage compensator were used in both simulations and experiments. A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 75 As it is shown from simulation and experimental results, the converter naturally crosses from buck to boost mode and vice versa. Due to adaptation of the current bandwidth 2ib, the transition of the inductor current from one mode to another is smooth, which gives satisfactory line regulation. Fig. 6 The simulation waveforms of the output voltage and the inductor current, for the step changes in the input voltage (a), (b) and the load resistance (c), (d) 76 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ Fig. 7 The experimental waveforms of the output voltage (up) and the inductor current (bottom), when the input voltage changes from 12 V to 6 V (left) and vice versa (right) Fig. 8 The experimental waveforms of the output voltage (up) and the inductor current (bottom), when the load resistance changes from 20 Ω to 10 Ω (left) and vice versa (right) A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 77 Fig. 9 The experimental waveforms of the output voltage, when the input voltage changes from 6 V to 12 V (up) and vice versa (bottom), for σ=100, 150, 200 and 500 Fig. 10 The experimental waveforms of the output voltage, when the load resistance changes from 10 Ω to 20 Ω (up) and vice versa (bottom), for σ=100, 150, 200 and 500 78 S. LALE, M. ŠOJA, S. LUBURA, D. D. MANĈIĆ, M. Đ. RADMANOVIĆ In order to test a step load response, step changes in the load resistance from R=20 Ω to R=10 Ω and vice versa were performed. The output voltage was regulated to 20 V. The simulation and experimental waveforms of the output voltage and the inductor current are shown in Fig. 6 (c), (d) and Fig. 8, respectively. It is evident that ADCMC successfully reject the introduced load disturbances. The transient response in the output voltage for the considered step disturbances depends also on the designed output voltage compensator, as it is shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. Several values of parameter σ, which determines the transient response time (about 5/σ) and the gains of the PI compensator [12], are considered. It is evident from the given experimental results from Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 that better responses regarding the transient response time and over/undershoot are obtained for higher values of the adjustable parameter σ. The optimization of the output voltage compensator is not subject in this paper. The aim was to obtain satisfactory results in accordance with the design procedure from [12] (the chosen settling time is about 10-50 ms). Also, the output voltage loop is designed to be slow in order to emphasize the behavior of the inner current loop. Fig. 11 The experimental waveforms of the output voltage (up) and the inductor current (bottom), for the gradual change of the input voltage from 15 V to 5 V (left) and vice versa (right) Besides the step changes, a gradual linear change in the input voltage was also introduced in the experiments. The input voltage was gradually changed from 15 V to 5 V and vice versa, while the output voltage was regulated to 10 V, in order to make a gradual transition from buck to boost mode and vice versa. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 11. It is obvious that ADCMC is robust against these changes. The output voltage is successfully regulated, without any disruptions between two operating modes. A Non-inverting Buck-Boost Converter with an Adaptive Dual Current Mode Control 79 4. CONCLUSION In this paper, an implementation of a novel ADCMC method on the non-inverting buck-boost converter has been presented. The given simulation and experimental results confirm that there is no need for the detection of converter operating modes, because this method ensures a natural and stable transition between the buck and the boost mode, and vice versa. The given results show that ADCMC provides a stable operation of the non- inverting buck-boost converter for the entire range of duty cycle from 0 to 1. Also, it is robust against the disturbances, such as the step and gradual changes in the input voltage and the step changes in the load resistance, with good dynamical performances. 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