Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, N o 1, March 2015, pp. 85 - 102 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1501085К RPLL - RENDEZVOUS PROTOCOL FOR LONG-LIVING SENSOR NODE  Mirko R. Kosanović 1 , Mile K. Stojčev 2 1 College of Applied Technical Sciences, Niš, 2 University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš, Serbia Abstract. Sensor nodes (SNs), as constituents of wireless sensor network (WSN), are battery-powered not rechargeable devices and have limited amount of energy available. Since the lifetime of SNs is a crucial parameter for energy-efficient WSN design, it is essential to extend their lifetimes as much as possible. Here we propose a rendezvous scheme called Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living SN, RPLL. This scheme is based on implementation of a duty-cycling technique. For each SN within WSN a unique identification number (ID) is allocated, thanks to which a collision problem is effectively remedied. The RPLL provides an on time wake-up of SNs in a fully decentralized way and fast detection of new appended SNs. Taking into account the WSN and SN working parameters, such as beacon time, beacon period, number of active SNs, and quartz oscillator instability, by using the proposed method, a WSN designer can determine the maximal lifetime of a SN, i.e. achieve optimal energy consumption. Key words: rendezvous protocol; duty cycling; energy efficiency; wireless sensor networks 1. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of a large number of cooperating, radio- equipped and battery powered sensor nodes (SNs). Battery is the main power source in a SN. Bearing in mind that during its lifetime a SN operates with limited battery capacity (single battery charge) the energy consumption becomes a critical issue. For example, off-the-shelf SN works for a few days, if all its parts, including transceiver and microcontroller, are permanently powered-on. A SN is assumed to be dead when it is out of battery. The challenge is to guarantee lifetime of several years [1]. Four main activities during which a SN consumes energy are sensing, communication, computation, and storage [2]. The power consumed during communication is the greatest portion of energy consumption by any SN [1]. Communication between any two SNs is possible only if both of them are powered-on simultaneously. In order to arrange simultaneous on-time communication a rendezvous scheme is commonly used. Several ideas for rendezvous schemes in low duty cycle WSNs have been proposed [3]. They usually function at the Received June 3, 2014; received in revised form August 25, 2014 Corresponding author: Mirko R. Kosanović College of Applied Technical Sciences, Aleksandra Medvedeva 20, 18 000 Niš, Serbia (e-mail: 86 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV media access control (MAC) layer and can be categorized into three general classes [4, 5]: (i) asynchronous – the sender SN tries to capture the unknown active time of the receiver SN; (ii) synchronous – SNs are synchronized in time and agree on specific communications time slots; and (iii) pseudo asynchronous – SNs establish rendezvous on demand by using periodic wakeup. See Ref [4] for more details about this problematic. We consider a pseudo-asynchronous scheme because our application is primarily intended for rare events observation, i.e. in applications that are typical for environment monitoring. In this scheme SNs are powered on and off periodically, and a beaconing approach is used to express the desire or willingness to communicate. The concept of periodic on/off powering an SN, also called duty-cycling, has to satisfy performance requirements related to throughput, guaranteed end-to-end delay and a lifetime of several years, often contradictory design parameters. In general, duty cycling is the most widely used mechanism for saving energy in WSN, i.e. to elongate the WSN lifetime. The idea behind this is clear. Keep all or parts of hardware in low power sleep state except during instances when the hardware is operative. In this way, depending on the network activity, the SN switches its mode of operation between active and sleep. Duty-cycling protocols based on rendezvous scheme not only arrange for SNs to communicate, but also inherently include the availability to plan the channel access time, avoiding and resolving collisions, and some time-synchronization mechanisms which are required to locally determines the beginning of the active and sleep state [4, 6, 7]. Here