item: #1 of 150 id: fl-10 author: dean spade title: fl-10 date: 2011-05-04 words: 1335 flesch: 43 summary: Anti-patriarchal political projects are continually being invited and seduced into the realm of possibility as new justifications for criminalization and empire.   The political demands of prison abolition and an end to immigration enforcement require us to untangle the interwoven norms, knowledges and practices that produce the policing and imprisonment of people through criminal punishment systems, immigration enforcement systems and medical/psychiatric systems. keywords: abolition; anti; butler; caging; capitalism; categories; demands; family; feminist; fiction; immigration; imprisonment; law; legal; need; non; octavia; people; policing; political; possibility; prison; projects; reading; science; society; systems; women; work cache: fl-10.doc plain text: fl-10.txt item: #2 of 150 id: fl-100 author: uos title: fl-100 date: 2014-02-22 words: 5905 flesch: 46 summary: Women in Middle Age In March 2012 House of Commons researchers analysed the effects of austerity measures on men and women (The Guardian 2012). Such women are often reliant on public services and will suffer as cuts are made to such provision: the 2010 Comprehensive Spending Review announced £34bn in cuts to funding for public services by 2012-13. keywords: 13th; agenda; allowance; assessment; austerity; available; benefits; budget; capitalism; care; carers; certain; challenge; changes; children; coalition; costs; current; cuts; decision; department; discrimination; duty; economic; effect; employment; equality; families; fawcett; feminism; fraser; gender; government; grounds; impact; income; increase; institute; labour; law; likely; market; means; measures; neoliberal; new; november; office; pay; pensions; policy; political; poverty; provision; public; reduction; reforms; review; second; services; social; society; state; support; tax; unpaid; way; welfare; women; work cache: fl-100.docx plain text: fl-100.txt item: #3 of 150 id: fl-101 author: Emily Grabham title: fl-101 date: 2014-02-16 words: 5296 flesch: 50 summary: As a route to balancing ‘work' and ‘life', the UK’s right to request flexible work contains much of interest for a feminist analysis of how legal temporalities are created and sustained. Furthermore, this documentary route to achieving flexible work as a precursor to achieving balance is an interesting mix of private law and legislated right. keywords: analysis; balance; care; certainty; change; conaghan; concept; consultation; economic; effects; employees; employer; employment; equilibrium; era; example; fact; family; feminist; flexibility; flexible; form; freeman; gender; gendered; government; human; idea; key; labour; law; laws; legal; life; life balance; logic; market; means; mechanisms; modern; new; policies; policy; press; process; processes; real; relations; reproduction; request; right; self; social; sorting; strange; system; temporal; temporalities; temporality; time; understanding; university; way; women; work; working cache: fl-101.docx plain text: fl-101.txt item: #4 of 150 id: fl-1017 author: None title: fl-1017 date: 2022-09-26 words: 10810 flesch: 46 summary: She argues that the medical model goes against the right to dignity, autonomy and freedom of persons.[footnoteRef:23] Further, Kothari argues that the Supreme Court in the NALSA judgment, by ordering legal recognition of gender identities into defined categories – male, female or third gender – as a precondition to access welfare schemes, employment, etc. has made gender identity an essential part of one’s existence to enjoy However, there has been little to no acknowledgment of the State violence towards persons based on their gender, specifically when such gender is thought to be opposed to social mores or differs from the gender assigned at birth. keywords: access; act; air; article; assembly; august; autonomy; bill; birth; caste; categories; civil; code; constituent; constitution; context; cooper; court; customs; december; decertification; definition; determination; dignity; discrimination; entry; equality; example; exclusion; exercise; female; framework; freedom; fundamental; gender; gender identity; gendered; groups; hindu; ibid; idea; identification; identities; identity; india; individuals; institutions; lack; laws; legal; legal gender; legislation; manner; marriage; members; nalsa; need; non; oppression; ors; people; period; personal; personal laws; persons; policies; policy; practices; principles; private; property; protection; provisions; public; question; recognition; reform; relationship; religion; religious; religious institutions; religious laws; result; review; rights; rules; scc; self; sex; sexual; social; society; spaces; sphere; state; subject; supreme; transgender; understanding; union; violence; welfare; women; young cache: fl-1017.docx plain text: fl-1017.txt item: #5 of 150 id: fl-102 author: JAF Conaghan title: fl-102 date: 2014-02-15 words: 6740 flesch: 54 summary: Similarly, Brian Langille, in embracing an account of labour law anchored by a principle of maximizing human freedom, comments: This is an account which is much deeper and broader than the old received wisdom about the scope and purpose of labour law … if we see labour law as underwritten by the idea of human freedom, we not only have a set of reasons for traditional labour law – but also for non-contractual approaches to work relations (informality, for example) and for other non-traditional labour law subjects (unpaid work, education, child care, and so on (Langille 2011, 114). With such a degree of co-dependence, one might expect gender to feature prominently in labour law, that branch of law which purports to govern labour relations. keywords: account; activation; arrangements; arthurs; boundaries; brian; capital; care; collins; conaghan; conceptual; concerns; context; core; davidov; discipline; division; employment; example; family; feminist; field; freedom; fudge; gender; gendered; guy; historical; human; ibid; idea; implications; joanne; labour; labour law; langille; law; lawyers; legal; market; mitchell; new; non; normative; organization; oup; oxford; particular; point; policies; policy; question; regulation; regulatory; relations; relationship; rights; scholarship; sex; significance; social; state; tasks; time; traditional; unpaid; weiss; women; work; workers; working; world; zatz cache: fl-102.docx plain text: fl-102.txt item: #6 of 150 id: fl-103 author: None title: KCSL Panel date: None words: 183 flesch: 51 summary: The panel, titled 'The Contribution of Feminism in Contemporary Public Debates about Law', featured three speakers. The Contribution of Feminism to Contemporary Public Debates About Law Nicola Barker, Sinéad Ring, Maria Drakopoulou and Rosemary Hunter* keywords: feminism; law; panel; speakers cache: fl-103.htm plain text: fl-103.txt item: #7 of 150 id: fl-104 author: Prabha Kotiswaran title: fl-104 date: 2014-04-03 words: 10546 flesch: 41 summary: Based on my elaboration of the architecture of Indian labour laws and its applicability to female reproductive labour so far, two dilemmas emerge, both suggesting a lower relevance for labour law than initially assumed. An Introduction Feminist legal scholarship has for long richly contributed to the project of gendering labour law. keywords: abject; act; applicable; available; bar; benefits; board; boundary; care; case; certain; claims; commercial; conditions; context; criminal; dancers; dancing; default; demands; development; domestic; economic; economy; effects; employees; employer; employment; exit; fact; family; family law; federal; female; female reproductive; feminist; gender; health; home; indian; indian labour; indian sex; industry; informal; insurance; issue; journal; labour; labour law; labourers; law; laws; legal; level; long; manual; manual workers; market; marriage; minimum; model; movement; nadu; national; nature; ncl; needs; new; non; note; payment; policy; political; process; production; recognition; redistribution; regulation; relationship; reproductive; reproductive labour; rights; rules; scheme; second; sector; security; self; services; sex; sex workers; shamir; significant; social; social reproduction; social security; specific; state; statute; supra; surrogacy; surrogates; tamil; terms; time; trade; unorganized; unorganized sector; unpaid; view; wages; welfare; women; words; workers; working cache: fl-104.docx plain text: fl-104.txt item: #8 of 150 id: fl-105 author: None title: KCSL Panel date: None words: 131 flesch: 39 summary: Measuring Labour and Rethinking Value Lisa Adkins* In this lecture, part of feminists@law's series on 'Labour, Value and Precarity in the Age of Austerity', Lisa Adkins considers the form of labour which has been at the very heart of feminist theorizations of immaterial labour, namely domestic labour. She considers transformations to this labour in the context of financialization, and in particular the direct links which are being forged between domestic labour and the creation of financial value. keywords: adkins; labour; lisa cache: fl-105.htm plain text: fl-105.txt item: #9 of 150 id: fl-1056 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1056 date: 2022-04-09 words: 2923 flesch: 28 summary: Secondly, many abortion clinics are subject to Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) laws, additional regulations solely for abortion clinics. As abortion rights stand to be overturned in the Supreme Court, it is important to recognize the CPCs’ crucial role in the anti-abortion movement and to curb their growing influence by limiting their scope of operation through the law and other forms of legal action. keywords: abortion; access; amendment; anti; case; centers; clinics; conservative; counselling; court; cpcs; crisis; decision; federal; funding; health; influence; information; institute; laws; legal; life; medical; movement; naral; operation; political; practices; pregnancy; privacy; regulation; reproductive; rights; services; standing; state; supreme; united; vlach; women cache: fl-1056.docx plain text: fl-1056.txt item: #10 of 150 id: fl-106 author: None title: fl-106 date: None words: 303 flesch: 52 summary: Betsy Stanko is Honorary Professor of Criminology at Royal Holloway, University of London and Assistant Director, Planning and Portfolio, Metropolitan Police Service. Martin Hewitt is the Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Specialist Crime and Operations, Metropolitan Police Service. keywords: betsy; lecture; lse; metropolitan; police; stanko cache: fl-106.htm plain text: fl-106.txt item: #11 of 150 id: fl-107 author: David Lloyd title: /docProps/thumbnail.wmf date: 2014-05-02 words: 5142 flesch: 31 summary: I will explain that Palestinian women are without any doubt more oppressed by Israel and Zionism than they are by their fellow Palestinian men, that a Palestinian woman’s freedom of movement, her right to an education, her right to vote, her right to work, her right to live where she wants, her right to sufficient food, clean water, and medical treatment in her own homeland are denied to her not by her fellow Palestinians but by the illegal occupying power, Israel.[footnoteRef:2] Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian documents in often painful detail the impact on Palestinian women of Israel’s will to contain and reduce the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem in particular (an area currently targeted with particular intensity for settlement expansion, given Israel’s determination to appropriate this historically Palestinian city as part of its “eternal capital”). keywords: academic; american; april; arab; associations; bank; belief; bhandar; boycott; campaign; case; colonial; colonialism; cultural; culture; david; denial; domination; east; feminist; freedom; fundamental; global; gordon; impact; international; irish; israel; issue; journal; kevorkian; labor; law; life; lloyd; long; movement; nadera; necropolitical; new; occupation; occupied; palestine; palestinian; palestinian women; political; population; power; press; project; racial; recent; regime; relations; reproduction; right; settler; shalhoub; sharif; social; society; solidarity; space; sphere; state; struggle; studies; treatment; university; west; women; workers; york cache: fl-107.docx plain text: fl-107.txt item: #12 of 150 id: fl-108 author: Sarah Ihmoud title: None date: 2014-05-02 words: 5042 flesch: 42 summary: The various forms of oppression facing Palestinian women, and the discrimination that violates their rights (Rouhana, 1997), along with the Israeli state’s structural violence (Rouhana and Sultani, 2003) have proliferated. Portraying women as biopolitical threats to the existence of the settler colonial power, added to the geo-political need to dispossess their land and constrain them spatially, has effectively framed Palestinians as feared entities that can’t be trusted (e.g. Kassem, 2011) Grounded in the knowledge produced through my own position as a Palestinian feminist born and raised in Haifa, this paper delves into the nature of feminism for Palestinian women in the Jewish settler colonial state by asking three main questions: 1. keywords: abu; analysis; arab; colonial; colonialism; community; control; critical; cultural; development; displacement; dispossession; educational; family; feminist; gender; geopolitical; global; hebrew; historical; injustice; israel; jerusalem; jewish; kevorkian; land; law; laws; life; lives; local; nakba; nature; new; ongoing; oppression; palestinian; palestinian women; patriarchal; physics; police; policies; political; politics; power; present; reality; regime; security; settler; shalhoub; social; society; space; state; status; studies; suffering; support; system; understanding; university; violence; women; zionist cache: fl-108.doc plain text: fl-108.txt item: #13 of 150 id: fl-109 author: Rana Sharif title: /docProps/thumbnail.wmf date: 2014-05-02 words: 4568 flesch: 60 summary: Figure 2: Journey to Augusta Victoria Hospital Source: Google Maps The discussion below chronicles the journey undertaken by Palestinian sick bodies to receive life-saving treatment. Finally, I will conclude with some reflections on how the current Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement is one means of addressing the forms of power exercised over Palestinian bodies living under occupation. keywords: abu; access; attention; augusta; bank; birth; bodies; bus; care; challenge; checkpoint; cultural; disease; driver; everyday; gilo; hdca; hebron; hospital; images; israeli; jerusalem; karim; legal; life; like; medical; military; nidal; occupation; palestine; palestinian; permits; pregnancy; reports; research; shirt; sick; space; state; tariq; time; treatment; victoria; visual; waiting; ways; west; wife; women cache: fl-109.docx plain text: fl-109.txt item: #14 of 150 id: fl-11 author: UP User title: Feminist futures date: 2011-05-04 words: 1431 flesch: 56 summary: However, to my mind Constable’s argument has important implications for feminist research and the future of feminist research and I will take out only what I regard as the most pertinent for my tentative suggestions concerning feminist legal research. Feminist legal research should be concerned with this ‘other’, with the possibilities of a world that remains, with other kinds of subjectivity. keywords: constable; discomfort; ethics; feminist; foucault; important; issues; justice; law; left; legal; nietzsche; politics; questions; research; studies; women; world cache: fl-11.doc plain text: fl-11.txt item: #15 of 150 id: fl-110 author: Brenna Bhandar title: /docProps/thumbnail.wmf date: 2014-05-02 words: 5472 flesch: 41 summary: [S]ince 1948 the Israeli authorities have pursued concerted policies of colonisation and appropriation of Palestinian land. The language of non-discrimination doesn’t in my view adequately describe the reality of the ongoing, daily appropriation of Palestinian land in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Naqab (Negev) and many other areas, which begins in the post-Mandate era with the Absentee Property Law. keywords: anti; apartheid; appropriation; april; areas; article; bank; bds; black; books; canada; cerd; citizenship; colonial; committee; communities; convention; critical; critics; discrimination; dispossession; economic; education; elimination; feminist; findings; forms; freedom; gaza; hanieh; indigenous; israel; jewish; land; law; laws; legal; liberal; london; march; military; movement; neo; observations; occupation; occupied; organisations; ownership; palestine; palestinian; particular; people; policies; political; politics; post; power; practices; private; property; racial; regime; rights; segregation; settler; social; solidarity; south; state; studies; support; system; techniques; theory; university; use; violence; west; women; world; years cache: fl-110.docx plain text: fl-110.txt item: #16 of 150 id: fl-1113 author: didi title: fl-1113 date: 2022-10-24 words: 1064 flesch: 38 summary: Even if such measures take less restrictive forms than outright abortion bans, they nevertheless designate reproductive healthcare decisions as a matter for public debate and policy and imply that having more children is inherently good and important for society. Beatrix von Storch celebrated this new restriction on reproductive rights and expressed their hope that their own countries would soon follow the example set by the US.