item: #1 of 196 id: ijcre-1029 author: Maybery, Darryl; Pope, Rod; Hodgins, Gene; Hitchenor, Yvonne title: Fostering resilience: Empowering rural communities in the face of hardship date: 2010-11-25 words: 5946 flesch: 52 summary: Community support. Fostering Resilience Empowering rural communities in the face of hardship Statistics for rural and remote communities in Australia make for grim reading. keywords: action; activities; approach; assets; australia; build; charles; children; communities; community; connectedness; data; drought; events; families; family; farm; financial; focus; focused; fuel; future; gateways; government; group; health; hitchenor; hodgins; impact; important; individuals; issues; key; local; maybery; meetings; members; mental; need; nerrcs; new; panel; participants; people; plan; planning; pope; positive; regional; research; resilience; resources; responses; rural; services; small; social; strengths; stress; study; sturt; support; table; things; town; training; transport; university; vol; wagga; work; young; youth cache: ijcre-1029.pdf plain text: ijcre-1029.txt item: #2 of 196 id: ijcre-1039 author: Gibson, Nancy title: Participatory action research approaches and methods date: 2010-11-25 words: 616 flesch: 37 summary: The authors also emphasise the importance of representing and communicating PAR; they advise researchers to check and doublecheck with all participants regarding the language and potential stereotyping in publications and other vehicles of dissemination as we link participatory research to action and thoughtful activism. The collection addresses the ideological concept behind participatory research and adds reflection and experience to outline a tangible method that can be described and evaluated, and consistently applied. keywords: action; approach; book; papers; par; participants; participatory; practice; process; research; researchers; review; useful cache: ijcre-1039.pdf plain text: ijcre-1039.txt item: #3 of 196 id: ijcre-1143 author: McMillan, Janice title: Through an activity theory lens: Conceptualizing service learning as 'boundary work' date: 2009-11-03 words: 7787 flesch: 51 summary: After this initial response to the challenge of transformation, it is now timely to rigorously look at what is involved in service learning practice so that it can be taken forward and built upon – as both pedagogy and a new way to think about university engagement in the broader society. Keith, N 1998, ‘Community service for community building: The school-based service corps as border crossers’, Michigan Journal for Community Service Learning, vol. 5, pp. keywords: activities; activity; activity theory; analysis; boundary; cambridge; cape; case; communities; community; community service; complex; context; development; different; dual; education; engagement; engeström; example; features; framework; gateways; health; higher; higher education; important; interrelated; journal; knowledge; learning; lens; mcmillan; michigan; national; need; new; object; order; particular; pedagogy; perspectives; potential; practice; press; project; questions; research; responsiveness; role; service; service learning; situated; social; south; students; study; system; theory; tools; town; understanding; university; use; vol; wenger; work; workers; zone cache: ijcre-1143.pdf plain text: ijcre-1143.txt item: #4 of 196 id: ijcre-1157 author: Richards-Schuster, Katie title: Revolutionizing education: Youth participatory action research in motion date: 2010-11-25 words: 941 flesch: 31 summary: Revolutionizing education is an important contribution to the field of youth participatory action research. The concluding chapters of the book focus on the role of participatory action research in reforming education systems and reforming and redefining research. keywords: action; book; change; chapters; critical; education; fine; new; participatory; people; project; research; revolutionizing; social; systems; traditional; youth; ypar cache: ijcre-1157.pdf plain text: ijcre-1157.txt item: #5 of 196 id: ijcre-1159 author: Favish, Judith; Ngcelwane, Sonwabo title: Understanding Social Responsiveness: Portraits of practice at the University of Cape Town date: 2009-11-03 words: 7108 flesch: 31 summary: Research universities and civic engagement: Opportunities and challenges’, University of California, Los Angeles, viewed 19 October 2009, civic-engagement-at-research-universities/trucen-section-a/ UNESCO 1998, ‘World declaration on higher education for the twenty-first century: Vision and action’, viewed 15 March 2005, declaration_eng.htm University of Cape Town 1996, ‘Mission statement’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2004, ‘Social responsiveness report 2004’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2005, ‘Social responsiveness report 2005’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2006, ‘Social responsiveness report 2006’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2007a, ‘Social responsiveness report 2007’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2007b, ‘Minimum performance criteria for academic rate for job’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town, 2008, ‘Social responsiveness report 2008’, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. University of Cape Town 2009, ‘Draft concept paper on social responsiveness, unpublished discussion document, Cape Town. For the past four years, UCT has been collecting information on social responsiveness activities through the process of compiling Gateways | Favish & Ngcelwane 35 the annual reports. keywords: academic; activities; africa; approach; campus; cape; cape town; case; challenges; civic; community; conceptual; constituencies; council; criteria; critical; curriculum; department; development; economic; education; engaged; engagement; evidence; external; favish; forms; framework; gateways; gibbons; health; higher; higher education; impact; information; institutions; knowledge; leadership; learning; local; members; national; needs; new; ngcelwane; organised; paper; people; performance; policy; political; process; project; public; quality; report; research; responsiveness report; rights; role; social responsiveness; society; south; srwg; staff; students; teaching; town; uct; universities; university; wide; work cache: ijcre-1159.pdf plain text: ijcre-1159.txt item: #6 of 196 id: ijcre-1165 author: London, Leslie; Heap, Marion; Baldwin-Ragaven, Laurel title: Health and Human Rights: New challenges for social responsiveness date: 2009-11-03 words: 7972 flesch: 45 summary: EQUINET, TARSC and UCT in cooperation with SEAPACOH 2008b, ‘Using health rights to promote equity oriented health budgets’, Parliament Briefing 4, July 2008, EQUINET, Harare. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 2 (2009): 61–81 © UTSePress and the authors Health and Human Rights: New challenges for social responsiveness LesLie London, Marion Heap and LaureL BaLdwin-ragaven South Africa’s struggle against apartheid discrimination, including struggles in the health sector, laid the basis for a vibrant engagement of staff and students in human rights research, teaching and outreach in the Health Sciences Faculty at the University of Cape Town (UCT). keywords: academic; access; activities; advocacy; africa; alcohol; apartheid; baldwin; cape; care; challenges; change; civil; commission; communities; community; course; curriculum; deaf; development; dual; education; engaged; engagement; equinet; ethics; example; faculty; farm; focus; gateways; health; health care; health professionals; heap; hhrp; human rights; impact; international; issues; journal; knowledge; language; law; learning; london; loyalty; medical; national; network; october; organisations; people; policy; political; professionals; programme; project; public; public health; ragaven; reconciliation; research; researchers; rights; rights research; sasl; sciences; services; skills; social; society; south; south africa; southern; staff; students; study; support; teaching; town; trainer; training; trc; truth; uct; university; use; vol; vulnerability; work; workers cache: ijcre-1165.pdf plain text: ijcre-1165.txt item: #7 of 196 id: ijcre-1166 author: Rivett, Ulrike; Tapson, Jonathan title: The Cell-Life Project: Converging technologies in the context of HIV/AIDS date: 2009-11-03 words: 5409 flesch: 43 summary: Gateways | Rivett & Tapson 97 Heeks, R 2003, ‘Success and failure rates of eGovernment in developing/transitional countries: Overview’, viewed July 2009, Hirschheim, R & Klein, HK 1989, ‘Four paradigms of information systems development, Communications of the ACM, vol. In the context of implementing information management systems in the primary health care sector, cellular technology had the added advantage that it was a known and widely-used product, and therefore one of the major concerns of technology implementation and uptake in under-resourced areas was minimised (Fynn et al. 2006). keywords: access; adherence; africa; aids; approach; arv; available; cape; care; cell; cellphone; cellular; centre; challenges; clinics; community; context; counsellors; data; design; desmond; development; dispensing; engagement; environment; field; funding; gateways; health; high; hiv; idart; information; infrastructure; initiatives; key; knowledge; life; management; medical; medication; new; number; open; patients; people; pharmacy; process; projects; public; research; rivett; sector; social; software; solutions; source; south; staff; success; successful; support; system; tapson; technologies; technology; treatment; university; user; vol; wood cache: ijcre-1166.pdf plain text: ijcre-1166.txt item: #8 of 196 id: ijcre-1171 author: Saldanha, June title: A Second Chance: The University of Cape Town's Diploma in Education date: 2009-11-03 words: 4553 flesch: 52 summary: As well, students who cope well on the Diploma are able to access other qualifications in the adult education stream, namely the Advanced Certificate in adult education, and in some cases have gone on to do a Master’s degree. The curriculum provides the space for adult students to think critically about themselves and their practice and to develop a confident voice to express themselves. keywords: adult; cape; community; confidence; context; course; curriculum; department; development; different; diploma; education; educators; example; experience; gateways; gender; group; higher; identity; impact; knowledge; learners; learning; module; needs; organisations; people; personal; political; practice; professional; programme; qualifications; saldanha; second; staff; students; theory; town; trade; training; understanding; university; women; workplace; year cache: ijcre-1171.pdf plain text: ijcre-1171.txt item: #9 of 196 id: ijcre-1173 author: Knutsen, Robert; Steyn, Charlene; Nicol, Martin title: Building Bridges: Linking universities with the manufacturing industry date: 2009-11-03 words: 5772 flesch: 36 summary: This article examines how research institutions and industry can be brought together in ways that will both enable industry to grow and will also enrich university research and teaching. The report says that ‘a small share of the new technology-based firms are created by university researchers themselves, that is, direct university spin-offs’ but it also highlights a different process where ‘external entrepreneurs’ – private firms – progress by ‘exploiting university research made by others’. keywords: able; academics; access; activities; advantage; africa; approach; assistance; business; capability; cape; cape universities; cimm; commission; companies; company; cost; departments; development; economic; economy; european; expertise; firms; formation; gateways; government; ideas; industry; innovation; institutions; ispp; knowledge; knutsen; level; local; manufacturing; materials; national; need; new; nicol; outputs; particular; party; process; project; r&d; regional; relevant; report; research; researchers; role; science; south; spin; steyn; students; success; support; teaching; technology; time; town; uct; universities; university; western; western cape; work cache: ijcre-1173.pdf plain text: ijcre-1173.txt item: #10 of 196 id: ijcre-1174 author: Sowman, Merle title: An Evolving Partnership: Collaboration between university 'experts' and net-fishers date: 2010-01-04 words: 8870 flesch: 36 summary: A further major stumbling block in the co-management negotiations was the very different management objectives articulated by the two partners, MCM adopting a highly precautionary conservation approach to fisheries management as opposed to the UCT research team and fishers that sought to balance conservation with local livelihood objectives. It is this narrow scientific focus to fisheries management that has created tensions between the UCT research team, the fishers and government scientists and managers (Minutes of Meeting, UCT, 1 September 2008). keywords: activities; africa; alternative; approach; arrangements; assessment; bergh; berkes; bycatch; capacity; cape; cape town; carvalho; catches; coastal; committee; communities; community; concerns; conservation; customary; data; development; ebenhaeser; eeu; engagement; environmental; estuary; et al; evaluation; figure; fisheries; fisheries management; fishers; fishing; fishing community; focus; gateways; gillnet; government; harder; involvement; issues; journal; knowledge; learning; legal; linefish; management; marine; mcm; measures; meetings; mesh; monitoring; monitors; mpa; net; new; olifants; ongoing; partnership; period; plan; policy; process; program; project; reduction; report; research; researchers; resource; results; rights; river; role; scale; science; scientists; size; small; social; south; sowman; sowman et; system; team; town; uct; understanding; university; university research; vol; years cache: ijcre-1174.pdf plain text: ijcre-1174.txt item: #11 of 196 id: ijcre-1182 author: Holloway, Ailsa title: Crafting Disaster Risk Science: Environmental and geographical science sans frontières date: 2009-11-03 words: 6260 flesch: 25 summary: Framing disaster risk For the purpose oF teaching and learning A fundamental expectation of higher education institutions is that they will continuously critique and evolve processes of scholarship that are academically rigorous and socially relevant. While both global processes actively promoted the developmental reduction of disaster risks, ISDR efforts have been further advanced by the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015 ( keywords: academic; africa; applied; capacity; cape; community; context; continent; curriculum; development; dimp; disaster; disaster management; disaster risk; disciplinary; domain; drs; education; engagement; environmental; events; field; fires; framework; gateways; geographical; geographical science; gibbons; global; government; hazards; health; higher; holloway; human; humanitarian; informal; institutions; international; isdr; knowledge; learning; london; management; mode; natural; new; pelling; policy; postgraduate; practice; process; processes; profile; programme; province; reduction; relevant; research; resources; responsive; risk; risk management; risk reduction; risk science; scholarship; science; settlements; severe; significant; social; society; south; specific; teaching; town; training; transdisciplinary; university; urban; vulnerability; weather; western cache: ijcre-1182.pdf plain text: ijcre-1182.txt item: #12 of 196 id: ijcre-1202 author: Favish, Judith title: The Role of Public Universities: Examining one university's response to xenophobia date: 2009-11-03 words: 6302 flesch: 45 summary: As a member of the SHAWCO Board says: Students who volunteer via SHAWCO do so primarily in their capacity as UCT students. The motivation for intervening probably stemmed from a desire to support the role of public universities in promoting the public good and helping to address development challenges faced by our society in line with UCT’s mission to play ‘an active developmental role in our cultural, economic, political, scientific and social environment’ (UCT 1996). keywords: cape; challenges; clear; clinics; communication; communities; community; crisis; day; department; development; different; faculty; favish; food; gateways; hall; health; help; human; humanitarian; individuals; information; intervention; issues; large; lewin; long; members; needs; network; organisation; people; police; project; public; refugee rights; refugees; resources; response; rights; rights project; role; run; sciences; services; set; shawco; shawco health; sites; situation; social; society; south; staff; students; support; time; town; uct; universities; university; violence; volunteers; week; wit; xenophobia cache: ijcre-1202.pdf plain text: ijcre-1202.txt item: #13 of 196 id: ijcre-1327 author: Hall, Martin title: Transgressive Partnerships: Community engagement in a South African university date: 2009-11-03 words: 5939 flesch: 33 summary: These observations are supported by the outcomes of institutional audits completed by the Higher Education Quality Committee between 2004 and 2008, which show that universities are at widely varying stages in conceptualizing community engagement practice (Hall 2009a). Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 2 (2009): 1–17 © UTSePress and the author Transgressive Partnerships: Community engagement in a South African university Martin Hall Community engagement, along with teaching and research, is one of the three principles of the South African Higher Education system. keywords: actor; adult; africa; benefits; boundaries; cape; case; codified; collection; common; community; community engagement; curriculum; development; different; disaster; ebenhaeser; economic; education; educators; engagement; established; example; favish; foray; forms; gateways; good; hall; health; higher; higher education; human; industry; institutions; issues; key; knowledge; learning; management; national; needs; network; new; partnerships; policy; political; practice; project; public; quality; references; research; responsiveness; rights; risk; role; science; sector; service; shared; social; south; studies; study; system; tacit; teaching; theory; town; trade; traditional; uct; understanding; universities; university; volume; work; working cache: ijcre-1327.pdf plain text: ijcre-1327.txt item: #14 of 196 id: ijcre-1328 author: Ochocka, Joanna; Moorlag, Elin; Janzen, Rich title: A framework for entry: PAR values and engagement strategies in community research date: 2010-11-25 words: 7878 flesch: 43 summary: For us, community research entry is a process to establish a long-term relationship with community members that is ‘continually negotiated’ (Sixsmith, Boneham & Goldring 2003), with power imbalances to be constantly navigated. A Framework for Entry PAR values and engagement strategies in community research The purpose of this article is to explore and clarify the importance of entry in community-based research on sensitive topics such as mental health and to suggest a framework for community research entry that uses the values of participatory action research (PAR) and specific engagement strategies. keywords: action; approach; article; building; canada; challenges; change; collaboration; communities; community; community entry; community members; cultural; culture; cura; development; different; diverse; education; empowerment; engagement; entry; entry process; evaluation; framework; gateways; groups; health; implementation; involved; involvement; janzen; journal; knowledge; linguistic; meetings; members; mental; moorlag; nelson; new; ochocka; ongoing; par; participants; participatory; partners; people; perspectives; power; pre; process; processes; project; reciprocal; relationships; research; research entry; research process; researchers; second; sensitive; site; social; stage; steering; strategies; study; successful; topics; toronto; university; values; visits; vol; waterloo; working cache: ijcre-1328.pdf plain text: ijcre-1328.txt item: #15 of 196 id: ijcre-1415 author: Bourner, Tom title: A compatible partnership? Student-community engagement and traditional university education date: 2010-11-25 words: 6991 flesch: 48 summary: It is not a means of achieving the same learning outcomes as TUE; it contributes valuable additional learning outcomes resulting in a bigger, richer higher education experience for university students. A particular feature of university education in the UK has been its slowness in moving from an elite to a mass system (Scott 1995; Trow 1973). keywords: ability; academic; advancement; article; attitudes; bourner; century; column; community; community engagement; contribution; development; different; education; engagement; europe; example; experience; gateways; german; graduate; higher; higher education; history; ideas; knowledge; learning; level; local; london; majority; model; need; new; outcomes; particular; profile; program; project; range; reach; research; role; skills; slce; sort; specific; student; student learning; subject; table; thinking; traditional; traditional university; tue; universities; university; university education; vol; work cache: ijcre-1415.pdf plain text: ijcre-1415.txt item: #16 of 196 id: ijcre-1541 author: Netshandama, Vhonani title: Quality partnerships: The community stakeholders' view date: 2010-11-25 words: 7765 flesch: 47 summary: Prior to this, although community engagement had been embarked upon by the university – and some research conducted into the success or not of these partnerships – there had been no coordination, institutional conceptualisation or framework for community partnerships, nor had there been an office that dealt specifically with these partnerships. Furthermore, community participants referred to the role of educators and researchers in empowering the students to understand the needs of the community, to respect the knowledge that the community has and to appreciate the circumstances of the community: ‘I believe they [the students] do not know everything because they are students. keywords: academics; address; africa; case; che; communities; community; community engagement; community members; council; data; department; development; discussions; education; empowerment; engagement; expectations; framework; gateways; group; health; hei; heis; help; higher; higher education; information; institutions; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; literature; look; management; members; needs; netshandama; objectives; participants; partnership; patton; people; poverty; power; pretoria; process; processes; projects; qualitative; quality; quality partnership; questions; regard; relationship; research; resources; respect; rural; sage; sample; social; south; stakeholders; students; study; teaching; univen; universities; university; venda; view; vol cache: ijcre-1541.pdf plain text: ijcre-1541.txt item: #17 of 196 id: ijcre-1544 author: Fehren, Oliver title: Who organises the community? The university as an intermediary actor date: 2010-11-25 words: 6460 flesch: 36 summary: Rose draws the conclusion that the mutation of community approaches indicates the shift of responsibility for social questions from society as a whole to local communities: ‘Collective relations have been re-figured in such a way as to reduce the salience of “the social” in favor of “the community”’ (Rose 1996, p. 337). They also claimed that community does not describe contained or separated spaces and presented a remarkably perceptive view of the relation between local community and the city, which is useful in clarifying actual misconceptions of community: ‘Every community is always part of some larger and more inclusive one. keywords: able; access; action; actors; administration; approaches; bodies; bridging; capital; citizens; city; communities; community; community development; community residents; community work; decision; development; different; district; economy; engagement; essen; fehren; function; gateways; government; groups; habermas; hand; help; institute; institutions; interests; intermediaries; intermediary; issues; level; life; local; local community; management; marginalised; meetings; model; municipal; municipality; need; neighbourhood; order; organisations; participation; people; political; practice; problems; processes; professional; programs; public; renewal; research; residents; resources; role; services; social; society; spatial; spheres; staff; support; system; task; time; traditional; und; universities; university; urban; vol; work; world cache: ijcre-1544.pdf plain text: ijcre-1544.txt item: #18 of 196 id: ijcre-1637 author: Howard, Peter; Butcher, Jude; Egan, Luke title: Transformative education: Pathways to identity, independence and hope date: 2010-11-25 words: 7000 flesch: 43 summary: The data presented indicate that for this vulnerable group of higher education students the circumstances of their lives had a strong capacity to influence the goals they set and their sense of agency in achieving their academic success. The collaboration within this CESS university education (see Table 1) is structured to assure the quality, effectiveness and sustainability of the program for Clemente Australia students in ways that achieve the goals or missions of the individual organisations, as well as contributing to community social capital and wellbeing. keywords: ability; able; academic; access; agency; australia; better; butcher; catalyst; clemente; clemente australia; cognitive; collaboration; community; confidence; content; corporate; course; development; disadvantaged; economic; education; egan; engagement; experiences; future; gateways; goals; health; hope; howard; humanities; impact; inclusion; journal; key; learning; life; mental; mission; needs; new; opportunities; organisations; participants; participation; partners; pathways; people; personal; place; poor; positive; press; program; psychology; purposeful; quality; research; role; self; sense; services; setting; shared; skills; snyder; social; students; studies; study; support; theory; thinking; transformative; understanding; university; vol; wellbeing cache: ijcre-1637.pdf plain text: ijcre-1637.txt item: #19 of 196 id: ijcre-1638 author: Watts, Paul; Macose, Eduardo; Angara, Eusebio; Pajaro, Marivic title: A holistic educational paradigm: Managing coastal resources in the Philippines date: 2010-11-25 words: 7766 flesch: 32 summary: Guidote, M 2004, ‘Fisheries management and enforcement’, in DA-BFAR, In turbulent seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries, Coastal Resource Management Project of DENR, Cebu City, Philippines, pp. The establishment of coordinated sequential educational activities (elementary school to college and adult education) on fisheries resource management may therefore be of particular significance. keywords: 2004a; action; activities; angara; approach; areas; ascot; aurora; bfar; biodiversity; building; cebu; cebu city; cent; challenges; city; coastal; coastal resource; community; conservation; coordination; countries; crm; denr; developed; development; ecohealth; ecosystem; education; environment; example; extensions; fgds; fisherfolk; fisheries; fisheries management; fishing; focus; food; gateways; governance; government; harvest; health; institute; institutions; international; jurisdictional; land; levels; livelihood; local; macose; management; management project; marine; marine fisheries; municipal; national; need; pajaro; participation; participatory; partnerships; pauly; people; philippine marine; philippines; planning; primary; program; project; province; provincial; public; related; research; resource; resource management; responsive; role; scale; science; seas; services; silvestre; social; specific; state; status; sustainability; sustainable; systems; technology; turbulent; turbulent seas; use; vol; watts; ✓ ✓ cache: ijcre-1638.pdf plain text: ijcre-1638.txt item: #20 of 196 id: ijcre-1758 author: Phipps, David; Zanotti, Daniele title: It’s the Basement Stories, not the Belt: Lessons from a community-university knowledge mobilisation collaboration date: 2011-11-22 words: 6622 flesch: 47 summary: York University is an active player in the civic and economic fabric of York Region and has a number of university outreach activities in collaboration with York Region communities, businesses and municipal governments. Thirty-eight per cent (13/34) of York University KMb interns have had placements with York Region agencies and 38 per cent of requests for KMb services have come from York Region. keywords: academic; action; activities; agencies; basement; belt; best; canada; cent; collaboration; communities; community; communityuniversity; daniele; engagement; evaluation; evidence; exchange; faculty; family; gateways; graduate; hart; health; help; human; innovations; interns; journal; journey; kmb; knowledge; lessons; little; mobilisation; new; organisations; outcomes; outreach; partners; phipps; policy; practice; process; projects; region; relatives; report; research; researchers; services; shared; social; stories; students; summer; support; sustainability; sustainable; tools; toronto; transfer; united; university; uwyr; vol; way; work; years; york; york region; york university; youth; zanotti; zia cache: ijcre-1758.pdf plain text: ijcre-1758.txt item: #21 of 196 id: ijcre-1767 author: Dong, XinQi; Chang, E-Shien; Simon, Melissa; Wong, Esther title: Sustaining Community-University Partnerships: Lessons learned from a participatory research project with elderly Chinese date: 2011-11-22 words: 7270 flesch: 44 summary: REFERENCES Alexander, J, Weiner, B, Metzger, M, Shortell, S, Bazzoli, G, Hasnain- Wynia, R, Sofaer, S & Conrad, D 2003, ‘Sustainability of collaborative capacity in community health partnerships’, Medical Care Research and Review, vol. Roussos, S & Fawcett, S 2000, ‘A review of collaborative partnerships as a strategy for improving community health’, Annual Review of Public Health, vol. 21, pp. keywords: academic; action; adults; aging; alexander; american; approach; asian; building; capacity; care; casl; cbpr; center; challenges; chang; chicago; chinatown; chinese; chinese community; collaboration; committee; communities; community; community health; community partners; cultural; culture; data; depression; development; different; diverse; dong; educational; elderly; et al; evaluation; findings; gateways; goals; health; health research; immigrants; impact; infrastructure; initiatives; israel; journal; lessons; local; long; measures; medical; medicine; members; minkler; minority; national; needs; new; older; participation; participatory; participatory research; partnership; policy; population; practice; promotion; public; public health; qualitative; research; researchers; review; sensitive; simon; social; studies; study; suppl; support; sustainability; term; training; university; urban; vision; vol; wong cache: ijcre-1767.pdf plain text: ijcre-1767.txt item: #22 of 196 id: ijcre-1771 author: Jones, Kevin R.; Keller, Thomas E.; Wheeler, Marc title: Innovation in Collaboration: The Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring as a university-community partnership date: 2011-11-22 words: 7221 flesch: 30 summary: With so many variations, locations and goals – and because securing funding for partnership projects is increasingly difficult (US Department of Housing and Urban Development 2010) – it is important for partnership researchers to identify commonalities present in the most effective university-community partnership models. Partnership researchers can also use emerging knowledge about the characteristics of successful partnerships to explore how these characteristics are related to one another. keywords: analysis; categories; change; characteristics; collaboration; communication; community; community partnerships; current; data; development; dissemination; education; effective; efforts; established; evaluation; evidence; experience; fellows; field; findings; gateways; goals; group; important; institute; jones; journal; keller; key; knowledge; long; mentoring; methods; model; nature; new; organisations; participants; partnering; partnerships; portland; positive; potential; practice; practitioners; process; processes; professional; programs; projects; questionnaires; relationships; research; researchers; resources; review; schaffer; school; seminar; siym; social; state; structure; study; successful; summer; summer institute; support; sustainable; term; time; torres; universities; university; universitycommunity; use; vision; vol; wheeler; work; years; youth cache: ijcre-1771.pdf plain text: ijcre-1771.txt item: #23 of 196 id: ijcre-1773 author: Pratt, Jonathan; Matthews, Steve; Nairne, Bruce; Hoult, Elizabeth; Ashenden, Stuart title: Collaboration Between Universities: An effective way of sustaining community-university partnerships? date: 2011-11-22 words: 7150 flesch: 32 summary: Browne, K, 2010, ‘The myths of community-university partnerships: An academic partner perspective’, in Academic experiences: Working in community university partnerships, Community University Partnership Programme, University of Brighton, UK. Carr, J 1999 ‘It’s not just academic: University-community partnerships are rebuilding neighbourhoods’, Housing Facts & Findings, vol. Hart, A 2010, ‘Early promise?’, in Academic experiences: Working in community university partnerships, Community University Partnership Programme, University of Brighton, UK. Hart, A, Northmore, S, Gerhardt, C & Rodriguez, P 2009, ‘Developing access between universities and local community groups: A university helpdesk in action’, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, vol. keywords: academic; activities; area; ashenden; business; city; coastal; collaboration; communities; community; community engagement; communityuniversity; different; east; economic; education; effective; engagement; enquiries; evaluation; focus; focused; funding; future; gateways; geographical; geography; government; hampshire; hart; heis; helpdesk; higher; hoult; individual; infrastructure; institutions; kent; knowledge; level; likely; local; london; matthews; mechanisms; nairne; national; new; number; october; opportunities; organisations; partnerships; potential; practice; pratt; program; projects; public; regional; relationship; research; role; secc; secc program; significant; social; south; staff; strategic; subregional; support; sussex; teaching; terms; time; universities; university; university partnerships; work; working cache: ijcre-1773.pdf plain text: ijcre-1773.txt item: #24 of 196 id: ijcre-1776 author: Shea, Jennifer title: Sustainable Engagement? Reflections on the development of a creative community-university partnership date: 2011-11-23 words: 7420 flesch: 37 summary: Similarly, according to McNall et al. (2009), one concern expressed by community groups in ongoing partnerships was uncertainty regarding the sustainability of additional resources the partnership may have brought to service delivery systems, a fear confirmed by the experiences of those whose partnerships had ended. The innovation of NENu is that it convenes multiple academic institutions in a trilateral partnership with city agencies and community groups. keywords: academic; address; affairs; agencies; asymmetries; building; capacities; capacity; challenges; city; civic; commitment; communities; community; concept; cups; development; education; effective; eisman; elz; empowerment; engagement; example; faculty; focus; francisco; funding; gateways; groups; information; infrastructure; institutions; journal; leadership; learning; levels; literature; long; mcnall; model; neighbourhood; nenu; nenu partnership; nenu projects; network; new; nonprofit; norms; organisations; participation; partnership; power; priorities; process; projects; reciprocal; related; relationships; research; resources; san; service; shea; social; stakeholders; state; studies; support; sustainability; sustainable; table; term; threats; time; trust; universities; university; urban; vision; vol; white; work cache: ijcre-1776.pdf plain text: ijcre-1776.txt item: #25 of 196 id: ijcre-1778 author: Boyle, Mary-Ellen; Ross, Laurie; Stephens, Jennie C. title: Who has a stake? How stakeholder processes influence partnership sustainability date: 2011-11-23 words: 8256 flesch: 38 summary: Though familiar with community university partnerships, he had not been involved at an operational level. How stakeholder processes influence partnership sustainability Universities throughout the world are expanding their relevance by responding to and engaging with local and regional societal challenges in multiple ways, including developing various kinds of community partnerships (Baum 2000; Bringle & Hatcher 2002; Butterfield & Soska 2005; Forrant et al. 2001; Stephens et al. 2008). keywords: action; analysis; board; boyle; business; case; challenges; change; city; clark; clear; coalition; colleges; communities; community; community stakeholders; context; development; different; director; economic; education; energy; engagement; executive; faculty; focus; funding; gateways; goals; government; health; higher; history; hope; important; institute; involved; involvement; issues; journal; key; knowledge; leaders; leadership; learning; legitimacy; local; long; management; member; mental; mission; multiple; necessary; new; organisations; outreach; partnership; peer; planning; power; problems; processes; program; public; region; representation; research; resources; role; ross; salience; social; staff; stakeholder; stephens; structure; students; study; success; support; sustainability; sustainable; theory; time; understanding; universities; university; university partnerships; urban; urgency; worcester; work; working; youth cache: ijcre-1778.pdf plain text: ijcre-1778.txt item: #26 of 196 id: ijcre-1780 author: London, Jonathan K.; Zagofsky, Tara Mirel; Huang, Ganlin; Saklar, Jenny title: Collaboration, Participation and Technology: The San Joaquin Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Project date: 2011-11-22 words: 7504 flesch: 33 summary: Minkler, M 2004, ‘Ethical challenges for the “outside” researcher in community based participatory research’, Health Education and Behavior, vol. Approaches and roles for scholars in community based participatory research’, in M Minkler & N Wallerstein (eds), Community-based participatory research for health, Jossey- Bass, San Francisco, CA, pp. 108–18. keywords: academic; access; action; activists; advocacy; advocates; agricultural; air; building; california; capacity; central; challenges; chip; chip community; coalition; collaboration; communities; community; community partners; critical; cumulative; cumulative health; data; davis; environmental; environmental justice; funding; gateways; gis; health; health impacts; huang; impacts; interests; issues; joaquin; joaquin valley; justice; knowledge; leaders; learning; liévanos; local; london; mapping; maps; meetings; members; methods; minkler; movement; new; organisations; participation; participatory; partners; partnership; people; pesticide; planning; policy; pollution; poverty; ppgis; press; process; project; public; quality; regional; relationship; research; researchers; residents; resources; review; saklar; san; san