item: #1 of 747 id: fens-10 author: VYLCHEVA-ZHEKOVA, Nedyalka; DENKOVA, Zapryana; NIKOLOVA, Radosveta title: BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR-GENETIC CHARACTERIZATION OF A STRAIN ISOLATED FROM A THERMAL HEALING SPRING IN STAROZAGORSKI MINERALNI BANI, STARA ZAGORA REGION, BULGARIA date: 2015-03-31 words: 4615 flesch: 64 summary: According to its physico- chemical and microbiological parameter, spring water meets the standard requirements for quality of drinking water. 4. Conclusion The physicochemical and microbiological parameters of thermal healing spring water in the village of Starozagorski Mineralni Bani, Stara Zagora region were examined. keywords: 16s; bani; determined; e c; e n; e r; f e; f r; food; g e; g s; healing; journal; l e; m o; means; microbiological; mineralni; n g; n s; nd e; o l; o n; o va; query; r al; r s; region; s t; sbjct; spring; stara; starozagorski; strain; t e; technical; thermal; water; zagora cache: fens-10.pdf plain text: fens-10.txt item: #2 of 747 id: fens-100 author: MARDAR, Marina title: ANALYSIS METHODS OF TASTING AS AN INSTRUMENT OF MARKETING DURING QUALITY FORMING OF NEW GRAIN PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-15 words: 3634 flesch: 41 summary: Developing new products, manufacturers often underestimate methods of the tasting analysis, counting on the aggressive promotion. Introduction One of the most important tasks concerning the improvement of the nutrition structure of the population is increase of consumer goods products with the increased food and biological value. keywords: analysis; application; basis; bread; characteristics; complex; consumers; crops; descriptors; development; environment; food; grain; gustatory; ideal; ideal image; image; instrument; issue; journal; mardar; marketing; methods; new; new grain; new product; preferences; product; quality; research; root; safety; taste; tasting; university; volume; wheat; xiii cache: fens-100.pdf plain text: fens-100.txt item: #3 of 747 id: fens-101 author: PROKOPOV, Tsvetko; MIHAYLOVA, Dasha; MIHALKOV, Nikolay title: PHYSICOCHEMICAL MONITORING AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SBR MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT date: 2016-04-15 words: 3908 flesch: 69 summary: BOD5, COD, suspended solids (SS), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) and performance evaluation of SBR municipal wastewater treatment at WWTP-Hisarya. Recently, degree of purification of SBR municipal wastewater treatment of BOD5 (89-98 %), COD (80 %), total SS (85 - 97 %), TN (>75 %) and Bio-P (57-69 %) was reported by [8] also. keywords: average; batch; bod5; cod; engineering; environment; evaluation; food; hisarya; influent; issue; journal; l o; m e; monitoring; municipal; o n; o v; p e; performance; physicochemical; plant; r e; r m; reactor; safety; sbr; t e; t m; t o; technology; treatment; values; volume; wastewater; wwtp; xiii cache: fens-101.pdf plain text: fens-101.txt item: #4 of 747 id: fens-102 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; STRINSKA, Hristina; DENKOVA, Zapriana; DOBREV, Georgi; TODOROV, Daniel; MLADENOVA, Kirilka; SHISHKOV, Stoyan title: STUDY ON THE ADHESION OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM STRAINS WITH PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES TO MDCK date: 2016-04-15 words: 1661 flesch: 47 summary: September 15th 2014 Abstract: One of the requirements for probiotic strains is to adhere to epithelial cells or cell lines. One of these requirements for probiotic strains is to be able to adhere to the intestinal mucosa and cell lines, thereby competitively excluding pathogens keywords: adhesion; cells; denkova; environment; epithelial; food; intestinal; issue; journal; lactobacillus; lactobacillus plantarum; layer; lbrz12; line; mdck; monolayer; non; plantarum; plantarum x2; presence; probiotic; properties; proteins; safety; strains; study; surface; xiii cache: fens-102.pdf plain text: fens-102.txt item: #5 of 747 id: fens-103 author: RUSU, Micşunica title: DETERMINING A SENSORY PROFILE OF CHEESE PASTE WITH SPICES, USING QUANTITATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS date: 2016-04-15 words: 2986 flesch: 50 summary: Specific spice flavor intensity decreases in the order: PC> PO> Table 2 Definitions of descriptors selected Attributes Definitions Aspect - spice particle size - particle size, ranging from those that cannot be visually detected (dust) to pieces over 3 mm; - paste uniformity (granulometry) - paste property, given the size of the pieces of cheese and spice; Color - white, uniform - white color intensity or strength with different tones; Odor - fresh cow cheese - fresh cow cheese odor; Taste - salted - the fundamental taste factor associated with a sodium chloride solution; - fresh cow cheese - specific taste of fresh cow cheese; - butter - specific taste of fresh butter; - bitter - taste fundamental factor associated with a caffeine solution; Flavor - cheese - fresh cow cheese specific flavors; - spice specific - spice flavors used; Texture - adhesion - textural property asseses the degree to which the food adheres to the surface of palate when it is compressed by tongue; Taste remaining - persistent, specific to the spice used - the persistence duration of spice taste, after swallowing the sample bits. keywords: analysis; attributes; bitter; cel; cheese; color; cow; descriptive; descriptors; engineering; environment; flavor; food; fresh; functional; intensity; issue; journal; mare; new; order; paste; preparations; product; profile; qda; quantitative; safety; samples; science; sensory; sessions; size; specific; spice; suceava; tasting; thyme; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-103.pdf plain text: fens-103.txt item: #6 of 747 id: fens-104 author: LUGOVSKA, Oksana; SIDOR, Vasilij title: INFLUENCE RATIO OF WATER AND OIL PHASE OF EMULSIONS ON VISCOSITY, PARTICLE SIZE AND TURBIDITY OF PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-15 words: 2106 flesch: 58 summary: Investigation of the stability of emulsions was carried out by determining the size of the diameter of the particles by laser granulometry and placement on the stability of soft drink, which was used emulsion for 180 days. 3. Results and discussion The results of measurement of each emulsion: Brookfield viscometer - viscosity microscope EASTCOLIGHT 92012-ES (100x, 250x, 550x, 750h ) – particle size , muddy turbidity meter 2100P, lab aerometer - density, lab рН- meter – pH displayed in Table 3.. Analyzing the figures emulsions with different stabilizers characterized by an increase in the number of oil as a part of the product shows that increasing viscosity, density, particle size of emulsion and turbidity. keywords: acid; arabic; density; dispersion; emulsions; environment; food; gum; homogenization; issue; muddy; number; oil; particle; phase; preparation; process; products; ratio; results; safety; size; stability; stabilizers; starch; table; turbidity; viscosity; volume; water; xiii cache: fens-104.pdf plain text: fens-104.txt item: #7 of 747 id: fens-105 author: HREȚCANU, Cristina-Elena; ROȘU, Alice – Iuliana title: STATISTICAL STUDIES ON CONSUMER’S PERCEPTION OF FRUIT date: 2016-04-15 words: 3731 flesch: 57 summary: The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) article/en/show/spotlight/rid/colours-of-fruits-and- vegetables-and-health/ , accesed in April 2014 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014 Cristina-Elena HREȚCANU, Alice – Iuliana ROȘU, Statistical studies on consumer’s perception of fruit, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014, pag. In terms of why consumers would choose fresh fruit, one can notice that among the top preferences on the variety of fruit are apples, followed by grapes and berries. keywords: alice; analysis; apples; berries; cel; cherries; colour; consumer; cristina; elena; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; fig; food; fresh; fruit; grapes; group; hrețcanu; issue; iuliana; journal; mare; oranges; pag; parameters; perception; respondents; results; roșu; safety; sensory; significant; spence; statistical; studies; suceava; taste; total; university; variance; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-105.pdf plain text: fens-105.txt item: #8 of 747 id: fens-106 author: ENEA, Ioan – Cătălin; GONTARIU, Ioan title: THE OPTIMUM DENSITY FOR WINTER RAPE UNDER SUCEAVA PLATEAU CONDITIONS date: 2016-04-15 words: 2914 flesch: 67 summary: - Collum diameter was primarily influenced by plant density and less by genotype. The yield of seeds in the two varieties of winter rape according to plant densities is shown in Table 4. keywords: 2012; annual; average; branches; collum; conditions; densities; density; diameter; e r; engineering; environment; food; height; higher; issue; journal; losses; lower; number; plants; production; rape; safety; scelni; seeds; suceava; t e; table; variety; volume; winter; xiii cache: fens-106.pdf plain text: fens-106.txt item: #9 of 747 id: fens-107 author: LEAHU, Ana; ROSU, Alice Iuliana title: EFFECT OF SOAKING ON THE COOKING QUALITY AND COLOUR PARAMETERS OF COMMON BEANS (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) date: 2016-04-15 words: 3546 flesch: 57 summary: However, both chroma and hue angle values of soaking beans had a small variation range, which showed that the colour differences were smaller in red Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014 Ana LEAHU, Alice Iuliana ROSU, Effect of soaking on the cooking quality and color parameters of common beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.), Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014, pag. Soaked white beans presented a variation between 122.06 and 111.10 whereas the control white beans presented a value of 122.36 for lightness, L*, parameter. keywords: alice; ana; beans; bicarbonate; cel; colour; common; common beans; content; cooking; dry; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; iuliana; journal; leahu; mare; pag; parameters; phaseolus; processing; protein; quality; raw; red; reported; safety; samples; soaking; sodium; solutions; suceava; time; university; values; varieties; volume; vulgaris; water; white; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-107.pdf plain text: fens-107.txt item: #10 of 747 id: fens-108 author: OULAI, Patricia; ZOUE, Lessoy; OTCHOUMOU, Athanase; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: STUDY OF ROASTING EFFECT ON NUTRITIVE AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF LEAFY VEGETABLES CONSUMED IN NORTHERN CÔTE D’IVOIRE date: 2016-04-15 words: 5813 flesch: 68 summary: With regard to their fibres content (12.80 - 32.44%) after 2 min, adequate intake of roasted leafy vegetables could lower the risk of constipation, diabetes, colon and breast cancers [31]. Mineral composition of roasted leafy vegetables used in this study is shown in table 2. keywords: acid; activity; analysis; antioxidant; calcium; carotenoids; cel; composition; contents; côte; digitata; d’ivoire; effect; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; fibres; food; hybridus; issue; journal; leafy; leafy vegetables; leaves; lessoy; losses; mare; method; min; mineral; mixture; niamke; northern; northern côte; nutrients; nutritional; nutritive; order; otchoumou; oulai; oxalates; pag; patendra; patricia; phytates; polyphenols; processing; properties; proteins; raw; roasted; roasting; sabdariffa; safety; sample; sci; species; study; suceava; sébastien; unguiculata; university; value; vegetables; vitamin; volume; volume xiii; xiii; zoue; ştefan cache: fens-108.pdf plain text: fens-108.txt item: #11 of 747 id: fens-109 author: OROIAN, Mircea; LEAHU, Ana title: VIRGIN OLIVE OIL ADULTERATION WITH OTHER EDIBLE OILS: INFLUENCE OF SUBSTITUTION ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES date: 2016-04-15 words: 2013 flesch: 50 summary: The density of virgin olive oil must range between 0.914 and 0.919 g/cm³, the refraction index must range between 1.467 and 1.470 and the saponification index must range between 184 and 196. Oil samples density: A- virgin olive oil substituted with sunflower oil, B- virgin olive oil substituted with corn oil and C – virgin olive oil substituted with groundnut oil Substitution percentage A (g/cm3) B (g/cm3) C(g/cm3 ) 0 0.9150 0.9150 0.9150 5% 0.9204 0.9250 0.9350 10% 0.9225 0.9252 0.9350 20% 0.9226 0.9261 0.9354 30% 0.9227 0.9271 0.9356 40% 0.9230 0.9280 0.9359 50% 0.9235 0.9282 0.9365 According to the EU regulations keywords: adulteration; corn; density; edible; evoo; food; greater; groundnut; index; influence; issue; journal; oil; oils; olive; olive oil; physicochemical; range; refractive; saponification; saponification index; substitution; suceava; sunflower; value; virgin; virgin olive; volume; xiii cache: fens-109.pdf plain text: fens-109.txt item: #12 of 747 id: fens-11 author: ALEXUC, Cristian Florin; GUTT, Gheorghe; AMARIEI, Sonia title: CONTRIBUTIONS TO ACHIEVEMENT OF A COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOR ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELDING OF LIVING AND WORK SPACES date: 2015-03-31 words: 3927 flesch: 65 summary: Abstract: Quantitative aspects about the composition of copper baths of steel wire nets and technological parameters used are presented in the second part of the paper. The authors recommend two types of galvanic copper plating baths, one with alkaline electrolyte based on copper cyanide( recipe 1 with the eletrolyte 6a, fig.1), and the other with acid electrolyte based on copper sulphate(recipe 2 electrolyte 6b, fig.1) keywords: balance; bath; c o; copper; coppering; current; deposition; e l; electrochemical; electrolyte; electromagnetic; external; food; galvanic; issue; l d; material; n g; n t; net; nets; o m; shielding; steel; t e; t o; t r; t s; wire cache: fens-11.pdf plain text: fens-11.txt item: #13 of 747 id: fens-110 author: BOLI, Zamblé; ZOUE, Lessoy; KOFFI-NEVRY, Rose; KOUSSEMON, Marina title: FUNGAL CONTAMINATION AND MYCOTOXINS’ OCCURRENCE IN PEANUT BUTTERS MARKETED IN ABIDJAN DISTRICT (CÔTE D’IVOIRE) date: 2016-04-15 words: 4726 flesch: 63 summary: [23]. Table 1 Total fungi isolated from peanut butter samples sold in retail markets of Abidjan. 267 – 275 271 Figure 1: Level of mycotoxigenic Aspergillus species isolated from peanut butter samples sold in retail markets of Abidjan. keywords: abidjan; adjamé; afb1; aflatoxin; analysis; aspergillus; associated; attécoubé; boli; butters; cel; collected; column; conditions; contamination; contents; côte; detection; district; d’ivoire; engineering; environment; faculty; flavus; food; fungal; fungi; fusarium; health; human; issue; journal; koffi; koussemon; lessoy; level; mare; marina; marketed; markets; methanol; mycotoxins; n=5; nevry; occurrence; ochraceus; ochratoxin; ota; pag; parasiticus; peanut; peanut butters; penicillium; potential; processing; production; safety; samples; storage; suceava; table; university; volume; xiii; zamblé; zoue; ±0.00; ±0.80; ±1.00; ±2.00; ştefan cache: fens-110.pdf plain text: fens-110.txt item: #14 of 747 id: fens-111 author: KOUADIO, Natia; GOUALIE, Bernadette; OUATTARA, Honoré; KRA, Sevérin; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: MICROORGANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH TRADITIONAL PLANTAIN-BASED FOOD “DOCKOUNOU” DURING SPONTANEOUS FERMENTATION date: 2016-04-15 words: 3921 flesch: 60 summary: 4. Conclusion This study allowed to known that yeast, lactic acid bacteria and Bacillus sp implicated in Dockounou fermentation. However, the increase of bacterial load observed within 3-4 hours during mixture samples fermentation imply that these microorganisms could be competitive and capable to survive under certain stress conditions and eventually to express their fermentative potential during the fermentation process. keywords: acetic; acid; acid bacteria; bacillus; bacteria; banana; bernadette; cassava; cel; cfu; côte; dockounou; dough; d’ivoire; engineering; environment; faculty; fermentation; fermented; figure; flour; food; goualie; honoré; hours; issue; journal; kra; lactic; load; log10; maize; mare; microbial; microorganisms; mixture; natia; niamke; ouattara; pag; plantain; process; production; pulp; rice; ripe; safety; samples; sevérin; spontaneous; suceava; sébastien; time; traditional; university; volume; xiii; yeast; ştefan cache: fens-111.pdf plain text: fens-111.txt item: #15 of 747 id: fens-112 author: 2014, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-15 words: 818 flesch: 21 summary: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-112.pdf plain text: fens-112.txt item: #16 of 747 id: fens-113 author: 2014, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-15 words: 571 flesch: 61 summary: gi cal f eat u r es of co mb i ni ng co n de ns ed can n ed mil k wit h s u gar a n d frui t-b yr u ps du ri ng p r oc essi ng Natal ija Val eriivn a RY ABOKON, Dmit ro Vik to rovi ch RI NDY UK, keywords: engineering; food; gutt; igor; influence; issue; mare; material; parameters; suceava; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-113.pdf plain text: fens-113.txt item: #17 of 747 id: fens-114 author: NIKOLOVA, Milena; PROKOPOV, Tsvetko; GANEVA, Daniela; PEVICHAROVA, Galina title: EFFECT OF TREATMENT PARAMETERS ON THE CAROTENOID EXTRACTION FROM TOMATO PEELS OF BULGARIAN INDUSTRIAL VARIETIES date: 2016-04-15 words: 3531 flesch: 56 summary: The maximum amounts of total carotenoids (111.58±2.11 and 76.59±2.13 mg/100g), -carotene (54.69±2.15 and 64.70±1.42 mg/100g) and lycopene (49.07±0.19 and 6.51±0.57 mg/100g) extracted from dried tomato peels of “Stela” and “Karobeta” varieties, respectively, were obtained by using acetone as solvent, for three successive extraction steps of 30 min, at 40oC and solid/liquid ratio of 1:30. Although carotenoids extraction yields obtained from tomato by-products and comparison of efficiency among different solvents are presented in the literature [3- 8] there are limited data about the effect of treatment parameters on the carotenoids extraction from tomato by-products including the influence of tomato varieties. keywords: acetone; bulgarian; carotenoids; carotenoids extraction; content; different; effect; environment; extraction; extracts; food; industrial; issue; journal; karobeta; liquid; lycopene; mg/100; min; parameters; peels; products; prokopov; ratio; recovery; safety; solid; solvent; stela; steps; successive; table; temperature; time; tomato; tomato peels; total; total carotenoids; university; varieties; variety; volume; xiii; -carotene cache: fens-114.pdf plain text: fens-114.txt item: #18 of 747 id: fens-115 author: ALEXUC, Cristian Florin; GUTT, Gheorghe; AMARIEI, Sonia title: CONTRIBUTIONS TO ACHIEVE A COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOR ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETIC SHIELDING OF LIVING AND WORKSPACES date: 2016-04-15 words: 4022 flesch: 41 summary: Key words: electromagnetic compatibility with the environment, electromagnetic shielding nets. Flow and continuous line of manufacturing metallic electromagnetic shielding nets obtained by galvanic deposition of high-purity copper on nets of wire steel. keywords: achievement; advanced; alexuc; bath; cel; composite; contributions; copper; drum; effect; electric; electromagnetic; electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic shielding; engineering; environment; faculty; fields; florin; food; frequency; gheorghe; gutt; high; ionizing; issue; journal; living; low; mare; material; mesh; meshes; metallic; nets; order; power; primary; pure; radiation; shielding; shirt; sonia; steel; steel wire; suceava; thin; university; volume; volume xiii; wire; workspaces; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-115.pdf plain text: fens-115.txt item: #19 of 747 id: fens-116 author: SRIVASTAVA, Tanuja; SAXENA, D.C.; SHARMA, Renu title: EFFECTS OF TWIN SCREW PARAMETERS UPON THE MECHANICAL HARDNESS OF READY-TO-EAT EXTRUDATES ENRICHED WITH DE-OILED RICE BRAN date: 2016-04-15 words: 4200 flesch: 64 summary: Due to presence of Proteins, dietary fibers and bioactive compounds [13], rice bran helps in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, lowering blood cholesterol [7,8], decrease of artherosclerosis disease [9] and it posses laxative effect [6]. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 Tanuja SRIVASTAVA, D.C. SAXENA, Renu SHARMA, Effects of twin screw parameters upon the mechanical hardness of ready-to-eat extrudates enriched with deoiled rice bran, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014, pag. Very few studies concerning the incorporation of rice bran into the food products have been available. keywords: analysis; bran; cel; composition; content; d.c; deoiled; design; eat; effects; engineering; environment; extrudates; extrusion; faculty; feed; flour; food; hardness; issue; journal; mare; mechanical; model; moisture; pag; parameters; product; ready; renu; response; rice; rice bran; safety; screw; significant; speed; suceava; surface; table; tanuja; temperature; twin; university; value; variables; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-116.pdf plain text: fens-116.txt item: #20 of 747 id: fens-117 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: IMPROVEMENT OF WHEAT FLOUR DOUGH RHEOLOGY BY ΑLPHA -AMYLASE AND PROTEASE COMBINATION date: 2016-04-15 words: 3692 flesch: 50 summary: It Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Silvia MIRONEASA, Improvement of wheat flour dough rheology by Αlpha -Amylase and Protease combination, Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014, pag. 309 – 316 310 should be used only for processing strong gluten flours with high resistance and elasticity and low extensibility [7]. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Silvia MIRONEASA, Improvement of wheat flour dough rheology by Αlpha -Amylase and Protease combination, Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014, pag. 309 – keywords: alveograph; amylase; b_bi; belpan; bread; c_gp; cel; clarase; combination; deformation; desirability; dough; effect; energy; engineering; enzymes; extensibility; flour; food; index; issue; journal; mare; maximum; mironeasa; parameters; pressure; properties; protease; ratio; response; rheological; rheology; romania; significant; study; surface; swelling; table; value; variables; volume; wheat; wheat flour; xiii cache: fens-117.pdf plain text: fens-117.txt item: #21 of 747 id: fens-118 author: USATIUK, Svitlana; PELEKHOVA, Liubov title: CHLOROPHYLL CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SUNFLOWER OIL WITH AROMATIC RAW MATERIALS date: 2016-04-15 words: 1690 flesch: 53 summary: *Corresponding author Received November 18th 2014, accepted December 29th 2014 Abstract: The article presents the results of the study on chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity (AOA) of sunflower oil with aromatic raw materials. Sunflower oil with aromatic raw materials was obtained by extraction. keywords: activity; antioxidant; aromatic; aromatic raw; basil; chlorophyll; chlorophyll content; content; engineering; extraction; food; high; issue; journal; materials; oil; oils; parsley; plant; raw; raw materials; results; sunflower; sunflower oil; vegetable; volume; xiii cache: fens-118.pdf plain text: fens-118.txt item: #22 of 747 id: fens-119 author: BASTON, Octavian; PRICOP, Eugenia Mihaela; LUNGU, Cornelia title: THE INFLUENCE OF FROZEN STORAGE ON SOME COMMERCIAL MUSHROOMS date: 2016-04-15 words: 2707 flesch: 60 summary: 3.Peroxidase activity of frozen mushrooms. Niacin amount of frozen mushrooms. keywords: acid; agaricus; analysis; ascorbic; bisporus; cel; dry; engineering; fig; food; frozen; frozen storage; issue; journal; mare; mean; methods; months; mushrooms; niacin; ostreatus; peroxidase; pleurotus; protein; sensorial; species; storage; suceava; sugars; thawing; total; university; values; volume; water; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-119.pdf plain text: fens-119.txt item: #23 of 747 id: fens-12 author: KOBASA, Igor; ODOSIY, Lyubomyra title: NANOSIZED IMPLANTS OF Ag+, Cu+ AND Cu2+ IONS INTO THE SURFACE LAYER OF POLYCRYSTALLINE CdS PHOTOCATALYST FOR THE OXIDATION REACTION OF IODIDE IONS date: 2015-03-31 words: 3037 flesch: 71 summary: The first class of photocatalytic materials includes the polycrystalline CdS-based products with Ag+, Cu+ and Cu2+ surface implants similar to those applied to tech- nologies of molecular hydrogen production by photodecomposition of water or photo- reduction of methylene blue. Additional ions Ag+, Cu+, Cu2+ can be implanted into the surface layer of CdS microcrystals leading to the formation of nanosized particles of corresponding sulfides. keywords: activity; ag2s; cadmium; cds; charges; chem; composite; copper; cu+; cu2; cus; food; ions; kobasa; l y; materials; molecular; nanostructured; o l; o n; o t; oxidation; photocatalytic; process; reaction; s t; substitute; sulfides; surface; systems; transfer cache: fens-12.pdf plain text: fens-12.txt item: #24 of 747 id: fens-120 author: AVRĂMIUC, Camelia-Zaraza; AVRĂMIUC, Marcel title: THE EVOLUTION OF SOME BIOCHEMICAL INDICES DURING CHILLING OF FOUR FRESHWATER FISH SPECIES date: 2016-04-15 words: 4172 flesch: 65 summary: In smoked trout samples PI has increased, during chilling, by 21.9% (after 12 hours) and by 128.1% (after 72 hours), as compared to smoked sample before chilling (p<0.05). VARLET V., PROST C., SÉROT T. - Volatile aldehydes in smoked fish: keywords: avrămiuc; biochemical; carp; catfish; chilling; ed s; ed u; evolution; fat; fish; food; fresh; fresh samples; freshness; freshwater; grayling; hours; increases; index; indices; issue; lowest; m ok; nitrogen; ns m; ok ed; refrigeration; s m; samples; smoked; smoking; species; tab; trout; unsmoked; values; volume; xiii cache: fens-120.pdf plain text: fens-120.txt item: #25 of 747 id: fens-121 author: OROIAN, Mircea; PADURET, Sergiu; GUTT, Gheorghe title: INFLUENCE OF CITRUS FIBRE ADDITION ON TEXTURAL AND RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF YOGURT date: 2016-04-15 words: 2709 flesch: 59 summary: Yogurt sample rheological profile (P9) Fig.3. 2014 Abstract: The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of citrus fibre addition (0, 0.25, 0.5 and 1%, respectively) on the textural and rheological properties of yogurt samples (7.5% dry matter, 10% dry matter and 12.5% dry matter). keywords: addition; analysis; chewiness; citrus; component; content; correlation; data; dietary; dry; engineering; faculty; fiber; fibre; food; gheorghe; gumminess; hardness; influence; issue; journal; mare; matter; milk; mircea; pag; principal; products; properties; rate; rheological; sample; sergiu; shear; suceava; textural; texture; university; viscosity; volume; xiii; yogurt cache: fens-121.pdf plain text: fens-121.txt item: #26 of 747 id: fens-122 author: KOBASA, Igor; BILOGOLOVKA, Vasyl; VOROBETS, Mariya; PANIMARCHUK, Oxana title: AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EXTRACTION CONCENTRATION OF MICROELEMENTS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION FOR ATOM-ABSORBTION ANALYSIS date: 2016-04-15 words: 2982 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: extraction, heavy metal ions, atom-absorption analysis, natural waters 1. All pH measurements were performed by pH-meter pH-150 equipped with the glass electrode ECL-47- 07 and silver-chlorine reference electrode EVL-1M. All extraction processes were carried out according to the method [7] and the flame atom absorption spectrometer KAS-120-M1 was involved in the direct determination of metal ions concentrations. keywords: aas; amylacetate; analysis; atom; butylacetate; concentrating; cu2; curve; degree; determination; diethyldithiocarbamate; extraction; fig; food; heavy; investigation; ions; issue; metals; method; microelements; mixture; oxyquinoline; range; sodium; sodium diethyldithiocarbamate; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-122.pdf plain text: fens-122.txt item: #27 of 747 id: fens-123 author: BÂRLĂ, Gheorghe-Florin; POROCH - SERIŢAN, Maria; SĂNDULEAC (TUDOSI), Elena; CIORNEI (ŞTEFĂROI), Simona Elena title: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT IN ALLIUM URSINUM AND RANUNCULUS FICARIA date: 2016-04-15 words: 3375 flesch: 66 summary: For the same extract amount R. ficaria showed a slight stronger antioxidant activity (Figure 1), R. ficaria extract showed an EC50 lower than that of A. ursinum extract this was in accord with the fact that the total phenolic content was higher in R. ficaria extract, as shown in the Table 1. However, the antioxidant power of R. ficaria extract was Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 G h e o r g h e - F l o r i n B Â R L Ă , keywords: a. ursinum; acid; activity; allium; antioxidant; c t; compounds; content; dpph; e n; e r; ec50; effect; engineering; extract; ficaria; food; garlic; high; issue; l e; leaves; n c; n d; n t; n u; o n; o r; phenolic; plant; r l; r n; radical; suceava; t u; total; u l; university; ursinum; volume; wild; xiii cache: fens-123.pdf plain text: fens-123.txt item: #28 of 747 id: fens-124 author: RYABOKON, Natalija Valeriivna; RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich; SHPAK, Maksim Sergiyovuch; KOMISAR, Kseniya Romanivna title: TECHNOLOGICAL FEATURES OF COMBINING CONDENSED CANNED MILK WITH SUGAR AND FRUIT-BERRY SYRUPS DURING PROCESSING date: 2016-04-15 words: 3326 flesch: 77 summary: In condensed milk with sugar lactose is crystallized according to the kinetic molecular theory in two stages: at the first stage emergence of centers of crystallization happens, at the second - increase of crystals quantity appears Taking into consideration the rheological characteristics and constructive-technological parameters, the degree of homogeneity consistency and duration of formation of condensed milk with sugar and fruit- berry syrup cranberry-blueberry were studied. keywords: berry; ccm; condensed; crystallization; fbs; food; fraction; fruit; h n; issue; k o; lactose; mass; milk; mixture; model; n d; n g; n n; o l; o ma; o n; o vi; o vuc; r g; r o; r y; solids; sugar; t r; u r; vna; volume; xiii; y o cache: fens-124.pdf plain text: fens-124.txt item: #29 of 747 id: fens-125 author: CHOLAKOV, Remzi; DENKOVA, Rositsa; TENEVA, Desislava; YANAKIEVA, Velichka; DOBREV, Iliyan; DENKOVA, Zapryana; URSHEV, Zoltan title: MOLECULAR-GENETIC AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE STRAIN 25-G, ISOLATED FROM FERMENTED CEREAL BEVERAGE date: 2016-04-15 words: 2239 flesch: 46 summary: GAATGTAGCTTGCCTCGGTAAGTATTATAGCCTGTGGGAATACTGCCAGCTGGGACTGAG 519 Query 524 GACTGCGATGTAAGTC 539 |||||||| ||||||| Sbjct 520 GACTGCGACGTAAGTC 535 Fig.1 Comparison of the partial sequence of the 26S rDNA of yeast strain 25- G and the partial sequence of the 26S rDNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain LQC 10089. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 Remzi CHOLAKOV, Rositsa DENKOVA, Desislava TENEVA, Velichka YANAKIEVA, Iliyan DOBREV, Zapryana DENKOVA, Zoltan URSHEV, Molecular-genetic and biochemical characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 25-G, isolated from fermented cereal beverage, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014, pag. keywords: activity; agar; api; beverage; biochemical; boza; cereal; cerevisiae; denkova; determination; environment; enzyme; fermented; food; genetic; identification; issue; medium; method; minutes; molecular; partial; profile; proteolytic; query; rdna; saccharomyces; safety; strain; volume; wells; xiii; yeast cache: fens-125.pdf plain text: fens-125.txt item: #30 of 747 id: fens-126 author: MARDAR, Marina; ZNACHEK, Rafaela title: MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ESTIMATION OF GRAIN SMALL LOAVES ON THE BASIS OF WHOLE WHEAT GRAIN WITH THE INCLUSION OF VEGETABLE ADDITIVES date: 2016-04-15 words: 3689 flesch: 53 summary: 2014 Abstract: The results of medical and biological estimation of grain small loaves with the inclusion of vegetable additives (Silybum mariánum and green tea extract) are presented in the article. Keywords: nutrition, medical and biological estimation, grain small loaves, vegetable additives, whole wheat grain 1. keywords: activity; additives; basis; biological; comparison; consumption; content; diet; environment; estimation; faculty; food; grain; grain products; grain small; graph; green; group; inclusion; influence; issue; journal; level; liver; loaves; mariánum; medical; norm; nutrition; p<0.05; pathology; products; rats; research; safety; silybum; small; small loaves; substances; tea; university; vegetable; volume; wheat; xiii cache: fens-126.pdf plain text: fens-126.txt item: #31 of 747 id: fens-127 author: VOROBETS, Mariуa; KOBASA, Igor; CHEBAN, Aureliуa title: APPLICATION OF TITRIMETRIC TECHNIQUE TO DETERMINE PHOSPHATES IN CHEESES date: 2016-04-15 words: 2033 flesch: 61 summary: To find the mass of samples cheeses were taken into account: 1) for determination of phosphates in milk for analysis selected 20 cm3 of milk (known [9] that in 100 cm3 of milk is 90÷100 mg of phosphorus, i.e. in 20 cm3 of milk can be determined ≈20 mg of phosphorus); 2) based on acceptable standards: 100 g of spread cheese includes 2074 mg of phosphorus additives. The mass of cheese sample was found by calcu- lation method: ).(1 keywords: acid; additives; analysis; cheeses; cm3; color; content; determination; drops; flask; food; hard; industry; issue; mass; method; methodology; milk; phosphates; photometric; products; results; samples; sodium; solution; spread; titrimetric; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-127.pdf plain text: fens-127.txt item: #32 of 747 id: fens-128 author: VODYANKA, Vira; BORUK, Sergiy; WINKLER, Igor title: NEW FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENTAL ETCHING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOME STEELS AND COPPER ALLOYS date: 2016-04-15 words: 4469 flesch: 55 summary: The compositions recommended for the carbon steels etching Composition №1 (g/l): Composition №2 (g/l): Composition №3 (g/l): Hydrochloric acid (ρ=1.19 g/ml) – 200; Nitric acid (ρ=1.34 g/ml) – 120; Sulfosalicylic acid – 10; Acetylcarbamide – 2.0; Distilled water – up to 1 l Hydrochloric acid (ρ =1.19 g/l) – 200; Nitric acid (ρ =1.34 г/см3) – 120; Sulfosalicylic acid – 10; Thiosemicarbazide – 0.2; Distilled water – up to 1 l Phosphoric acid (ρ = 1.834 g/ml) – 275; Acetic acid (ρ = 1.049 g/ml) – 125; Nitric acid (ρ = 1.340 g/ml – 100; Thiosemicarbazide – 0.15; Distilled water - up to 1 l. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014 Vira VODYANKA, Sergiy BORUK, Igor WINKLER, New environment friendly etching technologies for some steels and copper alloys, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 4 – 2014, pag. The first in- hibitor was taken from the group I: ben- zenesulfonic acid; sulfosalicylic acid; sul- fanilic acid while the second agent was taken from the group II: thiosemicarba- zide; acetylcarbamide; pyrimidone; car- bamide; N-n-etoxyphenylcarbamide. keywords: acetylcarbamide; acid; activity; adsorption; agents; alloys; carbon; cel; compositions; concentration; copper; corrosion; dissolution; effective; efficiency; emission; engineering; environment; etching; faculty; fig; food; friendly; group; higher; inhibition; inhibitors; issue; journal; mare; metal; new; parameters; polishing; process; safety; sergiy; st10; steels; suceava; sulfosalicylic; surface; table; technologies; thiosemicarbazide; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-128.pdf plain text: fens-128.txt item: #33 of 747 id: fens-13 author: BARLOKOVÁ, Danka; ILAVSKÝ, Ján; FRANKOVÁ, Eleonóra; MOLNÁR, Tomáš title: COMPARISON OF ALUMINIUM SORPTION USING INORGANIC AND ORGANIC NATURAL SORBENTS date: 2015-03-31 words: 4893 flesch: 64 summary: In the open oceans are aluminum concentration of about 0.5 μg/l [3]. It was isolated from various substrates, from a soil, plants, cereals, flavourings, wood mass, paper, composts, texture substances, fuelling and also from natural water, drinking and waste water keywords: aluminum; c n; cel; clinoptilolite; concentration; drinking; e n; e t; engineering; environment; faculty; food; glabrum; growth; ir o; issue; journal; k o; l o; l s; l u; m s; mare; n g; n ka; n t; n u; n v; natural; nd o; ni c; nór; o ko; o máš; o n; o nme; o rg; s af; s ue; safety; samples; slovak; sorption; suceava; t o; t s; table; treatment; u s; university; volume; water; xiv; zeolites; ştefan cache: fens-13.pdf plain text: fens-13.txt item: #34 of 747 id: fens-130 author: 2013, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-20 words: 808 flesch: 23 summary: First pages.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XII, Issue 1 30 MARCH 2013 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; suceava; technical; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-130.pdf plain text: fens-130.txt item: #35 of 747 id: fens-131 author: 2013, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-20 words: 443 flesch: 53 summary: O F C HICKEN ME AT, INVEST I- GATED THROUGH HISTOLOGY EAF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALISYS THROUGH MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND FUZZY LOGIC Adrian IOANA, Augustin SEMENESCU, Cezar Florin PREDA 38 - 46 7. IS THE LAYING HENS REA RING SYSTEM RELEVANT FO R TABLE EGGS CHEMICAL keywords: cel; changes; contents; engineering; faculty; florin; food; issue; journal; mare; milk; radu; rusu; suceava; university; volume; water; xii; ştefan cache: fens-131.pdf plain text: fens-131.txt item: #36 of 747 id: fens-132 author: RADU-RUSU, Răzvan Mihail; PRISACARU (COŞULEANU), Ancuţa Elena; SADY HUSSEN, Tahsin; HOHA, Gabriel Vasile title: CERTAIN TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF CHICKEN MEAT, INVESTIGATED THROUGH HISTOLOGY AND PHOTONIC MICROSCOPY TECHNIQUES date: 2016-04-20 words: 4192 flesch: 75 summary: The results in the paper reveal some of the poultry muscles histological parameters: myocytes (muscle fibers) thickness and cross-section area, muscular fibers density, and, finally, the proportion of main tissues (pure muscular and connective) in whole muscle structure. Muscle fibers (myocites) and 1st order muscular fascicles in skeletal muscles of chicken broilers (100 x magnification, OC 10xOB 10, sampling: left-males, right-females) Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 1 – 2013 R Ă Z V A keywords: biceps; broilers; c h; c o; c u; connective; density; e c; e l; e n; e s; faculty; features; fibers; food; h s; journal; k e; m e; meat; muscles; muscular; myocytes; n c; n m; n s; n t; n u; n v; o g; o l; o n; o p; p r; pectoralis; poultry; pure; r o; r t; s c; s s; s u; t e; t o; t s; tissue; u e; u l; u r; y t cache: fens-132.pdf plain text: fens-132.txt item: #37 of 747 id: fens-133 author: TOROSYAN, Yeva; AVETISYAN, Andranik; TOROSYAN, Gagik title: PHASE TRANSFER CATALYSIS FOR GREEN CHEMISTRY date: 2016-04-20 words: 2598 flesch: 46 summary: Phase transfer catalysts can be either homogeneous (soluble in one or both solvents) or heterogeneous. Keywords: Green chemistry, sustainable development, phase transfer catalysis PTC, pollutions. keywords: acid; acrylamide; addition; advantages; catalysis; catalyst; catalytic; cel; chemical; chemistry; engineering; environment; faculty; food; gagik; green; green chemistry; heterogeneous; issue; journal; liquid; mare; michael; new; organic; pag; phase; principles; processes; products; ptc; reaction; safety; solvents; suceava; synthesis; system; table; torosyan; transfer; university; use; volume; xii; yeva; ştefan cache: fens-133.pdf plain text: fens-133.txt item: #38 of 747 id: fens-135 author: CIOBANU, Rodica title: CHANGES OF TOTAL WATER AND DRY MATTER CONTENT IN HEALTHY LEAVES AND IN LEAVES INFECTED BY TAPHRINA DEFORMANS AT PEACH CULTIVARS SPRINGCREST AND SPRINGOLD date: 2016-04-20 words: 3362 flesch: 66 summary: Springcrest, a high negative linear correlation was observed both in healthy leaves (r=- 0.9783*) and in leaves attacked by Taphrina deformans (r=-0.9764*); at one time with the increasing of dry matter content of the leaves it take place an decreasing of total water content. From the regression equation (Fig. 6, 7) between dry matter and total water content it was observed that a negative linear correlation estabilished between this two variables, both in healthy leaves (r = -0,9679*) and in those infected by Taphrina deformans (r = -0.9502*). keywords: berk; changes; content; correlation; cultivars; curl; decreasing; deformans; diseased; diseased leaves; dry; dry matter; environment; faculty; food; healthy; healthy leaves; higher; infected; issue; journal; leaf; leaves; leaves dry; linear; matter; ones; peach; safety; springcrest; springold; taphrina; taphrina deformans; time; total; total water; tul; university; values; volume; water; water content; xii cache: fens-135.pdf plain text: fens-135.txt item: #39 of 747 id: fens-136 author: DUBOVÁ, Vanda; SOKÁČ, Marek title: TEMPORAL CHANGES OF CORROSION LOSSES AND CORROSION RATES IN WATER PIPES date: 2016-04-20 words: 3967 flesch: 57 summary: Water aggressiveness can be determined from chemical analyses of water, direct test for solid CaCO3 (Heyer’s test), by a variety of formulas and tables, or corrosion tests [6]. Corrosion tests were performed on the water source Pernek, whose water shows relatively high aggressive effects. keywords: aggressiveness; average; bratislava; cel; changes; corrosion; corrosion layer; corrosion losses; day; days; dubová; engineering; environment; exposure; faculty; figure; food; issue; journal; layer; level; long; losses; mare; measurements; mg.l-1; pag; pipe; products; rate; results; safety; samples; slovak; sokáč; suceava; system; temporal; term; test; thick; time; university; vanda; volume; water; xii; years; ştefan cache: fens-136.pdf plain text: fens-136.txt item: #40 of 747 id: fens-137 author: IOANA, Adrian; SEMENESCU, Augustin; PREDA, Cezar Florin title: EAF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALISYS THROUGH MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND FUZZY LOGIC date: 2016-04-20 words: 3716 flesch: 51 summary: References [1]. A., IOANA, The Electric arc furnaces (EAF) functional and technological performances with the preheating of the load and powder blowing optimisation for the high quality steel processing, Ph D Thesis, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, 1998, pp. 21-187. [2]. A., IOANA, Ecological aspects and solutions in EAF’s line of work, The Danube river environment & education, Tulcea, nr. 3, 2005, pp. 17-20. keywords: adrian; analisys; arc; augustin; cel; cezar; composition; consumption; criteria; eaf; electric; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; florin; food; function; furnace; fuzzy; fuzzy logic; impact; ioana; isi; issue; journal; levels; logic; mare; materials; mathematical; melting; modeling; neuro; pag; preda; preheating; prescribed; process; quality; refining; results; safety; science; semenescu; steel; suceava; system; university; utility; variation; vector; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-137.pdf plain text: fens-137.txt item: #41 of 747 id: fens-138 author: RADU-RUSU (ŞESTALIUC), Cristina Gabriela; PLOCUS, Christelle; DANDOIS, Céline; RADU-RUSU, Răzvan Mihail title: IS THE LAYING HENS REARING SYSTEM RELEVANT FOR TABLE EGGS CHEMICAL AND NUTRITIONAL FEATURES? date: 2016-04-20 words: 3382 flesch: 53 summary: Cholesterol was also diminished in free range eggs (1065±23.98 µg/100 g) vs. furnished cage eggs (1094±24.71 µg/100 g). Thus, water content varied between 74.98±1.08 % (enriched cage eggs) and 75.62±1.08% (free range eggs), significant differences occurring for this trait (p<0.05). keywords: albumen; cages; caloricity; chemical; cholesterol; composition; content; cristina; dietetic; differences; different; edible; eggs; energy; environment; faculty; fatty; food; free; gross; group; hens; husbandry; issue; journal; kcal; kcal/100; lipids; mean; mihail; nitrogen; nutritional; order; p<0.05; parameters; poultry; production; quality; radu; range; rearing; rusu; safety; significant; systems; table; university; volume; water; welfare; xii; yolk cache: fens-138.pdf plain text: fens-138.txt item: #42 of 747 id: fens-139 author: BORDA, Daniela; GHERMĂNEANU, Mihaela; BLEOANCĂ, Iulia; NEAGU, Corina title: THERMAL INACTIVATION KINETICS OF LACTOPEROXIDASE IN MODEL SYSTEM, MILK AND WHEY date: 2016-04-20 words: 2759 flesch: 53 summary: The results obtained are in line with other studies of LPO inactivation kinetics in goat milk Tabel 1. D-values for LPO inactivation in phosphate buffer, milk and whey a) standard deviation In general the purified enzyme in phosphate buffer displays a higher thermostablity in comparison with milk and whey. keywords: activity; buffer; constant; environment; enzyme; food; inactivation; issue; journal; kinetics; lactoperoxidase; lpo; milk; minutes; model; mol; phosphate; rate; safety; system; temperature; thermal; time; treatment; values; volume; whey; xii cache: fens-139.pdf plain text: fens-139.txt item: #43 of 747 id: fens-14 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF STORAGE TEMPERATURE AND TIME ON TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT IN A SOFT WHEAT CULTIVAR date: 2015-03-31 words: 4304 flesch: 73 summary: Table 2 Percent reduction of TPC mean values in wheat samples kept at different temperatures Test TPC reduction percent Duration 5 days 10 days 15 days ST* WG WWF WB WF WG WWF WB WF WG WWF WB WF 40°C - 2% - - - 4.5% - 6.3% - 5.9% - 11.4% 60°C - - - - 2.5% 6.5% 1.8% 6.3% 4.6% 9.4% 4% 24% 120°C - 5.5% 2.2% 8.8% 2.5% 8.9% 4.3% 17.7% 5.6% 14.4% 8.7% 35.4% 180°C 2% 8.4% 5.4% 21.5% 5.1% 13.4% 8.7% 39.2% 12.8% 20.4% 13% 59.5% ST*= storage temperature; WG=wheat grains; WWF=whole-wheat flour; WB=wheat bran; WF=white flour (type 480) As it can see in all samples analyzed, the largest decreases of TPC were after 15 days of storage, with the largest percentage reductions at 180°C and 120°C, in WF, followed by WWF. Mean values of phenols total content after 5 days keeping of soft wheat samples WG=wheat grains; WWF=whole-wheat flour; WB=wheat bran; WF=white flour (type 480) 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 Blank 40°C 60°C 120°C 180°C Storage temperatures TP C m ea n va lu es (m g G A E /g ) WG WWF WB WF Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 1 – 2015 M a rc e l AV R AM IU C , T keywords: activity; antioxidant; bran; compounds; content; control; days; e l; e n; flour; food; gae; grains; journal; l t; mean; mg gae; n t; phenolic; samples; significant; soft; storage; suceava; t e; temperature; thresholds; total; tpc; type; values; wheat; wheat flour; wheat samples; wwf cache: fens-14.pdf plain text: fens-14.txt item: #44 of 747 id: fens-140 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: THE EFFECT OF LECITHIN ON ALVEOGRAPH CHARACTERISTICS, BAKING AND SENSORIAL QUALITIES OF WHEAT FLOUR date: 2016-04-20 words: 2369 flesch: 47 summary: The objectives were to (1) investigate the effect of lecithin on Alveograph rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough chosen like raw material; (2) to determine the bread characteristics (loaf volume, porosity, and elasticity) made with different addition levels of lecithin, and (3) to asses the bread sensorial characteristics made with and without exogenous dose of lecithin addition. Alveograph ratio P/L 0.89 1.04 1.24 1.71 1.83 1.89 As it can be seen from the Table 1 data the amphiphilic nature of lecithin addition in wheat flour dough conducted to an increase of dough strength in the way of a higher tenacity compared to a lower extensibility which resulted in an increase of the Alveograph ratio P/L from 0.89 to 1.89. keywords: addition; alveograph; asro; association; baking; bread; bucharest; characteristics; codină; content; control; dough; effect; elasticity; environment; flour; food; increase; iso; issue; journal; lecithin; lipid; loaf; mironeasa; porosity; properties; quality; rheological; romania; safety; sample; sensorial; standardization; volume; wheat; xii cache: fens-140.pdf plain text: fens-140.txt item: #45 of 747 id: fens-141 author: ALBU, Eufrozina; GUTT, Gheorghe; OROIAN, Mircea -Adrian title: STUDIES REGARDING THE PRETREATMENT WITH DILUTE ACID AND ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS OF WHEAT STRAWS FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION date: 2016-04-20 words: 5151 flesch: 62 summary: Ten of lignocelluloses combinations yielding the largest D values and predicted characteristic values are given in table 3 for sugar content after enzymatic hydrolysis, and in table 4 sugar content after fermentation, sugar content consumed at fermentation, sugar content and ethanol. Table 3 Desirability values and predicted characteristic values of ten combinations for sugar content after enzymatic hydrolysis No. X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 Sugar after enzymatic hydrolysis, g/L Desirability 1 0.72 0.94 -0.58 0.11 0.43 12.21300 1.000000 2 0.98 0.03 -0.78 -0.14 0.94 11.00950 1.000000 3 -0.04 0.99 0.73 0.26 0.86 11.37950 1.000000 4 0.83 0.53 0.85 0.56 0.98 11.49220 1.000000 5 -1.00 -0.88 -0.48 1.00 -1.00 10.01700 0.877667 6 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 0.20 0.87 9.94548 0.867874 7 1.00 -0.28 1.00 0.07 1.00 9.77736 0.844843 8 -0.72 -1.00 -0.55 1.00 -1.00 9.65469 0.828040 9 -1.00 -1.00 0.37 1.00 -0.58 9.63380 0.825178 10 0.99 -0.41 1.00 0.41 1.00 9.25547 0.773352 keywords: acid; bioethanol; c t; content; e g; e n; environment; enzymatic; enzymatic hydrolysis; ethanol; f o; fermentation; figure; food; g t; h2so4; hours; hydrolysis; issue; lignocellulosic; m e; minutes; n g; n t; o l; pretreatment; production; r e; r o; safety; straws; sugars; t e; t h; t m; t r; t u; temperature; u c; u d; university; volume; wheat; xii; y s cache: fens-141.pdf plain text: fens-141.txt item: #46 of 747 id: fens-142 author: IOANA, Adrian; SEMENESCU, Augustin; PREDA, Cezar Florin title: ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR THE EMAS REGULATION date: 2016-04-20 words: 1945 flesch: 24 summary: Figure 1 presents the basic principles of environmental indicator systems, also the categories of environmental indicators and the correlation levels. The paper also deals with the indicators’ functions, quality and basic categories of environmental performance indicators. keywords: aspects; basic; bucharest; categories; correlation; emas; environmental; epi; food; impacts; indicators; information; ioana; issue; journal; management; organization; performance; performance indicators; priorities; safety; university; volume; xii cache: fens-142.pdf plain text: fens-142.txt item: #47 of 747 id: fens-143 author: HUTANU, Florentina; GUTT, Gheorghe title: MODIFIED PRUSSIAN BLUE SCREEN PRINTED ELECTRODES FOR H2O2 DETECTION date: 2016-04-20 words: 2722 flesch: 57 summary: In this case the electrochemical cell is composed by a graphite working electrode (d = 4mm), a graphite auxiliary electrode and a silver pseudoreference electrode, with silver electric contacts deposed on a ceramic substrate. In this case the electrochemical cell is composed by a graphite working electrode (d = 4 mm), a graphite auxiliary electrode and a silver pseudoreference electrode, with silver electric contacts and ceramic substrate. keywords: aot; blue; buffer; cel; deposition; detection; electrochemical; electrodes; engineering; environment; faculty; food; h2o2; hcl; issue; journal; kcl; mare; phosphate; potential; procedure; prussian; prussian blue; reduction; safety; screen; sensors; solution; spe; stability; suceava; university; volume; working; xii; ştefan cache: fens-143.pdf plain text: fens-143.txt item: #48 of 747 id: fens-144 author: DABIJA, Adriana; SION, Iuliana; TITA, Mihaela-Adriana; TITA, Ovidiu title: ASPECTS CONCERNING AFLATOXINS INCIDENCE IN MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-20 words: 2617 flesch: 50 summary: The incidence of M1 aflatoxin in milk could be explained by molded feed (B1) consumed by animals. PIRESTANI, A., TOGHYANI, M., The effect of aflatoxin levels on milk production, reproduction and lameness in high production Holstein cows, African Journal of Biotechnology, vol.9 (46), 7905- 7908, (2010) keywords: adriana; aflatoxin; antibody; cel; cheese; complete; comply; contamination; dairy; elisa; engineering; environment; feeds; food; health; high; incidence; issue; journal; kg[ppb; level; liver; lod; mare; maximum; milk; molds; mycotoxins; places; products; regulation; romania; safety; samples; solution; suceava; table; time; tita; university; volume; xii cache: fens-144.pdf plain text: fens-144.txt item: #49 of 747 id: fens-145 author: BÂRLĂ, Florin; POROCH – SERIŢAN, Maria; SĂVUŢ (STRATON), Victoria Domnica title: INCIDENCE OF FOOD CONTAMINATION WITH STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS IN SUCEAVA COUNTY, ROMANIA date: 2016-04-20 words: 2941 flesch: 53 summary: Summary of the contamination incidence with S. aureus in food samples and food handlers occurred in Suceava County between 2002 – 2011 year Samples No. of examined samples No. of sample positive for S. aureus % of isolation food samples 66 6 9.09 2002 food handlers 82 4 4.87 food samples 51 7 13.72 2003 food handlers 85 2 2.35 food samples 27 8 29.62 2004 food handlers 27 10 37.04 food samples 56 0 0.00 2005 food handlers 59 10 16.95 food samples 54 28 51.85 2006 food handlers 105 25 23.81 food samples 7 3 42.86 2007 food handlers 12 0 0.0 food samples 14 4 28.57 2008 food handlers 12 3 25.0 food samples 14 3 21.43 2009 food handlers 21 4 19.05 food samples 15 5 33.33 2010 food handlers 9 0 0.0 food samples 35 0 0.0 2011 food handlers 30 0 0.0 The same study show that in Turkey in 2007, 18.18% had, in Morocco in 2004, registred 40% and in India in 2008, with a 61.7% infestation respectively from raw milk samples were found contaminated with S. aureus. Summary of the contamination incidence with S. aureus in food samples and food handlers occurred in Suceava Bucsoaia student's camp on 2002 and 2006 year Samples No. of examined samples No. of sample positive for S. aureus % of isolation food samples 35 14 40.0 2002 food handlers 16 0 0.0 food samples 20 10 50.0 2006 food handlers 5 5 100.0 In Romania according to Ivana 2010 keywords: agar; aureus; baird; cel; contaminated; contamination; county; domnica; engineering; enterotoxins; environment; faculty; florin; food; food handlers; food samples; handlers; hours; illness; incidence; issue; journal; mare; maria; nasal; pag; parker; poisoning; poroch; positive; romania; s. aureus; safety; samples; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; strains; suceava; săvuţ; university; victoria; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-145.pdf plain text: fens-145.txt item: #50 of 747 id: fens-146 author: GVEROSKA, Biljana title: IN VITRO BIOCONTROL ACTIVITY OF TRICHODERMA HARZIANUM AGAINST SOME PATHOGENIC FUNGI ON TOBACCO date: 2016-04-20 words: 5128 flesch: 55 summary: Fungal plant pathogens are among the most important factors that cause serious losses to agricultural products every year It can produce lytic enzymes and antifungal antibiotic, it can be competitors of fungal pathogens and, in promoting plant growth [16]. keywords: activity; agent; alternata; antagonism; antagonistic; biljana; biocontrol; biological; cel; colony; contact; culture; day; debarianum; development; different; disease; dual; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; figure; food; fungal; fungi; growth; gveroska; harzianum; inhibition; issue; journal; mare; mechanisms; mycoparasitism; nicotianae; pag; parasitica; pathogen; plant; plates; potential; presence; pythium; radial; rhizoctonia; safety; solani; spp; suceava; table; tobacco; trichoderma; university; var; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-146.pdf plain text: fens-146.txt item: #51 of 747 id: fens-147 author: BELYKH, Iryna; SAMOYLENKO, Sergiy; ROGOZYNSKYI, Myron; WINKLER, Igor title: BIOCHEMICAL ASPECTS OF WATER DECONTAMINATION WITH OZONE date: 2016-04-20 words: 1830 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract: An article deals with the mechanism of ozone effect on microorganisms. Kinetics of bacteria inactivation under the influence of ozone depends on ozone content in the ozone-air mixture, dissolved ozone concentration, amount of ozone absorbed by bacteria, time of the microorganisms’ exposure and their type. keywords: activity; bacteria; bactericide; belykh; biochemical; chlorine; concentration; deactivation; decontamination; effect; environment; faculty; fluorescence; food; higher; issue; journal; kinetics; microbes; microbial; mixture; organic; ozone; ozonization; proteins; safety; treatment; ukraine; university; volume; wastewater; water; xii cache: fens-147.pdf plain text: fens-147.txt item: #52 of 747 id: fens-148 author: 2013, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-21 words: 808 flesch: 23 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-148.pdf plain text: fens-148.txt item: #53 of 747 id: fens-149 author: 2013, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-21 words: 409 flesch: 51 summary: A CTIVIT Y OF T HE PR OB I OTIC S TRAIN LACTOBACIL L US DELBRU ECKII SS P. BULGARICUS GB OF H UMAN OR PRUSSIAN BLUE BASED SCREEN PRINTED BIOSENSORS WITH IMPROVED CHARACTERISTICS OF LONG TERM AND pH STABILITY Florentina HUȚANU, Maria MARCU, Gheorghe GUTT 148 - 155 8. keywords: ciornei; cristina; elena; engineering; food; gabriel; gheorghe; gutt; issue; mare; ons; suceava; todosi; university; volume; xii; ștefăroi cache: fens-149.pdf plain text: fens-149.txt item: #54 of 747 id: fens-15 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF BLENDS OF CORN OIL WITH CORIANDER SEED OIL date: 2015-03-31 words: 6000 flesch: 73 summary: It was found that the presence of coriander seed oil up to 30% in corn oil had an improving effect on quality parameters of the oil blends. The addition of coriander seed oil in corn oil caused a decrease in the refractive index, iodine value, saponification value and peroxid value with the increased mixing ratios (proportion) in the oil blends formulation. keywords: acid; activity; blending; blends; cel; characteristics; chemical; content; coriander; coriander seed; coriandrum; corn; corn oil; cso; decrease; degree; different; e nd; e o; e t; edible; engineering; environment; f e; faculty; fatty; fig; food; formulation; high; index; iodine; ir o; iso; issue; journal; l e; lipid; mare; n o; o rg; oil; oil samples; oils; oxidation; parameters; properties; quality; refractive; romania; safety; samples; saponification; sativum; seed; seed oil; shear; suceava; university; unsaturation; value; vegetable; viscosity; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-15.pdf plain text: fens-15.txt item: #55 of 747 id: fens-150 author: MYRONCHUK, Valeriy; YESHCHENKO, Oxana; SAMILYK, Maryna title: SUCROSE COOLING CRYSTALLIZATION MODELLING date: 2016-04-21 words: 2664 flesch: 51 summary: A generic multi-dimensional model-based system for batch cooling crystallization processes // Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 35, Issue 5, 11 May 2011, Pages 828-843. Corresponding author Received April 8th 2013, accepted May 15th 2013 Abstract: Based on the material balance equations and understanding of the final-grade massecuite cooling crystallization process as the technology object, a simulation model of the process has been built by which the computational experiments have been conducted. keywords: balance; content; cooling; crystallization; crystallization process; dilution; dry; engineering; environment; final; food; grain; heating; impure; intermediate; issue; journal; massecuite; modelling; pages; process; purity; ratio; safety; solids; solution; sucrose; sugar; syrup; temperature; university; volume; water; weight; xii;   cache: fens-150.pdf plain text: fens-150.txt item: #56 of 747 id: fens-151 author: RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich; LEMENTAR, Svyatoslav Yuriyovich title: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN DESIGNING HIGH-PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT FOR BIOMASS COMPACTING date: 2016-04-21 words: 2814 flesch: 39 summary: The geometrical dimensions of the matrix holes, thickness of the matrix Analysis of mechanisms of interaction in the system: extruding unit - raw materials Design scheme of the process extrusions through the matrix hole Mathematical model of extrusion process Carrying out numerical experiments for selected types of raw materials Rheological properties Conditions of surface interaction between raw material and the matrix during extrusion process Conditions force loading during pelleting of raw materials The analytical model Algorithmic model Numeric model A strained - strain state of raw materials during extrusion Change in pressure during extrusion Dependence of the process on the geometry of holes in the matrix The load on the elements of process equipment Analysis of results the conducted experiments Database Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 2 – 2013 Dmitro Viktorovich RINDYUK, Svyatoslav Yuriyovich LEMENTAR, Information technology in designing high- performance equipment for biomass compacting, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XII, Issue 2 – 2013, pag. A mathematical model of the process for particular materials extrusion is developed and a new approach to the extrusion granulator unit design is offered with the developed methods taken as a basis. keywords: biomass; cel; compacting; density; dependence; design; designing; dispersed; engineering; environment; equipment; extrusion; figure; food; granulator; holes; information; issue; journal; liquid; mare; materials; mathematical; matrix; model; parameters; pellets; phase; process; processing; raw; safety; scheme; solid; suceava; technological; technology; unit; university; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-151.pdf plain text: fens-151.txt item: #57 of 747 id: fens-152 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; DENKOVA, Zapryana; YANAKIEVA, Velichka; ILIEVA, Svetla title: ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE PROBIOTIC STRAIN LACTOBACILLUS DELBRUECKII SSP. BULGARICUS GB OF HUMAN ORIGIN AGAINST PATHOGENS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2806 flesch: 47 summary: bulgaricus GB, 0.5 cm3 of the suspension of the pathogen and 9 cm3 of culture medium (skimmed milk), and in the controls of the Lactobacillus strain or the pathogen 9.5 cm3 culture medium (skimmed milk) is mixed with 0.5 cm3 of the suspension of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus GB inhibits the growth of the pathogens - for 60 - 72 hours the numbers of viable cells of the pathogens are reduced. keywords: acidity; activity; antimicrobial; atcc; bulgaricus; bulgaricus gb; cells; cultivation; delbrueckii ssp; denkova; e.coli; environment; fig; food; issue; lactobacillus; lactobacillus delbrueckii; mixed; pathogens; population; probiotic; safety; salmonella; separate; ssp; strain; viable; volume; xii cache: fens-152.pdf plain text: fens-152.txt item: #58 of 747 id: fens-153 author: HOHA, Gabriel Vasile; PAGU, Ionut Bogdan; NISTOR, Catalin Emilian; MĂGDICI, Emanuel; PĂSĂRIN, Benone title: RESEARCHES REGARDING DEVELOPMENT BODY AND CUTTING REPORTS AT ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS SPECIES date: 2016-04-21 words: 2329 flesch: 54 summary: Setting component parts indicate an increase of the trunk beside total body weight, at a rate of 66.63% for trout aged 1 year to 72.69% at 3 years old trout. Measurements on specimens of rainbow trout studied to determine body size trout showed that the groups analyzed had a good development fits within the limits described in the literature for this species. keywords: age; batch; batches; body; carcass; cutting; development; environment; experimental; fish; food; issue; live; mass; measurements; meat; mykiss; oncorhynchus; oncorhynchus mykiss; organs; rainbow; safety; slaughter; species; total; trout; values; visceral; volume; weight; xii; year; yield cache: fens-153.pdf plain text: fens-153.txt item: #59 of 747 id: fens-154 author: CIOBANU, Rodica title: CHANGES OF SOME DEHYDROGENASE ACTIVITIES IN THE LEAVES OF PEACH CULTIVAR SPRINGCREST NATURALLY INFECTED WITH THE FUNGUS TAPHRINA DEFORMANS date: 2016-04-21 words: 3738 flesch: 55 summary: In the leaves attacked by the fungus Taphrina deformans, malate dehydrogenase activity had the highest value – 0,0967 μg formazan/g mat. FAHIEN L.A., KMIOTEK E.H., MACDONALD M.J., FIBICH B., MILKA M., Regulation of malate dehydrogenase activity by glutamate, citrate,α-ketoglutarate, and multienzyme interaction, J. Biol. keywords: activities; activity; attack; cel; changes; ciobanu; cultivar; decreasing; deformans; dehydrogenase; dehydrogenase activity; diseased; engineering; environment; enzyme; faculty; food; fungus; g mat; glucose; glucose dehydrogenase; healthy; higher; infected; infection; isocitrate; isocitrate dehydrogenase; issue; journal; ketoglutarate; leaves; malate; mare; order; oxygen; pag; peach; plant; results; rodica; safety; springcrest; stage; suceava; taphrina; taphrina deformans; university; values; vii; volume; xii; ştefan; μg formazan cache: fens-154.pdf plain text: fens-154.txt item: #60 of 747 id: fens-155 author: AMARIEI (GUTT), Sonia; CIORNEI (ȘTEFĂROI), Simona; SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI), Elena title: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SOME ESSENTIAL OILS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2700 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: essential oils, antioxidant activity, DPPH , 1. Essential oils which are concentrated in powerful antioxidants are called plant essences. keywords: activity; amariei; antimicrobial; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; basil; body; cel; chemical; ciornei; clove; composition; content; coriander; dill; dpph; elena; engineering; environment; essential; essential oils; faculty; family; food; free; gutt; high; issue; journal; juniper; main; mare; natural; oil; oils; oregano; pag; plant; properties; radicals; rosemary; safety; sage; simona; sonia; suceava; sănduleac; thyme; university; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-155.pdf plain text: fens-155.txt item: #61 of 747 id: fens-156 author: HUȚANU, Florentina; MARCU, Maria; GUTT, Gheorghe title: PRUSSIAN BLUE BASED SCREEN PRINTED BIOSENSORS WITH IMPROVED CHARACTERISTICS OF LONG TERM AND pH STABILITY date: 2016-04-21 words: 3654 flesch: 56 summary: The SPCE/PB/AOT electrode displayed a significant improvement of its electrochemical properties and of its stability compared with PB modified SPCE formed in absence of surfactant. Influence of electrolyte solution pH on the response of PB modified SPCE to phosphate buffer pH 6.5 The pH influence on the electrochemical determination of glucose using the SPCE / PB was studied at pH ranging 6 - 7.4. keywords: aot; apea; biosensors; blue; cel; characteristics; concentration; deposition; determination; dhn; electrochemical; electrodes; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; glucose; god; hydrogen; improved; influence; issue; journal; long; mare; modified; peroxide; potential; prussian; rate; safety; scan; screen; solution; spce; stability; suceava; university; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-156.pdf plain text: fens-156.txt item: #62 of 747 id: fens-157 author: AMARIEI (GUTT), Sonia; SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI SĂNDULEAC), Elena; CIORNEI (ȘTEFĂROI), Simona title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF OXIDATIVE STABILITY FOR DIFFERENT TYPES OF VEGETABLE OILS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2324 flesch: 51 summary: Free radicals concentration and the amount of antioxidants in lipids are important factors for predicting oil stability. Determination of acidity oil according to NF ISO 660-1999 Mode: Over ~ 5g sample plus solvent is titrated with KOH solution in the presence of phenolphthalein as indicator. keywords: acidity; acids; activity; antioxidant; corn; different; dpph; environment; extra; fatty; food; free; grape; issue; journal; meq; method; oil; oils; olive; oxidative; peroxide; presence; safety; seed; stability; study; suceava; sunflower; sănduleac; value; vegetable; virgin; volume; xii cache: fens-157.pdf plain text: fens-157.txt item: #63 of 747 id: fens-158 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: SOME CHEMICAL ASPECTS DURING WHITE CABBAGE PICKLING PROCESS date: 2016-04-21 words: 3873 flesch: 58 summary: For the both types of cabbage, the pH of sauce, obtained with iodized salt, recorded greater reductions than the pH of sauce with non-iodized salt. As seen, in minced cabbage the concentration of the both salt types reached maximum values after five days of pickling (2.74 g NaCl/100g of product for non-iodized salt and 2.58 g NaCl/100g of product for iodized salt). keywords: acid; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; brine; cabbage; cabbage pickling; cabbage sauce; chemical; concentration; content; days; engineering; environment; evolution; fermented; food; iodized; iodized salt; issue; journal; non; pickled; pickling; pickling process; process; product; safety; salt; samples; sauce; suceava; types; values; vegetables; volume; white; xii cache: fens-158.pdf plain text: fens-158.txt item: #64 of 747 id: fens-159 author: LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea; HREŢCANU, Cristina - Elena title: ESTIMATION OF BIOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF WALNUTS FROM THE REGION OF SUCEAVA - ROMANIA date: 2016-04-21 words: 3309 flesch: 59 summary: 3. Results and discussion The results obtained from proximate composition of walnut samples were shown in Table 2. The percentage values of protein, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively the variation of energetic values (kcal) of walnut samples are presented in figures 1 and 2. Figure 1. keywords: acid; ana; ash; biochemical; carbohydrate; cel; composition; content; cristina; cultivars; damian; differences; elena; engineering; environment; estimation; extracts; faculty; food; gae; highest; issue; journal; juglans; kernel; leahu; mare; mircea; moisture; oil; oroian; pag; phenols; properties; protein; regia; region; results; romania; safety; samples; suceava; total; university; values; volume; walnuts; water; weight; xii; ştefan cache: fens-159.pdf plain text: fens-159.txt item: #65 of 747 id: fens-16 author: LUGOVSKA, Oksana; SIDOR, Vasilij title: INFLUENCE OF HYDROCOLLOIDS IN OIL-IN-WATER EMULSIONS DURING STORAGE OF FOOD date: 2015-03-31 words: 2519 flesch: 53 summary: The attention is specifically paid to new understanding concerning the rheological and microstructural control of emulsion stability by non-adsorbing hydrocolloids, and the great potential of electrostatic protein-polysaccharide interactions at the oil-water interface to enhance emulsion properties. Keywords: emulsion stability, depletion flocculation, rheology and microstructure, hydrocolloid emulsifiers 1. keywords: agent; beverages; coalescence; creaming; drinks; droplets; emulsion; engineering; environment; faculty; flocculation; food; hydrocolloids; influence; ingredients; interaction; issue; journal; lemon; micron; oil; oksana; pag; phase; potential; safety; size; soft; stability; stabilization; stable; storage; suceava; surface; type; vasilij; volume; water; xiv cache: fens-16.pdf plain text: fens-16.txt item: #66 of 747 id: fens-160 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel; GUTT, Gheorghe title: STATISTICAL STUDY OF THE DEPENDENCE BETWEEN CONCENTRATION OF METALLIC ELEMENTS MIGRATED FROM STAINLESS STEEL GRADE AISI321 AND WORKING PARAMETERS date: 2016-04-21 words: 6640 flesch: 84 summary: X ∙ X ∙ X + 1.00 ∙ X ∙ X ∙ X (4) keywords: 56fe; c e; check; concentration; e e; e l; e n; e nt; e t; experimental; f e; f r; figure; food; g r; l g; l s; m e; mathematical; mathematical model; model; nc e; nd e; s t; t r; t y; validity; values; variables; ∙ x; ∙ ∙ cache: fens-160.pdf plain text: fens-160.txt item: #67 of 747 id: fens-161 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian title: LACTIC ACID PRODUCTION BY BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM RHIZOSPHERIC SOIL OF DAHLIA TUBERS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2601 flesch: 52 summary: Characteristics of the isolated bacteria Bacteria Colony characteristics Cell morphology Cells image Lbd1 3 mm cream circular colony, convex, opaque, smooth Long curved rods, rounded ends, single, pairs, short chains Lbd2 2-3 mm cream circular colony, convex, opaque, smooth Long rods, rounded ends, single, pairs, in palisades Lbd3 2 mm white- cream colony, convex, glistening, opaque Short rods, rounded ends, single, pairs, in palisades The separate hydrolysis and fermentation technique was used for the lactic acid production, which consisted in 30 minutes of acid hydrolysis, followed by 72 hours of lactic acid fermentation. Figure 1.pH variation of lactic acid fermented dahlia hydrolysate After 96 hours of lactic acid fermentation with bacteria isolated from rhizospheric soil of dahlia tubers we observed a pH variation as presented in figure 1. keywords: acid; acid bacteria; acid production; bacteria; chemical; dahlia; dahlia tubers; environment; fermentation; flour; food; fructose; homolactic; hours; hydrolysate; hydrolysis; inulin; isolated; issue; journal; lactic; lactic acid; lbd2; mrs; octavian; polyfructans; production; productivity; rhizospheric; safety; soil; strains; tubers; university; value; volume; xii; yield cache: fens-161.pdf plain text: fens-161.txt item: #68 of 747 id: fens-162 author: ROȘU, Alice-Iuliana; HREȚCANU, Cristina-Elena; LEAHU, Ana title: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH ON THE INFLUENCE OF PACKAGING DESIGN ON EMOTIONAL RESPONSE TO CHOCOLATE date: 2016-04-21 words: 5577 flesch: 48 summary: A low percentage is held by other colors such as pink, purple, red, green and yellow, the last one being especially chosen by students who associate chocolate color with cream. By means of three analyses- sensory, semiotic and statistical – we designed 6 types of chocolate packages which allow chocolate consumers to describe their feelings while watching or consuming chocolate. keywords: alice; analysis; approach; cel; characteristics; chocolate; cocoa; coffee; color; consumers; cristina; dark; dark chocolate; design; elena; emotional; engineering; environment; expectations; faculty; feelings; figure; food; food engineering; high; hrețcanu; image; influence; interdisciplinary; issue; iuliana; journal; labels; leahu; mare; milk; mint; orange; package; packaging; packaging design; pag; people; perception; preference; product; quality; response; roșu; safety; scores; sensory; students; study; suceava; taste; terms; types; university; volume; volume xii; white; xii; ştefan cache: fens-162.pdf plain text: fens-162.txt item: #69 of 747 id: fens-163 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel; GUTT, Gheorghe; POROCH-SERIŢAN, Maria title: CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MATERIAL BALANCE OF MIGRATION PROCESS OF METAL IONS FROM THE AISI304 STAINLESS STEEL IN ACETIC ACID SOLUTIONS date: 2016-04-21 words: 4784 flesch: 80 summary: T R O E , G T R O E , G keywords: c e; dissolution; e e; e l; e n; e r; e s; e t; f t; food; h e; l o; l s; m e; metallic; n c; n l; n s; n t; o c; o n; s f; s s; s t; s u; t h; t r; t t; u e; u t cache: fens-163.pdf plain text: fens-163.txt item: #70 of 747 id: fens-165 author: 2013, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-21 words: 808 flesch: 22 summary: Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-165.pdf plain text: fens-165.txt item: #71 of 747 id: fens-166 author: 2013, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-21 words: 275 flesch: 53 summary: IZATI ON Alla CHO BS AN, Ig o r WINKLER 218 - 224 3. BY PACKAGING Mihaela JARCĂU 247 - 252 7. ERYT HR OS INE B IN T HE EN VIR O NM ENT. keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; suceava; university; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-166.pdf plain text: fens-166.txt item: #72 of 747 id: fens-167 author: VOLYNS’KA, Yevgenia; OMEL’CHENKO, Natalia; ROGOZYNSKYI, Мyron; MYKYTYUK, Oksana title: WILD BERRY PLANTS CONTAMINATION WITH TECHNOGENIC RADIONUCLIDES IN NORTHERN BUKOVINA date: 2016-04-21 words: 1477 flesch: 46 summary: Significant differences in radionuclide content are demonstrated in different country regions as well as in miscellaneous species of wild berry plants in them. 3. Results and Discussion Results of investigation of radionuclide content in wild berry plants collected in Putyla district are demonstrated in table 1. keywords: 137cs; accumulation; activity; berries; berry; blueberry; cesium-137; chernivtsi; contamination; content; cowberry; different; environment; food; investigations; issue; plants; polessie; products; radioactive; radionuclide; region; safety; ukraine; university; volume; wild; xii cache: fens-167.pdf plain text: fens-167.txt item: #73 of 747 id: fens-168 author: CHOBAN, Alla; WINKLER, Igor title: A CASE STUDY OF THE JUICE-MAKING FACTORY WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND POSSIBLE WAYS OF ITS OPTIMIZATION date: 2016-04-21 words: 3206 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: juice making; wastewater treatment; active sludge; biogenic components 1. In this paper we analyze gen- eral problems of the juice making wastewater treatment. keywords: alla; case; cel; choban; day; decontamination; engineering; environment; equipment; factories; factory; faculty; food; igor; issue; journal; juice; making; mare; nitrogen; optimization; pag; possible; problems; quality; safety; sludge; study; suceava; table; tank; technologies; technology; treatment; ukraine; university; volume; volume xii; wastewater; wastewater treatment; ways; winkler; working; xii; ştefan cache: fens-168.pdf plain text: fens-168.txt item: #74 of 747 id: fens-169 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; DENKOVA, Zapryana; YANAKIEVA, Velichka; GEORGIEVA, Lyubka title: HIGHLY ACTIVE FREEZE-DRIED PROBIOTIC CONCENTRATES WITH LONG SHELF LIFE date: 2016-04-21 words: 4119 flesch: 39 summary: [2] HEIDEBACH T., FÖRST P., KULOZIK U., Microencapsulation of probiotic cells for food applications, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 52. 291 – 311, (2012). The preservation of probiotic strains for a long period of storage and low cost transportation and thus, resulting in ready-to-use cultures for dairy and other food-related industries including in the field of probiotics is facilitated by freeze-drying using appropriate cryoprotectant media. keywords: acid; active; alginate; bacteria; cells; cfu; concentrates; conditions; denkova; drying; engineering; environment; faculty; food; freeze; freezing; georgieva; high; hydrocolloid; immobilization; issue; journal; lactobacillus; life; long; lyophilization; lyophilized; lyubka; mare; matrix; microorganisms; number; paracasei; pectin; plantarum; probiotic; process; product; rn5; rositsa; safety; shelf; sodium; storage; strains; suceava; survival; table; temperature; university; velichka; viable; volume; xii; yanakieva; zapryana; ştefan cache: fens-169.pdf plain text: fens-169.txt item: #75 of 747 id: fens-17 author: KOBASA, Igor; BILOKOPYTA, Galyna; ARSENIEVA, Larysa title: NANODISPERSED COMPOSITE ANTIMICROBIAL MATERIALS BASED ON CALCIUM HYDROXYLAPATITE date: 2015-03-31 words: 1944 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: calcium hydroxylapatite, antimicrobial activity, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli 1. This paper deals with investigation of antimicrobial activity of some nanosized examples of calcium hydroxylapatite synthesized by sedimentation of calcium nitrate and ammonium hydrophosphate by ammonium hydrate (“wet” method) and by calcination of the dry mixture of calcium carbonate and ammonium hydrophosphate (“dry” method). keywords: activity; ammonium; antibacterial; antimicrobial; aureus; calcium; cel; coli; composite; degrees; dry; engineering; escherichia; fig; food; hydroxylapatite; issue; journal; materials; method; o n; solution; staphylococcus; suspensions; synthesis; university; wet; ştefan cache: fens-17.pdf plain text: fens-17.txt item: #76 of 747 id: fens-170 author: KOBASA, Igor title: ATOM-ABSORPTION METHOD OF DETERMINATION OF SELENIUM CONTENT IN SOME RAW MATERIALS AND FOOD date: 2016-04-21 words: 3065 flesch: 59 summary: This issue is related to various methods available for continuous and pre- cise analytical determination of Se content in environmental objects and other materi- als. A series of experimental methods are available for experimental determination of Se content in water keywords: absorption; analytical; atom; biological; butylacetate; content; determination; diethyldithiocarbamate; engineering; environment; extraction; fig; food; issue; journal; line; materials; method; mixture; objects; organic; pag; raw; results; safety; samples; selenium; signal; sodium; university; value; volume; wanted; xii; ştefan cache: fens-170.pdf plain text: fens-170.txt item: #77 of 747 id: fens-171 author: RUSU, Micşunica title: DETERMINATION OF COMPOUNDS WITH POTENTIAL ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTIRADICAL CAPACITY IN DIFFERENT OREGANO EXTRACTS date: 2016-04-21 words: 3892 flesch: 51 summary: Abstract: Oregano is an aromatic plant used both as a condiment and for medicinal purposes, with a great number of antioxidant compounds (43). The quantity of antioxidant compounds Solvent (sample) keywords: acid; antioxidant; antiradical; capacity; compounds; condiment; content; d.p; different; environment; extraction; extracts; flavonoids; food; gae; high; issue; journal; low; medicinal; methanol; mixture; oregano; plant; polyphenolcarboxilic; polyphenols; potential; safety; solution; solvents; table; temperature; total; values; volume; water; xii cache: fens-171.pdf plain text: fens-171.txt item: #78 of 747 id: fens-172 author: JARCĂU, Mihaela title: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MUSTARD SEEDS AND HOW THEY ARE INFLUENCED BY PACKAGING date: 2016-04-21 words: 2300 flesch: 63 summary: Mustard seeds have been used since 4000 years ago both in the kitchen for flavor and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 3 – 2013 Mihaela JARCĂU, Physical properties of mustard seeds and how they are influenced by packaging, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XII, Issue 3 – 2013, pag. Many culinary herbs and spices were included in the category of medicinal plants such as cumin oil and seeds, cardamom seeds, cinnamon, cloves, dill seeds, fennel seeds and oil, garlic, ginger root, liquorice root, peppermint oil, onion, paprika, parsley root, oil and mint leaves, rosemary, sage, thyme, turmeric root, coriander seeds, mustard seeds keywords: bulk; density; dimensions; engineering; environment; figure; food; issue; journal; mass; maximum; minimum; months; mustard; mustard seeds; physical; porosity; properties; relative; safety; sample; seeds; storage; suceava; true; variation; volume; xii cache: fens-172.pdf plain text: fens-172.txt item: #79 of 747 id: fens-173 author: APOSTOL, Laura Carmen; GAVRILESCU, Maria title: ERYTHROSINE B IN THE ENVIRONMENT. REMOVAL PROCESSES date: 2016-04-21 words: 7129 flesch: 61 summary: p a g. 25 3 - 2 6 4 259 Borgerding and Hites (1994) reported the presence of xanthene dye Erythrosine B in wastewater from food and cosmetic industry and affirmed that the dye was adsorbed by the sludge [48]. Sorption, biodegradation and photodegradation processes where tested to evaluate Erythrosine B removal from aqueous solution. keywords: acid; additives; anaerobic; ap o; applied; aqueous; biodegradation; biological; biomass; blue; carbon; cel; chemical; cherries; coloring; comparison; compounds; conditions; coriolus; cost; decolorization; degradation; different; directive; dye; dyes; e mo; e nt; e nvi; e s; e t; engineering; environment; erythrosine; faculty; fd&c; fluorescein; fo o; food; food engineering; fungus; gav r; hazardous; high; issue; journal; kg-1; l-1; low; mare; materials; methods; mpa r; n t; nd e; nt s; nvi r; o n; o s; oc e; photocatalytic; photodegradation; presence; processes; products; r e; r ile; r oc; red; removal; rhodamine; s s; safety; sodium; solution; sorption; studies; study; suceava; table; time; tio2; treatment; university; use; va l; versicolor; volume; waste; water; xanthene; xii; ştefan cache: fens-173.pdf plain text: fens-173.txt item: #80 of 747 id: fens-174 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel; GUTT, Gheorghe; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METAL IONS RELEASED FROM AISI304 AND AISI321 STAINLESS STEELS IN FOOD SIMULANT SOLUTIONS AT VARIOUS WORKING PARAMETERS date: 2016-04-21 words: 3448 flesch: 48 summary: 265 - 270 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN METAL IONS RELEASED FROM AISI304 AND Abstract: The aim of this study was to apply statistical techniques to analyze the experimental data obtained from accelerated migration tests of metal ions from different stainless steels grades in simulated environments foods. keywords: acetic; acetic acid; acid; aisi304; aisi321; aisi321 stainless; analysis; chromium; component; concentration; correlations; environment; food; food simulant; grade; ions; iron; issue; journal; manganese; metal ions; migration; nickel; parameters; pca; principal; release; safety; samples; significant; simulant; simulant solution; solution; stainless; stainless steel; steel; variables; volume; working; xii cache: fens-174.pdf plain text: fens-174.txt item: #81 of 747 id: fens-175 author: AMARIEI, Sonia; RUSU, Aspazia title: THE QUALITY OF WASTEWATER IN THE DAIRY INDUSTRY date: 2016-04-21 words: 2787 flesch: 46 summary: Depending on the size and age of the plant, equipment, handling cleaning plans 2 Clening Solutions Sterilization Peroxide cleaning plans 3 Cooling water for products and heat exchangers Maintenance of heat exchangers Hot water with suspended solids Pasteurisation, sterilisation 4 Sanitary waste water Disinfection BOD5 , COD-Cr, suspended solids (SS), ammonia and detergents Cleaning plans, chemical coagulants 5 Water for regeneration of ions exchange resins Treatment of water from wells Acidity and basicity Acids and bases for regeneration of ions exchange resins Waters resulting from the processing of milk are characterized by a high concentration of organic material in proteins, sugars, lipids, high concentrations of suspended solids, high consumption of oxygen demand (BOD5, COD-Cr), high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus, high concentrations of oils and fats in the suspension, significant changes in pH. Washing waters may also contain: sterilizing agent (1), (sodium hypochlorite), detergents, alkalis (sodium hydroxide) or acid (nitric acid, phosphoric acid) used for washing ion exchangers (2) or CIP installations. The main environmental issues in dairy industry are the high energy and water consumption, generation of waste water with a high organic content and the production and management of waste. keywords: autumn; bod5; cel; cleaning; content; dairy; determination; engineering; environment; fats; figure; food; high; highest; industry; issue; journal; limit; mare; milk; nitrogen; organic; oxygen; phosphorus; quality; safety; spring; substances; suceava; summer; total; treatment; university; values; volume; waste; wastewater; water; winter; xii; ştefan cache: fens-175.pdf plain text: fens-175.txt item: #82 of 747 id: fens-176 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian title: CALCIUM LACTATE INFLUENCE ON SOME NON-PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2557 flesch: 51 summary: September 14th 2013 Abstract: After calcium lactate was produced by chemical reaction between lactic acid and calcium carbonate from eggshells, it was tested on some non-pathogenic microorganisms. All the non- pathogenic bacteria growth was inhibited by calcium lactate, the inhibition diameter ranged between 1.92 ± 0.23 to 2.35 ± 0.12 cm. keywords: acid; activity; antimicrobial; bacteria; baston; calcium; calcium lactate; carbonate; cel; chemical; culture; effect; engineering; environment; figure; food; fresh; influence; inhibition; issue; journal; lactate; lactic; mare; media; microorganisms; moulds; non; octavian; pag; pathogenic; powder; safety; sodium; solution; university; volume; xii; yeasts; ştefan cache: fens-176.pdf plain text: fens-176.txt item: #83 of 747 id: fens-177 author: 2013, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-21 words: 808 flesch: 22 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-177.pdf plain text: fens-177.txt item: #84 of 747 id: fens-178 author: 2013, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-21 words: 377 flesch: 40 summary: 7. Polyphenol content and antioxidant activity of commercial beers from the romanian market Mircea OROIAN, Cristina DAMIAN, Ana LEAHU, Oana GHERASIM 328 - 331 8. Effects of work-related factors on workers' health in Bulgaria Dobromir KRALCHEV, Donka TANEVA, Tsvetko PROKOPOV 332 - 341 9. Variation of nitrite content in meat products during the shelf life Sonia AMARIEI, Sorina ROPCIUC, Domitian Mugurel SCRIPCA 342 - 346 10. Variation in content of antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity of basil (Ocimum Basilicum), dill (Anethum Graveolens) and parsley (Petroselinum Sativum) Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Mircea OROIAN,Veronica MICLESCU, Sorina ROPCIUC 347 – 353 11. keywords: ana; chemical; composition; content; cristina; engineering; food; mare; maria; mircea; oroian; ropciuc; sorina; suceava; university; volume cache: fens-178.pdf plain text: fens-178.txt item: #85 of 747 id: fens-179 author: GEORGESCU, Ana-Maria; BRABIE, Gheorghe; NISTOR, Ileana Denisa; NARDOU, Françoise; PENOT, Claude title: UTILIZATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN FOR SPECIFIC SURFACE AREA OPTIMIZATION OF A PILLARED BENTONITE date: 2016-04-21 words: 2967 flesch: 49 summary: Two factors were varied (calcination temperature and calcination duration) and evolution of specific surface area was achieved as the response function. Factorial 32 experiment design and response function for specific surface area of Al-pillared bentonites Run Calcination duration keywords: area; bentonite; calcination; cel; clays; coefficients; denisa; design; duration; engineering; experimental; factorial; faculty; food; françoise; function; gheorghe; ileana; issue; journal; mare; maria; mathematical; optimal; optimization; pag; parameters; pillared; pillaring; response; specific; specific surface; suceava; surface; surface area; table; temperature; test; university; utilization; values; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-179.pdf plain text: fens-179.txt item: #86 of 747 id: fens-18 author: STREBEZHEV, Volodumur; STREBEZHEV, Viktor; VOROBETS, George; HURJUI, Ruslan; ROGOV, Roman title: APPLICATION OF INFRARED SEMICONDUCTORS INTERFERENCE FILTERS FOR OPTICAL SENSORS IN EXPRESS SPECTROSCOPY OF ORGANIC MATERIALS date: 2015-03-31 words: 4007 flesch: 41 summary: When developing optical sensors, whose work is based on the determination of the spectral absorption characteristics of organic matter, it is necessary to apply cutting optical filters for the selection of certain infrared ranges of the spectrum. In the development of optical biosensors, whose work is based on the determination of the spectral absorption characteristics of organic matter, there is a need to apply cutting optical filters for selecting specific ranges of infrared spectrum. keywords: absorption; aluminium; analysis; application; biosensors; cel; changes; channel; characteristics; crystals; curve; cutting; design; different; engineering; environment; express; faculty; fig; films; filters; food; george; high; hurjui; in4se3; information; infrared; interference; issue; journal; layers; mare; materials; measurement; method; microns; multilayer; optical; organic; pag; radiation; range; refractive; rogov; roman; ruslan; safety; semiconductors; sensors; slovak; spectra; spectroscopy; strebezhev; structure; substrate; suceava; system; thin; transmission; transmittance; university; use; viktor; volodumur; volume; vorobets; water; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-18.pdf plain text: fens-18.txt item: #87 of 747 id: fens-180 author: CHERNO, Natalya; OSOLINA, Sophya; NIKITINA, Aleksandra title: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF AGARICUS BISPORUS AND PLEUROTUS OSTREATUS FRUITING BODIES AND THEIR MORPHOLOGICAL PARTS date: 2016-04-21 words: 4319 flesch: 55 summary: The chemical composition of mushroom morphological parts (% of the dry weight) Components Agaricus bisporus Pleurotus ostreatus Cap Stipe Cap Stipe Mono-and oligosaccharides 1.2 1.4 16.0 11.0 Mannitol 30.4 28.9 7.5 5.2 Polysaccharides including easily hydrolysable 13.7 21.9 25.0 27.0 hardly hydrolysable 7.2 9.2 8.3 24.0 including chitin 4.0 7.9 2.6 2.9 Total nitrogen 5.3 4.7 4.8 2.9 including nonprotein nitrogen 2.0 1.7 1.9 1.1 Protein 18.9 291 – 299 295 Table 2 Monosaccharide composition of the easily hydrolysable polysaccharides hydrolysates of mushroom morphological parts (% of the monosaccharide residues) Monosaccharide Agaricus bisporus Pleurotus ostreatus Cap Stipe Cap Stipe Galactose 4.6 3.2 1.0 0.5 Glucose 79.5 84.0 82.5 88.0 Mannose 3.9 4.8 6.5 4.5 Xylose 5.2 3.3 5.0 5.0 Fucose 6.8 4.7 5.0 2.0 P. ostreatus has 1.9 times more HHP than A. bisporus. keywords: acids; agaricus; agaricus bisporus; aleksandra; amino; bisporus; bodies; caps; carbohydrates; cel; chemical; chitin; composition; compounds; content; engineering; faculty; fatty; food; higher; hydrolysable; issue; journal; level; lipids; mare; morphological; morphological parts; mushrooms; natalya; nitrogen; odessa; ostreatus; pag; parts; phenolic; pleurotus; pleurotus ostreatus; polysaccharides; protein; solution; sophya; stipes; suceava; times; total; university; volume; weight; xii; ştefan cache: fens-180.pdf plain text: fens-180.txt item: #88 of 747 id: fens-181 author: PALYVODA, Svitlana; URCHAK, Vira; GOLIKOVA, Tatjana; FOMENKO, Veniamin title: STUDY OF THE MECHANISM OF THE RETARDING EFFECT ON BREAD STALING BY USING NATURAL GUMS date: 2016-04-21 words: 5629 flesch: 64 summary: Thus, it is possible to keep the system less dense by reducing the amount of unbound water in bread samples. After that, the crumb particles were weighted with an accuracy of 0,01 g. Crumb fragility was been determined as the relationship of crumb particles mass to the total mass of bread samples and was expressed in percent points. keywords: additives; baking; bread; bread crumb; bread staling; carob; cel; changes; content; control; crumb; diffraction; diffractograms; dough; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; flour; food; freshness; guar; gum; gums; hours; issue; journal; mare; mass; mechanism; moisture; natural; process; retarding; russian; safety; samples; staling; starch; storage; structure; study; suceava; svitlana; tara; tatjana; temperature; total; university; veniamin; vira; volume; water; xii; ştefan cache: fens-181.pdf plain text: fens-181.txt item: #89 of 747 id: fens-182 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina title: RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF COW RAW MILK date: 2016-04-21 words: 2450 flesch: 58 summary: The analysis period of milk samples took place in the months January-June 2013, once a week. 3. Results and Discussion Figure 1 shows the variation of physico- chemical quality of milk samples collected from source 1. Figure 1. keywords: acidity; age; cattle; characteristics; chemical; composition; content; correlation; cow; dairy; density; dry; environment; fat; food; influence; issue; journal; lactation; lactose; milk; milk samples; period; physicochemical; quality; raw; safety; samples; significant; source; study; substance; variation; volume; xii cache: fens-182.pdf plain text: fens-182.txt item: #90 of 747 id: fens-183 author: BÂRLĂ, Florin; CIORNEI (DUDICI), Lenuţa; POROCH – SERIŢAN, Maria title: MICROBIAL CONTAMINATION OF THE DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN SUCEAVA COUNTY, ROMANIA - THREE YEARS OF MONITORING (2010-2012) date: 2016-04-21 words: 2428 flesch: 46 summary: 2013 Abstract: The microbiological quality of drinking water has attracted great attention worldwide because of implied public health impacts. Key words: drinking water, microbiological quality, drinking water treatment 1. keywords: bacteria; cel; chlorine; ciornei; coli; contamination; county; distribution; drinking; drinking water; engineering; faculty; florin; food; health; human; incidence; issue; journal; lenuţa; line; mare; maria; microbial; microbiological; monitoring; pag; pathogens; poroch; public; quality; romania; samples; suceava; system; treatment; university; volume; water; waterborne; xii; years; ştefan cache: fens-183.pdf plain text: fens-183.txt item: #91 of 747 id: fens-184 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: EFFECT OF CITRUS FIBERS ADDITION ON WHEAT FLOUR DOUGH RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES date: 2016-04-21 words: 3373 flesch: 54 summary: The effect of citrus fiber on dough and bread quality depends greatly on citrus fiber properties. Introduction In the recent decades, dietary fiber has received great attention from researchers in food science and nutrition. keywords: absorption; addition; amylograph; bread; cel; characteristics; chemistry; citrus; citrus fiber; development; dietary; dietary fiber; different; dough; dough rheological; effect; engineering; farinograph; fiber; fiber addition; fibre; flour; flour dough; food; gelatinization; health; incorporation; increase; issue; journal; mare; parameters; products; properties; quality; results; rheological; rheological properties; science; source; stability; suceava; technology; time; university; viscosity; volume; water; wheat; wheat flour; xii cache: fens-184.pdf plain text: fens-184.txt item: #92 of 747 id: fens-185 author: OROIAN, Mircea; DAMIAN, Cristina; LEAHU, Ana; GHERASIM, Oana title: POLYPHENOL CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF COMMERCIAL BEERS FROM THE ROMANIAN MARKET date: 2016-04-21 words: 1627 flesch: 61 summary: Fig.2 DPPH chemical structure 5 μl of beer sample are added into a spectrohotometer cuvette and after it 3 ml of DPPH solution (25 mg/L methanol) are added. Table 1. Polyphenol content of beer samples No. Commercial name Acid galic mg/L 1 Skol 361,40 2 Suceava 107,01 3 Ursus 96,49 4 Timişoareana 94,74 5 Tuborg 68,42 6 Silva brună 78,95 7 Ursus brună 70,18 8 Gauloise 115,79 9 Guinness 131,58 10 Landbier 61,40 keywords: activity; antioxidant; beer; cel; commercial; compounds; content; dpph; engineering; faculty; food; gae; issue; journal; landbier; mare; market; polyphenol; radical; romanian; samples; skol; suceava; university; volume; xii cache: fens-185.pdf plain text: fens-185.txt item: #93 of 747 id: fens-186 author: KRALCHEV, Dobromir; TANEVA, Donka; PROKOPOV, Tsvetko title: EFFECTS OF WORK-RELATED FACTORS ON WORKERS’ HEALTH IN BULGARIA date: 2016-04-21 words: 4801 flesch: 64 summary: % 14 % 86 % 4 % 501– 9999 03 % 30 % 67 % 33 % 10 – 50 thousands 03 % 40 % 57 % 15 % over 50 000 07 % 36 % 57 % 48 % Total 05 % 34 % 61 % 100 % 3.3. Health problems The questionnaire of EWCS 2010 contains a question (Q69) with 14 items to check for different health problems. keywords: cel; conditions; correlation; dobromir; donka; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; food; health; influence; issue; journal; kralchev; mare; negative; pag; people; positive; problems; prokopov; q67; safety; strong; suceava; table; taneva; tsvetko; university; volume; work; workers; working; xii; ştefan cache: fens-186.pdf plain text: fens-186.txt item: #94 of 747 id: fens-187 author: AMARIEI, Sonia; ROPCIUC, Sorina; SCRIPCA, Domitian Mugurel title: VARIATION OF NITRITE CONTENT IN MEAT PRODUCTS DURING THE SHELF LIFE date: 2016-04-21 words: 2418 flesch: 59 summary: Introduction Nitrates and nitrites are commonly used in meat products because they have positive effects such as: maintaining of pink-red meat color, antioxidant effects, bacteriostatic and flavor enhancement of products. Nitrites reduce reserves of vitamin A in the liver and disrupt thyroid function, but they have good effects on blood pressure [7]. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013 Sonia AMARIEI, Sorina ROPCIUC, Domitian Mugurel SCRIPCA, Variation of nitrite content in meat products during the shelf life, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. keywords: cel; chest; color; concentration; content; days; different; effect; engineering; faculty; flask; food; gypsy; increase; issue; journal; life; mare; maximum; meat; mg/100; nitrates; nitrite; pag; products; salt; shelf; sodium; solution; steak; suceava; university; use; variation; volume; water; xii; ştefan cache: fens-187.pdf plain text: fens-187.txt item: #95 of 747 id: fens-188 author: LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea; MICLESCU, Veronica; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: VARIATION IN CONTENT OF ANTIOXIDANT AND FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY OF BASIL (Ocimum Basilicum), DILL (Anethum graveolens) AND PARSLEY (Petroselinum sativum) date: 2016-04-21 words: 3267 flesch: 49 summary: Important to maintain the quality of dried spices herbs is low moisture content, which decreases the likelihood of microbial growth and late biochemical reactions associated with these processes. With regard to IC50 values (%), the order in DPPH radical-scavenging were dried parsley (14.45) > fresh basil (9.03) > and fresh parsley (8.62). keywords: acid; activity; ana; anethum; antioxidant; ascorbic; basil; basilicum; cel; content; cristina; dill; dpph; engineering; extracts; faculty; food; free; fresh; graveolens; herbs; ic50; important; issue; journal; mare; mircea; moisture; ocimum; pag; parsley; petroselinum; phenolic; phenols; plants; radical; safety; samples; sativum; scavenging; sorina; spices; storage; suceava; total; university; values; variation; vegetables; veronica; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-188.pdf plain text: fens-188.txt item: #96 of 747 id: fens-189 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel title: STUDY OF CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF AISI304 STAINLESS STEEL SAMPLES USING ACCELERATED ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS date: 2016-04-21 words: 2114 flesch: 47 summary: Introduction In this paper was used an advanced method to study the transfer of heavy metal ions from stainless steel samples intended to come into contact with the food simulated environments, using in addition to a corrosive environment concentration gradient and the current gradient resulting from the application of continuous current to the electrodes, both formed of the same stainless steel studied. Theoretical masses possible to be dissolved of metal ions in acidic simulant solutions from AISI304 stainless steel samples (after 90 min.), [g] Elem. keywords: aisi304; balance; behavior; concentration; corrosion; corrosive; dissolution; electrochemical; food; ions; issue; masses; metal; methods; rate; samples; simulant; solutions; stainless; stainless steel; steel; study; suceava; table; values; volume; xii cache: fens-189.pdf plain text: fens-189.txt item: #97 of 747 id: fens-19 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; POROCH-SERIŢAN, Maria; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: BLENDING OF SUNFLOWER OIL WITH GRAPE SEED OIL: IMPACT ON PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY date: 2015-03-31 words: 3909 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract: Sunflower oil (SFO) was blended with grape seed oil (GSO) in order to improve its quality. Also, grape seed oil is rich in bioactive compounds like phenolic components, tocopherols, e.g. thus making it a valuable source in order to improve the nutritional quality of the blended oils. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; blending; blends; chemical; chemistry; content; dpph; engineering; environment; extraction; faculty; fatty; fig; food; free; gabriela; georgiana; grape; grape seed; gso; high; higher; impact; increase; issue; journal; level; maria; mironeasa; oil; oil blends; oils; oxidative; pag; parameters; physico; poroch; properties; quality; radical; safety; samples; scavenging; seed; seed oil; sfo; silvia; stability; study; suceava; sunflower; sunflower oil; value; vegetable; volume; xiv cache: fens-19.pdf plain text: fens-19.txt item: #98 of 747 id: fens-190 author: HREȚCANU, Cristina-Elena; ROȘU, Alice-Iuliana; ZELEZNEAC, Ioana title: STATISTICAL STUDIES ON THE LEXICON USED IN SENSORY EVALUATION OF SOY-ADDED BEEF HAMBURGER date: 2016-04-21 words: 4952 flesch: 59 summary: We applied the above mentioned methods to capture consumers’ perception of sensory characteristics of soy protein - added beef hamburger. In the first part, the panelists scored the products sensory characteristics (taste, odor, flavor and texture) on the basis of each descriptive attribute on a 6 - point intensity scale for taste, odor, flavor, and 5 - point intensity scale for texture respectively. keywords: analysis; appearance; beef; beef hamburger; biplot; cata; cel; characteristics; consumers; different; engineering; evaluation; factor; faculty; figure; flavor; food; free; graphic; hamburger; intensity; issue; journal; lexicon; listing; mare; meat; method; milk; odor; pag; percentage; perception; products; quality; sample; sensory; soft; soy; statistical; studies; suceava; taste; texture; total; university; volume; xii cache: fens-190.pdf plain text: fens-190.txt item: #99 of 747 id: fens-191 author: GUTT, Georg; AMARIEI, Sonia; OROIAN, Mircea - Adrian; HREŢCANU, Cristina - Elena title: PORTABLE EQUIPMENT FOR ADVANCED CHARACTERIZATION OF FOOD TEXTURE FIRST PART - EQUIPMENT date: 2016-04-21 words: 2490 flesch: 40 summary: Lack of dual standardized system of advanced food texture characterization in admission of instrumental methods and means besides human sensory methods of characterization and the impossibility of numerical quantifying, with high-resolution of human perceptions, subjective assessment of texture characteristics and low reproducibility of testing, makes human sensory tests remain far behind those of texture establishing. 