FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. x, No x, x 2018, pp. x ENERGY-EFFICIENT CRYPTOGRAPHIC PRIMITIVES Elena Dubrova∗ Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden Abstract: Our society greatly depends on services and applications provided by mobile communication networks. As billions of people and devices become connected, it becomes increasingly important to guarantee security of interac- tions of all players. In this talk we address several aspects of this important, many-folded problem. First, we show how to design cryptographic primitives which can assure integrity and confidentiality of transmitted messages while satisfying resource constrains of low-end low-cost wireless devices such as sen- sors or RFID tags. Second, we describe countermeasures which can enhance the resistance of hardware implementing cryptographic algorithms to hardware Trojans. Keywords: Security, lightweight cryptography, cryptographic primitive, en- cryption, message authentication, hardware Trojan. 1 Introduction Today minimal or no security is typically provided to low-end low-cost wire- less devices such as sensors or RFID tags in the conventional belief that the information they gather is of little concern to attackers. However, case studies have shown that a compromised sensor can be used as a stepping stone to mount an attack on a wireless network. For example, in the attack Manuscript received x x, x Corresponding author: Elena Dubrova Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden (e-mail: dubrova@kth.se) ∗An earlier version of this paper was presented as an invited address at the Reed-Muller 2017 Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24-25, 2017. 1 FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, No 1, March 2018, pp. 101 - 125 CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSETS OF BENT FUNCTIONS SATISFYING RESTRICTIONS IN THE REED-MULLER DOMAIN Miloš Radmanović1 and Radomir S. Stanković1 1Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nǐs, Nǐs, Serbia Abstract: Bent functions are Boolean functions with highest nonlinearity which makes them interesting for cryptography. Determination of bent func- tions is an important but hard problem, since the general structure of bent functions is still unknown. Various constructions methods for bent functions are based on certain deterministic procedures, which might result in some reg- ularity that is a feature undesired for applications in cryptography. Random generation of bent functions is an alternative, however, the search space is very large and the related procedures are time consuming. A solution is to restrict the search space by imposing some conditions that should be satisfied by the produced bent functions. In this paper, we propose three ways of imposing such restrictions to construct subsets of Boolean functions within which the bent functions are searched. We estimate experimentally the number of bent functions in the corresponding subsets of Boolean functions. Keywords: Cryptography, Boolean functions, Bent, Reed-Muller domain, Subsets. 1 Introduction Bent functions are by definition the most nonlinear Boolean functions, i.e., at the maximum distance of 2n−1−2n/2−1, n-number of variables, from affine Manuscript received January 31, 2018 Corresponding author: Miloš Radmanović Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nǐs, Nǐs, Serbia (e-mail: milos.radmanovic@elfak.ni.ac.rs) *An earlier version of this paper was presented as an invited address at the Reed-Muller 2017 Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24-25, 2017 1 2 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ functions. Due to that property, bent functions are useful for cryptographic purposes, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions in many areas [1], [2]. They have been attracted a lot of attention in cryptography, but have also studied in many other areas such as combinatorics, coding theory, logic synthesis, and signal processing [3], [4]. The problem is that they are not balanced. Therefore, constructing bent functions followed by a procedure to make them balanced is in foundations of many cryptographic procedures. There are many procedures to construct bent functions, but most of them are exhaustive in the sense that can produce all bent functions for a given n. Another problem is that being based on some deterministic pro- cedures, there is a no negligible possibility that the produced bent func- tion might express some degree of regularity. Random generation of bent functions is often used as an alternative. The problem is however that the number of bent functions is very small compared to the total number of 22n Boolean functions. Expressed in percentages, it is 1, 36%, 2, 94×10−8%, and 8, 57×10−44% for n = 4, 6, 8, out of 65.536, 18.446.744.073.709.551.616, and 1, 1579208923731619542357098500869 × 10+77 functions. Therefore, random finding of bent functions necessarily requires reduc- tion of the search space by using properties of bent functions. In this paper, we explore how large is the number of bent functions in certain restricted sub- sets of Boolean functions with restrictions derived from properties of bent functions. The aim is to provide specifications how to restrict the search space for bent functions according to the probability of finding them in pre- defined subsets of Boolean functions. The restrictions are formulated in the Reed-Muller (RM) domain [5]. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shortly introduces the the- oretical background and necessary concepts to be discussed. In Section 3, three approaches to the restriction of the search space in finding bent func- tions in RM domain are presented. The experimental results are shown and discussed in Section 4. The closing Section 5 summarizes the results of the research reported in this paper. 2 Background Theory 2.1 Reed-Muller Transform The algebraic normal form (ANF) is one of the most used representations in cryptography. Every Boolean function has a unique representation in FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 31, No 2, June 2018, pp. 207 - 222 https://doi.org/10.2298/FUEE1802207R Miloš Radmanović, Radomir S. Stanković Received October 21, 2017; received in revised form January 31, 2018 Corresponding author: Miloš Radmanović Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Medevedeva 14, 18000 Niš, Serbia (E-mail: milos.radmanovic@elfak.ni.ac.rs) *An earlier version of this paper was presented as an invited address at the Reed-Muller 2017 Workshop, Novi Sad, Serbia, May 24-25, 2017 FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, No 4, December 2015, pp. 507 - 525 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1504507S HORIZONTAL CURRENT BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR (HCBT) – A LOW-COST, HIGH-PERFORMANCE FLEXIBLE BICMOS TECHNOLOGY FOR RF COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS Tomislav Suligoj1, Marko Koričić1, Josip Žilak1, Hidenori Mochizuki2, So-ichi Morita2, Katsumi Shinomura2, Hisaya Imai2 1University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Electronics, Micro- and Nano-electronics Laboratory, Croatia 2Asahi Kasei Microdevices Co. 5-4960, Nobeoka, Miyazaki, 882-0031, Japan Abstract. In an overview of Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor (HCBT) technology, the state-of-the-art integrated silicon bipolar transistors are described which exhibit fT and fmax of 51 GHz and 61 GHz and fTBVCEO product of 173 GHzV that are among the highest-performance implanted-base, silicon bipolar transistors. HBCT is integrated with CMOS in a considerably lower-cost fabrication sequence as compared to standard vertical-current bipolar transistors with only 2 or 3 additional masks and fewer process steps. Due to its specific structure, the charge sharing effect can be employed to increase BVCEO without sacrificing fT and fmax. Moreover, the electric field can be engineered just by manipulating the lithography masks achieving the high-voltage HCBTs with breakdowns up to 36 V integrated in the same process flow with high-speed devices, i.e. at zero additional costs. Double-balanced active mixer circuit is designed and fabricated in HCBT technology. The maximum IIP3 of 17.7 dBm at mixer current of 9.2 mA and conversion gain of -5 dB are achieved. Key words: BiCMOS technology, Bipolar transistors, Horizontal Current Bipolar Transistor, Radio frequency integrated circuits, Mixer, High-voltage bipolar transistors. 