Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 27, N o 2, June 2014, pp. 259 - 273 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1402259N PHYSICAL MODELING OF ELECTRICAL AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF HIGH-k Ta2O5 BASED MOS CAPACITORS ON SILICON  Nenad Novkovski Institute of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Arhimedova 3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia Abstract. In this paper we present an integral physical model for describing electrical and dielectric properties of MOS structures containing dielectric stack composed of a high-k dielectric (with emphasize on pure and doped Ta2O5) and an interfacial silicon dioxide or silicon oxynitride layer. Based on the model, an equivalent circuit of the structure is proposed. Validity of the model was demonstrated for structures containing different metal gates (Al, Au, Pt, W, TiN, Mo) and different Ta2O5 based high-k dielectrics, grown of bare or nitrided silicon substrates. The model describes very well the I-V characteristics of the considered structures, as well as frequency dependence of the capacitance in accumulation. Stress-induced leakage currents are also effectively analyzed by the use of the model. Key words: high-k dielectrics, metal-insulator-silicon structures, conduction mechanisms in dielectrics, leakage currents 1. INTRODUCTION Further scaling of microelectronic devices required for new generations of integrated circuits is confronting multiple challenges, rather important one of them being the fabrication of ultrathin dielectric layers used particularly in MOSFETs and DRAMs. While decreasing the lateral size of devices, in order to obtain the required capacitance, a decrease of the equivalent oxide thickness is required. The above requirement can be met either by decreasing the physical thickness or by increasing the permittivity of the dielectric (gate oxide for MOSFETS, dielectric in MOS capacitors of DRAMs). Doped, mixed and laminate high-permittivity (high-k) dielectric stacks attract progressively higher attention as a solution for further improvement of their electrical and dielectric properties [1]-[13]. It has been shown that Ta2O5, known as one of the most attractive dielectrics for the nanoscale dynamic random-access memories, can improve  Received February 5, 2014 Corresponding author: Nenad Novkovski Institute of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”, Arhimedova 3, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia (e-mail: 260 N. NOVKOVSKI further by doping with convenient elements [14]. Detailed studies of the properties of tantalum pentoxide doped with Al, Ti and Hf and mixed with HfO2 have been reported [15]- [30]. In addition, it has been shown that the nitridation of the Si substrate improves substantially electrical, dielectric and reliability properties of metal-high-k-Si structures [31]. In [32] we described in detail a comprehensive model for the I-V characteristics of metal-Ta2O5/SiO2-Si structures. In this work we present integrally the generalization of the comprehensive model for MIS structures containing dielectric stack composed of a high-k dielectric (particularly pure and doped Ta2O5) and an interfacial silicon dioxide or silicon oxynitride layer and review the important results obtained with using specific cases of this model for various MOS structures of the considered type. 2. THEORETICAL MODEL 2.1. Band diagram Band diagram of the considered structure in the case of Al gate is shown in fig. 1. 4 .0 5 e V Al 4 .2 5 e V Vacuum level Ec  e  h high-k  E if Si 1.12 eV SiO2 or SiOxNy ms EF Ev  e '  E h k S  h ' Fig. 1 Band diagram of the considered structure In Fig. 1 Ehk and Eif are the bandgaps of the high-k and the interfacial layer, respectively. e' and h' are band offsets for electrons and holes, respectively, at the contact between the high-k and the interfacial layer, while e and h are band offsets for electrons and holes, respectively, at the contact between the interfacial layer and the silicon substrate. ms is the work function difference between the metal gate and Si, while S is the Shottky barrier height for electrons. In the case of Al gate, Ta2O5 high-k dielectric and SiO2 interfacial layer the values are those summarized in Table 1. Work function difference, ms, depends on the Si substrate doping and is the same as in the case of the corresponding metal-SiO2-Si structure. For p-type