item: #1 of 89 id: cord-000708-iuo2cw23 author: Lippé, Roger title: Deciphering Novel Host–Herpesvirus Interactions by Virion Proteomics date: 2012-05-28 words: 5057 flesch: 28 summary: Proteomic analysis of cells in the early stages of herpes simplex virus type-1 infection reveals widespread changes in the host cell proteome Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology Redistribution of microtubules and Golgi apparatus in herpes simplex virus-infected cells and their role in viral exocytosis Proteome analysis of vaccinia virus IHD-W-infected HEK 293 cells with 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis and MALDI-PSD-TOF MS of on solid phase support N-terminally sulfonated peptides Host and viral proteins in the virion of Kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpesvirus New insights into viral structure and virus-cell interactions through proteomics Identification of proteins associated with murine gammaherpesvirus 68 virions Cellular stress rather than stage of the cell cycle enhances the replication and plating efficiencies of herpes simplex virus type 1 ICP0-viruses Herpes simplex virus trans-regulatory protein ICP27 stabilizes and binds to 3 ends of labile mRNA Hijacking the translation apparatus by RNA viruses Plunder and stowaways: incorporation of cellular proteins by enveloped viruses A role for the SNARE protein syntaxin 3 in human cytomegalovirus morphogenesis Already, proteomics revealed how viruses modulate the expression of host proteins (Rassmann et al., 2006; Sun et al., 2008; Tong et al., 2008; Antrobus et al., 2009; Pastorino et al., 2009; Thanthrige-Don et al., 2009; Zandi et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009 Zhang et al., , 2010 Coombs et al., 2010; Emmott et al., 2010; Lu et al., 2010 Lu et al., , 2012 Munday et al., 2010; Bartel et al., 2011; Lietzen et al., 2011; Ramirez-Boo et al., 2011; Chou et al., 2012) . keywords: actin; alpha; analysis; capsids; cell; cellular; cellular proteins; characterization; common; contaminants; critical; cycle; detection; different; early; entry; envelopment; et al; expression; extracellular; factors; family; figure; functions; gene; hcmv; herpes; herpes simplex; herpesvirions; herpesviruses; host; host proteins; hsv-1; human; icp0; icp27; identification; important; incorporated; incorporation; infection; instance; interactions; interesting; likely; loret; mass; mature; members; novel; nuclear; particles; pathogen; potential; presence; present; proteins; proteome; proteomics; prv; quantitative; rab; regulatory; related; relevant; replication; rna; simplex; simplex virus; spectrometry; studies; table; tegument; tools; trafficking; translation; transport; type; viral; viral particles; virions; virus; viruses cache: cord-000708-iuo2cw23.txt plain text: cord-000708-iuo2cw23.txt item: #2 of 89 id: cord-000914-d0bk9gu5 author: Conant, Katelyn L. title: Dangerous liaisons: molecular basis for a syndemic relationship between Kaposi’s sarcoma and P. falciparum malaria date: 2013-03-12 words: 10723 flesch: 11 summary: Given that PfRh5 has neither a transmembrane domain nor a cytoplasmic tail, the probability of trans-signaling is likely to be high since a soluble form of PfRh5 [existing either as a monomer, as part of a bioavailable complex with another pathogen molecule such as PfRipr (Chen et al., 2011) , or as bound to a host handler] could initiate CD147-dependent signaling outcomes that are likely to modify Pf malaria or KSHV infection (Marieb et al., 2004; Xu et al., 2007; Ruiz et al., 2008; Slomiany et al., 2009b; Sidhu et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2011) . Shown here is a region of Pf EMP-1 encoded by FCR3S1.2-var1 (Chen et al., 2000) . keywords: adherence; adhesion; africa; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiostatic; anti; antibody; areas; basis; blood; burkitt; cancer; cd147; cd36; cells; children; cidr1α; clinical; complex; control; cycle; cyto; dependent; development; disease; domain; drug; ebl; ebv; effects; eks; emmprin; endemic; endemicity; endothelial; endothelial cells; entry; epstein; erythrocytes; essential; et al; et-1; events; evidence; expression; extracellular; factors; falciparum; figure; forms; function; genetic; growth; herpesvirus; high; hiv; host; human; hypothesis; immune; impact; important; incidence; infected; infection; interactions; invasion; kaposi; known; kshv; latency; level; life; ligand; like; likely; lymphatic; lymphoma; lytic; major; malaria; matrix; mc179; mechanisms; melanoma; membrane; microvascular; model; molecular; molecule; multi; necessary; new; number; outcomes; parasite; parasitized; pathogenesis; pathways; patients; peptide; peripheral; persistence; pf malaria; pfemp-1; pfrh5; phenotype; plasmodium; population; potential; primary; protein; reactivation; recent; receptor; red; regions; relationship; replication; resistance; result; role; rta; sarcoma; sequestration; severe; signaling; soil; specific; state; strain; strategies; studies; support; surface; syndemic; transcription; treatment; tsp-1; tumor; turn; upregulation; vaccine; variety; viral; virus; vivo cache: cord-000914-d0bk9gu5.txt plain text: cord-000914-d0bk9gu5.txt item: #3 of 89 id: cord-001726-d7iwkatn author: Henry, Kevin A. title: Beyond phage display: non-traditional applications of the filamentous bacteriophage as a vaccine carrier, therapeutic biologic, and bioconjugation scaffold date: 2015-08-04 words: 10454 flesch: 13 summary: Filamentous bacteriophage: biology, phage display and nanotechnology applications Antigen-specific therapy of EAE via intranasal delivery of filamentous phage displaying a myelin immunodominant epitope Expression of a 28-kilodalton glutathione S-transferase antigen of Schistosoma mansoni on the surface of filamentous phages and evaluation of its vaccine potential Structural requirements for the activity of the MirB ferrisiderophore transporter of Aspergillus fumigatus Chemically linked phage idiotype vaccination in the murine B cell lymphoma 1 model Phage idiotype vaccination: first phase I/II clinical trial in patients with multiple myeloma Phage display selection of peptides that affect prostate carcinoma cells attachment and invasion A helper phage to improve single-chain antibody presentation in phage display Metagenomic analysis of viruses in reclaimed water Assessing the diversity and specificity of two freshwater viral communities through metagenomics Recombinant expression and neutralizing activity of an MHC class II binding epitope of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 Epitope-specific antibody response to IgE by mimotope immunization Some physical-chemical and biological properties of the rod-shaped coliphage M13 Generation and characterization of phage-GnRH chemical conjugates for potential use in cat and dog immunocontraception Phage display allows identification of zona pellucida-binding peptides with species-specific properties: novel approach for development of contraceptive vaccines for wildlife Infective and inactivated filamentous phage as carriers for immunogenic peptides Vaccination with filamentous bacteriophages targeting DEC-205 induces DC maturation and potent anti-tumor T-cell responses in the absence of adjuvants The use of filamentous bacteriophage fd to deliver HLA-A2-restricted peptides and to induce strong antitumor CTL responses Selection of HIV-specific immunogenic epitopes by screening random peptide libraries with HIV-1-positive sera Application of bacteriophages for detection of foodborne pathogens Searching for peptide ligands with an epitope library De novo selection of high-affinity antibodies from synthetic Fab libraries displayed on phage as pIX fusion proteins High copy display of large proteins on phage for functional selections Filamentous fusion phage: novel expression vectors that display cloned antigens on the virion surface Effect of DNA copy number on genetic stability of phage-displayed peptides Hydroxyapatite chromatography of phage-display virions Phage display Libraries of peptides and proteins displayed on filamentous phage Generation of anti-β-amyloid antibodies via phage display technology towards Alzheimer's disease vaccination Filamentous bacteriophage as a novel therapeutic tool for Alzheimer's disease treatment Comparison of phage pVIII and KLH as vector in inducing the production of cytokines in C57BL/6J mice Bacteriophage therapy Viruses in the sea Soon thereafter, filamentous phage were discovered that do not use F-pili for entry (If and Ike; Meynell and Lawn, 1968; Khatoon et al., 1972) , and over time the list of known filamentous phage has expanded to over 60 members (Fauquet et al., 2005) , including temperate and Gram-positivetropic species. keywords: ability; activity; administration; advantages; affinity; alzheimer; amyloid; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approach; assembly; associated; bacterial; bacteriophage; binding; biomolecules; brain; breast; cancer; carrier; cell; characteristics; chen; chronic; class; coat; coat protein; coli; copies; copy; cross; ctls; delivery; detection; development; directed; disease; display; diverse; dna; drug; environmental; epitope; et al; evolution; experimental; expression; figure; filamentous; filamentous bacteriophage; filamentous phage; frenkel; fusion; gene; generation; genetic; genome; groups; hagens; helper; henry; hepatitis; high; hiv-1; host; houten; houten et; human; hybrid; imaging; immune; immunization; immunogenic; immunogenicity; infection; interactions; interest; landscape; large; lattice; libraries; library; ligands; like; long; lps; m13; m13 phage; major; mhc; mice; mimics; mimotopes; model; modified; molecules; multiple; nanomaterials; nanowires; natural; non; novel; number; particle; pathogens; peptide; phage; phage display; polypeptide; populations; potential; production; properties; prostate; protective; protein; pviii; random; recombinant; research; residues; responses; results; roehnisch; role; salmonella; scfv; selection; short; single; size; smith; species; specific; specificity; structure; studies; study; surface; system; table; targeted; targeting; technology; therapeutic; therapy; traditional; tumor; type; typhimurium; unique; use; vaccination; vaccine; van; variants; vibrio; viral; virion; virulence; virus; viruses; vivo; wang; wang et; water; work cache: cord-001726-d7iwkatn.txt plain text: cord-001726-d7iwkatn.txt item: #4 of 89 id: cord-001933-rnjnxymc author: Kariithi, Henry M. title: Comparative Analysis of Salivary Gland Proteomes of Two Glossina Species that Exhibit Differential Hytrosavirus Pathologies date: 2016-02-09 words: 9478 flesch: 38 summary: Such antiviral approaches are applicable in the control of virus infections in mass production of other insects. Notably, our annotation of the nine proteins revealed that these proteins may be involved in pathways related to the host's antiviral responses to virus infection (See Table 2 and the references therein). keywords: abd; active; agarose; alla; alla et; analysis; antiviral; assembly; associated; asymptomatic; atpase; axis; bands; boucias; case; cells; cellular; colonies; complex; components; control; current; data; degradation; density; detectable; detection; development; differential; diptera; dna; effects; entry; essential; et al; expression; family; figure; flies; fly; fold; g. m.; g. pallidipes; gels; genome; gland; glossina; glossina pallidipes; glossinidae; gpsghv; gpsghv infection; groups; hepatitis; herpesvirus; high; host; hypertrophy; hytrosaviridae; hytrosavirus; induction; infected; infection; insect; instance; intracellular; kariithi; kariithi et; laboratory; large; levels; male; mass; mitochondrial; mock; modulation; molecular; morsitans; non; overt; pathogenesis; pathways; peptides; plant; previous; production; progenies; proliferation; proteins; proteome; qpcr; quantification; regulation; replication; research; response; results; rna; salivary; samples; selected; sgh symptoms; sgs; signaling; significant; similar; species; spectrometry; strategies; stress; studies; study; subunit; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; targets; titters; tktl; trafficking; transmission; tsetse; unlike; upr; viral; virus; viruses; wigglesworthia cache: cord-001933-rnjnxymc.txt plain text: cord-001933-rnjnxymc.txt item: #5 of 89 id: cord-002068-e071ciil author: Feng, Min title: Innate Immune Responses in ALV-J Infected Chicks and Chickens with Hemangioma In Vivo date: 2016-05-25 words: 3860 flesch: 45 summary: Avian leukosis virus subgroup J infection in the early stages resulted in a more than 20-fold up-regulation of ISG121 mRNA at 1 d.p.i. Method Replacement of primary chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEF) by the DF-1 cell line for detection of avian leucosis viruses Defense genes missing from the flight division Development of immunocompetence of broiler chickens Host range of Rous sarcoma virus pseudotype RSV(HPRS-103) in 12 avian species: support for a new avian retrovirus envelope subgroup, designated In vitro and in vivo specificity of ubiquitination and degradation of STAT1 and STAT2 by the V proteins of the paramyxoviruses simian virus 5 and human parainfluenza virus type 2 Biology of interleukin-10 Development and application of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for the detection of subgroup J avian leukosis virus RIG-I-Mediated Antiviral Signaling Is Inhibited in HIV-1 Infection by a Protease-Mediated Sequestration of RIG-I IFN regulatory factor-1 bypasses IFN-mediated antiviral effects through viperin gene induction Epidemiological and pathological studies of subgroup J avian leukosis virus infections in Chinese local yellow chickens Unmasking immune sensing of retroviruses: interplay between innate sensors and host effectors Recombinant env-gp85 of HPRS-103 (subgroup J) avian leukosis virus: antigenic characteristics and usefulness as a diagnostic reagent Genetic variants in IL-6/JAK/STAT3 pathway and the risk of CRC Involvement of IFN regulatory factor (IRF)-1 and IRF-2 in the formation and progression of human esophageal cancers Reduction of horizontal transmission of avian leukosis virus subgroup J in broiler breeder chickens hatched and reared in small groups An ALV-J isolate is responsible for spontaneous haemangiomas in layer chickens in China Upregulation of chicken TLR4, TLR15 and MyD88 in heterophils and monocyte-derived macrophages stimulated with Eimeria tenella in vitro keywords: alv; antiviral; avian; chickens; chicks; china; clinical; control; cytokine; d.p.i; data; day; detection; early; expression; figure; genes; hn06; host; ifn; il-1β; il-6; immune; infected; infection; inflammatory; innate; interferon; irf1; isg12; kit; late; leukosis; levels; mda5; mrna; old; pcr; phase; primers; protein; regulation; related; response; samples; scau; significant; specific; spf; spleen; stat1; strain; study; subgroup; tumorigenesis; tumors; usa; virus; vivo; zc3hav1 cache: cord-002068-e071ciil.txt plain text: cord-002068-e071ciil.txt item: #6 of 89 id: cord-002085-e7xwb03g author: Yamashita, Akifumi title: DGV: Dengue Genographic Viewer date: 2016-06-07 words: 2457 flesch: 40 summary: Here, we constructed the website Dengue Genographic Viewer (DGV), which presents DENV information based on the genotype and epidemiological data by using the geographic tool Google Maps © to update the recent dissemination of DENV genotypes from a global perspective. A comprehensive database of DENV sequences containing both serotype and genotype data and epidemiological data is crucial to trace DENV outbreak isolates and promptly respond to outbreaks. keywords: agents; analysis; asian; autochthonous; case; collection; countries; country; database; dengue; denv; denv-1; dgv; distribution; et al; figure; genotype; geographical; homologous; homology; infectious; information; japan; nucleotide; number; original; protein; region; report; search; sequence; serotype; surveillance; time; viewer; virus; viruses; yamashita; year cache: cord-002085-e7xwb03g.txt plain text: cord-002085-e7xwb03g.txt item: #7 of 89 id: cord-002376-970934vm author: Mikel, Pavel title: Preparation of MS2 Phage-Like Particles and Their Use As Potential Process Control Viruses for Detection and Quantification of Enteric RNA Viruses in Different Matrices date: 2016-12-01 words: 6588 flesch: 39 summary: The present article describes the process of preparation and use of such PCV– MS2 phage-like particles (MS2 PLP) – in RT-qPCR detection and quantification of enteric RNA viruses. To evaluate the usefulness of MS2 PLP in routine diagnostics different matrices known to harbor enteric RNA viruses (swab samples, liver tissue, serum, feces, and vegetables) were artificially contaminated with specific amounts of MS2 PLP. keywords: agarose; analysis; armored; assay; bacteriophage; cell; coat; concentration; control; culture; data; detection; different; dna; efficiency; electrophoresis; enteric; et al; extraction; feces; fold; food; gel; hepatitis; high; human; iac; iso; isolated; isolation; kit; liver; matrices; method; min; ms2; ms2 plp; neb; non; norovirus; nucleic; number; particles; pcv; plp; plps; pmol; prepared; process; production; protein; qiagen; qpcr; qpcr detection; quantification; quantity; reaction; real; results; reverse; rna; rna viruses; rnase; samples; sequence; serum; specific; standard; swab; target; tem; time; tissue; transcription; viral; viruses cache: cord-002376-970934vm.txt plain text: cord-002376-970934vm.txt item: #8 of 89 id: cord-002795-i1qcanti author: Yang, Jing title: Development of a Quantitative Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for the Rapid Detection of Novel Goose Parvovirus date: 2017-12-12 words: 3143 flesch: 46 summary: In addition, LAMP has been considered as a time-saving, lowcost, highly specific and sensitive method (Chotiwan et al., 2017) , which can be completed within 60 min under condition of constant temperature, and it has been established to detect GPV, Muscovy duck parvovirus (MDPV), porcine parvovirus (PPV), canine parvovirus (CPV), and others targeting at VP gene (Cho et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2009; Ji et al., 2010; JinLong et al., 2010) . Specificity of this method was determined by GPV and other duckorigin viruses, such as duck plague virus, duck tembusu virus, duck hepatitis virus, duck reovirus, Muscovy duck parvovirus, and H9N2-AIV. keywords: amplification; analysis; assay; china; clinical; copies/µl; detection; dilutions; dna; duck; evagreen; figure; gel; gene; good; goose; gpv; green; high; isolation; isothermal; loop; method; min; muscovy; novel; origin; parvovirus; pathogen; pcr; plasmid; primers; qlamp; quantitative; rapid; reaction; real; results; samples; sensitivity; specificity; strain; system; test; time; vp3 cache: cord-002795-i1qcanti.txt plain text: cord-002795-i1qcanti.txt item: #9 of 89 id: cord-002806-mu9jt1ul author: Tong, Mingwei title: Quantitative Analysis of Cellular Proteome Alterations in CDV-Infected Mink Lung Epithelial Cells date: 2017-12-22 words: 7352 flesch: 33 summary: Therefore, we utilized an iTRAQ approach to identify the DEPs to further explore the pathogenic mechanism and immunomodulation of CDV infection through an analysis of the effects on host cell proteins in the mink. Investigation of the changes in the proteome upon virus infection is becoming an effective instrument for providing potential targets for antiviral research. keywords: activation; analysis; antibody; antiviral; apoptosis; applied; biological; canine; cdv; cdv infection; cells; cellular; changes; china; collected; control; cpe; data; deps; different; disease; distemper; dogs; epithelial; et al; expression; figure; following; functions; growth; host; hpi; human; identification; il-6; immune; infected; infection; inflammasome; influenza; information; innate; interaction; isg15; itraq; iκb; measles; mechanisms; mink; mock; molecular; mouse;; cells; network; nfκb1; nherf; nlrp3; nuclear; p65; pathogenesis; pathway; pcr; peptide; polyclonal; porcine; present; process; production; proteasome; proteins; proteomic; ps infection; quantitative; rabbit; regulated; rela; replication; respiratory; response; results; rna; samples; severe; signaling; specific; step; strains; study; symptoms; system; table; tcid; thermofisher; time; tnf; total; traf2; translocation; type; u.s.a; ubiquitin; viral; virus; virus infection; western cache: cord-002806-mu9jt1ul.txt plain text: cord-002806-mu9jt1ul.txt item: #10 of 89 id: cord-003045-r707jl16 author: Bhuvaneshwar, Krithika title: viGEN: An Open Source Pipeline for the Detection and Quantification of Viral RNA in Human Tumors date: 2018-06-05 words: 6547 flesch: 48 summary: We compared various viral detection pipeline using the several criteria (Table 1) . In this paper, we present our pipeline viGEN to not only detect and quantify read counts at the individual viral-gene level, but also detect viral variants from human RNA-seq data. keywords: additional; alive; analysis; available; bam; cancer; cancer patients; case; cervical; clinical; code; cohort; copy; counts; data; dataset; dead; detection; disease; endogenous; et