1. INTRODUCTION In the highly competitive wireless communication markets, the RF circuits and systems are fabricated in the technologies that are very cost-sensitive. In order to minimize the fabrication costs, the sub-10 GHz applications can be processed by using the high-volume silicon technologies. It has been identified that the optimum solution might Received March 9, 2015 Corresponding author: Tomislav Suligoj University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Department of Electronics, Micro- and Nano-electronics Laboratory, Croatia (e-mail: tom@zemris.fer.hr) CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSETS OF BENT FUNCTIONS SATISFYING RESTRICTIONS IN THE REED-MULLER DOMAIN* Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia Abstract. Bent functions are Boolean functions with highest nonlinearity which makes them interesting for cryptography. Determination of bent functions is an importantbut hard problem, since the general structure of bent functions is still unknown. Various constructions methods for bent functions are based on certain deterministic procedures, which might result in some regularitythat is a feature undesired for applications in cryptography. Random generation of bent functions is an alternative, however, the search space is very large and the related procedures are time consuming. A solution is to restrict the search space by imposing some conditions that should be satisfied by the produced bent functions. In this paper, we propose three ways of imposing such restrictions to construct subsets of Boolean functions within which the bent functions are searched. We estimate experimentally the number of bent functions in the corresponding subsets of Boolean functions. Key words: Cryptography, Boolean functions, Bent, Reed-Muller domain, Subsets. 2 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ functions. Due to that property, bent functions are useful for cryptographic purposes, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions in many areas [1], [2]. They have been attracted a lot of attention in cryptography, but have also studied in many other areas such as combinatorics, coding theory, logic synthesis, and signal processing [3], [4]. The problem is that they are not balanced. Therefore, constructing bent functions followed by a procedure to make them balanced is in foundations of many cryptographic procedures. There are many procedures to construct bent functions, but most of them are exhaustive in the sense that can produce all bent functions for a given n. Another problem is that being based on some deterministic pro- cedures, there is a no negligible possibility that the produced bent func- tion might express some degree of regularity. Random generation of bent functions is often used as an alternative. The problem is however that the number of bent functions is very small compared to the total number of 22n Boolean functions. Expressed in percentages, it is 1, 36%, 2, 94×10−8%, and 8, 57×10−44% for n = 4, 6, 8, out of 65.536, 18.446.744.073.709.551.616, and 1, 1579208923731619542357098500869 × 10+77 functions. Therefore, random finding of bent functions necessarily requires reduc- tion of the search space by using properties of bent functions. In this paper, we explore how large is the number of bent functions in certain restricted sub- sets of Boolean functions with restrictions derived from properties of bent functions. The aim is to provide specifications how to restrict the search space for bent functions according to the probability of finding them in pre- defined subsets of Boolean functions. The restrictions are formulated in the Reed-Muller (RM) domain [5]. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shortly introduces the the- oretical background and necessary concepts to be discussed. In Section 3, three approaches to the restriction of the search space in finding bent func- tions in RM domain are presented. The experimental results are shown and discussed in Section 4. The closing Section 5 summarizes the results of the research reported in this paper. 2 Background Theory 2.1 Reed-Muller Transform The algebraic normal form (ANF) is one of the most used representations in cryptography. Every Boolean function has a unique representation in Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 3 the ANF as the binary coefficient vector, known as the positive polarity Reed-Muller spectrum. Therefore in switching theory, logic design, signal processing and related areas, the ANF is also called positive polarity Reed- Muller normal form. Any Boolean function of n variables can be expressed in the positive polarity Reed-Muller form or algebraic normal form as [6]: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = n ⊕ i=1 siφi, (1) where, φi = n−1 ∏ k=0 (xk) ik, (2) where xk is a variable that may assume either 0 or 1. The values si ∈ {0, 1}, also known as the RM spectral coefficients, short RM-coefficients, determine whether a product term is present or not in (1). In addition, coordinates ik ∈ {0, 1} in binary representation of i indicate the presence or absence of a variable xk in the product term φi, (x 1 k = xk, x 0 k = 1) . The symbol ⊕ denotes the EXOR operation, and multiplication is assumed to be the AND operation. The algebraic degree or the order of nonlinearity of f is the maximum number of variables in a product term related with a non-zero coefficient si. The positive polarity RM coefficients are divided into groups according to the number of ones in the binary representation of their indices. For example, coefficients of the first order are s1, s2, s4, s8 . . .. Coefficients of the second order are assigned to product terms consisting of two variables. The third order coefficients correspond to product of three variables and so forth, until the coefficient of order n related to the last product term x1x2 . . . xn. Definition 1 In matrix notation, if a function f and its RM spectrum Sf are represented by vectors F = [f0, f1, . . . , f2n−1] T and Sf = [s0, s1, . . . , s2n−1] T respectively, the positive polarity RM transform is defined by the positive po- larity RM matrix RM(n) [6]: Sf = R(n)F, (3) where, R(n) = n ⊗ i=1 R(1), (4) 208 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 209 2 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ functions. Due to that property, bent functions are useful for cryptographic purposes, such as block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions in many areas [1], [2]. They have been attracted a lot of attention in cryptography, but have also studied in many other areas such as combinatorics, coding theory, logic synthesis, and signal processing [3], [4]. The problem is that they are not balanced. Therefore, constructing bent functions followed by a procedure to make them balanced is in foundations of many cryptographic procedures. There are many procedures to construct bent functions, but most of them are exhaustive in the sense that can produce all bent functions for a given n. Another problem is that being based on some deterministic pro- cedures, there is a no negligible possibility that the produced bent func- tion might express some degree of regularity. Random generation of bent functions is often used as an alternative. The problem is however that the number of bent functions is very small compared to the total number of 22n Boolean functions. Expressed in percentages, it is 1, 36%, 2, 94×10−8%, and 8, 57×10−44% for n = 4, 6, 8, out of 65.536, 18.446.744.073.709.551.616, and 1, 1579208923731619542357098500869 × 10+77 functions. Therefore, random finding of bent functions necessarily requires reduc- tion of the search space by using properties of bent functions. In this paper, we explore how large is the number of bent functions in certain restricted sub- sets of Boolean functions with restrictions derived from properties of bent functions. The aim is to provide specifications how to restrict the search space for bent functions according to the probability of finding them in pre- defined subsets of Boolean functions. The restrictions are formulated in the Reed-Muller (RM) domain [5]. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shortly introduces the the- oretical background and necessary concepts to be discussed. In Section 3, three approaches to the restriction of the search space in finding bent func- tions in RM domain are presented. The experimental results are shown and discussed in Section 4. The closing Section 5 summarizes the results of the research reported in this paper. 2 Background Theory 2.1 Reed-Muller Transform The algebraic normal form (ANF) is one of the most used representations in cryptography. Every Boolean function has a unique representation in Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 3 the ANF as the binary coefficient vector, known as the positive polarity Reed-Muller spectrum. Therefore in switching theory, logic design, signal processing and related areas, the ANF is also called positive polarity Reed- Muller normal form. Any Boolean function of n variables can be expressed in the positive polarity Reed-Muller form or algebraic normal form as [6]: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = n ⊕ i=1 siφi, (1) where, φi = n−1 ∏ k=0 (xk) ik, (2) where xk is a variable that may assume either 0 or 1. The values si ∈ {0, 1}, also known as the RM spectral coefficients, short RM-coefficients, determine whether a product term is present or not in (1). In addition, coordinates ik ∈ {0, 1} in binary representation of i indicate the presence or absence of a variable xk in the product term φi, (x 1 k = xk, x 0 k = 1) . The symbol ⊕ denotes the EXOR operation, and multiplication is assumed to be the AND operation. The algebraic degree or the order of nonlinearity of f is the maximum number of variables in a product term related with a non-zero coefficient si. The positive polarity RM coefficients are divided into groups according to the number of ones in the binary representation of their indices. For example, coefficients of the first order are s1, s2, s4, s8 . . .. Coefficients of the second order are assigned to product terms consisting of two variables. The third order coefficients correspond to product of three variables and so forth, until the coefficient of order n related to the last product term x1x2 . . . xn. Definition 1 In matrix notation, if a function f and its RM spectrum Sf are represented by vectors F = [f0, f1, . . . , f2n−1] T and Sf = [s0, s1, . . . , s2n−1] T respectively, the positive polarity RM transform is defined by the positive po- larity RM matrix RM(n) [6]: Sf = R(n)F, (3) where, R(n) = n ⊗ i=1 R(1), (4) Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 3 the ANF as the binary coefficient vector, known as the positive polarity Reed-Muller spectrum. Therefore in switching theory, logic design, signal processing and related areas, the ANF is also called positive polarity Reed- Muller normal form. Any Boolean function of n variables can be expressed in the positive polarity Reed-Muller form or algebraic normal form as [6]: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = n ⊕ i=1 siφi, (1) where, φi = n−1 ∏ k=0 (xk) ik, (2) where xk is a variable that may assume either 0 or 1. The values si ∈ {0, 1}, also known as the RM spectral coefficients, short RM-coefficients, determine whether a product term is present or not in (1). In addition, coordinates ik ∈ {0, 1} in binary representation of i indicate the presence or absence of a variable xk in the product term φi, (x 1 k = xk, x 0 k = 1) . The symbol ⊕ denotes the EXOR operation, and multiplication is assumed to be the AND operation. The algebraic degree or the order of nonlinearity of f is the maximum number of variables in a product term related with a non-zero coefficient si. The positive polarity RM coefficients are divided into groups according to the number of ones in the binary representation of their indices. For example, coefficients of the first order are s1, s2, s4, s8 . . .. Coefficients of the second order are assigned to product terms consisting of two variables. The third order coefficients correspond to product of three variables and so forth, until the coefficient of order n related to the last product term x1x2 . . . xn. Definition 1 In matrix notation, if a function f and its RM spectrum Sf are represented by vectors F = [f0, f1, . . . , f2n−1] T and Sf = [s0, s1, . . . , s2n−1] T respectively, the positive polarity RM transform is defined by the positive po- larity RM matrix RM(n) [6]: Sf = R(n)F, (3) where, R(n) = n ⊗ i=1 R(1), (4) 4 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ and R(1) = [ 1 0 1 1 ] (5) is the basic positive Reed-Muller transform matrix. Note that RM(1) and, therefore, also RM(n) is a self-inverse matrix. The Kornecker product used in (4) determines the so-called Hadamard order of the RM-coefficients which will be used in the following considera- tions. When the order of coefficients is specified, then the position of each coefficient in the RM-spectrum is uniquely determined. This property will be used to define restrictions reducing the search space for bent functions. Definition 2 The function f is reconstructed from its RM spectrum as: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = X(n)Sf , (6) where X(n) = n ⊗ i=1 [ 1 xi ] . (7) 2.2 Walsh transform Definition 3 For a Boolean function f in (1, −1) encoding defined by the truth-vector F = [f0, f1, . . . ,f2n−1] T , the Walsh spectrum Sf,W = [r0, r1, . . . , r2n−1] T is defined as [?]: Sf,W = W(n)F, (8) where, W(n) = n ⊗ i=1 W(1), (9) where, W(1) = [ 1 1 1 −1 ] (10) is the basic Walsh transform matrix. 2.3 Bent functions For the case of even number of variables, there is a class of Boolean functions introduced by O. Rothaus achieving maximum nonlinearity, the so-called bent functions, figurative meaning is opposite to linear. The exact number 208 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 209 4 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ and R(1) = [ 1 0 1 1 ] (5) is the basic positive Reed-Muller transform matrix. Note that RM(1) and, therefore, also RM(n) is a self-inverse matrix. The Kornecker product used in (4) determines the so-called Hadamard order of the RM-coefficients which will be used in the following considera- tions. When the order of coefficients is specified, then the position of each coefficient in the RM-spectrum is uniquely determined. This property will be used to define restrictions reducing the search space for bent functions. Definition 2 The function f is reconstructed from its RM spectrum as: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = X(n)Sf , (6) where X(n) = n ⊗ i=1 [ 1 xi ] . (7) 2.2 Walsh transform Definition 3 For a Boolean function f in (1, −1) encoding defined by the truth-vector F = [f0, f1, . . . ,f2n−1] T , the Walsh spectrum Sf,W = [r0, r1, . . . , r2n−1] T is defined as [?]: Sf,W = W(n)F, (8) where, W(n) = n ⊗ i=1 W(1), (9) where, W(1) = [ 1 1 1 −1 ] (10) is the basic Walsh transform matrix. 