joaquin; science; sjv; sjv chip; social; sources; spatial; team; time; trust; uc davis; university; use; valley; vol; vulnerability; water; workshops; zagofsky cache: ijcre-1780.pdf plain text: ijcre-1780.txt item: #27 of 196 id: ijcre-1781 author: Russell, Andrew; Cattermole, Andy; Hudson, Ray; Banks, Sarah; Armstrong, Andrea; Robinson, Fred; Pain, Rachel; Gollan, Sharon; Brown, Greg title: Sustaining Community-University Collaborations: The Durham University Model date: 2011-11-22 words: 6202 flesch: 43 summary: It has been offering short training courses that are made available to university staff, students and community groups, research projects organised in partnership with community organisations, seminars and conferences, and university-based teaching modules and programs on community development. We were thus fortunate in securing the first tranche of funding from ONE, which would underpin our work until October 2009, on the basis of which we were able to engage two community engagement consultants and ‘buy out’ the time of other university staff to work on program development. keywords: able; access; action; activities; areas; available; beaconne; campus; change; communities; community; county; development; durham; east; engagement; example; experience; focus; funding; gateways; groups; health; initiatives; links; local; members; model; national; new; newcastle; north; opportunities; organisations; outreach; outside; particular; partners; partnership; people; phoenix; place; potential; program; projects; public; regional; research; russell; scheme; sector; service; set; social; staff; students; support; terms; thrive; time; training; universities; university; voluntary; volunteering; volunteers; work; year cache: ijcre-1781.pdf plain text: ijcre-1781.txt item: #28 of 196 id: ijcre-1784 author: Wright, Kynna N.; Williams, Pluscinda; Wright, Shekinah; Lieber, Eli; Carrasco, Steven R.; Gedjeyan, Haik title: Ties That Bind: Creating and sustaining community-academic partnerships date: 2011-11-22 words: 7546 flesch: 45 summary: And still other community partners expressed that they had had positive experiences and good outcomes for both community and academic partners when community partners spoke up and asked during a meeting what terms meant and if academic partners would educate them in the research process. Many community partners also reflected that they were initially more trusting of other community partners than of the academic partners. keywords: academic; academic partners; building; capacity; carrasco; cbpr; cchn; cent; child; communication; community; community members; community partners; cppr; data; differences; engagement; experiences; gateways; goals; group; health; important; information; interviewee; involved; israel; issues; jones; key; la community; language; leadership; level; lieber; local; meeting; members; minkler; new; open; outcomes; participatory; partners; partnership; people; power; principles; process; project; relationships; research; respect; shared; study; sustainability; terms; time; trust; understanding; university; university partnership; vol; wallerstein; williams; work; wright cache: ijcre-1784.pdf plain text: ijcre-1784.txt item: #29 of 196 id: ijcre-1787 author: Ellis, Bronwyn; Leahy, Michael title: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship: University of the Third Age and a regional university campus date: 2011-11-22 words: 6021 flesch: 45 summary: U3A members were asked about the benefits for them personally and for U3A that they saw stemming from UniSA’s sponsorship of U3A Whyalla, and what benefits they considered this relationship had brought to UniSA. Whyalla U3A members were invited to be involved in a paper-based survey asking about their opportunities for learning new things and how important these were for them; how other learning opportunities compared with those of U3A; what impact U3A had had on them; what they had learned about themselves and others through U3A; and what they rated as the highlights of their U3A learning and involvement. keywords: 2004; access; active; activities; adelaide; advantages; age; ageing; australia; benefits; branch; campus; classes; committee; community; contributions; development; early; education; ellis; engagement; evaluation; experience; formal; gateways; group; health; help; impact; important; interest; involved; journal; knowledge; leahy; learning; lifelong; meeting; members; mutual; needs; new; number; october; older; outside; partnership; people; program; project; regional; relationship; research; role; social; south; staff; students; support; sustainability; teaching; things; u3a; u3a members; u3as; unisa; universities; university; use; whyalla; year cache: ijcre-1787.pdf plain text: ijcre-1787.txt item: #30 of 196 id: ijcre-1789 author: Vogel, Amanda L.; Seifer, Sarena D. title: Impacts of Sustained Institutional Participation in Service-Learning: Perspectives from faculty, staff and administrators date: 2011-11-22 words: 7351 flesch: 38 summary: Impacts of Sustained Institutional Participation in Service-Learning Perspectives from faculty, staff and administrators The movement for greater civic engagement in higher education in the United States has taken hold across the core academic missions of teaching, research and service (Astin 1999; Boyer 1990; Community-Campus Partnerships for Health 2007; Israel et al. 1998; Nyden 2003). Service-learning is an approach to experiential learning that is grounded in community-university partnerships, in which students provide services that simultaneously address community- identified concerns and meet key learning objectives (Seifer 1998). keywords: academic; activities; agencies; benefits; campus; capacity; ces; communities; community; community engagement; community partners; community service; departments; education; engagement; example; faculty; findings; funding; gateways; gelmon; grant; greater; health; higher; holland; hpsisn; impacts; institutions; interview; journal; leadership; learning; local; long; members; needs; number; opportunities; outcomes; participants; participation; partners; partnerships; people; principles; professions; program; recruitment; research; schools; seifer; service; service learning; servicelearning; staff; students; study; support; sustained; teaching; term; university; vogel; vol cache: ijcre-1789.pdf plain text: ijcre-1789.txt item: #31 of 196 id: ijcre-1800 author: Vazquez Jacobus, Michelle; Baskett, Robert; Bechstein, Christina title: Building Castles Together: A sustainable collaboration as a perpetual work-in-progress date: 2011-11-22 words: 7930 flesch: 45 summary: Philosophically, BCT has always had buy-in at both the university and the community level to the ideals and values of community partnerships. We also posit why community partners are under-represented in the academic literature and how this challenge is reflected in this assessment of the partnership’s sustainability. keywords: academic; article; artist; assets; auburn; baskett; bct; bechstein; building; castles; cent; challenges; children; clinical; collaboration; college; common; community; community partners; complex; cultural; development; different; diverse; dynamic; early; education; elements; engagement; experience; families; family; figure; flexibility; food; gateways; goals; hart; immigrants; institutional; integration; jacobus; journal; lac; leadership; learning; level; lewiston; limited; local; maine; members; model; multiple; mutuality; need; non; oudry; participation; partnership; positive; press; process; project; public; reardon; reciprocity; relationships; research; resources; sandcastle; scholarship; service; social; staff; students; sustainability; sustainable; team; time; understanding; university; usm; value; vazquez; vazquez jacobus; vol; wolff; work; workshops cache: ijcre-1800.pdf plain text: ijcre-1800.txt item: #32 of 196 id: ijcre-1963 author: White, Mike; Robson, Mary title: Finding Sustainability: University-community collaborations focused on arts in health date: 2011-11-22 words: 7740 flesch: 47 summary: This interest and support have helped us to develop an intellectual framework for arts in community health and examine its practice internationally, as well as providing a promotional platform and other funding opportunities. Yet over the years the procession became the distinctive event in the local calendar, a metaphorical ‘screening’ and celebration of community health. keywords: academics; agency; annual; artists; arts; big; capital; care; centre; change; chickenley; children; communities; community; community health; context; cultural; department; determinants; development; education; emotional; england; environment; event; evidence; example; focused; funding; gateshead; gateways; gift; government; happy; health; hearts; help; hyde; individual; interest; involved; kirklees; lanterns; life; light; local; london; making; marmot; model; national; network; new; paper; parade; participants; participatory; people; personal; place; policy; political; practice; primary; process; project; promotion; public; pupils; research; resilience; review; robson; roots; schools; services; social; staff; support; term; understanding; ungar; university; wellbeing; white; wings; work; working; wrekenton; years; young cache: ijcre-1963.pdf plain text: ijcre-1963.txt item: #33 of 196 id: ijcre-2010 author: Wenz, Laura title: Changing tune in Woodstock: Creative industries and local urban development in Cape Town, South Africa date: 2012-08-24 words: 8211 flesch: 38 summary: In its networking projects, however, ‘Creative Cape Town’ transgresses these tight spatial boundaries in order to provide a city-wide platform for communicating, supporting and facilitating the development of the creative and knowledge economy. A quantitative mapping survey identifies over 1000 creative industry businesses in the inner-city and its fringe areas, including parts of Woodstock (Creative Cape Town 2009). keywords: abingdon; act; africa; alternative; apartheid; area; article; artists; arts; biscuit; businesses; cape; cape town; case; catungal; centre; christopher; cities; city; class; coloured; community; contemporary; creation; creative; creative cape; creative city; creative economy; creative industries; creativity; crime; cultural; cultural economy; culture; department; design; development; district; economic; economy; edensor; eds; effects; efforts; evidence; february; figure; film; gateways; gentrification; gibson; global; government; group; growth; hand; high; hii; history; income; industries; industry; influx; inner; international; interview; leslie; local; local creative; low; making; market; mill; millington; neighbourhood; new; old; partnership; people; political; population; post; private; process; property; public; racial; rantisi; research; residents; routledge; sector; small; social; south; south africa; spaces; spatial; street; studies; toronto; town; university; urban; van; vernacular; visitors; vol; wenz; western; white; woodstock; work; world; years cache: ijcre-2010.pdf plain text: ijcre-2010.txt item: #34 of 196 id: ijcre-2178 author: Gibson, Chris; Gallan, Ben; Warren, Andrew title: Engaging creative communities in an industrial city setting: A question of enclosure date: 2012-08-24 words: 6494 flesch: 42 summary: Through our various attempts during the CAMRA project to engage with vernacular creative communities, the forms of 13 | Gateways | Gibson, Gallan & Warren enclosure that enfold the policy-making sphere were subsequently rendered vividly – and at times our research strategies had to adapt in order to overcome the boundaries normally assumed as a given around the established arts and creative communities. If creativity is semantically opaque and its mobilisation as cultural planning discourse frequently politicised, what then are the political and practical implications of seeking to engage with creative communities beyond the established arts? keywords: 2005; aboriginal; activities; approach; arts; asset; australia; camra; car; case; city; class; communities; community; context; council; creative; creative industries; creativity; cultural; cultural planning; culture; custom; design; dialogues; enclosure; established; exercise; focus; forms; gallan; gateways; general; gibson; government; hip; hop; industries; industry; journal; knowledge; live; local; making; mapping; meetings; members; music; new; oxford; participants; people; places; planners; planning; policy; politics; process; production; project; public; questions; regional; research; researchers; scene; social; specific; story; studies; surfboard; time; university; urban; venue; vernacular; viva; vol; warren; wollongong; work cache: ijcre-2178.pdf plain text: ijcre-2178.txt item: #35 of 196 id: ijcre-2244 author: Hyslop, Donald title: Culture, regeneration and community: Reinventing the city date: 2012-08-29 words: 6377 flesch: 41 summary: rEFErEnCEs anD FurtHEr rEaDing Tate Modern releases and publications Hyslop, D 2010, ‘NLA Bankside & London Bridge’, video presentation, 9 February, viewed 5 July 2012, = 660 Millennium Commission, ‘Talkin’ about regeneration: Tate Modern’, viewed 5 July 2012, modern-london/ Moore, R & Ryan R 2000, Building Tate Modern: Herzog & de Meuron transforming Giles Gilbert Scott, Tate Gallery Publishing, London. Morris, F 2006, Tate Modern: The handbook, Tate Gallery Publishing, London. Rogers, R 2000, ‘Tate Bankside masterplan’, viewed 5 July 2012, http:// Tate Annual Report 2010-11, viewed 5 July 2012, about/who-we-are/tate-reports/tate-report-2010-2011 165 | Gateways | Hyslop Tate press release 2001a, ‘Tate Modern – The most popular art museum in the world’, 11 May, Tate press release 2001b, ‘The economic impact of Tate Modern’, 11 May, Tate press release 2001c, ‘Bankside urban study: Richard Rogers’ vision for Bankside’, 11 May, Partnerships and Initiatives Better Bankside Business Improvement District, viewed 5 July 2012, www. Bankside Urban Forest, viewed 5 July 2012: urban-orchard/8602598.article md976 Further Reading Dean, C, Donnellan, C & Pratt, A 2010, ‘Tate Modern: Pushing the limits of regeneration’, City, Culture and Society, vol. It is just over 12 years since the doors of Tate Modern in London were opened. keywords: area; artists; bankside; benefits; borough; bridge; building; business; central; challenges; cities; city; communities; community; contemporary; continued; creative; cultural; culture; design; development; economic; example; face; forest; gallery; gateways;; hyslop; impact; initiatives; innovative; international; jobs; july; key; local; london; major; market; model; modern; museum; needs; neighbourhood; new; number; office; opportunities; organisations; partnership; place; planning; political; power; project; public; realm; regeneration; residents; role; series; services; social; south; southwark; space; station; strong; success; tate; tate modern; thinking; time; training; urban; visitors; wider; work; working; world; years cache: ijcre-2244.pdf plain text: ijcre-2244.txt item: #36 of 196 id: ijcre-2356 author: Northmore, Simon; Hart, Angie title: Sustaining community-university partnerships date: 2011-11-23 words: 4787 flesch: 37 summary: Sustaining community- university partnerships One consequence of the development of community-university engagement over the last decade has been a growth in the academic literature exploring the role of universities in developing community partnerships. Nonetheless, some important broad-level issues emerge in relation to partnership sustainability. keywords: academics; approach; articles; baskett; bechstein; boyle; brighton; building; communities; community; cupp; current; different; economic; education; engagement; et al; example; focus; funding; gateways; hart; health; higher; impact; important; issues; jacobus; knowledge; learning; local; london; mutual; need; northmore; number; organisations; partnerships; practice; project; public; relationships; research; resources; role; ross; service; social; stephens; sustainability; sustainable; term; time; universities; university; university partnerships; vazquez; vol; wolff; work; working cache: ijcre-2356.pdf plain text: ijcre-2356.txt item: #37 of 196 id: ijcre-2369 author: Stuttaford, Maria; Glattstein-Young, Gabriela; London, Leslie title: 'Dialogue, review and reflect': A spiral of co-learning and co-research to surface knowledge on the right to health date: 2012-08-29 words: 8327 flesch: 45 summary: Research activity Description Questionnaire organisational profiles Basic demographic information on all LN organisations Questionnaire knowledge and practices LN organisations at baseline and three years In-depth interviews CSO understanding of health rights and perceptions of LN activities Mixed methods exploring organisation learning for health and human rights Impact of LN participation amongst member organisations Photovoice CSO members taking photos about health and human rights, which are used as a basis for focus groups and in-depth interviews Case studies In-depth interviews regarding health violations; used for training and advocacy Table 1: Co-research activities undertaken within the LN (adapted from London et al. 2012) 120 | Gateways | Stuttaford, Glattstein-Young & London Research activity Description Toolkit on the right to health Development and piloting of a toolkit as a training and advocacy tool; monitoring and evaluation of roll-out; adapting for use in Southern and East Africa Mixed methods evaluation: Community Participation through Health Committees Health Committees as vehicles for community participation in advancing the right to health Audit of Health Committees Study of the capacity-building needs of Health Committees and barriers to participation Documentation of Health Team development Following the development of a Health Team in a rural farming region Language as a component of the right to health How language acts as a barrier to realising the right to health, based on data from experiences of deaf persons using sign language and Xhosa-speaking patients Qualitative evaluation of LN pamphlets Assessment of coverage and effectiveness Document review and key informant interviews Policy study analysis of the provincial draft policy on participation and Health Committees Qualitative study on disability and human rights Understanding of human rights by people with disabilities Qualitative reflection on the process of co-learning and knowledge creation Reflecting on how the LN undertakes research Literature review exploring the contribution of African philosophy to conceptualising the right to health An annotated bibliography; theoretical analysis of the traditional value of ‘Ubuntu’ as expressed in the rights concept of dignity; rights explored as collective entitlements Ethnographic study of women’s development within the LN Experiences and development of women participants in the LN 121 | Gateways | Stuttaford, Glattstein-Young & London Research activity Description Mixed methods research to explore the process of knowledge generation through rights-based research processes Power and trust in the context of University- CSO engagement Development and evaluation of modules for in-service training on the right to health for health- care providers Health-care provider training Training area Focus No. of activities The right to health General information on what is meant by the right to health and how to hold government accountable 14 Piloting of toolkit on the right to health 8 Training of trainers on the toolkit 2 Disability and the right to health 3 Rights advocacy 1 Community participation as key to the right to health 2 Engaging state services Accessing basic services – advocacy with provincial and municipal authorities 3 Community development tools Participatory community mapping as an action research method 1 Alternative methods for community decision-making in social structures 1 Leadership training 1 Re-theorising the right to health based on our experience What do African theories and philosophies say about human rights, individual and collective rights, and the right to health? 14–36. Hill, T, Motteux, N, Nel, E & Paploizou, G 2001, ‘Integrating rural community and expert knowledge through applied participatory rural appraisal in the Kat River Valley, South Africa’, South African Geographical Journal, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 1–7. Howard, R 1992, ‘Dignity, community, and human rights’, in A An- Na’Im (ed.), Human rights in cross-cultural perspectives: A quest for consensus, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, pp. keywords: academic; action; activities; advocacy; african; article; cape; civil; collective; community; critical; csos; cultural; design; development; dialogue; discussion; engagement; example; exco; experiences; focus; gateways; glattstein; groups; health; health rights; human; human rights; important; information; interviews; knowledge; learning; london; long; meetings; members; methods; network; new; organisations; participants; participation; participatory; people; philosophy; power; practice; process; processes; public; questions; reflection; report; research; researchers; review; rights; role; sharing; social; society; south; space; spiral; stuttaford; surfacing; theory; time; toolkit; town; training; trust; understanding; university; violations; vol; workshops; young cache: ijcre-2369.pdf plain text: ijcre-2369.txt item: #38 of 196 id: ijcre-2382 author: Hyde, Cheryl A.; Hopkins, Karen; Meyer, Megan title: Pre-capacity building in loosely-coupled collaborations: Setting the stage for future initiatives date: 2012-08-24 words: 8538 flesch: 34 summary: More frequently, however, projects experienced a number of difficulties that clouded the area of focus and/or stymied the involvement of community organisation members who needed to provide information or feedback about their practice experiences. Anecdotal and scholarly accounts of partnerships between community organisations and intervening institutions underscore the importance of planning for the entire trajectory of the project (Coffin 2005; Fasenfest & Gant 2005; Hyman 2002; Mancini et al. 2004; keywords: agencies; area; assessment; assistance; association; authors; available; baltimore; best; building; capacity; capital; catchment; cbos; cent; center; clear; collaborations; collaborative; communities; community; community organisations; community research; consistent; critical; data; development; education; efforts; engaged; engagement; evaluation; factors; faculty; fasenfest; figure; final; focus; foundation; funding; future; gant; gass; gateways; goals; grassroots; higher; hopkins; housing; hyde; information; initial; institution; issue; journal; knowledge; lack; leaders; leadership; learning; limitations; members; membership; meyer; needed; needs; new; organisations; outreach; partnership; potential; practices; problems; process; program; project; requests; research; resources; responsibilities; service; social; staff; stage; students; success; successful; sufficient; term; threshold; time; universities; university; vol; work cache: ijcre-2382.pdf plain text: ijcre-2382.txt item: #39 of 196 id: ijcre-2399 author: Metzger, Jed title: Teaching civic engagement: Evaluating an integrative service-learning program date: 2012-08-29 words: 7527 flesch: 55 summary: Kretzman, J & McKnight, J 1993, ‘Building communities from the inside out: A path toward finding and mobilizing a community’s assets’, Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. LaValle, K 2009, ‘Higher education and community service’, New York Campus Compact: Occasional Papers, vol. It would seem that by bringing the students into the community and having them take on social work roles they were able to learn about community social work practice. keywords: american; analysis; approach; article; block; building; capacity; children; church; civic; classroom; community; community service; course; data; diversity; eds; education; efforts; enforcement; engagement; essential; evaluation; experience; factors; faculty; gateways; health; high; instructor; integration; intervention; issues; journal; justice; knowledge; law; learning; life; macro; mcknight; meaning; method; metzger; murder; need; objectives; opportunity; papers; partnership; police; practice; process; project; public; qualitative; real; related; research; results; risk; roles; sense; service; service learning; skills; social; social justice; social work; students; teaching; time; understanding; urban; use; violence; vol; work; workers; youth cache: ijcre-2399.pdf plain text: ijcre-2399.txt item: #40 of 196 id: ijcre-2506 author: Ho, Christina title: Western Sydney is hot! Community arts and changing perceptions of the West date: 2012-08-24 words: 8907 flesch: 45 summary: However, these small numbers provide an indication of the continuing marginality of Western Sydney arts and culture. While this has raised concerns about whether ICE’s focus on promotion comes at the cost of its traditional community- based work, ultimately, building visibility for the ICE brand has also meant greater visibility for Western Sydney arts in general. keywords: activities; approach; arab; area; article; artistic; artists; arts; arts programs; australia; broader; case; ccd; chidiac; city; commission; communities; community; community arts; community cultural; council; creative; cultural; cultural development; culture; development; digital; diversity; evaluation; example; exchange; expression; film; focus; funding; gateways; good; government; greater; herald; ice; identity; impact; important; information; infrastructure; kastoumis; local; longer; making; media; methods; ministry; morning; nahlous; new; nsw; organisations; outcomes; parramatta; participants; participation; particular; people; perceptions; policy; practice; production; productivity; professional; programs; projects; public; recognition; region; research; role; social; stories; storytelling; strategy; studies; study; sydney; sydney arts; sydney cultural; technology; terms; theatre; time; traditional; urban; western; western sydney; work; worker; years; young; youth cache: ijcre-2506.pdf plain text: ijcre-2506.txt item: #41 of 196 id: ijcre-2523 author: Beunen, Raoul; Duineveld, Martijn; During, Roel; Straver, Gerard; Aalvanger, Albert title: Reflexivity in performative science shop projects date: 2012-08-29 words: 7785 flesch: 47 summary: Science shop projects are in vogue with the growing interest in increasing the impact of scientific research on society, and an analysis of these projects can provide a valuable contribution to the debate about action research (Cassell & Johnson 2006; Nowotny, Scott & Gibbons 2001; van Paassen et al. 2011). To this end, three projects are described as an illustration of some possible challenges and tensions researchers may face in science shop projects. keywords: aalvanger; action; actors; alternative; analysis; beunen; bourdieu; collective; community; construction; debate; decision; development; different; discussion; duineveld; erp; farmers; foucault; gateways; government; group; help; identities; identity; important; independent; influence; involved; journal; knowledge; local; making; municipality; netherlands; new; noordwaard; organisation; people; perspective; planning; policy; political; position; possible; power; press; process; project; public; reflexivity; relationship; research project; researchers; results; ring; road; role; science; science shop; scientific; shop; shop projects; social; solution; specific; straver; traffic; university; village; villagers; vision; vol; wageningen; water; work cache: ijcre-2523.pdf plain text: ijcre-2523.txt item: #42 of 196 id: ijcre-2544 author: Arvanitakis, James; Hodge, Bob title: Forms of engagement and the heterogenous citizen: Towards a reflexive model for youth workshops date: 2012-08-24 words: 8430 flesch: 49 summary: Over the last decade, we both have been involved in various aspects of ‘university community engagement’. ‘University engagement with the community’ can refer to everything from participatory research in the field of the humanities, making research available to the broader public through media interaction, to bridging the ‘gap between the laboratory discovery and practice’ in the medical sciences (Doberneck, Glass & Schweitzer 2010, p. 5). keywords: active; activities; agency; agenda; approach; article; arvanitakis; australia; benefit; better; challenge; change; citizenship; civic; commitments; communities; community; complex; concept; contemporary; couch; cultural; culture; different; doberneck; education; engagement; environment; established; everyday; example; experience; facilitators; forms; freire; gateways; glass; government; heidegger; heterogeneous; hodge; important; individual; issues; knowledge; model; national; nature; new; number; participants; people; pledge; political; power; press; process; programs; project; reflexive; relationships; research; rights; role; school; schweitzer; sense; set; skills; social; society; state; structures; students; studies; sydney; terms; theoretical; things; threshold; training; transformation; turner; understanding; universities; university; vol; western; workshop; world; young cache: ijcre-2544.pdf plain text: ijcre-2544.txt item: #43 of 196 id: ijcre-2548 author: Milliron, Brandy-Joe; Woolf, Kathleen; Ruhs, Barbara; Appelhans, Bradley M. title: Academics in the aisles: Establishing a university-supermarket partnership date: 2012-08-29 words: 3708 flesch: 44 summary: REFERENCES Appelhans, B, Milliron, B-J, Woolf, K, Johnson, T, Pagoto, S, Schneider, K, Whited, M & Ventrelle, J 2012, ‘Socioeconomic status, energy cost, and the nutrient content of supermarket food purchases’, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. Recent studies report that supermarket interventions are feasible and potentially efficacious, and shoppers have expressed a desire for supermarkets to offer health-conscious shopping programs (Gittelsohn et al. 2010; Huang et al. 2006; Milliron, Woolf & Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 5 (2012): 183–91 © UTSePress and the authors ISSN 1836-3393 Brandy-Joe Milliron Wake Forest School of Medicine Kathleen Woolf New York University Barbara Ruhs Bashas’ Family of Stores Bradley M. Appelhans Rush University Medical Center 184 | Gateways | Milliron, Woolf, Ruhs & Appelhans Appelhans 2012; Ni Mhurchu et al. 2010; Vermeer, Steenhuis & Seidell 2009). keywords: american; appelhans; bashas; cancer; cent; children; collection; community; comparison; corporate; data; dietitian; different; education; food; gateways; health; healthstyles; institute; intervention; items; journal; management; marketing; milliron; nutrition; obesity; participants; partnership; pilot; point; program; public; purchase; purchasing; recruitment; research; research team; ruhs; shoppers; shopping; smart; stores; study; supermarket; support; team; time; university; vegetables; vol; woolf cache: ijcre-2548.pdf plain text: ijcre-2548.txt item: #44 of 196 id: ijcre-2582 author: Cassidy, Lawrence title: Recalling community: Using material culture and digital archives in Salford date: 2012-08-29 words: 6687 flesch: 49 summary: Salford residents have overwhelmingly demonstrated to us that they want a space of interactive urban commemoration, where educational outreach is a central part of the legacy of the districts that were destroyed. In contrast to this absent public display, however, the Retracing Salford project, and its online development, has shown that many people place great value on urban community histories and heritage, by conserving and keeping objects in their homes, as private ‘museums’ to the streets they have lived in. keywords: 1970s; architectural; archive; area; artefacts; broughton; cape; cassidy; city; class; clearances; collection; commemoration; communities; community; cultural; culture; demolished; demolition; district; environment; events; exhibitions; families; family; figure; form; gateways; generations; groups; heritage; historical; histories; history; houses; housing; images; installations; large; life; local; london; long; lower; manchester; maps; material; memories; memory; museum; new; objects; ongoing; online; oral; outreach; past; people; place; population; press; process; project; related; residents; retracing; salford; scale; signs; sites; slum; snaps; social; space; streets; terrace; town; university; urban; value; visitors; working; workshops; years cache: ijcre-2582.pdf plain text: ijcre-2582.txt item: #45 of 196 id: ijcre-2726 author: McCausland, Ruth title: Public sociology by P Nyden, L Hossfeld & G Nyden date: 2012-08-29 words: 983 flesch: 25 summary: Including positive impact on the community with whom researchers are working as an important measure in evaluating research quality and outcomes seems broadly relevant, as does the involvement of collaborative partners to improve research through the contributions and ideas of those most affected. Barry Checkoway and Katie Richards-Schuster’s ‘Youth participation in community research for racial justice’, Keith N Hampton’s ‘The Internet as a leveler between advantaged and disadvantaged communities’, Anne E Figert’s ‘Doing God’s work and doing good work(s): Unique challenges to evaluation research in ministry settings’, Leslie Hossfeld and Mac Legerton’s ‘Feast on the southeast: Creating a sustainable local food system in southeastern North Carolina’, Donald W Light’s ‘Challenging discrimination against women, minorities, and the sick in health insurance’ and Christine George’s ‘The role of relationship building in research partnerships’ stood out for this reviewer. keywords: academic; action; authors; book; burawoy; case; change; collaborative; community; hossfeld; knowledge; nyden; organic; public; research; social; sociology; studies; university; work cache: ijcre-2726.pdf plain text: ijcre-2726.txt item: #46 of 196 id: ijcre-2727 author: Carroli, Linda title: From social butterfly to engaged citizen by M Foth, L Forlano, C Satchell & M Gibbs date: 2012-08-29 words: 1114 flesch: 39 summary: From these gatherings of international scholarship and research, the book, From social butterfly to engaged citizen: Urban informatics, social media, ubiquitous computing and mobile technology to support citizen engagement, was compiled. The book outlines numerous learnings about enhancing human–computer–urban experience in ways that canvas opportunities for citizen engagement, social relations and urban governance with an eye to the future. keywords: book; cities; citizen; citizenship; city; civic; community; engaged; engagement; informatics; making; media; participation; public; research; social; space; technologies; technology; university; urban cache: ijcre-2727.pdf plain text: ijcre-2727.txt item: #47 of 196 id: ijcre-2730 author: Ashton, Paul title: Research methods for community change by R Stoeker date: 2012-08-30 words: 531 flesch: 47 summary: This book should be recommended reading for academics who want to move into the area of engagement, for students who need a highly accessible and easy-to-understand guide to the relationship between academic work and community needs and desires, and for community members wanting to create significant and successful partnerships with universities. Indeed, a strength of the book Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 5 (2012): 201–02 © UTSePress and the author ISSN 1836-3393 Paul Ashton University of Technology, Sydney 202 | Gateways | Review is its advocacy for the relevance of academic research and the need for genuine engagement. keywords: academic; book; community; engagement; members; methods; process; research; stoecker; time; universities cache: ijcre-2730.pdf plain text: ijcre-2730.txt item: #48 of 196 id: ijcre-2731 author: Krogh, Marilyn C. title: Democracy and higher education by S Peters, H Boyte, T Alter & N Schwartzbach date: 2012-08-30 words: 1150 flesch: 40 summary: Moreover, the satisfaction they take in their work should be heartening to people who feel they have to sacrifice their personal lives to do engaged work. The authors provide these profiles as appreciative examples of people doing engaged work; they give some historical context at the beginning and some draw out lessons at the end. keywords: academics; authors; campus; education; engaged; engagement; extension; grant; growers; jahn; land; life; management; new; organic; people; profiles; public; research; system; university; ways; work; world cache: ijcre-2731.pdf plain text: ijcre-2731.txt item: #49 of 196 id: ijcre-2739 author: Klak, Thomas; Gaalaas Mullaney, Emma title: Levels and networks in community partnerships: A framework informed by our overseas partners date: 2013-09-25 words: 9289 flesch: 44 summary: At the outset we found it helpful to distinguish the kind of partnership relationships we have developed in Dominica from those associated with many service-learning activities near to campus, which are often organised quite differently. They require continuous contact and nurturing, and this is difficult and perhaps even undesirable Table 1: Three levels of partnership relationships 12 | Gateways | Klak & Mullaney for the success of the broader ICE project. keywords: activities; appropriate; article; associated; benefits; better; bringle; building; campus; cases; challenges; civic; civic engagement; collaborative; communities; community; concerns; contact; country; course; day; development; different; dominica; education; effort; engagement; example; experience; future; gateways; giles; group; hatcher; higher; holland; host; impacts; important; intensity; international; interviews; involved; issues; journal; klak; leaders; learning; level; like; literature; local; long; mullaney; mutual; networks; new; order; overall; overseas; partnerships; people; perspectives; power; priorities; professors; project; questions; relationships; research; sandy; school; service; service learning; sides; social; sockett; students; study; success; successful; suggestions; sustainable; term; time; transformative; university; village; vol; work; working; years cache: ijcre-2739.pdf plain text: ijcre-2739.txt item: #50 of 196 id: ijcre-2805 author: Spruill, Ida J.; Leite, Renata Serricchio; Fernandes, Jyotika K.; Kamen, Diane L.; Ford, Marvella E.; Jenkins, Carolyn; Hunt, Kelly J.; Andrews, Jeannette O. title: Successes, challenges and lessons learned: Community-engaged research with South Carolina's Gullah population date: 2013-09-25 words: 8815 flesch: 34 summary: Jenkins, C, Myers, P, Heidari, K, Kelechi, T & Buckner-Brown, J 2011, ‘Efforts to decrease diabetes-related amputations in African Americans by the racial and ethnic approaches to community health by Charleston and Georgetown diabetes coalition’, Family & Community Health, vol. The latest projects have developed upon the communities’ interest in improving their oral health and have involved community members as co-investigators. keywords: aas; academic; activities; advisory; african; american; andrews; approach; building; cac; cancer; carolina; cdc; cenr; center; challenges; change; clinical; coalition; coast; committee; communities; community; community education; community engagement; community health; community members; community partners; control; cultural; culture; data; diabetes; disease; disparities; education; engagement; environmental; families; fernandes; ford; funding; gateways; genetic; groups; gullah; health; hunt; implementation; infrastructure; input; investigators; island; islanders; jenkins; journal; kamen; knowledge; language; leaders; leite; local; lupus; members; model; multiple; national; new; nih; oral; organisations; participants; partners; partnership; people; periodontal; population; prevalence; prevention; principles; program; project; reach; recruitment; relationships; research; researchers; resources; respect; results; scientific; screening; services; shared; sifp; sleigh; social; south; spruill; states; strategies; studies; study; sugar; support; team; training; trials; unique; united; vol; west; work cache: ijcre-2805.pdf plain text: ijcre-2805.txt item: #51 of 196 id: ijcre-2822 author: Nichols, Naomi; Anucha, Uzo; Houwer, Rebecca; Wood, Matt title: Building equitable community-academic research collaborations: Learning together through tensions and contradictions date: 2013-09-25 words: 8770 flesch: 40 summary: Checkoway, B & Richards-Schuster, K 2003, ‘Youth participation in community evaluation research’, American Journal of Evaluation, vol. In academic settings, people’s participation in a project like this represents one aspect of a complex professional portfolio: many people also have other research projects they are conducting as well as their ongoing contributions to teaching and service. keywords: academic; act; action; activities; adult; alliance; ambivalence; anucha; article; authors; building; collaborative; collaborative process; collaborators; community; community research; data; development; dialogue; different; discussions; divergent; doctoral; education; engagement; evaluation; example; expectations; experiences; faculty; findings; focus; framework; funding; gateways; graduate; group; health; higher; houwer; institutional; involved; journal; knowledge; learning; meetings; members; mentorship; multi; new; nichols; non; ongoing; opportunities; outcomes; participants; participation; participatory; partnership; people; perspectives; positive; process; professional; project; proposal; relations; research; researchers; resources; social; stakeholders; student; survey; tensions; time; university; voice; vol; wood; work; working; young; young people; youth; youth project cache: ijcre-2822.pdf plain text: ijcre-2822.txt item: #52 of 196 id: ijcre-3105 author: Kearney, Judith; Wood, Lesley; Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun title: Community–University Partnerships: Using Participatory Action Learning and Action Research (PALAR) date: 2013-09-25 words: 7412 flesch: 39 summary: The life experience, cultural conditioning and worldviews of Samoan community members and university academics were clearly different, and both sides of the partnership were largely unfamiliar with each other’s worlds. After working with project participants and becoming participants themselves, they perceive that they are actually contributing to research on how to start up a community school – and thus feel recognised and valued. keywords: academics; action; action learning; action research; africa; analysis; approach; australian; cascading; case; challenges; change; children; communities; community; design; development; education; engagement; experience; families; gateways; group; higher; issues; kearney; knowledge; learning; local; logan; main; meetings; members; methodology; methods; model; mutual; needs; new; outcomes; palar; parents; participants; participatory; participatory action; partnership; people; personal; positive; postgraduate; practice; problem; process; processes; program; project; recognition; reflection; relationships; reports; research; researchers; results; samoan; school; set; shared; skerritt; social; south; students; studies; study; teachers; team; traditional; universities; university; vosp; wood; work; workshop; zuber cache: ijcre-3105.pdf plain text: ijcre-3105.txt item: #53 of 196 id: ijcre-3136 author: Benz, Peter title: All my friends are here: Four initial case studies on student design agencies date: 2013-10-31 words: 8154 flesch: 33 summary: As a first step, my research assistant at the time and I had attempted to investigate student design agencies worldwide: Where are they? Apparently, student design agencies had not been a topic for academic investigation or reflection, despite them being fairly common in the contexts of design institutions worldwide. keywords: academic; academy; activities; administrative; advertising; agencies; agency; arts; association; ava; baptist; benz; berlin; business; campus; case; cent; clients; college; communication; community; creative; cultural; demand; design; design agency; development; e.v; educational; example; experience; external; formal; gateways; germany; graduates; hong; hong kong; iact; idea; ideenwerkstatt; industry; initiative; institution; international; interview; january; job; july; knowledge; kong; lack; life; local; market; marketing; members; minimum; n.d; new; office; parent; participants; participation; particular; policy; price; professional; program; projects; psd; purpose; quality; research; services; situation; skills; social; space; specific; staff; student; student agencies; student design; studies; study; support; söhne; team; tertiary; time; today; transfer; töchter; university; visual; visual arts; werbeliebe; work; years; young cache: ijcre-3136.pdf plain text: ijcre-3136.txt item: #54 of 196 id: ijcre-3141 author: Lai, Ming-hoi title: In Light of Visual Arts – A knowledge transfer partnership project as experiential learning date: 2013-10-31 words: 3753 flesch: 41 summary: The first stage was knowledge transfer from MEGAMAN® Hong Kong to student participants; the second stage was the transfer of knowledge from students to the general public – how AVA students and lecturers incorporated lighting knowledge so that in the long run it might become an intangible asset for both the general public and MEGAMAN® Hong Kong, the lighting manufacturer. It was therefore important for the visual arts students involved in the project to acquire lighting knowledge and to disseminate what they had learned in a comprehensible manner. keywords: academic; arts; audience; ava; community; creative; dewey; different; eco; environment; example; experience; figure; gateways; general; hkbu; hong; important; informal; knowledge; knowledge transfer; kong; lai; learning; lighting; making; megaman; new; office; participants; parties; process; products; project; public; stage; students; technical; transfer; use; visual; visual arts cache: ijcre-3141.pdf plain text: ijcre-3141.txt item: #55 of 196 id: ijcre-3182 author: Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal; Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh; Ramasamy, Jegadeesh title: Community monitoring: A strategy to watch out for date: 2013-09-25 words: 3497 flesch: 24 summary: ‘Community based monitoring of health services under NRHM’ 2006, viewed 25 September 2012, ‘Community monitoring of health services takes off’ 2007, Express India, 16 October, viewed 10 October 2012, community-monitoring-of-health-services-takes-off/229061/. Gaitonde, R, Sheikh, K, Saligram, P & Nambiar, D 2007, ‘Community participation in health: The national landscape’, viewed 12 February 2013, CommunityParticipationinHealthTheNationalLandscapeinIndia.pdf Kakde, D 2010, ‘Community based monitoring of health services under NRHM in Maharashtra, 2007–2010’, viewed 13 November 2012, http:// based NRHM/CBM_Report_ june10_Final_including_photo.pdf. Lefler, T 2010, ‘Successful community-based monitoring in Canada: Three case studies’, viewed 7 November 2012, Successful%20Community-based%20Monitoring%20in%20Canada_ FINAL_MRP%20(Tristan%20Lefler).pdf. Managers’ manual on community based monitoring of health services under National Rural Health Mission 2008, viewed 22 December 2012, www. Manual on community based monitoring of health services under National Rural Health Mission 2006, viewed 16 September 2012, NRHM/Community_monitoring/Implementers_Manual.pdf. keywords: accountability; activities; assessment; block; building; capacity; care; cbm; cbos; committees; community; data; delivery; different; district; evaluation; feedback; gateways; government; health; health services; implementation; india; information; initiatives; levels; local; managers; manual; mission; monitoring; national; needs; ngos; nrhm; order; people; planning; process; programs; public; ramasamy; report; representatives; rural; services; shrivastava; state; system; takes; training; village cache: ijcre-3182.pdf plain text: ijcre-3182.txt item: #56 of 196 id: ijcre-3192 author: Glover, Robert W.; Silka, Linda title: Choice, power and perspective: The neglected question of who initiates engaged campus-community partnerships date: 2013-09-25 words: 8163 flesch: 40 summary: Brugge, D & Hynes, H (eds) 2005, Community research in environmental health: Studies in science, advocacy and ethics, Ashgate, London. Nyden, P, Figert, A, Shibley, M & Burrows, D 2007, Building community: Social science in action, Pine Forge Press, Thousand Oaks, CA. Ochocka, J, Moorlag, E & Janzen, R 2010, ‘A framework for entry: PAR values and engagement strategies in community research’, Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, vol. 3, pp. 1–19. keywords: academic; action; addition; address; advance; american; analysis; application; applied; approach; association; attention; basic; campus; change; collaboration; communities; community; community engagement; community partnerships; community research; core; creation; culture; development; eds; education; engaged; engagement; entry; environmental; ethics; example; faculty; february; focus; framing; gateways; generation; glover; goals; health; higher; holland; housing; human; important; institutions; intellectual; international; issues; journal; key; knowledge; mission; mutuality; national; need; new; nyden; opportunities; participatory; partnerships; perspectives; political; power; press; problems; process; promise; public; question; questioning; research; research partnerships; researchers; result; scholarship; science; significant; silka; social; solutions; start; study; universities; university; university partnerships; university research; urban; vol; washington; work cache: ijcre-3192.pdf plain text: ijcre-3192.txt item: #57 of 196 id: ijcre-3201 author: Neiva de Figueiredo, Joao; Jursca Keffer, Ann Marie; Marca Barrientos, Miguel Angel; Gonzalez, Silvana title: A robust University-NGO partnership: Analysing school efficiencies in Bolivia with community-based management techniques date: 2013-09-25 words: 8997 flesch: 40 summary: Results are noteworthy as abandonment rates in FyA:B schools have been very low. Data from the Bolivian Education Ministry was obtained, which led to a search for an appropriate tool to compare school performances, and prototype runs confirmed that FyA:B schools indeed seemed to operate at higher efficiency levels than non-network schools. keywords: academic; alegría; analysis; approach; article; best; bolivia; building; cbr; cent; change; communities; community; community research; conditions; context; country; creation; cultural; data; de figueiredo; dea; descriptive; development; differences; different; education; efficiencies; efficiency; effort; engagement; example; factors; faculty; figueiredo; fya; gateways; gonzalez; help; immersion; important; income; indigenous; individual; information; initiatives; international; joint; journal; jursca; knowledge; levels; literature; local; management; managerial; marca; methodology; methods; national; necessary; need; neiva; neiva de; network; objectives; office; organisation; participants; partnership; phase; practices; present; process; project; quantitative; relationship; research; research project; resources; results; scholarship; schools; second; set; sju; social; staff; sustainability; techniques; time; trust; understanding; university; use; vol; world; years cache: ijcre-3201.pdf plain text: ijcre-3201.txt item: #58 of 196 id: ijcre-3219 author: Fletcher, Fay; Hibbert, Alicia; Robertson, Fiona; Asselin, Jodie title: Needs and readiness assessments: Tools for promoting community-university engagement with Aboriginal communities date: 2013-09-25 words: 8009 flesch: 34 summary: This partnership explored community readiness to participate in the development and evaluation of a life skills and substance abuse prevention program, with a focus also on community needs. Before discussing this in detail, we provide some brief information on Métis and the background to the research, followed by an overview from the literature on needs and readiness assessments, and in particular the nine stages consistently used to identify community readiness. keywords: 2010; aboriginal; abuse; alberta; alcohol; approach; asselin; assessment; baydala; blms; building; canada; cbpr; challenges; children; communities; community; community engagement; community health; community members; community readiness; consent; council; critical; dempsey; development; differences; divide; drug; education; edwards; elders; engagement; et al; ethics; fletcher; focus; funding; gateways; groups; health; health research; hibbert; individual; institutional; inuit; israel; issue; journal; jumper; key; knowledge; life; local; members; métis; nations; needs; participants; participation; partnership; peoples; policies; potential; practices; prevention; process; program; project; readiness; readiness assessment; research; researchers; resources; robertson; services; settlement; shared; skills; social; stages; strengths; substance; successful; team; thurman; topics; university; violence; vol; youth cache: ijcre-3219.pdf plain text: ijcre-3219.txt item: #59 of 196 id: ijcre-3232 author: Fan, Yanan title: Every teacher is a language teacher: Preparing teacher candidates for English language learners through service-learning date: 2013-09-25 words: 6806 flesch: 43 summary: While service-learning is viewed as an effective pedagogical practice that promotes empathy among teacher candidates towards under-represented children, and increases awareness of social justice, equity, civic engagement and work ethics (Hollins & Guzman 2005), it is important to note that multiple-subject pre- service teachers and elementary school children have been studied (for example, Hadjioannou & Hutchinson 2010; Hart & King 2007; Ponder, Veldt & Lewis-Ferrell 2011; Szente 2008) far more than their single-subject counterparts. Using the case study of a service-learning project, the article describes and analyses language learning and teaching experiences among a group of teacher candidates as they tutored ELLs in Northern California during Spring 2010. keywords: academic; candidates; case; category; classroom; communication; communities; community; content; contexts; course; credential; data; development; education; ells; english; english language; example; experience; fan; field; fieldwork; final; future; gateways; group; home; immigrant; impact; information; instructor; journal; knowledge; language; language learning; learners; learning; linguistic; literacy; lucas; needs; new; order; organisations; participants; practice; pre; preservice; programs; project; report; research; school; second; second language; secondary; semester; service; service learning; service teachers; site; skills; sld; social; sociolinguistic; students; studies; study; subject; teacher; teacher candidates; teacher education; teaching; tutees; tutoring; understanding; university; vol cache: ijcre-3232.pdf plain text: ijcre-3232.txt item: #60 of 196 id: ijcre-3257 author: Runnels, Vivien; Andrew, Caroline title: Community-based research decision-making: Experiences and factors affecting participation date: 2013-09-25 words: 6918 flesch: 38 summary: When located in the community, as opposed to the university, community member participation was felt to be assured. Hatch, J, Moss, N, Saran, A, Presley-Cantrell, L & Mallory, C 1993, ‘Community research: Partnership in black communities’, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 9, no. 6, suppl., pp. keywords: academic; actions; andrew; approach; arnstein; arrangements; benefits; canada; cbr; collaboration; communities; community; community members; community participants; conditions; control; critical; data; decision; development; different; experience; factors; funding; gateways; good; governance; health; issues; journal; knowledge; limited; making; members; organisations; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; people; potential; power; practice; process; production; project; public; public participation; qualitative; quality; representation; research; researchers; resources; respondents; review; role; runnels; science; social; steps; study; theory; time; trust; university; vol cache: ijcre-3257.pdf plain text: ijcre-3257.txt item: #61 of 196 id: ijcre-3286 author: Ma, Carol; Chan, Alfred title: A Hong Kong University first: Establishing service-learning as an academic credit-bearing subject date: 2013-10-31 words: 8032 flesch: 42 summary: P rep a ra tio n Sta g e  (ii) CI & PC —Integrate S-L into courses, prepare necessary S-L guidelines for students —Modify pre- and post-test questionnaires by adding specific subject-related knowledge items  (iii) CI, PC & Students (S) —1st lecture: briefing and recruitment of students —1st week: Together with encouragement from the service partners in the local community, the Office of Service-Learning (OSL) was established in 2006, charged with the following mission: —To promote LU’s motto, ‘Education for Service’ — To provide reciprocal benefits to the participants and the community — To produce a positive developmental impact on student learning and growth — To enhance learning and teaching efficacy through service- learning. keywords: able; academic; agencies; agency; assessment; bearing; bringle; chan; civic; communication; community; content; coordinators; course; course instructors; credit; development; different; education; engagement; evaluation; example; experience; experiential; faculty; following; gateways; hatcher; higher; hong; hours; instructors; intended; international; knowledge; kong; learning; lingnan; meetings; members; mission; mode; needs; new; number; osl; outcomes; practice; problem; process; program; project; quality; reflective; related; research; roles; service; skills; social; solving; students; studies; subject; supervisors; support; teaching; term; time; training; transfer; understanding; university; workshops cache: ijcre-3286.pdf plain text: ijcre-3286.txt item: #62 of 196 id: ijcre-3389 author: Mastuti, Sri; Masse, Ambo; Tasruddin, Ramsiah title: University and community partnerships in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: Enhancing community capacity and promoting democratic governance date: 2014-06-19 words: 3873 flesch: 38 summary: We begin with a review of the existing model for implementing community services and then discuss the new model that has been adopted in tandem with the original model. Thus the lecturers and students are welcomed everywhere as preachers and are also very active in community service in both urban and rural areas. keywords: activities; alauddin; approach; assets; challenge; communities; community; community service; csos; democratic; development; education; engagement; figure; functions; gateways; governance; groups; higher; implementation; institute; islamic; issues; lecturers; masse; mastuti; members; model; national; new; outreach; partnerships; pokja; programs; project; religious; research; service; sile; social; society; south; state; sulawesi; tasruddin; teaching; university; women; working cache: ijcre-3389.pdf plain text: ijcre-3389.txt item: #63 of 196 id: ijcre-3390 author: Hippe, Janelle; Maddalena, Victor; Heath, Sara; Jesso, Beulah; McCahon, Marion; Olson, Kim title: Access to health services in Western Newfoundland, Canada: Issues, barriers and recommendations emerging from a community-engaged research project date: 2014-06-19 words: 6689 flesch: 42 summary: Overall, at least three related points emerge from a review of existing rural health services research. Additional research focused on the strengths, needs and unique challenges of particular communities and groups in Western Newfoundland may contribute essential insight into the most effective strategies and solutions to address health services access issues in this region. keywords: 2011; aboriginal; access; areas; aux; available; barriers; basques; brook; canada; cent; communities; community; corner; cost; difficulty; discussions; doctor; emergency; family; figure; focus; gateways; groups; harbour; health; health services; healthcare; hippe; individuals; issues; jesso; kitchen; lack; long; maddalena; mccahon; medical; mental; newfoundland; number; nurse; olson; overall; participants; people; physician; port; practitioners; region; regional; remote; research; respondents; results; rocky; rural; rural health; secretariat; services; specialist; specific; stephenville; survey; table; times; travel; vol; wait; women cache: ijcre-3390.pdf plain text: ijcre-3390.txt item: #64 of 196 id: ijcre-3391 author: Mileski, Kara; Mohamed, Abdulkhaliq; Hunter, Rosemarie title: Creating inclusive spaces for partnership: Responses from local leaders engaged in a community-university partnership centre date: 2014-06-19 words: 5412 flesch: 52 summary: Charity models have failed to recognise the unique abilities of community members to inform policy development and positive social change (Cabezas, Reese & Waller 2007). Through the lens of empowerment, community members are viewed as capable of becoming leaders in developing sustainable solutions, in spite of systemic challenges. keywords: building; capacity; center; change; comfortable; committee; communities; community; empowerment; engaged; engaging; experience; facilitators; gateways; group; hartland; hrc; hrc members; hunter; ideas; individuals; interviews; involved; knowledge; lake; leaders; leadership; like; meetings; members; mileski; mohamed; n=1; new; participants; partnership; people; programs; questions; research; residents; responses; salt; sample; shared; social; space; themes; time; university; unp; vol; work; years cache: ijcre-3391.pdf plain text: ijcre-3391.txt item: #65 of 196 id: ijcre-3392 author: Kevany, Kathleen May; MacMichael, Margaret title: Communities of knowledge and knowledge of communities: An appreciative inquiry into rural wellbeing date: 2014-06-19 words: 7904 flesch: 45 summary: Universities looking to embark upon community research are guided by an ethic of mutual learning Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 7 (2014): 34–51 © UTSePress and the authors ISSN 1836-3393 Kathleen May Kevany Margaret MacMichael Dalhousie University 35 | Gateways | Kevany & MacMichael based on the expertise all parties bring to the project. Within the theme of multivocality, the complementary, as well as the distinctive, diverse and divergent, points of view that were readily shared by community participants could be viewed as assets and strengths of communities that in themselves contributed to positive identity formation. keywords: action; analysis; appreciative; approach; article; bushe; change; collaborative; communities; community; community members; community research; construction; design; development; different; discussion; engagement; evidence; example; experiences; factors; focus; following; gateways; generative; generativity; gergen; group; ideas; input; inquiry; journal; kevany; knowledge; life; literature; local; macmichael; members; method; multivocality; negative; new; organizational; orientation; outcomes; participants; participation; participatory; partnerships; people; positive; positivity; potential; power; principal; process; quality; questions; relational; relationships; research; researchers; residents; review; rural; rural wellbeing; selecting; sense; shared; social; study; sustainability; university; use; vol; wellbeing; working cache: ijcre-3392.pdf plain text: ijcre-3392.txt item: #66 of 196 id: ijcre-3393 author: Forchuk, Cheryl; Meier, Amanda title: The Article Idea Chart: A participatory action research tool to aid involvement in dissemination date: 2014-06-19 words: 2866 flesch: 39 summary: In fact, Ochocka, Janzen and Nelson (2002, p. 386) go so far as to say that the use of PAR in community mental health research is a ‘moral imperative’. While many authors discuss the importance of PAR and explain ways in which to engage community members in the research team, rarely do publications explicitly discuss tools and methodologies used to ensure the full participation of all team members in one of the most important aspects of PAR research: dissemination of results. keywords: academic; action; article; article idea; chart; committee; community; consumer; cura; data; dissemination; forchuk; gateways; groups; health; idea; issues; journal; meier; members; mental; par; participation; participatory; process; program; projects; research; results; social; stakeholders; survivors; team; topics; vol; writing cache: ijcre-3393.pdf plain text: ijcre-3393.txt item: #67 of 196 id: ijcre-3394 author: Stanyon, Wendy; Goodman, Bill; Whitehouse, Marjory title: Using simulation to educate police about mental illness: A collaborative initiative date: 2014-06-19 words: 6536 flesch: 42 summary: Specifically, this study examined three major research questions: 1 To what extent can simulations be used as a tool to educate police officers about mental illness and how to respond effectively in interactions with individuals living with mental illness? A consistent theme expressed by the participants was the importance of police officers being better educated on how to successfully manage situations involving individuals with mental illness. keywords: ability; activities; additional; canada; care; cent; community; confidence; content; control; data; development; drps; education; effective; experience; experimental; face; feedback; focus; frontline; gateways; goodman; group; health; illness; impact; individuals; interactions; intervention; job; journal; knowledge; learning; level; majority; mean; mental; mental health; mental illness; nursing; officers; ontario; options; participants; people; perceptions; police; police officers; post; pre; questionnaire; research; resources; response; scores; services; simulations; skills; stanyon; study; support; test; time; tools; training; users; value; video; vol; whitehouse cache: ijcre-3394.pdf plain text: ijcre-3394.txt item: #68 of 196 id: ijcre-3395 author: Morton, Mavis; Bergen, Anne; Horan, Melissa; Crann, Sara; Bader, Danielle; Bonham, Linzy title: Engaging evaluation research: Reflecting on the process of sexual assault/domestic violence protocol evaluation research date: 2014-06-19 words: 7815 flesch: 40 summary: (2012) final guideline refers to the importance of training all partners in the research endeavour in order to ensure an understanding of each partner’s contribution to and requirements for conducting the research, and as a way to promote community research. (2010, p. 55) acknowledge that through their experiences they have come to appreciate that ‘for all its simplicity … collaboration also is immensely complex’ (Kavanagh 1995, p. 46) and the reality is that research partnerships take time, strong social skills and patience to develop and evolve (Bowen & Martens 2006; Gass 2005; Reid & Vianna 2001). keywords: abell; academic; action; action committee; agencies; agency; analysis; approach; assault; bader; bergen; berlin; bonham; case; cbpr; cenr; collaboration; committee; community; context; coordinator; crann; data; decision; domestic; education; engaged; engagement; et al; ethical; evaluation; example; experience; faculty; gateways; graduate; guelph; health; horan; interviews; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; member; morton; mutual; opportunities; participatory; partnership; practice; principles; process; project; protocol; providers; public; qualitative; research; research team; sadler; service; sexual; shared; skills; social; students; support; team; time; training; university; violence; vol; wellington; women; work cache: ijcre-3395.pdf plain text: ijcre-3395.txt item: #69 of 196 id: ijcre-3397 author: Korzun, Monika; Alexander, Corey; Cluskey-Belanger, Lee-Jay; Fudger, Danielle; Needham, Lisa; Vsetula, Kate; Williamson, Danny; Gillis, Daniel title: The Farm to Fork project: Community-engaged scholarship from community partners' perspective date: 2014-06-19 words: 6745 flesch: 47 summary: The Farm To Fork project Community-engaged scholarship from community partners’ perspective Higher education institutions have traditionally largely ignored their role in addressing the challenges their communities face. Questions Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 7 (2014): 101–115 © UTSePress and the authors ISSN 1836-3393 Monika Korzun Corey Alexander Lee-Jay Cluskey- Belanger Danielle Fudger University of Guelph Lisa Needham Wellington-Dufferin- Guelph Public Health Kate Vsetula Guelph Community Health Centre Danny Williamson Co-founder, Farm To Fork Daniel Gillis University of Guelph, Co- founder, Farm To Fork 102 | Gateways | Korzun, Alexander, Cluskey-Belanger, Fudger, Needham, Vsetula, Williamson & Gillis remain whether CES, in practice, provides benefit to community partners; thus, evaluating the impact on community partners is essential for assessing the overall impact of CES. keywords: 2012; access; alexander; belanger; benefit; berg; blank; canada; ces; change; cluskey; communities; community; community partners; education; efps; essential; faculty; fao; farm; food; food insecurity; fork; freeman; fudger; gateways; gillis; guelph; health; hicks; insecure; insecurity; israel; issues; knowledge; korzun; learning; melaville; members; model; needham; needs; outcomes; partners; place; process; professor; project; research; resources; roche; role; scholarship; semken; social; strand; students; teaching; university; use; vol; vsetula; williamson; work cache: ijcre-3397.pdf plain text: ijcre-3397.txt item: #70 of 196 id: ijcre-3399 author: Porter, Christine M.; Herrera, Hank; Marshall, Daryl; Woodsum, Gayle M. title: Shared voices, different worlds: Process and product in the Food Dignity action research project date: 2014-06-19 words: 6181 flesch: 55 summary: But communities lack resources, power and privilege —Academies have a concentration of resources, expertise, power and privilege —Change will occur with a shift in resources, power and privilege through the Food Dignity support package for community organising, community research, mini-grants and technical assistance. As glorious as the potential for something different seemed to be, I couldn’t shake the old pain of past wounds incurred in 124 | Gateways | Porter, Herrera, Marshall & Woodsum the name of community research, nor the fresh pain caused by insensitive comments and resource inequities that popped up as the academic and community threads of the Food Dignity project tried to find a way to blend into a meaningful, cohesive effort. keywords: academic; action; afraid; case; christine; communities; community; community food; community partners; different; dignity; dignity project; distant; east; equitable; face; farms; food; food dignity; gateways; gayle; grant; hank; health; heart; help; herrera; hope; justice; knowledge; learning; life; long; marshall; meeting; members; national; new; partners; people; place; porter; power; privilege; process; project; questions; research; research project; resources; rigour; sixth; social; stories; story; strategies; study; support; sustainable; systems; team; time; trauma; university; voices; vol; white; wisdom; woodsum; work; worlds; wyoming; years; york cache: ijcre-3399.pdf plain text: ijcre-3399.txt item: #71 of 196 id: ijcre-3400 author: Murnaghan, Donna; Laurence, Courtney; Bell, Brandi; Munro-Bernard, Melissa title: Engaging Canadian youth in conversations: Using knowledge exchange in school-based health promotion date: 2014-06-19 words: 7096 flesch: 58 summary: Youth/School Health Issues Cafeteria food and services Students were asked to describe what school health meant to them and to identify what they thought was the biggest youth or school health issue. Students not only described what school health meant to them, they also addressed some school/youth health issues. keywords: action; active; activities; activity; adolescent; barriers; behaviours; bell; bernard; bullying; cafeteria; canada; canadian; case; community; data; eating; education; edward; exchange; findings; focus; food; gateways; girls; government; graham; groups; health; high; island; issues; journal; knowledge; laurence; like; lot; munro; murnaghan; pei; people; perspectives; physical; policies; policy; population; positive; prince; process; programs; promotion; provincial; qualitative; relationships; research; researchers; results; role; school; school health; shapes; staff; stakeholders; students; study; system; teachers; time; use; voices; vol; youth; youth health cache: ijcre-3400.pdf plain text: ijcre-3400.txt item: #72 of 196 id: ijcre-3408 author: Krogh, Marilyn title: Community-university research partnerships by P Hall and I MacPherson (eds) date: 2013-10-31 words: 1083 flesch: 43 summary: Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy Experience Peter V Hall & Ian MacPherson (eds), University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, 2011, 259 pages During the last months of the liberal federal administration of Paul Martin in Canada (2003–2006), after a sustained lobbying campaign led by Quebec’s Chantier de l’economie sociale and the Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCED Network), funds were allocated to support the social economy sector of Canada, and a call was issued for research proposals on the social economy ‘conducted by academic researchers in partnership with community based organizations’. On the other hand, the Southern Ontario and Quebec nodes were more centralised, with more emphasis on policy dissemination. keywords: academic; canada; canadian; chapter; community; economy; gateways; network; node; partnerships; people; process; projects; quebec; research; social; sshrc; university; victoria; volume cache: ijcre-3408.pdf plain text: ijcre-3408.txt item: #73 of 196 id: ijcre-3485 author: Aumann, Kim; Hart, Angie; Duncan, Sophie title: What have we learnt? A year on from the first UK Community Partner Summit date: 2014-06-19 words: 6711 flesch: 35 summary: For example, in Canada, community partnerships are foregrounded, particularly due to the First Nations context; they are more likely to involve both researchers and students working together with community partners to address social issues; and there is a strong tradition of service-learning and student placements. Interestingly, it was the academic amongst us who spotted a major capacity issue for community partners to take part in individual partnerships, or to get involved in the larger strategic work, to influence and promote good partnership practice. keywords: academics; action; aumann; better; building; capacity; centre; challenges; change; communities; community; community partners; communityuniversity; conference; connected; culture; different; duncan; education; effective; engagement; example; focus; funding; future; gateways; group; hart; health; important; issues; july; justice; key; knowledge; learning; literature; making; national; nccpe; need; network; opportunities; opportunity; organisations; participation; partners; partnerships; people; policy; potential; practice; project; public; research; service; shared; small; social; space; summit; support; time; universities; university; university partnerships; value; working cache: ijcre-3485.pdf plain text: ijcre-3485.txt item: #74 of 196 id: ijcre-3486 author: Ochocka, Joanna; Janzen, Rich title: Breathing life into theory: Illustrations of community-based research – Hallmarks, functions and phases date: 2014-06-19 words: 6725 flesch: 43 summary: 33 | Gateways | Ochocka & Janzen Ochocka, J, Moorlag, E & Janzen, R 2010, ‘A framework for entry: PAR values and engagement strategies in community research’, Gateways: International Journal of Community Research & Engagement, vol. 3, pp. 1–19. Wallerstein, M & Duran, B 2003, ‘The conceptual, historical, and practice roots of community based participatory research and related participatory traditions’, in M Minkler & N Wallerstein (eds), Community- based participatory research for health, John Wiley & Sons Inc., San Francisco, CA, pp. keywords: action; action research; canada; case; cbr; ccbr; centre; challenges; change; collaborative; communities; community; consumer; csis; cultural; data; demonstration; development; diverse; education; employment; engagement; ethno; evaluation; example; findings; functions; funding; gateways; government; groups; hall; hallmarks; health; immigrant; important; initiatives; involved; issues; janzen; journal; knowledge; leadership; local; members; mental; mental health; nelson; new; ochocka; ontario; organisations; participation; participatory; partners; partnership; people; phases; policy; practical; practice; process; project; region; relevance; relevant; research; researchers; services; skills; social; stakeholders; studies; study; theory; time; tradition; understanding; university; vol; waterloo; wrien cache: ijcre-3486.pdf plain text: ijcre-3486.txt item: #75 of 196 id: ijcre-3530 author: O'Loughlin, Pauline title: Higher education and civic engagement by L McIlrath, A Lyons & R Munck date: 2013-10-31 words: 771 flesch: 47 summary: Chapter 3 explores alignment and its role in achieving civic engagement agendas in Ireland, and the last chapter of the section discusses civic engagement in the West. Civic engagement, the foreword notes, is not an add-on or something that primarily generates warm and fuzzy feelings. keywords: chapter; civic; community; education; engagement; foreword; higher; international; knowledge; learning; research; service; universities; university; world cache: ijcre-3530.pdf plain text: ijcre-3530.txt item: #76 of 196 id: ijcre-3531 author: MacDonald, Heather title: Transforming cities and minds through the scholarship of engagement by L Hoyt date: 2013-10-31 words: 1054 flesch: 41 summary: The partnership involves service-learning through internships and projects, as well as the provision of technical assistance to community development projects, representing a good example of the relative sophistication of community engagement efforts in the United States. The conclusion would also have been improved by more reflection on the commonalities in lessons learned in each of the studies, presumably one