[footnoteRef:6] keywords: abortion; access; children; decision; dobbs; feminists; flora; global; healthcare; jackson; kent; law; marian; october; renz; reproductive; rights; states; women cache: fl-1113.docx plain text: fl-1113.txt item: #17 of 150 id: fl-1114 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1114 date: 2022-10-24 words: 1879 flesch: 54 summary: For pregnant US women, the prospect of cadaveric gestation has become a reality regardless of potential for foetal viability and irrespective of advance directives, family wishes, or surrogacy contracts that may have been completed. [2006], Court of Appeals of the State of Kansas); Re Allen Callaway [2016] DG-16-08); Re Mirranda Grace Lawson [2016] CL16-2358; Alex Pierce, thirteen-years-old (In Alex Pierce v. Loma Linda University Medical Center [2016];Durbin K. Monroe Co parents proposing “Bobby’s Law” in honor of son taken off life support. keywords: advance; apnoea; brain; braindead; cadaveric; case; center; death; decision; determination; directive; dodds; family; foetal; foetus; gestational; health; idaho; law; legal; life; making; maternal; medical; muñoz; organ; pamela; pregnancy; pregnant; right; state; support; test; treatment; university; viability; weeks; women cache: fl-1114.docx plain text: fl-1114.txt item: #18 of 150 id: fl-1115 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1115 date: 2022-10-24 words: 1185 flesch: 43 summary: The text of the Mississippi law at issue in Dobbs began with the assertion that U.S. abortion law was out of step with the rest of the industrialised world and was instead comparable to the laws of China and North Korea – a dubious claim that, at the very least, ignored the abortion laws in the Netherlands, New Zealand, Iceland, Canada, Colombia, and the United Kingdom. While it would not be fair to say that U.S. abortion rights activists were ever complacent about the right to abortion, there was certainly a tendency to rely on the courts as the means to protect abortion access. keywords: abortion; access; activists; countries; court; decision; dobbs; example; fundamental; international; issue; law; laws; mississippi; rights; states; supreme; u.s; worldwide cache: fl-1115.docx plain text: fl-1115.txt item: #19 of 150 id: fl-1116 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1116 date: 2022-10-24 words: 1069 flesch: 56 summary: Many foetal protection laws across the US were enacted to protect pregnant women and their unborn babies from attack by third parties, often abusive male partners, or ex-partners. However, it is a tragedy that was foreseen and predicted by feminist scholars long ago, in part, due to the creation and then expansion of foetal protection laws. keywords: abortion; criminal; england; foetal; foetus; laws; legal; pregnant; protection; rights; roe; wales; women cache: fl-1116.docx plain text: fl-1116.txt item: #20 of 150 id: fl-1118 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1118 date: 2022-10-24 words: 2138 flesch: 40 summary: The National Council of Jewish Women’s ‘Rabbis for Repro’ campaign has remobilised support for abortion rights in the US Jewish community in recent years and the long-standing group Catholics for Choice continues to represent the majority view among US Catholics that abortion should be legally available. Following Roe v. Wade, those involved with the CCS evolved into a lobbying and advocacy organisation, the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR), and set about presenting religious opposition to the slew of legislative attempts to roll back on abortion rights following the historic decision by the Supreme Court. keywords: abortion; access; anti; available; bloomer; catholic; choice; christian; clergy; discourse; evangelical; faith; forthcoming; group; ireland; justice; leaders; legal; network; new; northern; opposition; people; policy; political; press; public; religious; reproductive; rights; roe; september; social; state; support; turtle; university; wade; women cache: fl-1118.docx plain text: fl-1118.txt item: #21 of 150 id: fl-1121 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1121 date: 2022-10-25 words: 2648 flesch: 56 summary: Abortion doctors, I suggest, are unlikely to take such a grave assault on their professional identity and wish to treat women as moral actors with autonomy and healthcare needs that should be met, without resistance. These laws have constructed abortion doctors as gatekeepers and guardians of morality who are in control of who can have a legal abortion, creating tensions between the legal framework and the practice of abortion since 1967. keywords: abortion; decision; doctors; england; family; healthcare; identity; law; lee; legal; medical; patient; people; position; pregnancy; professionals; prosecution; providers; roe; sense; service; sheldon; social; states; termination; usa; wade; wales; women; work cache: fl-1121.docx plain text: fl-1121.txt item: #22 of 150 id: fl-1143 author: Härkönen, Heidi K title: fl-1143 date: 2023-02-10 words: 2153 flesch: 49 summary: The first article, ‘(Re)Defining Legal Parenthood and Kinship: The Limits of Legal Change in the Finnish Child Custody Act of 2019’ by Anna Moring, examines the changes in legal understandings of kinship, parenthood and family in the process of redrafting the Act on Child Custody and Right of Access in Finland. The last article in the collection, ‘Marginalisations and Redefinitions of Kinship in Contemporary Cuba’ by Heidi Härkönen, explores shifts in understandings of kinship and experiences of marginality amongst low-income Cubans. keywords: anthropology; article; child; context; das; eds; exclusion; families; family; finland; forms; gender; grandmothers; intimate; journal; kinship; law; legal; lgbtiq+; marginality; margins; new; political; press; relations; relationships; research; russian; section; social; special; state; understandings; understood; university; weston; women cache: fl-1143.docx plain text: fl-1143.txt item: #23 of 150 id: fl-1144 author: Anna Moring title: None date: 2023-02-24 words: 10082 flesch: 53 summary: As opposed to legal parents, who can independently make an agreement on custody, residence and right of access and have it confirmed by the municipal social committee, non-legal parents must go to court and obtain an order, even if all parties agree and there is no conflict. According to Sanna Koulu (2014: 97), the 1983 reform entailed two crucial shifts: first, it prioritised agreements between parents over court decisions and gave legal parents the right to make agreements that could be enforced by municipal social committees without going through the court. keywords: 2015; 2019; access; account; act; agreements; anna; arrangements; article; best; biological; butler; care; case; changes; child; child custody; children; close; committee; concept; construction; court; crucial; custody; custody act; development; different; divorce; economic; european; example; families; family; family law; fershee; finland; finnish; finnish child; forms; framework; goldberg; grandparents; ibid; interest; joint; kinds; kinship; knowledge; koulu; law; legal; legal kinship; legal parenthood; legal parents; legislation; life; ministry; mother; need; new; non; order; parent; parenthood; parenting; performative; person; physical; position; post; power; practices; process; proposal; pylkkänen; question; recognition; reform; relationship; right; sex; situations; social; specific; states; strathern; structures; terms; time; university; york cache: fl-1144.doc plain text: fl-1144.txt item: #24 of 150 id: fl-1145 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-1145 date: 2023-02-24 words: 11728 flesch: 45 summary: I contribute to this previous literature through my novel analysis of the significance of strategies to cope with different grandmaternal relationships in Russian lesbian families under legal oppression, albeit in the specific cultural context[footnoteRef:15] of extended female-maintained families and an oppressive post-socialist state’s legal and social framework. Similarly, the legal situation in which Russian lesbian families currently raise minors leaves non-biological mothers particularly vulnerable. keywords: absent; anna; anti; article; attitudes; authority; babushkas; baggage; biological; biological babushkas; biological grandmothers; biological mother; blood; building; care; case; change; children; claims; code; complex; connection; contact; contemporary; context; cultural; current; data; daughter; different; discussion; duties; early; eds; european; everyday; example; expectations; extended; families; family; father; federal; female; galya; gay; grandchildren; grandmaternal; grandmothers; grandparents; gross; help; heterosexual; history; ibid; important; information; intelligible; intergenerational; interviews; involvement; issue; journal; katerina; kinship; law; legal; legislation; legitimate; lesbian; lesbian families; lesbian mothers; life; london; marriage; minors; model; mother; motherhood; mothering; new; non; nordqvist; official; oppressive; origin; parental; parenting; parents; partner; paul; period; petersburg; policy; political; position; post; practices; previous; propaganda; putin; queer; recognition; relatedness; relationships; relatives; reproductive; research; respondents; rights; role; russian; russian family; russian lesbian; russian state; saint; sexuality; single; situation; social; socialist; society; sorainen; soviet; state; strategies; studies; study; support; survey; terms; time; traditional; union; united; university; values; wider; women; zhabenko cache: fl-1145.docx plain text: fl-1145.txt item: #25 of 150 id: fl-1146 author: Härkönen, Heidi K title: fl-1146 date: 2023-02-10 words: 10595 flesch: 51 summary: The analysis of my empirical data demonstrates that Russian natural mothers distance their children from the elder kinsfolk both physically and emotionally in order to limit the influence of the elder female kinsfolk on their children. Forms of maternal care for children other than natural parenting were seen by Russian natural mothers as unnatural, abnormal, against nature, or simply less ‘natural’, and therefore as wrong. keywords: 2016; 20th; aged; analysis; anna; attachment; baby; bodies; body; breastfeeding; century; chernova; child; childcare; childrearing; children; class; conditions; contemporary; culture; development; different; discursive; elder; emotional; everyday; extended; faircloth; families; family; father; female; form; framework; gender; grandmothers; grandparents; health; heterosexual; idea; ideology; implementation; important; instance; intensive; interviewees; journal; kinsfolk; kinship; knowledge; labour; larisa; law; life; london; long; maternal; meantime; middle; milk; model; mothering; mothers; natural; natural mothers; natural parenting; nature; needs; new; non; nuclearisation; order; parenting; parents; participation; physical; policy; post; practices; press; primary; proper; psychological; public; regard; relatedness; research; resources; role; rotkirch; russian; self; share; sharing; shpakovskaya; significant; social; society; soviet; specific; state; strathern; studies; support; temkina; terms; therapeutic; time; university; way; women; world cache: fl-1146.docx plain text: fl-1146.txt item: #26 of 150 id: fl-1147 author: Härkönen, Heidi K title: fl-1147 date: 2023-02-24 words: 13915 flesch: 53 summary: After this, I will discuss the general characteristics of everyday life in post-Soviet Cuba and move on to discuss the specific story of an Afro-Cuban, elderly woman who has come to experience sudden exclusions in her kin relations in the new Cuba. In post-Soviet Cuba, inequalities have increased, when many earlier forms of state contributions have been dismantled. keywords: 1990s; 2005; 2014; agency; allen; anonymous; anthropology; article; browne; cabezas; cambridge; care; caribbean; caridad; case; castro; catholic; central; changes; church; community; conservative; contemporary; contemporary cuba; context; crime; crisis; cuba; cubans; daigle; earlier; economic; economy; eds; elderly; era; ethnographic; europe; european; everyday; example; exclusion; experiences; families; family; fieldwork; focus; forms; gender; gendered; havana; heidi; helsinki; historical; härkönen; identity; individuals; inequalities; interlocutors; international; intimate; issue; journal; kin relations; kinship; large; legal; lgbtiq+; life; lives; local; long; love; male; man; marginalisation; marginalised; marginality; margins; marriage; martinez; masculinity; members; miguel; mizielińska; money; mothers; neighbourhood; neighbours; new; non; normative; official; parts; people; persons; place; policies; political; politics; position; possibilities; post; power; practices; press; princeton; prison; problems; processes; queer; race; regla; relations; relationships; research; revolutionary; rights; role; scale; sexuality; shifts; shows; single; social; social relations; socialist; society; sources; soviet; space; stasińska; state; stout; structural; studies; support; term; time; transformations; tsing; understandings; university; university press; way; ways; wider; women; work; years; yosuel; zhabenko cache: fl-1147.docx plain text: fl-1147.txt item: #27 of 150 id: fl-1148 author: Helen White title: fl-1148 date: 2023-02-24 words: 10546 flesch: 70 summary: You’ve done plenty of this too, you’ve mentioned the Association of Women Judges and the impact that that’s had both nationally and globally, I wondered whether you could say a little bit more about why that’s important to you and how it’s been important to you? Lady Hale: I think it’s one of the things about being in a minority, but a minority whose influence is growing, so linking up with other women has always been important. Other women and other feminists, sorry keywords: academic; answer; audience; bit; book; case; children; citizenship; colleagues; common; conference; constitution; countries; course; court; difficult; diversity; england; erika; fact; feminist; gender; good; hale; home; hunter; important; issues; judges; judgments; judicial; judiciary; lady; lady hale; laughter; law; legal; life; little; long; looking; lot; model; nation; people; political; president; question; rackley; reasons; religious; right; role; rosemary; senior; sort; spider; state; supreme; sure; talk; things; thinking; thought; time; united; way; women; wonderful; work; world; years; young cache: fl-1148.docx plain text: fl-1148.txt item: #28 of 150 id: fl-1179 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1179 date: 2023-06-04 words: 10479 flesch: 30 summary: [3: In the USA, see Jasmine Harris, ‘Disability Law on the Frontlines’ (2020) 106 In Australia, see Claire Spivakovsky and Linda Steele, ‘Disability Law in a Pandemic: The Temporal Folds of Medico-Legal Violence’ (2022) 35(2) Social and Legal Studies 175.] keywords: ableism; abolition; alternatives; analysis; anti; approach; australia; ben; books; carceral; carcerality; care; chapman; chris; coercive; color; community; concept; confinement; context; control; court; court diversion; criminal; criminal justice; criminal law; crip; critical; critique; decarcerating; decarcerating disability; deinstitutionalisation; dementia; detention; disabilities; disability; disabled; disabled people; diversion; eds; example; facilities; feminist; forensic; group; harms; health; highlights; history; homes; human; ibid; important; imprisonment; incarceration; inclusion; institutions; journal; justice; lack; law; legal; liat; linda; linda steele; litigation; logics; mad; mental; mental health; morgan; moshe; nations; need; new; nursing; people; policing; political; power; practices; press; prison; psychiatric; punishment; queer; race; racial; reform; reparations; research; residential; resources; review; rights; role; sanism; scholarship; second; segregation; services; sites; social; society; socio; south; specific; state; steele; studies; symposium; system; term; treatment; university; usa; use; violence; ways; women; work cache: fl-1179.docx plain text: fl-1179.txt item: #29 of 150 id: fl-1180 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1180 date: 2023-06-04 words: 1939 flesch: 48 summary: In conversation last summer, Ben-Moshe described Disability Incarcerated as now an “artefact,” given the incredible amount of activist and scholarly energies that have gone into that larger political and intellectual project since that time, especially under the (sometimes overlapping) banners of Disability Justice and Black Lives Matter organizing. Linda Steele’s book brilliantly explores court diversion as a means of increasing the carceral control of people’s lives – particularly poor, racialized or Indigenous, disabled people’s lives; Ben-Moshe’s just as brilliantly explores the relationship between prison abolition and deinstitutionalization – focusing on anti-carceral activism and counter-organizing. keywords: accordion; analysis; ben; canada; chapman; chris; criminal; decarcerating; disability; edited; justice; larger; law; lives; mad; moshe; new; oppression; political; project; scale; studies; treatment; work; working; york cache: fl-1180.docx plain text: fl-1180.txt item: #30 of 150 id: fl-1181 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1181 date: 2023-06-04 words: 2276 flesch: 42 summary: Reading Ben-Moshe and Steele’s books together offers readers a cautionary tale – both about the limits of analysis that does not consider the connections between carcerality and disablement but also the necessity for more radical visions that confront the structural underpinnings of harm and violence and move in more abolitionist and decarceral directions.  Within this wider context, it is an apt time to be discussing Ben-Moshe and Steele’s books as they both speak to important questions of resistance and strategy in challenging institutions of carceral control and violence. keywords: 2019; 2020; abolition; abolitionist; analysis; ben; black; book; campaigns; carceral; court; deinstitutionalisation; disability; disabled; diversion; ideas; important; institutions; justice; kaba; moshe; movement; new; organising; people; police; power; practices; press; prison; queer; questions; reforms; steele; struggles; ways; wider; work cache: fl-1181.docx plain text: fl-1181.txt item: #31 of 150 id: fl-1182 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1182 date: 2023-06-04 words: 1593 flesch: 32 summary: As Steele maintains, court diversion programs rely on and exploit disability labels as a pathway for “coercive intervention that surpasses what is otherwise possible through criminal law. L. Rev. 489, 491-98 (2022); JAMELIA MORGAN, POLICING UNDER DISABILITY LAW, 73 Stan. keywords: abolition; ben; books; carceral; court; criminal; critical; disability; disabled; diversion; justice; law; legal; liat; moshe; movements; note; people; prison; scholars; state; steele; system; violence cache: fl-1182.docx plain text: fl-1182.txt item: #32 of 150 id: fl-1183 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1183 date: 2023-06-04 words: 1817 flesch: 39 summary: Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition (Ben-Moshe 2020) and Disability, Criminal Justice & Law: It unmasks the state violence of incarceration and institutionalization and does not leave it to the state to define what violence means (Ben-Moshe 2020, 124). keywords: abolitionist; ben; carceral; court; criminal; critical; debra; decarcerating; deinstitutionalization; disability; diversion; incarceration; justice; law; legal; litigation; logics; moshe; non; parkes; people; prison; rights; state; steele; teaching; violence; work cache: fl-1183.docx plain text: fl-1183.txt item: #33 of 150 id: fl-1184 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1184 date: 2023-06-04 words: 2629 flesch: 52 summary: Steele explores court diversion as a modality of State violence used against people with disability. Like Ben-Moshe’s text, Steele’s case study of court diversion reveals a number of different dimensions of State violence which are of importance to critical disability studies. keywords: analysis; ben; black; criminal; critical; disability; diversion; example; forms; foucault; justice; law; mackinnon; moshe; movements; new; people; political; power; press; prison; relation; relationship; social; state; steele; studies; text; theory; university; violence; women cache: fl-1184.docx plain text: fl-1184.txt item: #34 of 150 id: fl-1185 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1185 date: 2023-06-04 words: 3869 flesch: 19 summary: It also points out tensions among a more assimilationist variant of disability deinstitutionalization (coding disability as white, middle class and heteronormative) and a more radically intersectional variant wherein disability (and/or debility, as advanced by Jasbir Puar)[footnoteRef:21] is denied the legal legitimation of disability rights. Reconsidering Court Diversion contribute to emerging conversations between critical disability studies and anti-carceral studies, and between disability deinstitutionalization and prison abolitionism. keywords: abolitionism; advocacy; anti; ben; book; canada; carceral; care; cbc; coast; community; conditions; confinement; court; criminal; critical; dcjl; decarcerating; deinstitutionalization; disabilities; disability; diversion; east; eds; federal; forms; halifax; health; homes; incarceration; indigenous; institutions; interlocking; jails; justice; law; lawyers; legal; liat; linda; litigation; logics; mental; moshe; new; news; nova; people; police; prison; psychiatric; public; race; rights; scotia; sheila; social; society; solitary; state; steele; strategies; time; violence; ways; wildeman; work cache: fl-1185.docx plain text: fl-1185.txt item: #35 of 150 id: fl-1186 author: KLS Staff title: fl-1186 date: 2023-06-04 words: 2669 flesch: 47 summary: Using the case study of Timor-Leste, Pérez Vásquez investigates how women navigate TJ processes against extant patriarchal convictions of both international and national actors. Pérez Vásquez suggests these choices, which may overtly appear to be a form of silence, are not representative of disengagements with TJ processes. keywords: access; chapter; conflict; critical; dimension; discrimination; ethical; feminist; gendered; identities; justice; kent; leste; lia; memory; model; monograph; participants; perceptions; postcolonial; processes; pérez; pérez vásquez; research; second; sexual; silence; timor; timorese; transitional; violence; vásquez; women; work cache: fl-1186.docx plain text: fl-1186.txt item: #36 of 150 id: fl-12 author: Windows User title: None date: 2011-04-19 words: 1469 flesch: 51 summary: The volumes cover 30 years’ research on key interventions and developments in feminist legal scholarship (FLS), feminist legal scholars’ engagement with liberalism as well as with legal method and reasoning, and contemporary challenges and contestations within FLS. When thinking of urgent future research issues for feminist legal studies, I started with the image of the discipline explicitly and implicitly presented in this publication. keywords: conaghan; consequences; countries; different; discipline; feminist; fls; focus; gender; human; impacts; legal; political; research; scholarship; studies; system; women cache: fl-12.doc plain text: fl-12.txt item: #37 of 150 id: fl-13 author: Michiel title: fl-13 date: 2011-05-04 words: 4699 flesch: 54 summary: But that said, my concern to rethink the feminine within sexual difference was not only to hold open a space for utopian possibility: it was also to recognize that the problem with the idea of woman or women was that it not only homogenized a group that was in fact very diverse, but that it operated to erase racial, cultural, and ethnic difference, an erasure that went against the very idea of what I had named “ethical feminism.” In fact, I have argued that the opposite is the case: it is necessary for white women, as part of the aspiration of ethical feminism, to recognize the position of privilege that accrues to them as white women, even when they struggle to disavow those privileges. keywords: accommodation; black; cornell; critique; difference; drucilla; ethical; feminine; feminism; forms; gender; henry; heritages; idea; ideals; identity; intellectual; kind; language; law; modern; modernity; myth; need; new; notion; oppression; order; patriarchal; philosophy; point; political; press; reality; routledge; sexual; south; spivak; struggle; symbolic; thinking; university; violence; way; white; women; work; world; york cache: fl-13.doc plain text: fl-13.txt item: #38 of 150 id: fl-14 author: UP User title: ‘Asking for the moon’ - A ‘musing’ on Cornell’s Beyond accommodation date: 2011-05-04 words: 1461 flesch: 50 summary: References Cornell, Drucilla (1990) ‘The Doubly-Prized World: Myth, Allegory and The Feminine’, Cornell Law Review 75: 644-699. Cornell, Drucilla (1991) Karin Van Marle* The first writing of Drucilla Cornell that I ever read - and have reread many times thereafter - was her 1990 Cornell Law Review publication titled ‘The Doubly-Prized World: Myth, Allegory and The Feminine.’ keywords: attempt; claim; cornell; deconstruction; description; difference; ethical; fable; feminine; feminism; justice; law; legal; moon; new; reality; sexual; women cache: fl-14.doc plain text: fl-14.txt item: #39 of 150 id: fl-15 author: Breny Mendoza title: fl-15 date: 2011-05-04 words: 958 flesch: 33 summary: This has been the case of Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador where social movements were able to grab control of state power and reissue new constitutions that recouped sovereign power to the people. These movements have a lot to teach the West and the United States in particular, as oligarchic power is becoming more entrenched in state power. keywords: case; constitutions; feminist; honduras; hyperlink; latin; law; legal; movements; new; oligarchic; power; rule; social; state; wikileaks cache: fl-15.doc plain text: fl-15.txt item: #40 of 150 id: fl-16 author: None title: fl-16 date: None words: 319 flesch: 54 summary: Has an orientation towards a future feminist ideal been productive in feminist legal scholarship and activism? What do such insights mean for feminist legal studies? keywords: douglas; law; reflection; stacy; time; vimeo cache: fl-16.htm plain text: fl-16.txt item: #41 of 150 id: fl-17 author: Toni Johnson title: Beyond Accommodation date: 2011-05-01 words: 2594 flesch: 38 summary: For Cornell language is far from neutral. � Cornell (1991) 86. � Cornell (1991) 141-2; Cornell (1998) 60. keywords: accommodation; analysis; cornell; deconstruction; domain; drucilla; equality; ethical; feminism; freedom; future; gender; heart; identity; imaginary; imaginary domain; intimate; journal; justice; language; law; legal; new; personhood; relationships; social; system; theoretical; theory; thinking; way; women cache: fl-17.doc plain text: fl-17.txt item: #42 of 150 id: fl-170 author: None title: Conaghan audio date: None words: 385 flesch: 41 summary: Located within a broader policy context of growing concern over the low rate of convictions for rape cases and set against a backdrop of substantial reform of rape law, not just in England and Wales but around the globe, the police handling of rape investigations has attracted repeated criticism and public scrutiny. Looking beyond the UK, it is clear that both tort and human rights arguments have been successfully invoked to redress systemic and operational problems pertaining to the police conduct of rape investigations. keywords: civil; conaghan; context; investigations; law; liability; police; rape cache: fl-170.htm plain text: fl-170.txt item: #43 of 150 id: fl-171 author: None title: Ellison et al audio date: None words: 326 flesch: 40 summary: Katrin Hohl is a Lecturer in Criminology at City University London, UK. Our analysis of this snapshot of Metropolitan Police rape reporting suggests that a significant number of rape complainants have recorded PSDs, and that these complainants are significantly more likely than those without recorded PSDs to experience additional, circumstantial vulnerabilities, including intellectual disability, alcohol and/or drug dependency, and repeat victimisation. keywords: complainants; ellison; email; paper; police; rape; university cache: fl-171.htm plain text: fl-171.txt item: #44 of 150 id: fl-18 author: Anna title: Feminism, Foucault, Agamben, and the New Universal Subject of Law date: 2011-05-04 words: 2330 flesch: 39 summary: On the other hand, one might add that the influence of Foucault on feminist jurisprudence and feminist legal theory has been much less pronounced, in spite of the obvious value of Foucault’s work for critical legal theory more generally. One probable reason for this is the uncanny resemblance of Foucault’s ‘sexless subject’ to the abstract sexless subject of law which feminist legal theory has been tirelessly critiquing since its inception (giving rise to feminist works with titles such as: “unspeakable subjects”, “the hidden gender of law”, “sexing the subject of law”, and so on). keywords: agamben; analysis; bare; biological; biopolitical; bodies; bodily; body; citizen; deutscher; exceptionality; female; feminist; foucault; gender; human; inversion; law; legal; life; limits; miller; political; reproductive; sex; state; subject; theory; womb; women; work cache: fl-18.doc plain text: fl-18.txt item: #45 of 150 id: fl-19 author: MARCELA ARROYAVE title: Lectura de Apoyo 9 date: 2011-04-28 words: 7467 flesch: 42 summary: 1- A communications procedure that allows individual women or groups of women to submit to the Committee claims of violations of the rights protected by the Convention. For example the reservation made by Morocco to Article 2 states “It should be noted that certain of the provisions contained in the Moroccan Code of Personal Status according women rights that differ from the rights conferred on men may not be infringed upon or abrogated because they derive primarily from the Islamic Shariah, which strives, among its other objectives, to strike a balance between the spouses in order to preserve the coherence of family life.” keywords: action; acts; article; assembly; basis; cedaw; cedaw committee; cedaw convention; certain; civil; committee; convention; definition; development; discrimination; discriminatory; economic; enjoyment; equality; force; forms; gender; general; human; human rights; important; instrument; international; jure; laws; level; means; measures; obligation; optional; parties; political; present; protocol; public; ratification; recommendations; reports; reservations; respect; rights; sex; sexual; social; specific; states; violations; women; world; years cache: fl-19.doc plain text: fl-19.txt item: #46 of 150 id: fl-20 author: Vasuki Nesiah title: fl-20 date: 2011-04-28 words: 1475 flesch: 36 summary: Similarly, if feminist legal research agendas are going to be intellectually robust and subversive of received truth claims, we may need to unpack the universalization of analytical prisms such as the public/private distinction and examine the conditions of their production.   If feminist legal research is to rediscover an intellectually and politically radical space it may need to interrogate its own claims.  keywords: agendas; contexts; crimes; feminist; gender; human; intellectual; international; interventions; journal; law; legal; political; priorities; private; public; research; rights; strategy; today; war; women cache: fl-20.doc plain text: fl-20.txt item: #47 of 150 id: fl-216 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 265 flesch: 49 summary: The author is a member of the Women's Court of Canada project, the first feminist judgment re-writing project internationally, and she also speaks to the potential value as well as challenges of feminist judgment writing. In doing so, it explores the proposal of Justice Fish, writing in dissent at the Supreme Court of Canada, that an appropriate balance might be that taken under s 75(2)(d) of the UK's Sexual Offences Act 2003, which creates a presumption against advance consent but not an absolute bar to arguing it. keywords: advance; feminist; judgment; law; sexual cache: fl-216.htm plain text: fl-216.txt item: #48 of 150 id: fl-236 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 249 flesch: 39 summary: It focuses on the robust peacekeeping mandates in the Security Council resolutions on the Protection of Civilians and on Women, Peace and Security to demonstrate how the Security Council's thematic resolutions are increasingly used to justify new modes of force. The lecture considers how Security Council authority and legitimacy gain traction through the deployment and development of normative provisions. keywords: gender; law; peacekeeping; protection; security cache: fl-236.htm plain text: fl-236.txt item: #49 of 150 id: fl-25 author: M.Mukherjee title: fl-25 date: 2011-11-07 words: 20968 flesch: 48 summary: Similarly, in Indian rape law, the woman raped is not the victim. Her personal harms are invalidated when it causes no corresponding harm to any man who holds sexual rights in her. keywords: absence; access; act; activism; adequate; age; air; alternative; anal; appropriate; arguments; article; body; case; chastity; child sexual; children; code; colonial; consensual; consensual sexual; consent; constitution; court; crime; criminal law; current; deal; decision; decisis; definition; delhi; different; dignity; domestic; equality; fact; favour; female; feminist; feminist judgment; finger; following; force; fundamental; fundamental rights; gender; girl; harms; high court; human; imprisonment; india; integrity; international; international law; interpretation; ipc; issue; judgment; judicial; judiciary; justice; kinds; law; law commission; laws; legal; legislature; life; long; man; marital rape; modern; modesty; narrow; nature; new; non; object; offences; order; original; para; particular; patriarchal; penal; penetration; penetrative sexual; penile penetration; penile rape; penis; person; personal; petitioner; possible; power; provisions; psv; public; punishment; purpose; rape; rape law; redress; relevant; report; respondents; review; rights; rule; said; sakshi; section; sexual; sexual abuse; sexual assault; sexual intercourse; sexual offences; sexual rights; sexual violence; social; society; special; state; statute; support; supreme court; term; time; understanding; union; unnatural; unnatural sexual; vaginal; victim; view; violation; way; women; words; writ; years cache: fl-25.docx plain text: fl-25.txt item: #50 of 150 id: fl-26 author: Dorota A. Gozdecka title: fl-26 date: 2012-06-18 words: 13866 flesch: 46 summary: [52: Projekt ustawy o ochronie genomu i embrionu ludzkiego oraz Polskiej Radzie Bioetycznej I zmianie innych ustaw, [Draft law on the protection of human genome and the Polish Bioethical Council and amendments of other laws], Druk 3467, 28 August 2009.] [53: Projekt ustawy o zmianie ustawy o pobieraniu, przechowywaniu i przeszczepianiu tkanek, komorek i narzadow, [Draft law amending the law on procurement, storing and transplanting of human cells, tissues and organs], Druk 3470, 28 August 2009 and Projekt ustawy o prawach i wolnosciach czlowieka w dziedzinie zastosowan biologii I medycyny oraz o utworzeniu keywords: abortion; absolute; access; area; article; aspects; assisted; ban; banning; battle; beliefs; bioethical; bodies; cambridge; case; catholic; catholic church; cells; cent; church; conception; concerns; conditions; conference; conscience; consensus; contra; control; council; couples; court; creation; debate; deliberation; democracy; democratic; directives; discussion; dominant; donation; draft; draft law; druk; e.g.; embryo; episcopate; equality; european; exclusion; experts; family; feminist; fertilisation; finnis; gametes; gender; good; gowin; group; health; human; human rights; ibid; infertility; influence; initiative; interests; international; ivf; journal; lack; law; legal; legislation; liberal; life; ludzkiego; majority; march; matters; medical; medicine; morality; mother; national; natural; natural law; new; non; note; ochronie; october; opinion; opposition; order; organisations; para; parliament; parliamentary; parties; party; piecha; poland; polarisation; polish; political; politicised; politics; poz; press; problems; procedure; procurement; projekt; proper; proposals; protection; provisions; public; regulation; religion; religious; reproductive; requirements; review; rights; role; social; society; statement; storage; strong; struggle; study; support; supra; supra note; testing; time; tissues; understanding; university; ustawy; values; vitro; voices; wing; women; years cache: fl-26.docx plain text: fl-26.txt item: #51 of 150 id: fl-27 author: William Barr title: - date: 2012-02-15 words: 4279 flesch: 43 summary: This transmission, centring around an emphasis on gender neutrality, encourages the invisibility of material operations of gender in the law and the discursive reinsertion of traditional gender stereotypes to the detriment of women as legal subjects. This sexual neutrality has evolved to assume the form of gender neutrality in the “post-equality” era. keywords: abortion; act; analysis; application; article; assault; constructions; contemporary; court; crimes; definition; discourse; domestic; echr; eds; equality; european; example; experience; family; feminist; gender; gendered; ireland; irish; issue; law; legal; legislative; life; london; male; material; narratives; neutrality; offence; office; penetration; policy; post; power; press; protection; rape; relations; sexual; sexuality; social; specific; subjects; theory; victims; violence; women cache: fl-27.doc plain text: fl-27.txt item: #52 of 150 id: fl-31 author: None title: fl-31 date: None words: 401 flesch: 27 summary: In 2002, Dean founded the Sylvia Rivera Law Project (, a non-profit law collective that provides free legal services to transgender, intersex and gender non-conforming people who are low-income and/or people of color. This paper looks at how social movements resisting intersectional state violence are formulating demands (like prison abolition and an end to immigration enforcement) that exceed the narrow confines of the discrimination principle and take administrative systems as adversaries in ways that pull the nation-state form itself into crisis. keywords: control; dean; discrimination; gender; law; legal; population; principle; race; spade; violence cache: fl-31.htm plain text: fl-31.txt item: #53 of 150 id: fl-32 author: lorenzo title: Response to Radhika date: 2012-01-06 words: 11778 flesch: 43 summary: Thus, they claim, the tendency towards the hegemony of biopolitical production requires that we deal with ‘the new conditions of the production of surplus value’ - as value production invests all realms of life exceeding the confines of formal work time (Ibid:137) - so as to be able to identify the new (post-Fordist) forms of exploitation. In this article I reflect on both arguments by way of a third point, that is, that we cannot fully appreciate the significance of the theories of the commons these authors articulate, and this is particularly the case with Negri’s work, without an understanding of their use of the concept of immaterial labour, a concept which has played a crucial role at least since the 1970s in Italian feminist debates. keywords: 1970s; account; activities; affective; alternative; analysis; argument; arrangements; article; body; capitalist; capitalist value; care; challenge; commons; connections; contribution; costa; current; dalla; debate; desai; different; distinction; division; domestic; economic; economy; exchange; fact; federici; feminist; feminist work; fordist; form; fortunati; hardt; human; immaterial; immaterial labour; important; instance; issue; italian; jobs; kind; knowledge; labour; labour theory; labour time; law; life; london; low; market; marx; means; measure; nature; necessary; necessary labour; negri; new; non; order; paper; particular; point; political; politics; possibility; post; potential; power; press; problematic; processes; production; program; project; public; question; radical; relationship; reproductive; second; sectors; services; social; society; sphere; state; system; theory; time; today; university; use; valorisation; value; value production; wage; wage labour; way; ways; wealth; women; work; workers; world cache: fl-32.docx plain text: fl-32.txt item: #54 of 150 id: fl-33 author: a non title: fl-33 date: 2012-01-06 words: 1129 flesch: 54 summary: The dining hall is located in a busy area of the university with a high amount of student foot traffic and is a regular spot for student meetings and group activities. This occupation came just three months after Kent students carried out a four-week occupation of the Senate Building that lasted over Christmas and New Year. keywords: available; commons; communism; concept; conversations; day; feminist; hardin; hardt; human; idea; kent; london; nature; negri; political; public; return; student; university; vol; workshop; žižek cache: fl-33.doc plain text: fl-33.txt item: #55 of 150 id: fl-34 author: Desai, Radhika title: The New Communists of the Commons: 21st Century Proudhonists date: 2012-01-11 words: 13494 flesch: 46 summary: So not only are we clear that for Marx capital, fixed or otherwise, can occur only under capitalist conditions but also that it is precisely a characteristic of ‘modern economists’ and their apologia for capital that they confound the difference between stored-up past labour and capital. In a few compressed paragraphs he traced the transformation of the feudal absolutist state into an instrument of capitalist class domination (Marx 1871/1974, 206-8) before going on to describe the measures through which the Commune, during its all-too-short life, began converting it into an instrument of workers’ power: ‘the suppression of the standing army, and the substitution for it of the armed people’; the merging executive and legislative power; the enforcement of accountability on the police; public service at workmen’s wages; education and science freed from state and Church influence and provided free; among others. keywords: 2010; abolition; account; appropriation; badiou; basis; bourgeois; capital; capitalism; capitalist production; case; central; century; civil; class; cognitive; commodities; commodity; commodity