item: #1 of 43 id: contents-101 author: Letsoela, Puleng Makholu; Matlosa, Litsepiso title: Lexical Semantic Errors in Undergraduate Students' Academic Writing date: 2022-10-24 words: 5667 flesch: 58 summary: The study recommends that teaching communication skills courses offered at the year 1 level should include explicit vocabulary teaching to minimize semantic errors, which, as is argued, result in incomprehensible texts. As regards semantic errors, they mostly used the wrong words. keywords: english; errors; issn; language; students; study; university; word; writing cache: contents-101.pdf plain text: contents-101.txt item: #2 of 43 id: contents-102 author: Lisanty, Fibri Indira title: Learning Speaking Skills from Home: The Perception of Cokroaminoto Palopo University Students date: 2022-07-14 words: 5722 flesch: 58 summary: The Author(s) Vol.2, No. 4, October 2021 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 p-ISSN: 2776-8880 136 LEARNING SPEAKING SKILLS FROM HOME: THE PERCEPTION OF COKROAMINOTO PALOPO UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Fibri Indira Lisanty ABSTRACT This research aimed to determine what the students’ perception of speaking ability through learning from home at the 5th semester of Cokroaminoto Palopo University. After all, online learning made their speaking ability cine down because online learning was not compelling enough for their speaking abilities. keywords: ability; data; face; home; issn; learning; online; researcher; respondents; speaking; student cache: contents-102.pdf plain text: contents-102.txt item: #3 of 43 id: contents-108 author: Ismail, Hamid; Bakri, Rina Asrini; Saiful, Saiful; Kurnia, Yustina title: Empowering Students' Vocabulary Through Vocab-O-Gram date: 2022-09-22 words: 5153 flesch: 66 summary: T-test self-esteem, speculation testing, student pretest scores, recurrence rate and student scores, student cruelty scores pre-test and post-test, and student cruelty scores pre-test and post-test are all addressed in the questions about the conditions of the test subjects. This shows that there are differences between student scores on the pre-test and post- test that are significant. keywords: good; gram; post; pre; score; students; test; vocabulary cache: contents-108.pdf plain text: contents-108.txt item: #4 of 43 id: contents-112 author: Hartati, Nur; Nugroho, Andhi Dwi ; Subekti, Nanang Bagus title: Developing Junior High Students’ Writing Skills through WhatsApp Messenger date: 2023-01-31 words: 5143 flesch: 59 summary: Where after using the WhatsApp application there is an increase in student writing ability of descriptive text According to Jain, Luaran, and Rahman (2016) The challenges were; most of students were not enthusiastic to follow teaching and learning of WhatsApp messenger. keywords: english; issn; learning; students; teacher; teaching; text; whatsapp; writing cache: contents-112.pdf plain text: contents-112.txt item: #5 of 43 id: contents-114 author: Ho, Thanh Vy; Le, Thanh Thao title: The Effects of Video Materials on English-Major Students’ Learning: A Test of Hypotheses in the Vietnamese Context date: 2023-01-24 words: 5408 flesch: 50 summary: The Author(s) Vol.3, No. 4, October 2022 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 p-ISSN: 2776-8880 185 THE EFFECTS OF VIDEO MATERIALS ON ENGLISH LEARNING: However, using video materials is challenging because it requires EFL teachers’ abilities to determine the videos' suitability for their learners. keywords: classroom; english; language; learners; learning; materials; students; video; video materials cache: contents-114.pdf plain text: contents-114.txt item: #6 of 43 id: contents-115 author: Mekie, Mulualem; Gezahegn, Girma title: High School EFL Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development: Target Needs, Reflection and Challenges date: 2023-01-31 words: 8235 flesch: 48 summary: The data was collected through a self-reporting questionnaire (for 20 high school EFL teachers) and a test (for eight high school EFL teachers) to identify the lack of high school EFL teachers. Finally, the result revealed that high school EFL teachers face various challenges in the current program they are taking. keywords: development; development program; efl teachers; knowledge; needs; professional; program; school; school efl cache: contents-115.pdf plain text: contents-115.txt item: #7 of 43 id: contents-119 author: Nita Yusovi, Vindy; Asmiyah , Siti ; Muhtarom, Muhtarom title: Oral Feedback for English Language Learners Development date: 2023-01-26 words: 3733 flesch: 56 summary: In ELT there are many types of oral feedback that can be used by teachers to respond and correct the mistakes of language learners. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the important role of the types and ways in giving oral feedback by an English teacher in language learner development. keywords: feedback; language; learning; students; study; teacher; types cache: contents-119.pdf plain text: contents-119.txt item: #8 of 43 id: contents-12 author: Fitriani, Anisah title: Show and Tell Technique in Teaching Speaking Skills at SMAN 2 Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 6191 flesch: 66 summary: In the closing stages, the teacher reflects on and evaluates the activities that have already taken place and provides reinforcement to students because they are already active when learning takes place; c) Students gave very positive responses to the application of the Show and Tell method with picture media in speaking learning. After giving pre-survey and post-survey, this research provides pre-survey and post- survey to students. keywords: author(s; issn; learners; point; pre; score; speaking; statistic; students; survey; table; vol cache: contents-12.pdf plain text: contents-12.txt item: #9 of 43 id: contents-13 author: Allo, Ashar Daung ; Wahibah, Wahibah; Thayyib , Magfirah title: Using Story Mapping Technique in Teaching Writing Skills at SMAN 1 Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 3104 flesch: 64 summary: The purpose of this research was to find out whether the use of story mapping technique effective to improve students’ writing recount text at the first grade of SMAN 1 Palopo. Listening and reading are receptive skills, because student just receive and understand language without producing it. keywords: class; control; mapping; score; students; test; writing cache: contents-13.pdf plain text: contents-13.txt item: #10 of 43 id: contents-139 author: Ma'fiyah, Imroatul title: Profiling ESP Students’ Needs as Recommendation for Designing Hospitality Syllabus in Indonesian Vocational Schools date: 2023-08-04 words: 3971 flesch: 44 summary: METHODS A descriptive qualitative design was chosen to present data about student needs in an actual classroom setting. As a learning implementation framework, the accuracy of ESP-based syllabus will provide English classrooms that are suitable for hospitality program students. keywords: english; hospitality; hotel; language; learning; needs; program; students; syllabus cache: contents-139.pdf plain text: contents-139.txt item: #11 of 43 id: contents-141 author: Mahmud, Adi F.; Khaerullah, Muhammad Saleh ; HJ Wahid, Jusmin title: The Impact of Snake and Ladder Game the Second Grade Students' English Speaking Skill at SMAN 1 Kota Tidore date: 2023-08-04 words: 4433 flesch: 61 summary: Pre-test and post-test of the control class Control Class Sample Pre-test (∑) posttest (∑) Gained Score Mean of pre- test Mean of pre- test 30 2122 2260 142 70.73 75.33 Students’ abilities in control class classes appeared to be such that pre-test results indicated that students were able to achieve a score of 2122 and a mean score of 70.73. Therefore, teachers at high schools should implement accurate and appropriate methods in speaking classes. keywords: class; control; post; pre; speaking; students; test cache: contents-141.pdf plain text: contents-141.txt item: #12 of 43 id: contents-15 author: Ariel, Muhammad ; Sahraini; Furwana, Dewi title: Developing the Content of Webtoon Comic Application as Supporting Media in Learning English Grammar at the 2nd Semester English Students of IAIN Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 5641 flesch: 66 summary: based on observations in June 2019, the author found a problem in the scale of student use in smartphone use that is increasingly growing. 