FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 27, N o 4, December 2014, pp. 663 - 664 Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue INTERNET OF THINGS Guest Editors Marijana Despotović-Zrakić, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade maja@elab.rs Zorica Bogdanović, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade zorica@elab.rs Huansheng Ning, School of Computer and Communication Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing ninghuansheng@ustb.edu.cn Božidar Radenković, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade boza@elab.rsria Scope Nowadays, Internet has evolved into a platform that reshapes modern life and removes borders between real, social and cyber worlds. Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging paradigm and a cutting edge technology that harnesses a network of embedded, interconnected objects (sensors, actuators, tags or mobile devices) in order to collect various types of information at anytime and anywhere. These devices can be used for building different complex smart environments, such as smart homes, smart classrooms, smart offices, smart factories, smart cities, smart power grids or smart e-government. Further, the networks of devices are based on advanced Internet standards. IoT implies seamless integration of numerous types of devices into existing Internet infrastructure. Smart environments can be customized according to users’ needs and preferences which are suitable for automating these environments. The main subject of the special issue is Internet of things and its application in: business, industry, research and academic community works. This special issue aims to provide state-of-art and innovative papers on the design, implementation, and usage of intelligent IoT and related technologies, such as: cloud computing, big data, pervasive computing, social computing, etc. The primary goal is to provide a variety of research and survey articles in the field of the Internet of things and their application in different aspects of human activities. Findings and discussion should foster potentials and capabilities of research, academic community, and industry as well. 664 CALL FOR PAPERS The target audience of this special issue includes professionals and researchers working in the field of information and communication technologies and their applications in business, industry, science and education. This special issue looks for quality papers that present research results on the IoT related to pervasive scenarios. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Smart environments:  Architectural design of smart environment  Technologies for implementing smart environment  Design and technologies for implementing smart environment (smart home, classroom, office, building, parking, smart grid etc.) 2. Internet of Things technologies and protocols:  IoT and IPv6  IoT and CoaP  MQTT  M2M communication  Wireless standards and protocols for IoT 3. Infrastructure for the Internet of Things:  Wireless Sensor Networks  Smart Grids  IoT and Cloud Computing  IaaS, Paas and SaaS for Internet of Things  Security and privacy of cloud and IoT applications  IoT, Big Data and data analytics  Future infrastructure for the Internet of Things 4. Applied Internet of things:  IoT infrastructure for business performance  IoT infrastructure for industry  IoT in energetics  IoT in science and education  IoT in e-health  IoT in agriculture  IoT in ecology and environment 5. Trends in Internet of things  The Internet of Everything  Ambient intelligence  Event-driven architecture  Security challenges in IoT  Internet of nano things Submission Guidelines Authors are invited to submit original research contributions by following the detailed instructions given in the “Information for Authors” at http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/ FUElectEnerg/about. Authors should explicitly state that the paper is submitted to the “Special Issue on Internet of Things”. Questions about the special issue should be directed to the Guest Editors. Important Dates June 30, 2015: Manuscript submission August 15, 2015: Notification of the first review September 15, 2015: Revised manuscript submission October 15, 2015: Notification of the second review November 15, 2015: Final manuscript submission Spring 2016: Expected publication.