item: #1 of 57 id: cord-030800-fgvc3qw8 author: Tao, Yun title: The Impact of Parent–Child Attachment on Self-Injury Behavior: Negative Emotion and Emotional Coping Style as Serial Mediators date: 2020-07-31 words: 7039 flesch: 31 summary: In order to explore the relationship between parent–child attachment, negative emotion, emotional coping style, and self-injury behavior, 662 junior high school students in four junior middle schools in China’s Yunnan Province were investigated using a parent–child attachment questionnaire, adolescent negative emotion questionnaire, emotional coping style scale, and adolescent self-injury behavior scale. Negative emotion and emotional coping style play serial mediating roles in mother–child and father–child attachment models, respectively. keywords: adolescents; affect; analysis; attachment; behavior; bootstrap; child; child attachment; child relationship; children; communication; data; development; deviation; different; effects; emotional; emotions; et al; experience; factors; family; father; high; impact; individuals; influence; injury; injury behavior; junior; junior high; means; mediating; method; model; mother; negative; negative emotion; non; parent; peer; poor; positive; previous; problems; quality; questionnaire; relationship; research; results; risk; role; sample; scale; school; school students; self; selfinjury; serial; social; students; studies; study; style; suicidal; suicidal self; variables cache: cord-030800-fgvc3qw8.txt plain text: cord-030800-fgvc3qw8.txt item: #2 of 57 id: cord-030805-3imi63xz author: Lodha, Surabhi title: Book Review: Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance date: 2020-08-07 words: 1205 flesch: 47 summary: They came across the videos of Emily Fletcher teaching Ziva meditation online. It is an amalgamation of ancient meditation practices, modern neuroscience, and pop psychology sans metaphysics or spirituality. keywords: adaptation; author; body; book; brain; chapter; consciousness; energy; future; life; meditation; min; mind; performance; practice; present; sleep; stress; technique; work; ziva cache: cord-030805-3imi63xz.txt plain text: cord-030805-3imi63xz.txt item: #3 of 57 id: cord-034080-4xav0u2u author: Manzi, Federico title: A Robot Is Not Worth Another: Exploring Children’s Mental State Attribution to Different Humanoid Robots date: 2020-09-30 words: 6334 flesch: 36 summary: AMS mean scores for the Human (white bar), for Robovie robot (black bar), and NAO robot (gray bar) for each state (Perceptive, Emotions, Intentions and Desires, Imagination, and Epistemic) as a function of age group (5-, 7-, and 9-year-olds). Although anthropomorphism seems to be a widespread phenomenon, the attribution of human traits to anthropomorphic robots is significantly greater compared to non-anthropomorphic robots. keywords: abilities; adults; age; agents; ams; anthropomorphic; appearance; attribution; characteristics; children; cognitive; degree; design; desires; developmental; differences; different; dimensions; dio; dio et; effect; emotions; epistemic; et al; features; findings; greater; hsrs; human; humanoid; imaginative; important; interaction; like; likeness; marchetti; mechanical; mental; mental states; mind; nao; nao robot; older; olds; perception; perspective; phenomenon; physical; psychological; recent; research; results; robotics; robots; robovie; social; specific; states; studies; study; tendency; terms; theory; types; uncanny; use; valley; years; younger cache: cord-034080-4xav0u2u.txt plain text: cord-034080-4xav0u2u.txt item: #4 of 57 id: cord-034347-ujwztpd4 author: Irshad, Muhammad title: The Dark Side of Organizational Identification: A Multi-Study Investigation of Negative Outcomes date: 2020-09-29 words: 9351 flesch: 37 summary: The influence of job and individual resources on work engagement among Chinese police officers: a moderated mediation model Entitlement at work: linking positive behaviors to employee entitlement Lying for who we are: an identity-based model of workplace dishonesty Organizational identification as a double-edged sword: dual effects on job satisfaction and life satisfaction Influence of organizational citizenship behavior on pro-social rule breaking: moral-licensing perspective Linking organizational identification and employee performance in teams: the moderating role of team-member exchange Leader-member exchange, organizational identification, and job satisfaction: a social identity perspective Statistical significance in psychological research A meta-analysis of interpersonal and organizational workplace deviance research Alumni and their alma mater: a partial test of the reformulated model of organizational identification Blind forces: ethical infrastructures and moral disengagement in organizations Leader-member exchange and performance: where we are and where we go from here Sample size for survey research: review and recommendations The malevolent side of organizational identification: unraveling the impact of psychological entitlement and manipulative personality on unethical work behaviors The impact of socially responsible human resource management on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organizational identification A historical review of the development of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and its implications for the twenty-first century The role of identification in giving sense to unethical organizational behavior: defending the organization The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Citizenship Behavior How subgroup interests and reputations moderate the effect of organizational identification on cooperation Ethical leadership, organizational identification and employee voice: examining moderated mediation process in the Chinese insurance industry Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: classic definitions and new directions Effects of social undermining in families on deviant workplace behaviours in Pakistani nurses Communication and social identity theory: existing and potential connections in organizational identification research The social identity theory of group behavior An integrative theory of intergroup relations Performance feedback and middle managers' divergent strategic behavior: the roles of social comparisons and organizational identification Ethical work climate, organizational identification, leader-memberexchange (LMX) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) Organizational identification as a mediator for the effects of psychological contract breaches on organizational citizenship behavior: insights from the perspective of ethnic minority employees When employees do bad things for good reasons: examining unethical pro-organizational behaviors Unethical behavior in the name of the company: the moderating effect of organizational identification and positive reciprocity beliefs on unethical pro-organizational behavior Navigating organizational change: change leaders, employee resistance and work-based identities How transformational leadership influences employee voice behavior: the roles of psychological capital and organizational identification From good soldiers to psychologically entitled: examining when and why citizenship behavior leads to deviance The impact of organizational values on organizational citizenship behaviors Core self-evaluation and work engagement: moderated mediation model of career adaptability and job insecurity Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries Leader-member exchange, organizational identification, and knowledge hiding: T he moderating role of relative leader-member exchange Spread of unethical behavior in organizations: a dynamic social network perspective The paradox of the unethical organizational citizen: the link between organizational citizenship behavior and unethical behavior at work Exploring the dark side of organizational citizenship behavior The unintended consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors for employees, teams, and organizations Ethical climate and rule bending: how organizational norms contribute to unintended rule consequences LMX and attributions of organizational citizenship behavior motives: when is citizenship perceived as brownnosing? Pro-social organizational behaviors Identity work and organizational identification Culture corrupts! keywords: adverse; age; analysis; behavior; benefit; boundary; breaking; citizenship; current; dark; data; different; display; effect; emocb; employees; entitlement; et al; exchange; experience; extra; factor; group; high; identification; identity; indirect; item; job; leader; lmx; mediation; member; model; naseer; negative; norms; organizational; organizational identification; outcomes; positive; pro; psrb; psychological; quality; questionnaires; relationship; researchers; respondents; results; role; rule; sample; scale; self; significant; social; studies; study; support; table; tajfel; test; theory; time; turner; unethical; upob; variables; work; yam; years cache: cord-034347-ujwztpd4.txt plain text: cord-034347-ujwztpd4.txt item: #5 of 57 id: cord-253054-qipyqtsi author: Kokkoris, Michail D. title: Would You Sacrifice Your Privacy to Protect Public Health? Prosocial Responsibility in a Pandemic Paves the Way for Digital Surveillance date: 2020-09-18 words: 4875 flesch: 39 summary: Could it be that prosocial responsibility, to which authorities appealed in order to enhance compliance with quarantine measures, also increases acceptance of digital surveillance and restrictions of privacy? We suggest that prosocial responsibility besides motivating people to comply with anti-pandemic measures also undermines people’s valuation of privacy. keywords: acceptance; close; compliance; control; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; digital; distancing; fight; free; freedoms; health; higher; impact; individual; isolation; items; measures; pandemic; participants; people; predictor; prior; privacy; prosocial; prosocial responsibility; protection; public; research; responsibility; restrictions; results; rights; risk; self; sense; significant; surveillance; variables; willingness cache: cord-253054-qipyqtsi.txt plain text: cord-253054-qipyqtsi.txt item: #6 of 57 id: cord-260673-gf028lf6 author: Bottemanne, Hugo title: Does the Coronavirus Epidemic Take Advantage of Human Optimism Bias? date: 2020-08-26 words: 3399 flesch: 36 summary: These studies show that such belief updating is optimistically biased because favorable information is more considered than unfavorable information, which tends to be neglected (Sharot et al., 2011; Moutsiana et al., 2015; Kuzmanovic and Rigoux, 2017) . Importantly, data collected in Western countries during the peak of the COVID 19 pandemic provides direct evidence favoring the hypothesis that unrealistic optimism has played a role in the apparent discrepancy between official warnings and individual beliefs about the consequences of the pandemic for oneself: When getting infected and infecting others became frequent events as the number of cases and deaths sharply increased, citizens in the US, Europe and the United Kingdom estimated their probability of getting infected with the virus and of subsequently infecting others as lower for themselves than for someone else (Dolinski et al., 2020; Kuper-Smith et al., 2020) . keywords: adverse; beliefs; bias; biases; brain; cognitive; consequences; context; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; early; environment; et al; events; evidence; example; future; h1n1; health; human; individual; information; level; life; measures; official; optimism; outbreak; pandemic; people; probability; rare; research; risk; sars; social; term; theory; threat; unrealistic; update; updating; virus; warnings; world cache: cord-260673-gf028lf6.txt plain text: cord-260673-gf028lf6.txt