al; expression; file; gene; generation; genome; hbv; hepatitis; herv; human; infection; information; insights; k113; level; liver; low; methods; module; mutations; ncbi; ngs; number; patients; pipeline; protein; quantification; read; reference; region; results; retrovirus; rna; samples; sensitivity; seq; sequence; sequencing; significant; source; species; specificity; step; studies; study; table; tcga; tools; transcriptome; transcripts; tumor; variants; vigen; vigen pipeline; viral; viruses cache: cord-003045-r707jl16.txt plain text: cord-003045-r707jl16.txt item: #11 of 89 id: cord-003207-ow3aez9v author: Ismail, Ashrafali M. title: Adenoviromics: Mining the Human Adenovirus Species D Genome date: 2018-09-11 words: 7194 flesch: 21 summary: At resolution of acute infection, persistence may develop within nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissue (Neumann et al., 1987; Garnett et al., 2002 Garnett et al., , 2009 Zhang et al., 2010; Assadian et al., 2016) , as yet uncharacterized cells in the gastrointestinal tract (Roy et al., 2009) , and possibly the ocular surface (Kaye et al., 2005) , permitting evolution of new HAdVs through homologous recombination between two or more HAdVs infecting the same cell(s) (Lee et al., 2005 (Lee et al., , 2018 Echavarria et al., 2006; McCarthy et al., 2009; Seto et al., 2010) . Coinfection by two or more HAdVs has been well documented (Lee et al., 2005; Echavarria et al., 2006; Vora et al., 2006; McCarthy et al., 2009; Halstead et al., 2010; Seto et al., 2010) , as has the presence of two HAdV types in archived clinical samples (Singh et al., 2012) . keywords: acid; acute; adenovirus; adjacent; amino; analysis; antigen; base; binding; capsid; cell; cellular; chi; complex; computational; conserved; content; cr1α; cr1β; critical; d37; data; different; distinct; dna; early; ekc; elements; encode; entry; epidemic; et al; evidence; evolution; expression; factor; fiber; figure; function; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; hadv; hexon; homologous; host; human; human adenovirus; hypervariable; immune; important; infected; infection; interaction; intracellular; keratoconjunctivitis; late; leader; lee; like; major; membrane; molecular; mrna; new; noncoding; novel; nuclear; nucleotide; orf; pathogen; penton; polymerase; potential; prior; protein; proteotypes; putative; reca; recombinant; recombination; regions; replication; respiratory; rich; robinson et; sequence; sequencing; serotype; seto; singh; singh et; site; species; ssdna; stability; structural; surface; transcription; transcriptome; translation; tripartite; tropism; type; unique; unit; viral; viruses; walsh; walsh et cache: cord-003207-ow3aez9v.txt plain text: cord-003207-ow3aez9v.txt item: #12 of 89 id: cord-003239-nph2ezii author: Zhu, Zixiang title: Early Growth Response Gene-1 Suppresses Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Replication by Enhancing Type I Interferon Pathway Signal Transduction date: 2018-09-27 words: 6102 flesch: 47 summary: In addition, the SeV-induced ISGs expression was impaired in EGR1 knockdown cells. SeV-induced ISGs expression was impaired in EGR1 knockdown cells, which may serve as a link between upregulation of EGR1 and type I IFN signaling. keywords: activation; activity; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; assay; bet; cells; control; disease; domain; early; egr1; enhanced; et al; expression; factor; figure; fmdv; fmdv infection; foot; function; gene; growth; hek293; higher; host; hpi; ifn; infected; infection; innate; isg15; isgs; knockdown; levels; luciferase; mock; mouth; mutant; myc; overexpression; p53; pathway; phosphorylation; pk-15; plasmids; protein; qpcr; replication; reporter; response; rig; role; sap; sev; signaling; significant; sirna; sirna-1819; study; tbk1; transcription; type; upregulation; vector; viral; virus; vp1; wildtype cache: cord-003239-nph2ezii.txt plain text: cord-003239-nph2ezii.txt item: #13 of 89 id: cord-003261-fz8ucwwm author: Freundt, Eric C. title: Innate Immune Detection of Cardioviruses and Viral Disruption of Interferon Signaling date: 2018-10-12 words: 7907 flesch: 36 summary: I interferon RNase L mediates the antiviral effect of interferon through a selective reduction in viral RNA during encephalomyocarditis virus infection An analysis by metabolic labelling of the encephalomyocarditis virus ribosomal frameshifting efficiency and stimulators Ribosomal frameshifting into an overlapping gene in the 2B-encoding region of the cardiovirus genome PACT facilitates RNA-induced activation of MDA5 by promoting MDA5 oligomerization Differential effects of SUMO1 and SUMO3 on PKR activation and stability Small self-RNA generated by RNase L amplifies antiviral innate immunity RNase L inhibitor is induced during human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection and down regulates the 2-5A/RNase L pathway in human T cells RNA sensor-induced type I IFN prevents diabetes caused by a beta cell-tropic virus in mice PACT is required for MDA5-mediated immunoresponses triggered by Cardiovirus infection via interaction with LGP2 Protein-directed ribosomal frameshifting temporally regulates gene expression SIDT2 transports extracellular dsRNA into the cytoplasm for innate immune recognition Critical role of an antiviral stress granule containing RIG-I and PKR in viral detection and innate immunity Accessory factors of cytoplasmic viral RNA sensors required for antiviral innate immune response Pathogenesis of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) infection in piglets during the viraemia phase: a histopathological, immunohistochemical and virological study TAR RNA-binding protein is an inhibitor of the interferon-induced protein kinase PKR PACT, a protein activator of the interferoninduced protein kinase, PKR Autophagy and mammalian viruses: roles in immune response, viral replication, and beyond Translation of encephalomyocarditis virus RNA in vitro yields an active proteolytic processing enzyme Binding interactions between the encephalomyocarditis virus leader and protein 2A Abortively infected astrocytes appear to represent the main source of interferon beta in the virus-infected brain PKR transduces MDA5-dependent signals for type I IFN induction RIG-I-mediated antiviral responses to single-stranded RNA bearing 5'-phosphates Activation of MDA5 requires higher-order RNA structures generated during virus infection Who regulates whom? This RNA sequence from L was also shown to be a potent activator of MDA5 in the absence of virus infection (Deddouche et al., 2014) . keywords: activation; activity; antiviral; binding; cardioviruses; cells; cellular; complex; control; deficient; dependent; detection; dhx29; disease; domain; dsrna; emcv; encephalomyocarditis; essential; et al; expression; figure; formation; functions; gene; genome; granule; host; ifn; immune; important; induced; induction; infected; infection; inhibition; inhibits; innate; interferon; kinase; leader; lgp2; like; likely; mavs; mda5; mengo; mice; molecules; myd88; nuclear; nucleocytoplasmic; nucleus; pact; pathway; phosphorylation; picornavirus; pkr; production; protease; protein; recent; recognition; replication; response; rig; rna; rnase; rnase l; role; signaling; stress; study; theiler; tlr3; tmev; trafficking; translation; trbp; trif; type; viral; virus; vivo; wild cache: cord-003261-fz8ucwwm.txt plain text: cord-003261-fz8ucwwm.txt item: #14 of 89 id: cord-003327-pad65nww author: Banerjee, Arinjay title: Commentary: Phyllostomid bat microbiome composition is associated to host phylogeny and feeding strategies date: 2018-11-22 words: 1967 flesch: 41 summary: Thus, phytoplasmas and frugivorous bats have co-existed for at least 18 million years. There is a need to sample additional bat species to fully elucidate the overlap in the spread of phytoplasmas and frugivorous bats. keywords: 16s; araujo; article; authors; bats; candidatus; carrillo; composition; coronavirus; data; disease; et al; feeding; figure; frugivorous; host; intestinal; iucn; list; microbiome; mollicutes; nectivorous; pathogens; phylogeny; phytoplasmas; plant; red; role; species; spiroplasma; spread; studies; study; syndrome; taxonomic; transmission; vectors; viruses cache: cord-003327-pad65nww.txt plain text: cord-003327-pad65nww.txt item: #15 of 89 id: cord-003357-4qrg6lqu author: Wang, Yingchen title: Prevalence of Common Respiratory Viral Infections and Identification of Adenovirus in Hospitalized Adults in Harbin, China 2014 to 2017 date: 2018-11-27 words: 5195 flesch: 39 summary: The etiology of respiratory infection in the adult population has been overlooked, at least in China, although there are plenty of reports on the epidemiology of respiratory viral infection in the pediatric population (Wang et al., 2016) . Viral respiratory infections in the pediatric population from Harbin were reported by the authors' team in 2009 (Zhang et al., 2009) , in which the adult population was not included. keywords: acute; adenovirus; adult; adult patients; adv; analysis; asthma; average; cases; cells; children; china; chronic; climate; clinical; common; daily; days; detection; et al; etiology; gene; group; harbin; health; hexon; highest; hospital; human; infections; influenza; lower; overall; parainfluenza; pathogens; patients; piv; pneumonia; population; positive; prevalence; rate; report; respiratory; respiratory infections; respiratory tract; respiratory viral; respiratory viruses; rsv; samples; seasons; significant; species; specific; spring; sputum; strain; study; summer; syncytial; table; temperature; total; tract; type; variable; viral; viral infection; virus; viruses; winter; year cache: cord-003357-4qrg6lqu.txt plain text: cord-003357-4qrg6lqu.txt item: #16 of 89 id: cord-003908-wbawzbhz author: Matsushima, Yuki title: Evolutionary Analysis of the VP1 and RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Regions of Human Norovirus GII.P17-GII.17 in 2013–2017 date: 2019-09-27 words: 6029 flesch: 46 summary: Time-scaled phylogenetic trees revealed that the ancestral GII.17 VP1 region diverged around 1949, while the ancestral GII.P17 RdRp region diverged around 2010. Phylogenetic distances between GII.17 strains were calculated by Patristic software (Fourment and Gibbs, 2006) . keywords: acid; active; amino; analysis; ancestor; antigenicity; bayesian; binding; capsid; chain; changes; clock; cluster; collection; common; countries; data; dataset; dependent; distances; domain; emergence; epitopes; et al; evolutionary; figure; gastroenteritis; genotypes; gii.17; gii.17 strains; gii.4; gii.p17; gii.p4; hbga; hpd; human; hunov; japan; mcmc; method; models; molecular; monomers; network; norovirus; novel; nucleotide; number; phylogenetic; phylogeny; polymerase; previous; protein; rates; rdrp; regions; replication; research; results; rna; samples; selection; sequences; sequencing; sites; software; steps; strains; structures; study; substitutions; table; time; tool; total; trees; values; variant; viral; vp1; vp1 region; years cache: cord-003908-wbawzbhz.txt plain text: cord-003908-wbawzbhz.txt item: #17 of 89 id: cord-003970-3e58229u author: Paploski, Igor Adolfo Dexheimer title: Temporal Dynamics of Co-circulating Lineages of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus date: 2019-11-01 words: 8414 flesch: 33 summary: While the existence of PRRSV lineages is well established, the dynamics of their cocirculation within a given region has not been well documented. Reports that show the waxing and waning of different viral types in the whole North America (Shi et al., 2010b) are helpful when understanding continent-wide status of PRRSV lineages. keywords: -genbank; analysis; animals; antibodies; circulating; classification; clinical; control; cross; data; dataset; different; disease; diversity; dynamics; emergence; epidemiological; et al; evolution; evolutionary; farms; figure; frequency; genetic; genome; herd; heterologous; high; homologous; host; immune; immunity; immunological; impact; industry; infection; isolates; lineages; live; mshmp; mutations; natural; neutralizing; new; north; occurrence; orf5; patterns; phylogenetic; population; porcine; porcine reproductive; positive; pressure; production; prrsv; region; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; rflp; selection; selective; sequences; sequential; shi; single; sites; specific; spread; states; studies; study; sub; swine; syndrome; syndrome virus; synonymous; systems; temporal; time; tree; turnover; type; understanding; united; vaccination; vaccine; value; variants; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-003970-3e58229u.txt plain text: cord-003970-3e58229u.txt item: #18 of 89 id: cord-003976-05tf6oqa author: Wang, Kai title: Anti-TGEV Miller Strain Infection Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum Supernatant Based on the JAK-STAT1 Signaling Pathway date: 2019-11-06 words: 6977 flesch: 47 summary: The results in Figure 6 show that the amount of p-STAT1 (red fluorescence) in the nuclei of TGEV infected cells treated with Lp-1s at different time points was significantly higher than that in the nuclei of cells in TGEV infected group. As expected, the protein levels of ZAP, PKR, p-PKR (Figures 8A-D) at 24, and 48 hpi in the Lp-1s group were significantly higher than those in negative control group and TGEV group (ZAP, * P < 0.05 and PKR, * keywords: acid; addition; antibodies; antiviral; bacteria; cells; control; control group; different; dilution; effect; et al; expression; figure; fluorescence; gastroenteritis; gene; group; higher; hpi; ifn; immune; infected; infection; infection group; interferon; intestinal; ipec; isg15; isgs; j2 cells; jak; kinase; lactic; lactobacillus; level; lp-1s; lp-1s group; medium; min; mx1; mx2; oasl; pathway; phosphorylated; pkr; plantarum; points; production; protein; rabbit; receptor; replication; response; results; reverse; rna; signaling; significant; stage; stat1; strain; tgev; tgev group; tgev infection; tgev n; time; transcription; transmissible; treatment; treatment group; virus; zap cache: cord-003976-05tf6oqa.txt plain text: cord-003976-05tf6oqa.txt item: #19 of 89 id: cord-032614-hp07ky6q author: Minich, Jeremiah J. title: The Southern Bluefin Tuna Mucosal Microbiome Is Influenced by Husbandry Method, Net Pen Location, and Anti-parasite Treatment date: 2020-08-24 words: 8238 flesch: 40 summary: While various studies have focused on fish body site microbiomes independently (primarily gut followed by skin and gill), few have evaluated the cumulative microbiome across multiple body sites for individual fish (Ghanbari et al., 2015; Larsen et al., 2015; Pratte et al., 2018; Minich et al., 2019a Minich et al., , 2020c . Our findings indicate that husbandry practices, including geographic location, influence the mucosal microbiomes of ranched SBT, and that parasite infection may not have a significant impact on fish microbiomes. keywords: alpha; analysis; anterior; aquaculture; associated; atlantic; australia; bacteria; beta; blood; bluefin; bluefin tuna; body; cardicola; chub; communities; community; company; comparison; composition; detection; digesta; diversity; dna; egg; eggs; enriched; environmental; et al; ethanol; extraction; factor; farmed; figure; fish; fluke; gill; gut; health; heart; high; host; husbandry; impact; important; infection; influence; japonicus; kidney; kingfish; length; location; lower; maccoyii; mackerel; mann; marine; median; method; microbes; microbial; microbiome; minich; mkl; model; mucosal; mucosal microbiome; ocean; pacific; parasite; parasitic; pens; phylogenetic; pontoons; positive; praziquantel; pzq; qiita; ranched; ranching; reads; relative; richness; salmon; samples; sbt; scomber; significant; similar; sites; skin; sotus; southern; species; spp; studies; study; supplementary; table; thunnus; total; treatment; tuna; unifrac; unique; value; weighted; whitney; wild; yellowtail; ytk cache: cord-032614-hp07ky6q.txt plain text: cord-032614-hp07ky6q.txt item: #20 of 89 id: cord-252485-cxi3cr15 author: Yoshida, Asuka title: IFN-β-inducing, unusual viral RNA species produced by paramyxovirus infection accumulated into distinct cytoplasmic structures in an RNA-type-dependent manner date: 2015-08-04 words: 7105 flesch: 38 summary: The SG-like structures have been suggested to serve as the sites at which the RLRs encounter viral RNA and subsequently activate the IFN signaling pathways in infections by RNA viruses (Onomoto et al., 2012; Yoo et al., 2014) . In spite of the large number of studies conducted in this field, it remains unknown what kinds of viral RNA species are recognized by RLRs and where the sites of recognition are in real infections by RNA viruses. keywords: 4c(-; ability; activation; anti; antiviral; arsenite; baum; cbdi; cells; cellular; cnt; cytoplasmic; dependent; difference; dsrna; encapsidated; et al; figure; fish; formation; g3bp1; genomes; granular; granules; hela; host; iav; ifn; inclusions; inducing; induction; infected; infection; innate; irie; irie et; levels; like; mrna; ndv; non; pkr; positive; production; protein; recombinants; replication; responses; results; rig; rna; rna species; rnas; samples; sendai; sev; sgs; similar; species; strains; stress; structures; study; supplementary; system; tiar; translation; type; unusual; viral; viral rna; virus; viruses cache: cord-252485-cxi3cr15.txt plain text: cord-252485-cxi3cr15.txt item: #21 of 89 id: cord-252772-f3fctcru author: Wang, Changlin title: The Coronavirus PEDV Evades Type III Interferon Response Through the miR-30c-5p/SOCS1 Axis date: 2020-05-22 words: 4965 flesch: 44 summary: Compared with a mock uninfected control, PEDV did not increase the expression of IFNλ transcripts as observed until 12 hpi, and then gradually induced IFN-λ expression, indicating that PEDV infection elicits type III IFN expression at the late stage of infection instead of the early stage of infection in the Vero E6 cells (Figure 1A) , which was consistent with the results in porcine enteroids (Li et al., 2019) . PEDV suppresses IRF1-mediated type III IFN responses by reducing the number of peroxisomes and counteracting type III IFN response by PEDV nsp15 endoribonuclease Deng et al., 2019) . keywords: activity; antiviral; axis; cells; cytokine; data; diarrhea; e6 cells; endogenous; epidemic; epithelial; et al; expression; family; figure; host; hpi; ifn; ifns; iii; immune; induced; infection; inhibitor; innate; interferon; lambda; late; levels; luciferase; mir-30c-5p; mirna; overexpression; pedv; pedv infection; porcine; production; replication; response; results; role; signaling; significant; socs1; socs1 expression; stage; study; targeting; type; usa; utr; vero; vero e6; virus; viruses cache: cord-252772-f3fctcru.txt plain text: cord-252772-f3fctcru.txt item: #22 of 89 id: cord-254115-hwy962a4 author: Reslova, Nikol title: xMAP Technology: Applications in Detection of Pathogens date: 2017-01-25 words: 11370 flesch: 34 summary: The need for rapid and correct identifications of fungal pathogens was addressed by development of xMAP technology based detection methods (Diaz and Fell, 2004; Page and Kurtzman, 2005; Das et al., 2006; Bovers et al., 2007; Babady et al., 2011; Balada-Llasat et al., 2012; Farooqi et al., 2012; Landlinger et al., 2009) . xMAP technology is applicable in numerous nucleic acid assay formats such as, e.g., gene expression analysis, microRNA analysis, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis or specific sequence detection. keywords: ability; acid; acute; addition; agents; allele; amplification; analysis; analyte; antibodies; antibody; antigens; applications; array; aspe; assay; authors; available; bacterial; base; bead; candida; capture; clinical; coli; commercial; common; comparison; complementary; complex; contrast; conventional; data; ddh; detection; detection probes; determination; developed; development; diagnosis; different; direct; diseases; dna; dunbar; elisa; end; enteric; et al; extension; figure; flow; fluorescent; formats; fungal; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; genotyping; gpp; green; high; house; hpv; human; hybridization; identification; immunoassays; important; infections; influenza; isolates; ligation; like; line; luminex; magnetic; mbmi; mbmna; methods; microsphere; mol; molecular; multiplex; multiplex detection; multiplex pcr; nucleic; number; oligonucleotide; panel; parasites; parasitic; pathogens; pcr; positive; potential; primer; probes; protein; qpcr; quantitative; range; rapid; reaction; reliable; reporter; respiratory; results; risk; routine; rvp; salmonella; samples; sbce; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; serological; sets; similar; simultaneous; simultaneous detection; single; snp; species; specific; specificity; step; studies; surface; suspension; swine; system; target; technology; testing; tests; throughput; time; types; universal; viral; viruses; xmap; xmap technology; xtag; yersinia cache: cord-254115-hwy962a4.txt plain text: cord-254115-hwy962a4.txt item: #23 of 89 id: cord-257656-z7zx46gd author: Ljubin-Sternak, Sunčanica title: The Emerging Role of Rhinoviruses in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Children – Clinical and Molecular Epidemiological Study From Croatia, 2017–2019 date: 2019-12-03 words: 4813 flesch: 40 summary: Therefore, we investigated the rhinovirus (RV) infection prevalence over a 2-year period, compared it with prevalence patterns of other common respiratory viruses, and explored clinical and molecular epidemiology of RV