Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 30, N o 3, September 2017, pp. 383 - 390 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1703383V EXPLORATION TOWARDS ELECTROSTATIC INTEGRITY FOR SIGE ON INSULATOR (SG-OI) ON JUNCTIONLESS CHANNEL TRANSISTOR (JLCT)  B Vandana, Jitendra Kumar Das, B Shivaval Patro, Sushanta Kumar Mohapatra School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India Abstract. In view of reduced electric field and avoiding source drain engineering, the work exploresstrain effect in junctionless channel transistor. To achieve scaled IOFF and maintain ION, here the device SG-OI JLCT is proposed. The study discusses higher switching action with mole fraction x = 0.25. The dependency of ϕM and the ND is responsible for maintaining constant current for overall analysis. Key words: SG-OI JLCT, SOI JLT, Drift Diffusion carrier mobility, ON-OFF Currents. 1. INTRODUCTION The interpretation of the Si based semiconductor industries started in 1959 and is still continuing in following Moore’s law. Scaling technology contributed different leakage currents in conventional metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) Field Effect Transistor (FET) which internally affects the device performance. This gives a challenging notation to device engineers. A brief description of various leakage currents is given in [1] describing the issues at scaled channel length. In order to overcome these issues various challenges are addressed such as high-κ gate oxide engineering, spacers engineering and new materials and structural design etc. are reported [2], [3], and therefore process technology device structures have been invented. The new design architectures such as silicon on insulator (SOI) [4], double gate MOSFET (DGMOSFET) [5], [6], tri gate MOSFET (TMOSFET) [7], gate all around (GAA-MOSFET) [8], Fin-FET [9], [10] etc., are briefly described. Apart from this, a new device structure has been identified such as Lilienfeld’s first transistor architecture [11], and followed with various structural design approach as a tri- gate architecture with no doping gradients is given in [12]. Accordingly, a vertical gate stack SOI and bulk planar Junctionless transistor are reported in [13]–[15]. Received September 29, 2016; received in revised form January 23, 2017 Corresponding author: B Vandana School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India (E-mail: 384 B. VANDANA, J. K. DAS, B. S. PATRO, S. K. MOHAPATRA Junctionless nanowire (JN) transistor are uniform with heavy doping profile of 10 19 to 10 20 cm -3 with in a Si device layer, the JN is usually a ON resistor which do not require any metallurgical junctions across the channel edges. Depending on the type of transistor N + or P + is doped along S/D channel regions. This approach is well simplified and fabricated with standard CMOS technology [16], [17]. The physics behind the architecture is given for LG < 20-nm. For N-type MOSFET, due to N+ doping concentration, a high electric field is generated along the vertical direction, which makes the channel fully depleted below VTH with VGS = 0 V, and above VTH field drops to zero. Therefore due to its specific merits JLT along with different structures are preferable for scaling short channel effects. The paper proposes a SiGe on Insulator (SG-OI) [18]–[21] using junction-less channel Transistor. ND is taken as SiGe to evaluate the performance of the device with respect to IOFF. The parameters listed in Table 1 are used to investigate electrostatic integrity of the device. The obtained results are verified with SOI-JLT and conventional MOSFET. Fig 2 shows that our simulation model is in well agreement with [13]. With the inherent features of the JLT, a Si1-0.25Ge0.25 mole fraction (x) material is taken along S/D and channel regions with uniformly high ND. The conduction mechanism of JLT shows the difference in ϕM - ϕS (JLT conducts above 5 eV work function) leads to the positive shift in VTH and bands becomes flat at VFB, which then takes a path for the conduction at positive VGS. The channel depletes completely at zero VGS. At high ND mobility degrades perpendicularly to channel and with low electric field enhances mobility. Along with introduction, section II discusses the device structure and physics behind the device that carried out simulations, and activated models for the simulations. Section III describes the study of electrostatic integrity of SG-OI JLCT. Section IV deals with conclusion and remarks of the proposed device. 