369 - 375 PORTABLE EQUIPMENT FOR ADVANCED CHARACTERIZATION OF FOOD TEXTURE FIRST PART - EQUIPMENT Georg GUTT1*, Sonia AMARIEI1, Mircea Adrian OROIAN1, Cristina - Elena HRETCANU1 1Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania * keywords: adrian; advanced; amariei; behavior; cel; characteristics; characterization; devices; displacement; electronic; engineering; equipment; faculty; food; food texture; gutt; hardness; human; instrumental; iso; issue; jaw; journal; mare; materials; mechanical; mircea; nut; portable; screws; sensor; specific; state; suceava; testing; tests; texture; university; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-191.pdf plain text: fens-191.txt item: #100 of 747 id: fens-192 author: HAYRIYANTS, Marine Arsen title: ON SCREENING OF PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY GLAUCOMA AND SOME ASPECTS OF DIAGNOSTICS OF PRIMARY GLAUCOMA IN RA date: 2016-04-21 words: 2614 flesch: 52 summary: In the light of modern ideas of medical genetics of our material, and also considering the opinion of some authors, who think that there exist genetic and hereditary factors predisposing the development of glaucoma, however, exact Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013 Marine Arsen HAYRIYANTS, On screening of patients with primary glaucoma and some aspects of diagnostics of primary glaucoma in RA, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. In researching the disease incidence of glaucoma of the mentioned contingent of patients there was also revealed the presence of somatic diseases and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013 Marine Arsen HAYRIYANTS, On screening of patients with primary glaucoma and some aspects of diagnostics of primary glaucoma in RA, Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2013, pag. keywords: age; arsen; aspects; cases; cel; changes; data; diagnostics; disease; engineering; environment; faculty; field; food; glaucoma; hayriyants; issue; journal; mare; methods; number; pag; patients; prevalence; primary; primary glaucoma; research; screening; suceava; symptoms; university; visual; volume; xii; ştefan cache: fens-192.pdf plain text: fens-192.txt item: #101 of 747 id: fens-194 author: 2016, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-01 words: 840 flesch: 16 summary: ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XV, Issue 1 31 MARCH 2016 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey keywords: cel; cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-194.pdf plain text: fens-194.txt item: #102 of 747 id: fens-195 author: 2016, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 345 flesch: -21 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 CONTENTS: 1 Prospects of applying vacuum technology in the manufacture of culinary poultry meat products Anna SOLETSKA, Andrew KRASOTA 3 - 9 2 Application of D-Optimal Mixture Design to optimize the wheat-pumpkin composite flour for bread production Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ,Silvia MIRONEASA 10 - 20 3 Comparative study on the lipase activity from plant sources, under various condi- tions of pH, temperature and substrate Marcel AVRAMIUC 21 - 28 4 Chemical analysis of fresh water from a karst area in Ukraine Volodymyr DIYCHUK, Anastasia SACHKO, Igor WINKLER 29 - 35 5 Ground water quality of domestic wells in Cajvana town, Dinu Iulian OPREA-GANCEVICI, Cătălin SAVU 36 - 45 6 Correlations between quality of flour T-500 characteristics and bread volume Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Tatjana KALEVSKA, Marija MENKINOSKA, GjoreNAKOV, Zora UZUNOSKA, Lenche MITKOVA 46 - 54 7 Tradicional production and chemical composition of Bieno cheese in the Republic of Macedonia Gordana DIMITROVSKA, Sonja SRBINOVSKA, Stefce PRESILSKI , Violeta MANEVSKA, Ljupce KOCHOSKI , Elena JOSHESKA 55 - 60 8 Production of protein-containing preparations of natural origin Nataliia Borisivna MITINA, Inna Mihalivna ZUBAREVA, Olga Ivanivna TKALYA 61 - 66 9 Development of complex acidifiers and analysis of impact on biochemical processes in dough Tetyana SILCHUK, Vira ZUYKO 67 - 70 10 Mathematical modeling of preparing oil / water emulsions Oksana LUGOVSKA, Vasilij SIDOR 71 - 75 11 The use of glass transition temperature in forecasting whey powder storage stability, obtained by electro-spark treatment Оksana KOCHUBEI-LYTVYNENKO, Vyacheslav MYKHAILYK, Anatoliy UKRAINETS 76 - 83 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 12 Compositional quality assessment of wines produced in Silvaniei vine growing center of Șimleul Silvaniei, 2013- 2015 harvest Florin-Dumitru BORA , Alina DONICI, Oana-Mihaela RIPANU 84 – 94 13 Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of syrups from peony (Paeonia peregrina mill. ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ keywords: activity; bread; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; issue; production; quality; safety journal; silvaniei; suceava volume; temperature; volume xv; water; ştefancelmareuniversity suceava cache: fens-195.pdf plain text: fens-195.txt item: #103 of 747 id: fens-196 author: SOLETSKA, Anna; KRASOTA, Andrew title: PROSPECTS OF APPLYING VACUUM TECHNOLOGY IN THE MANUFACTURE OF CULINARY POULTRY MEAT PRODUCTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 2943 flesch: 45 summary: Research the amount of mesophile and optional-anaerobic microorganisms, colony-generating iteames in 1 g. of the product indicates that the microbiological safety of Sous Vide technology satisfies the standard requirements for finished products manufactured in Ukraine and extends the shelf life to five days compared to products produced by traditional technology. A promising direction of improvement is the handling of raw materials at moderate temperatures prior to Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 Anna SOLETSKA, Andrew KRASOTA, Prospects of application of sous vide technology in the manufacture of productsfrom poultry meat, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016, pag. 3 – 9 4 vacuum packing in plastic shrink-wrap, known as Sous Vide technology, which allows you to get food while maintaining weight, nutritional value increase shelf life. keywords: application; chicken; culinary; environment; food; heat; issue; journal; loss; manufacture; meat; microbiological; organoleptic; poultry; product; prospects; proteins; research; safety; sous; sous vide; storage; technology; temperature; traditional; treatment; vacuum; vide; vide technology; volume; water cache: fens-196.pdf plain text: fens-196.txt item: #104 of 747 id: fens-197 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: APPLICATION OF D-OPTIMAL MIXTURE DESIGN TO OPTIMIZE THE WHEAT-PUMPKIN COMPOSITE FLOUR FOR BREAD PRODUCTION date: 2017-02-01 words: 5928 flesch: 50 summary: Fitting for the best model The best model for predicting physical parameters of composite flour bread is the regression model that has a low standard deviation, a low predicted sum of squares, and high R-squared [42]. The increased level of PSF addition in bread composite flour up of 5% leaded to a decrease of bread porosity. keywords: addition; application; best; bread; bread porosity; cel; characteristics; codină; components; composite flour; content; cubic; cucurbita; d ratio; design; dietary; effect; elasticity; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; flour; flour bread; food; formulation; functional; gabriela; georgiana; high; interaction; issue; journal; level; mare; mironeasa; mixture; mixture design; model; nutritional; optimal; pag; parameters; physical; porosity; ppf; production; products; proportions; protein; psf; pulp; pulp flour; pumpkin; pumpkin composite; pumpkin flour; pumpkin pulp; pumpkin seed; quality; ratio; raw; regression; response; safety; science; seed; seed flour; significant; silvia; study; suceava; surface; technology; university; value; variables; volume; wheat flour; wheatpumpkin; ştefan cache: fens-197.pdf plain text: fens-197.txt item: #105 of 747 id: fens-198 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE LIPASE ACTIVITY FROM PLANT SOURCES, UNDER VARIOUS CONDITIONS OF pH, TEMPERATURE AND SUBSTRATE date: 2017-02-01 words: 5139 flesch: 56 summary: As compared to lipase activity from pumpkin, corn and soy bean, the values of sunflower lipase activity were significantly higher at pH 5.4, on the oils of: sunflower, soybean, peanut, corn and walnut - the highest activity being recorded on soy bean oil at 20°C. As compared to the other three sources, the values of sunflower seed lipase activity were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the following oils: sunflower, soybean, peanut, corn and walnut. keywords: 0.04fg; acid; activity; almond; c ph; cel; chemical; conditions; content; corn; different; engineering; environment; enzyme; fatty; food; higher; highest; highest activity; issue; journal; lipase; lipase activity; mare; oils; oleic; peanut; plant; pumpkin; refined; safety; seeds; sesame; sources; soy; soybean; study; substrate; suceava; sunflower; temperature; university; values; volume; walnut; ° c; μmol cache: fens-198.pdf plain text: fens-198.txt item: #106 of 747 id: fens-199 author: DIYCHUK, Volodymyr; SACHKO, Anastasiya; WINKLER, Igor title: CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF FRESH WATER FROM A KARST AREA IN UKRAINE date: 2017-02-01 words: 3386 flesch: 66 summary: Water samples were taken from private wells, springs and open ponds near Verenchanka. Total water hardness exceeded the sanitary limits for all the well samples and ranged from 11 to 29 mmol-eq/l (respective sanitary limit is 7 mmol-eq/l). keywords: analysis; area; bitter; chemical; content; environment; fig; food; hardness; heavy; high; issue; journal; karst; limits; local; metals; mmol; parameters; pond; quality; results; safety; samples; sanitary; sour; spring; surface; total; ukraine; university; village; volume; water; wells cache: fens-199.pdf plain text: fens-199.txt item: #107 of 747 id: fens-20 author: BEŞLIU, Ştefan; GUTT, Gheorghe; AMARIEI, Sonia title: CONTRIBUTIONS TO A METHOD AND A NEW TECHNIQUE FOR DETERMINATION OF SOME IMPORTANT MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MASSIVE WOOD TEXTURE date: 2015-03-31 words: 3556 flesch: 56 summary: WEILER W., BEHNKE H., Requirements for hardness indenter used in universal hardness testing, Materialprüfung, 32(1990)10, p. 301-303 , [12] WAYNE C. LEWIS. Beech test 3 y=472.3x-1.4658 0.9991 472.30 1288 2.59 Ash test 1 y=532.29x-126.36 0.9894 532.29 1437 2.04 Ash test 2 y=590.36x-90.864 0.9975 590.36 1536 1.66 1.89 keywords: cel; deformation; displacement; elastic; elasticity; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; food; force; gheorghe; graph; gutt; hardness; important; indenter; issue; journal; loading; mare; massive; material; measuring; mechanical; method; modulus; new; penetration; properties; safety; suceava; surface; test; testing; texture; university; unloading; values; volume; volume xiv; wood; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-20.pdf plain text: fens-20.txt item: #108 of 747 id: fens-200 author: OPREA-GANCEVICI, Dinu Iulian; SAVU, Cătălin title: GROUND WATER QUALITY OF DOMESTIC WELLS IN CAJVANA TOWN date: 2017-02-01 words: 3465 flesch: 51 summary: In rural areas of Romania, water quality in domestic wells is often not suitable for human consumption. This study was undertaken because there is a lack of case studies that especially analyse the water Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 Dinu Iulian OPREA-GANCEVICI, Cătălin SAVU, Ground water quality of domestic wells in Cajvana town, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016, pag. keywords: ammonium; area; average; briciu; cajvana; cel; classes; concentration; cătălin; dinu; distribution; domestic; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; fig; food; gancevici; good; groundwater; issue; iulian; journal; mare; nitrite; oprea; orthophosphate; pag; point; pollution; quality; rivers; safety; sampling; savu; suceava; town; university; values; volume; volume xv; water; water quality; wells; ştefan cache: fens-200.pdf plain text: fens-200.txt item: #109 of 747 id: fens-201 author: STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; KALEVSKA, Tatjana; MENKINOSKA, Marija; NAKOV, Gjore; UZUNOSKA, Zora; MITKOVA, Lenche title: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN QUALITY OF FLOUR T-500 CHARACTERISTICS AND BREAD VOLUME date: 2017-02-01 words: 4713 flesch: 52 summary: [11] In this paper the received results from the rheological examination of of eight different types of wheat flour T-500 are presented and the dependence between the Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Tatjana KALEVSKA, Marija MENKINOSKA, Gjore NAKOV, Zora UZUNOSKA, Lenche MITKOVA, Correlations between quality of flour T-500 characteristics and bread volume, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016, pag. 46 – 54 48 examined parameters of the flour and the volume of bread is determined. The aim of the present study is to determine how quality characteristics of wheat flour T-500 can influence bread volume, showing that the quality characteristics of eight different types of wheat flour T-500 are established according to the analysis result of the rheological characteristics of the kneaded dough. keywords: acid; amylograph; ash; bread; bread volume; characteristics; content; correlation; dependence; determined; dough; energy; engineering; environment; extensibility; extension; faculty; fig; flour; flour t-500; food; gluten; group; issue; journal; level; moisture; number; quality; received; resistance; safety; samples; t-500; table; technology; university; value; volume; volume xv; water; wheat cache: fens-201.pdf plain text: fens-201.txt item: #110 of 747 id: fens-202 author: DIMITROVSKA, Gordana; SRBINOVSKA, Sonja; PRESILSKI, Stefce; MANEVSKA, Violeta; KOCHOSKI, Ljupce; JOSHESKA, Elena title: TRADITIONAL PRODUCTION AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ’’BIENO CHEESE” IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA date: 2017-02-01 words: 2940 flesch: 50 summary: In this experiment the microbiological quality of bieno cheese cheese maturing in 45 days is studied. [8] SULEJMANI E., HAYALOGLU AA, RAFAJLOVSKA V., Study of the chemical composition, proteolysis, volatile compounds, and textural properties of industrial and traditional Beaten (Bieno cheese) ewe milk cheese, J. Dairy Sci. keywords: acidity; average; bacteria; bieno; bieno cheese; cheese; chemical; chemical composition; composition; days; dry; environment; faculty; fat; food; indigenous; iso; issue; journal; macedonia; matter; method; microbiological; milk; number; production; protein; quality; raw; region; republic; results; ripening; safety; salt; table; technology; total; traditional; university; volume; whey cache: fens-202.pdf plain text: fens-202.txt item: #111 of 747 id: fens-203 author: MITINA, Nataliia Borisivna; ZUBAREVA, Inna Mihalivna; TKALYA, Olga Ivanivna title: PRODUCTION OF PROTEIN-CONTAINING PREPARATIONS OF NATURAL ORIGIN date: 2017-02-01 words: 3084 flesch: 45 summary: The possibility of increasing the yield of mycelial biomass and protein substances of higher edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus in the conditions of submerged cultivation, as well as the productivity increase of the culture Eisenia foetida as producer of protein biomass on the nutrient substrate mixture of sunflower and rice husk modified to 200–500 microns have been studied. Protein preparation gaprin Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 Nataliia Borisivna MITINA, Inna Mihalivna ZUBAREVA, Olga Ivanivna TKALYA, Production of protein-containing preparations of natural origin, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016, pag. keywords: biomass; conditions; content; corn; cultivation; culture; density; eisenia; environment; flour; foetida; food; gluten; growth; hydrolysates; introduction; issue; journal; media; medium; milk; mitina; mushroom; natural; nitrogen; nutrient; organisms; origin; ostreatus; pleurotus; preparations; production; products; protein; quality; research; rice; safety; source; substrate; sunflower; university; vermiculture; volume; wheat; worms; yield cache: fens-203.pdf plain text: fens-203.txt item: #112 of 747 id: fens-204 author: SILCHUK, Tetyana; ZUYKO, Vira title: DEVELOPMENT OF COMPLEX ACIDIFIERS AND ANALYSIS OF IMPACT ON BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN DOUGH date: 2017-02-01 words: 2161 flesch: 52 summary: It contains organic acids and enzymes and provides significant shortening of dough fermentation and proper quality bread. The changes in the balance of reducing sugars in the dough with complex acidifiers were analyzed as well. keywords: accumulation; acidifiers; acidity; acids; addition; bakery; biochemical; bread; complex; control; dough; fermentation; flour; food; impact; issue; processes; production; products; quality; rye; samples; sugars; technology; university; volume; wheat; yeast cache: fens-204.pdf plain text: fens-204.txt item: #113 of 747 id: fens-205 author: LUGOVSKA, Oksana; SIDOR, Vasilij title: MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF PREPARING "OIL / WATER" EMULSIONS date: 2017-02-01 words: 1844 flesch: 49 summary: Curves size distribution of particles emulsions with constant content of emulsifier gum arabic - 5% and oil content varying phases: 1 - 8.0%; 2 - 10.0%; 3 - 11.0%; 4 - 12.0%; 5 - 14.0%: a) experimental data; b) estimates Construct models of the size distribution of particles emulsions with constant emulsifier starch content (12%) and different content oil phase. We built a model of distribution of particles emulsions containing emulsifiers equal amount of gum arabic (5%) and different amounts of oil phase. keywords: arabic; constant; content; curves; data; different; distribution; emulsifier; emulsions; environment; experimental; food; function; gum; issue; mathematical; model; modeling; number; oil; particles; phase; safety; size; starch; university; volume; water cache: fens-205.pdf plain text: fens-205.txt item: #114 of 747 id: fens-206 author: KOCHUBEI-LYTVYNENKO, Оksana; MYKHAILYK, Vyacheslav; UKRAINETS, Anatoliy title: THE USE OF GLASS TRANSITION TEMPERATURE IN FORECASTING WHEY POWDER STORAGE STABILITY OBTAINED BY ELECTRO-SPARK TREATMENT date: 2017-02-01 words: 3536 flesch: 44 summary: Keywords: wheypowder, electro-spark treatment, glass transition temperature, caking, stickiness and caking sensibility index. Scientific sources predominantly pay attention to glass transition temperature of vegetative origin products, separate components (including various carbohydrates) and model samples of dry products. keywords: anatoliy; caking; change; content; determined; dry; drying; electro; engineering; environment; faculty; food; forecasting; glass; glass transition; heat; humidity; index; issue; journal; kochubei; lytvynenko; mare; pag; particles; powder; product; safety; samples; scsi; spark; spark treatment; stability; stickiness; storage; suceava; table; temperature; transition; transition temperature; treatment; ukrainets; university; use; volume; vyacheslavmykhailyk; water; whey; whey powder; whiteness; δcp; оksana cache: fens-206.pdf plain text: fens-206.txt item: #115 of 747 id: fens-207 author: BORA, Florin-Dumitru; DONICI, Alina; RIPANU, Oana-Mihaela title: COMPOSITIONAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF WINES PRODUCED IN SILVANIEI VINE GROWING CENTER OF ȘIMLEUL SILVANIEI, 2013- 2015 HARVEST date: 2017-02-01 words: 5935 flesch: 61 summary: MACKENZIE D.E., CHRISTY A.G., The role of soil chemistry in wine grape quality and sustainable soil management in vineyards. 84 - 94 85 this should improve wine quality [8]. keywords: acidity; alina; analysis; area; assessment; balance; bcd; bora; cel; center; change; characteristics; climate; climatic; coefficient; composition; conditions; donici; dry; dumitru; effects; engineering; environment; extract; f.a; f.m; f.r; factors; faculty; florin; food; global; grapes; growing; harvest; highest; index; insolation; issue; journal; mare; mihaela; non; oana; pag; precipitation; quality; r.i; real; reducing; ripanu; romania; safety; silvaniei; soil; suceava; sugar; table; thermal; total; university; values; varieties; variety; vine; vineyard; viticulture; volume; water; wine; years; ştefan; șimleul; șimleul silvaniei cache: fens-207.pdf plain text: fens-207.txt item: #116 of 747 id: fens-208 author: MANCAS, Valentina; AMARIEI, Sonia title: TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF SYRUPS FROM PEONY (PAEONIA PEREGRINA MILL. VAR. ROMANICA) AND ROSE (ROSA CENTIFOLIA) PETALS date: 2017-02-01 words: 2902 flesch: 48 summary: As the results show, peony petal syrup had both the highest phenolic content and antioxidant activity. 95 – 100 98 Fig.1 Absorbance spectra of phenolic compounds from peony petal syrup (▬) and rose petal syrup (▬) Fig.2 Absorbance spectra of antioxidants from peony petal syrup (▬) and rose petal syrup (▬) Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 1 – 2016 Valentina MANCAS, Sonia AMARIEI, Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of syrups from peony (Paeonia peregrina mill. keywords: absorbance; activity; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; cel; centifolia; compounds; content; dpph; engineering; environment; food; gae; health; issue; journal; mare; medicinal; mill; oil; paeonia; peony; peregrina; petals; phenolic; phenolic content; plants; prepared; research; romanica; rosa; rose; safety; suceava; syrup; total; total phenolic; university; var; volume cache: fens-208.pdf plain text: fens-208.txt item: #117 of 747 id: fens-209 author: 2016, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-01 words: 871 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-209.pdf plain text: fens-209.txt item: #118 of 747 id: fens-21 author: GUTT, Gheorghe; AMARIEI, Sonia; OROIAN, Mircea - Adrian; HREŢCANU, Cristina - Elena title: CONTRIBUTIONS TO A NEW METHOD FOR DETERMINING FOOD GUMMINESS date: 2015-03-31 words: 3546 flesch: 39 summary: It was also considered that the method and recommended procedure to allow automatic electronic measurement of gumminess values and that determinations to provide a resolution of reading and a high reproducibility of measurements and the fact that these instrumental measurements can be Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 1 – 2015 Gheorghe GUTT, Sonia AMARIEI, Mircea Adrian OROIAN, Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU, Contributions to a new method for determining food gumminess, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 1 – 2015, pag. Abstract: The paper presents a method and a technique for measuring food gumminess determined on instrumental sensory way versus this texture property determined by human sensory. keywords: adrian; amariei; analysis; assessment; cel; contributions; cristina; different; dough; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; flour; food; food gumminess; gheorghe; gumminess; gutt; human; instrumental; issue; journal; mare; method; mircea; moment; new; oroian; pag; parameters; propeller; resistive; safety; sensory; sonia; speed; suceava; texture; university; values; volume; volume xiv; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-21.pdf plain text: fens-21.txt item: #119 of 747 id: fens-210 author: 2016, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 382 flesch: 0 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 2– 2016 CONTENTS: 1 Performance of complete-mix and plug-flow systems during treatment of low loaded nitrogen deficient waste water – simulation with asal 1 model Aleksandar SLAVOV 101 - 107 2 Physico-chemical characteristics, antioxidant activity and mineral content of haw- thorn fruits from Suceava County Silvia MIRONEASA, Elena SĂNDULEAC TODOSI, Mădălina IUGA 108 - 116 3 Comparative Study of Proximate Composition of Nile Tilapia (Oreochrom- isniloticus) (Linnaeus, 1758) from Fresh Water and Brackish Water in Niger Delta Region, Nigeria Olaniyi Alaba OLOPADE, Iyabode Olusola TAIWO, Oba Sunday SIYEOFORI, Nathanael BAMIDELE 117 - 122 4 Evaluation of ascorbic acid and phenolic content of four traditional Romanian medicinal berry species Ana LEAHU, Cristina E. HRETCANU, Mircea OROIAN, Sorina ROPCIUC 123 - 130 5 The influence of culinary processing on the content of some secondary metabolites in flint corn seeds Marcel AVRAMIUC 131 - 140 6 Relevance of nutritional intervention of canned milk soldiers’ daily diet Natalija Valeriivna RYABOKON, Oksana Valerjanivna KOCHUBEY- LYTVYNENKO, DmitroViktorovich RINDYUK 141 - 145 7 The relationship between nitrite concentration and colour parameters during storage of meat product - summer sausages Maria POROCH - SERIȚAN, Nicoleta – Gabriela POPESCU 146 - 154 8 Contemporary approaches for consumer segmentation according to the level of ecological responsibility: the case of the Republic of Macedonia Katerina BOJKOVSKA, Trajan DOJCHINOVSKI, Nikolche JANKULOVSKI,Elena JOSHEVSKA, Blagojche NAJDOVSKI 155 - 164 9 Studies on the influence of quinoa flour addition on bread quality Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Simona Geanina FRANCIUC, Elena TODOSI-SĂNDULEAC 165 –174 10 Study on modified sunflower husk fermentation process for vermicultivation Natalija Borisivna MITINA, Inna Mihalivna ZUBAREVA,AlyonaDmitrievnaODINA 175 - 179 11 Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of infusions from two by- products: walnut (Juglans Regia l.) keywords: ana leahu; antioxidant activity; content; environment safety; flour addition; food engineering; information vi; nikolche jankulovski; nile tilapia; safety journal; sorina ropciuc; subscription information; suceava volume; volume xv; ştefancelmareuniversity suceava; комплексоутворювачив для; применение комплексоутворювачив cache: fens-210.pdf plain text: fens-210.txt item: #120 of 747 id: fens-211 author: SLAVOV, Aleksandar title: PERFORMANCE OF COMPLETE-MIX AND PLUG-FLOW SYSTEMS DURING TREATMENT OF LOW LOADED NITROGEN DEFICIENT WASTE WATER – SIMULATION WITH ASAL1 MODEL date: 2017-02-01 words: 3523 flesch: 54 summary: Total nitrogen removal in biological complete-mix and plug-flow unit from wastewater with BOD/N ratio: a) 100/1; b) 100/3; c) 100/5. Station- ary conditions in total nitrogen removal are attained after 21st h. keywords: 100/5; aerobic; anoxic; asal1; biological; bod; cel; complete; deficient; different; dm3; effluent; engineering; environment; fig; flow; food; influent; issue; journal; loaded; mare; mix; model; nitrogen; performance; plug; process; ratio; reactor; removal; safety; simulation; sludge; solids; ssvi3.5; suceava; systems; total; treatment; university; volume; wastewater; ştefan cache: fens-211.pdf plain text: fens-211.txt item: #121 of 747 id: fens-212 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; SĂNDULEAC TODOSI, Elena; IUGA, Mădălina title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS, ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND MINERAL CONTENT OF HAWTHORN FRUITS FROM SUCEAVA COUNTY date: 2017-02-01 words: 5038 flesch: 54 summary: 108 - 116 PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS, ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND MINERAL CONTENT OF HAWTHORN FRUITS FROM SUCEAVA COUNTY *Silvia MIRONEASA1, Elena SĂNDULEAC TODOSI1, Mădălina IUGA1 1 Faculty of Food Engineering In addition, the content in mineral elements of hawthorn fruits was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). keywords: activity; analysis; antioxidant; ash; berries; biological; carbohydrates; cel; characteristics; chemical; chemistry; colour; composition; compounds; content; county; crataegus; dpph; elements; elena; engineering; environment; essential; extract; factors; faculty; fat; food; fresh; hawthorn; hawthorn berries; hawthorn fruits; high; iso; issue; iuga; jelly; journal; kernel; mare; mean; medicine; method; mineral; mironeasa; moisture; mădălina; pag; pectin; physico; products; properties; protein; pulp; red; research; safety; samples; scavenging; science; silvia; soluble; source; species; spp; studies; study; substances; suceava; sănduleac; todosi; total; turkey; university; value; volume; ştefan cache: fens-212.pdf plain text: fens-212.txt item: #122 of 747 id: fens-213 author: OLOPADE, Olaniyi Alaba; TAIWO, Iyabode Olusola; SIYEOFORI, Oba Sunday; BAMIDELE, Nathanael title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PROXIMATE COMPOSITION OF NILE TILAPIA (OREOCHROMIS NILOTICUS) (LINNAEUS, 1758) FROM FRESH WATER AND BRACKISH WATER IN NIGER DELTA REGION, NIGERIA date: 2017-02-01 words: 3211 flesch: 55 summary: Although, they are mainly fresh water fish O. niloticus has been described as euryhaline and can disperse along brackish coastalines between rivers This indicates that fresh water fishes are better sources of protein in the body when consumed. keywords: ash; brackish; brackish water; carbohydrate; comparative; composition; content; copper; different; fish; fisheries; fishes; food; fresh; fresh water; higher; issue; journal; level; lipid; lower; mg/100; mineral; moisture; nigeria; nile; niloticus; oba; potassium; protein; proximate; proximate composition; results; samples; species; state; study; tilapia; university; value; volume; water; water samples; water species cache: fens-213.pdf plain text: fens-213.txt item: #123 of 747 id: fens-214 author: LEAHU, Ana; HRETCANU, Cristina Elena; OROIAN, Mircea; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: EVALUATION OF ASCORBIC ACID AND PHENOLIC CONTENT OF FOUR TRADITIONAL ROMANIAN MEDICINAL BERRY SPECIES date: 2017-02-01 words: 4632 flesch: 59 summary: g, respectively for fruit samples (fresh, air dried and frozen wild berries) and, respectively for types of fruits (sea- buckthorn, cranberry bush, rosehip, hawthorn) are statistically different and we remark that slightly higher reduction in ascorbic acid content was observed in frozen samples than in fresh fruits, but the overall drying process had a negative effect on the phenolic contents of these fruits. The ascorbic acid concentrations in fresh, Air dried and frozen wild berries fruit samples Figure2.Total phenolics variation content in fresh, air dried and frozen wild berries fruit samples Frozen samples presented a slightly higher reduction in ascorbic acid content than fresh fruits. keywords: acid; air; analysis; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; berries; buckthorn; bush; canina; concentrations; content; cranberry; crataegus; cristina; diseases; drying; engineering; environment; evaluation; extracts; factor; faculty; food; fresh; frozen; fruits; gae/100; hawthorn; hippophae; hretcanu; hypothesis; issue; journal; leahu; mare; medicinal; mg/100; mircea; monogyna; opulus; oroian; pag; phenolic; rhamnoides; romanian; ropciuc; rosa; rosehip; safety; samples; sea; significant; sorina; source; species; suceava; table; total; traditional; university; vitamin; volume; wild cache: fens-214.pdf plain text: fens-214.txt item: #124 of 747 id: fens-215 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF CULINARY PROCESSING ON THE CONTENT OF SOME SECONDARY METABOLITES IN FLINT CORN SEEDS date: 2017-02-01 words: 5828 flesch: 61 summary: The culinary processing of corn seed samples has significantly influenced the seeds’ content in phenols and the phytic acid. Thus, both the boiling and the steaming process led to the decrease of phenolic compounds and of the phytic acid in corn seeds, through thermal destruction (more) and through releasing into used waters (less), which could be the sources of such metabolites. keywords: acid; acid content; activity; agric; agricultural; anthocyanins; antioxidant; avramiuc; boiling; cancer; carotenoids; cel; chem; chemistry; compounds; content; control; cooking; corn; corn seeds; culinary; decrease; different; disease; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; flint; flint corn; food; food chem; free; grains; influence; issue; journal; local; losses; lp3; lp4; lp5; lp6; lp9; maize; marcel; mare; mays; metabolits; methods; minerals; minutes; nutr; p<0.05; pag; percentages; phenolic; phenolic compounds; phenolic content; phenols; phytate; phytic; phytic acid; populations; processing; products; properties; purple; raw; red; roasted; safety; samples; sci; secondary; seeds; significant; steaming; suceava; thermal; total; tpc; treatment; university; volume; water; wheat; zea; ştefan cache: fens-215.pdf plain text: fens-215.txt item: #125 of 747 id: fens-216 author: RYABOKON, Natalija Valeriivna; KOCHUBEY-LYTVYNENKO, Oksana Valerjanivna; RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich title: RELEVANCE OF NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION OF CANNED MILK TO SOLDIERS’ DAILY DIET date: 2017-02-01 words: 2128 flesch: 59 summary: According to the tests made for soldiers’ needs in terms of good nutrition it is recommended to introduce canned milk (dry, condensed), which is characterized by high nutrition value and long-time term of storage under military-field conditions. Keywords: canned milk, level of provision, nutrients, vitamins, military, daily diet, needs, minerals. keywords: activity; condensed; daily; diet; dry; energy; engineering; environment; food; grams; high; issue; journal; kochubey; military; milk; minerals; needs; nutrients; nutritional; oksana; physical; products; ryabokon; safety; soldiers; table; ukraine; university; valerjanivna; vitamins; volume; ştefan cache: fens-216.pdf plain text: fens-216.txt item: #126 of 747 id: fens-217 author: POROCH - SERIȚAN, Maria; POPESCU, Nicoleta – Gabriela title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NITRITE CONCENTRATION AND COLOUR PARAMETERS DURING STORAGE OF MEAT PRODUCT - SUMMER SAUSAGES date: 2017-02-01 words: 3973 flesch: 53 summary: Nitrites are used for conservation of meat products, being responsible for colour characteristics, formation of distinct flavours which allows the differentiation from nitrite-free products. The colour reflectance of meat products was focused on determination of L*, a*and b*. keywords: angle; cel; chroma; color; concentration; content; days; difference; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; fig; figure; fleischwirtschaft; food; food engineering; formation; gabriela; hue; issue; journal; mare; maria; meat; meat product; method; nicoleta; nitrite; pag.146; parameters; period; popescu; poroch; product; quality; red; relationship; results; safety; sample; sausages; science; serițan; sodium; standard; storage; suceava; summer; university; values; variation; visible; volume; volume xv; ştefan cache: fens-217.pdf plain text: fens-217.txt item: #127 of 747 id: fens-218 author: BOJKOVSKA, Katerina; DOJCHINOVSKI, Trajan; JANKULOVSKI, Nikolche; JOSHEVSKA, Elena; NAJDOVSKI, Blagojche title: CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES FOR CONSUMER SEGMENTATION ACCORDING TO THE LEVEL OF ECOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY: THE CASE OF REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA date: 2017-02-01 words: 5187 flesch: 41 summary: In the market this resulted with the appearance of a new segment called green consumers. From the answers of these questions arise some indirect answers that present implications for commercial and nonprofit entities: - How to reach green consumers? keywords: age; approaches; average; basic; blagojche; bojkovska; case; cel; characteristics; consumers; contemporary; demographic; dojhinovski; ecological; ecological responsibility; education; elena; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; green; green consumers; group; higher; impact; issue; jankulovski; joshevska; journal; katerina; knowledge; level; macedonia; mare; marketing; najdovski; nikolche; pag; participation; product; questions; ready; republic; research; responsibility; safety; segmentation; significant; suceava; trajan; university; volume; volume xv; ştefan cache: fens-218.pdf plain text: fens-218.txt item: #128 of 747 id: fens-219 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; FRANCIUC, Simona Geanina; TODOSI-SĂNDULEAC, Elena title: STUDIES ON THE INFLUENCE OF QUINOA FLOUR ADDITION ON BREAD QUALITY date: 2017-02-01 words: 5059 flesch: 63 summary: [15] studied under a microscope samples of wheat flour bread mixed with 30% quinoa flour and observed that structured gluten matrix encompassing aggregate grains starch which retain gases was missing. Abstract: The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of quinoa flour addition to wheat flour on bread quality. keywords: addition; analysis; bread; bread quality; bread samples; characteristics; codină; colour; composite; content; control; elasticity; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; flour; flour addition; flour bread; food; franciuc; gabriela; geanina; georgiana; gluten; influence; issue; journal; mare; pag; parameters; percentage; porosity; product; properties; quality; quinoa flour; red; red quinoa; results; rqf; safety; samples; significant; simona; studies; suceava; sănduleac; texture; todosi; type; university; volume; wheat; wheat flour; white; white quinoa; wqf cache: fens-219.pdf plain text: fens-219.txt item: #129 of 747 id: fens-22 author: 2015, FENS 2 title: First pages date: 2016-04-07 words: 831 flesch: 16 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house;; institute; issn; journal; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-22.pdf plain text: fens-22.txt item: #130 of 747 id: fens-220 author: MITINA, Nataliia Borisivna; ZUBAREVA, Inna Mihalivna; ODINA, Alyona Dmitrievna title: STUDY ON MODIFIED SUNFLOWER HUSK FERMENTATION PROCESS FOR VERMICULTIVATION date: 2017-02-01 words: 2567 flesch: 39 summary: When adding biologically active substance EM Probiotic, SH substrate fermentation time was reduced to 6-7 days in the cold period, and up to 5-6 days in the warm season. The stage of substrate fermentation is very important because it includes the transfer of vegetable raw nutrients to the state, available for Eisenia foetida use. keywords: accumulation; actinomycetes; bacteria; biomass; cells; chemical; composition; days; eisenia; fermentation; fermentation process; fermented; foetida; food; fungi; husk; issue; journal; mesophilic; microbial; microflora; microorganisms; mitina; modified; number; nutrient; probiotic; process; stage; study; substrate; sunflower; temperature; thermophilic; university; vermicultivation; volume; worms cache: fens-220.pdf plain text: fens-220.txt item: #131 of 747 id: fens-221 author: AMARIEI, Sonia; MANCAS, Valentina title: TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF INFUSIONS FROM TWO BY-PRODUCTS: WALNUT (JUGLANS REGIA L.) SHELL AND ONION (ALLIUM CEPA L.) date: 2017-02-01 words: 3848 flesch: 53 summary: 1 Walnut shell infusion (left) and onion peel infusion (right) Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 2 – 2016 Sonia AMARIEI, Valentina MANCAS, Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of infusions from two by-products: Onion peel infusion, which had the highest content of phenols, exhibited a high DPPH free radical scavenging capacity, namely 69.38%. keywords: absorbance; activity; allium; antioxidant; cel; cepa; chemical; chemistry; compounds; content; dpph; engineering; environment; extraction; extracts; food; gae; green; high; infusion; issue; journal; juglans; mare; onion; onion peel; peel; phenolic; phenolic content; processing; products; radical; regia; safety; scavenging; shell; solvent; suceava; total; total phenolic; university; vegetable; volume; walnut; walnut shell; waste; water cache: fens-221.pdf plain text: fens-221.txt item: #132 of 747 id: fens-222 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina; LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; APOSTOL, Laura Carmen title: STUDY ON EFFECTS OF ARTICHOKE FLOUR ADDITION IN BREAD date: 2017-02-01 words: 4372 flesch: 60 summary: The name artichoke was attributed due to the similarity that exists between taste and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 2 – 2016 Sorina ROPCIUC, Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Laura APOSTOL, Study on effects of artichoke flour addition in bread, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 2 – 2016, pag. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 2 – 2016 Sorina ROPCIUC, Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Laura APOSTOL, Study on effects of artichoke flour addition in bread, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 2 – 2016, pag. keywords: acidity; addition; analysis; artichoke; artichoke flour; baking; bread; capacity; cel; color; content; cristina; damian; determined; diameter; dough; effects; engineering; environment; faculty; fiber; fig; flour; flour addition; food; gluten; hydration; increase; inulin; issue; journal; laura; leahu; mare; mixture; pag; parameters; porosity; quality; ropciuc; safety; sample; sorina; study; suceava; university; volume; water; wheat; wheat flour; ştefan cache: fens-222.pdf plain text: fens-222.txt item: #133 of 747 id: fens-223 author: KAMBULOVA, Julya; SOKOLOVSKA, Iryna title: DESCRIPTION OF THE INFLUENCE OF FREEZING ON THE QUALITY OF EGG-WHITE CREAMS FOR PASTRIES date: 2017-02-01 words: 2909 flesch: 59 summary: After freezing-defrosting organoleptic, physical, chemical and microbiological parameters, and their structural-mechanical properties in creams samples were determined. The dependence between different types of creams remains the same as in cream samples before freezing. keywords: blackberry; buckthorn; cel; chemical; creams; days; defrosting; egg; engineering; environment; faculty; food; forming; freezing; frozen; indicators; influence; iryna; issue; journal; kambulova; mare; microbiological; pastries; pectin; properties; protein; puree; quality; safety; samples; sea; sokolovska; stability; storage; suceava; university; volume; white; white creams; ştefan cache: fens-223.pdf plain text: fens-223.txt item: #134 of 747 id: fens-224 author: 2016, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-01 words: 871 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-224.pdf plain text: fens-224.txt item: #135 of 747 id: fens-225 author: 2016, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 248 flesch: 40 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 3– 2016 CONTENTS: 1 Heat transfer modeling in down flowing laminar films with the developed wavy structure with co-current steam flow Valentyn PETRENKO, YaroslavZASYADKO 203 - 215 2 8 Analysis of physical parameters of natural juices Mihaela JARCĂU, Maria POROCH-SERIŢAN 259 - 265 9 Validation of 3-dimentional models of natural gas combustion and temperature measurements Pavlo ZASIADKO, Mykola PRYADKO 266 - 275 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi keywords: contents; different; elena; fat; food; issue; natural; raïssa m.f.l; sébastien niamke; volume; комплексоутворювачив для; применение комплексоутворювачив cache: fens-225.pdf plain text: fens-225.txt item: #136 of 747 id: fens-226 author: PETRENKO, Valentyn; ZASYADKO, Yaroslav title: HEAT TRANSFER MODELING IN DOWN FLOWING LAMINAR FILMS WITH THE DEVELOPED WAVY STRUCTURE WITH CO-CURRENT STEAM FLOW date: 2017-02-01 words: 6257 flesch: 56 summary: This, in turn, causes a continuous growth of interface shear stress, which distorts wavy and hydrodynamic structure of film flow. GANCHEV B. G., Cooling of nuclear reactor of elements by film flow, Energoatomizdat, Moscow, (1987), рр. 192. keywords: big; cel; current; developed; engineering; environment; evaporation; experimental; films; flow; food; heat; heat transfer; interface; issue; journal; laminar; liquid; mare; modeling; pag; safety; steam; structure; suceava; sugar; surface; temperature; transfer; university; velocity; volume; water; wave; wavy; ştefan;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: fens-226.pdf plain text: fens-226.txt item: #137 of 747 id: fens-227 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MARINEAC, Andreea Roxana; TODOSI-SĂNDULEAC, Elena title: THE INFLUENCE OF LUPIN FLOUR ADDITION ON BREAD QUALITY date: 2017-02-01 words: 5311 flesch: 60 summary: This paper aims to study the influence of lupin flour addition in doses of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% in wheat flour of 650 and 1350 types on bread quality. The influence of lupin flour addition on bread porosity Regarding porosity, the values obtained were slightly lower as compared to the control samples. keywords: addition; analysis; andreea; bread; bread quality; cel; characteristics; chewiness; codină; cohesiveness; color; composition; content; control; correlation; dough; effect; elasticity; elena; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; figure; firmness; flour; flour addition; flour bread; flour type; food; gabriela; georgiana; gluten; gumminess; high; influence; issue; journal; lupin; lupin addition; lupin flour; mare; marineac; nutrition; pag; parameters; percentage; porosity; products; properties; protein; quality; results; roxana; safety; samples; seeds; sensory; substitution; suceava; sănduleac; table; textural; texture; todosi; type; university; values; volume; volume xv; wheat; wheat flour; ştefan cache: fens-227.pdf plain text: fens-227.txt item: #138 of 747 id: fens-228 author: SIVAKOVA, Biljana; BLAZHEKOVIKJ - DIMOVSKA, Dijana title: THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT DIET AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS WALBAUM, 1792) FROM MACEDONIAN AQUACULTURE FACILITIES date: 2017-02-01 words: 3667 flesch: 40 summary: This research produced additional analyzes that determine the physico-chemical properties and also a microbiological analysis of the water in which the rainbow trout grows, the chemical composition of the food used for its feeding, as well as, the energy value of fish meat from these two aquaculture facilities (fishpond A and fishpond B). The main purpose of the research produced additional analyzes that determine the physical - chemical properties and also a microbiological analysis of the water in which the rainbow trout resides, the chemical composition of food used for feeding of the rainbow trout, as well as, the energy value of fish meat from these two aquaculture facilities (fishpond A and fishpond B). keywords: ambient; analysis; aquaculture; aquaculture facilities; ash; chemical; chemical composition; composition; conditions; content; determination; diet; different; energy; environment; facilities; fat; fats; fatty; fish meat; fishpond; food; higher; impact; issue; journal; macedonia; meat; method; mykiss; nutrition; oncorhynchus; oncorhynchus mykiss; parameters; physical; proteins; quality; rainbow; rainbow trout; results; safety; trout; trout meat; university; value; volume; walbaum; water cache: fens-228.pdf plain text: fens-228.txt item: #139 of 747 id: fens-229 author: OROIAN, Mircea; TODOSI SĂNDULEAC, Elena; PĂDUREȚ, Sergiu title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF HONEYS FROM NORTH EAST PART OF ROMANIA date: 2017-02-01 words: 2912 flesch: 69 summary: The PC1 separates the honey into two groups: one group below the PC1 represented by acacia, sunflower and polyfloral honeys and the second group below the PC1 represented by tilia and honeydew honeys. The maximum allowable level for the free acidity is established to 40 meq acid/kg honey in the case of mono and polyfloral honeys and 50 meq acid/kg in the case of honeydew honeys. keywords: acacia; analysis; chemical; content; engineering; food; fructose; glucose; honey; honeydew; index; journal; n t; o n; o r; parameters; physico; polyfloral; properties; r t; suceava; t p; texture; tilia; yellow cache: fens-229.pdf plain text: fens-229.txt item: #140 of 747 id: fens-23 author: 2015, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 411 flesch: 45 summary: Study on the influence of samples’ dimensions on the analysis of smoked cheese texture properties Elena SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI SĂNDULEAC), Gheorghe GUTT, Andreea IANOVICI (IANOVICI IORDACHE) 181-189 9. Assessment of environmental impacts from municipal solid waste management - Iasi, Romania Cristina GHINEA, Andreea SPRANCEANA, Diana Elena COMANITA, Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU, Maria GAVRILESCU 171-180 8. keywords: assessment; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; food; gutt; influence; issue; journal; mareuniversity; safety; suceava; volume; xiv; ştefancel cache: fens-23.pdf plain text: fens-23.txt item: #141 of 747 id: fens-230 author: YAO, Franck K.; OTCHOUMOU, Athanase K.; WOGNIN, Raïssa M.F.L.; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: TRADITIONAL LEAFY VEGETABLES COMBINATIONS ENHANCE GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVE HEALTH STATUS OF NEW ZEALAND WHITE x CALIFORNIAN RABBITS date: 2017-02-01 words: 5051 flesch: 63 summary: Figure 1: Variation of rabbit weight during 9 weeks feeding ab ab bcd bcd bcd bcd a cd d bcd abc 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Fi na l l iv e w ei gh t ( g) Diets Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 3 – 2016 Franck K.YAO, Athanase K. OTCHOUMOU, Raïssa M.F.L. WOGNIN, Sébastien NIAMKE, Effect of traditional leafy vegetables mixture on growth performances and blood parameters of New Zealand IYEGHE-ERAKPOTOBOR G. T., ALIYU R. UGURU J. Effect of concentrate and forage type on performance and digestibility of growing rabbits under sub-humid tropical conditions. keywords: abelmoschus; analysis; animals; batatas; blood; californian; cel; combination; concentrate; control; conversion; corchorus; côte; daily; day; diet; different; digestibility; dry; d’ivoire; effect; engineering; environment; esculentus; faculty; feed; feeding; food; forage; franck; gain; growth; high; intake; ipomoea; issue; journal; leafy; leafy vegetables; low; m.f.l; mare; matter; mixture; new; olitorius; otchoumou; pag; parameters; performances; rabbits; ratio; raïssa; results; safety; suceava; sébastien; traditional; treatments; unguiculata; university; values; vegetables; vigna; volume; weight; white; wognin; zealand; ştefan; athanase cache: fens-230.pdf plain text: fens-230.txt item: #142 of 747 id: fens-231 author: KOVALENKO, Olena; KOVBASA, Vladimir; RADZIEVSKA, Irina title: THE USE OF STABILIZED FRYING FAT IN THE PRODUCTION OF POTATO CHIPS date: 2017-02-01 words: 3170 flesch: 51 summary: The raw material for the production of frying fat is vegetable hydrogenated fat, sunflower oil, palm oil and transesterificated grease. CHOE, E., MIN, D. B., Mechanisms and factors for edible oil oxidation, Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 5.4: 169- 186, (2006) keywords: antioxidants; bht; blended; chips; control; corn; environment; fat; fats; food; frying; high; issue; journal; min; oil; oils; oxidation; palm; phenolic; potato; primary; process; production; products; radicals; rapeseed; roo; safety; samples; stabilized; sunflower; thermal; ukraine; university; use; volume cache: fens-231.pdf plain text: fens-231.txt item: #143 of 747 id: fens-232 author: WINKLER, Igor; OPAEȚ, Marinela title: SOURING DYNAMICS OF THE MILK SAMPLES WITH DIFFERENT FAT CONTENT date: 2017-02-01 words: 2046 flesch: 64 summary: Milk acidity is an important index showing freshness and general value of the product. Milk acidity can be measured using vari- ous methods and units such as: Turner’s Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 3 – 2016 Igor WINKLER, Marinela OPAEȚ, Souring dynamics of the milk samples with different fat content, Food and Environ- ment Safety, Volume XV, Issue 3 – 2016, pag. 255 – 258 256 degree (0T), Soxhlet-Henkel degree, Dor- nic acidity degree and others. keywords: acidity; buffering; butterfat; compounds; content; dairy; date; degree; different; drinking; dynamics; effect; environment; expiration; fat; food; high; issue; lactic; low; milk; products; safety; samples; souring; storage; turner; university; value; volume cache: fens-232.pdf plain text: fens-232.txt item: #144 of 747 id: fens-233 author: JARCĂU, Mihaela; POROCH-SERIŢAN, Maria title: ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL PARAMETERS OF NATURAL JUICES date: 2017-02-01 words: 3168 flesch: 50 summary: In fruit juices the refractive index is therefore dependent upon sugar concentration and also upon the concentration of other soluble materials (organic acids, minerals, amino acids etc.). Many people consume fruit juices on a daily basis. keywords: analysis; beet; carrot; cel; color; conductivity; container; days; density; engineering; environment; experimental; faculty; figure; food; fruit; glass; increase; index; issue; journal; juices; kiwi; lemon; mare; natural; orange; parameters; pet; physical; poroch; refractive; results; safety; samples; solids; storage; suceava; university; values; vegetables; volume cache: fens-233.pdf plain text: fens-233.txt item: #145 of 747 id: fens-234 author: ZASIADKO, Pavlo; PRYADKO, Mykola title: VALIDATION OF 3-DIMENTIONAL MODELS OF NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 4443 flesch: 41 summary: 𝑄𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝜀𝑒𝑓 𝐶0 𝐴𝑏 2 [( 𝑇𝑏 100 ) 4 − − ( 𝑇𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 100 ) 4 ], (6) where 𝑇𝑓𝑙 , 𝑇𝑏 , 𝑇𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 - temperatures of gas flow, thermocouple bead and wall, respectively,  К ; h – heat transfer coefficient from gas environment to the thermocouple bead, [W/m2K]; 𝜀𝑒𝑓, 𝜀𝑓𝑙 , 𝜀𝑓𝑙,𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 , 𝜀𝑓𝑙,𝑤𝑎𝑙𝑙 ∞ - emission factors taken for bead-lining effective, for gas flow at gas temperature, for gas flow at wall temperature and for gas flow at wall temperature at a infinite beam length, respectively [7] Z’GRAGGEN A., FRIESS H., STEINFELD A., Gas temperature measurement in thermal radiating environments using a suction thermocouple apparatus, Meas. keywords: bead; cel; combustion; cooled; data; developed; dimentional; direct; engineering; environment; experimental; faculty; fire; flame; flow; flue; food; gas; gas combustion; gas flow; gas temperature; gases; heat; issue; journal; mare; measurements; model; mykola; natural; natural gas; pag; pavlo; process; pryadko; radiation; reactor; readings; results; safety; suceava; surface; temperature; temperature measurements; thermocouple; thermocouple bead; transfer; university; validation; volume; volume xv; wall; zasiadko; ştefan; 𝑇𝑓𝑙 cache: fens-234.pdf plain text: fens-234.txt item: #146 of 747 id: fens-235 author: 2016, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-01 words: 871 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-235.pdf plain text: fens-235.txt item: #147 of 747 id: fens-236 author: 2016, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 228 flesch: -52 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XV, Issue 4– 2016 CONTENTS: 1 Activating the glutathione system of EiseniaFetidaduring exposure to contaminated silt sludge Nataliya MITINA, Nina KHROMYKH, Larisa SHUPRANOVA, Inna ZUBAREVA 276 - 283 2 Heat transfer in down flowing turbulent evaporating liquid films with developed wavy structure and co-current steam flow ValentynPETRENKO, YaroslavZASYADKO 284 – 298 3 Research on technological properties of potato cellulosefor bread production Tatjana SILCHU, Mariana NAZAR, Tatjana GOLIKOVA 299 – 305 4 Nanosized titanium dioxide as an antibacterial admixture for the food packaging ma- terials IgorKOBASA, MariiaVOROBETS, LarysaARSENIEVA 306 - 311 5 Use of emulsions in production restaurants and food industry Oksana LUGOVSKA, Vasilij SIDOR 312 - 322 6 3-D Modeling of water flow and cooling down within the temperature range close to inversion point Roman GRYSHCHENKO, Yaroslav ZASIADKO, Andriy FORSIUK, Oleksiy PYLYPENKO 323 - 328 7 Mathematical modeling of thermal processing of meat products Volodymyr PAVELKO, Serhiy HRYBKOV, Arkadiy ZASLSVSKY, Daria DMYTRENKO 329 - 333 8 The influence of berry puree on microbiological indicators of cheese product during storage Olena GREK, Tetiana PSHENYCHNA, Olena KRASULYA, Yuliia PAKHOMOVA, Kateryna IVASHCHENKO 334 - 340 9 The influence of proteins on the technological process of bread making with fructose Vera DROBOT, Anastasiia SHEVCHENKO, Olha MARCHENKO 341 - 346 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ keywords: food; information vi; larisa shupranova; nina khromykh; serhiy hrybkov; subscription information; tetiana pshenychna; volume xv; yaroslav zasiadko; комплексоутворювачив для; применение комплексоутворювачив cache: fens-236.pdf plain text: fens-236.txt item: #148 of 747 id: fens-237 author: MITINA, Nataliya; KHROMYKH, Nina; SHUPRANOVA, Larisa; ZUBAREVA, Inna title: ACTIVATING THE GLUTATHIONE SYSTEM OF EISENIA FETIDA DURING EXPOSURE TO CONTAMINATED SILT SLUDGE date: 2017-02-01 words: 3973 flesch: 43 summary: Wet weight of E. fetida earthworms exposed to different substrates: sunflower husk (SH, control), mixed husk (MH), and compacted sewage sludge (CSS) In order to identify effective and inexpensive method of purifying wastewater sludge, we tested the hypothesis about the ability of earthworm Eisenia fetida to detoxify the silt complex of different chemical components through the activation of glutathione system. keywords: activation; activity; cel; coelomic; contaminated; content; control; css; days; e. fetida; earthworm; eisenia; eisenia fetida; engineering; environment; experiment; exposure; faculty; fetida; fluid; food; glutathione; growth; gsh; gst; heavy; husk; inna; issue; journal; khromykh; larisa; mare; metals; mitina; nataliya; nina; pag; reduced; safety; sewage; shupranova; silt; sludge; soil; study; substrate; suceava; sunflower; system; university; volume; weight; worms; zubareva; ştefan cache: fens-237.pdf plain text: fens-237.txt item: #149 of 747 id: fens-238 author: PETRENKO, Valentyn; ZASYADKO, Yaroslav title: HEAT TRANSFER IN DOWN FLOWING TURBULENT EVAPORATING LIQUID FILMS WITH DEVELOPED WAVY STRUCTURE AND CO-CURRENT STEAM FLOW date: 2017-02-01 words: 6666 flesch: 61 summary: GROSSMAN G., HEATH M. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in absorption of gases in turbulent liquid films. Nonetheless, the given analysis does not take into account the wave structure of film’s surface and contains no relevant characteristics of wave film flow. keywords: arth; big; boundary; cel; current; developed; engineering; environment; experimental; faculty; film; flow; food; heat; heat transfer; issue; journal; liquid; mare; pag; petrenko; safety; steam; structure; suceava; surface; temperature; transfer; turbulent; university; valentyn; volume; water; wave; wavy; xiv; yaroslav; zasyadko; ştefan;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   cache: fens-238.pdf plain text: fens-238.txt item: #150 of 747 id: fens-239 author: SILCHUK, Tatjana; NAZAR, Mariana; GOLIKOVA, Tatjana title: RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF POTATO CELLULOSE FOR BREAD PRODUCTION date: 2017-02-01 words: 3057 flesch: 56 summary: Taking to account of dispersity of potato cellulose bread with it may be recommended for people with diseases of gastrointestinal tract. One of the perspective ways of solving this problem is the use of potato cellulose to fortify by food fibers daily used products such as bread and bakery products. keywords: absorption; baking; bran; bread; cellulose; content; dough; dry; effect; environment; fibers; flour; food; food fibers; gluten; high; increasing; issue; journal; mare; mass; min; pag; potato; potato cellulose; production; products; properties; quality; research; safety; suceava; table; tatjana; technological; temperature; ukrainian; university; volume; water; wheat; ştefan cache: fens-239.pdf plain text: fens-239.txt item: #151 of 747 id: fens-24 author: ABOUO, Verdier; AKMEL, Clément; KAKOU, Ernest; ASSIDJO, Emmanuel; AMAN, Georges; YAO, Benjamin title: MODELLING OF THIN LAYER DRYING KINETICS OF COCOA BEANS IN A MICROWAVE OVEN AND SUN date: 2016-04-07 words: 5345 flesch: 61 summary: Similarly, the evolution of the temperatures of dried cocoa beans with different powers in the microwave oven is shown in figure 2. Fig. Dried beans in the microwave oven have higher drying rates than those dried in the sun in the descending order of power level. keywords: abouo; air; akmel; amani; assidjo; beans; benjamin; cel; characteristics; claie; clément; cocoa; cocoa beans; coefficients; content; des; device; drying; emmanuel; energy; engineering; environment; environment safety; ernest; error; experimental; faculty; food; food engineering; georges; issue; journal; kakou; kinetics; layer; mare; mathematical; mean; microwave; microwave oven; minute; modelling; models; mrd; oven; pag; rmse; safety; sciences; solar; square; sse; suceava; sun; thin; thin layer; time; tray; university; values; verdier; volume; volume xiv; water; xiv; yao; ştefan cache: fens-24.pdf plain text: fens-24.txt item: #152 of 747 id: fens-240 author: KOBASA, Igor; VOROBETS, Mariia; ARSENIEVA, Larysa title: NANOSIZED TITANIUM DIOXIDE AS AN ANTIBACTERIAL ADMIXTURE FOR FOOD PACKAGING MATERIALS date: 2017-02-01 words: 3247 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, three later composi- tions exhibit higher antibacterial activity than antibiotic novobiocin. Abstract: The article deals with research on antibacterial activity of the composite materials based on titanium dioxide. keywords: activity; anatase; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antimicrobial; area; aureus; cel; ceramics; coli; composition; dioxide; engineering; environment; escherichia; faculty; fig; food; high; hours; hydrolysis; issue; journal; kobasa; larysa; mare; materials; method; nanosized; novobiocin; packaging; pag; phase; photocatalytic; rutile; safety; samples; standard; staphylococcus; suceava; surface; suspensions; temperature; tio2; titania; titanium; university; volume; ştefan cache: fens-240.pdf plain text: fens-240.txt item: #153 of 747 id: fens-241 author: LUGOVSKA, Oksana; SIDOR, Vasilij title: USE OF EMULSIONS IN PRODUCTION RESTAURANTS AND FOOD INDUSTRY date: 2017-02-01 words: 5614 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, given the level of stability and moisture product, and taking into account the price of the emulsion obtained, the optimum water content and stabilizer for oil phase emulsions of gum arabic are 5% and 10% emulsion (№ 7) respectively. When increasing oil phase content of 8 to 14% of gum arabic emulsion, the average particle size increased from 0.51 to 1.10 microns, viscosity - from 14 to 18 cP, turbidity - from 168 to 240 NTU, density - from 1.03 to 1.10 g / cm3. keywords: aqueous; arabic; aromatic; cel; citrus; constant; content; dissolution; emulsifier; emulsions; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food industry; formation; gum; homogenization; increase; industry; ingredients; issue; journal; mare; min; mixing; number; oil; oil phase; oksana; pag; particle; phase; preparation; pressure; production; range; restaurants; safety; size; speed; stability; stabilizer; starch; suceava; technological; temperature; university; use; vasilij; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-241.pdf plain text: fens-241.txt item: #154 of 747 id: fens-242 author: GRYSHCHENKO, Roman; ZASYADKO, Yaroslav; FORSIUK, Andriy; PYLYPENKO, Oleksiy title: 3-D MODELING OF WATER FLOW AND COOLING DOWN WITHIN THE TEMPERATURE RANGE CLOSE TO INVERSION POINT date: 2017-02-01 words: 2423 flesch: 48 summary: The results obtained allow estimating the impact of water temperature that is closely situated to inversion point on the dynamics of water ice melting and generation as well as on the form factors of cold accumulators. In order to reach the convergence of calculation results, the following physical properties of cooled water were introduced into the program model: the water density and heat capacity variation in the vicinity of the inversion point with the temperature increment of 1°C within a whole interval of experimental temperature change. keywords: boundary; close; cooled; cooling; density; distribution; engineering; environment; experimental; fig; flow; food; forsiuk; generation; gryshchenko; heat; ice; inversion; issue; journal; layer; modeling; point; pylypenko; range; research; results; safety; section; surface; temperature; university; velocity; volume; water; zasiadko cache: fens-242.pdf plain text: fens-242.txt item: #155 of 747 id: fens-243 author: PAVELKO, Volodymyr; HRYBKOV, Serhiy; ZASLSVSKY, Arkadiy; DMYTRENKO, Daria title: MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THERMAL PROCESSING OF MEAT PRODUCTS date: 2017-02-01 words: 2314 flesch: 60 summary: Abstract: The article presents the mathematical modeling for sausage products heat treatment during thermal processing in steamer cooking chambers in meat processing plants. Specially elaborated thermal calculation algorithm for sausage product heat treatment allows estimating the thermal energy consumption for any given cooking processing, considering the changes in technological parameters. keywords: coefficient; cooking; duration; environment; following; food; formula; heat; issue; mathematical; meat; processing; product; sausage; stage; temperature; thermal; time; treatment; value; volume; × ×; 𝐵𝑖𝑑𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 cache: fens-243.pdf plain text: fens-243.txt item: #156 of 747 id: fens-244 author: GREK, Olena; PSHENYCHNA, Tetiana; KRASULYA, Olena; PAKHOMOVA, Yuliia; IVASHCHENKO, Kateryna title: THE INFLUENCE OF BERRY PUREE ON MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF CHEESE PRODUCT DURING STORAGE date: 2017-02-01 words: 3259 flesch: 46 summary: Nevertheless, black currant berries fall short of the carbohydrates amount to bilberry (8.6…15.49 g/100 g) and red currant (7.7…15.8 g/100 g). The physico- chemical indicators of black currant berries are given in table 2 keywords: acid; bacteria; berries; berry; black; black currant; cel; cheese; cheese product; content; cottage; currant; dairy; engineering; environment; food; foundation; fraction; frozen; homogenized; hours; indicators; issue; journal; lactic; mare; mass; materials; microbiological; microorganisms; olena; process; processing; product; protein; puree; raw; research; safety; sample; storage; table; technology; university; use; value; volume; ştefan cache: fens-244.pdf plain text: fens-244.txt item: #157 of 747 id: fens-245 author: DROBOT, Vera; SHEVCHENKO, Anastasiia; MARCHENKO, Olha title: THE INFLUENCE OF PROTEINS ON THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS OF MAKING BREAD WITH FRUCTOSE date: 2017-02-01 words: 2584 flesch: 58 summary: The aim of our research was to determine the influence of animal proteins on the technological process of making bread with fructose. An important role in a balanced diet belongs to animal proteins, because they are the most valuable ones due to the balance of amino acid composition [10]. keywords: ability; albumin; animal; bakery; bread; casein; control; diabetes; dough; egg; environment; food; fructose; gas; gluten; holding; influence; issue; journal; process; products; properties; protein; quality; safety; table; technological; university; volume; whey cache: fens-245.pdf plain text: fens-245.txt item: #158 of 747 id: fens-246 author: 2012, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-07 words: 732 flesch: 18 summary: ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XI, Issue 1 15 March 2012 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates,Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), NationalTechnological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius,Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality,Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Jurgen SCHRAM Krefeld University, Germany Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic ofMoldavia Yarema TEVTUL Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Postala address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; stefan; suceava; universitatii; university; ştefan cel cache: fens-246.pdf plain text: fens-246.txt item: #159 of 747 id: fens-247 author: 2012, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-07 words: 641 flesch: 67 summary: N O F TH E P RO CE S S U PON T H E Q UALIT Y O F B EE R AT STO RAG E Amelia BUCULEI, Sonia AMARIEI, Stefan STEFANOV, Gheorhe GUTT, Adriana DABIJA 108 19. keywords: amelia; assessment; barloková; buculei; danela; danka; denkova; food; ilavský; ján; lactobacillus; murariu; rag; strain; suceava; torosyan; water cache: fens-247.pdf plain text: fens-247.txt item: #160 of 747 id: fens-248 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; DOBREV, I; DENKOVA, Zapriana; YANAKIEVA, Velichka; URSHEV, Zoltan; YORDANOVA, Maria; ILIEVA, Svetla title: GENETIC, BIOCHEMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RECOMBINANT STRAIN LACTOBACILLUS RL15, OBTAINED BY INTERGENERIC HYBRIDIZATION BETWEEN LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS 2 AND BIFIDOBACTERIUM BIFIDUM L1 date: 2017-02-07 words: 4229 flesch: 50 summary: AFLP strip (а) and dendrogram (b) of the AFLP analysis with the endonuclease pair HindIII/MboI of Lactobacillus RL15; L. acidophilus 2; B. bifidum L1 Dynamics of proliferation of the parental strains and the recombinant under static conditions and in a bioreactor with continuous stirring The main parameters of the fermentation process – coagulation time, titratable acidity of the medium, proliferation ability, oxidation-reduction potential (Eh) and pH - during the cultivation of the parental strains and the hybrid in a bioreactor with continuous stirring and at static conditions were tracked. The best growth in obligate (anaerobic) conditions show two recombinants: Lactobacillus RD6 (2,0.1011 cfu/cm3) and Lactobacillus RL15 (1,0.1010 cfu/cm3), which resemble the other parental strain B.bifidum L1. keywords: acidity; activity; aflp; b.bifidum; biochemical; bioreactor; cells; cm3; conditions; cultivation; culture; engineering; environment; enzyme; faculty; fig; food; fusion; genetic; genome; growth; hour; hybrid; issue; journal; l.acidophilus; lactis; lactobacillus; mareuniversity; medium; parental; phase; profile; protoplast; recombinant; restriction; results; rl15; safety; static; strain; suceava; time; titratable; volume; ştefan cache: fens-248.pdf plain text: fens-248.txt item: #161 of 747 id: fens-249 author: ILAVSKÝ, Ján; BARLOKOVÁ, Danka title: DETERMINATION OF PCB IN WATER USING MICROEXTRACTION AND CAPILLARY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY date: 2017-02-07 words: 4357 flesch: 45 summary: Table 1 Relative recoveries of PCB congeners after microextraction into 1 ml of n-hexane. The most reliable method of PCB analysis is the combination of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. keywords: analysis; biphenyls; capillary; cel; chromatography; components; concentration; conditions; congeners; content; delor; detector; determination; ecd; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; fid; food; gas; hexane; high; individual; internal; issue; journal; mareuniversity; method; microextraction; mixture; pcb; pcbs; peaks; polychlorinated; quantitative; recoveries; recovery; respective; safety; sample; solubility; standard; suceava; table; temperature; toluene; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-249.pdf plain text: fens-249.txt item: #162 of 747 id: fens-25 author: HOAGHIA, Maria-Alexandra; LEVEI, Erika; ROMAN, Cecilia; SENILA, Marin; TANASELIA, Claudiu; RISTOIU, Dumitru title: ASSESSMENT OF INORGANIC CONTAMINANTS IN WELL WATERS FROM NONFERROUS MINING AND URBAN AREAS IN NORTH-WEST AND CENTRAL ROMANIA date: 2016-04-07 words: 2924 flesch: 50 summary: The NO3- concentrations are higher for well water samples (range 31 - 271 mg/l, mean 101 mg/l) from the urban area than for well water samples (range 0.92 - 50 mg/l, mean 22 mg/l) from the mining area (Figure 1). 2 Cr, As, Mn and Zn concentrations in well water samples Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015 Maria-Alexandra HOAGHIA, Erika LEVEI, Cecilia ROMAN, Marin SENILA, Claudiu TANASELIA, Dumitru RISTOIU, Assessment of inorganic contaminants in well waters from nonferrous mining and urban areas in North-West and Central Romania, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015, pag.138 – 143 142 The As content in four well water samples (M1, M2, M7 and M8) were found to be more than ten times higher than the corresponding, while samples from Medias are lower than MAC. keywords: 143; activities; area; assessment; central; concentrations; contaminants; contamination; drinking; engineering; environment; faculty; food; inorganic; issue; journal; mac; mare; medias; metal; mining; mining area; nonferrous; north; quality; romania; safety; samples; sources; suceava; tarna; turt; turulung; university; urban; values; vol; volume; water; water samples; west; xiv cache: fens-25.pdf plain text: fens-25.txt item: #163 of 747 id: fens-250 author: HOVSEPYAN, Suren; TOROSYAN, Yeva; TOROSYAN, Gagik title: ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS AT REALIZATION OF ACTIVE INFLUENCE ON HAIL PROCESSES date: 2017-02-07 words: 2992 flesch: 50 summary: Because of hail activities, with 2005 for 2010 from behind hail the people - three have perished Technology of protection from hailstones beaten, as any technologies of environmental impact, should be ecological secure, Therefore one of prominent aspects for an estimation of technologies of protection from hail is the estimation of levels of an ill effect on an environment, collateral effects and ecological safety of used technologies. The value of efficiency is calculated under the formula most often used in global practice of active effects for such estimations: E = (1 - Si/S0) 100 %, Where are: Si – the area of damage by hail of agricultural cultures in the season of realization of anti hail activities, reduced to a unit area. keywords: acetylene; active; activities; agriculture; anti; application; area; armenia; butane; cannon; case; cel; cloud; contamination; damage; ecological; effect; engineering; environment; estimation; example; explosion; faculty; food; formation; hail; hailstones; influence; iodine; issue; journal; mareuniversity; method; necessary; noise; paper; problem; processes; propane; protection; radar; realization; reduction; rocket; safety; suceava; system; technologies; terrains; toxic; volume; ştefan cache: fens-250.pdf plain text: fens-250.txt item: #164 of 747 id: fens-251 author: ILAVSKÝ, Ján; BARLOKOVÁ, Danka title: ANALYSIS TRICHLORO- AND TETRACHLORO-ETHYLENE IN WATER date: 2017-02-07 words: 5145 flesch: 24 summary: Keywords: capillary gas chromatography, microextraction, water analysis, chlorinated hydrocarbons 1. The analysis of volatile organohalogene compounds (VOC) in water samples requires a several steps: a) isolation and preconcentration of the pollutants from water, b) trace organic analysis by capillary gas chromatography (GC), c) identification and quantitative determi- nation individual compounds. keywords: 1,2; 1,3; analysis; aqueous; capillary; case; cel; chem; chlorine; chromatogr; chromatography; compounds; concentration; detector; determination; dichlorobenzene; dichloroethylene; direct; drinking; ecd; engineering; environment; extractant; extraction; faculty; fid; food; gas; halogenated; headspace; hexane; high;; hydrocarbons; injection; internal; issue; journal; mareuniversity; method; microextraction; organic; pentane; phase; present; purge; range; recovery; safety; sample; sci; solid; solubility; solvent; standard; static; substances; suceava; table; tce; tetrachlorobenzene; tetrachloroethylene; time; trap; trichloroethane; ttce; volatile; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-251.pdf plain text: fens-251.txt item: #165 of 747 id: fens-252 author: BARNA, Octavian; BASTON, Octavian; DARABĂ, Aura title: TEMPERATURE AND TIME OF STORAGE IMPACT ON REDUCING SUGAR ACUMULATIONS IN SUGAR BEET date: 2017-02-07 words: 2202 flesch: 58 summary: The evolution of reducing sugars content of the cultivar Markus’ storage duration led to the results shown in figure 5. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 20 40 60 80 Storage duration, days R ed uc in g su ga r c on te nt , g /t be et 2 6 10 15 20 Figure 5: Reducing sugar content of cultivar Markus stored at different temperatures Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 1 – 2012 42 In the case of the cultivar Abstract: The quality of sugar beet determines its sugar output. keywords: accumulation; beet; case; conditions; content; cultivar; days; different; duration; engineering; faculty; figure; food; heat; inverted; journal; markus; quality; rate; results; soleia; storage; sucrose; sugar; temperature; time; victor cache: fens-252.pdf plain text: fens-252.txt item: #166 of 747 id: fens-253 author: COŞULEANU, Ancuţa Elena title: RESEARCH ON THE IN VIVO VARIATIONS OF THE pH VALUES, OXIDIZED LIPIDS AND SOLUBLE PROTEIN CONTENT OF FOOD RATIONS BASED ON TURKEY MEAT date: 2017-02-07 words: 1580 flesch: 54 summary: Soluble protein contents of the digesta, obtained by the administration of diets based on turkey meat, grows with the digestion time duration to a certain point and then decreases. In terms of protein content it has been observed a reverse trend compared to the one of pH from 0.12 mg / ml and reaching a maximum of 0.62mg / ml. keywords: animal; content; digestion; food; ingestion; lipids; maximum; meat; mini; mini pig; minutes; pig; progress; protein; soluble; stomach; suceava; time; turkey; values cache: fens-253.pdf plain text: fens-253.txt item: #167 of 747 id: fens-254 author: GONTARIU, Ioan; TĂNASĂ, Ion; BUCULEI, Amelia title: RAINFALL IN THE SUHARD MOUNTAINS FROM BUCOVINA date: 2017-02-07 words: 2855 flesch: 64 summary: Compared to the annual situation, the graph of rainfall distribution, in the cold semester, according to the altitude, describes a more pronounced parabola, showing the important part of local conditions in registering rainfall quantities. The average of the days with rainfall quantities 0,1 were analyzed based on the data from Poiana Stampei and Iezer stations, which are considered representative for the high area of Suhard Mountain (table 4). keywords: altitude; annual; area; average; cel; data; days; engineering; faculty; figure; food; iezer; increase; journal; lower; mareuniversity; maximum; mountain; number; poiana; quantities; rainfall; safety; snow; stampei; station; suceava; suhard; table; values; volume; year; ştefan cache: fens-254.pdf plain text: fens-254.txt item: #168 of 747 id: fens-255 author: STEFANOV, Stefan; HRISTOV, Hristo; STOEVA, Donka; DENKOVA, Zapryana; NIKOLOVA, Radosveta title: INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF STORING PACKAGED PUMPKIN IN MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE date: 2017-02-07 words: 1753 flesch: 60 summary: 2. Materials and methods For packaging of grated pumpkin and intact pieces of pumpkin is used semi automatic packaging machine Tray sealer Fibosa with two trays – Fig. Abstract: The article presents experimental studies with packaged in modified atmosphere and stored refrigerated grated pumpkin and chopped pumpkin. keywords: cel; co2; content; days; engineering; environment; figure; foil; food; gas; grated; intact; lintop; mareuniversity; packages; packaging; pieces; pumpkin; refrigerator; storage; suceava; temperature; upper; vacuum; volume; со2 cache: fens-255.pdf plain text: fens-255.txt item: #169 of 747 id: fens-256 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; ILIEVA, Svetla; NIKOLOVA, Dilyana; DENKOVA, Zapriana; YANAKIEVA, Velichka title: IDENTIFICATION AND EXAMINATION OF SOME PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF THE STRAIN LACTOBACILLUS LBRZ12 date: 2017-02-07 words: 3367 flesch: 44 summary: The initial concentration of viable cells of Lactobacillus plantarum LBRZ12 is 1.3x1013cfu/cm3. In vitro determining the ability of Lactobacillus plantarum LBRZ12 to survive in the conditions simulating the departments of the gastrointestinal tract keywords: acellular; activity; antibiotic; antimicrobial; api; bile; cells; cm3; concentrations; conditions; cultural; culture; different; disc; environment; enzyme; faculty; food; gastrointestinal; hour; journal; lactobacillus; lactobacillus lbrz12; lactobacillus plantarum; lbrz12; medium; pancreatin; pepsin; plantarum; plates; probiotic; profile; properties; resistance; results; safety; salts; strain; supernatant; survival; table; tract; viable; volume cache: fens-256.pdf plain text: fens-256.txt item: #170 of 747 id: fens-257 author: KAZLAUSKIENĖ, Nijolė; SVECEVIČIUS, Gintaras; TAUJANSKIS, Edvinas; IDZELIS, Raimondas Leopoldas; LIEKYTĖ, Aistė title: ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL (Ni, Cu) INTERACTIONS IN BINARY MIXTURE TO RAINBOW TROUT (Oncorhynchus mykiss) AT EARLY LIFE STAGES date: 2017-02-07 words: 3117 flesch: 54 summary: Mixture toxicity indices (MTI) and effects of Cu+Ni mixtures to rainbow trout embryos and larvae (the lethality tests beginning from “eye-egg” embryos and from 1-day larvae) were similar and did not depend on the mixture preparation mode, on the heavy metal concentration in mixture, and on affected development stage of organism (Table 3). ADEBAYO A.O. Evaluation of the joint- action toxicity of binary mixtures of heavy metals against the mangrove periwinkle Tympanotonus fuscatus var radula (L.), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 53(3). keywords: affected; binary; concentration; copper; cu+ni; data; days; development; early; effects; embryos; fish; food; gvf; heavy; hour; journal; larvae; lc50; lethal; metal; mixture; nickel; organism; portion; preparation; rainbow; safety; stages; sublethal; table; term; test; toxicity; trout; water cache: fens-257.pdf plain text: fens-257.txt item: #171 of 747 id: fens-258 author: BATÎR RUSU, Diana; MURARIU, Danela title: ASSESSMENT OF THE ACTION OF DEPOSIT MYCOFLORA ON VICIA FABA L BEANS FROM SUCEAVA GENEBANK’S COLLECTION date: 2017-02-07 words: 1737 flesch: 47 summary: This study consisted in a phytopathological evaluation of epiphyte and endophyte mycological flora which appeared on Vicia faba seeds placed on two types of substrates (CGA medium and blotting paper). To make possible the assessment of the micromycets present on Vicia faba seeds, we implemented the following research methods: - macroscopic analyses of the seeds; - Ulster method [5] on CGA medium (potato - dextrose - agar). keywords: +40c; alternaria; aspergillus; cga; conditions; experimental; faba; fungal; medium; micromycets; paper; pathogens; penicillium; period; rhizopus; samples; seeds; vicia; years cache: fens-258.pdf plain text: fens-258.txt item: #172 of 747 id: fens-259 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: EFFECTS OF DRY LAGER BREWING SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE STRAIN ON THE FERMENTATION PROCESS AND BEER QUALITY date: 2017-02-07 words: 2992 flesch: 53 summary: Yeast fermentation performance and beer quality is influence especially by the wort composition, oxygen prior to pitching, fermentation temperature, size and shape of the fermentor vessels e.g The number of yeast cells was counted using a cytometry camera Thoma. keywords: analysis; apparent; beer; bucharest; cel; cells; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; fermentation; food; grade; inoculum; journal; methods; number; oxygen; parameters; process; quality; romania; saccharomyces; secondary; standard; strain; suceava; table; temperature; value; volume; wort; yeast cache: fens-259.pdf plain text: fens-259.txt item: #173 of 747 id: fens-26 author: PRISACARU, Ancuţa Elena; APOSTOL, Laura title: SEASONAL VARIATIONS’ INFLUENCE ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF COW MILK AND VIDRARU SEMI HARD CHEESE date: 2016-04-07 words: 2172 flesch: 68 summary: Vidraru semi hard cheese is a traditional cheese characterized by ripening at ambient conditions and smoking. Production process of Vidraru semi hard cheese Step Description 1 Raw cow’s milk 2 Normalization (3,8-3,9 % fat) keywords: autumn; cheese; chemical; composition; content; cow; curd; dry; environment; fat; feeding; food; hard; influence; issue; matter; milk; minutes; production; products; raw; ripening; safety; seasonal; semi; spring; summer; table; variations; vidraru; volume; winter; xiv cache: fens-26.pdf plain text: fens-26.txt item: #174 of 747 id: fens-260 author: MURARIU, Danela; MURARIU, Marius; GONTARIU, Ioan title: COLD TOLERANCE IN EUROPEAN OAT GENETIC RESOURCES date: 2017-02-07 words: 2846 flesch: 56 summary: 0 9 Standard MURES 30.5 0 9 Modern Sandokan 32.5 0 9 cultivated Sacel 25 0 9 Modern Kaplan 25.5 0 9 cultivated Lunca Il 9.5 0 9 Modern Leo 22 0 9 cultivated Baisoara 1 24.5 0 9 cultivated Alo 29.5 0 9 cultivated Local 1 21 0 9 Standard JAAK 37 0 9 cultivated Winterhaf 17 0 9 cultivated Jogeva 33 0 9 cultivated Local 2 16.5 0 9 Modern Miku 26 0 9 cultivated Local 3 10.5 0 9 Modern Villu 24.5 0 9 cultivated Local 4 19.5 0.5 9 cultivated Noire 31 0.5 9 cultivated Mulyat 22.5 0 9 cultivated Noire Ri. 15 0 9 cultivated Jari Oves 28.5 0 9 cultivated Neu Gro 14 2 8 cultivated Beltckii 1 23.5 0 9 cultivated Grise 31.5 0 9 cultivated Kinelskjj 29 1.5 8 cultivated Jaune 16 0 9 cultivated Local 5 20 0.5 9 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 1 – 2012 86 The results of the evaluation of frost tolerance at first leaf stage, accomplished in the laboratory of Experimental Institute for Cereal Research, Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy were compared with the data of winter hardiness obtained in the field experiments carried out by Suceava Genebank in environments more frequently subjected to severe frost events, as compared to the Italian site. modern Flaming 30 0 9 modern Efesos 18.5 0 9 modern Flamingsg 21 0 9 modern Effektiv 21.5 0 9 modern Nelson 27 0 9 modern Ehostar 21 0 9 Standard Ivory 34 0.5 9 Standard Mina 19.5 0 9 modern Tyfhon 20.5 0 9 cultivated 83/200-C 11.5 8.5 6 modern Pergamon 18 0 9 cultivated BGR 250 17.5 0 9 cultivated Konradin 14.5 0 9 cultivated Sofia 121 14 0 9 cultivated Nuernberg 25.5 0 9 cultivated BGR 7982 22 3.5 8 cultivated keywords: accessions; average; cattivelli; cel; cold; conditions; decade; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; field; food; freezing; frost; genebank; hardiness; high; issue; italy; journal; laboratory; local; mareuniversity; methods; modern; mortality; number; oat; plants; research; results; rizza; romania; safety; score; standard; suceava; temperature; tolerance; volume; winter; winterhardiness; yellowed; ştefan cache: fens-260.pdf plain text: fens-260.txt item: #175 of 747 id: fens-261 author: BATÎR RUSU, Diana; MURARIU, Danela title: ASSESSMENT OF THE ACTION OF DEPOSIT MYCOFLORA ON PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L . BEANS FROM SUCEAVA GENEBANK’S COLLECTION date: 2017-02-07 words: 2258 flesch: 50 summary: Abstract: This study consisted in a phytopathological evaluation of epiphyte and endophyte mycological which appeared on Phaseolus vulgaris seeds, placed on two types of substrates (CGA medium and blotting paper) and emphasing corellations between the evolution of isolated micromycets on Phaseolus vulgaris samples and different periods of storage. 2.9 Rhizopus sp. 18.1 6.6 Cladosporium herbarium 3.2 3.7 Alternaria alternata 14.3 5.2 Trichothecium roseum 8.2 2.2 Trichoderma viride 6.3 0.7 TOTAL 57.7 30.1 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 1 – 2012 91 Tabel 3 Correlation coefficients between micromycets action identified on Phaseolus vulgaris samples stored at +4°C, for 6 years After 15 years of storage of Phaseolus vulgaris seeds at +4°C temperature, there is only one very significant positive correlation between fungal pathogens action Rhizopus sp. keywords: action; alternaria; aspergillus; cga; correlation; different; food; fungal; medium; micromycets; paper; pathogens; penicillium; phaseolus; phaseolus vulgaris; rhizopus; roseum; samples; seeds; storage; study; suceava; temperature; trichoderma; viride; vulgaris; years cache: fens-261.pdf plain text: fens-261.txt item: #176 of 747 id: fens-262 author: DABIJA, Adriana; CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Cristina-Gabriela; BUCULEI, Amelia title: STUDIES CONCERNING INFLUENCE OF THE INOCULUM UPON AMYLOGLUCOSIDASE’S BIOSYNTHESIS OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER date: 2017-02-07 words: 1612 flesch: 36 summary: Following the experiments performed to obtain amyloglucosidase under the conditions of cultivating the genus Aspergillus mold (AC-6), it is recommended the use for insemination basic nutrient medium of the vegetative inoculum at a rate of 10% for which it is achieved amyloglucosidase activity 10 times higher than using at insemination spore suspensions. For the fermented medium, which contains extra-cellular amyloglucosidase, it was determined values for the pH, refractometric degree and amyloglucosidase activity. keywords: activity; amyloglucosidase; aspergillus; cel; cm3; conditions; engineering; enzyme; filtrate; food; genus; glucose; industry; influence; inoculum; journal; medium; mould; obtaining; quantity; relative; spores; sporiferous; starch; vegetative cache: fens-262.pdf plain text: fens-262.txt item: #177 of 747 id: fens-263 author: DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; LEAHU, Ana; CIOARBĂ, Iuliana title: EFFECT OF ADDITION OF STARCH AND AGAR-AGAR ON RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF YOGURT date: 2017-02-07 words: 2647 flesch: 57 summary: In the case of yogurt samples obtained in the laboratory, the addition of starch and agar-agar increases the viscosity, proportional to the doses added. Tabel 1. Milk properties Dry substance 10,5% Fat, g/100g 3 Protein, g/100 g 3 Sugar, g/100g 4.5 Ash, % 0.72 Acidity, 0T 18 Tabel 2. pH of yogurt samples Sample pH S1 4.0 S2 4.5 A1 4.2 A2 4.0 A3 4.5 300 mL milk was inoculated using 0.015 g starter culture. keywords: addition; agar; analysis; behaviour; brookfield; casein; cel; cluster; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; flow; food; food engineering; g agar; gel; index; issue; journal; mareuniversity; milk; model; phase; process; properties; protein; rate; rheological; safety; samples; shear; spindle; starch; strength; stress; suceava; viscometer; viscosity; volume; water; yogurt; ştefan cache: fens-263.pdf plain text: fens-263.txt item: #178 of 747 id: fens-264 author: STEFANOV, Stefan; HRISTOV, Hristo; STOEVA, Donka; DENKOVA, Zapryana; NIKOLOVA, Radosveta title: INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESS OF STORING PACKAGED RABBIT MEAT IN MODIFIED ATMOSPHERE date: 2017-02-07 words: 1372 flesch: 53 summary: Total microbial counts of packaged rabbit meat in vacuum (a) and gas environment 80%О2 and 20%СО2 (b). Abstract: The article presents experimental studies with packaged in modified atmosphere and stored refrigerated rabbit meat. keywords: atmosphere; cel; cfu; days; engineering; environment; food; gas; issue; journal; mareuniversity; meat; microbial; modified; rabbit; refrigerated; store; suceava; temperature; vacuum; volume cache: fens-264.pdf plain text: fens-264.txt item: #179 of 747 id: fens-265 author: BUCULEI, Amelia; AMARIEI, Sonia; STEFANOV, Stefan; GUTT, Gheorhe; DABIJA, Adriana title: STUDY REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF METALS MIGRATION UPON THE QUALITY OF BEER AT STORAGE date: 2017-02-07 words: 2569 flesch: 60 summary: This is the result of migration, which is different for different beers tested. Mn content in the product during storage of 4 types of beer Figure 7 Cu content in the product during storage of 4 types of beer Figure 8 Fe content in the product during storage of 4 types of beer Figure 9 Comparison of lead in different beers Figure 10 Comparison of cadmium in different beers Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, tefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 1 – 2012 113 4. keywords: aluminium; beer; cans; cel; concentration; content; corrosion; determined; different; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; flavour; foam; food; heavy; issue; journal; mareuniversity; metals; migration; months; organoleptic; packaging; product; quality; results; safety; sample; stability; storage; suceava; tefan; temperatures; time; traits; volume cache: fens-265.pdf plain text: fens-265.txt item: #180 of 747 id: fens-266 author: 2012, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-07 words: 732 flesch: 18 summary: ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XI, Issue 2 22 June 2012 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), NationalTechnological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius,Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality,Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Jurgen SCHRAM Krefeld University, Germany Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic ofMoldavia Yarema TEVTUL Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Postala address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; stefan; suceava; universitatii; university; ştefan cel cache: fens-266.pdf plain text: fens-266.txt item: #181 of 747 id: fens-267 author: 2012, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-07 words: 289 flesch: 72 summary: ORS O F TH E AGRI CU LT URAL PRODU CTION I N CACI CA VI LL AGE , S UCEA VA Elena-Viorica ROTARU, Ioan GONTARIU 43 8. IN FLUE NCE O F M ATU RAT IO keywords: ana; cristina; damian; denkova; elena; food; leahu; mircea; oroian; study; zapryana cache: fens-267.pdf plain text: fens-267.txt item: #182 of 747 id: fens-268 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; GEORGIEVA, Lyubka; DENKOVA, Zapryana; ILIEVA, Svetla; YANAKIEVA, Velichka title: PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF LACTOBACILLUS CASEI SSP. RHAMNOSUS LBRC11 date: 2017-02-07 words: 4864 flesch: 44 summary: Lactobacillus LBRC11 3. 100 bp Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei ssp. Figure 3: Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei ssp.rhamnosus LBRC11 against E.coli ATCC 25922 Figure 4: Antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus casei ssp.rhamnosus LBRC11 against E.coli 8739 keywords: abony; acidity; activity; agar; antibiotic; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; api; atcc; bacteria; cells; change; cm3; concentration; control; determination; disc; e.coli; engineering; environment; enzyme; faculty; fig; figure; food; hour; increase; issue; journal; lactobacillus; lactobacillus casei; lactobacillus lbrc11; lbrc11; liquid; mareuniversity; medium; method; microorganisms; pathogen; probiotics; profile; results; safety; salminen; salmonella; saprophytic; strain; strain lactobacillus; suceava; supernatant; table; tefan; test; titratable; viable; volume cache: fens-268.pdf plain text: fens-268.txt item: #183 of 747 id: fens-269 author: RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich; LEMENTAR, Svyatoslav Yuriyovich title: THE METHOD OF DETERMINATION OF THE OPTIMAL PARAMETERS OF DISPERSED MATERIALS GRANULATION THROUGH CONSOLIDATION date: 2017-02-07 words: 1392 flesch: 40 summary: But because of the low bulk density, the transportation of such materials is not profitable. The analysis of the latest researches and publications [1] shows that effective realization of pressing technologies through extrusion depends a lot on constructive parameters of the equipment, which provide the required performance. keywords: consolidation; constructive; criteria; density; determination; effective; equipment; extrusion; food; function; granulation; materials; method; optimal; parameters; problem; set; technological; technologies; value cache: fens-269.pdf plain text: fens-269.txt item: #184 of 747 id: fens-27 author: NAKOV, Gjore; GEORGIEVA, Darina; IVANOVA, Nastia; DAMYANOVA, Stanka; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; NECINOVA, Ljupka title: PREBIOTIC EFFECTS OF INULIN AND ACACIA GUM (REVIEW) date: 2016-04-07 words: 4405 flesch: 43 summary: The focus of this review has been to point out the prebiotic effects (bifidogenic effects) of acacia gum and inulin. Keywords: prebiotics, inulin, acacia gum, prebiotic effects (bifidogenic effects) 1. keywords: acacia; acacia gum; activity; bacteria; beneficial; bifidobacteria; bifidogenic; cel; colonic; culture; damyanova; darina; dietary; dose; effects; engineering; environment; faculty; fermentation; fibre; food; georgieva; gibson; gjore; growth; gum; gut; health; human; increase; intestinal; inulin; issue; ivanova; journal; lactobacilli; ljupka; mare; nakov; nastya; necinova; non; number; oligofructose; pag; prebiotic; prebiotic effects; review; safety; soluble; specific; stamatovska; stanka; stimulation; studies; study; suceava; university; viktorija; vitro; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-27.pdf plain text: fens-27.txt item: #185 of 747 id: fens-270 author: SLAVOV, Aleksander; DENKOVA, Zapryana; DENKOVA, Rositsa title: CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE YEAST STRAINS FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT date: 2017-02-07 words: 6868 flesch: 61 summary: Lipolytic activity medium (Tween – 80 compounds hydrolysis). Yeast strain Y is isolated from soil and strains C1 and C2 are provided by the microorganism Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 2 – 2012 20 collection of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Microbiology at the University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. keywords: 121ºc; 30ºc; ability; activity; activity medium; agar; agar medium; api; blood; bulgaria; candida; cm3; colonies; composition; compounds; cultures; days; determination; dishes; dm3; engineering; enzyme; extract; food; formation; glucose; hours; identification; incubation; inoculated; journal; lipolytic; malt; medium; merck; minutes; nacl; peptone; petri; plates; positive; prepared; presence; profile; results; scharlau; sterile; strains; suspension; table; test; vol; yeast cache: fens-270.pdf plain text: fens-270.txt item: #186 of 747 id: fens-271 author: OROIAN, Mircea; LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; BUCULEI, Amelia title: HONEY CLASSIFICATION USING COLOUR MEASUREMENT date: 2017-02-07 words: 2084 flesch: 66 summary: Many studies have dealt with the relation of honey colour to the floral origin, industrial processing methods, and the temperature and/or time of storage The luminosity of honey samples was significantly different (P<0.001). keywords: acacia; angle; colour; different; engineering; floral; flower; food; green; highest; honey; hue; intensity; journal; origin; purity; red; samples; source; studies; suceava; sun; sun flower; tilia; values cache: fens-271.pdf plain text: fens-271.txt item: #187 of 747 id: fens-272 author: LEAHU, Ana; AMARIEI(GUTT), Sonia; AVRĂMIUC, Marcel; HREŢCANU, Cristina-Elena; DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea title: INFLUENCE OF MATURATION ON TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF WHITE WINE CHARDONNAY AND PINOT GRIS date: 2017-02-07 words: 2090 flesch: 51 summary: Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine, for two white wine varieties Chardonnay and Pinot Gris, the influence that wine maturation has on its chemical properties. Keywords: wine maturation, physico-chemical parameters, correlation matrix. keywords: acidity; cel; chardonnay; chemical; concentration; conductivity; correlation; density; dry; dry extract; engineering; extract; faculty; fermentation; fix; food; free; gris; journal; maturation; months; parameters; pinot; quality; so2; so2 total; suceava; sugars; tefan; total; total acidity; total dry; type; varieties; volatile; white; wine cache: fens-272.pdf plain text: fens-272.txt item: #188 of 747 id: fens-273 author: YEDOYAN, Rafael H.; YEDOYAN, T. V. title: THE STUDY OF HEAVY METALS (Ni, Zn, Cu, Pb) IN THE VEGETATIVE ORGANS, HARVEST AND GROWING SOIL OF POTATOES, WHEAT AND WILD BLACKBERRY date: 2017-02-07 words: 2184 flesch: 70 summary: The growing soil data comparison shows that soils differ with heavy metals content. Heavy metals content differs a little in potato leaf and tube. keywords: blackberry; content; data; different; engineering; environment; food; grain; harvesting; heavy; heavy metals; issue; leaf; metals; organs; plants; pollution; potato; region; root; soil; sprout; tube; vegetative; volume; wheat; wild cache: fens-273.pdf plain text: fens-273.txt item: #189 of 747 id: fens-274 author: ROTARU, Elena-Viorica; GONTARIU, Ioan title: LIMITATION FACTORS OF THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION IN CACICA VILLAGE, SUCEAVA date: 2017-02-07 words: 2202 flesch: 57 summary: According to the nature and intensity of the limitative factors the fields can be grouped as it follows: Surface erosion limitations. The Universal Equation of Soil Loss (USLE), soil erosion is a factor “K” whose value is determined quantitatively both, by direct measurements in standardized parcels, and indirectly through mathematics [5]. Erosion factor that K is the USLE soil loss due to raindrops and surface flow concentrated in the appropriate field of rainfall erosion index unit as measured in standard plots for flow control. keywords: affected; agricultural; agricultural surface; cacica; cel; crops; depth; draining; engineering; eroded; erosion; factors; faculty; fields; flooding; food; issue; journal; land; landslides; low; mareuniversity; safety; slopes; soil; strong; study; suceava; surface; table; total; village; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-274.pdf plain text: fens-274.txt item: #190 of 747 id: fens-275 author: COŞULEANU, Ancuţa Elena title: STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF SEX AND BREED ON BOVINE MEAT QUALITY date: 2017-02-07 words: 2201 flesch: 57 summary: Table 2 The significance of differences in chemical composition (%) of Gluteus muscle recorded in bovines between the sexes based on race Chemical parameter (%) Significance Proteins BA1: F̂ = 0.25; F5% (1;8) = 5.32; F̂ < F5% F̂ < F1% => * M2: F̂ = 0.36; F5%(2;11) = 3.98; F̂ < F5% => ns Note: F females, M males, NS not significant, * significant Table 4 Student test results on lipid content (%) in Gluteus muscle in females Rasa P2 BNR3 BA1 Average 2.48 2.62 3.72 BA1 3.72 tÙ = 1.98; t5%= 1.90; t1%= 3.00; t5% < tÙ < t1% => * tÙ = 2.69; t5%= 1.78; t1%= 2.68; t0.1%= 3.93; t1%< t Ù < t0.1% => ** BNR3 2.62 tÙ = 0.25; t5%= 1.80; tÙ < t5% => ns P2 2.48 Note: 1 bovines Fleckvieh breed, 2 bovines Pinzgauer breed, 3 bovines Black spotted Romanian breed, NS not significant, * significant, ** distinct significant. keywords: ba1; black; bnr3; bovines; breed; chemical; composition; content; differences; females; fleckvieh; food; gluteus; lipid; meat; muscle; pinzgauer; protein; romanian; sex; significant; table cache: fens-275.pdf plain text: fens-275.txt item: #191 of 747 id: fens-276 author: DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; LEAHU, Ana; CARPIUC, Nicolae title: EFFECT OF ADDITION OF CARRAGEENAN ON RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF YOGURT date: 2017-02-07 words: 2808 flesch: 49 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this work is to study the effect of addition of k-kappa carrageenan and i- iota carrageenan on the rheological behaviour of different types of yogurts. i-iota carrageenan has been evaluated as more effective for increasing the viscosity of yogurt in comparison with k-kappa carrageenan (with the same concentration). keywords: addition; analysis; behaviour; brookfield; carrageenan; casein; cel; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; figure; food; gel; gels; important; iota; iota carrageenan; issue; journal; kappa; kappa carrageenan; mareuniversity; milk; order; paper; properties; protein; publishing; rheological; safety; samples; shear; strength; suceava; texture; viscometer; viscosity; volume; water; yogurt cache: fens-276.pdf plain text: fens-276.txt item: #192 of 747 id: fens-277 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF HYPOTHERMIC SHOCKS AND ADDITIONS DURING PROCESSING, ON SOME YOGHURT FEATURES date: 2017-02-07 words: 3533 flesch: 68 summary: The application of hypothermic shocks in the early period of thermostating has determined the decrease of fermentation activity of lactic bacteria (expressed by reduction of titratable acidity values) and has made the coagulation process of milk to be blocked. The gelatin addition has led to the increase of titratable acidity values, comparing to blank. keywords: + ; acidity; addition; admixtures; blank; coagulation; curd; end; evolution; food; gelatin; hours; hypothermic; milk; minutes; process; processing; sample; shock; starch; thermostating; titratable; values; yoghurt cache: fens-277.pdf plain text: fens-277.txt item: #193 of 747 id: fens-278 author: POPA, Camelia title: STUDIES REGARDING SOIL QUALITY AND ITS IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT date: 2017-02-07 words: 3385 flesch: 52 summary: Determination of pesticides in soil: in order to determine the presence of pesticides in soil samples taken, i.e. their determination, they were first prepared, weighted and then order a few rounds: drying in the Memmert oven at 105oC at a constant weight, shredding, sieving. After analysing soil samples by HPLC were qualitative identified 2, 4-D acid and florasulam with appropriate retention times, as can be seen in the chromatograms presented in Figs. 1 and 2. keywords: 2,4; 2,4d; acid; action; analysis; cel; chemical; compound; concentration; county; degradation; derivative; development; engineering; environment; faculty; florasulam; food; ground; industry; issue; journal; life; mareuniversity; micro; mobile; mustang; order; organisms; persistence; pesticides; phase; place; pollutants; pollution; risk; safety; sample; soil; suceava; surface; table; time; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-278.pdf plain text: fens-278.txt item: #194 of 747 id: fens-279 author: DABIJA, Adriana title: STUDY ON THE THE AMOUNT STARTER CULTURE USED IN YOGURT MANUFACTURING date: 2017-02-07 words: 2371 flesch: 52 summary: Introduction Milk and dairy products are foods with exceptional nutritional value, but also a source of bioactive substances with multiple physiological activities beneficial to the human body. Fermented dairy products are considered functional foods, especially due to the beneficial physiological effects on the human body, effects resulting also from the biochemical activity of starter cultures used to obtain them. keywords: acidity; analysis; bacteria; brightness; characteristics; consistency; dairy; degree; food; lactic; leaven; milk; organoleptic; pleasure; points; product; quality; rating; results; sample; score; sensory; smell; starter; surface; table; taster; total; yogurt cache: fens-279.pdf plain text: fens-279.txt item: #195 of 747 id: fens-28 author: AVRĂMIUC, Marcel; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: THE INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING BY CRUSHING AND BOILING ON ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT IN SOME PLANT SPECIES date: 2016-04-07 words: 2513 flesch: 58 summary: In this work the influence of processing (crushing and boiling) on ascorbic acid content in four plant specie was searched on . Through crushing and one hour exposure to air (20-22°C), the largest reduction in ascorbic acid content was registered in pear fruits (50%), and the lowest one in spinach leaves (11.7%). keywords: acid; acid content; antioxidant; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; boiling; chemistry; content; environment; fig; food; fruits; influence; issue; journal; kiwi; leaves; liquid; material; mean; mg%; onion; pears; plant; processing; raw; safety; samples; species; spinach; suceava; sugar; values; vitamin; volume; xiv cache: fens-28.pdf plain text: fens-28.txt item: #196 of 747 id: fens-280 author: VASILACHE, Violeta; CIOTAU, Constantin title: STUDIES REGARDING THE INCIDENCE OF BACTERIA FROM LISTERIA GENUS IN FISH MEAT date: 2017-02-07 words: 1950 flesch: 46 summary: This article presents a study about the incidence of Listeria in two species of fish which were tested to prove presence or absence of Listeria monocytogenes, because fish meat is one of the foods susceptible to transmit bacteria and to induce grave intoxication. The results of analyzes for those two species of fish meat do not confirm the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, but other species of Listeria (Listeria welshimeri and Listeria inocua), fortunately not pathogenic, were present. keywords: agar; analyzes; bacteria; carp; cel; colonies; confirmation; control; detection; engineering; environment; figure; fish; food; inocua; journal; listeria; listeria monocytogenes; mackerel; mareuniversity; meat; media; medium; methods; microbiology; monocytogenes; presence; safety; samples; species; suceava; test; volume; welshimeri cache: fens-280.pdf plain text: fens-280.txt item: #197 of 747 id: fens-281 author: DABIJA, Adriana title: A STUDY ESTABLISHING AN OPTIMUM MALTING DIAGRAM date: 2017-02-07 words: 2976 flesch: 60 summary: 4. Conclusions Administering the malting process is generally aimed at achieving quality malt with superior biotechnological characteristics. The main physical and chemical quality indices of two samples taken from the same batch of barley were determined that they meet the technical requirements for manufacturing quality malt for beer industry. keywords: analysis; barley; beer; brewing; cel; characteristic; chemical; colour; diagram; engineering; experimental; food; germination; grains; high; hint; hours; index; journal; losses; malt; malting; material; method; moisture; pale; process; quality; raw; results; samples; steeping; suceava; table; technology; temperature; version; wet cache: fens-281.pdf plain text: fens-281.txt item: #198 of 747 id: fens-282 author: GONTARIU, Ioan; ENEA, Ioan-Cătălin title: PROTECTION AGAINST THE PROLIFERATION OF THE COLORADO BEETLE (LEPTINOTARSA DECEMLINEATA SAY) IN THE CONCEPT OF ORGANIC CULTURE AT THE POTATO date: 2017-02-07 words: 2378 flesch: 69 summary: Table 1 The influence of the treatments on the eggs viability Eggs non hatched hatched dried Bio insecticide Date % differences % differences % differences 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9.06 92 mt 8 mt 11.06 20 -72 ooo 80 72xxx 16.06 0 -92ooo 100 92 xxx 19.06 0 - - Dl 5% 27 17 Dl 1% 35 24 Untreated Dl 0,1% 51 35 9.06 75 mt 25 mt 0 Date % differences % differences % differences Laser 0,033% 9.06 0 keywords: 0,41; action; beetle; bio; cel; colorado; days; differences; eggs; food; frequency; hatched; hatching; insecticides; june; laser; lots; neemazal; non; ooo; pest; plant; potato; product; suceava; table; treatment; untreated; use; ştefan cache: fens-282.pdf plain text: fens-282.txt item: #199 of 747 id: fens-283 author: BANDRABUR, Bogdan; LAZĂR, Liliana; TATARU-FĂRMUŞ, Ramona-Elena; GUTT, Gheorghe title: CATIONIC EXCHANGE CAPACITY OF PURE PC200FD RESIN IN FOOD INDUSTRY WATER SOFTENING PROCESS date: 2017-02-07 words: 3121 flesch: 49 summary: (1) [7, 17]:  0 VC C m q   (1) where: C0 is the cation concentration in the initial solution, in mg/L; C – the cation concentration in the residual solution, in mg/L; m – the amount of cationic resin on the experiment, in g dry resin; V – volume of the solution in the experiment, in L. COCA M., MATO S., GONZÁLEZ-BENITO G., URUEÑA M.