of the aims of collaborative research around overlapping themes. keywords: academic; book; chapters; collaborative; community; critique; economic; efforts; engagement; hoyt; learning; peer; process; projects; research; scholarship; students; thesis cache: ijcre-3531.pdf plain text: ijcre-3531.txt item: #77 of 196 id: ijcre-3676 author: Ungar, Michael; Whitman, Shelly; Hart, Angie; Phipps, David title: Simulation as a tool for developing knowledge mobilisation strategies: Innovative knowledge transfer in youth services date: 2015-09-03 words: 7658 flesch: 45 summary: Our goal was to do more than just ask service providers what they thought they needed to access program knowledge. Despite these instructions, it was difficult to keep the focus of the simulation on the exchange of best practice knowledge between service providers. keywords: amin; approach; best; care; challenges; community; complex; context; cycc; development; education; effective; effectiveness; elements; evidence; example; exchange; experience; focus; formal; gang; gateways; hart; health; implementation; individual; information; innovative; interventions; journal; kmb; kmb strategies; knowledge; literature; members; mental; mobilisation; needs; network; new; order; organisations; participants; people; phipps; policy; practice; preferred; problems; process; program; programming; providers; relationships; research; resources; results; review; role; safezone; second; service; service providers; settings; shared; sharing; simulation; social; soldiers; specific; staff; stakeholders; strategies; time; translation; ungar; university; use; vol; whitman; work; young; youth cache: ijcre-3676.pdf plain text: ijcre-3676.txt item: #78 of 196 id: ijcre-3807 author: Chernega, Jennifer title: Learning and education for a better world by B Hall, D Clover, J Crowther & E Scandrett (eds) date: 2015-09-03 words: 813 flesch: 44 summary: As indicated in the introduction, they intend for the book to offer ‘new insights into the theories of how social movements work, deeper insights into the theory and practice of adult education in the context of political struggle, and new resources for hope’ (p.x). Although it is not immediately clear from the title, Learning and Education for a Better World is one installment in a series of volumes on international issues in adult education and, therefore, is focused on adult learners and adults in education (i.e. teachers, professors, etc) and does not investigate how younger students may engage with social movements. keywords: adult; articles; better; education; kotze; learning; movements; new; role; social; students; theory; volume; von; work; world cache: ijcre-3807.pdf plain text: ijcre-3807.txt item: #79 of 196 id: ijcre-3922 author: Saylors, Karen; Ngo Tri, Tue; Tran Khanh, Toan; Bach Tuan, Kiet; Wertheim, Heiman FL; Baker, Stephen; Ngo Thi, Hoa; Bryant, Juliet E title: Mobilising community-based research on zoonotic infections: A case study of longitudinal cohorts in Vietnam date: 2015-09-03 words: 9041 flesch: 38 summary: The role of the community vet was to Figure 1: Enrolment of children during home visits in Dong Thap province assist in identifying potential households with NTS for enrolment, to build rapport and improve communication with cohort members through periodic (monthly) visits to the households, and to enhance the ability to respond to cohort members’ concerns about animal health. In response to cohort members’ specific requests for more education/training, workshops on animal health have been held in both DT and BaVi. keywords: activities; additional; animal; animal health; animal sampling; approach; avian; bach; baker; bavi; blood; bryant; carrique; challenges; clinical; cohort; cohort members; commune; community; consumption; contact; coordinator; cross; data; different; disease; district; dong; dvs; engagement; enrolment; episodes; exposures; farms; field; fila; follow; gateways; global; hanoi; health; hmu; hospital; households; human; human health; illness; implementation; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; journal; key; khanh; livestock; local; markets; mas; medical; medicine; meetings; members; ngo; ngo thi; nguyen; numbers; objectives; occupational; offices; oucru; participants; people; pig; pmc; porcupines; potential; poultry; present; procedures; project; project staff; protocol; province; provincial; recruitment; research; responsive; risk; sample; sampling; saylors; sdah; sites; slaughter; species; staff; studies; study; surveillance; survey; team; thap; thi; time; training; tran; tuan; types; university; veterinary; vietnam; visits; vizions; vol; wertheim; wildlife; workers; zoonotic cache: ijcre-3922.pdf plain text: ijcre-3922.txt item: #80 of 196 id: ijcre-3936 author: Wallace, Bruce; Pauly, Bernadette; Perkin, Kathleen; Ranfft, Mike title: Shifting the evaluative gaze: Community-based program evaluation in the homeless sector date: 2015-09-03 words: 7018 flesch: 40 summary: Reid, C, Brief, E & LeDrew, R 2009, Our common ground: Cultivating women’s health through community based research, Women’s Health Research Network, Vancouver. Several authors have observed that it is particularly important to consider the effects of social policies as part of evaluations of transitional housing programs (Barrow & Zimmer 1999; Dordick 2002). keywords: 2013; academic; access; aid; approach; canada; canadian; case; cbr; challenges; change; clients; collection; community; consent; context; cool; data; development; emergency; end; evaluation; experience; findings; forms; funding; gateways; goals; health; homelessness; housing; income; justice; knowledge; minkler; need; outcomes; participation; participatory; partners; pauly; people; perkin; plan; power; process; processes; program; program evaluation; project; providers; public; ranftt; research; research process; researchers; residents; sector; services; shelter; situation; social; staff; study; success; transitional; transitional shelter; university; use; victoria; vol; wallace; wallerstein; work cache: ijcre-3936.pdf plain text: ijcre-3936.txt item: #81 of 196 id: ijcre-4105 author: Reed, Richard title: Program evaluation as community-engaged research: Challenges and solutions date: 2015-09-03 words: 8805 flesch: 33 summary: Despite being a tool for understanding impact and effectiveness, evaluative research into community-based programs has not always taken this approach. The extant body of literature on evaluation practice implies some degree of consensus that evaluation, in non-academic contexts, employs unique techniques that set it apart from other forms of social research – and thus that there may be a clear difference between evaluation and evaluative research. keywords: activities; address; american; analysis; approach; appropriate; building; capacity; case; challenges; collaborative; community; community engagement; context; course; critical; data; degree; development; differences; different; difficult; education; effective; engaged; engagement; evaluation; evaluative research; evidence; exchange; face; figure; findings; formative; framework; gateways; goals; groups; higher; impact; important; inclusion; inclusive; informed; instance; interventions; issues; journal; key; knowledge; learning; limited; literature; macquarie; methods; models; mutual; need; number; objectives; opportunities; participants; participation; planning; possible; potential; power; practical; practice; principles; process; processes; professional; program; project; quality; range; reality; reed; relationships; research; researchers; resources; respect; school; social; staff; stakeholders; strategies; structures; success; support; time; trust; understanding; university; values; vol cache: ijcre-4105.pdf plain text: ijcre-4105.txt item: #82 of 196 id: ijcre-4161 author: Mutch, Carol; Yates, Sarah; Hu, Chris title: Gently, gently: A school-university participatory research partnership in a post-disaster setting date: 2015-09-03 words: 9548 flesch: 55 summary: Carol is aiming to link project schools with schools in other disaster contexts. Children were at school for the big February earthquake and it created a stronger bond in their communities, so it is very challenging when the Ministry wants to break that up in some communities and schools. keywords: 2013; able; affected; approach; article; association; australian; brock; cahill; canterbury; carol; case; children; christchurch; city; communities; community; context; development; different; disaster; distress; earthquake; education; emotional; events; experiences; factors; families; february; forest; gateways; greca; group; health; interviews; jimerson; journal; lead; literature; local; london; mutch; national; natural; need; new; parents; park; participants; participatory; partnerships; patton; people; post; principal; prinstein; process; project; psychological; psychologists; purpose; recovery; relationships; research; researchers; response; review; riverside; role; school; setting; social; society; staff; stories; story; students; studies; support; teachers; team; theory; time; trauma; trust; university; vol; work; yates; young; zealand cache: ijcre-4161.pdf plain text: ijcre-4161.txt item: #83 of 196 id: ijcre-4163 author: Jones, Debra Maria; Lyle, David; Brunero, Claire; McAllister, Lindy; Webb, Trish; Riley, Stuart title: Improving health and education outcomes for children in remote communities: A cross-sector and developmental evaluation approach date: 2015-09-03 words: 8953 flesch: 33 summary: In addition, remote locations have been identified as sharing common characteristics that include higher levels of health risk and disease burdens, limited access to health services, health workforce shortages and socio-economic disadvantage (McGrail & Humphreys 2009). Parental engagement There are substantial gaps in knowledge of how best to engage with remote and Aboriginal parents to define developmental need and provide health services that are culturally responsive. keywords: academics; access; activities; activity; additional; approaches; assessment; associated; australian; bhudrh; broken; brunero; canberra; capacity; care; cent; challenges; children; clinical; clinicians; communities; community; complex; critical; cross; dec; delays; delivery; department; development; disadvantage; early; education; engagement; establishment; evaluation; experiences; families; far; funding; fwlhd; gateways; government; group; health; health care; health service; health students; health workforce; higher; hill; hwa; individual; initiative; institute; integrated; jones; journal; key; language; learning; life; literature; local; lyle; mcallister; model; national; needs; new; nsw; opportunities; organisations; outcomes; parental; partners; partnerships; pathology; placement; policy; practice; pre; primary; primary health; program; pupil; remote; remote health; research; riley; rural; school; sector; service; session; social; speech; staff; strategy; students; supervision; support; sydney; term; therapy; university; vol; webb; west; workforce; working cache: ijcre-4163.pdf plain text: ijcre-4163.txt item: #84 of 196 id: ijcre-4227 author: Donoho, Grace; McElfish, Pearl; Avants, Rachel; Hallgren, Emily title: A novel recruiting and surveying method: Participatory research during a Pacific Islander community’s traditional cultural event date: 2015-09-03 words: 4174 flesch: 47 summary: DISSEMINATION AND ACTION The Arkansas Department of Health printed 100 copies of the 2009 Marshallese Health Survey summary data for distribution. Without health data, new minority communities and their providers do not have the information required to advocate for the programs and services needed. keywords: action; americans; arkansas; avants; care; celebration; census; center; community; constitution; consulate; cultural; data; day; department; donoho; event; families; gaps; gateways; group; hallgren; health; health survey; implementation; information; islanders; jones; local; marshallese; marshallese community; mcelfish; non; northwest; organisations; pacific; participants; population; process; profit; providers; questions; research; results; sample; services; status; study; subcommittee; survey; traditional; university; vol cache: ijcre-4227.pdf plain text: ijcre-4227.txt item: #85 of 196 id: ijcre-4240 author: Checkoway, Barry title: Research as community-building: Perspectives on the scholarship of engagement date: 2015-09-03 words: 4583 flesch: 50 summary: Study guide, Youth Dialogues on Race and Ethnicity in Metropolitan Detroit, Ann Arbor, MI. Checkoway, B & Richards-Schuster, K 2011, ‘Youth participation in community research for racial justice’, in P Nyden, ed., Public sociology: Research, action, and change, Pine Forge Press, Newbury Park, CA. Darden, J & Kamel, S 2000, ‘Black residential segregation in the city and suburbs of Detroit: Mattesich, P & Monsey, B 2001, Community building: What makes it work? keywords: academic; american; approach; building; change; checkoway; city; class; community; data; detroit; development; dialogues; education; engaged; engagement; ethnic; example; experience; faculty; findings; gateways; higher; information; institutional; journal; knowledge; leadership; members; methods; metropolitan; michigan; middle; neighbourhoods; new; o’meara; participants; people; policy; practice; press; problem; process; professional; program; public; research; scholarship; school; segregation; small; social; state; students; suburbs; university; vol; warner; work; york; young; youth cache: ijcre-4240.pdf plain text: ijcre-4240.txt item: #86 of 196 id: ijcre-4339 author: Warr, Deborah; Williams, Richard title: Two steps forward, one step back: Achievements and limitations of university-community partnerships in addressing neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage date: 2016-09-07 words: 8262 flesch: 38 summary: University students became involved through the Student Ambassador Leadership Program (SALP), which assisted in hosting the event. University staff and students worked cooperatively alongside community workers to run the carnivals. keywords: access; activities; approaches; australia; benefits; carlton; case; challenges; city; civic; commitment; communities; community; community development; computers; consultants; contexts; critical; cultural; development; disadvantage; diverse; doi; economic; education; employment; engagement; estate; evaluation; experience; gateways; good; high; housing; important; informants; infrastructure; insights; institutional; international; involvement; issues; jones; key; knowledge; learning; local; local community; lot; low; melbourne; mepo; needs; neoliberal; objectives; opportunities; organisations; outcomes; particular; partnership; people; perspectives; potential; processes; programs; project; public; range; relationships; research; residents; resources; school; skills; social; socioeconomic; sport; staff; students; studies; study; support; tensions; term; things; time; training; universities; university; university staff; value; volunteers; warr; williams; work; worker cache: ijcre-4339.pdf plain text: ijcre-4339.txt item: #87 of 196 id: ijcre-4353 author: Liboro, Renato M; Travers, Robb title: Fundamental researcher attributes: Reflections on ways to facilitate participation in Community Psychology doctoral dissertation research date: 2016-09-07 words: 6320 flesch: 41 summary: They described the advantages of research participants moving forward through this continuum as power structures and imbalances are progressively acknowledged and adjusted along the way. It is most important to believe that, even at the graduate training level, the effort to instil applicable elements of the CBPR orientation in doctoral dissertation research is still a laudable endeavour that new researchers can consciously and courageously take on early in their respective careers. keywords: action; address; attributes; better; board; cbpr; challenges; chung; community; context; counselling; critical; cultural; different; dissertation; dissertation research; doctoral; doi; early; efforts; experiences; gateways; gay; gsa; gsas; health; interest; interviews; issues; journal; levels; lgbt; liboro; literature; marginalised; members; mental; minkler; new; ok2bme; ontario; order; orientation; outcomes; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; practice; principles; process; prospective; recruitment; region; research; researchers; school; services; social; strategy; students; study; support; teachers; time; travers; vol; wallerstein; waterloo; wrdsb; youth cache: ijcre-4353.pdf plain text: ijcre-4353.txt item: #88 of 196 id: ijcre-4389 author: Damiani, Jonathan title: Unusual conversations: A reflection on the mechanics of internationally engaged public scholarship date: 2016-09-07 words: 5999 flesch: 40 summary: American scholars in Japan face the challenge of having to navigate several different cultures at the same time – the academic cultures they bring with them from the United States, the distinct culture of the Japanese workplace and the Japanese academic climate, and the dominant Japanese culture. The goal of my workshop session at IA 2014, entitled ‘Increasing Exchange Between Publicly Engaged Scholars Inside and Outside of the United States’, and of this ongoing project is to focus on finding ways to connect American scholars with a network of higher education and research institutions that hold a commitment to research and service for community development overseas. keywords: academic; american; asia; civic; communities; community; conference; context; conversations; cultural; cultures; damiani; different; education; engaged; engagement; ethnic; exchange; faculty; gateways; global; graduate; higher; home; ifeoma; institutions; international; janeke; japanese; language; members; model; network; new; order; overseas; pacific; participants; people; project; public; research; researchers; scholars; scholarship; session; social; states; students; talloires; understanding; united; united states; universities; university; value; vicky; ways; work; working; world cache: ijcre-4389.pdf plain text: ijcre-4389.txt item: #89 of 196 id: ijcre-4415 author: Garinger, Christine A; Reynolds, Kristin A; Walker, John R; Firsten-Kaufman, Emma; Raimundo, Alicia S; Fogarty, Pauline C; Leonhart, Mark W; Research Group, Mobilizing Minds title: Mobilizing Minds: Integrated knowledge translation and youth engagement in the development of mental health information resources date: 2016-09-07 words: 6254 flesch: 46 summary: Young adult team roles and responsibilities — complexity and size of the project can create role and process confusion —Clarify expectations of all partners early and revisit them. Date Topic Direct participants (individuals and organisations) Estimated reach (tweets visible to followers of participants) May 2012 Online engagement and young adult mental health 33 22 500 June 2012 Exploring models of young adult engagement and partnerships within mental health initiatives (including prevention, promotion and treatment) 16 22 500 Sept 2012 Young adults’ transition to post-secondary school: ideas, supports and services 14 14 714 Jan 2013 Improving mental health conversations: youth, young adults and the media 37 26 000 Jan 2014 Reaching our audience: how to get depression resources into the hands of people who need them 88 57 898 Table 1: keywords: adult; adult team; anxiety; approach; canada; canadian; challenges; collaboration; communication; community; decision; depression; development; disorders; doi; engagement; experience; face; facilitators; findings; firsten; fogarty; garinger; gateways; group; health; help; information; integrated; involvement; journal; kaufman; knowledge; leonhart; making; meetings; members; mental; mental health; minds; mindyourmind; mmrg; need; new; partners; partnership; people; problems; process; processes; products; project; raimundo; research; researchers; resources; reynolds; right; services; social; sub; team; team members; time; tool; translation; treatment; vol; walker; work; ya team; yas; year; young; young adult; youth cache: ijcre-4415.pdf plain text: ijcre-4415.txt item: #90 of 196 id: ijcre-445 author: Low, David title: University-Community Engagement: A grid-group analysis date: 2008-09-29 words: 7451 flesch: 48 summary: Thompson (2000, p. 192), for example, proposes that each quadrant has a distinct ‘information handling style’ which enables it to accept or reject messages from other quadrants. Indeed, without a theory capable of encompassing scientific communication methods, much of the work of a modern university would remain un-analysable. keywords: analysis; australian; authorised; authority; belief; case; claim; communication; community; community engagement; context; cultural; diagram; different; dimension; dissent; douglas; earlier; end; engagement; enquiry; example; gateways; grid; group; hierarchy; ideas; individual; information; issue; knowledge; low; matter; method; new; object; peirce; place; possible; press; priori; quadrant; regulation; research; science; science quadrant; scientific; self; sense; social; society; strong; subject; system; tenacity; theory; thompson; truth; universe; universities; university; view; vol; weak; work cache: ijcre-445.pdf plain text: ijcre-445.txt item: #91 of 196 id: ijcre-4475 author: Clancy, Sharon title: The politics of public engagement – Reclaiming community? date: 2015-09-03 words: 2970 flesch: 37 summary: We need this detailed scrutiny if we are to progress with community engagement, create freedom and opportunity, and forge social change in line with Laing’s and Watson’s vision. (Posner 2009, p. 6) 162 | Gateways | Clancy Around the time I started my public engagement role at the University, in 2008, the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) founded an initiative for establishing a coordinated approach to recognising, rewarding and building capacity for public engagement, called the Beacons project. keywords: academic; activity; adult; brighton; business; change; civic; clancy; communities; community; education; engagement; experience; funding; gateways; hefce; higher; impact; life; nccpe; network; order; people; policy; practitioners; public; public engagement; real; research; role; sector; social; society; space; talloires; teaching; universities; university; voluntary; watson; website; williams; world cache: ijcre-4475.pdf plain text: ijcre-4475.txt item: #92 of 196 id: ijcre-4717 author: De Waal, Maretha; Khumisi, Oumiki title: Supporting communities of practice: A reflection on the benefits and challenges facing communities of practice for research and engagement in nursing date: 2016-09-07 words: 6625 flesch: 42 summary: org/10.4102/ curationis.v37i1.1170 McDermott, R 2000, ‘Community development as a natural step: Five stages of community development’, Knowledge Management Review, vol. A key element of sustaining communities of practice over time is to encourage community members to be explicit about the value of the community throughout its lifetime. keywords: africa; aids; building; capacity; care; challenges; collective; communities; community; context; development; different; district; diverse; doi; education; ellis; engagement; event; example; experiences; following; funding; gateways; group; health; healthcare; hiv; important; individual; interest; khumisi; knowledge; learning; making; management; members; need; new; nursing; opportunities; organisations; participation; performance; period; plan; practice; process; professional; program; purpose; related; research; review; shared; skills; social; south; staff; strategic; strategy; support; systems; theory; tshwane; universities; university; value; vol; waal; wenger; women; work; workforce; world; year cache: ijcre-4717.pdf plain text: ijcre-4717.txt item: #93 of 196 id: ijcre-4729 author: Hanson, Cindy; Ogunade, Adeyemi title: Caught up in power: Exploring discursive frictions in community research date: 2016-09-07 words: 7729 flesch: 39 summary: Citation: Hanson, C & Ogunade, A 2016, ‘Caught up in power: Exploring discursive frictions in community research’, Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. Critical reflections on how power is both built into and exercised in community research using a Foucauldian analysis is our humble attempt at challenging our own actions in the field of community research as well as a call to others involved in such ‘noble’ pursuits. keywords: academic; action; adult; agenda; approach; asymmetries; care; case; cbr; change; communities; community; community members; community research; control; critical; differences; discourse; discursive; discursive frictions; doi; education; emancipatory; engagement; experiences; facilitation; farmers; foucault; frictions; gateways; goals; groups; hanson; health; human; important; indigenous; influence; interests; international; issues; janes; journal; key; kngo; knowledge; learning; material; members; mental; methodologies; murphy; needs; new; notion; ogunade; participants; participatory; partnerships; photo; positions; power; power asymmetries; practice; privilege; process; project; relationships; research; researchers; results; role; social; study; team; university; veterans; voice; vol; work cache: ijcre-4729.pdf plain text: ijcre-4729.txt item: #94 of 196 id: ijcre-4788 author: Schvaneveldt, Paul; Spencer, Todd title: Impact of international humanitarian service-learning on emerging adult social competence: A mixed-methods evaluation date: 2016-09-07 words: 8398 flesch: 50 summary: 14, no. 6. doi: Eyler, J & Giles, D 1996, A practitioners guide to reflection in service learning, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TE. Upon returning home, American students participating in international volunteer service reported having a ‘reformed identity’ (Dolby 2004). keywords: able; activities; adults; appreciation; astin; bandura; better; care; cent; changes; children; citizenship; commitment; community; competence; completion; cultures; development; different; doi; education; efficacy; esteem; experience; family; future; gateways; global; greater; growth; higher; humanitarian; identity; impact; individuals; international; international service; journal; leadership; learning; levels; life; likely; longer; love; martin; opportunities; orphanages; osso; participants; people; personal; positive; quotes; research; sample; schvaneveldt; self; sense; service; service learning; servicelearning; significant; social; spencer; stoner; students; study; support; tarrant; term; things; time; university; volunteering; volunteers; work cache: ijcre-4788.pdf plain text: ijcre-4788.txt item: #95 of 196 id: ijcre-4802 author: Wilson, Ciann; Oliver, Vanessa; Flicker, Sarah; Sexual Health Network, Native Youth; Prentice, Tracey; Jackson, Randy; Larkin, June; Restoule, Jean-Paul; Mitchell, Claudia title: 'Culture' as HIV prevention: Indigenous youth speak up! date: 2016-09-07 words: 6528 flesch: 49 summary: In this article, we explore (a) the ways Indigenous youth involved in an HIV intervention take up and reclaim their cultures as a project of defining self, and (b) the way Indigenous culture can be used as a tool for resistance, HIV prevention, and health Ciann Wilson Vanessa Oliver Wilfrid Laurier University Sarah Flicker York University Native Youth Sexual Health Network Tracey Prentice University of Victoria Randy Jackson McMaster University June Larkin Jean-Paul Restoule University of Toronto Claudia Mitchell McGill University © 2016 by C Wilson, V Oliver, S Flicker, Native Youth Sexual Health Network, T Prentice, R Jackson, J Larkin, J-P Restoule & C Mitchell. BACKGROUND Tensions surrounding Indigenous culture and identity are situated in the nation-building history of Canada, in which racial classifications were layered upon legal definitions and were deemed necessary for socially constructing a ‘strong’ white settler society as superior to, and separate from, Indigenous communities and other racial minorities (Mawani 2002). keywords: 2010; aboriginal; aboriginal youth; action; aids; american; approaches; art; arts; canada; canadian; colonisation; communities; community; cultural; culture; data; doi; elders; et al; factors; flicker; forms; gateways; health; hip; hiv; hop; identity; important; indian; indigenous; indigenous youth; jackson; journal; kaufman; knowledge; land; language; larkin; lawrence; mitchell; models; narratives; nations; native; network; new; nyshn; oliver; ownership; participants; people; political; practices; prentice; prevention; project; promotion; public; race; research; residential; restoule; ricci; risk; self; sexual; sexual health; sexuality; simpson; social; steenbeek; stuff; toronto; traditional; university; use; vol; wilson; young; youth cache: ijcre-4802.pdf plain text: ijcre-4802.txt item: #96 of 196 id: ijcre-4868 author: Egeru, Anthony; Nampala, Paul; Massa-Makuma, Henry; Osiru, Moses; Ekwamu, Adipala title: Innovating for skills enhancement in agricultural sciences in Africa: The centrality of field attachment programs date: 2016-09-07 words: 5044 flesch: 32 summary: For the graduate students, the FAPA presents an opportunity to participate in a Skills category Skills and competences gained Network and advocacy skills —Matching farmer needs to research needs —Mobilising communities —Developing farmer value systems —Engaging with policy and decision makers —Gaining facilitation skills —Jointly preparing for and working with development partners and community development officers —Undertaking fundraising via competitive grants and other fund-raising events Reality checks arising from implementation of FAPA and skills development and attainment Realities that need to be taken into consideration —Smallholder farmers are profit oriented but have limited appreciation of unit cost investment to increase yield output —Entrepreneurial abilities of smallholder farmers need to be strengthened —Smallholder farmers adopt and adapt technologies that directly address their production challenges —Smallholder farmers have indigenous knowledge that is non-static —Smallholder farmer buy-in is easy when the study is conducted with direct farmer participation from the beginning —Smallholder farmers still have challenges with record keeping —Timing of the dissemination activities; for example, it is difficult to gather farmers together in the morning hours during the wet season —Curriculum inadequacy at university level to tackle practical agriculture —Attention to institutional processes needed 167 | Gateways | Egeru, Nampala, Makuma-Massa, Osiru & Ekwamu real-life industrial working environment with hands-on exposure to the world of work immediately after completion of graduate training. Skills category Skills and competences gained Initiative and leadership —Ability to execute part of the research components —Developing innovation platform plans —Negotiating with producer and marketing value chain actors on better supporting farmers —Developing farmer community-based organisations —Bringing different farmer groups together to pool resources and manage bulk produce —Identifying gaps for PhD research —Engaging with development partners leading to the award of PhD scholarship —Influencing primary schools to introduce practical agriculture in the curriculum through school gardening —Focusing on patenting the product outputs of the research with the support of the university intellectual property policy Flexibility —Methodological adaptation during implementation, including trying out new methods never used before —Ability to manage conflict among different stakeholders during implementation —Strategic decision making Good communication —Respecting and understanding cultural differences —Considering equity, equality and justice/fairness during meetings —Demonstrating knowledge transfer from research to practice —Speaking motivationally to different stakeholders within the same audience Analytical skills —Discerning farmer challenges —Conducting situation analysis —Understanding gender-based perspectives —Recognising farmer ingenuity in handling complex challenges with simpler solutions —Recognising result variations and difficulty in farmer adherence to scientific practices —Conducting comparative analysis of costs for farmer inputs (e.g. locally produced rations are cheaper than commercially produced rations) keywords: african; agricultural; application; attachment; award; capacity; challenges; communities; community; costs; cycles; development; disbursement; dissemination; doi; education; egeru; ekwamu; engagement; example; experience; fapa; fapa grant; farmers; field; field attachment; gateways; graduate; grant; grantees; higher; iii; implementation; information; journal; june; knowledge; learning; lessons; level; makuma; massa; nampala; need; network; number; online; osiru; phase; pilot; postgraduate; process; processes; programs; reporting; research; review; ruforum; sciences; skills; smallholder; students; supervisors; system; table; training; uganda; universities; university; value; vol; work; working cache: ijcre-4868.pdf plain text: ijcre-4868.txt item: #97 of 196 id: ijcre-4872 author: Lindquist-Grantz, Robin; Vaughn, Lisa M title: The journey and destination need to be intentional: Perceptions of success in community-academic research partnerships date: 2016-09-07 words: 8905 flesch: 43 summary: Academics and community members collaborating in research partnerships need to be aware of the power and importance of partnership processes and cultivate them as much as the achievement of research outcomes. For the purpose of this study, participants may have been involved in any type of research partnership along the continuum of community engagement, meaning no distinction was made between partnerships where community members were involved in all phases of the research and those where community members were only included in certain phases of the research. keywords: academic; academic research; analysis; approach; building; collaboration; community; community members; community research; concept; concept mapping; data; doi; duran; education; engagement; equitable; et al; evaluation; factors; figure; findings; functioning; gateways; generation; goals; grantz; group; health; important; individual; interview; involved; israel; israel et; jagosh; journal; kane; knowledge; lantz; lindquist; long; lucero; mapping; members; methods; mixed; need; open; order; outcomes; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; partnership; partnership processes; planning; processes; project; qualitative; questions; relationships; research; research outcomes; research partnerships; researchers; responses; schulz; shared; studies; study; success; successful; tangible; term; time; trochim; trust; use; vaughn; vol; wallerstein; work cache: ijcre-4872.pdf plain text: ijcre-4872.txt item: #98 of 196 id: ijcre-4947 author: Page-Reeves, Janet; Marin, Ananda; Bleecker, Molly; Moffett, Maurice Leon; DeerInWater, Kathy; EchoHawk, Sarah; Medin, Douglas title: From community data to research archive: Partnering to increase and sustain capacity within a native organization date: 2017-06-22 words: 6629 flesch: 29 summary: Situating Knowledge: Infrastructure as a Component of Community Research Capacity While human resources and knowledge are important dimensions of the power dynamic in community research, the tendency in the literature has been to under-appreciate the nature and dynamics of infrastructural resources. Cook W 2008, ‘Integrating research and action: A systematic review of community based participatory research to address health disparities in environmental and occupational health in the USA’, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, vol. keywords: action; aises; american; applications; approach; bang; bleecker; boxes; building; capacity; communities; community; community engagement; community research; company; copy; current; data; database; deerinwater; design; development; different; documents; doi; dynamics; echohawk; education; engagement; engineering; experience; files; funding; future; gateways; hard; health; higher; human; indian; indigenous; individuals; infrastructure; institutional; issues; journal; knowledge; lead; marin; medin; members; mexico; moffett; national; native; need; new; non; organisation; page; participation; partnerships; power; practice; process; profit; project; public; reeves; research; research process; researchers; resources; review; scanned; scanning; scholarship; science; smith; social; stem; students; support; team; university; unm; vol; wallerstein; work cache: ijcre-4947.pdf plain text: ijcre-4947.txt item: #99 of 196 id: ijcre-5000 author: Wright, Cheryl A; Wright, Scott D; Diener, Marissa L; Rafferty, Deborah; Sampson, Allison title: Leveraging 3D Technology for Students with Autism: An innovative university-community collaboration for skill development and vocational exploration date: 2017-06-22 words: 8264 flesch: 50 summary: Although one of the goals of the program was increased social engagement, one student did not want any social interaction with other students or staff. Many students with autism are visual learners and interact with SketchUp modelling tools and design techniques with confidence and creative ability (Grandin 1995; Kennedy & Banks 2011; keywords: able; adulthood; adults; asd; autism; autism spectrum; behaviour; case; cent; centre; challenges; collaboration; community; company; computer; construction; creative; day; design; development; diener; disabilities; disorders; doi; education; employment; engagement; environment; et al; evaluation; experience; expert; facilitators; families; family; gateways; goal; group; high; individuals; interests; issues; job; journal; learning; life; new; outcomes; parents; peer; people; positive; program; project; rafferty; rehabilitation; research; review; sampson; school; services; shattuck; sketchup; skills; social; spectrum; staff; students; study; successful; sung; support; team; technology; time; transition; university; use; vocational; vol; week; wehman; work; working; workshop; wright; years; young; youth cache: ijcre-5000.pdf plain text: ijcre-5000.txt item: #100 of 196 id: ijcre-509 author: Levesque, Peter title: Government Support and Infrastructure: Realizing the value of collaborative work date: 2008-09-29 words: 5073 flesch: 42 summary: Lavis, JN, Robertson, D, Woodside, JM, McLeod CB & Abelson, J 2003, ‘How can research organizations more effectively transfer research knowledge to decision makers’, The Millbank Quarterley, vol. This program has had a significant effect on the administration and development of research support programs funded by the Canadian federal government and to a lesser extent on government agencies in other countries. keywords: best; campus; canada; canadian; centre; clear; collaborative; communities; community; context; council; creation; cura; data; environment; form; funding; gateways; gibbons; government; grants; greater; health; important; incentives; individuals; information; infrastructure; initiatives; institutions; knowledge; law; levesque; mental; methods; mode; new; organizations; partnerships; people; political; process; processes; production; program; public; research; resources; results; role; science; scientific; significant; social; sshrc; support; system; universities; university; value; vol; work; youth