2. Content or Material Nurhajar P., Tri Endar Yogi Setiadi Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd, The content of this comic is in accordance with the intermediate grammar curriculum that English students were studying Semester 2. keywords: bit; bit revision; comic; english; good; learning; media; revision; score; students cache: contents-15.pdf plain text: contents-15.txt item: #13 of 43 id: contents-16 author: Wiraldi, Wiraldi; Iksan, Muhammad; Jufriadi title: Improving Vocabulary Mastery Of The Seventh Year Students Using Scattergories Game In SMP Negeri 8 Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 3344 flesch: 58 summary: Post-Test is done after giving 6 treatments to students whose aim is to find out the score in the Post-Test can improve student vocabulary. Researchers provide post- test questions to determine the extent to which students' abilities after playing the Scattergories game in improving student vocabulary. keywords: game; pre; researcher; scattergories; score; students; teaching; test; vocabulary cache: contents-16.pdf plain text: contents-16.txt item: #14 of 43 id: contents-17 author: Endar Yogi, Tri title: Mind Web In Teaching Writing Skills at English Language Education Study Program of IAIN Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 4128 flesch: 70 summary: Students, to get data about result of study and activities of students inlesson process in the class. The final result found that the effective ways to teach writing skill to students using mind web were: (1) Dividing the students into groups. keywords: cycle; mind; researcher; skill; students; web; writing cache: contents-17.pdf plain text: contents-17.txt item: #15 of 43 id: contents-18 author: Hidayatullah, Rizky; Rahman, Faisal ; Choirudin, Choirudin; Ari Saputra, Andika ; Risky Amalia, Dian title: Development of TOEFL Apps (El-Lab) during Pandemic Era in the Language Laboratory of Ma'arif Islamic Institute (IAIM) NU Metro -Lampung date: 2021-01-31 words: 4342 flesch: 56 summary: RESULTS There are three (three points used as the key goals in this report, namely: 1) making TOFL Apps for online TOEFL Tutorials 2) determining the level of student satisfaction with the use of TOEFLApps 3) to determine the increase in student TOEFL test results after using TOEFL Apps. 2. Student test results are often not reported / submitted so that the results of the test are not received. keywords: apps; language; lulus; online; pmtk; research; results; students; test; tidak; toefl cache: contents-18.pdf plain text: contents-18.txt item: #16 of 43 id: contents-2 author: Anwar, Lestari; Furwana, Dewi; Iksan, Muhammad title: Developing Reading Worksheet for Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 4 Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 3669 flesch: 58 summary: ABSTRACT This research about Developing Students' Reading Worksheet of tenth grade at SMA Negeri 4 Palopo, the researcher formulated the research question as follow: what kind of Reading Worksheet are suitable for tenth students'. It will make students more active in learning reading. keywords: expert; number; question; question number; researcher; scores; students; worksheet cache: contents-2.pdf plain text: contents-2.txt item: #17 of 43 id: contents-21 author: Aditya, Annisa title: An Analysis of Students' Speaking Fluency at XI Grade of MA KMM Kauman Padang Panjang date: 2021-01-31 words: 4605 flesch: 73 summary: The Author(s) Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2021 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ SPEAKING FLUENCY In the speaking test, students were allowed to choose one of five topics provided and were asked to deliver short talks for 2 minutes. keywords: disfluency; fluency; good; level; researcher; speaking; students; task cache: contents-21.pdf plain text: contents-21.txt item: #18 of 43 id: contents-25 author: Fidrian, Nanda title: The Use of ESA Technique on Reading Comprehension at Mts N Ganting Padang Panjang date: 2021-01-31 words: 2605 flesch: 62 summary: The differences between Teacher A and Teacher B, when explaining the Copyright © And Teacher A answered YES, Teacher B answered NO.The fourth item of questionnaire is the teacher focuses students attention on the important parts of the text. keywords: esa; reading; students; teacher; text cache: contents-25.pdf plain text: contents-25.txt item: #19 of 43 id: contents-26 author: Suryani, Lia Aulia; Pami Putry, Hilma; Khair, Hafizul title: The Correlation Between Students' Critical Thinking and Argumentative Skill in IAIN Bukittinggi date: 2021-01-31 words: 3868 flesch: 61 summary: it can be concluded that the score of students critical thinking based on the data indicators of student critical thinking which collected from distributing critical thinking by