2.3 Bent functions For the case of even number of variables, there is a class of Boolean functions introduced by O. Rothaus achieving maximum nonlinearity, the so-called bent functions, figurative meaning is opposite to linear. The exact number Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 5 of n-variable bent functions is known only for small number of variables, for n < 10. The general number of bent functions is an open problem and it is known the upper bounds in respect to n. The following theorems and definition determine some basic properties of bent functions that will be used in the present considerations. Theorem 1 [3] There are defined some ”naive” lower and upper bounds on the number of bent functions. The lower bound is (2n/2)!22 n/2 , and upper bound is 2 2 n−1 + 1 2 ( nn/2). Note that, the number of bent functions increases rapidly due to expo- nential increasing of lower bound. Theorem 2 [2] If f is a bent function, f is also bent. Theorem 3 [1] Every bent function has a Hamming weight (number of ones in the truth vector) of 2n−1 ± 2n/2−1. The following definition of a bent function is formulated in terms of the Walsh transform coefficients: Definition 4 [4] A Boolean function f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) in (1, −1) encoding is called bent if all Walsh coefficients in vector Sf,W have the same absolute value 2n/2. Theorem 4 [4] The algebraic degree of bent functions f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) is at most n/2 for n > 2. Positions of the non-zero RM coefficients in the Sf of a bent function are related with the order of coefficients. For example, the bent functions of four variables can have non-zero RM coefficients of order 0,1,2 and the number of ones in the binary representation of their vector index is ≤ 2. In relation to that, the maximal number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: n/2 ∑ i=0 ( n i ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . (11) These both features will be used in the present paper. 210 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 211 4 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ and R(1) = [ 1 0 1 1 ] (5) is the basic positive Reed-Muller transform matrix. Note that RM(1) and, therefore, also RM(n) is a self-inverse matrix. The Kornecker product used in (4) determines the so-called Hadamard order of the RM-coefficients which will be used in the following considera- tions. When the order of coefficients is specified, then the position of each coefficient in the RM-spectrum is uniquely determined. This property will be used to define restrictions reducing the search space for bent functions. Definition 2 The function f is reconstructed from its RM spectrum as: f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = X(n)Sf , (6) where X(n) = n ⊗ i=1 [ 1 xi ] . (7) 2.2 Walsh transform Definition 3 For a Boolean function f in (1, −1) encoding defined by the truth-vector F = [f0, f1, . . . ,f2n−1] T , the Walsh spectrum Sf,W = [r0, r1, . . . , r2n−1] T is defined as [?]: Sf,W = W(n)F, (8) where, W(n) = n ⊗ i=1 W(1), (9) where, W(1) = [ 1 1 1 −1 ] (10) is the basic Walsh transform matrix. 2.3 Bent functions For the case of even number of variables, there is a class of Boolean functions introduced by O. Rothaus achieving maximum nonlinearity, the so-called bent functions, figurative meaning is opposite to linear. The exact number Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 5 of n-variable bent functions is known only for small number of variables, for n < 10. The general number of bent functions is an open problem and it is known the upper bounds in respect to n. The following theorems and definition determine some basic properties of bent functions that will be used in the present considerations. Theorem 1 [3] There are defined some ”naive” lower and upper bounds on the number of bent functions. The lower bound is (2n/2)!22 n/2 , and upper bound is 2 2 n−1 + 1 2 ( nn/2). Note that, the number of bent functions increases rapidly due to expo- nential increasing of lower bound. Theorem 2 [2] If f is a bent function, f is also bent. Theorem 3 [1] Every bent function has a Hamming weight (number of ones in the truth vector) of 2n−1 ± 2n/2−1. The following definition of a bent function is formulated in terms of the Walsh transform coefficients: Definition 4 [4] A Boolean function f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) in (1, −1) encoding is called bent if all Walsh coefficients in vector Sf,W have the same absolute value 2n/2. Theorem 4 [4] The algebraic degree of bent functions f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) is at most n/2 for n > 2. Positions of the non-zero RM coefficients in the Sf of a bent function are related with the order of coefficients. For example, the bent functions of four variables can have non-zero RM coefficients of order 0,1,2 and the number of ones in the binary representation of their vector index is ≤ 2. In relation to that, the maximal number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: n/2 ∑ i=0 ( n i ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . (11) These both features will be used in the present paper. Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 5 of n-variable bent functions is known only for small number of variables, for n < 10. The general number of bent functions is an open problem and it is known the upper bounds in respect to n. The following theorems and definition determine some basic properties of bent functions that will be used in the present considerations. Theorem 1 [3] There are defined some ”naive” lower and upper bounds on the number of bent functions. The lower bound is (2n/2)!22 n/2 , and upper bound is 2 2 n−1 + 1 2 ( nn/2). Note that, the number of bent functions increases rapidly due to expo- nential increasing of lower bound. Theorem 2 [2] If f is a bent function, f is also bent. Theorem 3 [1] Every bent function has a Hamming weight (number of ones in the truth vector) of 2n−1 ± 2n/2−1. The following definition of a bent function is formulated in terms of the Walsh transform coefficients: Definition 4 [4] A Boolean function f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) in (1, −1) encoding is called bent if all Walsh coefficients in vector Sf,W have the same absolute value 2n/2. Theorem 4 [4] The algebraic degree of bent functions f(x1, x2, . . . , xn) is at most n/2 for n > 2. Positions of the non-zero RM coefficients in the Sf of a bent function are related with the order of coefficients. For example, the bent functions of four variables can have non-zero RM coefficients of order 0,1,2 and the number of ones in the binary representation of their vector index is ≤ 2. In relation to that, the maximal number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: n/2 ∑ i=0 ( n i ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . (11) These both features will be used in the present paper. 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables 210 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 211 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 7 in a product term corresponding to a non-zero RM-coefficient. We call it the horizontal subset. 3. Both, the number of non-zero RM-coefficients and the order of nonlin- earity. We call it the grid subset. The main objective is to investigate the number of bent functions in each of these subsets. In order to study the proposed subsets of functions in the spectral RM domain, we developed in C++ three independent im- plementations of the algorithms for vertical, horizontal, and grid RM subset classifications. These implementations are used to investigate considered subsets of bent functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. 