we propose the usage of rendezvous scheme called Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living SN, RPLL. In essence we continue our work [8], and present a complete RPLL protocol. The RPLL uses pseudo-asynchronous scheme and is based on the implementation of a duty cycling mechanism. Its principle of operation is similar to Distributed Low Duty Cycle (DLDC-MAC) protocol [9], from which we have adopted all advantages that it offers (synchronized wake-up times of SNs, hidden terminal, link failures, and asymmetric links elimination, etc.). With the aim to remedy the notified disadvantages of DLDC-MAC protocol, which primarily relate to collision avoidance during the registration of new SNs, as well as fast and correct selection of beacon time and beacon period, we propose its modification. The modification deals with involving a unique ID for each SN within WSN which provides us with integration of two activities (related to neighbor discovering and neighbor registration) into a single one (neighbor discovery and registration). This modification makes it possible to effectively overcome the aforementioned disadvantages. Our primary interest in this investigation is to determine how the working parameters of this protocol (beacon time, beacon period, number of communication active SNs, and quartz oscillator instability) have impact on power consumption, and to understand how to achieve a proper tradeoff between performance and power. To this end, the performances of RPLL protocol that relate to the number of active SNs, duration of a beacon period, and power consumption of SN, are estimated. For the defined and selected working parameters, by using the appropriate method, the designer can minimize the power consumption of SN. RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 87 2. POWER MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS AND ENERGY WASTE IN WSNS Depending on the layer on the network architecture they are implemented, power management protocols can be divided into the following two groups [10]: a) Independent sleep/wakeup protocols - execute on top of a media access control (MAC) protocol. Since these protocols run at the network or application layer, they provide usage with any MAC protocol and are characterized with good adaptability to different application needs. b) Strictly integrated with the MAC protocol - these protocols permit optimization of media access functions, but as specific solutions are not universal. In terms of the approach which is used to determine when SNs should be switched-on, the sleep/wakeup protocols can be divided into the following three categories [5]: 1. On-demand – a SN should wake-up when another SN wants to communicate with it. 2. Scheduled-rendezvous – each SN should wake-up at the same time as its neighbors. 3. Asynchronous protocols – a SN should wake-up when it wants and still be able to communicate with its neighbors. Depending on which way the source and destination SN achieve rendezvous, three categories of rendezvous schemes exist [11]: 1. Synchronous scheme – all SNs agree to the same clock time, wake-up synchronously and rendezvous with one another. 2. Asynchronous scheme – a source SN actively wakes-up destination SNs. 3. Pseudo-asynchronous scheme – a source SN wakes-up first and waits for destination SNs to wake-up and rendezvous. As previously discussed, the energy is consumed by a SN for the sensing purpose, processing the data and communication. Communication consumes the largest amount of energy. In a typical SN, during communication, the major waste of energy occurs due to the following reasons [12]: a) Idle listening – an SN carrier senses the idle channel in anticipation of possible arrival of packets, what causes waste of power. b) Collision – when large number of SNs is present in a small area, collision is a common occurrence if it is not effectively controlled. A collided packet is discarded; an SN usually retransmits the packet, but packet retransmission causes a further waste of energy. c) Overhearing - when SN’s neighbors are transmitting packets, although the packet is not designated for this SN, it still receives the packet, which represents yet another source of power waste. d) Over-emitting – a SN sends packets to another SN but the receiver SN is not ready, and the packet has to be sent again, which also costs wasting power. e) Control packet overhead – the presence of extra control packets in WSN such as a request to send (RTS), clear to send (CTS), acknowledgment (ACK), beacons, packets in CSMA-based protocols, and other transmitting and receiving control packets cost power as well. 88 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV 3. DISTRIBUTED LOW DUTY CYCLE RENDEZVOUS PROTOCOL First of all, we will analyze shortly the DLDC-MAC protocol, and point out to its principle of operation, advantages and drawbacks. The basic idea of this solution is described in [9]. For the sake of simplicity but without any intention to generalize the following discussion will explain DLDC-MAC protocol operation when the WSN consists of three SNs, SN1, SN2 and SN3, respectively. Figure 1 presents a scenario of WSN activities which uses a DLDC-MAC protocol. As can be seen from Fig. 1 the following four activities (phases) exist: 1. Current State (Cu_St) – Each registered SN (in our case, SN1 and SN2) sends a short message called beacon periodically and wakes-up to receive beacons from its neighbors. The beacon period is the same for all SNs. After receiving a neighbor`s beacon the SN estimates the time of the next beacon taking into account the beacon period, the reception time, and the guard period. Having in mind that the SN executes this runtime for several neighbors it knows the beacon times for its neighbors. Thanks to this, the SN spends most of the time in a sleep state, and wakes-up only to receive neighbor`s beacons and to send its own beacon. Upon transmitting a beacon, each sending SN enters shortly into a receive mode during which it can accept data and commands piggybacked in the beacon. In this way each SN permanently takes an active part in communication and knows with how many SNs it communicates. Let us note that every phase (Cu_St, Ne_Di, Ne_Re and Up_Sc) is divided into several time slots denoted as TBCY (see Fig. 1). Due to involving a guard time, used for compensation of SN`s quartz instability, each time slots is slightly longer than the time needed to send and to receive a beacon from its neighbor. 2. Neighbor Discovering (Ne_Di) – After powering-on (see Fig. 1.) the SN3 enters into a phase Ne_Di and listens for a whole beacon period. During this period SN3 receives neighbors` beacons from SN1 and SN2, and stores their reception times. 3. Neighbor Registration (Ne_Re) – After recognizing SN1 and SN2, the node SN3 sends network join advertisement messages during the time periods when SN1 and SN2 are in the receive mode, respectively. The advertisement messages contain information which relate to the beacon time of the node SN3. 4. Update Scheduler (Up_Sc) – This phase is identical to Cu_St phase with one exception, the joined SN3 becomes active now, since SN1 and SN2 accept the beacons from SN3. The main advantages of DLDC-MAC protocol are: i) Even in the presence of very unreliable links, it can successfully synchronize the wake-up times of SNs in a fully decentralized way. ii) Problems accompanied with clock drifts, link failures, temporarily asymmetric links, and a hidden terminal, are effectively overcome. iii) By using off-the-shelf SNs, long lifetime is possible to achieve. RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 89 SN SN SN Cu_St (valid for SN and SN ) Cu_St (valid for SN and SN ) Ne_Di (valid for SN ) t receive send 1 1 1 3 Ne_Re (valid for SN ,SN ,SN )321 Up_Sc (valid for SN ,SN ,SN )321 2 2 2 3 beacon period beacon time sleep period TBCy Fig. 1 DLDC-MAC rendezvous scheme We meet the following drawbacks of DLDC-MAC protocol during: a) Determination of an accurate beacon time during which the new joined SN tries to announce its presence in WSN, i.e. the selection of proper beacon time for the newly joined SN. b) When the time difference between any two beacons is smaller than TBCy (see Fig. 1), one of the affected SNs must choose a new beacon time. Since the beacon time is not pre-defined a problem arises when two or more new SNs choose the same beacon time, or the beacon time overlaps with the beacon period of other neighboring SNs during the new attempt period. c) Collision appears when two or more SNs are simultaneously registered during the Ne_Re phase. 