cache: ijcre-509.pdf plain text: ijcre-509.txt item: #101 of 196 id: ijcre-5111 author: Twine, Rhian; Kahn, Kathleen; Lewando Hundt, Gillian title: Assessing the effectiveness of a longitudinal knowledge dissemination intervention: Sharing research findings in rural South Africa date: 2017-06-22 words: 8585 flesch: 43 summary: Changes in attitudes The types of questions asked at village meetings and targeted briefings illustrate changing attitudes in relation to both the research activities and research results over time. Village-based meetings attracted only 2 to 4 per cent of the population, and even if 25 per cent of attendees shared the information gained, knowledge acquisition through village meetings was modest across the study area. keywords: acquisition; activities; africa; agincourt; annual; area; attendees; attitudes; audience; brokerage; case; census; cent; changes; community; council; data; demographic; development; dissemination; doi; effectiveness; engagement; et al; ethics; evaluation; evidence; fact; feedback; figure; findings; gateways; global; group; hdss; health; health research; households; hundt; information; international; interviews; journal; kahn; kdi; kdis; knowledge; lafrenière; leaders; lewando; local; longitudinal; medical; meetings; mrc; participants; people; policy; population; practices; providers; public; qualitative; questionnaires; questions; relevant; requests; research; research results; results; review; role; rural; science; service; service providers; sharing; sheets; social; south; specific; studies; study; study area; support; time; tollman; traditional; twine; understanding; unit; university; village; village leaders; villagers; vol; ward; wits; work; years cache: ijcre-5111.pdf plain text: ijcre-5111.txt item: #102 of 196 id: ijcre-512 author: Onyx, Jenny title: University-Community Engagement: What does it mean? date: 2008-09-29 words: 5816 flesch: 47 summary: This research – namely the story of social capital research – was initiated by a request from community partners and was carried out in collaboration with them. She was preparing her much-respected Boyer lectures at the 2 The story of social capital research is also recorded in Onyx (2003). keywords: action; australia; bullen; cacom; capital; centre; citizens; civil; communities; community; community development; context; critical; development; different; engagement; example; expert; formal; forms; funding; gateways; goldfarb; government; groups; important; informal; intellectual; international; knowledge; leonard; local; measure; nature; networks; new; nsw; onyx; organizations; people; policy; political; press; process; production; professional; profit; programme; public; research; resources; role; scientific; sector; services; significant; small; social; social capital; society; state; story; support; sydney; technology; time; university; university research; volunteers; world cache: ijcre-512.pdf plain text: ijcre-512.txt item: #103 of 196 id: ijcre-5151 author: Curnow, Joe title: Challenging the empowerment expectation: Learning, alienation and design possibilities in community-university research date: 2017-06-22 words: 8682 flesch: 44 summary: Using the case of the Community Learning Collaborative (CLC), a pseudonym for a Canadian community-university partnership committed to addressing poverty through community- based participatory action research in low-income communities of colour, I examine what community researchers learnt through their participation in a survey of their neighbours. In particular, several studies focus on the challenging role of community researchers and the potential for their experiences to be productive and empowering, or not (Edwards & Alexander 2011; Greene et al. 2009; Kilpatrick et al. 2007; Warr, Mann & Tacticos 2010). keywords: action; action research; alienation; analysis; building; capacity; challenges; change; clc; collaborative; collective; communities; community; community members; community organisations; community researchers; curnow; data; development; doi; education; empowerment; engagement; experiences; focus; gateways; grievances; group; health; important; information; international; interviews; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; like; local; members; neighbourhood; new; opportunities; organisations; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; partnerships; peer; peer researchers; people; potential; problems; process; project; questions; research; researchers; respondents; results; sense; skills; social; social action; studies; survey; things; toronto; university; university research; vol; work cache: ijcre-5151.pdf plain text: ijcre-5151.txt item: #104 of 196 id: ijcre-516 author: Muirhead, Bruce; Woolcock, Geoff title: Doing What we Know we Should: Engaged scholarship and community development date: 2008-09-29 words: 7881 flesch: 39 summary: While the civic role of universities is acknowledged by individual universities, higher education management and at the Federal policy level, they are most often framed as funding problems related to ‘community service’ rather than as research opportunities which can raise the university’s profile by providing the basis for excellent research outputs and community enrichment. A conception of engaged scholarship that replaces community service is vital to such a role. keywords: action; activities; administration; agencies; agency; analysis; australian; building; capacity; capital; centre; certificate; change; collaboration; communities; community; community engagement; complex; csrc; delivery; development; education; effective; engagement; evaluation; focus; funding; gateways; goodna; goodna community; goodna sip; governance; government; graduate; higher; human; ideas; integrated; integration; ipswich; issues; key; learning; level; literature; local; management; mandell; measurement; members; muirhead; needs; network; new; organisations; outcomes; partnerships; place; policy; practice; processes; programmes; project; public; queensland; regional; relationship; relevant; research; resources; scholarship; service; service integration; significant; sip; sip team; skills; social; state; strategies; structures; studies; sustainable; teaching; team; time; universities; university; vol; wellbeing; woolcock cache: ijcre-516.pdf plain text: ijcre-516.txt item: #105 of 196 id: ijcre-5202 author: Worton, S. Kathleen; Loomis, Colleen; Pancer, S. Mark; Nelson, Geoffrey; Peters, Ray DeV. title: Evidence to impact: A community knowledge mobilisation evaluation framework date: 2017-06-22 words: 9092 flesch: 37 summary: v10i1.5202 Corresponding author: S. Kathleen Worton; DOI: ijcre.v10i1.5202 ISSN 1836-3393 Published by UTS ePRESS journals/index.php/ijcre/index 122 | Gateways | Worton, Loomis, Pancer, Nelson & Peters 2 To present a framework to evaluate knowledge mobilisation that captures knowledge use for community stakeholders’ goals 3 To refine the framework by applying it. Our proposed framework is intended for evaluating the effectiveness of knowledge mobilisation and capturing different forms of knowledge use in the pre- implementation phase. keywords: action; activities; application; approach; armstrong; beginnings; better; better beginnings; change; children; ckme; ckme framework; communities; community; community knowledge; community settings; community stakeholders; components; core; development; different; doi; early; efforts; engagement; evaluation; evidence; families; findings; fit; forms; framework; futures; gateways; goals; good; health; https://doi; impact; implementation; information; initiatives; innovation; journal; knowledge; knowledge mobilisation; knowledge use; learning; local; loomis; miller; mobilisation activities; model; needs; nelson; new; non; organisations; outcomes; pancer; parents; participants; peters; policy; practice; primary; process; programs; project; questions; research; researchers; resources; services; settings; sharing; shinn; short; social; specific; stakeholders; strategies; support; term; time; translation; use; vol; workshop; worton cache: ijcre-5202.pdf plain text: ijcre-5202.txt item: #106 of 196 id: ijcre-526 author: Christie, Michael title: Yolngu Studies: A case study of Aboriginal community engagement date: 2008-09-29 words: 5321 flesch: 42 summary: The area in the middle of the diagram can be rigorously defined as Yolngu research because it fulfils the criteria for both Yolngu knowledge production and academic research. This has required many flights in light aircraft to dozens of Yolngu communities and homeland centres at the cost of many thousands of dollars. keywords: aboriginal; academic; advisers; arnhem; australian; available; balanda; cdu; centre; christie; clan; collaborative; communication; communities; community; community engagement; context; culture; darwin; different; education; engagement; example; funding; garma; gateways; good; grassers; groups; gupapuyngu; kinship; knowledge; language; life; long; metaphor; michael; mission; new; ongoing; particular; people; practices; production; programme; project; protocols; range; research; researchers; resources; short; students; studies; study; teaching; team; texts; time; traditions; transdisciplinary; university; use; waymamba; work; years; yolngu; yolngu languages; yolngu studies cache: ijcre-526.pdf plain text: ijcre-526.txt item: #107 of 196 id: ijcre-5268 author: Vuong, Trang; Newcomb Rowe, Amy; Hoyt, Lorlene; Carrier, Carol title: Faculty perspectives on rewards and incentives for community-engaged work: A multinational exploratory study date: 2017-06-22 words: 6227 flesch: 35 summary: Lastly, regarding positive statements about engaged faculties in questions 11 and 12, a majority of respondents agreed. Female faculty members also showed stronger agreement that engaged faculties were widely respected in their universities for conducting research that addressed important societal issues. keywords: academic; analysis; carrier; cent; civic; community; community engagement; data; different; discipline; doi; education; engaged; engagement; exploratory; factors; faculties; faculty; faculty perspectives; findings; forms; future; gateways; gender; global; higher; higher education; hoyt; important; incentives; information; institutional; international; issue; journal; june; learning; literature; members; multiple; network; opinions; o’meara; perceptions; perspectives; pilot; policies; policy; promotion; public; question; region; research; respondents; results; reward; rowe; sample; scholarship; social; south; studies; study; support; survey; talloires; teaching; tenure; title; type; universities; university; variables; vol; vuong; work cache: ijcre-5268.pdf plain text: ijcre-5268.txt item: #108 of 196 id: ijcre-5278 author: Dodd, Alice title: Finding the community in sustainable online community engagement: Not-for-profit organisation websites, service-learning and research date: 2017-06-22 words: 7790 flesch: 38 summary: Students of the University of South Australia create websites and other communication products for not-for-profit community organisations as part of their courses. In theory, it also contributes to the university’s mission of engaging with its communities to address the major issues of the time (UniSA 2017), in particular, the need for not-for-profit community organisations to build capacity in using internet-based ICT (Australian Government Productivity Commission 2010; CISA et al. 2007; Denison 2008; Denison, Stillman & Johanson 2007; keywords: 2015; analysis; april; australia; barriers; benefits; cent; communication; communities; community; community engagement; community organisations; content; denison; dodd; doi; education; effective; engagement; features; furco; gateways; good; government; groups; help; higher; https://doi; ict; information; interactive; interested; international; issues; journal; knowledge; lack; learning; management; managers; marriott; members; new; nonprofit; ongoing; online; online community; organisations; outcomes; particular; partners; people; potential; practice; presence; profit; project; public; research; resources; sector; service; service learning; significant; skills; soce; social; south; staff; strategies; students; survey; sustainable; teaching; technology; time; training; universities; university; use; vol; volunteer; websites cache: ijcre-5278.pdf plain text: ijcre-5278.txt item: #109 of 196 id: ijcre-5307 author: Gagnon, Valoree; Gorman, Hugh; Norman, Emma title: Power and politics in research design and practice: Opening up space for social equity in interdisciplinary, multi-jurisdictional and community-based research date: 2017-06-22 words: 9206 flesch: 40 summary: Exploring discursive frictions in community research’, Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. The strengthened relationship has also led to continued dialogue on community research needs. keywords: advisories; asep; asep project; atmospheric; bay; building; case; communities; community; community partners; community research; compounds; concentrations; consumption; contamination; critical; cultural; day; design; doi; donatuto; dynamics; emissions; engagement; environmental; equitable; event; fish; fishing; focus; forums; future; gagnon; gateways; global; governance; great; groups; health; human; impacts; important; indian; indigenous; indigenous research; influence; information; international; investigators; issues; journal; justice; keweenaw; knowledge; lakes; local; long; members; mercury; michigan; national; new; norman; opening; o’neill; participants; participatory; partners; perlinger; physical; place; pollutants; power; practice; problem; process; project; question; relationships; research; researchers; safe; science; second; social; space; specific; states; superior; surface; team; technological; term; time; tissue; toxic; transport; tribal; united; university; usepa; value; vol; water; workshop; world cache: ijcre-5307.pdf plain text: ijcre-5307.txt item: #110 of 196 id: ijcre-5334 author: Sykes, Brent E; Pendley, Joy; Deacon, Zermarie title: Transformative learning, tribal membership and cultural restoration: A case study of an embedded Native American service-learning project at a research university date: 2017-06-22 words: 10744 flesch: 42 summary: The principal research question that we address in this article is: how did tribal students and leaders come to understand the educational and cultural significance of this service-learning project? 206 | Gateways | Sykes, Pendley & Deacon Tribe-University Collaboration: Participants Participants included tribal students involved in the service- learning project embedded within the learning community (n=24) and tribal leaders (n= 6). keywords: academic; action; activities; adult; american; american tribal; analysis; case; cbpr; children; collaboration; collective; college; communal; communities; community; connection; consciousness; consistent; course; critical; cultural; culture; dance; data; deacon; development; doi; education; events; evidence; experiences; fair; families; family; framework; gateways; gone; governor; health; higher; historical; history; https://doi; identity; importance; indian; indigenous; irb; journal; knowledge; land; language; leaders; learning; learning community; learning theory; loss; means; members; membership; mezirow; nation; native; native american; needs; new; opportunity; participants; pendley; perspectives; process; program; programming; project; question; reflection; research; researchers; result; review; role; second; service; service learning; servicelearning; significance; social; sources; strong; students; studies; study; support; survey; sykes; theory; time; transformative; transformative learning; trauma; tribal; tribal leaders; tribal members; tribal nation; tribal service; tribal students; understanding; university; values; view; vol; westernised; workshop; world; year; youth cache: ijcre-5334.pdf plain text: ijcre-5334.txt item: #111 of 196 id: ijcre-5427 author: Wong, Chin Hoong; Chen, Lee Ping; Koh, Kwee Choy; Chua, Siew Houy; Jong, Darren Chee Hiung; Mohd Fauzi, Nurliyana Mardhiah; Lim, Sue Yin title: Serving an Indigenous community: Exploring the cultural competence of medical students in a rural setting date: 2017-06-22 words: 9626 flesch: 45 summary: In addition to their exposure to community health as part of the curriculum, IMU medical students are required to participate in a minimum of three community engagement activities as part of their medical training. We conducted this study to determine the cultural competence among IMU medical students who participated in community engagement activities in an indigenous community, and provide insight into how their cultural competency can be further enhanced. keywords: able; access; activities; analysis; areas; asli; asli people; awareness; baer; basis; cares; center; challenges; change; chen; chua; communities; community; community service; competence; concerns; cross; cultural; cultural competence; culture; december; development; different; doi; education; engagement; facilities; fauzi; gateways; good; group; health; healthcare; help; important; imu; indigenous; indigenous community; indigenous people; information; international; isolation; issues; jong; journal; kampung; key; knowledge; koh; lack; land; life; lim; living; malaysia; medical; medical students; medicine; mohd; national; need; new; nicholas; orang; orang asli; patients; people; possible; problems; project; questionnaire; relationships; research; resources; responses; rural; schools; sebir; self; service; setting; skills; social; society; students; study; teacher; tekir; theme; training; university; view; village; visit; vol; wong; work; working; world cache: ijcre-5427.pdf plain text: ijcre-5427.txt item: #112 of 196 id: ijcre-5436 author: Macpherson, Hannah; Davies, Ceri; Hart, Angie; Eryigit-Madzwamuse, Suna; Rathbone, Anne; Gagnon, Emily; Buttery, Lisa; Dennis, Scott title: Collaborative community research dissemination and networking: Experiences and challenges date: 2017-06-22 words: 6654 flesch: 49 summary: The application process for participating in the event and 308 | Gateways | Macpherson, Davies, Hart, Eryigit-Madzwamuse, Rathbone, Gagnon & Buttery an involvement in presenting work to research communities ends up re-inscribing peoples identities as ‘marginalised’ or as ‘young people with mental health problems’ that in fact arts activities had, at least temporarily and partially, released those people from. For the young people I worked with their expectations for the Showcase were based on their experiences of the art exhibitions and project displays their group had held at community events and in public spaces – the discrepancy between such events and a roomful of mostly academics caused some confusion…the lack of exposure of their artwork to public and peers seemed to add an edge of disappointment for some. keywords: academics; article; arts; basic; brighton; buttery; cardiff; challenges; collaborative; communities; community; connected; davies; different; dissemination; diverse; doi; engagement; eryigit; event; example; expectations; future; gagnon; gateways; group; hart; health; house; involved; issues; knowledge; learning; macpherson; madzwamuse; mental; need; networking; new; number; opportunity; partners; partnerships; people; planning; practice; process; programme; project; public; rathbone; research; resilience; showcase; showcase event; social; stand; time; universities; university; work; working; young; young people cache: ijcre-5436.pdf plain text: ijcre-5436.txt item: #113 of 196 id: ijcre-5439 author: Kabaria-Muriithi, Joan; VanLeeuwen, Charlene A; Kathuri-Ogola, Lucy; Weeks, Lori E title: Expectations of Field Supervisors in Kenya: Implications for Community-based Human Service Practicums date: 2018-05-31 words: 8647 flesch: 37 summary: This experience during CBL can contribute to students gaining transformative real-world learning experiences (Hatcher & Erasmus 2008), especially in a country such as Kenya in which organisations have few resources to devote to planning or preparation for student learning experiences. CLEAR EXPECTATIONS Six field supervisors exhibited some level of understanding of the expectations of their role in working with practicum students. keywords: able; academic; activities; africa; approach; benefits; block; bringle; cbl; challenges; clayton; community; community organisations; community research; community service; context; countries; data; department; development; doi; education; engagement; expectations; experience; faculty; field; field supervisors; form; gateways; goals; graduates; hatcher; higher; host; human; institutions; international; international journal; journal; kabaria; kathuri; kenya; knowledge; lack; learning; market; muriithi; needs; ogola; opportunities; organisations; outcomes; partnerships; practice; practicum; preparation; prior; professional; program; relationships; research; results; role; service; service learning; skills; social; south; staff; students; studies; study; supervisors; support; term; themes; unclear; undergraduate; understanding; universities; university; vanleeuwen; vol; weeks; work cache: ijcre-5439.pdf plain text: ijcre-5439.txt item: #114 of 196 id: ijcre-5471 author: Irarrázaval, Ignacio; Tello, Cristóbal; Valdivieso, Gonzalo title: Puentes UC: A bridge between university and society date: 2017-06-22 words: 5302 flesch: 25 summary: Figure 1: Development of Puentes UC programs, 2002–2016. Puentes UC projects allow the institution to gather information, assess administrative effectiveness, develop preliminary projects they wish to promote, innovate, and have additional technical resources at their disposal to carry out priority initiatives. keywords: academic; activities; agreements; assessment; benefit; catholic; cent; challenges; children; chile; chilean; collaboration; coordinator; departments; design; development; different; engagement; gateways; impact; institutions; irarrázaval; knowledge; level; local; model; municipalities; municipality; new; offers; order; participation; plan; policy; professional; program; projects; public; puentes uc; requests; research; social; society; staff; students; teachers; team; technical; tello; training; uc model; undergraduate; universities; university; valdivieso; work; world; year cache: ijcre-5471.pdf plain text: ijcre-5471.txt item: #115 of 196 id: ijcre-5480 author: Hernández Arámburo, Rebeca; Cruz González, Héctor; Ceja Rivas, Alicia title: University vinculación: A two-way strategy for sustainable development and academic relevance date: 2017-06-22 words: 8087 flesch: 29 summary: Citation: Hernández Arámburo, R, Cruz González, H & Ceja Rivas, A 2017, ‘University vinculación: A two-way strategy for sustainable development and academic relevance’, Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, vol. Understood in this way, university vinculación is achieved to the extent that certain basic conditions are met: 1 keywords: academic; academic relevance; action; areas; article; arámburo; ceja; commitment; communities; community; context; cruz; cruz gonzález; development; diagnosis; different; economic; economic development; education; environment; evaluation; feedback; figure; focused; gateways; gonzález; government; groups; health; hernández; hernández arámburo; higher; impact; important; indicators; information; institutions; interaction; knowledge; lines; mexico; needs; new; perspective; planning; possible; problems; process; programs; projects; proposal; public; purpose; relevance; research; resources; results; rivas; role; science; scientific; social; social development; social relevance; society; specific; state; strategic; strategy; students; substantive; support; sustainable; sustainable development; technological; technology; theoretical; training; transformation; universidad; universities; university; university social; university vinculación; veracruzana; vinculación; work cache: ijcre-5480.pdf plain text: ijcre-5480.txt item: #116 of 196 id: ijcre-5481 author: Huda, Maryam; Rabbani, Unaib; Rabbani, Fauziah title: Inculcating health awareness in Karachi, Pakistan: How innovative, socially acceptable methods can help combat communicable diseases of poverty date: 2017-06-22 words: 7316 flesch: 41 summary: For the community, collaboration is underpinned by four key stages of community development (Figure 1). The first two phases of community development, as practised by UHP, are the most important, as this is when trust is developed; when trust and understanding occurs, the communities come forward of their own initiative to take part in the activities. keywords: accountability; activities; activity; agahi; awareness; campaigns; care; causes; cent; centre; children; colony; communicable; communities; community; community health; control; dengue; department; development; different; diseases; doi; door; education; families; family; fever; gateways; goth; government; health; health awareness; health care; health program; hepatitis; high; hijrat; huda; infection; issues; journal; karachi; khan; knowledge; lane; management; measures; medical; members; national; number; pakistan; patients; people; personal; policy; poor; population; prevention; primary; program; public; rabbani; rehri; research; risk; sanitation; school; sciences; screening; services; sessions; settlements; sites; social; spread; squatter; strategies; students; sultanabad; symptoms; targeted; total; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; uhp; university; urban; vol; water; women; work; world; years cache: ijcre-5481.pdf plain text: ijcre-5481.txt item: #117 of 196 id: ijcre-5527 author: Levkoe, Charles Z; Stack-Cutler, Holly title: Brokering Community–campus Partnerships: An Analytical Framework date: 2018-05-31 words: 9772 flesch: 31 summary: References Alcantara, L, Harper, G, Keys, C & The Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions 2015, ‘“There’s gotta be some give and take”: Community partner perspectives on benefits and contributions associated with community partnerships for youth’, Youth & Society, vol. Brown, L, Ochocka, J, de Grosbois, S & Hall, B 2015, ‘Kamúcwkalha: Canadian approaches to community-university research partnerships’, in B Hall, R Tandon & C Tremblay (eds), Strengthening community university research partnerships: Global perspectives, University of Victoria, British Columbia, BC, pp. keywords: academic; activities; analytical; approach; article; brokering; brokering initiatives; brokers; building; campus; campus partnerships; canada; canadian; capacity; categories; cce; cce brokers; centre; challenges; common; communities; community; community engagement; community organisations; community partners; community research; cutler; development; different; dimensions; education; engaged; engagement; evaluation; example; face; faculty; food; framework; funding; gateways; health; higher;; initiatives; institutions; international; journal; keating; key; kinds; knowledge; learning; level; levkoe; making; members; needs; network; new; objectives; ongoing; opportunities; organisations; participants; partnership brokering; partnerships; physical; platforms; practitioners; process; project; purpose; relationships; research; research partnerships; resources; role; rural; services; sjoquist; social; specific; stack; staff; structures; students; successful; support; teaching; tennyson; term; time; tools; training; university; use; virtual; vol cache: ijcre-5527.pdf plain text: ijcre-5527.txt item: #118 of 196 id: ijcre-5532 author: García, Oscar Gabriel; Hallu, Rubén title: Learning and service at the University of Buenos Aires: A theoretical framework guiding the implementation of educational social practices date: 2017-06-22 words: 5545 flesch: 35 summary: Learning and Service at the University of Buenos Aires A theoretical framework guiding the implementation of educational social practices In recent years Argentina’s higher education system has acted on a number of proposals that seek to prioritise those activities that link university and community. This article discusses the implementation of educational social practices or mechanisms (Program of Educational Social Practices: resolutions CS no. 520, 2010 and no. 3653, 2011), which constitute the last stage of a clear public policy of extensión first developed by the university some decades ago. keywords: academic; action; activities; activity; american; bertomeu; buenos; citizenship; community; comprehensive; concept; context; creation; critical; curriculum; development; different; direct; educational; educational social; effective; experience; experiential; extensión; framework; garcía; gateways; gonzález; hallu; higher; implementation; institution; interdisciplinary; knowledge; latin; learning; luna; needs; new; pedagogical; practices; problems; process; professional; program; projects; proposals; real; reality; research; service; servicio; situated; skills; social; social practices; society; solidarity; strategies; strategy; students; system; tasks; teaching; technical; theoretical; today; training; uba; understanding; universidad; universities; university; university extensión; work cache: ijcre-5532.pdf plain text: ijcre-5532.txt item: #119 of 196 id: ijcre-5533 author: Nyden, Phil; Ashton, Paul; O'Loughlin, Pauline title: Editorial: The engaged university date: 2017-06-22 words: 2724 flesch: 41 summary: Nyden, P, Ashton, P, Davis, J, Krogh, M, Miller, R, O’Loughlin, P & Van Zytveld, D 2008, ‘Gateways: Expanding knowledge through broader participation’, Gateways: International journal of community research and engagement , vol. Gateways has become a valuable link in a worldwide network that supports change-oriented participatory research in thousands of local communities. keywords: academic; activists; anti; articles; ashton; broader; centres; change; collaborative; communities; community; countries; curl; education; engagement; gateways; global; globe; higher; international; journal; knowledge; life; local; members; networks; new; nyden; o’loughlin; participatory; partners; process; readers; research; researchers; scholars; science; shopfront; support; universities; university; years; york cache: ijcre-5533.pdf plain text: ijcre-5533.txt item: #120 of 196 id: ijcre-5566 author: Hernandez Cavalcanti, Brianda; Ching, Monique title: The Talloires Network and the MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship: Explorations on sustainable and innovative leadership date: 2017-06-22 words: 2467 flesch: 40 summary: This is significant because most of the current understanding on community civic engagement has arguably come from universities in the Global North or ‘developed countries’, often discounting the legacy of community engagement from the Global South or ‘developing countries’. Firstly, the prize encourages champions of community engagement to pause and reflect on what they have accomplished and provides opportunities to evaluate, improve, and learn from similar projects. keywords: article; authors; cavalcanti; ching; civic; communities; community; countries; edition; education; engagement; gateways; global; hernandez; higher; initiatives; institutions; international; journal; macjannet; network; prize; program; research; role; service; social; society; students; talloires; university; work cache: ijcre-5566.pdf plain text: ijcre-5566.txt item: #121 of 196 id: ijcre-5574 author: Andersen, Lisa title: ‘Useful, usable and used’: Sustaining an Australian model of cross-faculty service learning by concentrating on shared value creation date: 2017-06-22 words: 8249 flesch: 39 summary: As shown in Figure 2, above, the common organisational skills/capability gaps in the local SME non-profit sector where they seek support through student coursework projects include Figure 1: Projects by sector, 2006–2016 Figure 2: Community project by discipline, 2006–2106 63 | Gateways | Andersen design, research, communications, business planning, financial management, governance and in the development of new technological infrastructure. Other, more structural and institutional challenges faced by the program over the past two decades have included: maintaining and resourcing this commitment to community engagement against a backdrop of changes in senior management and strategic planning; scoping ‘student-ready’ briefs with community partners that fit inflexible semester timelines; managing risk, commitment and workload; designing and refining coursework structures to deliver shared value; and achieving the ‘Holy Grail’ of transdisciplinarity – working across entrenched disciplinary/ faculty silos to deliver community projects requiring inputs from multiple disciplines – currently done by scoping projects into ‘phases’ over time and across disciplinary fields with students and staff involved in ‘passing the baton’. keywords: academic; andersen; article; assessment; business; cent; change; client; commitment; communication; community; community clients; community organisations; coordinator; coursework; data; delivery; design; development; disciplinary; doi; education; engagement; evaluation; experience; external; faculty; figure; final; focus; gateways; higher; holland; https://doi; issues; journal; key; knowledge; lack; learning; local; management; mission; model; need; new; non; organisations; outcomes; partners; partnerships; practice; presentation; process; professional; profit; program; project; quality; real; relevant; report; research; response; review; sector; semester; service; service learning; shared; shopfront; skills; social; specific; staff; stage; stoecker; students; summary; support; table; teaching; team; time; tryon; understanding; universities; university; value; vol; work; years cache: ijcre-5574.pdf plain text: ijcre-5574.txt item: #122 of 196 id: ijcre-5579 author: Bateman, Nicoleta title: A Linguist’s Journey Toward Community Engaged Scholarship: Insights on Definitions, Practice and Evaluation Policies date: 2018-05-31 words: 9486 flesch: 40 summary: 186–202. Wade, A & Demb, A 2009, ‘A conceptual model to explore faculty community engagement’, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, vol. However, recognising the importance of people within communities and how significant outcomes from community research can only be achieved through the direct involvement of the community, the NCER drafted a primer on community-engaged research (CEnR). keywords: 2010; academia; article; bateman; beneficial; benefits; better; broader; ces; classroom; collaboration; college; communities; community; community partner; community research; conduct; conversation; current; definitions; development; dialects; disciplines; education; engaged; engagement; english; example; faculty; field; future; gateways; gelmon; general; health; higher; individual; institutions; international; international journal; issue; jordan; journal; journey; knowledge; k–12; language; learning; level; linguistics; long; members; need; new; outreach; outside; partnership; place; potential; process; promotion; prospective; public; reaser; research; role; scholarship; school; seifer; service; society; students; support; teachers; tenure; time; type; understanding; university; use; vol; work; year cache: ijcre-5579.pdf plain text: ijcre-5579.txt item: #123 of 196 id: ijcre-5584 author: Francis, Jenny; Yan, Miu-Chung; Gill, Hartej title: Exploring Community-based Research Values and Principles: Lessons Learned from a Delphi Study date: 2018-05-31 words: 9730 flesch: 47 summary: A total of 106 people, including 50 faculty researchers, 37 community partners and 19 staff, who are research staff supporting and working on CBR research projects conducted by faculty researchers, were finally confirmed. In this article, we report the findings of a Delphi study which addresses these gaps through a systematic, cross-disciplinary survey of CBR researchers at a large Canadian research university. keywords: accountability; action; action research; anti; approach; building; categories; cbr; cbr practice; cbr researchers; cent; change; collaboration; colonial; community; community research; consensus; cut; delphi; different; diverse; doi; education; engagement; equitable; ethical; ethics; example; faculty; findings; francis; gateways; gill; health; importance; indigenous; institution; international; itemised; journal; knowledge; list; literature; long; members; nature; owhn; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; partners; perspectives; point; political; power; practice; principles; process; questions; reciprocity; relationships; relevant; research; research values; researchers; respect; respondents; round; scholars; social; structures; study; survey; table; terms; total; university; values; vol; vps; work; yan cache: ijcre-5584.pdf plain text: ijcre-5584.txt item: #124 of 196 id: ijcre-5721 author: Comfort, Megan; Raymond-Flesch, Marissa; Auerswald, Colette; McGlone, Linda; Chavez, Marisol; Minnis, Alexandra title: Community-engaged Research with Rural Latino Adolescents: Design and Implementation Strategies to Study the Social Determinants of Health date: 2018-05-31 words: 9660 flesch: 37 summary: Berg, M, Coman, E & Schensul, J 2009, ‘Youth action research for prevention: A multi-level intervention designed to increase efficacy and empowerment among urban youth’, American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 43, nos. The constellation of SDH that disadvantages a specific group’s health may also make members of that population unable or unwilling to engage in health research. keywords: address; adolescents; agricultural; american; approach; article; auerswald; best; building; cab; california; cbpr; challenges; chavez; children; cohort; comfort; communities; community; community engagement; community members; community research; crecer; department; design; determinants; development; district; efforts; engaged; engagement; example; factors; families; family; flesch; focus; francisco; gateways; groups; health; health research; high; important; interest; international; international journal; journal; knowledge; latino; latino youth; leaders; local; mcglone; medicine; members; methodological; methods; middle; minnis; multiple; parents; participants; participation; participatory; partnerships; people; permission; perspectives; populations; practices; prevention; process; protocols; public; public health; questions; raymond; recruitment; relationships; research; research staff; researchers; risk; rural; rural latino; salinas; sample; san; school; sdh; social; specific; staff; staffing; states; strategies; study; support; team; teen; united; urban; use; violence; vol; work; youth; yvpc cache: ijcre-5721.pdf plain text: ijcre-5721.txt item: #125 of 196 id: ijcre-5806 author: Teeters, Leah Anne; Singer-Gabella, Marcy; Jones, Ryan Seth; Escarfuller, Juan; Heerman, William J title: Operationalising