3.1 Vertical subset Since the order of nonlinearity of n-variable bent functions is less or equal to n/2, in their RM-spectra there cannot be non-zero RM-coefficients assigned to product terms with more than n/2 variables. The values of coefficients of larger order are 0. Therefore, the number of possible non-zero coefficients is smaller than 2n. Functions that do not satisfy this requirement can be eliminated from checking for bentness. In this way, the search space for bent functions is considerably reduced which permits for finding bent functions in a reasonably short time. Since the RM-expression for a bent function cannot contain product terms with more than n/2 variables, the maximal number of non-zero coef- ficients of k-th order is ( n k ) , k = 0, 1, . . . , n/2. Therefore, the total number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: ( n 0 ) + ( n 1 ) + . . . + ( n n/2 ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . Vertical (V ) subset consists of n-variable Boolean functions with no more than 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) RM-coefficients. Definition 5 A bent function belongs to the Vertical k-subset V (k) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients. Clearly, the number of possible V subsets depends of the number of variables. Example 2 The maximal number of non-zero spectral RM coefficients of bent functions with 4 variables is 11 out of 16 coefficients. Hence, there are 212 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 213 6 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Example 1 Consider for a bent function of four variables f(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, given by F = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] T . The RM spectrum is Sf = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0] T , from where the num- ber of non-zero RM coefficients is 2 and algebraic degree is 2 ≤ 4/2. The Walsh spectrum with (1, −1) encoding is Sf,W = [4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4, −4, 4, 4, 4,−4, −4, −4, −4, 4] T , where all coefficients have the same absolute value 22 = 4. 2.4 Construction of bent functions Finding the complete set of bent functions for a given number of inputs is an open problem. There are no formal methods for generalization, construction, or classification of all bent functions for a given number of inputs. Thus, it has been developed a variety of approaches for construction and classification of bent functions with particular properties [2]. However, bent functions that have some predefined specific properties are very rare and they constitute a rather small subset of the total of all bent functions. Therefore, it is important to define different approaches for determination of bent functions. Different classes of bent functions are focused on bent functions satis- fying certain additional conditions. For example, quadratic bent functions have an important place in bent function construction. All bent functions from this class are known and they can be obtained by applying the affine transformations to the variables of the function [7]. Two most known approaches for construction classification of bent func- tions are based on a combinatorial construction and an algebraic construc- tion of functions [2]. The well-known combinatorial constructions are Maiorana- McFarland [8], partial spreads [9], Dobbertin [10], iterative constructions [11], minterm constructions [12], Maiorana-McFarland super class [13], etc. The most widely known algebraic constructions are monomial bent func- tions in the Kasami, Gold, Dillon and Canteaut-Leander case [14], hyper bent functions [15], Niho bent functions [16], etc. 3 Subsets of Bent Functions in the RM Domain In this paper, we propose to split the set of all Boolean functions with respect to three different criteria related to the properties of RM-spectra of bent functions: 1. The number of non-zero RM-coefficients. We call it the vertical subset. 2. The orders of nonlinearity defined as the maximum number of variables Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 7 in a product term corresponding to a non-zero RM-coefficient. We call it the horizontal subset. 3. Both, the number of non-zero RM-coefficients and the order of nonlin- earity. We call it the grid subset. The main objective is to investigate the number of bent functions in each of these subsets. In order to study the proposed subsets of functions in the spectral RM domain, we developed in C++ three independent im- plementations of the algorithms for vertical, horizontal, and grid RM subset classifications. These implementations are used to investigate considered subsets of bent functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. 3.1 Vertical subset Since the order of nonlinearity of n-variable bent functions is less or equal to n/2, in their RM-spectra there cannot be non-zero RM-coefficients assigned to product terms with more than n/2 variables. The values of coefficients of larger order are 0. Therefore, the number of possible non-zero coefficients is smaller than 2n. Functions that do not satisfy this requirement can be eliminated from checking for bentness. In this way, the search space for bent functions is considerably reduced which permits for finding bent functions in a reasonably short time. Since the RM-expression for a bent function cannot contain product terms with more than n/2 variables, the maximal number of non-zero coef- ficients of k-th order is ( n k ) , k = 0, 1, . . . , n/2. Therefore, the total number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: ( n 0 ) + ( n 1 ) + . . . + ( n n/2 ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . Vertical (V ) subset consists of n-variable Boolean functions with no more than 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) RM-coefficients. Definition 5 A bent function belongs to the Vertical k-subset V (k) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients. Clearly, the number of possible V subsets depends of the number of variables. Example 2 The maximal number of non-zero spectral RM coefficients of bent functions with 4 variables is 11 out of 16 coefficients. Hence, there are Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 7 in a product term corresponding to a non-zero RM-coefficient. We call it the horizontal subset. 3. Both, the number of non-zero RM-coefficients and the order of nonlin- earity. We call it the grid subset. The main objective is to investigate the number of bent functions in each of these subsets. In order to study the proposed subsets of functions in the spectral RM domain, we developed in C++ three independent im- plementations of the algorithms for vertical, horizontal, and grid RM subset classifications. These implementations are used to investigate considered subsets of bent functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. 3.1 Vertical subset Since the order of nonlinearity of n-variable bent functions is less or equal to n/2, in their RM-spectra there cannot be non-zero RM-coefficients assigned to product terms with more than n/2 variables. The values of coefficients of larger order are 0. Therefore, the number of possible non-zero coefficients is smaller than 2n. Functions that do not satisfy this requirement can be eliminated from checking for bentness. In this way, the search space for bent functions is considerably reduced which permits for finding bent functions in a reasonably short time. Since the RM-expression for a bent function cannot contain product terms with more than n/2 variables, the maximal number of non-zero coef- ficients of k-th order is ( n k ) , k = 0, 1, . . . , n/2. Therefore, the total number of non-zero coefficients in the RM spectrum of bent functions is: ( n 0 ) + ( n 1 ) + . . . + ( n n/2 ) = 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) . Vertical (V ) subset consists of n-variable Boolean functions with no more than 2n−1 + 1 2 ( n n 2 ) RM-coefficients. Definition 5 A bent function belongs to the Vertical k-subset V (k) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients. Clearly, the number of possible V subsets depends of the number of variables. Example 2 The maximal number of non-zero spectral RM coefficients of bent functions with 4 variables is 11 out of 16 coefficients. Hence, there are 8 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ 11 possible V subsets for bent function with 4 variables. The V (1) subset is the subset of bent functions having the RM spectrum with 1 non-zero RM coefficient, the V (2) subset is the subset having 2 non-zero RM coefficients, and etc. There are 42 possible V subsets for bent functions with 6 variables, and 163 possible V subsets for bent functions with 8 variables. Example 3 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = 1⊕x1x2⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x4⊕x1x2⊕x3x4 have 3 non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset V (3). 