item: #7 of 57 id: cord-261105-hydccq8m author: Wang, Chongying title: The Impact of COVID-19 on Anxiety in Chinese University Students date: 2020-05-22 words: 4756 flesch: 52 summary: The questionnaire package used in this cross-sectional study consisted of three components: a sociodemographic questionnaire that required each student to provide their sexes, year of study, city or province they were living, major and colleges, or schools; a measure of student anxiety (the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale); an open question about their most concern. University students are at high risk for depression and anxiety symptoms (Zivin et al., 2009; American College Health Association, 2018) and are exposed to multiple stressors unique to this developmental period (Beiter et al., 2015; Drake et al., 2016) . keywords: affected; anxiety; anxious; cases; china; chinese; city; college; correlation; covid-19; data; depression; different; et al; february; good; grade; health; higher; hubei; impact; information; learning; levels; mean; national; new; online; outbreak; participants; people; province; psychological; sample; sars; sas; scores; significant; start; stress; students; studies; study; term; time; undergraduate; university; university students; wuhan cache: cord-261105-hydccq8m.txt plain text: cord-261105-hydccq8m.txt item: #8 of 57 id: cord-266377-3krv9ekb author: Nakayachi, Kazuya title: Why Do Japanese People Use Masks Against COVID-19, Even Though Masks Are Unlikely to Offer Protection From Infection? date: 2020-08-04 words: 2525 flesch: 43 summary: Mask usage was regressed by the six psychological reasons to wear masks, removing the products above to avoid multicollinearity, and in order to compare the explanatory power of the psychological reasons. By contrast, frequency of mask usage depended much less on the participants' perceived severity of the disease and the efficacy of masks in reducing infection risk both for themselves and for others. keywords: action; affect; anxiety; behavior; conformity; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; efficacy; infection; japan; japanese; masks; motivation; norm; pandemic; participants; people; protection; psychological; public; reasons; reduction; research; risk; severity; social; study; survey; usage; use; wearing cache: cord-266377-3krv9ekb.txt plain text: cord-266377-3krv9ekb.txt item: #9 of 57 id: cord-268321-zj0jt5cz author: Chang, Lennon Y. C. title: Taking Justice Into Their Own Hands: Predictors of Netilantism Among Cyber Citizens in Hong Kong date: 2020-10-02 words: 4560 flesch: 51 summary: The total effect of Vigilantism to HFS Intention is 0.330, with direct effect as 0.154 and indirect effect via Positive HFS Attitude as 0.176. A positive attitude toward HFS was the strongest predictor of HFS intention. keywords: activities; attitude; behavior; cases; chang; china; confidence; crime; criminal; cyber; data; effect; flesh; gender; hands; hfs; hfs intention; hong; human; important; information; intention; internet; items; judges; justice; kong; media; model; netilantism; netizens; online; participants; people; platform; police; positive; public; research; social; study; survey; system; time; values; vigilantism cache: cord-268321-zj0jt5cz.txt plain text: cord-268321-zj0jt5cz.txt item: #10 of 57 id: cord-271551-bj2db91j author: Tomczyk, Samuel title: Social Distancing and Stigma: Association Between Compliance With Behavioral Recommendations, Risk Perception, and Stigmatizing Attitudes During the COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-08-11 words: 5339 flesch: 28 summary: Three latent classes were identified: high compliance (25%) with all recommendations; public compliance (51%), with high compliance regarding public but not personal behaviors; and low compliance (24%) with most recommendations. [RRR = 0.72 (0.57; 0.93)], and expressing lower support for discrimination [RRR = 0.21 (0.05; 0.88)], whereas public compliance (class 3) and high compliance did not differ on sociodemographic data, stigmatizing attitudes or risk perception, although support for discrimination was considerably lower in public compliers than in high compliers keywords: age; analysis; associated; attitudes; avoidance; behaviors; class; classes; compliance; covid-19; data; discrimination; diseases; distancing; education; et al; german; groups; hand; health; high; higher; hong; hygiene; illness; impact; increase; infected; infection; influenza; information; intentions; knowledge; kong; latent; latent class; likely; low; lower; measures; model; moderate; outbreak; pandemic; patterns; perception; personal; persons; population; preventive; previous; psychosocial; public; quarantine; recommendations; research; risk; rrr; sample; sars; severe; social; sociodemographic; stigma; studies; study; support; theory; younger cache: cord-271551-bj2db91j.txt plain text: cord-271551-bj2db91j.txt item: #11 of 57 id: cord-273432-pqdmo4ln author: Dagnall, Neil title: Things That Go Bump in the Literature: An Environmental Appraisal of “Haunted Houses” date: 2020-06-12 words: 11651 flesch: 32 summary: Putting magnetism in its place: a critical examination of the weak intensity magnetic field account of anomalous haunt-type experiences Neuromagnetic effects on anomalous cognitive experiences: a critical appraisal of the evidence for induced sensed presence and haunt-type experiences Magnetic fields, hallucinations and anomalous experiences: a skeptical critique of the current evidence In search of magnetic anomalies associated with haunt-type experiences: pulses and patterns in dual time-synchronised measurements Research Note: sleeping with the entity-A quantitative magnetic investigation of an English castle's reputedly 'haunted' bedroom Good vibrations: the case for a specific effect of infrasound in instances of anomalous experience has yet to be empirically demonstrated Earth's core and the geodynamo Apparitional experiences of new faces and dissociation of self-identity during mirror-gazing Strange-face-in-the-mirror illusion Strange-face illusions during inter-subjective gazing Dissociation and hallucinations in dyads engaged through interpersonal gazing Empathy and mirror-gazing, in Psychology and neurobiology of empathy Strange-face illusions during interpersonal gazing and personality differences of spirituality Strange-face illusions during eye-to-eye gazing in dyads: Specific effects on derealization, depersonalization and dissociative identity Split-mirror gazing increases dissociative states and illusions of self-identity Visual perception during mirror gazing at one's own face in schizophrenia Haunted People: Story of the Poltergeist Down The Centuries Survey of American Fears -Paranormal America Mass hysteria and perceptions of the supernatural among adolescent girl students in Taiwan In this context, anthropologists note that haunt experiences have been important aspects of shamanism in both early and contemporary societies (Hunter, 2018; McClenon, 2004; Winkelman, 2004) . keywords: accounts; activity; air; ambient; americans; analysis; anomalies; anomalous; anomalous experiences; apparitional; areas; articles; belief; brain; braithwaite; caputo; carbon; certain; changes; complex; context; contextual; control; critical; cues; cultural; culture; data; differences; effects; electrical; electromagnetic; emf; emfs; environmental; episodes; et al; evidence; example; experiences; experimental; explanation; exposure; face; factors; fields; findings; frequency; gazing; geomagnetic; ghostly; ghosts; gmf; hallucinations; haunt experiences; haunted; haunting; haunts; health; high; hill; hill et; houran; houran et; house; human; humidity; hypothesis; identity; important; influences; infrasound; instance; investigation; issues; koren; laboratory; lange; laythe; laythe et; levels; lighting; like; literature; locations; low; magnetic; magnetic fields; measurements; meta; mirror; model; mold; monoxide; narrative; new; non; note; number; owen; paranormal; pareidolia; parsons; participants; people; perceptions; perceptual; persinger; persinger et; perspective; phenomena; phenomenology; physical; place; poltergeist; potential; power; presence; psychological; psychology; quality; real; related; relevant; reports; research; researchers; review; role; roll; room; sensed; sensitivity; sensory; settings; significant; social; spaces; specific; spirits; strange; strength; studies; study; suggestion; systematic; séance; tandy; target; temperature; temporal; terhune; test; theoretical; theory; time; type; type experiences; unusual; variables; vinokur; visual; weak; wiseman; wiseman et; work cache: cord-273432-pqdmo4ln.txt plain text: cord-273432-pqdmo4ln.txt item: #12 of 57 id: cord-276014-inv3hsbr author: Wijngaards, Indy title: Extraversion Moderates the Relationship Between the Stringency of COVID-19 Protective Measures and Depressive Symptoms date: 2020-10-02 words: 3766 flesch: 37 summary: As the empirical evidence for this claim is lacking, this study tested the hypothesis that extraversion moderates the relationship between the stringency of COVID-19 protective measures and depressive symptoms. An increasing degree of stringency of COVID-19 protective measures is typically accompanied by increased social distancing, the limiting of face-to-face contact with others by keeping space between oneself and other people outside of one's home. keywords: categories; consequences; countries; country; covid-19; data; day; deaths; depressive; depressive symptoms; distancing; early; education; effect; et al; extraversion; extraverts; fetzer; government; health; individual; introverts; item; john; level; measures; mental; model; negative; number; pandemic; people; personality; population; protective; relationship; research; respondents; social; stringency; study; survey; symptoms; table; time; total; variables cache: cord-276014-inv3hsbr.txt plain text: cord-276014-inv3hsbr.txt item: #13 of 57 id: cord-276044-z7rupgfo author: Di Crosta, Adolfo title: Individual Differences, Economic Stability, and Fear of Contagion as Risk Factors for PTSD Symptoms in the COVID-19 Emergency date: 2020-09-08 words: 5712 flesch: 40 summary: Furthermore, the present study aims to identify the risk factors for high PTSD symptoms, including individual differences and subjective perception of both economic and psychological aspects. Specifically, we adopted the optimal cut-off of 33 (Creamer et al., 2003) to distinguish between low PTSD symptoms (low-PTSDs) and high PTSD symptoms (high-PTSDs). keywords: analysis; anxiety; associated; big; china; consequences; contagion; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; differences; disorder; distress; economic; education; effects; emergency; epidemic; et al; event; factors; fear; gender; general; health; high; higher; ies; impact; individuals; italian; italy; items; levels; lockdown; long; lower; mental; mindfulness; negative; neuroticism; outbreak; pandemic; participants; personality; population; post; present; psychological; ptsd; ptsd symptoms; results; risk; sars; scale; scores; severe; significant; specific; stability; step; stress; study; survey; symptoms; table; term; time; traumatic; women; world cache: cord-276044-z7rupgfo.txt plain text: cord-276044-z7rupgfo.txt item: #14 of 57 id: cord-278195-1sle0d1j author: Castillo-Huitrón, Nathalia M. title: The Importance of Human Emotions for Wildlife Conservation date: 2020-06-24 words: 8076 flesch: 32 summary: The nature of emotions human emotions have deep evolutionary roots, a fact that may explain their complexity and provide tools for clinical practice Scary and nasty beasts: self-reported fear and disgust of common phobic animals Which emotions are basic? Venom in animal species is one of the most remarkable features triggering fear across cultural groups. keywords: activities; amphibians; animal species; animals; approach; areas; attention; attitudes; attractive; basic; bats; bears; behaviors; beings; birds; carnivores; case; children; communities; conservation; contrast; cultural; cultures; damage; dangerous; deloache; different; disgust; disgusting; ecological; education; emotional; emotions; environment; et al; evolutionary; example; experiences; factors; fančovičová; fear; fearsome; feelings; frynta; groups; happiness; high; human; human emotions; hunting; important; individual; influence; information; interest; kellert; knowledge; large; lescureux; likely; linnell; living; lobue; local; mammals; management; mineka; myths; natural; nature; negative; panthera; particular; people; perceptions; phobias; physical; populations; positive; potential; predators; presence; prokop; prokop et; public; reactions; relationships; relevant; reptiles; responses; role; rural; røskaft; sadness; sense; small; snakes; social; societies; spaces; species; specific; spiders; strategies; studies; time; unpopular; wildlife; wildlife species; wolf; wolves; world; worldwide; zoos; öhman cache: cord-278195-1sle0d1j.txt plain text: cord-278195-1sle0d1j.txt item: #15 of 57 id: cord-279188-jeu6fye8 author: Slimani, Maamer title: The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Quality of Life During the Confinement Induced by COVID-19 Outbreak: A Pilot Study in Tunisia date: 2020-08-07 words: 3025 flesch: 44 summary: These findings are in agreement in part with Nakamura et al. (2014) , who reported that leisure-time PA, moderate-intensity PA, and vigorous-intensity PA were associated with physical health domains. Moderate intensity and total activity leisuretime PA were also correlated with mental health in men (Nakamura et al., 2014) . keywords: activity; authors; bref; confinement; correlations; covid-19; domains; et al; group; health; hepag; intensities; intensity; items; level; life; mag; mental; mets; moderate; outbreak; participants; physical; present; psychological; qol; qol domains; quality; relationship; scores; social; studies; study; table; time; total; total pa; vigorous cache: cord-279188-jeu6fye8.txt plain text: cord-279188-jeu6fye8.txt item: #16 of 57 id: cord-281700-8r7t3o2w author: Mañas-Viniegra, Luis title: The Corporate Purpose of Spanish Listed Companies: Neurocommunication Research Applied to Organizational Intangibles date: 2020-10-06 words: 6426 flesch: 35 summary: Purpose-driven companies are those that have redefined their corporate culture in order to introduce and enhance corporate purpose or brand purpose as an evolution of theories such as shared value (Porter and Kramer, 2011) , or triple bottom line (Elkington, 1998) . The overall objective of this research is to gain knowledge regarding the attention and emotional intensity registered by young Spanish university students when visualizing corporate purpose versus corporate visual identity, as well as the image of the Chairman of the main Spanish companies quoted on the IBEX 35. keywords: analysis; aoi; areas; attention; bbva; behavior; brand; business; caixabank; case; chairman; communication; companies; company; corporate; corporate culture; corporate purpose; culture; data; development; differences; duration; emotional; et al; eye; figure; fixations; greater; group; gsr; iberdrola; identity; image; influence; intensity; interest; issue; logo; mañas; movistar; neuromarketing; new; number; order; organization; participants; president; public; purpose; registered; research; responsibility; results; significant; social; society; spanish; stakeholders; stimuli; stimulus; students; study; subjects; sustainable; tfd; time; total; tracking; university; values; viniegra; visual; young; zara cache: cord-281700-8r7t3o2w.txt plain text: cord-281700-8r7t3o2w.txt item: #17 of 57 id: cord-284529-0ri4kw4k author: Håkansson, Anders title: Impact of COVID-19 on Online Gambling – A General Population Survey During the Pandemic date: 2020-09-25 words: 5987 flesch: 45 summary: The present study had the intention to include online gamblers, i.e., individuals with a certain degree of online gambling behavior (ten or more occasions during the past-year), given the high prevalence of online gambling and in order to provide a new measure to compare to a previous online gambling study carried out in the present setting (Håkansson and Widinghoff, 2020) . Given the need for objective data about gambling behavior during the pandemic, the present analysis, from a project assessing online gambling in Sweden, aimed to study past-30-day gambling patterns in online gamblers in Sweden. keywords: behavior; betting; bettors; casino; covid-19; crisis; data; day; different; events; gamblers; gambling; gambling types; games; general; higher; horse; håkansson; increase; individuals; land; likely; market; online; online gambling; pandemic; past; past-30; patterns; period; population; present; present study; previous; problem; recent; reported; reporting; research; risk; sample; self; sports; sports betting; studies; study; survey; sweden; swedish; time; types; vs.; web; widinghoff; year cache: cord-284529-0ri4kw4k.txt plain text: cord-284529-0ri4kw4k.txt item: #18 of 57 id: cord-286064-gzfs2m3u author: Shortland, Neil title: Police Perfection: Examining the Effect of Trait Maximization on Police Decision-Making date: 2020-07-22 words: 7950 flesch: 41 summary: As recent events show, the outcomes of police decisions have significant consequences for the public, the officers involved, the police force as a whole, and the wider population, yet psychological research has yet to fully explore the role of individual differences in how such decisions are made. Decision time was positively associated with having military experience, with officers with military experience taking longer to make a decision on average (OR = 4.492 * 10 −5 , p < 0.001). keywords: ability; action; alison; applied; approach; average; avoidance; bad; choice; critical; data; decision; differences; difficulty; effect; emergency; et al; experience; face; high; higher; hypotheses; impact; importance; increase; individual; inertia; interaction; items; lucifer; making; maximization; maximizers; military; military experience; model; nature; need; nfc; officers; outcomes; participants; personality; points; police; police decision; police officers; potential; power; pressure; process; research; role; sample; scenarios; schwartz; score; second; shortland; significant; situation; study; support; tendency; time; total; training; trait; types; uncertainty; variables; work; worst cache: cord-286064-gzfs2m3u.txt plain text: cord-286064-gzfs2m3u.txt item: #19 of 57 id: cord-287440-xy8o1mhs author: Caci, Barbara title: Neuroticism and Fear of COVID-19. The Interplay Between Boredom, Fantasy Engagement, and Perceived Control Over Time date: 2020-10-13 words: 5210 flesch: 39 summary: The current study tested a moderate-mediation model seeking suggestions to reduce perceived fear of COVID-19, given the numerous pieces of evidence of the indirect impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of worldwide populations (Li et al., 2020) . Hypothesis 5 established the effect of the moderating role of perceived time control on the relationship between boredom and fear of COVID-19. keywords: academic; activities; anxiety; association; boredom; control; covid-19; current; daily; data; differences; distress; effect; emotional; engagement; et al; fantasies; fantasy; fear; health; high; higher; hypothesis; impact; individuals; item; job; levels; life; lockdown; low; management; mediation; mental; model; negative; neuroticism; pandemic; participants; people; perception; performance; personality; phase; physical; positive; present; process; proneness; psychological; relationship; research; results; role; satisfaction; scale; scores; self; significant; social; state; step; stress; study; subjects; time; variables cache: cord-287440-xy8o1mhs.txt plain text: cord-287440-xy8o1mhs.txt item: #20 of 57 id: cord-289047-uf58nb7w author: Cuesta, Ubaldo title: The Neurosciences of Health Communication: An fNIRS Analysis of Prefrontal Cortex and Porn Consumption in Young Women for the Development of Prevention Health Programs date: 2020-08-31 words: 8514 flesch: 33 summary: The regression revealed a significant two-way interaction between porn consumption and video footage, R 2 = 0.019, F(3,23427) = 154.67, p < 0.001, meaning that the relationship between reported porn consumption and right pars triangularis reactivity varied as a function of the different videos and baselines (see Figure 7 for the entire two-way interaction). One of the behavioral addictions that has attracted the most attention in recent years is pornography addiction. keywords: activation; addiction; addictive; analysis; area; associated; ba45; baseline; behavior; brain; brodmann; clip; cognitive; communication; consumers; consumption; content; control; control baseline; correlates; cortex; cue; data; differences; different; discriminative; disorders; effects; emotional; empathy; erotic; et al; evidence; exposure; field; figure; fnirs; focus; functional; greater; health; hemisphere; hemoglobin; high; higher; human; important; increase; interaction; internet; knowledge; learning; low; mechanisms; mirror; neural; neuroimaging; neuroscience; non; online; order; pars; pars triangularis; participants; porn; porn baseline; porn consumption; pornography; pornography consumption; possible; prefrontal; prefrontal cortex; prevention; problematic; programs; reactivity; research; results; review; reward; right; right pars; screen; self; sexual; significant; social; stimuli; stimulus; studies; study; subjects; substance; system; t(23427; triangularis; type; use; variable; video; viewing; way; women; young cache: cord-289047-uf58nb7w.txt plain text: cord-289047-uf58nb7w.txt item: #21 of 57 id: cord-289919-iqa5pxda author: Deng, Shichang title: Perceived Severity of COVID-19 and Post-pandemic Consumption Willingness: The Roles of Boredom and Sensation-Seeking date: 2020-09-16 words: 6556 flesch: 45 summary: A questionnaire modeling tested H1 and H2, which provided an aggregate survey of the relationship between perceived severity of COVID-19 and post-pandemic consumption willingness, as well as the mediators between them. First, we examined the differences of post-pandemic consumption willingness between demographic variables. keywords: activities; arousal; behaviors; boredom; buying; china; chinese; consumer; consumption; consumption willingness; control; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; cronbach; effect; et al; experience; expressions; external; group; health; high; higher; home; impact; impulse; impulsive; increase; individuals; items; level; life; likely; limited; long; low; measures; model; pandemic; pandemic consumption; participants; people; period; post; psychological; rebound; results; scale; seeking; sensation; severe; severity; significant; social; spending; state; stimuli; study; survey; tedious; tedium; tendencies; tendency; time; willingness cache: cord-289919-iqa5pxda.txt plain text: cord-289919-iqa5pxda.txt item: #22 of 57 id: cord-290419-angcz55b author: Tran, Bach Xuan title: Impact of COVID-19 on Economic Well-Being and Quality of Life of the Vietnamese During the National Social Distancing date: 2020-09-11 words: 4612 flesch: 41 summary: In terms of COVID-19 impact on household income, a recent survey in late March 2020 with 7,005 respondents from G7 countries has indicated that 31% of participants reported that Coronavirus has already impacted my household income and 39% thought that Coronavirus has not yet impacted my household income, but I expect it to in the future (Duffin, 2020) . A study in Italy using a questionnaire to measure Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) of Adults with Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID_QOL) has illustrated that COVID-19 disease generated negative effects on health-related quality of life and the risk of anxiety/depression among Primary Antibody Deficiencies patients (Pulvirenti et al., 2020) . keywords: affected; anxiety; april; change; china; citizens; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; data; depression; disease; distancing; economic; economy; effects; epidemic; eq-5d-5l; factors; family; general; government; health; higher; household; household income; hrqol; impact; income; influence; life; living; lower; medical; mental; national; nguyen; online; pandemic; participants; people; population; public; quality; rate; research; respondents; sars; score; social; status; study; survey; thi; vas; vietnam; vietnamese cache: cord-290419-angcz55b.txt plain text: cord-290419-angcz55b.txt item: #23 of 57 id: cord-291187-8mbvmw0u author: Fuentes-García, Juan Pedro title: The Effect of COVID-19 Confinement in Behavioral, Psychological, and Training Patterns of Chess Players date: 2020-09-11 words: 4017 flesch: 41 summary: The benefits of chess for the intellectual and social-emotional enrichment in schoolchildren Sport-specific diet contribution to mental hygiene of chess player Dealing with sleep problems during home confinement due to the COVID-19 outbreak: practical recommendations from a task force of the European CBT-I Academy A longitudinal study of prisoners on remand: psychiatric prevalence, incidence and psychopathology in solitary vs. nonsolitary confinement Personality and leisure activities -an illustration with chess players Psychophysiological stress response of a paralympic athlete during an ultraendurance event. These characteristics could provide chess players a certain advantage in facing quarantine situations. keywords: activity; age; alarm; amateur; anxiety; behavioral; care; chess; chess players; competitive; confinement; control; coronavirus; covid-19; data; differences; education; effect; elo; et al; extraversion; fide; games; gender; group; health; higher; highest; infection; inflexibility; level; neuroticism; pandemic; participants; perception; performance; personality; physical; players; practice; previous; professional; psychological; related; results; scores; significant; size; social; stress; studies; study; tests; training; values; variables; world cache: cord-291187-8mbvmw0u.txt plain text: cord-291187-8mbvmw0u.txt item: #24 of 57 id: cord-293041-7ndp05ru author: Xu, Pengbo title: The Effect of Response Inhibition Training on Risky Decision-Making Task Performance date: 2020-07-24 words: 5578 flesch: 42 summary: In this study, two kinds of response inhibition training tasks were adopted. In addition, inhibitory control training can affect working memory and fluid intelligence (Liu et al., 2015) , and there have already been some practical applications in controlling addictive behavior, losing weight, reducing diet consumption, and improving mental illness (Houben, 2011; keywords: ability; adj; analog; balloon; bart; behavior; brain; change; classic; cognitive; conflict; control; control group; control training; cortex; decision; differences; effect; error; et al; experiment; group; higher; important; inhibition; inhibition training; inhibitory; inhibitory control; initial; interference; making; nogo; participants; people; performance; pretest; process; processes; rate; reaction; related; response; response inhibition; results; risk; risk task; risky decision; session; signal; significant; stimuli; stop; stroop; studies; study; subjects; task; time; training; training group; transfer; trials cache: cord-293041-7ndp05ru.txt plain text: cord-293041-7ndp05ru.txt item: #25 of 57 id: cord-295622-znmpheia author: Simione, Luca title: Differences Between Health Workers and General Population in Risk Perception, Behaviors, and Psychological Distress Related to COVID-19 Spread in Italy date: 2020-09-04 words: 9875 flesch: 45 summary: We found that health workers reported higher risk perception, level of worry, and knowledge as related to COVID-19 infection compared to the general population. However, on the one hand, doctors and other health workers multiplied their alarms relatively to this critical situation and to the related recommendations regarding behaviors to be followed and the hygienic conduct to be implemented; on the other hand, there were daily episodes of violation of such medical recommendations by the population, apparently only scarcely aware of the problem. keywords: age; analysis; anxiety; area; behaviors; case; center; consequences; containment; coronavirus; covid-19; data; death; demographic; difference; disease; distress; effect; et al; factors; following; general; greater; group; health; health workers; healthcare; healthcare workers; higher; increase; infection; information; italian; italy; item; levels; likely; living; logistic; march; means; measures; med; medical; model; new; nom; north; number; odds; ones; opinion; order; outbreak; participants; particular; patients; people; perception; population; positive; possible; psychological; public; questionnaire; regression; related; reported; respect; response; results; risk; risk perception; sample; sars; scale; score; sex; significant; situation; social; south; spread; state; step; stress; study; thought; variables; version; virus; vs.; workers; worries; years cache: cord-295622-znmpheia.txt plain text: cord-295622-znmpheia.txt item: #26 of 57 id: cord-296752-jvhgrsbm author: Phan, Huy P. title: Introducing the Study of Life and Death Education to Support the Importance of Positive Psychology: An Integrated Model of Philosophical Beliefs, Religious Faith, and Spirituality date: 2020-10-08 words: 12498 flesch: 31 summary: Front Psychol DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.580186 sha: doc_id: 296752 cord_uid: jvhgrsbm Life education, also known as life and death education, is an important subject in Taiwan with institutions (e.g., high school) offering degree programs and courses that focus on quality learning and implementation of life education. What is interesting from the perspective of Taiwanese education is that the teaching of life education also incorporates a number of Eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets, for example, Buddhist teaching and the importance of spiritual wisdom. keywords: academic; achievement; analysis; appreciation; article; beliefs; best; buddhist; care; case; characteristics; chen; cognitive; compassion; concept; conceptual; concerned; conditions; consideration; course; csíkszentmihályi; cultivation; cultural; death; death education; development; different; divine; emphasis; enlightened; enlightenment; enrichment; esoteric; et al; evidence; example; experiences; faiths; focus; form; fulfillment; functioning; future; general; grief; health; holistic; huang; human; importance; individuals; interesting; knowledge; learning; life education; life experiences; life wisdom; meaningful; methodological; mindfulness; model; nature; negative; optimal; paradigm; particular; person; personal; perspective; phan; phan et; philosophical; point; positive; positive life; positive psychology; possibility; practice; premise; present; psychological; psychology; quality; question; reflection; religious; research; self; seligman; sense; similar; social; society; spiritual; spirituality; state; study; subject; support; taiwanese; teaching; terms; theoretical; understanding; university; use; view; virtues; wisdom cache: cord-296752-jvhgrsbm.txt plain text: cord-296752-jvhgrsbm.txt item: #27 of 57 id: cord-299048-92j3p8e5 author: Suomi, Aino title: Unemployment, Employability and COVID19: How the Global Socioeconomic Shock Challenged Negative Perceptions Toward the Less Fortunate in the Australian Context date: 2020-10-15 words: 6361 flesch: 33 summary: The results show that compared to employed characters, unemployed characters were rated substantially less favorably at both time points on their employability and personality traits. In contrast, there was consistency in the ratings of unemployed characters on this measure across the two assessment occasions. keywords: adjusted; age; assessment; attributes; benefit; boss; butterworth; characters; competence; condition; conscientiousness; context; covid19; crisis; current; data; deservingness; difference; economic; effect; emotional; employability; et al; experimental; gender; government; higher; interaction; items; job; key; measures; model; negative; outcome; participants; perceptions; personality; poor; pre; previous; rate; ratings; receipt; recipients; research; results; sample; schofield; significant; social; stereotypes; stigma; study; suitability; support; time; unemployed; unemployed benefit; unemployment; vignette; warmth; welfare; worker cache: cord-299048-92j3p8e5.txt plain text: cord-299048-92j3p8e5.txt item: #28 of 57 id: cord-299833-f2q6di3t author: Pietrabissa, Giada title: Psychological Consequences of Social Isolation During COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-09-09 words: 2858 flesch: 36 summary: Social isolation has been linked to cognitive impairment, reduced immunity, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and ultimately, mortality (Cohen et al., 1997; Bassuk et al., 1999; Barth et al., 2010; Heffner et al., 2011) . The association between physical frailty and social isolation has been linked to heightened inflammatory activity, as indicated by increased levels of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen (Loucks et al., 2006) . keywords: able; analysis; anxiety; article; clear; consequences; control; cortisol; covid-19; crisis; date; death; depression; disease; economic; effects; epidemic; essential; et al; fear; feeling; fundamental; health; human; impact; isolation; levels; life; loneliness; mental; mental health; ones; pandemic; people; personal; physical; problems; prolonged; psychological; relationships; review; risk; significant; social; social isolation; stress; support; symptoms; systematic; time cache: cord-299833-f2q6di3t.txt plain text: cord-299833-f2q6di3t.txt item: #29 of 57 id: cord-301745-cuatqy1u author: Wei, Maryann title: Social Distancing and Lockdown – An Introvert’s Paradise? An Empirical Investigation on the Association Between Introversion and the Psychological Impact of COVID19-Related Circumstantial Changes date: 2020-09-17 words: 4310 flesch: 32 summary: On that grounds that introverts prefer less stimulating environments (Myers, 1962; Cattell, 1965; Eysenck, 1967; Hathaway, 1982; McCrae and Costa, 1999) , the assumption that introverts experience the psychological impact of COVID19related circumstantial changes less severely than extraverts seems plausible. Although increased amounts of time alone should in theory be welcome by introverts, these findings raise questions on whether introverts necessarily have an advantage over their extraverted counterparts in adapting to COVID19related circumstantial changes. keywords: affective; anxiety; associated; changes; circumstantial; circumstantial changes; cognitive; condition; covid19; current; demographic; depression; distancing; domains; experience; extraversion; factors; function; general; gierveld; health; higher; impact; impairments; introversion; introverts; living; lockdown; loneliness; measures; mental; non; outcome; participants; personality; psychological; psychosocial; range; research; residents; sample; scale; scores; social; study; symptoms; time; usa; variables cache: cord-301745-cuatqy1u.txt plain text: cord-301745-cuatqy1u.txt item: #30 of 57 id: cord-302946-3qajibci author: McAlaney, John title: Understanding Phishing Email Processing and Perceived Trustworthiness Through Eye Tracking date: 2020-07-28 words: 5182 flesch: 49 summary: Financial phishing email indicators were associated with the least frequent