Agency: A Personalized Approach to Public Health date: 2018-05-31 words: 9400 flesch: 42 summary: When considering adapting health practices or adopting new health practices, technical infrastructure can be a key tool to support participants as well as facilitators. Two of the most common theories used to explain variation in health practices that contribute to childhood obesity are Bandura’s social cognitive theory (Bandura 1977) and self- determination theory (Ryan & Deci 2000). keywords: 2018; access; activity; agency; aim; approach; behaviour; cent; centre; change; childhood; children; cognitive; community; community research; competency; content; design; determinants; development; digital; disease; diverse; engagement; environmental; escarfuller; expertise; facilitators; factors; families; family; feedback; findings; focus; gabella; gateways; goal; groups; health; healthy practices; heerman; ideas; ideational; infrastructure; international; intervention; interviews; jones; journal; key; knowledge; learning; local; material; meals; medicine; members; needs; new; obesity; operationalising; participants; personalised; physical; pilot; practices; problem; process; program; progress; public; public health; research; resources; sciences; self; sessions; setting; shared; singer; situated; social; spanish; support; sustainable; systems; team; technology; teeters; theory; time; tool; university; use; vol; work; world cache: ijcre-5806.pdf plain text: ijcre-5806.txt item: #126 of 196 id: ijcre-584 author: Cuthill, Michael title: Working together: A methodological case study of 'engaged scholarship' date: 2010-11-25 words: 6944 flesch: 37 summary: Negotiations for the Pacific Islander project were facilitated through a series of workshops involving community leaders, two Pacific Island community liaison officers employed by the project and project research officers. Proportionally few academics appear to be aware of either the practice or potential of participatory research. keywords: academic; action; agencies; analysis; approach; article; australian; boilerhouse; case; centre; citizen; collaborative; collection; common; communities; community; cuthill; data; democracy; development; discussion; diverse; education; engaged; engagement; evaluation; example; focus; framework; funding; gateways; good; governance; group; health; informed; interest; interviews; issues; journal; key; knowledge; learning; local; management; meetings; methodological; methodology; methods; new; outcomes; pacific; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; people; plan; potential; practice; process; processes; project; public; quality; queensland; report; research; responses; review; role; scholarship; social; staff; stage; stakeholders; study; support; team; theory; understanding; universities; university; vol; working; workshops cache: ijcre-584.pdf plain text: ijcre-584.txt item: #127 of 196 id: ijcre-5894 author: Kirby, Caitlin K; Haruo, Citralina; Whyte, Kyle P; Libarkin, Julie C; Caldwell, Chris; Edler, Rebecca title: Ethical collaboration and the need for training: Partnerships between Native American Tribes and climate science organisations date: 2019-01-15 words: 9810 flesch: 37 summary: Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, Akwesasne, NY. Salazar, M 2016, Federal and State Recognized Tribes, National Conference of State Legislatures, Washington DC, viewed 19 July 2018, state-recognized-tribes.aspx. Schalatek, L, Nakhooda, S & Watson, C 2015, ‘The green climate fund’, Climate Funds Update, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America, viewed 6 December 2017, uploads/2015/11/cff11_2015_gcf.pdf. Smith, H & Sharp, K 2012, ‘Indigenous climate knowledges’, WIREs Climate Change, vol. 3, p. 467. Benefits for Tribes Benefits for Tribes generally highlighted the desire for Tribes to maintain control over their resources and the focus of climate change research. keywords: 2015; access; activities; adaptation; analysis; article; benefits; building; caldwell; capacity; challenges; change; citation; climate; climate change; collaboration; communities; community; community research; conferences; content; contexts; csos; cultural; current; data; development; discussions; documents; edler; education; emergent; employees; engagement; environmental; ethical; ethical stem; evaluation; example; experience; federal; figure; focus; funding; gateways; goals; government; guidelines; haruo; health; importance; indigenous; indigenous peoples; international; international journal; interviewees; issues; january; journal; kirby; knowledge; lack; libarkin; likely; literature; management; natural; need; new; number; order; organisations; page; partnerships; peoples; potential; predetermined; prior; process; programs; project; purposes; related; relationships; research; researchers; resources; respondents; science; scientific; scientists; social; society; state; stem; stem training; suggested; tek; themes; traditional; training; training gateways; tribal; tribes; trust; understanding; united; university; vol; whyte; work; working cache: ijcre-5894.pdf plain text: ijcre-5894.txt item: #128 of 196 id: ijcre-591 author: Mulligan, Martin; Scanlon, Christopher; Welch, Nicky title: Renegotiating Community Life: Arts, agency, inclusion and wellbeing date: 2008-09-29 words: 9191 flesch: 51 summary: 41–49. VicHealth 2002, ‘Creative connections: Promoting mental health and well- being through community arts participation’, viewed 31 May 2006, %20text.pdf. VicHealth 2006, ‘Community arts and participation scheme’, viewed 31 May 2006, Walmsley, J 2006, ‘Putting community in place’, Dialogue, vol. While there is no consensus on how to define community arts as distinct from other forms of art practice, the term is being used widely to refer to art practices that encourage active participation by people who can be identified by their membership of designated communities rather than their skills and/or experience as artists (Mills 2006). keywords: activities; agency; article; arts; arts participation; australia; benefits; broad; capital; case; celebrations; communities; community; community arts; community life; conceptual; contemporary; corporations; cultural; daylesford; development; diverse; engagement; et al; events; evidence; example; exclusion; focus; forms; funding; gateways; globalization; groups; health; help; identity; inclusion; individuals; interviews; journal; kilda; life; literature; local; local communities; london; matarasso; melbourne; methods; mulligan; mulligan et; narratives; nature; need; new; outcomes; participants; participation; people; photonarrative; practice; practitioners; problem; processes; projects; range; research; residents; review; role; rooming; rural; self; sense; shed; social; social capital; social inclusion; study; technique; terms; time; understanding; use; vol; wang; wellbeing; work; world; writing; ziguras cache: ijcre-591.pdf plain text: ijcre-591.txt item: #129 of 196 id: ijcre-5944 author: Anorico, Heiden C title: Service-learning in the Philippines: The University of Santo Thomas’ National Service Training Program date: 2019-02-22 words: 3939 flesch: 42 summary: Improved preparation of student activities for the elders could be achieved through orientation in the mission and administration of the geriatric institution and information about the elderly participants, such as a brief biography of each elderly participant, their likes and dislikes, their physical capability and their daily routines. For example, Education students prepare activities using theories and concepts in instructional planning. keywords: activities; article; citation; college; communities; community; cwts; development; different; education; elderly; elders; engagement; family; february; gateways; geriatric; impact; institution; interaction; international; journal; learning; life; manila; members; needs; number; page; partner; people; philippines; program; purposes; research; respect; santo; service; service learning; service training; students; support; tomas; training; university; vol; years cache: ijcre-5944.pdf plain text: ijcre-5944.txt item: #130 of 196 id: ijcre-6013 author: Wine, Osnat; Buka, Irena; Day, Alan; Terris, Susan; Clarkes, Mary-Ann; Brennan, Lesley; Osornio Vargas, Alvaro; Kovacs Burns, Katharina title: Building a children's health and environment research agenda in Alberta, Canada: A multi-stakeholder engagement process date: 2019-01-17 words: 7113 flesch: 33 summary: It is no wonder that research questions on this topic are often complex and multifaceted, seeking solutions that are rarely simple, and answers may also be somewhat ambiguous. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT To address the many potential environmental human health issues, partnerships with various stakeholders including government (Kothari et al. 2014) help in the framing and prioritising of research questions, as well as in knowledge co-production, translation, exchange and mobilisation of results. keywords: advisory; advisory board; agenda; alberta; areas; article; board; brennan; building; burns; canada; chehc; children; citation; clarkes; community; community research; day; determinants; development; different; diverse; engagement; engagement process; environment research; environmental; environmental health; exposures; forum; funding; future; gateways; global; government; health; health research; interdisciplinary; interest; international; issues; january; journal; knowledge; members; model; new; number; ongoing; outcomes; page; panel; participants; planning; priority; process; projects; purposes; questions; related; research; research agenda; research questions; scientific; social; sounding; stakeholders; support; table; terris; time; translation; university; vargas; vol cache: ijcre-6013.pdf plain text: ijcre-6013.txt item: #131 of 196 id: ijcre-603 author: Garlick, Steve; Palmer, Victoria J. title: Toward an Ideal Relational Ethic: Rethinking university-community engagement date: 2008-09-29 words: 5905 flesch: 42 summary: Communities are not value-free places where institutions such as universities can locate themselves and assume students are naturally part of ethical communities that provide a haven for certainty, security and safety (Bauman 2001). Ethical communities must be fostered, worked at, critically engaged with and they are certainly not places of funding conditionality (Cooper 1997; Palmer 2006). keywords: aside; bauman; boyer; capital; common; communities; community; community engagement; conditions; context; development; economic; education; engagement; enterprising; ethical; ethics; forms; funding; garlick; gateways; good; growth; human; human capital; ideal; institutions; knowledge; liberal; like; local; means; moral; needs; neo; non; outcomes; palmer; people; places; practices; private; processes; public; purpose; regional; regions; relations; relationships; role; scholarship; schwartz; sense; shared; social; society; spatial; togetherness; universities; university; values; world cache: ijcre-603.pdf plain text: ijcre-603.txt item: #132 of 196 id: ijcre-6150 author: Kitawi, Alfred title: Improving transition rates of students in informal settlements into higher education: An analysis of the Macheo Mentoring Programme date: 2019-02-19 words: 9645 flesch: 45 summary: In total, 33 per cent of Macheo students transited to tertiary institutions, including both universities and colleges, in 2017. The aim of this research was to find out how Strathmore University’s Macheo Mentoring Programme has contributed to the transition of final year high-school students to tertiary institutions by comparing final year scores of mentored students with country- wide scores from 2014 to 2016. keywords: academic; access; activities; africa; analysis; approach; areas; article; average; basic; benefits; case; cent; challenges; changes; children; citation; community; community research; community service; country; data; development; education; engagement; entry; experienced; february; final; focus; gateways; government; guardians; high; higher; informal; information; institutions; international; issues; journal; kenya; kibera; kitawi; lack; learning; life; macheo; mathematics; mean; mentee; mentoring; mentorship; model; murray; nairobi; need; new; number; outcomes; page; parents; perceptions; performance; primary; process; programme; programs; purposes; quality; questionnaire; rates; research; responses; role; school; school students; scores; secondary; service; sessions; settlements; similar; skills; slum; strathmore; students; study; subjects; success; support; teachers; teaching; terms; tertiary; test; time; transition; universities; university; university students; vol; wide; work; years; york; youth cache: ijcre-6150.pdf plain text: ijcre-6150.txt item: #133 of 196 id: ijcre-6193 author: Levac, Leah; Denis, Ann B title: Combining feminist intersectional and community-engaged research commitments: Adaptations for scoping reviews and secondary analyses of national data sets date: 2019-01-15 words: 10121 flesch: 28 summary: Creese, G & Frisby, W (eds) 2011, Feminist community research: Case studies and methodologies, University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver. Etmanski, C, Hall, B & Dawson, T (eds) 2014, Learning and teaching community based research: Linking pedagogy to practice, University of Toronto Press, Toronto. keywords: 2005; 2013; 2016; aboriginal; academic; adaptations; analyses; arksey; article; available; canada; canadian; canadian research; cer; changes; citation; collaborators; colquhoun; commitments; community; community engagement; community partners; community research; context; cps; criaw; data; data sets; deliberation; denis; design; development; dialogue; diverse; employment; engagement; example; experiences; feminist; feminist intersectional; gaps; gateways; gender; groups; icref; impacts; important; indigenous; international; intersectional; january; journal; knowledge; large; levac; literature; marginalised; methodological; new; number; ongoing; ottawa; o’brien; o’malley; page; participatory; particular; partners; policy; possible; process; project; public; public services; purposes; questions; relevant; research; research commitments; research data; results; review; scoping; secondary; secondary analyses; sector; services; sets; social; stage; statistical; studies; survey; team; terms; time; understanding; union; university; use; variables; vol; women; work cache: ijcre-6193.pdf plain text: ijcre-6193.txt item: #134 of 196 id: ijcre-6198 author: McElfish, Pearl A; Rowland, Brett; Ayers, Britni L; O'Connor, Gail E; Purvis, Rachel S; Aitaoto, Nia; Capelle, Lucy; Laelan, Melisa; Felix, Holly C; Stewart, M Kathryn; Yeary, Karen HK title: Development and evaluation of a community-engaged research training program: Building capacity of Marshallese stakeholders and academic researchers to conduct health research date: 2019-01-17 words: 9869 flesch: 42 summary: The program brought together Marshallese community stakeholders and academic researchers to address the health disparities of the Pacific Islander/Marshallese community in Arkansas. In 2013, the lead author began a concentrated effort to better understand the health disparities of the Pacific Islander/Marshallese community in northwest Arkansas and formed a community advisory board composed of Marshallese community stakeholders to partner in the process (McElfish et al. 2015). keywords: academic; academic researchers; aitaoto; areas; arkansas; article; ayers; barker; capacity; capelle; cbpr; cert; cert program; citation; community; community health; community members; community research; community stakeholders; cultural; culture; data; design; development; disparities; engagement; evaluation; feedback; felix; focus; funding; gateways; group; health; health disparities; health research; important; international; interviews; islander; january; journal; knowledge; laelan; learning; marshallese; marshallese community; mcelfish; medical; members; mentored; methods; model; module; needs; number; o'connor; outcomes; pacific; pacific islander; page; participants; participatory; partners; partnerships; phase; population; post; pre; process; program; progress; projects; purposes; purvis; qualitative; research; research training; researchers; results; rowland; self; sessions; stewart; study; survey; table; time; training; training program; uams; university; usa; vol; work; year cache: ijcre-6198.pdf plain text: ijcre-6198.txt item: #135 of 196 id: ijcre-626 author: Suarez-Balcazar, Yolanda; Balcazar, Fabricio; Iriarte, Edurne García; Taylor-Ritzler, Tina title: Capacity Building and Empowerment: A panacea and a challenge for agency-university engagement date: 2008-09-29 words: 6265 flesch: 38 summary: Subsequently, one area of interest is the development of agency capacity for effective program evaluation. Based on previous research and review of the literature, we developed an empowerment approach to capacity building designed to assist communities in either promoting Gateways | Suarez-Balcazar et al 182 social change and/or engaging agency staff and program recipients in the process of program planning, implementation and evaluation (Fawcett et al. 2003; Fetterman 2001; Fetterman & Wandersman 2005). keywords: action; agencies; agency; agency staff; approach; assistance; balcazar; balcazar et; building; capacity; capacity building; ccbmdr; center; change; communities; community; competence; consumers; contextual; control; cultural; culture; development; disabilities; diverse; efforts; empowerment; et al; ethnic; evaluation; factors; fawcett; forthcoming; gateways; goals; impact; individual; issues; journal; knowledge; levels; members; needs; new; organization; participatory; partnerships; principles; process; program; rehabilitation; research; resources; services; skills; staff; stakeholders; suarez; support; technical; time; training; university; vol; work cache: ijcre-626.pdf plain text: ijcre-626.txt item: #136 of 196 id: ijcre-6342 author: Fanjoy, Martha; Bragg, Bronwyn title: Embracing complexity: Co-creation with retired immigrant women date: 2019-05-24 words: 9035 flesch: 44 summary: As such, this was imagined as a collaborative process between staff and research participants to inform the creation of meaningful interventions by drawing on the lived experiences of retired immigrant women. We acknowledge that collaborative research and knowledge co-creation is complex and imperfect; however, at its core it is an emancipatory process that seeks to include the voices and experiences of research participants in the problem identification and resolution finding process. keywords: action; active; activities; article; bragg; building; calgary; canada; challenges; citation; city; collaborative; community; community research; complexity; creation; creation group; creation participants; creation process; creative; data; developmental; different; discussion; engagement; english; event; example; experiences; facilitators; fanjoy; findings; gateways; group; ideas; immigrant; immigrant women; important; international; interviews; journal; key; knowledge; language; learning; level; life; meeting; methods; moments; number; observation; opportunity; outcomes; page; participants; participation; participatory; partners; peer; planning; policy; power; process; program; project; purposes; questions; reflexivity; research; research participants; research team; researchers; retired; retirement; shared; social; staff; support; team; time; understanding; vol; women; work cache: ijcre-6342.pdf plain text: ijcre-6342.txt item: #137 of 196 id: ijcre-6453 author: Gusheh, Mitra; Firth, Verity; Netherton, Clare; Pettigrew, Claire title: The creation of the UTS Social Impact Framework: A collaborative approach for transformational change date: 2019-12-20 words: 9231 flesch: 34 summary: The questions asked participants to share cases of social impact at its best at UTS and then guided them to further elaborate on related enabling factors. Across three separate meetings, Advisory Group members interviewed each other to uncover stories of social impact at its best at UTS and their enabling factors. keywords: academic; advisory; agenda; appreciative; approach; article; change; collaborative; commitment; communities; community; community research; contribution; creation; december; development; diverse; domain; education; efforts; engaged; engagement; external; factors; firth; focus; framework; gateways; global; group; growth; gusheh; higher; higher education; impact; impact framework; initial; inquiry; institutional; internal; international; journal; knowledge; leadership; level; necessary; need; netherton; new; organisation; outcomes; partnerships; pettigrew; potential; practice; preconditions; process; public; purpose; ranking; research; response; role; scholarship; sector; set; social; social change; social impact; space; staff; strategies; students; support; sydney; systems; teaching; technology; theory; transformational; universities; university; uts; uts social; vision; vol; working cache: ijcre-6453.pdf plain text: ijcre-6453.txt item: #138 of 196 id: ijcre-6480 author: Abbott, Scott William; Tiffen, Belinda title: Democratising the knowledge commons: The shared goals of open and community-engaged scholarship date: 2019-12-20 words: 9242 flesch: 14 summary: Open scholarship and its parallels with community-engaged scholarship Open access – the precursor to the broader concept of open scholarship – emerged in the 1990s as a response from scholars to a growing dissatisfaction with current norms of scholarly communication. Quantitative statistical analysis has demonstrated that the number of open access research publications is growing. keywords: abbott; academic; applied; article; available; barriers; benefit; big; broader; change; citation; commission; commons; communication; communities; community; community engagement; community research; concept; cost; council; cultural; current; data; deal; december; democratising; economic; eds; education; engaged; engaged scholarship; engagement; established; european; evidence; f.a.i.r; faculty; february; focus; forms; free; funded; funders; funding; future; gateways; goals; good; higher; impact; information; innovation; institutional; international; international journal; issues; january; journal; knowledge; large; learning; libraries; library; local; medical; mit; movement; n.d; new; november; online; open; open access; open data; open scholarship; openness; plan; policy; practice; press; projects; public; publication; publishers; publishing; report; research; resources; reuse; review; reward; scholarly; scholarship; science; scientific; service; shared; sharing; significant; social; society; state; system; tiffen; traditional; universities; university; vision; vol; western; wide; work cache: ijcre-6480.pdf plain text: ijcre-6480.txt item: #139 of 196 id: ijcre-6496 author: Adams, Lisa B.; Alter, Theodore R.; Parkes, Margot W.; Reid, Michael; Woolnough, Andrew P. title: Political economics, collective action and wicked socio-ecological problems: A practice story from the field date: 2019-06-19 words: 5318 flesch: 22 summary: These socio-political and economic forces have shaped perspectives on rabbits and rabbit management in Australia. Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) 2018a, About, VRAN, Melbourne, Victoria, viewed 23 February 2019, Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) 2018b, Stories, Videos, VRAN, Melbourne, Victoria, viewed 23 February 2019, Victorian Rabbit Action Network (VRAN) 2018c, A land manager’s perspective on collaborative learning and rabbit action, video, VRAN, Melbourne, Victoria, viewed 23 February 2019, http://www.rabbitaction. com/stories/ Waltner-Toews, D, Kay, J & Lister, N (eds) 2008, The ecosystem approach: Complexity, uncertainty, and managing for sustainability, Columbia University Press, New York. keywords: action; action network; adams; alter; article; australia; change; citation; collective; collective action; community; community research; critical; democratic; ecological; economics; economy; engagement; experiences; february; field; gateways; government; history; interests; international; invasive; journal; knowledge; land; leaps; learning; management; melbourne; narratives; network; new; number; ostrom; page; parkes; participants; participatory; people; perspective; policy; political; politics; power; practice; press; problems; project; public; purposes; rabbit; rabbit action; rabbit management; rabbit project; reid; research; scale; schmid; scientists; socio; stories; story; strategies; support; sustainable; systems; time; university; victoria; victorian rabbit; vol; vran; wicked; wicked problems; woolnough; workshop cache: ijcre-6496.pdf plain text: ijcre-6496.txt item: #140 of 196 id: ijcre-6620 author: Silbert, Patti title: From reciprocity to collective empowerment: Re-framing university-school partnership discourses in the South African context date: 2019-10-30 words: 8544 flesch: 32 summary: The symposium, which also included representatives from a second South African university that is also engaged in university–school–community partnerships, was intended to open the space for self-critique, reflection and dialogue. 7–180. yd.303 Harkavy, I, Hartley, M, Hodges, R & Weeks, J 2016, ‘The history and development of a partnership approach to improve schools, communities and universities’, in H Lawson & D Van Veen (eds), Developing community schools, community learning centers, extended service schools and multi-service schools, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. keywords: 2015; action; african; approach; article; assumptions; asymmetrical; building; cape; clark; clayton; collaboration; collective; communication; community; community research; concepts; context; critical; deeper; development; dialogic; dialogue; difference; discourses; eds; education; empowerment; engaged; engagement; framing; galvaan; gateways; hartley; higher; improvement; initiative; international; journal; keith; key; knowledge; learning; levels; multiple; mutuality; need; new; normative; notions; october; particular; partnering; partnership; people; perspectives; place; positions; practices; processes; purpose; reciprocity; research; school partnership; schools; schools improvement; sciences; section; service; silbert; social; soudien; south; spaces; stavro; students; subject; support; teachers; terms; town; uct; understanding; unequal; universities; university; vol; work; young cache: ijcre-6620.pdf plain text: ijcre-6620.txt item: #141 of 196 id: ijcre-6693 author: Busch, Melida D; Jean-Baptiste, Elizabeth; Person, Pamela F.; Vaughn, Lisa M title: Activating social change together: A qualitative synthesis of collaborative change research, evaluation and design literature date: 2019-12-20 words: 12071 flesch: 34 summary: RESEARCH ARTICLE Activating social change together: A qualitative synthesis of collaborative change research, evaluation and design literature Melida D Busch1, Elizabeth Jean-Baptiste2, Pamela F Person1, Lisa M Vaughn3 1 Education Innovations & Community Partnerships, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45220 2 College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45220 3 Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center/University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Joint appointment, College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, Educational and Community-Based Action Research, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45220 Corresponding author: Melida D Busch; DOI: Article history: Received 24/07/2019; Revised 14/11/2019; Accepted 25/11/2019; Published 20/12/2019. We refer to participatory approaches that collaboratively engage/ partner with stakeholders in knowledge creation/problem solving for action/social change outcomes as collaborative change research, evaluation and design (CCRED). keywords: abstracts; action; action research; africa; american; approaches; articles; authors; baptiste; busch; care; case; cbpr; ccred; challenges; change; change research; cincinnati; citations; collaborative; collaborative change; collaborators; collective; common; communities; community; community engagement; community health; community research; complex; context; cousins; cultural; data; december; design; disciplines; education; efforts; empowerment; engaged; engagement; et al; ethnodrama; evaluation; evaluators; example; experience; fetterman; field; focus; frameworks; gateways; groups; health; human; impact; implementation; inclusive; international; international journal; interviews; involvement; issues; jean; journal; knowledge; learning; literature; making; management; members; methods; multiple; nature; new; outcomes; participants; participation; participatory; participatory evaluation; participatory research; partners; partnerships; patient; peer; people; person; perspective; policy; practice; practitioners; principles; problems; process; program; project; public; publication; purpose; qualitative; qualitative research; quality; questions; related; research; research process; researchers; results; review; science; shared; social; social change; specific; stakeholders; students; study; synthesis; systematic; table; team; terminology; terms; thinking; tools; topic; traditional; transformative; type; understanding; university; use; vaughn; vol; work; youth cache: ijcre-6693.pdf plain text: ijcre-6693.txt item: #142 of 196 id: ijcre-6703 author: Godrie, Baptiste; Boucher, Maxime; Bissonnette, Sylvia; Chaput, Pierre; Flores, Javier; Dupéré, Sophie; Gélineau, Lucie; Piron, Florence; Bandini, Aude title: Epistemic injustices and participatory research: A research agenda at the crossroads of university and community date: 2020-05-31 words: 8029 flesch: 33 summary: 1 The article focuses on two dimensions of the framework mentioned above: (1) The methodology we established to build co-learning spaces at the crossroads of university and community-based organisations (recruitment of a coordinator to organise and facilitate the workshops, informal and friendly meetings, regular clarification of the process and rules of operation, time for everyone to express themselves, informal preparatory meetings for those who wanted them, financial compensation where required, etc.); and (2) A self-assessment tool available in open access that we built during the process to help academics and their partners engage in a reflexive evaluation of participatory research processes from the point of view of epistemic injustices. To what extent do participatory research processes constitute laboratories for the production of knowledge in more egalitarian relationships? keywords: academic; access; action; action research; agenda; approach; article; assessment; case; challenges; communities; community; community research; critical; crossroads; different; engagement; epistemic; epistemic injustices; example; exchanges; experience; framework; fricker; gateways; godrie; grfpq; groups; guide; health; hermeneutical; inequalities; injustices; international; issues; journal; knowledge; knowledge production; learning; meetings; members; methodology; mobilisation; open; order; organisations; participants; participatory research; people; perspective; place; positionality; power; practices; process; processes; production; professional; program; questions; québec; recherche; relationships; research; research agenda; research process; researchers; scientific; self; session; situations; social; space; studies; tandon; team; time; tool; university; version; view; vol; work; year cache: ijcre-6703.pdf plain text: ijcre-6703.txt item: #143 of 196 id: ijcre-6745 author: Gardner, Morgan K; Scarth, Kate title: The tree of community knowledge and engagement date: 2020-05-31 words: 9439 flesch: 44 summary: Through felt-sense and reflection, the team identified with the ecological metaphor of the tree, both in its whole and in its parts, as representative of community knowledge practices. Branches and leaves knowledge practices: • Experiencing mutual learning • Utilising and valuing community knowledge, experience and practice • Witnessing each other’s growth Stories of branches and leaves knowledge practices: ‘You don’t always have to be the teacher – sometimes your kids are’. keywords: academic; action; april; article; best; branches; canopy; celebrating; centre; change; communities; community; community centre; community knowledge; community members; community power; community research; compost; contexts; data; democracy; democratic; diverse; educational; energy; engagement; example; experiences; findings; gardner; gateways; growth; hall; high; housing; income; injustices; interconnected; international; journal; justice; knowing; knowledge; knowledge democracy; knowledge practices; learning; leaves; life; lives; living; low; members; metaphor; multiple; mural; mutual; par; parent; participants; participatory; power; process; relation; research; rooted; roots; scarth; school; shared; sharing; social; staff; stories; storytelling; strengths; study; success; support; tandon; team; team members; tree; trunk; university; vol; youth; youth success cache: ijcre-6745.pdf plain text: ijcre-6745.txt item: #144 of 196 id: ijcre-6856 author: Aldersey, Heather M; Abera, Mikyas; Mzinganjira, Anushka; Abebe, Solomon; Demissie, Solomon title: The University of Gondar, Queen’s University and Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program: A partnership for disability-inclusive higher education in Ethiopia date: 2019-12-20 words: 10070 flesch: 26 summary: Keywords community-based rehabilitation, disability inclusion, partnership, university-community engagement, interdisciplinary Introduction Given the increasingly interconnected, global orientation of higher education around the world, international higher education partnerships have become commonly accepted features of many tertiary institutions around the world. Benefits of international partnerships among higher education institutions include positioning at the cutting edge of information, knowledge development, resource opportunities, policy change, and technical and social innovation (Koehn, Demment & Hervy 2008). keywords: abebe; abera; academic; accessibility; activities; advancement; africa; aldersey; angeles; approaches; article; benefits; canada; capacity; cbr; challenges; change; collaborative; community; community engagement; community research; creation; critical; curriculum; december; demissie; development; disabilities; disability; education; efforts; engagement; english; ethiopia; example; experience; face; faculty; fellows; foundation; foundation scholars; gateways; global; gondar; gurstein; health; higher; higher education; home; implementation; inclusion; inclusive; individual; institutional; international; international journal; journal; knowledge; koehn; leadership; learning; local; management; mastercard; mastercard foundation; members; mutuality; mzinganjira; needs; new; north; objectives; occupational; open; opportunities; organisations; outcomes; particular; partnership; people; power; priorities; process; program; project; public; queen; rehabilitation; reporting; research; resources; review; scholars; scholars program; service; social; south; staff; strengths; students; support; team; therapy; time; training; unique; university; uog; values; vol; work; world; years cache: ijcre-6856.pdf plain text: ijcre-6856.txt item: #145 of 196 id: ijcre-6862 author: Bishop, Lisa ; Darcy, Stephen; Sinnott, Rob; Avery, Susan; Pendergast, Amanda; Duggan, Norah title: Engaging a community for youth mental health and wellness: Reflections and lessons learned date: 2020-05-31 words: 7474 flesch: 49 summary: It was from this point that we made a conscious effort to become more familiar with the principles of CBPR to prepare the team for community research. As a result of these participation challenges, and through consultation with experts in the field of community engagement, we made a conscious effort to engage with the broader community in order to further develop trust and relationships (Pullmann et al. 2013; Stein & Mankowski 2004). keywords: academic; access; action; adults; alliance; approach; article; assessment; avery; bishop; board; canada; cbpr; cenr; centre; clinicians; community; community board; community engagement; community health; community members; community research; darcy; development; discussion; duggan; education; effective; efforts; engagement; engaging; et al; family; figure; gateways; goal; group; health; health research; https://doi; information; initiatives; international; issues; journal; lessons; local; medicine; members; memorial; mental; mental health; needs; participation; partnership; pendergast; plan; planning; principles; process; program; projects; psychology; public; reflections; research; researchers; resources; school; services; shea; sinnott; strategies; substance; support; team; time; university; use; vol; wellness; young; youth; youth mental cache: ijcre-6862.pdf plain text: ijcre-6862.txt item: #146 of 196 id: ijcre-6894 author: Sheehan, Lindsay; Sonya Ballentine; Lorenzo Washington; Mark Canser; John Connor; Renee Jones; Edward Laster; Khalilah Muhammad; Scott Noble; Rhonda Smith; Gary Walley; Kundert, Carla; Patrick Corrigan title: Implementing community-based participatory research among African Americans with serious and persistent mental illness: A qualitative study date: 2021-05-18 words: 9886 flesch: 43 summary: We achieve this purpose by (1) describing an innovative CBPR model and pilot projects that involved African Americans with SPMI in all stages of the research project; and (2) presenting findings from qualitative interviews conducted with CBPR team members about strengths, challenges and leadership particular to this model of CBPR, an area rarely explored in CBPR literature. CBPR team members provide vital information on community resources, culturally sensitive recruitment strategies, interpretation of results and translation of findings into practice (Hatch et al. 1993). keywords: able; academic; accommodations; additional; address; african; african americans; americans; article; authors; benefits; black; board; case; cbpr; cbpr leaders; cbpr members; cbpr projects; cbpr team; challenges; change; characteristics; communication; community; community members; community research; conflict; corrigan; curriculum; data; development; disability; disparities; engagement; et al; experience; gateways; group; health; healthcare; help; illness; important; individuals; inspiring; international; international journal; interviews; involved; items; journal; leaders; leadership; lived; medical; meetings; members; mental; mental health; model; need; participants; participation; participatory; partners; people; potential; process; project; providers; purpose; qualitative; questions; research; research participants; research project; researchers; responsibilities; results; review; role; second; services; sheehan; social; specific; spmi; strategies; strengths; studies; study; sub; support; tdab; team; team leaders; team members; themes; time; training; transcripts; vol; work cache: ijcre-6894.pdf plain text: ijcre-6894.txt item: #147 of 196 id: ijcre-6984 author: Holland, Barbara; Malone, Margaret title: Guest Editorial: Institutional engagement - intentional, innovative and rigorous date: 2019-12-20 words: 3323 flesch: 37 summary: Keywords: systemic institutional change, community engagement, partnership strategies DECLARATION OF CONFLICTING INTEREST New generations of young faculty, many of whom experienced service- learning as students in school or university, are now leading internal cultural and policy change in their institutions to create more opportunities for collaborative scholarship, including community engagement. keywords: academic; access; agenda; article; authors; challenges; change; collaborative; communities; community; community engagement; culture; davis; december; education; engaged; engagement; faculty; gateways; global; greater; higher; holland; impact; innovative; institutional; international; journal; local; movement; new; open; partnership; potential; public; research; rigorous; scholarship; science; share; shops; social; strategies; students; universities; university; uts; vol; world cache: ijcre-6984.pdf plain text: ijcre-6984.txt item: #148 of 196 id: ijcre-7037 author: Janzen, Rich; Ochocka, Joanna title: Assessing excellence in community-based research: Lessons from research with Syrian refugee newcomers date: 2020-05-31 words: 10318 flesch: 37 summary: Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 7, 18-33. Ochocka, J, Moorlag, E, & Janzen, R 2010, ‘A framework for entry: PAR values and engagement strategies in community research.’ Awareness of this vulnerability has given rise to articulation of ethical considerations in refugee research. keywords: 2020; action; action research; active; activities; adults; analysis; approach; article; assessment; building; canada; canadian; categories; cbret; centre; challenges; change; collaborative; committee; communities; community; community members; community research; data; diverse; e.g.; education; engaged; engagement; ethical; evaluation; evidence; example; excellence; experience; findings; focus; framework; functions; gateways; government; group; hall; immigration; impact; indicators; integration; international; international journal; ircc; issues; janzen; journal; key; knowledge; learning; lessons; local; main; members; methods; mobilisation; newcomers; ochocka; ontario; organisations; outcomes; parents; participants; participatory; partnership; people; policy; projects; purpose; quality; reflective; refugee; refugee newcomers; refugee research; region; research; research excellence; research projects; research studies; researchers; resettlement; results; rigour; safety; sample; self; service; short; social; stakeholders; steering; strategies; studies; study; support; syrian; syrian community; syrian refugee; system; team; term; theoretical; theory; tool; university; vol; waterloo; work; youth cache: ijcre-7037.pdf plain text: ijcre-7037.txt item: #149 of 196 id: ijcre-7090 author: Walker, Sarah; Bruyere , Brett ; Grady, Meredith ; McHenry, Alexandra; Frickman, Carrie ; Davis, Will ; Women's Village, Unity title: Taking stories: The ethics of cross-cultural community conservation research in Samburu, Kenya date: 2020-05-31 words: 9129 flesch: 34 summary: 1 Keywords: Community research, conservation, development, research ethics, Samburu, Kenya Introduction They don’t tell us who they will go share our stories with. While advancements have been made in conservation research to make it more collaborative, inclusive and respectful of local communities, much of the research decision-making and practice is still conducted by people with foreign and/or outside identities (Gould et al. 2018; Minkler 2004; 2005; Taylor 2015). keywords: address; approaches; article; aspects; associated; benefits; biodiversity; building; cbpr; codes; communities; community; community conservation; community members; community research; compensation; consciousness; conservation; conservation research; context; critical; cross; cultural; cultural community; data; decision; development; development research; ecological; engagement; engaging; et al; ethical; ethics; free; gateways; global; guidelines; health; human; indigenous; indigenous community; initiatives; international; issues; items; journal; kenya; knowledge; listing; local; members; methods; minkler; natural; northern; outcomes; outside; participants; participation; participatory; participatory research; potential; power; practice; process; questions; reciprocity; reflection; regions; relationship; research; research methods; research process; researchers; resources; results; review; rights; samburu; science; self; share; significant; social; stories; strategies; study; systems; theme; time; trust; understanding; village; vol; walker; western; wilmsen; women; work; world cache: ijcre-7090.pdf plain text: ijcre-7090.txt item: #150 of 196 id: ijcre-7107 author: Mercy, Nkatha title: Centring knowledge democracy within policy-making for sustainability and resilience: A discussion of the Kenyan drylands date: 2020-06-02 words: 8828 flesch: 33 summary: By demonstrating, in part, how community knowledge in drylands is organised towards environmental resilience, the article proposes making room for knowledge democracy as a potential means towards building climate change resilience for a people situated within a complex, variable environmental and ecological setting. It is also an attempt to bring into focus and to showcase how community knowledges can be used to inform sustainable development. keywords: access; action; african; animals; application; approach; arid; article; bank; challenges; change; climate; colonial; communal; communities; community; community knowledge; community research; conservancies; conservation; continent; country; cultural; culture; data; democracy; desertification; desiccation; development; discussion; drought; drylands; drylands gateways; ecological; economic; education; engagement; environmental; epistemological; euroamerican; figure; food; function; gateways; global; goals; gok; governance; government; higher; history; http; human; ijcre.v13i1.7107; indigenous; indigenous knowledge; institutions; international; international journal; journal; kenyan; kenyan drylands; knowledge; knowledge democracy; language; learning; livestock; local; long; making; management; march; material; measurement; money; mtaani; n.d; natural; nature; new; nkatha; northern; open; opportunity; pastoralists; people; percent; policy; political; population; poverty; power; practice; production; public; rangeland; research; resilience; resources; review; role; science; scientific; sdgs; social; sustainability; sustainable; sustainable development; system; tenure; theory; time; traditional; understanding; university; use; vol; water; white; wildlife; world cache: ijcre-7107.pdf plain text: ijcre-7107.txt item: #151 of 196 id: ijcre-7110 author: Godrie, Baptiste; Boucher, Maxime; Bissonnette, Sylvia; Chaput, Pierre; Flores, Javier; Dupéré, Sophie; Gélineau, Lucie; Piron, Florence; Bandini, Aude title: Injustices épistémiques et recherche participative: un agenda de recherche à la croisée de l’université et des communautés date: 2020-05-31 words: 9100 flesch: 41 summary: Nous espérons que ce travail pourra inspirer d’autres travaux de personnes ou de groupes entreprenant des démarches similaires et contribuer à un agenda de recherche plus large sur les injustices épistémiques et les recherches participatives qui demeure encore largement à bâtir. Ce type Injustices épistémiques et recherche participative: un agenda de recherche à la croisée de l’université et des communautés Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, Vol. 13, No. 1, May 2020 5 d’injustice est produit et maintenu en raison d’une hiérarchie de la légitimité des personnes et de leurs savoirs qui repose en partie sur des stéréotypes et des idées dominantes qui naturalisent et légitiment l’ordre social en place. keywords: action; afin; agenda; article; attention; auteur; aux; avons; bien; cadre; capacité; cas; cela; certains; cette; chercheur; coapprentissage; comme; communautaires; communautés; community; community research; comprendre; compréhension; compte; connaissances; contexte; contribuer; coordonnateur; cours; cremis; créer; c’est; dans; dans un; de la; des; des savoirs; deux; dialogue; différents; diversité; durant; d’analyse; d’autoévaluation; d’autres; d’injustice; d’un; elles; encore; engagement; enjeux; entre; espace; et al; et de; et la; et recherche; exemple; expériences; fait; formation; fricker; gateways; godrie; grfpq; groupes; grâce; guide; http; ijcre.v13i1.7110; injustices; injustices épistémiques; international; journal; knowledge; la production; les; leur; l’article; l’université; l’équipe; mais; manière; membres; mesure; mise; mobilisation; monde; montréal; méthodologie; même; non; nos; notre; nous; nous avons; organismes; par; parce; partagé; participant; participatives; participatory; particulier; parties; pas; pauvreté; permis; personnes; personnes qui; perspective; peut; peuvent; plusieurs; point; pour; premier; première; pris; processus; production; produire; programme; projets; présente; questions; qui; québec; raison; rapports; recherche; recherche participative; relations; rencontres; rendre; research; ressources; réflexion; réflexive; sans; santos; savoirs; scientifique; sens; sessions; situations; sociales; sociaux; sont; souhaitions; sous; subvention; sur; tandon; tant; temps; thème; tout; travail; type; témoignage; une; universitaires; version; vol; vue; échanges; également; épistémiques; étaient; était; été; être cache: ijcre-7110.pdf plain text: ijcre-7110.txt item: #152 of 196 id: ijcre-7167 author: Lopera-Molano, Daniel; Lopera-Molano, Angela María title: Designing communities in peace: Participatory action-research approaches embedded in regional education in Colombia date: 2020-05-31 words: 8676 flesch: 45 summary: This article aims to demonstrate how community creative processes can organically favour autonomous learning – learning that is mobilised by a distinctive design practice that places rehumanisation at the centre of its process. Being aware of this is highly relevant to the exercise of world design. keywords: action; acuerdo; agreement; approaches; armed; article; autonomous; brand; building; coffee; collective; colombia; combatants; communities; community; community research; concepts; conditions; conflict; context; country; creation; creative; critical; del; design; designing; development; dialogue; diarios; diseño; education; engagement; escobar; etcr; ethical; example; exercise; farc; forms; gaitania; gateways; group; guerrilla; honest; ibagué; indigenous; international; journal; knowledge; leaders; learning; life; listening; lopera; market; meaning; memory; molano; nasa; new; objectives; para; participatory; paz; peace; people; planning; political; population; possible; praxis; process; processes; program; project; proposals; regional; rehumanisation; research; rural; sense; social; state; students; synthesis; teachers; tercer; territory; thing; time; training; understanding; university; voices; vol; war; ways; work; world; years cache: ijcre-7167.pdf plain text: ijcre-7167.txt item: #153 of 196 id: ijcre-7194 author: Monk, David; Openjuru, George ; Odoch, Martin; Nono, Denis; Ongom, Simon title: When the guns stopped roaring: Acholi ngec ma gwoko lobo date: 2020-06-02 words: 8302 flesch: 48 summary: We convened four Community Reflection Action groups with the purpose of mobilising community knowledge through discussion and action on deforestation in Amuru district. Community members and researchers work together in all stages of the research process. keywords: access; acholi; action; african; art; article; arts; authors; building; camp; case; cbr; centre; challenges; change; charcoal; collaborative; communities; community; community members; community research; current; cutting; data; deforestation; department; development; district; education; engaged; engagement; engineering; future; gateways; global; government; graduates; group; gulu; guns; gwoko; impact; important; international; journal; justice; k4c; knowledge; land; learning; lobo; local; members; monk; needs; new; ngec; northern; painting; participants; participatory; participatory research; potential; power; practices; problems; process; program; research; resources; school; second; skills; social; solutions; starface; stories; story; sustainable; tandon; transformation; trees; uganda; universities; university; vol; war; water; work; world; youth cache: ijcre-7194.pdf plain text: ijcre-7194.txt item: #154 of 196 id: ijcre-7208 author: O'Brien, Mary; Cancino, Beren; Apasu, Francis; Chowdhury, Tanvir title: Mobilising knowledge on newcomers: Engaging key stakeholders to establish a research hub for Alberta date: 2020-09-15 words: 7050 flesch: 38 summary: In order to understand how we will reach this goal, this article outlines the efforts, priorities, challenges and important lessons learned that occurred as part of the multi-step process undertaken to establish a knowledge exchange with newcomer communities at its core. DECLARATION OF CONFLICTING INTEREST The NRN has also put forward a multi-pronged vision, the central aspects of which include: • conducting research that is informed and endorsed by newcomer communities and community-based partnerships; • contributing to cultural understanding as a form of literacy for collaborative and cross- cultural communication; and • equipping the next generation with respectful and productive human interactions in a multilingual and multicultural society. keywords: 2016; 2019; academic; alberta; apasu; approach; article; calgary; canada; canadian; cancino; capacity; care; central; challenges; chowdhury; collaborative; communities; community; community engagement; community research; conference; creation; cross; data; development; discussions; diverse; doi; education; engagement; event; funding; gateways; goal; government; grassroots; grassroots community; groups; health; hub; immigrants; integration; international; international journal; issues; journal; key; knowledge; knowledge engagement; language; members; mobilisation; needs; newcomers; nrn; number; opportunities; organisations; o’brien; participants; participation; partners; partnerships; presentations; process; projects; refugees; research; researchers; september; service; session; settlement; social; spos; stakeholders; students; symposium; time; university; vol; work cache: ijcre-7208.pdf plain text: ijcre-7208.txt item: #155 of 196 id: ijcre-7209 author: Lopera-Molano, Daniel; Lopera-Molano, Angela María title: Diseñar comunidades en paz: Enfoques participativos de investigación-acción anclados a una educación regional en Colombia date: 2020-05-31 words: 8762 flesch: 42 summary: • La propuesta pedagógica de un diseño que se compromete honestamente con sus propias formas y actúa como una referencia ético-política para la transformación de la práctica del diseño y de los diseñadores que enfrentan los desafíos de nuestro Sur. • Está claro para nosotros que este ejercicio de planeación debe llevarse a cabo, pero no puede ser el único, de lo contrario se genera una imposición instrumental que excluye aquello que sucede en el aquí y ahora de la clase. keywords: acción; actuar; acuerdo; acuerdo de; agencia; ahora; algo; anclados; anterior; análisis; aprender; aprendizaje; aquí; arn; article; artículo; así; autonomía; años; cabo; cada; cafeteros; café; capacidad; categorías; colectiva; colombia; community; como; como el; como la; como un; comprender; comprensión; comunidades; comunitaria; con; con el; con la; con los; conceptos; conciencia; condiciones; conflicto; conocer; conocimiento; consciente; constante; construcción; contexto; cosas; creación; crear; cual; cuando; cuenta; cómo; datos; de la; de los; de paz; de su; de un; debe; decir; decisiones; del; del diseño; del tercer; desarrollo; desde; diarios; diferentes; diseñadores; diseñar; diseño; diseño y; diálogo; duradera; durante;; educación; ejemplo; ejercicio; el diseño; el proceso; el proyecto; ellos; en el; en la; en los; enfoques; engagement; entre; es un; escobar; escuchacción; escuchar; especialmente; esta; estado; estamos; estatales; este; esto; estudiantes; está; etcr; excombatientes; existencia; farc; favorecer; formación; formas; formas de; fueron; fuerzas; futuro; gaitania; gateways; gobierno; grupo; guerra; hace; han; historia; honesta; http; ibagué; ijcre.v13i1.7209; implica; importante; indepaz; indígena; international; investigación; journal; la paz; las; les; lo que; lopera; los; los estudiantes; lugar; líderes; mamarracho; manera; manifestaciones; marca; medida; memoria; mercado; metodologías; misma; mismos; molano; mtc; muchos; mundo; muy; más; nasa; necesidad; normalización; nos; nosotros; nuestras; objetivos; organizaciones; organización; orgánicamente; otros; palabras; para; para el; para la; para que; parte; participativos; partir; paz; país; pero; personas; planadas; población; poder; política; por; porque; posibilidad; posible; praxis; presencia; presente; primer; proceso; programa; propias; propuestas; propósito; proyecto; práctica; pudieran; puede; que; que el; que se; qué; realizó; reflexiones; reflexión; regional; rehumanización; reincorporación; relaciones; relación; research; respeto; rurales; según; sentipensar; ser; significado; sino; situación; sobre; social; sociales; solo; sur; surgió; sus; síntesis; talleres; también; tanto; tarjetas; tener; tercer; tercer acuerdo; territorio; tiempo; tiene; todo; tolima; transición; través; tres; un diseño; un proceso; una; universidad; uno; varios; vez; vida; violencia; voces; vol; víctimas; wes’x; willis; y el; y la; y los; ético; único cache: ijcre-7209.pdf plain text: ijcre-7209.txt item: #156 of 196 id: ijcre-7225 author: Hall, Budd; Tandon, Rajesh title: Guest Editorial: Knowledge democracy for a transforming world date: 2020-05-31 words: 2884 flesch: 47 summary: Abstract The past five decades have seen enormous, worldwide growth in, and appreciation of, knowledge democracy – the discourse which we have found best contains the various theoretical approaches, values and practices within which participatory research exists. This Introduction outlines our understanding of knowledge democracy, which can be expressed by a number of principles: (1) Recognition of a multiplicity of epistemologies and ways of knowing; (2) Openness to assembling, representing and sharing knowledge in multiple forms (including traditional academic formats and all manner of social and arts-based approaches); (3) Recognition that knowledge emerging from the daily lives of excluded persons is an essential tool for social movements and other transformational strategies; and the (4) Requirement to carefully balance the need to protect the ownership of communities’ knowledge with the need to share knowledge in a free and open access manner. keywords: academic; access; action; approaches; article; budd; communities; community; democracy;; editorial; engagement; gateways; group; hall; http; ijcre.v13i1.7225; important; international; issue; journal; knowing; knowledge; knowledge democracy; northern; open; participatory; participatory research; people; perspective; rajesh; recognition; research; social; talk; tandon; university; vol; women; words; work; world; youth cache: ijcre-7225.pdf plain text: ijcre-7225.txt item: #157 of 196 id: ijcre-7343 author: McIlrath, Lorraine; Broderick, Céire; McDonnell Naughton, Mary; Kelly, Maria title: The Irish Carnegie Community Engagement Classification Pilot: A critical analysis on culture and context from a community of practice approach date: 2021-05-18 words: 9157 flesch: 34 summary: In 2014, all institutions of higher education in Ireland were members of Campus Engage and all the presidents became a signatory to the Campus Engage Charter that commited each institution to enacting and embedding community engagement practice. The Charter includes volunteering as a core practice and places value on staff and student volunteering as an integral component of Irish community engagement. keywords: activities; approach; article; assessment; campus; campuses; carnegie; carnegie community; challenges; civic; classification; collaboration; colleague; common; communities; community; community engagement; community research; competition; conceptions; context; cultural; culture; data; democratic; different; discussion; dublin; education; education institutions; face; foundation; framework; funding; gateways; group; higher; higher education; individual; institutions; international; ireland; irish; irish context; irish higher; irish pilot; issues; journal; knowledge; lead; learning; mcilrath; meetings; neoliberal; new; opportunities; opportunity; participants; partnership; pilot; pilot project; policy; potential; practice; process; project; reflective; relationships; research; role; sector; shared; social; specific; support; technology; terms; time; tool; university; vol; volunteering; wenger cache: ijcre-7343.pdf plain text: ijcre-7343.txt item: #158 of 196 id: ijcre-7485 author: Butel, Jean; Braun, Kathryn L; Davis, James; Bersamin, Andrea; Fleming, Travis; Coleman, Patricia ; Leon Guerrero, Rachael; Novotny, Rachel title: Community social network pattern analysis: Development of a novel methodology using a complex, multi-level health intervention date: 2021-05-18 words: 8499 flesch: 47 summary: Due to the diversity of CHL communities, the CHL intervention template guided the communities on ‘what’ activities to implement and allowed the communities to determine specifically ‘how’ to implement the activities (Table 1). Since community interventions thrive through collaborative partnerships, it is prudent to understand the dynamics of the partnership. keywords: activities; activity; american; analysis; average; behaviors; blocks; bonding; braun; bridging; building; building blocks; butel; capital; ce building; central; change; children; chl; chl intervention; chl trial; civic; cohesion; collective; communities; community; community implementers; community research; community social; connections; csn; degree; density; development; dose; efficacy; empowerment; engagement; et al; fialkowski; figure; gateways; graph; groups; health; impact; implementation; implementers; individuals; interactions; international; interval; intervention; journal; large; level; leveraging; living; maps; members; methodology; month; multi; neal; network; nodes; number; obesity; organisations; partners; process; program; relationships; reports; research; resources; role; schools; sna; social; social bonding; social capital; social network; strong; study; table; time; trial; types; university; vol; weighted cache: ijcre-7485.pdf plain text: ijcre-7485.txt item: #159 of 196 id: ijcre-7665 author: Haque, Sarika; Krawec, Taylor; Chu, Joan; Wong, Tammy; Chowdhury, Mohammad; Tanvir Chowdhury, Turin title: Undergraduate students’ perceptions of community engagement: A snapshot of a public research university in Canada date: 2021-05-21 words: 3968 flesch: 48 summary: Creating more accessible CE-focused resources for the student population could encourage student engagement. Marti, C 2008, ‘Dimensions of student engagement in American community colleges: Using the community college student report in research and practice’, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, vol. keywords: activities; attitudes; awareness; calgary; campus; canada; cent; community; data; education; engagement; eyes; faculty; gateways; haque; high; high strategy; higher; important; information; international; journal; knowledge; lack; participants; participation; perceptions; population; research; respondents; strategy; students; study; survey; table; unaware; undergraduate; university; upper; vol; year cache: ijcre-7665.pdf plain text: ijcre-7665.txt item: #160 of 196 id: ijcre-7728 author: Lonbay, Sarah; Pearson, Amy; Hamilton, Emma; Higgins, Pat; Foulkes, Emma; Glascott, Michelle title: Trauma informed participatory research: Reflections on co-producing a research proposal date: 2021-07-12 words: 4961 flesch: 51 summary: This includes acknowledging that the language and content of research literature can be triggering and difficult for people to engage with (particularly within certain fields). To undertake research in this way means all interested parties work in partnership to design, deliver and disseminate projects. keywords: academic; article; autism; challenges; community; conversations; development; engagement; experience; gateways; group; health; impact; important; informed; international; journal; july; knowledge; language; literature; lived; lonbay; meetings; members; mental; need; participatory; people; principles; process; production; proposal; research; safety; social; support; team; time; trauma; vol; way; work; working cache: ijcre-7728.pdf plain text: ijcre-7728.txt item: #161 of 196 id: ijcre-7749 author: Loh, Penn; Ackerman, Zoë; Fidalgo, Joceline title: A Relational Approach to Transforming Power in a Community-University Partnership date: 2021-12-16 words: 9575 flesch: 49 summary: by/4.0/ by/4.0/ by/4.0/ shifting power relations and when we might be reproducing them. While the focus on institutional power dynamics is critical and necessary (and one that we have paid much attention to in our own CUP), we contend that it is insufficient for transforming power relations and realising the aspirations of many CUPs. keywords: 2005; action; agenda; approach; article; board; boston; change; communities; community; community research; communityuniversity; core; critical; cultural; cups; december; democracy; development; discursive; dsni; dynamics; education; engagement; environmental; equitable; everyday; face; faculty; frictions; funding; gateways; goals; graduate; hierarchies; institutional; international; interpersonal; joceline; journal; knowledge; land; learning; level; loh; master; members; mou; new; organisations; participatory; partnership; penn; people; planning; policy; political; power; power relations; practice; process; program; reflection; relations; relationships; research; resources; role; second; service; social; staff; students; support; teaching; team; time; transformative; trust; tufts; uep; universities; university; urban; use; view; vol; work; years; zoë cache: ijcre-7749.pdf plain text: ijcre-7749.txt item: #162 of 196 id: ijcre-7754 author: Haarman, Susan; Green, Patrick M title: Considering Power in Community-Based Research: Shifting Toward New Pedagogical Approaches with a 'Public Work for Public Things' Framework date: 2021-11-14 words: 7772 flesch: 44 summary: Recentring community research on the needs and hopes of citizens, which is refracted through public things, will open up an approach from which meaningful public work can be pursued on behalf of public problems (Haarman 2020). Practitioners and researchers would ask questions and seek to understand community concerns and priorities through public things; they would practise being in and with public spaces. keywords: action; approach; article; boyte; broader; collaborative; communities; community; community research; concerns; context; courses; critical; december; deliberative; design; development; different; diverse; education; elicitation; engaged; engagement; faculty; focus; framework; gateways; green; haarman; higher; honig; individuals; inquiry; international; issues; journal; learning; lens; members; mitchell; needs; neighbourhood; new; non; organisation; partner; pedagogy; people; place; potential; power; practice; practitioner; priorities; process; profit; project; public; public things; public work; questions; research; school; service; social; space; students; teaching; things; university; voices; vol; work cache: ijcre-7754.pdf plain text: ijcre-7754.txt item: #163 of 196 id: ijcre-7756 author: Ross, Laurie; Katie Byrne; Safford, Jennifer title: Navigating the Boundaries of Youth Violence Prevention and Reduction: Reflections on Power in Community Engaged Scholarship date: 2021-12-16 words: 6688 flesch: 45 summary: Due to the challenges navigating what is often a chaotic web of competing and complementary aims, strategies and tactics, the change seen through boundary work is likely to be incremental versus revolutionary or swift (Greenwood & Hinings 1996; Oldenhof, Putters & Stoopendaal 2016; Stern & Green 2005). Our hope is that engaging in these dialogues through the lens of boundary work will increase our understanding of the complexities of power in community-engaged scholarship and suggest new approaches for readying researchers and community partners to engage in and use their boundary work to lead to deeper community change. keywords: action; activity; arrests; article; boundaries; boundary; boundary work; boundary zone; brokering; case; change; chat; city; collaborative; communities; community; community research; council; cultural; data; december; different; education; engagement; gateways; governance; health; higher; inequity; initiative; international; journal; justice; leaders; learning; manager; mcmillan; meeting; monthly; multiple; objects; organisations; partnership; police; power; racism; report; research; role; ross; sector; shared; sharing; spanning; structural; systems; team; term; university; use; van; violence; vol; work; workers; youth; youth violence; yvpi; zone cache: ijcre-7756.pdf plain text: ijcre-7756.txt item: #164 of 196 id: ijcre-7762 author: Osinski, Agathe title: The persistence of power: Reflections on the power dynamics in a Merging of Knowledge research project date: 2022-01-25 words: 8976 flesch: 41 summary: Participatory approaches to poverty research arguably began with the use of Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRAs) and Participatory Poverty Assessments (PPAs) by international organisations in the 1990s. I first define what is meant by ‘transdisciplinarity’; I then present the historical background to the Merging of Knowledge approach, outlining the tools and methods used to ensure the active involvement of all participants in research processes. keywords: academics; activists; actor; allen; alternatives; analysis; approach; article; assistance; atd; case; change; collaborative; collective; common; community; community research; conditions; different; distribution; dynamics; empowerment; engagement; experience; ferrand; food; food assistance; forms; forum; fourth; gateways; groups; hand; individual; international; january; journal; key; knowledge; members; merging; mok; order; osinski; participants; participatory; peer; peer groups; people; persons; place; plenary; poverty; power; practitioners; process; project; question; related; relations; research; research process; researchers; role; science; second; sessions; situation; social; study; sustainability; team; time; tools; transdisciplinary; understanding; vol; working; workshops; world cache: ijcre-7762.pdf plain text: ijcre-7762.txt item: #165 of 196 id: ijcre-7765 author: Wong, Diane title: Promiscuous Care in Movement-Based Research: Lessons Learned from Collaborations in Manhattan's Chinatown date: 2021-12-16 words: 6450 flesch: 42 summary: The feedback sessions were critical leading up to the projections because they helped to identify a clear message and a target audience, which included other Chinatown residents and elected officials. Specifically, I situate the collective within a longer lineage of Asian American cultural organising in Manhattan Chinatown and draw from years of movement-based research as a member of the collective. keywords: academic; access; american; arai; art; article; artists; arts; asian; basement; betty; brigade; building; caaav; cab; care; chang; chinatown; chinese; city; collaboration; collective; communities; community; community research; creative; crip; ctu; cultural; december; displacement; engagement; ethics; feminist; form; galleries; gateways; gentrification; group; housing; important; international; journal; justice; knowledge; language; manhattan; mapping; material; members; messages; movement; new; organisers; organising; people; personal; possibilities; power; practices; praxis; press; process; production; project; projections; promiscuous; promiscuous care; research; residents; scholars; series; street; tenants; time; trauma; university; vol; walk; wong; work; workers; working; workshop; years; york cache: ijcre-7765.pdf plain text: ijcre-7765.txt item: #166 of 196 id: ijcre-7766 author: Lowery, Brennan; Cranston, Joan; Lavers, Carolyn; May, Richard; Pilgrim, Renee; Simmonds, Joan title: Harnessing the Power of Stories for Rural Sustainability: Reflections on Community-Based Research on the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland date: 2021-12-16 words: 10295 flesch: 45 summary: In both the GNP and other rural regions, the value of these assets is often under-recognised in traditional economic development models (Arias Schreiber, Wingren & Linke 2020), overlooking the diverse resources available to communities to start a ‘spiraling up’ of vitality (Emery & Flora 2006) and excluding rural communities from the story of change towards sustainability. We also demonstrate an alternative relationship between rural communities and academia in describing our co-creative process as an author team including an academic researcher and community change-makers from the GNP. keywords: academic; anthony; approach; article; assets; canada; centre; challenges; change; choix; collective; communication; communities; community; community development; community members; community research; community sustainability; cultural; december; decline; deep; development; diverse; economic; efforts; engaged; engagement; et al; external; fish; food; french; funding; future; gardens; gateways; gnp; government; great; grenfell; groups; health; heritage; history; hope; hospital; indigenous; initiatives; international; international journal; inventory; joan; journal; knowledge; labrador; local; lowery; mapping; members; memorial; moratorium; narratives; need; new; newfoundland; non; northern; november; past; peninsula; people; personal; place; planning; plant; population; port; potential; power; process; profit; project; recent; region; regional; research; residents; resource; role; rural; rural sustainability; self; sense; services; share; social; stakeholder; stories; story; storytelling; support; sustainability; sustainable; time; town; traditional; understanding; university; use; value; voices; vol; wellbeing; women; wood; wool; work; years cache: ijcre-7766.pdf plain text: ijcre-7766.txt item: #167 of 196 id: ijcre-7767 author: Sousa, José Wellington title: Community Members as Facilitators: Reclaiming Community-Based Research as Inherently of the People date: 2021-12-16 words: 8611 flesch: 45 summary: Frabutt, J & Graves, K 2016, ‘The language and methods of community research’, in M Beckman & J Long, (eds), Community-based research: Teaching for community impact, Stylus Publishing, Virginia, pp. For example, Janes (2016) asserts that CBR is a co-opted approach which expropriates community knowledge while maintaining power asymmetries. keywords: able; academic; action; approach; article; bruhn; building; butler; cbr; centre; change; collaborative; communities; community; community engagement; community groups; community members; community research; concept; context; december; development; different; discourse; eds; education; endeavour; engaged; engagement; essence; experience; facilitators; foucault; gateways; gender; global; groups; hall; higher; idea; identity; international; jackson; journal; knowledge; lived; london; margin; marginality; means; members; methods; new; order; park; participatory; participatory research; partnerships; people; performativity; position; power; practices; press; process; question; relations; research; researchers; ross; routledge; scholarship; sense; social; sousa; south; southern; space; spivak; stoecker; subject; subjection; subjectivity; tandon; taylor; teaching; theory; tradition; understanding; university; vol; work; york cache: ijcre-7767.pdf plain text: ijcre-7767.txt item: #168 of 196 id: ijcre-7771 author: Piñeros Shields, Alexandra title: 'Midwife for Power': Towards a Mujerista / Womanist Model of Community Organizing date: 2021-12-03 words: 9669 flesch: 46 summary: RESEARCH ARTICLE (PEER-REVIEWED) ‘Midwife for Power’: Towards a Mujerista/Womanist Model of Community Organizing Alexandra Piñeros Shields1 1 The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA DOI: Article History: Received 16/06/2021; Revised 08/09/2021; Accepted 15/11/2021; Published 12/2021 Abstract In recent years, communities have responded to police violence in U.S. cities through confrontational models of community organising that evolved from patriarchal and male approaches. In the U.S., Alinsky is considered the father of community organising and his legacy still dominates the field in terms of training ideology and everyday strategies and tactics. keywords: accountability; action; alinsky; american; article; bias; black; building; campaign; capital; case; change; chief; city; class; collective; colour; committee; communities; community; community organising; community research; confrontational; critical; day; december; department; development; education; engagement; faith; feminine; feminist; field; framework; gateways; group; haki; implicit; individuals; inquiry; international; journal; justice; knowledge; leaders; life; meeting; members; midwife; mizrahi; model; moral; movement; mujerista; new; officers; organisers; organising; participatory; people; personal; piñeros; police; police chief; political; possible; power; power model; press; problem; process; public; questions; race; racial; racism; relational; research; shields; social; solidarity; stall; steering; stoecker; strategies; study; tactics; testimonies; tradition; training; trust; u.s; university; use; vision; vol; white; womanist; women; work; year; york cache: ijcre-7771.pdf plain text: ijcre-7771.txt item: #169 of 196 id: ijcre-7773 author: DeMeulenaere, Eric title: Helping Homeless Youth: Epistemological Implications of Power in a YPAR Project date: 2021-12-03 words: 9084 flesch: 58 summary: This raises interesting questions about trust in YPAR relationships. I use critical autoethnography to examine (1) the ways in which the construction of horizontal relationships necessary for YPAR can also prevent more authentic relationships from forming; and (2) how crises may foster what I call ‘risks of care’ that bring to the fore relational power dynamics that can create dependencies that undermine these horizontal relationships. keywords: action; analysis; article; autoethnography; care; caring; class; college; community; conference; crisis; critical; december; demeulenaere; detailed; differentials; dynamics; education; engagement; epistemological; face; family; film; gateways; gender; help; high; home; horizontal; house; housing; ideas; implications; interactions; international; journal; material; narrative; nasma; need; new; office; participatory; people; power; process; project; race; relational; relationships; research; risks; school; sense; situation; social; stage; story; time; trust; university; vol; weeks; worcester; work; working; year; york; youth; ypar