3.2 Horizontal subset In definition of this subset, we take into account the order of the RM coeffi- cients. If we fix the order of RM coefficients, then we know the positions of coefficients that have to be 0 in the RM spectrum of a bent function, due to this restriction related to the order of nonlinearity. All other coefficients can be either 0 or 1. As noticed above, in this paper, we use the so-called Hadamard ordering of RM coefficients originating in the Kronecker product structure of the Reed-Muller matrix in (4). In this ordering, for a given n, we can determine positions of coefficients which cannot be 1 by referring to (7). Example 4 For a bent function of four variables, the RM spectrum can be represented by Sf = [−, −, −, −, −, −, −, ×, −, −, −, ×, −, ×, ×, ×] T , where the possible positions of the non-zero coefficients are denoted by dash lines and the restricted positions are denoted with ×. Definition 6 A bent function belongs to the Horizontal (kmin, kmax)-subset H(kmin, kmax) iff it has the minimum kmin and the maximum kmax order of RM coefficients. H subsets involve the application of ranges of possible non-zero RM spectrum coefficients orders. The number of H subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. Example 5 The maximal order of non-zero spectral coefficients of bent func- tions with 4 variables is 2. Hence, there are 3 possible H subsets H(0, 2), 212 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 213 8 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ 11 possible V subsets for bent function with 4 variables. The V (1) subset is the subset of bent functions having the RM spectrum with 1 non-zero RM coefficient, the V (2) subset is the subset having 2 non-zero RM coefficients, and etc. There are 42 possible V subsets for bent functions with 6 variables, and 163 possible V subsets for bent functions with 8 variables. Example 3 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = 1⊕x1x2⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x4⊕x1x2⊕x3x4 have 3 non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset V (3). 3.2 Horizontal subset In definition of this subset, we take into account the order of the RM coeffi- cients. If we fix the order of RM coefficients, then we know the positions of coefficients that have to be 0 in the RM spectrum of a bent function, due to this restriction related to the order of nonlinearity. All other coefficients can be either 0 or 1. As noticed above, in this paper, we use the so-called Hadamard ordering of RM coefficients originating in the Kronecker product structure of the Reed-Muller matrix in (4). In this ordering, for a given n, we can determine positions of coefficients which cannot be 1 by referring to (7). Example 4 For a bent function of four variables, the RM spectrum can be represented by Sf = [−, −, −, −, −, −, −, ×, −, −, −, ×, −, ×, ×, ×] T , where the possible positions of the non-zero coefficients are denoted by dash lines and the restricted positions are denoted with ×. Definition 6 A bent function belongs to the Horizontal (kmin, kmax)-subset H(kmin, kmax) iff it has the minimum kmin and the maximum kmax order of RM coefficients. H subsets involve the application of ranges of possible non-zero RM spectrum coefficients orders. The number of H subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. Example 5 The maximal order of non-zero spectral coefficients of bent func- tions with 4 variables is 2. Hence, there are 3 possible H subsets H(0, 2), Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on 214 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 215 Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on 8 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ 11 possible V subsets for bent function with 4 variables. The V (1) subset is the subset of bent functions having the RM spectrum with 1 non-zero RM coefficient, the V (2) subset is the subset having 2 non-zero RM coefficients, and etc. There are 42 possible V subsets for bent functions with 6 variables, and 163 possible V subsets for bent functions with 8 variables. Example 3 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = 1⊕x1x2⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x4⊕x1x2⊕x3x4 have 3 non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset V (3). 3.2 Horizontal subset In definition of this subset, we take into account the order of the RM coeffi- cients. If we fix the order of RM coefficients, then we know the positions of coefficients that have to be 0 in the RM spectrum of a bent function, due to this restriction related to the order of nonlinearity. All other coefficients can be either 0 or 1. As noticed above, in this paper, we use the so-called Hadamard ordering of RM coefficients originating in the Kronecker product structure of the Reed-Muller matrix in (4). In this ordering, for a given n, we can determine positions of coefficients which cannot be 1 by referring to (7). Example 4 For a bent function of four variables, the RM spectrum can be represented by Sf = [−, −, −, −, −, −, −, ×, −, −, −, ×, −, ×, ×, ×] T , where the possible positions of the non-zero coefficients are denoted by dash lines and the restricted positions are denoted with ×. Definition 6 A bent function belongs to the Horizontal (kmin, kmax)-subset H(kmin, kmax) iff it has the minimum kmin and the maximum kmax order of RM coefficients. H subsets involve the application of ranges of possible non-zero RM spectrum coefficients orders. The number of H subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. Example 5 The maximal order of non-zero spectral coefficients of bent func- tions with 4 variables is 2. Hence, there are 3 possible H subsets H(0, 2), Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 9 H(1, 2), and H(2, 2). There are H subsets H(0, 0), H(0, 1), and H(1, 1), that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 6 For bent functions with 6 variables, there are 10 possible H sub- sets: H(0, 0), H(0, 1), H(0, 2), H(0, 3), H(1, 1), H(1, 2), H(1, 3), H(2, 2), H(2, 3), and H(3, 3). Some of subsets also do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 7 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x2x4 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset H(2, 2). 3.3 Grid subset In definition of this subset, we take into account both, the orders and the number of the coefficients. Definition 7 A bent function belongs to the Grid (k, kmin, kmax)-subset G(k, kmin, kmax) iff it has k non-zero RM-coefficients and minimum order of RM coefficients kmin and maximum order kmax. The G subsets of bent functions are the intersection of V and H subsets. Number of G subsets also depends of the number of variables of the bent functions. For example, there are many G subsets for bent functions with 4 variables: V (1, 0, 0), H(1, 0, 1), ..., H(6, 2, 2). There are also many subsets that do not contain any of the bent functions. Example 8 Two bent functions of 4 variables f1(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x2 ⊕ x3x4, and f2(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1x3 ⊕ x2x4 have only 2 and second order non-zero RM-coefficients and belong to the same subset G(2, 2, 2). It should be noticed that there are bent functions that do not belongs to any of G subsets. 