FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 31, N o 2, June 2018, pp. 303 - 311 https://doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1802303M ON A PROPERTY OF THE REED-MULLER-FOURIER TRANSFORM  Claudio Moraga Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany Abstract. The Reed-Muller-Fourier is reviewed and a new property is presented: The Reed-Muller-Fourier transform of an n-place p-valued function preserves any permutation of the arguments. This leads to the additional result that the Reed-Muller- Fourier spectrum of an n-place p-valued symmetric function is also symmetric. Furthermore, the Reed-Muller and the Vilenkin-Chrestenson spectra of an n-place p- valued symmetric function are also symmetric. Key words: Multiple-valued Switching Theory, symmetric functions, Reed-Muller-Fourier transform. Dedicated to Prof. Radomir Stanković on the occasion of his 65th birthday 1. INTRODUCTION The fundamentals of the Reed-Muller transform may be found in the early work of I. Zhegalkin [1], [2]. However since his publications were in Russian, they remained practically unknown for scientists not proficient in that language. The transform was rediscovered with the works of I.S. Reed [3] and D.E. Muller [4] and since then, it carries their names. In the literature frequently this transform is mentioned as the RM transform. The transform was developed to be applied to Boolean functions. The later extension of the Reed-Muller transform to multiple-valued domains is due to D.H. Green and I.S. Taylor [5]. The Reed-Muller-Fourier transform (RMF) was introduced by Radomir. S. Stanković [6], [7] aiming to combine relevant properties of the Reed-Muller transform and the Discrete Fourier transform. In a way, this transform is another extension of the Reed- Muller transform to the multiple-valued domain. In the binary case, the RMF transform converges to the Reed-Muller transform. Received August 3, 2017; received in revised form September 8, 2017 Corresponding author: Claudio Moraga Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany (E-mail: claudio.moraga@tu-dortmund.de) 304 C. MORAGA An important common property of both the RM and RMF transforms is the fact that they represent bijections in the set of p–valued functions. This means that the RM spectrum or the RMF spectrum of an n–place p–valued functions is again an n–place p– valued function, not necessarily different from the original one. (It has been shown that both transforms have fixed points [8], [9]). Moreover, both the RM and the RMF transforms have a Kronecker product structure. (Kronecker product: see e.g. [10], [11]). The RMF transform matrix is lower triangular [12] and exhibits special similarities with the Pascal matrix on finite fields [13]. 2. FORMALISMS Notation: Vectors and Matrices will be written with upper case in bold. If M is a p m p n matrix, it will be denoted simply as Mm,n. Square matrices will be assigned just one index. If not clear from the context, the length of vectors will be explicitly given. An exception to this notation is “XpRMF”, which, for historical reasons [7] will be used to denote the basis of the RMF transform. Spectral Techniques in a nut shell: Let V = {0, 1, …, p–1} be the domain of p–valued functions and let f : V n  V, be an n- place p–valued function. To every function f, a value column vector F of length p n is associated. The elements of F are the values of f for all the different value assignments to the arguments. The elements of F follow the lexicographic order of the value assignments to the arguments of f. Let f  F denote the association. It is obvious that f  InF, where In denotes the identity matrix, represents a valid association. If Mn is a non-singular matrix, its inverse is also non-singular and well defined. Moreover since (Mn) -1  Mn = In, then f  (Mn) -1 MnF is also a valid association and represents the basic concept of spectral transformations. Since (Mn) -1 is non-singular, its columns form a linearly independent set. If the columns of (Mn) -1 are considered to represent value vectors of auxiliary functions, then (Mn) -1 constitutes a basis. Mn, the inverse of (Mn) -1 , is called a transform matrix and the product MnF is normally called the spectrum of f. The inner product of the basis and the spectrum leads to a polynomial expression of f. Depending on the choice of (Mn) -1 , different polynomial expressions on elements of the basis will be obtained. Definition 1: Let f, g : Zp  Zp. The Gibbs convolution product () of p-valued functions is calculated as