4. RENDEZVOUS PROTOCOL FOR LONG-LIVING SENSOR NODE In RPLL we assume that each SN is uniquely identified by its identification number, IDx, x=1, 2 … n, where n corresponds to the total number of SNs within WSN. Involvement of IDx allows us to accurately define a unique time slot for each SN, within the beacon period, during which a corresponding SN can send data. Let us note that the unique ID is assigned during SN`s software initialization, i.e. in a phase of installing system and application software. The scenario of events for RPLL is given in Fig. 2. The following three phases exist: 1. Current State (Cu_St) – identical to the one defined in DLDC-MAC. 2. Neighbor Discovering and Registration (Ne_Di_Re) – Since each SN has a unique IDx it knows in advance the position of its time slot within beacon period. Each new joined SN during Ne_Di_Re phase enters in the receive mode. During a time slot T3 (T1), see Fig. 2, the node SN2 accepts the beacon from SN3 (SN1) and notifies SN3 (SN1) about its presence in WSN, while during the time slot T2 it announces its presence to the WSN (In this way SN3 announces its presence to others SNs (for example SN4, SN5, …) as possible candidates that can attempt to join WSN during the same beacon period). This opportunity allows us to reduce a registration latency of the new joined SN (in Fig. 2 it is SN2) to a single beacon period. 3. Update Scheduler (Up_Sc) – identical to that one defined in the DLDC-MAC protocol. 90 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV A procedure which deals with the joining of new SN to the WSN is presented in Figure 2 (in our case a new SN is SN2). After powering-on, at the instant t1, for a single beacon period TBP, SN2 switches into the receive mode (Ne_Di_Re phase) and accepts beacons from its neighbors. During this period each registered SN (SN1 and SN3) in a predefined time slot, determined by the SN`s ID number, sends a beacon. Since SN2 accepts a beacon from its neighbor SN3 (SN1) it shortly switches to send a mode and announces a presence by sending its ID2 to SN3 (SN1). In this moment SN3 (SN1) is in receive mode waiting to receive information from the new joined SN (in our case SN2). According to the received ID2 the node SN3 (SN1), in the next beacon period (during the phase Up_Sc) precisely determines a time slot for listening SN2. In this manner, possible collision during registration of a new single joined SN (i.e. SN2) is effectively avoided. However, let us note that a collision problem can appear when two or more SNs simultaneously join the WSN after powering-on during the same beacon period (for more details how to bypass this problem see subsection 4.1). As can be seen from Fig. 2 the RPLL protocol differs in respect to DLDC_MAC (see Fig. 1) in that it merges Ne_Di and Ne_Re phases into a single phase called now Ne_Di_Re. The other two phases Cu_St and Up_Sc remain identical for both protocols. In this way, the needed latency for transition from phase Ne_Di to phase Cu_St (see Fig. 1) decreases for one beacon period. During Cu_St (Up_Sc) phase a beacon period always starts with sending beacon from SN with ID=1 (instant t2 in Fig. 2). Thanks to this fact, it is easy to synchronize the operation, at the global level, of all SNs in WSN which relates to identification of the start and the end of each protocol phase. Some important observations concerning the implementation of RPLL protocol are the following: 1. It is preferable to use RPLL protocol in WSN with a moderate number of SNs (n < 255). In this case ID number is 8 bit width. 2. A designer assigns a unique ID number to each SN before its joining to WSN. 3. Time slot position of each beacon time, within a beacon period, is fixed and is directly determined by SN`s ID number. 4. Time duration of a beacon period is known in advance to each SN, i.e. defined during programming of a SN. 5. Minimal time duration of beacon period directly depends on a total number of SNs, n, within a WSN. SN2 SN1 SN2 SN3 Ne_Di_Re (valid for SN )2 Cu_St (valid for SN and SN )1 3 Cu_St (valid for SN and SN )1 3 1 2 3 Up_Sc (valid for SN ,SN ,SN ) t receive send t1 T1 T3 T3 T1 T2 T2 t2 powering on TBP commun. activity Fig. 2 Initialization phase without collisions. RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 91 4.1. Collision avoidance Collision appears when during single beacon period several SNs are simultaneously switched on and try to transmit a packet at the same time. The following difficulty appears now in DLDC_MAC protocol: SNs that are in collision cannot accurately determine their beacon times, and cannot accurately define the duration of a total beacon period. Without loss of generality, in Fig. 3 we show how the collision problem in RPLL protocol can be solved. Namely, we assume that two sensor nodes SN2 and SN4 are powered-on during the same beacon period (i.e. time overlapping between phases Ne_Di_Re of SN2 and SN4 exists). During this we assume that ID1 99.9 %) each SN spends into Cu_St