4 Experimental Results In this section, we made enumeration of bent functions in some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. There are two types of methods for enumerations of bent functions, pri- mary and secondary. The primary methods are based on the direct enu- meration in the Boolean domain. The secondary methods are based on 214 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 215 10 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ enumeration in the Reed-Muller domain. The most known secondary meth- ods use property that all bent functions of n variables have algebraic degree at most n/2 [17]. The secondary method for complete enumeration of bent functions of 8 variables has been used approximately 50 PCs running for 3 months [18]. It is known that, there are 8 bent functions in two vari- ables, 896 bent functions in four variables, 5.425.430.528 bent functions in 6 variables, and 99.270.589.265.934.370.305.785.861.242.880 bent functions in 8 variables [2]. The efficiency of using parallel multi-core CPU technique for random generation of bent function in the RM domain is analyzed in [19]. To improve execution performance, the algorithm for efficient parallel generation of bent function in the RM domain using GPU platform have been defined in [20]. For experimental purposes, we developed a C++ implementations of the algorithm for creating subsets of bent functions in the RM domain. The algorithm for creation of subsets in RM domain is similar to the techniques for hardware enumeration of bent functions [21] and generation of bent func- tion in the RM domain [19], except that the search space of further reduced. Note that, for some functions of 6 and 8 variables, experiments were not shown, since the computation time was limited to 30 minutes. Table 1 shows the number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 4 variables. There exists no bent function that can be represented by a single product term. Note that majority of the bent functions requires 4 to 7 coefficients. Precisely, more that 756 of the total of 896 bent functions for n = 4 require 4 to 7 non-zero coefficients. This makes 84, 375% of the total of bent functions. From data in Table 1, it can be seen that vertical subsets V (5) and V (6) contain more than a half of the total number of bent functions. Note that vertical subsets V (2), V (10), and V (11) contain small number of the bent functions. Table 2 shows the number of bent functions in the most of RM vertical subsets for functions with 6 variables. From data in Table 2, it can be seen again that central vertical subsets contains large number of the bent functions. For example, the RM vertical subsets V (18) and V (19) contain about 20% of the bent functions. Again, note that vertical subsets V (3), V (4), V (36) and V (37) contain small number of the bent functions. The numbers of bent functions for the subsets from V (20) to V (27) are not included due to very long computation time. Table 3 shows the number of bent functions with 4 and 5 non-zero RM coefficients for functions with 8 variables. It is again confirmed that vertical subsets with small and large number of coefficients do not contain many bent 216 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 217 10 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ enumeration in the Reed-Muller domain. The most known secondary meth- ods use property that all bent functions of n variables have algebraic degree at most n/2 [17]. The secondary method for complete enumeration of bent functions of 8 variables has been used approximately 50 PCs running for 3 months [18]. It is known that, there are 8 bent functions in two vari- ables, 896 bent functions in four variables, 5.425.430.528 bent functions in 6 variables, and 99.270.589.265.934.370.305.785.861.242.880 bent functions in 8 variables [2]. The efficiency of using parallel multi-core CPU technique for random generation of bent function in the RM domain is analyzed in [19]. To improve execution performance, the algorithm for efficient parallel generation of bent function in the RM domain using GPU platform have been defined in [20]. For experimental purposes, we developed a C++ implementations of the algorithm for creating subsets of bent functions in the RM domain. The algorithm for creation of subsets in RM domain is similar to the techniques for hardware enumeration of bent functions [21] and generation of bent func- tion in the RM domain [19], except that the search space of further reduced. Note that, for some functions of 6 and 8 variables, experiments were not shown, since the computation time was limited to 30 minutes. Table 1 shows the number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 4 variables. There exists no bent function that can be represented by a single product term. Note that majority of the bent functions requires 4 to 7 coefficients. Precisely, more that 756 of the total of 896 bent functions for n = 4 require 4 to 7 non-zero coefficients. This makes 84, 375% of the total of bent functions. From data in Table 1, it can be seen that vertical subsets V (5) and V (6) contain more than a half of the total number of bent functions. Note that vertical subsets V (2), V (10), and V (11) contain small number of the bent functions. Table 2 shows the number of bent functions in the most of RM vertical subsets for functions with 6 variables. From data in Table 2, it can be seen again that central vertical subsets contains large number of the bent functions. For example, the RM vertical subsets V (18) and V (19) contain about 20% of the bent functions. Again, note that vertical subsets V (3), V (4), V (36) and V (37) contain small number of the bent functions. The numbers of bent functions for the subsets from V (20) to V (27) are not included due to very long computation time. Table 3 shows the number of bent functions with 4 and 5 non-zero RM coefficients for functions with 8 variables. It is again confirmed that vertical subsets with small and large number of coefficients do not contain many bent Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 11 Table 1: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 4 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 2 3 3 27 4 102 5 210 6 256 7 188 8 82 9 22 10 5 11 1 functions. For example, experiments show that there are no bent functions with 1,2, and 3 as well as with 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, and 163 non- zero RM-coefficients. Note that the number of ”empty” vertical subsets with small number of coefficients is linearly increases in the number of variables of bent functions. Moreover, ”empty” vertical subsets with great number of coefficients exponentially increase in respect to number of variables of bent functions. Table 4 shows the number of bent functions in some RM horizontal sub- sets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. It is evident that subsets with only third order non-zero RM coefficients contain very small number of bent functions. Table 5, 6, and 7 shows the number of bent functions in some RM grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables, respectively. It is evident that subsets with only second order non-zero RM coefficients contain large number of functions, especially in central grid subsets with respect to the total number of coefficients of only second order. It is interesting that there are only two non-”empty” grid subsets for functions with 6 variables with only third order non-zero RM coefficients. It is evident that most of bent functions are with mixture of first, second, and third order of non-zero RM coefficients. Experiments with mixture of different orders of coefficients are not included in this paper. 