Instruction FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Electronics and Energetics Vol. 28, N o 3, September 2015, pp. 325 - 344 DOI: 10.2298/FUEE1503325M THERMAL AND ELECTRO-THERMAL MODELING OF COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS: A REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PARMA  Roberto Menozzi, Paolo Cova, Nicola Delmonte, Francesco Giuliani, Giovanna Sozzi Department of Information Engineering, University of Parma, Italy Abstract. This paper reviews the activity carried out at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma, Italy, in the field of thermal and electro- thermal modeling of devices, device and package assemblies, circuits, and systems encompassing active boards and heat-sinking elements. This activity includes: (i) Finite-Element 3D simulation for the thermal analysis of a hierarchy of structures ranging from bare device dies to complex systems including active and passive devices, boards, metallizations, and air- and water-cooled heat-sinks, and (ii) Lumped-Element thermal or electro-thermal models of bare and packaged devices, ranging from purely empirical to strictly physics- and geometry-based. Key words: modeling, simulation, temperature, reliability 1. INTRODUCTION Temperature is a key factor in the performance and reliability of electron devices, circuits and systems. From basic material properties such as electrical conductivity to device parameters and, as a consequence, circuit and system performance, the role of temperature is ubiquitous. Reliability-wise, many wear-out mechanisms are exponentially accelerated by temperature, and thermal gradients in space and time are the source of many a failure, often related with die-attach, solders, etc., which suffer for the differences in the thermal expansion coefficients of the various materials. For this series of reasons, thermal modeling is mandatory for optimum device and circuit design, analysis, reliability estimation, and failure analysis. However, there are intrinsic difficulties: 1. in operating device/circuit/system, temperature may vary dramatically over space and time due to localized power dissipation and self-heating, which in general depend on local and instantaneous currents and voltages; in turn, temperature  Received February 27, 2015 Corresponding author Roberto Menozzi Department of Information Engineering, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181A, 43124 Parma, Italy (e-mail: 326 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI affects performance, hence current and voltage values: the electrical and thermal behavior are therefore tightly coupled, and the problem has to be solved self- consistently; 2. space-wide, thermal modeling is a multi-scale problem: while the volume element where power is dissipated in a semiconductor device may have nanometer-size scale, the boundary conditions that ultimately determine the whole device thermal behavior typically involve regions that are tens or hundreds of micrometers away from that volume; when circuits or systems are to be modeled, the scale explodes to millimeter- or centimeter-size; 3. thermal modeling may be a multi-scale problem time-wise, too: when spectrally rich signals are applied to the device/circuit/system under evaluation, the overall time dependence of temperature is affected by spectral components spanning several decades, with time constants ranging from nanoseconds for small semiconductor volumes to seconds or minutes for large assemblies. This means that thermal modeling is a very rich field for research, the Holy Grail being the optimum trade-off between accuracy of the picture and modeling effort. This paper overviews the activity carried out in this field over several years by the authors and co-workers in the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma, Italy. The next section is focused on finite-element (FE) numerical thermal modeling at the device level. These FE physical models are often used to validate nimbler lumped- element (LE) models, where the electrical behavior and thermal behavior can be self- consistently linked much more effectively: these models will be described in section 3. Section 4 will review our activities in the field of thermal modeling of circuits, systems and assemblies, and will be followed by a brief summary. 2. DEVICE-LEVEL FINITE-ELEMENT THERMAL MODELING The beauty of FE models lies in their ability to provide us with a completely physical, three-dimensional (when required), accurate description of the thermal behavior of complex structures encompassing one or more layers of semiconductor materials, metallizations, passivation layers, etc., with due account of non-linearities - like the temperature dependence of thermal conductivities – and sometimes complex boundary conditions – adiabatic, isothermal, and everything in between, air convection, and even forced cooling. The flip side is obvious: such model sophistication has a cost in terms of complexity of model development and computational burden. For this reason, these models are most frequently purely thermal models, although in principle FE tools allow to self-consistently couple the thermal problem with the electrical problem, or the electro-magnetic problem. Even