infections among 590 children hospitalized with acute respiratory infection in north-western and central parts of Croatia. Therefore, we investigated the rhinovirus (RV) infection prevalence over a 2-year period, compared it with prevalence patterns of other common respiratory viruses, and explored clinical and molecular epidemiology of RV infections among 590 children hospitalized with acute respiratory infection in north-western and central parts of Croatia. keywords: acute; age; alignment; amplification; analysis; children; clinical; common; croatia; data; detection; disease; diversity; epidemiology; et al; figure; group; human; infected; infection; iqr; lower; lrti; method; molecular; months; multiplex; new; patients; pcr; period; phylogenetic; positive; prevalence; primers; region; respiratory; respiratory tract; results; rhinovirus; rsv; rv species; rvs; samples; sequence; set; severe; significant; species; states; strains; studies; study; symptoms; tool; tract; types; united; upper; urti; utr; viral; viruses; vp2; vp4; years; zhao cache: cord-257656-z7zx46gd.txt plain text: cord-257656-z7zx46gd.txt item: #24 of 89 id: cord-260336-kwzo8puo author: Si, Lulu title: A Peptide-Based Virus Inactivator Protects Male Mice Against Zika Virus-Induced Damage of Testicular Tissue date: 2019-09-27 words: 6407 flesch: 54 summary: To determine the protective effect of Z2 on ZIKV infection of testicular tissue, we tested if Z2 could inhibit infection by different ZIKV strains of Asian and African lineages in mouse Sertoli TM4 cells, which are nurse-like cells that support spermatogenesis (Wei et al., 2018) and important target cells for ZIKV testicular infection. However, no drug has been approved for prevention or treatment of ZIKV infection, especially infection in male testicular tissue. keywords: a129; a129 mice; analysis; anova; antibody; blood; body; cells; concentration; copies; cy5; damage; data; days; different; effect; epididymis; et al; figure; group; human; infected; infection; male; male mice; mice; mock; mouse; panel; pathological; pbs; pcr; peptide; post; pregnant; qrt; results; rna; semen; seminiferous; sera; sertoli; sexual; significant; specific; sperm; strains; student; study; syndrome; testes; testicular; testicular tissue; time; tissue; tm4; transmission; treatment; tubule; vehicle; viral; virus; way; weight; zika; zika virus; zikv; zikv infection cache: cord-260336-kwzo8puo.txt plain text: cord-260336-kwzo8puo.txt item: #25 of 89 id: cord-262682-gsvswr7v author: Hedblom, Grant A. title: Segmented Filamentous Bacteria – Metabolism Meets Immunity date: 2018-08-24 words: 6713 flesch: 30 summary: Amongst intestinal commensals and symbionts, SFB are unique because they penetrate the intestinal mucus layer and intimately associate with host cells without invading the host (Chase and Erlandsen, 1976; Sanford, 1991) . SFB are unique amongst intestinal commensals and symbionts because they penetrate the intestinal mucus layer and intimately associate with host cells, but do not invade the host (Sanford, 1991) . keywords: age; animals; antigen; arthromitus; attached; attachment; bacteria; binding; birds; candidatus; cd4; cells; chase; clostridium; colonization; commensal; danzeisen; danzeisen et; development; differentiation; enterocytes; epithelium; ericsson; ericsson et; erlandsen; et al; figure; filamentous; filamentous bacteria; flocks; food; form; gastrointestinal; genes; genomes; gut; health; higher; holdfast; host; iga; il-17a; ileal; ileum; immune; immunity; innate; intestinal; intracellular; klaasen; kuwahara; like; lts; maturation; mechanism; mice; microbial; microbiome; mouse; mucosal; murine; number; offspring; organisms; oxygen; pathogens; poultry; prakash; presence; present; production; proteins; rat; response; role; sczesnak; sczesnak et; segmented; segmented filamentous; sfb; similar; small; species; specific; specificity; spores; th17; th17 cells; tissue; tract; turkey; unique; unknown cache: cord-262682-gsvswr7v.txt plain text: cord-262682-gsvswr7v.txt item: #26 of 89 id: cord-263162-37fvlhuo author: Guo, Kangkang title: A Host Factor GPNMB Restricts Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) Replication and Interacts With PCV2 ORF5 Protein date: 2019-01-08 words: 5430 flesch: 43 summary: To further confirm that GPNMB regulates Cyclin A expression, we also tested Cyclin A expression in GPNMB knockdown cells. These results indicated that the PCV2 replication level was higher in GPNMB deficient cells. keywords: addition; analysis; anti; apoptosis; arrest; assay; buffer; cancer; cdna; cells; cellular; china; circovirus; control; cycle; cyclin; data; degs; dna; et al; expression; factor; figure; flag; functional; gene; gpnmb; gpnmb expression; gst; high; host; infection; interaction; knockdown; level; manufacturer; medium; moi; novel; orf5; orf5 protein; overexpression; p53; pams; pcv2; pcv2 infection; pcv2 orf5; pcv2 replication; pegfp; phase; porcine; previous; protein; quality; reads; regulated; regulation; replication; results; rna; samples; sequencing; single; solarbio; states; study; supplementary; target; transfection; type; united; unknown; viral; yeast cache: cord-263162-37fvlhuo.txt plain text: cord-263162-37fvlhuo.txt item: #27 of 89 id: cord-264071-hg0qslyx author: Camelo-Castillo, Anny title: Nasopharyngeal Microbiota in Children With Invasive Pneumococcal Disease: Identification of Bacteria With Potential Disease-Promoting and Protective Effects date: 2019-01-28 words: 7158 flesch: 32 summary: In addition, IPD samples presented significantly higher levels of Veillonella (Figure 2C) , which is a bacterium that uses lactate as a carbon source, as a consequence of which it is usually found physically and functionally associated to lactate producers like Streptococcus (Dige et al., 2014; Gaspar et al., 2014) . Nasopharyngeal samples were taken from cases after a mean of 92 h of fever (IQR 48-408 h) and all of them except two (one patient with necrotizing pneumonia and another one with fatal fulminant sepsis and viral respiratory coinfection), were exposed to beta-lactamic antibiotic treatment, during a mean period of 4 days. keywords: 16s; addition; age; analysis; assignment; bacterial; breastfeeding; cases; characterization; children; classification; clinical; communities; community; composition; controls; data; detection; deu; development; differences; different; disease; diversity; dna; dolosigranulum; dysbiosis; et al; figure; fluid; gene; genera; genus; groups; haemophilus; healthy; higher; hospital; human; identification; immune; infections; invasive; ipd; joan; keystone; lactate; level; lyta; mean; microbial; microbiological; microbiota; microorganisms; milk; months; moraxella; nasopharyngeal; negative; number; oral; patients; pcr; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; porphyromonas; potential; presence; present; prevotella; profiles; reads; respiratory; results; richness; role; rrna; samples; sant; sequence; sequencing; serotypes; significant; species; statistical; streptococcus; study; taxonomic; test; time; total; tract; type; variability; variables; veillonella cache: cord-264071-hg0qslyx.txt plain text: cord-264071-hg0qslyx.txt item: #28 of 89 id: cord-267735-y3832u9e author: Sun, Wuping title: Management of Immunity Alteration-Induced Chronic Pain During the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic date: 2020-09-24 words: 3077 flesch: 27 summary: Strengthening the patient's confidence could be necessary to relieve psychological stress in chronic pain patients during the COVID-19 outbreak. Chronic pain patients have received limited treatment and discounted services during the COVID-19 outbreak due to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection. keywords: acute; alteration; arthritis; axis; brain; cells; china; chronic; chronic pain; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; disease; drugs; et al; factors; healthcare; herpes; hiv; human; immune; immunity; immunosuppressive; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; management; medical; nervous; neuralgia; neuropathic; new; outbreak; outcomes; pain; pandemic; patients; peripheral; postherpetic; psychological; recommendations; respiratory; results; review; rheumatoid; risk; sars; severe; spinal; spondylitis; storm; stress; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; treatment; zoster cache: cord-267735-y3832u9e.txt plain text: cord-267735-y3832u9e.txt item: #29 of 89 id: cord-267960-r5m7o9dp author: Hourdel, Véronique title: Rapid Genomic Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 by Direct Amplicon-Based Sequencing Through Comparison of MinION and Illumina iSeq100(TM) System date: 2020-09-25 words: 4469 flesch: 43 summary: The RAMPART tool (Read Assignment, Mapping, and Phylogenetic Analysis in Real Time) developed by the ARTIC network has been used to visualize genome coverage in real time and reference matching for each barcode. Concerning the bioinformatics analysis, the RAMPART tool (Read Assignment, Mapping and Phylogenetic Analysis in Real Time) developed by the ARTIC network was helpful and time-saving to visualize genome coverage in real time and allowed to stop the run when sufficient data were generated. keywords: amplicons; analysis; approach; average; cells; cibu-200107; clinical; consensus; coronavirus; cov-2; coverage; covid-19; data; depth; field; figure; generation; genome; genomic; health; high; human; illumina; iseq100; isolates; kit; laboratory; length; libraries; ligation; low; mers; minion; nanopore; nc_045512; new; observed; ont; outbreak; pcr; quality; rapid; reads; real; reference; respiratory; rna; run; samples; sars; sequence; sequencing; severe; specific; specimens; states; study; surveillance; syndrome; system; table; time; united; viral; viruses; wuhan cache: cord-267960-r5m7o9dp.txt plain text: cord-267960-r5m7o9dp.txt item: #30 of 89 id: cord-269957-vd9ctqro author: Hua, Chen title: The Underlying Mechanism of 3-Hydroxyphthalic Anhydride-Modified Bovine Beta-Lactoglobulin to Block Human Papillomavirus Entry Into the Host Cell date: 2019-09-26 words: 6519 flesch: 49 summary: It bound to the positively charged region in the HPV L1 protein, suggesting that 3HP-β-LG binds to HPV L1 protein through the interaction between the negatively charged region in 3HP-β-LG and the positively charged region in HPV L1 protein, thus competitively blocking the binding of HPV to the receptor on the basement membrane in vaginal mucosa. These findings suggest that 3HP-β-LG targets HPV L1 protein and blocks HPV entry into the host cell, thus being safe and effective for topical application in the treatment of HPV infection. keywords: 3hp; activity; addition; anhydride; anti; basement; beta; binding; blocking; blood; bovine; cancer; cells; cervical; charges; concentration; control; effective; entry; et al; figure; gel; hela; high; host; hpv; hpv entry; hpv infection; hpv l1; hpv psv; hpv16; hpv58; hspg; human; hydroxyphthalic; infection; interaction; l1 protein; lactoglobulin; membrane; negative; net; papillomavirus; protein; psv; psv entry; receptor; region; residues; risk; surface; target; types; vaginal; viral; virus cache: cord-269957-vd9ctqro.txt plain text: cord-269957-vd9ctqro.txt item: #31 of 89 id: cord-271557-xic32wxh author: Sato, Hiroki title: Morbillivirus Receptors and Tropism: Multiple Pathways for Infection date: 2012-03-01 words: 5519 flesch: 31 summary: The H gene encodes a key protein for morbillivirus and its animal hosts: the virus uses this protein to attach to cell receptors during the first step of infection (Griffin, 2007) . Previous studies using recombinant morbilliviruses expressing GFP have demonstrated that cell entry independent of SLAM and CD46 (and probably nectin-4) occurs in a variety of cell lines with Frontiers in Microbiology | Virology low infectivity (Hashimoto et al., 2002; Fujita et al., 2007; Terao-Muto et al., 2008) . keywords: acid; activation; amino; animals; b95a; binding; blind; cause; cd147; cd150; cd46; cdv; cells; cellular; clinical; complement; distemper; edmonston; entry; epithelial; epr; et al; figure; fusion; griffin; hemagglutinin; host; human; immune; immunosuppression; important; induced; infected; infection; interaction; isolated; kobune; laboratory; lines; lymphocyte; lymphoid; macaques; measles; measles virus; membrane; mev; molecule; monkeys; morbillivirus; nectin-4; non; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; production; protein; receptor; recombinant; residues; respiratory; result; rhesus; rinderpest; rpv; slam; strains; studies; surface; susceptible; tropism; type; vaccine; vero; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; wild cache: cord-271557-xic32wxh.txt plain text: cord-271557-xic32wxh.txt item: #32 of 89 id: cord-276493-hoaxv5e0 author: Jeong, Gi Uk title: Therapeutic Strategies Against COVID-19 and Structural Characterization of SARS-CoV-2: A Review date: 2020-07-14 words: 5702 flesch: 43 summary: (Dai et al., 2020; Jin et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020b) . (Dai et al., 2020; Jin et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020b) . keywords: activity; acute; addition; agents; angiotensin; antiviral; binding; catalytic; cell; characterization; clinical; complex; conformation; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cr3022; cryoem; crystal; dai; dependent; design; domain; drug; effective; entry; enzyme; et al; figure; forms; hace2; host; human; infection; inhibitors; interaction; interface; novel; nsp7; nsp8; patients; pdb; pocket; polymerase; potential; pro; protease; protein; rbd; rdrp; receptor; remdesivir; replicase; replication; repurposing; residues; respiratory; review; risk; rna; sars; severe; site; spike; strategies; strategy; structure; studies; study; substrate; target; template; terminal; therapeutic; tmprss2; transcription; treatment; use; viral; zhang cache: cord-276493-hoaxv5e0.txt plain text: cord-276493-hoaxv5e0.txt item: #33 of 89 id: cord-277400-w7mvk3x4 author: Nasir, Arshan title: Identification of Capsid/Coat Related Protein Folds and Their Utility for Virus Classification date: 2017-03-10 words: 7546 flesch: 35 summary: This concept is especially applicable to viral capsid proteins as there is strong evolutionary pressure to (Abrescia et al., 2012; , or keyword searches. Cheng and Brooks III recently calculated distances of structural relatives of viral capsid proteins to capsid-like proteins in cells for a large number of folds (Cheng and Brooks, 2013) . keywords: abrescia; abrescia et; addition; adenovirus; approach; archaea; assembly; assignment; b.121.4; bacteria; bacteriophage; bamford; barrel; btv; capsid; capsid protein; cells; cellular; classification; coat; common; computational; core; corresponding; crystal; data; distribution; diversity; domain; double; dsdna; et al; eukarya; eukaryotic; evolution; example; experimentally; families; family; figure; fold; fsfs; genome; gough; helical; hepadnaviridae; hk97; host; identification; jelly; keyword; life; like; like lineage; likely; lineage; list; major; members; metagenome; minus; nasir; new; novel; number; organisms; origin; pdb; picornavirus; plus; prd1; present; procapsid; protein; proteomes; rare; relatives; retroviridae; roll; samples; scop; sequence; similar; similarities; ssrna; structure; study; table; terminal; unclassified; unique; viral; virion; viruses; work cache: cord-277400-w7mvk3x4.txt plain text: cord-277400-w7mvk3x4.txt item: #34 of 89 id: cord-277731-thazunob author: Smith, Matthew L. title: Biosurfactants: A Covid-19 Perspective date: 2020-06-09 words: 4703 flesch: 30 summary: key: cord-277731-thazunob authors: Smith, Matthew L.; Gandolfi, Stefano; Coshall, Philippa M.; Rahman, Pattanathu K. S. M. title: Biosurfactants: A Covid-19 Perspective date: 2020-06-09 journal: In this case, the use of biosurfactants in dealing with this pandemic justifies extensive study with their potential applications being in the prevention of viral spread; dealing with the symptoms that develop after the incubation period; directly targeting viral infected cells and preventing the spread of the virus throughout the host, all in addition to also acting as potential drug delivery systems and cleaning agents. keywords: ability; able; acute; addition; alcohol; amphiphilic; antimicrobial; antiviral; applications; ards; areas; biosurfactants; bleach; cause; cells; cleaning; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; crucial; current; delivery; different; disease; drug; effective; effectiveness; emulsification; et al; extensive; fracchia; future; hand; health; host; human; infection; large; likely; lipid; membrane; microbial; nature; novel; pandemic; potential; prevention; process; production; products; properties; public; rahman; research; respiratory; result; sars; significant; sophorolipids; spread; structure; study; surface; symptoms; syndrome; synthetic; treatment; use; viral; virus; washing; water; way cache: cord-277731-thazunob.txt plain text: cord-277731-thazunob.txt item: #35 of 89 id: cord-278540-gy65bvot author: Chen, I-Yin title: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Viroporin 3a Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome date: 2019-01-29 words: 4676 flesch: 37 summary: First, the disturbances in intracellular ionic concentrations, including K + efflux and Ca 2+ influx, play an important role (Fernandes-Alnemri et al., 2007; Petrilli et al., 2007; Arlehamn et al., 2010; Ichinohe et al., 2010; Ito et al., 2012; Murakami et al., 2012; Munoz-Planillo et al., 2013) . It is increasingly evident that NLRP3 detects RNA viruses by sensing the cellular damage or distress induced by viroporins (Ichinohe et al., 2010; Ito et al., 2012; Triantafilou et al., 2013; Nieto-Torres et al., 2015) , transmembrane pore-forming proteins, encoded by certain RNA viruses; these proteins alter membrane permeability to ions by forming membrane channels (Tan et al., 2005; keywords: 3a protein; activation; activity; acute; addition; amino; anti; bmms; cells; channel; coronavirus; cov; cov 3a; cov e; data; domain; efflux; et al; expressing; figure; forms; human; ichinohe; ichinohe et; il-1β; infected; infection; inflammasome; influenza; invitrogen; lentiviruses; membrane; mitochondrial; mouse; mutant; nacalai; nlrp3; nlrp3 inflammasome; pca7; plasmids; post; previous; protein; release; respiratory; rna; role; sars; secretion; severe; specific; syndrome; tesque; torres; v5his; viral; viroporin; virus cache: cord-278540-gy65bvot.txt plain text: cord-278540-gy65bvot.txt item: #36 of 89 id: cord-281836-j1r771nq author: Hernando-Amado, Sara title: Antibiotic Resistance: Moving From Individual Health Norms to Social Norms in One Health and Global Health date: 2020-08-28 words: 14100 flesch: 18 summary: Indeed, it has been described that drinking water is a relevant vehicle for the spread of ARBs in different countries (Walsh et al., 2011; Fernando et al., 2016) and that raw wastewater irrigation used for urban agriculture may increase the abundance of mobile ARGs in the irrigated soil (Bougnom et al., 2020) . Consequently, besides a Global Health problem, AR has an important economic impact (Rudholm, 2002) , hence constituting a Global Development Problem, endangering not only the achievements toward the Millennium Development Goals but also the Sustainable Development Goals (van der Heijden et al., 2019). keywords: abundance; acquisition; actions; addition; aeruginosa; analysis; animals; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic use; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; approaches; ar spread; arbs; args; aspects; associated; bacterial; baquero; baquero et; behavior; beta; burden; capacity; care; case; change; climate; clinical; clones; coli; common; communities; community; concentrations; consequence; consumption; countries; covid-19; cultural; current; davies; development; different; diseases; dissemination; drugs; ecological; ecology; economic; ecosystems; effect; elements; emergence; environmental; escherichia; et al; evolution; evolutionary; example; extended; fact; factors; farming; farms; feature; fecal; fight; figure; fitness; food; general; genes; genetic; global; global health; groups; growth; health; heavy; hgt; high; horizontal; host; human; human health; impact; important; income; increase; individual; individual health; infections; influence; international; interventions; laws; level; limited; lmics; local; long; low; martinez; martinez et; mechanisms; medicines; metals; mges; microbiome; mobile; multidrug; natural; need; new; non; norms; novel; organisms; pandemic; particular; pathogens; peptides; plants; plasmids; political; pollutants; pollution; population; potential; present; pressure; prevalence; problem; production; pseudomonas; public; recent; regard; regulations; related; relevance; relevant; research; resistance; resistance genes; resistome; review; risk; role; rules; scale; selection; selective; services; settings; situation; social; social norms; societies; society; socioeconomic; solutions; species; specific; spectrum; spread; strategies; studies; study; surveillance; term; trade; transfer; transmission; treatment; urban; use; vaccination; wastewater; water; worldwide; worth cache: cord-281836-j1r771nq.txt plain text: cord-281836-j1r771nq.txt item: #37 of 89 id: cord-282305-l5r67gte