production; commons; commune; communism; conception; conditions; conference; contemporary; creative; crisis; critique; cultural; decades; democracy; democratic; desai; development; dictatorship; direct; economic; economy; end; engels; financial; forms; free; general; good; hand; hardt; historical; history; human; idea; instrument; intellectual; interests; knowledge; labour; large; law; left; liberal; little; london; long; longer; market; marx; marxism; material; means; nature; necessary; negri; neoliberal; new; new communists; order; organization; paris; party; past; people; petty; philosophy; political; politics; poulantzas; power; private; private property; privatization; production; profit; proletariat; property; proudhon; proudhonism; public; question; radhika; radical; reforms; relations; rent; revolution; revolutionary; right; scale; self; slavoj; social; socialism; society; state; surplus; things; time; true; university; use; value; wage; war; way; workers; working; world; žižek cache: fl-34.pdf plain text: fl-34.txt item: #56 of 150 id: fl-37 author: Margaret Davies title: fl-37 date: 2012-10-03 words: 8054 flesch: 49 summary: And once again, there can be a startling lack of legal clarity over both the things which can be the subject of property rights, and what property means in essence. Concluding Thoughts Generally therefore, recent scholarship has seen the development of a more complex notion of the person as well as a greater emphasis upon the community and environmental imperatives underlying the definition of property rights. keywords: beings; body; cambridge; case; commons; communities; community; concept; connected; connection; context; copyright; cultural; davies; different; discourse; domain; eds; end; environmental; everyday; extensive; fact; form; frow; global; gray; heritage; human; idea; image; individual; instance; interests; john; journal; land; law; lawyers; legal; legal person; license; locke; meaning; means; naffine; natural; nedelsky; new; notion; objects; ostrom; oup; ownership; oxford; people; person; personal; physical; point; political; possible; power; press; private; property; property law; public; relationships; resources; review; rights; second; self; sense; slavery; social; state; statement; status; stewardship; subject; terms; things; time; university; use; value; ways; work; years cache: fl-37.docx plain text: fl-37.txt item: #57 of 150 id: fl-4 author: Doris Buss title: FLS-Open Access Pilot Issue date: 2011-04-19 words: 1123 flesch: 46 summary: For feminist legal studies, this contestation over the very doing of feminist research will be felt most immediately in the field of human rights. There is a need for feminist research exploring the (small) spaces where women’s lives are shaped by the ‘large’ geopolitical developments that dominate newspaper headlines. keywords: conflict; current; day; equality; feminist; funding; global; issues; legal; lives; place; political; research; sexual; state; studies; violence; women cache: fl-4.doc plain text: fl-4.txt item: #58 of 150 id: fl-40 author: Kate Bedford title: fl-40 date: 2012-05-25 words: 339 flesch: 39 summary: [2: See Honduras Action Monitor, Honduras Feminists in Resistance, 2009. This issue is pressing not only for Honduras, but also for a range of other countries in the region undergoing constitutional reform processes that seek to involve social movement actors and achieve substantive, transformative political change. keywords: coup; democracy; feminists@law; honduras; resistance; substantive; zelaya cache: fl-40.docx plain text: fl-40.txt item: #59 of 150 id: fl-405 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 293 flesch: 45 summary: Drawing on appellate case law from Australia, UK, US, and the EU, my paper will disturb how fear stifles the recognition of queer identity, intimacy, and injury. Often formulated under the rubric of a “particular social group,” the extent to which queer refugees have been granted protection has been contingent on whether they subscribe to normative ideas of intimacy, identity, and injury. keywords: asylum; claims; fear; gender; identity; queer; sexual cache: fl-405.htm plain text: fl-405.txt item: #60 of 150 id: fl-41 author: Breny Mendoza title: THE NEO-CONSTITUTIONALISM OF THE LATIN AMERICAN LEFT: THE CASE OF THE RESISTANCE FRONT OF HONDURAS date: 2012-05-25 words: 6143 flesch: 45 summary: I suspect, though, that the Constitution, being primarily a legal document, is attributed social powers that it probably is not able to deliver. Of course, it is still too early to say anything definitive about the resistance movement in relation to its internal dynamics and its political project (it is very much still under construction), as well as about its potential to enact similar transformations to those achieved by other social movements in South America. keywords: america; anti; assembly; bloc; case; change; class; coloniality; community; concept; constitution; contradictions; counterhegemonic; countries; coup; decolonial; external; face; feminists; form; gender; honduras; important; indigenous; internal; irreconcilable; latin; law; left; legal; level; life; like; mendoza; military; movement; national; new; new constitution; oligarchic; people; place; point; political; politics; popular; power; process; region; resistance; resistance movement; right; sense; social; social movements; society; state; strategy; struggle; turn; venezuela; view; way; women; words; writing cache: fl-41.docx plain text: fl-41.txt item: #61 of 150 id: fl-42 author: catherine walsh title: fl-42 date: 2012-05-28 words: 3009 flesch: 45 summary: That is, projects in which social movements do not become the State (thus losing their essence and agency as social movements), nor are eliminated by the State (as Ecuador is endeavoring to do), but are instead active participants in pushing what Breny refers to as “political methodologies.” The criminalization of social protest, the naming of the feminist ecological and the indigenous movements as “infantile”, the arrest of over 200 indigenous leaders under charges of State terrorism and sabotage, and the legal claims of verbal defamation and assault made by the president against critics, are illustrative. keywords: america; assemblies; assembly; bolivia; breny; change; charter; constituent; constitutionalism; constitutions; correa; decolonial; ecuador; ecuadorian; gordon; honduras; hope; indigenous; latin; law; left; master; mendoza; movements; neo; new; political; politics; power; practice; present; president; process; processes; project; push; rights; sense; social; state; strategy; tools; transformation; walsh; western cache: fl-42.docx plain text: fl-42.txt item: #62 of 150 id: fl-425 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 364 flesch: 45 summary: In the context of increasing reliance by asylum seekers and refugees on the European Court of Human Rights (‘the Court’) as a protection mechanism against return to ill-treatment, torture and persecution, examination of the Court’s approach is essential. The paper considers the extent to which International Human Rights Law as interpreted by the Court responds to the international protection needs of those at risk of gender-based violence. keywords: cases; court; gender; human; protection; violence; women cache: fl-425.htm plain text: fl-425.txt item: #63 of 150 id: fl-43 author: AMY LIND title: fl-43 date: 2012-05-25 words: 2679 flesch: 36 summary: Like in Honduras, in countries that have shifted to the left at the state level (e.g., Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela), many activists and critical scholars have pointed out the multiple processes taking place simultaneously, and as part of this, the ongoing contradictions among the goals of social movements and those of socialist states. As I have followed the debates within social movements and in the constitutional assembly process, a few key disjunctures stand out, including the following: (1) the well-known disjuncture between the turn to the left and the decolonial turn; (2) a lack of analysis of the governance of intimacy (Lind 2010a) and biopolitics in both leftist and decolonial accounts of “another world”; and (3) decolonial vs. liberal challenges posed by activists in the remaking of Latin American nations. keywords: activists; administration; alternative; american; communities; constitution; correa; decolonial; development; ecuador; emphasis; example; family; forms; gender; global; governance; indigenous; intimacy; intimate; latin; left; life; lind; modern; modernities; movements; neoliberal; new; political; post; press; rights; scholars; social; state; studies; turn; world cache: fl-43.docx plain text: fl-43.txt item: #64 of 150 id: fl-44 author: JULIETA LEMAITRE RIPOLL title: fl-44 date: 2012-05-28 words: 1572 flesch: 53 summary: In his work on civil wars Stathis Kalyvas (2006) argues persuasively that the violence of civil wars combines aggression against a political enemy with violence that is nurtured under much more familiar circumstances. But they do limit the available choices, and generally exclude political violence, and often personal violence, as one of them. keywords: available; best; choices; circumstances; civil; class; course; fact; historical; individuals; law; life; ordinary; people; political; possibility; process; processes; qualities; violence; war; wars cache: fl-44.docx plain text: fl-44.txt item: #65 of 150 id: fl-45 author: Breny Mendoza title: fl-45 date: 2012-06-19 words: 2873 flesch: 52 summary: It can make use of the judicial machinery to quell any controversial political problem that threatens the matters of State power. In contrast to South America, a region that allegedly now expands civil liberties for its citizens as with the new constitutions of Ecuador and Bolivia, the US State manipulates, breaks, or disregards internal and international law with little accountability from inside and excessive military deployment outside its borders. keywords: best; bolivia; colonial; colony; concept; constitution; country; ecuador; form; good; hobbesian; honduras; law; legal; legalism; lemaitre; life; lind; maguire; military; modern; moment; moral; new; place; political; politics; postlegality; power; predators; process; right; rules; state; state form; strategic; terror; violence; walsh; war cache: fl-45.docx plain text: fl-45.txt item: #66 of 150 id: fl-46 author: Kate Bedford title: fl-46 date: 2012-05-25 words: 743 flesch: 37 summary: Catherine Walsh is Professor and Director of the doctoral program in Latin American Cultural Studies at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar in Quito, Ecuador. She has published a book in Spanish on the Honduran feminist movement, Sintiéndose mujer, pensándose (Editorial Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 1996); and she is co-editor of Rethinking Latin American Feminisms (Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University, Volume 5, 2000). keywords: american; andes; ecuador; feminisms; gender; latin; law; legal; los; professor; program; research; rights; sexual; social; state; studies; university; walsh; women cache: fl-46.docx plain text: fl-46.txt item: #67 of 150 id: fl-47 author: None title: fl-47 date: None words: 195 flesch: 30 summary: In the first lecture, Antonella Picchio draws on classical political economy to explore the present capitalist tension between production, rent and profit on the one hand and social reproduction on the other. Antonella Picchio, 'Social Reproduction of Human Beings: A Feminist Perspective' feminists@law is pleased to launch the first in a series of online guest lectures that trace the (dis)continuities between the debate on immaterial labour and value which originated in Italy in the 1970s and the current debate on precarity/precariousness which has more recently emerged as a central concern of transnational feminist scholarship and activism (see 2007 special issue of Feminist Review). keywords: antonella; feminist; picchio; reproduction; social cache: fl-47.htm plain text: fl-47.txt item: #68 of 150 id: fl-49 author: None title: fl-49 date: None words: 72 flesch: 49 summary: Margaret Davies, 'Persons and Property' This is an audio recording of an Open Lecture given by Professor Margaret Davies, Leverhulme Visiting Fellow in the Kent Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, at the University of Kent on 18 January 2012. Margaret Davies Margaret Davies is a Professor of Law at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. keywords: davies; margaret cache: fl-49.htm plain text: fl-49.txt item: #69 of 150 id: fl-5 author: DEASS title: fl-5 date: 2011-05-04 words: 275 flesch: 54 summary: The capacity for human rights laws to redress power imbalance is the concern of my research. Human rights jurisprudence would have us believe that all people are accorded the same rights; there should be no discrimination on any grounds - including ethnicity, race and sex - against anybody. keywords: human; indigenous; power; rights; space cache: fl-5.doc plain text: fl-5.txt item: #70 of 150 id: fl-50 author: Margaret title: fl-50 date: 2012-07-21 words: 1138 flesch: 39 summary: It instead lies in its promoting an understanding of specifics of the feminist engagement with and critique of Swedish gender equality law and policy through contributors’ discussions of major themes of western feminism - motherhood, labour, immigration, disability and sexual exploitation. The discursive space opened by the critical engagement with the history and current state of Swedish gender equality law and policy, should not be easily dismissed as either just another example of the same or as something of a curiosity, a place to meet a way of thinking from a different part of the world. keywords: approach; domestic; equality; feminist; gender; gender equality; gunnarsson; law; legal; liberal; papers; society; state; svensson; sweden; swedish; violence; welfare; women cache: fl-50.docx plain text: fl-50.txt item: #71 of 150 id: fl-51 author: Eva-Maria Svensson title: 1 date: 2012-07-21 words: 9310 flesch: 48 summary: Finally, we will explore the changes to gender equality policy brought about by Sweden’s membership of the European Union; for example, the increasing focus on individual rights and anti-discrimination strategies coupled with the decreasing concern about the structural patterns of gender inequalities. A prominent characteristic of the Swedish model is truly the fact that gender equality policy is closely intertwined with the Swedish welfare state ideology. keywords: action; active; affirmative; anti; article; care; changes; children; citizenship; constitution; context; custody; discrimination; economic; eds; education; equality; equality policy; european; eva; family; fathers; focus; formal; gender; gender equality; general; government; grounds; gunnarsson; ideology; important; individual; integrity; issue; jämställdhet; labour; law; leave; legal; legislation; life; mainstreaming; maria; market; means; measures; model; mothers; neutral; nordic; objective; och; opportunities; parental; parents; plan; policies; policy; political; politics; power; principle; prohibition; prop; prostitution; purchase; pylkkänen; question; quotas; reform; regulation; report; responsibility; rights; self; services; sex; sex equality; sexual; skr; social; society; sou; specific; state; structural; substantive; svensson; sweden; swedish; system; unequal; uppsala; violence; welfare; welfare state; women; work; working; åsa cache: fl-51.doc plain text: fl-51.txt item: #72 of 150 id: fl-52 author: Juridik title: Andreas Pettersson date: 2012-07-18 words: 6960 flesch: 42 summary: Another important characteristic is that entitlements to services and benefits are based on citizenship, such that the communitarian funding of social welfare reflects and reinforces the idea of social citizenship (Sainsbury 1996:31–32). Special transport services cater to the needs of people who, for certain reasons, cannot utilize general public transport. keywords: access; act; autonomy; benefits; boundaries; certain; citizenship; community; complex; context; criteria; cultural; daily; den; disabilities; disability; economic; eds; equal; example; feminist; fraser; freedom; general; government; gunnarsson; ideological; impairments; important; individual; justice; law; legal; life; lund; means; misrecognition; movement; nordic; normalities; normality; och; participation; people; persons; perspective; policy; political; power; principle; private; process; prop; public; recognition; redistribution; representation; research; rights; service state; services; social; social service; society; sou; special; special transport; state; status; svensson; swedish; swedish welfare; system; time; transport; transport services; understanding; vägverket; welfare; welfare state cache: fl-52.docx plain text: fl-52.txt item: #73 of 150 id: fl-53 author: Lena.Wennberg title: Constructions of Normality and the Boundaries of Social Citizenship – Solo Mothers in the Swedish Welfare Model date: 2012-07-20 words: 8028 flesch: 46 summary: European integration is not only reflected in the link between the labour market and social welfare but also in contemporary legal harmonisation exercises concerning family law in the Nordic countries and Europe. As I have explained above, the new discourse about social welfare reflects a more work- and choice-oriented and less redistributive approach. keywords: active; anti; benefits; care; children; choice; citizenship; concept; conditions; context; dependence; discourse; discrimination; dual; earner; economic; equality; european; exclusion; families; family; financial; gender; gender equality; general; government; group; gunnarsson; inclusion; individual; insurance; labour; law; legal; life; living; market; model; mothers; needs; new; nordic; notion; objective; och; opportunity; order; overall; parents; policies; policy; poverty; power; prop; protection; public; responsibility; rights; risk; security; sex; single; social; social citizenship; social insurance; social law; social rights; social security; social welfare; society; solo; solo mothers; sou; state; support; sweden; swedish; swedish welfare; system; time; unemployment; welfare; welfare model; welfare state; women; work cache: fl-53.doc plain text: fl-53.txt item: #74 of 150 id: fl-54 author: Umdac title: Företrädesrätt till återanställning date: 2012-07-16 words: 6905 flesch: 51 summary: In principle, the only restrictions are that the collective agreement must not be discriminatory, be intended to terminate unorganized employees employment, or go against good custom in the labour market. � In the EU, 34% of women employees work part-time compared to 7% of men; Fredman, “Women at Work: The Broken Promise of Flexicurity”, p. 302. keywords: com; committee; common; contracts; development; economy; employees; employer; employment; european; final; fixed; flexibility; flexicurity; fudge; gender; greater; individual; job; jobs; labour; labour market; law; learning; leave; legal; length; market; new; norms; och; order; owens; parental; permanent; precarious; principles; priority; protection; right; risk; rosemary; security; sepa; service; skills; social; society; statistics; sweden; swedish; temporary; term; time; women; work; workers; working cache: fl-54.doc plain text: fl-54.txt item: #75 of 150 id: fl-55 author: Your User Name title: Monica Burman date: 2012-07-11 words: 9738 flesch: 51 summary: Yet cases of male partner violence against minority women are less often successfully prosecuted by the police than cases of violence against women with a Swedish background and minority women report that they experience worse treatment from the police than Swedish women do (BRÅ 2008b). Vol 2, No 1 (2012) Immigrant women facing male partner violence – gender, race and power in Swedish alien and criminal law Monica Burman* Introduction The main concern of this article is the legal situation for