for purely thermal models, numerical convergence may take extremely long times to reach, especially in the simulation of time-dependent characteristics, if it can be reached at all: developing practically useful and efficient models is thus far from trivial, and requires skilled and experienced users. Some of our first works in this field describe the simulation of relative simple structures, such as a 2D rendition of a chip/rig assembly for the analysis of press-pack IGBT stress Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 327 cycles [1] or even the basically 1D structure of a press-pack power p-i-n diode for welding applications [2]: these simulations were in general aimed at better understanding of accelerated stress experiments. More specific works were devoted to the modeling of packaged devices for power supplies. Ref. [3], for instance, describes the complete workflow of the development of the FE thermal model of packaged power MOSFETs, including the measurements for parameter extraction and model validation. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the die and package 3D structure (left) and the actual test rig we built for parameter extraction and model tuning by comparison of measured and simulated temperatures (right). Fig. 1 3D die and package structure for FE thermal modeling of power MOSFETs (left), and the test rig (right) built for parameter extraction and model tuning [3]. In the same context, we also applied 3D FE thermal modeling to the study of passive components, such as the inductors shown in Fig. 2 [4], [5]. The complexity and cost of 3D FE models obviously pay off most handsomely when applied in the design phase, when investing in extensive accurate simulations makes good economic sense if it allows to avoid taking unsatisfactory solutions all the way to the prototyping phase. As an example, Fig. 3 shows a comparison among different device/heat-sink assemblies [6]. While in the field of power converter applications, as illustrated in the examples above, one is often interested in the determination of temperature profiles in assemblies made of die, package, and often heat-sink, the device-level thermal simulation of semiconductor devices for integrated circuits is typically focused on the semiconductor alone – and possibly such top-side elements as metal lines and contacts, and passivation – with the external world replaced by suitable boundary conditions: in this respect, the fact that individual devices are often close-packed in regular patterns in integrated circuits makes things a lot easier, since the planes separating adjacent devices can often be replaced by adiabatic boundary conditions thanks to symmetry. Cu, close to the D.U.T. Backside FR4 surface Top of the package Al drain flange (through hole) 328 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI Fig. 2 3D simulation of the temperature distribution in wound (left) [4] and planar (right) [5] transformers for switching power supplies; right scales in °C. Fig. 3 3D FE simulations (bottom) of the temperature distribution in different device/heat-sink assemblies (top); right scales in °C [6]. From the point of view of the variety of materials and geometries, this is a comparatively simpler situation than the one we discussed before, where die/package/heat-sink assemblies are to be studied, and 2D analysis (as opposed to 3D) is often satisfactory; as such, it Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 329 allows the thermal problem and the electrical problem to be solved self-consistently, in what may be called an Electro-Thermal (ET) simulation, where classical semiconductor device equations (e.g., drift-diffusion equations plus electron and hole continuity equations plus Poisson equation) are coupled with the heat transport equation. Here the main problem is the dramatically different scale of the regions relevant for the electrical and the thermal problem: while the former is typically in the nanometer to micrometer range, the latter often measures hundreds of micrometers – think for instance about the distance between the channel of a FET and the back-side wafer contact from which most of the heat is dissipated. This is a significant computational challenge that can be overcome with suitable techniques: an introductory review dealing with these problems can be found in [7]. However, when the structure we want to simulate gets more complex and three- dimensional, when features like top-side metal lines and contacts, passivation layer, etc. cannot be neglected lest the thermal problem be significantly distorted, purely thermal simulations – where the electrical problem is condensed in just one piece of information: the location and size of the volume where power is dissipated – are again the weapon of choice. Our group in particular has worked extensively on the 3D thermal simulation of GaN- based FETs. An example of device design guidelines provided by 3D FE simulations is shown in Fig. 4 [8]. The importance of considering top-side heat spreading and heat removal due to metal lines and contacts is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 4 Maximum power density that can be dissipated under a 150 K temperature increase constraint in a 6-finger GaN HEMT as a function of finger width, finger spacing, and substrate material (3D FE simulations) [8]. 