author: Zhang, Xuejiao title: Crystal Structure of Refolding Fusion Core of Lassa Virus GP2 and Design of Lassa Virus Fusion Inhibitors date: 2019-08-13 words: 5422 flesch: 48 summary: Here, we solved the crystal structure of the post-fusion 6-HB formed by LASV HR1 and HR2 domains. Therefore, the binding affinity of HR2 peptides is positively related to the inhibitory activity against LASV GPC proteinmediated cell-cell fusion under low pH condition. keywords: activity; affinity; binding; bli; cell; cell fusion; concentration; condition; core; crystal; data; domain; egfp; endosomal; entry; envelope; et al; fever; figure; form; fusion; gp1; gp2; gpc; helical; helices; helix; hr1; hr2; hr2 domain; hr2 peptides; hydrophobic; infection; inhibitory; interactions; lassa; lasv; lcmv; linear; longer; loop; low; manner; membrane; peptides; post; protein; pseudovirus; receptor; region; residues; results; sensor; specific; stable; structure; target; terminal; trimer; viral; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-282305-l5r67gte.txt plain text: cord-282305-l5r67gte.txt item: #38 of 89 id: cord-282797-thywse7g author: Hwang, Yoon Jung title: Engineered Bacteriophage T7 as a Potent Anticancer Agent in vivo date: 2020-09-24 words: 6207 flesch: 49 summary: The observation that macrophage, one of the immune cells recruited in vivo, also migrated to tumor cells treated with phage T7 displaying the homing peptide and harboring expression cassette of GM-CSF in time-and dose-dependent manners in an in vitro transwell assay is coherent with in vivo results. One possibility for the lysis of tumor cells is immunological attack. keywords: analysis; anti; antibody; assay; b16f10; bacteriophage; buffer; cancer; cassette; cells; concentration; control; csf; culture; cytokines; days; dna; et al; experiment; expression; figure; final; gene; genomic; group; growth; grp78; homing; imaging; immune; infection; korea; macrophages; mammalian; mass; melanoma; mice; mixture; mouse; murine; observed; oncolytic; pep42; pep42_g; peptide; pfu; phage; phage t7; presence; receptor; regression; serum; significance; statistical; targeting; test; time; tnf; total; treatment; tumor; type; usa; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; wild cache: cord-282797-thywse7g.txt plain text: cord-282797-thywse7g.txt item: #39 of 89 id: cord-284889-hth8nf5b author: Tsukagoshi, Hiroyuki title: Molecular epidemiology of respiratory viruses in virus-induced asthma date: 2013-09-12 words: 6964 flesch: 26 summary: Host-pathogen interactions that determine the severity of respiratory illnesses, and risk for subsequent asthma was increased by respiratory virus infection, especially due to RSV, in infants. Other previous reports suggested that the prevalence of RSV and HRV is similar (36 and 42%, respectively) in children less than 2 years of age, but differs (27 and 66%) in older children (Johnston et al., 1995; Grissell et al., 2005) . keywords: acid; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adults; age; analysis; ari; association; asthma; attachment; bronchiolitis; care; cause; children; clinical; common; detection; development; disease; enterovirus; epidemiological; epidemiology; et al; evolution; exacerbation; features; gene; genetic; genotype; glycoprotein; hev68; high; history; hmpv; host; hpiv; hrv; hrvs; human; human metapneumovirus; human respiratory; illness; illnesses; important; infants; infections; infv; japan; life; lower; major; metapneumovirus; molecular; new; parainfluenza; patients; phylogenetic; pneumonia; prevalence; previous; protein; rate; region; reports; respiratory; respiratory syncytial; respiratory viruses; response; rhinovirus; risk; role; rsv; severe; severity; sites; species; strains; studies; study; subgroup; substitutions; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; tract; viral; virus; viruses; wheezing; years; young cache: cord-284889-hth8nf5b.txt plain text: cord-284889-hth8nf5b.txt item: #40 of 89 id: cord-285868-fz5utxss author: Jheng, Jia-Rong title: ER stress, autophagy, and RNA viruses date: 2014-08-05 words: 9417 flesch: 25 summary: Alteration of ER functions results from stress signals by RNA virus infection, by the exploitation of ER membrane for viral replication, rapid accumulation of viral proteins, imbalance of calcium concentration by viroporin, and the sabotage or depletion of ER membrane for viral release. the synthesis of viral protein and RNA was restored. keywords: accumulation; activation; activity; addition; antiviral; apoptosis; assembly; atf4; atf6; atg12; autophagosome; autophagy; beta; binding; c virus; calcium; cells; cellular; chaperone; chen; chop; cleavage; complex; complexes; control; cytoplasm; death; degradation; dengue; denv2; dependent; double; downstream; eif2α; encephalitis; endoplasmic; envelope; erad; essential; et al; ev71; expression; factor; figure; folding; formation; functions; gene; glycoprotein; glycosylation; grp78; hcv; hepatitis; host; hsp72; human; ifn; immune; induction; infected; infection; influenza; inhibitor; initiation; intracellular; ire1; japanese; jev; jnk; kinase; knockdown; lc3; like; mammalian; mechanism; membrane; mrna; nonstructural; nsp4; orf2; overexpression; pathogenesis; pathway; perk; phosphorylation; pkr; production; protein; protein response; regulation; related; release; replication; research; response; results; reticulum; ridd; rna; role; rotavirus; signaling; specific; splicing; strategy; stress; studies; study; synthesis; system; target; terminal; transcriptional; translation; transmembrane; treatment; type; ubiquitin; ulk1; unfolded; unfolded protein; upr; viral; viral protein; virus; virus infection; virus replication; viruses; xbp1 cache: cord-285868-fz5utxss.txt plain text: cord-285868-fz5utxss.txt item: #41 of 89 id: cord-286779-si3qml42 author: Li, Hai-yan title: Modulation of Gut Microbiota, Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production, and Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in the Cecum of Porcine Deltacoronavirus-Infected Chicks date: 2020-06-04 words: 5086 flesch: 40 summary: The influence of PDCoV infection on cecum microbiota of SPF chicken was evaluated, PDCoV HNZK-02 infection significantly altered the gut microbiota composition and decreased SCFAs products in chicks' cecum. Recent studies showed the susceptibility of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicks to PDCoV infection, with the clinical syndrome of mild diarrhea and slight lesions in cecum, which was weaker than that of piglets infected with PDCoV (Liang et al., 2019; Boley et al., 2020) . keywords: abundance; acid; alistipes; analysis; bacterial; cecal; cecum; changes; chickens; chicks; community; composition; control; correlation; cytokine; deltacoronavirus; diarrhea; differences; different; disease; diversity; dpi; effect; eisenbergiella; et al; expression; figure; genus; group; gut; hnzk-02; ifn; il-10; immune; immunity; infected; infection; inflammatory; intestinal; lefse; levels; microbial; microbiota; min; mock; mock group; otus; pdcov; pdcov infection; phylum; piglets; pigs; porcine; responses; results; richness; samples; scfas; serum; significant; spf; states; studies; study; tissue; tnf; total; united; viral; virus cache: cord-286779-si3qml42.txt plain text: cord-286779-si3qml42.txt item: #42 of 89 id: cord-289623-7oc1ykds author: Gendy, Sherif title: Is Long-Term Heavy Metal Exposure Driving Carriage of Antibiotic Resistance in Environmental Opportunistic Pathogens: A Comprehensive Phenomic and Genomic Assessment Using Serratia sp. SRS-8-S-2018 date: 2020-08-20 words: 9880 flesch: 27 summary: Despite the fact that many of these SRS native soil bacteria are bioremediative being armed with an arsenal of metal resistance genes (MRGs), but they can also pose public health risks by virtue of their acquired antibiotic resistance(s), via the activity of antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs), thus strongly negating their beneficial properties. To validate the phenomic response indicating carriage of broad antibiotic resistance in SRS-8-S-2018, a comprehensive survey of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) was performed employing PATRIC, CARD, and RAST pipelines. keywords: acids; activities; activity; adaptive; amino; analysis; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antimicrobial; args; assessment; average; bacteria; biolog; bioremediation; broad; carbon; carriage; cell; closest; communities; comparative; concentrations; contaminated; contamination; covid-19; data; development; different; dna; ecoplates; efflux; environmental; et al; evolutionary; figure; functional; geis; gendy; genes; genome; genomic; growth; habitat; health; heavy; heavy metal; high; infections; islands; isolated; likely; long; major; marcescens; mechanisms; mercury; metabolic; metal; metal resistance; metalliferous; microbial; microbiota; mrgs; multiple; native; nosocomial; ongoing; operon; opportunistic; overall; pathak; pathogens; patric; phage; phylogenomic; physiological; plates; potential; presence; previous; protein; public; recruitment; relative; resistance; resistance genes; response; results; river; s-2018; salmonella; savannah; sequence; serratia; serratia marcescens; serratia sp; similar; site; soils; sources; species; specific; spp; srs-8; states; strain; strain srs-8; stress; studies; study; substrates; survival; system; taxonomic; term; tested; total; traits; united; uranium; utilization; virulence; ww4 cache: cord-289623-7oc1ykds.txt plain text: cord-289623-7oc1ykds.txt item: #43 of 89 id: cord-290505-omszep7u author: Pochon, Cécile title: Respiratory Virus Infections in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients date: 2019-01-09 words: 12166 flesch: 27 summary: That said, CMV is a pathogen that frequently occurs as part of a simultaneous infection -indeed a respiratory viral infection can often precede bacterial and fungal infections -thus further complications associated with respiratory virus infections need to be acknowledged. In this review, we will focus on respiratory virus infections and, particularly, those that are commonly detected after HCT. keywords: acute; adenovirus; adults; adv; aerosolized; agents; allogeneic; allogeneic hematopoietic; antiviral; associated; bacterial; bal; bocavirus; case; cell; cell transplant; cell transplantation; chemaly; chest; children; cidofovir; clinical; cohort; community; complications; conditioning; coronavirus; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; donor; dose; drug; early; et al; factors; findings; gvhd; h1n1; hcov; hct; hct recipients; hematologic; hematopoietic; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem; high; higher; hirsch; hirsch et; hmpv; human; ifv; immune; immunocompetent; immunocompromised; impact; important; incidence; infections; like; lower; lri; lymphocyte; lymphopenia; malignancies; management; median; metapneumovirus; mortality; multiplex; myeloablative; nasal; new; nichols; nichols et; ogimi; onset; oral; outcome; parainfluenza; pathogen; patients; pcr; pediatric; phase; piv; pneumonia; post; pre; progression; prolonged; pulmonary; rate; recipients; regimen; respiratory; respiratory infections; respiratory syncytial; respiratory tract; respiratory virus; response; retrospective; review; rhinovirus; rhv; ribavirin; risk; rsv; samples; score; seo; severe; shah; shedding; specific; stem; stem cell; steroid; studies; study; symptomatic; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; therapy; time; tract; transplant; transplant recipients; transplantation; treatment; trials; uri; viral; virus; virus infections; viruses; waghmare cache: cord-290505-omszep7u.txt plain text: cord-290505-omszep7u.txt item: #44 of 89 id: cord-291295-7og5umiq author: Xin, Shuyu title: Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 1 Recruits Cyclophilin A to Facilitate the Replication of Viral DNA Genome date: 2019-12-13 words: 7812 flesch: 49 summary: EBNA1 protein expression was restored in the C2089-shCYPA cells transfected with the wild-type CYPA expression plasmid ( Figure 4B ). EBNA1 protein expression was evaluated by WB after treated or untreated with CsA ( Figure 5C, left) . keywords: activity; anti; antibody; antigen; assay; barr; bimc; binding; c2089; carcinoma; cells; china; chip; control; copy; csa; cyclophilin; cypa; cypb; detection; dna; domain; ebna1; ebv; effect; epstein; et al; expression; factor; figure; flag; fluorescence; following; function; genome; hek293; herpesvirus; host; human; infection; inhibition; interaction; kit; latent; liu; luciferase; membrane; min; myc; nasopharyngeal; negative; npc; nuclear; nucleus; number; orip; overexpression; pathogenesis; pcaggs; plasmid; positive; potential; protein; qpcr; replication; reporter; results; rna; role; shcypa; shnc; shrna; specific; states; study; supplementary; sv40; transcription; transfection; treatment; type; united; usp7; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-291295-7og5umiq.txt plain text: cord-291295-7og5umiq.txt item: #45 of 89 id: cord-293675-bojfc3q0 author: Han, Yelin title: Identification of Diverse Bat Alphacoronaviruses and Betacoronaviruses in China Provides New Insights Into the Evolution and Origin of Coronavirus-Related Diseases date: 2019-08-14 words: 5577 flesch: 52 summary: This finding suggests the presence of a much closer common ancestor of PEDV in bats CoVs. Considering that bat species such as S. kuhlii prefers to circulate around farmhouses and pigsties, and other PEDV-related sequences have been reported in bats in previous reports (Simas et al., 2015; Phan et al., 2018) , the relationship between bat CoVs and PEDV should be further investigated. keywords: acute; alpha; alphacoronavirus; alphacov; analysis; bat; batcov; bats; betacoronavirus; btcov/512; china; coronaviruses; covs; different; diseases; diverse; diversity; epidemic; et al; figure; genetic; genome; genus; guangxi; gx2018; highest; hku10; human; identity; known; kuhlii; length; lineage; mers; novel; orfs; origin; pedv; philippines; previous; province; rdrp; reads; recombination; region; respiratory; rhinolophus; sads; samples; sars; sequence; sichuan; similarity; species; sphinx; supplementary; syndrome; table; trs; virome; yn2018; yunnan cache: cord-293675-bojfc3q0.txt plain text: cord-293675-bojfc3q0.txt item: #46 of 89 id: cord-295121-4xemmaqt author: Ferreira, Eliane de Oliveira title: Should We Be Worried About Clostridioides difficile During the SARS-CoV2 Pandemic? date: 2020-09-29 words: 2304 flesch: 26 summary: COVID-19 patients receive an empirical antimicrobial therapy with moxifloxacin, cefoperazone, or azithromycin , drugs that are strongly associated with CDI. Although some of those risk factors for CDI are also related to higher probability rates of mortality in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection, the limited number of CDI cases reported among COVID-19 patients is somewhat surprising. keywords: antibiotics; antimicrobial; associated; authors; bacterial; cases; cdi; clinical; clostridioides; clostridium; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; development; diarrhea; difficile; disease; drugs; et al; fecal; global; healthcare; higher; human; infections; influenza; microbiota; novel; number; pandemic; patients; respiratory; sars; secondary; severe; symptoms; therapy; transplantation; treatment; use; viral cache: cord-295121-4xemmaqt.txt plain text: cord-295121-4xemmaqt.txt item: #47 of 89 id: cord-295240-76ee00i0 author: Kruchten, Anne E. title: A Curricular Bioinformatics Approach to Teaching Undergraduates to Analyze Metagenomic Datasets Using R date: 2020-09-10 words: 5670 flesch: 44 summary: It is common for biology students in our program to have a fear or aversion to mathematical and other quantitative or computational approaches. The Vision and Change: A Call to Action report of 2011 (Brewer and Smith, 2011) emphasized that undergraduate biology students should have competence in computational and systems level approaches and the ability to use large databases. keywords: analysis; approach; available; big; bioinformatics; biological; biology; class; code; competencies; computational; computer; course; curriculum; data; dataset; development; different; discussion; diversity; dna; education; excel; experience; faculty; field; gene; heat; hypothesis; important; information; interest; knowledge; large; learning; life; line; literature; material; metagenomic; module; new; pcr; poster; practice; process; programs; project; question; research; review; samples; sampling; sciences; section; sequencing; series; sites; skills; snow; statistical; students; supplementary; time; undergraduate; understanding; use; videos; week; wet; work; youtube cache: cord-295240-76ee00i0.txt plain text: cord-295240-76ee00i0.txt item: #48 of 89 id: cord-296099-eq9gujk7 author: Sato, Hironori title: Genomics and computational science for virus research date: 2013-03-07 words: 1258 flesch: 18 summary: Daiyasu et al. (2012) reported a new application of information theory to the study of the divergent evolution of function of chemokine receptors and their homologs, such as decoy and viral receptors, in which both sequence and structural information are used to identify amino acid positions that might be responsible for evolving their distinct functions. Challenges and opportunities in estimating viral genetic diversity from next-generation sequencing data Electrostatic potential of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and rhesus macaque simian immunodeficiency virus capsid proteins Evolutionary analysis of functional divergence among chemokine receptors, decoy receptors, and viral receptors Toward a three-dimensional view of protein networks between species Identifying viral parameters from in vitro cell cultures Molecular recognition of paired receptors in the immune system In silico 3D structure analysis accelerates the solution of a real viral structure and antibodies docking mechanism Association of MHC-I genotypes with disease progression in HIV/SIV infections Molecular dynamics simulation in virus research Origin, diversity, and maturation of human antiviral antibodies analyzed by high-throughput sequencing An assembly model of rift valley Fever virus Estimating the risk of re-emergence after stopping polio vaccination Phylodynamic analysis of a viral infection network Functional constraints on HIV-1 capsid: their impacts on the viral immune escape potency MicroRNAs in HIV-1 infection: an integration of viral and cellular interaction at the genomic level Structural basis for specific recognition of substrates by sapovirus protease Somatic populations of PGT135-137 HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies identified by 454 pyrosequencing and bioinformatics keywords: antibodies; capsid; cell; computational; diversity; dynamics; et al; functional; genomics; hiv-1; host; infections; information; interactions; models; proteins; receptors; research; rna; science; silico; structural; studies; study; technologies; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-296099-eq9gujk7.txt plain text: cord-296099-eq9gujk7.txt item: #49 of 89 id: cord-296495-9v0sq8k6 author: Meyer Sauteur, Patrick M. title: Infection with and Carriage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Children date: 2016-03-23 words: 6555 flesch: 27 summary: Recent studies indicate that high rates of healthy children carry M. pneumoniae in the upper respiratory tract and that current diagnostic PCR or serology cannot discriminate between M. pneumoniae infection and carriage. This review focuses on the characteristics of M. pneumoniae infections in children, and exemplifies that simple clinical decision rules may help identifying children at high risk for CAP due to M. pneumoniae. keywords: acute; age; agent; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; asthma; asymptomatic; atypical; bacteria; cap; cards; carriage; cases; cause; cell; children; clinical; community; csf; current; detection; diagnostic; direct; disease; dna; duration; eaton; encephalitis; et al; extrapulmonary; fever; figure; fourfold; foy; gene; high; igg; increase; infection; lesions; line; lower; macrolide; major; manifestations; meyer; mrmp; mycoplasma; mycoplasma pneumoniae; narita; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumoniae; pneumoniae infections; positive; protein; rates; recent; resistant; respiratory; respiratory tract; review; rise; risk; role; sauteur; sauteur et; serology; severe; simple; skin; specific; strains; studies; study; subtype; symptoms; syndrome; tests; titer; toxin; tract; treatment; u.s; upper; years cache: cord-296495-9v0sq8k6.txt plain text: cord-296495-9v0sq8k6.txt item: #50 of 89 id: cord-297662-slmlhqnb author: Yap, Sally S. L. title: Dengue Virus Glycosylation: What Do We Know? date: 2017-07-25 words: 11150 flesch: 36 summary: Finally, N153 deglycosylated (N153 − ) DENV mutant displayed reduced infectivity (10-fold lower) in both mammalian and mosquito cells compared to WT, possibly due to impaired virus entry process (Lee et al., 1997; Hacker et al., 2009) , whereby loss of the N153-glycan affected the conformational stability of E proteins and led to premature exposure of the fusion peptide (Yoshii et al., 2013) . Instead, loss of the N67glycosylation site through site directed mutagenesis (N67Q) in E protein was sufficient to render DENV2 (strain 16681) growth defective in BHK-21 cells, a DC-SIGN(−) cell line (Bryant et al., 2007) . keywords: absence; acid; activation; addition; analysis; antibodies; antibody; attachment; binding; bryant; c6/36; carbohydrate; cells; characterization; clec5a; complement; complex; composition; conserved; contrast; core; crabtree; crabtree et; critical; dengue; dengue virus; denv; dependent; development; different; dimer; dimeric; dimerization; direct; disease; dissociation; domain; dss; e protein; electron; encephalitis; entry; envelope; enzymatic; enzymes; essential; et al; extracellular; fever; flamand; flamand et; flavivirus; folding; form; formation; fragmentation; functions; fusion; glycans; glycoproteins; glycosylated; glycosylation; golgi; growth; hacker; hexamer; hexameric; high; higher; host; human; hybrid; hydrophobic; immature; immune; important; induced; infected; infection; insect; interaction; johnson; johnson et; lectin; lee; lee et; low; mammalian; mannose; mass; maturation; mbl; membrane; mice; mosquito; mutant; n130; n153; n207; n67; neutralizing; nonstructural; ns1; ns1 protein; oligosaccharides; particle; pathogenesis; pathway; peptide; presence; prm; process; protein; pryor; receptor; recognition; reduced; replication; residues; rna; role; secretion; sialic; sign; site; soluble; somnuke; specific; spectrometry; stability; strain; structure; studies; study; sugar; surface; synthesis; terminal; tick; type; vaccine; vero; viral; virion; virulence; virus; viruses; winkler; wright cache: cord-297662-slmlhqnb.txt plain text: cord-297662-slmlhqnb.txt item: #51 of 89 id: cord-298032-3zlu8g8y author: Nan, Yuchen title: Antisense Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligomers as Novel Antiviral Compounds date: 2018-04-20 words: 10600 flesch: 36 summary: For HSV-1, ICP0 and ICP27 were selected as virus PPMO targets. Thus, both peptide-conjugated PMO (PPMO) and non-conjugated PMOs have been tested against Ebola virus infection in cultured cells and animal models. keywords: activity; addition; administration; analogs; antisense; antiviral; applications; associated; backbone; base; block; cells; cellular; challenge; clinical; compounds; conjugated; conserved; cpp; csi; cultured; cvb3; days; deas; delivery; dependent; development; disease; dna; dose; drug; eav; ebola; ebov; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; end; et al; ev-71; expression; factor; family; genes; genome; hand; herpesvirus; hev; high; host; hsv-1; human; icp0; icp27; infected; infection; influenza; inhibited; inhibition; ires; jev; kaposi; kshv; lethal; log10; mechanism; members; mice; model; morpholino; morpholino oligomers; moulton; mouse; mrna; neuman; non; novel; nucleic; oligomers; pel; peptide; phosphorodiamidate; pmo; pmoplus; pmos; positive; post; potential; ppmo; protection; protein; prrsv; reduced; reduction; region; replication; research; resistant; respiratory; results; rna; rnase; selection; sequence; significant; single; site; specific; splicing; start; steric; studies; study; summerton; survival; syndrome; targeted; targeting; targets; tat; terminal; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; titers; translation; treatment; type; utr; variety; viral; virf-1; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; vp24; vp35; wnv; zhang; zhang et cache: cord-298032-3zlu8g8y.txt plain text: cord-298032-3zlu8g8y.txt item: #52 of 89 id: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg author: Nan, Yuchen title: Molecular Biology and Infection of Hepatitis E Virus date: 2016-09-07 words: 16476 flesch: 35 summary: For the detailed geographical distribution of hepatitis E virus genotypes, please refer to these reviews (Dalton et al., 2008; Kamar et al., 2012a) . inhibits type I interferon induction by ORF1 products Differential activities of cellular and viral macro domain proteins in binding of ADP-ribose metabolites Hepatitis E virus ORF1 encoded macro domain protein interacts with light chain subunit of human ferritin and inhibits its secretion Genetic variability and evolution of hepatitis E virus Efficient cell culture systems for hepatitis E virus strains in feces and circulating blood Culture systems for hepatitis E virus Analysis of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase structure and function as guided by known polymerase structures and computer predictions of secondary structure The hepatitis E virus intraviral interactome Inhibition of alphavirus infection in cell culture and in mice with antisense morpholino oligomers Hepatitis E virus (HEV) protease: a chymotrypsin-like enzyme that processes both non-structural (pORF1) and capsid (pORF2) protein The in vitro-synthesized RNA from a cDNA clone of hepatitis E virus is infectious Molecular characterization of hepatitis E virus ORF1 gene supports a papain-like cysteine protease (PCP)-domain activity The hepatitis E virus ORF1 'X-domain' residues form a putative macrodomain protein/Appr-1-pase catalytic-site, critical for viral RNA replication The intergenic-junction variant (genotype 2 isolate) of hepatitis E virus restores the CREX 'stem-loop' structural integrity, essential for viral life cycle Evidence of MAPK-JNK1/2 activation by hepatitis E virus ORF3 protein in cultured hepatoma cells Hepatitis E virus infection among solid organ transplant recipients, the Netherlands Herpesvirus tegument protein pUL37 interacts with dystonin/BPAG1 to promote capsid transport on microtubules during egress Zoonotic origin of hepatitis E MacroH2A, a core histone containing a large nonhistone region Evolutionary conservation of histone macroH2A subtypes and domains Higher concentrations of histone macroH2A in the Barr body are correlated with higher nucleosome density Early secretory pathway localization and lack of processing for hepatitis E virus replication protein pORF1 Deletions of the hypervariable region (HVR) in open reading frame 1 of hepatitis E virus do not abolish virus infectivity: evidence for attenuation of HVR deletion mutants in vivo Mutational analysis of the hypervariable region of hepatitis e virus reveals its involvement in the efficiency of viral RNA replication Hepatitis E: an emerging awareness of an old disease Evolution of the hepatitis E virus polyproline region: order from disorder The molecular epidemiology of hepatitis E virus infection The hepatitis E virus polyproline region is involved in viral adaptation ADP-ribose-1-monophosphatase: a conserved coronavirus enzyme that is dispensable for viral replication in tissue culture Identification of protease and ADP-ribose 1-monophosphatase activities associated with transmissible gastroenteritis virus non-structural protein 3 Hepatitis E virus produced from cell culture has keywords: a549; able; acid; activity; acute; adp; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; available; avian; binding; biology; capsid; capsid protein; cases; cells; cellular; characterization; china; chronic; conserved; countries; cross; culture; current; cysteine; data; dependent; different; domain; downstream; e virus; effective; efficacy; enveloped; essential; et al; expression; factor; failure; family; form; frame; function; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; glycosylation; graff et; group; hand; helicase; hepatitis; hepatoma; hev; hev genotypes; hev infection; hev orf1; hev replication; hev rna; higher; host; huh7; human; hvr; identification; infected; infection; inhibits; innate; insect; insertion; interaction; interferon; isolates; kamar; kda; later; length; like; limited; liver; macro; major; mammalian; membrane; methyltransferase; molecular; morpholino; motif; mutation; nan et; new; non; nonstructural; novel; open; orf1; orf2; orf3; orf3 protein; orf4; organ; particles; parvez; pathogenesis; patients; pcp; phosphorylation; plc; polymerase; polyprotein; positive; potential; pregnant; prf/5; processing; product; proline; protease; protein; psap; putative; rate; rdrp; reading; recent; receptor; recombinant; region; related; release; replication; report; residues; ribavirin; ribose; rich; rna; role; rubella; s17; sar55; sequence; serum; shows; signaling; similarity; site; smith et; solid; species; specific; strain; structural; studies; study; swine; system; terminal; terminus; transcription; translation; transmission; transplant; treatment; vaccine; viral; virions; virus; virus infection; virus replication; viruses; vivo; vp13; wedemeyer; wedemeyer et; wild; women; zoonotic cache: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg.txt plain text: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg.txt item: #53 of 89 id: cord-298240-vcph52gn author: Chan, Shiu-Wan title: The unfolded protein response in virus infections date: 2014-09-30 words: 1186 flesch: 43 summary: On one hand, the host mobilizes the UPR in an attempt to restrict virus infection. The consequence of this is that the UPR is often skewed during virus infections to either favor virus elimination or virus invasion. keywords: anti; autophagy; chronic; erad; group; hepatitis; host; immunity; infection; innate; interaction; life; protein; response; stress; unfolded; upr; viral; virus; viruses; vzv cache: cord-298240-vcph52gn.txt plain text: cord-298240-vcph52gn.txt item: #54 of 89 id: cord-300379-db79kb5c author: Park, Jun-Gyu title: Potent Inhibition of Zika Virus Replication by Aurintricarboxylic Acid date: 2019-04-12 words: 5171 flesch: 40 summary: ADE, which has been extensively described in DENV (Priyamvada et al., 2017) , is a phenomenon where preexisting antibodies facilitate binding and infection during subsequent exposure to infectious viruses, instead of neutralizing them, resulting in exacerbation of clinical signs Priyamvada et al., 2017) . Because of the structural similarities between DENV and ZIKV, DENV immunity-linked ADE of ZIKV infection has also been reported Priyamvada et al., 2017) . keywords: a549; a549 cells; acid; activity; african; antiviral; apoptosis; ata; aurintricarboxylic; broad; caspase; cells; cellular; compound; concentration; control; data; denv; dependent; dmso; drug; effect; effective; et al; figure; fink; format; french; human; infected; infection; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; lines; media; p.i; paraiba/2015; plate; post; pre; proteins; replication; results; shadrick; similar; software; states; strains; study; supernatants; treatment; triplicates; united; vaccines; vaccinia; vero; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; zika; zikv; zikv infection cache: cord-300379-db79kb5c.txt plain text: cord-300379-db79kb5c.txt item: #55 of 89 id: cord-302854-buzyani0 author: Prabakaran, Ponraj title: Origin, diversity, and maturation of human antiviral antibodies analyzed by high-throughput sequencing date: 2012-08-02 words: 3460 flesch: 35 summary: Among the different factors thwarting the induction of bnAbs, we previously found that all known HIV-1 bnAbs are highly divergent from germline antibodies; germline antibodies of bnAbs could not bind to the epitopes of respective mature antibodies, which led to a hypothesis that HIV-1 may have evolved to use the holes (absence of or weak binding to germline-lineaged bnAbs) in the human germline B cell receptor repertoire (Xiao et al., 2009) . For quality control of antibody sequences, we trimmed the 454 sequence data and retained only sequences of length more than 300 nucleotides (nt), covering the entire antibody variable domains consisting of the three complementarity determining regions (CDR) along with framework regions (FR). keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; b12; binding; bnabs; chains; closest; cov; data; different; diversity; figure; frequencies; genes; germline; hcdr3; heavy; henipaviruses; high; hiv-1; human; hv1; ighv; igm; imgt; immune; intermediates; length; library; maturation; mutations; phylogenetic; quest; recombination; repertoire; research; sars; sars cov; sequence; sequencing; somatic; tree; usage; vaccine; vdj cache: cord-302854-buzyani0.txt plain text: cord-302854-buzyani0.txt item: #56 of 89 id: cord-302928-nnly9ju8 author: Adachi, Akio title: Grand Challenge in Human/Animal Virology: Unseen, Smallest Replicative Entities Shape the Whole Globe date: 2020-03-18 words: 2779 flesch: 23 summary: Virology is a multidisciplinary research field and, as an academic discipline of the biology, it extensively analyzes all aspects of viruses derived from every living species by scientific systems/methodologies currently available to us as exemplified and fully described in a series of Frontiers special issues designated Research Topic (RT) in the Virology section of Frontiers in Microbiology Adachi, 2010, 2017; Miyazaki et al., 2012; Nomaguchi et al., 2012; Berkhout and Coombs, 2013; Sato et al., 2013; Adachi and Miura, 2014; Dutilh et al., 2017; Sanfaçon, 2017; Yamamoto et al., 2017) . Of socially important pathogenic viruses, some are solely tropic for humans, HIV-1 as an example (Hatziioannou et al., 2006 (Hatziioannou et al., , 2009 Kamada et al., 2006; Nomaguchi et al., 2008 Nomaguchi et al., , 2013b , and some like human norovirus are known not to replicate in cultured cells (Duizer et al., 2004; Herbst-Kralovetz et al., 2013; Ettayebi et al., 2016; Murakami et al., 2020) . keywords: adachi; adaptation; animal; articles; biological; biology; cells; course; decade; distribution; diversity; editorial; et al; evolution; field; future; generation; genetic; hiv-1; hosts; human; immunity; important; individual; infection; issues; macaque; new; nomaguchi; nomaguchi et; numerous; past; pathogenic; related; replication; research; rna; rts; scientific; section; sequencing; species; structural; studies; systems; therapy; tropic; vaccines; viral; virology; viruses; world; zika cache: cord-302928-nnly9ju8.txt plain text: cord-302928-nnly9ju8.txt item: #57 of 89 id: cord-305973-i3raopi6 author: Perley, Casey C. title: Anti-HFRS Human IgG Produced in Transchromosomic Bovines Has Potent Hantavirus Neutralizing Activity and Is Protective in Animal Models date: 2020-05-07 words: 8070 flesch: 42 summary: Human IgG purified from the LNP-formulated animal (SAB-159), had anti-HTNV neutralizing antibody titers >100,000. Similarly, marmosets administered SAB-159 had ∼10-fold reduced levels of anti-HTNV antibody after HTNV challenge. keywords: 2014a; activity; adjuvant; andv; animal; antibodies; antibody; assay; blood; bovine; brocato; cattle; cells; challenge; clinical; concentration; control; data; day; days; device; disease; dna; dna vaccine; dose; double; elisa; escape; et al; exposure; figure; fold; h304y; hamsters; hantaan; hantavirus; hfrs; high; higher; hooper; hooper et; htnv; human; igg; immunoglobulin; infected; infection; k795q; lethal; levels; lnp; mab; marmosets; material; models; monoclonal; multiple; mutants; mutation; nau; need; negative; neutralization; neutralizing; non; normal; pfu; plasma; plasmid; polyclonal; post; potency; potent; product; protective; pseudovirions; psvna; pulmonary; purified; puuv; pwrg; research; response; sab-159; segment; sera; serum; single; specific; study; syndrome; tcb; titers; treatment; trial; use; vaccination; vaccine; values; virus; viruses; weeks cache: cord-305973-i3raopi6.txt plain text: cord-305973-i3raopi6.txt item: #58 of 89 id: cord-310392-fmobf1f1 author: Sekizuka, Tsuyoshi title: SARS-CoV-2 Genome Analysis of Japanese Travelers in Nile River Cruise date: 2020-06-05 words: 2420 flesch: 51 summary: In this study, we have evaluated viral genome sequences from SARS-CoV-2-positive travelers who returned from Egypt, and characterized the haplotype networks to demonstrate possible routes of the spread. We evaluated viral genome sequences from 10 SARS-CoV-2positive travelers who returned from Egypt, as well as their close contacts, to identify possible routes of spread. keywords: analysis; cases; close; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cruise; egypt; figure; genome; gisaid; haplotype; hu-1; isolates; japan; march; network; nile; patients; pcr; positive; potential; river; sars; sequences; ship; snv; snvs; study; table; travelers; wuhan cache: cord-310392-fmobf1f1.txt plain text: cord-310392-fmobf1f1.txt item: #59 of 89 id: cord-312336-784izxqd author: Fouret, Julien title: Sequencing the Genome of Indian Flying Fox, Natural Reservoir of Nipah Virus, Using Hybrid Assembly and Conservative Secondary Scaffolding date: 2020-07-29 words: 7530 flesch: 46 summary: Several different sequencing strategies have been used in the past years to sequence bat genomes, including (i) high coverage long-read sequencing strategy, e.g., 83x of PacBIO Eonycteris spelaea (Wen et al., 2018) , (ii) Illumina sequencing (e.g., 93x for paired-end libraries and 67x of matepair libraries) for P. alecto (Zhang et al., 2013) and also (iii) hybrid sequencing, e.g., 145x of Illumina short reads and 24x of PacBio long-reads for Rousettus aegyptecus (Pavlovich et al., 2018) . Interestingly, the value of NG50 for Ma_sr-lr_phylo assembly outperforms the NG50 of P. alecto assembly (16 Mb) (Zhang et al., 2013) , while having a smaller number of Ns (any nucleotide according to the IUPAC code) in its sequence (Supplementary Table S1 ). keywords: ace2; agouti; alecto; alignment; analysis; annotation; assemblies; assembly; available; bat; bats; better; cell; copy; data; database; depth; different; divergence; dna; end; et al; figure; flying; fox; fragmentation; gene; genome; graph; high; host; humans; illumina; indian; information; kit; long; lower; lr_phylo; lr_union100; ma_sr; material; medius; medius genome; mers; methods; metrics; multiple; nanopore; natural; new; ng50; nipah; number; order; p. alecto; p. medius; phylogenetic; present; pteropus; quality; ragout; reads; reference; repeats; results; rna; sars; scaff2link; scaffolding; scaffolds; secondary; sequence; sequencing; short; single; size; software; solid; sources; species; step; studies; study; supplementary; table; time; tree; understanding; use; vampyrus; virus cache: cord-312336-784izxqd.txt plain text: cord-312336-784izxqd.txt item: #60 of 89 id: cord-314567-purplsjn author: Fernández-Ponce, Cecilia title: Ultrastructural Localization and Molecular Associations of HCV Capsid Protein in Jurkat T Cells date: 2018-01-04 words: 7982 flesch: 24 summary: Among them, HCV core protein has been widely associated with pathogenicity, virulence, immune evasion and immune regulation (Dominguez-Villar et al., 2007 , 2012a Waggoner et al., 2007; However, the underlying molecular processes, as well as the behavior of HCV core protein or its interactions with host cell components, remain unclear. keywords: 2012a; addition; alterations; analysis; anti; antibody; assembly; associations; beads; binding; biological; buffer; c virus; capsid; cd4; cell cycle; cells; cellular; coated; control; core; core protein; coronavirus; cycle; cytoplasm; data; disease; dominguez; doumba; dynamic; essential; et al; expression; factors; fernandez; figure; findings; function; genes; gfp; hcv; hcv core; helicases; hepatitis; hiscox; host; human; immune; infected; infection; interaction; intracellular; jurkat; jurkat cells; jurkat t; lentiviral; like; lines; lipid; localization; lymphocytes; mass; mechanisms; min; molecular; networks; nolss; non; nuclear; nucleocapsid; nucleolar; nucleolar localization; nucleolar proteins; nucleolus; nucleus; order; pathways; patients; pbs; peptide; ponce; ponce et; presence; processing; production; progression; proliferation; protein; pull; range; regulation; regulatory; relevant; replication; ribosomal; rna; sections; sequence; software; spectrometry; studies; study; subcellular; system; t cells; trafficking; transduced; villar; villar et; viral; viral proteins; virus; virus core; viruses; work cache: cord-314567-purplsjn.txt plain text: cord-314567-purplsjn.txt item: #61 of 89 id: cord-315834-ashjw2xs author: Guo, Lingxi title: Clinical Features Predicting Mortality Risk in Patients With Viral Pneumonia: The MuLBSTA Score date: 2019-12-03 words: 4029 flesch: 42 summary: Viral pneumonia patients were classified into two groups: survival group and 90-day death group. The mean age of viral pneumonia patients was 63.56 (SD 19.08) years and 61.2% were male. keywords: acute; adults; age; analysis; antiviral; auroc; bacterial; cells; clinical; community; curb-65; cut; cytokines; data; days; death; disease; et al; factors; figure; group; high; hospital; il-2r; il-6; infection; influenza; levels; lower; lymphocyte; model; mortality; mulbsta; non; patients; pneumonia; points; predicting; regression; respiratory; risk; score; serum; setting; severe; severity; study; survival; table; therapy; time; treatment; variables; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-315834-ashjw2xs.txt plain text: cord-315834-ashjw2xs.txt item: #62 of 89 id: cord-316176-rqc6kvsl author: Crémet, Lise title: Evaluation of the FilmArray(®) Pneumonia Plus Panel for Rapid Diagnosis of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit Patients date: 2020-08-25 words: 5513 flesch: 38 summary: There will be a learning curve for physicians to establish how best to use FAPP results in the management of ICU patients with HAP. By rereading the plates in light of FAPP results after final report, we showed that an absence of significant growth, or polybacterial cultures impeding the accurate