or Up_Sc phase. During a single beacon period, TBP, there are maximum n-1 receive beacon cycles, TRBC, and one transmit-receive beacon cycle, TTRBC. RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 93 For a given TBP and defined duty cycle, DC, we will determine the maximal number of neighboring SNs with which some active SN can communicate. We assume that WSN consists of maximum n SNs. During Cu_St phase two different SN`s activities exist. The first one, with time duration TRBC, is called receive beacon cycle. During this cycle the SN receives beacon from its neighboring SNs. From Fig.4a we have that TRBC = TRB + TOFF. During TOFF SN is in sleep mode, while in TRB it receives beacon. The second activity, with time duration TTRBC, is called transmit-receive beacon cycle. During this cycle, the SN transmits its beacon, and receives acknowledge from a new appending neighboring SN. From Fig.4b we have that TTRBC = TTB + TRB + TOFF, where TTB corresponds to time period needed to acquire data from the sensor element and to transmit beacon. In our case we assume that TRBC = TTRBC = TBC. TBC corresponds to the duration of time slot defined in Fig. 2. For an arbitrary communication active (com_active) sensor node SNk, k Є {1,..., n}, we define its duty cycle, DCk (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4), as: 1 n TBk RBk i RBi ONk i k BP BC T T a T T DC T nT       , (1) where the term ai Є{0,1}, i=1,...,n, where i ≠ k, points to the following: ai=1(ai=0), a node SNk can (cannot) communicate with its neighboring node SN, while TONk corresponds to the total active time of SNk during a single beacon period TBP. Within a WSN all active SNs are called com_active, while all SNs that directly communicate (point to point communication) are referred to as com_visible. From eq. (1) we have, 1 n ONk TBk RBk i RBi i T T T a T     . (2) Let us assume now that during a Cu_St phase the number of com_active neighboring SNs is p, and that p0, the following condition, related to eq. (8), has to be fulfilled: 2 ( 2) 0 K x DC s p   , (9) i.e. : 2 2 K x DC p s   . (10) According to eq. (10) the maximal number of com_active SNs within a single WSN region can now be derived. During this analysis, sx will be taken as a parameter. In real WSN applications, the designer decides about: What kind of oscillator unit, in respect to quartz instability defined in ppm, to built-in within an SN structure? Usually, quartz units with factory declared quartz frequency instability from 10 ppm up to 50 ppm are built-in into SNs. Due to the process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) variations, as well as the influence of others ambient conditions (pressure, humidity, etc.), some additional frequency deviations, in respect to the factory declared quartz frequency RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 95 instability, inevitably appear. We will consider a case when the impact of all additional frequency deviations is within the limits of ±10%. As direct consequence of frequency deviation, the number of com_active SNs will differ with respect to the number of SNs when quartz oscillators of nominally equal quartz frequency instability are used. In the worst case, for frequency deviation of +10 %, for fixed value of a DC factor, WSN with minimal possible com_active SNs is feasible. According to Eq. (10), for a given DC factor (from 0.1 up to 1 %), and specified frequency instability (from 10 up to 50 ppm) and frequency deviation of ±10 %, the maximal number of com_active SNs is presented in Table 1. Table 1 Maximal number of com_active SNs in terms of DC factor ppm DC[%] 10 (±10%) 20(±10%) 30(±10%) 40(±10%) 50(±10%) -10% nom +10% -10% nom +10% -10% nom +10% -10% nom +10% -10% nom +10% 0.1 52 47 42 24 22 19 15 13 12 10 9 8 8 7 6 0.2 108 97 87 52 47 42 34 30 27 24 22 19 19 17 15 0.3 163 147 133 80 72 65 52 47 42 38 34 31 30 27 24 0.4 219 197 178 108 97 87 71 63 57 52 47 42 41 37 33 0.5 274 247 224 135 122 110 89 80 72 66 59 53 52 47 42 0.6 330 297 269 163 147 133 108 97 87 80 72 65 63 57 51 0.8 441 397 360 219 197 178 145 130 118 108 97 87 85 77 69 1 552 497 451 274 247 224 182 163 148 135 122 110 108 97 87 *Note: In shaded columns the maximal number of com_active SNs within WSN, is derived, i.e. this column points to p. By analyzing the results presented in Table 1 we can conclude that: 1. For the same DC factor the maximal number of com_active SNs always decreases as sx increases, i.e. less stable oscillators are built-in. 2. Independently of quartz instability, as DC factor takes higher value, the maximal number of com_active SNs increases. 