substrates it is around 0.5 eV. Table 1 Values of bandgaps and band offsets for Al-Ta2O5/SiO2-Si structures Ehk (eV) Eif (eV) e (eV) h (eV) e' (eV) h' (eV) S (eV) 8.97 4.4 3.15 4.97 3.06 1.51 0.29 Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 261 2.2. Conduction mechanisms The conduction mechanisms that have to be considered in general case for the interfacial layer are:  Hopping conduction, which is a result of the quantum diffusion of electrons between the localized states in the insulator, typical of disordered materials. This is a bulk-limited conduction mechanism, and hence it does not depend on the gate voltage polarity. Since the current density in this case is a linear function of the electric filed, we can consider it as a conductivity of ohmic type.  The trap-assisted inelastic tunneling [33]-[34]. Electrons tunnel from the silicon to the traps in the SiO2 layer. As the SiO2 is an amorphous material with low trap density it is expected to observe this effect only in the films where the traps are created as a result of a stress, radiation or process induced damage. In the case of an SiOxNy interfacial layer significantly higher density of traps is to be expected. However, this density is still very low compared to typically high density materials.  Direct tunneling (trough a trapezoidal barrier) and Fowler-Nordheim injection (trough a triangular barrier) into interfacial layer. Tunneling current can be created by the electrons or the holes from the Si substrate. The barrier for the tunneling of the holes is different from that for the electrons, thus a remarkable asymmetry can be observed between the opposite polarities. A particular mechanism involving both SiOxNy and high-k is the tunneling through double barrier (through a trapezoidal barrier in SiO2 and a triangular barrier in high-k). The conduction mechanisms that have to be considered for the high-k dielectric are:  Poole-Frenkel mechanism, which is bulk-limited, and hence independent on the gate bias polarity. Electrons are exited to the conduction band from the traps by field-enhanced thermal emission and they drift trough the layer. Because of the high defect density, they are easily trapped by other positively charged defects. New electrons are released from other traps, thus transporting the charge step by step from one surface of the film to the opposite (Fig. 2). When the gate is negative, electron needs first to enter the insulator from the metal gate. It is to be noted that they do not need to obtain enough energy to enter the conduction band, but just to move to a defect-related state in the vicinity of the metal surface. The activation energies of the defects responsible for the Poole-Frenkel emission in the Ta2O5 are 0.2 eV (type A, [35]) and 0.8 eV (type D, must probably the first ionization level of the double-donor oxygen vacancy, [36]). They are close to or lower than the metal-gate Fermi level (0.29 eV under the conduction band of Ta2O5. We estimated the tunneling probability from the Al-gate to the neighboring traps to be so high that extremely high current densities of order of 100 A/cm 2 can be attained for a voltage drop of only few mV.  Shottky emission, which is an electrode-limited effect. Schottky conduction is excluded for gate positively biased, because the side of the high-k layer near the negative electrode is not in direct contact with a metal or semiconductor. For the gate negatively biased, the barrier is low (for Ta2O5 only 0.29 eV), and hence the Schottky emission is to be expected. However, it is not expected to be a current- limiting mechanism, because thus injected electrons are quickly trapped in the the high-k layer near the contact with the metal, continuing the transport by the Poole- 262 N. NOVKOVSKI Frenkel emission from the traps. Namely, the pure Schottky effect occurs when electrons are injected from the metal in vacuum. The situation is similar when they are injected in a medium where they can almost freely traverse the distance from the injecting to the opposite electrode, as is the case with the ultra-thin SiO2 or SiOxNy if the defect density is fairly low. For metals with higher absolute values of the work functions this issue requires further consideration. We observed a particular effect of charge trapping at the interface between the metal gate and the high-k dielectric for Au and Pt [37]-[39]. Although the Schottky emission from the metal to the high-k