Á., GARCÍA-CUBERO M.T., Use of weak cation exchange resin Lewatit S 8528 as alternative to strong ion exchange resins for calcium salt removal, Journal of Food Engineering, 97(4), 569-573, (2010) 19. keywords: acid; c100e; ca2; cacl2; calcium; capacity; cationic; cationic exchange; cel; concentration; contact; dose; dry; efficiency; engineering; exchange; exchange capacity; faculty; figure; food; form; hardness; hours; industry; influence; initial; ions; journal; pc200fd; pc200fd resin; process; pure; pure pc200fd; purolite; removal; resin; romania; softening; solution; strong; suceava; temperature; time; volume; water; weak cache: fens-283.pdf plain text: fens-283.txt item: #200 of 747 id: fens-284 author: JARCĂU, Mihaela title: SOME PHYSICAL PROPRETIES OF BILBERRIES AND HOW THE PACKING CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THEM date: 2017-02-07 words: 1914 flesch: 64 summary: Microsoft Word - 17 Mihaela Jarcau articol.doc Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 2 – 2012 103 SOME PHYSICAL PROPRETIES OF BILBERRIES AND HOW THE PACKING CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THEM *Mihaela JARCĂU1 1Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University od Suceava, Romania After 5 days in refrigerator the average of unit mass of bilberries ranges from 0.437g to 0.433g. keywords: beans; bilberries; bilberry; bulk; cm3; density; diameter; dimensions; engineering; figure; food; geometric; journal; mass; packed; physical; plastic; porosity; sample; seed; sphericity; storage; suceava; true; volume cache: fens-284.pdf plain text: fens-284.txt item: #201 of 747 id: fens-285 author: 2012, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-07 words: 761 flesch: 23 summary: First pages.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XI, Issue 3 30 September 2012 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Postala address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-285.pdf plain text: fens-285.txt item: #202 of 747 id: fens-286 author: 2012, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-07 words: 267 flesch: 58 summary: PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS Z10, ISOLATED FROM NATURALLY FERMENTED SOURDOUGH Rositsa DENKOVA, Svetla ILIEVA, Donka DIMBAREVA, Zapryana DENKOVA 15 3. EXPERIMENTS CONCERNING PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGI- CAL CONTROL OF BAKERY YEAST INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Adriana DABIJA, Oana - Elena BUZATU 21 4. STUDY OF A NEW COORDINATION COMPOUNDS BASED ON Cr(III) AND SUCCINIMIDE IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION Mihaela Dana TUTULEA (ANASTASIU), Igor CRETESCU, Doina SIBIESCU, Ioan ROSCA 27 5. SELECTION FOR TREATMENT OF GOOSE DOWN WASHING WASTEWATER Aleksander SLAVOV, Zapryana DENKOVA, Mima HADJIKINOVA, Nikolai MIHALKOV 37 7. keywords: barloková; camelia; contents; danka; denkova; food; ilavský; ján; popa; water; zapryana cache: fens-286.pdf plain text: fens-286.txt item: #203 of 747 id: fens-287 author: ILAVSKÝ, Ján; HRIVNÁK, Ján; BARLOKOVÁ, Danka title: ANALYSIS OF CHLORINATED PHENOLS IN WATER date: 2017-02-07 words: 4505 flesch: 57 summary: Some interfering components can be removed by water extraction at pH 12, but only at the expense of partial losses of some phenols, mainly 2.4-dimethyl phenol. The study [5] provides a survey of chromatographic methods applied in phenol analyses. keywords: acetate; acidified; analysis; benzene; capillary; cel; chlorine; chlorophenols; chromatogr; chromatographic; column; compounds; concentration; determination; dichloro; dichloromethane; diethyl; engineering; environment; ether; extraction; faculty; figure; food; gas; glass; injection; issue; journal; mare; method; microextraction; phase; phenols; recoveries; recovery; results; safety; sample; solution; solvent; standard; study; suceava; table; tefan; toluene; trichloro; university; volume; water cache: fens-287.pdf plain text: fens-287.txt item: #204 of 747 id: fens-288 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; ILIEVA, Svetla; DIMBAREVA, Donka; DENKOVA, Zapryana title: PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS Z10, ISOLATED FROM NATURALLY FERMENTED SOURDOUGH date: 2017-02-07 words: 2818 flesch: 49 summary: The resistance of Lactobacillus acidophilus Z10, isolated from naturally fermented sourdough, to gastric and pancreatic juices is examined by incubation of the strain in MRS-broth medium with pH=2, containing pepsin; pH=4.5, containing pancreatin and pH=7, containing pancreatin, as well as incubation in MRS-broth medium, containing different concentrations of bile salts. The profile of antibiotic resistance of Lactobacillus acidophilus Z10 against 20 of the most commonly applied antibiotics in medical practice is examined and the strain is resistant to most of them. keywords: acidophilus; acidophilus z10; agar; antibiotic; bacteria; bile; broth; buffer; cells; cm3; composition; concentrations; conditions; determination; different; disc; faculty; fig; food; gastrointestinal; hour; human; journal; lactobacillus; lactobacillus acidophilus; medium; mrs; pancreatin; pepsin; probiotic; properties; resistance; safety; salts; strain; tract; viable; volume; z10 cache: fens-288.pdf plain text: fens-288.txt item: #205 of 747 id: fens-289 author: DABIJA, Adriana; BUZATU, Oana - Elena title: EXPERIMENTS CONCERNING PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF BAKERY YEAST INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION date: 2017-02-07 words: 2498 flesch: 40 summary: The paper presents a monitoring of physico-chemical and microbiological Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, tefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 3 – 2012 22 parameters for the industrial production of bakery yeast for four batches, from receipt of raw materials and ending with finished product, highlighting relevant aspects for obtaining bakery yeasts with constant biotechnological qualities [7 - 10]. Abstract: Biotechnological characteristics of bakery yeast can be affected by deficiencies attributed to raw materials (especially molasses), technological process and certain microbiological causes. keywords: bacteria; bakery; batch; biomass; cells; cfu; chemical; concentration; contamination; control; culture; determination; engineering; environment; fermentation; food; industrial; issue; journal; manufacturing; microbiological; multiplication; parameters; phase; physico; process; product; quality; suceava; table; technological; total; volume; yeast cache: fens-289.pdf plain text: fens-289.txt item: #206 of 747 id: fens-29 author: OROIAN, Mircea; GUTT, Gheorge title: INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF VEGETABLE OILS date: 2016-04-07 words: 3797 flesch: 52 summary: The characteristic exponent conveniently linearises the plots of ln σ versus oil viscosity, as well as providing the best fit with high accuracy. A master curve of the correlation between the experimental data of oil samples density, surface tension and ultrasound velocity was achieved (R2 = 0.996). keywords: coefficients; corn; correlation; density; environment; equation; experimental; food; function; grape; issue; oil; oils; olive; parameters; peanut; physical; properties; regression; safety; sesame; squash; sunflower; surface; temperature; tension; ultrasonic; values; vegetable; velocity; viscosity; volume; xiv cache: fens-29.pdf plain text: fens-29.txt item: #207 of 747 id: fens-290 author: TUTULEA (ANASTASIU), Mihaela Dana; CRETESCU, Igor; SIBIESCU, Doina; ROSCA, Ioan title: STUDY OF A NEW COORDINATION COMPOUNDS BASED ON Cr(III) AND SUCCINIMIDE IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION date: 2017-02-07 words: 1554 flesch: 45 summary: The complex ions and coordination compounds formation is influenced by many physical and chemical factors. KORNEV V. I., MIKRYUKOVA G. A., Coordination compounds of chromium(III) with different complexones and citric acid in aqueous solutions, Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 30 (12), 895-899, (2004). keywords: absorbance; aqueous; cel; chemistry; chromium; combination; complexes; compounds; conductivity; constants; coordination; engineering; faculty; figure; food; formation; iii; journal; l-/cr3; ligand; metal; method; molar; ratio; solution; stability; succinimide; suceava cache: fens-290.pdf plain text: fens-290.txt item: #208 of 747 id: fens-291 author: BARLOKOVÁ, Danka; ILAVSKÝ, Ján title: REMOVAL OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES IN WATER BY COAGULATION date: 2017-02-07 words: 2946 flesch: 56 summary: The best effect is achieved in the treatment of humic waters by clarification earlier in the acidic range (pH 4-6), which formed a large and well separable units. Aggressive properties of humic waters have negative effect for metals and building materials (mortar and concrete), which cause not only acidity but also their ability to form complexes, in case of mortar and concrete to the aggressive leaching, which tends to increase the solubility of CaCO3 and CaO. Important precursors of organohalogen compounds in water are mainly fulvic acids and humic acids. keywords: acids; cel; coagulant; coagulation; color; composition; concentration; determination; dose; drinking; engineering; environment; faculty; ferric; food; fulvic; humic; humic substances; journal; mareuniversity; mg.l-1; natural; organic; removal; results; safety; solution; substances; suceava; sulphate; surface; table; tefan; treatment; value; volume; water cache: fens-291.pdf plain text: fens-291.txt item: #209 of 747 id: fens-292 author: SLAVOV, Aleksander; DENKOVA, Zapryana; HADJIKINOVA, Mima; MIHALKOV, Nikolai title: PSEUDOMONAS SP. AND AEROMONAS SP. SELECTION FOR TREATMENT OF GOOSE DOWN WASHING WASTEWATER date: 2017-02-07 words: 2223 flesch: 57 summary: It is shown that Aeromonas sp. exhibit higher purification degree of goose down washing wastewater compared to the strains of Pseudomonas sp. Keywords: Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp., goose down washing wastewater, purification degree 1. keywords: 1:10; 2as; aeromonas; aeromonas sp; agar; cm3; degree; diluted; dilution; engineering; figure; food; goose; highest; isolated; journal; medium; pseudomonas; pseudomonas sp; purification; ratio; sample; solution; strains; volume; washing; wastewater cache: fens-292.pdf plain text: fens-292.txt item: #210 of 747 id: fens-293 author: POPA, Camelia title: SEPARATION OF SELECTED PESTICIDES BY AN HPLC TECHNIQUE; PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS AND VALIDATION date: 2017-02-07 words: 2063 flesch: 52 summary: 95 5 9 95 5 17 50 50 30 50 50 B = 1% acetic acide in HPLC water; C = 1% acetic acid in HPLC acetonitrile. Follow the evaporation of solvent and than active ingredients are solved and diluted to 25 ml with HPLC grade water. keywords: 2,4d; acid; area; cel; column; components; conditions; dcf; dicamba; efficiency; engineering; environment; equation; faculty; food; height; hplc; method; mixture; parameters; peak; performance; pesticides; retention; separation; standard; suceava; table; tefan; theoretical; times; volume; water cache: fens-293.pdf plain text: fens-293.txt item: #211 of 747 id: fens-294 author: CHOBAN, Alla; WINKLER, Igor; ROGOZYNSKYI, Myron title: ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECTED MUNICIPAL LANDFILL AREA IN A SMALL CITY IN UKRAINE date: 2017-02-07 words: 2349 flesch: 53 summary: Solid municipal waste (SMW) is a relatively small part of the total amount of waste materials formed by mankind but effective SMW management is often problematic because of a wide variety of the components found in SMW, which complicates their effective processing. The “push off” method assumes that the dust-cart discharges at the upper area with further pushing of waste materials by bulldozer down the slope. keywords: analysis; area; biogas; cel; contamination; countries; emission; engineering; environment; faculty; filtrate; food; groundwater; influence; issue; journal; landfill; mareuniversity; materials; measures; municipal; new; pollution; result; reuse; safety; small; smw; solid; suceava; table; tefan; total; ukraine; utilization; volume; waste cache: fens-294.pdf plain text: fens-294.txt item: #212 of 747 id: fens-295 author: BULAI, Petru; POPA, Camelia title: COPPER IONS CONCENTRATION USING ION EXCHANGE RESINS date: 2017-02-07 words: 1734 flesch: 40 summary: Good rates of regeneration was also obtained using sulfuric acid solution of 2eq/L or 0.2meq disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid/L and a high dose of dried exhausted resin. Retention of metal ions from wastewater by ion exchange resin process has a number of advantages over other methods. keywords: 2eq; acid; concentration; copper; disodium; dose; engineering; exchange; exhausted; figure; food; form; heavy; hydrochloric; journal; metals; percent; process; range; recovery; regeneration; resin; solution; sulfuric cache: fens-295.pdf plain text: fens-295.txt item: #213 of 747 id: fens-296 author: BUCULEI, Amelia title: RESEARCHES ON THE STABILITY AND SHELF-LIFE OF CANNED TOMATOES date: 2017-02-07 words: 2745 flesch: 50 summary: 121oC/ 1:1 0.02 The values obtained for the BPA presented in Table 5 are the following: - below the value of 1 ppm, for the chromatographic method GC-MS, for all the epoxyphenolic analyzed lacquers with the exception of the two layered HE 1526- 13, lacquer; - extremely high values obtained for the Vilature 344 lacquer, for both methods not recommended for the hygienic - sanitary approval. Keywords: cans, lacquer layer, storage, inner layer, outer layer 1. keywords: 48h; acetic; acid; appearance; areas; cans; cel; characteristics; coatings; distilled; engineering; environment; epoxyphenolic; food; ici; inner; isooctane; lacquer; lacquer layer; layer; mare; metal; months; packaging; porosity; shelf; sol; storage; surface; t.c./; tomatoes; university; water; wrinkles; yellow; yellow lacquer cache: fens-296.pdf plain text: fens-296.txt item: #214 of 747 id: fens-297 author: DAMIAN, Cristina title: EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MILK SUBSTITUTES ON RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF PUDDINGS date: 2017-02-07 words: 2702 flesch: 56 summary: Dairy desserts (milk puddings) are especially consumed by children and elderly people throughout the world. ARES G., BAIXAULI R., SANZ T., VARELA T., SALVADOR A., New functional fibre in milk puddings: Effect on sensory properties and consumers’ acceptability, LWT Food Science and Technology, 42, 710-716, (2009) keywords: acidity; behaviour; caramel; cel; chocolate; composition; dairy; drink; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; food; grapefruit; index; journal; juice; low; mare; milk; products; properties; protein; pudding; reference; rheological; rice; rice drink; safety; sample; shear; soy; starch; suceava; table; university; vanilla; viscosity; vp4; water cache: fens-297.pdf plain text: fens-297.txt item: #215 of 747 id: fens-298 author: POPA, Camelia; BULAI, Petru title: FISH POLLUTION WITH HEAVY METALS date: 2017-02-07 words: 1747 flesch: 64 summary: Heavy metal concentrations were measured using EDX and UV-VIS spectrometer techniques. [1]. Heavy metal content is monitored in environment and in foods. keywords: bone; broad; cel; concentrations; content; engineering; environment; faculty; fish; food; hake; heavy; heavy metals; high; mare; meat; metals; sample; snout; solution; species; sprat; suceava; trout; university cache: fens-298.pdf plain text: fens-298.txt item: #216 of 747 id: fens-299 author: 2012, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-07 words: 774 flesch: 23 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Jurgen SCHRAM Krefeld University, Germany Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldavia Yarema TEVTUL Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Never TOROSYAN CSRO Institute, Yerevan, Armenia Yeva TOROSYAN European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Armenia Lester WILSON Iowa State University, keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-299.pdf plain text: fens-299.txt item: #217 of 747 id: fens-3 author: 2015, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2015-03-31 words: 831 flesch: 17 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house;; institute; issn; journal; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-3.pdf plain text: fens-3.txt item: #218 of 747 id: fens-30 author: GHINEA, Cristina; SPRANCEANA, Andreea; COMANITA, Diana Elena; CONSTANTINESCU, Gabriela; GAVRILESCU, Maria title: ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN IASI, ROMANIA date: 2016-04-07 words: 4837 flesch: 47 summary: GHINEA C., GAVRILESCU M., Decision support models for solid waste management – an overview, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 9: 869-880, (2010) WINKLER J., BILITEWSKI B., Comparative evaluation of life cycle assessment models for solid waste management, Waste Management, 27: 1021-1031 (2007) keywords: andreea; assessment; categories; cel; ch4; change; climate; co2; collection; comanita; constantinescu; containers; county; cristina; cycle; depletion; diana; elena; emissions; engineering; environmental; environmental impacts; faculty; fig; food; gabriela; gases; gavrilescu; ghinea; global; greenhouse; iasi; impacts; issue; journal; landfill; landfilling; lca; leachate; life; management; management iasi; mare; maria; mswm; mswm system; municipal; municipal solid; pag; plastic; potential; recipe; romania; safety; solid; solid waste; spranceana; suceava; system; transport; treatment; university; volume; warming; waste; waste management; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-30.pdf plain text: fens-30.txt item: #219 of 747 id: fens-300 author: 2012, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-07 words: 356 flesch: 36 summary: DENSITY AND VISCOSITY Andrei I. SIMION, Cristina G. GRIGORAŞ, Loredana E. BARDAŞU, Adriana DABIJA 49 9. STUDY ON THE RAW COW MILK HYGIENIC PARAMETERS FROM DIFFERENT MILK COLLECTION CENTERS AND DIFFERENT YEARS USING A MULTIVARIATE ANALY- SIS METHOD Silvia MIRONEASA, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ 59 10. Ana-Maria ROSU, Denisa Ileana NISTOR , Neculai Doru MIRON1, Marcel Ionel POPA, Ramona Mihaela COJOCARU 5 2. keywords: cel; contents; cristina; different; engineering; faculty; food; influence; issue; mareuniversity; milk; suceava; volume; ştefan cache: fens-300.pdf plain text: fens-300.txt item: #220 of 747 id: fens-301 author: ROSU, Ana-Maria; NISTOR, Denisa Ileana; MIRON, Neculai Doru; POPA, Marcel Ionel; COJOCARU, Ramona Mihaela title: ULTRASOUND-ASSISTED EXTRACTION OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS FROM DRIED DILL (ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS) date: 2017-02-07 words: 2655 flesch: 62 summary: Influence of mixtures of acetone/water and extraction time on the concentration of total carotene using ultrasounds assisted extraction The highest ratio of chlorophyll a versus chlorophyll b obtained was 1.61. Influence of mixtures of acetone/water and extraction time on the concentration of chlorophyll b using conventional extraction 5 10 15 Ac 100% Ac 90% Ac 80% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C o n ce n tr at io n t o ta l ca ro te n e ( µ g /m l ex tr ac t) Extraction time Figure 1(c). keywords: acetone; carotene; carotenoids; cel; chemistry; chlorophyll; compounds; concentration; content; conventional; degradation; dill; efficiency; engineering; equations; extraction; extraction time; faculty; figure; food; highest; influence; journal; mare; method; mixtures; photosynthetic; pigments; plants; results; solvent; suceava; time; total; ultrasound; university; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-301.pdf plain text: fens-301.txt item: #221 of 747 id: fens-302 author: BARLOKOVÁ, Danka; ILAVSKÝ, Ján; KUNŠTEK, Michal title: REMOVAL OF ANTIMONY FROM WATER BY COAGULATION date: 2017-02-07 words: 4276 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract: Increased pollution of water resources leads to a deterioration of surface water and groundwater quality, and it initiates the application of various methods for water treatment. Keywords: Water treatment, removal of antimony, coagulation, ferric sulphate, water analysis 1. keywords: adsorption; antimony; arsenic; bukovec; cel; coagulant; coagulation; concentration; dose; drinking; dúbrava; efficiency; engineering; environment; faculty; fe3; ferric; flakes; food; groundwater; heavy; issue; journal; limit; mare; metals; methods; mg.l-1; natural; particles; precipitation; prefloc; process; processes; quality; removal; results; safety; slow; suceava; sulphate; surface; table; tests; treatment; university; value; volume; water; water treatment; ştefan cache: fens-302.pdf plain text: fens-302.txt item: #222 of 747 id: fens-303 author: RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich; LEMENTAR, Svyatoslav Yuriyovich title: RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE PROCESS OF GRANULATION BY EXTRUSION date: 2017-02-07 words: 1224 flesch: 43 summary: At low temperature processes (up to 160 ° C) reaction hydrolytic decomposition of carbohydrate content and partial impolymerization of lignin to form low molecular weight fragments are predominant. This is due to the intensification of the process of dissolution of lignin with increasing temperature. keywords: density; diameter; engineering; extrusion; food; granulation; granules; journal; lignin; mare; materials; matrix; pellets; press; pressure; process; ptdpt; raw; suceava; temperature; university; wheat cache: fens-303.pdf plain text: fens-303.txt item: #223 of 747 id: fens-304 author: DENKOVA, Rositsa; YANAKIEVA, Velichka; DENKOVA, Zapryana; URSHEV, Zoltan; GORANOV, Bogdan; SOTIROVA, Elena title: IDENTIFICATION AND EXAMINATION OF SOME PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM F3 date: 2017-02-07 words: 3705 flesch: 46 summary: The results of the studies on some probiotic properties of Lactobacillus plantarum F3 make the strain a potentially probiotic one. The number of viable cells of Lactobacillus plantarum F3 is determined through appropriate tenfold dillusions of the samples and plating on coloured LAPTg10 – agar medium. keywords: 16s; bile; bioreactor; broth; buffer; casei; cells; cm3; concentrations; conditions; cultivation; dsm; engineering; faculty; fig; food; gel; gfx; hour; lactobacillus; lactobacillus plantarum; mare; medium; microspintm; number; pancreatin; pcr; plantarum; plantarum f3; probiotic; properties; query; rdna; salts; static; strain; suceava; university; viable; volume; ştefan cache: fens-304.pdf plain text: fens-304.txt item: #224 of 747 id: fens-305 author: CIOBANU, Rodica title: THE INFLUENCE OF TAPHRINA DEFORMANS (BERKELEY) TULASNE (PEACH LEAF CURL) ATTACK ON THE ACTIVITY OF SOME OXIDOREDUCTASES IN CULTIVAR CARDINAL date: 2017-02-07 words: 3152 flesch: 55 summary: [7]; as the infection progress, and peach leaves are aging, catalase activity decrease in diseased leaves, the situation can be correlate with the intensification of peroxidase activity observed in the diseased tissues of cv. Catalase activity was estimated using the iodometric method with sodium thiosulfate; this method is measureing the cantity of hydrogen peroxide remained after the intrreruption of catalase activity on it keywords: activity; attack; cardinal; catalase; deformans; diseased; diseased leaves; engineering; enzymes; faculty; food; fungus; g min; healthy; healthy leaves; higher; hydrogen; infected; infection; intensification; journal; leaf; leaves; mare; min; peach; peroxidase; plant; polyphenoloxidase; ppo; resistance; results; study; suceava; taphrina; tissues; university; values; volume; wheat; ştefan cache: fens-305.pdf plain text: fens-305.txt item: #225 of 747 id: fens-306 author: JARCĂU, Mihaela title: SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SEABUCKTHORN AND HOW THE PACKING CONDITIONS INFLUENCE THEM date: 2017-02-07 words: 2860 flesch: 56 summary: 4. Conclusion After the measurements made on physical properties of sea buckthorn fruits from Fălticeni area, Romania, before and after their storage for a period of 5 days at a temperature of 4 ° C in various packages, we drew the following conclusions: 1. Abstract: I paid attention to the way how the packaging can influence the physical properties of seabuckthorn fruits (Hippoephae rhamnoides L.) during storage. keywords: bulk; cel; days; density; diameter; dimensions; engineering; environment; figure; food; fruits; geometric; hippophae; journal; mare; mass; maximum; mean; minimum; paper; physical; plastic; porosity; properties; relative; relative variation; rhamnoides; sample; seabuckthorn; storage; suceava; true; university; values; variation; volume cache: fens-306.pdf plain text: fens-306.txt item: #226 of 747 id: fens-307 author: POPA, Camelia; MIRONEASA, Costel title: PURIFICATION OF CaCl2 SOLUTIONS USING PUROLITE S930 RESIN DYNAMIC STUDIES date: 2017-02-07 words: 2481 flesch: 63 summary: Plotting the breakthrought usable capacity function of initial concentration of iron in initial feeding solution observe it’s increasing with the decrease of Fe(II) concentration in feeding solution. Solution volume, mL C e, m g/ L flow 0.5 ml/min flow 1.0 ml/min flow 2.0 ml/min Figure 3. keywords: breakthrough; capacity; cel; column; concentration; dose; dynamic; engineering; exchange; experiments; fe(ii; fe(ii)/l; feeding; figure; flow; food; hcl; initial; iron; min; purolite; regime; resin; s930; solution; table; time; usable; variation; volume; ştefan cache: fens-307.pdf plain text: fens-307.txt item: #227 of 747 id: fens-308 author: SIMION, Andrei I.; GRIGORAŞ, Cristina G.; BARDAŞU, Loredana E.; DABIJA, Adriana title: MODELLING OF THE THERMOPHYSICAL LACTIC ACID AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS. DENSITY AND VISCOSITY date: 2017-02-07 words: 4341 flesch: 55 summary: ÅKERBERG, C., HOFVENDAHL, K., ZACCHI, G., HAHN-HÄGERDAL, B., Modelling the influence of pH, temperature, glucose and lactic acid concentrations on the kinetics of lactic acid production by Lactococcus lactis ssp. Abstract: Lactic acid is an industrially important product with a large and rapidly expanding market due to its attractive and valuable multi-function properties. keywords: acid; anova; aqueous; average; average ε; calculated; cd ε; cel; coefficients; concentration; data; density; dynamic; engineering; environment; equation; errors; experimental; faculty; food; issue; journal; lactic; lactic acid; mare; mathematical; model; process; production; properties; relative; safety; software; solutions; suceava; table; tablecurve; tabular; technology; temperature; university; v.4; value; variation; viscosity; volume; ştefan cache: fens-308.pdf plain text: fens-308.txt item: #228 of 747 id: fens-309 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: STUDY ON THE RAW COW MILK HYGIENIC PARAMETERS FROM DIFFERENT MILK COLLECTION CENTERS AND DIFFERENT YEARS USING A MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS METHOD date: 2017-02-07 words: 2932 flesch: 56 summary: Variation of number of total germs (NTG) in milk collection centers from the two years consecutively Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 4 – 2012 62 A significant variation in the quality of raw cow milk, from the point of view of somatic cells count and the number of total germ values has been found during the two years of analysis in all milk collection centers used in our study. Abstract: The present study was performed in order to monitor the hygienic quality of raw cow milk from different milk collection centers of the Suceava County. keywords: analysis; animal; cells; centers; collection; collection centers; counts; cow; cow milk; dairy; different; engineering; environment; figure; food; germs; health; hygienic; journal; mare; mean; milk; milk collection; milking; ntg; number; quality; raw; raw cow; results; safety; samples; scc; season; significant; somatic; study; suceava; total; values; variation; year; ştefan cache: fens-309.pdf plain text: fens-309.txt item: #229 of 747 id: fens-31 author: SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI SĂNDULEAC), Elena; GUTT, Gheorghe; IANOVICI (IANOVICI IORDACHE), Andreea title: STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF SAMPLES’ DIMENSIONS ON THE ANALYSIS OF SMOKED CHEESE TEXTURE PROPERTIES date: 2016-04-07 words: 2760 flesch: 48 summary: Many scientists, engineers and technologists have made contributions in the mechanical properties evaluation to understand the texture subjectively [4], while scientists of materials have developed rheology and fracture,, Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015 Elena SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI SĂNDULEAC), Gheorghe GUTT, Andreea IANOVICI (IANOVICI IORDACHE), Study on the influence of sample's dimension on the analysis of smoked cheese texture properties, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015, pag. V knife Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015 Elena SĂNDULEAC (TODOSI SĂNDULEAC), Gheorghe GUTT, Andreea IANOVICI (IANOVICI IORDACHE), Study on the influence of sample's dimension on the analysis of smoked cheese texture properties, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015, pag. keywords: analysis; artificial; cel; cheese; devices; different; dimension; displacement; engineering; environment; faculty; finger; food; force; ianovici; influence; issue; journal; knife; mare; mechanical; penetrating; properties; safety; sample; sensitivity; study; suceava; sănduleac; texture; thickness; university; volume; volume xiv; xiv cache: fens-31.pdf plain text: fens-31.txt item: #230 of 747 id: fens-310 author: RUSU, Micşunica; MIHĂILESCU, Roxana title: THE DETERMINATION OF FLAVONOIDS, THE TOTAL POLYPHENOLS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF BASIL SEASONING date: 2017-02-07 words: 2939 flesch: 46 summary: Determinations by TLC Chromatograms were viewed in four stages: three stages to identify the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols (figure no. 1) and a time to identify the antioxidant capacity (figure no. 2):  view at 254 nm before spraying with identification reagent; the purpose of this analysis is to identify the presence of antioxidant compounds of polyphenols type; view at 254 nm before spraying with identification reagent (NP+ PEG) view at 366 nm before spraying with identification reagent (NP+ PEG) view at 366 nm after spraying with identification reagent (NP+ PEG) Sample L S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C Sample K S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C S1 R S2 R S3 R S4 S5 E1 E2 S1 C S2 C S3 C Figure no. 1 – The aspect of the plates and the spots at viewing on thin layer chromatography (TLC) for the flavonoids ad polyphenols in extracts with basil Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XI, Issue 4 – 2012 68  view at 366 nm before spraying with identification reagent;  view at 366 nm after spraying with identification reagent, there are highlighted, depending on position and size of spots, the main types of flavonoids;  view after spraying with DPPH reagent in order to identify the antioxidant capacity. In this context, I did experimental studies on basil to determine the amount of phenolic compounds (polyphenols and flavonoids) and to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the spice, given the relationship between the total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity, as evidenced in numerous studies for other foods [1,5]. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; basil; c s2; capacity; cold; compounds; conditions; content; determination; dpph; extraction; extracts; flavonoids; food; hot; identification; journal; methanol; polyphenols; r s2; reagent; s1 r; sample; temperature; total; values; water cache: fens-310.pdf plain text: fens-310.txt item: #231 of 747 id: fens-311 author: OROIAN, Mircea title: INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND TEMPERATURE ON HONEY PHASE ANGLE date: 2017-02-07 words: 2290 flesch: 53 summary: Sugar determination The determination of glucose, fructose and sucrose in honey samples was made by a HPLC 10ADVP -SHIMADZU, with RI- detector, according to a method described by Bogdanov [9]. The viscoelastical parameters of a viscoelastical materials are: elastic modulus (G’), viscous modulus (G’’), complex modulus (G*), complex viscosity (η*) and phase angle (δ). keywords: angle; cel; chemical; composition; content; engineering; faculty; food; frequency; fructose; g/100; glucose; honey; journal; mare; materials; model; moisture; phase; phase angle; rheological; samples; suceava; sucrose; sugars; table; temperature; university; values; viscous; volume cache: fens-311.pdf plain text: fens-311.txt item: #232 of 747 id: fens-312 author: PESHUK, L.V.; BUDNYK, N.V.; SHTYK, I.I. title: INVESTIGATION ON RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF BONE RAW MATERIAL AS ONE OF THE ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ORGANIC CALCIUM date: 2017-02-07 words: 1582 flesch: 59 summary: and also taking into consideration literary facts [5] about high degree of assimilation of bone calcium and phosphorus by human organism. Taking into consideration high degree of assimilation of bone calcium and phosphorus by human organism. keywords: albumen; bones; calcium; chicken; contents; food; human; investigation; level; material; meat; organism; paste; permissible; phosphorus; pig; products; radiation; radioactive; radionuclides; raw; results; safety; strontium; table; university cache: fens-312.pdf plain text: fens-312.txt item: #233 of 747 id: fens-313 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel; LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; HRETCANU, Cristina-Elena title: THE INFLUENCE OF STORAGE CONDITIONS UPON ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT IN JONATHAN AND GOLDEN APPLES date: 2017-02-07 words: 3526 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract: In this work it has searched the influence of storage conditions upon ascorbic acid content, in Jonathan and Golden apples. The study of ascorbic acid content and pH evolutin for 16 weeks has been carried out using, as biological material, apple samples from Jonathan and Golden varieties, coming from the orchards in the area of Fălticeni. keywords: absence; acid content; apples; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; blank; conditions; content; end; engineering; environment; food; golden; interval; jonathan; oxygen; presence; range; reduction; storage; sucrose; temperature; values; variety; viii; weeks; xii; xiv; xvi; ° c cache: fens-313.pdf plain text: fens-313.txt item: #234 of 747 id: fens-314 author: DABIJA, Adriana; SION, Iuliana title: ASPECTS CONCERNING COAGULATION ENZYMES AND DIFFERENT INDUCING PARAMETERS FOR MILK CURDLING PROCESS date: 2017-02-07 words: 2560 flesch: 48 summary: The conclusions from this study can be synthesized as: - coagulation power depends on rennet type, so that microbial origin rennet is more powerful than one of animal origin; - the most important aspects for coagulation process are temperature of the milk and the rennet quantity; - as the rennet quantity increase as long the time for coagulation decrease; - if we didn’t respect the optimal temperature with rennet type, it could vary the starting moment for coagulation process; It has been determined the coagulation capacity for three kinds of coagulation enzymes and also the influence of rennet quantity and coagulation temperature about milk coagulation. Milk coagulation properties could vary greatly among animal species (cattle, buffalo, heep, and goat), among breeds within species, and among individuals. keywords: activity; animal; cel; cheese; chymosin; clotting; cm3; coagulation; curd; engineering; enzymatic; enzymes; food; higher; influence; journal; making; mare; microbial; milk; origin; process; properties; quantity; rennet; sheep; solution; suceava; table; temperature; time; types; university; volume cache: fens-314.pdf plain text: fens-314.txt item: #235 of 747 id: fens-315 author: 2011, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-08 words: 727 flesch: 20 summary: ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume X, Issue 4 15 December 2011 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; germany; house; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-315.pdf plain text: fens-315.txt item: #236 of 747 id: fens-316 author: 2011, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-08 words: 513 flesch: 47 summary: AG H AM YAN, M. S AS UNT S YAN, A. AJ VAZ YAN, A. Z APROS YAN 24 5. INFLUENCE OF WHEAT FLOUR DOUGH HYDRATION LEVELS ON GAS PRO- DUCTION DURING DOUGH FERMENTATION AND BREAD QUALITY Georgiana G. CODINĂ, Silvia MIRONEASA, Daniela V.VOICA 79 13. keywords: blue; cel; content; cristina; engineering; faculty; food; gutt; issue; journal; mare; materials; methylene; photocatalytic; suceava; university; vasilache; volume; wheat; yan; ştefan cache: fens-316.pdf plain text: fens-316.txt item: #237 of 747 id: fens-317 author: KOBASA, Igor; HUSYAK, Nataliya; GUTT, Sonia title: PHOTOCATALYTIC REDUCTION OF METHYLENE BLUE ON THE HETEROSTRUCTURAL MATERIALS BASED ON TITANIUM DIOXIDE WITH BISQINOCYANINE PIGMENT date: 2017-02-08 words: 2716 flesch: 50 summary: Key words: titanium dioxide, bisquinocyanine pigment, heterostructures, photocatalytic activity, reaction mechanism Introduction Selective sensitizing of photo catalytic systems promotes its activity within some wavelength range and this is one of important fields in the photo catalytic systems design and development. We have also proposed mechanism explaining photocatalytic activity of these complex materials. keywords: absorption; activity; cel; chem; concentration; dioxide; electron; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; food; heterostructures; irradiation; issue; journal; light; mareuniversity; materials; photocatalytic; pigment; polymer; processes; redox; reduction; results; safety; sensitizer; solution; spectra; suceava; systems; tio2; titanium; transferring; visible; volume; ştefan cache: fens-317.pdf plain text: fens-317.txt item: #238 of 747 id: fens-318 author: OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; ESCRICHE, Isabel; GUTT, Gheorghe title: VISCOELASTICAL BEHAVIOUR OF SOME FOOD MATERIALS FROM THE SPANISH MARKET date: 2017-02-08 words: 2133 flesch: 48 summary: PCA scores of yogurt samples The PC1 explains 95% of variability, and the PC2 explains 5%. A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied to describe the relation among the physical chemical and viscoelastical parameters. keywords: analysis; angle; anova; behaviour; cel; chemical; component; composition; content; different; engineering; faculty; food; fruit; gels; groups; linear; materials; measurements; parameters; pca; physical; polymer; samples; shear; strain; stress; suceava; type; viscoelastical; viscosity; viscous; volume; yogurt cache: fens-318.pdf plain text: fens-318.txt item: #239 of 747 id: fens-319 author: PESHUK, L.V.; BUDNYK, N.V.; HALENKO, О.О. title: GERODIETIC MEAT PRODUCTS TECHNOLOGY ENRICHED WITH CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS date: 2017-02-08 words: 2650 flesch: 54 summary: Developed a technology of sausage products with bone paste. For histological investigations the samples of sausage products with dimensions 10х5х4 mm. and model sausage meat were fixed in 2.5% of gluteraldehyde on phosphate buffer (рН-7.4), samples were content for 24 hours in 4ºС. keywords: bone; bone paste; calcium; cel; components; content; different; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; figure; final; finished; food; gerodietic; increase; industry; issue; journal; level; mareuniversity; meat; microstructure; milk; mineral; model; nutrition; paste; people; production; products; protein; receipts; safety; samples; sausage; sausage meat; sausage products; scientists; suceava; technology; tissues; ukraine; vacuoles; volume; ştefan cache: fens-319.pdf plain text: fens-319.txt item: #240 of 747 id: fens-32 author: PADURET, Sergiu; GUTT, Gheorghe title: THE USE OF TEXTURE DESTRUCTIVE METHODS TO ASSESS THE STATE OF PORK FRESHNESS date: 2016-04-07 words: 2689 flesch: 63 summary: After 10 days of measurements while the meat was kept refrigerated at 4 °C, a linear trend between the state of meat freshness (expressed as storage days), mechanical work (R2=0.986) and penetration depth (R2=0.987) was established. A Pearson correlation has also been established between meat freshness, penetration depth (r=0.994**) mechanical work, water activity and pH. Keywords: creep test, freshness, mechanical work, pork, color. keywords: axis; cel; characteristics; color; content; correlation; creep; day; days; depth; destructive; difference; engineering; environment; food; freshness; iso; issue; journal; mare; meat; mechanical; methods; moisture; penetration; pork; preload; safety; samples; state; storage; stress; suceava; table; test; texture; university; use; volume; work; xiv cache: fens-32.pdf plain text: fens-32.txt item: #241 of 747 id: fens-320 author: MARTIROSYAN, V.; AGHAMYAN, T.; SASUNTSYAN, M.; AJVAZYAN, A.; ZAPROSYAN, A. title: SULFUR DIOXSIDE UTILIZATION BY THE TREATMENT OF PYRITE- CHALCOPYRITE SULFIDE CONSENTRATES, COMBINING MECHANICAL AND METALLOTHERMIC PROCESSES date: 2017-02-08 words: 3480 flesch: 45 summary: Keywords: mechanochemical, copper concentrate, iron concentrate, sulfate, grinding, planetary mill, aluminothermic reduction. = -693.86 – 0.59T kJ/mol Therefore, one can assume that due to the mechanochemical activation, the transformation of sulfides into sulfates promotes their aluminothermic reduction and extraction of sulfur in the form of CaS. Aluminothermic reduction was carried out with the samples prepared from the mixture of copper concentrate, aluminum powder, copper shavings, CaO and NaNO3[7,8].As a result metallic and slag phases were obtained, which were easily separated from each other after the cooling. keywords: activated; activation; aluminothermic; chalcopyrite; characteristic; concentrate; content; copper; cufes2; dry; extraction; fig; food; grinding; initial; iron; kapan; ligatures; lines; mechanical; mechanochemical; metallic; mill; milling; minutes; mixture; new; phase; process; ray; reduction; reflexes; samples; structure; sulfide; sulfur; treatment; wet cache: fens-320.pdf plain text: fens-320.txt item: #242 of 747 id: fens-321 author: KOBASA, Igor title: PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION OF METHYLENE BLUE ON NANOSTRUCTURED COMPOSITES BASED ON TIO2-BI2O3 date: 2017-02-08 words: 3023 flesch: 59 summary: These systems can reveal the quantum dimensional effects and exhibit photocatalytic activity in the reaction of photodegradation of methylene blue (MB). Keywords: photocatalytic activity; TiO2-Bi2O3; methylene blue; nanostructured composites, dye photodegradation 1. keywords: 10,0; absorption; activity; band; bi2o3; bismuth; blue; cel; chem; content; dimensional; ecb; effects; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; hydrogen; journal; mareuniversity; mass; method; methylene; oxide; particles; photocatalytic; potential; pure; quantum; safety; samples; semiconductor; spectra; suceava; surface; systems; tio2; titanium; volume; ştefan cache: fens-321.pdf plain text: fens-321.txt item: #243 of 747 id: fens-322 author: NOSENKO, Tamara T.; MAKSIMOVA, Olena S. title: INVESTIGATION OF SOY ISOFLAVONES DISTRIBUTION DURING THE SOY BEEN PROCESSING date: 2017-02-08 words: 1994 flesch: 50 summary: The scheme of soy bean processing with soy isoflavone producing. Abstract: Soy bean contain soy isoflavones which have an effect on different metabolic disorders in human. keywords: alcohol; bean; composition; concentrate; content; daidzin; different; ethyl; extract; extraction; food; genistin; insoluble; isoflavone; isolate; isomers; journal; local%20settings; mass; nmr; processing; protein; residue; solution; soy; substances; temp; volume; water; whey; word_1 cache: fens-322.pdf plain text: fens-322.txt item: #244 of 747 id: fens-323 author: VASILACHE, Violeta; POPA, Catalin; VASILACHE, Traian title: NEW MATERIALS FOR PHOTOCATALYTIC PURIFICATION OF AIR – A REVIEW date: 2017-02-08 words: 3581 flesch: 41 summary: Initially photocatalysis processes were developed in direction of applications for water treatment, to degrade some specific pollutants or dyes. The development of photocatalysis processes offers a significant number of perspectives especially in gaseous phase depollution. keywords: activity; air; applications; catalyst; cel; co.; components; compounds; degradation; depollution; different; dioxide; energy; engineering; environmental; faculty; food; france; gaseous; influence; issue; journal; mareuniversity; materials; new; organic; oxidation; phase; photocatalysis; plasma; pollutants; process; processes; properties; reactions; reactor; removal; safety; study; suceava; surface; system; tio2; titanium; toluene; university; vocs; volatile; volume; ştefan cache: fens-323.pdf plain text: fens-323.txt item: #245 of 747 id: fens-324 author: SIMION, Andrei I.; GRIGORAŞ, Cristina G.; RUSU, Lăcrămioara; DABIJA, Adriana title: MODELING OF THE THERMO-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AQUEOUS SUCROSE SOLUTIONS II. BOILING POINT, SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY AND THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY date: 2017-02-08 words: 3641 flesch: 61 summary: d e f 630.05763 -0.0010015742 24.255336 3.3 Thermal Conductivity Using Microsoft Excel™ 2007 spreadsheets linear correlation between aqueous sucrose concentration X, [%] and specific heat capacity, at constant temperature T, Abstract: The aim of this study was to establish mathematical relations between temperature or pressure and sucrose concentration with boiling point, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity of aqueous sucrose solutions. keywords: aqueous; aqueous sucrose; boiling; capacity; cel; coefficients; concentration; conductivity; data; engineering; equation; errors; faculty; food; heat; model; point; polynomial; properties; relative; solutions; specific; suceava; sucrose; sucrose concentration; sucrose solutions; table; tablecurve; temperature; thermal; values cache: fens-324.pdf plain text: fens-324.txt item: #246 of 747 id: fens-325 author: GONTARIU, Ioan; DROBOTĂ, Constantin; CURELEŢ, Marinela title: HIGHLIGHTING GENETIC PROGRESS IN IMPROVING WINTER RYE date: 2017-02-08 words: 3858 flesch: 52 summary: ► The winter rye cultivars that find themselves at this moment in the variety cultivated in Romania, unlike the northern and north western part of Moldavia, but also in the areas with podzolic and sandy soils, are valuable cultivars, with a large ecological adaptability, and until the creation of better new genotypes we recommend in the future the cultivation of the Gloria, Orizont, Ergo and Suceveana cultivars. The brute protein content, reported to the dried substance, has oscillated in relatively large limits, from 11.5 % at cultivar Ianoşi to 13.4 % at cultivar Gloria, and starch content registered values between 60.3 % Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume X, Issue 4 - 2011 62 at cultivar Danae and 65.7 % at cultivar Voshod 1. keywords: ards; breeding; cel; comparison; content; creation; crop; cultivars; danae; dankovskie; engineering; environment; ergo; experimented; faculty; features; food; genetic; gloria; lines; orizont; period; production; quality; rye; rye cultivars; selection; suceava; suceveana; table; traits; valuable; values; volume; weight; winter; yield; zlote; ştefan cache: fens-325.pdf plain text: fens-325.txt item: #247 of 747 id: fens-326 author: ALBU (NIGA), Eufrozina; PŞIBILSCHI, Alina-Mihaela title: STUDIES REGARDING THE ALKALINE AND ALKALINE- PEROXIDIC PRETREATMENT INFLUENCE UPON THE REDUCING SUGARS QUANTITY OBTAINED FROM THE WHEAT STRAWS date: 2017-02-08 words: 3132 flesch: 45 summary: The influence of the alkaline pretreatment upon the enzymatic degradation of the lignocellulosic materials The variants used in this study are: Variant P1: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 0.5%; Variant P2: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 1%; Variant P3: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 2%; Variant P4: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 4%; Variant P5: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 0.5% and H2O2 0.5 %; Variant P6: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 0.5% and H2O2 1.0 %; Variant P7: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 0.5% and H2O2 1.5 %; Variant P8: pretreated wheat straws with NaOH 0.5% and H2O2 2.0 %; The alkaline-peroxidic pretreatment was led at a temperature of 100°C for 2 h, and the enzymatic hydrolysis was led at 50°C. keywords: acid; alkaline; alkaline pretreatment; biomass; concentration; engineering; environment; enzymatic; enzymatic hydrolysis; faculty; figure; food; h2o2; hydrolysis; increasement; lignocellulosic; materials; method; naoh; peroxidic; peroxidic pretreatment; pretreated; pretreatment; production; results; solution; straws; study; suceava; sugars; temperature; variant; volume; wheat; wheat straws; ° c; ştefan cache: fens-326.pdf plain text: fens-326.txt item: #248 of 747 id: fens-327 author: GUTT (AMARIEI), Sonia; COJOCARIU, Mihaela title: RESIDUAL CHLORINE IN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS date: 2017-02-08 words: 2694 flesch: 49 summary: Concentration of organic substances, an important indicator for water chlorination, was within acceptable limits (5 mg O2 / l). 3618–3628 3. Chun-Yuh YANG, Drinking water chlorination and adverse birth outcomes in Taiwan, Toxicology, 198 (2004) 249–254 4. keywords: acid; bound; cel; chlorination; chlorine; concentration; demand; disinfection; dragomirna; drinking; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; free; hours; hypochlorous; issue; journal; mareuniversity; metiloranj; mihoveni; network; organic; residual; safety; solution; substances; suceava; summer; surface; temperature; time; total; values; variation; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-327.pdf plain text: fens-327.txt item: #249 of 747 id: fens-328 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana G.; MIRONEASA, Silvia; VOICA, Daniela V. title: INFLUENCE OF WHEAT FLOUR DOUGH HYDRATION LEVELS ON GAS PRODUCTION DURING DOUGH FERMENTATION AND BREAD QUALITY date: 2017-02-08 words: 2363 flesch: 57 summary: A series of graphical representation was made using a STATISTICA 6.0 software between dough gas production at 90 minutes of fermentation time, the different hydration levels used and some parameters of the bakery products obtained. So, the highest quantity of dough gas production was obtained when the level of water content in dough increase. keywords: bakery; bread; characteristics; content; different; dough; engineering; fermentation; fermentograph; figure; flour; food; gas; height; humidity; hydration; increase; iso; length; level; loaf; parameters; production; products; quality; quantity; volume; water; wheat; yeast cache: fens-328.pdf plain text: fens-328.txt item: #250 of 747 id: fens-329 author: DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; ŞMADICI, Andreea title: EFFECT OF ADDITION OF CORN FLAKES ON RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOR OF SOME YOGURT date: 2017-02-08 words: 2177 flesch: 60 summary: Viscosity profile of yogurt sample with corn flakes (cross - 1.5 g corn flakes, triangle - 2 g corn flakes, square - 2.5 g corn flakes, rhombus - 3 g corn flakes) Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume X, Issue 4 - 2011 88 In the case of yogurt samples obtained in the laboratory, the addition of corn flakes increases the viscosity, proportional to the doses added. keywords: addition; brookfield; casein; cel; cereals; characterization; corn; corn flakes; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; flakes; flow; food; gel; high; index; issue; journal; mareuniversity; milk; phase; properties; protein; rate; rheological; safety; samples; shear; spindles; starch; stress; suceava; viscometer; viscosity; volume; water; yogurt; ştefan cache: fens-329.pdf plain text: fens-329.txt item: #251 of 747 id: fens-33 author: KOUAME, Liliane; DOUE, Ginette; ADOM, Niamke; OUATTARA, Honore; NIAMKÉ, Sébastien title: BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MICROBIAL POPULATIONS INVOLVED IN LOH-DJIBOUA COCOA’S FERMENTATION IN COTE D’IVOIRE date: 2016-04-07 words: 5481 flesch: 47 summary: ARDHANA M., FLEET G., The microbial ecology of cocoa bean fermentations in Indonesia, Int. Geographic location is known to have an influence on the composition and characteristic of microbial consortium responsible for cocoa fermentation keywords: aab; acetic; acid; activity; adom; bacillus; bacteria; beans; biochemical; capacity; carbon; cel; characterization; chocolate; cocoa; cocoa beans; cocoa fermentation; conditions; coted; djiboua; djiboua cocoa; doue; d’ivoire; engineering; environment; enzymes; faculty; fermentation; food; ginette; glucose; groups; growth; honore; isolated; issue; journal; kouame; lab; lactic; liliane; loh; mare; medium; method; microbial; microorganisms; niamke; ouattara; pag.196; pectinolytic; population; process; production; pulp; quality; safety; strains; suceava; sucrose; sébastien; university; volume; xiv; yeasts; ştefan cache: fens-33.pdf plain text: fens-33.txt item: #252 of 747 id: fens-330 author: VASILACHE, Violeta title: ADVANCED CHARACTERIZATION METHODS FOR NICKEL AND ZINC-NICKEL ALLOY LAYERS ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED date: 2017-02-08 words: 2990 flesch: 53 summary: VASILACHE V., GUTT S., GUTT G., VASILACHE T. Studies about magneto-optic kerr effect on electrodeposited nickel layers, Revista de Chimie, Bucureşti, 61. The experimental device used to realize nickel deposition is composed by a potentiostat-galvanostat VoltaLab 40 including VoltaMaster 4 software, a thermostated electrolyze cell with a thermostate Lauda 003, magnetic shaker and thermometer to control temperature. keywords: 65c; alloys; bath; cel; chloride; composition; copper; deposited; deposition; electrochemical; electrode; electroplating; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; gutt; hardness; industry; issue; journal; layers; mareuniversity; new; nickel; potential; products; quality; reflectance; safety; sample; sem; substrate; suceava; temperature; vasilache; volume; watts; year; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-330.pdf plain text: fens-330.txt item: #253 of 747 id: fens-331 author: CARPIUC, Nicolae; LEAHU, Ana; CURALEŢ, Ecaterina; DAMIAN, Cristina title: EFFECT OF STORAGE ON ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT OF SOME FRUIT JUICES date: 2017-02-08 words: 3061 flesch: 55 summary: The preparation of fruit juices, the applied technologies, seeks to extract and preserve in them the most valuable substances in fruit. Therefore, fruit juices and fruits are called liquids. keywords: acid; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; biotta; blackcurrant; color; constant; content; conventional; conventional juices; day; evolution; figure; food; fresh; fruit; fruit juices; grapefruit; juice; kiwi; loss; methods; natural; nutrients; orange; orange juice; organic; potential; product; rich; storage; suceava; taste; tymbark; value; vegetables; vitamin cache: fens-331.pdf plain text: fens-331.txt item: #254 of 747 id: fens-332 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina; TĂNASE, Ion; CREŢESCU, Iuliana; VELICEVICI, Giancarla title: THE VARIATION OF THE ACID ASCORBIC CONTENT IN CYNOSBATI FRUCTUS INFLUENCED BY STATIONARY FACTORS date: 2017-02-08 words: 1797 flesch: 50 summary: The analyses show a significant relationship between vitamin C content values on years of study (see figure 1) The relationship betwen the content of vitamin C over the years 2009- 2010 y = 0.6878x + 161.8 R2 = 0.6764 400 450 500 550 600 650 400 500 600 700 vitamin C the year 2009 mg/100g v it am in C t h e y ea r 2 0 1 0 m g /1 0 0 g C2010 Linear (C2010) Figure 1. The relationship between the content of vitamin C over the years 2009-2010 The values of the morphometric parameters have been presented in the following table 1. Table1. keywords: acid; annual; ascorbic; average; cel; content; data; ecological; engineering; environment; exposition; factors; faculty; food; fruit; humidity; issue; journal; mail; mare; no.4; precipitations; rosehip; safety; soils; species; suceava; temperatures; university; values; vitamin; volume; years; ştefan cache: fens-332.pdf plain text: fens-332.txt item: #255 of 747 id: fens-333 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS IN ASSESSMENT RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MILK CHARACTERISTICS INFLUENCED BY THE SEASONAL VARIATIONS date: 2017-02-08 words: 2444 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: cow milk, chemical characteristics, microbiological characteristics, seasonal variations, Principal Component Analysis 1. OZRENK E., SELCUK I. S., The effect of seasonal variation on the composition of cow milk in Van Province, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 7. 161- 164, (2008) 14. keywords: analysis; autumn; cell; characteristics; component; composition; content; correlation; count; cow; fat; food; journal; lactose; mean; microbiological; milk; months; non; number; period; principal; protein; raw; season; seasonal; solids; somatic; spring; suceava; summer; total; value; variation; winter cache: fens-333.pdf plain text: fens-333.txt item: #256 of 747 id: fens-334 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina title: THE CONTENT OF CAROTENOID PIGMENTS IN ROSA CANINA L. FRUIT date: 2017-02-08 words: 1720 flesch: 59 summary: Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume X, Issue 4 - 2011 108 THE CONTENT OF CAROTENOID PIGMENTS IN ROSA CANINA L. FRUIT *Sorina ROPCIUC University Stefan cel Mare Suceava -Romania e-mail: [1] Among the vegetable materials with high content of carotenoid pigments are: the carrot, the pepper, the apricots, the tomatoes, the sour cherries, the rose hip fruits. keywords: altitude; bond; bushes; carotenes; carotenoid; carotenoid pigments; cel; content; cycle; engineering; environment; faculty; food; form; fruits; hip; ionone; mareuniversity; pigments; plant; pollution; regression; resorts; results; rose; soil; solution; substances; suceava; values; vegetable; volume; ştefan cache: fens-334.pdf plain text: fens-334.txt item: #257 of 747 id: fens-335 author: CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Gabriela; DABIJA, Adriana; BUCULEI, Amelia title: STUDY REGARDING THE POSSIBILITIES TO OBTAIN FUNCTIONAL FOOD FROM WHEAT FLOUR: BREAD WITH EXOGENOUS BUCKWHEAT ADDITION date: 2017-02-08 words: 2344 flesch: 49 summary: The research paper presented to obtain bread with added buckwheat flour The purpose of the bread samples were made several mixtures of wheat flour with different proportions of buckwheat flour (5%, 10%, 15%), after the flour samples were subjected to laboratory testing where absorption and wet gluten were seen in the difference in the behavior of the flour mixture. Buckwheat flour is used best when mixed with wheat or rye Buckwheat the generally recommended for pregnant women, people with overload syndromes, diabetic shoes, paddy rice mixed with wheat flour to replace the yeast dough [3]. keywords: acidity; blood; bread; buckwheat; cel; content; control; core; elasticity; engineering; faculty; flour; food; gluten; good; groats; issue; journal; laboratory; mare; porosity; properties; protein; results; safety; samples; suceava; table; technological; university; value; volume; wet; ştefan cache: fens-335.pdf plain text: fens-335.txt item: #258 of 747 id: fens-336 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE ACTIVITY OF -AMYLASE AND PEROXIDASE DURING GERMINATION OF SOME MAIZE CARYOPSES WITH DIFFERENT VIABILITIES date: 2017-02-08 words: 3052 flesch: 52 summary: Computing the correlations between germination values and enzyme activity at 0, 48 and 96 hours of germination, the author has found direct correlations (significant and very significant) between germination capacity (G%) and peroxidase activity only at 48 and 96 hours of germination. 1 - Linear regression for the correlation between Germination (%) and Amylase activity (μM maltose/g. DM) Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume X, Issue no.4 - 2011 121 Researching the dynamics of starch content and -amylase activity during germination of maize caryopses with different viabilities, Poroch- Seritan and Avramiuc (2002) have found the greatest values of enzyme activity after 24, 48, 72 or 96 hours of germination in samples with G > 80%. keywords: activity; caryopses; cel; different; enzyme; food; g =; germination; hours; increases; maize; maltose; mare; period; peroxidase; samples; seed; suceava; values; viability; ştefan; -amylase cache: fens-336.pdf plain text: fens-336.txt item: #259 of 747 id: fens-337 author: 2011, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-08 words: 726 flesch: 18 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius,Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality,Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Jurgen SCHRAM Krefeld University, Germany Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic ofMoldavia Yarema TEVTUL Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Charles E. WALKER Kansas State University, U.S.A. Igor WINKLER Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine Gheorghe ZGHEREA Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania AIMS AND SCOPE Postala address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; germany; house; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-337.pdf plain text: fens-337.txt item: #260 of 747 id: fens-338 author: 2011, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-08 words: 247 flesch: 57 summary: Flow diffusion chamber is a new tool for vapor nucleation rate measurements Michael ANISIMOV, Elena FOMINYKH 46 8. Use of advanced oxidation processes for textile wastewater treatment – a review Radka PEŠOUTOVÁ, Petr HLAVÍNEK, Jana MATYSÍKOVÁ 59 10. keywords: anisimov; disposal; environment; food; greetings; gutt; michael; nucleation; rate; torosyan; treatment; применение cache: fens-338.pdf plain text: fens-338.txt item: #261 of 747 id: fens-339 author: TOROSYAN, N.S.; KUDRYAVTSEV, A.G.; TOROSYAN, G.H. title: TREATMENT OF ORGANIC POLLUTANTS ON ZEOLITES IN MOTOR TRANSPORTATION & AUTO REPAIR ENTERPRISES date: 2017-02-08 words: 3621 flesch: 44 summary: During the sorption of aniline, phenol on modified zeolite appears, that OH-group of ethanolamine in zeolites forms a bonds with amino - or hydroxyl groups of adsorptives. This study evaluated the use of monoethanolamine and N, N-dimethyl-N- hexadecyl-N-2-oxyethlammonium bromide, as modified agents for zeolite surface. keywords: analogs; aniline; armenia; auto; bromide; cel; clinoptilolite; compounds; concentration; data; dimethyl; engineering; enterprises; environment; equation; faculty; food; freundlich; groups; hexadecyl; hydroxyl; issue; journal; mare; modified; monoethanolamine; motor; n-2; natural; organic; oxyethlammonium; phenol; pollutants; process; processes; removal; safety; salts; small; solutions; sorbent; sorption; suceava; surface; table; tefan; temperature; transportation; treatment; type; university; volume; wastewater; water; zeolites cache: fens-339.pdf plain text: fens-339.txt item: #262 of 747 id: fens-34 author: ARPUL, Oksana; SYLCHUK, Tetiana; KULINICH, Vira; USATIUK, Olena title: THE USE OF PLANT MATERIALS IN CULINARY PRODUCTS OUT OF YEASTED DOUGH date: 2016-04-07 words: 2424 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract: The article deals with the technology of garlic donuts (pampushkas) enriched with schavnat (hybrid of spinach dock or patience dock and Tien Shan sorrel) as a source of plant protein. We obtained a «Special pampushkas with garlic» with a high content in plant proteins which could be recommended for balancing the nutrient composition of population diet. keywords: acidity; addition; additive; content; control; culinary; dough; environment; fermentation; fig; finished; food; garlic; issue; journal; materials; min; new; pampushkas; plant; powder; products; properties; protein; safety; schavnat; specific; texture; time; titrated; university; use; value; volume; xiv; yeasted cache: fens-34.pdf plain text: fens-34.txt item: #263 of 747 id: fens-340 author: ANISIMOV, Michael title: CURRENT VISION OF THE NUCLEATION RATE DESCRIPTION PROBLEM date: 2017-02-08 words: 4461 flesch: 47 summary: Design of semiempirical presentations of nucleation rate surfaces permits to create some basic set of nucleation theories, which can be used for binary and higher dimension nucleation theories. More details of the semiempirical design of nucleation rate surfaces will be presented. keywords: aerosol; anisimov; anisimov et; approximation; binary; brus; carbon; cel; chamber; chemical; critical; data; detection; different; diffusion; dioxide; effect; embryo; engineering; environment; equilibria; et al; experimental; faculty; food; gas; glycerin; helium; homogeneous; issue; journal; m.p; mare; measurements; nucleation; nucleation rate; order; phase; physics; pressure; problem; rate; rate surface; results; safety; size; standard; strey; suceava; surface; system; tefan; temperature; theoretical; theory; university; values; vapor; vicinity; volume cache: fens-340.pdf plain text: fens-340.txt item: #264 of 747 id: fens-341 author: GASPARYAN, Rolan title: GEOPHYSICAL EVALUATION OF THE STABILITY OF THE LANDSLIDE SLOPE date: 2017-02-08 words: 1993 flesch: 39 summary: The results of investigation of landslides in Armenia prove existance of certain connection between the changes of landslide stressed-deformed state and variations of radioactive field. Specifically, measurable parameters of geophysical fields automatically take into account geological and hidrogeological peculiarities of landslide slopes, which at times can't be identified singly. keywords: abyssal; armenia; calculation; cel; coefficient; concentration; creepage; data; emanation; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; geological; geophysical; ground; journal; landslide; mare; methods; parameters; process; properties; radioactive; rock; shear; slope; stability; state; suceava; tefan; university; values; volume; zone cache: fens-341.pdf plain text: fens-341.txt item: #265 of 747 id: fens-342 author: HLAVINEK, P. title: MODERN APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT OF COMBINED SEWER OWERFLOWS date: 2017-02-08 words: 5535 flesch: 38 summary: Introduction Combined system overflows (CSOs) constructed in the combined sewerage for technical and water management reasons in order to restrict the influent to a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) during a rain event ensure intermittent discharging of considerable volumes of a mixture of wastewater and storm water, and the pollution contained in the water, into water courses. 3. Ecological condition of water courses The overflows of the mixture of wastewater and storm water from the CSOs cause significant disturbance to the water courses and endanger their ecological condition and compromise demands on their use. keywords: ammonia; area; assessment; bed; body; catchment; combined; concentration; condition; courses; criteria; csos; deficit; directive; disturbance; ecological; ecological condition; effects; efficiency; emission; engineering; environment; faculty; food; high; hydraulic; issue; journal; krej; long; measures; necessary; number; organic; organisms; overflows; oxygen; pollution; potential; processes; protection; rain; reaches; result; river; safety; sewerage; simulation; solids; storm water; substances; suceava; survey; suspended; system; tefancelmareuniversity; term; toxicity; treatment; urbanised; volume; wastewater; water; water course; wwtp cache: fens-342.pdf plain text: fens-342.txt item: #266 of 747 id: fens-343 author: TOROSYAN, G.H.; POGHOSYAN, N. Gh.; GUKASYAN, A. K.; DAVTYAN, V.A.; TOROSYAN, N.S. title: IN SITU RIVER WATER TREATMENT WITH DOMESTIC MATERIALS USING AS SORBENTS date: 2017-02-08 words: 3016 flesch: 51 summary: High level of adsorption of organic substances natural zeolites is provided with their initial saturation by ions of calcium and magnesia. High level of adsorption of organic substances natural zeolites is provided with their initial saturation by ions of calcium and magnesia. keywords: ammonia; ammonium; aniline; argichi; armenia; cel; chemical; clinoptilolite; compounds; concentration; engineering; environment; exchange; faculty; food; high; ions; issue; journal; mare; materials; mordenite; natural; northern; oil; organic; phenol; removal; results; river; safety; solution; sorbents; sorption; substances; suceava; surface; system; tefan; treatment; university; volume; wastewater; water; zeolites cache: fens-343.pdf plain text: fens-343.txt item: #267 of 747 id: fens-344 author: ANISIMOV, Michael; FOMINYKH, Elena title: FLOW DIFFUSION CHAMBER IS A NEW TOOL FOR VAPOR NUCLEATION RATE MEASUREMENTS date: 2017-02-08 words: 3163 flesch: 56 summary: A conceptual problem in vapor nucleation is its treatment as a single component problem. Aitken (1888) has provided practically the first research on vapor nucleation. keywords: aerosol; anisimov; anisimov et; cel; chamber; chem; critical; data; diffusion; engineering; et al; example; expansion; experimental; faculty; fdc; flow; food; gas; homogeneous; journal; laminar; m.p; mare; measurements; nucleation; nucleation rate; phase; phys; pressure; rate; research; results; safety; scheme; sci; strey; suceava; system; tefan; university; vapor; volume cache: fens-344.pdf plain text: fens-344.txt item: #268 of 747 id: fens-345 author: MAHRÍKOVÁ, Ivana title: ECOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SLUDGE DISPOSAL IN SLOVAKIA date: 2017-02-08 words: 2979 flesch: 54 summary: Incineration Incineration is one of the most effective process of sewage sludge treatment and sanitation. Taking into account the novel definition of waste proposed by the WasteFD, if sewage sludge is properly managed would be considered as a useful product instead a waste. keywords: act; application; cel; coll; directive; disposal; eec; engineering; environment; european; faculty; food; hygienic; incineration; issue; journal; legislation; management; mare; matters; methods; pasteurisation; process; production; recovery; safety; salmonella; sewage; sewage sludge; slovakia; sludge; soil; stabilisation; suceava; tefan; temperature; treatment; university; use; viruses; volume; waste; wastewater; water cache: fens-345.pdf plain text: fens-345.txt item: #269 of 747 id: fens-346 author: PEŠOUTOVÁ, Radka; HLAVÍNEK, Petr; MATYSÍKOVÁ, Jana title: USE OF ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES FOR TEXTILE WASTEWATER TREATMENT – A REVIEW date: 2017-02-08 words: 3678 flesch: 44 summary: [26] TEZCANLI-GUYER G., INCE N.H., Individual and combined effects of ultrasound, ozone and UV irradiation: A case study with textile dyes, Ultrasonics, 42 (1-9). 2AQUA PROCON s.r.o, 3AQUA PROCON s.r.o *Corresponding author Abstract: Recently, an increasing application of various AOPs for textile wastewater treatment has been observed for its advantages to conventional treatment methods. keywords: advanced; agents; aops; azo; cel; chemical; cod; colour; combination; combined; decolouration; dyeing; dyes; effect; efficiency; effluent; engineering; environmental; faculty; finishing; food; formation; h2o2; high; hydrogen; hydroxyl; industry; issue; journal; low; mare; min; oxidation; ozonation; ozone; performance; peroxide; pigments; processes; radical; reactive; removal; safety; significant; study; suceava; tefan; textile; textile industry; toc; treatment; ultrasound; university; use; volume; wastewater cache: fens-346.pdf plain text: fens-346.txt item: #270 of 747 id: fens-347 author: ŠKULTÉTYOVÁ, Ivona title: WASTE DISPOSAL - IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENT date: 2017-02-08 words: 2467 flesch: 38 summary: Heavy metals, such as mercury, chromium, nickel, lead, cadmium, copper and zinc, are often found in landfill leachate. Both physicochemical treatment (oil removal system, filters, coagulation, precipitation, etc.) and biological treatment (biofilters, activated sludge, etc.) are generally required, given the very high levels of contaminants in landfill leachate. keywords: acids; biogas; carbon; cel; ch4; co2; compounds; conditions; control; dioxide; disposal; engineering; environment; faculty; food; gas; groundwater; health; heavy; issue; journal; landfill; leachate; local; management; mare; matter; metals; municipal; organic; pollutants; pollution; processes; products; risk; safety; site; solid; suceava; system; table; tefan; treatment; university; volume; waste; wastewater; water cache: fens-347.pdf plain text: fens-347.txt item: #271 of 747 id: fens-348 author: STANKO, Štefan title: INFLUENCE OF FLAT AREA TYPE ON SEWAGE DESIGN CONDITIONS date: 2017-02-08 words: 2547 flesch: 50 summary: N SEWA GE DES IG N CO ND ITIONS *Štefan STANKO1 1Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, *Radlinského 11, 81368 Bratislava, Slovakia Abstract: The paper discuss about advantages and disadvantages in sewer system design in dependence on designed area composition focusing on flat areas and offer the solution, how to solve these problems, respecting the proper design conditions. We can say that influence of terrain composition play the important role in sewer system design. keywords: alternative; areas; build; building; conditions; costs; decision; design; diameter; effective; engineering; environment; faculty; flat; food; gravitational; influence; investment; mare; minimal; operational; pressure; problem; process; pumping; quality; saving; sewage; sewer; sewer system; slope; slovakia; solution; stations; suceava; system; type; university; vacuum; water cache: fens-348.pdf plain text: fens-348.txt item: #272 of 747 id: fens-349 author: TOROSYAN, Ye. G. title: THE ROLE OF OPERATING RISKS IN INTERRELATION WITH THE EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT date: 2017-02-08 words: 3742 flesch: 41 summary: As the present directly working persons in the field of higher education system, we would like to note, that this tendency remains unfortunately, moreover on our sight prospers. The influence of state for higher education system should be hade same for state and for private universities. keywords: american; armenia; basic; changes; countries; development; ecological; ecological education; economic; economy; education; education system; engineering; environment; field; food; future; global; higher; higher education; human; institutions; interrelation; knowledge; level; modern; necessary; new; present; principles; private; process; program; protection; public; purpose; realization; risks; scientific; skills; social; society; soviet; state; students; sustainable; sustainable development; system; universities; university; ussr; volume; world cache: fens-349.pdf plain text: fens-349.txt item: #273 of 747 id: fens-35 author: LYUBCHYK, Olha; MYKYJCHUK, Mykola; VOROBETS, Mariуa title: DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONAL QUALITY CONTROL METHOD FOR MEAT PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 3032 flesch: 45 summary: However, they are difficult to adapt to such complicated multicomponent systems as meat products and with all the advantages of these methods they are not able to detect substitution of meat with other animal ingredients – lacteal gland, liver, vascular glands and other by-products. Choice of classification features of a sample of meat Determination of statistical characteristics of a sample of meat Construction of the classifier of types of meat Measurement of classification features of a sample of meat Determination of statistical characteristics of a sample of meat Identification of the type of meat (by the decision rule) Comparison of the meat characteristics by the classification features Estimate of the identification probability Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015 Olha LYUBCHYK, Mykola MYKYJCHUK, Mariуa VOROBETS, Development of operational quality control method for meat products, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 2 – 2015, pag. keywords: analysis; cel; characteristics; classification; color; consumer; control; decision; development; engineering; environment; faculty; features; fibers; following; food; identification; information; issue; journal; mare; mariуa; meat; meat products; method; mykola; number; operational; operational quality; pag; pale; pattern; products; quality; quality control; recognition; rule; safety; space; suceava; theory; type; ukraine; university; use; volume; wet; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-35.pdf plain text: fens-35.txt item: #274 of 747 id: fens-350 author: HOVSEPYAN, G.Sh.; KOCHARYAN, A.N.; MARTIROSYAN, S.H.; TOROSYAN, G.O. title: THE PEC AS AN EASY-TO-PREPARE AND CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCE date: 2017-02-08 words: 1341 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: CdSe PEC, porous semiconductor electrode, semiconductor film 1. On Figure 3 the electron-microscope images of semiconductor CdSe porous film are presented. keywords: cdse; characteristics; current; dark; efficiency; electrode; electrolyte; engineering; figure; film; food; hand; light; martirosyan; metal; output; pec; phase; pores; porous; power; redox; semiconductor; structure; substrate; university cache: fens-350.pdf plain text: fens-350.txt item: #275 of 747 id: fens-351 author: GUTT, Georg; GUTT, Sonia; HRETCANU, Cristina; LEAHU, Ana title: UNIVERSAL FLUOROMETER BASED ON FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING date: 2017-02-08 words: 2382 flesch: 33 summary: Specific dependencies between the intensities of radiation, quenching time and concentration of fluorescence species are given by Stern- Volmer equation valid for dynamic quenching of fluorofor. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, tefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume X, Issue 3 - 2011 In semi-quantitative and qualitative analysis, multiple monochromatic radiation source works sequentially controlled in multiplexed operating mode, in the sense that the electronic multiplexer controls both the LED lighting in turn as well as reading and management of fluorescence quenching time of each excited species a) b) keywords: analysis; capsule; chemical; concentration; conditions; electronic; engineering; fig; fluorescence; fluorofor; fluorometer; food; gutt; intensity; monochromatic; optical; probe; quencher; quenching; radiation; solution; source; species; suceava; time; type; unit; university; volume; wavelength cache: fens-351.pdf plain text: fens-351.txt item: #276 of 747 id: fens-352 author: 2011, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-09 words: 715 flesch: 24 summary: STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume X, Issue 2 30 June 2011 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; germany; house; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; stefan; suceava; universitatii; university; ştefan cel cache: fens-352.pdf plain text: fens-352.txt item: #277 of 747 id: fens-353 author: 2011, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-09 words: 391 flesch: 40 summary: The effect of rural settlements on water quality in northern Suceava plateau Andrei-Emil BRICIU, Dinu OPREA-GANCEVICI 88 17. Analysis of toxic and trace metal contaminants in bottled water by using atomic absorption spectrometry GholamReza JAHED KHANIKI, Mansoor GHADERPOORI, Mohammad Hadi DEHGHANI, Shahrokh NAZMARA 78 15. keywords: cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; gutt; issue; journal; mare; octavian; safety; suceava; university; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-353.pdf plain text: fens-353.txt item: #278 of 747 id: fens-354 author: SKIP, Borys; GUTT, Sonia; STANKO, Štefan title: RISK TO HUMAN HEALTH CAUSED BY NON CONDITIONAL DRINKING WATER date: 2017-02-09 words: 4134 flesch: 40 summary: Water pollution level. Thus, water pollution level of ammonia ions and nitrites had to exceed permissible level of 261 and 3338 times respectively. keywords: account; ammonia; analysis; assessment; bacteria; carcinogens; cel; concentration; contamination; correlation; data; days; dose; drinking; effects; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; fig; food; forms; ground; hazard; health; human; influence; ions; issue; journal; level; mac; mare; model; nitrate; nitrification; nitrifying; nitrites; nitrogen; pollution; possible; process; quality; quotient; reproduction; risk; safety; substances; suceava; supply; taking; time; university; values; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-354.pdf plain text: fens-354.txt item: #279 of 747 id: fens-355 author: CAPCANARI, Tatiana title: INCORPORATION OF SWEET PEPPER EXTRACTS TO IMPROVE THERMAL STABILITY OF VEGETABLE OIL MIXTURES date: 2017-02-09 words: 2818 flesch: 57 summary: Efficacy of sweet pepper extracts in stabilizing sunflower and grape seeds oils in thermal oxidation conditions has been studied. In order to retard or prevent the oxidative deterioration and extend the self-life of vegetable oils, the addition of antioxidants is necessary [7, 8]. keywords: acid; activity; addition; antioxidant; basis; cel; compounds; content; dpph; drying; engineering; etoh; extracts; fatty; fig; food; free; grape; green; h2o; journal; mare; mixture; natural; nutrition; oil; oils; oxidation; peppers; phenolic; polyphenol; red; safety; samples; seed; suceava; sunflower; sweet; sweet peppers; thermal; total; university; value; vegetable cache: fens-355.pdf plain text: fens-355.txt item: #280 of 747 id: fens-356 author: SEREA, Cristian; BARNA, Octavian title: PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY IN MILLING FRACTIONS OF RYE date: 2017-02-09 words: 2405 flesch: 47 summary: The calculation of correlation coefficient between total content of antioxidants and antioxidant activity of the cultivars analyzed led to values of r =0,993864 for the cultivar Gloria and r=0,895667 for Suceveana and r = 0,950117 for Orizont. Total phenol content was determined using the method Folin –Ciocâlteu in all the fractions resulted from grinding. keywords: absorbance; activity; antioxidant; bran; capacity; cel; cereals; compounds; content; cultivars; dpph; engineering; faculty; food; fractions; gloria; grinding; higher; issue; journal; mare; method; milling; ones; orizont; phenol; phenolic; polyphenol; rye; samples; solution; suceava; suceveana; total; ultra; university; values; volume; ştefan cache: fens-356.pdf plain text: fens-356.txt item: #281 of 747 id: fens-357 author: OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; ESCRICHE, Isabel; GUTT, Gheorghe title: RHEOLOGICAL, TEXTURAL, COLOR AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME YOGURT PRODUCTS FROM THE SPANISH MARKET date: 2017-02-09 words: 2778 flesch: 58 summary: Fig.2 Textural profile of fruit yogurt samples, dark blue line sample 5, blue line sample 6, red line sample 7 and green line sample 8 Cohesiveness 2.74a (1.36) 1.84a (0.45) 3.09ns Tension 0.018a (0.02) 0.006a (0) 2.67ns Firmness 0.19a (0.09) 0.07b (0.02) 12.33** Note: NS not significant (P<0.05), * P>0.05, ** P>0.01, *** P>0.001 Fig.3 PCA scores of yogurt samples Fig.4 PCA loadings of the yogurt samples In the case of a*, the blank samples are situated in the negative region (more towards green), while the fruit sample on the positive region (more towards red) due to the presence of red colorants. keywords: analysis; blank; blue; cel; chemical; color; concentration; content; different; engineering; environment; faculty; fats; firmness; flow; food; fruit; highest; index; journal; line; lowest; mare; milk; parameters; pca; protein; rheological; safety; samples; study; suceava; sugars; textural; texture; type; university; viscosity; volume; water; yogurt; yogurt samples; ştefan cache: fens-357.pdf plain text: fens-357.txt item: #282 of 747 id: fens-358 author: CONSTANDACHE, Mihaela; CONDREA, Elena; DUDAN, Anghelina title: QUALITY EVALUATION OF SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE RESTAURANT “PRESIDENT” FROM MANGALIA BY ANALYZING CUSTOMER’S SATISFACTION REGARDING THE WAITER’S TAKING ORDER date: 2017-02-09 words: 2665 flesch: 46 summary: All rights reserved Keywords: taking order time, customer’s satisfaction, histogram, services quality 1. This prevents the achievement of service quality control before it reaches the customer to have the opportunity to reject those features that do not meet the standards required. keywords: customer; data; degree; expectations; faculty; food; histogram; intervals; level; limits; management; minutes; needs; number; observations; order; point; process; product; quality; restaurant; results; satisfaction; sector; service; serving; size; staff; suceava; table; time; unit; university; volume; work cache: fens-358.pdf plain text: fens-358.txt item: #283 of 747 id: fens-359 author: DABIJA, Adriana; PÎSLARU, Laura; CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Cristina-Gabriela; BUCULEI, Amelia title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF METHODS FOR ASSESSING ESCHERICHIA COLI SPECIES IN DRINKING WATER date: 2017-02-09 words: 2370 flesch: 44 summary: Share of total number of positive samples of drinking water samples taken from Suceava city network during January-June 2010 Table 2. Results of determinations of Escherichia coli species from own drinking water samples (Suceava county) Crt. The analysis results of water samples studied by the two methods show that the membrane filtration method favours a specific growth and selective Escherichia coli species, compared with the multiple-tube method. keywords: bacteria; broth; city; cm3; coli; colonies; contamination; drinking; environment; escherichia; escherichia coli; fig; filter; filtration; food; health; january; journal; june; medium; membrane; method; multiple; network; number; positive; presence; results; samples; species; study; suceava; table; test; total; tube; water cache: fens-359.pdf plain text: fens-359.txt item: #284 of 747 id: fens-36 author: DABIJA, Adriana; PĂIUŞ, Anca Magda title: STUDY ON FLOUR QUALITY ASSESSMENT DESIGNED TO OBTAIN BISCUITS date: 2016-04-07 words: 2783 flesch: 52 summary: Selection criteria of biscuits flour Technological properties required for the manufacture of flour biscuits varies by group of assortments. keywords: biscuits; cel; characteristics; content; dough; elasticity; engineering; environment; flour; food; gluten; high; index; issue; journal; low; manufacture; mare; materials; products; properties; protein; quality; raw; rheological; safety; samples; stability; study; table; technological; volume; wheat; xiv cache: fens-36.pdf plain text: fens-36.txt item: #285 of 747 id: fens-360 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS LIPASE ACTIVITY ON VARIOUS SUBSTRATA UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SOME OUTER AND INNER FACTORS date: 2017-02-09 words: 1746 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract: In this work the sunflower seeds lipase activity on its own substratum (sunflower oil), as well as on other substrata, of 7 plant species (pumpkin, soy bean, sesame, almond, maize, walnut and peanut), at various temperatures and pH values, has been analyzed. The comparative analysis of the sunflower seeds lipase activity on various substrata has shown, both at 20°C and at 40ºC, the highest values at pH 5.5, and the lowest ones at pH 9.5. keywords: activity; almond; candida; enzyme; food; highest; highest values; lipase; lipase activity; lowest; maize; oils; ones; peanut; ph values; pumpkin; seeds; sesame; soy; substrata; suceava; sunflower; sunflower seeds; university; values; walnut cache: fens-360.pdf plain text: fens-360.txt item: #286 of 747 id: fens-361 author: BARNA, Octavian; BASTON, Octavian; DARABĂ, Aura title: IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE AND STORAGE TIME ON SUCROSE CONTENT IN SUGAR BEET date: 2017-02-09 words: 1864 flesch: 49 summary: Then a period when sucrose losses are relatively constant depending on storage temperature follows. The statistical analysis made shows very strong Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Volume X, Issue 2 - 2011 47 correlations of the same sense between storage temperature variation and sucrose losses registered. keywords: analysis; beet; changes; conditions; content; cultivars; engineering; figure; food; journal; losses; markus; new; period; processing; quality; solea; storage; sucrose; sugar; temperature; type; university; variation; viktor cache: fens-361.pdf plain text: fens-361.txt item: #287 of 747 id: fens-362 author: VASILACHE, Violeta title: MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR OPTIMIZATION OF ZINC-NICKEL ALLOY CO-DEPOSITION PROCESS date: 2017-02-09 words: 2552 flesch: 53 summary: The model of substratum effect The initial nucleation of adsorbed nickel on the electrode surface acts as a catalyser for zinc deposition, laeding to an inhibition of nickel deposition. So, for nickel deposition, Ni1 corresponds to the area of Ni substratum surface covered with Ni(I)ads. keywords: alloy; area; cel; components; covered; current; deposition; different; double.parse; electrochemical; electrodeposition; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; issue; journal; mare; mathematical; model; nickel; partial; potential; processes; reactions; safety; solution; species; substratum; suceava; surface; university; vasilache; volume; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-362.pdf plain text: fens-362.txt item: #288 of 747 id: fens-363 author: IFTIMI, Viorel title: LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT - NEW DIRECTION IN ADDRESSING SYSTEMIC PROCESSES IN FOOD INDUSTRY date: 2017-02-09 words: 2309 flesch: 32 summary: To gain access to these disputes the only way is to implement LCA management systems. Key features of an LCA are: - systematically and adequately addresses the environmental aspects of systems-product, from raw material acquisition to post-use; -degree of detail and deployment time of a LCA study may vary in a wide range; -scope, assumptions, description of data quality, methodologies and results are transparent LCA studies; -provision is determined depending on the intended application of LCA study, to comply with privacy and ownership issues; -LCA-methodology is open to embrace new scientific discoveries and improvements in technology – BAT; -LCA is used to make comparative statements further presented to the public; -commercial activities are complex because there is no scientific basis for reducing LCA results to a single overall score or number; -there is no single method for conducting LCA studies but organizations should have flexibility to implement LCA practice as stipulated in this International Standard. keywords: analysis; approach; aspects; assessment; cel; collection; cycle; cycle assessment; data; development; documentation; elements; engineering; environmental; faculty; figure; food; framework; impact; indicators; industry; information; interpretation; inventory; iso; issue; journal; lca; life; life cycle; management; mare; new; process; product; purpose; requirements; results; safety; scope; standards; studies; study; suceava; system; unit; university; volume; ştefan cache: fens-363.pdf plain text: fens-363.txt item: #289 of 747 id: fens-364 author: GONTARIU, Ioan; TĂNASĂ, Ion title: THE VARIATION OF ANNUAL RAINFALL IN THE SUCEAVA PLATEAU date: 2017-02-09 words: 3066 flesch: 52 summary: 3.The evolution, variation and tendencies of annual atmospheric precipitations in Suceava. Universitatii no. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, e-mail *Corresponding author 2Ph.D. Candidate, Stefan cel Mare University, Street. keywords: air; annual; average; bucureşti; cel; centers; climatic; cotnari; differences; engineering; environment; faculty; falticeni; figure; food; frequent; higher; humid; issue; journal; mare; masses; maximum; minimum; north; period; plateau; pluviometric; precipitations; quantities; radauti; rainfall; roman; safety; suceava; sums; time; university; variation; volume; water; west; year; ştefan cache: fens-364.pdf plain text: fens-364.txt item: #290 of 747 id: fens-365 author: LEAHU, Ana; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia; DAMIAN, Cristina title: CORRELATION ANALYSES BETWEEN SOME TECHNOLGICAL PARAMETERS OF SOME ROMANIAN WHEAT VARIETIES GROWN IN THE SUCEAVA AREA date: 2017-02-09 words: 2313 flesch: 49 summary: Although the varieties harvested at the Agricultural Research Station from Suceava are improved by a medium value of 14% for gluten proteins, they react differently in bakery. The first factor is the gliadine/glutenine ratio of gluten proteins. keywords: cel; content; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; flour; food; fractions; gliadines; glutenines; grain; increase; mare; maximum; methods; parameters; protein; quality; ratio; raw; representation; suceava; total; university; value; variation; varieties; wet; wheat cache: fens-365.pdf plain text: fens-365.txt item: #291 of 747 id: fens-366 author: CIOARBĂ, Iuliana; BATARIUC, Ana title: WAYS OF OPTIMIZING THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF DIETETIC PASTRY PRODUCTS date: 2017-02-09 words: 3910 flesch: 49 summary: The acidity’s variation for the dietetic pastry products First of all we noticed an increase of acidity (over 3 degrees of acidity established for pastry products) in the case of the samples prepared with carrot juice. Presented in an attractive way from the sensory point of view they influence the human’s diet behavior as they select products from the first shelf according to their appealing nature without thinking of their nutritive qualities. keywords: acidity; bucureşti; carrot; carrot juice; case; cel; comparison; content; diabetes; dietetic; diseases; editura; energetic; energetic value; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fibers; fig; food; higher; humidity; increase; issue; journal; juice; mare; method; nutritional; organoleptic; pastry; pastry products; products; reference; reference sample; safety; sample; substances; suceava; sugar; sweetener; total; university; value; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-366.pdf plain text: fens-366.txt item: #292 of 747 id: fens-367 author: JAHED KHANIKI, GholamReza; GHADERPOORI, Mansoor; DEHGHANI, Mohammad Hadi; NAZMARA, Shahrokh title: ANALYSIS OF TOXIC AND TRACE METAL CONTAMINANTS IN BOTTLED WATER BY USING ATOMIC ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY date: 2017-02-09 words: 2499 flesch: 59 summary: Consumption of bottled water is a proper choice when no safe water is available or water treatment is difficult, but the safety of bottled water is important and it is necessary to monitor toxic and trace metal contaminants. This study was conducted for the measurement and determination concentrations of toxic metals such as cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr) and lead (Pb) in bottled water. keywords: available; bottled; bottled water; brands; cadmium; chromium; concentration; different; drinking; elements; engineering; environmental; faculty; food; guidelines; health; journal; lead; mare; mean; metals; quality; safety; samples; standards; study; suceava; tehran; toxic; trace; university; volume; water; zam cache: fens-367.pdf plain text: fens-367.txt item: #293 of 747 id: fens-368 author: BORUK, Sergey; WINKLER, Igor; GUTT, Sonia title: INFLUENCE OF SOME SURFACTANTS AND FLOCCULANTS ON INTERPARTICLE INTERACTIONS IN AQUEOUS SUSPENSIONS OF HYDRO-MICA date: 2017-02-09 words: 2031 flesch: 53 summary: All rights reserved Key words: surfactants; electrolytes; interparticle interactions; disperse system 1. Introduction An intensity of interparticle interaction should be regulated within some intervals for many technological applications related to production and refining (concentration) of the highly concentrated suspensions. keywords: changes; concentration; disperse; effect; electrolytes; food; hydro; influence; intensity; interaction; interparticle; mica; paa; particles; peo; phase; presence; significant; solutions; suceava; surface; surfactants; suspensions; system; university; value cache: fens-368.pdf plain text: fens-368.txt item: #294 of 747 id: fens-37 author: HRETCANU, Ciprian - Ionel; HRETCANU, Cristina - Elena title: STRATEGIC ALLIANCES BETWEEN FIRMS – A MODEL OF COMPETITIVE STRATEGY IN FOOD INDUSTRY date: 2016-04-07 words: 5015 flesch: 37 summary: Strategic alliances have become increasingly more and more important in the global economy and nowadays they are a kind of competitive weapon for survival in the business world. Since the foreign literature and Romanian literature on strategic alliances, clusters, networking and other forms of cooperation / collaboration between firms are extremely broad, we shall present a synthesis and give a definition of strategic alliances, by focusing on the key reasons for creating strategic alliances. keywords: access; alliances; analysis; average; business; cel; ciprian; collaboration; companies; company; competitive; cooperation; cristina; different; elements; elena; employees; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; firms; food; food industry; global; hretcanu; industry; influence; ionel; issue; journal; management; mare; market; model; new; pag; partnership; reasons; safety; scores; strategic; strategic alliances; strategy; suceava; technologies; university; volume; volume xiv; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-37.pdf plain text: fens-37.txt item: #295 of 747 id: fens-370 author: 2011, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-10 words: 610 flesch: 5 summary: Microsoft Word - 1 Primele pagini nr 1 din 2011 23 martie.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Year X, No. 1 – 2011 University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; germany; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; turkey; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-370.pdf plain text: fens-370.txt item: #296 of 747 id: fens-371 author: 2011, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-10 words: 291 flesch: 25 summary: Ana LEAHU, Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Silvia MIRONEASA, Alice-Iuliana ROŞU Effects of a2 phospholipase on dough rheological properties and bread characteristics 66 13. Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Silvia MIRONEASA, Ana LEAHU Predicting the organoleptic quality of some romanian beers from physical-chemical data using multivariate analysis 36 7. Adriana DABIJA, Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Ioana REBENCIUC, Amelia BUCULEI Studies regarding new way to render whey profitable 43 8. keywords: analysis; codină; elena; food; gabriela; georgiana; guillén; igor; leahu; mihaela; mironeasa; silvia; ángel cache: fens-371.pdf plain text: fens-371.txt item: #297 of 747 id: fens-372 author: GUILLÉN GUILLÉN, Isabel; MARTÍNEZ SANMARTIN, Ángel; GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ, José Antonio; NÚÑEZ-DELICADO, Estrella; PUCHADES PLA, Rosa; MAQUIEIRA CATALÁ, Ángel title: DEVELOPMENT OF LATERAL FLOW IMMUNOASSAY FOR RAPID DETECTION OF OXYTETRACYCLINE IN HONEY SAMPLES date: 2017-02-10 words: 4486 flesch: 61 summary: The assay was evaluated with OTC spiked honey samples from different geographical origin (n = 25). Abstract: A lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) was developed in the competitive reaction format and applied to test residues of the antimicrobial oxyteracycline (OTC) in honey samples. keywords: agric; anal; anti; assay; chem; chromatography; colloidal; colour; concentrations; conjugate; control; detection; determination; different; diseases; engineering; environment; faculty; flow; food; goat; gold; honey; hydrochloride; immunoassay; journal; lateral; lfia; limit; line; mare; membrane; min; negative; nitrocellulose; no1; otc; otc3; ova; oxytetracycline; pad; particles; plastic; positive; present; puchades; rapid; reagent; results; safety; samples; solution; spain; suceava; test; university; visual; year; ştefan cache: fens-372.pdf plain text: fens-372.txt item: #298 of 747 id: fens-373 author: KOBASА, Igor; BILOGOLOVKA, Vasyl; WOLOSCHUK, Аnatoliy title: ATOM-ABSORPTION DETERMINATION OF MICROELEMENT COMPOSITION OF THE HUMAN HAIR FROM DIFFERENT AREAS OF CHERNIVTSI REGION date: 2017-02-10 words: 1997 flesch: 62 summary: The concentrations of Zn in men hair were more stable than those in women hair and also stayed within their normal range except samples from the district of Putyla. Therefore, human hair can be used as an indicator of the long-term internal and external influence of the environment pollution on the human organism. keywords: age; analysis; average; chernivtsi; concentration; content; different; district; environment; fig; food; group; hair; human; men; normal; novodnistrovsk; novoselytsya; putyla; samples; women cache: fens-373.pdf plain text: fens-373.txt item: #299 of 747 id: fens-374 author: BORUK, Sergey; WINKLER, Igor title: INFLUENCE OF SOME NON-IONIC SURFACTANTS AND FLOCCULANTS ON STABILITY OF DILUTED DISPERSIONS OF KAOLIN AND HYDRO-MICA date: 2017-02-10 words: 2773 flesch: 57 summary: Any concentration of polymer within the experimental range provides a stabilizing effect on fine particles suspensions because they can be easily captured and embedded into spatial structures. This effect is mainly caused by a smaller number of big particles, which can be packed in a volume unit and by some hydrodynamic effects, which result in flowing of smaller particles around the bigger ones with flux of liquid. keywords: agent; aggregation; cad; concentration; csi; effect; fine; food; fraction; higher; illite; influence; interaction; ionic; kaolin; molecular; molecules; non; os-20; particles; peg-115; peo; results; rough; sedimentation; similar; stability; structure; surface; surfactants; suspensions; university cache: fens-374.pdf plain text: fens-374.txt item: #300 of 747 id: fens-375 author: CONSTANDACHE, Mihaela; CONDREA, Elena; RADU, Steluţa title: EFFICACY OF PLANT STANOLS/STEROLS IN ENSURING HEART HEALTH date: 2017-02-10 words: 3689 flesch: 40 summary: Similar results were obtained, for example, in a study on diabetic patients: dressing for salads with plant sterols esters added reduced cholesterol in the first weeks of consumption, an effect that was attenuated during eight weeks. Source: ISLI, 2002 Rye bread Benecol Dobrogea is the only product in Romania with the optimal dose of plant stanols esters, supported ingredients in Europe for over 50 clinical studies. keywords: absorption; acid; benecol; benefits; bioactive; blood; cardiovascular; cel; cholesterol; clinical; compounds; consumption; development; diet; disease; effectiveness; efficacy; engineering; environment; esters; faculty; food; functional; health; heart; hypercholesterolemia; intestinal; journal; ldl; levels; mare; market; no1; plant; plant sterols; products; reduction; results; risk; safety; scientific; serum; stanols; step; sterols; studies; study; subjects; suceava; total; university; year; ştefan cache: fens-375.pdf plain text: fens-375.txt item: #301 of 747 id: fens-376 author: GIOSANU, Daniela; VÎJAN, Loredana Elena; DELIU, Ionica title: THE ANALYSE OF PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS MEANS TO APPRECIATE THE TYPICITY OF SOME RED WINES date: 2017-02-10 words: 2316 flesch: 45 summary: Usually, shade and intensity of wine colour are calculated by optical methods5. Chemical characteristics of some red wines (Valea Calugareasca area) Conclusions The CIE-Lab - 76 method facilitates understanding of the correspondence between visual impression of wine colour and numerical expression of chromatic parameters of wines. keywords: acetaldehyde; acidity; alcohol; alcoholmeter; analysis; anthocyanins; area; calugareasca; characteristics; chemical; citric; colour; content; determination; different; faculty; feteasca; fingerprint; food; glycerol; journal; merlot; methanol; method; microbiological; neagra; parameters; quality; red; samples; so2; spectra; total; valea; volatile; wine cache: fens-376.pdf plain text: fens-376.txt item: #302 of 747 id: fens-377 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia; LEAHU, Ana title: PREDICTING THE ORGANOLEPTIC QUALITY OF SOME ROMANIAN BEERS FROM PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL DATA USING MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS date: 2017-02-10 words: 3487 flesch: 48 summary: The PCA method makes it possible to distinguish beer samples and also to identify the most important variables in a multivariate data matrix. They represented beer samples easily available to consumers in the off-premise chain. keywords: alcohol; analysis; beer; bitterness; category; characteristics; chemical; colour; common; component; correlation; extract; foam; food; lager; lager beer; original; pale; pale lager; parameters; physical; physico; principal; quality; romania; samples; sensorial; sensory; stability; suceava; superior; table; taste; university; value; variables cache: fens-377.pdf plain text: fens-377.txt item: #303 of 747 id: fens-378 author: DABIJA, Adriana; CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Gabriela; REBENCIUC, Ioana; BUCULEI, Amelia title: STUDIES REGARDING NEW WAY TO RENDER WHEY PROFITABLE date: 2017-02-10 words: 1737 flesch: 52 summary: References 1. KOSSEVA, M., et al. – Use of immobilized biocatalysts in the processing of cheese whey, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 45,2009, 437-447 2. PAMESAR, P., et al. – Bioutilisation of whey for lactic acid production, Food Chemistry 105, 2007, 1-14 3. On the basis of the average total mark there has been led an evaluation of the quality level of whey beer samples from the sensorial point of view using a 0 to 20 points scale. keywords: acid; beer; cheese; dairy; deproteinized; drinks; engineering; fabrication; foam; food; journal; lactose; method; milk; point; product; production; results; sample; sensorial; suceava; sweet; table; total; traits; view; whey cache: fens-378.pdf plain text: fens-378.txt item: #304 of 747 id: fens-379 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; LEAHU, Ana; MIRONEASA, Costel title: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ROYAL FETEASCA WINE QUALITY FROM DIFFERENT REGIONS OF ROMANIA COUNTRY date: 2017-02-10 words: 3347 flesch: 49 summary: PCA is in fact a powerful method for summarizing variations in many variables of wine quality, since it is able to project the principal variation onto a few principal components. Compared to the second principal component, PC2, the quality of wine coming from region A is opposed to that of the wines coming from wine regions E, H and C. keywords: acidity; analysis; association; bucharest; cel; characteristics; chemical; component; content; correlation; density; dry; engineering; extract; faculty; feteasca; food; intensity; mare; odour; parameters; penalty; physico; principal; quality; regions; romania; royal; samples; sensorial; sensory; significant; suceava; sugar; taste; total; university; variables; volatile; wine cache: fens-379.pdf plain text: fens-379.txt item: #305 of 747 id: fens-38 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel title: MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF THE CONSTITUENTS’ CONCENTRATIONS OF AISI 304 STAINLESS STEEL SAMPLES THAT DIFFUSE INTO SIMULATED ACIDIC ENVIRONMENTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 4865 flesch: 73 summary: X ∙ X ∙ X + 2.85 ∙ X ∙ X ∙ X + 0.025 ∙ keywords: acidic; check; concentration; constituents; dependent; environments; experimental; figure; food; function; issue; journal; mathematical; mathematical model; model; modelling; parameters; response; samples; simulated; solutions; stainless; steel; testing; validity; values; variables; x2 ∙; ∙ x cache: fens-38.pdf plain text: fens-38.txt item: #306 of 747 id: fens-380 author: ALBU (NIGA), Eufrozina; PSIBILSCHI, Alina-Mihaela title: INFLUENCE OF LIQUEFACTION TEMPERATURE UPON RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CORN STARCHY MASHES date: 2017-02-10 words: 2042 flesch: 49 summary: Recommended conditions: - Solids 26 to 38% - Optimal pH 3.5 to 5.0 - Optimal temperature 28 to 35ºC - Dosage recommendation 0.1 kg/MT Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Year X, No1 - 2011 55 Study on corn mash viscosity To study the influence of liquefaction temperature upon the rheological properties of corn starchy mashes we used two types of grind. For the study two types of corn grind starchy mashes respectively one of fine grind with particles of <0.5 mm and one of rougher grind with particles of > 0.5 mm have been made. keywords: 40ºc; 50ºc; 60ºc; 70ºc; amylase; biomass; conditions; corn; engineering; enzyme; ethanol; fermentation; figure; fine; food; grind; hydrolysis; liquefaction; mashes; rheological; rougher; rpm; starchy; study; suceava; temperature; types; university; viscosity cache: fens-380.pdf plain text: fens-380.txt item: #307 of 747 id: fens-381 author: MEMET, Feiza title: A THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF JUICE PASTEURIZATION PROCESS date: 2017-02-10 words: 1904 flesch: 52 summary: Exergy efficiency evaluates the efficiency of a process by considering the second law of thermodynamics. For the improvement of this process are calculated exergy efficiencies for a pasteurization unit comprised in the juice production flow chart, when inlet hot water temperature is increased from 87 to 100oC, by keeping the other parameters constant. keywords: analysis; cel; efficiency; engineering; environment; exergy; food; fruit; hot; juice; law; mass; matter; pasteurization; potential; process; processes; production; quality; rate; system; temperature; thermodynamics; unit; university; values; water; work cache: fens-381.pdf plain text: fens-381.txt item: #308 of 747 id: fens-382 author: IFTIMI, Viorel title: LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF FOOD PRODUCTS AND SERVICES date: 2017-02-10 words: 2555 flesch: 31 summary: LCA - Life Cycle Assessment (Life Cycle Assessment), as shown in SR EN ISO 14040 standard itself, is a technique for assessing environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, by: - Developing an inventory of relevant input and output elements of a system- product; - Evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with those inputs and outputs; - Interpreting the results of inventory analysis and assessment phases of the impacts in relation to the objectives of the study. Typically, the implementation of the systems on the skeleton of SR EN ISO 9001:2008 based on the premise that this system was initially implemented (at least for 3 years), and having already documented and implemented procedures for the system that are imposed and other standards, in equivalent terms, as presented in Table 1. Table 1 Mandatory procedures related to the terms of referential standards Clauses of ISO Procedure 9001 1400 1800 PS 4.2.3 Document Control keywords: analysis; assessment; cel; certification; control; cycle; data; documentation; engineering; environmental; f-6.4; food; health; impacts; implementation; input; integrated; inventory; iso; lca; life; management; occupational; output; po-6.4; procedures; process; processes; product; records; referential; requirements; safety; series; stages; standards; suceava; system; table; university; waste; ştefan cache: fens-382.pdf plain text: fens-382.txt item: #309 of 747 id: fens-383 author: LEAHU, Ana; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; MIRONEASA, Silvia; ROŞU, Alice-Iuliana title: EFFECTS OF A2 PHOSPHOLIPASE ON DOUGH RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES AND BREAD CHARACTERISTICS date: 2017-02-10 words: 2168 flesch: 42 summary: This influences positively the enzymatic oxidation of dough rheological properties, which means higher energy consumption in kneading, but also a dough that gives bread higher volume after the process of baking. From the alveographic point of view an increase of dough strength was noted along with higher phospholipase A2 content. keywords: acid; alveograph; baking; bread; cel; consistency; content; control; dough; effects; engineering; faculty; fatty; flour; food; gluten; higher; increase; journal; lysomax; mare; maximum; mixolab; molecules; n·m; phase; phospholipase; phospholipids; properties; rheological; samples; starch; suceava; table; university cache: fens-383.pdf plain text: fens-383.txt item: #310 of 747 id: fens-384 author: 2010, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-11 words: 563 flesch: 4 summary: Turkey Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Cristina-Gabriela POP Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Rodica ROTAR Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Microsoft Word - 1 Primele pagini nr 1 din 2010 26 august.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Year IX, No.1 – 2010 University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; germany; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-384.pdf plain text: fens-384.txt item: #311 of 747 id: fens-385 author: 2010, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 287 flesch: 52 summary: 64 11. Sonia GUTT , Georg GUTT, Mariana MAZAREANU, Study on the content of zearalenone from wheat and derivatives. 25 5. Maria POROCH-SERIŢAN, Gheorghe GUTT, Traian SEVERIN, Silviu- Gabriel STROE, Synthesis and characterization of electrodeposited Ni–W alloys with different levels of tungsten content. keywords: content; cristina; elena; food; gheorghe; gutt; hreţcanu; rodica; siret; sonia; traian cache: fens-385.pdf plain text: fens-385.txt item: #312 of 747 id: fens-386 author: MIHĂILĂ, Doina title: THE QUALITY OF THE SIRET RIVER IN SIRET SECTION SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED FOR THE SAMPLES COLLECTED IN COMON BY THE ROMANIAN AND UKRAINIAN date: 2017-02-11 words: 3621 flesch: 54 summary: In according with Order 161/2006 and saprobic index we establish following water quality class (table 4): Table 4 Quality classes depending on Siret -Siret section biomarkers (2004-2008) Indicator 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 River Siret – Siret Quality class Plankton II II II II II Zoobentos II II II II II Benthic algae II II II - - 5 Comparative evolution of the concentration of dissolved oxygen - section Siret Siret (2008) keywords: average; benthic; biological; chemical; class; class ii; comparative; concentration; determined; differences; dissolved; engineering; environment; evolution; fig; food; good; iso; journal; maximum; methods; monitoring; monthly; no1; o n; organic; organisms; oxygen; period; physical; quality; river; romania; s o; safety; section; siret; suceava; ucraina; university; values; water; year cache: fens-386.pdf plain text: fens-386.txt item: #313 of 747 id: fens-387 author: RUSU, Micşunica; SEGAL, Rodica title: IMPROVING THE ANTIOXIDIZING CAPACITY OF CATERING PRODUCTS BY ADDING SPICES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2601 flesch: 54 summary: 65,30 33,35 11,26 2,99 0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00 100,00 120,00 Thyme Oregano Basil Paprika condiment % R D A ax % coverage by RDAax Fig. 2 – The percentage of coverage by the RDA of antioxidants spices used to obtain various types of spreads The obtained spreads which normally cover 4-5% of energy, can cover up to 1/3 (for oregano), of daily requirement of antioxidants. Aromatic herbs represent a reservoir of phenolic compounds concentrated in just a few grams of material and can represent one of the simplest ways to increase the phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of the daily diet, with possible health benefits keywords: analysis; antioxidants; basil; body; capacity; cheese; compounds; consumers; dislike; engineering; environment; flavonoids; food; good; health; journal; new; no1; orac; oregano; paste; phenolic; preparation; products; safety; scale; sensory; spices; spreads; suceava; te/100; thyme; total; university; value; vol; years; µmol cache: fens-387.pdf plain text: fens-387.txt item: #314 of 747 id: fens-388 author: BORUK, Sergey; WINKLER, Igor; GUTT, Sonia title: INTERPARTICLE INTERACTION IN THE DILUTED AQUEOUS SUSPENSIONS OF HYDRO-MICA date: 2017-02-11 words: 1949 flesch: 53 summary: Basing on the results of this investigation we can recommend a composition of PEO and PAA for clarification of various natural waters, wastewaters and some technological solutions from the hydrophilic suspended particles. Approximate molecular weight is about (5-6).106 a.m.u. and formula is An effective coefficient of adhering (Cef) was calculated as a tangent of slope of the dependence of the small fraction concentration on concentration of the coarse fraction and used as a criterion of the interparticle interaction in diluted (up to 3 kg/m3) suspensions keywords: additives; cef; coarse; concentration; dependence; engineering; fig; food; hydro; interaction; interparticle; journal; mica; modification; paa; particles; peo; phase; results; sedimentation; stability; suceava; surface; suspensions; system; university cache: fens-388.pdf plain text: fens-388.txt item: #315 of 747 id: fens-389 author: ZAHARESCU, Traian; JIPA, Silviu title: QUALIFICATION OF POLYPROPYLENE/CALCIUM CARBONATE NANOCOMPOSITES TO RADIATION DEGRADATION date: 2017-02-11 words: 2925 flesch: 58 summary: J. S. J. Stags, Polym. On the first step of thermal oxidation (oxygen uptake measurements), the oxygen consumption decrease with carbonate loading. keywords: caco3; calcium; carbonate; coated; conditions; degrad; degradation; engineering; environment; filler; food; higher; induction; journal; kgy; kinetic; loading; material; nanoparticles; oxidation; oxygen; parameters; polym; polymer; polypropylene; radiation; rate; samples; sci; stabil; stability; suceava; testing; thermal; time; university; uptake cache: fens-389.pdf plain text: fens-389.txt item: #316 of 747 id: fens-39 author: 2015, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-07 words: 831 flesch: 16 summary: Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house;; institute; issn; journal; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-39.pdf plain text: fens-39.txt item: #317 of 747 id: fens-390 author: POROCH-SERIŢAN, Maria; GUTT, Gheorghe; SEVERIN, Traian; STROE, Silviu-Gabriel title: SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ELECTRODEPOSITED NI–W ALLOYS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF TUNGSTEN CONTENT date: 2017-02-11 words: 3919 flesch: 61 summary: The loading weight was of 490.3 mN. Results and Discussion Composition of the actual alloy Ni-W bath Figure 1 shows a typical spectrum of reagents in the electrolyte composition of alloy Ni-W bath for three different nickel sulphate content of deposition bath in wavelength range from 300 to 1100 nm. [23] noted a linear increase in tungsten content with increasing current density when vigorous stirring was applied. keywords: absorption; alloys; bath; citrate; complex; composition; concentration; content; current; current density; density; deposit; deposition; different; effect; efficiency; electrochem; engineering; environment; figure; food; gileadi; g·l-1; hardness; increase; ions; journal; layer; ni2; nickel; niw-3; no1; presence; properties; safety; solution; spectrum; suceava; surface; thickness; tungstate; tungsten; university; year cache: fens-390.pdf plain text: fens-390.txt item: #318 of 747 id: fens-391 author: ROTAR, Rodica title: STUDY ON IDENTIFYING BUTTER FAKING BY SUBSTITUTION WITH PORK FAT OR WITH MARGARINE date: 2017-02-11 words: 2809 flesch: 36 summary: Both determining the nature and structure of acylglycerols and fatty acids as well as the indices characterizing the fat phase, particularly saponification indices, Reichert - Meissl and Polenske indices, provides the most secure information for deceleration faking, other indices (melting point, refractive index, index iodine) gives only helpful information, because margarines value depends mainly on the degree of hydrogenation of fats [7]. Experimental For the experimental study on the identification of butter faking by substitution with pork fat were made determinations on 6 samples of butter (unfaked and faked at different rates of pork fat substitution). 34 61,5 63,6 66,6 67,1 68,7 69,8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Tg+2d (oC), Iodine Index, Reichert-Meissl Index Blank (0%) 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% Evaluated samples (percentage of pork fat substitution) keywords: acids; blank; butter; content; dosing; experimental; faked; fat; fatty; food; glycerides; identification; index; iodine; iodine index; margarine; maximum; meissl; melting; parameters; percentage; point; pork; refractive; reichert; relevant; sample; study; substitution; suceava cache: fens-391.pdf plain text: fens-391.txt item: #319 of 747 id: fens-392 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF REFRIGERATION TIME AND OF SUGAR ADDITION ON ASCORBIC ACID CONTENT IN SOME NATURAL JUICES date: 2017-02-11 words: 1636 flesch: 61 summary: Keywords: vitamin C, sucrose, black currant, raspberry, quince. As for vitamin C, its concentration can be reduced with various percentages, depending on the type of processing of raw material containing this vitamin. keywords: acid; addition; ascorbic; black; certain; concentration; content; currant; food; free; hours; juice; loss; quince; raspberry; refrigerator; samples; storage; sucrose; time; vitamin cache: fens-392.pdf plain text: fens-392.txt item: #320 of 747 id: fens-393 author: OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; GUTT, Gheorghe title: EFFECT OF POTATO STARCH AND AGAR ON THE RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF TOMATO KETCHUP date: 2017-02-11 words: 2578 flesch: 56 summary: Tomato ketchup viscosity with 0,5% potato starch y = 15.104x-0.0644 R2 = 0.8185 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Shear time (s) A pp ar en t v is co si ty (P a s) Fig.4. Tomato ketchup viscosity with 1% potato starch y = 22.981x -0.052 R 2 = 0.4944 5 10 15 20 25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Shear time (s ) A pp ar en t v is co si ty (P a s) Fig.5. keywords: agar; brookfield; concentration; engineering; environment; food; formation; gel; hydrocolloids; journal; ketchup; ketchup viscosity; like; method; no1; potato; potato starch; properties; rheological; safety; sample; shear; spindles; starch; suceava; temperature; time; tomato; tomato ketchup; university; viscometer; viscosity; water; year cache: fens-393.pdf plain text: fens-393.txt item: #321 of 747 id: fens-394 author: HREŢCANU, Cristina-Elena; HREŢCANU, Ciprian-Ionel title: A LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR A DIET PROBLEM date: 2017-02-11 words: 3855 flesch: 74 summary: Romania Abstract: In this paper we solve a diet problem which has the goal to find an optimal combination of proposed foods on the condition that the daily nutritional requirements of a person are satisfied. Table 1 Nutrient content of proposed foods [4] Amount of feeds x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 keywords: calories; constraints; consumed; daily; day; diet; dietary; figure; food; function; journal; kcal; linear; menu; minimum; model; nutrient; nutritional; objective; problem; programming; protein; requirements; solver; suceava; table; total; type; university; variation; x10; x11; x12; x13; x14 cache: fens-394.pdf plain text: fens-394.txt item: #322 of 747 id: fens-395 author: VASILACHE, Violeta title: STUDIES REGARDING THE EFFICIENCY OF A DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELL (DMFC) date: 2017-02-11 words: 1994 flesch: 56 summary: DMFC combustion cell (DMFC – direct methanol fuel cell) uses methanol, instead of hydrogen, so it works safely. The technology DMFC (direct methanol fuel cell) is in fact a variant of PEMFC (polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell) technology, which was developed having hydrogen as combustible. keywords: anode; cathode; cell; ch3oh; chemical; co2; combustible; combustion; concentration; conditions; current; direct; dmfc; efficiency; electric; electrode; electrolyte; electrons; energy; engineering; food; fuel; hydrogen; journal; methanol; oxygen; potential; power; protons; reaction; sources; suceava; temperature; university cache: fens-395.pdf plain text: fens-395.txt item: #323 of 747 id: fens-396 author: GUTT, Sonia; GUTT, Georg; MAZAREANU, Mariana title: STUDY ON THE CONTENT OF ZEARALENONE FROM WHEAT AND DERIVATIVES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2445 flesch: 57 summary:  in two wheat samples (10% of total samples), zearalenone is presented in a quantity of 76-100 ppb and falls below the maximum allowed by the applicable law;  the five wheat samples (25% of total samples), zearalenone is presented in an amount between 51-75 ppb and falls below the maximum permitted by applicable law;  the nine wheat samples (45% of total samples), zearalenone is presented in an amount between 31-50 ppb and falls below the maximum permitted by applicable law;  the three wheat samples (15% of the total number of samples), zearalenone is presented in an amount between 1-30 ppb and falls below the maximum permitted by applicable law; The frequency of wheat samples with zearalenone values is shown in Fig .1 2. Graphical representation of samples of bran contamination with zearalenone The results of analysis of flour samples are these: keywords: antibody; applicable; bran; buffer; conjugate; content; engineering; environment; enzyme; flour; food; fungi; journal; law; liquid; materials; maximum; mycotoxins; no1; number; pipette; plate; ppb; reagents; room; safety; samples; solid; solution; standard; substrate; suceava; temperature; total; university; use; wells; wheat; year; zearalenone cache: fens-396.pdf plain text: fens-396.txt item: #324 of 747 id: fens-397 author: MURARIU, D.; MURARIU, M.; GONTARIU, Ioan title: ON FARM” CONSERVATION OF SOME MAIZE RACES IN BUCOVINA date: 2017-02-11 words: 2539 flesch: 56 summary: It is obvious that this long period has Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University – FOOD ENGINEERING, Year IX, No1 - 2010 74 favored an active genetic process of population formation, stopped in 1957- 1962 by the very quick introduction, of more than 90% of maize cultivated area of corn hybrid seeds [1]. At present people cultivate maize locale landraces only in Submontane and mountain areas of the Carpathian Mountain countries. keywords: accessions; area; descriptors; ear; food; grain; hanganesc; height; kernel; landraces; length; maize; moldovenesc; plant; race; suceava; table; traits; values; years cache: fens-397.pdf plain text: fens-397.txt item: #325 of 747 id: fens-398 author: HREŢCANU, Cristina-Elena; ROŞU, Alice; STROE, Silviu-Gabriel; LEAHU, Ana title: SOME ASPECTS REGARDING THE DIVERSITY OF FOOD CULTURE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CONSUMERS’ ATTITUDES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2772 flesch: 54 summary: Our starting point in studding the Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University – FOOD ENGINEERING, Year IX, No1 - 2010 80 diversity of food culture might be the different ways of food consumption affected by factors such as income, social traditions, religious beliefs, social positions and so on. The significance of “diversity” of the food products refers to social, cultural and spatial variability and variety as major characteristics of food globalization. keywords: beliefs; china; coffee; conditions; consumption; country; cuisine; cultural; culture; different; engineering; environment; european; factors; food; france; french; gastronomic; geographical; globalization; habits; historical; identity; influence; ingredients; japanese; journal; jul; life; markers; new; no1; online; people; political; press; products; quality; religious; safety; social; suceava; tea; traditions; understanding; university; variety; world; year cache: fens-398.pdf plain text: fens-398.txt item: #326 of 747 id: fens-399 author: 2010, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-11 words: 609 flesch: 9 summary: Microsoft Word - 1 Primele pagini nr 2 din 2010 5 octombrie.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Year IX, No.2 – 2010 University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; germany; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; turkey; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-399.pdf plain text: fens-399.txt item: #327 of 747 id: fens-4 author: 2015, FENS 1 title: Contents date: 2015-03-31 words: 574 flesch: 62 summary: a me th od and a n ew t e chn ique for det ermi na ti on of so me imp ort ant me cha nica l p rop er ti es o f m assiv e wo od t ex tu re Ştefa n BEŞL IU, Gh eo r gh e GUTT, Son ia Contributions to achievement a composite material for advanced electromagnetic shielding of living and work spaces - Second part - quantitative aspects Cristia n Flo rin AL EX IUC, Gh eo rgh e GUTT, So n ia keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; gutt; issue; journal; mare; oil; oksana; ons; safety; suceava; university; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-4.pdf plain text: fens-4.txt item: #328 of 747 id: fens-40 author: 2015, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 373 flesch: -62 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 3 – 2015 CONTENTS: 1 Decontamination of toluene pollution in water using raw walnuts shells Igor WINKLER, Ivan KUVILA 241 – 244 2 Separation and quantification of biogenic amines in bananas by high performance liquid chromatography Veronica TANASA, Daniela MOISE, Maria STANCA 245 - 249 3 Production and characteristics of white soft marinated cheese from organic certified goat milk Aleksandar SAVESKI, Tatjana KALEVSKA, Dragan DAMJANOVSKI, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Elena JOSEVSKA 250 - 255 4 Effect of sun drying on nutritive and antioxidant properties of five leafy vegetables consumed in southern Côte d’Ivoire Constant ACHO , Lessoy ZOUE, Niamkey ADOM and Sébastien NIAMKE 256 – 268 5 New challenges in the dairy wastewater treatment Alla CHOBAN , Igor WINKLER 269 – 275 6 Assessment of potential contamination and health risk associated with metals in drinking waters from Copsa Mica region Maria-Alexandra HOAGHIA, Oana CADAR, Erika LEVEI, Cecilia ROMAN, Lacrimioara SENILA, Dumitru RISTOIU 276 - 281 7 Study of chemical composition influence on the rheological and textural properties of various types of animal and vegetal pâté Elena TODOSI SĂNDULEAC, Gheorghe GUTT, Andreea IANOVICI IORDACHE, Silviu Gabriel STROE 282 - 292 8 Sensory evaluation of lamb’s meat according to conventional and organic breeding systems Tatjana KALEVSKA, Ljupce KOCOSKI, Elena JOSHEVSKA, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Aleksandar SAVEVSKI 293 - 299 9 Study on antimicrobial characteristics of spices’ composition S. Teterina, N. Yushchenko, U.Kuzmyk, I. Khlystun 300 - 305 10 The nitrogen compound content of some natural mineral waters from Bukovina, Romania, versus their bottled form Anca-Mihaela SIDOR 306 - 309 11 Sensory evaluation of millet-yellow flaxseed-hemp composite flour gluten-free co- okies for optimum formulation by the mixture experimental design Silvia MIRONEASA,Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ 310 - 319 12 Physicochemical Characterization and fatty acid composition of Oryctes owariensis Larvae Oil Bernard ASSIELOU , Edmond Ahipo DUE, Djary Michel KOFFI, Patrice KOUAME 320 - 326 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel MareUniversity - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 3 – 2015 13 The intake of minerals in the diet brought by the consumption of sea buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides l.) berries and juice Anca-Mihaela SIDOR 327 - 330 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi keywords: anca; composition; elena; environment safety; faculty; food engineering; igor winkler; issue; mareuniversity suceava; mihaela sidor; safety journal; sensory evaluation; suceava volume; tatjana kalevska; viktorija stamatovska; volume xiv; ştefancel mareuniversity cache: fens-40.pdf plain text: fens-40.txt item: #329 of 747 id: fens-400 author: 2010, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 362 flesch: 36 summary: Mircea-Adrian OROIAN, Gheorghe GUTT Influence of total soluble content, starter culture and time period on rheological be- haviour of cultured buttermilk 73 13. Elisabeta BOTEZ,Constantina SĂLCEANU, Oana – Viorela NISTOR, Aura DARABĂ Concerns on the development of ecumenical tourism in Bucovina 47 9. Silvia MIRONEASA, Costel MIRONEASA, Georgiana-Gabriela CODINĂ Evaluation of mineral element content in grape seed and defatted grape seed 53 10. keywords: alina; content; engineering; environment; food; gabriela; gheorghe; gutt; influence; mare; no2; tevtul; university; wheat; yarema cache: fens-400.pdf plain text: fens-400.txt item: #330 of 747 id: fens-401 author: GUTT, Gheorghe; TEVTUL, Yarema; GUTT, Andrei; PSIBILSCHI, Alina title: RESEARCH AND ACHIEVEMENTS FOR NEW ELECTROCHEMICAL BIOSENSORS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2460 flesch: 20 summary: achievement a conductometric biosensor as a superior alternative to amperometric biosensors 2. design and implementation a conductivity-amperometric biosensor combined with concurrent analysis by both methods, biosensor that can be used in reactions 1-6 using oxidase enzyme as catalyst 3. extending limits of concentrations of a new type of biosensors from maximum 500mg/dl, as they are encountered in blood, to limit of 20% glucose, the latter concentration being specific to analytical food, particular applications in fermentative processes 4. elimination of chemical kit for single use from typical biosensors Research have focused initially only on glucose biosensors [1], [2], [4], [6] and were mainly intended to find an alternative to low reproducibility of typical portable biosensors used to determine blood glucose This low reproducibility is due to electrolysis phenomenology, electrolysis current, so the indication of glucometer, depending on the addition of hydrogen peroxide concentration and other parameters relating primarily to ionic transport phenomena that lead to advanced electric polarization at electrodes that alter current yield. keywords: amperometric; biological; biosensors; blood; cel; combined; concentration; conductometric; cup; cylinder; eccentric; electrochemical; electrolysis; electronic; engineering; environment; enzyme; faculty; food; glucose; gutt; hose; journal; mare; no2; oxidase; peroxide; research; safety; silicone; single; suceava; type; unit; university; use; year; ştefan cache: fens-401.pdf plain text: fens-401.txt item: #331 of 747 id: fens-402 author: TEVTUL, Yarema; NECHYPORENKO, Olga title: MONITORING OF CONTAMINATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN BUKOVYNA WITH HEAVY METALS date: 2017-02-11 words: 3588 flesch: 63 summary: Contamination of the environment with heavy metals compounds is very dangerous since they can get into the human trophic sequence. Sensitive species are being gradually substituted by more metal- resistant ones and rehabilitation of the metal-polluted soils requires fixation of heavy metals compounds in the indelible organomineral complexes. keywords: accumulation; agricultural; bukovyna; cadmium; cel; chernivtsi; class; coats; compounds; concentration; contamination; content; copper; corn; dangerous; different; engineering; environment; faculty; food; grains; heavy; heavy metals; higher; important; ions; journal; lead; leaves; manganese; mare; materials; metals; no2; normal; plants; region; roads; safety; sequence; soils; suceava; times; total; toxic; university; vol; wastes; year; ştefan cache: fens-402.pdf plain text: fens-402.txt item: #332 of 747 id: fens-403 author: ZGHEREA, Gheorghe; STOIAN, Cristina; PERETZ, Sandu title: MIXTURES WITH GRADIENT OF MOBILE PHASES UTILIZED IN HPLC SEPARATIONS OF 2.4-DINITROPHENYLHIDRAZONES PROVIDED BY INFERIOR CARBONYL COMPOUNDS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2304 flesch: 45 summary: To have a very good analytical performance, it is necessary to use liquid chromatography separation with gradient of mobile phase [5]; in addition, separation columns with gradient of stationary phase are used in this paper. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Year IX, No2 - 2010 19 Materials and methods Solvents and mixtures of mobile phases keywords: acetaldehyde; beer; carbonyl; chromatogram; chromatographic; compounds; diacetyl; dnph; dnphaa; figure; food; gradient; higher; inferior; liquid; mgmpi; mixtures; mobile; model; natural; ones; peak; phase; program; segment; separation; stationary; timing; value; water cache: fens-403.pdf plain text: fens-403.txt item: #333 of 747 id: fens-404 author: HALLER, Alina-Petronela title: BENEFITS OF MULTILATERAL LIBERALIZATION FOR THE COUNTRIES WHICH ARE EXPORTING LIGHT INDUSTRY PRODUCTS IN A KNOWLEDGE BASED SOCIETY date: 2017-02-11 words: 3879 flesch: 41 summary: In some developing countries, the business communities are still not fully aware of the advantages of WTO trade system. Based on interpretative approach, in this paper we analyze the degree in which GATT - WTO activity can solve the business problems of the countries which are exporting industrial light products (we are talking especially about developing countries). keywords: agreements; agriculture; cel; certain; countries; customs; developing; development; economic; economy; editura; engineering; environment; export; faculty; food; free; gatt; goods; important; imports; industry; international; journal; liberalization; mare; members; multilateral; multilateral trade; negotiations; no2; products; protection; restrictions; rules; safety; services; states; suceava; system; taxes; trade; trade system; university; world; wto; years; ştefan cache: fens-404.pdf plain text: fens-404.txt item: #334 of 747 id: fens-405 author: POP, Gabriela; DABIJA, Adriana; BUCULEI, Amelia title: HIGH-FIBER WHEAT BREAD PRODUCED WITH FERMENTED BRAN date: 2017-02-11 words: 2159 flesch: 59 summary: This study is dedicated to investigate the application of new sources of dietary fiber such as fermented bran for increasing the nutritional value of wheat bread. Effect of bran fermentation on the loaves volume Baking experiments showed that wheat bran at a substitution level of 20% decreased loaf volume by 19% in comparision to white control bread (figure 1) Figure 1. keywords: acid; bacteria; baking; bran; bread; cel; control; crumb; effect; engineering; faculty; fermentation; fiber; flour; food; hours; lactic; mare; order; quality; spontaneous; structure; suceava; tta; university; volume; wheat; white; yeast; ştefan cache: fens-405.pdf plain text: fens-405.txt item: #335 of 747 id: fens-406 author: ARUS, Alisa Vasilica; GEORGESCU, Ana Maria; LAZAR, Iuliana Mihaela; NISTOR, Ileana Denisa; MIRON, Neculai Doru; ABDELKRIM, Azzouz; FARKAS, Andrea – Eliza; COJOCARU, Ramona Mihaela title: USE OF SOME CLAY MATRICES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY OF ACID DAIRY PRODUCTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2998 flesch: 31 summary: These are introduced into the culture medium and help optimal growth parameters achievement of lactic acid bacteria by temporary retention of lactic acid. According to this study, the cultivation process of lactic acid bacteria includes the immersion in culture medium of a hydrotalcite clay matrix, with anions exchange role, cultivated through continuous cycle of hydrotalcite matrices immersion, removing and recovering, the lactic anion is continuously fixed, achieving at the same time the proton neutralization of lactic acid, with an aqueous phase, separated from the culture medium, with subsequent extraction and separation of lactic acid. keywords: acid; agent; anion; aqueous; bacteria; calcium; cel; clay; concentration; continuous; cow; cultivation; culture; culture medium; engineering; faculty; fermentation; final; food; fresh; growth; insoluble; journal; lactate; lactic; lactic acid; lactic bacteria; mare; matrix; medium; milk; pasteurized; period; phase; process; products; separation; solution; suceava; temperature; university; variant; ştefan cache: fens-406.pdf plain text: fens-406.txt item: #336 of 747 id: fens-408 author: BOTEZ, Elisabeta; SĂLCEANU, Constantina; NISTOR, Oana – Viorela; DARABĂ, Aura title: CONCERNS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ECUMENICAL TOURISM IN BUCOVINA date: 2017-02-11 words: 2835 flesch: 50 summary: Figure 5 Improving accommodation inside monasteries From the interviewed people 64,44% considered that the monasteries from Bucovina should insure themselves with funds for developing ecumenical tourism, European funds, 52,22% chose sponsorships, 21,11% public money given by the authorities and only 3,33% chose monasteries’ own funds. How do you think Bucovina monasteries should improve their facilities? keywords: accommodation; analysis; anat; area; bucovina; cel; ecumenical; ecumenical tourism; engineering; environment; european; facilities; faculty; figure; food; funds; great; international; journal; know; lack; main; mare; meal; monasteries; monastery; no2; points; possible; putna; questionnaire; romania; safety; suceava; sucevita; swot; tourism; touristic; tourists; transportation; university; visit; voronet; year; ştefan cache: fens-408.pdf plain text: fens-408.txt item: #337 of 747 id: fens-409 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; MIRONEASA, Costel; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: EVALUATION OF MINERAL ELEMENT CONTENT IN GRAPE SEED AND DEFATTED GRAPE SEED date: 2017-02-11 words: 3993 flesch: 54 summary: Keywords: cakes, X-ray, Fluorescence spectrometer Introduction The study of the physical and mechanical properties of grape seeds, including the chemical composition and obtaining new products through the active natural components are the source of many researches. The total mineral elements from grape seed and defatted grape seed Total mineral elements Grape varieties grape seeds keywords: activity; blood; calcium; cel; chemical; components; concentration; content; editura; elements; energy; engineering; environment; enzymes; essential; faculty; figure; food; grape; grape seed; growth; health; human; hybrid; important; journal; larger; macro; mare; metabolic; mineral; mineral elements; new; no2; order; organism; potassium; present; processes; products; quantity; results; role; safety; seeds; suceava; sulphur; total; university; varieties; variety; vitamin; white; year; ştefan cache: fens-409.pdf plain text: fens-409.txt item: #338 of 747 id: fens-41 author: WINKLER, Igor; KUVILA, Ivan title: DECONTAMINATION OF TOLUENE POLLUTION IN WATER USING RAW WALNUTS SHELLS date: 2016-04-07 words: 2024 flesch: 55 summary: Absorbance of the experimental water/toluene systems with various walnut shells samples Sample weigh. Abstract: Raw untreated walnut shells were tested as an adsorbent for the extraction of toluene pollution from water systems, and high cleaning efficiency (up to 28 % of the specific toluene extraction) was determined by the direct UV-photometry measurement of the residue toluene concentration. keywords: absorbance; adsorbent; adsorption; aromatic; carbon; compounds; concentration; decontamination; decrease; efficiency; environment; extraction; food; initial; issue; material; oil; organic; pollution; products; raw; safety; shells; system; table; toluene; values; volume; walnut; wastewater; water; winkler; xiv cache: fens-41.pdf plain text: fens-41.txt item: #339 of 747 id: fens-410 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian; VASILE, Aida title: FRESHNESS EVALUATION OF CHICKEN MEAT USING MICROBIOTA AND BIOGENIC AMINE INDEX date: 2017-02-11 words: 2728 flesch: 49 summary: variation for refrigerated chicken meat Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Year IX, No2 - 2010 65 Biogenic amines can be an indicator of chicken meat freshness. Cadaverine and putrescine were detected beginning with the third day of storage and they had the highest values after a week refrigeration of chicken meat. keywords: amines; biogenic; cadaverine; carcasses; cfu; chicken; cm2; content; count; day; days; determination; determined; engineering; faculty; figure; food; freshness; increase; index; journal; log; mare; meat; microbiota; microorganisms; pseudomonas; psychrotrophic; putrescine; raw; refrigerated; refrigeration; spermine; spoilage; spp; storage; suceava; time; total; university; variation; viable; ştefan cache: fens-410.pdf plain text: fens-410.txt item: #340 of 747 id: fens-411 author: IORGA, Enuţa; CATANĂ, Monica; CATANĂ, Luminiţa; NEGOIŢĂ, Mioara; BÂLEA, Alina; LILIOS, Gabriela title: INFLUENCE OF FERTILIZATION TREATMENTS ON NITRATES CONTENT OF SOME VEGETABLE SPECIES CULTIVATED IN THE FIELD date: 2017-02-11 words: 3384 flesch: 40 summary: In the case of this fertilization variant, the egg plants have nitrates content in the range 295.37 – 308.19 mg NO3-/kg, and the average accumulation potential of nitrates is 303.05 mg NO3-/kg. In the case of this fertilization variant green peppers have nitrates content in the range 65.74 – 68.80 mg NO3-/kg, and the average accumulation potential of nitrates is 67.14 mg NO3-/kg. keywords: accumulation; accumulation potential; average; average accumulation; bell; carrots; case; content; egg; fertilization; fertilization variant; fertilizer; field; green; kg nitrogen; level; mg no3-/kg; nitrates; nitrates content; nitrogen; no3-/kg; peppers; plants; potential; range; variant cache: fens-411.pdf plain text: fens-411.txt item: #341 of 747 id: fens-412 author: OROIAN, Mircea-Adrian; GUTT, Gheorghe title: INFLUENCE OF TOTAL SOLUBLE CONTENT, STARTER CULTURE AND TIME PERIOD ON RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF CULTURED BUTTERMILK date: 2017-02-11 words: 2925 flesch: 61 summary: l milk 10th day; 3g starter culture /100 l milk 10th day; 4 g starter culture / 100 l milk 10th day; 2 g starter culture /100 milk 1st day; 2 g starter culture /100 keywords: 1st; apparent; behaviour; brookfield; buttermilk; cel; concentration; culture; day; engineering; faculty; flow; food; g starter; g/100; index; journal; lactis; lactococcus; mare; milk; properties; rate; rheological; rheology; s-1; samples; shear; shear rate; solids; starter; starter culture; stress; suceava; time; tss; university; viscometer; viscosity; ştefan cache: fens-412.pdf plain text: fens-412.txt item: #342 of 747 id: fens-413 author: DROBOTĂ, Constantin; GONTARIU, Ioan title: GENETIC RESOURCES AND THE PROGRESS REACHED BY WINTER WHEAT BREEDING date: 2017-02-11 words: 3875 flesch: 43 summary: The bread making features value of the experimented varieties, appreciated through bread volume and weight, from 100g of flour , demonstrates that from this point of view the advanced varieties are mostly varieties with good bread making features qualities, the bread volume registering from 441 cm3 in the variety Apullum, up to 506 cm3 at Dropia, and their weight varying between 139 g at variety Turda 81 and 144 g at varieties Dropia, Aniversar and Fundulea 4. Table 3 The yield quality of wheat varieties and lines which were experimented during period 1970 -1975 at ARDS of Suceava Gluten From 100g flour Variety or line One thousan d kernel weight -g- Total protein % from d.s. keywords: aniversar; ards; average; bread; breeding; cel; content; engineering; faculty; features; food; fundulea; gluten; journal; magistral; mare; moldova; period; point; production; progress; quality; safety; suceava; table; university; values; varieties; variety; vegetation; view; weight; wet; wheat; wheat varieties; winter; years; yield; ştefan cache: fens-413.pdf plain text: fens-413.txt item: #343 of 747 id: fens-414 author: SHIJU, Mathew title: A REVIEW ON THE EFFECT OF FUNGI ON THE WHEAT GRAIN UNDER POST HARVEST STORAGE ECOLOGY date: 2017-02-11 words: 6820 flesch: 69 summary: The mycoflora of stored wheat grains predominantly consisted of ubiquitous mould genera Aspergillus, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium, Mucor, Rhizopus and Penicillium possibly because of their omnipresence, capacity to grow on all possible substrates and a wide range of temperature and humidity. The effect of stored wheat grains under post harvest storage The spoilage of grain in storage is brought about by two variables, the biotic and abiotic [21]. keywords: activity; agric; aspergillus; association; c.m; cel; cereal; cereal grain; changes; chem; christensen; conditions; content; damage; dekker; deterioration; drying; eds; effect; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; flour; food; fungal; fungi; fusarium; genus; germination; grain; grain storage; growth; hardness; harvest; high; important; increase; int; journal; loss; losses; magan; mare; microorganisms; milling; moisture; mould; moulding; mycoflora; mycotoxins; new; no2; number; nutritional; odour; paul; penicillium; plant; pomeranz; post; press; production; protein; quality; research; respiration; safety; sci; seed; species; spoilage; storage; studies; suceava; technology; temperature; triticum; university; use; value; visible; wheat; wheat grain; year; york; ştefan cache: fens-414.pdf plain text: fens-414.txt item: #344 of 747 id: fens-415 author: 2010, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-11 words: 608 flesch: 9 summary: Microsoft Word - 1 Primele pagini nr 4 din 2010.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Year IX, No. 4 – 2010 University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; germany; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; turkey; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-415.pdf plain text: fens-415.txt item: #345 of 747 id: fens-416 author: 2010, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 514 flesch: 38 summary: Cristian LOGOFATU, Daniela CIOBOATA, Mariana IONESCU, Gabriel MUSTATEA, Amelia BUCULEI Computerized system for closure control of packages in food industry 31 5. Monica MURARESCU, Dumitru DIMA, Gabriel ANDREI, Adrian CIRCIUMARU Method of carbon nanotubes dispersion In polymeric matrix 36 6. Mariana LUPOAE, Bianca FURDUI, Rodica DINICĂ, Dragomir COPREAN Quantification of carotenoids and chlorophyll leaf pigments from autochthones dietary 42 7. Oana – Viorela NISTOR, Mihai ŢÂMPĂU, Elisabeta BOTEZ The influence of cold conventional storage on fruits quality 48 8. Maria CIOROI, Lucian Tudor MIRON, Gabriela RAPEANU, Nicoleta STANCIUC, Elena POSTOLACHE, Constanta VICOL Study on free radical scavenging and total polyphenols of some romanian wines 55 9. Bianca FURDUI, Rodica-Mihaela DINICĂ, Mariana LUPOAE, Romică CREŢU Effect of some natural herbs incorporation in sunflower oils on its resistance at frying temperatures 61 10. keywords: adrian; bianca; catană; contents; dinică; elena; engineering; food; furdui; gabriela; ioan; lupoae; mare; mariana; method; monica; rodica; stages; studies; suceava; university; year cache: fens-416.pdf plain text: fens-416.txt item: #346 of 747 id: fens-417 author: TEVTUL, Yarema; FILIPCHUK, T.; GUTT, Sonia; STROE, Silviu title: ELECTROCHEMICAL MODIFICATION OF GRAPHITE SURFACE date: 2017-02-11 words: 4144 flesch: 53 summary: Electrochemical synthesis of sulfate graphite intercalation compounds with different electrolyte concentrations (1996). Dependence of the surface concentrations of carbon, sulfur and oxygen on concentration of sulfuric acid during electrochemical intercalation. keywords: acid; anodic; carbon; cathodic; cel; change; compounds; concentration; current; cva; electrochemical; electrode; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; figure; flux; fluxes; food; graphite; h2so4; higher; hydrosulphate; intercalated; intercalation; investigation; ions; journal; mare; materials; min; parameters; physical; potentials; processes; products; results; safety; sample; solution; substrate; suceava; sulphuric; surface; university; value; year; ştefan cache: fens-417.pdf plain text: fens-417.txt item: #347 of 747 id: fens-418 author: GOGOASA, Ioan; OPREA, Gabriela; HARMANESCU, Monica; TRASCA, Teodor Ioan; RIVIS, Adrian; GERGEN, Iosif title: SOME METALS (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) CONTENTS IN VEGETABLES FROM A NONPOLLUTED PLAIN AREA OF CENAD-BANAT (ROMANIA) date: 2017-02-11 words: 4642 flesch: 67 summary: In comparison with official imposed limited the average values for heavy metals contents in soil are in the normally interval for Zn, Cu and Pb, for Cd the limit is exceeded, but under warning threshold. In comparison with the official imposed limited, presented in Table 4, the average values for heavy metals contents in soil are in the normally interval for Zn, Cu and Pb, for Cd the limit is exceeded, but under warning threshold. keywords: acetylene; acid; animals; area; average; beans; cabbage; celery; cenad; concentration; content; cucumbers; data; digestion; dill; effect; elements; engineering; environment; faculty; food; garlic; green; heavy; heavy metals; high; journal; leaves; legal; limits; liver; mare; maximum; metals; parsley; plants; potatoes; ppm; root; safety; samples; soil; solutions; suceava; timişoara; total; toxic; trace; university; values; vegetables; year; ştefan cache: fens-418.pdf plain text: fens-418.txt item: #348 of 747 id: fens-419 author: BEGEA, Mihaela; BĂLĂUŢĂ, Elena; SIRBU, Alexandrina title: ASSESSMENT OF MILK ALLERGENS INTO FOODSTUFFS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2990 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: food allergens, food safety, milk protein, ELISA, label Introduction 1. Regarding the cow’s milk allergenicity, there are studies on milk proteins identified as allergens and their epitopes were characterized. keywords: allergens; allergic; allergies; allergy; analysis; assessment; cel; certain; coffee; compounds; contamination; cream; different; elisa; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; food allergens; foodstuffs; immune; instant; journal; kits; labelling; mare; matrix; milk; milk allergens; potential; ppm; products; proteins; reactions; results; safety; samples; sauces; solutions; specific; substances; suceava; type; university; veratox; vinaigrette; wafers; year; ştefan cache: fens-419.pdf plain text: fens-419.txt item: #349 of 747 id: fens-42 author: TANASA, Veronica; MOISE, Daniela; STANCA, Maria title: SEPARATION AND QUANTIFICATION OF BIOGENIC AMINES IN BANANAS BY HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY date: 2016-04-07 words: 3003 flesch: 61 summary: 2015 Abstract: This paper reports separation and quantification of biogenic amines in bananas by high performance liquid chromatography. Also biogenic amines can be used as indicators of quality and freshness, especially for animal raw material and food, as food spoilage is accompanied by increased content of biogenic amines. keywords: amines; bananas; biogenic; biogenic amines; chemistry; chromatography; content; days; environment; food; fresh; high; histamine; issue; journal; levels; liquid; mg/100; performance; phenylethylamine; putrescine; refrigeration; room; safety; samples; separation; serotonin; spermidine; standard; storage; temperature; tryptamine; vegetables; volume; xiv cache: fens-42.pdf plain text: fens-42.txt item: #350 of 747 id: fens-420 author: LOGOFATU, Cristian; CIOBOATA, Daniela; IONESCU, Mariana; MUSTATEA, Gabriel; BUCULEI, Amelia title: COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM FOR CLOSURE CONTROL OF PACKAGES IN FOOD INDUSTRY date: 2017-02-11 words: 2553 flesch: 29 summary: The degree of novelty and originality of this project is represented by the creation for the first time of a computerized system for the control of package encasing to be integrated in the manufacturing technology of trade agents producing packages for the food industry and meat, fish, vegetable and fruit canned products, in order to comply with the quality demands set by the European Union. Considering the long life canned products should have (2-3 years) and the fact that the defects (content alteration)are not immediately detectable, as they appear after a long time and being extremely dangerous for consumer’s health, a special attention should be granted the control of canned stuff packages. keywords: canned; cel; computer; computerized; control; data; encasing; equipment; european; food; food industry; food safety; high; important; increase; industry; journal; long; mare; measurements; measuring; new; packages; parameters; product; project; quality; safety; system; technical; time; union; welt; year cache: fens-420.pdf plain text: fens-420.txt item: #351 of 747 id: fens-421 author: MURARESCU, Monica; DIMA, Dumitru; ANDREI, Gabriel; CIRCIUMARU, Adrian title: METHOD OF CARBON NANOTUBES DISPERSION IN POLYMERIC MATRIX date: 2017-02-11 words: 2483 flesch: 38 summary: [2], [5] Even the dispersed state is thermodynamically stable; it is difficult to be obtained considering an inappropriate processing strategy, this one being one of the most important things referring to CNTs dispersion process into lineal polymers. Mechanical stirring is a usual dispersion method of particles in the liquid systems and can be successfully used for nanoparticles dispersion. keywords: analysis; carbon; cel; cnts; comparison; composite; concentration; different; dispersion; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; field; flexural; food; journal; layer; magnetic; mare; materials; matrix; mechanical; method; molecular; nanoparticles; nanotubes; order; points; polymeric; process; properties; safety; samples; series; stirring; strength; suceava; test; university; variation; vibrant; year; ştefan cache: fens-421.pdf plain text: fens-421.txt item: #352 of 747 id: fens-422 author: LUPOAE, Mariana; FURDUI, Bianca; DINICĂ, Rodica; COPREAN, Dragomir title: QUANTIFICATION OF CAROTENOIDS AND CHLOROPHYLL LEAF PIGMENTS FROM AUTOCHTHONES DIETARY date: 2017-02-11 words: 2220 flesch: 54 summary: Fig.5-β-carotene determination of samples Legend:  carotene standard curve  sample analyzed Table 1 Determination of chlorophyll content (a and b) on samples(fd=1:2) Legend:dp-dry plant; lp-lyophilised plant Urtica dioica Allium ursinum Alliaria petiolata Samples dp lp dp lp dp lp A660 0.641 0.581 0.217 0.201 0.175 0.164 A642 0.282 0.241 0.112 0.110 0.093 0.081 Total chlorophyll (mg/L) 18.603 16.371 3.4266 2.2254 2.8084 2.4921 chlorophyll a (mg/L) 12.292 ±0,002 11,1642 ±0,004 2.6782 ±0,006 2.0201 ±0,002 1.6655 ±0,003 1.4871 ±0,00 chlorophyll b (mg/L) 6.634 ±0,001 5.218 ±0,002 0.7484 ±0,005 0.2053 ±0,004 1.1429 ±0,001 1.005 ±0,001 Total chlorophyll (mg/100g plant) 2604.4 2291.94 479.72 480.02 395.64 351.63 chlorophyll a (mg/100g plant) 1720.9 ±0,02 1562.9 ±0,02 374.95 ±0,06 283.47 ±0,01 233.71 ±0,05 206.41 ±0,02 chlorophyll b (mg/100g plant) 928.76 ±0,05 730.52 ±0,04 104.77 ±0,02 196.55 ±0,00 161.93 ±0,06 145.49 ±0,03 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Year IX, No. 4 - 2010 46 Tabel 2 Determination of β carotene content by samples(fd=1:20) For the calculation of the chlorophyll concentration in mg/100g plant, we remind of the acetone extract volume obtained from vegetal material and of the partition from filtrate solution submissived to the extraction with ether. keywords: alliaria; allium; beta; carotene; carotenoids; cel; chlorophyll; determination; dioica; dry; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; journal; leaves; mare; mg/100; natural; official; petiolata; pigments; plant; results; safety; samples; species; standard; suceava; total; university; ursinum; urtica; values; vegetables; year; ştefan cache: fens-422.pdf plain text: fens-422.txt item: #353 of 747 id: fens-423 author: NISTOR, Oana – Viorela; ŢÂMPĂU, Mihai; BOTEZ, Elisabeta title: THE INFLUENCE OF COLD CONVENTIONAL STORAGE ON FRUITS QUALITY date: 2017-02-11 words: 3319 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract: To determine the most suitable method of cold fruits preservation, we used three types of fruits: pome fruits (apples, pears and quinces), citrus (oranges) and exotic fruits (kiwi and bananas). In the following graphic is presented the water losses variation during refrigeration of packed fruits. keywords: apple; bags; banana; bulk; bulk fruits; cel; cooling; core; critical; days; engineering; environment; ethylene; exotic; faculty; figure; final; food; freezing; fruits; initial; journal; kiwi; ldpe; losses; mare; orange; packed; packed fruits; pear; pome; preservation; quince; rate; refrigeration; safety; storage; suceava; temperature; time; university; variation; vegetables; water; weight; year; ştefan cache: fens-423.pdf plain text: fens-423.txt item: #354 of 747 id: fens-424 author: CIOROI, Maria; MIRON, Lucian Tudor; RAPEANU, Gabriela; STANCIUC, Nicoleta; POSTOLACHE, Elena; VICOL, Constanta title: STUDY ON FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING AND TOTAL POLYPHENOLS OF SOME ROMANIAN WINES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2739 flesch: 58 summary: The hypothesis of a protective effect of red wine is supported by obtained results which show that the red wines with higher amounts of polyphenols possess higher antioxidant properties. Keyword: antioxidant capacity, DPPH, gallic acid, red wines, white wines, Tg Bujor, Odobesti Introduction Polyphenols are an important group of secondary plant compounds. keywords: absorbance; acid; activity; antioxidant; babeasca; bujorului; cabernet; compounds; content; dealurile; dpph; food; free; galbena; gallic; gris; journal; merlot; neagra; odobesti; panciu; phenolic; pinot; polyphenols; radical; red; samples; sauvignon; scavenging; scdvv; total; university; veritas; vincon; vrancea; wines cache: fens-424.pdf plain text: fens-424.txt item: #355 of 747 id: fens-425 author: FURDUI, Bianca; DINICĂ, Rodica-Mihaela; LUPOAE, Mariana; CREŢU, Romică title: EFFECT OF SOME NATURAL HERBS INCORPORATION IN SUNFLOWER OILS ON ITS RESISTANCE AT FRYING TEMPERATURES date: 2017-02-11 words: 3103 flesch: 51 summary: 2. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 P er ox id e va lu es 25 110 150 180 200 Heating temperatures (Celsius degrees) original sunflower oil sunflower oil with Salvia sc. sunflower oil with Salvia off. Microsoft Word - 3 Journal nr 4 2010 din 8 noiembrie_57-62.doc Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Year IX, No. 4 - 2010 61 EFFECT OF SOME NATURAL HERBS INCORPORATION IN SUNFLOWER OILS ON ITS RESISTANCE AT FRYING TEMPERATURES Bianca FURDUI1, Rodica-Mihaela DINICĂ1, Mariana LUPOAE 2*, Romică CREŢU1 1Dunărea de Jos University of Galati, Faculty of Sciences, Chemistry Department, Domnească 111, Galati, 800201, Romania,, 2Ovidius University Constanta, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Street Mamaia no. 124, 900527, Constanţa, Romania, Abstract: Sunflower oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids necessary for human body. keywords: acids; allium; content; effect; engineering; faculty; fatty; ffa; food; free; frying; garlic; heat; heating; herbs; journal; meq; natural; oil; oils; original; peroxides; plants; properties; resistance; safety; salvia; samples; seed; species; stability; suceava; sunflower; sunflower oil; temperatures; thermal; time; topçu; treatment; university; ursinum; wild; year; ştefan cache: fens-425.pdf plain text: fens-425.txt item: #356 of 747 id: fens-426 author: ITICESCU, Catalina; MURARESCU, Monica title: COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF COMPOSITE COATINGS WITH CeO2 AND Nd2O3 IN COPPER MATRIX BY ELECTROLESS PLATING date: 2017-02-11 words: 2580 flesch: 52 summary: The results are compared with copper coatings without oxide particles to understand the effects of dispersed phase on the properties of composite coatings. Structural aspects The structure of copper coatings was investigated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in cross section. keywords: bath; cel; ceo2; chemical; coatings; composite; copper; deposition; deposits; dispersed; electroless; electrolyte; engineering; faculty; food; journal; layers; mare; matrix; metal; microhardness; nd2o3; oxide; particles; phase; plating; presence; properties; results; sem; solution; suceava; surface; university; year; ştefan cache: fens-426.pdf plain text: fens-426.txt item: #357 of 747 id: fens-427 author: NEGOIŢĂ, Mioara; CATANĂ, Monica; CATANĂ, Luminiţa; IORGA, Enuţa; LILIOS, Gabriela; BÂLEA, Alina; IONESCU, Valentin title: IRON FORTIFICATION OF BREAD AND BAKED GOODS AS AGAINST NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES OF POPULATION date: 2017-02-11 words: 2491 flesch: 52 summary: In the case of those 12 experimental variants, the volume of iron fortified bread is in the range 362 – 392 cm3/100g, and acidity is in the range 0.97 – 1.20 degrees, being below the provisions of SP 3232 – 97 „White bread”. Also, within the achieved experimental variants, the iron content of iron fortified bread varied in the range 3.02 – 7.45 mg Fe/100g. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Year IX, No. 4 - 2010 77 Applying an American method used within the American Institute of Baking (Kansas), the iron fortified breads were given scores depending on the sensorial characteristics such as: volume, lateral cracks, crust colour, crumb colour, porosity, texture and flavour. keywords: agents; baked; bakery; bread; case; content; deficiencies; experimental; ferrous; figure; flour; flower; food; fortification; fortified; gluconate; goods; institute; iron; journal; kg flour; lactate; mg fe; poppy; products; range; seeds; sensorial; sesame; sun; university; variants; year cache: fens-427.pdf plain text: fens-427.txt item: #358 of 747 id: fens-428 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian title: BIOGENIC AMINES CONTENT OF ROMANIAN MARKET MACKEREL date: 2017-02-11 words: 2681 flesch: 59 summary: In frozen mackerel samples we detected small amounts of histamine, cadaverine, spermidine and putrescin. Frozen mackerel samples had histamine content between Nd to 2.6mg/kg. keywords: amines; biogenic; biogenic amines; cadaverine; content; engineering; faculty; fish; fishes; food; frozen; health; high; higher; histamine; human; incipient; journal; mackerel; mackerel samples; nd nd; phenylethylamine; putrescine; samples; scombroid; serotonin; spermidine; spoilage; state; suceava; table; tryptamine; tyramine; university; values; year cache: fens-428.pdf plain text: fens-428.txt item: #359 of 747 id: fens-429 author: DINICĂ, Rodica; LUPOAE, Mariana; FURDUI, Bianca; COPREAN, Dragomir title: QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS FROM RAW EXTRACTS OF ALLIUM, ALLIARA AND URTICA GENUS. A COMPARATIVE STUDY date: 2017-02-11 words: 2368 flesch: 46 summary: Plant polyphenols comprise a great diversity of compounds, among which flavonoids and several classes of nonflavonoids are usually distinguished3. However, plant polyphenol composition is still poorly understood. keywords: acid; alliaria; allium; antioxidant; cel; ciocalteu; complex; compounds; concentration; content; curve; dry; engineering; environment; equivalents; extract; faculty; figure; flavonoid; folin; food; gallic; journal; mare; method; natural; phenolic; plant; polyphenol; quercetin; reagent; safety; standard; suceava; total; university; urtica; year; ştefan cache: fens-429.pdf plain text: fens-429.txt item: #360 of 747 id: fens-43 author: SAVESKI, Aleksandar; KALEVSKA, Tatjana; DAMJANOVSKI, Dragan; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; JOSHEVSKA, Elena title: TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF WHITE BRINED CHEESE PRODUCED FROM ORGANIC CERTIFIED GOAT MILK date: 2016-04-07 words: 2900 flesch: 59 summary: The technology of goat cheese production: One hundred (100) liters of goat milk collected from the same lot is used for the production of the two types of cheese. There are 400 varieties of goat cheese and due to their specific taste and nutritional value, they have higher price on the market. keywords: average; characteristics; cheese; chemical; composition; content; culture; environment; evaluation; fat; food; goat; goat cheese; goat milk; grade; higher; issue; journal; lactose; milk; organic; production; proteins; quality; results; safety; sensory; smell; starter; table; taste; types; university; value; volume; white; xiv cache: fens-43.pdf plain text: fens-43.txt item: #361 of 747 id: fens-430 author: CATANĂ, Monica; CATANĂ, Luminiţa; NEGOIŢĂ, Mioara; IORGA, Enuţa; BÂLEA, Alina; LILIOS, Gabriela title: VALIDATION OF AN ENZYMATIC METHOD FOR NITRATES DETERMINATION FROM VEGETABLE PRODUCTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 3245 flesch: 36 summary: - combined standard uncertainty at measurement of the aqueous extract of sample m – weight of analysed sample, in g ΔA – difference between variance of absorbance of sample and blank x – nitrates concentration of sample, in mg/kg Relative s tandard uncertainty ,at nitates determ ination, in the cas e of onion sam ple 0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008 V m ∆A u(x)/x Relative s tandard uncertainty Series1 Figure 3. In the case of onion sample grown in open field, nitrates concentration was 55.5 mg NO3-/kg, and uncertainty was 0.68 mg NO3-/kg. keywords: absorbance; analysed; average; case; concentration; conditions; content; determination; determined; deviation; difference; enzymatic; equation; food; level; limit; method; mg no3-/kg; nitrates; no3-/kg; onion; parallel; peppers; products; relative; repeatability; reproducibility; results; rsd(r; sample; standard; uncertainty; vegetable cache: fens-430.pdf plain text: fens-430.txt item: #362 of 747 id: fens-431 author: CALU, Mirela; ALEXE, Petru title: ELECTRONIC NOSE FAST METHOD FOR APPLES DISCRIMINATION TO DETERMINE OPTIMUM HARVEST MOMENT date: 2017-02-11 words: 2223 flesch: 51 summary: A non-destructive evaluation of apple maturity has been measured by means of E-nose. Results indicate that electronic nose may be successfully applied as rapid method for discriminating apples, regarding optimum harvest moment. keywords: analysis; apples; cel; dfa; electronic; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; figure; food; golden; harvest; homogenate; journal; mare; maturity; methods; moment; nose; optimum; pare; pca; period; quality; romania; safety; samples; sensor; soluble; sqc; suceava; university; variance; varieties; vol; volatile; year; ştefan cache: fens-431.pdf plain text: fens-431.txt item: #363 of 747 id: fens-432 author: DINU, Monica; CONSTANTINESCU (POP), Gabriela title: DIETARY FIBRES ROLE IN MANUGACTURING BREAD WITH LOW CONTENT OF GLUCIDES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2138 flesch: 61 summary: The aim of this paper is to prove that adding soluble fibers in bread products it is possible to obtain functional food with glucides low content, with good sensorial characteristics, fated consumers with different diseases. Water Samples preparation The frame recipes which are used in order to obtain bread products with fibers added are shown in table1. keywords: adding; analyze; bran; bread; cel; characteristics; consume; content; engineering; faculty; fibers; fibres; final; flour; food; glucides; inulin; mare; percent; products; safety; samples; sensorial; soluble; suceava; table; university cache: fens-432.pdf plain text: fens-432.txt item: #364 of 747 id: fens-433 author: BUNEA, Aurora; DINICĂ, Rodica; FURDUI, Bianca; LUPOAE, Mariana title: STUDIES ON PLANT BIOMASS IN VARIOUS STAGES OF DEGRADATION date: 2017-02-11 words: 2071 flesch: 40 summary: Microsoft Word - 3 Journal nr 4 2010 din 8 noiembrie_104-107.doc Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Year IX, No. 4 - 2010 108 STUDIES ON PLANT BIOMASS IN VARIOUS STAGES OF DEGRADATION in various stages oradation Studies on plant biomass in various stages of Aurora BUNEA1, Rodica DINICĂ 2*, Bianca FURDUI2, Mariana LUPOAE 3 1 Institute for Research and Development of Aquatic Ecology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Galati,. The most important biological degradation process is aerobic degradation of organic matter, degradation which uses the microorganism in a rich oxygen and nutrients environment. keywords: acid; anaerobic; biodegradation; biological; biomass; chemical; compounds; concentration; conditions; content; corn; degradation; engineering; environment; faculty; food; journal; leaves; lignin; lignocellulosic; mare; material; method; natural; organic; plant; polyphenols; process; residues; rose; rushes; samples; sawdust; solutions; stages; structure; substances; suceava; total; university; year; ştefan cache: fens-433.pdf plain text: fens-433.txt item: #365 of 747 id: fens-434 author: ONICIUC, Elena Alexandra; GÎTIN, Liliana; CIORTAN, Sorin; MAFTEI (ARON), Nicoleta; NICOLAU, Anca title: INTENSE LIGHT PULSES EFFECT ON FUNGAL BURDEN OF MUSTARD AND BLACK PEPPER date: 2017-02-11 words: 2306 flesch: 45 summary: Abstract: Mustard seeds and black pepper berries were used as test materials in an experiment that aimed to put the basis of a decontamination procedure for spices and condiments using a non-thermal minimal processing method based on Intense Light Pulses. Comparatively to mustard seeds, black pepper berries display a similar roughness but a different undulation, the last one being the potential responsible for mould spores protection against light pulses. keywords: berries; black; black pepper; burden; cel; decontamination; different; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; fungal; ilp; intense; journal; level; light; mare; moulds; mustard; penicillium; pepper; pulses; quality; safety; seeds; spices; suceava; treatments; university; year; ştefan cache: fens-434.pdf plain text: fens-434.txt item: #366 of 747 id: fens-435 author: KAZLAUSKIENĖ, Nijolė; VOSYLIENĖ, Milda Zita; KARPOVIČ, Renata; TAUJANSKIS, Edvinas title: SUBLETHAL EFFECTS OF NICKEL TO RAINBOW TROUT ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS date: 2017-02-11 words: 3485 flesch: 60 summary: Higher concentration of nickel (0.4 mg/L) had affected fish feeding behavior irreversibly. The average total length of test fish was 150 ± 10 mm and the total weight was 40 ± 2 g (mean  SEM). keywords: behavior; biological; changes; concentrations; control; count; different; effect; exposure; feeding; fish; food; frequency; gill; indices; journal; juvenile; liver; metals; mg ni; mykiss; ni2; nickel; oncorhynchus; parameters; rainbow; rate; safety; significant; somatic; studies; study; sublethal; table; test; trout; university; ventilation; water; weight cache: fens-435.pdf plain text: fens-435.txt item: #367 of 747 id: fens-436 author: DANCIU, Cristina; DANCIU, Ioan title: GRINDING PROCESS OF THE WHEAT KERNEL WITH A NEW DESIGNED MICROMILL date: 2017-02-11 words: 2521 flesch: 60 summary: Keywords: conditioning, grinding resistance, energy consumption. The results are confirming that for the lowest resistant moment value, the optimum rest time is 5 hours for Dropia variety and 9 hours for Pegasus wheat variety. keywords: characteristics; consumption; different; disposition; dropia; energy; energy consumption; faculty; figure; food; gap; grinding; hours; industry; journal; micromill; milling; moment; pegasus; process; resistant; rest; roll; rollers; sharp; time; university; value; variety; wheat cache: fens-436.pdf plain text: fens-436.txt item: #368 of 747 id: fens-437 author: TOROSYAN, G.H.; AIDAN, Ghazi; HOVHANNISYAN, D.N. title: LINGOCELLULOSICS: CONVENIENT SORBENTS FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT FROM PHENOL AND FUFURAL date: 2017-02-11 words: 3474 flesch: 46 summary: Keywords: natural materials, water solution, phenol, furfural, oil products, agricultural by-product, fruit stones and based on them activated carbon, adsorption, adsorbent, wastewater treatment,. Taking into account that fact, that some of enterprises have no while the appropriate means, here is offer the elementary technological circuit of clearing of drains, for instance special holes with the boxes, filled in them by activated carbon. keywords: acid; activated; adsorption; agricultural; apricot; area; armenia; attrition; bulk; carbon; cel; chemical; concentration; density; engineering; environment; faculty; food; furfural; groundwater; higher; it`s; journal; lingocellulosic; mare; materials; organic; peach; phenol; physical; precursors; processes; products; properties; results; row; safety; solution; sorbents; stones; suceava; surface; system; table; technological; treatment; university; use; wastewater; water; year; yerevan; ştefan cache: fens-437.pdf plain text: fens-437.txt item: #369 of 747 id: fens-438 author: 2010, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-02-11 words: 608 flesch: 9 summary: Microsoft Word - 1 Primele pagini nr 3 din 2010.doc STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Year IX, No. 3 – 2010 University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), National Technological Centre of the Canning and Food Industry (CTC) Molina de Segura (MURCIA), Spain Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Feiza MEMET Maritime University of Constanţa, Romania Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; food; germany; issn; journal; mare; mare university; national; research; romania; safety; suceava; technical; turkey; university; ştefan; ştefan cel cache: fens-438.pdf plain text: fens-438.txt item: #370 of 747 id: fens-439 author: 2010, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 449 flesch: 36 summary: Iuliana Mihaela LAZAR, Arcadie SOBETKII, Ileana Denisa NISTOR, Neculai Doru MIRON, Marius STAMATE, Gabriel Octavian LAZAR, Dielectrophoretic devices for separating foodborne pathogens 72 13. Oana Viorela NISTOR, Elena POPA, Elisabeta BOTEZ, Oana Emilia CONSTANTIN, Researches on the evolution of concentrated fruit juices quality at storage 84 15. keywords: alina; catană; engineering; food; gabriel; gergen; iosif; iron; mare; mioara; monica; nistor; oana; olga; sturza; suceava; university; water cache: fens-439.pdf plain text: fens-439.txt item: #371 of 747 id: fens-44 author: ACHO, Constant; ZOUE, Lessoy; ADOM, Niamkey; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: EFFECT OF SUN DRYING ON NUTRITIVE AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF FIVE LEAFY VEGETABLES CONSUMED IN SOUTHERN CÔTE D’IVOIRE date: 2016-04-07 words: 6800 flesch: 65 summary: Dried vegetables are generally tasty, nutritious, lightweight, easy-to prepare, and easy-to-store and use[9]. In rural areas of Southern Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) were population are not provided by refrigerator, sun drying is the method used for the preservation of leafy vegetables before their consumption through recipes made of sauces and starchy staples foods[10]. keywords: 0.00d; 0.01a; acho; acid; activity; adom; african; alba; analysis; antioxidant; ash; carotenoids; composition; compounds; constant; content; côte; côte d’ivoire; days; dietary; drying; d’ivoire; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; esculenta; factors; faculty; fibre; food; food engineering; fresh; human; issue; journal; leafy; leafy vegetables; leaves; lessoy; lipids; mare; melongena; method; mg/100; mineral; mixture; moisture; niamkey; nutrients; nutrition; nutritive; oxalates; pag; phenolic; phytates; plant; properties; protein; raw; safety; safety journal; sample; solution; southern; southern côte; study; suceava; sun; sébastien; triangulare; university; values; vegetables; vitamin; vol; volume; volume xiv; xiv; zoue; ştefancel cache: fens-44.pdf plain text: fens-44.txt item: #372 of 747 id: fens-440 author: WINKLER, Igor; ANDRUSYAK, Antonia title: LIFETIME OF FREEZING - ACTIVATED WATER date: 2017-02-11 words: 2122 flesch: 56 summary: Activated water can lose its special properties during quite short period of time and then it turns into regular water, which does not reveal any special characteristics. Keywords: ice nano-associates; melted water; electro conductivity measurements Introduction There are many publications reporting specific properties of water after so-called “activation” [1-3]. keywords: activation; cel; clusters; complexes; electric; electroconductivity; engineering; environment; food; freezing; higher; hours; ice; like; mare; melting; properties; regular; resistance; special; specific; suceava; temperature; time; university; values; water; ştefan cache: fens-440.pdf plain text: fens-440.txt item: #373 of 747 id: fens-441 author: HALLER, Alina-Petronela title: ROMANIAN TRADE LIBERALIZATION OF FOOD PRODUCTS IN TERMS OF EXPORT BENEFITS IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY date: 2017-02-11 words: 4016 flesch: 30 summary: The aim of this work is to demonstrate that the export of food products is an important factor of economic growth and development, regardless of the economic situation, especially in terms of recession mainly in the situation of Romania, without claiming to consider that exports are the only “engine” capable to restore the economic balance at both national and international level. By creating some brand names recognized in other countries and by the orientation on profitable niches on the foreign markets, the export of Romanian food products will be a stimulating factor of economic growth and development in a knowledge based society. keywords: cel; consumption; countries; country; development; domestic; economic; economic growth; economy; engineering; environment; export; external; faculty; food; foreign; growth; high; import; important; industry; international; investments; journal; knowledge; level; liberalization; long; mare; market; new; no3; ones; production; products; recession; rise; romanian; safety; social; structure; suceava; trade; unemployment; university; value; world; year; ştefan cache: fens-441.pdf plain text: fens-441.txt item: #374 of 747 id: fens-442 author: PETRE, Marian; TEODORESCU, Alexandru title: BIOTECHNOLOGY OF EDIBLE MUSHROOMS CULTIVATION ON VINE AND WINERY WASTES date: 2017-02-11 words: 2495 flesch: 61 summary: During the incubation time period, all the spawn cultures were maintained in special culture rooms, designed for optimal incubation at 250C. Three variants of culture compost made from marc grapes and vineyard cuttings in the following ratios: 1:1, 1:2, 1:4 (w/w) ere prepared. Scheme of laboratory-scale biotechnology for edible mushroom production by recycling winery and vineyard wastes Series of three cultivation cycles were made and the effects induced by some additional ingredients as carbon sources (xylose, sucrose, maltose, glucose) upon the mycelia growing during each cultivation period were investigated. keywords: biomass; biotechnology; body; carbon; composts; cultivation; cultures; edible; edodes; environment; experiments; extract; faculty; food; formation; fruit; fungal; growing; l.e.p; liquid; malt; mineral; mushroom; mycelia; nitrogen; ostreatus; production; sources; spawn; species; university; vineyard; wastes; winery; year cache: fens-442.pdf plain text: fens-442.txt item: #375 of 747 id: fens-443 author: CURCHI, Diana; STURZA, Rodica title: OXIDATIVE STABILITY OF IRON ENRICHED OIL –IN-WATER EMULSIONS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2932 flesch: 56 summary: In particular, caseins inhibited formation of lipid hydroperoxides and hexanal in Brij stabilized corn oil emulsions. It was daily checked to monitor emulsion stability and reported as volume-surface mean diameter ([d3,2]; μm). keywords: antioxidant; caseinate; caseins; cel; chem; compounds; droplet; emulsions; figure; food; free; headspace; hexanal; interface; iron; lipid; mare; metal; nacas; octen-3; oil; oxidation; oxidative; pentane; phase; products; properties; proteins; size; sodium; solutions; stability; sunflower; time; university; volatile; water cache: fens-443.pdf plain text: fens-443.txt item: #376 of 747 id: fens-444 author: CATANĂ, Monica; CATANĂ, Luminiţa; NEGOIŢĂ, Mioara; IORGA, Enuţa; BÂLEA, Alina; LILIOS, Gabriela title: DETERMINATION OF DIOXINS AND FURANS FROM EGGS AND OILS, THROUGH HIGH RESOLUTION GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY IN COMBINATION WITH HIGH RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETRY date: 2017-02-11 words: 3508 flesch: 45 summary: In the case of oil samples, cleanup and, subsequently concentration of cleaned extract were achieved through the same procedures, as in the case of egg samples. Total concentration of dioxins and furans in eggs When determining dioxins and furans in egg samples, the average recovery factors of the used internal standards are in the following ranges: keywords: case; compound; concentration; congener; detection; detection limit; dioxins; egg; environment; extract; fat; food; furans; g fat; gas; high; limit; mass; maximum; native; oil; pcdd; pcdf; quantification; range; recovery; resolution; samples; standards; teq; toxic; value cache: fens-444.pdf plain text: fens-444.txt item: #377 of 747 id: fens-445 author: DUMITRAŞCU, Loredana; ARDELEAN, Alina; STĂNCIUC, Nicoleta title: THE INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING AND MEDIUM COMPOSITION ON THE THIOL AVAILABILITY OF WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE date: 2017-02-11 words: 2932 flesch: 55 summary: The degree of free SH groups exposure at pH 7.5 after heat treatment at 600C with and without salt addition This observation indicates that thermal denaturation of WPC as measured by the changes in surface SH groups exposure involves 2 steps: an unfolding step (60 to 75°C) and an aggregation one (75 to 85°C), that mostly follows unfolding. The extent of SH groups exposure (%) after heat-treatment of WPC solutions at pH 7.5 Heating the samples at pH 7.5 caused the exposure of free SH groups, the maximum extent was measured at 850C after 10 minutes of keeping. keywords: aggregation; cacl2; changes; degree; denaturation; exposure; extent; figure; food; free; groups; groups exposure; heat; higher; increase; influence; journal; lactoglobulin; lower; min; presence; protein; samples; sh groups; surface; temperature; thermal; thiol; time; treatment; university; water; whey; wpc cache: fens-445.pdf plain text: fens-445.txt item: #378 of 747 id: fens-446 author: GERGEN, Iosif; BORDEAN, Despina Maria; HARMANESCU, Monica; RADU, Florina; MICLAU, Marilena title: SELECTIVITY OF CALIX [6]ARENE-COATED PIEZOELECTRIC QUARTZ CRYSTAL SENSOR FOR THE DETECTION OF SOME ORGANIC AMINE IN GAS FLOW date: 2017-02-11 words: 2063 flesch: 52 summary: 2. INCEMC (Institutul National de C-D pentru Electrochimie si Materiale Condensate), Timisoara 3. USAMVB-Agriculture Faculty, Timisoara Abstract: In this study, we developed calixarene-coated PQC sensors for the determination of organic amines in gas faze and study the selectivity of this coated sensor for normal and iso- form of propyl and butyl amines. The complexation based on the host–guest interaction between the calixarene coating and the analyte makes the coated PQC sensors sensitive to organic amines and results in quasi-irreversible frequency changes. keywords: amines; analyte; butylamine; calixarene; cavity; cel; chamber; coated; coating; crystal; detection; diameter; engineering; faculty; figure; flow; food; frequency; gas; host; iso; journal; mhz; organic; piezoelectric; ppm; pqc; qcm; quality; quartz; relative; response; safety; selectivity; sensor; study; thickness; university; ştefan cache: fens-446.pdf plain text: fens-446.txt item: #379 of 747 id: fens-447 author: MOCANU, Gabriel – Dănuţ; NISTOR, Oana – Viorela; BOTEZ, Elisabeta; ANDRONOIU, Doina – Georgeta title: STUDY ON THE PARAMETERS’ VARIATION IN FRUITS DRYING PROCESS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2792 flesch: 59 summary: Hence better rehydration characteristics may be expected in microwave dried products (Khraisheh et al., 1997; Prabhanjan, 1995; Quezada & Bórquez, 2005). Accelerated drying interval of the first period in conventional drying, which affects the quality of dried product is replaced in unconventional drying by gentle moisture elimination. keywords: abe; air; apples; askari; convection; drying; energy; engineering; faculty; figure; food; fruits; heat; hydratation; infrared; internal; journal; microwave; minutes; pears; process; product; quince; radiation; safety; shrinkage; temperature; time; treatment; university; warm; water; weight cache: fens-447.pdf plain text: fens-447.txt item: #380 of 747 id: fens-448 author: VASILACHE, Violeta title: THE PRESENT STATE OF RESEARCHES REGARDING ELECTROPLATING PROBLEMS date: 2017-02-11 words: 4740 flesch: 48 summary: It was detected the effect of impurities in nickel electrodeposition process. They determined the nickel speciation in aqueous chloride solutions over a broad range of concentration and pH, and clarified the role of boric acid in nickel electrodeposition. keywords: additives; bath; carbon; cel; chloride; concentration; corrosion; current; density; deposition; deposits; different; effect; efficiency; electrochemical; electrochemistry; electrodeposition; electrolytes; electroplating; engineering; environment; faculty; food; growth; gutt; hydrogen; impedance; influence; journal; mare; mechanism; ni(oh)ads; ni2; niads+; nickel; no3; nucleation; potential; presence; process; processes; quality; reaction; reduction; results; safety; solutions; species; steps; substrate; suceava; sulphate; surface; university; vasilache; watts; year; ştefan cache: fens-448.pdf plain text: fens-448.txt item: #381 of 747 id: fens-449 author: STURZA, Andrei; DESEATNICOVA, Olga title: OPTIMIZATION OF THE EXTRACTION OF POLYPHENOLS FROM GRAPE SEEDS date: 2017-02-11 words: 3767 flesch: 51 summary: Research on the influence of extractions number on the extraction capacity of tannins The use of grape seed tannins for extraction is very important because grape seeds are byproducts of winemaking that are not used practically. To see the change in total mass and the mass of extracted tannin the weights of the extracts are reported to 100 g and are shown in Figure 2. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 m as se , m g/ g p ro du it I II III IV Nr d'extraction mas se totale extraite mas se tanins extraits Figure 2. Representation of the total mass extracted from a mass of tannins extracted according to the number of extraction keywords: acid; cel; compounds; concentration; different; dry; engineering; environment; ethanol; extraction; extracts; faculty; figure; food; grape; important; influence; journal; liquid; mare; mass; material; minutes; no3; number; parameters; polyphenols; products; quantity; rate; safety; samples; seeds; solid; solubility; solute; solution; solvent; study; suceava; tannins; temperature; time; total; university; use; water; wine; year; ştefan cache: fens-449.pdf plain text: fens-449.txt item: #382 of 747 id: fens-45 author: CHOBAN, Alla; WINKLER, Igor title: NEW CHALLENGES IN THE DAIRY WASTEWATER TREATMENT date: 2016-04-07 words: 3167 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: dairy; dairy wastewater treatment; bio-treatment efficiency; Chlorella 1. [4] HEALY N.G., RODGERS M., MULQUEEN J., Treatment of dairy wastewater using constructed wetlands and intermittent sand filters, Bioresource Tech., 98(12): 2268-2281, (2007). keywords: alla; biotreatment; bod5; butter; cel; challenges; chlorella; choban; cleaning; composition; dairy; dairy wastewater; efficiency; engineering; environment; faculty; food; igor; issue; journal; landfill; mare; mechanical; milk; new; pag; plant; products; required; safety; suceava; table; technologies; technology; treatment; university; value; volume; wastewater; wastewater treatment; winkler; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-45.pdf plain text: fens-45.txt item: #383 of 747 id: fens-450 author: DIMA, Dumitru; MURARESCU, Monica; ANDREI, Gabriel; CHICULITA, Simona title: AN OBTAINING METHOD FOR CARBON NANOTUBES WITH MODIFIED SURFACE date: 2017-02-11 words: 2709 flesch: 35 summary: The first step of this method is represented by carbon nanotubes dispersion using a solution of 1% sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) as surfactant agent followed by ultrasonication process for 10 minutes with BANDELIN HD3200 Electronic GmbH & KG Berlin Germany as presented in fig.2, having 40% amplitude. Materials and methods The aim of this paper is the presentation of carbon nanotubes treatment methods for their compatibilization with the polymeric matrix in order to obtain an efficient dispersion. keywords: carbon; cel; chemical; cnts; concentration; covering; dispersion; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; fe2o3; food; functionalization; functionalized; groups; interactions; journal; layer; mare; materials; matrix; method; molecular; nanoparticles; nanotubes; no3; obtaining; order; physical; polymeric; process; safety; solution; step; suceava; surface; university; value; washing; year; ştefan cache: fens-450.pdf plain text: fens-450.txt item: #384 of 747 id: fens-451 author: LAZAR, Iuliana Mihaela; SOBETKII, Arcadie; NISTOR, Ileana Denisa; MIRON, Neculai Doru; STAMATE, Marius; LAZAR, Gabriel Octavian title: DIELECTROPHORETIC DEVICES FOR SEPARATING FOODBORNE PATHOGENS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2487 flesch: 46 summary: Theoretical modelling of behaviour in electric field is very important for the applications we need. Theory The basic law which describes the forces acting on charged particles in electric field: ( ) ( )F qE r r qE r        where q = Q+ = Q- is the dipole electric charge and r  = d is the distance between charges. keywords: afm; bacteria; bioparticle; biophysics; bucharest; capture; cel; chamber; charge; dep; dielectrophoretic; different; dipole; electric; electric field; electrodes; engineering; environment; experimental; faculty; field; figure; food; foodborne; force; gradient; image; journal; lactic; mare; medium; micro; molecule; no3; number; pages; particle; results; safety; separation; study; suceava; umf; university; volume; year; ştefan cache: fens-451.pdf plain text: fens-451.txt item: #385 of 747 id: fens-452 author: NISTOR, Oana – Viorela; POPA, Elena; BOTEZ, Elisabeta; CONSTANTIN, Oana Emilia title: RESEARCHES ON THE EVOLUTION OF CONCENTRATED FRUIT JUICES QUALITY AT STORAGE date: 2017-02-11 words: 2897 flesch: 54 summary: Apple juice may also be sold in an untreated state. Due to the complex and costly equipment required to extract and clarify juice from apples in large volume, apple juice is normally commercially produced. keywords: acid; acidity; aerobic; apple; apple juice; bacteria; cel; chemical; clear; composition; concentrated; concentration; days; delicious; determinations; dry; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fruit; golden; idared; journal; juice; malic; mare; matter; mesophilic; processing; red; safety; storage; study; suceava; temperature; university; varieties; variety; year; yeasts; ştefan cache: fens-452.pdf plain text: fens-452.txt item: #386 of 747 id: fens-454 author: POPOVICI, Cristina; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; ZAGARSCHIH, Olga; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; STURZA, Rodica title: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF PLANT EXTRACTS CONTAINING POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS date: 2017-02-11 words: 1758 flesch: 51 summary: NIR calibration model was obtained by PLS (Partial Last Square) regression, implemented in Panorama software (Variant 3, LabCognition, 2009). The quality of NIR calibration model is underlined also in the graphical presentation of prediction for crude fiber by „NIR-CF” model with three spectral ranges (Figure 1) and also by the differences between the chemical results and those predicted for control samples. keywords: calibration; chemical; crude; faculty; fiber; food; forages; grassland; manure; model; nir; parameter; period; permanent; quality; ranges; results; safety; samples; sheep; spectral; table; university; year cache: fens-454.pdf plain text: fens-454.txt item: #387 of 747 id: fens-455 author: HĂRMĂNESCU, Monica; MOISUC, Alexandru; GERGEN, Iosif title: NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY – AN ALTERNATIVE TO DETERMINE THE CRUDE FIBER CONTENT OF FORAGES date: 2017-02-11 words: 1758 flesch: 51 summary: NIR calibration model was obtained by PLS (Partial Last Square) regression, implemented in Panorama software (Variant 3, LabCognition, 2009). The quality of NIR calibration model is underlined also in the graphical presentation of prediction for crude fiber by „NIR-CF” model with three spectral ranges (Figure 1) and also by the differences between the chemical results and those predicted for control samples. keywords: calibration; chemical; crude; faculty; fiber; food; forages; grassland; manure; model; nir; parameter; period; permanent; quality; ranges; results; safety; samples; sheep; spectral; table; university; year cache: fens-455.pdf plain text: fens-455.txt item: #388 of 747 id: fens-456 author: SVECEVIČIUS, Gintaras; KAZLAUSKIENĖ, Nijolė title: USE OF FISH BEHAVIORAL RESPONSES IN IDENTIFYING SUBLETHAL EXPOSURE TO POLLUTANTS date: 2017-02-11 words: 1896 flesch: 48 summary: Obtained data showed that fish behavioral responses can be successfully applied in solving not only theoretical but also practical problems of aquatic toxicology, such as bioassay testing for hazard assessment of separate toxicants and their mixtures, industrial and municipal wastewaters as well as natural inland waters containing complexes of pollutants of different chemical origin. A number of fish behavioral responses (leaving the nest, response to external stimuli, gill ventilation frequency in larvae, detection and avoidance, locomotor activity as well as gill ventilation frequency and coughing rate in juveniles and adults) were studied. keywords: adults; aquatic; behavioral; coughing; fish; food; frequency; gill; heavy; juveniles; larvae; metal; mixture; model; pollutants; rainbow; rate; responses; sensitive; sublethal; svecevičius; test; toxicity; trout; use; ventilation; vol; water cache: fens-456.pdf plain text: fens-456.txt item: #389 of 747 id: fens-457 author: CATANĂ, Luminiţa; CATANĂ, Monica; NEGOIŢĂ, Mioara; IORGA, Enuţa; LILIOS, Gabriela title: FRUIT-BASED CONCENTRATED PRODUCTS, IRON FORTIFIED, INTENDED FOR PREVENTION AND DIET THERAPY OF IRON DEFICIENCIES OF VULNERABLE POPULATION GROUPS date: 2017-02-11 words: 2309 flesch: 38 summary: Experimental The experiments aimed at in order to obtain iron fortified food products, were made within the micro-production pilot plant of the National Institute of Research&Development for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest. Iron (mg/100 g) 6.80 6.75 6.70 Potassium (mg/100 g) 153.15 152.28 154.4 5 Calcium (mg/100 g) 11.10 10.85 11.42 Magnesium (mg/100 g) 8.42 8.31 8.18 Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g) 39.55 40.15 39.27 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Year IX, No3 - 2010 82 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ir o n ( m g /1 00 g ) C V 1 V2 V3 V 4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V 11 V 12 Variation of iron content in Apricots jam with nut, fortified with iron product Iron (mg/100g) keywords: acid; agent; apricots; apricots jam; ascorbic; biochemical; characteristics; concentrated; content; experimental; ferrous; food; fortification; fortified; fruit; iron; jam; lactate; mg/100; nut; nutritional; plums; plums jam; products; sensorial; soluble; sulphate cache: fens-457.pdf plain text: fens-457.txt item: #390 of 747 id: fens-459 author: 2017, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-05-15 words: 204 flesch: -39 summary: 1 Study on the evolution of micro- and macroelements during the winemaking stages: importance of copper and iron quantification Liliana NOROCEL, Gheorghe GUTT 5 - 12 2 Sensory characteristics of peach and plum jams with differents weeteners Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Ljubica KARAKASOVA, Zora UZUNOSKA, Tatjana KALEVSKA, Valentina PAVLOVA, Gjore NAKOV, Aleksandar SAVESKI 13-20 3 Assessment of environmental impact of food loss: case study apple fruits Cristina GHINEA 21-28 4 Oxidative stability of refined sunflower oil at room temperature and during conventional frying Gorica PAVLOVSKA, Natasha SHURKOVA, Vezirka JANKULOSKA 29-33 5 Determination of chlorpyrifos in apple from the Resen region Vezirka JANKULOSKA, Ilija KAROV, Gorica PAVLOVSKA, Ilija BUZLEVSKI 34-39 6 Chemical composition and energy value in the meat of Macedonian and Ohrid trout Aleksandar SAVESKI, Tatjana KALEVSKA, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Dragan DAMJANOVSKI 40-46 7 Rationalization of the parameters of milk proteins’ thermo acid coagulation by berry coagulants Olena GREK, Olena ONOPRIICHUK, Tetiana PSHENYCHNA 47-53 8 Impact of adulteration with glucose, fructose and hydrolysed inulin syrup on honey physicochemical properties Sorina ROPCIUC, Mircea OROIAN, Vlad OLARIU 54 - 60 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 1 – 2017 CONTENTS: keywords: aleksandar saveski; food; gorica pavlovska; information vi; tatjana kalevska; valentina pavlova; vezirka jankuloska; viktorija stamatovska; zora uzunoska cache: fens-459.pdf plain text: fens-459.txt item: #391 of 747 id: fens-46 author: HOAGHIA, Maria-Alexandra; CADAR, Oana; LEVEI, Erika; ROMAN, Cecilia; SENILA, Lacrimioara; RISTOIU, Dumitru title: ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION AND HEALTH RISK ASSOCIATED WITH METALS IN DRINKING WATERS FROM COPSA MICA REGION date: 2016-04-07 words: 3066 flesch: 55 summary: According to the HQ and the THQ results, the inhabitants using the studied water samples as drinking water sources do not present potential non-carginogenic risk. 4. Conclusion The MI indicates a possible metal contamination of drinking water samples from Medias Town and Tarnava village, respectively water samples S1, S2 and S3. Abstract: Metal contamination of drinking water sources from Copsa Mica region (Copsa Mica village, Tarnava villages and Medias Town, Sibiu County, Romania) was assessed using the Metal Index, while health risk associated with metals from the drinking water sources was assessed using the Chronic Daily Intake and the Hazard Quotient. keywords: 0.3x10; assessment; cdi; contamination; copsa; daily; day; drinking; drinking water; environment; exposure; food; hazard; health; heavy; human; index; intake; issue; journal; metal; mica; pollution; potential; quotient; region; risk; safety; samples; sources; studied; values; volume; water; xiv cache: fens-46.pdf plain text: fens-46.txt item: #392 of 747 id: fens-460 author: 2017, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-05-15 words: 871 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-460.pdf plain text: fens-460.txt item: #393 of 747 id: fens-462 author: NOROCEL, Liliana; GUTT, Gheorghe title: STUDY ON THE EVOLUTION OF MICRO- AND MACROELEMENTS DURING THE WINEMAKING STAGES: THE IMPORTANCE OF COPPER AND IRON QUANTIFICATION date: 2017-05-15 words: 3835 flesch: 60 summary: Abstract: Knowledge of the concentration of mineral elements from winemaking products, particularly from the final product is important because of their influence on wine quality. As wine is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage, analytical control of mineral elements content is required during the whole process of wine production, from the grapes used to the final product. keywords: analysis; analyzed; cel; concentration; content; copper; elements; engineering; environment; evolution; faculty; fig; final; food; gheorghe; grape; gutt; icp; importance; iron; issue; journal; liliana; macroelements; mare; microand; mineral; norocel; pca; pomace; products; quantification; safety; samples; spectrometry; stages; study; suceava; university; varieties; variety; volume; wine; winemaking; xvi; yeast; ştefan cache: fens-462.pdf plain text: fens-462.txt item: #394 of 747 id: fens-463 author: STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; KARAKASOVA, Ljubica; UZUNOSKA, Zora; KALEVSKA, Tatjana; PAVLOVA, Valentina; NAKOV, Gjore; SAVESKI, Aleksandar title: SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF PEACH AND PLUM JAMS WITH DIFFERENT SWEETENERS date: 2017-05-15 words: 4469 flesch: 60 summary: In the same year, a significant difference in terms of color quality between Ag jams and Sucr, Fru (p<0.01) and Sorb jams ((p<0.05) was detected. As regards the smell analysis (Table 1), it was concluded that in three different years of testing, Sorb jams registered the highest number of points (1.98, 1.95 and 2.00 respectively) compared to Ag jams which had the lowest number of points (1.44, 1.80 and 1.70 respectively). keywords: ag jams; agave; analysis; average; cel; characteristics; color; consistency; different; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fru; fructose; fruit; grade; highest; issue; jams; journal; lowest; number; p<0.01; peach; peach jams; plum; plum jams; points; products; quality; results; safety; sensory; sensory characteristics; significant; smell; sorb; sorb jams; sorbitol; stamatovska; sucr; sucrose; sugar; sweeteners; syrup; table; taste; terms; total; university; values; volume; xvi; year; ştefan cache: fens-463.pdf plain text: fens-463.txt item: #395 of 747 id: fens-464 author: GHINEA, Cristina title: ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF FOOD WASTE: A CASE STUDY APPLE FRUITS date: 2017-05-15 words: 3279 flesch: 54 summary: [2] investigated the environmental impacts of the most representative food types consumed in the EU-27 in 2010 and showed that food is Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 1 – 2017 Cristina GHINEA, Assessment of environmental impact of food loss: case study apple fruits, Volume XVI, Issue 1 – 2017, pag. In this study the production, consumption and loss of apple fruits were investigated and evaluated from the environmental point of view. keywords: apple; assessment; case; categories; cel; chain; consumption; cristina; cycle; diesel; emissions; engineering; environmental; faculty; fig; food; fruits; ghinea; gwp; htp; impact; issue; journal; landfilling; lca; life; loss; management; mare; pag; phase; pocp; potential; production; romania; storage; study; suceava; supply; transport; university; values; volume; waste; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-464.pdf plain text: fens-464.txt item: #396 of 747 id: fens-465 author: PAVLOVSKA, Gorica; SHURKOVA, Natasha; JANKULOSKA, Vezirka title: OXIDATIVE STABILITY OF REFINED SUNFLOWER OIL AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND DURING CONVENTIONAL FRYING date: 2017-05-15 words: 2553 flesch: 58 summary: Keywords: sunflower oil, peroxide number, Oven test, frying 1. TALAL E., JIANG J., YUANFA L., Chemical refining of sunflower oil: effect on oil stability, total tocopherol, free fatty acids and colour, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 5: 449-454, (2013). keywords: conventional; days; environment; faculty; fats; fig; food; frying; hours; increases; issue; journal; macedonia; methods; minutes; mmol; number; oil; oils; oven; oxidation; oxidative; peroxide; products; refined; room; safety; stability; sunflower; temperature; test; volume; xvi cache: fens-465.pdf plain text: fens-465.txt item: #397 of 747 id: fens-466 author: JANKULOSKA, Vezirka; KAROV, Ilija; PAVLOVSKA, Gorica; BUZLEVSKI, Ilija title: DETERMINATION OF CHLORPYRIFOS IN APPLE FROM THE RESEN REGION date: 2017-05-15 words: 3393 flesch: 61 summary: It is said that apple is a measure for the development of fruit growing in every country, since increasing the number of apple trees it increases the intensity of fruit growing production, globally and conversely [4]. Chlorpyrifos is organophosphate pesticide (insecticide) used to protect apples from insects which can cause significant damage in apple production. keywords: analysis; apples; chlorpyrifos; concentration; critical; delicious; determination; different; engineering; environment; evla; extraction; faculty; fig; food; fruit; golden; golden delicious; idared; ilija; issue; journal; kriveni; levels; locations; macedonia; maximum; method; mrl; pesticides; phase; presence; present; production; region; republic; resen; residue; safety; statistical; test; university; value; varieties; volume; xvi cache: fens-466.pdf plain text: fens-466.txt item: #398 of 747 id: fens-467 author: SAVESKI, Aleksandar; KALEVSKA, Tatjana; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; DAMJANOVSKI, Dragan title: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ENERGY VALUE IN THE MEAT OF THE MACEDONIAN AND OHRID TROUT date: 2017-05-15 words: 3590 flesch: 60 summary: The main reason for small consumption and processing of fish is thought to be the insufficient domestic production, the small assortment of fish, little knowledge of the nutritive value and quality of the meat, a lack of habit for regular consumption of fish meat by the population and most often the consumption is connected with fasting religious holidays. Fish meat is the most valuable and useful food product of animal origin used in human nutrition [27]. keywords: analyses; aquaculture; average; chemical; composition; conditions; consumption; content; determined; different; energy; energy value; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fatty; fish; fish meat; food; issue; journal; macedonian; macedonian trout; meat; minerals; ohrid; ohrid trout; phosphorus; potassium; proteins; quality; safety; significant; small; trout; types; university; value; volume; water; xvi cache: fens-467.pdf plain text: fens-467.txt item: #399 of 747 id: fens-469 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina; OROIAN, Mircea; OLARIU, Vlad title: IMPACT OF ADULTERATION WITH GLUCOSE, FRUCTOSE AND HYDROLYSED INULIN SYRUP ON HONEY PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES date: 2017-05-15 words: 2718 flesch: 54 summary: LI S., SHAN Y., ZHU X., ZHANG X., LING G., Detection of honey adulteration by high fructose corn syrup and maltose syrup using Raman spectroscopy, J. Food Compos. DOWNEY G., FOURATIER V., KELLY J. D., Detection of honey adulteration by addition of fructose and glucose using near infrared transflectance spectroscopy, J. Near Infrared Spectrosc., 11(6): 447–456, (2003). keywords: acacia; adulterated; adulteration; adulteration agent; agent; angle; anova; case; chemical; conductivity; electrical; engineering; environment; food; fructose; glucose; honey; hydrolysed; influence; inulin; issue; journal; parameters; percentage; physico; physicochemical; properties; safety; suceava; syrup; table; values; volume; water; xvi cache: fens-469.pdf plain text: fens-469.txt item: #400 of 747 id: fens-47 author: TODOSI SĂNDULEAC, Elena; GUTT, Gheorghe; IANOVICI IORDACHE, Andreea; STROE, Silviu Gabriel title: STUDY OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION INFLUENCE ON THE RHEOLOGICAL AND TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS TYPES OF ANIMAL AND VEGETAL PÂTÉ date: 2016-04-07 words: 3700 flesch: 42 summary: The main chemical parameter to be determined was starch content from wheat flour or starch from corn used as raw materials. Matherials and methods The aim of the study was to establish the correlation between chemical composition (starch content and moisture, dry substance, proteins and fat of nine pâtés samples: three pork pâtés, three chicken pâtés and three vegetal pâtés having different chemical compositions. keywords: agent; analysis; andreea; animal; cel; chemical; composition; content; determination; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fig; food; gheorghe; gumminess; hardness; ianovici; influence; issue; journal; liver; mare; method; moisture; pag; parameters; pork; properties; pâté; rheological; safety; starch; study; suceava; textural; texture; tpa; university; variables; vegetal; vegetal pâté; volume; volume xiv; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-47.pdf plain text: fens-47.txt item: #401 of 747 id: fens-48 author: KALEVSKA, Tatjana; KOCOSKI, Ljupce; JOSHEVSKA, Elena; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; SAVEVSKI, Aleksandar title: SENSORY EVALUATION OF LAMB’S MEAT ACCORDING TO CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC BREEDING SYSTEMS date: 2016-04-07 words: 3689 flesch: 53 summary: The shrinkage from the meat thawing is determined on the basis of difference between meat weight before freezing and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 3 – 2015 Tatijana KALEVSKA, Ljupce KOCOSKI, Elena JOSHEVSKA, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Aleksandar SAVEVSKI, Sensory evaluation of lambs meat according to conventional and organic breeding systems, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 3 – 2015, pag. Keywords: sensory properties, lambs meat, oragnic and conventional systems, weight loss, thermal processing 1. keywords: acceptability; aroma; attributes; bigger; breeding; composition; conventional; conventional system; determined; different; environment; evaluation; food; group; issue; journal; juiciness; lamb; lambs meat; loss; meat; organic; organic system; processing; production; quality; research; results; roasting; safety; sensory; shrinkage; significant; smell; system; taste; thawing; thermal; thermal processing; university; volume; weight; xiv cache: fens-48.pdf plain text: fens-48.txt item: #402 of 747 id: fens-49 author: Teterina, S.; Yushchenko, N.; Kuzmyk, U.; Khlystun, I. title: STUDY ON ANTIMICROBIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SPICES’ COMPOSITION date: 2016-04-07 words: 2636 flesch: 37 summary: The characteristics of some contaminants in the production of milk products are examined as follows: Micrococcus is immovable and does not produce spores. In milk products, acid is produced as a result of fermenting lactose; other carbohydrates and alcohols can also be fermented with or without gas production. keywords: action; anise; bacillus; bacteria; black; cel; characteristics; components; composition; content; cultures; effect; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; food; germicidal; ginger; issue; journal; mare; micrococcus; microorganisms; milk; milk products; number; oil; products; properties; proportion; safety; spices; study; substances; suceava; taste; test; university; vitamins; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-49.pdf plain text: fens-49.txt item: #403 of 747 id: fens-491 author: 2017, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-09-02 words: 213 flesch: -46 summary: Microsoft Word - 0b Cuprins 6_09_2017 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 2– 2017 CONTENTS: 1 Quality evaluation of wheat-pumpkin-golden flaxseed composite bread Georgiana Gabriela CODINĂ, Denisa ATUDOREI, Ana CIMPOI, Silvia MIRONEASA, Elena TODOSI-SĂNDULEAC 61–70 2 Investigation on lactose fermenting yeasts activity in the whey obtained by coagulation of milk proteins by berry coagulant Olena GREK, Olena KRASULYA, Alla PETRYNA 71 - 76 3 3-Dimensional simulation and feasibility study of biomass/coal co-combustion burner Nataliya DUNAYEVSKA, Yaroslav ZASIADKO, Pavlo ZASIADKO, Taras SCHUDLO 77 - 91 4 The influence of slow thawing on evolution of some biochemical compounds in frozen fishes Marcel AVRAMIUC 92 –97 5 Honeydew honey adulteration: e-tongue and physicochemical analyses Sorina ROPCIUC, Mircea OROIAN, Sergiu PADURET, Amelia BUCULEI 98 - 103 6 Studyon the acceptability of yoghurt with carrot juice Ana LEAHU, Cristina E. HRETCANU 104 - 110 7 Low content of radionuclides in natural environment and production as a rationale for development of recreational potential of northern Bukovina Natalia OMEL’CHENKO, Valeriy SINCHENKO, Myron ROGOZYNSKYI, Oksana MYKYTYUK 111 - 116 8 Effect of plant protein isolates on the structural – mechanical properties of wheat dough Valeriy MAKHYNKO, Vira DROBOT, Tatjana GOLIKOVA 117 - 122 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi keywords: burner nataliya; combustion burner; denisa atudorei; elena todosi; information vi; microsoft word; quality evaluation; silvia mironeasa; subscription information; word 0b cache: fens-491.pdf plain text: fens-491.txt item: #404 of 747 id: fens-492 author: CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela; ATUDOREI, Denisa; CIMPOI, Ana; MIRONEASA, Silvia; TODOSI-SĂNDULEAC, Elena title: QUALITY EVALUATION OF WHEAT-PUMPKIN-GOLDEN FLAXSEED COMPOSITE BREAD date: 2017-09-02 words: 4447 flesch: 57 summary: CONFORTI F.D., DAVIS S.F., The effect of soya flour and flaxseed as a partial replacement for bread flour in yeast bread, International Journal of Food Science Technology, 41, 95–101, (2006). The independent variables levels used were between 90 and 95 % for wheat flour and between 2.5% and 7.5% for pumpkin seed and golden flaxseed flour. keywords: addition; ana; atudorei; bread; cel; characteristics; cimpoi; codină; composite; content; denisa; design; elasticity; elena; engineering; environment; evaluation; experiment; faculty; flaxseed; flaxseed flour; flour; food; gabriela; georgiana; gfs; golden; golden flaxseed; high; independent; issue; journal; levels; loaf; loaf volume; mare; mironeasa; mixture; model; optimum; pag; porosity; psf; pumpkin; pumpkin seed; quality; safety; sample; silvia; suceava; table; terms; todosisănduleac; university; value; variables; volume; volume xiv; wheat; wheat flour; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-492.pdf plain text: fens-492.txt item: #405 of 747 id: fens-493 author: GREK, Olena; KRASULYA, Olena; PETRYNA, Alla title: INVESTIGATION ON LACTOSE FERMENTING YEASTS ACTIVITY IN THE WHEY OBTAINED BY COAGULATION OF MILK PROTEINS BY BERRY COAGULANT date: 2017-09-02 words: 2955 flesch: 51 summary: The energy value of milk whey is somewhat lower than in skimmed milk, and the biological value is approximately the same, Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 2 – 2017 Olena GREK, Olena KRASULYA, Yuliia PAKHOMOVA, Investigation of lactose fermenting yeasts activity in the whey obtained by coagulation of milk proteins by berry coagulant, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 2 – 2017, pag. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 2 – 2017 Olena GREK, Olena KRASULYA, Yuliia PAKHOMOVA, Investigation of lactose fermenting yeasts activity in the whey obtained by coagulation of milk proteins by berry coagulant, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 2 – 2017, pag. keywords: acid; activity; berry; beverages; black; cells; cfu; coagulant; coagulation; colored; colored whey; control; currant; environment; fermentation; fermented; food; issue; journal; lactis; lactose; milk; olena; paste; production; proteins; raw; results; safety; technology; temperature; university; value; volume; whey; wort; xvi; yeasts; zygosaccharomyces cache: fens-493.pdf plain text: fens-493.txt item: #406 of 747 id: fens-495 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF SLOW THAWING ON EVOLUTION OF SOME BIOCHEMICAL COMPOUNDS IN FROZEN FISHES date: 2017-09-02 words: 3158 flesch: 65 summary: 3. Results and discussion The values of pH, amino nitrogen, AN (mg %), and nitrogen from aminoacids, NAA (g %) in frozen fish samples are shown in the table 1. The biological material was represented by frozen fishes (carp, catfish, mackerel and hake) which were subjected to slow thawing at room temperature (+20.. keywords: amino; amino nitrogen; aminoacids; biochemical; blank; carp; catfish; compounds; environment; evolution; fish; fishes; food; fresh; frozen; hake; higher; hours; increase; issue; journal; mackerel; naa; nitrogen; oxidation; p<0.05; protein; safety; samples; significant; slow; slow thawing; species; table; thawing; times; values; volume cache: fens-495.pdf plain text: fens-495.txt item: #407 of 747 id: fens-496 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina; OROIAN, Mircea; PĂDUREȚ, Sergiu; BUCULEI, Amelia title: HONEYDEW HONEY ADULTERATION: E-TONGUE AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSES date: 2017-09-02 words: 2491 flesch: 65 summary: LI S., SHAN Y., ZHU X., ZHANG X., LING G., Detection of honey adulteration by high fructose corn syrup and maltose syrup using Raman spectroscopy, J. Food Compos. T. et al., Steady, dynamic and creep rheological analysis as a novel approach to detect honey adulteration by fructose and saccharose syrups: Correlations with HPLC-RID results, Food Res. Int., 64:634–646, (2014). keywords: addition; adulteration; agent; analysis; cel; chemical; colour; component; conductivity; electrical; electrodes; environment; food; honey; honeydew; inverted; issue; malt; mare; o n; parameters; physico; principal; safety; samples; suceava; sugar; tongue; volume; wort; xvi cache: fens-496.pdf plain text: fens-496.txt item: #408 of 747 id: fens-497 author: LEAHU, Ana; HRETCANU, Cristina E. title: STUDY ON THE ACCEPTABILITY OF YOGHURT WITH CARROT JUICE date: 2017-09-02 words: 3844 flesch: 59 summary: The overall acceptability (figure 2) of yoghurt samples with different percentages (10%, 20%, 30%) of carrot juice and two types of bacterial cultures (C1, C2) was determined on the basis of the average of the total score obtained for different sensory attributes (taste, odor, flavor, texture or firmness, color and appearance). The external preference mapping (PREFMAP) of yoghurt samples and sensorial properties provides a multidimensional representation ([16]) of yoghurt samples with carrot juice based on their sensory profile given by taste, flavor, odor, color, texture or apparencer, obtained through Principle Component Analysis (PCA) of a data matrix with products as rows and external data as variables or columns [17]. keywords: acceptability; acceptance; appearance; carrot; carrot juice; cel; characteristics; color; culture; dairy; data; differences; different; engineering; environment; faculty; flavor; food; fruit; issue; journal; juice; leahu; mare; milk; odor; properties; quality; safety; samples; scores; sensorial; sensory; significant; study; suceava; table; taste; texture; university; volume; xvi; yoghurt; yoghurt samples cache: fens-497.pdf plain text: fens-497.txt item: #409 of 747 id: fens-498 author: OMEL’CHENKO, Natalia; SINCHENKO, Valeriy; ROGOZYNSKYI, Myron; MYKYTYUK, Oksana title: LOW CONTENT OF RADIONUCLIDES IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND PRODUCTION AS A RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF RECREATIONAL POTENTIAL OF NORTHERN BUKOVINA date: 2017-09-02 words: 2999 flesch: 41 summary: Data on radionuclides content in surrounding natural environment as well as in building and food industry production confirm Northern Bukovina territory’s attractiveness and safety for recreation areas development. 3. Results and discussion Investigation data on radionuclides content in soils of different districts in the Northern Bukovina are provided in table 1. keywords: activity; areas; building; bukovina; cesium-137; chernivtsi; content; development; environment; environment safety; faculty; fish; food; industry; issue; low; materials; natural; natural environment; northern; northern bukovina; omel’chenko; potential; production; products; radionuclides; raw; recreational; region; results; safety; samples; soils; specific; table; territory; ukraine; university; values; volume; water; xvi cache: fens-498.pdf plain text: fens-498.txt item: #410 of 747 id: fens-499 author: MAKHYNKO, Valeriy; DROBOT, Vira; GOLIKOVA, Tatjana title: EFFECT OF PLANT PROTEIN ISOLATES ON THE STRUCTURAL – MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WHEAT DOUGH date: 2017-09-02 words: 2743 flesch: 57 summary: 117 - 122 EFFECT OF PLANT PROTEIN ISOLATES ON THE STRUCTURAL – MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF WHEAT DOUGH Valeriy MAKHYNKO1, Vira DROBOT1, *Tatjana GOLIKOVA2, 1Educational-scientific Institute of Food Technologies, National University of Food Technologies, Volodymyrska str. 68, Kyiv, Ukraine,, 2Technology of Nutrition and Restaurant Business Dept., National University of Food Technologies, Volodymyrska str. 68, Kyiv, Ukraine, *Corresponding author Received 29th May 2017, accepted 29th June 2017 The use of additional high protein raw materials is a perspective way to approximate chemical content of bread to the physiological norms [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. keywords: addition; bread; content; control; different; dough; dwg; effect; environment; flour; food; gluten; high; isolate; issue; journal; materials; mechanical; pea; plant; products; properties; protein; quantity; raw; rice; safety; sample; soya; structural; time; volume; water; wheat; xvi cache: fens-499.pdf plain text: fens-499.txt item: #411 of 747 id: fens-5 author: ARPUL, Oksana; SYLCHUK, Tetiana; KULINICH, Vira; USATIUK, Olena title: THE USE OF PLANT MATERIALS IN CULINARY PRODUCTS OUT OF YEASTED DOUGH date: 2015-03-31 words: 2269 flesch: 57 summary: Keywords: schavnat, schavnat powder, yeasted dough, garlic donut, pampushka, protein, culinary products. Thus, it was established that pampushkas with the addition of schavnat powder in the amount from 3,5 to 13% had the decreased specific volume compared to the control sample (without schavnat). keywords: acidity; addition; additive; content; control; culinary; dough; environment; fermentation; fig; finished; food; garlic; issue; journal; materials; min; pampushkas; plant; powder; products; properties; protein; safety; schavnat; specific; time; titrated; university; use; volume; xiv; yeasted cache: fens-5.pdf plain text: fens-5.txt item: #412 of 747 id: fens-50 author: SIDOR, Anca-Mihaela title: THE NITROGEN COMPOUND CONTENT OF SOME NATURAL MINERAL WATERS FROM BUKOVINA, ROMANIA,VERSUS THEIR BOTTLED FORM date: 2016-04-07 words: 2028 flesch: 48 summary: The nitrite content (mg/l) in the water samples The amount of nitrates and nitrites found in the bottled still spring water sample is almost equal to the amount of nitrate and nitrite contained in the samples taken from the source river of the company which commercialises it. [4].The primary health hazard from drinking water with nitrate-nitrogen occurs when nitrate is transformed to nitrite in the digestive system [5]. keywords: allowable; ammonium; bottled; compounds; contamination; content; drinking; engineering; environment; food; form; issue; kit; levels; maximum; mineral; natural; nitrate; nitrogen; rivers; romania; rău; safety; samples; spring; time; university; value; vial; volume; water; xiv cache: fens-50.pdf plain text: fens-50.txt item: #413 of 747 id: fens-500 author: 2017, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-09-02 words: 867 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-500.pdf plain text: fens-500.txt item: #414 of 747 id: fens-51 author: MIRONEASA, Silvia; CODINĂ, Georgiana Gabriela title: SENSORY EVALUATION OF MILLET-YELLOW FLAXSEED-HEMP COMPOSITE FLOUR GLUTEN-FREE COOKIES FOR OPTIMUM FORMULATION BY THE MIXTURE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN date: 2016-04-07 words: 4810 flesch: 51 summary: In this mixture design the following three factors: millet flour (X1), yellow flaxseed flour (X2) and hemp flour (X3) were evaluated by changing their levels (proportions) simultaneously and keeping total level (proportions) constant (X1 + X2 + X3 = 1) The desired goal for each factor and response was selected so: the proportion of millet flour, yellow flaxseed flour and hemp flour were permitted to be at any level within range of the design, while all of the response variables were desired maximal. keywords: acceptability; acid; analysis; aroma; cel; characteristics; codină; components; composite; composite flour; composition; content; contour; cookies; design; engineering; environment; evaluation; experiment; faculty; fatty; flaxseed; flaxseed flour; flour; food; free; free cookies; gabriela; general; georgiana; hemp; hemp composite; hemp flour; high; issue; journal; levels; mare; millet; millet flour; mironeasa; mixture; model; pag; recipe; response; safety; samples; scores; seeds; sensory; silvia; smell; suceava; table; taste; texture; university; value; variables; volume; xiv; yellow; yellow flaxseed; ştefan cache: fens-51.pdf plain text: fens-51.txt item: #415 of 747 id: fens-510 author: 2017, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-10-16 words: 871 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-510.pdf plain text: fens-510.txt item: #416 of 747 id: fens-511 author: 2017, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-10-16 words: 285 flesch: -19 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 3 – 2017 CONTENTS: 1 Effect of essential oil of Mentha spicata L. from Benin on the quality of mango puree in storage model food systems at 4° and 25°C Euloge S. ADJOU, René G. DEGNON, Bertin A. GBAGUIDI, Edwige DAHOUENON- AHOUSSI, Mohamed SOUMANOU, Dominique C.K. SOHOUNHLOUE 123 - 134 2 Comparative study of adsorption activity of activated charcoal and silica gel in case of water / toluene mixtures Igor WINKLER, Kateryna BODNARYUK 135 - 139 3 Research on microstructure and redistribution of the moisture connection forms in the model systems of confectionery semi-finished product with banana powder Mariia IANCHYK, Oleksandra NIEMIRICH, Oksana VASHEKA, Olena YANCHYK 140 - 146 4 Microbial characteristics of egg-white creams with reduced sugar Nataliia HRYHORCHAK, Olena UKRAINETS, Alina BILKO, Iryna SOKOLOVSKA, Julya KAMBULOVA 147 - 152 5 Study on the influence of heat treatments on the antioxidant properties of ginger Amalia COSMOVICI, Sonia AMARIEI 153 - 159 6 The use of inulin and soy protein isolate in producing hard-dough biscuits for senior people Antonella DOROHOVYCH, Mykola PETRENKO 160 – 166 7 Water bond forms in the dough and sorbtion properties of gluten-free macaroni products made from corn flour Olexandr ROZHNO, Vira YURCHAK, Tatjana GOLIKOVA 167 - 179 8 Biosorption of Mn (II) Ions from Aqueous Solution by Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus Tuberosus L.) Stalks Tsvetko PROKOPOV, Nayden DELCHEV, Bozhidar BOZADZHIEV, Donka TANEVA, Milena NIKOLOVA, Danislav SPASOV 180 - 189 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 3 – 2017 keywords: alina bilko; cel mare; environment safety; food engineering; issue; mare university; mohamed soumanou; safety journal; suceava volume; university suceava; volume xvi; ştefan cel; применение комплексоутворювачив cache: fens-511.pdf plain text: fens-511.txt item: #417 of 747 id: fens-512 author: S. ADJOU, Euloge; G. DEGNON, René; A. GBAGUIDI, Bertin; DAHOUENON-AHOUSSI, Edwige; SOUMANOU, Mohamed; C.K. SOHOUNHLOUE, Dominique title: EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF MENTHA SPICATA L. FROM BENIN ON THE QUALITY OF MANGO PUREE IN STORAGE MODEL FOOD SYSTEMS AT 4° AND 25°C date: 2017-10-16 words: 6345 flesch: 52 summary: Chemical composition of Mentha spicata L. essential oil investigated Components Kovats Index Percentage (%) α-Pinene 932 0.5 Sabinene 969 0.6 β-Pinene 974 0.8 Myrcene 988 0.8 Limonene 1024 12.0 1,8-cineole 1026 3.6 (Z)-β-ocimene 1032 0.2 ȣ-terpinene 1054 0.2 Linalol 1095 0.5 oct-1-en-3-yl acetate 1110 0.1 neo-alloocimene 1140 0.1 trans-limonene oxide 1137 0.1 cis-chrysanthenol 1160 0.2 δ-terpineol 1166 0.1 cis-dihydrocarvone 1191 0.2 Dihydrocarveol 1192 0.6 neo-dihydrocarveol 1212 0.3 iso- dihydrocarveol 1212 BASSOLÉ I.H.N., LAMIEN-MEDA A., BAYALA B., TIROGO S., FRANZ C., NOVAK J., NEBIÉ R.C., DICKO M.H., Composition and antimicrobial activities of Lippia multiflora Moldenke, Mentha spicata L. and Ocimum basilicum L. essential oils and their major monoterpene alcohols alone and in combination, Molecules, 15:7825–7839, (2010), [25]. keywords: activity; adjou; ahoussi; analysis; antifungal; antimicrobial; aspergillus; benin; bertin; c.k; carotenoids; cel; chemical; components; composition; concentrations; conservation; count; dahouenon; days; degnon; different; dominique; edwige; effect; engineering; environment; essential; essential oil; euloge; faculty; food; food systems; fungi; gbaguidi; growth; high; issue; journal; mango; mango puree; mare; means; mentha; mentha spicata; mg/100; microbiological; model; model food; mohamed; mucor; oil; oils; pag; physico; plant; potential; production; products; puree; quality; rené; results; safety; samples; sohounhloue; soumanou; spicata; spicata l.; spp; storage; suceava; systems; table; tests; university; use; vitamin; volume; volume xvi; xvi; ştefan; μ cache: fens-512.pdf plain text: fens-512.txt item: #418 of 747 id: fens-513 author: WINKLER, Igor; BODNARYUK, Kateryna title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ADSORPTION ACTIVITY OF ACTIVATED CHARCOAL AND SILICA GEL IN CASE OF WATER/TOLUENE MIXTURES date: 2017-10-16 words: 2326 flesch: 48 summary: Abstract: Efficiency of the liquid phase adsorption of toluene has been investigated for two common and widely used adsorbents: activated charcoal and silica gel. For in- Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 3 – 2017 Igor WINKLER, Kateryna BODNARYUK, Comparative study of adsorption activity of activated charcoal and silica gel in case of water/toluene mixtures, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 3 – 2017, pag. 135 – 139 136 stance, oxidative decomposition of phe- nols, halogen phenols and some other aro- matic compounds may result in formation of highly toxic dioxins [9, 10]. keywords: absorbance; activity; adsorbent; adsorption; aromatic; case; cel; changes; charcoal; comparative; compounds; efficiency; engineering; environment; experimental; food; gel; issue; journal; low; mare; mixtures; pag; safety; series; silica; silica gel; solute; study; suceava; toluene; university; volume; water; winkler; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-513.pdf plain text: fens-513.txt item: #419 of 747 id: fens-514 author: IANCHYK, Mariia; NIEMIRICH, Oleksandra; VASHEKA, Oksana; YANCHYK, Olena title: RESEARCH ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND REDISTRIBUTION OF THE MOISTURE CONNECTION FORMS IN THE MODEL SYSTEMS OF CONFECTIONERY SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCT WITH BANANA POWDER date: 2017-10-16 words: 3357 flesch: 47 summary: Keywords: finishing semi-finished products, plant powder, fondant mass, surfactant, grain formations. In this regard, after having taken into consideration some modern studies in the field of finishing semi-finished products, we came to the conclusion of making some universal confectionery semi-finished products which will considerably reduce time of technological process with production, enlarge the range of products, have increased nutrition value and improve organoleptic properties. keywords: addition; banana; banana powder; butter; confectionery; confectionery semi; connection; environment; fig; finished; finished product; fondant; food; forms; ianchyk; issue; journal; mass; microstructure; model; moisture; niemirich; oksana; oleksandra; phase; plant; powder; product; redistribution; removal; research; safety; sample; semi; surfactant; systems; temperature; university; volume; xvi cache: fens-514.pdf plain text: fens-514.txt item: #420 of 747 id: fens-515 author: HRYHORCHAK, Nataliia; UKRAINETS, Olena; BILKO, Alina; SOKOLOVSKA, Iryna; KAMBULOVA, Julya title: MICROBIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EGG-WHITE CREAMS WITH REDUCED SUGAR date: 2017-10-16 words: 2712 flesch: 58 summary: The diagram (figure 3) shows that the pH values of cream samples are optimal for the growth of microorganisms. The article focuses on the microbial analysis of egg-white creams for cakes and pastries decoration with reduced sugar. keywords: activity; alina; bacteria; bilko; changes; characteristics; colonies; content; creams; days; egg; engineering; environment; food; fructose; glucose; growth; health; humidity; iryna; issue; journal; microbial; microorganisms; moisture; new; olena; reduced; safety; samples; sokolovska; storage; sucrose; sugar; total; university; volume; white; white creams; xvi cache: fens-515.pdf plain text: fens-515.txt item: #421 of 747 id: fens-516 author: COSMOVICI, Amalia; AMARIEI, Sonia title: STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF HEAT TREATMENTS ON THE ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF GINGER date: 2017-10-16 words: 3403 flesch: 43 summary: Also, the content of β-carotene and vitamin C was higher in the case of dried ginger than in the refrigerated one. Percent inhibition of ginger samples Sample/% inhibition I210 I150 I90 I30 I10 Refrigerate d 93.76 91.72 91.18 89.42 88.33 Frozen 91.59 91.11 90.91 90.64 89.83 Boiled 93.01 92.61 90.50 89.55 89.15 Tea 89.01 88.61 88.61 88.60 88.54 Dried 98.77 98.57 98.30 97.96 96.61 The high antioxidant activity in the case of dried ginger is due to the concentration process by which water is removed, which determines the concentration of the active substance. keywords: absorbance; acid; active; activity; amalia; amariei; antibacterial; antioxidant; antioxidant properties; ascorbic; body; cancer; capacity; carotene; case; composition; compounds; concentration; content; cosmovici; dpph; effects; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; folin; food; fresh; frozen; ginger; gingerol; heat; influence; inhibition; issue; journal; mare; medicine; method; officinale; pag; phenolic; properties; refrigerated; review; root; safety; sample; sonia; study; suceava; treatments; university; vitamin; volume; volume xvi; xvi; zingiber; ştefancel cache: fens-516.pdf plain text: fens-516.txt item: #422 of 747 id: fens-517 author: DOROHOVYCH, Antonella; PETRENKO, Mykola title: THE USE OF INULIN AND SOY PROTEIN ISOLATE IN PRODUCING HARD-DOUGH BISCUITS FOR SENIOR PEOPLE date: 2017-10-16 words: 3781 flesch: 53 summary: Research has shown that the changes in the adhesion of hard dough are insignificant, whereas both inulin and soy isolate notably reinforce the dough structure, due to which the boundary shear of hard dough increases by 9% and 14% correspondingly. Abstract: The article reviews the potential rationale of the addition of inulin and soy proteins to hard- dough biscuits recommended for senior people’s diet. keywords: analysis; biscuits; capacity; cel; content; dough; dough biscuits; engineering; environment; fig; finished; food; functional; gluten; hard; hard dough; inulin; isolate; issue; journal; mare; materials; new; people; processes; products; properties; protein; quality; raw; reference; safety; sample; senior; sorption; soy; soy protein; storage; sugar; university; use; value; volume; water; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-517.pdf plain text: fens-517.txt item: #423 of 747 id: fens-518 author: ROZHNO, Olexandr; YURCHAK, Vira; GOLIKOVA, Tatjana title: WATER BOND FORMS IN THE DOUGH AND SORBTION PROPERTIES OF GLUTEN-FREE MACARONI PRODUCTS MADE FROM CORN FLOUR date: 2017-10-16 words: 5965 flesch: 62 summary: The energy of activation in corn macaroni dough samples without addition of structure forming ingredients is higher than in the dough samples made from wheat flour which has an energy of activation of 4.06 kJ/mol. For example, the European patent EP 0792109 В1 stipulates the method of production of corn macaroni products by means of additional operation of flour scalding [4]. keywords: addition; additives; bond; control; corn; corn dough; corn flour; corn macaroni; dough; dough samples; dry; energy; environment; extruded; flour; food; forms; free; free macaroni; gluten; higher; issue; journal; layer; macaroni; macaroni products; macaroni samples; moisture; pores; products; properties; quality; rozhno; safety; samples; sorbtion; structure; table; total; university; use; volume; volume xvi; water; water bond; wheat; xanthan; xvi; yurchak cache: fens-518.pdf plain text: fens-518.txt item: #424 of 747 id: fens-519 author: PROKOPOV, Tsvetko; DELCHEV, Nayden; BOZADZHIEV, Bozhidar; TANEVA, Donka; NIKOLOVA, Milena; SPASOV, Danislav title: BIOSORPTION OF Mn (II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION BY JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE (HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS L.) STALKS date: 2017-10-16 words: 4775 flesch: 53 summary: 180 - 189 BIOSORPTION OF Mn (II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION BY JERUSALEM ARTICHOKE (HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS L.) STALKS * Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to tested Jerusalem artichoke stalks as a cheap biosorbent for its ability to remove Mn (II) ions from aqueous solution. keywords: adsorption; agitation; aqueous; aqueous solution; artichoke; biosorbent; biosorption; bozadzhiev; bozhidar; concentration; data; delchev; donka; dosage; efficiency; engineering; environment; equilibrium; experiments; food; freundlich; helianthus; initial; ions; isotherm; issue; jerusalem; jerusalem artichoke; journal; kinetic; langmuir; manganese; metal; milena; model; nayden; nikolova; order; particle; powder; prokopov; pseudo; removal; rpm; safety; size; solution; speed; stalks; taneva; tuberosus; university; volume; water; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-519.pdf plain text: fens-519.txt item: #425 of 747 id: fens-52 author: ASSIELOU, Bernard; DUE, Edmond Ahipo; KOFFI, Djary Michel; KOUAME, Patrice title: PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF ORYCTES OWARIENSIS LARVAE OIL date: 2016-04-07 words: 3900 flesch: 57 summary: The data relevant to acid value and free fatty acid further indicate that O. owariensis oil is not much susceptible for fat degradation process during oil extraction too. Physicochemical analysis Refractive index Refractive index of O. owariensis oil was determined at 25 °C following the IUPAC [13] method by using a refractometer (Abbe, Optic Ivymen, Spain), respectively. keywords: acid; ahipo; analysis; assielou; bernard; cel; characterization; composition; content; djary; edible; edmond; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; fatty; fatty acid; food; free; high; index; insects; iodine; issue; journal; koh; kouame; larvae; linoleic; lipid; low; mare; michel; nutrition; oil; oils; oleic; oryctes; owariensis; owariensis larvae; owariensis oil; pag; patrice; peroxide; physicochemical; properties; safety; saponification; solution; standard; suceava; table; university; unsaturated; value; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-52.pdf plain text: fens-52.txt item: #426 of 747 id: fens-526 author: 2017, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2017-12-30 words: 871 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-526.pdf plain text: fens-526.txt item: #427 of 747 id: fens-527 author: 2017, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2017-12-30 words: 452 flesch: 43 summary: Determination of dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and BIS (2- ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in soft plastic toys and the first survey of the Bulgari- an market Valentina CHRISTOVA-BAGDASSARIAN, Julieta TISHKOVA, Anton TACHEV 222 - 233 7. Estimation of heavy metal levels in green leafy vegetables purchased from Suceava Ancuța Elena PRISACARU, Laura Carmen APOSTOL, Sorina ROPCIUC 234 - 238 8. The influence of regular and genetically modified soybeans on postnatal development of rats N. N. OMELCHENKO, G. V. DRONIK, І. А.WINKLER, М. S. ROGOZYNSKYI, V. А. KUCHERIAVA 239 - 244 9. keywords: apostol; carmen; elena; engineering; faculty; food; horváth; igor; issue; laura; mare; olga; phthalate; sio2; suceava; tio2; university; volume; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-527.pdf plain text: fens-527.txt item: #428 of 747 id: fens-528 author: AVRĂMIA, Ionuț; AMARIEI, Sonia title: RESEARCH ON OBTAINING HIGH Β-GLUCANS CONTENT FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES OF YEAST BY HARNESSING THEIR BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE POTENTIAL date: 2017-12-30 words: 3383 flesch: 51 summary: Although it is impossible to define the biological activity of β-glucans isolated from four samples without carrying out clinical tests and immunological tests, they can be put into relation with other data presented in the scientific literature. In contrast to the microfibrilar structure of β-1,3 glucan, in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cell the polymer is amorphous in structure, bonded in β-1,6 position, shorter and acts as a flexible glue to form crosslinks with β- 1,3 glucan, chitin and manoproteins [7]. keywords: active; activity; amariei; avrămia; bakery; cell; cerevisiae; compounds; conformation; content; different; engineering; environment; extraction; faculty; food; glucans; glycemic; high; highest; ionuț; isolation; issue; journal; level; mare; mass; maximum; methods; pag; polysaccharides; potential; research; results; saccharomyces; safety; sample; sonia; sources; strains; structure; studies; study; suceava; table; technology; types; university; volume; wall; xvi; yeast; ştefan; β-1,3 cache: fens-528.pdf plain text: fens-528.txt item: #429 of 747 id: fens-529 author: BORUK, Sergiy; WINKLER, Igor; ROMANOVSKA, Olga; GERYCH, Olga title: QUINOA AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR SEMOLINA: SOME ASPECTS AND PROBLEMS OF INTRODUCTION date: 2017-12-30 words: 3153 flesch: 60 summary: The concentration changes in viscosity of semolina and quinoa water suspensions are shown in the Fig. Introduction The temperature swelling coefficient was calculated as a ratio between the system’s volume at the temperature T+10 divided by the ratio at the temperature T. These values for semolina were ~1.05 at the temperatures 20-50 0C and ~1.07 for the range 50-... The concentration changes in viscosity of semolina and quinoa water suspensions are shown in the Fig. keywords: case; cereals; concentration; content; disperse; environment; fig; food; h e; higher; hours; introduction; issue; journal; mixtures; olga; particles; phase; quinoa; rise; safety; semolina; substitute; substitution; suspensions; swelling; system; temperature; university; values; viscosity; volume; water; xvi cache: fens-529.pdf plain text: fens-529.txt item: #430 of 747 id: fens-53 author: SIDOR, Anca-Mihaela title: THE INTAKE OF MINERALS IN THE DIET BROUGHT BY THE CONSUMPTION OF SEA BUCKTHORN (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES L.) BERRIES AND JUICE date: 2016-04-07 words: 1752 flesch: 51 summary: Considering the presence of all these valuable essential minerals and oligoelements in sea buckthorn berries and juice, and from the scientific knowledge of their importance, it can be stated that sea buckthorn should be more and more used as one of the main nutritional sources in the diet. [3] ZEB A., Chemical and nutritional constituents of sea buckthorn juice, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 3: 99-106, (2004). keywords: berries; buckthorn; buckthorn berries; calcium; consumption; content; diet; environment; essential; food; fruits; hippophae; intake; issue; journal; juice; medicinal; minerals; rhamnoides; safety; samples; sea; sea buckthorn; university; volume; xiv cache: fens-53.pdf plain text: fens-53.txt item: #431 of 747 id: fens-530 author: APOSTOL, Laura Carmen title: THE INTERACTION BETWEEN BEANS HULLS AND FOOD DYE date: 2017-12-30 words: 3500 flesch: 61 summary: Thermodynamic parameters for the sorption of Red No. 3 on BH Temperature (K) KL (L mmol -1 ) Effect of initial dye concentration on uptake capacity of the sorbent The contact time influence on the sorption of Red No. 3 on BH was investigated at the ambiental temperature using initial concentrations between 10 and 30 mg L-1. keywords: acid; apostol; aqueous; beans; cel; concentration; contact; different; dye; effect; efficiency; engineering; environment; equilibrium; erythrosine; faculty; fig; food; hazardous; hulls; initial; issue; journal; l-1; mare; materials; parameters; red; removal; safety; solution; sorbent; sorption; study; suceava; temperature; thermodynamic; time; university; uptake; values; volume; xvi cache: fens-530.pdf plain text: fens-530.txt item: #432 of 747 id: fens-531 author: SIPOS, Péter; HORVÁTH, Márta; ADÁCSI, Cintia; HORVÁTH, Brigitta; BABKA, Beáta; GYŐRI, Zoltán title: ENRICHMENT OF PASTA PRODUCTS USING BEETROOT date: 2017-12-30 words: 3618 flesch: 58 summary: g, therefore we can state that the TPC content of pasta products cannot be increased by beetroot addition, although the colour of the additive results significant change in the colour of the dry and cooked pasta (Fig. 2). Keywords: beetroot, pasta products, fortification, antioxidants. keywords: absorption; addition; babka; beetroot; beetroot juice; beetroot pulp; beáta; brigitta; cel; concentrations; content; control; cooking; drying; effect; engineering; enrichment; environment; faculty; flavonoid; food; higher; horváth; issue; journal; juice; loss; mare; pasta; pasta products; phenol; products; pulp; safety; samples; sensory; taste; texture; total; university; value; volume; water; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-531.pdf plain text: fens-531.txt item: #433 of 747 id: fens-532 author: SACHKO, Anastasiia; KOBASA, Igor; MOYSYURA, Olesya title: PERSPECTIVES OF UTILIZATION OF NANODISPERSIVE MATERIALS BASED ON SIO2, TIO2 AND SIO2–TIO2 FOR WINE FINING date: 2017-12-30 words: 3303 flesch: 60 summary: The result of AMD-2 fining of white wine Bentonite and saponite are the worst of the studied fining agents for white wines, which may be due to the fact that we did not pre-prepare the suspension, and all the substances were used as powders. There are a lot of substances that might be used as wine fining materials. keywords: agents; bentonite; contact; content; days; density; dry; effect; efficiency; engineering; fig; fining; food; issue; journal; kobasa; materials; moysyura; nanodispersive; olesya; optical; particles; powders; protein; red; results; samples; sio2; studies; substances; surface; time; tio2; university; utilization; volume; white; white wine; wine; xvi cache: fens-532.pdf plain text: fens-532.txt item: #434 of 747 id: fens-533 author: CHRISTOVA-BAGDASSARIAN, Valentina; TISHKOVA, Julieta; TACHEV, Anton title: DETERMINATION OF DIBUTYL PHTHALATE (DBP), BENZYL BUTYL PHTHALATE (BBP) AND BIS (2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE (DEHP) IN SOFT PLASTIC TOYS AND THE FIRST SURVEY OF THE BULGARIAN MARKET date: 2017-12-30 words: 5880 flesch: 55 summary: The identification of phthalates was performed using method of external standards and retention times of DBP, BBP and DEHP in MSD SCAN-mode and was Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017 Valentina CHRISTOVA-BAGDASSARIAN, Julieta TISHKOVA, Anton TACHEV, Determination of dibutyl phthalate (DBP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in soft plastic toys and first survey of Bulgarian market, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. Abstract: Phthalates are a large group of compounds with similar chemical structure widely used as plasticizers for plastics. keywords: analysis; anton; bagdassarian; bath; bbp; benzyl; bis; bulgarian; butyl; butyl phthalate; calculated; cel; children; china; christova; concentration; content; dbp; dehp; determination; dibutyl; duck; engineering; environment; environment safety; ethylhexyl; exposure; extraction; faculty; food; health; issue; journal; julieta; label; large; mare; market; mass; method; min; mode; months; pag; peoples; phthalate; plastic; plastic toys; republic; retail; safety; samples; shaker; sim; soft; soxhlet; suceava; survey; system; table; tachev; temperature; tishkova; toys; ultrasound; university; unknown; valentina; volume; volume xvi; xvi; years; ştefan cache: fens-533.pdf plain text: fens-533.txt item: #435 of 747 id: fens-534 author: PRISACARU, Ancuța Elena; APOSTOL, Laura Carmen; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: ESTIMATION OF HEAVY METAL LEVELS IN GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES PURCHASED FROM SUCEAVA date: 2017-12-30 words: 2529 flesch: 66 summary: The vegetables were spinach (Spinacia oleracea), ramsons (Allium ursinum), Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017 Ancuța Elena PRISACARU, Laura Carmen APOSTOL, Sorina ROPCIUC, Heavy metal levels in selected green leafy vegetables obtained from Suceava market Sites, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. The mean levels of the metals examined in nettle, orache, lettuce, ramsons and spinach samples were found to be in the order: Fe Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017 Ancuța Elena PRISACARU, Laura Carmen APOSTOL, Sorina ROPCIUC, Heavy metal levels in selected green leafy vegetables obtained from Suceava market Sites, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. keywords: ash; body; case; concentration; content; daily; environment; fao; food; green; heavy; intake; issue; journal; leafy; lettuce; levels; market; mean; metals; moisture; nettle; orache; ramsons; safety; samples; sites; spinach; study; suceava; vegetables; volume; xvi cache: fens-534.pdf plain text: fens-534.txt item: #436 of 747 id: fens-535 author: OMELCHENKO, N. N.; DRONIK, G. V.; WINKLER, I. A.; ROGOZYNSKYI, M. S.; KUCHERIAVA, V. A. title: THE INFLUENCE OF REGULAR AND GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEANS ON POSTNATAL DEVELOPMENT OF RATS date: 2017-12-30 words: 3580 flesch: 58 summary: G.V. DRONIK, І.А.WINKLER, М.S. ROGOZYNSKYI, V.А. KUCHERIAVA, An influence of regular and genetically modified soybeans on postnatal development of rats, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. 239 – 244 242 Table 1. Survival rate indexes for the F1 offspring Group Number of baby rats, individuals First 5 days survival rate Next 25 days survival rate Individuals % The influence of nutrition ration consisting of 20 % of the thermo-treated genetically modified soy- beans on postnatal development of rats has been investigated over two generations in comparison with nutrition by regular thermo-treated beans. keywords: animals; baby; body; capacity; cel; control; days; development; engineering; environment; estimation; experimental; faculty; feeding; food; g.v; generations; gmo; group; individuals; influence; issue; journal; mare; number; nutrition; offspring; opening; pag; physical; physiological; postnatal; rate; rats; regular; reproductive; russian; safety; second; soya; soybean; suceava; survival; time; ukraine; ukrainian; university; volume; weight; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-535.pdf plain text: fens-535.txt item: #437 of 747 id: fens-536 author: PRICOP, Eugenia Mihaela title: SENSORY EVALUATION OF GOAT MILK CHEESE UNDER DIFFERENT FREEZING CONDITIONS date: 2017-12-30 words: 1865 flesch: 51 summary: Score of sensory attributes of goat milk cheese samples after freezing procedures Table 3. Correlation of the average score with the total qualifying for the analyzed samples Code Sample Total average score Total qualifying PRS Control 17.518 Good SBT Frozen at -700C 16.816 Good QAC Liquid nitrogen 14.730 Satisfactory MCL Frozen at -20°C 13.094 Satisfactory RQA Frozen in NaCl 23% 10.238 Unsatisfactory Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017 Eugenia Mihaela PRICOP, Sensory analysis of goat milk cheese characteristics under different freezing conditions, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. However, the score obtained demonstrate that goat cheese sample treated under cryogenic method (SBT) and cheese sample treated under - 700C (QAC) doesn’t change their quality atributtes especially external appearance, section appearance. keywords: analysis; appearance; changes; characteristics; cheese; conditions; dairy; different; engineering; environment; faculty; food; freezing; frozen; goat; good; issue; journal; methods; milk; qac; rqa; safety; sample; sbt; score; sensorial; sensory; table; textural; texture; total; university; volume; xvi cache: fens-536.pdf plain text: fens-536.txt item: #438 of 747 id: fens-537 author: POP, Flavia; VOȘGAN, Zorica; MIHALESCU, Lucia title: SUPPLEMENTATION OF WHEAT FLOUR WITH SOY FLOUR, SENSORY AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL EVALUATION OF FORTIFIED BISCUITS date: 2017-12-30 words: 3113 flesch: 56 summary: The water absorption capacity of soy flour is much higher than that of wheat flour. In combination with wheat flour, soy flour is used for the preparation of bread or various pastry products. keywords: acidity; addition; alkalinity; analysis; biscuits; capacity; characteristics; content; control; dough; environment; evaluation; fat; fig; flour; food; gluten; grape; increase; issue; journal; mare; moisture; pop; product; quality; safety; saturation; sensory; soy; soy flour; storage; supplementation; university; volume; wheat; wheat flour; white; xvi cache: fens-537.pdf plain text: fens-537.txt item: #439 of 747 id: fens-538 author: PRISS, Olesia; YEVLASH, Viktoria title: TECHNOLOGY OF FRESH HERBS STORAGE USING HYDROGEL AND ANTIOXIDANT COMPOSITION date: 2017-12-30 words: 2712 flesch: 53 summary: Perforated film allows reducing weight losses and the intensity of Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017 Olesia PRISS, Viktoria YEVLASH, Technology of fresh herbs storage using hydrogel and antioxidant composition, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. Viktoria YEVLASH, Technology of fresh herbs storage using hydrogel and antioxidant composition, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVI, Issue 4 – 2017, pag. keywords: antioxidant; cel; changes; chlorophylls; cm3; composition; content; control; days; dill; engineering; environment; fig; food; fresh; greenery; greens; group; herbs; high; hydrogel; issue; journal; life; loss; marketable; medium; method; nutrients; nutrition; parsley; products; quality; safety; shelf; spinach; storage; technology; university; vitamin; volume; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-538.pdf plain text: fens-538.txt item: #440 of 747 id: fens-539 author: GREK, Olena; TYMCHUK, Alla; CHUBENKO, Larisa; OVSIIENKO, Kira title: RESEARCH ON THE QUALITY INDICATORS OF CURD PRODUCTS BASED ON PROTEIN-HERBAL CLOTS date: 2017-12-30 words: 3871 flesch: 57 summary: To stabilize the moisture and enrichment of protein clots was Used APF. Abstract: The article presents the research of qualitative indicators of curd products with different nutritional ingredients based on protein-herbal clots. keywords: ability; acid; acidity; alla; apf; apple; basis; cel; cheese; chubenko; clots; coagulation; components; curd; curd products; dairy; effective; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; fibers; food; grek; herbal; herbal clots; indicators; ingredients; issue; journal; juice; larisa; mare; mass; milk; moisture; pectin; process; products; protein; quality; research; rumex; safety; samples; suceava; sugar; technology; tymchuk; university; viscosity; volume; water; white; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-539.pdf plain text: fens-539.txt item: #441 of 747 id: fens-54 author: 2015, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-07 words: 833 flesch: 15 summary: ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XIV, Issue 4 31 DECEMBER 2015 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladislav REȘITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldova Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, keywords: cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare; mare university; moldova; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-54.pdf plain text: fens-54.txt item: #442 of 747 id: fens-540 author: TĂNASE, Elisabeta Elena; BAICU, Adina Alexandra; POPA, Vlad Ioan; MITELUȚ, Amalia Carmen; DRAGHICI, Mihaela; STAN, Andreea; POPESCU, Paul Alexandru; POPA, Mona Elena title: SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING SOLUTIONS FOR ORGANIC FRESH BERRIES date: 2017-12-30 words: 3931 flesch: 50 summary: In this respect, food industry engages in preserving the good functioning of the environment by developing and using biodegradable and bio-based resources for food packaging. Food packaging in general and also of fruits in particular, has the primary function of protecting them from mechanical injuries to maintain quality and to delay microbial growth [9], [14]. keywords: active; adina; alexandru; amalia; andreea; atmosphere; berries; biodegradable; carmen; cel; cinerea; draghici; effect; elena; elisabeta; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; films; food; food packaging; fresh; fruits; grapes; ioan; issue; journal; life; literature; map; mare; materials; mihaela; mona; organic; packaging; pag; paul; popa; popescu; postharvest; products; quality; safety; shelf; solutions; spoilage; stan; suceava; sustainable; technology; university; vegetables; vlad; volume; xvi; ştefan cache: fens-540.pdf plain text: fens-540.txt item: #443 of 747 id: fens-541 author: IUGA, Mădălina; ROPCIUC, Sorina; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT OF GRAPE SEEDS AND PEELS FROM ROMANIAN VARIETIES date: 2017-12-30 words: 2934 flesch: 54 summary: Key words: grape seeds, grape peels, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content. The phenolic content of grape seeds is greater than of grape peels [12]. keywords: activity; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; cel; chemistry; compounds; concentration; content; engineering; extraction; extracts; food; grape; grape pomace; grape seeds; high; issue; journal; mare; methanol; method; mironeasa; peels; phenolic; phenolic content; polyphenols; pomace; products; red; results; romanian; seeds; solvent; suceava; total; total phenolic; university; varieties; volume; water; white; wine; xvi cache: fens-541.pdf plain text: fens-541.txt item: #444 of 747 id: fens-542 author: STURZA, Rodica; MELENCIUC, Mihai; NISTOR, Denisa; BOUDISSA, Farida; TERKANI, Thiziri; ABDELKADER, Nou-Houda Hadj; ABDELKRIM, Azzouz title: RECYCLABLE POROUS MATERIALS FOR THE UPTAKE OF BISPHENOL A date: 2017-12-30 words: 2986 flesch: 57 summary: In 2011, about 5.5 million tons of bisphenol A were produced, which were subsequently used for the manufacture of polycarbonate bottles and tableware, bottles for infant formula, and so on [[1], [2], [3]]. By multiple molecular mechanisms, bisphenol A has a strong disrupting effect on estrogenic activity, as well as other endocrine activities [ keywords: abdelkrim; azzouz; basic; bisphenol; catalyst; cel; co2; crc; different; environment; exposure; femt; fig; food; health; issue; journal; mare; materials; mg/10 min; mg/25 min; mg/3 min; min o3; namt; natural; nistor; ozonation; pag; porous; recyclable; spectra; temperature; tpd1; university; volume; water; wrc; xvi cache: fens-542.pdf plain text: fens-542.txt item: #445 of 747 id: fens-543 author: ZASIADKO, Yaroslav; PRYADKO, Mykola; ZASIADKO, Pavlo; BULIANDRA, Olexiy title: STUDY ON THE KINETICS OF BIOMASS BLENDS DEWATERING AS A STAGE OF THERMAL DEGRADATION date: 2017-12-30 words: 4027 flesch: 53 summary: The kinetic characteristics of individual stages of biomass thermal degradation are being determined using thermogravimetric methods [1-7]. 1.75 10 Sunflower husk 77.1 15.8 7 Special samples of biomass blends were prepared with the weight of 40...50 mg of individual components in a 1: 1 proportion to be used in the experimental studies of the stages of thermal destruction kinetics. keywords: analysis; approximation; biomass; blends; buliandra; cel; conversion; data; decomposition; degradation; degree; demoisturization; dewatering; engineering; environment; equation; faculty; food; fuel; issue; journal; kinetics; mare; method; moisture; mykola; olexiy; pag; pavlo; process; pryadko; pulp; range; reaction; safety; sample; sawdust; solid; stage; straw; study; suceava; temperature; thermal; time; university; values; volume; volume xvi; xvi; yaroslav; zasiadko; ştefan cache: fens-543.pdf plain text: fens-543.txt item: #446 of 747 id: fens-55 author: 2015, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 281 flesch: -2 summary: - 384 8 Water phase condition in the butter paste with red beet powder Oksana PODKOVKO, Tamara RASHEVSKAYA 385 - 390 9 Wheat fibre impact on flour quality of confectionery products Olena KOBETS, Viktor DOTSENKO, Oksana ARPUL, Iryna DOVGUN 391 - 397 10 Establishing the antioxidant activity based on chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Mircea OROIAN, Sorina ROPCIUC 398 - 406 Author instructions i - v Subscription information vi Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, ŞtefancelMareUniversity - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4– 2015 The role of functional food in the improvement of consumer’s health status Katerina BOJKOVSKA, Elena JOSHEVSKA, Nikolche JANKULOVSKI, Gordana DIMITROVSKA 331 - 339 2 Impact of food waste on climate change Cristina GHINEA, Maria GAVRILESCU 340 - 344 3 Investigation of the effect of vegetable powders into aqueous and oil phase in butter paste Oksana VASHEKA, Aleksandra NIEMIRICH, Oksana PETRUSHA, Natalya DROZD 345 - 351 4 Investigation of structural-mechanicalproperties of the recipe composition for special purpose fondants Olena DUDKINA, Olexandra NEMIRICH, Andriy GAVRYSH, Tatiana ISCHENKO, Yuriy TKACHUK 352 - 357 5 Fatty acids, mineral composition and physico-chemical parameters of Imbra- siaOyemensis larvae oil with unusual arachidonic acid content Raphael Amon AKPOSSAN, Edmond Ahipo DUE, Djary Michel KOFFI, Patrice KOUAME 358 - 367 6 The application of basaltic tuffs in the technology of cultivation the live feed for fish – preliminary study Oleksii KHUDYI, Igor KOBASA, Olga KUSHNIRYK, Lidiia KHUDA 368 - 374 7 Studies regarding the photocatalytic transformation of erythrosine B Laura Carmen APOSTOL, Anca Florentina CALIMAN, Maria GAVRILESCU 375 keywords: andriy gavrysh; butter paste; environment safety; food; food engineering; issue; maria gavrilescu; oksana; safety journal; suceava volume; volume xiv; ştefancelmareuniversity suceava; применение комплексоутворювачив cache: fens-55.pdf plain text: fens-55.txt item: #447 of 747 id: fens-550 author: 2018, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2018-04-02 words: 870 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-550.pdf plain text: fens-550.txt item: #448 of 747 id: fens-551 author: 2018, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2018-04-02 words: 384 flesch: 48 summary: Edible coatings – environmental replacing of traditional candy paper wrapper of “Korivka” candies Oksana SHULGA, Natalya PRITULSKA, Oksana PETRUSHA, Jelyzaveta SMIRNOVA 41 - 47 7. Effect of led lighting on growth and phenolic content on in vitro seedlings of ocimum basilicum l. cultivar ,,Aromat de Buzau” Mirela ARDELEAN, Aurel ARDELEAN, Ioan DON, Andrei LOBIUC, Marian BURDUCEA 66 - 73 11. keywords: capacity; cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; igor; issue; journal; mare; safety; suceava; university; use; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-551.pdf plain text: fens-551.txt item: #449 of 747 id: fens-552 author: WINKLER, Igor; VITVITSKA, Antonia title: ELABORATION OF A METHOD TO DETERMINE THE DRY WHITE WINE FALSIFICATION WITH SUCROSE date: 2018-04-02 words: 2256 flesch: 45 summary: Potentially, this method can also be applied to analyze wine blending samples and to control their affinity by the ratio between reducing and non-reducing sugars contents. Wine sugar analysis: It’s just a matter of… Fehling. keywords: adding; content; determination; disaccharides; dry; environment; falsification; food; inverted; issue; method; mmole; results; safety; samples; source; sucrose; sugars; table; total; university; untreated; volume; white; wine; xvii cache: fens-552.pdf plain text: fens-552.txt item: #450 of 747 id: fens-553 author: PETRENKO, Valentin; ZASIADKO, Yaroslav title: HEAT TRANSTER AT EVAPORATIVE CONCENTRATION OF DOWN FLOWING IN VERTICAL PIPES SOLUTIONS IN ANNULAR REGIMES date: 2018-04-02 words: 5658 flesch: 50 summary: The installation consist of heat transfer pipe from stainless steel, 9 m long with internal diameter of 30 mm partitioned in 20 section each of 40 mm long. The correlations given allow calculating the heat transfer coefficients for liquid films being concentrated in the vertical pipes of industrial evaporators Keywords: heat flux, heat transfer coefficient (HTC), depression, interphase surface, nucleate boiling 1. keywords: annular; boiling; calculation; cel; concentration; data; effect; engineering; environment; evaporation; evaporators; experimental; faculty; film; flow; flux; food; free; heat; heat transfer; htc; industrial; interphase; issue; journal; liquid; local; mare; mass; nucleate; pag; parameters; petrenko; pipes; regime; safety; section; solutions; steam; suceava; sugar; surface; temperature; transfer; university; valentin; value; vertical; volume; volume xvii; water; xvii; yaroslav; ştefan cache: fens-553.pdf plain text: fens-553.txt item: #451 of 747 id: fens-554 author: ATOBLA, Koua; AKOA, Edwige Essoma; BONNY, Carole Aya; DADIÉ, Adjehi; KAROU, Germain Tago; NIAMKE, Sebastien title: PORK SUPPLY CHAIN, CONSUMPTION AND RISK FACTORS FOR INFECTIONS OF CONSUMERS IN THE ABIDJAN DISTRICT (CÔTE D'IVOIRE) date: 2018-04-02 words: 6246 flesch: 63 summary: Keywords: Pork consumption, supply, environmental infection risks, good hygiene, public health. This obligation especially concerns foodborne zoonotic hazards transmitted to humans through pork consumption, such as thermophilic Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and keywords: abidjan; abidjan district; addition; adjehi; akoa; animal; areas; atobla; aya; baked; bonny; carole; cel; chain; consumers; consumption; contamination; control; cooking; côte; côte d'ivoire; d'ivoire; dadié; data; des; district; eating; edwige; engineering; environment; environment safety; essoma; factors; faculty; farm; females; figure; food; forms; fresh; germain; good; health; home; hygiene; infections; issue; journal; karou; koua; males; mare; marketing; meat; niamke; pag; people; pigs; porc; pork; pork consumption; pork supply; practices; processing; production; products; risk; risk factors; safety; salmonella; sauce; sebastien; size; slaughter; sources; study; suceava; supply; supply chain; survey; tago; traditional; transport; university; viande; volume; volume xvii; vomiting; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-554.pdf plain text: fens-554.txt item: #452 of 747 id: fens-555 author: POPOVICI, Violina; STURZA, Rodica title: ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF LOCAL BERRIES IN COMPLEX FOOD PRODUCTS date: 2018-04-02 words: 2308 flesch: 49 summary: Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII, Issue 1 – 2018 Violina POPOVICI, Rodica STURZA, Antioxidant capacity of local berries in complex food products, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 1 – 2018, pag. [%]%,100% 0 10 22    V VV OH Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII, Issue 1 – 2018 Violina POPOVICI, Rodica STURZA, Antioxidant capacity of local berries in complex food products, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 1 – 2018, pag. keywords: acid; antioxidant; berries; buckthorn; capacity; complex; control; environment; extracts; faculty; food; hawthorn; issue; lipid; local; mare; natural; oxidation; peroxide; plant; process; products; rosehip; safety; sample; sea; solution; thiosulfate; titration; university; value; volume; xvii cache: fens-555.pdf plain text: fens-555.txt item: #453 of 747 id: fens-556 author: DIICHUK, Volodymyr; DIICHUK, Iryna; KOBASA, Igor title: INFLUENCE OF THERMAL TREATMENT OF THE BASALT TUFA ON ITS PHASE COMPOSITION AND SORPTION CAPACITY date: 2018-04-02 words: 2199 flesch: 59 summary: Conclusion It has been found that thermal treatment of basalt tufa results in significant changes in its phase composition, which depends greatly on the temperature regime of sintering. Abstract: The results reflecting influence of thermal treatment of basalt tufa (BT) on its phase composition and capacity of some heavy metal ions (Cu 2+ , Mn 2+ , Ni 2+ , Pb 2+ , Zn 2+ ) sorption under the static conditions are presented. keywords: basalt; capacity; composition; environment; food; heavy; influence; ions; issue; kobasa; metal; phase; results; samples; sorption; surface; suspension; table; temperature; thermal; treatment; tufa; ukrainian; university; value; volume; water; xvii cache: fens-556.pdf plain text: fens-556.txt item: #454 of 747 id: fens-557 author: SHULGA, Oksana; PRITULSKA, Natalya; PETRUSHA, Oksana; SMIRNOVA, Jelyzaveta title: EDIBLE COATINGS – ENVIRONMENTAL REPLACING OF TRADITIONAL CANDY PAPER WRAPPER OF “KORIVKA” CANDIES date: 2018-04-02 words: 3251 flesch: 53 summary: Edible coating is made of natural polymers – starch, gelatin together with plasticizer – urea or glycerol and hydrophobic component – linseed oil and solvent. The proposed composition of edible coating is completely utilized due to its use along with candies. keywords: candies; candy; change; coating; confectionery; content; crystals; edible; edible coating; environment; faculty; films; food; fraction; issue; journal; korivka; mass; materials; moisture; oksana; packaging; paper; paper wrapper; products; properties; replacing; results; safety; size; storage; substances; sugar; technologies; term; traditional; ukraine; university; volume; water; wrapper; xvii cache: fens-557.pdf plain text: fens-557.txt item: #455 of 747 id: fens-558 author: BOAGHI, Eugenia; RESITCA, Vladislav; TATAROV, Pavel; CIUMAC, Jorj title: WALNUT SHELLS BLEACHING USING OXIDIZING AND REDUCING AGENTS date: 2018-04-02 words: 2251 flesch: 55 summary: For walnut bleaching were selected oxidising agents: H2O2, Okoron12, Na2B2O4(OH)4 and Ca(ClO)2 (concentrations in the neighborhood of 1 - 10% being found satisfactory). Walnuts bleaching was performed with oxidative bleaching agents (hydrogen peroxide, calcium hypochlorite, sodium perborate and Okorn 12) and reductants (sodium dithionite and sulphurous anhydride) at different concentrations, pH values and temperatures. keywords: agents; bleaching; boaghi; cel; chromatic; color; concentration; environment; food; hydrogen; issue; journal; min; okoron; oxidizing; parameters; pavel; perborate; peroxide; process; resitca; results; safety; shell; sodium; tatarov; temperature; university; vladislav; volume; walnuts; whitening; xvii cache: fens-558.pdf plain text: fens-558.txt item: #456 of 747 id: fens-559 author: HAROON, Muhammad; VAQAS, Muhammad title: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF TOXIC METALS AND MICRONUTRIENTS IN VEGETABLES IRRIGATED BY SEWAGE/FRESH WATER date: 2018-04-02 words: 2782 flesch: 53 summary: The highest concentration of cadmium was determined 1.86 mg/kg in the Couliflower (Brassica oleracea) irrigated sewage water grew in the field of Francisabad, Gujranwala near the drain stream containing industrial and domestic effluents. Metal in vegetable sample: (mg/kg) = (S-B)*dt*V / W S = Sample Reading; B = Blank Reading; dt = Dilution factor; V = Volume of first dilution; W = Weight of sample. keywords: cadmium; cancer; cel; chromium; comparative; concentration; copper; edible; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; fresh; fresh water; higher; iron; irrigation; issue; journal; lead; level; manganese; mare; metals; micronutrients; muhammad; oleracea; range; safety; samples; sewage; sewage water; study; suceava; toxic; university; vaqas; vegetables; volume; water; xvii; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-559.pdf plain text: fens-559.txt item: #457 of 747 id: fens-56 author: BOJKOVSKA, Katerina; JOSHEVSKA, Elena; JANKULOVSKI, Nikolche; DIMITROVSKA, Gordana; JOVANOVSKA, Vangelica title: THE ROLE OF FUNCTIONAL FOOD IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF CONSUMER’S HEALTH STATUS date: 2016-04-07 words: 4953 flesch: 49 summary: THE ROLE OF FUNCTIONAL FOOD IN THE IMPROVEMENT OF CONSUMER’S HEALTH STATUS *Katerina BOJKOVSKA1 , Elena JOSHEVSKA1, Nikolche JANKULOVSKI1, Gordana DIMITROVSKA1, Vangelica JOVANOVSKA1 1Faculty of biotechnical sciences - Bitola. Functional foods are foods that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition ones. keywords: age; benefits; body; cel; certain; components; concept; consumer; development; diet; education; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; food; functional; functional food; gender; gordana; health; improvement; issue; jankulovski; journal; katerina; mare; market; new; nikolche; number; nutrition; pag; perception; positive; products; research; respondents; risk; role; safety; significant; specific; status; suceava; table; term; test; university; vangelica; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-56.pdf plain text: fens-56.txt item: #458 of 747 id: fens-560 author: GHENDOV-MOȘANU, Aliona title: THE USE OF DOG-ROSE HIPS (ROSA CANINA) FRUITS IN THE PRODUCTION OF MARSHMALLOW-TYPE CANDY date: 2018-04-02 words: 3633 flesch: 47 summary: Table 2 presents quality physicochemical indicators of the marshmallows with 1,0% and 2,0% rose hip extract and with 1,0%, 2,0% and 2,5% rose hip powder to mass product as compared to the control sample with 0,02% tartrazine, during storage. Profiles of marshmallow candy with: a) rose hip extract; b) rose hip powder compared to the control sample with tartrazine. keywords: acidity; active; activity; addition; aliona; analysis; antiradical; candy; canina; cel; compounds; control; days; dog; dry; dye; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; food; fraction; fruits; ghendov; hip; hips; issue; journal; mare; marshmallow; mass; method; moldova; moșanu; pag; powder; production; products; republic; results; rosa; rose; safety; sample; storage; suceava; sugar; synthetic; tartrazine; total; type; university; use; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-560.pdf plain text: fens-560.txt item: #459 of 747 id: fens-561 author: ARDELEAN, Mirela; ARDELEAN, Aurel; DON, Ioan; LOBIUC, Andrei; BURDUCEA, Marian title: EFFECT OF LED LIGHTING ON GROWTH AND PHENOLIC CONTENT ON IN VITRO SEEDLINGS OF OCIMUM BASILICUM L. CULTIVAR ,,AROMAT DE BUZAU” date: 2018-04-02 words: 3853 flesch: 54 summary: Furthermore, combining red and blue LEDs proved effective for photosynthesis considering the higher chlorophyll content in plants grown with LEDs light compared with plants grown with Ne source. Regarding radishes, soybean and wheat grown with LEDs with different percentages of blue light, the results showed that blue light did not influence total dry weight, blue light from warm white LEDs led to augmented stem elongation and leaf growth, while blue light from cool white LEDs led to more compact plants. keywords: andrei; antioxidant; ardelean; aromat; aurel; basil; basilicum; blue; blue light; burducea; buzau; capacity; cel; content; control; cultivar; culture; days; different; don; effect; engineering; environment; extracts; faculty; fluorescent; food; growth; height; influence; ioan; issue; journal; leaf; leds; light; lighting; lobiuc; mare; marian; medicinal; medium; mirela; morphological; ocimum; pag; phenolic; plant; production; radical; red; romania; safety; secondary; seedlings; suceava; total; university; vitro; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-561.pdf plain text: fens-561.txt item: #460 of 747 id: fens-562 author: BANTEA-ZAGAREANU, Valentina title: USE OF WALNUTS (JUGLANS REGIA L.) WASTE FROM PHYSICAL EXTRACTION OF OIL TO PRODUCE FLOUR AND SWEETS TITLE date: 2018-04-02 words: 3392 flesch: 54 summary: After determination of peroxide value in sweets with defatted walnut flour, using a method for confectionery products, can be said that after a month peroxide value grew up, but the value (4,56 millimoles per kilogram) is according to the peroxide value for walnuts’ oil, which maximum is 10,0 millimoles per kilogram [28]. Keywords: dried fruits, fats, oxidation, peroxide value, sweets, defatted walnut flour, inulin. keywords: acid; cel; characteristics; confectionery; determination; engineering; environment; faculty; fats; flavor; flour; food; fruits; gost; issue; journal; juglans; mare; method; moldova; oil; peroxide; physical; product; production; properties; quantity; regia; republic; safety; sensory; storage; sugar; sweets; technical; university; use; value; volume; walnut; walnut flour; waste; xvii cache: fens-562.pdf plain text: fens-562.txt item: #461 of 747 id: fens-563 author: KOBASA, Igor; VOROBETS, Mariya; АRSENIEVA, Larysa title: BASALT TUFA AS A BACTERICIDE FILLER FOR SOME PACKAGING MATERIALS date: 2018-04-02 words: 2948 flesch: 55 summary: Results and Discussion Following components were identified in natural tufa samples: zeolites (35–40 %), montmorillonite (30–40 %), feldspars (10– 15 %), silica materials (4–5 %) and hema- tites (3–5 %) Next stage of the investigation was aimed onto determination of antibacterial activity of various tufa samples. keywords: acidic; activity; adsorption; analysis; antibacterial; aureus; bactericide; basalt; basalt tufa; catalytic; chemical; coli; composition; engineering; escherichia; filler; food; h2so4; hcl; hno3; issue; journal; kobasa; mariya; materials; modification; modified; natural; packaging; safety; samples; staphylococcus; surface; table; temperature; thermal; treatment; tufa; university; volume; vorobets; ştefan cache: fens-563.pdf plain text: fens-563.txt item: #462 of 747 id: fens-565 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: STUDY ON TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT IN SOME ROMANIAN FOREST MUSHROOM SPECIES, BEFORE AND AFTER HEAT TREATMENT date: 2018-04-02 words: 3251 flesch: 63 summary: The experiment consisted in mushrooms thermal processing (boiling for 30 and 60 minutes, and roasting for 10 minutes at 160°C), followed by the analysis of Total Phenolic Content (TPC) which values were compared to the ones obtained from raw samples. Introduction Widespread in plants and present in many species, phenolic compounds highlight various properties, from antioxidant, anti- microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti- allergenic to cardio-protective and vasodilatory ones keywords: activity; agaricus; antioxidant; armillaria; aurea; boiling; boletus; campestris; cel; chem; chemistry; compounds; content; cornucopiae; crispa; edulis; engineering; environment; food; forest; heat; issue; journal; lactarius; marcel; mare; material; mellea; minutes; mushroom; phenolic; phenols; pleurotus; processing; properties; ramaria; raw; roasting; russula; safety; samples; significant; sparassis; species; study; suceava; thermal; total; tpc; treatment; university; values; vesca; volume; xvii cache: fens-565.pdf plain text: fens-565.txt item: #463 of 747 id: fens-569 author: 2018, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2018-07-04 words: 867 flesch: 12 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-569.pdf plain text: fens-569.txt item: #464 of 747 id: fens-57 author: GHINEA, Cristina; GAVRILESCU, Maria title: IMPACT OF FOOD WASTE ON CLIMATE CHANGE date: 2016-04-07 words: 2637 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract: Food waste represents an issue that needs to be solved in order to achieve sustainable development and reduce its environmental impacts. In this work we focus on the actions of sustainable food production and consumption necessary to diminish the impacts of food waste on the environment. keywords: biodegradable; cel; change; climate; county; cristina; different; emissions; engineering; environment; european; faculty; fig; food; food waste; ghg; household; iasi; impacts; issue; journal; july; legislation; management; mare; national; organic; paper; recycling; report; resources; results; romania; safety; scenarios; suceava; sustainable; treatment; university; volume; waste; waste management; xiv; year cache: fens-57.pdf plain text: fens-57.txt item: #465 of 747 id: fens-570 author: 2018, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2018-07-04 words: 499 flesch: 35 summary: Cyperus esculentus: physical properties of tubers and microbiological changes during natural fermentation in Nigeria Olayinka O. ELUTADE, Olubukola M. OYAWOYE, Ediga B. AGBO 131 - 140 4. Screening of potential yeast starters with high ethanol production for a small-scale cocoa fermentation in Ivory Coast Odilon KOFFI, Lamine SAMAGACI, Bernadette GOUALIE, Sébastien NIAMKE 113 - 130 3. keywords: assefa; cel; dorohovych; engineering; environment; faculty; feed; fermentation; food; issue; journal; mare; milk; olena; production; quality; safety; suceava; university; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-570.pdf plain text: fens-570.txt item: #466 of 747 id: fens-571 author: MARIAN, Monica; MARE ROŞCA, Oana; MIHALESCU, Lucia; VOŞGAN, Zorica; LAZĂR, Anamaria title: ANTIFUNGAL EFFECT OF SPICE EXTRACTS - POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS FOR BIOLOGICAL PRESERVATION OF FOOD date: 2018-07-04 words: 5334 flesch: 53 summary: LIXANDRU, B.E., DRĂCEA, N.O., DRAGOMIRESCU, C.C., DRĂGULESCU, E.C., COLDEA, I.L., ANTON, L., DOBRE, E., ROVINARU, C., CODIŢĂ, I., Antimicrobial activity of plant essential oils against bacterial and fungal species involved in food poisoning and/or food decay, Roum Arch Microbiol Immunol., 69: 24–230, (2010) Components of these plants, such as essential oils and other substances are responsible for germicidal effects. keywords: activities; activity; agar; anamaria; antibacterial; antifungal; antimicrobial; aspergillus; biological; carum; carvi; cel; chem; cinnamomum; colonies; composition; concentration; coriander; coriandrum; csapek; cultures; development; distilled; dox; effect; engineering; environment; essential; experimental; extracts; faculty; figure; food; fungi; graveolens; growth; inhibition; inhibitory; issue; journal; laurus; lazăr; lucia; mare; marian; medium; mihalescu; mold; monica; nobilis; oana; oil; oils; pag; petri; plant; plate; possible; potential; preservation; results; roșca; safety; sativum; solutions; species; spice; spores; sterile; studies; suceava; university; variants; volume; voşgan; water; xvii; zeylanicum; zorica; ştefan cache: fens-571.pdf plain text: fens-571.txt item: #467 of 747 id: fens-572 author: KOFFI, Odilon; SAMAGACI, Lamine; GOUALIE, Bernadette; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: SCREENING OF POTENTIAL YEAST STARTERS WITH HIGH ETHANOL PRODUCTION FOR A SMALL-SCALE COCOA FERMENTATION IN IVORY COAST date: 2018-07-04 words: 9481 flesch: 51 summary: ARDHANA M. M., FLEET G.H., The microbial ecology of cocoa bean fermentations in Indonesia. PAPALEXANDRATOU Z., DE VUYST L., Assessment of the yeast species composition of cocoa bean fermentations in different cocoa- producing regions using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. keywords: able; acetic; acetic acid; acetoin; acid; activities; activity; alcohol; appl; bacteria; beans; bernadette; cacao; capacity; cel; cerevisiae; characterization; chocolate; citric; coast; cocoa; cocoa beans; cocoa fermentation; compounds; concentrations; conditions; control; culture; different; effect; engineering; environment; ethanol; ethanol production; faculty; fermentation; fermentation process; flavor; food; food engineering; glucose; goualie; growth; high; high ethanol; influence; int; international; issue; ivory; journal; koffi; lactic; lactic acid; lamine; mare; medium; method; microbiol; microbiology; molecular; niamke; odilon; organic; pag; potential; potential yeast; presence; process; pulp; quality; results; saccharomyces; safety; samagaci; scale; scale cocoa; screening; small; species; starters; strains; stress; study; suceava; sébastien; temperature; university; volume; volume xvii; vuyst; xvii; yb14; yeast; yeast starters; yeast strains; yp13; yt8; ştefan cache: fens-572.pdf plain text: fens-572.txt item: #468 of 747 id: fens-573 author: O. ELUTADE, Olayinka; M. OYAWOYE, Olubukola; B. AGBO, Ediga title: CYPERUS ESCULENTUS: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TUBERS AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING NATURAL FERMENTATION IN NIGERIA date: 2018-07-04 words: 5288 flesch: 49 summary: Cyperus esculentus tubers are underground stems which are harvested when ploughed from the soil. It is also envisaged that the field-soil or storage conditions, or the combination of both, may have been responsible for the higher yeast and fungal count in the brown than yellow tuber, observed at the onset (0 hour) of soaking in water. keywords: acetic; acid; agbo; bacillus; bacteria; brown; brown tubers; candida; cel; cfu; changes; count; cyperus; ediga; elutade; engineering; environment; esculentus; faculty; fermentation; food; hours; isolated; issue; journal; klebsiella; lactic; length; log; mare; mean; microbiological; natural; nigeria; nut; nut tubers; olayinka; olubukola; organisms; oyawoye; pag; physical; process; production; properties; safety; soaked; soaking; species; study; suceava; tiger; tubers; university; values; varieties; variety; volume; water; weight; width; xvii; yeast; yellow; yellow tubers; ştefan cache: fens-573.pdf plain text: fens-573.txt item: #469 of 747 id: fens-574 author: DOROHOVYCH, Antonella; DOROHOVYCH, Victoria; MAZUR, Liubov title: COMPLEX QUALITY INDICATOR OF SUGARS AND SUGAR SUBSTITUTES AND THEIR USE IN THE PRODUCTION OF CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS date: 2018-07-04 words: 6384 flesch: 49 summary: When evaluating sugars according to the complex indicator as the differential indicators, there were selected sweetness, glycemic index, solubility and melting point, caloric content, which have the greatest influence on the organoleptic, technological and physiological parameters of sugar quality. In the manufacture of confectionery sugars participate in the formation of amorphous, crystalline, gel- like, pasty, cream structure keywords: account; antonella; caramel; carbohydrates; cel; complex; confectionery; confectionery products; content; dorohovych; engineering; environment; environment safety; equilibrium; erythritol; expert; faculty; food; fructose; glucose; glycemic; humidity; index; indicator; integrated; issue; journal; liubov; maltitol; mare; mazur; melting; moisture; pag; point; polyols; production; products; properties; quality; safety; solubility; sorption; substitutes; suceava; sucrose; sugar; sugar substitutes; sweetness; table; tagatose; university; use; validity; value; victoria; volume; volume xvii; water; xvii; zone; ştefan cache: fens-574.pdf plain text: fens-574.txt item: #470 of 747 id: fens-575 author: MESFIN, Rehrahie; ASSEFA, Getnet; ASSEFA, Fassil title: PERCEPTION OF FARMERS, FEED PROCESSORS AND FEED RETAILERS ON CONTAMINANTS OF LIVESTOCK FEED AND WATER IN SOME SELECTED AREAS OF ETHIOPIA date: 2018-07-04 words: 5532 flesch: 51 summary: 154 - 164 PERCEPTION OF FARMERS, FEED PROCESSORS AND FEED RETAILERS ON CONTAMINANTS OF LIVESTOCK FEED AND WATER IN SOME SELECTED AREAS OF ETHIOPIA *Rehrahie MESFIN1.3, Getnet ASSEFA2, Fassil ASSEFA3 1Holetta Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, e-mail: 2Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Livestock Research Directorate Office, P. O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 3Addis Ababa University (AAU), Science faculty, Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, P.O.Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Received 28th November 2017, accepted 25th June 2018 Despite some improvements on export of livestock and livestock products in recent years, productivity and commercialization of the livestock sub-sector is still very low Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume VII, Issue 2 – 2018 Rehrahie Mesfin, Getnet Assefa and Fassil Assefa, Perception of farmers, feed processors and feed retailers on contaminants of livestock feed and water in central highlands of Ethiopia, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 2 – 2018, pag. 154 – 164 155 2 5.This is because livestock production is mainly undertaken by small-holding rural producers and pastoralists using inefficient local breeds depending on poor quality pastures and lack of veterinary services 4. keywords: ababa; addis; animal; assefa; bishoftu; cel; central; concentrate; concentrate feed; contaminants; contaminated; dairy; different; duration; eastern; engineering; environment; ethiopia; faculty; farmers; fassil; feed; feed processors; feed retailers; floor; food; getnet; grain; hawassa; highlands; holetta; issue; journal; leech; livestock; livestock feed; livestock water; majority; manufacturers; mare; mesfin; methods; mold; pag; palate; perception; practices; problems; processors; producers; production; products; quality; rehrahie; research; respondents; retailers; safety; shoa; species; storage; study; suceava; table; total; university; volume; water; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-575.pdf plain text: fens-575.txt item: #471 of 747 id: fens-576 author: GREK, Olena; KRASULYA, Olena; CHUBENKO, Larisa; TYMCHUK, Alla title: THE INVESTIGATION OF THE POTENTIONAL COMPLEX FROM PLANTAGO MAJOR TO COAGULATE MILK PROTEINS date: 2018-07-04 words: 5552 flesch: 57 summary: Abstract: The possibility of coagulating milk proteins by wild plants was confirmed. The potential ability of Plantago major leaves to coagulate milk proteins is considered in the article. keywords: ability; acidity; acids; active; alla; aspartic; capacity; casein; cel; characterization; cheese; chem; chubenko; clot; clotting; cm-1; coagulant; coagulation; comlex; control; cynara; dairy; engineering; environment; enzyme; experimental; faculty; fig; food; fraction; grek; groups; herbal; indicators; int; investigation; issue; journal; juice; krasulya; larisa; major; major juice; mare; mass; milk; milk proteins; moisture; olena; pag; plantago; plantago major; potentional; production; properties; proteases; protein; protein clot; rennet; results; safety; samples; serine; soft; structure; suceava; technology; tymchuk; types; units; university; use; volume; water; xvii; zone; ştefan cache: fens-576.pdf plain text: fens-576.txt item: #472 of 747 id: fens-577 author: EL-AZIZ, Doaa Abd; ABDEL-RAHEEM, Ghada title: EFFECTS OF NATURAL FEED ADDITIVES AND PROBIOTICS ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE AND MEAT QUALITY OF PIGEON date: 2018-07-04 words: 3950 flesch: 65 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of Moringa oleifera, Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) seeds and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on pigeon performance, carcass traits, pigeon meat quality and composition. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of addition of Moringa oleifera, Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on pigeon performance, carcass characteristics and pigeon meat quality and composition when added to pigeon diet. keywords: addition; additives; best; birds; body; broiler; carcass; cerevisiae; chicken; composition; contents; control; conversion; cooking; diet; different; doaa; effect; environment; faculty; feed; feeding; fenugreek; food; gain; intake; issue; journal; loss; meat; meat quality; month; moringa; moringa oleifera; natural; oleifera; performance; pigeon; probiotics; productive; protein; quality; ratio; saccharomyces; safety; table; treatments; university; vit; volume; weight; xvii; yeast cache: fens-577.pdf plain text: fens-577.txt item: #473 of 747 id: fens-578 author: MANIZAN, Ama Léthicia; AKAKI, David; PIRO-METAYER, Isabelle; MONTET, Didier; BRABET, Catherine; KOFFI-NEVRY, Rose title: ASSESSMENT OF THE RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH AFLATOXIN CONTAMINATION DURING THE MARKETING OF PEANUTS IN CÔTE D'IVOIRE date: 2018-07-04 words: 4477 flesch: 60 summary: Table 1. Socio-demographic profile of peanut traders interviewed Socio-demographic profile Number of individuals (n=60) Percentage (%) Locality Bouaké Korhogo Daloa Abidjan 10 13 11 26 16.7 21.7 18.3 43.3 Sex Male Female 37 23 61.7 38.3 Age 15-30 years 30-60 years > 60 years 4 51 5 6.7 85.0 8.3 Level of education Primary Secondary Superior None 13 4 1 42 21.7 6.7 1.7 70.0 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII, Issue 2 – 2018 Ama Léthicia MANIZAN, David AKAKI, Isabelle PIRO-METAYER, Didier MONTET, Catherine BRABET, Rose KOFFI-NEVRY, Assessment of the risk factors associated to aflatoxin contamination during the marketing of peanuts in Côte d'Ivoire, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 2 – 2018, pag. Training in good hygiene and manufacturing practices of peanut traders would be an alternative to the reduction of aflatoxin contamination, in order to ensure a better sanitary quality of peanuts in the Ivorian markets. keywords: abidjan; aflatoxin; akaki; ama; assessment; brabet; catherine; cel; conditions; contamination; control; côte; côte d'ivoire; d'ivoire; david; des; didier; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; food; fungi; isabelle; issue; journal; koffi; losses; léthicia; main; majority; manizan; mare; marketing; markets; metayer; methods; montet; nevry; number; pag; paste; peanut; piro; pods; practices; production; products; quality; risk; safety; sale; seeds; sellers; storage; study; suceava; table; traders; type; university; volume; wholesalers; xvii; years; ştefan cache: fens-578.pdf plain text: fens-578.txt item: #474 of 747 id: fens-579 author: SHEVCHENKO, Olexandr; SOKOLENKO, Anatoliy; VASYLKIVSKY, Konstantin; STEPANETS, Oleg title: DESATURATION OF CULTURAL MEDIA IN PROCESSES OF ANAEROBIC FERMENTATION date: 2018-07-04 words: 2630 flesch: 47 summary: SHEVCHENKO O., VYNNYCHENKO I., STEPANETS A., BOYKO O. Features of transformations of material and energy flows in fermentation media, Scientific works of National University of Food Technologies, 23(3): 107–115, (2017). It is determined that the level of carbon dioxide accumulation increases due to physical and hydrostatic pressures and the latter one is determined by the geometrical parameters of fermentation vehicles, but the quantitative desaturation per unit volume of the medium does not depend on hydrostatic pressure. keywords: anaerobic; carbon; co2; culture; desaturation; dioxide; environment; fermentation; food; gas; hydrostatic; increase; ingenious; issue; journal; liquid; mass; media; medium; mpa; osmotic; phase; pressure; processes; safety; shevchenko; sokolenko; state; technologies; time; transfer; university; volume; xvii cache: fens-579.pdf plain text: fens-579.txt item: #475 of 747 id: fens-58 author: VASHEKA, Oksana; NIEMIRICH, Aleksandra; PETRUSHA, Oksana; DROZD, Natalya title: INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF VEGETABLE POWDERS ON AQUEOUS AND OIL PHASE IN BUTTER PASTE date: 2016-04-07 words: 3521 flesch: 50 summary: On the basis of microstructure analysis, we studied the structural elements that formed plant components with the fat and aqueous phases salt butter paste, as well as we determined the size and distribution of droplets characterized by plasma product. For the purpose of a positive decision, hidden hunger and harmonization of nutrition in most European countries and in Ukraine Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Oksana VASHEKA, Aleksandra NIEMIRICH, Oksana PETRUSHA, Natalya DROZD, Investigation of the effect of vegetable powders into aqueous and oil phase in butter paste, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag. keywords: aqueous; butter; butter paste; components; control; crystalline; droplets; effect; engineering; enriched; environment; fat; fig; finished; food; herbal; investigation; issue; journal; light; materials; melting; microstructure; milk; mixture; natalya; number; oil; oksana; paste; peak; phase; plant; plasma; powders; product; research; results; safety; sample; seeds; sesame; structure; university; vegetable; volume; xiv cache: fens-58.pdf plain text: fens-58.txt item: #476 of 747 id: fens-580 author: GREK, Olena; OSMAK, Tatyana; CHUBENKO, Larisa; MYKHALEVYCH, Artur title: TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PRODUCTION OF FROZEN DESSERT WITH PROTEIN-HERBAL COMPONENT date: 2018-07-04 words: 3594 flesch: 50 summary: The advantages of using the thermo & heat coagulation of milk proteins are taken into consideration. Scientists have already developed a technology of ice cream with the addition of cheese sour milk low-fat obtained by acid coagulation of milk proteins [4] and a frozen dessert enriched with soy protein component [5]. keywords: acid; acidity; amino; amino acid; aspects; biological; cel; coagulation; component; composition; cream; dessert; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; food; frozen; frozen dessert; grek; herbal; herbal component; ice; issue; journal; larisa; mare; mass; milk; osmak; phc; production; products; protein; quality; safety; samples; suceava; tatyana; technological; technology; university; value; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-580.pdf plain text: fens-580.txt item: #477 of 747 id: fens-581 author: GHINEA, Cristina; LEAHU, Ana title: ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF PORK MEAT CHAIN: A ROMANIAN CASE STUDY date: 2018-07-04 words: 3550 flesch: 52 summary: Resources like water and energy are necessary in very large quantities in meat production from which solid waste and wastewater result, thus increasing the environmental impacts of this process. Meat production by species, EU-28, 2009-2014 (million tonnes) (according to [4]) Fig. 2. keywords: activities; air; assessment; case; cel; chain; co2; consumption; cristina; cycle; determined; emissions; engineering; environmental; evaluation; faculty; fig; food; ghinea; impact; intensive; issue; journal; lca; life; main; manure; mare; meat; pag; pigs; pork; potential; production; products; romanian; safety; storage; study; suceava; system; tonnes; treatment; university; values; volume; waste; wastewater; water; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-581.pdf plain text: fens-581.txt item: #478 of 747 id: fens-582 author: UZUNOSKA, Zora; KALEVSKA, Tanja; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija; NIKOLOVSKA NEDELKOSKA, Daniela; TRAJCESKA, Natalija; BELICHOVSKA, Daniela; BELICHOVSKA, Katerina title: POSITIVE IMPACT OF FREQUENT MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS CONSUMPTION ON BONE MINERAL DENSITY OF OVER 50-AGED MACEDONIAN WOMEN date: 2018-07-04 words: 6286 flesch: 60 summary: The results shown in Table 3 relate to the examined relationship between BMD (g/cm2) as a dependent phenomenon and MDP consumption (daily & 3 - 5 times/ Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII, Issue 2 – 2018 Zora UZUNOSKA, Tanja KALEVSKA, Viktorija STAMATOVSKA, Daniela NIKOLOVSKA NEDELKOSKA, Natalija TRAJCESKA, Daniela BELICHOVSKA, Katerina BELICHOVSKA, Frequent milk and dairy products consumption has a positive impact on bone mineral density of Macedonian women over age of 50, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 2 – 2018, pag. Females were categorized into 3 groups according to MDP consumption: those who consume MDP on a daily base; 3 - 5times/week; or 1 - 2 times/ week, and those who did not consume MDP were a reference category. keywords: age; average; belichovska; beta; bmd; bone; bone mineral; calcium; cel; cm2; consumers; consumption; daily; daily mdp; dairy products; daniela; density; difference; engineering; environment; faculty; females; food; frequency; frequent; health; higher; higher bmd; impact; intake; issue; journal; macedonian; mare; mdp; mdp consumers; mdp consumption; milk; mineral; natalija; nikolovska; non; non consumers; osteoporosis; positive; products; products consumption; results; safety; significant; study; suceava; table; tanja; times; university; values; volume; week; week consumption; week mdp; women; xvii; years; ştefan cache: fens-582.pdf plain text: fens-582.txt item: #479 of 747 id: fens-583 author: GOOTS, Viktor; YUSHCHENKO, Nataliia; KUZMYK, Ulyana title: DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATIC MODEL OF SPICED SOUR-MILK PASTAS QUALITY date: 2018-07-04 words: 3609 flesch: 48 summary: 224 – 232 227 where у – general index of product quality (numerical score); с – estimated variable characteristic functionally linked to a product recipe; n – ratio of area of product quality profile polygon, taken for the ideal area of product quality profile of each of the studied products; k – area of quality profile of ideal product at the selected coding level for individual metrics. The analytical research results on product quality were obtained from organoleptic parameters and content of biologically active substances (tannin, catechin, and rutin) with usage of symbolic computer mathematics and graphic images methods. keywords: active; analysis; area; cel; computer; content; control; dairy; development; different; differential; engineering; environment; equation; evaluation; food; general; ideal; index; indicators; issue; journal; mathematic; milk; milk pastas; model; organoleptic; pag; pastas; pastas quality; point; products; profiles; program; quality; recipe; safety; sour; spices; substances; system; university; usage; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-583.pdf plain text: fens-583.txt item: #480 of 747 id: fens-584 author: OGUNREMI, Omotade; ISHOLA, Oladotun; OGUNEDINA, Hannah title: PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING AND IN VITRO ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF AQUEOUS AND ETHANOL EXTRACTS FROM MUCUNA PRURIENS HUSKS AGAINST SOME FOODBORNE MICROORGANISMS date: 2018-07-04 words: 4132 flesch: 51 summary: Aqueous extracts showed stronger and wider spectrum of antimicrobial activity with 100 mg/ml of the extract demonstrating highest activity index of 1.15 compared to gentamycin (10 µg) against Pseudomonas sp. Antimicrobial activity of plant materials is due to the presence of some chemical compounds, including; alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics, quinones, saponins and tannins [3]. keywords: -ve; activity; agar; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; aqueous; bacteria; bread; cel; cfu; engineering; environment; ethanol; ethanol extracts; extracts; faculty; fish; food; foodborne; hannah; husk; index; inhibition; ishola; isolates; issue; journal; mare; meat; microorganisms; mucuna; mucuna pruriens; ogunedina; ogunremi; oladotun; omotade; pag; phytochemical; plant; pruriens; pseudomonas; safety; screening; seed; spoilage; study; suceava; table; test; university; volume; xvii; yeasts; zones; ştefan cache: fens-584.pdf plain text: fens-584.txt item: #481 of 747 id: fens-585 author: NOROCEL, Liliana; GUTT, Gheorghe title: ELECTROCHEMICAL BIOSENSOR BASED ON THE USE OF SPE FOR THE DETECTION OF IRON CONTENT IN WINE date: 2018-07-04 words: 2107 flesch: 51 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to develop a new method for iron analysis in wine. Voltammetric measurements were carried out with a PGSTAT204 Autolab at a minimum potential of -0.6 V and a maximum of 0.6V. Preparation of wine samples for AAS: the wine samples for AAS analyses were prepared according to [15]. keywords: aas; analysis; biosensor; content; cyclic; detection; determination; electrochemical; electrode; environment; fig; food; immobilized; iron; issue; journal; mare; method; norocel; protein; results; safety; samples; spe; suceava; use; values; volume; wine; xvii cache: fens-585.pdf plain text: fens-585.txt item: #482 of 747 id: fens-586 author: DRANCA, Florina; OROIAN, Mircea title: EFFECT OF ACID TYPE AND PARTICLE SIZE ON THE YIELD AND PURITY OF APPLE (MALUS DOMESTICA ‘FĂLTICENI’) POMACE PECTIN date: 2018-07-04 words: 3456 flesch: 55 summary: Influence of acid type on pectin yield and purity According to the results presented in Fig. 1, pectin yield was significantly influenced by the type of acid used in the preparation of the extraction mixture. Whereas citric acid extraction gave good results in terms of pectin purity, the uronic acid content of pectin extracted with hydrochloric acid decreased with the reduction of particle size. keywords: acid; acid content; acid extraction; acid type; apple; cel; citric; citric acid; content; domestica; effect; engineering; environment; extraction; fig; food; fălticeni; g/100; hydrochloric; influence; issue; journal; malus; particle; particle size; pectin; pectin yield; plant; pomace; purity; safety; size; suceava; type; university; uronic; uronic acid; variety; volume; xvii; yield cache: fens-586.pdf plain text: fens-586.txt item: #483 of 747 id: fens-587 author: KALEVSKA, Tatjana; KOCOSKI, Ljupce; JOSHEVSKA, Elena; UZUNOSKA, Zora; STAMATOVSKA, Viktorija title: SLAUGHTER CHARACTERISTICS AND WEIGHT LOSSES (SHRINKAGE) OF LAMBS FROM AN ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM date: 2018-07-04 words: 4627 flesch: 57 summary: [22] HANOĞLU HÜLYA, İBRAHIM AK, DENIZ SOYSAL: Determination of organic lamb fattening performanceand slaughter caracteristics in the sout Marmara conditions in Turkey. [12] BERIAIN M.J., BAS P., PURROY A.,TREACHER T., Effect of animal and nutritional factors and nutrition on lamb meat quality. keywords: animal; body; breeding; carcass; cel; characteristic; conventional system; cooling; difference; dressing; elena; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; food; group; group ii; internal; issue; joshevska; journal; kalevska; kocoski; lambs; ljupce; losses; mare; mass; meat; organic; organic system; organs; pag; percentage; production; quality; results; safety; shrinkage; significant; slaughter; stamatovska; suceava; systems; tatjana; transport; university; uzunoska; value; viktorija; volume; weight; xvii; zora; ştefan cache: fens-587.pdf plain text: fens-587.txt item: #484 of 747 id: fens-59 author: DUDKINA, Olena; NEMIRICH, Aleksandra; GAVRYSH, Andriy; ISCHENKO, Tatiana; TKACHUK, Yuriy title: INVESTIGATION OF STRUCTURAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE RECIPE COMPOSITION FOR SPECIAL PURPOSE FONDANTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 2867 flesch: 48 summary: On the basis of theoretical analysis and analyzing the classic ingredients of hot dessert, the authors have chosen the formulation of special purpose fondants. In connection with the absence of a wide range of gluten-free products on the territory of Ukraine, and considering the widespread popularity of hot sweet dishes among different age groups, recipes of special purpose fondants have been developed on the basis of gluten-free rice flour in order to implement them in public restaurant business units. keywords: adhesion; composition; control; deformation; dense; dough; dudkina; environment; faculty; flour; fondants; food; free; gavrysh; gluten; investigation; issue; journal; liquid; mechanical; porosity; product; properties; purpose; recipe; rice; safety; sample; special; special purpose; structural; surfactant; system; university; viscosity; volume; xiv cache: fens-59.pdf plain text: fens-59.txt item: #485 of 747 id: fens-592 author: 2018, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2018-10-08 words: 870 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-592.pdf plain text: fens-592.txt item: #486 of 747 id: fens-593 author: 2018, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2018-10-08 words: 290 flesch: 46 summary: Validation of a high performance liquid chromatography method for carbendazim residues quantification in tomatoes Veronica TANASA, Madalina DOLTU, Dorin SORA, Radu I. TANASA, Narcisa BABEANU 327 - 331 9. Modern aspects of marketing research application as determinant of promotional mix in business entities from milk processing industry in the Republic of Macedonia Katerina BOJKOVSKA, Fanche JOSHEVSKA, Andrijana VELEVSKA, Sasho BOJKOVSKI 309 - 316 7. keywords: aflatoxin; assefa; banda; bread; contents; environment; food; issue; milk; moruf; proteins; safety; tanasa cache: fens-593.pdf plain text: fens-593.txt item: #487 of 747 id: fens-594 author: VELYKA, Alla title: RAT KIDNEY TISSUES: OXIDATIVE MODIFICATION OF PROTEINS UNDER WATER AND SALT LOADS ASSOCIATED WITH HgCl2 NEPHROPATHY date: 2018-10-08 words: 4625 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract: Some changes in the main indexes of the pro-oxidation system of rat’s kidney tissues exposed to water and salt load on background of the nephropathy caused by mercury chloride were investigated. It is found that water and salt load leads to a higher content of the thiobarbiturate reaction products (TBA-RP) in kidney tissues in comparison with the control experiments while the content of the protein oxidative modification products remains unchanged. keywords: acidic; alla; basic; blue; cel; changes; chloride; comparison; content; core; engineering; environment; euthanasia; faculty; fig; food; group; hgcl; intoxication; journal; kidney; kidney tissues; load; magnification; mare; mercury; method; modification; nephropathy; oxidation; oxidative; pag; proteins; rat; rats; safety; salt; salt load; suceava; tissues; tubules; university; velyka; volume; water; water load; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-594.pdf plain text: fens-594.txt item: #488 of 747 id: fens-595 author: SHEVCHENKO, Iryna; SKOCHKO, Alexey title: ADVANTAGES OF USING PROTEINS IN THE PRODUCTION OF TRUNCATED SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS date: 2018-10-08 words: 2803 flesch: 48 summary: FEINER G., Meat products handbook. FEINER G., Meat products. keywords: activity; caseinate; chemical; control; cryoprotective; environment; fiber; finished; finished products; food; freezing; functional; issue; journal; meat; mixtures; moisture; polysaccharide; production; products; properties; proteins; results; safety; sample; semi; sodium; structure; substances; systems; technological; temperature; university; use; value; volume; water; xvii cache: fens-595.pdf plain text: fens-595.txt item: #489 of 747 id: fens-596 author: ZOUE, Lessoy; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: IMPROVEMENT OF IN VITRO BIOACCESSIBILITY OF PROVITAMIN A CAROTENOIDS BY FERMENTATION OF TROPICAL LEAFY VEGETABLES date: 2018-10-08 words: 4035 flesch: 46 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess in vitro bioaccessibility of provitamin A carotenoids in fermented leafy vegetables. Carotenoids were extracted from fermented leafy vegetables and analyzed by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). keywords: acid; bioaccessibility; bioavailability; carotene; carotenoids; cel; cis; countries; daily; deficiency; different; digestion; engineering; environment; esculenta; factors; faculty; fermentation; fermented; food; health; hplc; improvement; issue; journal; leafy; leafy vegetables; leaves; lessoy; mare; matrix; method; niamke; non; nutrition; pag.278; processing; provitamin; retinol; safety; study; suceava; sébastien; tropical; tropical leafy; university; vegetables; volume; water; xvii; zoue; ştefan cache: fens-596.pdf plain text: fens-596.txt item: #490 of 747 id: fens-597 author: MESFIN, Rehrahie; ASSEFA, Getnet; ASSEFA, Fassil title: DETERMINATION OF AFLATOXIN IN DAIRY FEEDS AND MILK IN SOME SELECTED AREAS OF ETHIOPIA date: 2018-10-08 words: 7754 flesch: 53 summary: Extraction process of feed samples Extraction process of feed samples was carried out according of the protocol provided by (Helica Biosystem Inc.). AFB1 mean, range and percent of feed samples belonging to different aflatoxin categories Type of feed N Level of aflatoxin (μg/kg) keywords: ababa; addis; afb1; aflatoxin; aflatoxin contamination; aflatoxin m1; afm1; agricultural; analysis; animal; annual; areas; assay; assefa; average; bishoftu; bran; cake; cel; chain; collected; concentrate; concentrate feeds; contaminated; contamination; content; country; dairy; dairy feeds; determination; different; engineering; environment; environment safety; ethiopia; faculty; fassil; feed samples; feeds; food; food engineering; getnet; hawassa; hay; higher; holetta; india; issue; journal; kenya; level; livestock; locations; low; mare; mean; mesfin; micro; milk; milk samples; oilseed; pag; producers; production; products; quality; range; rehrahie; research; retailers; roughage; safety; samples; sampling; shoa; sites; standard; storage; straw; study; suceava; table; temperature; university; usa; volume; volume xvii; wells; wheat; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-597.pdf plain text: fens-597.txt item: #491 of 747 id: fens-598 author: ELSHRAWAY, Nagwa Thabet; YOUSSEF, Ahmed Ibrahim; ABDEL HAFEZ, Mohamed Shaker title: THE POTENTIAL ROLE OF CHICKEN MEAT IN TRANSMISSION OF CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI TO CONSUMERS date: 2018-10-08 words: 4646 flesch: 52 summary: This study was conducted to investigate the presence of C. jejuni and some of its virulence genes in chicken meat in New Valley, Egypt and determine their zoonotic impacts. The virulence gene markers of C. jejuni was detected in chicken meat and liver samples as ViroB11 (2.27%), fla keywords: abdel; ahmed; bacterial; bird; broiler; c. jejuni; campylobacter; campylobacter jejuni; cel; chicken; chicken meat; consumers; contaminated; contamination; diarrheic; diseases; egypt; elshraway; engineering; environment; faculty; fla; food; gene; hafez; health; human; iam; ibrahim; isolates; issue; jejuni; journal; liver; mare; markets; meat; mohamed; nagwa; oxoid; pag; pcr; pectoral; potential; poultry; prevalence; public; results; role; safety; samples; shaker; stool; study; suceava; table; thabet; thigh; total; transmission; university; valley; virb11; virulence; volume; xvii; youssef; zoonotic; ştefan cache: fens-598.pdf plain text: fens-598.txt item: #492 of 747 id: fens-599 author: BOJKOVSKA, Katerina; JOSHEVSKA, Fanche; VELEVSKA, Andrijana; BOJKOVSKI, Sasho title: MODERN ASPECTS OF MARKETING RESEARCH APPLICATION AS DETERMINANT OF PROMOTIONAL MIX IN BUSINESS ENTITIES FROM MILK PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA date: 2018-10-08 words: 4297 flesch: 35 summary: The main objective of marketing research is to provide relevant information, increase of success and decrease of risk in company’s working and making right marketing decisions on the basis of gathered marketing information. The objective of the research is to show the significance of marketing research in modern working conditions not only of companies in general, but of companies in milk processing industry in the Republic of Macedonia as well, because it provides significant information for the market, consumers’ needs, wishes and requests, the demand for certain type of products, influence of prices on the consumers’ decision for buying milk and dairy products, etc. keywords: activities; application; bojkovska; business; capacities; certain; communication; companies; company; consumers; dairy; determinant; different; effects; entities; environment; faculty; food; industry; information; instruments; integrated; issue; journal; macedonia; marketing; marketing research; milk; milk processing; mix; modern; order; processing; processing industry; production; products; promotional; republic; research; results; safety; sales; university; volume; xvii cache: fens-599.pdf plain text: fens-599.txt item: #493 of 747 id: fens-6 author: DENKOVA, Zapryana; FILIPOV, Emil; GORANOV, Bogdan; DOBREV, Iliyan; YANAKIEVA, Velichka title: YOGURTS ENRICHED WITH PEA PROTEIN date: 2015-03-31 words: 4155 flesch: 67 summary: Keywords: Lactobacillus, pea protein, pea milk, starter, yogurt 1. One of them is water-vapor extraction of the pea beans to obtain pea milk rich in bioactive substances. keywords: acidity; bacteria; cells; cm3; cocci; concentration; cow; e n; e t; e v; engineering; environment; f e; faculty; fig; flavor; food; isolate; journal; lactobacillus; mare; microflora; microscopic; milk; o d; pattern; pea; pea protein; probiotic; protein; r e; r t; rich; rods; s e; safety; soy; starter; suceava; texture; titratable; university; viable; yogurt; ştefan cache: fens-6.pdf plain text: fens-6.txt item: #494 of 747 id: fens-60 author: AKPOSSAN, Raphael Amon; DUE, Edmond Ahipo; KOFFI, Djary Michel; KOUAME, Patrice title: FATTY ACIDS, MINERAL COMPOSITION AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF IMBRASIA OYEMENSIS LARVAE OIL WITH UNUSUAL ARACHIDONIC ACID CONTENT date: 2016-04-07 words: 5290 flesch: 60 summary: These authors showed that insect oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and frequently contain the essential linoleic and α-linolenic acids. Acid index of I. oyemensis oil was determined according to AOAC official method with the morn ISO-9001. keywords: acids; ahipo; akpossan; amon; analysis; aoac; arachidonic; caterpillars; cel; chemical; composition; content; dietary; djary; edible; edmond; engineering; environment; faculty; fao; fatty; fatty acids; food; free; gravity; high; imbrasia; imbrasia oyemensis; index; insects; iodine; issue; journal; koffi; kouame; larvae; linoleic; mare; method; michel; mineral; nutrition; oil; oils; oyemensis; oyemensis oil; pag; parameters; patrice; physico; physicochemical; polyunsaturated; potassium; raphael; ratio; refractive; rich; safety; sample; saponification; solution; source; specific; standard; suceava; table; university; unsaturated; unusual; value; volume; world; xiv; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-60.pdf plain text: fens-60.txt item: #495 of 747 id: fens-600 author: BANDA, Maureen S.; LIKWA, Rosemary N.; BWEMBYA, Phoebe; BANDA, Jeremiah; MBEWE, Allan title: CONSUMPTION OF AFLATOXIN CONTAMINATED PEANUT BUTTER: A HEALTH THREAT TO THE POPULATION IN LUSAKA URBAN-ZAMBIA date: 2018-10-08 words: 4908 flesch: 57 summary: In addition, another study in India [19] found aflatoxin contamination of above 30ppb with the highest values having been detected from peanut butter samples (42.5%). Abstract: Aflatoxin contamination is a major global Public Health problem especially in developing countries. keywords: 15ppb; aflatoxin; aflatoxin contamination; allan; banda; butter; bwembya; cel; consumption; contaminated; contamination; engineering; environment; faculty; findings; food; health; international; issue; jeremiah; journal; levels; likwa; local; lusaka; mare; maureen; mbewe; origin; outlets; pag; peanut; peanut butter; phoebe; population; processing; products; public; results; rosemary; safety; samples; standard; store; study; suceava; threat; university; urban; values; volume; xvii; zambia; ştefan cache: fens-600.pdf plain text: fens-600.txt item: #496 of 747 id: fens-601 author: TANASA, Veronica; DOLTU, Madalina; SORA, Dorin; TANASA, Radu I.; BABEANU, Narcisa title: VALIDATION OF A HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY METHOD FOR CARBENDAZIM RESIDUES QUANTIFICATION IN TOMATOES date: 2018-10-08 words: 2077 flesch: 53 summary: For this reason carbendazim residues in food are monitored in the European Union. Conclusion The adapted method is simple, fast, accurate, precise and sensitive in order to detect carbendazim residues in tomatoes samples below the maximum residue level of 0.3 mg/kg, according to the EU tolerance. keywords: carbendazim; cel; chromatography; concentration; determination; engineering; environment; food; high; hplc; issue; journal; level; limit; liquid; mare; method; pag; performance; phansawan; quantification; residues; romania; safety; samples; standard; suceava; tanasa; tomatoes; university; validation; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-601.pdf plain text: fens-601.txt item: #497 of 747 id: fens-602 author: LAWAL-ARE, Aderonke O.; MORUF, Olatunji R.; JUNAID, Damilola A.; OKE, Moruf O. title: CHEMICAL BIO-COMPOUNDS AND FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF RAW AND PROCESSED CUTTLEFISH, Sepia officinalis (MOLLUSCA: CEPHALOPODA) date: 2018-10-08 words: 4306 flesch: 49 summary: Cholesterol content of raw cuttlefish was of 0.923±0.02 mg/100g being reduced by boiling (0.711±0.02 mg/100g) and increased by frying (1.037±0.02 mg/100g). The results showed significantly high percentage of water and oil absorbing capacities for raw cuttlefish while foam and emulsion stabilities were higher in the boiled sample. keywords: absorbing; acid; ash; bio; boiling; cephalopoda; chemical; cholesterol; composition; compounds; content; cuttlefish; damilola; emulsion; engineering; environment; fat; foam; food; fried; frying; functional; highest; inhibitor; issue; journal; junaid; lawal; methods; mg/100; mineral; moisture; mollusca; moruf; nigeria; non; nutritional; officinalis; oke; olatunji; oxalate; phytate; processing; properties; protein; proximate; raw; safety; sample; sepia; sepia officinalis; significant; table; total; trypsin; university; volume; water; xvii cache: fens-602.pdf plain text: fens-602.txt item: #498 of 747 id: fens-603 author: SONCHIEU, Jean; FRU NSOH, John; NAIN WAINGEH, Caroline title: PESTICIDE EXPOSURE OF BREAD SELLERS AND MICROBIAL SAFETY OF BREAD SOLD IN BAMENDA, CAMEROON date: 2018-10-08 words: 6780 flesch: 61 summary: Although the bacteria count observed in bread samples from roadside vendors was high, it did not exceed the standard recommended limits of bacterial contamination for ready- to- eat foods set by the International Commission on Microbiological Specification for food Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII , Issue 3 – 2018 Jean SONCHIEU, John FRU NSOH, Caroline NAIN WAINGEH, Pesticide exposure of bread sellers and microbial safety of bread sold in Bamenda, Cameroon, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 3 – 218 , pag. Ten folds dilutions of bread samples were made by aseptically transferring 1 mL of the blended bread sample in to 9 mL of the sterile 0.1% peptone solution in universal dilution bottles to give a 10-2 dilution [13]. keywords: bacteria; bakeries; bakery; bamenda; bread; bread samples; bread sellers; cameroon; caroline; cel; cfu; coliform; coliform count; colony; colony count; contaminated; count; different; dishes; engineering; enumeration; environment; environment safety; exposure; faculty; food; fru; health; highest; irritation; issue; jean; john; journal; limit; local; mare; maximum; microbial; microbiological; microorganisms; molds; molds count; nain; nsoh; p>0.05; pag; pesticides; petri; plating; poisoning; products; quality; roadside; safety; samples; sellers; shops; sonchieu; standard; suceava; table; total; university; vendors; viable; volume; waingeh; xvii; yeast; ştefan cache: fens-603.pdf plain text: fens-603.txt item: #499 of 747 id: fens-609 author: 2018, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2019-01-22 words: 870 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-609.pdf plain text: fens-609.txt item: #500 of 747 id: fens-61 author: KHUDYI, Oleksii; KOBASA, Igor; KUSHNIRYK, Olga; KHUDA, Lidiia title: THE APPLICATION OF BASALTIC TUFFS IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF CULTIVATION THE LIVE FEED FOR FISH – PRELIMINARY STUDY date: 2016-04-07 words: 3297 flesch: 56 summary: The chemical composition of basaltic tuff from basalt deposit „Polytske-2” in terms of oxides, the mass fraction expressed in % Oxides Mass frac- tion, % Oxides Mass frac- tion, % SiO2 67.44 CaO 0.46 ТіО2 1.75 Na2O 0.94 Al2O3 12.82 K2O 1.06 Fe2O3 10.14 P2O5 0.12 МnО 0.09 SO3 0.11 MgO 5.02 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XII, Issue 4 – 2014 Oleksii KHUDYI, Igor KOBASA, Olga KUSHNIRYK, Lidiia KHUDA, The application of basaltic tuffs in the technology of cultivation the live feed for fish – preliminary study, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag. 368 – 374 370 The change of total mineralization values of medium using natural form and thermally calcined tuffs: M. macrocopa (a) and S. vetulus (b) with natural tuffs; M. macrocopa (c) and S. vetulus (d) with thermally calcined at 150 °C tuffs The impact of basaltic tuffs on the dynam- ics of metabolites accumulation in the cul- tivation medium, including ammonium ion and the products of its oxidation, nitrates and nitrites, attracts a particular attention. keywords: 30g; application; basaltic; basaltic tuffs; calcined; cultivation; culture; days; density; environment; feed; figure; fish; food; issue; journal; l days; live; macrocopa; medium; natural; o l; safety; study; technology; temperature; treatment; tuffs; university; use; vetulus; volume; water; zeolites; zooplankton cache: fens-61.pdf plain text: fens-61.txt item: #501 of 747 id: fens-610 author: 2018, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2019-01-22 words: 235 flesch: 33 summary: The contribution of hellenic food authority to the training field of food businesses staff from the authorityestablishment to its modern reorganization Elias CHAIDOUTIS, Dimitrios KOSTAKIS 385 - 394 5. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metal contents of barbecue beef, fish and chicken Abel INOBEME , Alexander Ikechukwu AJAI, Abdullahi MANN, Yahaya Ahmed IYAKA 395 - 403 6. Determination of Oxytetracycline Residue Levels in Edible Tissues of Cattle Slaughtered Engelbert BILASHOBOKA, Boyd MUDENDA, Nosiku MUNYINDA, Fabiola VINCENT MOSHI, Dominic M. KAMBARAGE 404 - 412 7. The influence of inulin and psyllium addition to ice-cream and its effects on the sensorial properties Ana LEAHU, Cristina GHINEA, Cristina DAMIAN 363 - 371 3. Characterization of the effect of modulated dry heat processing conditions on essen- tial and non essential amino acid profile of unseasoned breadfruit (v. Decne) snack seeds Azubuike CUMEZURUIKE, Joel NDIFE, Chinwe NWACHUKWU 372 - 384 4. keywords: contents; cristina; determination; effect; essential; flour; food; properties; seeds; для; комплексоутворювачив; применение cache: fens-610.pdf plain text: fens-610.txt item: #502 of 747 id: fens-611 author: MEDVID, Iryna; SHYDLOVSKA, Olena; DOTSENKO, Viktor title: THE USE OF SUNFLOWER LECITHIN IN THE TECHNOLOGY ON GLUTEN-FREE BREAD WITH ENZYMATIC MODIFICATION OF FLOUR STARCH date: 2019-01-22 words: 5860 flesch: 47 summary: MEDVID І., SHYDLOVSKA О., DOTSENKO V., Influence of fermentative modification of rice flour starch on bread quality for patients with celiac disease, Ukrainian Food Journal, Volume 6. The efficiency of the use of sunflower skimmed lecithin for production of rice bread with the use of enzymatic modification of flour starch has been proved. keywords: acid; activity; addition; bread; cel; change; control; crumb; dotsenko; dough; effect; engineering; environment; enzymatic; enzymatic modification; enzymes; faculty; fermentation; flour; flour starch; food; gas; gluten; glutenfree; increase; iryna; issue; journal; lecithin; mare; mass; medvid; modification; oil; olena; pag; porosity; process; production; products; properties; quality; rice; rice bread; rice flour; safety; sas; shydlovska; specific; specific volume; starch; suceava; sunflower; technology; university; use; viktor; volume; volume xvii; xvii; yeast; ştefan cache: fens-611.pdf plain text: fens-611.txt item: #503 of 747 id: fens-612 author: LEAHU, Ana; GHINEA, Cristina; DAMIAN, Cristina title: THE INFLUENCE OF INULIN AND PSYLLIUM ADDITION TO ICE-CREAM AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE SENSORIAL PROPERTIES date: 2019-01-22 words: 3902 flesch: 54 summary: Tabel 3. Color parameters for lingonberry ice cream samples inside Sample L * a * b * h * C * S1 71.9 8.7 -20.5 -67.04 22.27 S2 73.4 4.2 -10.3 -67.8 11.12 S3 72.4 3.1 -8.1 -69.04 Physico-chemical determinations The pH values of ice cream samples were measured using a digital pH meter at 25 0C calibrated with pH 4 and 7 buffers (Hanna Instruments, Italy). keywords: activity; addition; analysis; average; cel; color; content; control; cream; cream samples; cristina; damian; dietary; different; effects; engineering; environment; faculty; fibers; fig; food; ghinea; ice; ice cream; influence; inulin; issue; journal; leahu; lingonberry; lingonberry ice; mare; means; model; pag; properties; psyllium; psyllium fibers; results; safety; samples; sensorial; sensory; suceava; sugar; university; value; volume; water; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-612.pdf plain text: fens-612.txt item: #504 of 747 id: fens-613 author: UMEZURUIKE, Azubuike C; NDIFE, Joel; NWACHUKWU, Chinwe title: CHARACTERIZATION OF THE EFFECT OF MODULATED DRY HEAT PROCESSING CONDITIONS ON ESSENTIAL AND NON ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID PROFILE OF UNSEASONED BREADFRUIT (V. DECNE) SNACK SEEDS date: 2019-01-22 words: 7256 flesch: 63 summary: 3. Results and Discussion Adequacy of regression models of amino acids The co-efficient of determination R, adjusted R2 and standard error of estimate s were adequate to predict the variability in amino acid content of the processed breadfruit snack seeds. Oxidation, Maillard reaction and formation of cross linkages involving amino acid side chains are some of the reported reasons for observed reductions of amino acid content during heat processing [28]. keywords: acid; acid profile; acrylamide; almonds; amino; amino acids; arginine; aspartic; azubuike; breadfruit; breadfruit seeds; cel; characterization; chinwe; composition; conditions; content; control; cysteine; decne; dry; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; essential; essential amino; experimental; faculty; feed; flour; food; glutamic; groundnuts; heat; high; histidine; humans; important; isoleucine; issue; j. food; joel; journal; leucine; levels; loss; lysine; mare; methionine; ndife; non; nutritional; nwachukwu; observed; optimum; pag; processing; profile; protein; quantity; reported; roasted; roasted breadfruit; roasted seeds; roasting; safety; samples; sci; seeds; significant; snack; snack seeds; study; suceava; temperature; threonine; time; tryptophan; tyrosine; umezuruike; university; unseasoned; values; variables; volume; volume xvii; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-613.pdf plain text: fens-613.txt item: #505 of 747 id: fens-614 author: CHAIDOUTIS, Elias; KOSTAKIS, Dimitrios title: THE CONTRIBUTION OF HELLENIC FOOD AUTHORITY TO THE TRAINING FIELD OF FOOD BUSINESSES STAFF FROM THE AUTHORITY ESTABLISHMENT TO ITS MODERN REORGANIZATION date: 2019-01-22 words: 4710 flesch: 45 summary: Thus, in 1997, EU published the Green Paper which goes after the completeness of legislation over the expectations of European consumers and food businesses, the principles of impartiality, independence and effectiveness of official food control in order to provide healthy and safe food on the market [3]. The authority was developed at central executive level and regional control level [7] Specific aims of EFET are the prosecution of businesses to food businesses, the provision of technical assistance such as the training of businesses staff as well as the communication with consumer with purpose its training about food safety issues as well as its information [12]. keywords: authorities; authority; businesses; businesses staff; cel; commission; communication; consumers; contribution; control; council; decision; development; efet; elias; engineering; environment; establishment; european; field; food; food authority; food businesses; food safety; hellenic; hellenic food; hygiene; information; issue; journal; legislation; mare; ministerial; ministry; modern; official; policy; programs; public; reorganization; responsibilities; safety; sector; services; staff; trainers; training; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-614.pdf plain text: fens-614.txt item: #506 of 747 id: fens-615 author: INOBEME, Abel; AJAI, Alexander Ikechukwu; MANN, Abdullahi; IYAKA, Yahaya Ahmed title: DETERMINATION OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND HEAVY METAL CONTENTS OF BARBECUE BEEF, FISH AND CHICKEN date: 2019-01-22 words: 4481 flesch: 66 summary: Napthalene ND ND ND ND 2. Napthalene ND ND ND ND 2. keywords: abdullahi; abel; ajai; alexander; analysed; aromatic; barbecue; beef; benzo; cel; chicken; concentration; content; dcm; determination; engineering; environment; faculty; fish; food; heavy; hexane; higher; highest; hydrocarbons; inobeme; issue; iyaka; journal; mann; mare; meat; metals; method; nd nd; nigeria; pag; pahs; polycyclic; pyrene; rings; safety; samples; state; study; suceava; table; total; university; volume; xvii; yahaya; ştefan cache: fens-615.pdf plain text: fens-615.txt item: #507 of 747 id: fens-616 author: BILASHOBOKA, Engelbert; MUDENDA, Boyd; MUNYINDA, Nosiku; VINCENT MOSHI, Fabiola; KAMBARAGE, Dominic M. title: DETERMINATION OF OXYTETRACYCLINE RESIDUE LEVELS IN EDIBLE TISSUES OF SLAUGHTERED CATTLE date: 2019-01-22 words: 4615 flesch: 56 summary: Thus, the meat is likely to enter the market with high OTC residues. The study established the level of OTC residues in edible tissues of cattle slaughtered within Dodoma City Tanzania. keywords: analysis; animal; beef; boyd; cattle; cel; determination; dodoma; drug; edible; engineering; environment; fabiola; food; health; high; hplc; journal; kidney; levels; licensure; limit; liver; mare; mean; method; moshi; mrl; mudenda; munyinda; muscle; nosiku; otc; oxytetracycline; pag; premise; public; residues; results; safety; samples; slaughter; source; study; table; tanzania; tissues; type; university; unlicensed; vincent; volume; xvii; ştefan cache: fens-616.pdf plain text: fens-616.txt item: #508 of 747 id: fens-617 author: VOLOSHCHUK, Galyna; PASHOVA, Natalia; GOLIKOVA, Tatjana title: EFFECT OF FRACTIONALLY DEFATTED FLOUR OF SEEDS ON THE STRUCTURAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF RYE DOUGH date: 2019-01-22 words: 4167 flesch: 58 summary: Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVII, Issue 4 – 2018 Natalia PASOVA, Galyna VOLOSHCHUK, Tatjana GOLIKOVA, Eeffect of fractionally defatted flour of seeds on the structural and mechanical properties of rye dough, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVII, Issue 4 – 2018, pag 413–421 416 Table 1 Effect of FDF on the farinogram parameters of dough made from rye flour T130 Viscoelastic properties Due to the results of amylograms analyses of rye flour with additional raw materials (see table 2) TF decreases by 1 °С temperature of initial gelatinization of starch and 20 points (or 4 %) maximum viscosity of suspension. This paper offers investigation of fractionally defatted flour from seeds of walnut, pumpkin, sesame, topinambur flour and their mixes influence on the rheological properties of rye dough. keywords: addition; bread; characteristics; content; control; decreases; dosage; dough; effect; engineering; environment; fdf; fermentation; flour; food; gelatinization; influence; issue; journal; malt; matters; mechanical; mix; mixing; pag; production; properties; pumpkin; rheological; rye; rye dough; rye flour; safety; sample; seeds; sesame; strength; structural; topinambur; ukrainian; university; viscosity; voloshchuk; volume; walnut; water; xvii cache: fens-617.pdf plain text: fens-617.txt item: #509 of 747 id: fens-62 author: APOSTOL, Laura Carmen; CALIMAN, Anca Florentina; GAVRILESCU, Maria title: STUDIES REGARDING THE PHOTOCATALYTIC TRANSFORMATION OF ERYTHROSINE B date: 2016-04-07 words: 4833 flesch: 51 summary: COD and TOC data during Erythrosine B degradation by Heterogeneous Photocatalysis. Table 2. Erythrosine B degradation rate obtained for different H2O2 concentration H2O2 concentration (mg L-1) Reaction Rate (mg L-1 min-1) Correlation coefficient (R2) 0 keywords: anca; apostol; caliman; carmen; catalyst; chemical; concentration; degradation; different; dye; dyes; effect; efficiency; engineering; environment; erythrosine; faculty; fig; florentina; food; gavrilescu; h2o2; hasnat; heterogeneous; influence; initial; irradiation; issue; journal; l-1; laura; mare; maria; mg l; mg l-1; min; order; organic; p-25; p25; pag; photocatalytic; photocatalytic degradation; photodegradation; pollutants; presence; rate; reaction; removal; safety; solution; studies; study; suceava; surface; time; tio2; transformation; university; volume; wastewater; xiv; ştefancel cache: fens-62.pdf plain text: fens-62.txt item: #510 of 747 id: fens-621 author: 2019, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2019-04-22 words: 866 flesch: 8 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-621.pdf plain text: fens-621.txt item: #511 of 747 id: fens-622 author: 2019, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2019-04-22 words: 259 flesch: 47 summary: The relationship between physico-chemical characteristics of ground and biometrics rosehip fruits Sorina ROPCIUC, Cristina DAMIAN, Ancuța Elena PRISACARU 44 - 51 7. Research on the effect of non-transitional raw materials on the rheological indicators of the semi-finished products of formed potato chips Alina KOVTUN, Vladimir KOVBASA, Vitaliy PICHKUR 52 - 59 8. Study of heavy metals effects on in vitro cultures of Sedum Telephium Ssp. keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; mare; new; suceava; university; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-622.pdf plain text: fens-622.txt item: #512 of 747 id: fens-623 author: PUSCASELU, Roxana; AMARIEI, Sonia title: NEW TRENDS IN FOOD PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY: BIOPOLYMERS BASED MATERIALS ENRICHED WITH STEVIA REBAUDIANA date: 2019-04-22 words: 3480 flesch: 50 summary: Current Option in Green and Sustainability Chemistry, 13:68-75; (2018),; [3] WROBLEWSKA-KREPSZTUL, J., et al., Recent progress in biodegradable polymers and nanocomposite-based packaging materials for sustenaible environment. Journal of Food Protection, 67(4):833-848, (2004); [6] YADAV, A., et al., Biopolymers as packaging material in food and allied industry. keywords: agar; alginate; amariei; biopolymers; cel; composition; determination; edible; engineering; environment; faculty; films; food; food packaging; glycerol; high; issue; journal; low; mare; materials; mechanical; moisture; natural; new; packaging; pag; point; pores; products; properties; puscaselu; rebaudiana; roxana; safety; sample; sodium; solubility; sonia; stevia; suceava; technology; thickness; trends; university; values; volume; water; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-623.pdf plain text: fens-623.txt item: #513 of 747 id: fens-624 author: CHORNOUS, Vitaliy; GROZAV, Alina; ANTONIYCHUK, Victoria; YAKOVYCHUK, Nina; VOVK, Mykhaylo title: (IMIDAZOLE-5-YL)YLIDENTHIAZOLIDONES: A NEW CLASS OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS FOR FOOD INDUSTRY date: 2019-04-22 words: 2928 flesch: 55 summary: It was found that the sulphur of thiazoli- done section is the key factor that governs antimicrobial activity of the compounds. 3. Results and discussion It was found that antimicrobial activity of imidazolylmethylenthiazolidones against various types of pathogenic germs depends significantly on the compound structure and composition (see Table 1). keywords: activities; activity; agents; albicans; antifungal; antimicrobial; aureus; case; chornous; coli; compounds; environment; food; fungi; imidazole; industry; issue; mbcc; mfcc; position; safety; series; structure; subseries; synthesized; toxicity; university; volume; vovk; xviii cache: fens-624.pdf plain text: fens-624.txt item: #514 of 747 id: fens-625 author: ARDELEAN, Mirela; LOBIUC, Andrei; BURDUCEA, Marian; MIHALI, Ciprian; MARȚI, Daniela-Teodora title: STUDY OF HEAVY METALS EFFECTS ON IN VITRO CULTURES OF SEDUM TELEPHIUM SSP.MAXIMUM L. date: 2019-04-22 words: 3231 flesch: 55 summary: Morphological aspects after 28 days of in vitro culture of plantlets grown on culture media without heavy metals (V0 – control) and of those grown on media with heavy metals (V1 – V4). Regarding plant growth through formation of lateral branches, the plants grown on V4 – PbCl2 variant, the concentration of 25 ppm has recorded higher values compared to the V3 – CdSO4 variant of the same concentration with both variants having significantly smaller branches compared to the control. keywords: ardelean; average; base; base medium; cdso4; cel; control; cultures; days; different; effects; engineering; environment; faculty; food; growth; heavy; issue; journal; length; mare; maximum; medium; metals; murashige; murashige skoog; pag; pbcl2; plant; regulators; safety; sedum; sedum telephium; skoog; ssp; study; suceava; telephium; university; values; vitro; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-625.pdf plain text: fens-625.txt item: #515 of 747 id: fens-626 author: TESFAYE, Angassa title: CALCIUM REQUIREMENT IN RELATION TO MILK FEVER FOR HIGH YIELDING DAIRY COWS: A REVIEW date: 2019-04-22 words: 4988 flesch: 57 summary: The transition period is an extremely critical period of milk fever in high yielding dairy cows, were Jersey cows are being more susceptible than Holstein Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVIII, Issue 1 – 2019 Angassa TESFAYE, Calcium requirement in relation to milk fever for high yielding dairy cows: a review, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVIII, Issue 1 – 2019, pag. Milk fever (MF) is one of the most common mineral-related metabolic conditions affecting dairy cows during transition, a disorder that occur immediately after or shortly before calving as a result of a low level of calcium in the blood (hypocalcaemia) keywords: angassa; animals; anionic; anions; blood; blood calcium; body; bone; calcium; calving; cattle; cel; chloride; condition; cows; dairy; dairy cows; diet; dietary; disorders; dry; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; feeding; fever; food; high; higher; hypocalcemia; important; incidence; intake; issue; journal; lactation; level; low; mare; metabolic; milk; milk fever; mineral; pag; parturient; parturition; period; potassium; production; relation; requirement; resorption; review; safety; salts; sci; serotonin; subclinical; suceava; tesfaye; transition; university; vet; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-626.pdf plain text: fens-626.txt item: #516 of 747 id: fens-627 author: GREK, Olena; OSMAK, Tatyana; CHUBENKO, Larisa; MYKHALEVYCH, Artur title: QUALITY ESTIMATION OF FROZEN DESSERTS WITH POLYFUNCTIONAL COMPOSITION date: 2019-04-22 words: 3254 flesch: 41 summary: By using the graph-mathematical method, it was established that the mass fraction of protein component in formulations of frozen milk desserts varies in the range of 40...50% (with soy- containing protein component), 20…25% ( with protein-herbal semi-finished product), providing the optimal ratio of organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters of experimental samples. The main tasks of this scientific work are: - to use the graph-mathematical method in order to establish a ratio between the milk base and protein components in the formulation of frozen desserts with poly- functional composition; - to study the biological values of model samples of frozen desserts with poly- functional composition. keywords: acid; acidity; amino; biological; cheese; chemical; chubenko; complex; component; composition; cottage; desserts; engineering; estimation; fat; finished; food; foodandenvironmentsafety; frozen; frozen desserts; grek; herbal; indicators; issue; journal; method; milk; mykhalevych; organoleptic; osmak; polyfunctional; products; protein; protein component; quality; semi; soy; taste; technology; university; value; volume; xviii cache: fens-627.pdf plain text: fens-627.txt item: #517 of 747 id: fens-628 author: ROPCIUC, Sorina; DAMIAN, Cristina; PRISACARU, Ancuța Elena title: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUND AND BIOMETRICS ROSEHIP FRUITS date: 2019-04-22 words: 3913 flesch: 58 summary: Abstract: Soil analysis was determined in order to identify the type of soil through nutrient analysis and granulometric analysis, features that may occur in the fructification of the species Rosa canina L. S3- Darmanesti; S4- Costina; S5- Parhauti; S6- Todiresti; S7- Cajvana; S8- Arbore; S9- Solca; S10- Clit; S11- Marginea; S12- Radauti; S13- Sucevita; S14- Palma Given that the studied species are not part of cultivated plants, and they are rather spontaneous species that can be located on different categories of land, we must emphasize the fact that we are dealing with a natural fertility of soils with a satisfactory level and less demanding species in terms of soil fertility of soils with a satisfactory level and less demanding species in terms of soil fertility. keywords: analysis; arbore; biometric; canina; cel; characteristics; chemical; clay; clit; content; cristina; damian; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; fertility; food; fruit; granulometric; ground; issue; journal; length; mare; marginea; me/100; nitrogen; pag; palma; physico; prisacaru; relationship; results; ropciuc; rosa; rosehip; safety; sand; soil; sorina; species; station; suceava; university; values; volume; weight; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-628.pdf plain text: fens-628.txt item: #518 of 747 id: fens-629 author: KOVTUN, Alina; KOVBASA, Vladimir; PICHKUR, Vitaliy title: RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF NON-TRANSITIONAL RAW MATERIALS ON THE RHEOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF THE SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS OF FORMED POTATO CHIPS date: 2019-04-22 words: 3051 flesch: 47 summary: 1 Indicators of the penetrometer Pioneer-1 of semi-finished experimental samples in the ratio of potato cereals to additional raw materials as 4:1 From the obtained data we see that for the same amount and temperature of the added water, semi-finished products with RB, BB, and RSP have less stable structure as compared with the control and with samples where cryopowders were used. The influence of temperature and time on the change of maximum viscosity of model solutions of potato semi-finished potato products has been investigated. keywords: bran; cereals; chips; composition; cryopowder; environment; fig; finished; finished products; food; fpc; indicators; issue; journal; materials; model; non; potato; potato cereals; products; pulp; raw; research; rheological; rsp; safety; samples; semi; solutions; structure; university; viscosity; volume; xviii cache: fens-629.pdf plain text: fens-629.txt item: #519 of 747 id: fens-63 author: PODKOVKO, Oksana; RASHEVSKAYA, Tamara title: WATER PHASE CONDITION IN THE BUTTER PASTE WITH RED BEET POWDER date: 2016-04-07 words: 2754 flesch: 54 summary: Dispersion of butter paste with red beet powder plasma and butter-control 0 20 40 60 1…2 3…4 5…6 7…8 9…10A m o u n t o f d ro p le ts , % Size of droplets, мicrons Butter paste with red beet powder Butter-control Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Oksana PODKOVKO, Tamara RASHEVSKAYA, Water phase condition in the butter paste with red beet powder, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag. 385 – 390 388 The technology of butter paste with red beet powder based on butter with addition of dry skimmed milk, flaxseeds and inulin is developed. keywords: addition; additives; beet; beet powder; butter; butter paste; condition; connection; control; diameter; dispersion; droplets; environment; fat; flaxseeds; food; forms; inulin; issue; journal; milk; moisture; paste; phase; plant; plasma; podkovko; powder; product; rashevskaya; ready; red; red beet; safety; temperature; university; volume; water; xiv cache: fens-63.pdf plain text: fens-63.txt item: #520 of 747 id: fens-630 author: OBOH, Ijeoma P.; SANNI, O. A.; EGUN, N. K.; WILFRED-EKPRIKPO, C. P. title: THE EFFECT OF ACTELLIC DUST TREATMENT ON THE PROXIMATE AND MINERAL COMPOSITION OF SYNODONTIS NIGRITA AND TILAPIA MARIAE date: 2019-04-22 words: 4193 flesch: 58 summary: Insecticides have been used extensively on dried fish samples to prevent insect infestation and improve the organoleptic properties of fish samples but very little information on its effects on the proximate and mineral composition of fish is available. The proximate values arising from fish samples in batches I – III were analysed for their range values, mean and standard errors. keywords: actellic; actellic dust; ash; clarias; composition; content; dust; effect; environment; fat; fatty; fibre; fish; fish samples; fisheries; food; fresh; high; issue; jamieson; journal; life; low; mariae; mineral; mineral composition; moisture; nigeria; nigrita; niloticus; observed; oven; preservation; protein; proximate; proximate composition; reported; river; s. nigrita; safety; samples; similar; study; synodontis; synodontis nigrita; t. mariae; tilapia; tilapia mariae; treatment; university; values; volume; xviii cache: fens-630.pdf plain text: fens-630.txt item: #521 of 747 id: fens-636 author: 2019, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2019-07-29 words: 877 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-636.pdf plain text: fens-636.txt item: #522 of 747 id: fens-637 author: 2019, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2019-07-29 words: 270 flesch: 32 summary: Human health risk assessment of heavy metal levels in Clarias gariepinus and Parachanna obscura from the Ikpoba River, Edo State, Nigeria Ijeoma OBOH, Benjamin OKPARA, Peace WILFRED - EKPRIKPO 123 - 129 9. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in smoked beef: effect of solvents and extraction methods Abel INOBEME, Alexander Ikechukwu AJAI, Abdullahi MANN, Yahaya Ahmed IYAKA 111 - 122 8. keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; safety; suceava; university; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-637.pdf plain text: fens-637.txt item: #523 of 747 id: fens-638 author: LUCA, Liliana; OROIAN, Mircea; LOBIUC, Andrei title: THE PREBIOTIC POTENTIAL OF SOME CARBOHYDRATE SUBSTRATES ON THE GROWTH OF Lactobacillus plantarum AND Lactobacillus rhamnosus date: 2019-07-29 words: 3754 flesch: 53 summary: 4. Biomass growth In comparison with the control cultures, in the case of MRS INU and MRS OLI followed by MRS STH cultures it was observed that Lactobacilli had a significant increase (p > 0.05). MRS agar medium was used as a control for bacterial growth and bacterial viability. keywords: andrei; bacterial; carbohydrate; cel; culture; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fructose; glucose; growth; hours; inulin; issue; journal; lactobacillus; lactobacillus plantarum; lactobacillus rhamnosus; liliana; lobiuc; luca; mare; media; medium; microorganisms; mircea; mrs; oligofructose; oroian; pag; phase; plantarum; potential; probiotic; rhamnosus; safety; starch; sth; strains; study; substrates; suceava; university; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-638.pdf plain text: fens-638.txt item: #524 of 747 id: fens-639 author: GHARTEY, Alexander Fiifi; ANTWI, Barima Kwabena title: HAND HYGIENE PRACTICES AMONG STREET FOOD VENDORS date: 2019-07-29 words: 3458 flesch: 60 summary: In Ghana between 70% and 95% of food vendors wash their hands regularly in the process of vending [15,16,17]. The tendency of food vendors to properly wash their hands also depends on access to improved water sources [26-28]. keywords: aee; alexander; antwi; area; bare; barima; cel; contamination; data; district; engineering; environment; factor; faculty; fiifi; food; food safety; food vendors; freq; ghana; ghartey; hand; hand hygiene; handling; health; hygiene; hygiene practices; issue; journal; keea; major; mare; pag; practices; process; public; risk; safety; significant; soap; street; street food; study; suceava; table; toilet; university; vending; vendors; volume; washing; water; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-639.pdf plain text: fens-639.txt item: #525 of 747 id: fens-64 author: KOBETS, Olena; DOTSENKO, Viktor; ARPUL, Oksana; DOVGUN, Iryna title: WHEAT FIBRE IMPACT ON FLOUR QUALITY OF CONFECTIONERY PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-07 words: 3806 flesch: 48 summary: A sufficient Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Olena KOBETS, Viktor DOTSENKO, Oksana ARPUL, Iryna DOVGUN, Wheat fibre impact on flour confectionery products quality, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag. Results and discussion Using experimental and literature data, a comparative evaluation of the content of Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Olena KOBETS, Viktor DOTSENKO, Oksana ARPUL, Iryna DOVGUN, Wheat fibre impact on flour confectionery products quality, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag. keywords: addition; biscuit; cake; chemical; composition; confectionery; confectionery products; content; dietary; dough; environment; extra; faculty; fibre; finished; flour; flour confectionery; food; gluten; impact; indicators; issue; journal; materials; pectin; porosity; products; properties; quality; raw; safety; semi; substances; table; university; use; volume; volume xiv; wheat; wheat fibre; wheat flour; xiv cache: fens-64.pdf plain text: fens-64.txt item: #526 of 747 id: fens-640 author: DRANCA, Florina; OROIAN, Mircea title: OPTIMIZATION OF SEQUENTIAL ULTRASOUND-ASSISTED EXTRACTION – HEATING TREATMENT TO OBTAIN PECTIN FROM MALUS DOMESTICA ‘FĂLTICENI’ POMACE date: 2019-07-29 words: 3847 flesch: 51 summary: 82 – 88 87 regarding the positive effects of high temperatures and longer exposure to heating on pectin extraction yield from pomegranate peel [12], banana peel [13], apple pomace Abstract: In this study, a sequential ultrasound-assisted extraction – heating treatment (UAEH) was applied for pectin extraction from Malus domestica ‘Fălticeni’ pomace. keywords: acid; apple; cel; conditions; content; degree; domestica; effect; environment; esterification; extraction; food; fălticeni; g/100; galacturonic; heating; issue; journal; malus; min; model; pectin; pectin yield; pomace; process; response; safety; suceava; table; temperature; time; ultrasound; university; variables; volume; xviii; yield cache: fens-640.pdf plain text: fens-640.txt item: #527 of 747 id: fens-641 author: OLORUNTOBA, Oriolowo; HAMZA, Abdulhamid title: PHOTOCHEMICAL AND PHOTOCATALYTIC ESTERIFICATION OF WASTE COOKING OIL UNDER VISIBLE LIGHT IRRADIATION USING MECHANOCHEMICALLY SYNTHESIZED ZnO/SILICA date: 2019-07-29 words: 3469 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract: Production of biodiesel from waste cooking oils via alkali catalyzed transesterification reaction is hampered by the unacceptably high amount of free fatty acids (FFA) present in waste cooking oils. Therefore, catalytic esterification of waste cooking oil with small alcohols is performed before the transesterification reaction. keywords: abdulhamid; acids; biodiesel; cel; composite; conversion; cooking; cooking oil; energy; engineering; environment; esterification; faculty; fatty; fatty acids; fig; food; free; free fatty; hamza; heterogeneous; high; irradiation; issue; journal; light; mare; materials; oil; oils; oloruntoba; oriolowo; pag; photocatalyst; photocatalytic; photocatalytic esterification; photochemical; process; production; safety; silica; silica composite; suceava; time; transesterification; university; value; visible; volume; waste; waste cooking; xviii; zno; ştefan cache: fens-641.pdf plain text: fens-641.txt item: #528 of 747 id: fens-642 author: ŠEBEK, Gordana; PAVLOVA, Valentina; POPOVIĆ, Tatjana title: BIOCHEMICAL AND POMOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FRUIT OF SOME COMMERCIAL MEDLAR CULTIVARS (Mespilus germanica L) GROWN IN BIJELO POLJE date: 2019-07-29 words: 4045 flesch: 61 summary: Previous similar researches show that the total soluble solids (TSS) and pH values of medlar fruits grown in different agro climatic regions of Turkey (Kocaeli province) are between 16.4% - 22.2% and 3.68% - 4.02%, respectively [7]).The soluble solid contents varied between 17.0% and 24.0% in selected types of wild medlars in earlier studies in Turkey (Tonya District of Trabzon Province) The recorded variations of total soluble solids and pH in medlar fruits could be the result of different genetically based characteristics and the effect of the different agro ecological conditions, where the cultivars are grown. keywords: acid; average; bijelo; biochemical; cel; characteristics; characterization; commercial; conditions; contents; cultivars; dry; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fruit; genotype; germanica; gordana; issue; journal; length; mare; mater; medlar; medlar cultivars; mespilus; montenegro; morphological; pag; period; petiole; polje; pomological; research; royal; safety; solid; soluble; suceava; table; tatjana; total; university; valentina; values; volume; weight; xviii; ştefan; šebek cache: fens-642.pdf plain text: fens-642.txt item: #529 of 747 id: fens-643 author: MOMIRCESKI, Jovica; TOMOVSKA, Julijana; BLAZHEKOVIKJ-DIMOVSKA, Dijana title: SOIL EXAMINATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CREATING BETTER CONDITIONS FOR RASPBERRY PLANTING date: 2019-07-29 words: 3014 flesch: 56 summary: FIDANKA TRAJKOVA MSc VASKO ZLATKOVSKI, Guide for soil samples from agricultural land- Guidelines for proper soil soil sampling for agrochemical analysis of soil; Publisher: University Goce Delcev - Shtip, Faculty of Agriculture, March, 2017. Soil analysis should be carried out a few months before the planting begins, by taking samples from several places in that area from a depth of 30-60 cm. keywords: analysis; appropriate; better; calcium; chemical; conditions; content; dijana; elements; engineering; environment; examination; faculty; food; fruit; icp; important; iso; issue; journal; julijana; method; order; planting; raspberries; raspberry; recommendations; results; safety; samples; soil; surface; tomovska; university; value; volume; xviii cache: fens-643.pdf plain text: fens-643.txt item: #530 of 747 id: fens-644 author: INOBEME, Abel; AJAI, Alexander Ikechukwu; MANN, Abdullahi; IYAKA, Yahaya Ahmed title: POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS AND HEAVY METALS IN SMOKED BEEF: EFFECT OF SOLVENTS AND EXTRACTION METHODS date: 2019-07-29 words: 5852 flesch: 61 summary: Table 5 PAHs content of fresh beef using sonication method (𝛍𝐠/𝐤𝐠) PAHs n-hexane DCM n-hexane: DCM ML Napthalene ND ND 0.56±0.21 5.00(EC, 2014) Naphthalene, 2-methyl ND ND ND Biphenylene ND ND ND Acenaphthene ND ND ND Fluorene 0.37±0.15b 0.32±0.09a Anthracene ND 0.27±0.11b 0.13±0.12a Fluoranthene 0.88±0.13a 0.98±0.01a 1.24±0.09b Pyrene 2.53±0.23b 2.61±0.12b 1.69±0.12a Benz[a] anthracene 2.19±0.14b 1.36±0.09a 1.32±0.23a Chrysene 0.13±0.08 ND ND Benzo[b]fluoranthene ND ND ND Benzo keywords: abdullahi; abel; ahmed; ajai; alexander; anthracene; aromatic; aromatic hydrocarbons; beef; benzo; cel; chicken; concentration; content; dcm; determination; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; extraction; extraction method; faculty; fish; food; fresh; heavy; heavy metals; hexane; hydrocarbons; ikechukwu; inobeme; issue; iyaka; journal; limit; mann; mare; meat; metals; method; nd nd; observed; pag; pahs; polycyclic; polycyclic aromatic; pyrene; results; safety; samples; smoked; smoked beef; smoking; solvents; sonication; soxhlet; study; suceava; table; university; values; volume; volume xviii; xviii; yahaya; ştefan cache: fens-644.pdf plain text: fens-644.txt item: #531 of 747 id: fens-645 author: OBOH, Ijeoma; OKPARA, Benjamin; WILFRED - EKPRIKPO, Peace title: HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL LEVELS IN Clarias gariepinus AND Parachanna obscura FROM THE IKPOBA RIVER, EDO STATE, NIGERIA date: 2019-07-29 words: 3737 flesch: 63 summary: [18] HARMANESCU, M., ALDA, L. M., BORDEAN, D. M., GOGOASA, I. and GERGEN, I., Heavy metals health risk assessment for population via consumption of vegetables grown in old mining area; a case study: Banat County, Romania. Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the accumulation of heavy metals (Ni, Zn, Pb, Fe and Cr) in two commercially available fishes Clarias gariepinus and Parachanna obscura, and estimate the health risks they pose to humans through consumption. keywords: assessment; clarias; consumption; edi; edo; engineering; environment; exposure; fish; fishes; food; gariepinus; hazard; health; health risk; heavy; heavy metals; human; ikpoba; index; intake; issue; journal; levels; metals; muscle; nigeria; obscura; order; parachanna; quotient; risk; risk assessment; river; safety; state; target; thq; university; volume; water; xviii cache: fens-645.pdf plain text: fens-645.txt item: #532 of 747 id: fens-646 author: ARVINTE, Ofelia; NOROCEL, Liliana; AMARIEI, Sonia title: STUDY OF VOLOVATIC (CARDUUS GLAUCINUS) ACTIVE PRINCIPLES FOR POTENTIAL USE AS A MEDICINAL PLANT date: 2019-06-30 words: 2792 flesch: 63 summary: D. IVANAOVA, D. GEROVA, T. CHERVENKOV, T.YANKOVA, Polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of Bulgarian medicinal plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Volume 96, Issues 1–2, 4 January, Pages 145-150 (2005). Most medicinal plants are used in the form of teas. keywords: active; amariei; antioxidant; area; carduus; carduus glaucinus; cel; content; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; flora; flowers; food; glaucinus; house; issue; journal; leaves; liliana; liver; mare; medicinal; metals; mountain; norocel; pag; parts; plant; potential; principles; publishing; romanian; safety; samples; study; suceava; tea; university; use; volovatic; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-646.pdf plain text: fens-646.txt item: #533 of 747 id: fens-65 author: LEAHU, Ana; DAMIAN, Cristina; OROIAN, Mircea; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: ESTABLISHING THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY BASED ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WILD EDIBLE MUSHROOMS date: 2016-04-07 words: 4180 flesch: 53 summary: The results obtained in this study consider that the dried and re- hydrated Boletus samples showed higher levels of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Mircea OROIAN, Sorina ROPCIUC, Establishing the antioxidant activity based on chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag.398 – 406 399 than the other samples (Agrocybe aegerita and Pleurotus eryngii) That is why Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015 Ana LEAHU, Cristina DAMIAN, Mircea OROIAN, Sorina ROPCIUC, Establishing the antioxidant activity based on chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIV, Issue 4 – 2015, pag.398 – 406 400 mushrooms could be used as potential bio sorbents for heavy metals from aqueous solutions [19]. keywords: activity; agaricus; albolutescens; ana; antioxidant; armillaria; ash; boletus; cantharellus; cel; chemical; cibarius; composition; compounds; content; cristina; damian; dry; edible; edible mushrooms; edulis; energy; engineering; environment; extracts; faculty; fat; food; g/100; issue; journal; leahu; mare; mellea; mircea; mushrooms; nutritional; oroian; pleurotus; protein; ropciuc; russula; safety; samples; sorina; species; suceava; total; university; value; virescens; volume; weight; wild; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-65.pdf plain text: fens-65.txt item: #534 of 747 id: fens-651 author: 2019, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2019-10-29 words: 877 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-651.pdf plain text: fens-651.txt item: #535 of 747 id: fens-652 author: 2019, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2019-10-29 words: 401 flesch: 39 summary: Comparative analysis of the proximate, fatty acids and mineral composition of selected fish species Alexander Ikechukwu AJAI, Mohammed Mohammed NDAMITSO, Lucky EKWOBA and Abidemi Adedayo KOLEOLA 136 - 149 2. Determination of color and anthocyanins in three Romanian red wines Cristina GHINEA, Ana LEAHU, Florin URSACHE 150 - 155 3. Nutritional quality, amino acid profiles, protein digestibility corrected amino acid scores and antioxidant properties of fried tofu and seitan Dina ANWAR, Ghadir EL-CHAGHABY 176 - 190 6. Effect of ripening stage on organic acid profiles and antinutrient contents of three species of the wild edible mushroom Russula Ssp. Jaures Oscar GBOTOGNON, Michel Djary KOFFI, Hubert Kouassi KONAN, Eugène Jean Parfait KOUADIO 191 - 200 7. keywords: acid; analysis; cel; contents; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; koffi; mare; mohammed; safety; species; suceava; university; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-652.pdf plain text: fens-652.txt item: #536 of 747 id: fens-653 author: AJAI, Alexander Ikechukwu; NDAMITSO, Mohammed Mohammed; EKWOBA, Lucky; KOLEOLA, Abidemi Adedayo title: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PROXIMATE, FATTY ACIDS AND MINERAL COMPOSITION OF SELECTED FISH SPECIES date: 2019-10-29 words: 8256 flesch: 58 summary: The proximate compositions were found to be 39.00 – 51.18% protein, 19.43 – 48.47% fat, 2.13 – 14.74% carbohydrate, 4.91 – 19.59% ash and 4.57 – 5.63% moisture content, with significant difference at p < 0.05 among fish species, whereas the fatty acids were found to be composed of 38.93 – 42.81% saturated fatty acids (SFA), 33.63 – 45.37% monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and 7.79 – 26.10% polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) with significant difference at p < 0.05 among fish species. Keywords: Fish species, cholesterol, proximate composition, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids 1. keywords: 0.01b; 0.02a; abidemi; acid; acid nd; adedayo; ajai; alexander; analysis; bebe; cel; cholesterol; clarias; clarias garipinus; comparative; composition; concentration; content; days; different; ekwoba; engineering; environment; faculty; fatty; fatty acids; fish; fish species; food; free; freshwater; freshwater fish; garipinus; gynarchus; gynarchus niloticus; higher; hyperopisus; hyperopisus bebe; ikechukwu; iodine; issue; journal; koleola; leucostictus; lucky; mare; meqo2; mg/100; mgkoh; mineral; mohammed; nd nd; ndamitso; nigeria; niloticus; occidentallis; oil; oils; oreochromis; pag; peroxide; protein; proximate; range; raw; results; safety; saponification; science; species; standard; storage; study; suceava; synodotus; synodotus clarias; table; university; unsaturated; value; volume; volume xviii; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-653.pdf plain text: fens-653.txt item: #537 of 747 id: fens-654 author: GHINEA, Cristina; LEAHU, Ana; URSACHE, Florin title: DETERMINATION OF COLOR AND ANTHOCYANINS IN THREE ROMANIAN RED WINES date: 2019-10-29 words: 2676 flesch: 52 summary: [15, 16] also used CieLab Method for determination of red wines color. Keywords: anthocyanins, CieLab Method, red wine, vinification 1. keywords: ana; anthocyanins; cabernet; cel; chromatic; color; content; cristina; determination; development; different; engineering; feteasca; fig; florin; food; ghinea; issue; journal; leahu; mare; merlot; neagra; production; red; red wines; region; romanian; sauvignon; south; suceava; total; university; ursache; values; vineyard; volume; wine; xviii cache: fens-654.pdf plain text: fens-654.txt item: #538 of 747 id: fens-655 author: BOUATENIN, Jean-Paul Koffi Maïzan; KOUAME, Alfred Kohi; DJENI, Theodore N’dede; DJE, Marcellin Koffi title: ACTIVITY OF SELECTED MIXED STARTER CULTURES FOR SPECIFIC PRODUCTION OF THREE MAIN TYPES OF ATTIEKE IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE date: 2019-10-29 words: 4980 flesch: 49 summary: Statistical analysis One-way analyses of variance based on DUNCAN multiple tests with significant level α=0.05 were performed in order to compare biochemical and microbial characteristics samples and also Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019 Jean-Paul Koffi Maïzan BOUATENIN, Alfred Kohi KOUAME, Theodore N’dede DJENI, Marcellin Koffi DJE, Activity of selected mixed starter cultures for specific production of the three main types of attieke in Côte d’Ivoire, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019, pag. 156 – 166 160 to determine significant differences between potential starter cultures types. The attieke obtained is packed in plastic Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019 Jean-Paul Koffi Maïzan BOUATENIN, Alfred Kohi KOUAME, Theodore N’dede DJENI, Marcellin Koffi DJE, Activity of selected mixed starter cultures for specific production of the three main types of attieke in Côte d’Ivoire, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019, pag. 156 – 166 157 bags, hermetically sealed for sale on local and international markets. keywords: acetic; acid; activity; adjoukrou; alfred; alladjan; attieke; bacteria; bouatenin; cassava; cel; cfu; cultures; côte; djeni; dough; d’ivoire; ebrie; engineering; environment; faculty; fermentation; fermented; fig; food; hours; inoculated; issue; jean; journal; koffi; kohi; kouame; lactic; main; marcellin; mare; maïzan; mg/100; microbial; microorganisms; mixed; mixed starter; n’dede; pag; paul; potential; potential starter; production; safety; specific; starter; starter cultures; suceava; sugars; theodore; traditional; types; university; volume; xviii; yeasts; ştefan cache: fens-655.pdf plain text: fens-655.txt item: #539 of 747 id: fens-656 author: NITONYE, Virginia I. P.; HORSFALL Jnr., Michael; ONYEMA, Mark O. title: DISTRIBUTION OF POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHs) IN SOME CHARCOAL ROASTED FOODS COMMONLY CONSUMED IN PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA date: 2019-10-29 words: 3700 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: charcoal roasted foods, PAHs, fluoranthene, abundance, 4-6 ring HMW, Port Harcourt. The total concentrations of PAHs in the charcoal roasted food samples are shown in the figure 5. keywords: aromatic; cel; charcoal; charcoal roasted; combustion; concentrations; distribution; engineering; environment; faculty; fish; food; food samples; harcourt; hmw; hydrocarbons; issue; jnr; journal; mare; meat; nigeria; oil; pahs; plantain; polycyclic; port; ratios; ring; roasted; roasted food; safety; samples; source; suceava; total; university; volume; xviii; yam; ştefan cache: fens-656.pdf plain text: fens-656.txt item: #540 of 747 id: fens-657 author: ANWAR, Dina; EL-CHAGHABY, Ghadir title: NUTRITIONAL QUALITY, AMINO ACID PROFILES, PROTEIN DIGESTIBILITY CORRECTED AMINO ACID SCORES AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF FRIED TOFU AND SEITAN date: 2019-10-29 words: 8461 flesch: 62 summary: Table 1 Sensory evaluation of fried tofu and seitan Products Parameters Tofu Seitans Fried tofu Fried seitan (1) Fried seitan (2) Taste 9.55 8.70 8.80 Color 9.45 8.60 8.45 Odor 8.70 8.15 9.00 Texture 8.25 7.80 7.80 Bite 9.05 6.80 7.15 Over all acceptability 9.00 8.01 8.24 Cooking loss% 26.76% 2.15% 1.56% (1) Fried seitan coated with wheat flour (2) Fried seitan coated with chickpea flour The frying process increased the pleasant taste of the products; it also maintained the high average of texture. Table 2 Proximate composition (g/100g) and the energy value of tofus and seitans Products Macronutrients Tofus Seitans Raw tofu Fried tofu Raw seitan Fried seitan (1) Fried seitan (2) Moisture 74.92 44.61 49.30 48.30 51.59 Protein 11.29 21.21 34.27 21.71 24.52 Fiber 0.36 0.37 0.16 0.02 0.36 Carbohydrate 4.15 14.20 15.24 22.17 16.82 Lipid 7.84 15.08 0.78 keywords: acceptability; acid profiles; acid scores; acids; amino; amino acid; antioxidant; anwar; capacity; cel; chaghaby; chickpea; chickpea flour; coated; composition; content; cooking; dietary; digestibility; dina; eaai; engineering; environment; environment safety; essential; essential amino; evaluation; faculty; fao; fat; fiber; flour; food; food engineering; fried; fried seitan; fried tofu; frying; ghadir; gluten; good; hand; higher; highest; human; important; increase; issue; journal; lower; lowest; lysine; mare; meat; nutritional; nutritional quality; pag; pdcaas; process; products; profiles; properties; protein; protein digestibility; protein quality; quality; ratio; raw; raw seitan; raw tofu; results; safety; samples; scores; seitan; seitan samples; sensory; soluble; source; soy; suceava; table; taste; texture; tofu; tofu samples; total; university; value; volume; volume xviii; water; wheat; wheat flour; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-657.pdf plain text: fens-657.txt item: #541 of 747 id: fens-658 author: GBOTOGNON, Jaures Oscar; KOFFI, Michel Djary; KONAN, Hubert Kouassi; KOUADIO, Eugène Jean Parfait title: EFFECT OF RIPENING STAGE ON ORGANIC ACID PROFILES AND ANTINUTRIENT CONTENTS OF THREE SPECIES OF WILD EDIBLE MUSHROOM RUSSULA SSP. date: 2019-10-29 words: 4800 flesch: 59 summary: Abstract: The present study was aimed at investigating the antinutrient and organic acid contents of three wild edible mushrooms from Russula genus as a function of their ripening stage. PCA analysis for organic acids content as a function of ripening stage of three Russula species 4. Conclusion Based on the present study keywords: acid; analysis; antinutrient; antioxidant; cel; citric; contents; côte; delica; djary; d’ivoire; edible; effect; engineering; environment; eugène; faculty; food; fumaric; g dw; gbotognon; hubert; immature; issue; jaures; jean; journal; koffi; konan; kouadio; kouassi; lactic; lepida; mare; mature; mature stage; mg/; michel; mushrooms; mustelina; organic; organic acids; oscar; pag; parfait; pca; phytate; post; profiles; properties; ripening; russula; safety; species; ssp; stage; succinic; suceava; table; total; university; values; volume; wild; wild edible; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-658.pdf plain text: fens-658.txt item: #542 of 747 id: fens-659 author: RUSU, Micşunica title: EXISTING REGULATIONS ON DIFFERENT MARKETS REGARDING THE OBTAINING AND MARKETING OF FOODS WITH BENEFITS FOR HEALTH date: 2019-10-29 words: 3883 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: health claims; nutrition claims; FOSHU; FNFC; Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006; NLEA; DSHEA; FDAMA. So, some countries have an institution that regulates health claims (the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare – in Japan; the Food and Drug Administration - in the US; the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) - in China etc.), other countries regulates through private companies (UK and Sweden), and other have decided to cooperatively develop regulations on health and nutrition claims (European Union, Australia, New Zealand). keywords: article; available; benefits; cel; claims; consumer; day; dietary; different; disease; efsa; engineering; environment; european; faculty; fda; ffc; food; foshu; functional; functional foods; health; health benefits; health claims; information; issue; japan; japanese; journal; mare; marketing; markets; micşunica; nutrition; obtaining; pag; products; regulation; risk; rusu; safety; science; scientific; suceava; supplements; university; use; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-659.pdf plain text: fens-659.txt item: #543 of 747 id: fens-66 author: 2014, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-14 words: 818 flesch: 21 summary: 1 31 MARCH 2014 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladimir REŞITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldavia Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; torosyan; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-66.pdf plain text: fens-66.txt item: #544 of 747 id: fens-660 author: HAYGAROV, Vanyo; YONCHEVA, Tatyana; DIMITROV, Dimitar; TSVETANOV, Emil title: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF TRANS-RESVERATROL CONTENT IN GRAPES OF HYBRID BULGARIAN GRAPE VARIETIES date: 2019-10-29 words: 2859 flesch: 60 summary: Its Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019 Vanyo HAYGAROV , Tatyana YONCHEVA , Dimitar DIMITROV , Emil TSVETANOV, Statistical analysis of the results of trans-resveratrol content in grapes of hybrid bulgarian grape varieties, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019, pag. Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019 Vanyo HAYGAROV , Tatyana YONCHEVA , Dimitar DIMITROV , Emil TSVETANOV, Statistical analysis of the results of trans-resveratrol content in grapes of hybrid bulgarian grape varieties, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XVIII, Issue 3 – 2019, pag. keywords: analysis; average; bouquet; bulgaria; content; control; dm3; environment; food; grapes; hybrid; issue; kaylashki; noir; northern; pinot; region; results; resveratrol; rubin; safety; statistical; storgozia; studied; study; trans; trapezitsa; university; varieties; variety; volume; xviii cache: fens-660.pdf plain text: fens-660.txt item: #545 of 747 id: fens-661 author: ADISA, Abosede M.; ADEPEJU, Adefisola B.; YUSUF, Ayowunmi K. title: INFLUENCE OF pH AND ACIDITY ON THE FERMENTATION OF FINGER MILLET SPICED OGI date: 2019-10-29 words: 4801 flesch: 57 summary: 4.09b± 0.10 3.89b ± 0.10 FGR5 5.92 ab ± 0.01 4.78bc ± 0.02 4.42ab ± 0.01 4.10b± 0.00 3.91b ± 0.12 FGR10 5.98 ± 0.01 5.07ab ± 0.01 4.50a ± 0.01 4.28c ± 0.10 4.09a ± 0.10 Means with different superscripts on the same column are significantly different (p<0.05) Values are means ± SD of triplicate measurement FM = 100% finger millet, FGN1 = 99% -1% ginger, FGN5 = 95%-5% ginger, FGN10 = 90% - 10% ginger, FGR1 = 99% - 1% garlic, FGR5 = 95%-5% garlic, FGR10 = 90%-10% garlic Table 6. Sample 0 12 24 36 48 FM 0.20a ± 0.00 0.20a ± 0.00 0.30c ± 0.00 0.80b ± 0.00 0.40b ± 0.00 FGN1 0.20a± 0.10 0.20a ± 0.10 0.30c ± 0.10 0.60c ± 0.10 keywords: 0.10; 0.20a; abosede; acid; acidity; adefisola; adepeju; adisa; african; ayowunmi; bacteria; cel; count; different; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fermentation; fermented; fgn1; fgn5; fgr10; fgr5; finger; finger millet; food; garlic; growth; health; influence; issue; journal; lab; lactic; lactobacillus; mare; means; millet; millet ogi; nigeria; ogi; organisms; p<0.05; pag; properties; safety; samples; science; spiced; spiced finger; stage; suceava; table; total; university; utilization; volume; xviii; yusuf; ştefan cache: fens-661.pdf plain text: fens-661.txt item: #546 of 747 id: fens-662 author: TODOSI SĂNDULEAC, Elena; GUTT, Gheorghe title: EFFECTS OF WET AGEING OF BEEF MUSCLE GLUTEUS MEDIUS ON TEXTURAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS date: 2019-10-29 words: 5553 flesch: 57 summary: Warner Bratzler shear force measurement The textural properties of the effect of wet aging duration of meat on the Warner Bratzler parameters of raw meat samples can be observed in Table 5. TPA parameters results The textural properties of the effect of wet aging duration of meat on the TPA parameters of raw meat samples can be observed in Table 6. keywords: aged; ageing; analysis; beef; bratzler; cel; chewiness; coefficient; cohesiveness; color; control; cooked; cooking; days; effects; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; food; force; gheorghe; gluteus; gumminess; gutt; hardness; issue; journal; loss; mare; meat; meat samples; meat science; medius; methods; muscle; pag; parameters; profile; quality; raw; raw meat; results; safety; samples; science; shear; springiness; suceava; sănduleac; table; technological; tenderness; textural; texture; time; todosi; tpa; university; values; volume; warner; wbsf; wet; wet ageing; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-662.pdf plain text: fens-662.txt item: #547 of 747 id: fens-663 author: ABDUREHMAN MUSA, Ahmedin title: EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PACKAGING METHODS ON CONSUMERS EATING QUALITY OF BEEF date: 2019-10-29 words: 6392 flesch: 56 summary: The use of CO for meat packaging is not allowed in most countries due to the potential toxic effect, and its use is controversial in some countries Antioxidant active packaging High levels of oxygen in meat packaging can facilitate microbial growth, lipid oxidation, development of off-flavours and off-odors, colour changes and nutritional losses. keywords: abdurehman; active; active packaging; ahmedin; air; antimicrobial; atmosphere; atmosphere packaging; beef; beef quality; carbon; cel; changes; co2; colour; consumers; content; development; different; different packaging; eating; effect; engineering; environment; factors; faculty; flavour; food; food packaging; fresh; high; high oxygen; important; international; issue; journal; juiciness; life; lipid; loss; losses; map; mare; meat; meat packaging; meat science; methods; modified; musa; muscle; oxidation; oxygen; oxygen map; packages; packaging; packaging methods; pag; preservation; product; protein; quality; red; retail; review; safety; scavengers; science; scores; sensory; shelf; spoilage; stability; steaks; storage; suceava; systems; technologies; technology; tenderness; time; university; use; vacuum; vacuum packaging; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-663.pdf plain text: fens-663.txt item: #548 of 747 id: fens-664 author: GNAGNE, Adou Akpa Guy Blanchard; KOUADIO, Ahou Irène; AFFOURMOU, Kouamé; YAO, Brou Lazare; SANOGO, Moussa title: STATE OF PLAY IN THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF PESTICIDES AND RISK OF CONTAMINATION OF FISH PONDS IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AREAS IN CÔTE D’IVOIRE: CASE OF THE DEPARTMENTS OF AGBOVILLE AND SOUBRÉ date: 2019-10-29 words: 7731 flesch: 63 summary: It was interested in pesticides applicators whose treated plantations are within one kilometer of a fish farm. 2-3. Progress of the investigation The survey was conducted with 129 planters and / or pesticide applicators from the two departments, of which 67 are from Agboville and 62 are from Soubré. keywords: abidjan; adou; affourmou; agboville; agricultural; ahou; akpa; application; applicators; aquatic; areas; benin; biol; blanchard; brou; burkina; case; cel; chi2; contamination; côte; côte d’ivoire; dans; de la; departments; d’ivoire; effects; engineering; environment; equipment; faculty; farms; faso; figure; fish; food; glyphosate; gnagne; guy; health; herbicides; insecticides; int; irène; issue; journal; kouadio; kouamé; lazare; level; management; mare; moussa; organisms; pag; pesticides; phytosanitary; play; ponds; ppe; practices; pratiques; production; products; qualification; risk; safety; sanogo; sci; sciences; soubré; state; study; suceava; survey; table; total; toxic; toxicol; type; university; use; variables; volume; water; wearing; xviii; yao; ştefan cache: fens-664.pdf plain text: fens-664.txt item: #549 of 747 id: fens-67 author: 2014, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-14 words: 472 flesch: 59 summary: Veg e table fa ts in flu en ce on th e p hysic o- che mica l a nd sens orial p rop e r- ties o f “T elem ea ” che es e Mircea ORO IAN, A n a L EAH U 74 - 79 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 1 – 2014 13. M ulticr it eria ev alua ti on of muni cipal so lid wast e ma nag em en t sc en a ri keywords: acid; adriana; cel; chemical; content; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; safety; suceava; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-67.pdf plain text: fens-67.txt item: #550 of 747 id: fens-68 author: PALII, Andrei; BATÎRU, Grigorii title: AMINO-ACID CONTENT IN GRAIN PROTEIN OF TETRAPLOID OPAQUE-2 MAIZE date: 2016-04-14 words: 3834 flesch: 66 summary: Analysis of protein amino acid content was performed by ion exchange chromatography on an automatic amino acid analyser T339M. 3. In this paper we present the results of studying the action of o2 mutation on amino acid composition of proteins in tetraploid maize grain compared to the original diploid form. keywords: acid; amino; amino acid; analysis; biochemical; composition; content; corn; diploid; dosage; doses; effect; endosperm; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; food; forms; gene; grains; high; higher; increases; issue; journal; lysine; maize; number; opaque-2; palii; protein; quality; russian; safety; tetraploid; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-68.pdf plain text: fens-68.txt item: #551 of 747 id: fens-681 author: 2019, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2020-03-03 words: 877 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-681.pdf plain text: fens-681.txt item: #552 of 747 id: fens-682 author: 2019, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2020-03-03 words: 296 flesch: 41 summary: Consumers knowledge and consumption manner of boiled Cassava root sold in Gashua, Yobe Nigeria Saheed Adewale OMONIYI, Phidelia Ramatu WAZIRI-UGWU 315 - 320 9. Physicochemical parameters of romanian raspberry honey Daniela PAULIUC, Mircea OROIAN 298 - 307 7. Application of water quality index in the drinking water quality assessment of a southeastern Nigeria river Emeka Donald ANYANWU, Chinonyerem Sylva EMEKA 308 - 314 8. keywords: cel; cristina; engineering; faculty; food; issue; mare; nigeria; quality; suceava; university; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-682.pdf plain text: fens-682.txt item: #553 of 747 id: fens-683 author: HONCHARENKO, Taisa; TOPCHYI, Oksana title: SELECTION OF COMPONENTS OF THE COMPOSITIONAL PROTEIN-CARBOHYDRATE MIXTURE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE CHOPPED SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS date: 2020-03-03 words: 4348 flesch: 43 summary: On the basis of the market analysis of animal protein preparations for the purpose of qualitative indicators research and comparison, protein preparations were selected: ScanProTM T95, Collagen Plus, Helios-11. This requires the revision and improvement of the traditional methods of production of meat products, which is possible through the use of food additives and protein preparations of plant and animal origin, which allow to purposefully change the functional- technological and structural-mechanical properties of meat systems and to obtain the desired technological effect. keywords: animal; beef; capacity; carbohydrate; cel; collagen; components; composition; content; cultures; engineering; environment; fat; finished; finished products; flour; food; form; functional; high; honcharenko; issue; journal; mare; mass; materials; meat; meat products; mixture; moisture; preparations; production; products; properties; protein; protein preparations; quality; raw; results; retaining; safety; selection; semi; studies; study; suceava; taisa; technological; university; use; value; volume; water; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-683.pdf plain text: fens-683.txt item: #554 of 747 id: fens-684 author: GÂTLAN, Anca-Mihaela; GUTT, Gheorghe title: OPTIMIZATION FOR ALCOHOL FERMENTATION CONDITIONS OF SEA BUCKTHORN PRESS RESIDUES USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY date: 2020-03-03 words: 2821 flesch: 49 summary: 4. Conclusion In conclusion, the fermentation conditions were successfully optimized using Response Surface Methodology and Box- Behnken Design by analyzing the individual and interactive effects of fermentation temperature, inoculum size and pH on fermentation kinetics. REDDY L. V. A., REDDY O. V. S., Effect of fermentation conditions on yeast growth and volatile composition of wine produced from mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit juice, Food and Bioproducts Processing, 89(4): 487-491, (2011). keywords: alcohol; alcoholic; behnken; beverage; box; buckthorn; cel; conditions; content; design; engineering; environment; ethanol; fermentation; food; inoculum; issue; journal; mare; methodology; optimization; press; process; production; residues; response; rhamnoides; safety; sea; sea buckthorn; size; suceava; surface; table; temperature; university; value; variables; volume; xviii; yeast cache: fens-684.pdf plain text: fens-684.txt item: #555 of 747 id: fens-685 author: ANUFORO, Henry Uzoma; AKUJOBI, Campbell Onyeka; EZEJI, Ethelbert Uchechukwu; OKEHI, Confidence Chiamaka title: IMPACT OF VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ON CONCENTRATIONS OF SELECTED HEAVY METALS IN CASSAVA TUBERS HARVESTED FROM ROADSIDE IN OWERRI, NIGERIA date: 2020-03-03 words: 4053 flesch: 59 summary: [18] OGUNDELE D. T., ADIO A. A., OLUDELE O. E., Heavy metal concentrations in plants and soil along heavy traffic roads in North Central Nigeria, Journal of Environmental Analysis and Toxicology, 5(6): 1-5, (2015) [31] YAN X., ZHANG F., ZENG C., ZHANG M., DEVKOTA L. P., YAO T. Relationship between heavy metal concentrations in soils and grasses of roadside farmland in Nepal, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9: 3209-3226, (2012) keywords: akujobi; anuforo; cadmium; campbell; cassava; cassava samples; cassava tubers; cel; concentrations; engineering; environment; ethelbert; ezeji; fao; food; heavy; heavy metals; impact; issue; journal; lead; mare; metals; nigeria; owerri; plants; results; roadside; safety; samples; science; section; soil; soil samples; traffic; tubers; university; vehicular; volume; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-685.pdf plain text: fens-685.txt item: #556 of 747 id: fens-686 author: LEAHU, Ana; HRETCANU, Cristina Elena; ROȘU, Alice Iuliana; GHINEA, Cristina title: TRADITIONAL USES OF WILD BERRIES IN THE BUKOVINA REGION (ROMANIA) date: 2020-03-03 words: 3572 flesch: 51 summary: 279 Journal homepage: Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Volume XVIII, Issue 4- 2019, pag. 279 - 286 TRADITIONAL USES OF WILD BERRIES IN THE BUKOVINA REGION (ROMANIA) *Ana LEAHU 1 , Cristina Elena HRETCANU 1 , Alice Iuliana ROȘU 1 , Cristina GHINEA 1 1Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, 13 University Str., 720229 Suceava, Romania, Abstract: In recent years there has been given increased attention to the health-promoting dietary recommendations as regards the use of wild berries in human nutrition. keywords: acid; alice; benefits; berries; buckthorn; bukovina; cel; consumers; consumption; cranberries; cristina; data; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; fruit; ghinea; hawthorn; health; hippophae; hretcanu; important; issue; iuliana; journal; leahu; mare; pag; region; respondents; rhamnoides; romania; rosehip; roșu; safety; sea; suceava; taste; traditional; university; uses; volume; wild; wild berries; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-686.pdf plain text: fens-686.txt item: #557 of 747 id: fens-687 author: OKE, Emmanuel Kehinde; IDOWU, Michael Ayodele; THANNI, Nurat Oluwadamilola; OLORODE, Omobolanle Omowunmi title: SOME QUALITY ATTRIBUTES OF SAUSAGE ROLL PRODUCED FROM WHEAT-TIGERNUT COMPOSITE FLOUR date: 2020-03-03 words: 5599 flesch: 60 summary: The weight of the sausage ranged between 17.00 and 27.50g. Sausage produced from 100% wheat flour had the highest weight while sausage produced from wheat flour wheat flour substituted with tigernut at 90% had the lowest weight. The moisture content of sausage roll produced wheat and tigernut flour blend from was high and ranged from 25.43 to 28.14%. keywords: attributes; ayodele; baking; brown; calcium; carbohydrate; cel; colour; composite; composite flour; composition; content; crude; differences; different; dough; emmanuel; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fibre; flour blend; food; high; highest; idowu; issue; journal; kehinde; lowest; mare; method; michael; mineral; moisture; nigeria; nurat; oke; olorode; oluwadamilola; omobolanle; omowunmi; p<0.05; pag; physical; properties; protein; quality; safety; sample; sausage roll; science; sensory; suceava; table; thanni; tigernut composite; tigernut flour; university; volume; volume xviii; weight; wheat flour; wheat tigernut; xviii; ştefan; 𝑆𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 cache: fens-687.pdf plain text: fens-687.txt item: #558 of 747 id: fens-688 author: PAULIUC, Daniela; OROIAN, Mircea title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF ROMANIAN RASPBERRY HONEY date: 2020-03-03 words: 5512 flesch: 57 summary: 4. Conclusion The physico-chemical characterization of raspberry honey samples collected from different areas of Romania in the years 2017 and 2018 was performed to examine the quality of honey samples and to determine any similarities and differences that may be attributed to the botanical origin of honey. Honey samples were analyzed to determine 9 physico- chemical characteristics: moisture (Abbe refractometer, Leica Mark II Plus), electrical conductivity (portable conduct meter HQ14d, HACH, USA), pH (pH meter METTLER TOLEDO FiveGo, Mettler Toledo, SUA), free acidity (TITROLINE easy, Schott Instruments, Germany), color (photometer Pfund, Hanna Instruments HI 96785 and a portable chromameter, CR-400, Konica Minolta, Japan), hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) content (Spectrophotometer UV- VIS-NIR SCHIMADZU UV-3600, Schimadzu Corporation, Japan,) keywords: absorbance; acidity; activity; analysis; antioxidant; average; cel; chemistry; color; conductivity; content; daniela; different; dpph; electrical; engineering; environment; faculty; flavonoids; floral; food; free; higher; hmf; honey; honey samples; international; issue; journal; mare; method; mircea; moisture; monofloral; origin; oroian; pag; parameters; pauliuc; phenolic; physicochemical; pollen; production; properties; raspberry; raspberry honey; results; romania; safety; samples; solution; study; suceava; total; types; university; value; volume; water; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-688.pdf plain text: fens-688.txt item: #559 of 747 id: fens-689 author: ANYANWU, Emeka Donald; EMEKA, Chinonyerem Sylva title: APPLICATION OF WATER QUALITY INDEX IN THE DRINKING WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF A SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIA RIVER date: 2020-03-03 words: 3953 flesch: 52 summary: 308 – 314 309 of water quality and require basic knowledge of water quality assessment like any other tool It is an acceptable way of expressing water quality with a reliable standard of measurement which reflects changes in the critical components of water [12]. keywords: acceptable; activities; analysis; anyanwu; application; assessment; available; cel; chemical; chinonyerem; dissolved; domestic; donald; drinking; drinking water; emeka; engineering; environment; faculty; food; health; high; human; ikwu; index; international; issue; journal; limits; mare; method; nigeria; oxygen; pag; parameters; poor; quality; quality assessment; quality index; river; safety; southeastern; station; study; suceava; sylva; temperature; umuahia; university; values; volume; water; water quality; world; wqi; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-689.pdf plain text: fens-689.txt item: #560 of 747 id: fens-69 author: Buchenkov, Igor title: CHEMICAL MUTAGENESIS IN THE CURRANТ (RIBES L.) AND GOOSEBERRY (GROSSULARIA MILL.) SELECTIVE BREEDING date: 2016-04-14 words: 3180 flesch: 53 summary: Figure 1 Generalized average data of currant and gooseberry variety apical buds treatment Crop Treated buds, in pieces Evolved apical buds Rooted plants Transformed plants Selected varieties with economic traits pieces % pieces % pieces % pieces % Black currant 1783 1041 58.38 154 8.64 37 2.07 4 0.22 Red currant 1341 921 68.68 152 11.33 26 1.94 2 0.15 Gooseberry 1684 1002 59.50 98 5.82 18 1.07 3 0.18 Mutant forms of black currants, red currants and gooseberries with morphological lamina change and leaf chlorophyll distortion revealed a clear relation to bush yield and mien. keywords: apical; black; breeding; buds; change; chemical; chlorophyll; concentration; currant; economic; exposure; food; forms; fruit; gooseberries; gooseberry; grossularia; group; growth; issue; journal; lamina; leaf; mien; mill; mutagenesis; mutagens; mutant; mutations; number; plants; red; ribes; selection; selective; shrub; size; somatic; study; sulfate; traits; treatment; university; varieties; variety; volume cache: fens-69.pdf plain text: fens-69.txt item: #561 of 747 id: fens-690 author: OMONIYI, Saheed Adewale; WAZIRI-UGWU, Phidelia Ramatu title: CONSUMERS KNOWLEDGE AND CONSUMPTION MANNER OF BOILED CASSAVA ROOT SOLD IN GASHUA, YOBE NIGERIA date: 2020-03-03 words: 3200 flesch: 60 summary: Well-structured questionnaire were administered to one hundred and fifty (150) people on information on their demographic characteristics and also on their knowledge about boiled cassava root. Majority of the respondents (54.70%) are consuming boiled cassava root as meal and they did not suffer from any ailment after eating boiled cassava root while minority (5.30%) reported that they suffered stomach ache after consuming it. keywords: anti; aware; boiling; cassava; cassava root; consumers; consumption; contents; cyanide; engineering; environment; factors; food; frequency; gashua; information; issue; journal; knowledge; majority; manner; nigeria; nutrient; nutritional; people; percentage; protein; respondents; root; safety; state; university; volume; xviii; yobe cache: fens-690.pdf plain text: fens-690.txt item: #562 of 747 id: fens-691 author: FWEJA, Leonard title: THE POTENTIAL OF ELECTRONIC NOSES IN QUALITY AND FRESHNESS PREDICTION OF FRESH AND STORED MEAT PRODUCTS date: 2020-03-03 words: 9423 flesch: 50 summary: Unlike gas sensors which use specific sensors for measuring single attributes and quality and safety in the food and beverage sector, information can be also obtained from arrays of non-specific sensors with partly overlapping selectivity and treating the data obtained with pattern recognition software [15]. 2.5 E-nose sensors working principle The design of an e-nose includes the design of a matrix of chemical sensors, for example, gas sensors and development of a pattern-recognition algorithm. keywords: accuracy; analysis; ann; array; beef; cel; chemical; chicken; classification; compounds; concentration; conditions; data; day; decomposition; detection; development; different; dissimilar; electronic; engineering; environment; environment safety; evaluation; experimental; faculty; fish; food; food engineering; food freshness; food quality; fresh meat; freshness; freshness prediction; fweja; gas; gas sensors; gases; high; human; humidity; identification; issue; journal; knn; leonard; level; low; mare; materials; matrix; measurements; meat; meat freshness; meat products; method; monitoring; mos; nh3; nose; odour; output; pag; pattern; pca; potential; prediction; products; quality; recognition; researchers; response; results; rotten; safety; sample; selectivity; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sensor; signals; single; specific; spoilage; storage; suceava; system; technology; temperature; time; tvb; tvbn; type; university; use; values; volatile; volume; volume xviii; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-691.pdf plain text: fens-691.txt item: #563 of 747 id: fens-692 author: SOKOLENKO, Anatoly; SHEVCHENKO, Olexandr; VASYLKIVSKY, Konstantin; STEPANETS, Oleg; VINNICHENKO, Inna title: PROSPECTS OF USING SECONDARY ENERGY RESOURCES date: 2020-03-03 words: 4823 flesch: 46 summary: Secondary energy resources of food industries are often represented by thermal energy of liquid media or secondary steam. Key words: thermodynamics, recuperation, secondary energy resources, secondary steam, enthalpy, exergy, energy transformation. keywords: anatoly; cel; ejection; energy; energy resources; engineering; entropy; environment; faculty; fig; flow; food; heat; heating; increase; inna; issue; journal; konstantin; mare; mix; mix e; oleg; olexandr; optimization; pag; parameters; pressure; prim; primary; processes; prospects; real; resources; safety; secondary; secondary energy; secondary steam; shevchenko; sokolenko; specific; steam; stepanets; suceava; system; technological; thermodynamic; university; use; vinnichenko; volume; volume xviii; work; xviii; ştefan cache: fens-692.pdf plain text: fens-692.txt item: #564 of 747 id: fens-699 author: 2020, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2020-05-29 words: 877 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-699.pdf plain text: fens-699.txt item: #565 of 747 id: fens-7 author: BUT, Serhyi title: SPECIFICS OF AIR CONDITIONING IN THE GERMINATION PROCESS OF MALT date: 2015-03-31 words: 2730 flesch: 56 summary: In the winter period, it is reasonable to heat up the incoming flows of fresh air by using live steam; 3. The phase of air heating through heat-exchange surface is carried out provided that d = const = d1. keywords: aeration; air; conditioning; corresponds; diagram; energy; environment; fig; food; fresh; germination; grain; heat; humidity; issue; journal; malt; mass; moisture; parameters; point; process; processes; relative; safety; specifics; steam; temperature; thermodynamic; university; values; volume; winter; xiv cache: fens-7.pdf plain text: fens-7.txt item: #566 of 747 id: fens-70 author: STOEVA, Donka title: INTENSIFICATION OF THE HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH CORRUGATED WALL date: 2016-04-14 words: 3137 flesch: 68 summary: This research can be used for finding optimal values of the Reynolds number regarding the conditions for heat transfer. V. ZIMPAROV, Enhancement of heat transfer by a combination of a single – start spirally corrugated tubes with a twisted tape, Experimental thermal and Fluid Science 25 (2002) 535-546. keywords: baffles; cel; different; donka; engineering; equation; faculty; fig; flow; fluid; food; heat; heat transfer; height; higher; intensification; isotherms; issue; journal; mare; pag; reynolds; suceava; temperature; threshold; transfer; tube; university; volume; wall; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-70.pdf plain text: fens-70.txt item: #567 of 747 id: fens-700 author: 2020, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2020-05-29 words: 286 flesch: 43 summary: Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of bovine whey proteins hydrolysed with selected lactobacillus strains Hayet MESSAOUI, Salima ROUDJ, Nour-Eddine KARAM 25 - 39 4. КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 1 – 2020 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: cel; effect; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; suceava; university; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-700.pdf plain text: fens-700.txt item: #568 of 747 id: fens-701 author: ABBE, Caroline Yaya; DAN, Ghislaine Chépo; AHI, Pascal Amédée; ABOA, Nestor title: EFFECT OF RIPENING ON NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF SOLANUM ANGUIVI LAM BERRIES "GNAGNAN" date: 2020-05-29 words: 4594 flesch: 63 summary: Fibers revealed a significant slight increase with 15.37 ± 0.02 % and 27.12 ± 0.02 % after 15 min. However, after 15 min of cooking, S. anguivi Lam berries could be considered Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 1 – 2020 Caroline Yaya ABBE, Ghislaine Chépo DAN, Pascal Amédée AHI, Nestor ABOA, Effect of ripening on nutritional values of Solanum Anguivi lam berries gnagnan, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIX, Issue 1 – 2020, pag. 5 – 13 9 as a significant source of protein because the minimum value recommended for protein-rich foods is 12% keywords: abbe; aboa; ahi; amédée; analysis; anguivi; anguivi lam; ash; berries; boiling; calcium; caroline; cel; chépo; composition; content; cooked; cooking; côte; dan; dry; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fiber; food; ghislaine; gnagnan; green; green berries; issue; journal; lam; lam berries; leafy; lipids; magnesium; mare; matter; min; mineral; nestor; nutritional; orange; pag; pascal; potassium; protein; raw; red; red berries; ripening; safety; solanum; solanum anguivi; stages; suceava; university; values; vegetables; volume; water; xix; yaya; yellow; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-701.pdf plain text: fens-701.txt item: #569 of 747 id: fens-702 author: ENGIDAW, Destaw; ALEMAYEHU, Ketema; MUSTOFA, Seid; TILAHUN, Alebachew title: EFFECT OF SEASON ON THE MAJOR PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF HONEY PRODUCT date: 2020-05-29 words: 6365 flesch: 62 summary: The average content of reducing sugars in terms of honey collection season varied from 69.9g/100g in season two to 72.0g/100g in season three (table 5) with no significant difference (p ≥ 0.1) between all collection seasons. The Hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF) content of honey samples during the first season ranged between 18.5mg/kg in Tocha and 23.4mg/kg in Isara, for the second season between 16.1mg/kg in Tocha to 25.7mg/kg in Isaraand the third season it was ranged from 12.1mg/kg in Maraqa to 21.6mg/kg in Isara. keywords: acidity; alebachew; alemayehu; analysis; areas; average; chemistry; collection; conductivity; content; dawuro; destaw; difference; effect; electrical; engidaw; engineering; environment; ethiopia; faculty; food; free; g/100; hmf; honey; honey production; isara; issue; journal; ketema; lactone; loma; mareka; moisture; mustofa; pag; parameters; physicochemical; production; quality; region; results; safety; samples; season; seid; significant; solution; study; suceava; sucrose; sugar; table; tilahun; tocha; university; values; varied; volume; xix; zone cache: fens-702.pdf plain text: fens-702.txt item: #570 of 747 id: fens-703 author: MESSAOUI, Hayet; ROUDJ, Salima; KARAM, Nour-Eddine title: ANTIOXIDANT AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITIES OF BOVINE WHEY PROTEINS HYDROLYSED WITH SELECTED LACTOBACILLUS STRAINS date: 2020-05-29 words: 7490 flesch: 51 summary: Based on this screening, the strains Lb. plantarum LBM2, Lb. plantarum LBBS2 from ewe milk, and Lb.brevis CHTD27 from camel milk which have displayed the greatest proteolytic activity among the strains tested (p˂0.05), were further subjected to whey protein hydrolysis and whether potentially healthful bioactive peptides could be produced. Under optimal conditions, the DH values in whey protein hydrolysates obtained with Lb. plantarum LBBS2 and Lb. keywords: 00.00±0.00e; acid; activities; activity; antibacterial; antioxidant; bioactive; bovine; bovine whey; brevis; camel; cel; cells; chtd27; conditions; cwp; dairy; different; dpph; eddine; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; ewe; faculty; food; functional; gram; hayet; hydrolysates; hydrolysis; incubation; industry; international; issue; journal; karam; lactic; lactobacillus; lactobacillus strains; lbbs2; lbm2; mare; messaoui; microorganisms; milk; min; nour; p<0.05; pag; page; peptides; plantarum; production; properties; proteins; proteolytic; radical; ratio; results; roudj; safety; salima; samples; scavenging; sds; strains; suceava; t24h; temperature; university; volume; volume xix; whey; whey proteins; wph; xix; ştefan cache: fens-703.pdf plain text: fens-703.txt item: #571 of 747 id: fens-704 author: BARUS, Marianna; ANTSUPOVA, Vita; CHIFURKO, Igor; USHKO, Yana title: HEALTHY FOOD OF TEENAGERS: MONITORING THE CONTENT OF ANTIBIOTICS IN MEAT FROM ORGANIZED CITY MARKETS date: 2020-05-29 words: 4233 flesch: 56 summary: For the study of antibiotic content in meat samples, 156 qualitative reactions were performed in 2017, 28 of which gave a positive analytical effect, in 18% of specific reactions had a sufficient threshold for sensitivity in antibiotic meat samples tested (Table 1). The following results were obtained: 91% of meat samples contained residues of antibacterial drugs. keywords: animal; antibacterial; antibiotics; antsupova; barus; body; cel; central; chernivtsi; chicken; chifurko; city; content; diet; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; food; formation; healthy; human; igor; iii; issue; journal; main; mare; marianna; markets; meat; methods; monitoring; negative; organized; pag; pork; positive; presence; products; protein; qualitative; reaction; residues; safety; samples; streptomycin; study; substances; suceava; teenagers; university; use; ushko; veal; vita; volume; xix; yana; ştefan cache: fens-704.pdf plain text: fens-704.txt item: #572 of 747 id: fens-705 author: URSACHI, Vasile-Florin; GUTT, Gheorghe title: REVIEW: MAIN RAW MATERIALS USED FOR PRODUCTION OF 1ST AND 2ND GENERATION BIOETHANOL date: 2020-05-29 words: 11675 flesch: 55 summary: In the Europe Union, the main raw materials for bioethanol production are wheat and sugar beet. This can be used for bioethanol production, thus becoming more competitive in the future over fossil fuels [10 - 12]. keywords: 1st; 1stg; 2nd; 2ndg; abu; acre; africa; agave; agency; agricultural; america; amylopectin; amylose; animal; area; barley; beet; biodegradable; bioenergy; bioethanol; bioethanol production; biofuels; biomass; brazil; cassava; cel; cereal; chemical; chemistry; china; composition; concentrations; content; corn; countries; crops; development; dhabi; different; dry; economic; energy; engineering; environment; environment safety; enzymatic; enzymes; european; faculty; feed; fermentation; fiber; figure; florin; food; food engineering; gas; generation; generation bioethanol; gheorghe; global; glucans; glucose; grain; gutt; high; higher; hull; human; hydrolysis; important; international; issue; journal; juice; lbs; lignocellulosic; liquid; low; lower; main; main raw; mare; mash; materials; millet; molasses; n.r; natural; nutrients; oat; oats; oil; order; pag; plant; potassium; potato; potatoes; potential; presence; process; processing; production; properties; protein; quantities; raw; raw materials; renewable; research; residues; result; review; rice; rye; safety; safety journal; science; sorghum; source; species; starch; starch content; states; structure; suceava; sugar; sugar beet; sugarcane; sweet; table; technology; tons; total; triticale; tuberosum; types; union; united; university; ursachi; use; value; varieties; vasile; viscosity; volume; volume xix; wang; waste; water; waxy; wheat; worldwide; xix; yield; ştefan cache: fens-705.pdf plain text: fens-705.txt item: #573 of 747 id: fens-706 author: MESSAOUDI, Amal; FAHLOUL, Djamel title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF BARLEY BREAD ENRICHED BY FREEZE DRIED DATE POMACE POWDER date: 2020-05-29 words: 2918 flesch: 65 summary: Diagram for mean sensory scores of date pomace powder barley bread with different proportions of date pomace powders: 0% (Control), 5% (BBDPP5), 10% (BBDPP10), 15% (BBDPP15) and 20% (BBDPP20) 4. Conclusion The results of this study showed that it is possible to develop barley bread with Garn Ghzel date pomace powder. – 75 74 Sensory evaluation Web diagram for mean sensory scores of enriched date pomace powder barley bread was presented (Fig. 3). keywords: amal; barley; barley bread; bbdpp20; bread; cel; chemical; cm3; color; control; date; date pomace; different; djamel; engineering; environment; faculty; fahloul; flour; food; freeze; gluten; international; issue; journal; mare; messaoudi; pag; physico; physicochemical; pomace; pomace powder; powder; product; properties; quality; results; safety; science; sensory; suceava; technology; university; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-706.pdf plain text: fens-706.txt item: #574 of 747 id: fens-707 author: SHEVCHENKO, Iryna; ZHUK, Viktoriya; POLISHCHUK, Galyna; OSMAK, Tatyana title: RESEARCH ON THE FUNCTIONAL-TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN COMPLEX AND NATURAL COLOR IN THE COMPOSITION OF RESTRUCTURED HAM PRODUCTS date: 2020-05-29 words: 3816 flesch: 46 summary: At the same time, the creation of restructured ham products with high biological value requires the study of the color formation of meat products [2]. Introduction Increasing demand of protein products and necessity to provide balanced diet of the population led to the occurrence and rapid development of new directions in the production of meat products. keywords: acid; amino; animal; biopolymer; characteristics; color; complex; composition; content; control; environment; essential; food; formation; functional; ham; ham products; issue; journal; juice; materials; meat; meat products; method; moisture; natural; nitrite; polishchuk; potato; products; properties; protein; raw; research; safety; shevchenko; sodium; sweet; systems; table; technological; university; value; volume; volume xix; xix; zhuk; 𝐸540 cache: fens-707.pdf plain text: fens-707.txt item: #575 of 747 id: fens-708 author: GOUALIE, Gblossi Bernadette; BAKAYOKO, Souleymane; COULIBALY, Kalpy Julien title: PRACTICES OF BIOSECURITY MEASURES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES ON POULTRY FARMS IN ABIDJAN DISTRICT date: 2020-05-29 words: 3949 flesch: 51 summary: Since implementation of biosecurity measures is known to reduce the risk of disease transmission, the aim of this study is to analyze the biosecurity measures applied in poultry farms in Abidjan district. The low implementation level of biosecurity measures and overuse of antibiotics in poultry farms suggests that government officials should monitor the issues of biosecurity and the use of antibiotics in this sector very seriously. keywords: abidjan; animals; antibiotics; area; bakayoko; bernadette; biosecurity; biosecurity measures; cases; cel; chicken; consequences; coulibaly; côte; dakar; des; diseases; district; d’ivoire; engineering; environment; faculty; farmers; farming; farms; food; gblossi; goualie; increase; international; issue; journal; julien; kalpy; majority; mare; measures; médecine; pag; pages; pathologies; poultry; poultry farms; practices; production; resistance; risk; safety; sector; souleymane; study; suceava; survey; symptoms; university; use; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-708.pdf plain text: fens-708.txt item: #576 of 747 id: fens-709 author: ROJSUNTORNKITTI, Kamonwan; JITTREPOTCH, Nitipong; KONGBANGKERD, Teeraporn; PHANUMONG, Putkrong; THONGCHUANG, Mayura; KRABOUN, Kitisart title: EFFECT OF (NH4)2SO4 ON SOME QUALITIES OF NATA DE PINA PRODUCED BY ACETOBACTER XYLINUM date: 2020-05-29 words: 2870 flesch: 53 summary: (NH4)2SO4 was used as a nitrogen source and its contents for Nata de pina production at 30oC for 15 days were 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 % w/v. Increasing 0.3 - 0.5 %w/v (NH4)2SO4 contents improved to utilize total soluble solids and % ethanol of Nata de pina and the lowest pH of Nata de pinawas obtained from using 0.5 % w/v of (NH4)2SO4. This isin disagreement withJagannath et al.