visualization of non-predominant pathogens, explained almost equally the majority of the non-detections in culture (Figure 3) . keywords: additional; amoxicillin; antibiotics; antimicrobial; aureus; bacteria; bal; bal ds; bin; care; cases; cfus; clavulanate; coli; conventional; copies; culture; days; detection; diagnosis; et al; eta; eta ds; european; fapp; figure; filmarray; genes; guidelines; hap; hospital; icu; influenzae; intensive; lower; majority; methods; molecular; multiplex; negative; panel; pathogens; patients; pneumonia; positive; resistance; respiratory; results; routine; sample; semi; specimens; study; supplementary; table; targets; testing; therapy; time; tract; viruses cache: cord-316176-rqc6kvsl.txt plain text: cord-316176-rqc6kvsl.txt item: #63 of 89 id: cord-316537-f5rto51t author: Loens, Katherine title: Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Current Knowledge on Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques and Serological Diagnostics date: 2016-03-31 words: 4210 flesch: 26 summary: Curr Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae by two polymerase chain reactions and role of M. pneumoniae in acute respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children Singlenucleotide polymorphism PCR for the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and determination of macrolide resistance in respiratory samples Clinical significance of different bacterial load of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia Genetic point-of-care diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection using LAMP assay Eaton agent and other non-bacterial pneumonias Rapid diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in children with pneumonia by an immunochromatographic antigen assay Rapid detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and its macrolide-resistance mutation by Cycleave PCR Acute respiratory infection due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae: current status of diagnostic methods A multicenter pilot external quality assessment programme to assess the quality of molecular detection of Chlamydophila pneumoniae and Mycoplasma pneumoniae Molecular diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae respiratory tract infections Optimal sampling sites and methods for detection of pathogens possibly causing community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections Performance of different mono-and multiplex nucleic acid amplification tests on a multipathogen external quality assessment panel Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a causative agent of communityacquired pneumonia in children: clinical features and laboratory diagnosis Diagnostic sensitivity of a rapid antigen test for the detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae: comparison with real-time PCR Evaluation of eight commercial tests for Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibodies in the absence of acute infection World health organization international standard to harmonize assays for detection of mycoplasma DNA Development of a multiplex real-time PCR assay for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae and mutations associated with macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae from respiratory clinical specimens Comparative evaluation of six commercialized multiplex PCR kits for the diagnosis of respiratory infections FilmArray, an automated nested multiplex PCR system for multipathogen detection: development and application to respiratory tract infection Validation of a multiplex reverse transcriptase PCR ELISA for the detection of 19 respiratory tract pathogens Comparison of the illumigene Mycoplasma DNA amplification assay and culture for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Real-time PCR detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in respiratory specimens Limited utility of culture for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae for diagnosis of respiratory tract infections Association of targeted multiplex PCR with resequencing microarray for the detection of multiple respiratory pathogens Pathogen chip for respiratory tract infections Carriage of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the upper respiratory tract of symptomatic and asymptomatic children: an observational study Analysis of eight commercial enzyme immunoassay tests for detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in human serum New insights into the pathogenesis and detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections Mycoplasma pneumoniae and its role as a human pathogen Field evaluation of TaqMan Array Card (TAC) for the simultaneous detection of multiple respiratory viruses in children with acute respiratory infection PCR versus serology for diagnosing Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection: a systematic review & meta-analysis Evaluation of a new real-time PCR assay for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical specimens Cultureindependent detection and genotyping of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in clinical specimens from Beijing The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Correct and rapid diagnosis and/or management of M. pneumoniae infections is, however, critical to initiate appropriate antibiotic treatment and is nowadays usually done by PCR and/or serology. keywords: acute; amplification; antibodies; approach; assay; authors; available; bacterial; children; clinical; community; culture; detection; diagnosis; different; dna; effectiveness; et al; evaluation; filmarray; gene; gold; human; igg; igm; infection; isothermal; lamp; load; loens; methods; molecular; multiplex; mycoplasma; mycoplasma pneumoniae; naats; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumoniae; positive; qpcr; rapid; real; respiratory; results; review; sensitivity; serological; serology; serum; specificity; specimens; standard; studies; study; technologies; test; time; tract; use; viruses cache: cord-316537-f5rto51t.txt plain text: cord-316537-f5rto51t.txt item: #64 of 89 id: cord-317499-mxt7stat author: Saraya, Takeshi title: Epidemiology of virus-induced asthma exacerbations: with special reference to the role of human rhinovirus date: 2014-05-26 words: 5658 flesch: 26 summary: Arruda et al. The median duration of HRV colds is 1 week, but up to 25% last more than 2 weeks (Gwaltney et al., 1967; Rotbart and Hayden, 2000) . keywords: acute; adults; airway; allergic; asthma; asthmatic; bronchial; cells; children; chronic; clinical; cold; common; community; copd; culture; data; days; detection; disease; effect; epidemiological; epidemiology; epithelial; et al; exacerbations; experimental; expression; frequency; group; healthy; hospitalized; hrv; hrv infection; human; ifn; ige; illness; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibits; inoculation; interferon; johnston; load; lower; major; nicholson; nitric; obstructive; oxide; patients; pcr; pneumonia; positive; primary; production; pulmonary; receptor; remodeling; replication; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; role; rsv; severe; severity; species; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; tracheal; tract; treatment; type; viral; viruses; wheezing; yamaya cache: cord-317499-mxt7stat.txt plain text: cord-317499-mxt7stat.txt item: #65 of 89 id: cord-317595-siwzjeea author: Forni, Diego title: Evolutionary Analysis Provides Insight Into the Origin and Adaptation of HCV date: 2018-05-01 words: 9946 flesch: 40 summary: Most RAVs naturally occur in treatment-naive patients and in some instances RAV prevalence differs among genotypes or subtypes (Rai and Deval, 2011; Bartenschlager et al., 2013; RAVs were obtained by merging six recently compiled lists of naturally occurring variants associated with DAA resistance (Rai and Deval, 2011; Bartenschlager et al., 2013; Lontok et al., 2015; Cannalire et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2016; Patino-Galindo et al., 2016) . keywords: abs; acid; adaptation; africa; alignment; amino; analysis; ancestor; approach; asia; association; bats; binding; branch; branches; c virus; cd81; cell; codons; common; different; diversity; docking; domain; drug; ehv; endemic; entry; estimate; et al; evidence; evolutionary; figure; gard; genetic; genome; genotypes; hcv; hepaciviruses; hepatitis; horses; host; human; ifn; infection; interface; kapoor; kapoor et; kosakovsky; likelihood; likely; long; mammalian; methods; model; molecular; molecules; multiple; new; non; ns4b; ns5a; ns5b; oas1; ocln; origin; phylogeny; pkr; pond; populations; positions; positive; presence; protein; purifying; pybus; rate; rav; ravs; rdp4; receptor; recombination; region; rel; residues; resistance; results; saturation; scheel; selected; selection; selective; sequences; simmonds; sites; species; sphingomyelin; spread; strains; structural; substitution; subtypes; supplementary; table; test; time; tmrca; transmission; treatment; value; variants; variation; viral; virus; wertheim; wertheim et; years cache: cord-317595-siwzjeea.txt plain text: cord-317595-siwzjeea.txt item: #66 of 89 id: cord-319460-n4ezxnjc author: Bertasio, Cristina title: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Shedding and Antibody Response in Swine Farms: A Longitudinal Study date: 2016-12-15 words: 5929 flesch: 47 summary: QPCR and clinical data were useful in understanding the dynamics of PEDV infections and, therefore, in implementing appropriate control measures. None of the farms had reported PEDV infections prior to this study, and thus, we can surmise that the sows had been recently infected at the time of their enrollment in the study, while piglets were infected after birth, through contact with infected sows. keywords: age; animals; antibodies; antibody; assay; clinical; concentration; conditions; control; copies; data; days; detection; diarrhea; different; disease; epidemic; et al; experimental; farms; farrow; fecal; field; gene; genome; high; immunity; indel; infected; infection; italy; levels; log; longitudinal; mean; mild; mortality; old; outbreak; pcr; pedv; piglets; pigs; porcine; positive; presence; present; qpcr; quantitative; rna; samples; sampling; severe; shedding; signs; sows; strain; study; supplementary; swine; table; time; variant; viral; virulence; virus cache: cord-319460-n4ezxnjc.txt plain text: cord-319460-n4ezxnjc.txt item: #67 of 89 id: cord-319614-4qi59pbz author: Benej, Martin title: Quantitative Proteomics Reveal Peroxiredoxin Perturbation Upon Persistent Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection in Human Cells date: 2019-10-25 words: 8920 flesch: 38 summary: A highly suitable tool to study virus-host cell interactions is proteomics, since viral infection fundamentally affects host cell proteins. Using a luciferase reporter containing HRE, we detected a modest, but significant increase in HIF-1 transactivation in infected HeLa cells in comparison to control cells ( Figure 7A) . keywords: a549; abundance; abundant; accumulation; actin; activation; activity; akt; alpha; analysis; antioxidant; arenavirus; bars; binding; biological; buffer; cells; cellular; changes; choriomeningitis; control; cy3; cy5; dark; data; denote; densitometric; deviations; dige; dilution; dna; error; et al; expression; factor; figure; fluorescence; fragments; functions; gel; gene; healthcare; hela; hela cells; host; human; hypoxia; important; inducible; infected; infected cells; infection; inhibition; intensity; interactions; isolate; lcmv; lcmv infection; levels; line; loading; lymphocytic; mammarenavirus; mass; metabolism; min; mock; molecular; non; number; overnight; oxidative; oxygen; pathway; peroxiredoxins; persistent; pi3k; preparative; processes; protein; proteomic; prxs; ratio; reactive; regulation; relative; replicates; replication; research; response; restriction; rna; role; ros; sample; sds; signaling; significant; software; solution; spots; standard; stress; study; system; table; telomere; telomeric; thioredoxin; total; transcription; treatment; viral; virus; viruses; volume; vs.; water cache: cord-319614-4qi59pbz.txt plain text: cord-319614-4qi59pbz.txt item: #68 of 89 id: cord-321112-w7x1dkds author: Zhao, Xuesen title: IFITM Genes, Variants, and Their Roles in the Control and Pathogenesis of Viral Infections date: 2019-01-08 words: 7019 flesch: 30 summary: Keywords: host susceptibility, interferon-induced transmembrane proteins, IFITM, single nucleotide polymorphisms, viral infection Interferon-induced transmembrane proteins (IFITMs) are a family of small proteins that can be found in single cell organisms and are evolutionally conserved across vertebrates (Siegrist et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2012) . Among the number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IFITM3 gene that have been identified in human populations, several are associated with disease severity and prognosis of influenza A virus (IAV) and other viral infections (Everitt et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2015; Xu-Yang et al., 2016; Allen et al., 2017) . keywords: activity; addition; allele; amino; antiviral; association; bailey et; cells; cellular; chesarino; chinese; cil; compton et; cov; deletion; disease; domain; endocytic; entry; envelope; essential; et al; everitt et; expression; factor; family; figure; frequency; function; fusion; genes; genetic; genotype; hcov; hfrs; higher; host; human; iav; ifitm proteins; ifitm3; induced; infection; infectivity; influenza; inhibit; inhibition; interferon; isoform; localization; membranes; motif; palmitoylation; pathogenesis; patients; plasma; population; progeny; promoter; proteins; recent; reduced; region; residues; restriction; risk; rs12252; rs34481144; severe; severity; signal; single; snp; snps; studies; study; susceptibility; terminal; transmembrane; variant; variation; viral; virions; virus; viruses; zhang et; zhao cache: cord-321112-w7x1dkds.txt plain text: cord-321112-w7x1dkds.txt item: #69 of 89 id: cord-322649-c99lszcu author: Miao, Faming title: Rapid and Sensitive Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Combined With Lateral Flow Strip for Detecting African Swine Fever Virus date: 2019-05-15 words: 3404 flesch: 43 summary: African swine fever (ASF) is a severe viral disease that manifests clinical symptoms of hemorrhagic fever caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV) and can result in case fatality rates of up to 100% in domestic pigs, depending on the virus strain (Galindo and Alonso, 2017) . Highly sensitive PCR assay for routine diagnosis of African swine fever virus in clinical samples A new approach for diagnosis of bovine coronavirus using a reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification assay Chimeric DNA/LNA-based biosensor for the rapid detection of African swine fever virus African swine fever virus: a new old enemy of Europe Molecular diagnosis of African swine fever by a new realtime PCR using universal probe library Development of cross-priming amplification for direct detection of the African swine fever virus, in pig and wild boar blood and sera samples African swine fever virus: a review Cross-priming amplification combined with immunochromatographic strip for rapid on-site detection of African swine fever virus Rapid detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus using recombinase polymerase amplification assays Recombinase polymerase amplification: emergence as a critical molecular technology for rapid, low-resource diagnostics Detection of African swine fever virus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification Development of a TaqMan PCR assay with internal amplification control for the detection of African swine fever virus African swine fever in China Overcoming the challenges of pen-side molecular diagnosis of African swine fever to support outbreak investigations under field conditions Comprehensive phylogenetic reconstructions of African swine fever virus: proposal for a new classification and molecular dating of the virus On a form of swine fever occurring in British East Africa (Kenya Colony) Thirty-five-year presence of African swine fever in Sardinia: history, evolution and risk factors for disease maintenance Virological diagnosis of African swine fever-comparative study of available tests African swine fever virus biology and vaccine approaches Challenges for African swine fever vaccine developmentperhaps the end of the beginning African swine fever virus isolate, Georgia Development of a novel lateral flow assay for detection of African swine fever in blood On the situation of African swine fever and the biological characterization of recent virus isolates Rapid detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus using reverse transcription recombinase polymerase amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick A recombinase polymerase amplification-based assay for rapid detection of African swine fever virus Polymerase cross-linking spiral reaction (PCLSR) for detection of African swine fever virus (ASFV) in pigs and wild boars Development and application of a droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (ddPCR) for detection and investigation of African swine fever virus Development and evaluation of a rapid and sensitive EBOV-RPA test for rapid diagnosis of ebola virus disease Emergence of African swine fever in China Preclinical diagnosis of African swine fever in contact-exposed swine by a real-time PCR assay keywords: african; african swine; amplification; asfv; assay; china; conditions; control; copies; cross; detection; diagnosis; disease; dna; et al; extraction; fever; field; figure; flow; inactivated; lateral; lfd; min; p72; pcr; plasmid; polymerase; positive; primer; probe; rapid; reaction; real; recombinase; results; rpa; samples; sensitivity; site; study; swine; swine fever; system; taqman; test; testing; time; viral; virus; zhang cache: cord-322649-c99lszcu.txt plain text: cord-322649-c99lszcu.txt item: #70 of 89 id: cord-324058-20drr99p author: Massey, Bill W. title: Respiratory Microbial Co-infection With SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-08-25 words: 4593 flesch: 46 summary: The large number and diversity of subjects allowed for examination of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogen infection rates, and co-infection by age group, residential facilities (i.e., nursing homes and assisted living facilities), race, and gender. However, there were differences in SARS-CoV-2 infection rates between patients from residential facilities and outpatients, with 21.1% of residential subjects being SARS-CoV-2 + compared to 10% of the outpatient subjects (p < 0.0001). keywords: age; aureus; bacterial; catarrhalis; common; cov-2; covid-19; data; elderly; facilities; gender; greater; group; hhv4; hhv6; higher; human; infected; infection; influenza; likely; model; non; pandemic; pathogens; patients; pneumoniae; positive; present; race; rates; residential; respiratory; samples; sars; states; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; table; tested; testing; time; united; viral; virus; years cache: cord-324058-20drr99p.txt plain text: cord-324058-20drr99p.txt item: #71 of 89 id: cord-324651-8teb5jrn author: Filippini, Antonio title: Could the Inhibition of Endo-Lysosomal Two-Pore Channels (TPCs) by the Natural Flavonoid Naringenin Represent an Option to Fight SARS-CoV-2 Infection? date: 2020-04-30 words: 2054 flesch: 29 summary: In this context, it should be noted that the opening of TPCs induces a strong sodiumdriven depolarization in the endo-lysosomal membrane (Wang et al., 2012; Boccaccio et al., 2014; Cang et al., 2014; Lagostena et al., 2017) , which is supposed to enhance membrane fusion mechanisms (Wang et al., 2012) . Of note, Nar has been shown to ameliorate acute inflammation (Jin et al., 2017) as well as lung fibrosis , which could represent a therapeutic advantage. keywords: activity; cells; channels; chloroquine; coronavirus; cov-2; cross; data; endo; entry; et al; evidence; flavonoid; fusion; human; infection; inhibition; intracellular; line; lysosomal; lysosomes; melanosome; naringenin; novel; pathway; pharmacological; pore; potential; present; protease; recent; replication; sars; tpc2; tpcs; viral; virus cache: cord-324651-8teb5jrn.txt plain text: cord-324651-8teb5jrn.txt item: #72 of 89 id: cord-326217-ji0njeha author: Saleh, Maged title: Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3β Enhances Hepatitis C Virus Replication by Supporting miR-122 date: 2018-11-27 words: 4744 flesch: 37 summary: To assess whether both GSK3 isoforms are required for HCV replication, we silenced GSK3α and / or GSK3β gene expression by transfecting siRNAs and quantified HCV RNA in Huh-7.5 cells harboring HCV subgenomic replicon (Con1) or infectious HCV (Jc1). As shown in Figure 4A (upper panel), silencing of GSK3β gene expression resulted in a substantial decrease of HCV RNA levels of both the subgenomic replicon and the full-length HCV construct, whereas silencing of GSK3α gene expression had only a minor effect on HCV replication. keywords: cells; chir99021; chronic; con1; control; cycle; data; diabetes; effect; et al; experiments; expression; factor; figure; gapdh; gene; genome; genotype; glycogen; gsk3; hcv; hcv