Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 27, N o 2, June 2014, pp. i - i EDITORIAL As emphasized in the Editorial for the second in the series of the anniversary issues, we will strive to attract best submissions and publish best papers from a very broad geographic area, thus making Facta Universitatis: series Electronics and Energetics a truly international journal. We will also insist that all published papers are of high quality and practical value, thus leading to their worldwide citation, i.e. to the journal’s placement onto SCI list. Whilst insisting that all published papers are of high quality and practical value, we wish to avoid creation a situation where the journal publishes by quantity rather than quality, and that is the reason why we already started with rigorous refereeing of all submitted papers. Our new policy regarding publication of practical papers in Facta Universitatis: series Electronics and Energetics deserves to be elucidated now in more details. We want to publish more practical papers, as badly as the readers want to see them, but they are hard to provide. It should be emphasized here that the acceptance rate for practical papers is considerably higher than that for theoretical ones, since we want to encourage the submission of practical papers. The main reason why you see so many theoretical papers and so few practical papers is that people from an academic environment get paid to produce hardware rather than to write papers about it, and both of them do their jobs reasonably well. When next time you complain about how only a few practical papers appear in this, or any similar journal in the field, please ask yourself the following question: “When was the last time when I, or someone from this division of my organization submitted a practical paper to this journal?” If you have an idea for practical paper, do not hesitate to contact me, and I will be pleased to discuss it with you. This, third in the series of the anniversary issues, is collection of 9 invited papers by well-known experts for the specific areas, most of them being members of our Editorial Team, who present and discuss the state-of-the-art issues of practical interest in the field. As a new Editor-in-Chief, I, along with our Editorial Team, promise to continue to develop and improve Facta Universitatis: series Electronics and Energetics in order to keep it at the forefront of science and technology. Ninoslav Stojadinović Editor-in-Chief