330 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI Fig. 5 Simulated GaN HEMT structure (top) and channel temperature increase in a GaN HEMT dissipating 3.5 W/mm (bottom); if the effect of top metal lines is neglected (red dashed line) the self-heating is grossly overestimated. RTH L is the thermal resistance of the top contacts. [8]. Obviously enough, top-side boundary conditions are not the only relevant ones. In the case of GaN-based HEMTs, the thermal boundary resistance (TBR) between the GaN buffer and the SiC/Si/sapphire substrate – due to phonon scattering at the hetero-interface - is particularly significant; the die attach-layer is also a source of additional temperature increase relative to the package back. Fig. 6 illustrates the importance of these two factors [9]. In the dynamic simulations of Fig. 7 the TBR layer and the die attach are clearly visible. Besides providing valuable guidelines in the design phase, FE thermal simulations are extremely useful in the analysis of reliability results. As an example, Fig. 8 [10] shows the FE-simulated thermal map and Von Mises stress map of a surface-mounted power MOSFET undergoing thermal cycling. Here the thermal simulation is part of a self-consistent thermo-mechanical model supporting the interpretation of power cycle stress experiments. In another recent reliability study, we also applied FE thermal simulation to the study of the heavy ion irradiation damage in SiC Schottky diodes [11], [12], showing that the ion penetration raises the junction temperature above the SiC melting point, as illustrated by Fig. 9, with permanent device damage. Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 331 Fig. 6 Maximum temperature in a GaN HEMT as a function of the thermal conductance of the TBR layer (blue curve, left) and of the die-attach layer (red curve, right) (3D FE simulations) [9]. Fig. 7 Dynamic simulation of vertical temperature profiles following the application of a power step in a GaN HEMT (3D FE simulations). The effect of the TBR layer and of the die-attach can be seen in the temperature step at about 3 m depth and in the steep temperature gradient at the back surface [9]. 332 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI Fig. 8 Thermal map (left, scale in °C) and Von Mises stress map (right, scale in N/m 2 ) for a surface-mounted power MOSFET after 240 s at 0.5 W dissipation (3D FE simulations). The box and arrow indicate one of the critical points for mechanical stress [10]. Fig. 9 Thermal map of a SiC Schottky diode after heavy ion ( 79 Br 240 MeV) penetration [11] (3D FE simulation). 3. LUMPED-ELEMENT THERMAL AND ELECTRO-THERMAL MODELS Powerful as they are, FE simulations have some practical limitations, mostly lying in the computational complexity of multi-physics models – such as electro-thermal ones – and in the difficulty of integration in circuit simulation tools. Lumped-Element (LE) thermal models, made of networks of thermal resistances and thermal capacitances, offer in this context a good compromise between accuracy and ease of implementation and integration in the electrical simulation tools. Here are some of the advantages: 1. thanks to the analogy between thermal resistance and electrical resistance, thermal capacitance and electrical capacitance, temperature and voltage, and dissipated power and current, thermal LE network can be seamlessly and self-consistently integrated in circuit simulation tools; Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 333 2. if desired, the model can retain a sound physical meaning, since thermal resistances and capacitances can be calculated based on device geometry and material properties; alternatively, more empirical models can be used, where parameter values are optimized to get the best fit with measurements; 3. including conductive or convective boundary conditions, heat-spreading and heat- sinking elements is relatively easy, and amounts to inserting additional thermal resistances and capacitances between the device and the ambient. 3.1. Empirical LE thermal models: Foster and Cauer networks By far the most common LE thermal and electro-thermal models use multi-stage Foster or Cauer networks such as those shown in Fig. 10. These networks may collapse to a single stage in the simplest – and most widespread – models (see for instance [13] for the use of a single-stage model in the context of reliability predictions). Fig. 10 Three-stage Foster (top) and Cauer (bottom) networks for LE thermal simulation. The red arrow indicates the injection of dissipated power, the electrical equivalent of which is current. The ambient temperature is modeled by a constant voltage source between the device back-side node and ground: consequently, node voltages give a direct reading of node temperatures. The Foster network has the advantage that each resistance-capacitance stage introduces a specific time constant – given by the product of the two – in the thermal time response of the system. Therefore, it is relatively easy to extract the network parameters from the experimental step response. An example is given in Fig. 11 [14], where the measured collector current response (dots) to a base current step in an AlGaAs/GaAs HBT shows three clear plateaus in the self-heating dynamics: this suggested that a 3-stage (Foster) thermal network might be good enough to model the heating dynamic, as demonstrated by the good match of the modeled curves (solid lines). The drawback of the Foster network is that its parameters, and particularly thermal capacitance values, have little - if any – physical meaning. The lack of physical meaning of the Foster model can be easily grasped if one considers that capacitance discharge may 334 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI revert the direction of heat flow on a resistance, something than does not happen in reality, nor in the Cauer model. Cauer network parameters can be given a physical meaning, especially when each stage of the ladder is associated with a specific part or layer of the device or assembly. The price to pay is a more cumbersome procedure to extract them from measured data. Fig. 11 Measured (dots) and modeled (lines) collector current dynamics following a base current step in an AlGaAs/GaAs HBT. Three clear plateaus in the measured step response suggested the use of a 3-stage LE network to model the dynamics of self-heating [14]. Regardless of the network topology, the number of stages of the ladder is a key point. Single-stage RC networks are most commonly used in compact electro-thermal models, but a single time constant is very unlikely to be able to describe the self-heating dynamics even for a bare die, let alone a packaged device. On the other hand, using networks with more stages than necessary will uselessly burden the model, make parameter extraction more cumbersome, and loosen the tie with device physics. In our experience with GaN HEMTs, the vertical heat flow dynamics of unpackaged devices can be satisfactorily modeled with 3-stage networks. However, in wide-finger FETs, one must be aware of the fact that assuming a constant channel temperature is a gross simplification, the semiconductor being significantly hotter at the gate finger center than at its periphery, as shown in Fig. 12 [15]. Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 335 A situation like that shown in Fig. 12 requires that more than one RC network be included in the LE thermal model. We choose to split the finger width in 5 parts, each one represented by the temperature marked by a letter in Fig. 12. Each of these sections was modeled with its individual 3-stage RC network. The resulting match between FE-simulated and LE-simulated dynamic self-heating was excellent, as demonstrated by Fig. 13. The next step is that of using the LE thermal model to develop a self- consistent dynamic electro- thermal device model, as schematically shown in Fig. 14 [16]. Here each of the 5 sections (A-E in Fig. 12) is modeled by self-consistently coupling a temperature- dependent large-signal model Fig. 12 FE-simulated temperature profile along a gate finger in a GaN HEMT. The dissipated power is 0.5W/finger. The ambient temperature is 300 K. Distance = 100 m is the finger center. The arrows and letters mark five device sections with significantly different temperatures, that have been modeled individually in the LE model [15]. Fig. 13 A comparison between FE- simulated (lines) and LE-simulated (dots) dynamic temperature profiles along a gate finger in a GaN HEMT following a power step of 0.5 W/finger. The ambient temperature is 300 K. Distance = 100 m is the finger center. From top to bottom, the curves are taken 1, 10, 100, and 1000 s after the application of the power step [15]. Fig. 14 Self-consistent electro-thermal model of a GaN HEMT. The device is dived into different sections to account for temperature non-uniformities along the gate fingers, as shown in Fig. 12. Each section self- consistently couples a temperature-dependent large- signal model with a 3-stage LE Cauer thermal network [16]. 336 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI with a 3-stage LE Cauer thermal network, for a complete dynamic description of self-heating including temperature non-uniformities along the gate fingers and amenable to easy integration in circuit simulation tools. 3.2. Physical LE thermal networks We developed another successful approach to LE thermal and electro-thermal modeling, whereby the thermal RC network is a physical representation of the 2D or 3D structure of the device under study. This concept was first applied to the 2D cross-section of unpackaged GaN-HEMTs [17], [18]. Here a physical LE thermal network was self-consistently coupled with a temperature-dependent large-signal FET model as shown in Fig. 15 for dynamic description of self heating, including the 2D temperature distribution over the whole structure. A 3D extension of this approach is exemplified in [9] and [19]. The modeled results were compared with FE simulations and with experimental data with good success. The model was later enhanced including the effect of trapping phenomena [20], a significant concern for GaN FETs. Fig. 16 shows the excellent match between measured and modeled DC output characteristics at different temperatures, while Fig. 17 is an illustration of the interplay between thermal and trapping dynamic in the pulsed response of these – and other – devices. This physical LE modeling approach has been applied with good results to power MOSFET assemblies (see Fig. 18) [21]-[23], as well as to nanometer-scale SOI FinFETs [24]. 