number of fixations and the least amount of overall dwell time, as compared to the phishing indicators in the misspelling, urgency, and threat email variations. Front Psychol DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01756 sha: doc_id: 302946 cord_uid: 3qajibci Social engineering attacks in the form of phishing emails represent one of the biggest risks to cybersecurity. keywords: address; analysis; aois; approach; calibration; chance; cognitive; content; cybersecurity; difference; dwell; elements; emails; et al; example; eye; eyes; financial; indicators; individual; information; language; mean; misspelling; miyamoto; movements; number; p =; participants; phishing; phishing emails; presence; processing; rating; research; sample; scanning; screen; security; social; stimuli; study; system; technology; threat; threatening; time; tracker; tracking; trustworthy; type; urgency; use; user; website cache: cord-302946-3qajibci.txt plain text: cord-302946-3qajibci.txt item: #31 of 57 id: cord-303553-u6vnbhvn author: Charry, Claudia title: Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia date: 2020-09-25 words: 7449 flesch: 32 summary: Psychological well-being is also harmonized by the influence of the environment and, especially, by the support received during the process through which young people access their autonomy (Greeson et al., 2015; Kouros et al., 2017) and the socialization process (Lun and Bond, 2016; Alonso-Stuyck et al., 2018) . The mean age for the sample of Spanish young people was 17.66 (SD = 1.6), and 18.69 for the Colombian group (SD = 1.8). keywords: ability; acceptance; adolescents; adulthood; adults; age; analysis; authors; autonomy; bienestar; boys; capacity; care; cases; colombian; construct; context; country; critical; development; differences; different; dimensions; edatva; effect; environment; et al; expectations; factors; gender; girls; goals; group; growth; health; higher; individual; influence; items; levels; life; manova; mean; model; order; organization; participants; people; personal; positive; positive relationships; possible; present; process; psicológico; psychological; purpose; relationships; resilience; results; role; ryff; sample; satisfaction; scale; scores; self; significant; social; spain; spaniards; spanish; studies; study; subjective; subscales; support; table; test; thinking; total; transition; values; wellbeing; young; young people; youth cache: cord-303553-u6vnbhvn.txt plain text: cord-303553-u6vnbhvn.txt item: #32 of 57 id: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj author: Vagni, Monia title: Coping With COVID-19: Emergency Stress, Secondary Trauma and Self-Efficacy in Healthcare and Emergency Workers in Italy date: 2020-09-03 words: 8636 flesch: 39 summary: We study differences between healthcare (n = 121) and emergency workers (n = 89) in terms of their coping strategies, emergency stress, and secondary trauma, as well as the relationships of these differences to demographic variables and other stress factors (Instructions and Equipment). The analyses reveal that compared with the emergency worker group, the health worker group has greater levels of emergency stress and arousal and is more willing to use problem-focused coping. keywords: acute; age; analysis; anxiety; arousal; associated; cognitive; coping; covid-19; covid-19 emergency; differences; disorder; distress; efficacy; emergency; emergency stress; emergency workers; emotional; emotions; epidemic; et al; experience; factors; females; focused; gender; greater; group; health workers; healthcare; healthcare workers; higher; impact; infection; instructions; italy; items; lack; levels; literature; medical; models; nurses; organizational; outbreak; pandemic; participants; patients; physical; ppe; problem; psychological; ptsd; reactions; results; risk; sample; scale; secondary; secondary trauma; self; sense; situations; social; specific; staff; strategies; strategy; stress; stress levels; stressful; stressors; studies; study; support; symptoms; thoughts; trauma; traumatic; traumatic stress; unpleasant; variables; walton; walton et; workers; working cache: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj.txt plain text: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj.txt item: #33 of 57 id: cord-306729-oa9i4ss9 author: Luo, Li-Sha title: COVID-19: Presumed Infection Routes and Psychological Impact on Staff in Administrative and Logistics Departments in a Designated Hospital in Wuhan, China date: 2020-06-12 words: 3084 flesch: 39 summary: The current study thus aimed to explore the potential infection routes and psychological changes among hospital staff in ALDs and to provide scientific suggestions on preventing adverse effects among this population's during large-scale infectious diseases outbreaks. The results indicated that working in hospital and having clinical professional knowledge does not affect the psychological impact of COVID-19 epidemic on hospital staff. keywords: alds; attitude; changes; china; control; coronavirus; covid-19; departments; diagnosis; disease; doctors; effects; emotional; epidemic; gloves; healthcare; hospital; impact; infected; infection; logistics; masks; measures; medical; members; mental; nurses; outbreak; protective; psychological; sars; staff; stress; studies; study; treatment; workers; wuhan cache: cord-306729-oa9i4ss9.txt plain text: cord-306729-oa9i4ss9.txt item: #34 of 57 id: cord-309095-ka9abe0c author: Idoiaga, Nahia title: Exploring Children’s Social and Emotional Representations of the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-08-12 words: 6401 flesch: 51 summary: Si se flexibiliza el estado de alarma, los niños deben ser los primeros en salir Nurses knowledge of growth and developmental principles in meeting psychosocial needs of hospitalized children Handbook of resilience in children HIV/ AIDS among adolescents in Eastern Europe: knowledge of HIV/AIDS, social representations of risk and sexual activity among school children and homeless adolescents in Russia, Georgia and the Ukraine España es el único país de Europa donde los niños no pueden salir de casa Health threats associated with children lockdown in Spain during COVID-19. Children were forbidden to leave their homes, with Spain along with Italy, being the only European countries where children were not allowed to go out at all (Granda, 2020; Grechyna, 2020) . keywords: age; analysis; angry; association; boy; care; children; class; classes; cluster; confinement; coronavirus; corpus; covid-19; crisis; different; doctors; eids; emotional; emotions; enemy; epidemic; et al; exercise; families; family; fear; frontiers; girl; government; happy; health; home; idoiaga; illness; jiao; joffe; lexical; lockdown; main; march; method; need; new; pandemic; parents; people; psychological; psychology; public; reinert; representations; research; resilience; results; safe; schools; segments; significant; situation; social; software; spain; specific; study; text; understanding; words; work; years cache: cord-309095-ka9abe0c.txt plain text: cord-309095-ka9abe0c.txt item: #35 of 57 id: cord-311393-e82jy629 author: Giménez-Dasí, Marta title: Six Weeks of Confinement: Psychological Effects on a Sample of Children in Early Childhood and Primary Education date: 2020-10-08 words: 4782 flesch: 52 summary: Despite the fact that Early Childhood children did not show a significant worsening, when the families described the observed changes, they mentioned similar symptomatology to that manifested by Primary Education children. key: cord-311393-e82jy629 authors: Giménez-Dasí, Marta; Quintanilla, Laura; Lucas-Molina, Beatriz; Sarmento-Henrique, Renata title: Six Weeks of Confinement: Psychological Effects on a Sample of Children in Early Childhood and Primary Education date: 2020-10-08 journal: keywords: academic; age; changes; childhood; children; confinement; covid-19; crisis; difficulties; early; education; effects; emotional; families; family; group; health; impact; isolation; madrid; measures; observed; parents; participants; por; pretest; previous; primary; problems; psychological; questionnaire; research; results; sample; school; scores; significant; situation; social; spain; studies; study; time; weeks; willingness; years cache: cord-311393-e82jy629.txt plain text: cord-311393-e82jy629.txt item: #36 of 57 id: cord-315827-biur1xn4 author: Zickfeld, Janis H. title: Correlates of Health-Protective Behavior During the Initial Days of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Norway date: 2020-10-06 words: 12186 flesch: 42 summary: Experiences from previous disease outbreaks such as Ebola, SARS, and the swine flu suggests that psychological factors including attitudes and affective reactions have a significant impact on whether individuals adopt health protective behavior or not (e.g., Tang and Wong, 2003; Bish and Michie, 2010; Bults et al., 2011) . Perceived likelihood of being infected was not a significant predictor of engagement with health behaviors. keywords: adoption; age; analyses; associated; attitudes; authorities; average; avoidant; behavior; changes; children; close; collection; concern; confidence; covid-19; covid-19 outbreak; data; day; demographic; different; disease; distancing; education; effect; effectiveness; engagement; et al; exposure; factors; fear; findings; fuss; gender; general; government; hand; health; high; higher; household; hygiene; important; individuals; infected; information; items; knowledge; large; learning; level; likelihood; likely; linear; machine; majority; march; measures; media; models; negative; non; norway; norwegian; number; observed; order; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; period; physical; population; positive; possible; predictors; preventive; previous; project; protective; protective behavior; psychological; public; reactions; reduced; regression; representative; respondents; responses; risk; sample; sampling; score; self; severity; significant; size; small; social; sources; studies; study; supplementary; symptoms; time; variables; virus; worry cache: cord-315827-biur1xn4.txt plain text: cord-315827-biur1xn4.txt item: #37 of 57 id: cord-322348-8opy5z9h author: Morelli, Mara title: Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Influence of Parenting Distress and Parenting Self-Efficacy on Children’s Emotional Well-Being date: 2020-10-06 words: 7104 flesch: 39 summary: A general approach to representing multifaceted personality constructs: application to state self-esteem Same-sex and different-sex parent families in italy: is parents' sexual orientation associated with child health outcomes and parental dimensions? Same-sex and different-sex parent families in Italy: parenting dimensions and child health outcomes Role of affective self-regulatory efficacy on diverse spheres of psychosocial functioning The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations Structural Equations With Latent Variables The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: Rapid review of the evidence Alternative ways of assessing model fit Structural Equation Modeling With EQS and EQS/Windows The longitudinal relations between self-esteem and affective self-regulatory efficacy Mastery of negative affect: a hierarchical model of emotional self-efficacy beliefs From external regulation to school achievement: the mediation of self-efficacy at school Parenting in a time of COVID-19 Using parcels to convert path analysis models into latent variable models Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences A global measure of perceived stress Parental Stress and Early Child Development. key: cord-322348-8opy5z9h authors: Morelli, Mara; Cattelino, Elena; Baiocco, Roberto; Trumello, Carmen; Babore, Alessandra; Candelori, Carla; Chirumbolo, Antonio title: Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Lockdown: keywords: age; analysis; area; cfi; children; cov-2; covid-19; data; distress; effects; efficacy; emergency; emotional; emotional self; et al; families; family; fit; good; health; high; index; indirect; invariant; italy; lability; living; lockdown; mediation; mental; model; negative; negativity; northern; pandemic; parental; parenting; parents; positive; present; problems; psychological; psychological distress; quarantine; regulation; regulatory; relationship; results; risk; rmsea; sample; sars; scale; self; sem; sex; significant; situation; square; srmr; structural; study; test; tli; variables cache: cord-322348-8opy5z9h.txt plain text: cord-322348-8opy5z9h.txt item: #38 of 57 id: cord-322577-5bboc1z0 author: Parola, Anna title: Mental Health Through the COVID-19 Quarantine: A Growth Curve Analysis on Italian Young Adults date: 2020-10-02 words: 6610 flesch: 38 summary: If, broadly, the results obtained confirmed the general detrimental effects of social isolation due to epidemics on young adults' mental health (Hawryluck et al., 2004; Tucci et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020) , some brief reflections need to be outlined about the specificities of young adults' condition. On the basis of recent literature on the general population, an increase in mental health problems among young adults during quarantine was hypothesized. keywords: adults; aggressive; aicc; analysis; anxiety; approximate; asr; behavior; best; breaking; complaints; covariates; covid-19; curve; data; depression; different; effect; et al; evidence; experience; gender; general; growth; health; high; higher; impact; increase; individual; information; intercept; internalizing; intervals; italian; italy; items; levels; linear; lockdown; long; longitudinal; lower; m.2; m.3; measures; mental; mental health; model; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; personal; problems; psychological; quarantine; recent; related; results; risk; rule; scales; self; sex; significant; size; social; somatic; specific; status; studies; study; survey; syndromic; table; time; week; weight; young cache: cord-322577-5bboc1z0.txt plain text: cord-322577-5bboc1z0.txt item: #39 of 57 id: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk author: Hu, Na title: Impact of the Family Environment on the Emotional State of Medical Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy date: 2020-10-09 words: 5818 flesch: 40 summary: Due to the importance of self-efficacy in regulating mental health, the mediating role of self-efficacy in the association between family environment and emotional state was also explored. Family environment, self-efficacy, anxiety, and depressive symptoms were measured by the Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version (FES-CV), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7), and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), respectively. keywords: analysis; anxiety; anxiety symptoms; care; china; chinese; cohesion; conflict; control; correlation; covid-19; depression; depressive symptoms; effect; efficacy; emotional; emotions; environment; epidemic; et al; expressiveness; families; family; family environment; fes; health; high; higher; individuals; medical; medical staff; members; mental; mental health; negative; outbreak; participants; positive; previous; problems; psychological; relationship; research; results; role; scale; score; self; staff; state; stress; studies; study; support; symptoms; variables; version; wang cache: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk.txt plain text: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk.txt item: #40 of 57 id: cord-325077-j77wbcr3 author: Prado-Gascó, Vicente title: Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic date: 2020-09-30 words: 8236 flesch: 43 summary: This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of teaching. keywords: adequate; affected; associated; available; burnout; cases; centre; conflict; consequences; context; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; crisis; data; demands; different; disease; education; emergency; emotional; et al; european; factors; general; government; hand; health; higher; impact; important; information; insecurity; items; job; justice; lack; levels; low; measures; mexico; non; organizational; pandemic; perception; present; prevention; previous; problems; properties; psychological; psychometric; psychosocial; psychosocial risks; public; related; research; resources; risks; role; sample; scale; school; scores; situation; spain; spanish; stress; students; studies; study; support; teachers; time; total; university; variables; work; workers; workload cache: cord-325077-j77wbcr3.txt plain text: cord-325077-j77wbcr3.txt item: #41 of 57 id: cord-326971-jekqhslx author: Schnepper, Rebekka title: Being My Own Companion in Times of Social Isolation – A 14-Day Mobile Self-Compassion Intervention Improves Stress Levels and Eating Behavior date: 2020-10-09 words: 4969 flesch: 45 summary: The intervention consisted of daily journaling exercises and meditations via smartphone with a focus on improving eating behavior. The PROCESS 3.5 macro for SPSS (Hayes, 2013) was used to build a mediation model with groups as a predictor for change scores of stress, BMI, and eating behavior, and the SC change score as a mediator. keywords: anxiety; baseline; behavior; binge; bmi; body; changes; compassion; control; coronavirus; covid-19; daily; day; eating; effect; emotional; emotions; et al; exercises; figure; final; food; group; health; impact; increase; intervention; isolation; kindness; lockdown; meditations; mental; mindfulness; neff; negative; overall; pandemic; participants; people; phase; post; present; related; response; sample; scale; self; stress; studies; study; time; waitlist; weight cache: cord-326971-jekqhslx.txt plain text: cord-326971-jekqhslx.txt item: #42 of 57 id: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly author: Barattucci, Massimiliano title: Rethinking the Role of Affect in Risk Judgment: What We Have Learned From COVID-19 During the First Week of Quarantine in Italy date: 2020-10-02 words: 6551 flesch: 34 summary: Reflections, perspectives, opportunities Avian influenza risk perception Perceived threat, risk perception, and efficacy beliefs related to SARS and other (emerging) infectious diseases: results of an international survey Measuring emotional contagion in social media Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham heart study Relations among emotion, appraisal, and emotional action readiness Web searching for health information: an observational study to explore users' emotions Trends in risk perceptions and vaccination intentions: a longitudinal study of the first year of the H1N1 pandemic Initial psychological responses to swine flu Factors affecting patients' online health information-seeking behaviours: the role of the Patient Health Engagement (PHE) model Emotional contagion The health belief model: a decade later The perceived threat of SARS and its impact on precautionary actions and adverse consequences: a qualitative study among Chinese communities in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Determinants of public phobia about infectious diseases in South Korea: effect of health communication and gender difference Dr. Google and his predecessors Two conceptions of emotion in risk regulation, 156 U Bringing appraisal theory to environmental risk perception: a review of conceptual approaches of the past 40 years and suggestions for future research Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks Impact of place identity, selfefficacy and anxiety state on the relationship between coastal flooding risk perception and the willingness to cope Risk perceptions related to SARS and avian influenza: theoretical foundations of current empirical research Public Engagement and government responsiveness in the communications about COVID-19 during the early epidemic stage in China: infodemiology study on social media data Knowledge, attitudes, impact, and anxiety regarding COVID-19 infection among the public in China Risk as feelings The relationships between health anxiety, online health information seeking, and cyberchondria: systematic review and meta-analysis Response to Ebola in the US: misinformation, fear, and new opportunities Smile mimicry and emotional contagion in audio-visual computer-mediated communication Educated but anxious: how emotional states and education levels combine to influence online health information seeking Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy Sources of method bias in social science research and recommendations on how to control it The effect of risk perception on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza dynamics Similarity in Case Fatality Rates (CFR) of COVID-19 / SARS-COV-2 in Italy and China Positive result of Sars-Cov-2 in sputum from a cured patient with COVID-19 Knowledge and risk perceptions of the Ebola virus in the United States Appraisal determinants of emotions: constructing a more accurate and comprehensive theory Appraisal determinants of emotions: constructing a more accurate and comprehensive theory Percezione del rischio: esperti vs non esperti Emotions as motivators for information seeking: a conceptual analysis Assessing the geographic context of risk perception and behavioral response to potential ebola exposure Factors in risk perception Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality Risk perception and affect Responding to global infectious disease outbreaks: lessons from SARS on the role of risk perception, communication and management World Health Organization declares global emergency: a review of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) The curious case of cyberchondria: a longitudinal study on the reciprocal relationship between health anxiety and online health information seeking Factorial and construct validity of the Italian Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Risk perception and knowledge acted with different mechanisms on emotions: risk perception mainly contributed to having an effect on negative affect, while knowledge influenced only positive affect. keywords: affect; analysis; anxiety; aro; behavior; children; cognitive; communication; complaint; compliance; contagion; coronavirus; covid-19; data; different; dimensions; disease; education; emergency; emotional; emotions; et al; factors; fit; future; general; government; hbm; health; health information; higher; impact; infection; information; italian; italy; key; knowledge; leppin; level; lockdown; lower; main; march; measures; model; negative; novel; online; pandemic; participants; people; perception; population; positive; related; research; results; risk; risk perception; role; sars; school; search; severity; social; sociodemographic; specific; states; study; variables; vulnerability; watson cache: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly.txt plain text: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly.txt item: #43 of 57 id: cord-328987-ntu1wdzg author: Teng, Yi-Man title: Life or Livelihood? Mental Health Concerns for Quarantine Hotel Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-09-15 words: 2465 flesch: 41 summary: It is a very difficult choice for quarantine hotel employees. Thus, it is important to keep the health and safety of quarantine hotel employees, particularly the cleaners, at the center of operations. keywords: care; changes; check; china; cleaners; communication; covid-19; day; economic; employees; guests; hamouche; health; hospitality; hotel; hoteliers; impact; industry; infection; mental; mental health; necessary; need; new; outbreak; pandemic; ppe; protective; psychological; public; quarantine; quarantine hotel; resilience; risk; rooms; staff; strategies; support; workers; working