reading test which is contained as much 27 respondents. It show that there was high correlation between students critical thinking and argumentative writing, it included the scale of r interpretation score between 0,60- 0,79. keywords: argumentative; class; correlation; researcher; students; table; thinking; writing cache: contents-26.pdf plain text: contents-26.txt item: #20 of 43 id: contents-28 author: Syam, Andi Tenrisanna; Riska title: Using Mind Mapping to Teach Speaking Skill to the Tenth Grade Students of MAN Palopo date: 2021-01-31 words: 4070 flesch: 64 summary: The Frequency and Percentage of Students’ Achievement in term of Fluency in Pretest Classification Score Experimental Group Control Group F % F % Excellent 86 – The Frequency and Percentage of Students’ Achievement in term of Fluency in Posttest Classification Score Experimental Group Control Group F % F % Excellent 86 – keywords: class; control; mind; score; speaking; students; table cache: contents-28.pdf plain text: contents-28.txt item: #21 of 43 id: contents-29 author: Masruddin, Masruddin; Furwana, Dewi; Jafar, Abdul title: The Efficacy of Think Talk Write Strategy in Improving Writing Skill for Teenagers at Batu Walenrang Palopo date: 2021-01-31 words: 3648 flesch: 65 summary: ABSTRACT This research about the efficacy of think talk write strategy in improving writing skill for teenagers at Batu Walenrang Palopo. The purpose of this research is to find out whether or not the use of think talk write strategy is effective in improving writing skill for teenagers (16th-17th) at Batu Walenrang Palopo. keywords: strategy; talk; teenagers; test; think; write; writing cache: contents-29.pdf plain text: contents-29.txt item: #22 of 43 id: contents-3 author: Hasriani, Andi ; Masruddin title: Improving Grammar Mastery by Using Scramble Method of the Eleventh-Grade Students at Senior High School Number 2 Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 2935 flesch: 64 summary: So, the hypothesis proposed in this research which says “the use of the scramble method is effective to improve students grammar mastery” is accepted. Students who have studied pedagogical grammars may be supposed to know English (Flor & Aarts, 1982). keywords: grammar; method; pretest; score; scramble; students; test cache: contents-3.pdf plain text: contents-3.txt item: #23 of 43 id: contents-31 author: Annisa , Nurul Cahyu ; Wahibah, Wahibah title: The English Pronunciation of Buginese Students in English Department of IAIN Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 11282 flesch: 83 summary: The Author(s) Vol. 1, No. 2, October 2020 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 76 7 R 07 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ɡɒlf | | ˈlʌv | | ˈwʊlf | 8 R 08 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ɡɒlf | | lɑːf | | ˈwʊlf | 9 R 09 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ɡɒlf | | ˈlʌv | | ˈwʊlf | 10 R 10 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ˈɡov | | ˈlʌv | | waf | Table 4. Wolf /ˈwʊlf / 1 R 01 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ˈɡov | | ˈlʌv | | ˈwʊlf | 2 R 02 | ɪˈnʌf | | stəʊv | | ɡɒlf | | ˈlʌv | | ˈwʊlf | 3 R 03 | ɪˈnʌf | | stʌf | | ɡɒlf | | ˈlʌv | | ˈwʊlf | 4 R 04 | ɪˈnʌf | keywords: freʃ |; fɑːst |; kəˈlekʃn̩ |; miːn |; stʌf |; vəˈkeɪʃn̩ |; wiːk |; | draɪv; | fər; | pliːz; | stəʊv; | sɪks; | |; | əbˈzɜːv; | ənd; | ˈdjʊərɪŋ; | ˈðeɪ; | ˈɑːftə; əˈveɪləbl̩ |; ˈjiəz |; ˈklɪnɪk |; ˈlʌv |; ˈʃi cache: contents-31.pdf plain text: contents-31.txt item: #24 of 43 id: contents-32 author: Sarhang, Riri Yanti; Furwana, Dewi title: Developing Students’ Vocabulary by Using Magic Boxgame at SMPN 8 Palopo date: 2020-10-27 words: 3681 flesch: 62 summary: After the treatment, the results of the posttest experimental group of R1 answer 47 questions with score of 94, students R2 answer 50 questions with score of 100, and students R3 answer 48 questions with score of 96, students R4 answer 50 with score of 100.Based on the results of the data from the pretest control group several students showed that by using cooperative strategies. When giving posttest students R1 answer 33 questions with score of 66, R2 answer 35 questions with score of 70, R3 answer 34 with score of 68. keywords: box; group; magic; posttest; pretest; score; students; vocabulary cache: contents-32.pdf plain text: contents-32.txt item: #25 of 43 id: contents-39 