3. In all cases, small frequency deviation (from 9 up to 11 ppm) causes significant variation of com_active SNs. For example, for DC=1% and nominal sx =10 ppm, the difference is 552-451=101 SNs. 5.2. Beacon period selection For WSN with a maximal number of com_active SNs, let us determine now the beacon period, TBP. To this end, in the sequel, two analyses related to the determination of a maximal number of com_active SNs within WSN, will be conducted. The first one deals with the choice of TBP in terms of com_active SNs, for different quartz instability sx and fixed (predefined) DC=0.5 %, as parameters. During the second analysis we determine TBP duration in terms of com_active SNs for different DC factors (DC=0.1%, …, 1%) and fixed sx (sx =10ppm and sx =40 ppm), as parameters, respectively. First analysis: in general, low DC factor is preferable when long life SN operation is required. In practice the DC factor is within the range from 0.1 up to 1 % [15]. For illustration purpose only, we choose a middle value of DC (DC=0.5 %). In Fig.5, the minimal duration of TBP in terms of the com_active SNs, with sx as parameter, is sketched. During this we have adopted that: 96 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV a) Tproc= 4 ms (in our case CPU runs at 1 MHz, packet length is 64 B, and data transfer rate is 128 kbps); b) Tswitch= 6 μs (for a microcontroller of type MSP430F123, where 6 μs corresponds to a switching time from active to low power mode 3, and vice versa [16]). Fig. 5 Minimal duration of beacon period in terms of com_visible SNs for DC=0.5% According to the results presented in Fig.5 we can conclude that a quartz oscillator instability has direct impact to the maximal number of com_visible SNs. Indenpendently of TBP, as sx increases the maximal number of com_visible SNs decreases. Second analysis: When DC factor is within the range from 0.1 up to 1 % similar results concerning minimal duration of TBP are obtained. a) b) Fig. 6 Minimal duration of TBP in terms of p, for DC factor as parameter: a) sx=10 ppm; b) sx=40 ppm Time duration of TBP in terms of p (p<20), for DC factor as a parameter, and for the fixed value of quartz oscillator instabillity sx (sx=10ppm and sx=40 ppm), is sketched in Fig.6a and 6b, respectively. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 B e a c o n p e ri o d [ s ] Number of com_visible SNs 10ppm 20ppm 30ppm 40ppm 50ppm 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 B e a c o n p e ri o d [ s ] Number of com_active SNs DC=0.1 % DC=0.2 % DC=0.5 % DC=1 % 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 B e a c o n p e ri o d [ s ] Number of com_active SNs DC=0.1 % DC=0.2 % DC=0.5 % DC=1 % RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 97 By analyzing the results presented in Fig.6 we can conclude the following: 1. As DC factor decreases and the number of com_active SNs increases, TBP increases, too. 2. As DC factor increases the curves defined by a function TBP=Φ(p) become more linear. According to the results presented in Fig.5 and Fig.6 we can conclude that: When quartz oscillator with lower ppm value is built into SN`s architecture, then: a) For beacon period with fixed duration, WSN with larger number of com_active SNs can be made to be operative. For example, for TBP =100 s and sx =40 (10) ppm, WSN composed of p=35 (82) com_active SNs can be realized (see Fig. 5). For WSN with a fixed number of com_active SNs, correct operation can be achieved with a lower DC factor. For example, for p=20 SNs, and sx =50 (10) ppm, a DC factor of 1 (0,1) % is needed for feasible WSN operation (see Fig. 6). 6. ESTIMATING ENERGY CONSUMPTION It is well-known that battery factories declared that energy capacity, installed in SN, is not always equivalent to the energy drawn from that battery. With the aim to extract maximum energy from a battery, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the following two phenomena. The first one deals with the amount of leakage current (the leakage current is a direct consequence of the battery self discharging characteristics). The second one relates to the energy consumption of SN during different phases of RPLL protocol. The energy consumption of SN is equal to: SDSN T SD T AVR EEVdttIVdttIE   00 )()( (11) where ESN is energy consumption of SN during its lifetime; ESD is the wasted energy due to battery self discharge; V is power supply voltage; T lifetime of SN; IAVR average current during lifetime of