cache: cord-328987-ntu1wdzg.txt plain text: cord-328987-ntu1wdzg.txt item: #44 of 57 id: cord-329312-bvnky9yr author: Alemany-Arrebola, Inmaculada title: Influence of COVID-19 on the Perception of Academic Self-Efficacy, State Anxiety, and Trait Anxiety in College Students date: 2020-10-09 words: 4875 flesch: 43 summary: On the other hand, the perceived academic self-efficacy in the academic environment and the performance of university students are factors that are positively related. A subsequent study confirmed the influence that academic self-efficacy and emotions have on the academic success of university students. keywords: academic; academic self; addition; analysis; anxiety; chinese; college; confinement; context; coronavirus; covid-19; critical; data; depression; disease; education; efficacy; emotions; et al; expectations; face; factors; friend; garcía; health; higher; impact; influence; items; levels; manuscript; mental; moderate; pandemic; perception; performance; population; psychological; related; relationship; relative; research; scale; self; situation; spanish; state; stress; students; study; time; trait; university; university students; women cache: cord-329312-bvnky9yr.txt plain text: cord-329312-bvnky9yr.txt item: #45 of 57 id: cord-331257-z2x1wax0 author: Yao, Yang title: Psychological Status and Influencing Factors of Hospital Medical Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-08-04 words: 2628 flesch: 51 summary: The major demographic, professional characteristics, and psychological distress scores were shown in Table 2 . More than half of the participants (61.1%) reported psychological distress. keywords: care; characteristics; china; coronavirus; covid-19; distress; epidemic; factors; february; general; hcws; health; hospital; impact; infection; information; item; measures; medical; nurses; outbreak; participants; patients; positive; pressure; psychological; questionnaire; results; risk; sars; score; staff; status; study; work; workers; wuhan cache: cord-331257-z2x1wax0.txt plain text: cord-331257-z2x1wax0.txt item: #46 of 57 id: cord-331374-3gau0vmc author: Giorgi, Gabriele title: Expatriates’ Multiple Fears, from Terrorism to Working Conditions: Development of a Model date: 2016-10-13 words: 7417 flesch: 37 summary: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between the emergent concept of fear of expatriation with further workplace fears (economic crisis and dangerous working conditions) and with mental health problems. In particular, we aimed to find out how the emergence of fear of expatriation, induced by mental health problems, might impact on the expatriate's further fears in the workplace, using data from a survey of 265 Italian expatriate workers. keywords: addition; adjustment; aic; alternative; anxiety; cfi; companies; company; conditions; contagion; countries; country; crisis; dangerous; dangerous working; data; development; dimensions; economic; economic stress; environment; et al; expatriates; expatriation; experience; factor; fear; fit; following; foreign; good; health; health problems; higher; hypothesis; hypothesized; important; indirect; international; issues; italian; items; job; lazarus; literature; living; making; management; managers; mediation; mental; mental health; model; new; non; order; organizational; particular; people; performance; practices; problems; psychological; quality; questionnaire; relationship; research; results; review; risk; rmsea; safety; scale; scared; situation; social; specific; square; srmr; strategies; stress; structural; study; support; terrorism; time; validity; variables; violence; workers; working; working conditions; workplace; years cache: cord-331374-3gau0vmc.txt plain text: cord-331374-3gau0vmc.txt item: #47 of 57 id: cord-332420-9vyik2e9 author: Probst, Thomas title: Being a Psychotherapist in Times of the Novel Coronavirus Disease: Stress-Level, Job Anxiety, and Fear of Coronavirus Disease Infection in More Than 1,500 Psychotherapists in Austria date: 2020-09-29 words: 5011 flesch: 42 summary: Means and SDs are shown in Table 3 . Psychotherapists with more reductions in the total (face-toface + telephone + internet) number of patients treated on average per week in COVID-19 as compared to the months before experienced comparable stress-level, r = −0.006, p = 0.818, as well as comparable job-related worries and fears of existence, r = −0.011, p = 0.660, as psychotherapists with less reductions in the total number of patients treated on average per week. Psychotherapists still practicing face-to-face during the COVID-19 lockdown had lower fear of COVID-19 infection during face-to-face psychotherapy than psychotherapists not practicing face-to-face during COVID-19. keywords: anxiety; austria; average; care; covid-19; dimension; early; et al; existence; face; face psychotherapy; fears; health; higher; income; infection; internet; items; jas; job; level; lockdown; measures; mental; months; number; pandemic; patients; protective; psychotherapists; psychotherapy; reductions; sample; scale; stress; study; survey; telephone; teletherapy; total; weeks; worries; worrying cache: cord-332420-9vyik2e9.txt plain text: cord-332420-9vyik2e9.txt item: #48 of 57 id: cord-334799-781r7jhb author: Lakicevic, Nemanja title: Make Fitness Fun: Could Novelty Be the Key Determinant for Physical Activity Adherence? date: 2020-10-15 words: 2782 flesch: 21 summary: It follows that these factors are the key pillars of PA adherence, which is defined as a habitual participation in PA on a voluntary basis (Robison and Rogers, 1994) . For example, interactive video-game systems that combine gaming and PA (also known as exergames), and exercise programs delivered via digital platforms (e.g., smartphone apps) also are plausible alternative strategies to encourage PA participation, and improve quality of life (Sween et al., 2014; Romeo et al., 2019) . keywords: activity; adherence; adults; aerobic; american; analysis; behavior; benefits; covid-19; effects; engagement; enjoyment; et al; exercise; experience; familiar; fitness; flow; health; individuals; intensity; interest; interval; intrinsic; key; meta; motivation; need; new; novelty; older; outcomes; participation; physical; population; psychological; review; sports; systematic; term; time; training; varied cache: cord-334799-781r7jhb.txt plain text: cord-334799-781r7jhb.txt item: #49 of 57 id: cord-335251-w6k4fnpo author: Nielsen, Morten Birkeland title: Organizational Prevention and Management Strategies for Workplace Aggression Among Child Protection Workers: A Project Protocol for the Oslo Workplace Aggression Survey (OWAS) date: 2020-06-30 words: 7551 flesch: 35 summary: The two main categories of workplace aggression are physical violence and psychological aggression. Previous research has established exposure to workplace aggression as a significant risk factor for employee functioning, well-being, and health. keywords: absence; aggression; analysis; associations; behavior; bullying; cases; child; climate; conflict; data; design; diary; einarsen; employees; et al; ethical; example; exposure; factors; findings; following; forms; group; harassment; health; impact; important; individuals; information; infrastructure; items; job; level; likely; longitudinal; main; management; model; municipality; negative; nielsen; norway; order; organizational; oslo; personal; physical; points; prevention; procedures; project; prospective; protection; psychological; psychological aggression; psychosocial; questionnaire; rate; regard; report; research; resources; respondents; response; review; risk; role; safety; safety climate; scale; self; sickness; specific; stress; studies; study; survey; threats; time; variables; violence; welfare; workers; working; workplace; workplace aggression cache: cord-335251-w6k4fnpo.txt plain text: cord-335251-w6k4fnpo.txt item: #50 of 57 id: cord-337632-2q6gm7n3 author: Pearman, Ann title: Mental Health Challenges of United States Healthcare Professionals During COVID-19 date: 2020-08-13 words: 4679 flesch: 45 summary: Personal control and aging: how beliefs and expectations matter Expect the best and prepare for the worst: anticipatory coping and preparations for Y2K A stitch in time: self-regulation and proactive coping Survey of stress reactions among health care workers involved with the SARS outbreak Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change Social support provided by adolescents following a disaster and perceived social support, sense of community at school, and proactive coping Stress, coping, and resources in mothers of adults with developmental disabilities Characteristics of health care personnel with COVID-19 -United States Mental health care for medical staff in China during the COVID-19 outbreak A multinational, multicentre study on the psychological outcomes and associated physical symptoms amongst healthcare workers during COVID-19 outbreak Optimism, proactive coping and quality of life among nurses: a cross-sectional study The role of expectancy and proactive control in stress regulation: a neurocognitive framework for regulation expectation Burnout among US medical students, residents, and early career physicians relative to the general US population COVID-19: a new work-related disease threatening healthcare workers Covid-19: adverse mental health outcomes for healthcare workers General hospital staff worries, perceived sufficiency of information and associated psychological distress during the A/H1N1 influenza pandemic Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic The relationship between coping, social support, functional disability and depression in the elderly Clinical utility of the 15-item geriatric depression scale (GDS-15) for use with young and middle-aged adults Stressors, appraisal of stressors, experienced stress and cardiac response: a real-time, real-life investigation of work stress in nurses The mental health of medical workers in Wuhan, China dealing with the 2019 novel coronavirus Burnout and doctors: prevalence, prevention and intervention The Adaptive Value of Feeling in Control during Midlife Sociodemographic variations in the sense of control by domain: findings from the MacArthur studies of midlife The sense of control as a moderator of social class differences in health and well-being Factors associated with mental health outcomes among health care workers exposed to coronavirus disease 2019 A New Synthesis: Stress and Emotion Stress and psychological distress among SARS survivors 1 year after the outbreak Online mental health services in China during the COVID-19 outbreak The immediate psychological and occupational impact of the 2003 SARS outbreak in a teaching hospital Long-term psychological and occupational effects of providing hospital healthcare during SARS outbreak Meaning in life promotes proactive coping via positive affect: a daily diary study Heterogeneity in 10-year course trajectories of moderate to severe major depressive disorder: a danish national register-based study Age differences in reactivity to daily stressors: the role of personal control Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and insomnia among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis The structure of coping Age differences in risk and resilience factors in COVID-19-related stress Thinking ahead and staying in the present: implications for reactivity to daily stressors COVID-19 and mental health: a review of the existing literature Anxiety disorders and risk for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts: a population-based longitudinal study of adults Understanding and addressing sources of anxiety among health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic Psychological distress, coping behaviors, and preferences for support among New York healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic COVID 19 a challenge for emergency medicine and every health care professional Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Decreasing the negative effects of work-related stress in unchanged working environments There have been several meta-analyses and reviews of the impact of this pandemic on HCPs internationally (Chew et al., 2020; Pappa et al., 2020; Rajkumar, 2020) , but no studies from the United States were available to be included in these studies. keywords: addition; age; anxiety; appraisal; beliefs; concern; constraint; control; coping; covid-19; current; data; depressive; differences; education; et al; experiences; future; general; group; hcps; health; healthcare; higher; impact; items; levels; life; lower; mastery; mental; negative; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; participants; past; potential; proactive; psychological; risk; sample; sars; scale; states; stress; studies; study; survey; symptoms; time; tiredness; united; workers cache: cord-337632-2q6gm7n3.txt plain text: cord-337632-2q6gm7n3.txt item: #51 of 57 id: cord-341340-cnefwc3i author: Marchetti, Antonella title: The Psychosocial Fuzziness of Fear in the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Era and the Role of Robots date: 2020-09-24 words: 2637 flesch: 37 summary: One of them is related to the deployment of social robots to cope with different needs elicited by and depending on the emergency. social robots could be deployed to provide continued social interactions and adherence to treatment regimens without fear of spreading disease. keywords: affective; attachment; attitudes; child; close; cognitive; covid-19; dangerous; development; different; emotion; experience; fear; fuzzy; group; human; known; life; like; marchetti; mind; opinion; pandemic; people; perspective; primary; protective; proximity; psychological; relationships; robots; role; security; sense; situation; social; social robots; socio; stranger; use; view cache: cord-341340-cnefwc3i.txt plain text: cord-341340-cnefwc3i.txt item: #52 of 57 id: cord-342121-ff4fpsq8 author: Miller, Eric D. title: Loneliness in the Era of COVID-19 date: 2020-09-18 words: 1445 flesch: 41 summary: A Biography of Loneliness: The History of an Emotion 15 smartphone apps for older adults to use while in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic Keep socially (but not physically) connected and carry on: Preventing suicide in the age of COVID-19 The mental health consequences of COVID-19 and physical distancing: the need for prevention and early intervention The lonely city: urban infrastructure and the problem of loneliness Effects of social grooming on incivility in COVID-19 The effect of COVID-19 on youth mental health Age differences in loneliness from late adolescence to oldest old age The COVID-19 pandemic crisis: the loss and trauma event of our time Dyadic perspectives on marital quality and loneliness in later life Connectedness to nature is more strongly related to connection to distant, rather than close, others The Psychological Journey to and From Loneliness: Development, Causes, and Effects of Social and Emotional Isolation Is loneliness the same as being alone? Loneliness, isolation, and social support factors in post-COVID-19 mental health Loneliness: an integrative approach COVID-19, fear and the future: an attachment perspective Ang, Y. Y. (2020) . keywords: age; conditions; consequences; covid-19; crisis; disease; effects; elderly; era; health; individuals; isolation; life; likely; loneliness; mental; miller; pandemic; physical; psychological; social; theory; urban cache: cord-342121-ff4fpsq8.txt plain text: cord-342121-ff4fpsq8.txt item: #53 of 57 id: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2 author: Falcone, Rino title: All We Need Is Trust: How the COVID-19 Outbreak Reconfigured Trust in Italian Public Institutions date: 2020-10-02 words: 14134 flesch: 15 summary: Thus, assuming that the need for public trust prompted the high levels of institutional trust manifested by participants, we propose to interpret their other responses within the broad framework of motivated reasoning (Kunda, 1990) and cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) : as the chosen path to pursue the paramount goal of personal and public safety, trusting public authorities became in turn a necessary instrumental goal, thus coloring all other attitudes expressed by the respondents; more precisely, it prompted them to actively look for reasons to justify their (unavoidable) trust in public authorities, in order to minimize cognitive dissonance. Expectations on the impact of trust toward public institutions and among citizens are less triumphant, yet still positive: 54.4% predict an increase in institutional trust after the COVID-19 pandemic, whereas 57% make the same prediction with respect to social trust, i.e., trust among peers. keywords: adequacy; affected; age; analysis; areas; case; castelfranchi; citizens; cognitive; collective; common; competence; compliance; concern; confidence; containment; contrast; correlation; countries; covid-19; covid-19 crisis; covid-19 emergency; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; current; data; different; distrust; early; effects; emergency; european; expectation; factors; falcone; focused; gender; goal; government; guidelines; health; high; impact; information; institutional trust; institutions; interpretation; intervention; italian; italian citizens; italian public; italy; item; levels; low; main; majority; march; measures; media; model; motivated; national; nature; need; negative; new; non; order; outbreak; overall; pandemic; participants; particular; parties; people; perception; personal; political; population; positive; predictors; public authorities; public institutions; public trust; questionnaire; reasoning; reasons; recent; regions; regression; relevant; respondents; response; restrictions; results; risk; role; safety; sample; scientific; section; sense; significant; social; socio; sources; stages; study; survey; terms; time; trust; trustworthiness; turn; virus; women; years cache: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt plain text: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt item: #54 of 57 id: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v author: Balsamo, Michela title: Italians on the Age of COVID-19: The Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms Through Web-Based Survey date: 2020-10-16 words: 6939 flesch: 37 summary: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms in specific sociodemographic categories during the COVID-19 quarantine lockdown and the potential factors that contribute to, or mitigate, these effects. In the very early stage of the nationwide lockdown, 3,672 quarantined Italian adult residents (65% females, ranging from 18 to 85 years) participated in a web-based cross-sectional survey, including measures of depressive symptoms, which were measured by the Teate depression inventory, and state anxiety levels. keywords: adherence; age; anxiety; associated; carlucci; consequences; controlling; coronavirus; covid-19; depressive; depressive symptoms; differences; disease; distress; effects; epidemic; et al; experience; factors; female; gender; general; generalized; greater; groups; guidelines; health; higher; impact; increase; inventory; italian; italy; levels; likely; lockdown; lower; marital; measures; mental; model; nationwide; odds; outbreak; outcome; pandemic; participants; people; population; prevalence; psychological; public; quarantine; ratio; research; respondents; review; risk; sample; sars; scale; self; severe; severity; sex; significant; social; sociodemographic; state; statistical; status; sticsa; students; studies; study; survey; symptoms; trait; variables; women; worried; worry; years; younger cache: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt plain text: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt item: #55 of 57 id: cord-346338-kdjgu93q author: Spinelli, Maria title: Parents' Stress and Children's Psychological Problems in Families Facing the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy date: 2020-07-03 words: 4491 flesch: 44 summary: Methods: Parents of children aged between 2- and 14-years-old completed an online survey reporting their home environment conditions, any relation they had to the pandemic consequences, their difficulties experienced due to the quarantine, their perception of individual and parent-child dyadic stress, and their children's emotional and behavioral problems. Conclusions: Dealing with quarantine is a particularly stressful experience for parents who must balance personal life, work, and raising children, being left alone without other resources. keywords: analysis; behavioral; children; consequences; country; covid-19; data; degree; difficulties; dyadic; effect; emotional; environment; factors; families; family; government; health; home; impact; index; individual; italy; items; mediation; mediator; model; negative; number; outbreak; pandemic; parenting; parents; people; perception; point; positive; present; problems; psychological; quarantine; results; risk; scale; school; situation; stress; study; symptoms; time; variables; ways; wellbeing cache: cord-346338-kdjgu93q.txt plain text: cord-346338-kdjgu93q.txt item: #56 of 57 id: cord-348806-yi9vbgwj author: Saladino, Valeria title: The Psychological and Social Impact of Covid-19: New Perspectives of Well-Being date: 2020-10-02 words: 4012 flesch: 31 summary: Online psychological services avoid geographical barriers and are suitable to become a useful integrated tool in addition to traditional psychotherapy (APS, 2020; Perrin et al., 2020). Online psychological services provide several advantages, especially in the current situation of pandemic. keywords: anxiety; associated; care; children; china; communication; coronavirus; covid-19; depression; development; devices; different; disease; disinhibition; effects; emergency; empathy; epidemic; et al; fear; general; health; help; human; impact; italian; medical; mental; new; online; order; outbreak; pandemic; parents; patients; people; period; population; psychological; psychologists; psychotherapists; psychotherapy; quarantine; recent; relationship; risk; services; situation; social; specific; staff; stress; students; study; support; symptoms; technological; telepsychology; time; traumatic; use; workers cache: cord-348806-yi9vbgwj.txt plain text: cord-348806-yi9vbgwj.txt item: #57 of 57 id: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6 author: Commodari, Elena title: Adolescents in Quarantine During COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Perceived Health Risk, Beliefs, Psychological Experiences and Expectations for the Future date: 2020-09-23 words: 6996 flesch: 44 summary: Hypothesis 3 (H3): Other sociodemographic variables influence health risk perception and psychological experiences of the adolescents in the sample. In both cases, the medium effect size suggests a role of these variables in influencing health risk perception. keywords: adolescents; covid-19; data; disease; effects; experience; family; feelings; females; friends; government; health; health risk; high; higher; home; impact; information; italian; italy; life; limitations; low; measures; necessary; negative; negative feelings; pandemic; participants; people; perception; period; positive; probability; psychological; quarantine; questionnaire; red; regions; related; respondents; responses; results; risk; risk perception; sample; school; seriousness; significant; social; sociodemographic; std; students; study; summer; susceptibility; t =; table; teenagers; variables; virus; zone cache: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6.txt plain text: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6.txt