women who have immigrated into Sweden to enter an intimate relationship with a man with rights of residence, but are subjected to violence by that man. keywords: 1999/2000:43; abused; abused women; acts; alien; alien law; board; brottsförebyggande; brå; burman; case; common; constructed; control; crime; criminal; criminal law; criteria; discourse; domestic; domestic violence; duration; eds; equality; evidence; example; female; feminist; för; gender; gill; government; human; immigrant; immigrant women; immigration; insecure; integrity; intimate; kvinnor; law; legal; main; male; male partner; man; national; new; och; order; origin; othering; partner; partner violence; permit; policy; politics; power; preparatory; problems; processes; prop; race; reform; relationship; report; residence; rights; risk; rule; rådet; situation; social; sou; special; specific; stockholm; strong; structures; sweden; swedish; system; victim; view; violence; violence rule; violent; way; ways; women; works cache: fl-55.doc plain text: fl-55.txt item: #76 of 150 id: fl-56 author: Juridik title: Persecution on Account of One’s Gender date: 2012-07-21 words: 10782 flesch: 51 summary: Accordingly, the ‘special’ character of migration law implies demands different from those usually required when providing for the ‘rule of law’; globalization and the threat of ‘illegal’ migrants seeking asylum being the key point, bringing with it restriction of refugee law while expanding refugee rhetoric. Refugees and refugee law are therefore now located at the centre of concern about illegal migration. keywords: abuse; account; act; aliens; analysis; area; article; asylum; basis; cambridge; case; changes; children; convention; countries; country; dauvergne; definition; determination; directive; domestic; eds; equality; family; feminist; gender; global; globalization; government; grounds; group; guidelines; international; intersectionality; investigation; journal; law; legislation; los; matters; membership; migration; migration law; new; november; och; particular; persecution; perspective; policy; preparatory; press; private; process; prop; protection; protocol; race; refugee; refugee law; refugee status; reyes; rights; rule; seekers; sexual; social; state; status; studies; sweden; swedish; unhcr; university; violence; women; work; world cache: fl-56.doc plain text: fl-56.txt item: #77 of 150 id: fl-58 author: Juridik title: “The Swedish case of trafficking date: 2012-08-21 words: 9061 flesch: 46 summary: Ethnicity was found to be an important factor in Swedish prostitution when marketing sexual services (Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare 2007). Kvinnors rättssubjektivitet, internationell rätt och diskurser om prostitution och trafficking, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala 2008 keywords: 1997/98:55; 2010:49; act; approach; authorities; bill; bill prop; board; buying; code; committee; communication; context; council; crime; criminalization; davidson; demand; department; efforts; equality; exploitation; för; gender; gender equality; global; government; government bill; health; holmström; human; individual; instance; international; issue; law; legislation; means; measures; människohandel; national; non; och; official; official swedish; order; o’connell; penal; permit; persons; police; position; power; preparatory; procuring; prop; prostitution; protocol; public; purchase; purchasing; purposes; radical; report; residence; rights; security; services; sexual; sexual services; skilbrei; skr; social; sou; specific; states; stockholm; support; sweden; swedish; terms; trafficked; trafficking; victims; view; violence; vol; welfare; women; work; workers; world cache: fl-58.doc plain text: fl-58.txt item: #78 of 150 id: fl-59 author: KLS Staff title: None date: 2012-10-04 words: 2406 flesch: 41 summary: Members also see journal access as a valuable benefit, and this helps to sustain membership levels. Under a ‘Gold Open Access’ regime, journal access would no longer constitute a membership benefit and correspondingly, membership numbers may decrease (thereby reducing revenues from membership fees as well). keywords: academic; access; activities; apcs; authors; available; cost; editorial; funding; gold; income; journals; likely; model; open; open access; publication; publishers; publishing; report; research; societies; subscription; support; universities; work cache: fl-59.doc plain text: fl-59.txt item: #79 of 150 id: fl-592 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 196 flesch: 43 summary: She notes that the book focuses on contracts concerning property in the person and in particular contracts within three institutions: employment, marriage and prostitution. She goes on to discuss several key features of the book, including the distinction made in chapter 2 between different historical forms of patriarchy, with the modern form of patriarchy being based on contract, in which sexual subordination is presented as voluntary. keywords: book; contract; pateman; sexual cache: fl-592.htm plain text: fl-592.txt item: #80 of 150 id: fl-593 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 245 flesch: 40 summary: Under neoliberalism, the entry of women into the labour market, the full commodification of women's work and increasing economic disparities between men have resulted in some women becoming 'honorary individuals', substantially autonomous of men, with the consequent disruption of both men's political and sexual domination of women. This process has, in turn, given rise to a violent, misogynist and antidemocratic backlash in the form of neopopulism, in which men who have lost out economically feel a sense of deprivation, blame women, and seek a return to earlier forms of patriarchal domination. keywords: contract; joan; sexual; tronto; women cache: fl-593.htm plain text: fl-593.txt item: #81 of 150 id: fl-594 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 338 flesch: 47 summary: This paper draws on Pateman’s articulation of the sexual contract to explain, and to navigate, the tensions inherent in the general law’s approach to property distribution between heterosexual intimate partners. It posits that the sexual contract at once establishes an equal place for women as owners of property in the liberal mould yet silences their claims for equitable distribution between them and their spouses. keywords: contract; distribution; intimate; law; property; sexual; women cache: fl-594.htm plain text: fl-594.txt item: #82 of 150 id: fl-595 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 538 flesch: 57 summary: In this paper, I argue that The Sexual Contract enriches our understanding of the lived experiences of twentieth century housewives like Mrs Blackwell by looking to the root causes of their oppression and finding them in the sexual contract underpinning marriage. These are the words of Goddard LJ in Blackwell v Blackwell [1943] 2 All ER 579, where it was held that Mrs Blackwell’s savings of one hundred pounds ten shillings in the Oxford and District Co-operative Society were the property of her husband, from whom Mrs Blackwell had been separated for two years. keywords: blackwell; contract; husband; law; married; mrs; paper; sexual; women cache: fl-595.htm plain text: fl-595.txt item: #83 of 150 id: fl-597 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 361 flesch: 46 summary: Building on Pateman’s insights into the construction of the family and marriage in political thought, the paper shows how law and legal thought contributed to the disaggregation of work and family life, and constructed (in place of the household) a legal conception of the private family that revolved around the married couple. This paper is an historical study of the dissolution of the productive household in (primarily) nineteenth-century English law and legal thought. keywords: contract; family; household; law; legal; marriage; paper; thought cache: fl-597.htm plain text: fl-597.txt item: #84 of 150 id: fl-6 author: Pamago title: what research and/or political issues are currently important for feminist legal studies from your perspective, and what issues you think feminist legal studies needs to address in the future date: 2011-04-21 words: 926 flesch: 35 summary: At the regional level, Article 4 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa requires all State Parties to enact and enforce law to prohibit violence against women. Low literacy among African women breeds low self-esteem and an inability to effectively challenge patriarchy. keywords: africa; feminists@law; focus; gender; ghana; important; international; issues; legal; needs; rights; significant; violence; women; world cache: fl-6.doc plain text: fl-6.txt item: #85 of 150 id: fl-60 author: Natasha Mauthner title: fl-60 date: 2012-09-24 words: 11212 flesch: 42 summary: Research data as a common resource Emergence of the idea that research data are a common resource The notion of treating research data as a common and indeed global resource appears to date back to at least the 1950s, when it was institutionally established through the formation of World Data Centers (particularly in the geophysical sciences) designed to minimise the risk of data loss and maximise data access (Shapley and Hart 1982). Research data are therefore being defined as public resources, public property, and public outputs of research: “research data will increasingly be the starting point for new research as well as a key output” (UKRDS 2009: 1; see also CARL 2009: 4). keywords: access; agencies; agential; archive; arzberger; assumed; available; barad; case; common; common resource; consent; constitutive; context; council; data; data sharing; datasets; different; digital; discursive; e.g.; economic; esrc; et al; ethical; exclusions; feminist; framework; funding; global; good; information; informed; inseparable; international; intra; issues; knowing; knowledge; labour; legal; making; material; matter; mauthner; meaning; metaphysical; moral; nature; new; notion; oecd; ontological; open; ownership; participants; particular; perspective; phenomena; policies; policy; political; possible; potential; power; practices; press; priori; producers; production; property; public; qualitative; question; realities; relationships; representational; research; research data; researchers; resource; responsibility; rights; science; scientific; sense; separate; sharing; social; specific; stories; study; terms; trust; understanding; universalism; university; use; world cache: fl-60.docx plain text: fl-60.txt item: #86 of 150 id: fl-600 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 489 flesch: 56 summary: Reports of elder abuse by paid care workers have risen, in concert with the UK’s rampant privatisation of social care provision and increased public concern. In this paper, I explore the criminalisation of care workers in relation to elder abuse. keywords: abuse; care; contract; employment; paper; sexual; work; workers cache: fl-600.htm plain text: fl-600.txt item: #87 of 150 id: fl-601 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 473 flesch: 48 summary: This relationship between prostitution and domestic service is highlighted by researchers taking the ‘sex work position’ on prostitution (Jeffreys, 2009), but such approaches hardly recognise relations of domination among the sexes. On the other hand, researchers taking an abolitionist position on prostitution, who do recognise relations of domination among the sexes, tend to ignore or deny the existence of any link between prostitution and domestic service. keywords: contract; domestic; paper; prostitution; relationship; service; sex; sexual; women; work cache: fl-601.htm plain text: fl-601.txt item: #88 of 150 id: fl-602 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 349 flesch: 38 summary: India banned surrogacy on reported deaths of surrogate mothers and egg donors, custody battles for children, abandonment of disabled and undesired children and exploitation of women, apart from trafficking for surrogacy. The illegal chain of networks trafficking young girls from poor localities in India for prostitution and domestic work has also been used for surrogacy. keywords: alienation; book; contract; paper; reproductive; sexual; surrogacy; surrogate; trafficking cache: fl-602.htm plain text: fl-602.txt item: #89 of 150 id: fl-604 author: None title: Untitled Document date: None words: 320 flesch: 44 summary: The central principles of the regulation of surrogacy in the UK are set out in the Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985; s.1A states that surrogacy arrangements are unenforceable and s.2 prohibits commercial surrogacy. Thus, this paper argues that this absence of contemporary consideration of the contractual nature of surrogacy arrangements reflects the disregarding of the sexual contract that Pateman identified 30 years ago.   keywords: absence; contract; judicial; paper; sexual; surrogacy cache: fl-604.htm plain text: fl-604.txt item: #90 of 150 id: fl-63 author: Judy Fudge User title: fl-63 date: 2013-01-18 words: 7052 flesch: 45 summary: A key problem with mounting a challenge to policies that roll back equality laws is that feminism’s demand for equality has lost its emancipatory edge.[footnoteRef:68] Equality for women workers is not enough since such claims are compatible with the rampant commodification of care, increasing polarization amongst women, and increasing inequality for men. [footnoteRef:49] Since it is mostly women who assume the family roles of migrant women, there is a growing need for reconciliation policies in the South.[footnoteRef:50] keywords: act; anti; approach; austerity; balance; canada; canadian; capitalism; care; cent; challenge; convention; countries; crisis; different; difficult; discourse; discrimination; division; domestic; economic; eds; employment; equality; family; female; feminism; formal; fudge; gender; gendered; global; government; human; ibid; ilo; increase; individual; international; january; jobs; journal; justice; labour; labour market; law; legal; life; likely; long; male; market; married; migrant; narrative; need; new; norms; order; pay; policies; policy; political; practices; press; problem; public; relations; relationship; report; reproduction; rights; rubery; second; sector; service; sheppard; social; standards; state; status; supra; systemic; time; university; unpaid; women; work; workers; working cache: fl-63.docx plain text: fl-63.txt item: #91 of 150 id: fl-64 author: None title: fl-64 date: None words: 92 flesch: 57 summary: Johanna Oksala, 'In Defence of Experience' This is an audio recording of a seminar given by Dr Johanna Oksala at the Kent Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Kent on 7 March 2013. Dr Oksala gives a brief introduction before commencing to read her paper. keywords: johanna; oksala cache: fl-64.htm plain text: fl-64.txt item: #92 of 150 id: fl-65 author: None title: fl-65 date: None words: 58 flesch: 60 summary: This is an audio recording of a seminar given by Professor Beverley Skeggs in the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent on 7 March 2013. Beverley Skeggs, 'Values Beyond Value? keywords: beverley cache: fl-65.htm plain text: fl-65.txt item: #93 of 150 id: fl-655 author: didi title: Davina Cooper date: 2019-03-25 words: 11410 flesch: 50 summary: As one organisation (Fair Play for Women) remarked, in response to the Scottish consultation on reforming procedures for gender transitioning, “Trans-ideology is the belief that the subjective concept of gender identity overrides the objective reality of bodily sex. [21: See Stonewall Scotland’s response to the Scottish consultation, which treats gender identity as part of the right to private and family life;; last accessed 29 February 2019.] keywords: accounts; approach; article; attuned; binary; britain; cambridge; categories; category; challenge; character; claim; clarke; class; common; conceptions; concepts; conceptual; conflict; consultation; contested; contexts; conventional; cooper; critical; critique; definition; derrida; determination; different; different gender; dimensions; discussion; divergent; diversity; domination; equality; february; female; feminine; feminist; forms; framework; future; gdiv; gdom; gender; gender identity; gendered; gra; grounds; harms; identities; identity; important; inquiry; instance; institutional; journal; language; law; legal; life; lines; london; man; masculine; material; meanings; means; movement; multiple; new; non; normative; notion; open; organisation; oriented; particular; people; philosophy; place; pluralism; plurality; policy; political; politics; power; prefiguration; present; press; processes; progressive; public; queer; question; real; recognition; reform; relation; relationship; response; right; scotland; scottish; second; self; sex; single; social; society; spaces; stable; state; status; struggle; studies; subject; terms; theory; thinking; time; transgender; transitioning; usages; use; utopian; value; violence; ways; wittgenstein; women; work cache: fl-655.docx plain text: fl-655.txt item: #94 of 150 id: fl-66 author: Rosemarie Seery title: PROJECT PROPOSAL date: 2013-05-05 words: 243 flesch: 70 summary: These will rotate between a series of different angles from a fallen perspective, set in different environments. To represent the various elements of the affects from the fall, the piece will consist of a number of different layers. keywords: different; fall; project; proposal cache: fl-66.docx plain text: fl-66.txt item: #95 of 150 id: fl-68 author: Brenna Bhandar title: fl-68 date: 2013-06-23 words: 2961 flesch: 44 summary: As Patricia Hill Collins has noted, Black women’s relationship to both paid labour and unpaid work in the home is significantly different from that of white women: A less developed but equally important theme concerns how Black women’s unpaid family labor is simultaneously confining and empowering for Black women. This means that the experiences of black women, Asian women (and, in other contexts, indigenous women) are erased or suppressed by the theories and politics of left feminisms. keywords: account; analysis; anti; black; capitalism; class; colonialism; colour; experiences; federici; feminist; fraser; gender; home; important; issues; james; labour; left; london; marxist; need; oppression; political; politics; problem; race; racism; radical; scholarship; sexuality; socialist; state; thought; ways; white; women; work; years cache: fl-68.doc plain text: fl-68.txt item: #96 of 150 id: fl-69 author: None title: fl-69 date: None words: 155 flesch: 26 summary: Karma Chavez, 'Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities' This is an audio recording of a lecture given by Dr Karma Chavez in the Kent Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Kent on 17 June 2013. Her book, titled Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities, will be out with University of Illinois Press in the fall of 2013. keywords: chavez; migration; politics; queer cache: fl-69.htm plain text: fl-69.txt item: #97 of 150 id: fl-7 author: Osgoode Hall Law School title: WHAT’S FEMINIST ABOUT OPEN ACCESS date: 2011-04-19 words: 10800 flesch: 34 summary: Open access law journals have a unique role to play in hosting such dialogues, highlighting the limits of intellectual property frameworks and their disempowering effects for the relational practices of creativity and authorship that characterize the way digital technologies might ideally function in human worlds of sociality. Feminist legal theory and open access movements are approached generally in order to highlight their points of intersection, which is not to deny the more nuanced dimensions of these critical movements. keywords: academic; access; access movement; alternative; author; authorship; autonomy; capacity; central; challenge; communication; communities; community; conceptions; contemporary; control; copyright; copyright