replication; hepatitis; hev; host; huh-7.5; important; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; insulin; jc1; key; kinase; lange; length; levels; life; liver; mean; metabolism; microrna; mir-122; ns5b; phosphorylation; production; protein; receptor; replication; replicon; resistance; response; results; rna; role; sem; signaling; silencing; specific; study; subgenomic; synthase; treatment; value; viral; virus cache: cord-326217-ji0njeha.txt plain text: cord-326217-ji0njeha.txt item: #73 of 89 id: cord-329003-ovnzlpa2 author: Chen, Mengmeng title: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Non-structural Protein 6 Induces Apoptosis in Rabbit Kidney Cells date: 2019-01-09 words: 4943 flesch: 47 summary: Therefore, a stable kidney cell line from rabbit (RK13 cell) was selected as the object to study cell apoptosis in this research. Like many other positive-strand RNA viruses, RHDV-infection can also induce cell apoptosis in vivo and is believed to contribute to RHD pathogenesis (Alonso et al., 1998) . keywords: activities; activity; annexin; anti; apoptosis; apoptotic; assay; bax; bcl2; blue; caspase-3; catalytic; cells; cleavage; control; cytometry; death; disease; dye; effects; et al; expression; figure; flow; fold; hela; hemorrhagic; hepg2; his27; hpt; human; important; kidney; kit; like; liver; mitochondrial; mtt; non; nsp6; pathogenesis; pathways; pcdna3.1; protease; protein; rabbit; research; residue; results; rhdv; rk13; rk13 cells; rna; role; staining; states; structural; study; time; trypan; tunel; united; vector; viability; viral; virus cache: cord-329003-ovnzlpa2.txt plain text: cord-329003-ovnzlpa2.txt item: #74 of 89 id: cord-330942-x238hq9b author: Versluys, Anne Birgitta title: Morbidity and Mortality Associated With Respiratory Virus Infections in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant: Too Little Defense or Harmful Immunity? date: 2018-11-21 words: 4347 flesch: 35 summary: Prospective study of respiratory viral infections in pediatric hemopoietic stem cell transplantation patients The virome in host health and disease Clinical outcomes associated with respiratory virus detection before allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant Intravenous palivizumab and ribavirin combination for respiratory syncytial virus disease in high-risk pediatric patients Respiratory syncytial virus infections in children with cancer Management of respiratory viral infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients and patients with hematologic malignancies Airflow obstruction after myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Respiratory virus detection and co-infection in children and adults in a large Australian hospital in 2009-2015 Differences in clinical outcomes after 2009 influenza A/H1N1 and seasonal influenza among hematopoietic cell transplant recipients Human bocavirus in children: mono-detection, high viral load and viraemia are associated with respiratory tract infection the, BCSH/BSBMT/UK clinical virology network guideline: diagnosis and management of common respiratory viral infections in patients undergoing treatment for haematological malignancies or stem cell transplantation RSV infection without ribavirin treatment in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Airflow decline after myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: the role of community respiratory viruses Prevalence and clinical course of viral upper respiratory tract infections in immunocompromised pediatric patients with malignancies or after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation A multicenter consortium to define the epidemiology and outcomes of inpatient respiratory viral infections in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients Symptomatic respiratory virus infection and chronic lung allograft dysfunction Factors affecting the immunity to respiratory syncytial virus: from epigenetics to microbiome Viral pneumonia in patients with hematopoietic cell transplantation and hematologic malignancies ECIL-4): guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of human respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, and coronavirus Significant transplantation-related mortality from respiratory virus infections within the first one hundred days in children after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Project on criteria for clinical trials in chronic graft-versus-host disease: I. The 2014 diagnosis and staging working group report Respiratory syncytial virus in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: factors determining progression to lower respiratory tract disease Outcomes of influenza infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: application of an immunodeficiency scoring index Clinical impact of community-acquired respiratory viruses on bronchiolitis obliterans after lung transplant A prospective molecular surveillance study evaluating the clinical impact of community-acquired respiratory viruses in lung transplant recipients An official American Thoracic Society research statement: noninfectious lung injury after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: idiopathic pneumonia syndrome Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of coronavirus and bocavirus respiratory infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation: a prospective single-center study Mortality rates of human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory tract infections in hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients Respiratory syncytial virus infections in pediatric transplant recipients: A Canadian paediatric surveillance program study Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome after hematopoietic cell transplantation: evidence of occult infectious etiologies Human rhinovirus detection in the lower respiratory tract of hematopoietic cell transplant recipients: association with mortality Immunodeficiency scoring index to predict poor outcomes in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients with RSV infections Management of respiratory viral infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients Parainfluenza virus infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients and hematologic malignancy patients: a systematic review Human metapneumovirus infections in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients and hematologic malignancy patients: a systematic review Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in non-HIV immunosuppressed patients Strong association between respiratory viral infection early after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and the development of life-threatening acute and chronic alloimmune lung syndromes Infection with a respiratory virus before hematopoietic cell transplantation is associated with alloimmune-mediated lung syndromes Respiratory viruses in lung transplant recipients: a critical review and pooled analysis of clinical studies How I treat respiratory viral infections in the setting of intensive chemotherapy or hematopoietic cell transplantation Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-infected patients Research on the human virome: where are we and what is next All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication. keywords: allogeneic; associated; campbell; carv; cause; cell; children; chronic; clinical; days; detection; disease; et al; fisher; fisher et; group; hct; hematopoietic; human; immune; impact; incidence; infections; influenza; lower; lrti; lung; mortality; patients; pediatric; pneumonia; population; positive; prevalence; progression; pulmonary; recipients; respiratory; risk; role; rsv; shah; significant; stem; studies; symptoms; syncytial; syndrome; tract; transplant; transplantation; treatment; versluys; viral; virus; viruses; weeks cache: cord-330942-x238hq9b.txt plain text: cord-330942-x238hq9b.txt item: #75 of 89 id: cord-331973-avjw4kx1 author: Das, Shubhagata title: Laboratory Diagnosis of Respiratory Tract Infections in Children – the State of the Art date: 2018-10-18 words: 5144 flesch: 16 summary: RVP fast multiplex assays for detection of respiratory viruses FilmArray, an automated nested multiplex PCR system for multipathogen detection: development and application to respiratory tract infection Syndromic panel-based testing in clinical microbiology RespiFinder: a new multiparameter test to differentially identify fifteen respiratory viruses Adenoviral infections in children: the impact of rapid diagnosis Impact of a rapid respiratory panel test on patient outcomes Viral detection by electron microscopy: past, present and future Comparison of the Luminex NxTAG respiratory pathogen panel and a multiplex in-house real-time PCR panel for the detection of respiratory viruses in symptomatic patients Serology as an adjunct to polymerase chain reaction assays for surveillance of acute respiratory virus infections Point-counterpoint: large multiplex PCR panels should be first-line tests for detection of respiratory and intestinal pathogens Comparison of the Simplexa TM Flu A/B & RSV kit (nucleic acid extraction-dependent assay) and the Prodesse ProFlu + TM assay for detecting influenza and respiratory syncytial viruses Comparison of direct fluorescence assay and real-time rt-PCR as diagnostics for respiratory syncytial virus in young children Evaluation of the QuickLab RSV test, a new rapid lateral-flow immunoassay for detection of respiratory syncytial virus antigen Clinical evaluation of the Luminex NxTAG respiratory pathogen panel Developing molecular amplification methods for rapid diagnosis of respiratory tract infections caused by bacterial pathogens Evaluation of a commercial direct fluorescent-antibody assay for human metapneumovirus in respiratory specimens Evaluation of three immunoassay kits for rapid detection of influenza virus A and B Low prevalence of Chlamydia pneumoniae in adults with communityacquired pneumonia WHO Recommendations on the use of Rapid Testing for Influenza Diagnosis Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology Guidelines for the management of adult lower respiratory tract infections Electron microscopy: essentials for viral structure, morphogenesis and rapid diagnosis Serology enhances molecular diagnosis of respiratory virus infections other than influenza in children and adults hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia Impact of rapid influenza testing at triage on management of febrile infants and young children Influence of time to diagnosis of severe influenza on antibiotic use, length of stay, isolation precautions, and mortality: a retrospective study Multiplex PCR point of care testing versus routine, laboratory-based testing in the treatment of adults with respiratory tract infections: a quasi-randomised study assessing impact on length of stay and antimicrobial use Prospective evaluation of rapid antigen tests for diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus infections Guidelines for the management of adults with hospitalacquired, ventilator-associated, and healthcare-associated pneumonia Detection of influenza A and B viruses and respiratory syncytial virus using CLIA-waived point-of-care assays: a paradigm shift to molecular tests Multicenter evaluation of the ePlex respiratory pathogen panel for the detection of viral and bacterial respiratory tract pathogens in nasopharyngeal swabs Clinical and financial benefits of rapid detection of respiratory viruses: an outcomes study Comparing luminex NxTAGrespiratory pathogen panel and RespiFinder-22 for multiplex detection of respiratory pathogens Evaluation of 12 commercial tests and the complement fixation test for Mycoplasma pneumoniae-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and IgM antibodies, with PCR used as the gold standard Multicenter clinical evaluation of the novel Alere TM I Influenza A&B isothermal nucleic acid amplification test A national study of the impact of rapid influenza testing on clinical care in the emergency department Viral bacterial coinfection of the respiratory tract during early childhood Routine molecular point-of-care testing for respiratory viruses in adults presenting to hospital with acute respiratory illness (ResPOC): a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial Point-of-care testing for respiratory viruses in adults: the current landscape and future potential Comparison of NxTAG respiratory pathogen panel and anyplex II RV16 tests for multiplex detection of respiratory pathogens in hospitalized children WHO estimates of the causes of death in children A large-scale study of respiratory virus infection over 2 years using the Luminex xTAGRVP assay Contribution of a rapid influenza diagnostic test to manage hospitalized patients with suspected influenza The effect of rapid respiratory viral diagnostic testing on antibiotic use in a children's hospital Multiplex PCR and emerging technologies for the detection of respiratory pathogens Diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigen detection tests for respiratory syncytial virus infection: systematic review and meta-analysis Serodiagnosis of acute respiratory infections in children in Georgia Laboratory surge response to pandemic (H1N1) 2009 outbreak Diagnostic accuracy and cost analysis of the Alere TM I Influenza A&B near-patient test using throat swabs Cell culture, cytopathic effect and immunofluorescence diagnosis of viral infection Evaluation of the Xpert Flu rapid PCR assay in highrisk emergency department patients Specimen collection, transport, and processing: virology, in Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 11th Edn Rapid diagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus infections in immunocompromised adults Novel coronavirus and severe acute respiratory syndrome CLIA Categorizations keywords: acid; acute; adenovirus; adults; amplification; answer; antibiotic; antibody; assays; bacterial; care; cases; cell; children; clinical; commercial; comparison; control; conventional; culture; days; detection; diagnosis; et al; evaluation; ginocchio; high; higher; infections; influenza; laboratory; length; limited; low; luminex; methods; molecular; multiplex; new; novel; nucleic; outbreak; panel; parainfluenza; pathogens; patients; pcr; pediatric; performance; poc; point; rapid; respiratory; respiratory pathogens; respiratory viruses; results; rias; routine; rsv; sample; sensitivity; serological; specificity; specimens; stay; studies; study; syncytial; testing; tests; throughput; time; tract; turnaround; utility; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-331973-avjw4kx1.txt plain text: cord-331973-avjw4kx1.txt item: #76 of 89 id: cord-332221-6ea6gz9s author: Li, Guiping title: Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 Regulates Acute Inflammatory Lung Injury Mediated by Influenza Virus Infection date: 2019-11-26 words: 6808 flesch: 42 summary: The level of IGF1 protein expression was also upregulated at 12, 24, 48, and 72 h post-infection of PR8 ( Figure 1C ) and following the increasing of MOI at 48 h post-infection in A549 cells ( Figure 1D) . Figures 1E,F show that the level of IGF1 protein expression in the A549 cells following PR8 infection was consistent with the level of IGF1 mRNA; however, such upregulation times were lower than the level of mRNA. keywords: a549; acute; akt; balb; blot; body; cells; changes; clinical; control; cytokine; day; expression; factor; figure; group; growth; iav; igf1; igf1 expression; igf1 group; igf1 mrna; igf1 protein; igf1 receptor; immune; important; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory lung; influenza; influenza virus; inhibition; injury; insulin; kinase; level; like; lung; lung injury; mapk; mice; mock; moi; mrna; pathways; pbs; pbs group; pi3k; post; ppp; pr8; pr8 infection; protein; protein expression; receptor; response; results; role; serum; signaling; survival; symptoms; times; tissue; tnf; viral; virus; virus infection; weight; western cache: cord-332221-6ea6gz9s.txt plain text: cord-332221-6ea6gz9s.txt item: #77 of 89 id: cord-333309-21czobqy author: Byun, Hyewon title: ERAD and how viruses exploit it date: 2014-07-03 words: 11777 flesch: 33 summary: The cytosolic domain of MHC-I is required for US11mediated ERAD targeting (Story et al., 1999; Barel et al., 2003) , and deletion of the C-terminal valine of MHC-I reduced interaction with Derlin-1 (Cho et al., 2013a) . Cho et al. speculated that US11 recognizes MHC-I through its cytosolic domain and transfers it to Derlin-1, which then interacts with the p97 ATPase for membrane dislocation (Cho et al., 2013a ; Figure 2B ). keywords: activity; adapter; addition; associated; atpase; bernasconi; bernasconi et; binding; bip; bonds; box; brodsky; byun; byun et; cd4; cdc48; cell; cellular; chains; channel; chaperone; cholera; class; cleaved; complex; components; control; coronavirus; cta1; cytosolic; degradation; derlin-1; different; dislocation; disulfide; domain; edem1; endoplasmic; endoplasmic reticulum; entry; env; enzyme; erad; et al; experiments; expression; extraction; factors; family; figure; folding; form; formation; function; glycoproteins; glycosylated; glycosylation; gp78; hrd1; human; immune; independent; infection; interaction; isomerase; lc3; levels; ligase; like; lipid; lumen; luminal; magadán; mammalian; mechanism; members; membrane; mertz; mhc; molecules; mouse; multiple; non; npl4; nucleus; olzmann; olzmann et; os-9; p97; particles; pathway; pdi; peptidase; peptide; polyomavirus; precursor; process; proteasome; protein; quality; recent; receptor; recognition; reggiori; regulation; rem; replication; resident; residues; response; reticulum; retrotranslocation; rev; rna; role; sec61; sel1l; shenkman; signal; signaling; similar; specific; structure; studies; substrates; system; tail; targeting; terminal; toxin; trafficking; translation; translocon; transmembrane; tumor; type; typical; ubiquitin; ubiquitination; us11; us2; vesicles; viral; virus; viruses; vpu; xtp3; yeast cache: cord-333309-21czobqy.txt plain text: cord-333309-21czobqy.txt item: #78 of 89 id: cord-336074-76ca1cfy author: Izumida, Mai title: Fragments of Target Cells are Internalized into Retroviral Envelope Protein-Expressing Cells during Cell-Cell Fusion by Endocytosis date: 2016-01-19 words: 4707 flesch: 48 summary: Although entry of ecotropic murine leukemia virus (E-MLV) requires host cell endocytosis, the involvement of endocytosis in cell fusion is unclear. Because the treatment with each inhibitor did not affect cell viability (Figure 3B) , the suppression of cell fusion by the inhibitors should not result from unexpected effects of the inhibitors. keywords: cd4; cd63; cell fusion; cells; cultured; cytoplasm; dents; dynamin; electron; endocytosis; endosome; entry; env; expressing; figure; formation; fusion; gfp; hek293; hiv-1; host; human; infection; inhibitor; kubo; lapse; membrane; membrane fusion; mlv; mutant; np2; orange; panel; peptide; plasmid; protein; results; retroviral; small; study; syncytium; target; target cells; te671mcat1; time; tracker; viral; virus cache: cord-336074-76ca1cfy.txt plain text: cord-336074-76ca1cfy.txt item: #79 of 89 id: cord-337198-4sors3bg author: Clementi, Nicola title: Combined Prophylactic and Therapeutic Use Maximizes Hydroxychloroquine Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Effects in vitro date: 2020-07-10 words: 4273 flesch: 46 summary: For secondary (P2) virus stock, Vero E6 cells seeded into 25 cm 2 tissue culture flasks were infected with 0.5 mL of P1 stored aliquot, and infected cells and supernatant were collected 48 hpi and stored at −80 • C. For tertiary (P3) virus stock, Vero E6 cells seeded into 75 cm 2 tissue culture flasks were infected with 1.5 mL of P2 stored aliquot and prepared as above described. A clinical isolate hCoV-19/Italy/UniSR1/2020 (GISAID accession ID: EPI_ISL_413489) was isolated and propagated in Vero E6 cells, and viral titer was determined by 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID 50 ) and plaque assay for confirming the obtained titer. keywords: activity; adsorption; analysis; antiviral; assay; bfla1; calu-3; cells; clinical; concentration; conditions; control; cov-2; covid-19; cpe; cultured; different; drug; effect; effective; et al; experimental; fbs; figure; hcq; hydroxychloroquine; infected; infection; inhibition; kit; medium; moi; molecule; pcr; plates; possible; post; pre; prophylactic; real; rna; sars; setting; study; therapeutic; time; treatment; use; vero; viral; virus cache: cord-337198-4sors3bg.txt plain text: cord-337198-4sors3bg.txt item: #80 of 89 id: cord-338773-ilir895i author: Wu, Zhiqiang title: Discovery of Diverse Rodent and Bat Pestiviruses With Distinct Genomic and Phylogenetic Characteristics in Several Chinese Provinces date: 2018-10-24 words: 4296 flesch: 44 summary: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference Detection of hantaviruses and arenaviruzses in three-toed jerboas from the inner mongolia autonomous region Comparative analysis of rodent and small mammal viromes to better understand the wildlife origin of emerging infectious diseases Virome analysis for identification of novel mammalian viruses in bat species from Chinese provinces Deciphering the bat virome catalog to better understand the ecological diversity of