SN; and ISD self discharge current. With the aim to simplify the analysis we will assume that during lifetime of SN the power supply voltage is constant. In order to determine accurately the term ESN =IAVRVT it is necessary to know the profile of IAVR. Current profiles of the sensor, transceiver, and CPU during phases Up_Sc and Ne_Di_Re, are presented in Fig 7a and 7b, respectively. Fig. 7 Current profile of SN3`s constituents during phases: a) Up_Sc; b) Ne_Di_Re Sensor Transceiver CPU Iswitch IACPU IACPU ISCPUISCPU ISCPU IARFIARF Isen IARFIARF ISRFISRFISRF ISRF TBP TOFF TOFF Tproc Tsen 2Trec 2TprocTswitch t a) Trec b) Sensor Transceiver CPU Iswitch IswitchIACPU IARF TBPTswitch Tswitch t 98 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV According to the principle of operation of RPLL protocol we have: SDADAU IIhhI  )1(I AVR (12) where: IAU - average current of SN during Up_Sc phase; IAD – average current of SN during Ne_Di_Re phase; ISD – battery self-discharging current; and, h – time ratio which points to the fact how long during its lifetime the SN spends into the phase Up_Sc in respect to Ne_Di_Re phase. Let us note that during the lifetime of SN the phase Ne_Di_Re happens at least once (during the registration of a new SN or after the reset), so limes h → 1. The average current IAU during the phase Up_Sc (see Fig.7a), is equal to: AUsenAURFAUCPU III  AU I (13) where: ,IAUsen BP sen sen T T I (14) AURF I 2 ( 1) ,OFF switchRF rec SRF switch ARFRF BP BP BP T T T pI pI p I T T T     (15) and AUCPU 2 I 2 ( 1) . proc guardOFF switchCPU SCPU switchCPU ACPU BP BP BP T TT T pI pI p I T T T      (16) The average current, IAD, during the phase Ne_Di_Re (see Fig.7b), is equal to: 2 ( ) 1 2switch switch AD ACPU ARF switch BP BP T T I I I I T T          (17) From Fig. 7a we have that IACPU, IARF, Isen correspond to the current values of CPU, transceiver, and sensor, respectively, when SN is in state on, while ISCPU, ISRF to the current values of the CPU and transceiver during the time period when SN is in the state off. In our case, for switching period Tswitch= 6 µs the CPU (MSP430F123) goes from active to LPM3 mode. Furthermore, we assume that during switching period Tswitch the switching current Iswitch varies linearly, and is given by the following formulas: (I ) 2 ARF SRF switch RF I I   (18) ( ) 2 ACPU SCPU switchCPU I I I   (19) 2 )( SRFSCPUARFACPU switch IIII I   (20) where: IACPU (ISCPU) and IARF (ISRF) correspond to CPU and RF currents during active (sleep) mode, respectively (see Fig.7). RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 99 By substituting eqs. (14), (15), (16) and (17) into eq. (12), the exact formula for calculating IAVR is obtained. The architecture of our SN consists of: a) CPU - low power microcontroller MSP430F123; b) communication part - RF modulator CC 2420; c) sensor subsystem - sensor MS55ER (for barometric-pressure); and d) Lithium-ion battery with capacity of 560 mAh. All presented results in the sequel relate to this SN architecture. In our design solution we have for IACPU=300 µA, IARF=19700 µA, ISCPU=1.6 µA, ISRF=1 µA, and Isen=1000 µA. For rechargeable (non-rechargeable) lithium-ion battery, the self- discharging current, ISD, causes battery capacity loss of 10 % (2%) per year [17]. The required battery capacity, RBC, for WSN composed of ten neighboring SNs (p=10), in terms of TBP, for one year working period is sketched in Fig. 8. In Fig. 8, sx is taken as a parameter, while the time ratio h = 0.9999884 corresponds to one discovery phase appearance during 24 hours time period. As can be seen from Fig.8, in all cases, the minimal RBC is obtained for TBP=60 s. Also, as the quality of quartz unit is better the RBC is lower. For example, for sx=50 ppm the minimal RBC50=670 mAh/year, while for sx=10 ppm the minimal RBC10=516 mAh/year, what corresponds to RBC increase of 23%. Under identical operating conditions for p=20, we obtain similar results (curves RBC=φ(TBP) have nearly the same shape as those presented in Fig.8). As an illustration, for sx=50 ppm and p=20, the minimal RBC50=1188 mAh/year, while for sx=10 ppm we obtain RBC10=895 mAh/year, which corresponds to RBC increase of 25 %. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 B a tt e ry c a p a c it y f o r o n e y e a r [m A h ] Beacon period [s] 10ppm 20ppm 30ppm 40ppm 50ppm Fig. 8 Required battery capacity in terms of beacon periods with sx as parameter In Fig. 9 the power consumption of SN, for one year working period, in terms of TBP with h as a parameter, is presented. According to the results presented in Fig. 9 we can conclude that: a) As h decreases the power consumption of SN increases. b) In all cases, minimal consumption exists, but for different TBP values. For example for h=0.999988426 (single discovery cycle per day) and TBP=60s we obtain Emin=670 mAh, while for h=0.9999996 (single discovery cycle per month) and TBP=300 s, we obtain Emin=466 mAh, which corresponds to RBC increase of 30.45 %. 100 M. R. KOSANOVIĆ, M. K. STOJĈEV 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 P o w e r c o n s u m p ti o n f o r o n e y e a r [m A h ] Beacon periods [s] 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 10 days 15 days 30 days Fig. 9 Required battery capacity in terms of beacon period for different WSN scanning period 6.1. Power consumption comparison between DLDC-MAC and RPLL protocols In Fig. 10 a power comparison between DLDC-MAC and RPLL protocol for one year period in terms of number of collisions, nc, and time duration of beacon period, TBP, as a parameter is given. The comparison is presented as ratio between SN`s power consumption of DLDC-MAC versus RPLL protocol, and is denoted as PCR. By analyzing the results presented in Fig. 10 we can conclude the following: i. Power consumption of DLDC-MAC is always higher in respect to RPLL protocol. ii. For both protocols as nc increases, the power consumption increases too. In addition, as nc increases the PCR increases too. For example: for TBP = 180 s and nc = 10 the PCR = 2.81 %, while for TBP = 180 s and nc = 180 we obtain PCR = 36.55 %. iii. Higher power saving is always achieved for larger TBP. As TBP increases the PCR increases too. For example: for TBP = 180 s and nc = 60 the PCR = 15.95 %, while for TBP = 600 s and nc = 60 we obtain PCR = 41.00 %. -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 P o w e r c o n s u m p ti o n f o r 1 y e a r D L D C -M A C /R P L L ( % ) Collision per 1 year (num) 10 s 30 s 60 s 120 s 180 s 300 s 600 s 1800 s Fig. 10 Power comparison between DLDC-MAC and RPLL protocol for one year period in terms of number of collisions The achieved saving in power consumption justifies the usage of RPLL in respect to DLDC-MAC protocol. RPLL - Rendezvous Protocol for Long-Living Sensor Nod 101 7. CONCLUSION Power saving is a crucial issue in battery powered SNs. With the aim to achieve correct in-time wake-up of SNs we have implemented some modifications in respect to DLDC-MAC rendezvous protocol. The principle of operation of the proposed RPLL protocol is based on usage of duty cycling technique. It uses pseudo-asynchronous scheme and is preferable for WSN applications that are typical for environment monitoring. The modification in respect to DLDC-MAC protocol competes-in of involving a unique ID for each SN within WSN, which provides us with decreasing activities during the registration process and avoiding collisions of newly joined SNs. The performance of the proposed protocol which relate to: a) the maximal number of SNs within WSN in terms of a DC factor; b) the maximal duration of a beacon period in terms of simultaneously active SNs; c) the energy consumption of SN in terms of SN`s quartz oscillator instability; and d) the energy consumption of SN in terms WSN scanning period in order to detect newly active SNs, have been estimated. According to the obtained results, for a defined beacon period and selected SNs quartz oscillator instability, WSN designer can exactly determine the minimal power consumption of SN, and thus extend its lifetime. The power consumption of a SN which implements a RPLL protocol in respect to SN which uses DLDC-MAC protocol is always lower. The achieved power saving, for one year working period, is within the range from 0.01 % (TBP = 1 s and nc = 180) up to 86.43 % (TBP =1800 s and nc = 180). The obtained results justify the involved modifications in the RPLL protocol. Acknowledgement: This research was sponsored in part by the Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development, project no. TR-32009 - "Low-Power Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Platforms". The authors would like to thank to anonymous reviewers for their useful and constructive suggestions, mainly intended to improve the quality of this paper. REFERENCES [1] Raghunathan V., Ganerival S., Srivastava M., "Emerging techniques for long lived wireless sensor networks", IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 108-114, 2006 [2] P. K. Dutta, D. E. 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