conduction band is practically impossible, an emission to the traps can substantially influence the leakage currents. For example, in the case of Ta2O5 and a Pt electrode, the Fermi level in the metal is about 0.6 eV lower than the trapping level of the D type defect. In that case the filling of the traps D type can occur by thermal emission from the metal, leading to a Schottky-like effect at low applied voltages, as it was observed on Au-Ta2O5-Pt-Si structures at Pt electrode negatively biased [40]. This issue requires deeper investigation in a separate study on metal-insulator-metal structures. One of the possible approaches to this problem will be to use the multi-step trap-assisted tunneling model, as it was done in [41] for the metal-Al2O3-Si structures. Fig. 2 Illustration of the Poole-Frenkel conduction mechanism  The hoping conduction in the Ta2O5 layer is of much lower importance because the Poole-Frenkel mechanism gives already much higher conductivity in Ta2O5 then the hopping conductivity in SiO2. Specifically, when Ta2O5 is polycrystalline, as is the case with the films studied here [42], the hopping conductivity is very weak, while the trap density (related to oxygen vacancies, grain boundaries etc.) becomes extremely high. Therefore, it is reasonable to neglect the hopping conductivity. 2.2. Differences between the cases of positive and negative gate In the case of the gate positively biased, the electrons that tunnel through the SiO2 barrier enter the Ta2O5 conduction band. They drift for a small distance, then they become trapped, but some new electrons are subsequently emitted from the traps and continue the transport, step by step, until entering the metal (Fig. 3). e Si high-k metal SiO2 or SiOxNy Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 263 Fig. 3 Conduction mechanisms ate positive gate In the case of the gate negatively biased, some electrons from the traps near the Ta2O5/SiO2 interface can move to the localized states in the SiO2 layer, then by quantum diffusion to contribute to the hopping conduction. Tunneling of electrons through the SiO2 layer from the Ta2O5 layer and of holes from the Si substrate could occur. The usual assumption that the electron current gives the dominant contribution in this case is not valid, because the Fowler- Nordheim and direct tunneling are possible where an electron gas from the metal of semiconductor is in contact with an SiO2 surface [43]. There, the dominant part of the electrons moving towards this surface are reflected, while a small part tunnels through the SiO2 layer entering the opposite electrode (direct tunneling) or a part of it entering its conduction zone (Fowler-Nordheim tunneling). In the case of an insulator, the density of the electrons in the conduction zone is practically zero and the electron tunneling is practically impossible. Therefore only the holes from the substrate contribute to the tunneling current [44]. For enough high fields, the holes injected from the Si substrate enter the valence band of the Ta2O5 layer. Because of the high trap density, after passing a small distance, they recombine with the electrons on the traps. Special attention has to be devoted to the case of lower fields, where the holes can not tunnel to the valence band (Fig. 4). By other authors [45] an attempt was made to describe a similar situation by the double barrier tunneling. Fig. 4 Conduction mechanisms ate negative gate e(-) e(-) Poole-Frenkel transport of electrons trapping of the electrons injected through SiO2 into the high-k conduction band tunneling of electrons high-k metal Si e(-) Si high-k metal tunneling of holes Poole-Frenkel transport of electrons h(+) recombination of the electrons from the high-k traps with the holes injected through SiO2 trapping of holes SiO2 or SiOxNy SiO2 or SiOxNy 264 N. NOVKOVSKI Our estimations in connection with the proposed comprehensive model showed feeble agreement with the experimental results if a double barrier tunneling mechanism is invoked. The reason is that the dominant conduction mechanism for the Ta2O5 layer is the Poole-Frenkel and not the tunneling. Once the charge carriers enter the forbidden gap of the tantalum pentoxide, they become trapped after a short distance, because the defect related trap density there is extremely high. Tunneling is typical of the SiO2 films and is observed in Si3N4 films with very high quality, where the defect density is low and the injected charge carriers can pass long distances (of order of 100 nm) with a small probability to be trapped. In some cases (SiO2 thinner than 4 nm) even a ballistic transport is observed [46]. The most probable route of the electrons injected into the Ta2O5 forbidden gap is to be first trapped near the Ta2O5/SiOxNy interface and then to recombine with electrons from other traps or from the conduction band (Fig. 4). A similar situation can also appear in the case of low fields for the opposite gate polarity. 