4. CIRCUIT- AND SYSTEM-LEVEL FE THERMAL MODELS FE thermal simulations, so far considered at device or device-plus-package level, can be effectively used at higher hierarchical levels, to describe the thermal behavior of circuits and boards including several active and passive devices, metal lines, heat-sinks, etc. The building blocks are in this case the FE models of the individual components, such as those described in section 2. However, for practical reasons the whole circuit/system FE model can hardly be built by assembling detailed device-level models like those of Figs. 1-3 and 8, due to the excessive number of degrees of freedom of the FE simulation, and the attendant overhead and convergence problems. Once detailed FE models of the individual components are available, the first step of the circuit/system modeling process is a simplification of the device models aimed at obtaining nimbler models amenable to integration in the whole circuit/system without simulation overburden, but at the same time retaining the fundamental and necessary amount of information on their thermal behavior. An example of this simplification process is shown in Fig. 19 [25]. In particular, we applied this technique to the thermal simulation of converter modules for DC power supplies in the context of the re-design of the electronics for one of the experiments of the CERN’s ATLAS project [4], [25]-[28]. An example of circuit-level FE thermal simulation, and its experimental validation, is given by Fig. 20. In this context, accurate description of thermal boundary conditions is key: this is often no trivial task, sometimes requiring thermal and fluid-dynamics simulation of water heat-sinks [29]-[31], as shown in Fig. 21. Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 337 Fig. 15 Top: Part of the LE thermal network used in [17], [18]; thermal capacitances are connected between each node and thermal ground (only three shown for simplicity). Bottom: self-consistent electro-thermal model: each of the 3 fingers of the device is individually modeled (HEMT1-HEMT3 large signal models) and coupled with the physical LE thermal network (PLECS circuit block). 338 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI Fig. 16 Comparison between our electro-thermal GaN HEMT model (lines) and experimental data (dots) [20]. Ambient temperatures: 200 K (top), 300 K (middle), and 400 K (bottom). Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 339 Fig. 17 Modeled gate-lag response of a GaN HEMT, in the case of a bulk donor trap (top) and a surface donor trap (bottom) [20]. The ambient temperature is 300 K. 340 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI yout Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Heat Sink Drain Flange Power Source Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Rconv Tamb Resin Lid Si Die ResinResin TCRSi_Lid TCRSi_Flange TCRFlange- Heatsink TCRFlange- Heatsink TCRFlange- Heatsink TCRFlange- Heatsink Fig. 18 LE physical thermal model of a power MOSFET die, package, flange, and heat- sink assembly [23]. Thermal and Electro-Thermal Modeling of Components and Systems... 341 Fig. 19 An example of detailed FE thermal model for rectifier diodes in ISOTOP package (left) and it simplified version (right) for circuit simulation [25]. Fig. 20 An example of FE thermal model (top) and experimental IR thermal map (bottom) for a single-module DC/DC converter [25]. The output power is 1.2 kW, and forced-air cooling is in place. The maximum temperature error is 8% all over the board. 342 R. MENOZZI, P. COVA, N. DELMONTE, F. GIULIANI, G. SOZZI Fig. 21 FE simulation of a converter board on a water-cooled heat-sink [30]. Top: water velocity in the hear sink; bottom: thermal simulation of the converter and heat-sink. 5. SUMMARY In this paper we have reviewed the activity carried out over several years at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Parma, Italy, in the field of thermal and electro-thermal modeling of devices, device and package assemblies, circuits, and systems encompassing active boards and heat-sinking elements. We have shown examples of the use of Finite-Element (FE) 3D tools for the thermal analysis of a hierarchy of structures ranging from bare device dies to complex systems including active and passive devices, boards, metallizations, and air- and water-cooled heat-sinks. Increasing the level of complexity requires developing smart solutions for the reduction of model complexity, lest numerical convergence be slowed down beyond acceptable limits, or made altogether impossible. A variety of Lumped-Element modeling examples has also been shown. These models lose some of the physical detail of FE models, but are amenable to integration inside circuit simulation tools, thus allowing self-consistent electro-thermal simulation of the device or circuit under realistic operating conditions, something that is practically impossible with FE tools. These models can range from purely empirical to strictly physics- and geometry-based. 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