2. SILICON GERMANIUM ON INSULATOR JUNCTION-LESS CHANNEL TRANSISTOR (SG-OI JLCT) The schematic diagram of SG-OI JLCT is shown in Fig.1. The architecture is carried out with no metallurgical junction in lateral direction, hence named JLCT. According to the features and specifications listed in table 1 the device has been designed, and the parameter specifications are taken from [4], [13], [14]. Fig. 1 Cross sectional view of SG-OI JLCT Exploration towards Electrostatic Integrity for SiGe on Insulator (SG-OI) on Junctionless ... 385 Junctionless transistors are the devices with no doping gradients across source channel and drain edges. Usually, the device layer is doped with high doping density. The gate metal is taken at high work function ϕM of 5.1 eV. For isolation purpose a SiO2 is considered. The spacers are provided with high-κ HfO2 [22], [23]. A fully depleted SiGe layer is grown epitaxial on an insulator (FD SG-OI JLCT) forming a conducting path across the device layer. The strain induce effect occur when a SiGe layer is grown epitaxial on a thin silicon substrate. [24], [25] a simple identification of the device performance is represented by considering a relaxed SiGe layer, with the change in the molefraction value. The model used for the simulation is default drift-diffusion carrier transport mobility model. The mobility model is then dependent on the doping concentration with high field saturation carrier densities and transverse field dependence. As SiGe is compound material, a mole fraction dependent effective intrinsic density band gap narrowing model for SiGe is used for the device. The structure assumes to be abrupt and taken at room temperature. In order to solve this, a self-consistent Drift-Diffusion equation is used. Due to its high ND across lateral direction and OldSlotboom band gap narrowing model and Schottky-Read-Hall mechanism is accounted. The model calculates the intrinsic carriers for silicon material. It then improves the carrier mobility under high field saturation. The overall simulations are carried out using Sentaurus TCAD 2D Simulator [26], [27]. Fig. 2 Comparison of ID,LIN with respect to VGS plot for SG-OI JLCT at VDS = 1 V and [13] with simulation LG = 20-nm, ϕM = 5.1 eV, ND = 1.5e19 cm -3 Table 1 Parameter required for simulation [28][], [13]. Parameters SG-OI JLCT Conventional MOSFET SiGe layer (TSi) for SG-OI JLCT 5-nm 5-nm Donor doping (ND) 1.5x10 19 cm -3 10 18 cm -3 EOT of gate dielectric (TOX) 1-nm 1-nm Gate work Function (ϕM) 5.1 eV 4.6 eV Well doping (NA) 5x10 18 cm -3 10 15 cm -3 Drain Supply Voltage (VDD) 0.05 V, 1 V 0.05 V, 1 V Channel length (LG) 20-nm 20-nm 386 B. VANDANA, J. K. DAS, B. S. PATRO, S. K. MOHAPATRA 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The section deals with the results and discussions that carryout for the simulations with the parameter values of VDS = 0.05 V for ID,LIN and VDS = 1 V for ID,SAT with VGS = 1 V. Basically the paper deals with the electrostatic integrity (EI) parameter which usually has short channel effects and DIBL given in equation 2 and 3. This induces a qualitative control on the channel through the gate. In short channel devices the channel is predominated by gate with affecting electric field lines from source to drain. As the approach is fully depleted, SG-OI EI is shown in equation 1, most of the electric field lines propagate through box to channel which can reduce SCE. Further this has an inconvenience of increasing junction capacitance and body effect [30]. Firstly from Fig. 4 our model is well suitable for reducing IOFF at 10 -13 (A) and ION is maintained 10 -06 (A) which is then compared with [13]. A comparative analysis is shown for conventional MOSFET, SOI JLT and a SG-OI JLCT. The main intention behind the analysis is to scale IOFF, the challenges for scaling IOFF is [28], (1) having a thin channel region, (2) considering High κ spacers, which improves the IOFF and (3) temperature doping dependent channel is considered. 