2.3. Construction of the model The expressions for the current density due to the hopping conductivity in SiO2 (Jhc) is described by the following expression: ififhc EJ  (1) where if is the temperature dependant hopping conductivity and Eif is the filed in the interfacial layer. Direct tunneling current density through the interfacial layer (Jtd) is given by the following expression:                             2 3 if if if 3 2 if 2 td 11 3 28 exp 8 E d hE qm E h q J    (2) and for the Fowler-Nordheim injection with (JFN)           if 3 2 if 2 FN 3 28 exp 8 hE qm E h q J   , (3) where q is the electron charge, h is the Planck’s constant, m* is the effective tunneling mass of charge carriers injected through the interfacial layer, dif is the thickness of the interfacial layer,  is the tunneling barrier height and Eif is the electric field in it. The total current density flowing through the interfacial layer (Jif) is given by the following expression: ifif ifif FN td hcif dE dE J J JJ         , (4) and the voltage drop on the interfacial layer (Eif) is ififif EdV  . (5) Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 265 The current density due to the Poole-Frenkel effect in the high-k layer (JPF) is described by the following expression: 3 PF hk hk hk 0 T 1 q J (0)E exp E rkT K          , (6) where hk(0) is a temperature dependent defect related constant having dimensions of conductivity, r is the degree of compensation [47], k is the Boltzmann constant, 0 is the dielectric permittivity in vacuum, KT is the optical frequency dielectric constant of the high-k dielectric and Ehk is the electric filed in it. The voltage drop on the layer (Vhk) is given by: hkhkhk EdV  , (7) where dhk is the thickness of the high-k dielectric layer. The numerical procedure consists in simultaneous computation of the two following quantities: the oxide voltage: ififhkhkifhkox EdEdVVV  (8) and the current density in steady state (Kirchhoff’s laws) ifPF JJJ  . (9) First the current density J = Jif was determined for a given field Eif in the interfacial layer. Then the field in the high-k layer was computed as an inverse function of the current density Jhk = J. At the end, the oxide voltage was calculated with the use of the expression (8). We intend to use minimum of fitting parameters. The defect density parameter for high-k layer was first chosen because it is dependent on the technological parameters and is difficult to be determined by independent methods. Silicon dioxide layer thickness was also treated as a fitting parameter in a restricted range (2 to 3 nm) close to the measured value, because the small variations in it cause substantial variations in the result. Later, these results were compared with independent measurements. The hoping conductivity was also treated as a fitting parameter, since there are no available data from independent experiments. Because the different mechanisms do not exclude each other, they are considered in a single form for the entire measurement region; as we discussed in [48], this approach is unavoidable in the case of nano-layered dielectrics where the effects of contributions of different conduction mechanisms can not be separated but standard methods a single assuming dominant conduction mechanism in a given voltage range. In the case of Al-Ta2O5/SiO2-Si structures following typical values can be taken from the literature: tunneling electron mass in ultrathin SiO2, me* = 0.61 me [49], where me denotes the mass of free electron; tunneling hole mass in SiO2, mh* = 0.51 me; optical frequency dielectric constant of Ta2O5, KT = n 2 = 2.1 2 = 4.4; tunneling barrier height for of holes in SiO2; h = 4.70 eV [49]; tunneling barrier height for of electrons in SiO2, e = 3.15 eV [50]; and compensation factor, r = 1 (we consider the Poole-Frenkel effect without compensation). 