216 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 217 12 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Table 2: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 6 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 3 15 4 405 5 4575 6 30885 7 147630 8 548190 9 1657950 10 4239474 11 9512343 12 19341969 13 36536505 14 65365185 15 112296016 16 185615422 17 290719416 18 420742250 19 551175695 28 57338355 29 25754775 30 9869427 31 3098124 32 770562 33 153060 34 26070 35 3882 36 504 37 72 Table 3: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 8 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 4 105 5 8505 5 Conclusion For practical cryptographic applications, it is often necessary to generate random bent functions. The runtime of an exhaustive search method for 218 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 219 12 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Table 2: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 6 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 3 15 4 405 5 4575 6 30885 7 147630 8 548190 9 1657950 10 4239474 11 9512343 12 19341969 13 36536505 14 65365185 15 112296016 16 185615422 17 290719416 18 420742250 19 551175695 28 57338355 29 25754775 30 9869427 31 3098124 32 770562 33 153060 34 26070 35 3882 36 504 37 72 Table 3: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 8 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 4 105 5 8505 5 Conclusion For practical cryptographic applications, it is often necessary to generate random bent functions. The runtime of an exhaustive search method for Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 13 Table 4: The number of bent functions in some subsets H(kmin, kmax) for n =4,6, and, 8 variables n kmin, kmax #f of H(kmin, kmax) 4 2,2 24 6 2,2 13440 6 3,3 12 8 2,2 111992832 Table 5: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 4 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 2,2,2 2 3,2,2 8 4,2,2 10 5,2,2 4 Table 6: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 6 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 3,2,2 12 4,2,2 144 5,2,2 732 6,2,2 1968 7,2,2 3008 8,2,2 3040 9,2,2 2360 10,2,2 1384 11,2,2 564 12,2,2 176 13,2,2 44 14,2,2 8 16,3,3 6 17,3,3 6 generation of bent function is exponential in terms of the number of variables. In this paper, we propose an approach to the restriction of the search space based on the restriction of the number and order of RM-coefficients for bent functions. Using properties of bent function in RM domain, we define RM vertical, 12 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Table 2: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 6 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 3 15 4 405 5 4575 6 30885 7 147630 8 548190 9 1657950 10 4239474 11 9512343 12 19341969 13 36536505 14 65365185 15 112296016 16 185615422 17 290719416 18 420742250 19 551175695 28 57338355 29 25754775 30 9869427 31 3098124 32 770562 33 153060 34 26070 35 3882 36 504 37 72 Table 3: The number of bent functions in the subsets V (k) for n = 8 vari- ables k #f of V (k) 4 105 5 8505 5 Conclusion For practical cryptographic applications, it is often necessary to generate random bent functions. The runtime of an exhaustive search method for Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 13 Table 4: The number of bent functions in some subsets H(kmin, kmax) for n =4,6, and, 8 variables n kmin, kmax #f of H(kmin, kmax) 4 2,2 24 6 2,2 13440 6 3,3 12 8 2,2 111992832 Table 5: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 4 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 2,2,2 2 3,2,2 8 4,2,2 10 5,2,2 4 Table 6: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 6 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 3,2,2 12 4,2,2 144 5,2,2 732 6,2,2 1968 7,2,2 3008 8,2,2 3040 9,2,2 2360 10,2,2 1384 11,2,2 564 12,2,2 176 13,2,2 44 14,2,2 8 16,3,3 6 17,3,3 6 generation of bent function is exponential in terms of the number of variables. In this paper, we propose an approach to the restriction of the search space based on the restriction of the number and order of RM-coefficients for bent functions. Using properties of bent function in RM domain, we define RM vertical, 218 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 219 14 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Table 7: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 8 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 2,2,2 2 3,2,2 8 4,2,2 90 5,2,2 2160 6,2,2 23850 7,2,2 157860 8,2,2 687030 9,2,2 2081400 10,2,2 4753710 11,2,2 8640684 12,2,2 12897908 13,2,2 16181264 14,2,2 17405460 15,2,2 16291480 16,2,2 13230940 17,2,2 9215136 18,2,2 5554956 19,2,2 2907720 20,2,2 1277010 21,2,2 476288 22,2,2 157730 23,2,2 41412 24,2,2 7630 25,2,2 1000 26,2,2 102 27,2,2 12 horizontal, and grid subsets of Boolean functions that might contain bent functions. The proposed approach is experimentally verified through enu- meration of bent functions in some RM vertical, horizontal, and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. Experimental results showed some interesting properties of different subsets in the spectral Reed-Muller do- main. It is shown that some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets contain large and small number of the bent functions, or they are ”empty”. This information can be helpful in designing search method for generation of bent function. Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 13 Table 4: The number of bent functions in some subsets H(kmin, kmax) for n =4,6, and, 8 variables n kmin, kmax #f of H(kmin, kmax) 4 2,2 24 6 2,2 13440 6 3,3 12 8 2,2 111992832 Table 5: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 4 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 2,2,2 2 3,2,2 8 4,2,2 10 5,2,2 4 Table 6: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 6 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 3,2,2 12 4,2,2 144 5,2,2 732 6,2,2 1968 7,2,2 3008 8,2,2 3040 9,2,2 2360 10,2,2 1384 11,2,2 564 12,2,2 176 13,2,2 44 14,2,2 8 16,3,3 6 17,3,3 6 generation of bent function is exponential in terms of the number of variables. In this paper, we propose an approach to the restriction of the search space based on the restriction of the number and order of RM-coefficients for bent functions. Using properties of bent function in RM domain, we define RM vertical, 220 M. RadManoviĆ, R. S. StankoviĆ Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 221 14 M. RADMANOVIĆ AND R. STANKOVIĆ Table 7: The number of bent functions in some subsets G(k, kmin, kmax) for n = 8 variables k, kmin, kmax #f of G(k, kmin, kmax) 2,2,2 2 3,2,2 8 4,2,2 90 5,2,2 2160 6,2,2 23850 7,2,2 157860 8,2,2 687030 9,2,2 2081400 10,2,2 4753710 11,2,2 8640684 12,2,2 12897908 13,2,2 16181264 14,2,2 17405460 15,2,2 16291480 16,2,2 13230940 17,2,2 9215136 18,2,2 5554956 19,2,2 2907720 20,2,2 1277010 21,2,2 476288 22,2,2 157730 23,2,2 41412 24,2,2 7630 25,2,2 1000 26,2,2 102 27,2,2 12 horizontal, and grid subsets of Boolean functions that might contain bent functions. The proposed approach is experimentally verified through enu- meration of bent functions in some RM vertical, horizontal, and grid subsets for functions with 4, 6, and 8 variables. Experimental results showed some interesting properties of different subsets in the spectral Reed-Muller do- main. It is shown that some vertical, horizontal and grid subsets contain large and small number of the bent functions, or they are ”empty”. This information can be helpful in designing search method for generation of bent function. Construction of Subsets of Bent Functions Satisfying Restrictions... 15 It can be concluded from these experimental results that besides the Walsh and the Reed-Muller domain, exploring bent functions in some other representation domains can be interesting. References [1] S. Mesnager, Bent Functions: Fundamentals and Results. Springer Interna- tional Publishing, 2016. [2] N. Tokareva, Bent Functions, Results and Applications to Cryptography. Aca- demic Press, 2015. [3] T. Cusick and P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications (Second edition). Academic Press, 2017. [4] T. Sasao and J. T. Butler, Boolean functions for cryptography. 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