follows [6]: If x = 0, then (f  g)(0) = 0. If x  0, then (f  g)(x) = ∑ – – mod p Definition 2: The fundamental basis for the RMF transform, called XpRMF is the following [6], [7]: XpRMF = [x* 0 x* 1 … x* (p–1) ], where x* 0 is defined to be the constant p – 1 for all x, and for 1 ≤ j ≤ p – 1, the powers x* j are calculated as the j–fold Gibbs product of x* 0 with itself. On a Property of the Reed-Muller-Fourier Transform 305 It is simple to show that XpRMF is its own inverse. Therefore the basic RMF transform matrix, called R1 equals XpRMF, and for all n > 1 holds: Rn = (XpRMF) n , where the exponent “n” denotes the n-fold Kronecker product of XpRMF with itself. Since XpRMF is its own inverse, it is easy to see that Rn will also be its own inverse. Example 1: Let n = 2 and p = 3. Calculating mod 3, Notice that the borders of R2 look different than those of R1. This will happen whenever n is even, since for all p, (p–1) n  1 mod p. If this is inconvenient for some application, then a normalized transform may be used. Definition 3: The normalized RMF transform is given by Rn = (–1) n+1 XpRMF(1)⨂ n mod p. The factor (–1) n+1 is introduced to preserve the value (p–1), in the leftmost column of the matrix when n is even, since (–1) n+1 (p–1) n ≡ (p–1) n+1 (p–1) n ≡ (p–1) 2n+1 mod p. 2n + 1 will be an odd number and an odd power of (p–1) equals (p–1) mod p. It is simple to see that in this case Rn is also self-inverse. If for particular applications a “homogeneous and DFT-like look” is desirable, then a special RMF transform may be used. Definition 4: The special RMF transform equals (p-1)(XpRMF) n mod p. See Figure 1. [ ] [ ] [ ] Fig. 1 Special RMF transform matrices for p = 3, 4, and 5 when n = 1 If for any p R1 is expressed as [ri,j], i, j  ℤp, then ( ) mod p [12]. It may be observed that in the case when p is a prime, the matrices are skew- symmetric, i.e., symmetric with respect to the diagonal with positive slope. Furthermore besides being skew-symmetric and self inverse, starting at the lower left corner and moving along the diagonal with positive slope, a Pascal triangle mod p is found. R2 = 306 C. MORAGA An important property of the RMF transform is the following: The RMF transform of a non-zero constant vector is an “impulse” vector, i.e. a vector with only one non-zero entry, at the 0-th position [12]. This is a well known property of the DFT, which is preserved by the RMF transform. 3. THEOREMS Theorem 1. Preliminaries: Let V = {0, 1, …, p–1} be the domain of p–valued functions and let f : V 2  V, with value vector F of length p 2 . Moreover let g : V 2  V, such that g(x1, x2) = f (x2, x1). Let the value vector of g be G. Furthermore, let P2 be a permutation matrix such that when applied upon F induces a permutation of its components according to the reordering of the arguments of the function. Hence G = P2F. Claim: The RMF transform of a p-valued function of two variables preserves the order of the arguments. R2G = R2P2F = P2R2F mod p. Proof: Let i, j  (ℤ ) , with i = i1i0 and j = j1j0. Since R has a Kronecker product structure, then R2 = R1  R1 mod p. If R2 is expressed as [ri,j] then ri,j = ( ( )) ( ( )) mod p. If i1 and i0 are exchanged, then modified ri,j mod p. and if j1 and j0 are exchanged, then modified ri,j mod p. It is simple to see that in both cases the modified ri,j takes the same value. Moreover, exchanging i1 and i0 has the effect of exchanging (the corresponding) two rows of R2 and, similarly, exchanging j1 and j0 has the effect of exchanging (the corresponding) two columns of R2. Exchanging i1 and i0 corresponds to P2R2, while exchanging j1 and j0 corresponds to R2P2. The assertion follows. Although not explicitly needed for Theorem 1, it is not difficult to construct the P2 matrices for different values of p, because of the strong regularity of their structure. They are symmetric, skew-symmetric and self inverse. See Figure 2. On a Property of the Reed-Muller-Fourier Transform 307 [ ] [ ] [ ] Fig. 2 P2 matrices for p = 2, p = 3, and p = 4 Corollary 1.1: From P2R2 = R2P2 and recalling that R2 is self inverse follows that P2 = R2P2R2. Since P2 is also self inverse, then P2P2 = R2P2R2P2 = I2, meaning that R2P2 is also its own inverse. Theorem 2. Let n  2 and k < n. Define f and g to be p-valued functions of n variables (i.e. n- place functions) with value vectors F and G, respectively, such that for all value assignments to the arguments, g equals f, but with transposed arguments xk and xk+1. Let Pn be a permutation which when applied to F has the effect of transposing only the two selected arguments, i.e., Pn = (Ik-1  P2  In-k-1). Then RnPnF = PnRnF mod p. Proof: Decompose Rn to match the structure of Pn. I.e. Rn = Rk-1  R2  Rn-k-1, and apply it to both sides of the claim, taking advantage of the compatibility between Kronecker and matrix products [11]: RnPnF = (Rk-1  R2  Rn-k-1)(Ik-1  P2  In-k-1)F = (Rk-1  R2P2  Rn-k-1)F mod p. PnRnF = (Ik-1  P2  In-k-1)(Rk-1  R2  Rn-k-1)F = (Rk-1  P2R2  Rn-k-1)F mod p. It is easy to see that the claim will be satisfied if and only if P2R2 = R2P2. This was proven in Theorem 1. The assertion follows. 