266 N. NOVKOVSKI Voltage on the stacked insulating layer (Vox) can be calculated by using relations involving the flatband voltage (Vfb) and the voltage drop in the semiconductor (Vs): sfbgox VVVV  . (10) The value of the Vfb was determined with the standard method which is not described here. A low value of the fixed charge density in the SiO2 was assumed, i.e. the ideal value of the flatband voltage ( id fbV ) was used. This assumption will be discussed later, though it can be simply treated as an approximation that holds for insulating films of high quality, where the oxide charge density is fairly low. The voltage drop in Si (Vs) is connected with the electric field strength in the interfacial layer (Eif) by the following expression:                                                                   Si typen11 2 Si typep11 2 ss 2 0 2 i Si 0 s 2 0 2 is Si 0 Si ss ss kT qV e kT qV e n nkTn kT qV e p n kT qV e kTp E kT qV kT qV kT qV kT qV if if     . (11) where Si is the relative permittivity of Silicon, if is the relative permittivity of the interfacial layer, n0 is the density of electrons in n-type silicon, p0 is the majority carrier density in p-type silicon and ni is the intrinsic carrier density in silicon. In strong inversion (positive gate for p-type substrate, negative gate for n-type substrate) the leakage current density reaches an almost saturated value of the order of magnitude 1 mA/cm 2 . This saturation is due to the exhaustion of the minority carriers in the substrate, due to the minority carrier extraction from the substrate (electrons for p-type and holes for n-type). Namely, the maximum tunneling current density of the electrons from the substrate is limited by the thermal generation rate of electrons in the inversion region of Si, similarly to the case of the diode reverse current. The values observed in our experiment are comparable to the values obtained for p-n Si diode reverse currents for the voltages between 1 V and 10 V. 2.3. Equivalent circuit Combining above described model with the standard description of MIS structures [51], a complete equivalent circuit of the considered structure can be constructed (Fig. 5). Diode (D) that is shown at the left end of the figure accounts for the effect of exhaustion of minority carrier in strong accumulation, as described above. Diode orientation shown in the figure corresponds to an n-type substrate; for the case of p-type Si substrate the orientation is reversed. Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 267 Fig. 5 Equivalent circuit of the considered structure Meanings of the symbols for physical quantities in Fig. 5 are as follows: RL – serial resistance, Rhk – voltage dependent resistance of the high-k layer, Rif – voltage dependent resistance of the interfacial layer, Rit – interface traps resistance, Chk – capacitance of the high-k layer, Cif – capacitance of the interfacial layer and Cit – interface traps capacitance. Capacitances of the layers of the dielectric stack are given by following expressions: hk 0hkhk d A C  (12) and if 0ifif d A C  , (13) where hk is the the relative permittivity of high-k layer and A is the electrode area of the capacitor. RL, Rit, Cif and Cit are to be extracted from the C-G-V curves at various frequencies, while Rhk and Rif from I-V curves while using here described model. Rhk and Rif are both voltage dependent. 3. RESULTS 3.1. I-V curves First we discuss the values of the parameters obtained from the fitting of the theoretical to the experimental curve that can be obtained by independent methods. This is the case with the interfacial layer thickness (dif) and the band offsets (e and h) at the contact between Si and SiO2. For e and h values close to the literature data, 3.15 eV and 4.70 eV, respectively, have been obtained [44]. In [44], fitted value dif = 2.8 nm was obtained, close to the value of 2.6 nm measured by transmission electron microscopy. Some of the results obtained from applying the model on the experimental results for I-V curves different for Al-high-k/SiOxNy-Si structures are displayed in Table 2. Several Chk Cif Rhk Rif RL Rit Cit gate substrate D U U CS 268 N. NOVKOVSKI important features of the structures are clearly identified by the values of the important parameters. Table 2 Values of fitting parameters for Al-high-k/SiOxNy-Si structures r.f. sputtered Ta2O5 on bare Si at substrate temperature 493 K (unpublished data) annealed dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) not 2.90 27 2.50 3.30 110 -16 3.9510 -17 at 893 K 2.95 27 3.05 3.40 110 -16 3.9510 -15 at 1193 K 2.97 26 3.15 4.70 110 -16 1.9810 -12 Ta2O5 obtained by thermal oxidation of Ta in pure O2 at 873 K on bare Si [44] gate dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) Al 2.78 47 3.15 4.70 8.110 -17 8.210 -11 Au 2.72 47 3.15 4.70 8.110 -17 6.610 -14 W 2.80 47 3.15 4.70 8.110 -17 1.710 -13 r.f sputtered Ta2O5 at 493 K on Si nitrided in nitrous oxide at temperatures Ton [52] Ton (K) dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) 973 2.65 17.3 2.92 eV 3.35 eV 410 -15 3.310 -8 1073 2.70 17.3 2.85 eV 3.50 eV 110 -15 3.310 -8 1123 2.80 17.2 2.80 eV 3.50 eV 310 -15 3.310 -8 r.f sputtered Ta2O5 at 493 K on Si nitrided in ammonia at temperatures Ton [52] Ton (K) dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) 973 2.70 17.3 2.60 eV 3.30 eV 110 -15 3.310 -8 1073 2.80 17.2 2.85 eV 3.25 eV 110 -15 3.310 -8 Ta2O5 obtained by thermal oxidation of Ta in pure O2 at 873 K on bare Si [53] gate dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) Al 1.84 8.1 3.15 4.4 110 -15 210 -9 W 2.04 8.0 3.15 4.7 210 -15 810 -11 Au 2.05 8.0 3.15 4.7 510 -16 810 -11 metal-Hf:Ta2O5/SiOxNy-Si structures (work in progress) gate dif (nm) dhk (nm) e (eV) h (eV) hc ( -1 cm -1 ) hk(0) ( -1 cm -1 ) Ag 2.56 5.44 2.6 4.2 210 -16 210 -16 W 2.24 5.76 2.6 4.2 710 -15 210 -14 TiN 2.10 5.90 2.6 4.2 1.210 -12 110 -11 First, as is seen from data for r.f. sputtered Ta2O5 on bare Si at substrate temperature 493 K, unannealed films posses high defect density, as manifested by a high value of the parameter hk(0); annealing substantially reduces density of these defects. Annealing also increases the band offsets, thus substantially reducing leakage currents. This is attributed to the improvement of stoichiometry of the interfacial silicon oxide. Second, for Ta2O5 obtained by thermal oxidation of Ta in pure O2 at 873 K on bare Si it is obtained that band offsets are those for SiO2, indicating that thermally grown films posses an SiO2-like interfacial layer. The parameter depending on the deffect density in the high-k layer, hk(0), is about two order of magnitude higher for reactive Al gate than for the nonreactive Au, W and TiN gates, indicating that deposition of the reactive gate creates high amount of defects in the high-k layer. Thickness of the layer is practically independent on the gate material for films as thick as 50 nm [44], and weakly dependent Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 269 on the gate material in the case of films as thin as 10 nm or thinner (nanosized dielectric) [53]. Low-field conductivity (hc) for films as thick as 50 nm is independent on the gate material [44], while for nanosized films it is somehow reduced in the case of reactive Al gate [53]. Therefore, we conclude that the reactive gate in the case of nanosized high-k dielectrics affects also interfacial layer. Third, it is seen that substrate nitridation reduces band offsets [52]. With this effect alone, the nitridation would degrade leakage properties of the dielectric films. Nevertheless, there is a more important beneficial effect of nitridation consisting in an increase of the relative permittivity of the interfacial layer and substantial decrease of the equivalent thickness with nitridation. As a result, leakage currents for same equivalent thicknesses are lower for films grown on nitrided substrates than for the films grown on bare substrates. Detailed analysis of electrical and dielectric properties of different MOS structures containing high-k dielectric grown on nitrided Si substrate have been reported in several works [31],[52],[62]. The model is also applicable to the structures containing Ta2O5 with different metals (one example is given in the last section of the Table. 2). In addition, in [54] we have shown that the model described in this work is also applicable to the case of HfO2 high-k dielectrics, by fitting the experimental I-V curves obtained by other authors [55]. It is expected the same or slightly modified model to be applicable on various similar structures. Recently, an analysis of leakage properties of Al-Ta2O5/SiOxNy-Si structures based on a derived model has been published by other authors [56]. 