2 2 1 Si ox Si BOX el elel t t t t EI L LL         (1) 0.80 Si DS ox DIBL EIV    (2) 0.64 Si bi ox SCE EIV    (3) Fig. 3 Comparative Analysis of ID,LIN with respect to VGS is shown for SOI JLCT and SG-OI JLCT. With ϕM = 5.1 eV, ND = 1.5e19 cm -3 and LG = 20-nm Fig. 3 Comparison of ID,LIN with respect to VGS is shown for SOI JLCT and SG-OI JLCT. ION is improved in case of SG-OI JLCT and IOFF shows better improvement in SOI JLCT. This shows that at x = 0.25 the values are similar to those given in [13]. As the SiGe is a compound material, there is possibility of a varying band gap from 0.6 to 1.1 eV. This variation of bandgap is obtained due to tuning the molefraction value (x = 0.25, x = 0.5, and x= 0.75). The composition of Si is high in content; therefore the device Exploration towards Electrostatic Integrity for SiGe on Insulator (SG-OI) on Junctionless ... 387 acquires the Si material characteristics though the channel is maintained to be SiGe material. However, the band gap value of Si is 1.1 eV, but for SiGe at x = 0.25 the bandgap value is almost near to 1.1 eV. If the molefraction x = 0.75 the bandgap value is near to 0.6 eV, hence the channel acts according to the Ge material properties shown in Fig. 4. [31] Provide Ge MOSFET advancement in electrical performance which represents the switching activity and the mobility enhancement to that of an Si MOSFET [32]. Fig. 5 shows the DIBL as a function of ION is represented for both SG-OI JLCT and SOI JLCT. At x = 0.25 ION is improved in case of SG-OI JLCT but DIBL remain equal for both the devices and at x = 0.75 ION found to be less and DIBL is very high which is not considerable. In order to improve ION and DIBL for x = 0.75 a proper tuning of ND and work-function is suggested. Fig. 4 Energy with respect to Distance “X” along the channel for SG-OI JLCT is shown. For Si1-xGex channel (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), VDSAT = 0.7 V and TSi = 5 nm is given. Fig. 5 DIBL with respect to ION for both SG-OI JLCT and SOI JLCT is shown. VD,LIN = 0.05 V, VD,SATm = 1 V and x = 0.25, 5, 0.75 Fig 6 investigates the impact of ϕM on ION and IOFF, as JLT works ϕM > 5 eV the performance of the device is shown accordingly. It is clear that at ϕM > 5.2 eV ION and IOFF start degrading. Though the device takes the Si material properties, the concentration of the Ge at SiGe channel will affect the electric field at low VTH. Hence results in IOFF improvement. [14] JLT as Si channel has ϕM = 5.5 eV. In the proposed work, Fig. 3 compares ID,LIN function of VGS plotted with x = 0.25 for SG-OI JLCT. As the value of x increases a 388 B. VANDANA, J. K. DAS, B. S. PATRO, S. K. MOHAPATRA drastic degradation of device performance takes place, as shown in Fig. 7 with respect to ION/IOFF ratio. Fig. 6 Impact of metal work function ϕM on ION and IOFF of the SG-OI JLCT with x = 0.25, ND = 1.5e19 cm -3 , EOT = 1-nm with LG = 20-nm Fig. 7 ION/IOFF of the SG-OI JLCT with different x composition (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75), ϕM = 5.1 eV, ND = 1.5e19 cm -3 , EOT = 1-nm with LG = 20-nm 4. CONCLUSION The paper investigates an improvement in IOFF current and maintaining ION at 10 -6 Amp's. A conduction mechanism of SG-OI JLCT with the concept of relaxed SiGe on insulator is explained. The ID,LIN and ID,SAT values at x = 0.25, ϕM = 5.1eV is considered to estimate the IOFF. Therefore from the above results SG-OI JLCT performs better at x = 0.25 by activating the drift-diffusion carrier mobility and SRH mechanism for high field saturation mobility model using sentaurus TCAD 2D simulator. And study towards electrostatic integrity can then be evaluated. 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