bat viruses and the bat origin of emerging infectious diseases Novel henipalike virus, Mojiang Paramyxovirus, in rats Novel SARSlike betacoronaviruses in bats, China Fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin ZW and QJ conceived the experiments, analyzed the results, and wrote the manuscript. Pestiviruses are a group of virus species of the genus Pestivirus under the family Flaviviridae that can infect a wide variety of artiodactylous hosts, including swine and ruminants. keywords: -utr; analysis; animals; appv; artiodactylous; atypical; bat; bats; bpvs; btsk; china; classified; data; different; disease; diverse; diversity; erns; et al; figure; genome; genomic; genus; gx2017; hosts; identification; identity; lineage; natural; new; novel; npro; nrpv; order; partial; pestivirus; phylogenetic; pigs; polyprotein; porcine; positive; presence; provinces; rapestv-1; reads; rna; rodent; rpvs; rtnc; samples; sequence; species; strains; study; swine; viral; virome; viruses; wu et; zoonotic cache: cord-338773-ilir895i.txt plain text: cord-338773-ilir895i.txt item: #81 of 89 id: cord-343132-qqhivgkq author: Chang-Liao, Wan-Ping title: Isolation of a Leuconostoc mesenteroides Strain With Anti-Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Activities From Kefir Grains date: 2020-07-15 words: 6012 flesch: 36 summary: The absorbance was measured at 570 nm using a microplate reader (Victor 3 , PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), and percentages of cell metabolic activity were calculated as follows: However, pretreatment of PEDV cells with the cell-wall fractions of Ln. mesenteroides YPK30 for 24 h before infection with PEDV did not impede PEDV replication. keywords: 16s; acid; activities; activity; analysis; antiviral; bacterial; cells; characteristics; culture; dextranicum; diarrhea; direct; effects; epidemic; et al; expression; extracts; fermented; figure; gene; grains; higher; ifn; immune; immunomodulatory; infection; inhibitory; innate; interferon; intracellular; intracellular extracts; isg15; isolated; kefir; lab; lactobacillus; leuconostoc; levels; medium; mesenteroides; mesenteroides ypk30; metabolic; min; model; mx1; oas1; pbs; pedv; porcine; present; pretreated; probiotics; prophylactic; rpoa; rrna; species; strains; study; subsp; supernatants; swine; therapeutic; type; usa; vero; vero cells; virus; viruses; vitro; wall; ypk30; α2b cache: cord-343132-qqhivgkq.txt plain text: cord-343132-qqhivgkq.txt item: #82 of 89 id: cord-343357-5nhyumxl author: Heegaard, Peter M. H. title: Animal Models for COVID-19: More to the Picture Than ACE2, Rodents, Ferrets, and Non-human Primates. A Case for Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus and the Obese Ossabaw Pig date: 2020-09-25 words: 3451 flesch: 28 summary: Impact of obesity and metabolic syndrome on immunity The pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 transgenic mice Endocrine and metabolic link to coronavirus infection Problem pigs in a poke: a good pool of data Preliminary estimates of the prevalence of selected underlying health conditions among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 -United States Severe outcomes among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) -United States Simulation of the clinical and pathological manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in golden Syrian hamster model: implications for disease pathogenesis and transmissibility Animal models of mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 pathology From mice to monkeys, animals studied for coronavirus answers The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade Further characterization of aminopeptidase-N as a receptor for coronaviruses Clinical characteristics of fatal and recovered cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China: a retrospective study ACE2 receptor polymorphism: susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2, hypertension, multi-organ failure, and COVID-19 disease outcome A multibasic cleavage site in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is essential for infection of human lung cells Altered pathogenesis of porcine respiratory coronavirus in pigs due to immunosuppressive effects of dexamethasone: implications for corticosteroid use in treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Infection and rapid transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in ferrets Receptor recognition mechanisms of coronaviruses: a decade of structural studies Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus Spike protein recognition of mammalian ACE2 predicts the host range and an optimized ACE2 for SARS CoV-2 infection COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Respiratory disease in rhesus macaques inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 infection in farmed minks, the Netherlands Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-induced immunosuppression exacerbates the inflammatory response to porcine respiratory coronavirus in pigs Presenting characteristics, comorbidities, and outcomes among 5700 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the New York city area Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double-edged sword? Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS, and SARS in a nonhuman primate model Orosomucoid expression profiles in liver, adipose tissues and serum of lean and obese domestic pigs, Göttingen minipigs and Ossabaw minipigs Animal coronaviruses: what can they teach us about the severe acute respiratory syndrome? Cytokine storm in the lungs and inflammation are suggested as essential for the escalating and prolonged lung disease observed in severely affected COVID-19 patients, as is also the case for other severe human coronavirus infections like SARS and MERS (Mehta et al., 2020) . keywords: ace2; acute; animal; cases; cleavage; clinical; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; diabetes; disease; et al; high; host; human; immunosuppression; infected; infection; inflammatory; jung; mechanisms; metabolic; mice; mild; models; non; obese; obesity; ossabaw; pathogenesis; patients; pigs; porcine; prcv; primates; protein; receptor; respiratory; risk; saif; sars; severe; species; spike; study; syndrome; treatment; type cache: cord-343357-5nhyumxl.txt plain text: cord-343357-5nhyumxl.txt item: #83 of 89 id: cord-344200-ev4707pq author: Yu, Qing title: Specific Aptamer-Based Probe for Analyzing Biomarker MCP Entry Into Singapore Grouper Iridovirus-Infected Host Cells via Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis date: 2020-06-19 words: 7102 flesch: 39 summary: Aptamer-Q5-complexed major capsid protein (MCP) in the membrane of SGIV-infected cells can be used as a specific molecular probe to investigate the crucial events of MCP endocytosis into SGIV-infected host cells during viral infection. Chlorpromazine blocks clathrin-mediated endocytosis, and MCP endocytosis into SGIV-infected cells decreased significantly when the cells were pretreated with chlorpromazine. keywords: actin; aptamer; aptamer q5; caveolae; cells; cellular; cholesterol; clathrin; complex; concentration; control; cpz; cy5; cytod; cytoskeleton; dependent; dependent endocytosis; dynamin; dynasore; efficiency; endocytosis; entry; et al; figure; flow; fluorescent; genistein; grouper; gs cells; high; host; host cells; infection; inhibitor; internalization; iridovirus; lscm; macropinocytosis; mcp; mcp complex; mcp endocytosis; membrane; mβcd; normal; pathogenesis; pathway; protein; raft; role; sgiv; sgiv infection; signal; significant; specific; study; target; viral; virus; working cache: cord-344200-ev4707pq.txt plain text: cord-344200-ev4707pq.txt item: #84 of 89 id: cord-344970-ud1lhkyi author: Fecchi, Katia title: Coronavirus Interplay With Lipid Rafts and Autophagy Unveils Promising Therapeutic Targets date: 2020-08-11 words: 5443 flesch: 25 summary: In contrast, Gassen et al. reported that MERS-CoV activates the SKP2 kinase, consequently reducing Beclin1 (BECN1) activity and inhibiting the fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes, which results in autophagy inhibition (Gassen et al., 2019) . In general, it has been hypothesized that coronaviruses would induce accumulation of autophagic vacuoles to obtain a larger availability of the membrane structure necessary for their replication (Gassen et al., 2019) , which is consistent to the observed co-localization of the rodent coronavirus, MHV, replication complex, with the autophagic proteins LC3 and Apg12 (Prentice et al., 2004) . keywords: ace2; activity; acute; addition; agent; animal; antiviral; associated; autophagosome; autophagy; avian; bronchitis; caveolae; cell; cellular; cholesterol; complex; components; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; degradation; diseases; drugs; early; efficacy; endocytosis; endosomes; entry; enveloped; epidemic; et al; evidence; evolution; figure; fusion; gassen; host; human; hydroxychloroquine; immune; important; infection; inhibit; inhibition; interaction; interplay; key; late; like; lipid; lipid rafts; manuscript; mechanisms; membrane; mers; mhv; mβcd; new; non; novel; pandemic; pathogen; pathway; patients; plasma; pneumonia; porcine; potential; process; protein; rafts; recent; receptors; recognition; replication; respiratory; responsible; review; role; sars; severe; signal; statins; step; stress; structural; syndrome; target; therapeutic; treatment; vesicles; viral; viruses cache: cord-344970-ud1lhkyi.txt plain text: cord-344970-ud1lhkyi.txt item: #85 of 89 id: cord-347917-fmb5nyxu author: Liu, Junli title: Comprehensive Genomic Characterization Analysis of lncRNAs in Cells With Porcine Delta Coronavirus Infection date: 2020-01-28 words: 4655 flesch: 42 summary: Meanwhile, an inducible program of inflammatory gene expression is central to antiviral defense. As shown in Figure 4A , 26% of DE lncRNAs were located in the same strand but upstream of protein-coding genes and 24% were located downstream, while antisense-upstream and antisense-overlapping comprised 27 and 1%, respectively, and the remaining 22% were antisensedownstream lncRNAs. keywords: analysis; annotated; antisense; binding; cells; cellular; china; coding; correlation; data; deltacoronavirus; downstream; enrichment; et al; expression; figure; function; genes; genome; genomic; immune; infected; infection; inflammatory; interaction; interferon; kegg; length; level; lncrnas; long; metabolism; non; noncoding; novel; pairs; pathways; pdcov; pdcov infection; pig; porcine; potential; processes; protein; reads; regulated; regulation; regulatory; response; results; role; seq; sequences; signaling; states; structural; study; supplementary; table; target; tnf; total; transcription; transcripts; united; upstream; viral; virus cache: cord-347917-fmb5nyxu.txt plain text: cord-347917-fmb5nyxu.txt item: #86 of 89 id: cord-351719-xqmir1ca author: Olaimat, Amin N. title: Food Safety During and After the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-08-04 words: 3909 flesch: 43 summary: Recently, data on the survival of SARS-CoV-2 on contact surfaces has been reported, but there is none on the survival of COVID-19 on food surfaces and packages. These results indicated that respiratory viruses may transfer from food surfaces to the hands and subsequently to the mouth, nose or eyes. keywords: animals; assessment; asymptomatic; avian; cases; clinical; cluster; consumers; consumption; contact; contaminated; control; copper; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; days; disease; et al; family; food; handling; health; human; infected; infection; influenza; low; materials; milk; novel; organization; packages; packaging; pandemic; patients; person; potential; practices; products; proper; related; respiratory; risk; safety; sanitizers; sars; severe; spread; studies; study; surfaces; survival; symptoms; syndrome; time; transmission; united; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-351719-xqmir1ca.txt plain text: cord-351719-xqmir1ca.txt item: #87 of 89 id: cord-353454-zq51hpjs author: Gouda, Sushanto title: Endophytes: A Treasure House of Bioactive Compounds of Medicinal Importance date: 2016-09-29 words: 4008 flesch: 23 summary: Mycoplasma species are also reported as plant endophytes. Normally, the specific endophytes interaction with various plants and evidence of their strategy of existence and transmission is provided by their genome organization (Andreote et al., 2014) . keywords: actinomycetes; activity; antibacterial; anticancer; antimicrobial; bacteria; bioactive; bioactive compounds; characterization; chemical; compounds; daisy; date; definition; different; discovery; diseases; diversity; drugs; endophytes; endophytic fungi; entities; et al; food; forms; fungi; fungus; godstime; golinska; group; growth; gut; host; isolation; jalgaonwala; jalgaonwala et; joseph; life; medicinal; metabolites; microbes; microbial; microbiome; microorganisms; mitter; natural; novel; number; numerous; pathogens; plant; potential; priya; production; products; properties; researchers; review; rhizosphere; role; root; secondary; source; species; streptomyces; strobel; studies; therapeutic; tissues; types; use; uses cache: cord-353454-zq51hpjs.txt plain text: cord-353454-zq51hpjs.txt item: #88 of 89 id: cord-353815-w35spqqt author: Huan, Yuchen title: Antimicrobial Peptides: Classification, Design, Application and Research Progress in Multiple Fields date: 2020-10-16 words: 12289 flesch: 27 summary: Archiv Activity and characterization of a pH-sensitive antimicrobial peptide Influence of pH on the activity of thrombin-derived antimicrobial peptides Effects of antimicrobial peptides on growth performance and small intestinal function in broilers under chronic heat stress Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) antimicrobial peptide epinecidin-1 exhibits antiviral activity against foot-andmouth disease virus in vitro A cancer vaccine based on the marine antimicrobial peptide pardaxin (GE33) for control of bladder-associated tumors Acquired resistance to the rice blast in transgenic rice accumulating the antimicrobial peptide thanatin Characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of SpPR-AMP1, a proline-rich antimicrobial peptide from the mud crab The vast structural diversity of antimicrobial peptides Predicting the minimal inhibitory concentration for antimicrobial peptides with rana-box domain The antibacterial peptide pyrrhocoricin inhibits the ATPase actions of DnaK and prevents chaperone-assisted protein folding Conformational fine-tuning of pore-forming peptide potency and selectivity Gain-of-function analogues of the pore-forming peptide melittin selected by orthogonal high-throughput screening Comparative analysis of two attacin genes from Hyphantria cunea The human anionic antimicrobial peptide dermcidin induces proteolytic defence mechanisms in Staphylococci Antimicrobial peptides: possible anti-infective agents Dalbavancin and telavancin in the treatment of infective endocarditis: a literature review Antimicrobial peptides: application informed by evolution Transcriptome analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae treated with the designed antimicrobial peptides Intracellular targeting mechanisms by antimicrobial peptides Diptericinlike protein: an immune response gene regulated by the anti-bacterial gene induction pathway in drosophila De novo generation of short antimicrobial peptides with simple amino acid composition The antimicrobial peptides and their potential clinical applications Exploring small cationic peptides of different origin as potential antimicrobial agents in aquaculture Interactions of the antimicrobial peptide nisin Z with conventional antibiotics and the use of nanostructured lipid carriers to enhance antimicrobial activity Two optimized antimicrobial peptides with therapeutic potential for clinical antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Membrane active antimicrobial peptides: translating mechanistic insights to design Mechanism of antifungal activity of antimicrobial peptide APP, a cell-penetrating peptide derivative, against Candida albicans: intracellular DNA binding and cell cycle arrest Membrane interactions of proline-rich antimicrobial peptide, Chex1-Arg20, multimers Effects of the peptide H-OOWW-NH2 and its derived lipopeptide C12-OOWW-NH2 on controlling of citrus postharvest green mold Implicit membrane investigation of the stability of antimicrobial peptide β-barrels and arcs Control of sour rot in citrus fruit by three insect antimicrobial peptides Effects of rabbit sacculus rotundus antimicrobial peptides on the intestinal mucosal immunity in chickens Effect of an antifungal peptide from oyster enzymatic hydrolysates for control of gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) on harvested strawberries Biological activity and structural aspects of PGLa interaction with membrane mimetic systems Membrane pore-formation correlates with the hydrophilic angle of histidine-rich amphipathic peptides with multiple biological activities The first antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibian Regulation of cell division in E. coli Antimicrobial packaging based on ε-polylysine bioactive film for the control of mycotoxigenic fungi in vitro and in bread Nucleation and growth of pores in 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) / cholesterol bilayer by antimicrobial peptides melittin, its mutants and cecropin P1 In vitro and MD simulation study to explore physicochemical parameters for antibacterial peptide to become potent anticancer peptide Antimicrobial peptides of the vaginal innate immunity and their role in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases The value of antimicrobial peptides in the age of resistance Influence of self-assembly on the performance of antimicrobial peptides Kappacin, a novel antibacterial peptide from bovine milk Temporins, small antimicrobial peptides with leishmanicidal activity The host antimicrobial peptide Bac71-35 binds to bacterial ribosomal proteins and inhibits protein synthesis keywords: abz; acid; action; active; activities; activity; addition; aeruginosa; afps; agents; agriculture; albicans; amino; amino acid; amphibian; amphipathic; amps; animal; anionic; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; anticancer; antifungal; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; antiviral; application; aspergillus; assembly; aureus; bilayer; binding; biofilm; body; box; cathelicidin; cationic; cell; cell membrane; chain; characterization; charge; chemical; clinical; coli; common; complex; components; composition; concentration; control; coronavirus; cov; covid-19; cyclic; cytoplasm; cytotoxicity; defensins; design; development; differences; different; disease; dna; drug; effect; effective; et al; example; family; figure; flavus; following; food; formation; function; fungi; fusion; glycine; good; gram; growth; hairpin; halogenation; hdps; healing; helical; high; higher; histidine; host; human; husbandry; hybrid; hydrophobic; immune; immunity; important; increase; increasing; infection; inflammatory; inhibit; inhibitory; insect; instance; interactions; intestinal; large; lfcinb; life; like; lipid; ll-37; low; lps; magainin; main; marine; mechanism; medicine; membrane; metal; method; milk; model; modifications; mold; molecular; motif; mrsa; natural; negative; new; nisin; non; novel; peptides; phase; phenylalanine; pore; positive; potential; pramps; presence; problems; production; proline; promising; properties; protease; protein; rana; recent; related; research; residues; resistant; respiratory; review; rich; role; sars; selectivity; self; sequence; short; skin; specific; spike; stability; strong; structure; study; synthesis; synthetic; targeting; targets; temporin; terminal; terminus; thanatin; therapeutic; trp; tryptophan; tumor; use; virus; viruses; wall; wound; yeast cache: cord-353815-w35spqqt.txt plain text: cord-353815-w35spqqt.txt item: #89 of 89 id: cord-353957-0pjg25kn author: Chen, Shilong title: Avian Interferon-Inducible Transmembrane Protein Family Effectively Restricts Avian Tembusu Virus Infection date: 2017-04-20 words: 6581 flesch: 46 summary: Our previous experiments demonstrated that ATMUV infection effectively triggered host innate immune response through MDA5 and TLR3-dependent signaling pathways. However, little information is available on the role of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) in defending against ATMUV infection. keywords: actin; analysis; antiviral; assay; atmuv; atmuv infection; avian; cells; chen; chicken; china; control; culture; data; def; defs; df-1; df-1 cells; disease; drop; duck; ducklings; effect; egg; endogenous; et al; expression; family; figure; flavivirus; fold; genes; host; hpi; human; ifitm1; ifns; iii; immune; induced; infected; infection; influenza; innate; interferon; levels; lines; mouse; mrna; pcr; previous; proteins; qrt; replication; response; restriction; results; shrna; signaling; significant; species; specific; spleen; studies; study; supernatants; supplementary; syndrome; system; tcid; tembusu; test; tissues; titers; transmembrane; type; upregulated; viral; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-353957-0pjg25kn.txt plain text: cord-353957-0pjg25kn.txt