law; creation; creative; creativity; critical; critique; cultural; culture; development; dialogic; dialogue; digital; domain; dominant; economic; exchange; existence; expression; feminist; forms; free; gender; human; ibid; individual; individualism; individuated; information; intellectual; intellectual property; internet; journals; kelty; knowledge; law; laws; legal; liberal; model; modern; movement; narrative; nature; nedelsky; new; note; online; open; open access; original; originality; ownership; oxford; paradigm; particular; perspective; philosophy; place; political; potential; power; practices; press; process; property; proprietary; public; publication; publishing; relational; relational feminist; relationships; rev; rights; role; scholarship; self; social; society; software; source; structures; support; supra; technological; technologies; technology; terms; texts; theory; traditional; university; use; way; ways; women; works; world; york cache: fl-7.doc plain text: fl-7.txt item: #98 of 150 id: fl-70 author: None title: fl-70 date: None words: 103 flesch: 67 summary: feminists@law, Vol.3, No.1 (2013) Nicola Barker and Daniel Monk, Discussion of 'Not the Marrying Kind' Daniel Monk is a Reader in the School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London. keywords: barker; nicola cache: fl-70.htm plain text: fl-70.txt item: #99 of 150 id: fl-71 author: None title: fl-71 date: None words: 85 flesch: 44 summary: feminists@law, Vol.3, No.1 (2013) Rosemary Auchmuty, 'With Dissolution Comes Revelation: Civil Partners Discover the Economic Basis of Marriage' Rosemary Auchmuty is a Professor of Law at the University of Reading. keywords: auchmuty; rosemary cache: fl-71.htm plain text: fl-71.txt item: #100 of 150 id: fl-72 author: None title: fl-72 date: None words: 107 flesch: 43 summary: In it, she builds on the approach developed in her recent monograph, Gender, Law and Justice in a Global Market (Cambridge University Press, 2011) to argue that feminist legal scholarship has a valuable contribution to make to global value chain analysis. Ann Stewart is an Associate Professor and Reader in Law at the University of Warwick. keywords: law; stewart; university cache: fl-72.htm plain text: fl-72.txt item: #101 of 150 id: fl-73 author: None title: fl-73 date: None words: 123 flesch: 53 summary: The paper argues that government policy on balancing work and family lives needs to move away from its focus on traditional male breadwinner and dual breadwinner families to embrace a wider understanding of the family. The conference theme was organised by the Families and Work Network (FAWN), and further information can be found on the FAWN website. keywords: families; michelle; work cache: fl-73.htm plain text: fl-73.txt item: #102 of 150 id: fl-74 author: None title: fl-74 date: None words: 129 flesch: 52 summary: Dr Emily Grabham is a Senior Lecturer in the Kent Law School, University of Kent. feminists@law, Vol.3, No.1 (2013) Emily Grabham, 'Passing the Buck: Unpaid Care, Precarious Work and the Children and Families Bill 2013' keywords: emily; families; work cache: fl-74.htm plain text: fl-74.txt item: #103 of 150 id: fl-75 author: None title: fl-75 date: None words: 141 flesch: 64 summary: Dr Laura Fantone is a Lecturer in Gender and Women's Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. feminists@law, Vol.3, No.2 (2013) Laura Fantone, 'Gender and Precarity in Contemporary Italy: Labour, Value and Social Reproduction' keywords: audio; file; lecture cache: fl-75.htm plain text: fl-75.txt item: #104 of 150 id: fl-76 author: Lucy Welsh title: BOOK REVIEW date: 2013-09-12 words: 1334 flesch: 54 summary: Again, however, Bourdieu assumes passivity on the part of those subject to the inevitability of neo-liberal theory and practice. One begins to wonder if, rather than highlighting the effects of so-called neo-liberal policies as happens here, a wholesale review of the very assumptions made about what characterises neo-liberal practice is required. keywords: advanced; analysis; book; bourdieu; class; john; liberal; liberalism; loïc; marginality; measor; neo; practices; press; resistance; social; squires; state; wacquant; work cache: fl-76.doc plain text: fl-76.txt item: #105 of 150 id: fl-77 author: Jeremy Bradley title: fl-77 date: 2013-09-12 words: 3371 flesch: 59 summary: This reversal in treatment of violent offenders can potentially disrupt the ominous message inherent in Claudia Card’s statement on Wuornos’ sentencing: ‘The message to other women is clear: violent women are abnormal, criminal, and will not be tolerated. But rather than focusing on the gender and occupation of Jack’s victims (women prostitutes), Downing suggests that a focus on the gender of the murderer is more important to elucidating the social dynamics. keywords: act; book; bradley; brady; case; crimes; criminal; discourse; downing; female; feminist; gender; hindley; identity; important; jeremy; journal; killer; lacenaire; lafarge; lectures; legal; life; like; man; media; murderer; myra; narrative; nilsen; point; press; public; review; ses; sexuality; story; subject; sweeney; todd; victims; violence; violent; way; women; wuornos cache: fl-77.docx plain text: fl-77.txt item: #106 of 150 id: fl-78 author: Joanne Pearman title: fl-78 date: 2013-10-21 words: 1835 flesch: 51 summary: This is not to say that it is not of academic interest to serious historians concerned with murder cases of the 19th century. Other examples of these authorial asides are of some lengthy descriptions of other murder cases such as that of George Joseph Smith (page 123) and Jack the Ripper (page 165), and it is here that it is most apparent that this book may be intended for a non-specialist market that may not have direct knowledge of the cases and the issues that they raise. keywords: 19th; ann; baby; behaviour; book; case; century; contemporary; cotton; crimes; criminological; example; female; kelleher; killer; market; mary; murder; number; page; particular; serial; true; victorian; wilson cache: fl-78.docx plain text: fl-78.txt item: #107 of 150 id: fl-80 author: Sinead Ring title: fl-80 date: 2013-12-05 words: 5133 flesch: 62 summary: Hewson took Reece’s point about increased risk and went further, arguing that rape victims may have a moral responsibility for being raped. In relation to the argument that the public may blame all victims of crime, Temkin stressed that there is no research that shows that other victims are as consistently blamed in the way that rape victims are. keywords: academic; afzal; argument; article; attempt; attitudes; barbara; behaviour; blaming; crime; criminal; dangerous; debate; different; discourse; discussion; event; evidence; example; failure; feminist; helen; hewson; ideas; important; intellectual; issue; law; lse; media; myths; people; piece; platform; point; power; problematic; professor; public; questions; rape; reece; relation; report; research; response; responsibility; responsible; risk; sexual; social; statement; support; temkin; university; victims; views; women cache: fl-80.docx plain text: fl-80.txt item: #108 of 150 id: fl-82 author: Administrator title: fl-82 date: 2013-11-09 words: 1294 flesch: 44 summary: The central issue the author interrogates in the context of infant death is the construction of criminal responsibility – and specifically a mother’s criminal responsibility – in contemporary society, and what this construction reveals both about the cultural expectations of mothers and the truth-finding claims of the legal system. These inroads into reducing infant deaths also heightened pressure on paediatric forensic pathologists to produce better autopsy protocols and investigations into the increasingly rare death of an infant. keywords: author; book; case; child; children; court; cunliffe; death; expert; folbigg; hoyt; infant; kathleen; legal; literature; media; medical; medicine; mother; motherhood; murder; sids; system; testimony cache: fl-82.docx plain text: fl-82.txt item: #109 of 150 id: fl-83 author: Mehera San Roque title: fl-83 date: 2013-11-14 words: 13437 flesch: 44 summary: But further, because of the heavy reliance on expert evidence in the case against Folbigg, and as has been made explicit in recent coverage of the case, there are other connections—in particular there are aspects of the emerging crisis in the forensic sciences that can be mapped onto this case.[footnoteRef:5] [6: While these recent cases, particularly in New South Wales, have thrown into sharp relief problems with the forensic sciences more broadly, the most high profile Australian miscarriage of justice that sits ever present in the background is the Chamberlain case, a conviction based on, among other things, suspect and flawed expert evidence and accompanied by media/popular narratives that judged Chamberlain’s behaviour to be inconsistent with innocence. keywords: able; account; accused; admissibility; analysis; apparent; appeal; approach; attention; australian; baby; book; canning; case; children; clear; coincidence; conduct; conventional; conviction; court; criminal; critical; crown; crown case; day; deaths; defence; diaries; discourse; discussion; edmond; emma; evidence; evidence law; example; expert; expert evidence; fact; failure; family; father; feminist; folbigg; folbigg case; forensic; gary; gendered; gilham; guilt; hearing; herald; infant; inquiry; journal; judge; jury; justice; keli; lack; lane; law; legal; march; matthey; media; medical; medicine; morning; motherhood; mothering; multiple; murder; narratives; need; new; normative; nswcca; number; online; opinion; parents; particular; point; popular; present; principles; probative; process; prosecution; rarity; reading; reasoning; recent; related; relation; reliability; report; respect; response; review; rules; science; sense; significant; similarities; south; striking; sydney; tedeschi; tendency; terms; time; trial; uncertainty; university; value; wales; way; ways; woman; wood; work; worth cache: fl-83.docx plain text: fl-83.txt item: #110 of 150 id: fl-835 author: Aisling Swaine title: fl-835 date: 2019-09-28 words: 14914 flesch: 50 summary: The overarching structural condition in which women experience violence was identified as ‘giv[ing] a man power over her – even before he perpetrates direct violence against her’ (Cockburn, 2001,16) and providing the scaffolding for ever-present harms in their lives. The ‘extraction of everyday forms’ of VAW has, however, expelled the relevance of gender or broader social factors as causal to conflict violence (Gray, 2019, 190). keywords: 1999; 2001; 2014; 2015; 2017; abuse; access; actors; analysis; approach; armed; armed conflict; basis; bodies; case; cavr; children; commission; communities; community; complexity; conflict; conflict violence; connections; context; control; critical; crsv; crvaw; data; different; dili; distinctive; dobash; documentation; east; economic; eds; evidence; evident; example; experience; family; feminist; focus; forms; foundation; framework; gender; gendered; girls; harms; human; inclusive; indonesian; international; ipv; journal; justice; law; legal; leste; lives; marriage; members; militarised; military; militia; nations; need; new; non; normative; outside; paper; peace; percent; period; phase; policy; political; political violence; post; power; practices; pre; presence; press; private; process; processes; rape; reconciliation; related; relationship; report; research; resistance; respect; rights; roles; scholarship; settlements; sexual; sexual violence; sexualised; sexualised violence; social; societies; space; strategic; structural; studies; study; swaine; temporal; theory; time; timor; timorese; truth; understanding; united; university; vaw; violence; war; ways; women; york cache: fl-835.docx plain text: fl-835.txt item: #111 of 150 id: fl-84 author: Emma Cunliffe title: fl-84 date: 2013-11-09 words: 6187 flesch: 49 summary: In Australia, coincidence evidence against Tracey Phillips had been excluded by a NSW Supreme Court Judge, resulting in a withdrawal of charges,[footnoteRef:10] and charges had been laid against Carol Matthey for killing four children.[footnoteRef:11] Kathleen Folbigg had, of course, been convicted and sentenced for killing her four children. [15: I have written more about these concerns in Emma Cunliffe, “(This is not a) Story: Using Court Records to Explore Judicial Narratives in R. v. Kathleen Folbigg” (2007) keywords: academic; access; analysis; approach; attention; book; boyd; canada; cannings; cases; chapter; children; chunn; conclusions; court; coverage; craig; criminal; crown; darian; death; defence; difficult; dorothy; edmond; english; evidence; experience; expert; fact; family; feminist; folbigg; friends; important; institutional; justice; kathleen; law; legal; literature; media; medical; medicine; motherhood; mothers; murder; nsw; ontario; open; oxford; press; project; records; research; review; roque; royal; san; science; sense; smith; social; studies; susan; testimony; times; transcripts; trial; university; ways; women; work; writing cache: fl-84.docx plain text: fl-84.txt item: #112 of 150 id: fl-840 author: PAOLETTI Roberta title: fl-840 date: 2019-10-03 words: 17898 flesch: 38 summary: Also, recommendations addressed to Italy in 2011 by the UN Committee for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW – the international treaty of the same name was ratified by Italy in 1985) and in 2013 by UN Special Rapporteur Rashida Manjoo, cover professional training in the media, avoiding stereotypical representations of women and raising awareness about women’s rights as ways of combating male violence against women. Women first: anti-violence centres and feminist associations should be sought out and cited as primary sources of information, following their respectful methods of interacting with women who have suffered abuse. keywords: able; abortion; abuse; access; activities; anti; approach; areas; asylum; autonomy; awareness; basis; binary; bodies; cases; cavs; centres; certain; change; children; collective; combat; conditions; consent; control; convention; country; courses; criminal; crucial; culture; current; day; defence; demand; desires; differences; different; discrimination; domestic; domestic violence; economic; education; effective; emergency; empowerment; essential; experiences; exploitation; fact; family; female; feminist; fertility; financial; forms; free; freedom; funding; gender; gender violence; harassment; health; healthcare; housing; human; identity; important; individuals; institutions; issues; italian; italy; job; knowledge; labour; law; leave; legal; lgbt*qia+; life; lives; local; male; male violence; market; means; mechanisms; media; medical; methods; migrants; model; movement; national; nature; necessary; need; neoliberal; networks; new; non; obstetric; order; patriarchal; people; phenomenon; physical; places; plan; point; policies; political; power; practices; pregnancy; principles; process; programmes; protection; psychological; public; racist; recovery; reform; regard; relations; relationships; reproductive; residence; resistance; resources; right; role; school; security; self; services; set; sexism; sexual; shared; shelters; skills; social; society; solidarity; spaces; specific; structural; struggle; support; system; teachers; teaching; time; training; transfeminist; universal; universities; view; violence; violence centres; way; ways; welfare; women; work; workers; working; workplace; year cache: fl-840.docx plain text: fl-840.txt item: #113 of 150 id: fl-841 author: Rosemary Auchmuty title: fl-841 date: 2019-10-11 words: 2008 flesch: 58 summary: Though there have been other admirable examinations of the gendered nature of the law since this book appeared, notably Joanne Conaghan’s Law and Gender (OUP, 2013), Women and the Law remains indispensable for its clear and historically grounded account of the impact of our law on women and its analysis of how change comes about and how and why it is all too often hindered and resisted. What Women and the Law does is reveal the ways that the structural inequalities based on sex and the continuing injustices suffered by women continue to be maintained in spite of the legal ‘progress’ in every area of our lives. keywords: atkins; authors; biased; book; change; chapter; equality; feminist; hoggett; ibid; issues; law; legal; male; man; point; position; rights; rosemary; second; sexual; susan; time; women; work; years cache: fl-841.docx plain text: fl-841.txt item: #114 of 150 id: fl-849 author: Antonia Porter title: fl-849 date: 2019-10-26 words: 894 flesch: 29 summary: In chapter one, Goodmark briefly outlines the drawbacks of the state reliance on criminalization: the approach absolves the state from having to confront the underpinning structural arrangements that incubate the offending behaviour; it disproportionately and negatively impacts already marginalized women (‘women of color’, for example, are less likely to voluntarily engage the criminal justice system); incarceration reduces the life chances of the ex-prisoner and impacts on families, ‘deforming’ the lives of those connected to the prisoner (17); criminalization does little to prevent domestic violence and its huge costs still afford little protection to the intended beneficiaries. Writing from a distinctly US perspective, yet with resonances beyond the US, she starts by questioning the state’s primary response to domestic violence as crime. keywords: abuse; approach; book; chapter; community; criminal; domestic; goodmark; intimate; justice; law; modes; partner; reader; response; restorative; state; violence cache: fl-849.docx plain text: fl-849.txt item: #115 of 150 id: fl-85 author: None title: Genovese introduction date: None words: 83 flesch: 38 summary: Introduction: Feminist Jurisprudence and the Question of Home Anne Genovese The seminar 'Feminist Jurisprudence and the Question of Home', convened by Dr Ann Genovese, was held at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne on 6 September 2013, under the auspices of the Institute for International Law and the Humanities (ILAH). Anne Genovese is a Senior Lecturer in the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, Australia. keywords: genovese; melbourne cache: fl-85.htm plain text: fl-85.txt item: #116 of 150 id: fl-852 author: Harriet Samuels title: None date: 2020-05-04 words: 11714 flesch: 41 summary: For more detail see the discussion below ‘Planting Feminist Seeds: Intervening in the Public Conversation’ � Refuge, ‘The Archers and Refuge’ <� HYPERLINK ��> accessed 8 February 2020 � Serious Crime Act s 76 (1). The Guardian (London 20 July 2019) <� HYPERLINK �� > accessed 12 February 2020 � Reynolds (n 2) � David Challen@David Challen (21 July 2019) � HYPERLINK � accessed 12 February 2020 � William Smethurst, The Archers: The True Story (Michael O Mara Books 1996). keywords: able; abuse; activism; activists; actors; aid; ambridge; appeal; april; archers; audience; bbc; bbc radio; behaviour; benhabib; broadcast; campaigners; case; challen; change; characters; class; coercive; coercive control; control; conversation; court; criminal; cultural; culture; david; decision; defence; discursive; discussion; domestic; domestic abuse; domestic violence; drama; editor; education; effect; england; entertainment; events; example; family; february; feminist; fiction; fictional; framing; global; helen; history; home; hyperlink; ibid; ideas; influence; issues; justice; knowledge; law; legal; life; listeners; london; long; march; media; murder; narratives; nature; need; new; non; norms; opera; organisations; o’connor; place; plot; popular; power; press; prison; programme; psychological; public; publicity; radio; real; reform; refuge; relationship; review; rights; rob; rob story; running; sally; september; setting; sexual; smart; soap; social; social activists; story; storyline; support; television; time; titchener; trial; understandings; vaw; vaw