author: Atmojo, Arief Eko Priyo title: PLEASE Strategy for Teaching Writing Viewed from Students' Self-Esteem date: 2021-04-30 words: 4726 flesch: 68 summary: The Author(s) Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2021 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 309 PLEASE STRATEGY FOR TEACHING WRITING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ SELF-ESTEEM Arief Eko Priyo Atmojo1* The students in each class were categorized into students having high self-esteem and low self-esteem. keywords: esteem; raft; self; strategy; students; writing cache: contents-39.pdf plain text: contents-39.txt item: #26 of 43 id: contents-4 author: Sagita, Reski Jayanti ; Sahraini; Syam, Andi Tenrisanna title: Designing English Syllabus for Islamic Education Study Program at IAIN Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 3340 flesch: 54 summary: Based on the formulation of the problem, the researcher determined the objective of the research was to design an appropriate English syllabus for Islamic Education Study Program students of IAIN Palopo. CONCLUSION The English syllabus that is appropriate with the students includes several components: a. Learning goal of English for Islamic Education is to communicate both oral and written using English in as Islamic students and Islamic Education teacher, keywords: education; english; islamic; learning; needs; program; research; students; study; syllabus cache: contents-4.pdf plain text: contents-4.txt item: #27 of 43 id: contents-42 author: Arnelia, Mutia Rahmi ; Syahrul, Syahrul title: An Analysis of Students’ Problem in Writing a Personal Letter at 11th Grade of MAN 4 Agam date: 2021-04-30 words: 6233 flesch: 67 summary: It refers to student problems in organizing paragraphs, getting lost the generic structure, concluding. The researcher interviewed eight students because they have more problems than other students. keywords: data; grammar; letter; paragraph; personal; problem; researcher; sentence; students; vocabulary; writing cache: contents-42.pdf plain text: contents-42.txt item: #28 of 43 id: contents-43 author: Anggraini, Mona ; Syahrul, Syahrul title: The Use of Google Classroom in Learning English at the Eleventh Grade at SMKN 1 AMPEK ANGKEK date: 2021-09-30 words: 5163 flesch: 58 summary: At the second meeting, the teacher did not opening before starting the class and did not give absences to students, the teacher gave assignments in the Google form and the teacher gave directions about student assignments. The fifth was Grade assignments, the teacher said saya selalu memberikan nilai dan review terhadap tugas siswa lalu saya mengirimkan kembali tugas itu melalui Google Classroom” but the teacher didn’t return students assignment; the teacher only gave grade in students assignment. keywords: assignments; classroom; google; google classroom; issn; learning; material; online; researcher; students; teacher cache: contents-43.pdf plain text: contents-43.txt item: #29 of 43 id: contents-46 author: Oktavia, Peni ; Syahrul title: “The Correlation Between Students’ Anxiety and Speaking Performance at The Second Grade In SMAN 1 Pantai Cermin Kabupaten Solok in Academic Years 2019/2020” date: 2021-05-10 words: 4214 flesch: 68 summary: The correlation coefficient which shows the relationship between students anxiety and speaking performance is 0,143. Namely, there is a significant correlation between student anxiety and speaking performance because the result of this calculation has a positive symbol. keywords: anxiety; correlation; data; english; performance; research; score; speaking; students cache: contents-46.pdf plain text: contents-46.txt item: #30 of 43 id: contents-50 author: Ma'arif, Iin Baroroh ; Bahtiar, Yuyun ; Muthoharoh title: Designing LEEF (Learning English Easy and Fun) as Learning Media for the Seventh Grade of Junior High School date: 2021-08-08 words: 4898 flesch: 58 summary: After that, students are asked to start using learning media and try to do the evaluation provided. Furthermore, this research can be used as reference to other researchers in developing English learning media in different level of students. keywords: english; issn; learning; materials; media; page; researchers; students; teaching; 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 cache: contents-50.pdf plain text: contents-50.txt item: #31 of 43 id: contents-51 author: Irawan, Rifki; Dininorani Seran, Edita title: The Correlation between the Teacher's Oral Feedback and the Students' Writing Motivation date: 2021-08-07 words: 4824 flesch: 59 summary: One way to motivate students in writing is to provide feedback on student writing (Ellis, 2009). So the conclusion is there is a correlation between the teacher's oral feedback and student motivation in writing. keywords: correlation; feedback; issn; item; motivation; students; teacher; writing cache: contents-51.pdf plain text: contents-51.txt item: #32 of 43 id: contents-52 author: Mier, Marie Ruffie; Blanco, Gem Aiah B. title: Communicative Orientation of English Language Classes date: 2022-10-31 words: 7457 flesch: 49 summary: It can be gleaned that in four observations, student to student interaction is apparent, which is a positive characteristic of a language classroom, according to Krashen (1994). According to Toro, (2018), group work, which highly involves student interaction, is one strategy of CLT which can improve students’ communicative competence. keywords: activities; classroom; discourse; english; feature;; issn; language; learning; students; teacher; teaching; use cache: contents-52.pdf plain text: contents-52.txt item: #33 of 43 id: contents-57 author: Le, Thao; Le, Mai; Nguyen, Quyen title: EFL Teachers' Evaluation on “Skillful-Teaching Writing and Reading 02” date: 2021-08-09 words: 8395 flesch: 58 summary: Moreover, teacher 3 considered that although there are enough online accompanying supporting accounts for teachers and students in every coursebook, for some of the following reasons, its use is still inadequate: There is an account in the book, but when I asked for the teacher and student's online accounts before, the course organizers did not instruct it. Similarly, teacher 2 also had difficulty in mixing-ability classes, and teacher 2 revealed that due to the heterogeneity of students’ level, teachers had to spend time adapting activities according to each class in a flexible way. keywords: coursebook; english; evaluation; issn; language; m.a; reading; skills; students; teacher; teaching; writing cache: contents-57.pdf plain text: contents-57.txt item: #34 of 43 id: contents-6 author: Marwati title: Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through Drama at the Eighth Grade of SMPN 9 Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 4123 flesch: 62 summary: The experimental group was the group who teaches improving speaking skills students through drama. The other hand, the control group was the group who does not teach improving speaking skill students through drama. keywords: class; control; drama; score; speaking; students; test cache: contents-6.pdf plain text: contents-6.txt item: #35 of 43 id: contents-65 author: Wita, Nera; Roza, Veni title: The Effectiveness of Inside-Outside Circle Technique in Teaching Speaking at the 10th Grade of SMKN 1 Baso date: 2022-06-02 words: 4292 flesch: 67 summary: Students in the inside circle face out, and students in the outside circle face the contrary, so each student faces a partner in the other circle. The Author(s) Vol.2, No. 4, October 2021 e-ISSN: 2723-4126 p-ISSN: 2776-8880 110 The students' percentage in speaking scores was arranged in the graphic, which is described below: Graphic 1: Student's Percentage for Speaking Score Based on the diagram above, five students scored between 87-90. keywords: circle; inside; outside; score; speaking; students; technique cache: contents-65.pdf plain text: contents-65.txt item: #36 of 43 id: contents-66 author: Patonah, Siti; Irawan, Rifki title: Bilingualism in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classroom Context date: 2022-01-31 words: 5887 flesch: 59 summary: In the future, it is hoped that it can continue to develop, bilingual class students, can present English dramas and can communicate actively using English. The results of the data value can be supported by student interview statements. keywords: bilingual; class; data; english; issn; learning; questionnaire; research; statement; students; teacher cache: contents-66.pdf plain text: contents-66.txt item: #37 of 43 id: contents-67 author: Bannur, Fahima Mohamed; Abdullah Akkila, Dalya; Mohamed Elwafi, Fawzia title: Types of Problematics that Affect Undergraduates' Competence in Translating English Collocations and Phrasal Verbs date: 2022-01-31 words: 8855 flesch: 54 summary: Therefore, this study purports to determine the extent to which English language major undergraduates can comprehend and translate English collocations and phrasal verbs appropriately and identifying the problems that they usually face in translating collocations and phrasal verbs. For example, in terms of grammatical mistakes students provided answers such as ( قلبا ً امتلك, ضمير يملك, ضمير لديه ), and lexical and cultural mistakes such as ( قلب وجع, االحساس عديم, القلب اتدق, عالي احساس ). keywords: answers; arabic; collocations; english; issn; language; lexical; meaning; mistakes; phrasal; phrasal verbs; students; translation; use; verbs cache: contents-67.pdf plain text: contents-67.txt item: #38 of 43 id: contents-68 author: Adewoye, Abraham Temitayo title: The Application of Reader-Response Theory in EFL Teaching and Learning in Nigeria date: 2022-07-04 words: 4758 flesch: 46 summary: Language teachers seem to be particularly interested in teaching both efferent and aesthetic literacy (Ghandehari,2017). Reading is one of the skills that contribute significantly to the progress of language learning. keywords: english; issn; language; literature; reader; reading; response; students; teachers; teaching cache: contents-68.pdf plain text: contents-68.txt item: #39 of 43 id: contents-7 author: Utami , Nina title: English Teacher Performance in Teaching at SMAN 3 Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 3747 flesch: 57 summary: Palopo ABSTRACT This thesis focused on the research questions is how the English Teacher performance in teaching, include: how the planning of the teacher before teaching, how the strategies of the teacher in teaching, and constraints that affect teacher performance in teaching at SMAN 3 Palopo. Because teacher performance in class is a dominant factor in determining student learning motivation and quality of learning. keywords: english; learning; palopo; performance; research; sman; teacher; teaching cache: contents-7.pdf plain text: contents-7.txt item: #40 of 43 id: contents-8 author: Wahidin title: The Use of Snowball Throwing in Teaching Reading at The Second Year Students of SMPN 8 Palopo date: 2020-07-15 words: 8697 flesch: 60 summary: This thesis uses snowball to improve student reading with the research question, How to use snowball throwing in SMPN's second-year students. It aims to find out if using snowball throwing to improve student reading to SMPN 8 Palopo 's second year. keywords: cycle; learning; learning process; narrative; narrative text; process; reading; researcher; snowball; students; text; throwing cache: contents-8.pdf plain text: contents-8.txt item: #41 of 43 id: contents-82 author: Arsy, Amelia; Syahrul title: The Implementation of English Teachers' Lesson Plan in Teaching and Learning Process in Ashhabul Yamin Boarding School date: 2022-05-24 words: 4694 flesch: 61 summary: b. Observation result of implementation lesson plan from Teacher B The researcher presented the implementation of lesson plan “stating capability and willingness” and “Expression suggestion” in one table below because the teacher did the same pattern in the implementations. First, there was inappropriate between lesson plan designed by the two teachers with a standar of a lesson plan. keywords: learning; lesson plan; material; media; students; teacher; teaching cache: contents-82.pdf plain text: contents-82.txt item: #42 of 43 id: contents-83 author: Prasetyo, Wawan title: SQ3R Method in Teaching Reading: How It Improves Students’ Comprehension of Narrative Texts at SMAN 2 Trenggalek date: 2022-02-27 words: 5881 flesch: 69 summary: Students said that finding meaning is confusing. Sometimes students misinterpret the text even if they have sufficient vocabulary. keywords: method; reading; sq3r; students; test; text; writer cache: contents-83.pdf plain text: contents-83.txt item: #43 of 43 id: contents-88 author: Asma-Ul-Ferdous; Forhin Shifat, Nazia ; Ehsanul Islam Khan, Mohammad title: Sustainability of E-Learning in the Undergraduate EFL Classrooms date: 2022-05-19 words: 4906 flesch: 53 summary: This way, e-learning based on blending Copyright © Also, to determine the factors of e-Learning that contoured the dogma of the traditional learning environment. keywords: education; english; internet; issn; language; learners; learning; skills; students; teaching cache: contents-88.pdf plain text: contents-88.txt