308 C. MORAGA Example 2. Let p = 4 and n = 2. Calculate P2R2 operating mod 4. From Corollary 1.1, (P2R2) -1 = P2R2 = R2P2 therefore commuting the factor matrices will give the same result. Theorem 3. Let f and g be n-place p-valued functions with value vectors F and G, respectively, such that for all value assignments to the arguments, g equals f, but with transposed arguments xk and xk+1 and transposed arguments xh and xh+1. (n > k > h > 0). If applied independently, let the corresponding transposition matrices be and , respectively, leading to G =  F. The following holds: RnG =  RnF mod p. Proof: Consider first one of the transpositions. Let G’ = F mod p. Then from Theorem 1 follows that RnG’ = Rn F = RnF mod p. Now let the second transposition be executed. G = G’. Then from Theorem 1 follows that RnG = Rn G’ = RnG’ = =  RnF mod p. P2R2 = = = On a Property of the Reed-Muller-Fourier Transform 309 Theorem 4. Let f and g be n-place p-valued functions with value vectors F and G, respectively, such that for all value assignments to the arguments, g equals f, but with permuted arguments. Let Pn be a permutation matrix, which when applied to F has the same effect as permuting the corresponding arguments. Then RnG = RnPnF = PnRnF mod p. Proof: Recall that any permutation of an ordered set of arguments may be obtained with an appropriate sequence of transpositions, and any transposition may be obtained with a cascade of transpositions of neighbor arguments. Apply accordingly Theorems 2 and 3 as many times as needed. Theorem 5. The RMF spectrum of an n-place p-valued symmetric function is symmetric. Proof: Recall that a p-valued function is symmetric iff it is invariant with respect to any permutation of its arguments. (See e.g. [14], [15], [16], [17]) Let F be the value vector of a symmetric function and let Pn be equivalent to a random permutation of its arguments. Then F = PnF. From Theorem 4, RnF = RnPnF = PnRnF mod p. Therefore RnF mod p is symmetric. Example 3: Let p = 4 and f : V 2  V be symmetric, such that F = [1 1 0 3 1 2 3 1 0 3 3 2 3 1 2 0 ] T Let S = R2F S = 310 C. MORAGA Symmetry proof: x2 x1 F T S T 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 3 1 2 3 1 0 3 3 2 3 1 2 0 1 0 3 3 0 1 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 2 It is easy to see that S, the spectrum of F, is also symmetric. Remark: It was shown in [18] that an analog to Theorem 3 holds for spectra obtained with the Reed-Muller or the Vilenkin-Chrestenson transforms. This also includes the circular Vilenkin-Chrestenson spectrum. Corollary 5.1. The Reed-Muller and the Vilenkin-Chrestenson spectra of p–valued symmetric functions are symmetric. Corollary 5.2. If f is a p–valued bent function [20], [19], then the function obtained after permuting the value assignment to the arguments is also bent, since the circular Vilenkin- Chrestenson spectrum will remain flat., i.e. all its components will have a constant absolute value equal to p n/2 . 4. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that the RMF transform shares with the Reed-Muller and the Vilenkin-Chrestenson transforms the property of preserving any permutation of the arguments, in spite of their different structural attributes. Recall that the Vilenkin- Chrestenson transform is complex-valued, symmetric, and unitary up to a normalizing coefficient; the Reed-Muller transform is integer-valued and neither symmetric nor orthogonal; and the Reed-Muller-Fourier transform is integer-valued, lower triangular, and self inverse. REFERENCES [1] I.I. Zhegalkin, “O tekhnyke vychyslenyi predlozhenyi v symbolytscheskoi logykye,” Math. Sb., vol. 34, pp. 9-28, in Russian, 1927. [2] I.I. Zhegalkin, “Aritmetizatiya symbolytscheskoi logyky,” Math. Sb., vol. 35, pp. 311-377, in Russian, 1928. [3] I.S. Reed, “A class of multiple-error-correcting codes and the decoding scheme.” IRE Trans. on Information Theory PGIT-4, pp. 38-49, 1954. [4] D.E. 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