activists; victims; village; violence; women; work; years cache: fl-852.doc plain text: fl-852.txt item: #117 of 150 id: fl-86 author: None title: Davies date: None words: 85 flesch: 47 summary: Margaret Davies is a Professor at Flinders Law School, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. Davies feminists@law, Vol 3, No 2 (2013) Home and State: Reflections on Metaphor and Practice Margaret Davies This is a recording of the presentation given by Margaret Davies at the seminar on 'Feminist Jurisprudence and the Question of Home', held at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne on 6 September 2013. keywords: davies; margaret cache: fl-86.htm plain text: fl-86.txt item: #118 of 150 id: fl-87 author: None title: Carr date: None words: 85 flesch: 59 summary: This is a recording of the paper given by Helen Carr at the seminar on 'Feminist Jurisprudence and the Question of Home' held at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne on 6 September 2013. Helen Carr is a Reader in Law at Kent Law School, University of Kent, UK. keywords: carr; law cache: fl-87.htm plain text: fl-87.txt item: #119 of 150 id: fl-872 author: Microsoft Office User title: fl-872 date: 2019-11-29 words: 17225 flesch: 55 summary: The paper proposes that if we consider an analogous area of criminal justice which has seen interpretations of the feminine strongly challenged, such as in rape trials, then we might learn from rape myth scholarship how better to analyse child death cases. By focussing on behavioural normativity and the deployment of fixed beliefs the article proposes a device based on the insights of rape myth scholarship with which to interrogate the behaviour evidence admitted in child death cases. keywords: admission; adverse; alarm; alcohol; ambulance; anthony; apnoea; appeal; assault; attention; attitudes; babies; baby; background; behaviour; behaviour evidence; beliefs; burt; cannings; care; cases; character; child; child death; children; clark; commission; common; complainant; coni; context; conviction; counsel; court; credibility; criminal; crown; cultural; death; defence; defendant; dependency; device; difficult; difficulties; ellison; evidence; ewca; example; expert; fact; false; family; female; feminist; fitzgerald; fixed; gap; gerger; guilty; health; help; henry; history; home; husband; ibid; ibid para; impact; infant; infanticide; information; interpretations; judge; judge lj; judgment; judicial; jurors; jury; justice; killing; krahé; language; later; law; legal; life; long; lonsway; maternal; maternal behaviour; mathew; meadow; medical; mental; mock; modern; monitor; mothering; mothers; murder; myths; natural; non; opinion; order; paper; para; parents; particular; people; police; possibility; possible; prejudicial; previous; probative; prosecution; proxy; question; rape; rape myths; records; redmayne; reece; relevance; report; research; result; rms; second; sexual; social; studies; sudden; supportive; syndrome; temkin; term; time; treatment; trial; true; use; verdict; way; women; work; wrong cache: fl-872.docx plain text: fl-872.txt item: #120 of 150 id: fl-88 author: None title: CHunter date: None words: 81 flesch: 57 summary: This is a recording of the paper given by Caroline Hunter at the seminar on 'Feminist Jurisprudence and the Question of Home' held at Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, on 6 September 2013. Caroline Hunter is a Professor at York Law School, University of York, UK. keywords: caroline; hunter cache: fl-88.htm plain text: fl-88.txt item: #121 of 150 id: fl-89 author: Ann Genovese title: fl-89 date: 2013-11-24 words: 1043 flesch: 36 summary: I will leave then the questions raised by the contents of the papers: the property and administrative law questions; the problems of law reform, and public housing; the very idea of the social - the idea of where Home sits as responsibility of and space for and by the polis, in Arendt’s terms; not to mention how we tell and account for home, and its pasts. They not only ask us to think about home conceptually and doctrinally as a lived experience of law, but in doing so, as Helen Carr says, they show a site and a way of acting with law that connects with the tradition of feminist praxis concerned with reimaging how we might live. keywords: different; experience; feminist; home; housing; important; jurisprudence; law; legal; papers; problems; state; theory; way; women cache: fl-89.docx plain text: fl-89.txt item: #122 of 150 id: fl-9 author: Margaret title: Feminism and the Idea of Law date: 2011-05-04 words: 3132 flesch: 46 summary: Law and the Subject The perspective I wish to reconsider is that of the positivist separation of law. Law as an abstract and fictional object might be separate from religious, moral, or social norms similarly abstracted from selves, but there is little sense in saying that law is experientially or existentially separate in any sense. keywords: abstract; alternative; concept; contexts; court; critical; davies; decisions; different; diversity; everyday; feminist; hart; hunter; idea; identity; image; interactions; judgments; judicial; law; legal; margaret; mcglynn; non; norms; perspective; point; positivist; possible; practice; project; rackley; rosemary; separation; set; social; subject; system; theory; understanding; view; women cache: fl-9.doc plain text: fl-9.txt item: #123 of 150 id: fl-90 author: Personal Computer title: None date: 2013-12-01 words: 14309 flesch: 54 summary: The Discursive Disappearance of Sexualised Violence: feminist law reform, judicial resistance, and neo-liberal sexual citizenship, in D. Chunn, S. Boyd and H. Lessard (eds.), Reaction and Resistance: Feminism, Law and Social Change. Law, or to be more precise, the theoretical and philosophical questions of law with which jurisprudence has concerned itself, does not however seem to have benefitted from such excavations. keywords: account; analysis; approach; authority; body; cambridge; cavarero; century; claims; classical; common; concept; cornell; critical; critics; critique; definition; difference; discourse; discussion; distinct; drakopoulou; eds; empirical; engagement; english; example; female; feminist; feminist jurisprudence; feminist law; feminist legal; form; gender; goodrich; harvard; history; human; identity; imaginings; inquiry; interest; irigaray; journal; jurisprudence; jurisprudential; jurists; kelley; knowledge; language; law; law journal; legal; life; london; long; mackinnon; method; nature; new; nineteenth; norms; notion; object; order; oxford; particular; philosophical; philosophy; phronesis; political; politics; positionality; positivism; power; practice; present; press; question; reality; reason; reflexivity; right; rise; roman; routledge; rules; scales; scholarship; schools; second; self; sexual; short; smart; social; society; specific; study; subject; techné; terms; theoretical; theory; thought; tradition; trope; true; truth; understanding; universal; university; university press; voice; way; wisdom; women; work; writings cache: fl-90.doc plain text: fl-90.txt item: #124 of 150 id: fl-913 author: Ohana, Natalie title: fl-913 date: 2020-04-09 words: 12304 flesch: 47 summary: My reading of the judgments shows the manners by which the courts’ domestic violence discourse developed in accordance with the a-priori/everyday dynamic. In this process of growing acknowledgement of the harm it inflicts in intimate relationships, coercive control is being inserted into existing discourses around domestic violence. keywords: abuse; accepted; acts; appeal; behaviour; bourdieu; butler; case; categories; change; civil; coercive control; court; different; discourse; domestic violence; dynamic; england; episodic; episodic violence; everyday; example; family; following; forms; foucault; foundation; habitus; hale; harm; hounslow; housing; impact; incidents; internalised; intimate; irigaray; judgments; knowledge production; lady; layer; legal; lens; lord; meaning; mechanism; new; non; order; perception; performative; physical violence; power; practice; priori knowledge; production; relationship; sense; separate; set; social; statements; term; theory; understanding; violence; violence discourse; violence harm; violent; wales; way; women; word; years; yemshaw cache: fl-913.docx plain text: fl-913.txt item: #125 of 150 id: fl-92 author: None title: fl-92 date: None words: 370 flesch: 45 summary: feminists@law, Vol 4, No 1 (2014) Gaia Giuliani, 'Black and White: History of Racial Identity in Italy' This is a video, with accompanying powerpoint slides, of a lecture given by Dr Gaia Giuliani at the Leeds Humanities Research Institute, University of Leeds, on 23 October 2013. Gaia Giuliani from donatella alessandrini on Vimeo. keywords: book; gaia; giuliani; history; lecture; leeds; political; race; studies; university cache: fl-92.htm plain text: fl-92.txt item: #126 of 150 id: fl-937 author: Cooper, Davina title: fl-937 date: 2020-10-23 words: 4252 flesch: 40 summary: This collection of articles and commentaries collectively explores critical and interdisciplinary approaches to the future of legal gender, but they do not take a single common path. Whilst there is now a very established and vibrant field of feminist legal research in Britain, social attitudes to legal gender are under-researched, as Peel and Newman point out. keywords: analysis; approaches; article; attitudes; bodies; britain; challenges; concerns; cooper; davina; decertification; different; discussion; equality; feminist; flag; formal; future; gender; gendered; grabham; implications; inequalities; issue; law; legal; making; newman; peel; people; personhood; political; politics; prefigurative; processes; project; proposal; public; questions; reform; relations; renz; research; responses; responsibility; schools; sex; single; social; special; state; status; subjects; time; work cache: fl-937.docx plain text: fl-937.txt item: #127 of 150 id: fl-938 author: didi title: fl-938 date: 2020-11-11 words: 14345 flesch: 47 summary: A strong version of decertification, in the case of sex/ gender, could lead state law to withdraw from providing remedies for discrimination, from collecting data on gender-based inequalities, and from allowing gender terms to publicly animate services, organisations, policy decisions, and so on.[footnoteRef:16] Rather than abolishing legal gender status, it involves diversifying gender categories to reflect (in more, or less, open ways) people’s own self-identifications. keywords: 2010; 2013; 2016; 2019; act; action; address; analysis; androcentric; approach; article; assessment; binary; birth; bodies; britain; british; care; case; categories; category; challenges; change; clarke; community; conaghan; concerns; context; cooper; critical; critics; data; decertification; different; discrimination; discussion; diversity; economic; effects; england; equality; experiences; female; feminist; flag; framework; gender; gender categories; gender identity; gender status; gendered; governance; government; groups; hines; human; identities; identity; important; inequalities; informalisation; instance; institutional; international; issue; journal; justice; law; legal; legal gender; live; meaning; need; neutral; new; non; norms; notion; organisations; oxford; parliamentary; peel; people; place; policy; political; politics; power; practice; privacy; problem; processes; project; proposal; provision; public; questions; race; reasons; recognition; reform; registration; relations; relationship; renz; representation; research; responses; review; rights; risk; routledge; second; self; services; set; sex; sex/ gender; sexuality; shape; single; social; societal; society; spaces; specific; sports; start; state; state law; status; strategies; structure; studies; subjects; terms; thread; time; trans; transgender; use; value; violence; wales; ways; wider; women; work cache: fl-938.docx plain text: fl-938.txt item: #128 of 150 id: fl-939 author: Ruth Fletcher title: fl-939 date: 2020-11-09 words: 2802 flesch: 51 summary: In reflecting on the work of gender transition as social reproduction, they make visible the work that members of the trans community do for each other, and for the world at large, in making transition liveable. The attachment to legal gender as birth status was not produced by feminism. keywords: adaptations; approach; binary; birth; book; cooper; decertification; different; everyday; feminist; fletcher; flexibility; fraser; gender; gendered; harms; kind; labour; legal; paper; point; politics; prefiguration; project; reproduction; sex; social; society; state; status; strike; transition; university; way; ways; withdrawal; women; work; working cache: fl-939.docx plain text: fl-939.txt item: #129 of 150 id: fl-94 author: Judy Fudge User title: /docProps/thumbnail.wmf date: 2014-05-02 words: 2555 flesch: 34 summary: She concludes by suggesting that the traditional model of labour law designed for the formal industrial sector needs to be reconceptualized, especially as the postcolonial Indian state re-engineers labour laws to make regulation more ‘flexible.’ The aspiration behind the special section and the GLLRN is to help to revitalize scholarship in labour law by infusing it with a robust feminist engagement with core concepts such as work, care, gender and social reproduction.[footnoteRef:3] keywords: approach; collection; contribution; eds; email; emily; employment; feminist; fudge; gender; gllrn; grabham; judy; kent; kent law; labour; labour law; law; legal; network; oxford; participants; race; regulation; relations; research; scholarship; school; section; sex; social; special; time; women; work; workshop cache: fl-94.docx plain text: fl-94.txt item: #130 of 150 id: fl-940 author: F R title: fl-940 date: 2020-11-09 words: 1875 flesch: 53 summary: Related to this is a second point about locating law reform projects as primarily directed at legislative reform placed in some future time. Let me merge this first observation with my second point about why we tend to locate law reform projects, as this project seems to have done, as primarily directed at legislative reform placed in some future time. keywords: african; case; constitution; feminist; gender; important; judgments; kenya; law; legal; legislative; point; prefigurative; project; range; reform; social; south; state; strategies; table; use; way; wider; women cache: fl-940.docx plain text: fl-940.txt item: #131 of 150 id: fl-941 author: F R title: fl-941 date: 2020-10-30 words: 10601 flesch: 55 summary: The article uses the example of single sex schools to consider two key questions regarding potential reforms in this area. [4: Although most schools could more accurately be described as “single-gender”, in the sense that they often prioritise students’ gender identity over their legal sex as registered on their birth certificate, I am using the term “single-sex” as this is the terminology primarily used by educators and policy experts in this area, although school policies tend to refer to “gender”.] keywords: act; approach; available; basis; binary; birth; boundaries; boys; case; challenge; changes; characteristic; commission; community; context; cooper; course; criteria; decision; different; discrimination; discussion; diverse; education; efforts; equality; equality act; ethos; exclusion; fact; female; feminist; formal; gender; gendered; girls; guidance; human; identity; important; inclusion; individual; instance; institutions; interviewee; issue; journal; law; legal; legal gender; like; likely; making; means; mixed; need; new; non; norms; number; paechter; particular; people; policies; policy; possible; potential; project; provision; public; pupils; questions; recognition; renz; research; rights; rules; schooling; schools; secondary; self; sense; services; set; setting; sex; sex education; sex schools; similar; single; social; spaces; specific; status; students; terms; time; trans; transgender; types; understanding; university; values; ways; wider; women cache: fl-941.docx plain text: fl-941.txt item: #132 of 150 id: fl-942 author: CQ title: fl-942 date: 2020-10-30 words: 1949 flesch: 56 summary: So perhaps girls’ schools have a benefit in empowering girls, but in looking at the full picture by including boys’ school, this single-sex focus might also translate into further entrenchment of gender norms, toxic masculinity, and the social and institutional fixity of binary gender. In terms of structural change, it is this that would be worth devoting attention to on a societal level in order to give us tools to combat transphobia and cissexism as well as general micro- and macro-aggressions built into any system or institution that is reliant, explicitly or implicitly, on binary gender – which is to say, every institution in one way or another. keywords: binary; birth; challenge; change; community; education; example; gender; girls; identity; institutions; law; legal; non; norms; paper; people; renz; schools; sex; single; spaces; students; trans; women cache: fl-942.docx plain text: fl-942.txt item: #133 of 150 id: fl-943 author: Microsoft Office User title: fl-943 date: 2020-10-30 words: 1855 flesch: 48 summary: We surveyed higher education students at all levels as well as staff who teach across the UK. While there are still administrative issues that they struggle to resolve for trans and non-binary students, there appears to be space for senior staff to engage relationally with students. keywords: binary; classroom; education; feminist; gender; higher; hooks; learning; need; non; people; renz; research; spaces; staff; students; teaching; trans; universities; university; work cache: fl-943.docx plain text: fl-943.txt item: #134 of 150 id: fl-945 author: Rosemary Hunter title: fl-945 date: 2020-11-01 words: 2611 flesch: 53 summary: Feminist research has for decades been premised on including marginalised voices and contesting the researcher/researched power relationships (for example, Smith 1988; In other words, they are often women with whom feminist research would seek to include and empower. keywords: attitudes; browne; contested; critical; data; debates; england; example; feminist; gender; insights; knowledge; legal; london; moss; newman; paper; participants; peel; questionnaire; research; researchers; responses; rights; routledge; sex; sexual; survey; terms; trans; ways; women cache: fl-945.docx plain text: fl-945.txt item: #135 of 150 id: fl-946 author: Hunter, Shona title: fl-946 date: 2020-10-31 words: 2497 flesch: 44 summary: What the shift to cisgenderism does is enable analysis to move on from claiming analogous relations between race, gender and sexuality and other forms of difference, to an analysis of the intersections that uphold white supremacy as the cultural dynamic fundamental to contemporary racial capitalism. This splintering between movements for social justice can only be resisted if the assumption of biological certainty upon which race, sex/gender (and other forms of social division) depend is put into question. keywords: 2019; analysis; anxious; biological; black; certainty; cisgenderism; cultural; culture; debate; defence; defensiveness; dynamic; example; experience; fear; form; gender; hunter; ideas; important; issue; london; nash; newman; peel; polarisation; power; public; question; race; racial; sex; social; survey; systemic; trans; university; way; whiteness; women cache: fl-946.docx plain text: fl-946.txt item: #136 of 150 id: fl-948 author: Sumi Madhok title: fl-948 date: 2020-11-02 words: 2018 flesch: 39 summary: If gender is political, intersectional, dynamic and located, then taking up responsibility for institutional gender is to produce an institutional response to dynamic intersectional gender relations that aligns with representational gender justice. And, while influential feminist texts have insightfully pointed to the difficulties of turning to the law for instituting gender justice and rights, it is also the case that gendered and sexual rights are fundamental to a life of