3.2. Effective capacitance Standard methods for characterization of MOS structures include measurement of C-V and G-V (or R-V) curves in parallel mode (i.e., Cp-V and G-V or Rp-V) [51]. An alternative approach is to use C-V and R-V curves obtained in serial mode (Cs-V and Rs-V). Our extensive experience with metal/high-k/Si structures suggests that better results are obtained when using serial mode in characterization of capacitance properties of the considered structures. This approach has been supported by additional studies of the AC capacitance and resistance measurements at various frequencies [57],[58]. Based on the model described here an equivalent circuit (simplified equivalent circuit of that shown in Fig. 5) for the capacitance in accumulation has been constructed and applied to describe experimental results for measured capacitances and resistances as a function of the signal frequency, both in parallel and serial mode [57]. Impedance of the considered equivalent circuit (Z) is given with the following expression: hk if L2 2 hk hk if if hk if 2 2 hk hk if if 1 (2 ) 1 (2 ) 1 11 2 1 1 (2 ) 1 1 (2 ) R R Z R fC R fC R C C i f fC R fC R                   , (14) where f is the measurement signal frequency. For measurements in serial mode (at given gate voltage V in accumulation), corresponding effective serial capacitance (Cs) and resistance (Rs) are frequency dependent and given with following expressions: 270 N. NOVKOVSKI 1 hk if s 2 2 hk hk if if 1 1 ( ) 1 1 (2 ( )) 1 1 (2 ( )) C C C f fC R V fC R V           (15) and hk if s L2 2 hk hk if if ( ) 1 (2 ( )) 1 (2 ( )) R R R f R fC R V fC R V       . (16) In [57] excellent fits to the experimental results for Al-Ta2O5/SiO2 structures have been obtained when using expressions (15) and (16). Detailed analysis for the C-V, R-V and C-V curves for metal(Al,W,Au)-Ta2O5/SiO2 structures, both in parallel and serial mode, have been reported in [51]. All the results obtained are consistent with the model described in this work. 3.3. Stress-induced leakage currents In addition to the description of the leakage currents of fresh structures, this model has been successfully applied to the description of the stress-induced leakage currents. We dominantly studied the case of constant current stress. We have shown that I-V characteristics of stressed Al-Ta2O5/SiO2 structures can be very well described by our model [59]. Increase of the leakage currents with the stress has been attributed to the degradation of the interfacial layer by creation of high density of defects in a part of it. This part can be degraded to the point where it can be regarded as a conductive material where conduction occurs through percolation paths [59]-[61]. 4. CONCLUSIONS Comprehensive physical model for describing electrical and dielectric properties of MOS capacitors containing high-k/(SiO2,SiOxNy) dielectric stack has been described in details. Corresponding equivalent circuit has been constructed and displayed. The proposed model describes very well MOS structures containing Ta2O5 based dielectric layers, both obtained with different technological procedures and with different doping. It has been also shown that the model can be used for other high-k dielectrics such as HfO2. Based on the model, degradation of the dielectric properties of the high-k dielectric layer induced by a reactive metal gate, such as Al, can be clearly distinguished from other effects. The model is applicable on fresh as well on high-field/current stressed samples, thus allowing analyzing the stress-induced leakage currents at medium fields. Finer details of the effect of various technological processes on the electrical and dielectric properties of the considered structures can be extracted using the model. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Macedonian Ministry of Education and Sciences under Contract 13-3573. Physical Modeling of Ta2O5 Based MOS Capacitors on Si 271 REFERENCES [1] J. Zhang, Z. Li, H. Zhou, C. Ye and H. Wang, “Electrical, optical and micro-structural properties of ultra- thin HfTiON films”, Applied Surface Science, in press, [2] C.Ye, C. Zhan, J. Zhang, H. Wang, T. Deng and S. Tang, “Influence of rapid thermal annealing temperature on structure and electrical properties of high permittivity HfTiO thin film used in MOSFET”, Microelectronics Reliability 54, 2014, pp. 388–392. (anneling) [3] S. Chen, Zh. Liu, L. Feng, X. Che and X. Zhao, “The dielectric properties enhancement due to Yb incorporation into HfO2”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 2013, pp. 132902 (4 pages). [4] G.Lee, B.-K. Lai, C. Phatak, R. S. 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