[7]whomodified to exclude citrate and adjusted to pH 4.2 with acetic acid was suitable for Nata de coco produced by A. xylinum. keywords: acetic; acetobacter; acid; bacterial; cellulose; coco; effect; engineering; environment; ethanol; faculty; food; journal; juice; mayura; nata; nh4)2so4; nitrogen; pina; pineapple; production; putkrong; qualities; safety; sources; teeraporn; thailand; thickness; thongchuang; tss; university; volume; water; xix; xylinum; yield cache: fens-709.pdf plain text: fens-709.txt item: #577 of 747 id: fens-71 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF PROCESSING ON PHYTIC ACID CONTENT IN SOME WHEAT PRODUCTS date: 2016-04-14 words: 2495 flesch: 66 summary: As compared to unfortified versions, the biggest drop in phytic acid content was recorded in fortified flour type 550, followed by flour type 680, and flour type 1350. As compared to unfortified versions, the biggest drop in phytic acid content was recorded in fortified flour type 550, followed by flour type 680, and flour type 1350. keywords: acid; acid content; bread; content; decrease; degree; extraction; flour; flour type; food; fortification; fortified; higher; highest; influence; issue; lower; making; ones; phytates; phytic; phytic acid; processing; samples; table; type; volume; wheat; wheat flour; xiii cache: fens-71.pdf plain text: fens-71.txt item: #578 of 747 id: fens-713 author: 2020, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2020-07-30 words: 877 flesch: 7 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-713.pdf plain text: fens-713.txt item: #579 of 747 id: fens-714 author: 2020, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2020-07-30 words: 272 flesch: 42 summary: Essential Oil and Survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Fruit Juices Sarah KEHILI, Mohamed Nadjib BOUKHATEM, Hussein EL-ZAEDDI, Dahbia KELLOU, Amina-Bouchra BENELMOUFFOK, Mohamed Amine FERHAT, Angel A. CARBONELL-BARRACHINA, William N. SETZER 98 - 115 2. Study on Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone content in corn grains from different areas of Bacau county Sonia AMARIEI , КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: engineering; food; issue; mare; mircea; mohamed; oroian; physicochemical; suceava; university; volume; xix cache: fens-714.pdf plain text: fens-714.txt item: #580 of 747 id: fens-715 author: KEHILI, Sarah; BOUKHATEM, Mohamed Nadjib; EL-ZAEDDI, Hussein; KELLOU, Dahbia; BENELMOUFFOK, Amina-Bouchra; FERHAT, Mohamed Amine; CARBONELL-BARRACHINA, Angel A.; SETZER, William N. title: IN VITRO GROWTH INHIBITION OF PATHOGENIC AND FOOD SPOILAGE YEASTS AND FUNGI BY PEPPERMINT (MENTHA PIPERITA) ESSENTIAL OIL AND SURVIVAL OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE IN FRUIT JUICES date: 2020-07-30 words: 9902 flesch: 46 summary: Essential Oil and Survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Fruit Juices, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020, pag. 98 – 115 100 uses of Mentha piperita essential oil (MPEO) comprise anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, wound-healing, antidiabetic, analgesic and antiemetic applications. Essential Oil and Survival of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Fruit Juices, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020, pag. 98 – 115 99 NIST = National Institute of Standards & Technology Rt = Retention time RI = Retention index SDA = Sabouraud-chloramphenicol Dextrose Agar Orange juice is healthful and energizing because of its vitamin C (ascorbic acid) quantity, sweet, acidic taste, pleasing color, scented and nutritious. keywords: acid; action; activities; activity; agar; albicans; algeria; amina; angel; antifungal; antimicrobial; antioxidant; association; barrachina; benelmouffok; bha; bouchra; boukhatem; candida; carbonell; cel; cerevisiae; chemical; composition; compounds; concentration; control; current; dahbia; days; different; diffusion; disc; diz; dose; dpph; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; eos; essential; essential oil; faculty; ferhat; food; food engineering; fruit; fruit juices; fungal; fungi; growth; hussein; ic50; inhibition; inhibitory; issue; journal; juices; kehili; kellou; major; mare; medium; mentha; mentha piperita; menthol; menthone; moderate; mohamed; mpeo; nadjib; natural; oil; oils; orangina; orangina juices; pag; pathogenic; peppermint; peppermint eo; phase; piperita; piperita essential; positive; preservation; preservatives; radical; research; saccharomyces; saccharomyces cerevisiae; safety; sarah; sda; setzer; solution; strains; suceava; survival; table; test; thermal; treatment; tropicalis; university; vapor; volatile; volume; volume xix; william; xix; yeast; zaeddi; ştefan cache: fens-715.pdf plain text: fens-715.txt item: #581 of 747 id: fens-716 author: AMARIEI, Sonia; MIHALCEA, Alina title: STUDY ON OCHRATOXIN A AND ZEARALENONE CONTENT IN CORN GRAINS FROM DIFFERENT AREAS OF BACAU COUNTY date: 2020-07-30 words: 2769 flesch: 42 summary: Zearalenone contamination is closely related to Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020 Sonia AMARIEI, Alina MIHALCEA, Study on Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone content in corn grains from different areas of Bacau county, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020, pag. They Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020 Sonia AMARIEI, Alina MIHALCEA, Study on Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone content in corn grains from different areas of Bacau county, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIX, Issue 2 – 2020, pag. keywords: alina; amariei; antibodies; antibody; antigen; areas; bacau; cel; content; corn; county; detection; different; elisa; engineering; environment; enzyme; faculty; food; format; fungi; grains; issue; journal; limit; mare; mihalcea; mycotoxins; ochratoxin; pag; safety; samples; sonia; study; suceava; tons; university; volume; xix; zearalenone; ştefan cache: fens-716.pdf plain text: fens-716.txt item: #582 of 747 id: fens-717 author: ZIMBRU, Raluca - Olimpia; PĂDUREŢ, Sergiu; AMARIEI, Sonia title: AERATED CONFECTIONERY: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND TEXTURAL EVALUATION date: 2020-07-30 words: 3677 flesch: 57 summary: The dry matter content of aerated confectionery samples varied considerably from 52.38 % to 57.72 %, A4 sample had the highest content and according to Nardozza, 2011 122 - 130 125 Table 1. Physico-chemical parameters of aerated confectionery samples Different lowercase letters (a–d) in a row show significant differences between the groups (p<0.05). keywords: aerated; aeration; air; analysis; cel; cm3; confectionery; content; cream; dairy; density; dry; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; fat; food; hardness; issue; journal; mare; matter; mechanical; parameters; physicochemical; products; properties; relaxation; safety; samples; sergiu; specific; stress; suceava; textural; texture; time; university; vegetable; volume; work; xix; zimbru; ştefan cache: fens-717.pdf plain text: fens-717.txt item: #583 of 747 id: fens-718 author: CIURSA, Paula; OROIAN, Mircea title: IMPACT OF CORN AND RICE SYRUP ADULTERATION ON PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF TILIA HONEY date: 2020-07-30 words: 4116 flesch: 61 summary: Adulterated honey with corn syrup presented a significant decrease of free acidity, against to adulterated honey with rice syrup that presented a significant increase (p<0.001). The moisture content of adulterated honey with both types of syrup increased depending on the degree adulteration from 16.75% in authentic honey to 19.39% for 50% adulterated honey with corn syrup and to 17.03% for adulterated honey with 50% rice syrup. keywords: acidity; adulterated; adulterated honey; adulteration; agent; authentic; changes; color; conductivity; content; corn; corn syrup; electrical; engineering; environment; food; free; fructose; glucose; honey; increase; issue; journal; maltose; melesitose; meq; moisture; p<0.001; parameters; physicochemical; properties; rice; rice syrup; safety; significant; syrup; table; tilia; trehalose; turanose; values; volume; xix cache: fens-718.pdf plain text: fens-718.txt item: #584 of 747 id: fens-719 author: LUCA, Liliana; OROIAN, Mircea title: THE EFFECT OF MICROENCAPSULATION AND POTATO STARCH ON THE SURVIVAL OF LACTOBACILLUS STRAINS date: 2020-07-30 words: 4596 flesch: 44 summary: After 30 days, the survival rate of Lactobacillus cells in the microcapsules indicates a decrease of 6.21 log cfu / g. Data obtained attest to the fact that the presence of a carbon source in the microcapsule matrix offers the possibility of the existence of a metabolic activity of probiotic cells at 4 °C.The decrease in cell viability is not due to the encapsulation process, but we believe that some of the main causes would be the time, the consumption of the nutrient substrate, the presence of compounds resulting from the metabolic process, such as metabolic acids and bacteriocins. The bacterial strains used in this study were Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Bioprox RP 80, France, Lactobacillus cells count = 7±2x10e10) and L. casei 431 (Christian Hansen). keywords: alginate; bacteria; casei; cells; cfu; chloride; conditions; days; effect; encapsulation; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; hours; intestinal; issue; journal; juice; lactobacillus; liliana; log; luca; mare; microcapsules; microencapsulation; mircea; mrs; number; oroian; pag; plantarum; potato; probiotic; process; safety; simulated; size; sodium; starch; storage; strains; study; suceava; survival; time; university; viability; viable; volume; volume xix; xix; ştefan cache: fens-719.pdf plain text: fens-719.txt item: #585 of 747 id: fens-72 author: TIŢA, Mihaela Adriana; TIŢA, Ovidiu; DABIJA, Adriana; MAJDIK, Alexandra title: RESEARCH CONCERNING PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTCS OF QUINOA, DRIED MILK AND OAT BRAN YOGURT date: 2016-04-14 words: 2755 flesch: 58 summary: Determination of the number of coliform bacteria of milk samples. The main advantage of the yogurt is calcium, which assimilate more easily and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 1 – 2014 Mihaela Adriana TIŢA, Ovidiu TIŢA, Adriana DABIJA, Alexandra MAJDIK, Research concerning physico-chemical and microbiological characteristcs of quinoa, dried milk and oat bran yogurt , Volume XIII, Issue 1 - 2014, pag. keywords: acidity; adriana; bran; cel; chemical; content; curd; dairy; day; determination; dry; engineering; faculty; fat; fiber; figure; food; issue; journal; lactose; mare; matter; microbiological; milk; number; nutrients; oat; oat bran; physico; powder; quinoa; research; results; samples; suceava; tiţa; university; volume; xiii; yogurt cache: fens-72.pdf plain text: fens-72.txt item: #586 of 747 id: fens-720 author: PAULIUC, Daniela; OROIAN, Mircea title: ORGANIC ACIDS AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF ROMANIAN SUNFLOWER HONEY date: 2020-07-30 words: 3969 flesch: 53 summary: 4. Conclusion The physico-chemical characterization, pollen analysis and organic acids content of sunflower honey samples collected from Romania were performed to examine the quality of honey samples. Physico-chemical analysis The physico-chemical analyses were performed for sunflower honey samples according to the analytical methods harmonized by the International Honey Commission [10]. keywords: acidity; acids; activity; analysis; botanical; cel; chemistry; color; conductivity; content; daniela; dpph; electrical; engineering; environment; faculty; food; free; high; hmf; honey; honey samples; international; issue; journal; mare; methods; mircea; moisture; organic; origin; oroian; pag; parameters; physicochemical; pollen; properties; romanian; safety; samples; study; suceava; sunflower; sunflower honey; university; value; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-720.pdf plain text: fens-720.txt item: #587 of 747 id: fens-721 author: URSACHI, Vasile-Florin; GUTT, Gheorghe title: FEEDSTOCKS USED FOR PRODUCTION OF 2nd AND 3rd GENERATION BIOETHANOL - REVIEW date: 2020-07-30 words: 7057 flesch: 59 summary: In terms of bioethanol production, LCB is one of the most abundant and least used resources. One should know that almost 70% of the cost of bioethanol production is represented by the cost of obtaining the feedstocks [23]. keywords: 2nd; 2ndg; 3rd; agricultural; assessment; bark; biodiesel; bioenergy; bioethanol; bioethanol production; bioethanol review; biofuels; biomass; bioresour; carbohydrate; cellulose; chang; chemical; chen; chlamydomonas; chlorella; content; corn; crops; development; different; energy; engineering; environment; environment safety; enzymatic; faculty; feedstocks; fermentation; florin; food; food engineering; forest; generation; generation bioethanol; gheorghe; glucose; grain; gutt; hemicellulose; high; hydrolysis; important; issue; j.s; journal; lcb; lcms; lee; lignin; lignocellulosic; main; mare; materials; microalgae; pag; picea; pinus; plants; potential; pretreatment; process; production; products; quantities; recent; renewable; residues; review; rice; safety; second; solid; sorghum; species; stipa; straw; structure; substances; suceava; sugarcane; sugars; sustainable; table; technol; tenacissima; university; ursachi; vasile; volume; volume xix; vulgaris; water; wheat; wood; xix; yield; ştefan cache: fens-721.pdf plain text: fens-721.txt item: #588 of 747 id: fens-722 author: GALENKO, Oleg; SCHULER, Svitlana; BEZPALKO, Vadim; GASYUK, Ostap title: IMPACT OF WASHING SOLUTIONS ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SURIMI-LIKE MECHANICALLY DEBONED TURKEY MEAT date: 2020-07-30 words: 3404 flesch: 50 summary: Washing meat with low marketing value is thought to contribute to increased raw material value [8]. 170 - 175 IMPACT OF WASHING SOLUTIONS ON CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SURIMI-LIKE MECHANICALLY DEBONED TURKEY MEAT *Oleg GALENKO1, Svitlana SCHULER1, Vadim BEZPALKO1, Ostap GASYUK1 1Faculty of technology meat and meat products, National University of Food Technologies, 68, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine, *Corresponding author Received 12th April 2020, accepted 27th June 2020 keywords: acid; best; cel; chemical; composition; content; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; food; galenko; high; impact; ionization; issue; journal; lactic; like; like material; mare; material; mdm; meat; moisture; number; physicochemical; pork; poultry; processing; product; properties; protein; quality; raw; research; safety; science; sodium; solutions; succinic; suceava; surimi; svitlana; technological; technology; turkey; university; use; volume; washed; washing; xix; ştefan cache: fens-722.pdf plain text: fens-722.txt item: #589 of 747 id: fens-723 author: TANASA, Veronica title: TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENTS OF SOME NATURAL FRUIT JUICES AND NECTARS FROM ROMANIAN MARKET date: 2020-07-30 words: 1740 flesch: 59 summary: Keywords: total phenols, fruit juices, nectars. Fruits juices and nectars were obtained by soft evaporation in vacuum at 600C. 2.2. keywords: antioxidant; apple; aronia; black; blueberry; contents; currant; days; environment; folin; food; fruit; gae; gae/100; issue; journal; juices; market; natural; nectars; peach; phenolic; refrigeration; romanian; safety; samples; total; tpc; values; volume; xix cache: fens-723.pdf plain text: fens-723.txt item: #590 of 747 id: fens-725 author: 2020, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2020-09-22 words: 800 flesch: -3 summary: Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania Copyright © University PublishingHouse of Suceava. ISSN 1583-2295 STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal FoodandEnvironmentSafety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING VolumeXIX, Issue 3 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 Available online © Publisedby UniversityPublishingHouse of Suceava AIMS AND SCOPE The scientific journal Food and Environment Safetyis a quarterly publication (4 issues per year) of the Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, that is indexed in the International Databases: IndexCopernicus Journals Master List, Ulrich’s and Chemical Abstract (CAS). keywords: address; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela;; information; issn; journal; mare; mare universityof; national; publishinghouse; research; romania; safety; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; universityof suceava cache: fens-725.pdf plain text: fens-725.txt item: #591 of 747 id: fens-726 author: 2020, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2020-09-22 words: 255 flesch: 23 summary: Occurrence and assessment of physical contaminants based on food recalls in Canada Mohd Taufiq Mohd KHAIRI, Sallehuddin IBRAHIM, Mohd Amri Md YUNUS, Mahdi FARAMARZI, Jaysuman PUSPPANATHAN, Azwad ABID 219 - 227 6. КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 3 – 2020 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: activity; antioxidant; engineering; faculty; food; issue; mare; mohd; suceava; university; volume; xix cache: fens-726.pdf plain text: fens-726.txt item: #592 of 747 id: fens-727 author: LOUCIF SEIAD, Linda; DEMIM, Soraya title: MODELING AND OPTIMIZATION OF BACs EXTRACTION FROM ALGERIAN Rosmarinus Officinalis L.VIA GREEN EXTRACTION date: 2020-09-22 words: 4546 flesch: 57 summary: Histogram of TPC and TFC effects from Algerian Rosmarinus officinalis L. maceration: (a) Histogram of TPC effects, (b) Histogram of TFC effects. Abstract: The aim of this study is to improve extraction of biologically active compounds (BACs) found in Rosmarinus officinalis L. from Algeria country using green extraction process. keywords: algerian; bacs; cel; concentration; demim; effect; engineering; environment; ethanol; experimental; extraction; factors; faculty; fig; food; foodandenvironmentsafety; gae; green; issue; journal; levels; linda; liquid; loucif; maceration; mare; model; modeling; officinalis; optimization; pag; ratio; response; results; rosemary; rosmarinus; rosmarinus officinalis; safety; seiad; solid; solvent; soraya; study; suceava; tfc; time; tpc; university; values; variables; volume; volume xix; xix; ştefan cache: fens-727.pdf plain text: fens-727.txt item: #593 of 747 id: fens-728 author: KRABOUN, Kitisart; PHANUMONG, Putkrong; ROJSUNTORNKITTI, Kamonwan; KONGBANGKERD, Teeraporn; THONGCHUANG, Mayura; TANTIVITITTAPONG, Ithinath; CHOWVANAYOTIN, Pornrak title: EFFECT OF XANTHAN GUM AND PECTIN ON STABILIZATION AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF MONASCUS-PIGMENT EXTRACT BEVERAGE date: 2020-09-22 words: 3552 flesch: 51 summary: Introduction Presently, functional foods are highly popular products on the market such as baby foods, baked goods and cereals, dairy foods, confectionery, snacks, meat products, spreads, and beverages [1]. There are beverages produced from herbs and fruit pulps indicating highly potential antioxidant activities. keywords: ability; activity; antioxidant; beverage; cel; dpph; effect; engineering; environment; evaluation; extract; extract beverage; faculty; food; free; functional; gum; issue; journal; kamonwan; kitisart; kongbangkerd; kraboun; mare; mayura; monascus; mpeb; pag; pectin; phanumong; pigment; putkrong; radical; results; rojsuntornkitti; safety; scavenging; science; sensory; stability; stabilization; suceava; technology; teeraporn; thongchuang; turbidity; university; volume; water; xanthan; xanthan gum; xix; ştefan cache: fens-728.pdf plain text: fens-728.txt item: #594 of 747 id: fens-729 author: KOFFI, Edwige Larissa; MONNET, Thierry Yapo; KONAN, Kouassi Hubert; KOUADIO, N’Guessan Jean Parfait Eugène title: IMPACT OF MATURITY STAGE ON ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND PHYTOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT PARTS FROM PAWPAW: CARICA PAPAYA L. VAR SOLO 8 date: 2020-09-22 words: 6381 flesch: 58 summary: Pulp 36.16 ± 0.83c 39.26 ± 0.83d 45.17 ± 0.53f 49.26 ± 0.66h 54.11 ± 0.57i 72.24 ± 0.49l Seeds 31.63 ± 0.57a 35.07 ± 0.95b 46.01 ± 0.89g 46.29 ± 0.78g 64.21 ± 0.76j 80.24 ± 0.52m 1/4 Advanced Peel 35.45 ± 0.35b 37.74 ± 0.49c 41.26 ± 0.75e 47.18 ± 0.34g 50.02 ± 0.63i 60.21 ± 0.89k Pulp 35.47 ± 0.71b 39.32 ± 0.76d 41.44 ± 0.98e 46.74 ± 0.64g 50.01 ± 0.34i 55.17 ± 0.51j Seeds 34.19 ± 0.51a 39.04 ± 0.61d 48.09 ± 0.45h 50.03 ± 0.59i 68.29 ± 0.65l 90.03 ± 0.45m Advanced Peel 28.01 ± 0.58a 30.56 ± 0.36b 40.61 ± 0.59f 45.29 ± 0.48i 48.76 ± 0.44k 58.06 ± 0.75o Pulp 35.47 ± 0.71d 39.32 ± 0.76e 41.44 ± 0.98g 46.74 ± 0.64j 50.01 ± 0.34k 55.17 ± 0.51n Seeds 32.28 ± 0.40c 36.11 ± 0.31i 39.88 ± 0.66e 43.21 ± 0.14h 48.68 ± 0.61k 52.24 ± 0.48m Trolox 45.43 ± 0.66a 59.76 ± 0.11b 69.43 ± 0.27c 82.01 ± 0.19d 85.08 ± 0.51e 92.29 ± 0.41f 1/8 Advance d Peel 47.21 ± 0.80c 49.64 ± 0.51e 54.33 ± 0.92g 59.88 ± 0.17j 63.74 ±0.54m 66.14 ± 0.99o Pulp 45.41 ± 0.91b 49.35 ± 0.77e 51.86 ± 0.26f 56.67 ± 0.42h 61.59 ± 0.80l 64.28 ± 0.23n Seeds 44.82 ± 0.85a 48.23 ± 0.76d 54.18 ± 0.14g 57.71 ± 0.46i 60.07 ± 0.30k 61.47 ± 0.31l 1/4 Advance d Peel 46.90 ± 0.14a 47.67 ± 0.34b 49.53 ± 0.43e 53.92 ± 0.12f 57.09 ± 0.89i 61.78 ± 0.26l keywords: absorbance; abts; acid; activities; activity; advanced; advanced maturity; advanced stage; antioxidant; assays; carica; carica papaya; cel; compounds; content; different; different parts; dpph; edwige; engineering; environment; eugène; extract; faculty; flavonoids; food; fruits; hubert; immature; impact; issue; jean; journal; koffi; konan; kouadio; kouassi; l. var; larissa; level; mare; maturity; maturity stage; monnet; n’guessan; pag; papaya; papaya l.; parfait; parts; pawpaw; peel; phenolic; phytochemical; properties; pulp; results; safety; seeds; solo; solution; stage; suceava; table; thierry; total; university; var; var solo; vitamin; volume; volume xix; xix; yapo; ştefan cache: fens-729.pdf plain text: fens-729.txt item: #595 of 747 id: fens-73 author: DIICHUK, Volodymyr; VOROBETS, Mariia; KOBASA, Igor title: ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODES BASED ON CALCIUM HYDROXYLAPATITE AS A TOOL FOR ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTS, FOOD AND RAW MATERIALS date: 2016-04-14 words: 2059 flesch: 61 summary: It can be summarized, that this method of potentiometric determination of Ca2+ and HPO42- ions concentration can be applied to find contents of these ions in some natu- ral objects, raw and food samples. One of the advantageous methods of syn- thesis for such electrodes presupposes formation of the electroactive layer direct- ly from calcium hydroxylapatite in course of its synthesis. keywords: ca2; calcium; coefficient; concentration; decade; dependence; dm3; electrode; food; hoa; hydroxylapatite; investigation; ions; issue; journal; method; mol; objects; potential; pretreatment; raw; selective; slope; solution; type; untreated; volume cache: fens-73.pdf plain text: fens-73.txt item: #596 of 747 id: fens-730 author: TOMĂSCU, Paraschiva; JARCĂU, Matei; JARCĂU, Mihaela; RUSU, Micşunica; POROCH – SERIŢAN, Maria title: ANALYSIS FOR THE DETERMINING FACTORS OF THE EVOLUTION OF HEPATITIS A VIRAL IN SUCEAVA COUNTY, ROMANIA, IN THE PERIOD 2018 - 2019 date: 2020-09-22 words: 4162 flesch: 41 summary: From an epidemiological point of view, acute viral hepatitis A (HVA) shows wide variations in terms of endemicity, age at the time of infection and frequency of the disease. The population incidence of HAV infection is related to socio-economic conditions including density of housing, sanitation, quality of water [13] and income. keywords: acute; age; analisis; cases; cel; clinical; contaminated; country; determining; distribution; engineering; environment; evolution; factors; faculty; figure; food; hav; health; hepatitis; household; infection; issue; jarcău; journal; mare; maria; matei; micşunica; mihaela; outbreak; pag; paraschiva; period; place; poroch; residence; romania; rusu; safety; seriţan; source; statistical; study; subjects; suceava; tomăscu; type; university; variable; viral; viral hepatitis; virus; volume; water; xix; years; ştefan cache: fens-730.pdf plain text: fens-730.txt item: #597 of 747 id: fens-731 author: KHAIRI, Mohd Taufiq Mohd; IBRAHIM, Sallehuddin; YUNUS, Mohd Amri Md; FARAMARZI, Mahdi; PUSPPANATHAN, Jaysuman; ABID, Azwad title: OCCURRENCE AND ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL CONTAMINANTS BASED ON FOOD RECALLS IN CANADA date: 2020-09-22 words: 4955 flesch: 63 summary: Abstract: This paper investigates the association between types of food products, physical contaminants and year using food recalls dataset obtained from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) between 2014 and 2019. The results show that there is no association between the year and the number of food recalls by food products and year by physical contaminants type. keywords: abid; amri; assessment; azwad; bodies; bone; canada; cases; cel; chi; citations; contaminants; control; dairy; detection; engineering; environment; faculty; faramarzi; food; food products; foreign; glass; hazards; ibrahim; imaging; insects; issue; jaysuman; journal; khairi; mahdi; mare; materials; meat; metal; mohd; number; objects; observed; occurrence; pag; physical; plastic; products; pusppanathan; recalls; safety; sallehuddin; square; stone; suceava; table; taufiq; types; university; volume; wood; xix; year; yunus; ştefan cache: fens-731.pdf plain text: fens-731.txt item: #598 of 747 id: fens-732 author: ZIMBRU, Raluca - Olimpia; PĂDUREŢ, Sergiu; AMARIEI, Sonia title: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND COLOR EVALUATION OF CONFECTIONERY MOUSSES date: 2020-09-22 words: 4241 flesch: 59 summary: The results of one factor analysis of variance — ANOVA showed that the color difference between mousse samples is statistically significant (p<0.001). 2. Materials and methods Preparation of mousse samples. keywords: aerated; amariei; analysis; bubbles; color; concentration; confectionery; content; cream; dairy; density; difference; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; fat; food; higher; index; issue; journal; mare; materials; moisture; mousse samples; mousses; olimpia; overrun; pag; parameter; physicochemical; process; products; properties; protein; pădureţ; raluca; raw; safety; samples; sergiu; sonia; suceava; university; values; vegetable; volume; xix; zimbru; ştefancel cache: fens-732.pdf plain text: fens-732.txt item: #599 of 747 id: fens-734 author: URSACHI, Vasile-Florin; GUTT, Gheorghe title: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PRETREATMENTS USED FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS - REVIEW date: 2020-09-30 words: 12345 flesch: 62 summary: CARDOSO, W. S., TARDIN, F. D., TAVARES, G. P., QUEIROZ, P. V., MOTA, S. S., KASUYA, M. C. M., & QUEIROZ, J. H. D. (2013). HERNÁNDEZ-BELTRÁN, J. U., LIRA, H. D., OMAR, I., CRUZ-SANTOS, M. M., SAUCEDO-LUEVANOS, A., HERNÁNDEZ- TERÁN, F., & BALAGURUSAMY, N. (2019). keywords: + +; acid; agricultural; alkali; applied; bagasse; barley; bioenergy; bioethanol; bioethanol production; biofuels; biomass; biomass review; bioresource; biotechnology; cellulose; chemical; chemistry; chen; chloride; combined; complex; compounds; conditions; conversion; corn; crops; deep; des; different; dilute; effect; efficient; energy; engineering; environment; environment safety; enzymatic; eutectic; faculty; fermentation; field; florin; food; food engineering; generation; gheorghe; glucose; gutt; h2so4; hcl; hemicellulose; high; hydrolysis; ils; impact; important; industrial; ionic; irradiation; issue; j. m.; journal; kim; lcb; lcms; lee; lignin; lignocellulosic; lignocellulosic biomass; liquids; low; mare; materials; mechanical; methods; microwave; mills; min; n.a; naoh; optimization; organic; organosolv; pag; pef; physical; pretreated; pretreatment; process; production; products; properties; renewable; research; residues; review; rice; saccharification; safety; sawdust; size; solvents; stover; straw; structure; suceava; sugarcane; sun; sustainable; switchgrass; table; technology; type; ultrasound; university; ursachi; use; vasile; volume; volume xix; wheat; wood; xix; zhang; ştefan cache: fens-734.pdf plain text: fens-734.txt item: #600 of 747 id: fens-74 author: GHINEA, Cristina; BRESSERS, Hans; GAVRILESCU, Maria title: MULTICRITERIA EVALUATION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS: CASE STUDY IASI, ROMANIA date: 2016-04-14 words: 4716 flesch: 41 summary: Abstract: Solid waste management is of great interest as a topical issue discussed and reviewed internationally. Although Romania is an EU Member State, and the European policy in the area of solid waste management should be implemented as soon as possible, these changes are still difficult to be made [1]. keywords: ahp; alternatives; analytic; application; assessment; bressers; calculated; calculation; case; cel; collection; comparisons; cristina; criteria; decision; different; economic; engineering; environmental; evaluation; faculty; final; food; gavrilescu; ghinea; hans; hierarchy; iasi; importance; indicators; issue; journal; landfill; making; management; management scenarios; mare; maria; method; models; multicriteria; municipal; municipal solid; order; organic; pag; pairwise; performance; pollution; process; rating; relative; results; romania; safety; scenarios; score; selection; solid; solid waste; study; suceava; sustainable; system; table; technical; treatment; university; volume; waste; waste management; weight; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-74.pdf plain text: fens-74.txt item: #601 of 747 id: fens-746 author: 2020, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2021-01-25 words: 853 flesch: 3 summary: Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania Copyright © University PublishingHouse of Suceava. Allrightreserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de JosUniversityof Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), keywords: address; agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela;; issn; journal; mare; medicine; national; publishinghouse; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-746.pdf plain text: fens-746.txt item: #602 of 747 id: fens-747 author: 2020, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2021-01-25 words: 269 flesch: 39 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 4 – 2020 CONTENTS: 1. Author instructions i - v 10. Subscription information vi Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIX, Issue 4 – 2020 keywords: cel; effect; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; safety; suceava; university; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-747.pdf plain text: fens-747.txt item: #603 of 747 id: fens-748 author: PAULIUC, Daniela; CIURSA, Paula; DRANCA, Florina; ROPCIUC, Sorina; OROIAN, Mircea title: TILIA HONEY’S FRUCTOSE, GLUCOSE AND SUCROSE CONTENT PREDICTION USING FT-IR SPECTRA WITH PARTIAL LEAST SQUARES REGRESSION date: 2021-01-25 words: 2153 flesch: 52 summary: Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of Fourier transform infrared (FT- IR) spectroscopy coupled with partial least squares regression (PLS-R) to predict the fructose, glucose and sucrose content of tilia honeys. In order to achieve the aim of this study, 22 samples of tilia honey were purchased from Suceava, Neamt and Iasi County in the year of 2020. keywords: cel; content; data; engineering; environment; food; fructose; glucose; honey; issue; journal; mare; parameters; partial; pls; prediction; regression; safety; samples; spectra; squares; suceava; sucrose; sucrose content; tilia; university; volume; xix cache: fens-748.pdf plain text: fens-748.txt item: #604 of 747 id: fens-749 author: GASHI, Artan; ARAPCHESKA, Mila; REXHEPI, Fatos title: EFFECT OF ROSEMARY EXTRACT ON THERMAL STABILITY OF SUNFLOWER OIL date: 2021-01-25 words: 3541 flesch: 50 summary: Density changes during the heating of sunflower oil samples with and without rosemary extract are presented in Figure 1. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of rosemary extract (Rosemarinus officinalis L.) on thermal stability of sunflower oil. keywords: acid; activity; analysis; antioxidants; arapcheska; artan; cel; changes; compounds; density; effect; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; fatos; food; frying; ftir; gashi; heating; high; issue; journal; mare; mila; natural; oil; oils; oxidative; pag; results; rexhepi; rosemary; rosemary extract; safety; samples; sfo; spectroscopy; stability; study; suceava; sunflower; sunflower oil; thermal; thermal stability; university; vegetable; viscosity; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-749.pdf plain text: fens-749.txt item: #605 of 747 id: fens-75 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel title: STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE METALLIC ELEMENTS THAT MIGRATE FROM AISI304 AND AISI321 STAINLESS STEEL SAMPLES IN SIMULANT SOLUTIONS AT DIFFERENT IMMERSION TIMES date: 2016-04-14 words: 3385 flesch: 49 summary: References [1]. STROE S.G., GUTT G., MIRONEASA S., The relationship between metal ions released from AISI304 and AISI321 stainless steels in food simulant solutions at various working parameters, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XII, Issue 3, p. 265 The influence of the immersion time on the dissolution rate of the Cr, Mn, 56Fe and Ni metal ions from AISI304 stainless steel samples and the Ti, Cr, Mn, 56Fe and Ni metal ions from AISI321 stainless steel samples was studied. keywords: aisi304; aisi321; aisi321 stainless; chromium; component; correlation; different; environment; food; immersion; ions; iron; iron ions; issue; level; manganese; metal; metal ions; metallic; min; nickel; principal; relationship; safety; samples; significant; simulant; simulant solutions; solutions; stainless; stainless steel; steel; steel samples; time; titanium; value; variables; volume; xiii cache: fens-75.pdf plain text: fens-75.txt item: #606 of 747 id: fens-750 author: FATAH, Samoun; GOUAIDIA, Layachi; FEHDI, Chemsedine; HEMILA, Mohamed Laid; DJABRI, Larbi title: AQUIFER SUCEPTIBILITY AND AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES EFFECT ON WATER QUALITY IN SEMIARID ZONE: EL MA LABIOD PLAIN, NORTH EAST OF ALGERIA date: 2021-01-25 words: 5113 flesch: 50 summary: The mapped results using GIS data and ArcGis tools show a large similarity in the spatial distribution of vulnerability classes and the alteration of water quality. Keywords: El Ma Labiod, groundwater vulnerability, DRASTIC, GOD, Arcgis, Water quality SEQ- Eau. 1. keywords: activities; agricultal; algéria; aquifer; area; assessment; cel; chemsedine; classes; data; djabri; drastic; drastic method; drinking; east; effect; el ma; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; fatah; fehdi; figure; food; god; gouaidia; groundwater; gvi; hemila; index; issue; journal; labiod; laid; larbi; layachi; low; ma labiod; map; maps; mare; method; mohamed; nitrates; north; pag; parameters; plain; points; quality; qualityin; ranges; safety; samoun; semiarid; study; suceava; susceptibility; table; university; volume; volume xix; vulnerability; water; xix; zone; ştefan cache: fens-750.pdf plain text: fens-750.txt item: #607 of 747 id: fens-751 author: UKWO, Sunday Peter title: HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT OF HEAVY METAL CONTAMINANTS IN TABLE SALT FROM NIGERIA date: 2021-01-25 words: 5171 flesch: 58 summary: Four refined table salt samples (A, B, C, D) and four samples of unrefined table salt (E, F, G, H) were analysed for the concentration of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), iron (Fe), Cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) using atomic absorption spectrometry. This is because of the expected adverse health effect that may occur due to toxic elements contamination which is widespread in the environment [9]. Unrefined table salt may contain some of these toxic elements which may create health risks to consumers even at low concentrations due to the daily consumption of salt. keywords: assessment; cadmium; carcinogenic; cel; concentration; consumption; contaminants; copper; daily; day; edi; edible; effects; elements; engineering; environment; estimated; exposure; faculty; food; hazard; health; heavy; higher; human; intake; issue; journal; lead; local; local table; mare; metals; nigeria; non; refined; refined table; risk; safety; salt; salt samples; samples; significant; suceava; sunday; table; table salt; thq; toxic; ukwo; university; unrefined; unrefined table; values; volume; xix; ştefan cache: fens-751.pdf plain text: fens-751.txt item: #608 of 747 id: fens-752 author: ADEOLA, Abiodun Aderoju; OLAYIOYE, Dorcas Olawunmi; OLUYOMBO, Alexander Adedolapo; OLUNLADE, Babatunde Adebiyi title: QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF BISCUITS PREPARED FROM COMPOSITE FLOUR OF YELLOW FLESHED CASSAVA AND QUALITY PROTEIN MAIZE date: 2021-01-25 words: 5106 flesch: 61 summary: 30% QPM; CM-3=50% cassava flour+50% QPM; CM-4=30% cassava flour + 70% QPM; CM-5=20% cassava flour + 80% QPM. 30% QPM; CM-3=50% cassava flour+50% QPM; CM-4=30% cassava flour + 70% QPM; CM-5=20% cassava flour + 80% QPM. keywords: abiodun; adebiyi; adedolapo; adeola; aderoju; agriculture; alexander; ash; attributes; babatunde; biscuits; blends; cassava; cassava flour; cel; characteristics; composite; composite flour; composition; content; crude; dorcas; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fibre; fleshed; fleshed cassava; flour; food; increase; issue; journal; maize; maize flour; mare; moisture; nigeria; olawunmi; olayioye; olunlade; oluyombo; pag; production; protein; protein maize; qpm; qpmf; quality; quality protein; safety; samples; science; sensory; spread; suceava; table; technology; university; volume; wheat; xix; yellow; yellow fleshed; ştefan cache: fens-752.pdf plain text: fens-752.txt item: #609 of 747 id: fens-754 author: ONUWA, Godfrey; MGBOJIKWE, Anthony; EMMANUEL, Bassey; OKEKE-AGULU, Kingsley; CHIZEA, Chizoba title: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF GROWTH PARAMETERS OF SOYBEAN AND SUNFLOWER FEED RATIONS IN BROILER PRODUCTION date: 2021-01-25 words: 3670 flesch: 57 summary: The result also suggests that sunflower feed ration can be administered as a replacement or alternative for soybean feed ration in broiler ration formulation. Group A were fed with soybean feed ration, while Group B was fed with sunflower feed ration over a period of eight (8) weeks. keywords: analysis; ash; broiler; cake; comparative; conversion; crude; daily; environment; extract; feed; feedstuff; fiber; food; gain; groundnut; growth; issue; journal; maize; meal; nitrogen; nutrient; parameters; poultry; procedure; production; protein; proximate; rate; ratio; rations; safety; sample; significant; soybean; sunflower; survival; treatment; university; volume; weeks; weight; xix; yellow cache: fens-754.pdf plain text: fens-754.txt item: #610 of 747 id: fens-755 author: CRĂCIUN, Alina Lenuța; GUTT, Gheoghe title: A RAPID METHOD OF DETERMINATION OF TRANS-RESVERATROL IN ROMANIAN COMMERCIAL WINES BY REVERSED-PHASE HPLC date: 2021-01-25 words: 4384 flesch: 56 summary: Following the analyzes, this paper shows that the concentration of resveratrol in Romanian red wines varies between 2.50- 6.64 mg/L. This study could contribute to the analysis made on the variety of Romanian wines for resveratrol content. keywords: alina; analysis; area; cel; chromatography; commercial; commercial wines; concentration; content; crăciun; detector; determination; direct; disease; engineering; environment; faculty; food; french; gheorghe; gutt; high; hplc; injection; issue; journal; lenuța; liquid; mare; merlot; method; noir; pag; paradox; phase; pinot; red; red wines; results; resveratrol; resveratrol content; romanian; romanian wines; safety; samples; sauvignon; solvent; standard; study; suceava; trans; university; variety; volume; vrancea; white; wines; xix; ştefan cache: fens-755.pdf plain text: fens-755.txt item: #611 of 747 id: fens-76 author: ZAVADA, Ramona Mihaela; ROŞU, Ana-Maria; MIRON, Neculai Doru; SURPATEANU, Gheorghe; NISTOR, Ileana Denisa title: INFLUENCE OF MICROWAVE DRYING ON THE CONTENT OF PHOTOSYNTHETIC PIGMENTS IN SPINACH date: 2016-04-14 words: 2933 flesch: 54 summary: Microwave drying period lasted between 3 and 10 minutes. Increasing the microwave output power resulted in a considerable decrease in drying time. keywords: air; cel; chlorophyll; content; doru; drying; engineering; faculty; figure; food; food engineering; gheorghe; high; hot; influence; issue; journal; leaves; mare; maria; material; methods; microwave; microwave output; miron; moisture; moisture content; nistor; output; period; photosynthetic; pigments; power; process; product; quality; rate; samples; spinach; suceava; time; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-76.pdf plain text: fens-76.txt item: #612 of 747 id: fens-762 author: 2021, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2021-04-26 words: 866 flesch: 1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de JosUniversityof Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. KlimentOhridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of FoodScience, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania Mircea-Adrian OROIAN Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Mariana-Atena POIANĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gabriela RÂPEANU Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Adrian RIVIŞ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; house; issn; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-762.pdf plain text: fens-762.txt item: #613 of 747 id: fens-763 author: 2021, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2021-04-26 words: 310 flesch: 37 summary: КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 1 – 2021 CONTENTS: 1. Subscription information vi Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 1 – 2021 keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; oats; oksana; safety; suceava; university; volume; ştefan cache: fens-763.pdf plain text: fens-763.txt item: #614 of 747 id: fens-764 author: BORUK, Sergiy; WINKLER, Igor title: SOME PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES OF THE SHORT DOUGH WITH GOOSEBERRY POWDER date: 2021-04-26 words: 3793 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: short dough; gooseberry; viscosity; organoleptic parameters; healthy food qualities 1. The static and dynamic viscosity is an important characteristic of dough since it is usually transported at the bakeshops by various screw conveyors and other equipment, where these parameters are critical for effective functioning. keywords: baked; boruk; cel; characteristics; confectionery; content; crust; displacement; dough; dough viscosity; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; gooseberry; gooseberry powder; inherent; issue; journal; mare; nutritional; organoleptic; parameters; particles; pastry; physicochemical; powder; properties; qualities; rotation; safety; samples; short; short dough; speed; structure; suceava; university; viscosity; volume; ştefan cache: fens-764.pdf plain text: fens-764.txt item: #615 of 747 id: fens-765 author: POLISCHUK, Galina; KOCHUBEY-LYTVYNENKO, Oksana; OSMAK, Tetiana; KUZMIK, Uliana; BASS, Oksana; MYKHALEVYCH, Artur; SAPIGA, Victoria title: SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OF COMPOSITION OF ACIDOPHILIC-WHEY ICE CREAM, ENRICHED WITH PROTEIN date: 2021-04-26 words: 3870 flesch: 48 summary: Table 1. Mass fraction of protein in samples of acidophilic ice cream and its percentage content in the DSMR of product,% Protein content: Sample name ice cream on normalized milk (control) ice cream on skimmed milk ice cream on buttermilk ice cream on whey in ice cream, % 3.23 3.09 2.55 1.28 in DSMR of ice cream,% 37.13 35.52 29.31 14.71 In the case of using whey as a milk base, the protein content decreases most significantly - from 3.23% (control) to 1.28% (whey ice cream) while a significant shift towards the predominance of DSMR, lactose and mineral salts - from 62 , 87, 64,48, 70,69% (for ice cream on normalized milk, skimmed, buttermilk) to 85.29% (for whey ice cream). keywords: acidophilic; air; artur; bass; cel; composition; concentrates; content; cream; cwp; dairy; engineering; environment; explanation; fat; fig; food; fraction; ice; ice cream; issue; journal; low; mare; mass; materials; milk; oksana; organoleptic; paste; product; protein; raw; safety; samples; scientific; tetiana; uliana; university; vegetable; volume; whey; whey ice; ştefan cache: fens-765.pdf plain text: fens-765.txt item: #616 of 747 id: fens-766 author: UKWO, Sunday; UDO, Mfoniso; EKONG, Ekefre title: NUTRIENT CONTENT OF RHYNCHOPHORUS PHOENICIS AND ITS APPLICATION IN COMPLEMENTARY FOOD FORMULATION date: 2021-04-26 words: 7547 flesch: 56 summary: Protein and carbohydrate content of complementary foods samples as obtained in the study was higher than the recommended levels while lipid content was within the acceptable limits. This study investigated variability in nutritional content during three developmental stages: early larva (ESL), late larva (LSL) and adult stage (ADS) and application of early larva stage in the formulation of complementary foods from the blend of broken rice and soybean flour at different proportions: A (100:0), B (94.5:5.5), C (89.5:10:5), (85.3:14.7), E (75.5:24.5) and F (70:30). keywords: adult; analysis; anti; application; ash; available; blends; broken; calorific; carbohydrate; cel; complementary; complementary food; composition; concentration; content; determination; developmental; different; early; edible; edible palm; ekefre; ekong; elements; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; flour; food; food engineering; food formulation; food samples; formulated; formulation; higher; increased; insects; issue; journal; larva; levels; lipid; mare; means; mfoniso; mg/100; mineral; moisture; nutrient; nutrient content; nutritional; pag; palm; palm weevil; percentage; phoenicis; present; protein; proximate; rhynchophorus; rice; safety; sample; science; sensory; significant; soybean; stages; study; suceava; sunday; table; udo; ukwo; university; values; volume; volume xx; weevil; weevil flour; ştefan cache: fens-766.pdf plain text: fens-766.txt item: #617 of 747 id: fens-767 author: BLAZHEKOVIKJ - DIMOVSKA, Dijana; STOJANOVSKI, Stojmir title: PROTOZOAN DISTRIBUTION IN FARMED CYPRINID FISH FROM MACEDONIA date: 2021-04-26 words: 3143 flesch: 49 summary: By fish species, the highest prevalence (35.699 %) in common carp is confirmed with Trichodina sp., while the lowest (0.522 %) with Chilodonella hexasticha and Myxobolus müelleri. [5] WOO P.T. (2006): Fish diseases and disorders, Vol. 1: protozoan and metazoan infections. keywords: apiosoma; aquaculture; carp; carpio; chilodonella; common; common carp; cyprinid; cyprinus; determined; encephalicus; environment; examined; facilities; fish; food; grass; hexasticha; ichthyophthirius; intensity; issue; journal; macedonia; mean; multifiliis; myxobolus; müelleri; number; parasites; piscicola; prevalence; protozoan; safety; species; spring; table; total; trichodina; trichodina sp; volume cache: fens-767.pdf plain text: fens-767.txt item: #618 of 747 id: fens-768 author: BELINSKA, Kristina title: PROVISION OF CHILDREN’S TOURIST GROUPS WITH FUNCTIONAL DRINKS date: 2021-04-26 words: 2699 flesch: 57 summary: Conclusion As a result of the conducted researches it was established that: - the addition of cryopowders to milk powder led to an improvement of the organoleptic characteristics of the restored drink: the taste and aroma improved, a pleasant color appeared; - the use of powdered sheep's milk as a basis for the drink increased the nutritional value: the amount of animal fats increased, the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids increased, the amount of lactoferrin increased; - production of milk drink with cryopowders improved the chemical composition: the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals was covered by 0.4… 13.2%; - the use of cryopowders in the technology of dry milk drinks allowed covering the daily requirement of dietary fiber by 1.6… 3.5%; - cryopowders affected the acidity of the restored beverage. Keywords: milk drink, cryopowder, nutritional value, sheep milk. keywords: acidity; apricot; belinska; blackberry; cel; chemical; children; composition; cryopowders; daily; drinks; dry; engineering; environment; food; functional; groups; issue; journal; mg/100; milk; pag; products; raspberry; safety; sheep; table; taste; technology; tourist; university; use; volume; ştefan cache: fens-768.pdf plain text: fens-768.txt item: #619 of 747 id: fens-769 author: TRAJKOSKA, Ljubica; TRAJANOSKA, Maja; TRAJKOVSKA, Biljana; KOCHOSKI, Ljupche; KARAPETKOVA-HRISTOVA, Vesna title: GOOD HYGIENE PRACTICES AS AN IMPORTANT PROGRAM FOR SAFETY OF FINAL PRODUCTS date: 2021-04-26 words: 1829 flesch: 54 summary: Analysis of the sensory, physicochemical and microbiological parameters of water, as well as the presence of Listeria monocytogenes on the contact surface and in thin sausage (vacuum packed) was performed. In addition, the absence of Listeria monocytogenes is a result of well-established practices regarding the microbiological quality of sausages. keywords: analysis; contact; contamination; environment; final; food; good; health; hygiene; important; industry; iso; issue; journal; listeria; meat; microbiological; monocytogenes; parameters; practices; production; products; quality; results; safety; sausage; surface; table; university; volume; water cache: fens-769.pdf plain text: fens-769.txt item: #620 of 747 id: fens-77 author: ZUBAREVA, Inna Mihaylivna; MITINA, Nataliia Borisivna; VASILKOVA, Anastasia Vadimivna title: DEPENDENCE OF THE BIOSYNTHETIC ABILITY OF THE PRODUCERS OF BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCES ON QUALITY OF NUTRIENT MEDIUM AND SUBSTRATUM date: 2016-04-14 words: 4330 flesch: 50 summary: The culture of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus was kept on the wart- agar nutrient media in flasks from which they were replanted into the shaking flasks with capacity of 300 ml, containing 50 ml enzyme nutrient medium. Found that filamentous organisms - producers of carotenoids and proteins accumulate high amounts of both biomass and target metabolites on nutrient media containing hydrolysates of buckwheat, oat or corn flour in the presence of gluten. keywords: ability; active; active substances; amino; beta; biomass; biosynthetic; blakeslea; buckwheat; carotene; cel; chemistry; composition; content; corn; culture; days; dependence; different; dry; eisenia; engineering; flour; fold; food; fungus; fоetida; gluten; higher; hydrolyzer; issue; journal; media; medium; milk; mitina; n.b; nutrient; nutrient media; ostreatus; outgoing; pleurotus; presence; producers; protein; quality; quantity; received; source; soya; substances; substratum; table; technology; trispora; university; volume; zubareva; ştefan cache: fens-77.pdf plain text: fens-77.txt item: #621 of 747 id: fens-770 author: ADAMOVICI COSTEA, Diana Cornelia; GHINEA, Cristina title: LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT OF WASTEWATER FROM DAIRY INDUSTRY date: 2021-04-26 words: 3424 flesch: 49 summary: In this study, life cycle assessment (LCA) was used to investigated the environmental impacts associated with dairy wastewater treatment. The environmental impacts associated with wastewater treatment can be determined by applying life cycle assessment (LCA). keywords: adamovici; assessment; cel; cornelia; costea; cristina; cycle; dairy; demand; determination; diana; engineering; environmental; eutrophication; faculty; fig; food; ghinea; impact; indicators; industry; iso; issue; journal; life; mare; methods; milk; oxygen; pag; plant; potential; production; quality; safety; sludge; study; substances; suceava; treatment; university; values; volume; wastewater; wastewater treatment; year; ştefan cache: fens-770.pdf plain text: fens-770.txt item: #622 of 747 id: fens-771 author: MEZIANI, Samira; MENADI, Noreddine; MEHIDA, Hayet; OUGAD, Soheila; SAIDANI, Souad; LABGA, Lahouaria title: EVALUATION OF PHENOLIC COMPOUND AND ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF TWO VARIETIES OF OATS (AVENA SATIVA L) : BRAN OATS AND WHOLE GRAIN (BLACK AND PREVISION OATS) date: 2021-04-26 words: 3761 flesch: 56 summary: The results obtained from whole oat and oat bran extracts (PWO, BWO, POB, BOB) analyzed reveal that BOB is richer in total polyphenols with a content of 0.216 ± 0.0117 (mg EAG / g ES), than POB with a content of 0.203 ± 0.005 (mg EAG / g ES), and PWO is richer in total phenolic compounds 0.205 ± 0.013 (mg EAG / g ES) than BWO 0.107 ± 0.014 So the antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid is higher than that of whole oat and oat bran varieties, because the antioxidant capacity of a compound is higher when its IC50 value is small. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; avena; black; bob; bran; bwo; capacity; compounds; content; dpph; dry; eag; engineering; environment; evaluation; extract; faculty; flavonoids; food; free; grain; high; issue; journal; mehida; noreddine; oat bran; oats; ougad; phenolic; pob; polyphenols; prevision; prevision oats; pwo; radical; results; safety; saidani; sativa; study; total; university; varieties; volume; yield cache: fens-771.pdf plain text: fens-771.txt item: #623 of 747 id: fens-772 author: GHRIEB, Aissam; BAALI, Fethi; FEHDI, Chemceddine; HANI, Azzedine; CHAFFAI, Hicham; DJABRI, Larbi title: USE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FOR MODELING THE POLLUTION PRESSURE OF WATER RESOURCES IN THE SEYBOUSE VALLEY (NORTH-EASTERN ALGERIA) date: 2021-04-26 words: 6481 flesch: 45 summary: 6 MLP Network (three layers), Pollution pressure variables MLP (3 and 4 layers), RBF, GRNN, and Linear networks are the forms of networks considered. 68 – 80 75 Table 4 Tests of normality of Pollution pressure variables N maxI K-S Lilliefors P W P Dom wastw 31 0.389100 p < .01 p < .01 0.325455 0.000000 Solid waste 31 0.245586 p < .05 p < .01 0.667737 0.000000 keywords: .01; agricultural; ain; aissam; algeria; analysis; annaba; aquifer; artificial; azzedine; baali; cel; chaffai; chemceddine; chemical; cluster; co2; coastal; correlation; data; dioxide; djabri; domestic; dpsir; eastern; engineering; environment; environment safety; factor; faculty; fehdi; fertilizers; fethi; fig; food; ghrieb; groundwater; hani; hicham; industrial; intrusion; issue; journal; larbi; management; mare; model; multivariate; municipalities; networks; neural; normality; north; pag; parameters; petrol; pollution; pollution pressure; pressure; quality; resources; safety; seawater; seybouse; seybouse valley; solid; state; stations; statistical; study; suceava; system; table; tds; total; university; valley; variables; volume; volume xx; wastewater; wastw; water; water resources; ştefan cache: fens-772.pdf plain text: fens-772.txt item: #624 of 747 id: fens-773 author: TOUZOU, Bleou Jean Jaurès; SORO, Doudjo; SORO, Soronikpoho; KOFFI, Kouadio Ernest title: EFFECT OF FERMENTATION ON THE QUALITY OF FLOUR AND BISCUIT FROM CASHEW KERNEL FLOUR date: 2021-04-26 words: 5535 flesch: 58 summary: WB: wheat flour biscuit; UCB20: 80 %wheat flour + 20 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB40: 60 % wheat flour + 40 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB60: 40 % wheat flour + 60 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB80: 20 % wheat flour + 80 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB: Unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB20: 80 %wheat flour + 20 %fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB40: 60 %wheat flour + 40 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB 60: 40 %wheat flour + 60 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB80: 20 %wheat flour + 80 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB: fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit. WB: wheat flour biscuit; UCB20: 80 %wheat flour + 20 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB40: 60 % wheat flour + 40 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB60: 40 % wheat flour + 60 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB80: 20 % wheat flour + 80 % unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; UCB: Unfermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB20: 80 %wheat flour + 20 %fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB40: 60 %wheat flour + 40 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB 60: 40 %wheat flour + 60 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB80: 20 %wheat flour + 80 % fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit; FCB: fermented cashew kernel flour biscuit. keywords: absorption; acceptability; analysis; aroma; biscuits; bleou; capacity; cashew kernel; cel; colour; composite; composition; content; different; doudjo; effect; engineering; environment; ernest; faculty; fat; fcb; fermentation; fermented; flour; flour biscuit; food; functional; increase; issue; jaurès; jean; journal; kernel flour; kernels; koffi; kouadio; mare; method; nutritional; official; oil; overall; pag; production; properties; proteins; quality; safety; science; sensory; soro; soronikpoho; substitution; suceava; table; taste; touzou; unfermented cashew; university; volume; water; wheat flour; ştefan cache: fens-773.pdf plain text: fens-773.txt item: #625 of 747 id: fens-78 author: DABIJA, Adriana; POMPARĂU, Răzvan title: ASPECTS CONCERNING THE OBTAINMENT OF CHEESE WHEY CREAM FROM GOAT’S MILK WITH ONION AND DILL date: 2016-04-14 words: 3022 flesch: 57 summary: This paper proposes a study of process obtaining cheese whey cream from goat milk with onion and dill. 2. Materials and Methods The technological process for obtaining cheese whey cream with onion and dill meet the specific process of obtaining cheese whey, the innovation in this case being the type of milk used, and added ingredients onion and dill. 68 – 73 72 Table 5 Sensorial properties of the product Cheese whey cream from goat milk with onion and dill Characteristics Admission requirements Aspect Homogeneous Colour Whitish - green Consistency Creamy Taste and odour Pleasant, salty enough, characteristic for the added ingredients Table 6 Physical-chemical properties of the product Cheese whey cream from goat milk with onion and dill Characteristics Value Analysis method Fat/S.U., % min. 62 SR ISO 3433:2009 Humidity, % max. keywords: acid; adriana; aspects; cel; cheese; cheese whey; chemical; composition; content; cream; dill; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; food; goat; goat milk; ingredients; issue; journal; mare; milk; obtainment; onion; packaging; pag; processing; product; production; properties; proteins; raw; răzvan; suceava; table; temperature; university; volume; water; whey; whey cream; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-78.pdf plain text: fens-78.txt item: #626 of 747 id: fens-789 author: 2021, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2021-07-15 words: 863 flesch: 11 summary: , Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de JosUniversityof Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. KlimentOhridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of FoodScience, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania Mircea-Adrian OROIAN Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Mariana-Atena POIANĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gabriela RÂPEANU Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Adrian RIVIŞ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Alexandru SZÉP Sapientia — Hungarian University of Transylvania, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Carmen SOCACIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Never TOROSYAN CSRO Institute, Yerevan, Armenia Yeva TOROSYAN European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Armenia Anka TRAJKOVSKA PETKOSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola, R. North Macedonia Felicia TUTULESCU DRAGOMIR University of Craiova, Romania Igor WINKLER Bukovina Medical State University, Ukraine Gheorghe ZGHEREA Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; house; issn; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-789.pdf plain text: fens-789.txt item: #627 of 747 id: fens-79 author: OROIAN, Mircea; LEAHU, Ana title: VEGETABLE FATS INFLUENCE ON THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND SENSORIAL PROPERTIES OF “TELEMEA” CHEESE date: 2016-04-14 words: 2724 flesch: 67 summary: 4. Conclusions The influence of substitution of milk fats with vegetable fats for the production of “Telemea” cheese can be considered a good for its production. Consequently, some strategies can be used in the cheese-making process in order to improve the texture of low fat cheeses, being one example the addition of microparticulated whey proteins as fat replacers keywords: acidity; analysis; aspect; cel; cheese; cohesiveness; compactness; consistency; e e; engineering; fat; fats; firmness; food; issue; journal; l e; lactic; mare; method; milk; physicochemical; properties; s e; samples; sensorial; severity; smell; substitution; suceava; taste; telemea; university; vegetable; whey cache: fens-79.pdf plain text: fens-79.txt item: #628 of 747 id: fens-790 author: 2021, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2021-07-15 words: 244 flesch: 42 summary: 4. Migration of melamine and formaldehyde from kids' bamboo dinner sets Svetla Petrova PETROVA , Valentina CHRISTOVA – BAGDASSARIAN 128 - 136 5. Development of enriched cupcakes and cookies with orange-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.): sensory and nutritional evaluation Gisèle Ahou Yah KOUA, Konan Evrad Brice DIBI, Edwige Essoma AKOA, Sébastien NIA- MKE 137 - 148 6. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of reg grapes from international, local and hybrid grapevine varieties grown in central northern Bulgaria Dimitar DIMITROV, Tatyana YONCHEVA, Vanyo HAYGAROV keywords: contents; food; grape; iliev; issue; microsoft; oil; petrova; tatyana; vanyo; word; yoncheva cache: fens-790.pdf plain text: fens-790.txt item: #629 of 747 id: fens-791 author: IUGA, Mădălina; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: CHARACTERIZATION OF PASTA FROM HEAT MOISTURE TREATED WHEAT FLOUR AND GRAPE PEELS date: 2021-07-15 words: 5705 flesch: 56 summary: Creep and recovery of pasta dough: OTH – sample from heat moisture treated wheat flour, OPS – sample from wheat-grape peels composite flour, OTPS – sample from treated wheat flour and grape peels Lower values for Burger’s parameters were obtained for samples from treated wheat flour and/or with grape peels (Table 2). [8] on the effects of grape peels on wheat bread dough rheology it is Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 2 – 2021 Mădălina IUGA, Silvia MIRONEASA, Characterization of pasta from heat moisture treated wheat flour and grape peels, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 2 – 2021, pag. keywords: addition; analysis; cel; characterization; compliance; composite; content; control; creep; different; digestible; dough; elastic; engineering; environment; faculty; fiber; flour; food; grape; grape peels; heat moisture; higher; hmt; issue; iuga; jmax; journal; lower; mare; mironeasa; moisture; mădălina; ops; oth; otps; pag; pasta; peels; phase; polyphenols; pomace; properties; quality; recovery; resistant; results; rheology; safety; sample; science; sensory; silvia; starch; suceava; technology; temperature; time; treatment; university; value; volume; wheat; wheat flour; ştefan cache: fens-791.pdf plain text: fens-791.txt item: #630 of 747 id: fens-792 author: DIMITROV, Dimitar; YONCHEVA, Tatyana; HAYGAROV, Vanyo; ILIEV, Anatoli title: PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ATIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF RED GRAPES FROM INTERNATIONAL, LOCAL AND HYBRID GRAPEVINE VARIETIES GROWN IN CENTRAL NORTHERN BULGARIA date: 2021-07-15 words: 5501 flesch: 57 summary: Antioxidant activity of red hybrid variety Rubin at TE = 600.00 mg/l and TE = 400.00 mg/l *TE – Total Extract The lowest reported antioxidant activity was observed in the control introduced Cabernet Sauvignon variety. The anthocyanins are compounds with high antioxidant capacity and the present study empirically confirms the relationship between them and the antioxidant capacity of red grapevine varieties. keywords: activity; anatoli; anthocyanins; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; berries; bulgaria; bunches; cabernet; cabernet sauvignon; cel; central; compounds; content; control; dimitar; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fpc; gamza; grapes; grapevine; grapevine varieties; highest; hybrid; hybrid variety; international; issue; journal; local; lowest; mare; northern; npc; pag; phenolic; phenolic content; reaction; red; results; rubin; safety; sauvignon; seeds; skins; suceava; tatyana; time; total; tpc; university; vanyo; varieties; variety; volume; ştefan cache: fens-792.pdf plain text: fens-792.txt item: #631 of 747 id: fens-793 author: CRĂCIUN, Alina Lenuța; GUTT, Gheoghe title: STUDY ON EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION OF TRANS-RESVERATROL FROM VINE WASTE - A REVIEW date: 2021-07-15 words: 8141 flesch: 54 summary: For this reason, numerous studies were aimed at finding an optimal method of trans- resveratrol extraction. Vine waste processing to improve resveratrol content keywords: activity; aging; alina; antioxidant; aqueous; cancer; cane; cardiovascular; case; cel; cell; chemical; chromatography; column; commercial; compound; concentration; content; crăciun; d.w; data; degree; different; disease; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; extraction; extracts; faculty; fig; food; food engineering; fraction; gheorghe; grape; gutt; high; higher; human; increase; inflammatory; issue; journal; kg d.w; lenuța; low; lower; mare; material; methanol; method; months; pag; phase; phenolic; plants; products; properties; purification; purity; recent; researchers; response; results; resveratrol; resveratrol content; resveratrol extraction; review; safety; samples; shoots; silica; skin; solution; solvents; source; species; stilbenes; storage; studies; study; suceava; supplements; temperature; trans; transresveratrol; university; vine; vinifera; vitis; volume; volume xx; waste; water; wine; years; yield; ştefan cache: fens-793.pdf plain text: fens-793.txt item: #632 of 747 id: fens-794 author: PETROVA, Svetla Petrova; CHRISTOVA – BAGDASSARIAN, Valentina title: MIGRATION OF MELAMINE AND FORMALDEHYDE FROM KIDS' BAMBOO DINNER SETS date: 2021-07-15 words: 3814 flesch: 52 summary: All results for formaldehyde migration are below the permissible level of 15 mg / kg according to European legislation. Keywords: food contact materials, specific migration, melamine, formaldehyde, bamboo sets 1. keywords: acid; bagdassarian; bamboo; bowl; boy; cel; china; christova; composition; contact; dinner; engineering; environment; european; faculty; food; formaldehyde; highest; issue; items; journal; kids; mare; materials; melamine; migration; pag; petrova; plastic; products; regulation; resin; results; safety; sets; specific; substances; suceava; svetla; university; utensils; valentina; value; volume; ştefan cache: fens-794.pdf plain text: fens-794.txt item: #633 of 747 id: fens-795 author: KOUA, Gisèle Ahou Yah; DIBI, Konan Evrad Brice; AKOA, Edwige Essoma; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: DEVELOPMENT OF ENRICHED CUPCAKES AND COOKIES WITH ORANGE-FLESHED SWEET POTATO (Ipomeabatatas L.): SENSORY AND NUTRITIONAL EVALUATION date: 2021-07-15 words: 6101 flesch: 59 summary: Table 3 Microbial load on composite OFSP flour cupcakes (log10 CFU/g) Cupcakes ACC Enterobacteria Yeast/Mould ASB Staph. Absence Table 4 Microbial load on composite OFSP flour cookies (log10 CFU/g) Cookies ACC Enterobacteria Yeast/Mould ASB Staph. keywords: acceptability; ahou; akoa; analysis; ash; baked; brice; children; composite; composition; content; control; cookies; count; covington; cupcakes; côte; development; dibi; different; d’ivoire; edwige; energy; engineering; enriched; environment; essoma; evaluation; evrad; faculty; fiber; fleshed; flour; food; gisèle; ipomea; irene; issue; journal; kabode; konan; koua; mare; niamke; nutritional; ofsp; ofsp cupcakes; ofsp flour; orange; pag; potato; products; properties; quality; results; safety; samples; sensory; stefancel; suceava; sweet; sweet potato; sébastien; table; university; value; vitamin; volume; volume xx; weight; wheat; wheat flour; yah; years cache: fens-795.pdf plain text: fens-795.txt item: #634 of 747 id: fens-796 author: HUȚU, Dana; AMARIEI, Sonia title: THE EFFECTS OF SUGAR AND FAT SUBSTITUTION ON THE TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF THE PIE DOUGH date: 2021-07-15 words: 3820 flesch: 64 summary: Abstract: Understanding the current technologies related to the food industry, which deal with the reduction of sugar in processed foods, research made on the subject and the consumers response to the reduction of sugar in food, has become a very important factor for food producers in the mission, to design and produce low sugar products. [17] according to Chopin protocol by testing a pie dough sample under 2000 g cylindrical weight constraint at 30°C for 3 h. For this purpose, pie dough samples were mixed in a Consistograph device. keywords: amariei; apple; cel; control; dana; dough; effects; engineering; environment; environmentsafety; faculty; fat; fat substitution; fermentation; food; height; huțu; industry; issue; journal; mare; maximum; pag; pie; production; products; properties; puree; safety; sample; sonia; substitution; suceava; sugar; textural; texture; university; value; volume; volume xx; ştefan cache: fens-796.pdf plain text: fens-796.txt item: #635 of 747 id: fens-797 author: BORUK, Sergiy; WINKLER, Igor; MISCHENCHUK, Vitaliy title: CLEANING THE VEGETABLE OIL PRODUCTION WASTEWATER WITH ANTHRACITE date: 2021-07-15 words: 2698 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: sunflower oil production; wastewater decontamination; porous coal adsorbents; envi- ronment protection 1. V. R. VODYANKA et al, The use of thio- semicarbazyde in the pressure–driven processes of wastewater treatment, J. Water Chem. & Tech., 33(3), 196–201 (2011). keywords: absorbance; adsorbent; anthracite; cleaning; coal; cod; contaminated; decontamination; doi; efficiency; engineering; environment; extraction; fig; food; fuel; increase; issue; journal; mass; oil; organic; pag; pollutants; pollution; production; result; safety; sample; sunflower; surface; treatment; ukraine; university; vegetable; volume; wastewater; winkler cache: fens-797.pdf plain text: fens-797.txt item: #636 of 747 id: fens-798 author: ADJOU, Euloge S.; ALLAVO, T. U. Makosso Antoine; AKOTOWANOU, Oscar; KOGBETO, Jasmine A.; VODOUNOU, Audray; SOHOUNHLOUE, Dominique C.K. title: EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF PIMENTA RACEMOSA ON MICROFLORA AFFECTING QUALITY OF AFRICAN MUSTARD OBTAINED FROM FERMENTED SEEDS OF PARKIA BIGLOBOSA JACK. P. BR date: 2021-06-30 words: 3195 flesch: 49 summary: NIELSEN P.V., RIOS R., Inhibition of fungal growth on bread by volatile components from spices and herbs, and the possible application in active packaging with special emphasis on mustard essential oil. Abstract: The present study aims to investigate the effect of essential oil of Pimenta racemosa on the microflora affecting the marketable quality of African mustard obtained from fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa. keywords: adjou; african; african mustard; antimicrobial; antoine; audray; benin; biglobosa; c.k; cel; dominique; effect; engineering; environment; essential; essential oil; euloge; faculty; fermented; food; growth; issue; jack; jasmine; journal; makosso; mare; microflora; mustard; oil; oscar; pag; parkia; pimenta; pimenta racemosa; quality; racemosa; results; safety; samples; seeds; sohounhloue; storage; suceava; total; university; use; volume; ştefan cache: fens-798.pdf plain text: fens-798.txt item: #637 of 747 id: fens-8 author: KRABI, Regina Ekoua; ASSAMOI, Antoine Allah; EHON, Fafadzi Ayawovi; NIAMKE, Sébastien Lamine title: SCREENING OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA AS POTENTIAL STARTER FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ATTIÉKÉ, A FERMENTED CASSAVA FOOD date: 2015-03-31 words: 4680 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to resolve unpredictable quality of Attiéké by the selection of Lactic acid bacteria (the predominant microorganism of cassava fermentation) as microbial starter culture. Keywords: Lactic acid bacteria, acid production, enzyme production, cassava fermentation, Attiéké. 1. keywords: able; acid; acidification; acidifying; activity; agar; allah; amylase; antoine; attiéké; ayawovi; bacteria; cassava; cassava food; cellulase; culture; côte; dough; d’ivoire; ehon; ekoua; engineering; environment; faculty; fafadzi; fermentation; fermented; food; international; isolates; issue; journal; krabi; lab; lactic; lactic acid; lamine; mare; medium; microbiology; microorganisms; mrs; pag; pectinase; phytase; potential; produce; production; regina; safety; screening; starch; starter; strains; suceava; sébastien; tannase; traditional; university; volume; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-8.pdf plain text: fens-8.txt item: #638 of 747 id: fens-80 author: AMARIEI, Sonia; HRETCANU, Cristina-Elena; GUTT, Gheorghe; AGACHI, Alexandra title: HEAVY METALS IN TOBACCO date: 2016-04-14 words: 2871 flesch: 67 summary: Tobacco samples from Romanian and Ukrainian market were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). Moisture content of tobacco samples was determined by oven drying method. keywords: agachi; alexandra; amariei; analysis; ash; cadmium; cel; cigarettes; component; consumption; content; cristina; day; elena; engineering; environment; faculty; food; gheorghe; gutt; heavy; heavy metals; hretcanu; issue; journal; kent; mare; metals; moisture; pag; principal; romania; safety; samples; sonia; stefan; suceava; tobacco; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-80.pdf plain text: fens-80.txt item: #639 of 747 id: fens-809 author: 2021, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2021-10-15 words: 863 flesch: -1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-809.pdf plain text: fens-809.txt item: #640 of 747 id: fens-81 author: LEAHU, Ana; OROIAN, Mircea; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: TOTAL PHENOLICS OF FRESH AND FROZEN MINOR BERRIES AND THEIR ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES date: 2016-04-14 words: 3536 flesch: 51 summary: In conclusion at the end of frozen storage period, ascorbic acid content and total poliphenols remained significantly unchanged compared with the values measured just after the freezing process. Ascorbic acid content in this study the wild species V. myrtillus had the highest amount of vitamin C (404.7 mg/kg FW). keywords: acid; activity; ana; anthocyanins; antioxidant; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; berries; bilberry; blueberries; cel; composition; compounds; content; cranberries; cranberry; dpph; engineering; extracts; faculty; food; freezing; fresh; frozen; fruits; high; idaea; issue; journal; juice; leahu; lingonberry; mare; minor; mircea; pag; phenolics; properties; samples; scavenging; sorina; storage; suceava; table; total; university; vaccinium; vitis; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-81.pdf plain text: fens-81.txt item: #641 of 747 id: fens-810 author: 2021, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2021-10-15 words: 420 flesch: 31 summary: Hydrogeochemical characterization and quality of groundwater in the Sebseb region, Ghardaïa province (southern Algeria) Salim BOUBELLI, Nabil BOUGHERIRA, Djamel RIHIA, Hicham CHAFFAI 211 - 223 7. Extraction and comparative study of phenolic compounds from tender and treated wheat germ and their antioxidant power Lahouaria LABGA, Ghania TIBOURA, Fatima Zohra CHENNI, Dounia DJEBBOURI, Nadjet OUAFI, Souad SAIDANI, Samira MEZIANI 247 - 255 10. Antioxidants’ effect on the storage of dairy products with high-fat content Olena GREK, Tetiana PSHENYCHNA, Mariia NIKOLAIEVA 256 - 261 11. Evaluation of Mexa dam water quality in El Tarf region (extreme north-east Algeria) Samira GHEID, Sofia BAHROUN, Amina BENABDALLAH, Abdelhak GHEID, 262 – 273 12. Determination of trace levels of Nickel(II) by cyclic voltammetry with SPEs from food products Liliana ANCHIDIN-NOROCEL, Sonia AMARIEI, Gheorghe GUTT 274 - 281 13. Study on alcohol consumption among young people in Suceava County, Romania Mihaela JARCĂU, Maria POROCH – SERIŢAN, Matei JARCĂU 282 – 288 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021 14. keywords: algeria; engineering; evaluation; extraction; faculty; food; gheid; issue; mare; north; properties; quality; region; samira; suceava; university; volume cache: fens-810.pdf plain text: fens-810.txt item: #642 of 747 id: fens-811 author: MEDVID, Iryna; SHYDLOVSKA, Olena; ISHCHENKO, Tetiana title: INFLUENCE OF THE COMBINATION OF EMULSIFIERS ON THE PROPERTIES OF RICE GLUTEN-FREE DOUGH AND THE QUALITY OF BREAD date: 2021-10-15 words: 4804 flesch: 44 summary: The results showed that the emulsifiers implementation changed the behavior of rice dough, and had the positive effect on the qualitative (specific volume and porosity). Keywords: gluten-free bread, rice dough, sunflower oil, lecithin, dried egg white. keywords: bread; cel; combination; control; dough; dry; effect; egg; emulsifiers; engineering; environment; enzymes; faculty; fermentation; flour; food; free; free bread; free dough; free rice; gluten; indicators; influence; ishchenko; issue; journal; lecithin; mare; medvid; microstructure; modification; oil; olena; porosity; products; properties; quality; results; rheological; rheological properties; rice; rice bread; rice dough; rice flour; safety; shydlovska; specific; starch; suceava; sunflower; technology; tetiana; university; use; viscosity; volume; white; ştefan cache: fens-811.pdf plain text: fens-811.txt item: #643 of 747 id: fens-812 author: DEFFAN, Zranseu Ange Bénédicte; YAPI, Jocelyn Constant; FAGBOHOUN, Jean Bedel; MASSE, Diomandé; BEUGRE, Grah Avit Maxwell title: PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF EGGPLANTS (SOLANUM AETHIOPICUM L.) ACCORDING TO CONSERVATION TECHNIQUES date: 2021-10-15 words: 3577 flesch: 67 summary: However, the highest level of oil is observed in ash conservation 0.61% to twenty-four (24) days of preservation, the ash method also reveals the highest levels of minerals throughout conservation. Rather than in drier environments, however, the high values observed in ash conservation may be due to the involvement of the constituent mineral elements in different synthesis reactions. keywords: 0.001; aethiopicum; ash; bcb; cel; chemical; conservation; content; control; different; dry; eggplants; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fruits; highest; intra; issue; jean; journal; levels; mare; masse; matter; method; observed; parameters; physico; preservation; protein; safety; salt; solanum; storage; study; suceava; sugar; t10; table; techniques; total; treatments; university; values; vinegar; volume; ştefan cache: fens-812.pdf plain text: fens-812.txt item: #644 of 747 id: fens-813 author: NISTOR, Petronela Gabriela; AMARIEI, Sonia title: EXTRACTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF RESVERATROL FROM VEGETABLE WASTE FROM VINES date: 2021-10-15 words: 3616 flesch: 55 summary: 1 Calibration curve for total polyphenol content in vine shoots 0.092 0.269 0.511 0.754 1.01 1.907 y = 0,0095x + 0,0295 R² = 0,9987 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 A b so r b a n c e 7 5 0 n m Concentration mg/L Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021 Petronela Gabriela NISTOR, Sonia AMARIEI, Extraction and characterization of resveratrol from vegetable waste from vines, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021, pag. 189 – 196 192 In order to extract resveratrol, vine shoots harvested from a crop located in Mălini, Suceava Country, were used. keywords: activity; amariei; antioxidant; cel; characterization; concentration; content; copper; engineering; environment; extraction; faculty; fig; food; gabriela; gae/100; issue; journal; mare; mg/100; nistor; pag; petronela; polyphenol; resveratrol; safety; samples; shoots; solvent; sonia; suceava; total; university; values; vegetable; vine; vine shoots; volume; waste; ştefan cache: fens-813.pdf plain text: fens-813.txt item: #645 of 747 id: fens-814 author: BARUS, Marianna; ANTSUPOVA, Vita; LOMAKINA, Yuliia title: HEALTHY FOOD FOR TEENAGERS PART 2: MEAT ANALYSIS FOR HORMONAL DRUGS date: 2021-10-15 words: 3567 flesch: 52 summary: Keywords: meat, hormonal drugs, steroid hormones, quality response, sensitivity threshold. Qualitative analysis of steroid hormones in the studied samples was carried out taking into account the chemical classification according to standard methods. keywords: analysis; animal; antsupova; barus; body; cel; central; chicken; content; drugs; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; fig; food; healthy; hormonal; hormonal drugs; hormones; issue; journal; lomakina; main; mare; marianna; markets; meat; negative; pag; pork; qualitative; reaction; residues; safety; samples; steroid; study; substances; suceava; synthetic; teenagers; university; veal; vita; volume; yuliia; ştefan cache: fens-814.pdf plain text: fens-814.txt item: #646 of 747 id: fens-815 author: GOULAS, Vlasios; ARESTI, Polina title: PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF CAROB SYRUP REVEAL D-PINITOL AS AN INDEX OF SUCROSE SUPPLEMENTATION date: 2021-10-15 words: 3282 flesch: 52 summary: The pH of carob syrup is linked with soluble organic acids; there are no significant differences between carob syrups. Bioactive phytochemicals and polyols, vitamins and minerals are present in carob syrup; whereas sucrose, fructose and glucose are the main sugars. keywords: acid; activity; adulteration; analysis; antioxidant; assay; carob; carob syrup; composition; content; cyprus; engineering; environment; equivalents; food; fructose; fruit; g-1; genuine; glucose; goulas; index; issue; journal; moisture; phenolic; physicochemical; pinitol; properties; results; safety; samples; significant; soluble; sucrose; sucrose supplementation; sugar; supplementation; syrup; total; traditional; university; volume cache: fens-815.pdf plain text: fens-815.txt item: #647 of 747 id: fens-816 author: BOUBELLI, Salim; BOUGHERIRA, Nabil; RIHIA, Djamel; CHAFFAI, Hicham title: HYDROGEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND QUALITY OF GROUNDWATER IN THE SEBSEB REGION, GHARDAÏA PROVINCE (SOUTHERN ALGERIA) date: 2021-10-15 words: 5608 flesch: 56 summary: Water quality in relation to physical parameters 3.4.2. Water quality with respect to cations Water too rich in chlorides is laxative and corrosive; the concentration of chlorides in the water also depends on the terrain crossed keywords: algeria; alkalinity; ammonium; anhydrite; aragonite; area; boubelli; bougherira; calcite; calcium; carbonate; cel; chaffai; characterization; concentration; content; des; diagram; dissolution; djamel; dolomite; drinking; eaux; elements; engineering; environment; environment safety; equilibrium; evolution; factor; faculty; fig; food; food engineering; geological; ghardaïa; groundwater; gypsum; hicham; high; hydrogeochemical; index; issue; journal; log; main; mare; minerals; nabil; pag; pco2; precipitation; province; quality; region; respect; rihia; safety; salim; samples; saturation; sebseb; sebseb region; sodium; southern; standards; state; study; suceava; supersaturated; table; university; values; volume; volume xx; water; ştefan cache: fens-816.pdf plain text: fens-816.txt item: #648 of 747 id: fens-817 author: BAHROUN, Sofia; GHEID, Samira; BOUMARAF, Warda title: CARTOGRAPHY OF THE MICROBIOLOGICAL QUALITY INDEX OF SPRING WATERS IN THE KALLE WADI SUB-BASIN IN EL TARF REGION, EXTREME NORTH EAST OF ALGERIA date: 2021-10-15 words: 4976 flesch: 56 summary: Each sample is accompanied by an information card on which is noted: The origin of water (water source) ; the exact address of the sampling site; and the date of sampling. Redox potential Among the values of Eh measured in source water and according to table. keywords: ainbargougaya; algeria; bacteriological; bahroun; basin; boumaraf; cartography; coliforms; contamination; east; engineering; environment; extreme; faculty; faecal; fig; food; gheid; index; issue; journal; kalle; kallewadi; level; mare; melloul; microbiological; north; null null; pag; parameters; quality; region; results; safety; samira; sampling; segleb; siporex; sofia; source; spring; study; sub; suceava; table; tarf; total; university; volume; volume xx; wadi; warda; water cache: fens-817.pdf plain text: fens-817.txt item: #649 of 747 id: fens-818 author: ZAIR, Nadjet; ATTOUI, Badra; MILOUDI, AbdElmonem; KHACHKHOUCHE, Abd Erahman title: EVALUATION OF SURFACE WATER QUALITY AND CONTAMINATION STATUS OF THE ZEREMNAVALLYSUB-BASININTHE SKIKDA REGION (NORTH-EASTERN OF ALGERIA) date: 2021-10-15 words: 6231 flesch: 55 summary: Assessing water quality using water quality index and multivariate analysis. CHATTERJI.C.. RAZIUDDIN.M.. Determination of water quality index of a degraded river in Asanol Industrial area. keywords: abdelmonem; algeria; aquatic; area; attoui; badra; basin; cel; class; contamination; drinking; eastern; effect; engineering; environment; erahman; evaluation; faculty; food; index; irrigation; issue; journal; khachkhouche; mare; metal; miloudi; moderate effect; nadjet; north; opi; organic; organic pollution; pag; parameters; pollution; pollution index; quality; quality index; region; river; s10; safety; skikda; slight effect; stations; status; strong; study; sub; suceava; surface; surface water; table; university; urban; use; vally; volume; water; water quality; wqi; zair; zeremna; ştefan cache: fens-818.pdf plain text: fens-818.txt item: #650 of 747 id: fens-819 author: LABGA, Lahouaria; TIBOURA, Ghania; CHENNI, Fatima Zohra; DJEBBOURI, Dounia; OUAFI, Nadjet; SAIDANI, Souad; MEZIANI, Samira title: EXTRACTION AND COMPARATIVE STUDY OF PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS FROM TENDER AND TREATED WHEAT GERM AND THEIR ANTIOXIDANT POWER date: 2021-10-15 words: 4725 flesch: 58 summary: The results of assaying total polyphenols and flavonoids in both wheat germ varieties show that wheat germ extracts contain moderate amounts of total polyphenols, particularly in the pure germ of the ARZ variety. Wheat germ (2-3% of the grain) can be separated as a by-product when milling wheat. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; arz; cel; cereals; chenni; common; comparative; compounds; content; different; djebbouri; dounia; dpph; dry; engineering; environment; extraction; extracts; faculty; fatima; flavonoids; food; germ; ic50; issue; journal; mare; milling; nadjet; ouafi; phenolic; polyphenols; power; product; pure; pure wheat; radical; results; safety; saidani; souad; study; suceava; tender; tiboura; total; university; value; varieties; variety; volume; wheat; wheat germ; zohra; ştefan cache: fens-819.pdf plain text: fens-819.txt item: #651 of 747 id: fens-82 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian title: POLYAMINE VARIATION IN RAW GROUND PORK AND BEEF MEAT date: 2016-04-14 words: 2164 flesch: 65 summary: In total we analyzed 21 samples of ground pork meat and 19 samples of ground beef meat. mg/kg in ground pork meat and 32.08 ± 0.17 mg/kg in ground beef meat respectively. keywords: amines; baston; beef; biogenic; cadaverine; chemical; day; fat; food; fresh; ground; ground pork; initial; issue; journal; meat; method; octavian; polyamine; pork; putrescine; raw; samples; spermidine; storage; university; variation cache: fens-82.pdf plain text: fens-82.txt item: #652 of 747 id: fens-820 author: GREK, Olena; PSHENYCHNA, Tetiana; NIKOLAIEVA, Mariia title: ANTIOXIDANTS’ EFFECT ON THE STORAGE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS WITH HIGH-FAT CONTENT date: 2021-10-15 words: 3396 flesch: 50 summary: [10] LORENZO J. M., MUNEKATA E. S., GOMEZ B., BARBA F. J., MORA L., PEREZ- SANTAESCOLASTICA C., TOLDRA F., Bioactive peptides as natural antioxidants in food products. Food storage at low temperatures inhibits these changes and, as a result, reduces the rate of radical reactions. keywords: acid; addition; antioxidants; change; cm3; cof; content; dairy; days; effect; environment; fat; fat content; fatty; fibers; food; grek; grindox; high; increase; issue; journal; milk; natural; novasol; number; origin; oxidation; period; peroxide; products; research; safety; samples; solution; spreads; storage; temperature; times; volume cache: fens-820.pdf plain text: fens-820.txt item: #653 of 747 id: fens-821 author: GHEID, Samira; BAHROUN, Sofia; BENABDALLAH, Amina; GHEID, Abdelhak title: EVALUATION OF MEXA DAM WATER QUALITY IN EL TARF REGION (EXTREME NORTH-EAST ALGERIA) date: 2021-10-15 words: 4766 flesch: 56 summary: TOUHARI F., MEHAIGUENE M., MESSELMI H., Evolution of dam water quality in the Haut Cheliff basin, Vol 02, No 01, SARGEN, Janvier 2018, pp 41-57. These events, able to affect the water quality, require a rigorous control Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021 Samira GHEID, Sofia BAHROUN, Amina BENABDALLAH, Abdelhak GHEID, Evaluation of Mexa dam water quality in El Tarf region (extreme north-east Algeria), Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021, pag. keywords: abdelhak; ahras; algeria; amina; bahroun; benabdallah; cel; changes; chemical; conductivity; dam; dam water; development; dry; east; engineering; environment; evaluation; extreme; faculty; fig; food; gheid; issue; journal; lower; mare; matter; mexa; mexa dam; natural; north; organic; pag; parameters; physicochemical; quality; rainy; region; results; safety; samira; season; seasonal; sofia; souk; suceava; tarf; temperature; thesis; title; university; values; volume; volume xx; water; water quality; ştefan cache: fens-821.pdf plain text: fens-821.txt item: #654 of 747 id: fens-824 author: ANCHIDIN-NOROCEL, Liliana; AMARIEI, Sonia; GUTT, Gheorghe title: DETERMINATION OF TRACE LEVELS OF NICKEL(II) BY CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY WITH SPEs FROM FOOD PRODUCTS date: 2021-09-30 words: 4168 flesch: 57 summary: However, higher levels of nickel ions in the human body can be toxic, affecting the lungs, brain and Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021 Liliana ANCHIDIN-NOROCEL, Sonia AMARIEI, Gheorghe GUTT, Determination of trace levels of Nickel(II) by cyclic volt-ammetry with SPEs from food products, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 3 – 2021, pag. The level of nickel ions in these foods depends on where and how they are cultivated, specifically application of herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers, as well as nickel levels occurring in soil and air (natural or due to pollution), food processing methods, transport and storage conditions keywords: acid; allergy; amariei; ammetry; analysis; anchidin; applications; biosensors; chemosensor; cocoa; concentration; cyclic; detection; determination; development; dietary; dmgh2; efficient; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food products; gheorghe; gutt; health; human; int; ions; issue; journal; levels; liliana; mare; metal; method; nickel; nickel(ii; norocel; pag; products; results; review; safety; samples; sci; sensitivity; solution; sonia; spectrometry; spes; standard; suceava; trace; university; volt; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-824.pdf plain text: fens-824.txt item: #655 of 747 id: fens-827 author: JARCĂU, Mihaela; POROCH – SERIŢAN, Maria; JARCĂU, Matei title: STUDY ON ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE IN SUCEAVA COUNTY, ROMANIA date: 2021-09-30 words: 3042 flesch: 56 summary: The results showed that the percentage of alcohol abstinence among adolescents was higher than those who are at risk of developing serious medical problems due to alcohol consumption. The consequences of alcohol consumption are both from the point of view of the person directly involved and from the harmful consequences borne by people who are part of alcoholics' close relatives. keywords: adolescents; alcohol; alcohol consumption; alcoholism; cancer; cel; consume; consumption; county; doctor; drinking; effects; engineering; environment; environment safety; factors; faculty; fig; food; frequency; group; health; issue; jarcău; journal; mare; maria; matei; mihaela; pag; people; person; poroch; risk; romania; safety; seriţan; students; study; suceava; times; type; university; volume; week; year; young; ştefan cache: fens-827.pdf plain text: fens-827.txt item: #656 of 747 id: fens-83 author: 2014, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-14 words: 818 flesch: 21 summary: 30 JUNE 2014 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladimir REŞITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldavia Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; torosyan; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-83.pdf plain text: fens-83.txt item: #657 of 747 id: fens-830 author: LORCA, Francisco; QUINTÍN, David; LÓPEZ, María-Dolores; GARCÍA, Presentación title: REMOVAL OF TOXIC COMPOUNDS FROM NATURAL EXTRACTS USING GREEN TECHNIQUES date: 2021-09-30 words: 4260 flesch: 59 summary: Two adsorbents have been developed from almond and rice by-products which are effective for the elimination of different toxic compounds through adsorption processes such as pesticides. Two adsorbents have been developed from almond and rice by-products which are effective for the elimination of different toxic compounds through adsorption processes such as pesticides. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; almond; artichoke; bio; bioactive; carbon; cel; compounds; content; david; different; dolores; effective; engineering; environment; environment safety; extracts; faculty; food; francisco; garcía; green; interest; issue; journal; lemon; lorca; lópez; mare; maría; materials; natural; organic; pag; pesticides; process; products; quintín; removal; rice; safety; suceava; table; techniques; toxic; university; use; volume; waste; zeolite; ştefan cache: fens-830.pdf plain text: fens-830.txt item: #658 of 747 id: fens-84 author: 2014, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-14 words: 365 flesch: 63 summary: og i ca l sa fet y of a freez e -d ri ed p robi otic p rep a - ra ti on Zapryana DENKOVA, Ivan MURGOV, Rositsa DENKOVA, Rositsa ENIKOVA 109 - 115 3. 2014 CONTENTS: 1. Evaluation of nutritive and antioxidant properties of blanched leafy vegetables consumed in western Cote d’Ivoire Armel F. ZORO, Lessoy T. ZOUE, Sébastien L. NIAMKE keywords: cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; safety; suceava; sébastien; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-84.pdf plain text: fens-84.txt item: #659 of 747 id: fens-841 author: 2021, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2022-01-10 words: 859 flesch: 9 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania Mircea-Adrian OROIAN Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Mariana-Atena POIANĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gabriela RÂPEANU Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Adrian RIVIŞ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Alexandru SZÉP Sapientia — Hungarian University of Transylvania, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Carmen SOCACIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca, Romania Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Never TOROSYAN CSRO Institute, Yerevan, Armenia Yeva TOROSYAN European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Armenia Anka TRAJKOVSKA PETKOSKA University St. KlimentOhridski-Bitola, R. North Macedonia Felicia TUTULESCU DRAGOMIR University of Craiova, Romania Igor WINKLER Bukovina Medical State University, Ukraine Gheorghe ZGHEREA Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania , Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-841.pdf plain text: fens-841.txt item: #660 of 747 id: fens-842 author: 2021, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2022-01-10 words: 402 flesch: 35 summary: Analysis and antibiogram study of microorganisms associated with fish and meat retail surfaces in Ebelle, Nigeria Omotade OGUNREMI, Enobong UKPONG, Aima NOSA 352 - 359 7. Production and comparative assessment of alcoholic drinks produced from cassava, maize and plantain flour using locally produced and imported enzymes Sunday S. SOBOWALE, Olawale P. OLATIDOYE, Habibat O. ANIMASHAUN, Ayinde L. ODUNMBAKU 360 - 370 8. The evaluation of the anticoccidial properties of aqueous leaf extract of Moringa oleifera Anthony Chukwuka MGBOJIKWE, Samuel K. VIHI, Adeola O. OLANIHAN, Kingsley I. OKEKE-AGULU, Jude O.OKPARA 371 - 379 9. keywords: analysis; cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; nutritional; products; safety; shevchenko; suceava; university; volume; zohra; ştefan cache: fens-842.pdf plain text: fens-842.txt item: #661 of 747 id: fens-843 author: SOKOLENKO, Anatoly; SHEVCHENKO, Oleksandr; STEPANETS, Oleg; BUT, Serhiy; SHEVCHENKO, Anastasiia title: DYNAMICS OF SPRINGY SYSTEMS OF PACKAGING LINES FOR FOOD PRODUCTS date: 2022-01-10 words: 8979 flesch: 44 summary: 298 – 313 306 and the solution of the differential linear equation of the second order is carried out under the initial conditions:        .;0;0 111 І f ІІ i ІІ i ІІ i хххt   (23) Herewith ,cossin 11 1 c Р t m с Bt m с Ах dr  (24) where A and B are the integration constants that are determined after substituting the initial conditions (5). Since the task of the study was to determine the loads of the springy bond Psp, it was advisable to make the transition to the equation of springy forces, multiplying all the components from conditions (33) by the given stiffness from the system:     . keywords: account; anastasiia; anatoly; bodies; canvas; case; cel; changes; component; conditions; devices; driving; dynamic; dоі; energy; engineering; environment; environment safety; equipment; faculty; film; food; food engineering; food products; forces; high;; inertia; initial; issue; journal; lines; loads; machine; mare; mass; masses; materials; mathematical; mechanism; methods; model; movement; oleg; oleksandr; packaging; packaging lines; packing; pag; parameters; power; products; ratio; roll; rolled; run; safety; serhiy; shevchenko; sokolenko; springy; springy systems; stage; stepanets; stiffness; suceava; systems; technological; time; university; use; value; variable; volume; volume xx; working; ştefan;  ;  ;  ;   cache: fens-843.pdf plain text: fens-843.txt item: #662 of 747 id: fens-844 author: SPINEI, Mariana; OROIAN, Mircea title: EXTRACTION TEMPERATURE AND pH AS DECISIVE FACTORS FOR THE YIELD AND PURITY OF GRAPE POMACE PECTIN date: 2022-01-10 words: 3889 flesch: 61 summary: [30], who analyzed the optimization of pectin extraction from pistachio hull, noted that the pectin yield Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021 Mariana SPINEI , Mircea OROIAN, Extraction temperature and pH as decisive factors for the yield and purity of grape pomace pectin, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021, pag. So, pectin yield and galacturonic acid content were determined under the influence of extraction temperature and pH. The obtained results demonstrated that the extraction conditions (temperature and pH) have a significant impact on the yield and purity of pectin from grape pomace. keywords: acid; cel; citric; conditions; content; decisive; effect; engineering; environment; extraction; extraction temperature; factors; fetească; fig; food; galacturonic; grape; grape pomace; influence; issue; journal; mare; neagră; oroian; pectin; pectin yield; pomace; pomace pectin; properties; purity; rară; safety; suceava; temperature; university; volume; yield cache: fens-844.pdf plain text: fens-844.txt item: #663 of 747 id: fens-845 author: DJEBASSI, Toufik; ABDESLAM, Ilhem; DJABARI, Hassen; HAMAD, Amor; FEHDI, Chemseddine title: MONITORING OF GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN A SEMI-ARID REGION, TEBESSA BASIN (NORTH-EAST OF ALGERIA): USING POLLUTION INDEX OF GROUNDWATER date: 2022-01-10 words: 4237 flesch: 53 summary: Spatial distribution of groundwater pollution zones in the case study area (Tebessa Basin) based on PIG Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021 Toufik DJEBASSI, Ilhem ABDESLAM, Hassen DJABARI, Amor HAMAD, Chemseddine FEHDI, Monitoring of groundwater quality in a semi-arid region, Tebessa basin (north-east of Algeria): using pollution index of groundwater, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021, pag. In this context, several researches have been conducted on groundwater to assess the hydro chemicalprocesses, groundwater quality and water suitability for the irrigation of this region. keywords: abdeslam; algeria; amor; aquifer; area; arid; basin; cel; chemseddine; djabari; djebassi; east; engineering; environment; faculty; fehdi; food; groundwater; groundwater quality; hamad; hassen; hco3; high; ilhem; index; issue; journal; mare; measures; monitoring; north; pag; pig; pollution; pollution index; quality; region; safety; semi; study; suceava; table; tebessa; toufik; university; values; volume; volume xx; water quality; zone; ştefan cache: fens-845.pdf plain text: fens-845.txt item: #664 of 747 id: fens-846 author: EL KADI, Fatima Zohra; KANOUN, Khedoudja; MAAZ, Asma; SARSAR, Fatima Zohra; REMIL, Asma; BENALI, Mohammed title: ESTIMATION OF HEMATOPOITIC AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL DISORDERS IN WISTAR RATS SUBCHRONOUSLY EXPOSED TO FOOD ADDITIVE E223 (NaMBS) date: 2022-01-10 words: 4738 flesch: 53 summary: In addition, histological examination revealed hyperplasia of the white pulp and inflammation of the spleen, in rats treated with 4% of NaMBS and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in the groups receiving 1% and 4% of NaMBS dose. [35] concluded that, the incorporation of NaMBS (≥1%) in the diet of Wistar rats for 8 weeks caused glandular hyperplasia, hemorrhage, ulceration and stomach necrosis with inflammation of stomach. keywords: additive; animals; asma; benali; blood; cel; cells; control; days; dioxide; disorders; doi; dose; e223; effect; engineering; environment; estimation; faculty; fatima; fatima zohra; food; gastric; group; hematopoitic; hemoglobin; histological; histopathological; increase; issue; journal; kadi; kanoun; khedoudja; lipid; lot; maaz; mare; mchc; mcv; metabisulfite; mohammed; nambs; organs; oxidase; pag; parameters; peroxidation; rats; red; remil; results; safety; sarsar; significant; sodium; spleen; stomach; study; subchronously; suceava; sulfite; sulfur; thymus; toxicity; toxicol; university; volume; volume xx; white; wistar; wistar rats; zohra; ştefan cache: fens-846.pdf plain text: fens-846.txt item: #665 of 747 id: fens-847 author: OLAITAN, Janet; OZABOR, Temilade; WAHAB, Abideen; OLUWAJIDE, Odunola title: SURVEY AND FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED MICROSCOPY (FTIR) ANALYSIS OF YEASTS ISOLATED FROM DAIRY PRODUCTS IN OSOGBO METROPOLIS date: 2022-01-10 words: 4574 flesch: 57 summary: Yeast species have the ability to ferment lactose sugar and assimilate various acids such as citric, succinic and lactic acids [7]. [24] who recorded pH value range of 4.16-2.20, 2.00-5.50 and 1.30-7.80 from yeast species isolated from: Egyptian Karish cheese, cereal based Nigerian traditional fermented beverages namely (burukutu, kunu-zaki and ogi) and whole grain millet sourdoughs respectively. keywords: abideen; acid; activity; agar; analysis; bacteria; cel; cerevisiae; cheese; dairy; engineering; environment; ethanol; faculty; food; fourier; fragilis; ftir; functional; furfur; glabrata; group; hansenii; hydroxyl; identification; infrared; isolated; issue; janet; journal; krusei; lactic; mare; methylene; metropolis; microbiology; microorganisms; microscopy; milk; odunola; olaitan; oluwajide; organisms; osogbo; ozabor; pag; production; products; safety; science; species; suceava; survey; table; temilade; test; university; volume; wahab; yeasts; yogurt; ştefan cache: fens-847.pdf plain text: fens-847.txt item: #666 of 747 id: fens-848 author: OGUNREMI, Omotade Richard; UKPONG, Enobong Sunday; NOSA, Aima Airenobuwa title: ANALYSIS AND ANTIBIOGRAM STUDY OF MICROORGANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH FISH AND MEAT RETAIL SURFACES IN EBELLE, NIGERIA date: 2022-01-10 words: 4119 flesch: 48 summary: Keywords: Food safety, Food contact surface, Pathogens, Antibiotics resistance, Sanitation. With reference to microbiological perspective, the nature of food contact surfaces can help prevent accumulation of microorganisms and potential contamination of foods. keywords: agar; aima; analysis; antibiogram; antibiotics; aureus; bacillus; bacterial; cel; cfu; coli; contact; contact surfaces; contamination; counts; ebelle; engineering; enobong; environment; faculty; fish; food; food contact; haemolysis; health; isolates; issue; journal; log10; mare; meat; meat retail; microbial; microbiological; microorganisms; nigeria; nosa; ogunremi; omotade; pag; proteus; r r; reported; resistance; retail; retail surfaces; s r; s s; safety; sanitation; strains; streptococcus; study; suceava; surfaces; table; total; ukpong; university; volume; ştefan cache: fens-848.pdf plain text: fens-848.txt item: #667 of 747 id: fens-849 author: SOBOWALE, Sunday Sunday; OLATIDOYE, Olawale Paul; ANIMASHAUN, Habibat Oluwatoyin; ODUNMBAKU, Ayinde Lukman title: PRODUCTION AND COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF ALCOHOLIC DRINKS PRODUCED FROM CASSAVA, MAIZE AND PLANTAIN FLOUR USING LOCALLY PRODUCED AND IMPORTED ENZYMES date: 2022-01-10 words: 5687 flesch: 50 summary: Flowchart for the production of alcoholic drink from cassava, maize and plantain flour Source: IITA (2005) and Ocloo and Ayernor [10] Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021 Sunday S. SOBOWALE, Olawale P. OLATIDOYE, Habibat O. ANIMASHAUN, Ayinde L. ODUNMBAKU, Production and comparative assessment of alcoholic drinks produced from cassava, maize and plantain flour using locally produced and imported enzymes, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XX, Issue 4 – 2021, pag. Abstract: Alcoholic drinks produced from cassava, maize and plantain flour using local hydrolyzed enzyme and imported enzymes were evaluated and compared in this study. keywords: acidity; alcoholic; alcoholic drinks; animashaun; assessment; ayinde; beverages; cassava; cassava flour; cel; color; comparative; content; density; distilled; drinks; engineering; environment; enzyme; evaluation; faculty; fermentation; flour; food; habibat; higher; hydrolyzed; hydrolyzed enzyme; indigenous; issue; journal; local; maize; maize flour; mare; method; min; nigeria; odunmbaku; olatidoye; olawale; pag; physicochemical; plantain; plantain flour; preparation; production; profile; safety; sample; science; sensory; sobowale; soluble; substrate; suceava; sunday; technology; titratable; total; traditional; university; values; volume; volume xx; water; ştefan cache: fens-849.pdf plain text: fens-849.txt item: #668 of 747 id: fens-85 author: ZORO, Armel; ZOUE, Lessoy; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: EVALUATION OF NUTRITIVE AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF BLANCHED LEAFY VEGETABLES CONSUMED IN WESTERN COTE D’IVOIRE date: 2016-04-14 words: 5922 flesch: 68 summary: This reduced protein contents of blanched leafy vegetables could be attributed to the severity of thermal process during blanching which leads to protein degradation 1809.88±21.78 18.51 ± 0.04 15.85 ± 0.18 21.98 ±0.26 45 min 248.01±0.58 177.60±0.41 193.98±0.96 1688.05 ± 3.98 18.42 ± 0.22 15.19 ± 0.18 18.72 ±0.04 Values are mean of triplicate determination ± standard deviation To predict the bioavailability of calcium and iron, anti-nutrients to nutrients ratios of blanched leafy vegetables were calculated (Table 3). keywords: acid; activity; african; alvs; analysis; antioxidant; arboreus; argentea; armel; batatas; bioavailability; blanched; blanched leafy; blanching; calcium; carotenoids; cel; chem; composition; content; cote; côte; d’ivoire; effect; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; fibres; figure; food; fresh; indigenous; iron; issue; journal; leafy; leafy vegetables; leaves; lessoy; losses; mare; min; mineral; mixture; niamke; nutrients; nutritional; nutritive; oxalates; pag; phytates; polyphenols; processing; properties; proteins; raw; safety; sample; sci; study; suceava; sébastien; university; value; vegetables; vitamin; volume; volume xiii; western; xiii; zinc; zoro; zoue; ştefan cache: fens-85.pdf plain text: fens-85.txt item: #669 of 747 id: fens-850 author: MGBOJIKWE, Anthony Chukwuka; VIHI, Samuel K; OLANIHAN, Adeola O.; OKEKE-AGULU, Kingsley I.; OKPARA, Jude O. title: THE EVALUATION OF THE ANTICOCCIDIAL PROPERTIES OF AQUEOUS LEAF EXTRACT OF Moringa Oleifera date: 2022-01-10 words: 4911 flesch: 55 summary: From the study, it is suggested that M. oleifera has great potentials in being used to control coccidiosis in birds given that T3 had the lowest mortality rate while T4 (control) had the highest mortality rate. Vitamin and mineral element analysis showed that M. oleifera contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, E and C. The minerals M. oleifera contains include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. keywords: acid; adeola; agulu; analysis; anthony; anticoccidial; aqueous; birds; cel; chromatographic; chukwuka; drugs; eimeria; engineering; environment; evaluation; extract; faculty; filtrate; flavonoids; food; issue; journal; jude; kingsley; leaf; leaf extract; leaves; mare; methanol; mgbojikwe; moringa; moringa oleifera; mortality; nigeria; o.okpara; okeke; olanihan; oleifera; oliefera; pag; phytochemicals; plant; presence; properties; result; safety; samuel; saponins; screening; solution; suceava; tannins; tenella; terpenoids; test; treatment; university; vihi; vitamin; volume; water; ştefan cache: fens-850.pdf plain text: fens-850.txt item: #670 of 747 id: fens-851 author: CRĂCIUN, Alina Lenuța; GUTT, Gheorghe title: POTENTIAL OF ROMANIAN VINE WASTES AS A NATURAL RESOURCE OF TRANS-RESVERATROL date: 2022-01-10 words: 6419 flesch: 62 summary: Influence of storage time on resveratrol content Recent publications gave rise to the hypothesis that trans-resveratrol accumulate in vine wastes during postharvest storage [14, 24]. Potential of vine shoot wastes as a source for resveratrol extraction Agricultural wastes represent a largely ignored source of high-value phytochemicals substances and value- added industrial products that could contribute to sustainability objectives. keywords: albă; alina; area; canes; cel; coarnă; concentration; conditions; content; crăciun; d.w; diethyl; different; engineering; environment; ether; extraction; extracts; faculty; fetească; food; gheorghe; grape; gutt; higher; increase; issue; journal; kg d.w; lenuța; mare; methanol; muscat; natural; neagră; ottonel; pag; potential; red; research; resource; results; resveratrol; resveratrol content; resveratrol mg; romanian; safety; samples; shoots; solution; solvent; source; storage; study; suceava; table; time; trans; transresveratrol; university; varieties; variety; vine; vinifera; vitis; volume; wastes; weeks; white; wine; ştefan cache: fens-851.pdf plain text: fens-851.txt item: #671 of 747 id: fens-852 author: OGUNYEMI, Bukola Caroline; OGUNYEMI, Adewale Kayode; ODETUNDE, Simeon Kolawole; OLUMUYIWA, Emmanuel Olukayode; OLALEKAN, Adesola Oluwafunmilayo; AKINYEMI, Kabir Olusegun; IWALOKUN, Bamidele Abiodun title: MICROBIOLOGICAL, PHYSICOCHEMICAL, NUTRITIONAL AND ANTI-NUTRITIONAL EVALUATION OF LOCALLY MADE NON-ALCOHOLIC KUNUN ZAKI BEVERAGE SOLD IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA date: 2021-12-31 words: 5792 flesch: 56 summary: Table 5 Physicochemical characteristics of kunun zaki samples sold in Lagos, Nigeria Sampling site pH titratable acidity Specific gravity Jibowu 3.87±0.05 0.24±0.05 0.745±0.01 Surulere 4.03±0.01 0.18±0.01 0.738±0.02 Tejuosho 4.1±0.05 0.36±0.03 0.75±0.01 Orile 4.16±0.02 0.32±0.02 0.742±0.02 392 – 402 397 Table 2 Morphology and biochemical tests of isolates from kunun zaki products Isolates 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Identification BC1 rod - + + - - + + + keywords: a.k; a.o; acid; acidity; akinyemi; alcoholic; analysis; anti; aspergillus; aureus; b.a; b.c; bacteria; beverage; cel; cereal; cfu; citrobacter; coliform; composition; content; count; different; e.o; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; food; fungi; high; issue; iwalokun; journal; k.o; kunnu; kunun; kunun zaki; lactobacillus; lagos; lagos state; mare; markets; methods; metropolis; mg/100; microbial; microbiological; mineral; nigeria; non; nutritional; occurrence; odetunde; ogunyemi; olalekan; olumuyiwa; oyingbo; pag; physicochemical; presence; present; previous; production; protein; proximate; quality; results; rod; s.k; safety; samples; sci; sorghum; species; staphylococcus; state; strains; streptococcus; study; suceava; table; total; university; values; volume; yaba; yeast; zaki; zaki beverage; zaki samples; ştefan cache: fens-852.pdf plain text: fens-852.txt item: #672 of 747 id: fens-853 author: LEAHU, Ana; GHINEA, Cristina; ROPCIUC, Sorina title: BLUEBERRY, SEA BUCKTHORN FRUITS AND APPLE BEVERAGE: BIOCHEMICAL AND SENSORIAL CHARACTERIZATION date: 2021-12-31 words: 4042 flesch: 52 summary: There were also analyzed the rheological behavior and the color attributes (lightness and redness respectively) of smoothie samples. S7 smoothie sample keywords: activity; analysis; anthocyanin; antioxidant; apple; berries; beverage; biochemical; blueberry; buckthorn; cel; characterization; color; compounds; content; different; engineering; environment; evaluation; extraction; faculty; food; fresh; fruits; ghinea; health; issue; journal; juice; leahu; mare; means; monomeric; pag; phenolic; products; properties; puree; results; ropciuc; safety; sample; sbj; sea; sea buckthorn; sensorial; sensory; smoothie; smoothie samples; suceava; tma; total; tss; uae; ultrasound; university; volume; weight; ştefan cache: fens-853.pdf plain text: fens-853.txt item: #673 of 747 id: fens-854 author: BENGUELLA, Rawda; MEZIANI, Samira; MEHIDA, Hayet; BELKESSAM, Yamina; SENNOUS, Kouider; DEMMOUCHE, Abassia title: NUTRITIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PERIPHERAL LAYERS OF BARLEY GRAINS CULTIVATED IN ALGERIA date: 2021-12-31 words: 2681 flesch: 56 summary: Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to stady the different analyzes were carried out in this work on the peripheral layers (PL) of barley grains of the Saida variety. [2] [9] Phenolic groups are the most abundant phenolic compounds in the walls of barley grains in cell-bound form, the main phenolic acids are ferulic acid, vanillic acid, syringic acid and p-coumaric acid keywords: acid; algeria; analysis; ash; barley; barley grains; benguella; bran; characterization; compounds; content; crude; demmouche; engineering; environment; faculty; fiber; flour; food; grains; issue; journal; layers; mehida; method; meziani; mineral; nutritional; peripheral; peripheral layers; phenolic; properties; results; rich; safety; saida; samira; science; university; volume; wheat cache: fens-854.pdf plain text: fens-854.txt item: #674 of 747 id: fens-86 author: DENKOVA, Zapryana; MURGOV, Ivan; DENKOVA, Rositsa; ENIKOVA, Rositsa title: EVALUATION OF THE TOXICOLOGICAL SAFETY OF A FREEZE- DRIED PROBIOTIC PREPARATION date: 2016-04-14 words: 3091 flesch: 45 summary: Abstract: A combination consisting of selected probiotic strains lactobacilli and bifidobacteria from the National Bank for Industrial Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (NBIMCC), Bulgaria was developed. In order for the newly isolated and characterized probiotic strains to be included in the composition of probiotic preparations, both in vitro and in vivo testings need to be conducted. keywords: acid; adipose; animals; bacteria; bifidobacteria; cells; changes; control; denkova; engineering; enikova; environment; evaluation; examination; experimental; faculty; fig; food; freeze; group; health; issue; ivan; journal; lactic; lactobacillus; liver; magnification; mare; mice; murgov; nbimcc; omentum; pag; preparation; probiotic; rositsa; safety; strains; study; substance; suceava; tem; toxicogenity; toxicological; university; volume; xiii; zapryana; ştefan cache: fens-86.pdf plain text: fens-86.txt item: #675 of 747 id: fens-863 author: 2022, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2022-04-21 words: 863 flesch: -1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-863.pdf plain text: fens-863.txt item: #676 of 747 id: fens-864 author: 2022, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2022-04-21 words: 383 flesch: 31 summary: Compositional energy values, macro and trace elemental residues in the caridean spe- cies, Macrobrachium macrobrachion (HERKLOTS, 1851) Rasheed Olatunji MORUF, Mosunmola Florence AKINWUNMI 39 - 46 6. Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture concentrations on microbial load, physi- cochemical and sensory properties of “IRU”-type condiment from african yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarp) seeds Pius Ifeanyi OKOLIE, Emilymary Chima OKOLIE, Sarah Abiola OGUNDIMU, Kudirat Aina AGBOOLA, Maureen Chinwe OJINNAKA 47 - 61 7. Evaluation and comparison of groundwater vulnerability to pollution by the drastic and god methods: a case of wadi nil alluvial plain (Jijel, NE Algeria) Souhil MAHDID, Nabil CHABOUR, Taha - Hocine DEBIECHE, Abdelmalek DROUICHE, Faouzi ZAHI, Séverin PISTRE 62 - 75 8. КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 1 – 2022 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: algeria; case; cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; residues; safety; suceava; tanasa; university; volume; vorobets; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-864.pdf plain text: fens-864.txt item: #677 of 747 id: fens-865 author: ALAYAT, Amel; BOUMEDRIS, Zineddine; BENOSMANE, Sana; ATAILIA, Amira; HACINI, Nesrine title: SILICON ENHANCES THE SALT TOLERANCE OF TWO WHEAT CULTIVARS THROUGH DECREASING OXIDATIVE DAMAGE date: 2022-04-21 words: 6458 flesch: 55 summary: Vitron and Simeto) hydroponic solution experiments were conducted in order to study the genotypic variation in tolerance to NaCl toxicity and to investigate effect of silicon supplied to the nutrient solution on wheat plants grown at salt stress. The role of silicon application in improving growth, maintaining water status and alleviating oxidative injury of salt affected wheat plants were studied. keywords: accumulation; acid; alayat; alleviating; amel; amira; antioxidant; application; atailia; benosmane; boumedris; cadmium; capacity; cell; concentrations; conditions; content; control; cultivars; damage; development; durum; effects; electrolyte; engineering; environment; faculty; food; growth; h2o2; hacini; hydrogen; increase; induced; issue; journal; leaf; leakage; leaves; level; lipid; malondialdehyde; mare; mda; membrane; nacl; nesrine; nutrient; oxidative; pag; permeability; peroxidation; peroxide; plant; production; relative; results; rice; role; ros; safety; salinity; salinity stress; salt; salt stress; salt tolerance; samples; sana; sci; sensitive; silicon; simeto; soil; solution; stress; suceava; table; tolerance; tolerant; toxicity; treatments; university; uptake; vitron; volume; water; wheat; wheat cultivars; wheat plants; xxi; zineddine; ştefan cache: fens-865.pdf plain text: fens-865.txt item: #678 of 747 id: fens-867 author: KHELLOU, Meiada; RAZKALLAH, Zahra; LAIFA, Aziz; LOUDIKI, Mohammed; DOUMA, Mountasser; HOUHAMDI, Moussa title: STRUCTURE AND DIVERSITY OF PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY IN THE WATER OF A SAHARAN WETLAND’S: CASE OF OUED RIGH, ALGERIA (LELLA FATMA AND ZERZAIM PONDS) date: 2022-04-21 words: 4860 flesch: 55 summary: The highest richness of 33 species which represented 56% of all species were found in November at Zerzaim pond, whereas the minimum species richness of four species was detected at Lella Fatma pond in December. Lella Fatma Pond Zerzaim pond Phylum Class Species diversity Total Number (cells/ml) Percentage abundance (%) Species diversity Total Number (cells/ml) Percentage abundance (%) Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) Mediophyceae 11 585 25.46 12 900 23.75 Coscinodiscophyceae 0 0 0 1 90 0.76 keywords: abundance; algeria; arid; aziz; case; cel; communities; community; cyanobacteria; density; diatoms; diversity; douma; dry; engineering; environment; environment safety; equitability; euglenophyta; faculty; fatma; food; food engineering; houhamdi; index; issue; journal; khellou; laifa; lella; lella fatma; loudiki; mare; megarine; meiada; mohammed; mountasser; moussa; number; oued; pag; period; phytoplankton; phytoplankton community; ponds; razkallah; region; research; results; richness; righ; safety; saharan; sampling; season; shannon; species; structure; study; suceava; table; temperature; total; volume; volume xxi; water; wetland; xxi; zahra; zerzaim; zerzaim ponds; ştefan cache: fens-867.pdf plain text: fens-867.txt item: #679 of 747 id: fens-868 author: TANASA, Veronica; DOLTU, Madalina; SORA, Dorin; TANASA, Radu I.; BABEANU, Narcisa title: CARBENDAZIM RESIDUES QUANTIFICATION IN GREEN LETTUCE BY ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY date: 2022-04-21 words: 2639 flesch: 50 summary: The results of ELISA and HPLC analysis of carbendazim residues in the two green lettuce cultivars were well correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient r=0.8925). The aim of our study was to determine carbendazim residues in two green lettuce cultivars, from the experimental lots, harvested at different times after the treatment with 0.1% carbendazim solution, by an ELISA carbendazim commercial kit and to compare the results with values obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. keywords: analysis; assay; babeanu; carbendazim; carbendazim residues; chemistry; chromatography; coefficient; correlation; cultivars; days; determination; doltu; elisa; engineering; environment; enzyme; food; fruit; green; green lettuce; high; hplc; immunosorbent; issue; journal; kit; lettuce; liquid; method; performance; pesticide; quantification; residues; results; romania; safety; samples; sora; standard; tanasa; treatment; university; usa; vegetables; volume; xxi cache: fens-868.pdf plain text: fens-868.txt item: #680 of 747 id: fens-869 author: MAKARENKO, Anna; VOROBETS, Mariia; KONDRACHUK, Iryna; SACHKO, Anastasiia; VOROBETS, Heorhii title: INFLUENCE OF THE ADDITION OF CHAMOMILE ON THE CONTENT OF TANNINS IN TEA date: 2022-04-21 words: 3356 flesch: 61 summary: The purpose of the work is to improve the standard method of titrimetric determina- tion of tannin content in tea; determine how the different content of chamomile supplement in blended teas based on black / green will affect the concentration of tan- nins in them. 2. Approximation of ex- perimental data shows a linear dependence of tannin content on wt. % of tea in blend- ed samples y = kx keywords: addition; black; blended; carmine; chamomile; cm3; content; determination; different; distilled; dm3; environment; fig; food; green; indigo; influence; issue; journal; kmno4; kondrachuk; makarenko; method; modified; mol; permanganate; potassium; sachko; safety; samples; solution; standard; suceava; tannins; tea; teas; titration; ukraine; university; volume; vorobets; water cache: fens-869.pdf plain text: fens-869.txt item: #681 of 747 id: fens-87 author: AVRAMIUC, Marcel title: THE INFLUENCE OF VIABILITY ON PHENOLIC CONTENT, CONDUCTIVITY AND SUGARS EFFLUX, AND THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THESE INDICES IN WHEAT SEEDS date: 2016-04-14 words: 2779 flesch: 51 summary: Table 1 Comparative mean values of viability and TPC in wheat seed samples Wheat samples Viability (G%) TPC (mg GAE/g seed) The sugars efflux have steadily registered increasing values once with seed viability decreasing. keywords: conductivity; content; correlations; efflux; food; germination; indices; influence; issue; linear; phenolic; phenolic content; post; relationships; samples; seeds; suceava; sugars; sugars efflux; total; tpc; values; viability; volume; water; wheat; xiii cache: fens-87.pdf plain text: fens-87.txt item: #682 of 747 id: fens-870 author: MORUF, Rasheed Olatunji; AKINWUNMI, Mosunmola Florence title: COMPOSITIONAL ENERGY VALUES, MACRO AND TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE CARIDEAN SPECIES, Macrobrachium macrobrachion (HERKLOTS, 1851) date: 2022-04-21 words: 4605 flesch: 55 summary: The protein contents obtained from M. macrobrachion were 50.16±0.00 % and 56.20±0.01 % for exoskeleton and flesh samples respectively. The highest percentage difference (% D) in mineral content between exoskeleton and flesh samples of M. macrobrachion was recorded in phosphorus with the value of 46.93 %. keywords: 100g-1; akinwunmi; caridean; cel; composition; content; crude; crustaceans; difference; elemental; elements; energy; engineering; environment; exoskeleton; faculty; fat; flesh; florence; food; herklots; higher; highest; important; index; issue; journal; kcal; lagoon; lagos; lower; macrobrachion; macrobrachium macrobrachion; mare; metal; mineral; moruf; mosunmola; nigeria; olatunji; pag; parts; percentage; prawn; protein; proximate; r.o; rasheed; residues; result; safety; samples; science; species; study; suceava; table; total; trace; university; values; variation; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-870.pdf plain text: fens-870.txt item: #683 of 747 id: fens-871 author: OKOLIE, Pius Ifeanyi; OKOLIE, Emilymary Chima; OGUNDIMU, Sarah Abiola; AGBOOLA, Kudirat Aina; OJINNAKA, Maureen Chinwe title: EFFECTS OF Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CULTURE CONCENTRATIONS ON MICROBIAL LOAD, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF “IRU”-TYPE CONDIMENT FROM AFRICAN YAM BEAN (Sphenostylis stenocarp) SEEDS date: 2022-04-21 words: 8462 flesch: 53 summary: BAFS1: Condiment produced from fermented African yam bean seeds using a single starter culture of Bacillus amyloliquefacien inoculated at a concentration of 0.005 g broth/g seed; BAFS2: Condiment produced from fermented African yam bean seeds using a single starter culture of Bacillus amyloliquefacien inoculated at a concentration of 0.0075 g broth/g seed; UFS: BAFS1: Condiment produced from fermented African yam bean seeds using a single starter culture of Bacillus amyloliquefacien inoculated at a concentration of 0.005 g broth/g seed; BAFS2: Condiment produced from fermented African yam bean seeds using a single starter culture of Bacillus amyloliquefacien inoculated at a concentration of 0.0075 g broth/g seed; UFS: Unfermented African yam bean seed sample Effects of fermentation on Anti- nutritional factors in controlled fermented AYB condiment Table 7 shows the result of the antinutritional factors of the fermented AYB seeds condiment produced with different inoculum concentrations of the starter culture. keywords: abiola; absorption; african; african yam; agboola; aina; amyloliquefaciens; ayb; bacillus; bean; bean seed; capacity; cel; chima; chinwe; composition; concentration; condiment; content; crude; culture; different; effects; emilymary; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fermentation; fermented; fermenting; food; g broth; g seed; highest; hours; ifeanyi; inoculum; iru”-type; issue; journal; kudirat; load; mare; maureen; mean; microbial; ogundimu; ojinnaka; okolie; pag; physicochemical; pius; production; properties; protein; proximate; raw; result; safety; samples; sarah; seed concentration; seed inoculum; seeds; sensory; sphenostylis; starter; stenocarp; suceava; table; time; university; values; volume; water; xxi; yam; yam bean; ştefan cache: fens-871.pdf plain text: fens-871.txt item: #684 of 747 id: fens-873 author: POROCH - SERIŢAN, Maria; JARCĂU, Mihaela; CORNEA, Narcisa Mihaela title: QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH ON THE ACTIVE COMPONENT OF SILYMARIN IN SILYBUM MARIANUM SEED POWDER FROM VARIOUS GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS date: 2022-04-21 words: 2476 flesch: 30 summary: Abstract: Many studies have proved that bioactive components of Silybum marianum powder have excellent hepatoprotective action. We measured the quantity of total silymarin in Silybum marianum powder from diverse geographical areas in this study. keywords: active; areas; cel; cell; component; conditions; content; cornea; dosing; effects; engineering; environment; extract; faculty; flavonolignans; food; geographical; issue; jarcău; journal; liver; loss; mare; marianum; medicinal; method; mihaela; narcisa; natural; pag; plants; poroch; powder; products; quantitative; research; safety; sample; seed; seriţan; silybin; silybum; silybum marianum; silymarin; suceava; university; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-873.pdf plain text: fens-873.txt item: #685 of 747 id: fens-874 author: SAIDANI, Souad; ZAIRI, Mohamed; MEZIANI, Samira; LABGA, Lahouaria; TIBOURA, Ghania; MENADI, Noreddine; DEMMOUCHE, Abassia title: BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF PERIPHERAL LAYERS OF SOFT WHEAT GROWN IN ALGERIA DURING SEED FILLING date: 2022-04-21 words: 6044 flesch: 46 summary: [29]. CHATEIGNER-BOUTIN A.-L., LAPIERRE C., ALVARADO C., YOSHINAGAA., BARRON C., BOUCHET B., BAKAN B., SAULNIER L., DEVAUX M.-F, GIROUSSE C., GUILLON F., Ferulate and lignin cross-links increase in cell walls of wheat grain outer layers during late development, Plant Science, 276: 199–207, (2018) Peripheral Layer phase 5 Fig 3. Polyphenol and Flavonoid content of wheat peripheral layers samples. keywords: abassia; absorbance; accumulation; acid; activity; aleurone; algeria; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; bioactive; bioactive compounds; bran; capacity; cell; compounds; concentration; content; demmouche; development; different; dpph; eaq; endosperm; engineering; environment; extraction; extracts; faculty; filling; flavonoids; food; free; ghania; grain; grain filling; ic50; issue; journal; labga; lahouaria; layers; mare; menadi; method; meziani; mohamed; noreddine; outer; pag; pericarp; peripheral; peripheral layers; phase; phenolic; phenolic compounds; plant; plp1; plp2; plp3; plp4; radical; reduction; results; safety; saidani; samira; sample; seed; soft; soft wheat; souad; stage; study; suceava; tiboura; total; university; volume; volume xxi; water; wheat; wheat grain; xxi; zairi; ştefan cache: fens-874.pdf plain text: fens-874.txt item: #686 of 747 id: fens-875 author: OULD YEROU, Karima; EL KADI, Fatima Zohra; KANOUN, Khedoudja; KHELLADI, Hadj Mostefa; BENZAHIA, Hanane; BEKHTI, Sara title: PRELIMINARY PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION AND ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF VARIOUS EXTRACTS OF DIETARY TURNIP (Brassica Rapa L.) date: 2022-04-21 words: 6951 flesch: 56 summary: ULLAH S., KHAN MR., SHAH N A., SHAH SA., MAJID M ., AND FAROOQ MA., Ethnomedicinal plant use value in the Lakki Marwat district of Pakistan. Karima OULD YEROU , Fatima Zohra ELKADI , Khedoudja KANOUN , Hadj Mostefa KHELLADI , Hanane BENZAHIA, Sara BEKHTI , Preliminary phytochemical investigation and antioxidant potential of various extracts of dietary turnip (Brassica Rapa L.) , Food and Environment Safety, Volume XXI, Issue 1 – 2022, pag. 94 – 106 96 Fig 2: Brassica rapa powder (original photo) 2.2. keywords: absorbance; acid; activity; addition; algeria; analysis; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; antioxidant capacity; aqebr; aqueous; bekhti; benzahia; brassica; brassica rapa; capacity; cel; chemistry; compounds; concentration; content; crucibles; dietary; different; doi; dpph; elkadi; engineering; environment; environment safety; evaluation; extract; extraction; faculty; fatima; fig; flavonoids; food; free; hadj; hanane; ic50; investigation; issue; journal; kanoun; karima; khedoudja; khelladi; kim; lee; mare; matter; mebr; metabolites; methanolic; mostefa; pag; pharmaceutical; phenolic; phytochemical; plant; positive; potential; preliminary; presence; radical; rapa; results; roots; safety; sara; sciences; secondary; solution; solvent; species; suceava; tac; tannins; temperature; test; total; tpc; turnip; university; var; volume; volume xxi; water; xxi; yerou; yield; zohra; ştefan cache: fens-875.pdf plain text: fens-875.txt item: #687 of 747 id: fens-88 author: BASTON, Octavian; BARNA, Octavian title: BIOGENIC AMINE AMOUNT IN GROUND PORK AND BEEF MEAT date: 2016-04-14 words: 2346 flesch: 62 summary: Histamine did not exceed 12 mg/kg in ground beef meat and 10 mg/kg in ground pork meat on the last day of storage. In total we analyzed 21 samples of ground pork meat and 19 samples of ground beef meat. keywords: acid; amines; amino; beef; biogenic; d.w; day; decarboxilation; food; free; fresh; ground; histamine; important; initial; issue; journal; low; meat; phenylethylamine; pork; refrigerated; samples; serotonin; storage; studied; tyramine; university; variation cache: fens-88.pdf plain text: fens-88.txt item: #688 of 747 id: fens-885 author: 2022, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2022-07-28 words: 863 flesch: -1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-885.pdf plain text: fens-885.txt item: #689 of 747 id: fens-886 author: 2022, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2022-07-28 words: 284 flesch: 41 summary: Zahra BOUHALI , Larbi DJABRI, Hamza BOUGUERRA, Fatma TRABELSI, Azzedine HANI, Hicham CHAFFAI 107 - 115 2. Functional and technological properties of oat beta-glucan in acidophilic-whey ice cream Artur MYKHALEVYCH, Victoria SAPIGA, Galina POLISCHUK, Tatiana OSMAK 116 - 128 3. Diversity, antibiogram and plasmid profile of microbial contaminants of ready to eat vegetables sold in Bayelsa Nigeria Christiana N. OPARA, Uchenna C. OKPE, Christian K. ANUMUDU 129 - 142 4. КОМПЛЕКСОУТВОРЮВАЧИВ ДЛЯ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МЕМБРАННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ ОЧИСТКИ СТОКОВЫХ ВОД Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 2 – 2022 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: algeria; cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; mare; region; salinity; suceava; university; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-886.pdf plain text: fens-886.txt item: #690 of 747 id: fens-887 author: BOUHALI, Zahra; DJABRI, Larbi; BOUGUERRA, Hamza; TRABELSI, Fatma; HANI, Azzedine; CHAFFAI, Hicham title: USE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS FOR MODELING INFLOW AND OUTFLOW AND SALINITY OF LAKE FETZARA IN THE REGION-ANNABA (NE ALGERIA) date: 2022-07-28 words: 3185 flesch: 53 summary: Regarding the provision of water resources and the management of application, it is undeniable to predict the quality of groundwater, various factors contributes to the variation in water quality. SALIM HEDDAM & OZGUR KISI, Extreme learning machines: a new approach for modeling dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration with and without water quality variables as predictors, Springer. keywords: algeria; algorithms; artificial; azzedine; bfgs; bouguerra; bouhali; cel; chaffai; djabri; engineering; environment; faculty; fatma; fetzara; food; groundwater; hamza; hani; hicham; inflow; issue; journal; lake; lake fetzara; larbi; mare; modeling; network; neural; observed; outflow; pag; phase; quality; safety; salinity; suceava; trabelsi; university; validation; volume; volume xxi; water; xxi; zahra; ştefan cache: fens-887.pdf plain text: fens-887.txt item: #691 of 747 id: fens-888 author: MYKHALEVYCH, Artur; SAPIGA, Victoria; POLISCHUK, Galina; OSMAK, Tatiana title: FUNCTIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF OAT BETA-GLUCAN IN ACIDOPHILIC-WHEY ICE CREAM date: 2022-07-28 words: 5798 flesch: 54 summary: Beta-glucan in a certain amount also significantly improves the organoleptic characteristics of ice cream, increases resistance to melting and ensures uniform distribution of the air phase throughout the volume of the product, as evidenced by microstructural analysis of its samples. Ice cream made by this technology has low resistance to melting, overrun and empty taste, which emphasizes the need to improve the technology and composition of fermented ice cream, in particular acidophilic-whey. keywords: acidophilic; amulyn; artur; beta; capacity; cel; composition; content; control; dairy; danson; effect; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; fat; fat ice; fermented; food; fraction; functional; galina; glucan; ice cream; indicator; issue; journal; low; mare; mass; melting; milk; mixture; mykhalevych; oat; oat beta; organoleptic; osmak; overrun; pag; polischuk; products; properties; research; resistance; results; safety; sample; sapiga; study; suceava; taste; tatiana; technological; technology; university; use; victoria; viscosity; volume; volume xxi; whey; whey ice; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-888.pdf plain text: fens-888.txt item: #692 of 747 id: fens-889 author: OPARA, Christiana N.; OKPE, Uchenna C.; ANUMUDU, Christian K. title: DIVERSITY, ANTIBIOGRAM AND PLASMID PROFILE OF MICROBIAL CONTAMINANTS OF SOME SELECTED VEGETABLES SOLD IN BAYELSA NIGERIA date: 2022-07-28 words: 7566 flesch: 46 summary: The present study, therefore, aimed at investigating the microbiological con- taminations of vegetable samples including; cabbage (Brassica oleracea), pumpkin leaf (Telfairia occidentalis), scent leaf (Ocimum gratissimim), okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), waterleaf (Talinum fruticosum), uziza leaf (Piper guineense), and bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina), sold in Otuoke market, their antibiogram and plasmid profiles. It could also result from human activities such as bathing, washing, and dumping refuse in the rivers where vegetable samples are washed. keywords: abelmoschus; agar; alternaria; amygdalina; antibiogram; antibiotics; antimicrobial; anumudu; aspergillus; aureus; bacteria; bayelsa; bitter; burden; cabbage; cel; characteristics; christian; coli; coliform; contaminants; contamination; count; disease; dna; engineering; environment; environment safety; escherichia; esculentus; faculty; food; food engineering; foodborne; fresh; fruits; fungal; fungi; fusarium; gel; growth; health; high; irrigation; isolates; issue; journal; laboratory; leaf; load; marcescens; mare; markets; microbial; microbial contaminants; microbiological; microbiology; micrococcus; microorganisms; morphological; multidrug; nigeria; ocimum; okpe; okra; opara; otuoke; pathogens; plasmid; plasmid profile; presence; prevalence; profile; public; quality; r(0; ready; research; resistance; safety; safety journal; salmonella; samples; science; sensitive; serratia; spp; staphylococcus; studies; study; suceava; susceptibility; total; uchenna; university; use; vegetables; vernonia; volume; volume xxi; water; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-889.pdf plain text: fens-889.txt item: #693 of 747 id: fens-89 author: OROIAN, Mircea; BERNICU, Daniel title: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT CHEMICAL AGENTS ON THE ADULTERED MILK PHYSICAL PROPERTIES CORRECTION date: 2016-04-14 words: 3351 flesch: 69 summary: Milk crioscopic temperature evolution with different percentages od water Sample Crioscopic temperature (°C) Milk adulteration The milk was adultered with distilled water in different percentages (0, 5, 10 and 20% respectively). keywords: addition; adultered; case; ch4on2; concentrations; crioscopic; crioscopic temperature; density; different; food; issue; journal; milk; milk density; mixed; nacl; nh4cl; nh4no3; physical; quantity; range; sample; substances; table; temperature; water cache: fens-89.pdf plain text: fens-89.txt item: #694 of 747 id: fens-890 author: NSOFOR, Jane; NSA, Imade Yolanda; AKINYEMI, Busayo Tosin; OGUNYEMI, Adewale Kayode; ILORI, Matthew Olusoji title: MICROBIAL GENERATION OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES BY SYNTHESIZING ENTEROCOCCUS FAECALIS STRAIN MI103 date: 2022-07-28 words: 4743 flesch: 54 summary: Abstract: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have recently attracted attention for their potential as a source of new antimicrobials, with the potential to better fight a wide range of pathogenic bacteria. Keywords: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), Antimicrobials, Enterococcus faecalis, Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles, 16SrRNA 1. keywords: activity; adewale; agar; agnps; akinyemi; antibacterial; antibiotic; antimicrobial; bacteria; bactericidal; biosynthesis; busayo; cel; cell; chem; concentration; disk; dispersive; doi; edx; effect; electron; energy; engineering; enterococcus; environment; faculty; faecalis; feacalis; food; generation; growth; ilori; imade; isolate; issue; jane; journal; kayode; mare; matthew; mbc; mi103; mrsa; nanoparticles; nsa; nsofor; ogunyemi; olusoji; pag; precipitate; production; resistance; safety; silver; silver nanoparticles; strain; study; suceava; synthesis; synthesized; table; test; tosin; turbidity; university; volume; xxi; yolanda; ştefan cache: fens-890.pdf plain text: fens-890.txt item: #695 of 747 id: fens-891 author: BURAIMOH, Olanike Maria; SOGBANMU, Temitope Olawunmi; OJO-OMONIYI, Olusola Abayomi; AFOLABI, Olumide; GANOBI, Chinwe Mary title: MORPHOLOGICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR IDENTIFICATION OF AUTOCHTHONOUS FUNGAL POPULATION IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE EFFLUENT, SURFACE WATER AND FISH GUT FROM THE OGUN RIVER, NIGERIA date: 2022-07-28 words: 8306 flesch: 49 summary: In this study, the fungal population of the abattoir effluent, surface water and a species of fish (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) from the Ogun River were sampled and examined during the 2018 dry and rainy seasons using morphological, biochemical and molecular methods. Talaromyces sp., was found in the fish gut and surface water during the rainy season. keywords: abattoir; abattoir effluent; abayomi; afolabi; albicans; aspergillus; aspergillus sp; autochthonous; best; biochemical; blast; buraimoh; candida; cbs; cel; chinwe; citrinum; congeneric; different; divergence; dna; dry; effluent; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; fish; fish gut; flavus; food; food engineering; fungal; fungi; fusarium; ganobi; genus; gut; health; homology; identification; isolates; issue; journal; kara; lagos; management; mare; maria; mary; molecular; molecular identification; morphological; mucilaginosa; nigeria; nrrl; ogun; ogun river; ojo; olanike; olawunmi; olumide; olusola; omoniyi; pag; penicillium; population; present; rainy; range; rhizopus; rhodotorula; river; saccharomyces; safety; samples; season; sequence; slaughterhouse; slaughterhouse effluent; sogbanmu; species; state; study; suceava; surface; surface water; table; talaromyces; temitope; tube; university; unknown; volume; volume xxi; wastewater; water; wet; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-891.pdf plain text: fens-891.txt item: #696 of 747 id: fens-892 author: ZAHI, Faouzi; DROUICHE, Abdelmalek; MEDJANI, Fethi; LEKOUI, Abdelmalek; DJIDEL, Mohamed title: EVALUATION OF SOIL SALINITY OF THE FETZARA LAKE REGION (NORTH-EAST ALGERIA) date: 2022-07-28 words: 6337 flesch: 52 summary: Faouzi ZAHI, Abdelmalek DROUICHE, Fethi MEDJANI, Abdelmalek LEKOUI, Mohamed DJIDEL, Evaluation of soil salinity of the Fetzara lake region (North-east Algeria), Food and Environment Safety, Volume XXI, Issue 2 – 2022, pag. 171 – 184 178 Table 4 Chemical analyzes of soil solutions of the Fetzara lake region Levels Soluble salts (meq dm -3 ) Maximum Minimum Average Standard deviation 0-25 cm Ca2+ 14.40 2.80 6.18 3.51 Mg2+ 31.00 0.60 13.27 10.61 Na+ 29.90 1.24 13.86 7.10 K+ 3.66 0.64 1.88 0.90 Faouzi ZAHI, Abdelmalek DROUICHE, Fethi MEDJANI, Abdelmalek LEKOUI, Mohamed DJIDEL, Evaluation of soil salinity of the Fetzara lake region (North-east Algeria), Food and Environment Safety, Volume XXI, Issue 2 – 2022, pag. 171 – 184 180 The first group (G1) is characterized by highly mineralized solutions that oppose the second group (G2) which represents soil solutions of less mineralized basic character. keywords: abdelmalek; agricultural; algeria; alkaline; analysis; annaba; average; ca2; cel; chemical; classification; clay; cm-1; complex; conductivity; content; des; djidel; drouiche; east; electrical; engineering; environment; environment safety; esp; evaluation; exchangeable; facies; faculty; faouzi; fethi; fetzara; fetzara lake; fig; food; food engineering; fraction; hco3;; important; irrigation; issue; journal; lac; lake; lake region; lekoui; level; majority; mare; matter; mediterranean; medjani; meq; mg2; mohamed; na+; north; organic; pag; percentage; physical; properties; quality; region; safety; saline; salinity; salinization; salts; samples; second; so4; sodium; soil; soil salinity; soil solutions; sols; soluble; solutions; study; suceava; table; total; university; values; volume; volume xxi; water; xxi; zahi; ştefan cache: fens-892.pdf plain text: fens-892.txt item: #697 of 747 id: fens-893 author: TRAJKOSKA, Ljubica; STOJKOSKI, Andrej; TRAJKOVSKA, Biljana; KOCHOSKI, Ljupche title: INFLUENCE OF SOMATIC CELL COUNT IN RAW MILK ON THE QUALITY OF BEATEN CHEESE date: 2022-07-28 words: 2665 flesch: 61 summary: According to the [5], the milk intended for production of beaten cheese from a physico-chemical aspect should contain 12.5% dry matter, pH = 6.4-6.6 and °SH = 6.6-7.2, while in relation to hygienic condition SCC≤400.000/mL and CFU≤100.000/mL. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of SCC of raw milk in cheese yield, sensory evaluation, and physicochemical parameters. The objective of our research was to determine the impact of somatic cell count on physic-chemical parameters (proteins, fats, moisture, dry matter, salt, and titration acidity), yield and sensory evaluation of beaten cheese. keywords: biljana; cell; changes; cheese; chemical; composition; count; dairy; environment; fats; food; group; increase; influence; issue; journal; milk; moisture; parameters; percentage; production; proteins; quality; raw; results; safety; scc; scc≥400.001; sensory; somatic; volume; xxi; yield cache: fens-893.pdf plain text: fens-893.txt item: #698 of 747 id: fens-894 author: BOBEL, Inna; ADAMCZYK, Greta; FALENDYSH, Nataliia title: NUTRITIONAL AND BIOLOGICAL VALUE OF MUSHROOM SNACKS date: 2022-07-28 words: 4120 flesch: 50 summary: It was found that mushroom products increased the enzymatic hydrolysis of protein substances compared to fresh mushrooms at both pepsin and trypsin stage of their hydrolytic cleavage, which contributed to their increase digestibility. Key words: oyster mushrooms, champignon mushrooms, mushroom products, chemical composition, amino acid composition, digestion. keywords: acid; adamczyk; amino; appetizer; biological; biological value; bobel; cel; champignon; champignon mushroom; chemical; chips; composition; content; engineering; environment; faculty; food; fresh; greta; high; hydrolysis; inna; issue; journal; mare; materials; mushroom; mushroom chips; mushroom products; mushroom snacks; nataliia; new; nutritional; oyster; oyster mushroom; process; production; products; protein; raw; research; safety; snacks; substances; suceava; technologies; university; value; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-894.pdf plain text: fens-894.txt item: #699 of 747 id: fens-9 author: KRASULYA, Olga; KOCHUBEI-LYTVYNENKO, Oksana; BOGUSH, Vladymyr; TIHOMIROVA, Nataliya title: TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SONOCHEMICALLY TREATED RECONSTITUTED MILK date: 2015-03-31 words: 2945 flesch: 36 summary: The storability forecast of drinking milk samples generated from the dry milk using sonochemical water treatment, has been conducted according to the specific conductivity (SC) index and determined correspondence connecting SC trend and microorganisms quantity changing rate. The functions confidence intervals )(N 0.995 tn  of the microorganism’s growth within the tested reconstructed milk samples, prepared at different level of sonochemical water treatment have been determined according to the following formula: nnn tt   ) keywords: bogush; cavitation; cel; dairy; dissolving; dry; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; growth; index; issue; journal; kochubei; krasulya; level; lytvynenko; mare; microbial; microorganisms; milk; nataliya; oksana; olga; pag; power; processing; products; properties; reactor; ruc; safety; samples; sonochemical; suceava; technological; technology; tihomirova; treatment; ultrasonic; ultrasound; university; use; vladymyr; volume; water; xiv; ştefan cache: fens-9.pdf plain text: fens-9.txt item: #700 of 747 id: fens-90 author: NGUESSAN, Yevi; BEDIKOU, Micael; MEGNANOU, Rose-Monde; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: IMPORTANCE OF LOCAL CEREAL FLOURS IN THE DIET HABITOF CONSUMERS IN THE DISTRICT OF ABIDJAN COTE D’IVOIRE date: 2016-04-14 words: 6200 flesch: 77 summary: 2014 Abstract: The aim of this study is to gain understanding of the of the potential of local cereal flours in an urban context and the segment of the urban population concerned with traditional dishes made thereof This study aimed at getting on overview on the potential of local cereal flours in an urban context as well as the segment of the urban population concerned with traditional dishes consumption made thereof keywords: abidjan; ba s; bi t; c e; cel; cereal; consumed; consumers; consumption; côte; des; distance; d’ivoire; e rs; e s; e vi; engineering; environment; ethnic; faculty; flours; fonio; food; h e; ie n; issue; ja n; journal; l e.; level; local; m e; maize; mare; millet; n c; n l; n t; nc e; pag; porridge; production; r e; r s; r t; respondents; s sa; s t; s u; s é; sa n; safety; sorghum; suceava; survey; t e; t h; t ie; t ri; table; traditional; u e; university; volume; white; xiii; y e; yellow; ştefan cache: fens-90.pdf plain text: fens-90.txt item: #701 of 747 id: fens-91 author: STROE, Silviu-Gabriel title: EVALUATION OF THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN METALLIC IONS MIGRATED FROM AISI304 AND AISI321 STAINLESS STEEL SAMPLES INTO FOOD SIMULANT SOLUTIONS AT VARIOUS STIRRING DEGREES date: 2016-04-14 words: 3094 flesch: 52 summary: at 0 r/min; Ti_125, Cr_125, Mn_125, Fe_125, Ni_125 – metal ions of titanium, chromium, manganese, iron and nickel migrated into simulant solution at 125 r/min; Ti_250, Cr_250, Mn_250, Fe_250, Ni_250 – metal ions of titanium, chromium, manganese, iron and nickel migrated into simulant solution at 250 r/min; Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University – Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014 Silviu-Gabriel STROE, Evaluation of the relationships between metallic ions migrated from AISI304 and AISI321 stainless steel samples into food simulant solutions at various stirring degrees, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014, pag 147 - 153 150 The correlation matrix of the variables studied - ions migrated from AISI304 samples into solutions - shows significant positive correlations between some of the variables (Table 4). Specific values of metal ions that migrate from AISI304 stainless steel into the simulated acid solutions stirred at 0, 125 and 250 r/min Metal ions migrated into solutions * keywords: aisi304; aisi321; aisi321 stainless; analysis; chromium; component; correlation; environment; food; ions; iron; issue; manganese; metal; metallic; min; nickel; principal; safety; samples; simulant; simulant solutions; solutions; stainless; stainless steel; steel; steel samples; stirring; titanium; volume; xiii cache: fens-91.pdf plain text: fens-91.txt item: #702 of 747 id: fens-910 author: 2022, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2022-11-11 words: 863 flesch: -1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-910.pdf plain text: fens-910.txt item: #703 of 747 id: fens-911 author: 2022, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2022-11-11 words: 235 flesch: 33 summary: Study of heat treatment effect on the biological value of pine nuts kernels Artur MYKHALEVYCH, Uliana KUZMYK 209 - 217 3. Comparison between the parameters of throughfall and bulk deposition measured in two laboratories using the same methods Carmen IACOBAN, Marius CURCĂ, Cosmin Ilie CUCIUREAN, Zitta CSERGO, Amelia BUCULEI 218 - 229 4. Haematological profile of catfish (Clarias Gariepinus burchell, 1822) following the stress associated with transportation and handling in the market Olaniyi Alaba OLOPADE, Henry Eyina DIENYE, Agbo Kingsley KENECHUKWU 230 - 236 5. Evaluation of the quality of wheat with added improvers Amelia BUCULEI, Anca GATLAN, Adriana COJOCARIU 237 - 246 6. Mircea OROIAN 247 - 256 7. Influence of dry heat treatment on antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of different sorghum particle sizes Ana BATARIUC, Ionica COŢOVANU, Silvia MIRONEASA 257 - 264 8. Characterization of tortillas marketed in Tlazala, Mexico by using hierarchical cluster analysis Mădălina UNGUREANU-IUGA, Víctor D. ÁVILA AKERBERG, Tanya M. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ 265 - 272 9. keywords: amelia; buculei; food; heat; loucif; loucif seiad; microsoft; profile; seiad; study; treatment cache: fens-911.pdf plain text: fens-911.txt item: #704 of 747 id: fens-912 author: LOUCIF SEIAD, Linda; DEMIM, Soraya; LOUCIF SEIAD, Mohamed; BOUSSAK, Hassina; HAMMADOU, Souad title: EXTRACTION OF NATURAL ANTIOXYDANTS FROM ALGERIAN ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS L. WITH GRAS-SOLVENT AND KINETIC STUDY date: 2022-11-11 words: 4648 flesch: 59 summary: Table 1. Coded/real levels used in Factorial Design of Algerian Rosmarinus officinalis L. batch extraction. The points of intersection of ln[C∞/(C∞ − C)] vs t plot the fast and the slow stages are termed transition points. Fig. 4. Kinetics of the fast and the slow stage of TPC extraction and respective constants of Algerian Rosmarinus officinalis L. batch extraction. keywords: algerian; antioxidant; batch; boussak; cel; demim; effect; engineering; environment; experimental; extraction; faculty; figure; food; gae; gras; hammadou; hassina; issue; journal; kinetic; levels; linda; loucif; mare; mohamed; officinalis; pag; plant; polyphenols; process; results; rosmarinus; rosmarinus officinalis; safety; seiad; solid; solvent; soraya; souad; study; suceava; temperature; tfc; time; tpc; university; variables; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-912.pdf plain text: fens-912.txt item: #705 of 747 id: fens-913 author: MYKHALEVYCH, Artur; KUZMYK, Uliana title: STUDY OF HEAT TREATMENT EFFECT ON THE BIOLOGICAL VALUE OF PINE NUTS KERNELS date: 2022-11-11 words: 4944 flesch: 54 summary: The name of an essential amino acid Content, mg/100 g Before drying After drying 20 ˚С 40 ˚С 60 ˚С 80 ˚С Tryptophan 107.542 101.412 94.548 88.657 75.28 Isoleucine 522.708 500.541 480.854 449.083 405.956 Valin 667.874 648.504 601.579 553.876 468.527 Leucine 981.52 949.389 906.844 851.009 785.216 Threonine 378.988 369.024 360.629 349.989 337.54 Lysine 540.215 534.873 525.207 513.693 485.678 Methionine + cysteine 259.058 237.01 219.924 196.551 140.851 Phenylalanine + tyrosine 514.66 498.807 469.791 438.02 395.654 An increase in heat treatment temperature reduces the content of essential amino acids in pine nut kernels, which becomes more significant as it increases. The fatty fraction of pine nut kernels is characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic and linolenic [7]. keywords: acid; amino; artur; biological; biological value; carotene; cel; composition; content; decrease; different; drying; effect; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; food; fraction; heat; heat treatment; humidity; issue; journal; kernels; kinetics; kuzmyk; mare; mass; material; methods; microbiological; modes; moisture; mykhalevych; nut kernels; nuts; pag; pine; pine nut; processing; products; protein; raw; research; safety; significant; study; suceava; temperature; treatment; uliana; university; use; value; vitamin; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-913.pdf plain text: fens-913.txt item: #706 of 747 id: fens-914 author: IACOBAN, Carmen; CURCĂ, Marius; CUCIUREAN, Cosmin Ilie; CSERGO, Zitta; BUCULEI, Amelia title: COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PARAMETERS OF THROUGHFALL AND BULK DEPOSITION MEASURED IN TWO LABORATORIES USING THE SAME METHODS date: 2022-11-11 words: 6209 flesch: 48 summary: Parameters, analytical methods and equipment used in the experiment 3. At both sites, throughfall and stemflow fluxes increased relative to bulk deposition for all elements, except for Zn and Cd. keywords: agreement; amelia; analysis; analytical; anions; atmospheric; buculei; bulk; bulk deposition; campulung; canopy; carmen; cations; cel; chemical; collectors; comparison; concentrations; conductivity; cosmin; cromatograf; csergo; cuciurean; curcă; deposition; differences; dionex; drăcea; engineering; environment; environment safety; error; faculty; field; fluxes; food; forest; gheorgheni; iacoban; icp; ics3000; ilie; issue; journal; laboratories; laboratory; mare; marin; marius; measured; measurements; methods; monitoring; nh3; nh4; nitrogen; pag; parameters; precipitation; procedure; quality; regim; research; results; romania; safety; samples; silvic; study; suceava; system; test; throughfall; total; university; values; volume; volume xxi; xxi; zitta; ştefan cache: fens-914.pdf plain text: fens-914.txt item: #707 of 747 id: fens-915 author: OLOPADE, Olaniyi Alaba; DIENYE, Henry Eyina; AGBO, Kingsley Kenechukwu title: HAEMATOLOGICAL PROFILE OF CATFISH (CLARIAS GARIEPINUS BURCHELL, 1822) FOLLOWING THE STRESS ASSOCIATED WITH TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING IN THE MARKET date: 2022-11-11 words: 3305 flesch: 56 summary: Among haematological indices, blood cells are one of the best indicators of body health [8]. White blood cell of C. gariepinus exposed to handling transportation and market stressors Fig. keywords: agbo; alaba; aquaculture; blood; burchell; catfish; cell; clarias; dienye; different; engineering; environment; eyina; faculty; fish; food; gariepinus; glucose; group; haematological; handling; henry; hours; issue; journal; kenechukwu; kingsley; landing; mare; market; mean; non; olaniyi; olopade; pag; parameters; profile; rbc; red; response; safety; significant; stress; stressed; stressors; suceava; transportation; university; values; volume; white; xxi; ×10; ştefan cache: fens-915.pdf plain text: fens-915.txt item: #708 of 747 id: fens-916 author: BUCULEI, Amelia; GATLAN, Anca; COJOCARIU, Adriana title: EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF WHEAT WITH ADDED IMPROVERS date: 2022-11-11 words: 3724 flesch: 56 summary: WANG X., LIANG Y.,WANG Q.,ZHANG X., WANG J., Effect of low-sodium salt on the physicochemical and rheological properties of wheat flour doughs and their respective gluten, Journal of Cereal Science Volume 102, 103371, (2021). As one of important consumable raw materials in our daily lives, wheat flour provides numerous nutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, and minerals. keywords: addition; adriana; alveogram; amelia; amylase; anca; belpan; bread; buculei; cel; cojocariu; core; dough; elasticity; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; flour; food; gatlan; improvers; index; issue; journal; lot; mare; mopa; pag; parameters; porosity; products; properties; quality; rheological; safety; samples; suceava; university; values; variation; volume; volume xxi; wheat; wheat flour; white; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-916.pdf plain text: fens-916.txt item: #709 of 747 id: fens-917 author: PROCOPEȚ, Ovidiu; OROIAN, Mircea title: CHANGES IN TEXTURE PROFILE OF AMARANTH SEEDS SUBJECTED TO SOUS VIDE TREATMENT date: 2022-11-11 words: 4345 flesch: 55 summary: In addition to this fact, the use of sous-vide technology generates some improvements in terms of color and flavor Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 3 – 2022 Ovidiu PROCOPEȚ, Mircea OROIAN, Changes in texture profile of amaranth seeds subjected to sous vide treatment, Food and Environment Safety, Issue 3 – 2022, pag.247 -256 248 retention, but also the reduction of the deterioration of proteins, lipids, vitamins, and other compounds that are sensitive to high temperatures [6]. For each sample cooked at different temperature and time, different ratios of amaranth seeds/water of hydration (1/4, 1/5, 1/6) were also tested, where 1 represents the amount of 10 g of amaranth seeds and 4, 5 and 6 represents the measured value of water, respectively 40 ml of hydration water, 50 ml of hydration Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefancel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 3 – 2022 Ovidiu PROCOPEȚ, Mircea OROIAN, Changes in texture profile of amaranth seeds subjected to sous vide treatment, Food and Environment Safety, Issue 3 – 2022, pag.247 -256 249 water and 60 ml of hydration water in which the amaranth seeds were immersed and later emptied with the vessel in which they were hydrated. keywords: -256; adhesiveness; amaranth; amaranth seeds; changes; cooked; cooking; design; different; engineering; environment; exposure; faculty; food; hardness; high; hydration; issue; journal; mare; method; minutes; mircea; oroian; ovidiu; pag.247; parameters; procopeț; profile; rsl; safety; samples; seeds; sous; sous vide; suceava; technology; temperature; texture; time; treatment; university; vide; vide treatment; volume; water; xxi; ştefancel cache: fens-917.pdf plain text: fens-917.txt item: #710 of 747 id: fens-918 author: BATARIUC, Ana; COŢOVANU, Ionica; MIRONEASA, Silvia title: INFLUENCE OF DRY HEAT TREATMENT ON ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY AND TOTAL POLYPHENOL CONTENT OF DIFFERENT SORGHUM PARTICLE SIZES date: 2022-11-11 words: 4045 flesch: 55 summary: This study revealed the potential of different sorghum particles size from the total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity point of view and to use them as ingredients to raise the shelf life of food products. One of the methods that enhance the nutritional quality and phenolic Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 3 – 2022 Ana BATARIUC, Ionica COŢOVANU, Silvia MIRONEASA, Influence of dry heat treatment on antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of different sorghum particle sizes, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XXI, Issue 3 – 2022, pag. keywords: activity; ana; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; antioxidant capacity; batariuc; capacity; cel; cereal; components; compounds; content; coţovanu; different; dry; effect; engineering; environment; extraction; faculty; flour; food; grains; heat; heat treatment; influence; ionica; issue; journal; mare; mironeasa; pag; particle; phenolic; polyphenols; processing; results; safety; samples; science; silvia; sizes; solvent; sorghum; sorghum particle; suceava; time; total; treatment; university; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-918.pdf plain text: fens-918.txt item: #711 of 747 id: fens-92 author: ROSU, Alice Iuliana title: TYPES OF SYNONYMY IN FOOD ENGINEERING TERMINOLOGY date: 2016-04-14 words: 2745 flesch: 32 summary: Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014 Alice Iuliana ROSU, Types of synonymy in food engineering terminology, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014, pag. 154 – 159 159 The analyses conducted on samples of authentic food engineering texts reveal that first there are identities and differences when using synonymous terms, secondly that substituting one term by another one makes possible to test the meaning identity between them and thirdly that they aim at disambiguation by means of context of meanings of polysemous words (compulsory preliminary procedure), offering combinatory possibilities of a given lexical unit, established as against types of contexts. Thus, the main types of synonymy functioning in food engineering terminology are identified and their etymological sources are explained and illlustrated as well. keywords: alice; analysis; cel; context; different; elements; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; issue; iuliana; journal; language; lexical; mare; meaning; pag; relationships; romanian; safety; scientific; semantic; semes; semic; series; specialized; specific; suceava; sugars; synonymous; synonymy; syntagms; terminology; terms; total; types; university; volume; xiii cache: fens-92.pdf plain text: fens-92.txt item: #712 of 747 id: fens-920 author: UNGUREANU-IUGA, Mădălina; ÁVILA AKERBERG, Víctor D.; GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, Tanya M. title: CHARACTERIZATION OF TORTILLAS MARKETED IN TLAZALA, MEXICO BY USING HIERARCHICAL CLUSTER ANALYSIS date: 2022-09-30 words: 3626 flesch: 53 summary: [17] for maize tortillas and by Hernández-Martínez et al. (2016) References [1]. MARTÍNEZ-VELASCO, A., ALVAREZ- RAMIREZ, J., RODRÍGUEZ-HUEZO, E., MERAZ-RODRÍGUEZ, M., VERNON-CARTER, E.J. AND LOBATO-CALLEROS, C., Effect of the preparation method and storage time on the in vitro protein digestibility of maize tortillas. keywords: akerberg; analysis; artisanal; cel; characteristics; characterization; chemical; cluster; content; different; engineering; environment; faculty; flour; food; gonzález; grains; group; hierarchical; industrial; issue; iuga; journal; lime; maize; mare; martínez; method; mexico; moisture; nixtamalized; product; quality; safety; samples; sensory; situ; smell; suceava; tanya; taste; tlazala; tortillas; ungureanu; university; volume; víctor; xxi; ávila; ştefan cache: fens-920.pdf plain text: fens-920.txt item: #713 of 747 id: fens-926 author: 2022, FENS 4 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2023-02-15 words: 863 flesch: -1 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Tel: +40 230 216 147, Fax: +40 0230 520 080 Editorial contact information: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. Sonia AMARIEI(GUTT), Subscription information Subscription information can be obtained from: - the e-mails: - the postal address: Faculty of Food Engineering, Stefan cel Mare University -Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; str; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-926.pdf plain text: fens-926.txt item: #714 of 747 id: fens-927 author: 2022, FENS 4 title: CONTENTS date: 2023-02-15 words: 320 flesch: 24 summary: 6. Effect of traditional processing method and leaf-packaging on sensory characteristics of Olèlè, a steamed cowpea paste M. Vahid AÏSSI, G. Paul Daniel TIME, Vénérande Y. BALLOGOU, Ifagbémi Bienvenue CHABI, Y. Euloge KPOCLOU, Mohamed M. SOUMANOU 333 - 344 7. Heavy metals content and health risk assessment of Ikpe Ikot Nkon River, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Udeme Effiong JONAH, Cecilia Friday MENDIE 345 - 353 8. Recovery of hesperidin from lemon by-products using green techniques Francisco LORCA, David QUINTÍN, Presentación GARCÍA 354 - 363 9. Functional, pasting and sensory properties of complementary food from orange fleshed sweetpotato- roasted african yam bean-tigernut composite flour using response surface methodology Omobolanle Omowunmi OLORODE, Emmanuel Kehinde OKE, Pius Alaba AGBEBI, Adebola Atinuke ALABI, Femi Fidelis AKINWANDE 273 - 291 2. General linear model (GLM) analysis of the effects of packaging materials and preservatives on nutrient composition of smoked fish Ahmed Ayodeji AYELOJA, Taofik Oyedele DAUDA 292 - 302 3. Characterization of waste rock from the phosphate mining field of Bled El Hadba , Algeria in an environmental context Chafia MERAH 303 - 312 4. Comparison and risk assessment of trace metal content in factory-farmed broiler and free-range chicken meat sold in Laguna, Philippines Monique T. ESTRELLA, Aileen Fritz T. SAMSON, Rafael A. ESPIRITU 313 - 320 5. Development of a new devıce for applyıng atmospherıc pressure cold plasma on foods Tamer AKAN, Sehban KARTAL, Sühendan MOL, Serap COŞANSU, Şehnaz Yasemin TOSUN, Didem ÜÇOK ALAKAVUK, Şafak ULUSOY, Hande DOĞRUYOL, Kamil BOSTAN 321 - 332 keywords: cel; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; recovery; safety; sensory; suceava; university; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-927.pdf plain text: fens-927.txt item: #715 of 747 id: fens-928 author: OLORODE, Omobolanle Omowunmi; OKE, Emmanuel Kehinde; AGBEBI, Pius Alaba; ALABI, Adebola Atinuke; AKINWANDE, Femi Fidelis title: FUNCTIONAL, PASTING AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF COMPLEMENTARY FOOD FROM ORANGE FLESHED SWEETPOTATO- ROASTED AFRICAN YAM BEAN-TIGERNUT COMPOSITE FLOUR USING RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY date: 2023-02-15 words: 10109 flesch: 52 summary: Orange fleshed sweetpotato flour, B (X2)-Roasted African yam bean flour, C (X3) – Tigernut flour, WAC: Orange fleshed sweetpotato root, roasted African yam bean and tigernut seed were blended into composite flours based on D-optimal mixture design resulting into fourteen experimental runs. keywords: -291; absorption; adebola; african journal; african yam; agbebi; akinwande; alabi; atinuke; bean flour; beantigernut composite; breakdown; capacity; cel; coefficient; complementary food; composite flour; density; determination; dispersibility; effect; emmanuel; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; femi; fidelis; figure; final; fleshed sweetpotato; flour blends; flour food; flour x1; food; food engineering; food science; functional; gelation; high; interaction; issue; journal; kehinde; mare; methodology; oke; olorode; omobolanle; omowunmi; orange fleshed; p<0.05; pag.273; peak; pius; plot; properties; quality; regression; research; response; response surface; roasted african; safety; sample; science; sensory; sensory properties; suceava; surface; sweetpotato african; sweetpotato flour; sweetpotato roasted; table; technology; temperature; tigernut composite; tigernut flour; time; university; value; viscosity; volume; water; xxi; yam bean; yam beantigernut; ştefan cache: fens-928.pdf plain text: fens-928.txt item: #716 of 747 id: fens-929 author: AYELOJA, Ahmed Ayodeji; DAUDA, Taofik Oyedele title: GENERAL LINEAR MODEL (GLM) ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF PACKAGING MATERIALS AND PRESERVATIVES ON NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF SMOKED FISH date: 2023-02-15 words: 5575 flesch: 62 summary: Fish, a nutritious food and source of high quality protein, is highly susceptible Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXI, Issue 4 – 2022 Ahmed Ayodeji AYELOJA, Taofik Oyedele DAUDA, General Linear Model (GLM) analysis of the effects of packaging materials and preservatives on nutrient composition of smoked fish, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XXI, Issue 4 – 2022, pag. Fish packaged with plastic and no preservatives had the highest moisture content while fish packaged with basket had the least. keywords: 0das; analysis; ash; ayeloja; basket; cel; composition; content; control; crude; das; different; effects; engineering; environment; faculty; fat; fiber; fish; food; garlic; general; ginger; glm; highest; issue; journal; linear; mare; materials; mean; model; moisture; moisture content; nutrient; nylon; packaging; packaging materials; pag; plastic; preservatives; protein; quality; research; safety; storage; study; suceava; table; university; variance; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-929.pdf plain text: fens-929.txt item: #717 of 747 id: fens-93 author: DOUÉ, Ginette; BÉDIKOU, Micaël; KOUA, Gisèle; KRA, Sévérin; NIAMKÉ, Sébastien title: NEW STARCHES FROM IMPROVED YELLOW COLORED CASSAVA: ENZYMATIC AND ACID STURDINESS AND POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL UTILIZATION date: 2016-04-14 words: 5186 flesch: 72 summary: Unlike native starches, gelatinized starches had better tendency to hydrolysis of at least 1,000 times higher. Therefore, V54 could be more explore in infant diet preparations because of its high Starch varieties Initial velocities of amylolytic enzymes on native starches (10-2 UI/mg of proteins) Initial velocities of amylolytic enzymes on gelatinized starches (102 UI/mg of proteins) V4 8.90±0.08 1.57±1.03 V23 10.37±0.08 1.14±1.03 V52 8.89±0.09 2.24±1.45 V53 8.65±0.07 2.03±2.06 V54 keywords: acid; af e; cassava; cel; ch e; e d; e g; e ll; e nv; e nz; e s; e w; engineering; enzymatic; enzymes; faculty; food; glucose; granules; high; hydrolysis; industrial; industry; ine t; issue; journal; k o; k r; l u; mare; n e; n l; native; nd e; nd u; ne s; o t; o v; pag; products; proteins; s af; s f; s s; s t; s é; starches; suceava; t e; t r; t t; t u; t y; u s; university; v54; v55; varieties; volume; w s; xiii; y e; ël e; ştefan cache: fens-93.pdf plain text: fens-93.txt item: #718 of 747 id: fens-930 author: MERAH, Chafia title: CHARACTERIZATION OF WASTE ROCK FROM THE PHOSPHATE MINING FIELD OF BLED EL HADBA, ALGERIA IN AN ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT date: 2023-02-15 words: 4476 flesch: 58 summary: The main purpose of our research work involves the characterization and environmental management of sand waste rocks from Bled El Hadba phosphate deposit. Mining waste includes materials resulting from the exploitation of minerals during the extraction, beneficiation and treatment processes. keywords: algeria; analysis; area; brownish; cel; chafia; characterization; chemical; clay; coefficient; color; construction; context; deposit; description; djebel; el hadba; engineering; environment; environment safety; equivalent; faculty; field; fine; food; hadba; industry; issue; journal; limestone; management; mare; materials; merah; mining; onk; pag; phosphate; phosphate mining; production; quartz; reserves; results; rock; safety; sam1; sam2; sam3; sam4; sam5; sam6; sam7; sam8; sam9; samples; sand; size; study; suceava; sustainable; table; university; use; volume; volume xxi; waste; waste rock; west; world; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-930.pdf plain text: fens-930.txt item: #719 of 747 id: fens-931 author: ESTRELLA, Monique T.; SAMSON, Aileen Fritz T.; ESPIRITU, Rafael A. title: COMPARISON AND RISK ASSESSMENT OF TRACE METAL CONTENT IN FACTORY-FARMED BROILER AND FREE-RANGE CHICKEN MEAT SOLD IN LAGUNA, PHILIPPINES date: 2023-02-15 words: 3944 flesch: 56 summary: Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) of trace metals The EDI of the different trace metals (Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, and Zn) was expressed as mg/kg body weight/day that depended both on the average concentration of the metals and chicken meat consumption. Based on government statistics [17], the average per capita chicken meat consumption in Laguna, Philippines stands at 26 g/day. keywords: aileen; analysis; assessment; average; breast; broiler; cel; chicken; chicken meat; comparison; concentration; consumption; content; effects; engineering; environment; espiritu; estrella; factory; faculty; food; free; fritz; hazard; health; issue; journal; laguna; lead; mare; meat; metals; pag; philippines; production; range; range chicken; risk; safety; samples; samson; study; suceava; thq; trace; trace metal; university; volume; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-931.pdf plain text: fens-931.txt item: #720 of 747 id: fens-932 author: AKAN, Tamer; KARTAL, Sehban; MOL, Sühendan; COŞANSU, Serap; TOSUN, Şehnaz Yasemin; ÜÇOK ALAKAVUK, Didem; ULUSOY, Şafak; DOĞRUYOL, Hande; BOSTAN, Kamil title: DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW DEVICE FOR APPLYING ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE COLD PLASMA ON FOODS date: 2023-02-15 words: 5975 flesch: 66 summary: The optical emission spectrum of atmospheric pressure cold plasma system helium plasma Our atmospheric pressure cold plasma device uses atmospheric air as gas to produce Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge (SDBD) at the Device Mode-III. In this case, the food treated in our atmospheric pressure cold plasma device will interact with the nitrogen, helium, and radical oxygen atoms. keywords: + +; akan; alakavuk; applied; atmospheric; barrier; cel; cold; cold plasma; coşansu; development; device; didem; dielectric; different; discharge; doğruyol; electrode; engineering; environment; faculty; figure; food; gas; hande; helium; high; issue; journal; kamil; kartal; mare; mode; mol; new; particles; plasma; pressure; pressure cold; safety; science; sehban; sensory; serap; study; suceava; system; sühendan; tamer; technology; tosun; types; ulusoy; university; volume; xxi; yasemin; üçok; şafak; şehnaz; ştefan cache: fens-932.pdf plain text: fens-932.txt item: #721 of 747 id: fens-933 author: AÏSSI, M. Vahid; TIME, G. Paul Daniel; BALLOGOU, Vénérande Y.; CHABI, Ifagbémi Bienvenue; KPOCLOU, Y. Euloge; SOUMANOU, Mohamed M. title: EFFECT OF TRADITIONAL PROCESSING METHOD AND LEAF-PACKAGING ON SENSORY CHARACTERISTICS OF OLÈLÈ, A STEAMED COWPEA PASTE date: 2023-02-15 words: 6540 flesch: 54 summary: Three coded Olèlè samples steamed in glass jar were presented to the panelists. Overall, 37 out of the 50 panelists preferred the color of Olèlè sample from the processing method involving the wet dehulling of cowpea seeds. keywords: acceptability; aroma; aïssi; ballogou; cans; cel; chabi; characteristics; color; cooked; cowpea; dehulling; descriptors; different; dry; effect; engineering; environment; flavor; flour; food; geniculata; grandis; ifagbémi; issue; journal; kpoclou; leaf; leaves; mare; method; musa; olèlè; orange; packaging; panelists; paradisiaca; pepper; processing; recycled; safety; samples; seeds; sensory; steamed; suceava; table; taste; tectona; test; texture; thalia; thalia geniculata; time; tin; traditional; university; volume; wet; wrapping; xxi; yellow; ştefan cache: fens-933.pdf plain text: fens-933.txt item: #722 of 747 id: fens-934 author: JONAH, Udeme Effiong; MENDIE, Cecilia Friday title: HEAVY METALS CONTENT AND HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT OF IKPE IKOT NKON RIVER, AKWA IBOM STATE, NIGERIA date: 2023-02-15 words: 4864 flesch: 59 summary: Abstract: Heavy metals in water pose detrimental consequence on health of the consumers and aquatic organisms. Keywords: Heavy metals, Health risk, Human activities, Pollution, River. keywords: activities; akwa; anthropogenic; assessment; associated; cdi; cel; chromium; concentration; content; drinking; effects; engineering; environment; food; hazard; health; health risk; heavy; heavy metals; high; higher; human; ibom; ikot; ikpe; index; issue; jonah; journal; mare; mean; metals; nigeria; nkon; pollution; risk; risk assessment; river; safety; state; station; study; toxicity; university; values; volume; water; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-934.pdf plain text: fens-934.txt item: #723 of 747 id: fens-935 author: LORCA, Francisco; QUINTÍN, David; GARCÍA, Presentación title: RECOVERY OF HESPERIDIN FROM LEMON BY-PRODUCTS USING GREEN TECHNIQUES date: 2023-02-15 words: 4673 flesch: 52 summary: [37] CIFUENTES-CABEZAS, M.; SANCHEZ- ARÉVALO, C. M.; MENDOZA-ROCA, J. A.; VINCENT-VELA, M. C.; ÁLVAREZ- BLANCO, S. Recovery of phenolic compounds from olive oil washing wastewater by adsorption/desorption process. [16] CHÁVEZ-GONZÁLEZ, M. L.; LÓPEZ- LÓPEZ, L. I.; RODRÍGUEZ-HERRERA, R.; Contreras- Esquivel, J. C.; Aguilar, C. N. Enzyme-assisted extraction of citrus essential oil. keywords: adsorbent; adsorption; cel; citrus; compounds; concentration; david; different; engineering; environment; enzymatic; enzyme; extraction; extracts; faculty; flavonoids; food; francisco; garcía; green; hesperidin; high; interest; issue; journal; lemon; lorca; mare; materials; min; pad610; pad900; pag; peel; phenolic; polyphenols; presentación; process; processes; products; purification; quintín; recovery; resin; safety; suceava; table; techniques; technology; total; treatment; ultrasound; university; use; volume; waste; water; xxi; ştefan cache: fens-935.pdf plain text: fens-935.txt item: #724 of 747 id: fens-936 author: PETRARU, Ancuța; AMARIEI, Sonia title: RECOVERY OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS FROM OILCAKES - A REVIEW date: 2022-12-31 words: 9928 flesch: 51 summary: The method used for protein extraction should achieve the following: obtaining of high yield, reduction of the number of purification steps, preservation of the nutritional and functional values, elimination of antinutrients and reduction of the environmental impact [15]. SARI Y.W., BRUINS M.E., SANDERS J.P.M., Enzyme assisted protein extraction from rapeseed, soybean, and microalgae meals. keywords: acid; activities; activity; addition; agricultural; alkali; alternative; amariei; amounts; ancuța; animal; antioxidants; applications; aqueous; barrier; benefits; bioactive; bioactive compounds; caffeic; cake; canola; capacity; cel; characteristics; characterization; chemistry; circular; components; composition; compounds; conditions; consumers; consumption; content; conventional; cost; coumaric; development; dietary; different; dry; economy; effects; engineering; environment; environment safety; enzymatic; extraction; faculty; fat; ferulic; fiber; films; final; flaxseed; food; food engineering; food industry; food science; food waste; functional; functionality; good; green; health; hemp; high; human; hydrolysis; impact; improved; increase; industrial; industry; ingredients; innovative; insoluble; international; isolates; issue; journal; lignans; mare; material; meal; mechanical; methods; microbial; milling; natural; new; nutritional; oil; oilcake; oilcakesa; oilseed; pag; particle; peanut; petraru; phenolic; physical; physicochemical; plant; polyphenols; potential; present; preservation; press; processing; production; products; properties; protein; quality; rapeseed; recovery; research; review; rich; safety; safety journal; science; sensory; sesame; size; solubility; solvents; sonia; source; soybean; stability; structure; suceava; sunflower; technology; time; treatment; trends; university; use; valorization; value; volume; volume xxi; walnut; waste; water; wet; xxi; yield; ştefan cache: fens-936.pdf plain text: fens-936.txt item: #725 of 747 id: fens-94 author: LEBEDENKO, Tatyana; YEGOROVA, Antonina; KOZHEVNIKOVA, Viktoriia; KOROLENKO, Yekaterina title: THE PROSPECTS OF SAFETY AND MICROBIOLOGICAL STABILITY IMPROVEMENT OF BAKERY PRODUCTS BY USING PHYTO-ADDITIVES date: 2016-04-14 words: 4570 flesch: 43 summary: Thus the pursuit of alternative quick and effective solutions for baking industry Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014 Tatyana LEBEDENKO, Antonina YEGOROVA, Viktoriia KOZHEVNIKOVA, Yekaterina KOROLENKO, The prospects of safety and microbiological stability improvement of bakery products by using phyto-additives, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 2 – 2014, pag. 169 – 178 171 problems including the methods of improving bread products safety and imparting necessary physiological properties is relevant. In order to improve the biological stability of bread products during storage the chemical preservatives are mainly used, however, many of them inhibit the fermentative activity of lactic acid bacteria as well. keywords: acrylamide; additives; antiseptic; antonina; ashberry; bakery; bakery products; baking; bread; cel; check; content; effect; engineering; environment; environment safety; extracts; faculty; fermentation; finished; flour; food; haw; high; hop; improvement; industry; issue; john; journal; kozhevnikova; lebedenko; mare; mass; microbiological; microflora; order; pag; phyto; problems; products; properties; prospects; quality; rose; safety; sample; stability; suceava; tatyana; technological; university; usage; viktoriia; volume; volume xiii; wort; xiii; yekaterina; ştefan cache: fens-94.pdf plain text: fens-94.txt item: #726 of 747 id: fens-948 author: 2023, FENS 1 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2023-04-11 words: 865 flesch: 12 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, , Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D, Eng. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; engineering; environment; environment safety; faculty; food; food engineering; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-948.pdf plain text: fens-948.txt item: #727 of 747 id: fens-949 author: 2023, FENS 1 title: CONTENTS date: 2023-04-11 words: 274 flesch: 39 summary: Waste valorisation of chicken egg shells and development of formulated biscuits with egg shell waste as a source of dietary calcium Raghul M 15 - 21 3. Contribution to geospatial classification by using quality indices for irrigation water in arid zones, case of Ouargla region, South East Algeria Med Hicham BOUTELLI, Aziez ZEDDOURI, Tayeb BOULMAIZ 22 - 39 4. Influence of rice flour on conformational changes in the structure of wheat bread and its nutritional value Anastasiia SHEVCHENKO, Svitlana LITVYNCHUK 5 - 14 2. keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; nutritional; suceava; university; volume; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-949.pdf plain text: fens-949.txt item: #728 of 747 id: fens-95 author: 2014, FENS 3 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2016-04-15 words: 818 flesch: 20 summary: STEFAN CEL MARE UNIVERSITY OF SUCEAVA Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University FOOD ENGINEERING Volume XIII, Issue 3 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 Available online © Publised by University Publishing House of Suceava EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia GUTT (AMARIEI) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Thiery ABRAHAM Enzymes & Derivates, Bruxelles, Belgium Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Iulian BOBE Tyton BioSciences, Darien , USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia János CSAPÓ Kaposvár University, Faculty of Animal Science, Hungary Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU (POP) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Ştefania IORDACHE Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania Heinz – Dieter ISENGARD Hohenheim University, Germany Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Medical Faculty, Department of Medical Biology, Sakarya- Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Norbert KREUZINGER Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Austria Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Christian NEUSUSS Technical University of Aalen, Germany Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladimir REŞITCA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau - Republic of Moldavia Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Sorin SABAU Tokai University, Faculty of Biological Science, Sapporo, Japan Osman Kamil SAG Piri Reis Maritime University, Istanbul, Turkey Mail address of the University Publishing House of Suceava: Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str. keywords: cel mare; department; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; germany; house; institute; issn; journal; mare university; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; science; stefan; suceava; technical; torosyan; turkey; universitatii; university; usa; ştefan cel cache: fens-95.pdf plain text: fens-95.txt item: #729 of 747 id: fens-950 author: SHEVCHENKO, Anastasiia; LITVYNCHUK, Svitlana title: INFLUENCE OF RICE FLOUR ON CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF WHEAT BREAD AND ITS NUTRITIONAL VALUE date: 2023-04-11 words: 5036 flesch: 54 summary: The utilitarian coefficient, redundancy coefficient, DKAS and the indicator of biological value indicated that it is rational to make a replacement of wheat flour with 10% or 20% of rice flour. The study showed that including rice flour for replacing wheat flour in an amount of up to 35% affected the quality characteristics of the developed pretzels with a low gluten content. keywords: acid; addition; amino; anastasiia; bakery; biological; body; bread; cel; changes; chemical; coefficient; composition; conformational; content; control; dietary; different; dough; engineering; environment; essential; faculty; fiber; flour; food; groups; ibd; influence; issue; journal; lecithin; litvynchuk; mare; mass; nutrients; nutritional; pag; process; products; protein; raw; reflection; replacement; rice flour; safety; sample; shevchenko; structure; suceava; svitlana; table; university; use; value; volume; volume xxii; water; wavelength; wheat; wheat bread; wheat flour; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-950.pdf plain text: fens-950.txt item: #730 of 747 id: fens-951 author: M, Raghul title: WASTE VALORISATION OF CHICKEN EGG SHELLS AND DEVELOPMENT OF FORMULATED BISCUITS WITH EGG SHELL WASTE AS A SOURCE OF DIETARY CALCIUM date: 2023-04-11 words: 3472 flesch: 60 summary: Egg shells calcium can also be used as a cheap alternative for expensive calcium supplements [4]. From sensory scores, biscuits with egg shell powder in 15% and 20% concentrations have more sandy texture and taste, up to 10% concentration is more acceptable. keywords: analysis; ash; biscuits; cacl2; calcium; chicken; chloride; composition; content; control; dietary; egg; egg shell; engineering; environment; fat; flour; food; formulated; issue; journal; method; mineral; powder; protein; proximate; safety; sensory; shell; shell powder; source; supplemented; table; university; valorisation; value; volume; waste; wheat; wheat flour; xxii cache: fens-951.pdf plain text: fens-951.txt item: #731 of 747 id: fens-953 author: DANSOU, Valère; HOUSSOU, Paul Ayihadji Ferdinand; KOUKE, Yannick Sourou Rosanoff; HOTEGNI, Abel Bodéhoussè; SAGUI, Warou Arnold Cospe; ABOUDOU, Kowiou; ZANNOU, Hugue title: PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND SENSORY CHARACTERIZATION OF FIVE PROMISING AROMATIC RICE ACCESSIONS IN BENIN date: 2023-03-31 words: 4466 flesch: 57 summary: Thus, five promising aromatic rice accessions ARA-1, ARA-2, ARA-5, ARA-18 and ARA-23 and two released aromatic rice varieties used as check (IR 841 and BRIZ 10B) were collected in three localities (Covê, Glazoué and Malanville). Aromatic rice accessions and checks were characterized by high level of homogeneity rate (>85%) and low (0.1 to 10%) uniformity presence of starch as well as white and parboiled rice. keywords: accessions; ara-18; ara-23; aromatic; aromatic rice; ash; benin; cel; characterization; check; content; cooking; cospe; engineering; environment; food; high; houssou; issue; journal; kouke; kowiou; min; panelist; parboiled; paul; physicochemical; promising; protein; quality; rate; research; results; rice; rice accessions; safety; samples; sensory; table; temperature; type; university; varieties; volume; warou; water; white; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-953.pdf plain text: fens-953.txt item: #732 of 747 id: fens-954 author: EGUN, Nkonyeasua Kingsley; IMADONMWINIYI, Ovbokhan Osavibie; IYOHA, Vivian Ezighodeomo; OBOH, Ijeoma Patience title: FISH PROCESSING AND NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY: A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF DRYING METHODS ON THE NUTRITIONAL CONTENT OF SELECTED FISH SPECIES date: 2023-03-31 words: 5488 flesch: 56 summary: This will improve the nutritional quality of dried fish products available to consumers in the Nigerian markets, and increase foreign income earnings. Matherials and methods Collection of fish samples: Fresh fish samples of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Tilapia zillii (Gervais, 1848) were procured from two (2) identified inland freshwater fish landing sites in Edo State, Nigeria. keywords: adults; availability; calcium; cel; children; clarias; composition; consumption; content; contribution; drying; effect; egun; engineering; environment; faculty; fish; fish processing; fish samples; fish species; fishes; food; fresh; gariepinus; imadonmwiniyi; intake; iron; issue; journal; lactating; mare; mean; methods; mineral; moisture; nigeria; nutrient; nutritional; oboh; oven; plw; portion; potential; pregnant; processing; protein; proximate; rni; safety; samples; significant; smoke; species; standard; study; tilapia; university; volume; women; xxii; zillii; zinc; ştefan cache: fens-954.pdf plain text: fens-954.txt item: #733 of 747 id: fens-955 author: SABLI, Loh Tinndé Charles; MANIGA, Wohi; COULIBALY, Souleymane; KOUADIO, Eugène Jean Parfait title: CHARCOAL-BASED CONSERVATION METHODS’ IMPACT ON SOME FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF FLOURS OF THREE PLANTAIN VARIETIES (Musa sp.) date: 2023-03-31 words: 7323 flesch: 63 summary: Means ± standard deviation with different capital letters in the same row indicates a significant difference between storage media according to Tukey. Means ± standard deviation with different capital letters in the same row indicates a significant difference between storage media according to Tukey. keywords: absorption; absorption capacity; bags; big; capacity; carbon; charcoal; conservation; coulibaly; days; deviation; difference; dry; ebanga; environment; flours; food; fruits; functional; impact; index; issue; journal; kouadio; letters; means; methods; musa; ocss; oil; oil absorption; orishele; packaging; palm; plantain; polyethylene; polythene; polythene bags; powdered; powdered charcoal; properties; rates; refined; rpoac; saci; safety; significant; solid; solid charcoal; solubility; standard; storage; table; tukey; university; values; varieties; variety; volume; wac; water; water absorption; wet; xxii cache: fens-955.pdf plain text: fens-955.txt item: #734 of 747 id: fens-956 author: OLOPADE, Olaniyi Alaba; DIENYE, Henry Eyina; DENSON, Glory Chimburuoma; ONYEKWERE, Vivian Chiemela title: EFFECTS OF SMOKING PROCESSES ON THE NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF CULTURED CATFISH (Clarias Gariepinus) date: 2023-03-31 words: 4381 flesch: 65 summary: Results showed that hot smoked sample had higher protein content (67.84±0.06 %) than the cold smoked sample (53.13±0.06 %), while the raw sample had 17.03±0.06 %. Furthermore, nitrogen free extract was significantly higher in cold smoked samples than in hot smoked samples and raw samples (p < 0.05). keywords: acid; alaba; analysis; aromatic; ash; catfish; cel; chiemela; chimburuoma; clarias; cold; cold smoking; composition; content; cultured; denson; dienye; different; effects; engineering; environment; eyina; faculty; fatty; fish; food; g/100; gariepinus; glory; henry; higher; hot; hot smoking; issue; journal; mare; method; mineral; nutritional; olaniyi; olopade; p<0.05; pag; polycyclic; processes; raw; raw samples; safety; samples; sensory; significant; smoked; smoking; study; suceava; table; university; value; vitamins; vivian; volume; weight; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-956.pdf plain text: fens-956.txt item: #735 of 747 id: fens-957 author: 2023, FENS 1 title: LAST PAGES date: 2023-03-31 words: 1896 flesch: 53 summary: Educational values  Relevance for the Journal  Writing & Organization  Literature Review  Conceptual Development  Research Design  Methodology  Finding (s) & Conclusion (s)  Implications for Theory and Practice  Ideas for Future Research Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Volume XXII, Issue 1 - 2023 v The following points are important in order to warrant paper publishing in the journal Food and environment safety. Avoid abbreviations and formulae where possible. Author(s) names and affiliations: author(s) names will be written under title paper with TNR 11, centered, and will be preceded by a space. keywords: abstract; address; author; cel; centered; engineering; english; environment; faculty; food; journal; mare; paper; references; results; safety; suceava; table; text; title; tnr; university cache: fens-957.pdf plain text: fens-957.txt item: #736 of 747 id: fens-96 author: 2014, FENS 3 title: CONTENTS date: 2016-04-15 words: 480 flesch: 60 summary: Phy sic och emi cal m on it oring a nd per for ma n c e ev a luati on o f SBR mu ni c- ipal wa ste wat e r t rea t men t Tsvet ko nt i- tati ve d es crip tiv e keywords: cel; denkova; effect; engineering; environment; faculty; food; issue; journal; mare; properties; safety; suceava; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-96.pdf plain text: fens-96.txt item: #737 of 747 id: fens-960 author: 2023, FENS 2 title: FIRST PAGES date: 2023-07-27 words: 863 flesch: 11 summary: All right reserved EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sonia AMARIEI (GUTT) Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania EDITORIAL BOARD Petru ALEXE Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania Marcel AVRĂMIUC Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Şerif BALDIRAN Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey Elena-Gabriela BAHRIM Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Lidija BASA University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Zoiţa Mărioara BERINDE Technical University of Cluj Napoca - North University Center of Baia Mare, Romania Iulian BOBE Tyton Bio Sciences, Darien, USA Marija BODROŽA-SOLAROV University Novi Sad, Institute for Food Technology, Serbia Ioan CHEREJI University of Oradea, Romania Cristina-Gabriela CONSTANTINESCU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Călina Petruța CORNEA University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania Toshiki ENOMOTO Ishikawa Prefectural University, Nonoichi, Japan Dirk FLOTTMAN Technical University of Aalen, Germany José Antonio GABALDÓN HERNÁNDEZ Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), Spain Robert GRAVANI Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Oleksii GUBENIA National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Georg GUTT Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Nicoleta Gabriela HĂDĂRUGĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Cristina-Elena HREŢCANU Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Elena JOSHEVSKA University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bitola, Macedonia Süleyman KALELI Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Nijole KAZLAUSKIENE Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania Ana LEAHU Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Anna MARAZ Corvinus Unversity of Budapest, Hungary Angel MARTINEZ SANMARTIN Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y Alimentación, Murcia, Spain Carmen MORARU Cornell University, Department of Food Science, USA Ileana Denisa NISTOR Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacău, Romania Mircea-Adrian OROIAN Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania Mariana-Atena POIANĂ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Regina PROSKUVIENE Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania Peter RASPOR University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gabriela RÂPEANU Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania Adrian RIVIŞ Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania Alice ROŞU Ştefan cel Mare Universityof Suceava, Romania Alexandru SZÉP Sapientia — Hungarian University of Transylvania, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania Carmen SOCACIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj - Napoca, Romania Rodica STURZA Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova Gagik TOROSYAN State Engineering University of Yerevan, Armenia Never TOROSYAN CSRO Institute, Yerevan, Armenia Yeva TOROSYAN European Regional Educational Academy, Yerevan, Armenia Anka TRAJKOVSKA PETKOSKA University St. KlimentOhridski-Bitola, R. North Macedonia Felicia TUTULESCU DRAGOMIR University of Craiova, Romania Igor WINKLER Bukovina Medical State University, Ukraine Gheorghe ZGHEREA Dunărea de Jos University of Galaţi, Romania , Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Universitatii str., No. 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, Phone/Fax: +40 230 520267, Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ph.D,Eng. keywords: agricultural; cel; cel mare; dunărea; engineering; environment; faculty; food; food engineering; gabriela; house; issn; jos; journal; mare; mare university; medicine; national; publishing; research; romania; safety; sciences; stefan; stefan cel; suceava; universitatii; university; veterinary cache: fens-960.pdf plain text: fens-960.txt item: #738 of 747 id: fens-961 author: 2023, FENS 2 title: CONTENTS date: 2023-07-27 words: 259 flesch: 35 summary: Towards biocontrol of post-harvest anthracnose by antagonistic bacteria and yeast isolated from fermented mango (Mangifera indica, var Kent) Microsoft Word - 01 Cuprins 2_2023 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University - Suceava Volume XXII, Issue 2 – 2022 CONTENTS: 1. keywords: cel; engineering; faculty; food; issue; mare; north; suceava; university; volume; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-961.pdf plain text: fens-961.txt item: #739 of 747 id: fens-962 author: POROCH - SERIŢAN, Maria; GRECULEAC (GALAN), Paula - Maria; DOBRINCU, Dumitriţa – Sabina; JARCĂU, Mihaela; MATEI, Alexandra-Lăcrămioara; CHICAROȘ, Tudorița title: CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF COMMON BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.) LANDRACES BY NORTH – NORTH-WESTERN EXTREMITY OF ROMANIA date: 2023-07-27 words: 5653 flesch: 60 summary: Photo examples for common bean accessions (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) groups distribution according to seed color Table 1. The variation on protein content of common bean accessions (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 25.42 26.26 21.9 22.85 24.92 24.42 25.63 26.64 25.48 24.76 24.02 19.44 18.84 20.55 26.69 22.94 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 F4 F5 F6 F8 F9 F10 F11 F13 F15 F17 F18 F19 F23 F26 F27 F28 P r o te in c o n te n t [% ] keywords: accessions; acids; alexandra; amino; bank; bean; bean accessions; boiling; cel; characteristics; characterization; chemical; collection; common; common bean; compressus; content; cooking; dobrincu; dry; dry matter; dumitriţa; engineering; environment; extremity; f27; faculty; figure; food; galan; genetic; greculeac; issue; jarcău; journal; landraces; local; lăcrămioara; mare; maria; matei; matter; mihaela; north; pag; paula; phaseolus; phaseolus vulgaris; physical; plant; poroch; protein; quantitative; range; resources; romania; sabina; safety; sample; seed; suceava; time; tudorița; university; var; varieties; volume; vulgaris; weight; western; white; width; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-962.pdf plain text: fens-962.txt item: #740 of 747 id: fens-963 author: GHINEA, Cristina; PRISACARU, Ancuta Elena title: ROMANIAN TRADITIONAL DISHES AND CERTIFIED FOOD PRODUCTS date: 2023-07-27 words: 6118 flesch: 60 summary: The objectives of this paper are to provide a review of the location and characteristics of Romania regions, a brief description of the gastronomy specific to Romania and to identify the certified Romanian food products. p o r k m e a t (t o n s ) m u tt o n ( to n s ) Number of traditional meat products p o u lt r y m e a t (t o n s ) W SO BI SM SE NE CNW W SO BI SM SE NE C NW W SO BI SM SE NE C NW W SO BI SM SENE C NW Fig. 4. keywords: ancuta; areas; available; bakery; banat; beef; cel; center; cheese; chicken; climate; country; cream; cristina; cuisine; dishes; east; elena; engineering; environment; etc; faculty; famous; feteasca; fig; fish; food; food engineering; food products; forests; fruit; gastronomy; geographical; ghinea; historical; issue; journal; largest; live; mare; meat; milk; muntenia; north; number; oil; oltenia; onion; pag; parsley; pepper; pork; potatoes; prisacaru; production; products; quantities; region; romania; romanian traditional; rural; safety; salad; salt; sheep; soup; sour; south; species; specific; suceava; tons; total; tourism; traditional; traditional dishes; traditional products; university; vegetables; volume; volume xxii; weight; west; wines; xxii; year; ştefan cache: fens-963.pdf plain text: fens-963.txt item: #741 of 747 id: fens-964 author: KOSSONOU, N’guettia; ZOUE, Lessoy; KOUA, Gisèle; NIAMKE, Sébastien title: TOWARDS BIOCONTROL OF POST-HARVEST ANTHRACNOSE BY ANTAGONISTIC BACTERIA AND YEAST ISOLATED FROM FERMENTED MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA, VAR KENT) date: 2023-07-27 words: 3750 flesch: 51 summary: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and Bacillus strains isolated from fermented mango fruits as potential biocontrol agents of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and Bacillus strains isolated from fermented mango fruits as potential biocontrol agents of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. keywords: acid; acid bacteria; activity; agar; agents; antagonistic; anthracnose; antifungal; bacillus; bacteria; biocontrol; biological; cel; colletotrichum; côte; diseases; engineering; environment; faculty; fermented; food; fruits; gisèle; gloeosporioides; harvest; indica; inhibition; isolates; isolation; issue; journal; kent; lactic; lactic acid; lessoy; mangifera; mango; mangoes; mare; medium; microorganisms; plant; post; postharvest; safety; university; var; volume; xxii; yeasts; zoue; ştefan cache: fens-964.pdf plain text: fens-964.txt item: #742 of 747 id: fens-965 author: GOUDE, Kouadio Alfred; ADINGRA, Kouassi Martial-Didier; KOUAME, Koffi Honoré; SORO, Soguimondenin; KOUADIO, Eugène Jean Parfait title: FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF FERMENTED AND UNFERMENTED COCOA PLACENTA POWDERS (THEOBROMA CACAO L.) FOR THE PRODUCTION OF BISCUITS date: 2023-07-27 words: 7417 flesch: 55 summary: Fermented cocoa placenta powder has twice the HLR value (5.11) than unfermented cocoa placenta powder (2.51) in the case of refined olive oil. Fermented cocoa placenta powder had the lowest average value while fresh cocoa placenta powder had the highest average value. keywords: absorption; absorption capacity; adingra; alfred; biscuits; bulk; cacao; capacity; cel; clarity; cocoa placenta; côte; density; des; didier; different; dispersibility; dough; engineering; environment; eugène; faculty; fermentation; fermented; flours; foaming; food; formulation; fresh; functional; functional properties; goude; higher; honoré; important; index; issue; jean; journal; koffi; kouadio; kouame; kouassi; mare; martial; mass; oac; oil; oils; packed; pag; palm; parfait; placenta flours; placenta powder; porosity; powders; production; products; properties; protein; refined; safety; sample; science; soguimondenin; solubility; soro; starch; study; suceava; technology; test; theobroma; unfermented cocoa; unfermented placenta; university; values; volume; volume xxii; water; water absorption; wettability; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-965.pdf plain text: fens-965.txt item: #743 of 747 id: fens-966 author: TOMOVSKA, Julijana; VLLASAKU, Ilmije; JOSEVSKA, Elena title: CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ANIMAL FEED AND ITS INFLUENCE ON THE MILK QUALITY date: 2023-07-27 words: 6875 flesch: 46 summary: [28] WALTER L. H., Milk Composition and Characteristics, Milk composition & Synthesis, University Illinois, Urbana, Champaign, (2009). The animal feed aimed for the dairy cows is mostly of vegetable origin and partially of mineral origin in order to provide calcium and phosphorus, which are two basic mineral substances for normal health and high milk production. keywords: agriculture; alfalfa; animal; animal feed; ash; cel; chemical; chemical composition; composition; concentrate; content; cows; crops; crude; dairy; dairy cows; different; dry; elena; energy; engineering; environment; faculty; farm; farm b; fat; feed; feeding; fiber; fm1; fm2; fodder; food; forage; hay; highest; ilmije; influence; issue; josevska; journal; julijana; lactose; large; lowest; mare; matter; method; milk; milk fat; milk production; milk quality; mixtures; nutrients; pag; production; protein; quality; research; results; safety; sample; straw; substances; suceava; tomovska; total; university; value; vllasaku; volume; water; wheat; xxii; ştefan cache: fens-966.pdf plain text: fens-966.txt item: #744 of 747 id: fens-967 author: NESRAT, Ali; BRAHMI, Serhane; FEHDI, Chemseddine; DJEDID, Tarek; KHACHANA, Salim title: STUDY OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING OF COMPLEX TERMINAL (CT) AQUIFER, USING HYDROGEOCHEMICAL AND ISOTOPIC TOOLS: CASE STUDY OF OUED SOUF REGION (SOUTHEAST OF ALGERIA) date: 2023-06-30 words: 5198 flesch: 54 summary: Show that isotope values vary between -4.7291 and - 6.2131 for water wells of the CT with a mean of -5.7526 ± 0.2‰ (n = 9) in 18O and from -44.9665 and – 37.2235 with a mean of -42.7555 (n = 9) in 2H. The oxygen-18 and deuterium contents for all the investigated ground waters are plotted both in the classical O18 – H2 diagram (Fig. 9); in the global meteoric water line (d H2=8d O18+10), defined by [31], and the local meteoric water lines (Tunis and Sfax). It must be emphasized that, although water CI originates in higher recharge areas, their ion concentrations are lower than those of wells because of the interaction time of groundwater with shallow aquifer. keywords: algeria; ali; aquifer; area; basin; brahmi; case; cel; chemseddine; chloride; complex; djedid; elements; engineering; environment; facies; faculty; fehdi; fig; figure; food; functioning; groundwater; hadji; hamed; high; hydrogeochemical; hydrogeological; isotope; isotopic; issue; journal; khachana; mare; nesrat; north; oued; pag; ratio; recharge; region; relationship; safety; sahara; salim; samples; sciences; serhane; sodium; souf; southeast; study; suceava; system; tarek; terminal; tools; tunisia; university; values; volume; water; wells; xxii; ştefan; δ18o cache: fens-967.pdf plain text: fens-967.txt item: #745 of 747 id: fens-97 author: BRUDIU, Lucica; PǍCALǍ, Mariana-Liliana; MILITARU, Constantin title: EVALUATING AN ORGANISATION’S MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE THROUGH THE CERTIFICATION AUDIT date: 2016-04-15 words: 4003 flesch: 37 summary: Evaluation of performance indicators The next step in setting the strategy for the evaluation of management performance based on performance indicators is comparing their value determined during the certification audit to an optimal value. Figure 2. KPI values for year I, II and III compared to optimal KPI values Performance indicators were identified and adapted according to the strategy of evaluating management performance applied in the case study, as shown in the diagram in figure 3. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 KPI 129 KPI 130 KPI 131 KPI 132 KPI 133 KPI 134 KPI 135 KPI 136 KPI 137 KPI 138 KPI 139 KPI 140 KPI 141 KPI 142 KPI 143 KPI 144 KPI 145 OPTIMAL Values year 1 Values year 2 Values year 3 Food and Environment Safety - Journal of Faculty of Food Engineering, Ştefan cel Mare University – Suceava Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014 Lucica BRUDIU, Mariana-Liliana PǍCALǍ, Constantin MILITARU, Evaluating an organisation’s management performance through the certification audit, Food and Environment Safety, Volume XIII, Issue 3 – 2014, pag. 179 – 187 186 Figure 3. keywords: analysis; audit; certification; certification audit; degree; engineering; environment; evaluation; faculty; food; indicators; integrated; issue; journal; kpi; management; management performance; management system; non; optimal; organisation; performance; performance indicators; process; products; safety; standard; suppliers; supply; system; table; university; value; volume; way; xiii; year cache: fens-97.pdf plain text: fens-97.txt item: #746 of 747 id: fens-98 author: DRĂGHICI, Olga; TOADER, Alina; ANDRĂŞESCU, Daniela Oana title: THE EFFECT OF ULTRASONIC DURING NaCl AND KCl MEAT BRINING date: 2016-04-15 words: 2943 flesch: 75 summary: CÁRCEL J.A., BENEDITO J., BON J., MULET A., High intensity ultrasound effects on meat brining. It was noted that the results are higher at ultrasonic treatment, in the case of pork preserved in brine NaCl, respectively for beef in KCl solution. keywords: beef; brine; bubbles; cel; chloride; concentration; different; effect; engineering; faculty; food; frequencies; higher; ions; issue; journal; kcl; low; mare; meat; ml solution; nacl; pork; process; results; salting; samples; sci; sodium; solution; soluție; suceava; treatment; ultrasonic; ultrasound; university; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-98.pdf plain text: fens-98.txt item: #747 of 747 id: fens-99 author: RYABOKON, Natalija Valeriivna; RINDYUK, Dmitro Viktorovich title: CHOOSING FRUIT - BERRY FILLINGS FOR CONDENSED CANNED MILK WITH SUGAR date: 2016-04-15 words: 2832 flesch: 54 summary: 2014 Abstract: The rheological and organoleptic properties of condensed canned milk with sugar and fruit fillings were determined. The syrups’ and jams’ usage in the technology of condensed canned milk with sugar reduces the viscosity of finished products and increase the length of the structures destruction in products with fruit jam. keywords: berry; canned; ccm; characteristics; condensed; dynamic; engineering; environment; fbf; fig; fillers; fillings; flavor; fluidity; food; fruit; fruit berry; indicators; issue; jam; journal; mass; milk; organoleptic; pag; product; properties; rheological; safety; structure; sugar; syrup; university; viscosity; volume; xiii; ştefan cache: fens-99.pdf plain text: fens-99.txt