liberty and dignity. keywords: black; collective; cooper; different; dynamic; feminist; freedom; gender; gendered; histories; institutional; institutional gender; intersectional; justice; life; political; politics; possibilities; power; public; relations; representational; representational justice; responsibility; scenes; struggles; subjects; women cache: fl-948.docx plain text: fl-948.txt item: #137 of 150 id: fl-949 author: Munro, Vanessa title: fl-949 date: 2020-11-10 words: 1480 flesch: 29 summary: They include – amongst other things – a responsibility to represent faithfully one’s unique experiences, create space for others to articulate alternative accounts, challenge institutions that inhibit recognition of those experiences, subvert scenes in which gender norms are staged and performed, demand resources to realise alternative scenes, or hold institutions to account for the visions of gender they endorse. As is ably demonstrated across this special issue, although it is not always a simple matter to do so, with contested questions remaining as to what precisely a demand for recognition entails, there is a compelling case in contemporary society for respecting personal experiences of gender identity in all their complexity. keywords: article; contemporary; contexts; cooper; experiences; feminist; frames; gender; gendered; identity; important; individual; institutions; life; personal; political; public; question; recognition; responsibility; social; ways cache: fl-949.docx plain text: fl-949.txt item: #138 of 150 id: fl-95 author: Ann title: fl-95 date: 2014-02-15 words: 689 flesch: 45 summary: This chapter appears in an edited collection which ‘focuses on intimate, embodied and sexualized labour in body work and sex work, exploring empirically and theoretically the labour process, workplace relations, regulation and resistance in some of the many work sites that together make up these types of work. Stewart Preface __________________________________________________________________________________ feminists@law Vol 4, No 1 (2014) __________________________________________________________________________________ Preface to ‘Legal Constructions of Body Work’ keywords: bodies; body; body work; chapter; cohen; labour; law; market; sex; work cache: fl-95.docx plain text: fl-95.txt item: #139 of 150 id: fl-950 author: Emily Grabham title: fl-950 date: 2020-11-19 words: 16108 flesch: 53 summary: Second, drawing on this research, the article explores what the Future of Legal Gender project might consider and do when drafting an experimental statute to decertify legal gender. The article concludes by setting out some issues, opportunities, and challenges that the project may face when drafting an experimental statute decertifying legal gender. keywords: 2016; act; approach; article; attention; basis; binary; change; col; construction; context; continued; cooper; counsel; current; debates; decertification; different; distinct; drafters; drafting; drafting techniques; effects; english; enright; example; experimental; expression; fawcett; feminine; feminist; feminist legal; focus; following; form; future; gender; gender neutral; gendered; gendering; government; grammar; guidance; history; inclusive; innovation; interpretation; interview; issue; judgments; language; later; law; legal; legal gender; legislative; legislative drafting; long; lord; making; male; masculine; means; need; neutral; neutral drafting; neutrality; new; non; norms; number; office; opc; parliamentary; particular; people; person; petersson; point; policy; political; politics; potential; power; practice; problem; project; pronouns; question; reference; reform; relation; research; revell; rule; scholars; second; section; sex; singular; social; specific; standard; status; statute; statutory; substance; system; technical; techniques; terms; text; things; time; usage; use; views; way; ways; welsh; wider; women; words; work; writing; xanthaki; zealand cache: fl-950.docx plain text: fl-950.txt item: #140 of 150 id: fl-951 author: Pottage,RA title: fl-951 date: 2020-11-05 words: 1737 flesch: 46 summary: Even if I am wrong in suggesting that the technique of legislative drafting originated with the technique of drafting settlements, even if the kinship is only analogical, the analogy illuminates one sense in which legislative drafting techniques ‘have helped usher in specific legal and textual formations with attached concepts and ontologies that have travelled far and combined with other long-lasting bureaucratic and wider social understandings of gender’ (Grabham, this issue). With legislative drafting in mind, what is relevant here is the implication of gender in grammatical technique. keywords: authorship; case; conditional; drafter; drafting; emily; future; gender; grammar; grammatical; legislative; locus; medium; power; pronouns; settlement; shadow; specified; strathern; substance; syntactical; techniques; textual; time cache: fl-951.docx plain text: fl-951.txt item: #141 of 150 id: fl-952 author: Helen.Xanthaki title: fl-952 date: 2020-11-05 words: 4508 flesch: 53 summary: In fact, one could argue that in the environment of a GIL statute book, gender specific language would have even more impact in drawing the users’ attention to the specific position of women in gender specific legislative texts. From the point of view of substantive law, gender inclusive legislation expresses to a fuller extent the constitutional principle of equality in the eyes of the law: everyone, not just men and women, is equal before the eyes of the law. keywords: act; approach; baden; better; choice; clarity; communication; counsel; drafter; drafting; effectiveness; efficacy; english; equality; european; expression; extent; fact; female; gender; gil; gnl; inclusive; inclusivity; interpretation; language; law; legislative; legislative drafting; legislative expression; mader; male; message; neutral; neutrality; new; non; oecd; office; parliamentary; policy; process; regulation; regulatory; respect; rev; sex; specific; statute; stefanou; technique; users; women; xanthaki cache: fl-952.docx plain text: fl-952.txt item: #142 of 150 id: fl-953 author: Elizabeth Peel title: fl-953 date: 2020-11-09 words: 13615 flesch: 57 summary: (i.e. where were you born) *required Britain ☐ Other (please specify) ☐ Prefer not to say ☐ a. (Please select at least one answer) *required single ☐ co-habiting ☐ non-cohabiting partner ☐ married ☐ civil partnership ☐ divorced ☐ separated ☐ widowed ☐ polyamorous ☐ other (please specify) ☐ prefer not to say ☐ a. keywords: 2019; age; aged; ansara; answer; anti; approach; attitudes; binary; biological; birth; bisexual; bodies; body; categories; change; characteristics; children; choice; cisgenderism; claims; comments; contact; cooper; critical; current; data; different; diverse; diversity; ellis; email; england; everyday; example; experiences; female; feminist; flag; following; framework; future; gay; gender; government; group; heterosexual; identification; identities; identity; individual; interesting; intersex; issue; lack; language; law; legal; legal gender; lesbian; level ☐; life; majority; new; non; number; old; online; optional; overall; participants; peel; people; person; perspective; potential; problematic; project; psychology; public; questions; quo; recognition; reform; religion ☐; research; respondents; responses; riggs; rights; roles; section; self; sex; sexes; social; statement; status; study; support; survey; system; terms; time; trans; transgender; understandings; use; views; wales; way; wish; women; years; ☐ a.; ☐ disability; ☐ ethnicity; ☐ male; ☐ sexual; ☐ ☐ cache: fl-953.docx plain text: fl-953.txt item: #143 of 150 id: fl-96 author: Stewart, Ann title: Legal Constructions of Body Work date: 2014-02-22 words: 6702 flesch: 51 summary: Domiciliary-based caring involves a range of work-related arrangements undertaken by persons defined as domestic workers, social care workers/personal assistants and, very importantly, unpaid carers. Social care workers (including personal assistants) undertaking body work are now located primarily within the private sector (70 per cent). keywords: abuse; agency; albin; ann; basis; body; care; carers; caring; client; constructions; consumer; contract; criminal; customers; different; discourse; discrimination; domestic; economic; economy; elderly; employees; employer; employment; family; forms; framework; fudge; human; industrial; international; journal; labour; labour law; law; legal; market; measures; need; new; oxford; particular; person; personal; place; policy; power; precarious; protection; provision; public; range; relationships; responsibility; rights; services; sexual; social; state; stewart; time; university; unpaid; vulnerable; way; welfare; women; work; workers; working cache: fl-96.pdf plain text: fl-96.txt item: #144 of 150 id: fl-963 author: ts title: fl-963 date: 2020-11-30 words: 963 flesch: 49 summary: Saoyo Tabitha Griffith Trump’s assault on reproductive rights in Africa _____________________________________________________________________________________ feminists@law Vol 10, No 2 (2020) _____________________________________________________________________________________ End of Trump’s rule will not end the assault on reproductive rights in Africa Saoyo Tabitha Griffith0F[footnoteRef:1]* keywords: abortion; administration; africa; education; funding; groups; health; kenya; policies; policy; religious; reproductive; rights; services; sexual; sexuality; states; trump; women cache: fl-963.docx plain text: fl-963.txt item: #145 of 150 id: fl-968 author: didi title: fl-968 date: 2020-11-01 words: 12356 flesch: 51 summary: Conclusion This essay has adopted a broad conception of gender’s public life to argue for its recentring within gender politics against the contemporary tendency to approach gender as an intimate property of the self.[footnoteRef:27] In the case of gender, some of those present may identify with genders other than male or female or with no gender at all. keywords: 2017; 2018; account; action; address; approach; attention; authority; binary; bodies; care; categories; chair; challenge; character; concept; concerns; contemporary; contexts; cooper; council; counter; critical; current; davina; decertification; decision; determination; different; dimensions; discourses; discussion; emerton; equality; essay; exercise; expression; female; feminist; focus; force; form; formal; gender; gender identity; gendered; governance; government; harms; human; identification; identity; important; individual; inequalities; informal; instance; institutional; international; interview; issue; journal; law; legal; liberal; life; like; london; long; male; meanings; micro; movement; new; newman; non; norms; optics; organisational; panel; parts; people; personal; perspectives; place; policies; policy; political; politics; power; practices; present; press; privacy; private; processes; progressive; projects; property; public; question; recognition; relations; relationship; resources; responsibility; review; rights; rules; scene; self; sex; sex/ gender; sexuality; shape; social; society; soft; space; special; state; status; subjects; taking; terms; theory; things; time; transgender; university; use; ways; women; work cache: fl-968.docx plain text: fl-968.txt item: #146 of 150 id: fl-97 author: Kate title: _ date: 2014-02-09 words: 6592 flesch: 55 summary: To answer these questions we will: a) review the current legislation, licensing guidance, and case law shaping regulation of gambling in general and bingo in particular; b) analyze public statements from bingo stakeholders (i.e. in research recommendations on the sector commissioned by regulatory agencies; reports in the national and local press/in online blogs; responses to government or provincial consultations; advocacy from industry associations, charity associations); c) interview key stakeholders involved in bingo regulation d) conduct participant observation in legal bingo games (virtual and land-based) to experience how rules and regulations are interpreted and enforced. Hence the project asks what we learn about the governance and regulation of bingo volunteers – by charities and states – when we explore this concrete site of unpaid labour. keywords: attention; bedford; bingo; businesses; canada; case; casinos; charitable; charities; charity; christine; class; coding; commercial; community; conradson; consumption; creativity; critical; culture; david; debates; development; e.g.; economic; economy; edensor; edgework; employees; everyday; example; feminist; form; gambling; game; gender; gendered; global; governance; international; key; labour; landscapes; law; legal; level; life; local; london; lyng; milligan; mundane; nature; new; non; organizations; oxford; particular; people; players; policy; political; political economy; press; profit; project; regulation; regulatory; research; review; risk; role; routledge; scholars; section; sector; site; social; society; sociology; spaces; stakeholders; state; stephen; studies; taking; unpaid; vernacular; voluntarism; voluntary; volunteering; volunteers; welfare; women; work cache: fl-97.docx plain text: fl-97.txt item: #147 of 150 id: fl-976 author: None title: fl-976 date: 2021-02-14 words: 21341 flesch: 46 summary: Walter Benjamin’s problematisation of legal violence comes to mind here, calling us to consider the ways in which the law legitimises its own violence, thus allowing its character as violent to recede from view (Benjamin [1920] 1979). Judith Butler notes that “in Benjamin’s view, legal violence regularly renames its own violent character as justifiable coercion or legitimate force, but these terms sanitise the violence at issue” (Butler 2016: 40.48). keywords: 2012; actors; affective; ahmed; amnesty; analysis; anti; april; article; association; athanasiou; athens; atmosphere; attacks; austerity; authorities; bill; body; borders; brekke; brown; carastathis; case; central; centre; characteristics; citizen; city; coalition; commissioner; concept; concrete; conditions; context; control; countries; country; court; crime; criminal; crisis; critical; critique; crucial; culture; currah; dalakoglou; dawn; death; debate; detention; different; dimitras; dimokratia; discourses; discrimination; eds; ekathimerini; entire; environment; ethno; european; example; extent; fact; feminist; filippidis; financial; following; formal; framework; gender; gender identity; gendered; general; golden; golden dawn; governance; governing; government; greece; greek; greek crisis; greek legal; greek state; greek transgender; ground; groups; hate; health; hellenic; homophobic; hostile; hostility; human; human rights; hygienic; identity; ideological; illegal; image; imperatives; incidents; individuals; institutional; international; introduction; jail; january; journal; judicial; kasapidou; lack; later; law; legal; legal order; legal violence; legislation; legitimised; level; lgbti+; life; london; loverdos; management; marginalised; mavroudi; members; migrant; minister; months; movements; murder; national; nea; new; non; notes; number; october; official; operation; order; orientation; overall; papanikolaou; parliament; parliamentary; particular; penal; people; period; point; police; political; politics; populations; power; practices; presence; present; press; project; protection; provisions; psarras; public; queer; questions; race; racialised; racist; racist crime; racist law; racist legislation; racist violence; reality; recognition; reform; regime; related; religious; report; research; rights; rise; sense; september; seropositive; set; sexist; sexual; sexuality; similar; social; society; socio; space; specific; state; strategies; studies; support; systematic; terms; theory; thessaloniki; time; trans; transgender; transphobic; understanding; union; university; urban; view; violence; violent; vradis; war; watch; way; ways; website; women; words; work; workers; xenios; xenophobic; years; york; zeus; για; ελλάδα; και; κρίσης; στην; της; του; των; φύλου cache: fl-976.docx plain text: fl-976.txt item: #148 of 150 id: fl-98 author: lorenzo title: fl-98 date: 2014-02-15 words: 6195 flesch: 49 summary: Indeed, the fact that the whole program remains an institution of wage labour requires us to consider the consequences of supporting such a comprehensive macroeconomic policy (Antonopoulos, 2007). For these reasons, rather than engaging with the state and taking up wage labour, they thought it important to think of arrangements able to promote (non-capitalist) processes of valorisation. keywords: able; access; activities; alternative; approach; autonomists; capital; capitalist; care; caring; classical; competition; crucial; current; different; economic; economists; economy; elr; employment; fact; feminist; focus; gender; housework; important; income; instance; jobs; labour; law; life; means; need; new; particular; picchio; point; political; population; post; potential; power; press; private; processes; profit; program; provisioning; reproduction; role; sector; services; social; society; state; system; theory; time; university; unpaid; valorisation; value; wage; women; work; workers; worth cache: fl-98.docx plain text: fl-98.txt item: #149 of 150 id: fl-989 author: Gillian Calder title: fl-989 date: 2022-04-24 words: 8215 flesch: 50 summary: For a discussion of non-action as a “missed opportunity” in the UK see Simon Murphy and Libby Brooks, “UK government drops gender self-identification plan for trans people” (September 2020), The Guardian:] Canadians, in particular, sit at a unique historical legal moment that for the most part is wrapped in formal equality. My aim, in this review, is to take up the challenge posed by Singer and Katri in their foreword – to turn a critical, legal and emotional gaze towards trans people at the margins,[footnoteRef:32] and tease out of these articles, diverse as they are, some common threads and themes. keywords: analysis; anti; areas; articles; ashley; attention; authors; baril; bill; binary; c-16; canada; canadian; change; communities; context; cossman; critical; dementia; discrimination; diverse; employment; example; experience; expression; gender; gender identity; good; hamilton; hoo; human; human rights; hébert; ibid; identity; important; inclusion; indigenous; irving; issues; journal; justice; katri; kirkup; laidlaw; law; leckey; lee; legal; life; lives; look; margins; moment; movement; namaste; non; note; particular; people; places; policy; pyne; queer; questions; recognition; review; rights; rights law; scholars; scholarship; school; sex; singer; social; society; studies; study; subject; supra; supra note; themes; time; tourki; trans; trans legal; trans people; trans youth; transgender; university; violence; volume; ways; women; work; youth cache: fl-989.docx plain text: fl-989.txt item: #150 of 150 id: fl-99 author: Amrit Wilson title: fl-99 date: 2014-02-16 words: 2321 flesch: 52 summary: When reflecting on the work of the ending VAWG movement, some thoughts came to my mind: The raised profile of violence against women issues has its positive outcomes, such as funding for services, however it has also led to the competitive tendering of services, and we are faced with corporates like G4S winning contracts for sexual and domestic violence services, at the expense of women organising. The government sees this as crucial, however we know that the majority of women don’t want to report to police about the violence they experience and over 90% of BME women state that receiving support from a BME service was the most helpful factor to accessing safety, the very same services that the Government is cutting back on. keywords: activist; anti; black; bme; clear; eki; fear; feminism; freedom; girls; government; immigration; issues; justice; kumar; legal; library; london; lse; panel; patriarchy; platform; rape; services; social; state; status; story; vawg; violence; women cache: fl-99.docx plain text: fl-99.txt