cache: ijcre-7773.pdf plain text: ijcre-7773.txt item: #170 of 196 id: ijcre-7782 author: Haverkamp, Jamie title: Where’s the Love? Recentering Indigenous and Feminist Ethics of Care for Engaged Climate Research date: 2021-11-30 words: 9577 flesch: 38 summary: In what follows, I strive to breathe life into the love-care-response framework by animating it with my own experiences of undertaking collaborative climate research with campesinos of the Peruvian Andes. In so doing, I strive to reclaim PAR for engaged climate research from all too uncritical and rationalist (masculine) interpretations imbued with notions of ‘objectivity’, ‘concern’ and ‘individualism’ – and also reclaim the more radical feminist and Indigenous elements, the affective, relational and ethico-political origins of this participatory research tradition. keywords: action; adaptation; affective; andes; approach; article; ask; attention; borda; campesinos; care; change; climate; climate adaptation; climate change; climate research; cold; collaborative; colonial; communities; community; community research; concern; crisis; critical; december; dimensions; ecological; engaged; engagement; environmental; et al; ethical; ethics; experiences; extractive; fals; feminist; framework; gateways; glacier; global; grief; haverkamp; human; impacts; indigenous; international; interview; journal; justice; knowledge; land; liberation; life; local; loss; love; making; masculine; melt; methodology; moments; new; nicanor; non; notions; oppressed; pablo; participants; participatory; participatory research; people; peruvian; planning; policy; political; politics; power; practice; praxis; production; project; questions; quilcayhuanca; radical; rationalist; reality; reason; relational; relational research; remains; research; researchers; response; responsibility; rights; scholars; science; self; social; space; state; struggle; studies; sustainability; time; transformation; university; vol; way; western; workshop; years cache: ijcre-7782.pdf plain text: ijcre-7782.txt item: #171 of 196 id: ijcre-7791 author: Fábos, Anita H.; Mortley, Craig; Ramirez, Hilda; Saltsman, Adam title: When Consensus Falters, We Co-create: Attending to Power in a Practitioner/Scholar Partnership to Amplify Newcomer Belonging date: 2021-12-16 words: 9678 flesch: 44 summary: In all, eight organisations regularly sent representatives to Shared Belonging Worcester meetings. Despite a level of intentionality around democratic praxis among the community-engaged scholars who initially brought participants together for the conversations that became Shared Belonging Worcester, the process was full of unaddressed and unspoken dynamics that collectively reinforced boundaries and hierarchies. keywords: 2019; academic; adam; address; advocate; analysis; anita; approach; article; authors; backgrounds; belonging; black; city; code; collaboration; communities; community; community research; consensus; context; conversations; craig; creation; critical; december; decision; democratic; dialogue; different; diverse; dominant; dynamics; engagement; equitable; exclusion; experience; feeling; fábos; gateways; group; hilda; historical; identity; immigrant; inclusion; international; journal; key; knowledge; level; making; massachusetts; meetings; newcomer; pandemic; participants; people; place; planning; power; practices; practitioner; praxis; privilege; process; production; project; queer; questions; race; reflexive; refugee; relations; relationships; research; residents; scholars; sense; shared; social; spaces; state; time; trust; understanding; university; urban; voices; vol; ways; white; worcester; work; writing cache: ijcre-7791.pdf plain text: ijcre-7791.txt item: #172 of 196 id: ijcre-7832 author: Rooks, Ronica Nicole; McCarthy, Sarah; Graybeal, Britanie; Griffin, Stephen title: Community-Engaged Research on Social Capital and Older Adults’ Health: Lessons Learned date: 2022-06-30 words: 8756 flesch: 40 summary: The research team worked with older adults during community meetings and assisted the co-PIs with data collection and analysis. They helped us determine which products to create and how to inform and distribute our results to participants through older adult service organisations or neighbourhood association newsletters, websites and/or community meetings. keywords: academic; adults; aging; aic; article; association; blanchard; building; cab; capacity; capital; cctsi; cer; challenges; clinical; cognitive; collection; colorado; communities; community; community meetings; community research; community ses; concerns; data; denver; design; development; differences; difficulties; engagement; et al; existing; feedback; future; gateways; groups; health; help; high; homes; housing; information; input; instruments; interest; international; international journal; issues; journal; june; later; leaders; lessons; levels; life; low; lower; meetings; members; methods; models; need; network; new; older; older adults; organisations; participants; participation; partnership; physical; pilot; pis; place; programs; project; public; quality; relationships; research; researchers; resources; review; rooks; sample; sciences; second; sense; service; ses; site; social; social capital; socioeconomic; strategies; study; support; survey; systematic; team; timebanking; timebanks; training; translational; understanding; usa; use; village; vol cache: ijcre-7832.pdf plain text: ijcre-7832.txt item: #173 of 196 id: ijcre-8009 author: Post, Margaret A.; Ruelle, Morgan title: Guest Editorial: Power in Engaged Scholarship: Dimensions and Dynamics of Knowledge Co-Creation date: 2021-12-22 words: 4842 flesch: 36 summary: Utilising the diversity of these frames, the authors theorise new ways power can be revealed during the collaborative research process. While many of the authors in this issue pay critical attention to institutional relationships, they also explore power dynamics between individuals as a vehicle for understanding the often unrecognised impact of interpersonal relationships and positionality on the outcomes of collaborative research. keywords: academic; action; address; approach; articles; authors; boundaries; care; change; collaborative; collaborative research; collective; communities; community; community research; creation; critical; december; different; dynamics; education; engaged; engaged scholarship; engagement; experiences; feminist; gateways; higher; indigenous; individuals; institutional; international; interpersonal; issue; journal; knowledge; members; movement; new; outcomes; participatory; positionality; post; power; practitioners; process; processes; relationships; research; role; ruelle; scholarship; social; special; theoretical; transformation; university; view; vol; ward; work cache: ijcre-8009.pdf plain text: ijcre-8009.txt item: #174 of 196 id: ijcre-8014 author: Plummer, Ryan; Witkowski, Samantha; Smits , Amanda; Dale, Gillian title: Appraising HEI-community Partnerships: Assessing Performance, Monitoring Progress, and Evaluating Impacts date: 2022-06-30 words: 9533 flesch: 32 summary: The authors thus embarked on a multi-year program of inquiry into the performance of higher education institution– community partnerships (Plummer et al. 2021a), including measuring the performance of sustainability science initiatives (Plummer et al. 2022) and evaluating transdisciplinary partnerships for sustainability (Plummer et al. 2021b). The magnitude of this challenge is amplified by the emphasis on transdisciplinarity (Brandt et al. 2013; Lang et al. 2012), combined with an emphasis on community partnerships. keywords: 2021a; academic; accountability; activities; aims; appraisal; article; aspects; assessment; associated; benefits; brock; bursnall; buys; challenges; collaboration; communities; community; community engagement; community partnerships; community research; component; conceptual; context; continuous; data; different; disciplines; diverse; drahota; drahota et; e.g.; education; effectiveness; engagement; et al; evaluation; evidence; example; figure; focus; formal; framework; gateways; gauge; goals; health; hei; heis; higher; holton et; impacts; imperative; important; indicators; initiation; institution; international; journal; june; knowledge; kpis; learning; literature; luger; measurement; monitoring; multiple; mutual; need; nelson; objectives; outcomes; outset; participatory; partnerships; performance; perspectives; phase; plummer et; practice; process; processes; progress; public; relationships; research; resources; review; sargent; science; service; shephard; specific; success; sustainability; systematic; terms; time; transdisciplinary; understanding; unique; university; vol; waters; wiek cache: ijcre-8014.pdf plain text: ijcre-8014.txt item: #175 of 196 id: ijcre-8016 author: Ward, Elaine C.; Lortan, Darren B. title: Decolonial Dreamers and Dead Elephants date: 2021-12-23 words: 5591 flesch: 38 summary: Harm can be experienced when community knowledges are commodified by the academy. We weave our own knowledge and experiences together with these individual articles as we seek ways to reimagine the future of community research and engagement. keywords: african; articles; authors; boundary; communities; community; community engagement; community research; contributions; cultural; darren; december; decolonial; dreamers; education; elephants; engaged; engagement; epistemicide; field; future; gateways; gathering; higher; indigenous; individual; international; issue; ivory; journal; knowledge; lortan; new; paperson; partnership; people; philosophy; power; practice; relational; relationships; research; researchers; scholarship; social; south; special; system; time; towers; ubuntu; universities; university; values; village; visitors; vol; volume; ward; ways; work cache: ijcre-8016.pdf plain text: ijcre-8016.txt item: #176 of 196 id: ijcre-804 author: Silka, Linda; Forrant, Robert; Bond, Brenda; Coffey, Patricia; Toof, Robin; Toomey, Dan; Turcotte, David; West, Cheryl title: Community-University Partnerships: Achieving continuity in the face of change date: 2008-09-29 words: 7375 flesch: 48 summary: Continuity can be imposed through the creation of a university central office for community partnerships but too often such an approach can become too bureaucratic or is viewed Gateways | Silka et al 144 with wariness by faculty fearful of excessive administrative control. What are the views of sustainability among prospective students, community partners and others? keywords: action; american; approach; areas; article; arts; assistance; available; businesses; changes; city; collaborations; collection; communities; community; content; continuity; cutbacks; data; decade; development; different; economic; economy; example; face; faculty; focus; forrant; funding; gateways; goals; graduate; groups; high; housing; immigrant; important; information; institute; issues; little; local; lowell; massachusetts; needs; neighborhoods; new; number; opportunities; organizations; outreach; ownership; particular; partnerships; past; potential; practices; press; priorities; problems; program; project; questions; region; regional; report; research; resources; school; september; silka; silka et; small; strengths; students; summer; team; time; topic; uml; understanding; universities; university; university partnerships; work; york; youth cache: ijcre-804.pdf plain text: ijcre-804.txt item: #177 of 196 id: ijcre-8043 author: Sarilita, Erli; Nugraha, Harry Galuh; Murniati, Nani; Soames, Roger William title: Online Capacity Building in Anatomy Knowledge for High School Biology Teachers: Community-University Partnerships in Indonesia During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2022-06-30 words: 3967 flesch: 46 summary: The latter point will be addressed in future online programs by either extending the time of each Sarilita, et al. Evans, D, Bay, B, Wilson, T, Smith, C, Lachman, N & Pawlina, W 2020, ‘Going virtual to support anatomy education: A STOPGAP in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic’, Anatomical Sciences Education, vol. 13, pp. 279–84. keywords: anatomical; anatomy; biology; community; covid-19; current; differences; education; engagement; feedback; future; gateways; high; indonesia; interest; international; java; journal; june; knowledge; learning; level; number; online; padjadjaran; pandemic; participants; partnerships; post; pre; program; research; sarilita; school; sciences; scores; study; teachers; teaching; test; time; topics; university; vol; years cache: ijcre-8043.pdf plain text: ijcre-8043.txt item: #178 of 196 id: ijcre-8144 author: Coles-Ritchie, Marilee; Power, Cathleen A; Farrell, Chelsea; Valerio, Maria title: Pedagogy matters: A framework for critical community-engaged courses in higher education date: 2022-10-13 words: 9974 flesch: 46 summary: Clark-Taylor (2017) critiques dominant community-engagement models that are charity focused, or set up so that college students go out and ‘give’ to an organisation and or ‘help’ marginalised communities. Creating a community of conscience required fostering an environment where students’ lived experiences, thoughts and ideas were encouraged by their instructor and peers, and that this was continued through to the exchanges between college students and the youth in JJS. keywords: activities; article; change; class; classroom; coles; college; college students; community; community engagement; community research; consciousness; coordinator; course; critical; critical community; curriculum; data; education; engagement; et al; experiences; experiential; feminist; focus; freire; gateways; gender; girls; group; higher; inequities; instructors; international; issues; jjs; jjs coordinator; journal; justice; knowledge; learning; lessons; lives; material; mitchell; new; opportunity; participants; pedagogical; pedagogy; people; plans; power; professor; programming; project; psychology; qualitative; questions; reflection; relationships; relevant; research; researchers; results; ritchie; role; september; service; sessions; social; specific; structural; students; study; teaching; term; time; tools; topics; understanding; use; victim; vol; white; women; work; york; youth cache: ijcre-8144.pdf plain text: ijcre-8144.txt item: #179 of 196 id: ijcre-8204 author: Mazetti, Cara; Schmidt, Sophie; Hardie, Mignon ; Boulle, Jacqueline ; Parnell, Susan title: South African urban youth responses to living in a world with COVID: Lessons from #Slam4urLife date: 2022-12-20 words: 10470 flesch: 42 summary: Young people were already engaging with the pandemic online before the launch of the competition, but #Slam4urLife offered a degree of legitimacy to the youth voice on the pandemic by creating a platform on which young people’s content could be showcased to an audience comprising other young people, as well as respected public figures who considered each entry. and After School Programme Office 5 Professor, University of Bristol and Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town Corresponding author: Cara Mazetti, DOI: Article History: Received 31/05/2022; Revised 07/07/2022; Accepted 12/10/2022; Published 12/2022 Abstract Using poetry, visual art, songs, raps and sketches submitted to #Slam4urLife, a social media competition encouraging young people in South Africa to respond creatively to the COVID- 19 pandemic, this article outlines young urban people’s responses to the COVID- 19 pandemic in South Africa through four narratives: shock, loss, survival and activism. keywords: activism; affairs; africa; analysis; article; berg; bosch; bristol; cape; cbr; challenges; children; cities; civic; civic engagement; collaboration; community; community research; competition; context; country; covid19; covid19 pandemic; creative; cultural; december; department; der; development; die; digital; drawing; engaged; engagement; entries; et al; example; experiences; expression; facebook; figure; findings; fundza; gateways; gittings; global; government; health; impacts; institutions; international; international journal; journal; knowledge; literacy; literature; lives; lockdown; loss; material; mazetti; media; mental; narrative; online; pandemic; partners; partnerships; physical; practices; process; project; provincial; psychological; public; research; responses; section; shock; slam4urlife; slam4urlife competition; social; social media; south; south africa; spaces; spaull; sport; submissions; support; survival; team; theme; time; trust; universities; university; urban; van; virus; voice; vol; western; work; world; young people cache: ijcre-8204.pdf plain text: ijcre-8204.txt item: #180 of 196 id: ijcre-8207 author: McCole, Dan; Malete, Leapetswe; Tshube, Tshepang; Mphela, Thuso; Maro, Cyprian; Adamba, Clement; Machuve, Juliana; Ocansey, Reginald title: Sparking entrepreneurial tendencies in youth: Lessons from sport and life skills education in three African cities date: 2022-12-20 words: 4605 flesch: 40 summary: by/4.0/ by/4.0/ by/4.0/ tendencies among youth sport participants in these African cities, suggesting that job creation efforts could benefit from targeting youth sport participants and helping them to recognise the important skills they have developed through their participation in sport, and helping them to identify ways in which that skill development could positively impact their futures. Skill development and mastery comes with continued participation (competence), and youth sport participants often report feeling connected to others and a sense of belonging with teammates and even competitors (relatedness). keywords: activities; african; article; athletes; ball; botswana; business; camp; cities; community; countries; creation; dar; december; department; development; education; engagement; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurship; gateways; ghana; goal; group; interest; international; job; journal; leaders; lesson; life; line; mccole; number; participants; participation; plans; program; project; research; resources; risk; salaam; schools; skills; sport; study; taking; tanzania; tendencies; time; training; university; vol; young; youth cache: ijcre-8207.pdf plain text: ijcre-8207.txt item: #181 of 196 id: ijcre-8208 author: Buire, Chloé title: ‘Histórias do Kakwaku’, An experience of collective documentary film-making in the periphery of Luanda, Angola date: 2022-12-20 words: 8707 flesch: 56 summary: We intend to speak to the constituency of Projecto Agir and also send our film to Indie film festivals. The triangulation of collective film writing: creating a space for intersubjectivity Buire Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, Vol. 15, No. 2 December 20227 keywords: academic; agir; angola; article; bairro; buire; cacuaco; camera; chalfen; chapa; collective; common; community; community research; context; course; december; different; documentary; editing; engagement; expectations; experience; felix; figure; film; filming; footage; gateways; general; histórias; idea; important; initial; international; intersubjectivity; interviews; journal; kakwaku; key; life; local; luanda; luttrell; makers; making; media; members; movie; multiple; nelo; new; objectives; organisation; participants; participatory; people; phase; political; power; practical; present; process; projecto; projecto agir; question; research; social; space; story; storytelling; street; synopsis; team; technical; terms; themes; time; training; video; visual; voice; vol; work; workshop; writing; yepuka; young cache: ijcre-8208.pdf plain text: ijcre-8208.txt item: #182 of 196 id: ijcre-8215 author: Luckett, Thembi title: Youth activist paradoxes in the urban periphery of Lephalale: The struggle for employment and climate justice in a coal-rich region of South Africa date: 2022-12-20 words: 9977 flesch: 42 summary: This article is structured into four sections: first, I introduce research- as- activism, the methodology I employed to engage with members of Lephalale community organisations; second, I sketch an overview of the place and its politics; third I discuss two case studies – the Lephalale Unemployment Forum followed by the Waterberg Environmental Justice Forum; and fourth, I reflect on some of the complexities and paradoxes surfaced through the two case studies and the research process that I engaged in. This highlights the importance of recognising and affirming different ways of knowing, local knowledge and experience in research processes that can feed into policy work (Oldfield 2008; keywords: access; activism; activists; activities; africa; alternative; april; area; article; better; boitumelo; building; case; catastrophe; centre; change; children; city; climate; coal; committee; community; community research; companies; complexities; context; critical; december; development; economic; education; employment; energy; engagement; environmental; environmental justice; everyday; experience; february; field; focus; forum; future; gateways; generations; global; government; hope; importance; informal; international; interview; job; journal; justice; land; lephalale; lephalale local; lesego; life; limpopo; local; luckett; luf; marapong; medupi; meetings; municipality; nature; notes; oldfield; order; organisation; people; place; political; politics; population; power; practices; processes; project; public; region; relations; research; residents; rural; site; slow; social; south africa; spaces; spatial; state; station; struggle; studies; time; town; unemployed; university; urban; villages; violence; vol; waiting; waterberg; wejf; women; work; years; young; youth cache: ijcre-8215.pdf plain text: ijcre-8215.txt item: #183 of 196 id: ijcre-8224 author: Malone, Margaret title: Editorial: Reimagining the global research table date: 2022-06-30 words: 3762 flesch: 44 summary: Hall, B & Tandon, R 2021, Introduction: ‘Social responsibility and community based research in higher education’, in B Hall & R Tandon (eds), Socially responsible higher education: International perspectives on knowledge democracy (pp. This remains in clear contrast to the dominant for-profit publishing model in which, for example, ‘roughly 85% of new research articles published globally’ sit behind subscription-only paywalls (EUA 2022, p. 8). keywords: academic; articles; ashton; authors; change; clear; committee; community; community research; different; editorial; editors; education; engagement; epress; field; gateways; global; global research; higher; history; important; institutional; international; international journal; journal; june; malone; metaphor; nyden; o’loughlin; potential; practice; purpose; readers; research; research table; science; social; table; university; uts; vol; website; work cache: ijcre-8224.pdf plain text: ijcre-8224.txt item: #184 of 196 id: ijcre-8249 author: Montanini, Marta; Ngubelanga, Xolisa title: 'Entrance fees': Black youth and access to artistic production in Gqeberha, South Africa date: 2023-06-29 words: 7955 flesch: 51 summary: Drawing on the multivocal accounts of the everyday life of young black artists who work in the field of performance art in Gqeberha, this article unveils the ‘entrance fees’ that black artists have to negotiate in order to access the institutional art circuit, i.e. the obstacles they have to overcome, but also the deals and concessions they have to make in order to build their career and be fully recognised as artists. Progressively, we felt that the discussions we were already having on obstacles and the ordinary struggles of black artists in Gqeberha, such as Xolisa, had to be enriched by the ideas, thoughts and experiences of other young black artists. keywords: access; africa; alternative; anovuyo; apartheid; areas; art sector; article; artistic; artists; arts; audiences; black; black artists; cape; cbd; centre; charney; circuits; city; community; cultural; dialogue; different; difficulties; eastern; engagement; entrance; fees; funding; gateways; gqeberha; important; individuals; institutional; international; interviewees; journal; june; life; live; main; makhubu; means; mobility; montanini; ngubelanga; nobesuthu; obstacles; opportunities; order; people; peripheral; places; post; production; public; recognition; research; sector; shows; social; south; south africa; spaces; spatial; theatre; time; tom; township; urban; venues; vol; walmer; work; xolisa; years; young; young artists; young black cache: ijcre-8249.pdf plain text: ijcre-8249.txt item: #185 of 196 id: ijcre-8397 author: Spencer, Rhonda; Hwang, Jayden; Sinclair, Ryan; Alramadhan, Fatimah; Montgomery, Susanne title: 'I want to be screened just like the pirates!': The Power of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Theatre to Aid Research Participation date: 2023-06-29 words: 5299 flesch: 41 summary: Despite the federal initiatives led by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Federal Drug Administration, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to encourage the inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities in health research, they remain under-represented in research studies (George et al. 2014). After witnessing the children’s, parents’ and school staff successful participation, there was a transformation among the team, which translated into greater interest in CBPR theatre to engage underserved young populations in health research. keywords: additional; air; article; audience; building; california; cbo; cbpr; cbpr theatre; change; children; communities; community; community research; development; disparities; diverse; effective; engagement; enrrich; environmental; et al; ethnic; families; gateways; greater; health; health research; impact; interest; international; journal; june; limited; linda; llu; local; loma; major; materials; members; minority; narrative; participation; partnerships; pirates; play; populations; production; props; public; racial; railyard; recruitment; research; researchers; respiratory; school; screening; set; spencer; strategies; students; studies; study; success; team; theatre; theatrical; tool; university; vol cache: ijcre-8397.pdf plain text: ijcre-8397.txt item: #186 of 196 id: ijcre-8428 author: Gendle, Mathew H.; Senadeera, Bandula; Tapler, Amanda title: A novel instrument for the community-centered assessment of outcomes resulting from visits by foreign student groups date: 2023-06-29 words: 4228 flesch: 39 summary: Although meaningful program evaluation has increasingly become a priority, these investigations frequently overlook the views, opinions and goals of community organisations and community members. Students may also engage in cultural exchange activities with community members, such as village tours, dancing, storytelling and other public performances. keywords: academic; assessment; benefit; cbgl; cbs; community; community members; community research; community service; contexts; data; development; education; elon; engagement; et al; focus; gateways; gendle; global; groups; hartman; higher; host; instrument; international; international journal; items; journal; june; lanka; learning; local; members; michigan; outcomes; partners; partnerships; perspectives; positive; program; quantitative; research; responses; reynolds; sarvodaya; service; service learning; shramadana; sri; student; survey; university; visit; vol; work cache: ijcre-8428.pdf plain text: ijcre-8428.txt item: #187 of 196 id: ijcre-8433 author: Enns, Jennifer E; Brownell, Marni; Casidsid, Hera J M; Hunter, Mikayla; Durksen, Anita; Turnbull, Lorna A; Nickel, Nathan C; Levasseur, Karine; Tait , Myra J; Sinclair, Scott; Randall, Selena; Freier, Amy; Scatliff, Colette; Brownell, Emily; Dolin, Aine; Murdock, Nora; Mahar, Alyson; Sinclair, Stephanie; the SPECTRUM Partnership title: The Full SPECTRUM: Developing a Tripartite Partnership between Community, Government and Academia for Collaborative Social Policy Research date: 2023-06-29 words: 7998 flesch: 34 summary: The SPECTRUM partnership is our response to the need for a collaborative, cross-sector approach to social policy research and evaluation. The workshops served as our primary mechanism for advancing our capacity in social policy research and evaluation during the development of the partnership. keywords: advisory; analysis; anti; approach; article; brownell; building; canadian; capacity; centre; child; children; collaborative; community; community research; core; critical; data; departments; design; development; education; engagement; enns; et al; evaluation; evidence; experience; expertise; families; family; fellows; findings; funding; gateways; governance; government; groups; health; health policy; income; indigenous; information; international; international journal; issues; journal; june; justice; katz; key; knowledge; leadership; learning; making; manitoba; mchp; members; nations; new; organisations; outcomes; partnership; policies; policy; policy research; population; practice; process; project; protection; public; public policy; questions; relationships; repository; research; science; sectors; services; shared; social; social policy; spectrum; spectrum partnership; studies; support; system; team; time; university; values; vol; welfare; winnipeg; work; working; workshops; youth cache: ijcre-8433.pdf plain text: ijcre-8433.txt item: #188 of 196 id: ijcre-8478 author: Agustina, Rohmatin; Fatmawati, Fitri Ayu; Zahriani, Faridah; Zulwati, Putri Rahma ; Fauziah , Sukma ; Faridah, Ifa; Hartanti, Tri; Insyaroh, Nailul ; Ardiansyah, Heri title: Gardening education in early childhood: Important factors supporting the success of implementing it date: 2023-06-29 words: 5300 flesch: 44 summary: In the Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, Article 1, paragraph 14 states that early childhood education is a coaching effort aimed at children from birth to the age of six, which is carried out through the provision of educational stimuli to assist growth and development – both physical and spiritual – so that children are ready to enter a higher stage of education (Depdiknas 2003). As set by UNESCO, early childhood education is included at level 0, or pre- school level, namely for children aged 3–5 years. keywords: achievement; action; activities; activity; agustina; aisyah; anak; article; assessment; berkebun; books; caring; childhood; childhood education; children; class; cognitive; community; development; dini; early; early childhood; education; engagement; environment; form; gardening; gardening education; gateways; gresik; growth; harvesting; implementation; important; indonesia; international; islamic; journal; june; knowledge; learning; lesson; level; methods; muhammadiyah; nursery; pendidikan; planting; plants; program; research; school; service; skills; social; strong; students; success; teachers; tools; understanding; universitas; usia; vegetables; vol; years cache: ijcre-8478.pdf plain text: ijcre-8478.txt item: #189 of 196 id: ijcre-8487 author: Nkula-Wenz, Laura; Sitas, Rike; Brown-Luthango, Mercy title: Guest Editorial : Urban Youth - Engaging young people and their futures in African cities date: 2022-12-22 words: 6051 flesch: 34 summary: In his rich ethnographic study of youngmen (sic!) in Cameroon, Fuh (2021) aptly describes African urban youth as ‘fixers’, i.e. agents of positive social change who shape the realities, institutions and structures of living in the city, as ‘urban innovators and accomplished social veterans’. How African urban youth are forging a future for themselves and the planet in the interstices of the city has also been recently shown by Kimari (2022), who has studied youth-led greening movements across Nairobi’s ‘slum’ settlements. keywords: action; africa; africans; agency; articles; aspirations; authors; brown; cape; centre; challenges; change; cities; city; collaborative; community; community research; continent; contributions; creative; critical; cultural; december; different; economic; editorial; engaged; engagement; epistemological; et al; experiences; face; focus; future; gateways; global; global south; honwana; interest; international; journal; knowledge; lived; local; luthango; making; media; moments; needs; nkula; north; people; policy; political; politics; practice; process; production; project; public; research; rich; scholarship; sitas; social; socio; southern; spaces; structural; studies; themed; town; understanding; university; urban; urban youth; urbanism; voices; volume; wenz; words; world; young; young people; youth; youth studies cache: ijcre-8487.pdf plain text: ijcre-8487.txt item: #190 of 196 id: ijcre-8606 author: Malone, Margaret title: Re-imagining the research article: Social-semiotic signposts and the potential for radical co-presence in the scholarly literature date: 2023-06-29 words: 9190 flesch: 45 summary: Using genre analysis and social semiotics, I undertake empirical analysis of co-authored peer reviewed research articles to reveal authors’ innovative rhetorical strategies. e purpose of this research article is thus twofold: one, to analyse how community-university co-authors of empirical research articles currently use and modify some key genre conventions; and two, building o% those emergent yet institutionally fragile innovations, to propose some alternative social-semiotic signposts for critical, collaborative and change-oriented scholarly communication and dissemination. keywords: academic; action; adams; alternative; analysis; approach; article; authored; authors; better; change; collaborative; communication; community; community research; context; conventions; critical; di%erent; dialogue; discourse; discussion; diverse; ecology; editor; education; empirical; empirical research; engagement; example; focus; following; form; gap; gateways; genre; gibson; group; higher; historical; history; important; imrd; international; international journal; introduction; journal; june; key; knowing; knowledge; literature; malone; management; material; metaphor; new; non; order; organisation; original; participatory; partnership; peer; place; potential; powerful; practice; presence; present; public; purpose; question; rabbits; radical; research; research article; research territory; response; results; review; rhetorical; rst; santos; scholarly; science; sections; semiotic; signposts; social; step; support; swales; territory; texts; theoretical; time; understanding; university; use; vol; vran; wager; work; world; writing cache: ijcre-8606.pdf plain text: ijcre-8606.txt item: #191 of 196 id: ijcre-888 author: DeBok, Caspar; Steinhaus, Norbert title: Breaking Out of the Local: International dimensions of science shops date: 2008-09-29 words: 4722 flesch: 49 summary: Besides a toolbox TRAMS will offer new Science Shops a tailor-made Gateways | De Bok & Steinhaus 175 mentoring programme for practical advice and support. This question has been put many times in recent years to Science Shops. keywords: access; air; approach; available; bok; citizens; civil; communication; community; conference; cooperation; development; different; dutch; education; environmental; european; experiences; expertise; gateways; general; information; initiatives; interest; international; isbn; knowledge; living; local; need; netherlands; network; new; organizations; policy; processes; programme; public; quality; real; report; requests; research; science; science shops; scientific; shops; social; society; steinhaus; support; technology; training; trams; understanding; universities; university; work; world cache: ijcre-888.pdf plain text: ijcre-888.txt item: #192 of 196 id: ijcre-889 author: Nyden, Phil; Ashton, Paul; Davis, Julie; Krogh, Marilyn; Miller, Reuben; O'Loughlin, Pauline; Van Zytveld, David title: Gateways: Expanding knowledge through broader participation date: 2008-09-29 words: 2172 flesch: 37 summary: It may seem counterintuitive that two research centers anchored in studying local issues with local community groups would think that there is a need for an international journal on community research and engagement. In past decades, the expenses of funding and coordinating international research favored large government and foundation- supported institutional research operations such as the World Bank, the World Health Organization or the Council on Foreign Relations. keywords: academic; activists; articles; centers; collaborative; communities; community; different; engaged; engagement; european; gateways; global; grassroots; health; international; issues; journal; knowledge; local; networks; new; non; nyden; organizations; partners; policy; quality; research; researchers; science; university; work; world; years cache: ijcre-889.pdf plain text: ijcre-889.txt item: #193 of 196 id: ijcre-890 author: Attoh, Sam title: Review of Creating a New Kind of University: Institutionalizing Community-University Engagement by Stephen L. Percy, Nancy L. Zimpher and Mary Jane Brukardt (Eds) date: 2008-09-29 words: 893 flesch: 14 summary: Part I (Chapters 1 to 2) sets the context of engagement through the lens of the Milwaukee Idea, chronicling the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s (UWM) institutional commitment and pathway to university engagement. Organizations such as the National Review Board, the American Association for Higher Education, the American Council on Education, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, Campus Compact and the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges have weighed in on the subject, offering criteria and guidelines that decipher the complexities of defining engagement; engaging students in service learning and reflective inquiry; determining evaluation procedures for promotion and tenure; fostering a campus climate that promotes community engagement; reconciling conflicts associated with faculty workloads; and implementing transformative cultural change. keywords: change; chapters; colleges; community; education; engagement; gateways; institutional; journal; learning; milwaukee; new; number; partnerships; scholarship; service; universities; university cache: ijcre-890.pdf plain text: ijcre-890.txt item: #194 of 196 id: ijcre-891 author: Goff, Susan title: Review of Researching with Communities: Grounded Perspectives on Engaging Communities in Research by Andy Williamson and Ruth DeSouza (Eds) date: 2008-09-29 words: 547 flesch: 28 summary: As a research practice it significantly augments the realisation that social research is a situated, cultural practice, attuned to individual, cultural and ethical characteristics of a group of people researching shared interests together. The text is to be highly recommended to fellow social researchers, teachers of social research, community participants, students and consultants. keywords: action; approaches; communities; community; engaging; new; participants; practice; research; researching; self; social cache: ijcre-891.pdf plain text: ijcre-891.txt item: #195 of 196 id: ijcre-892 author: Cuthill, Michael title: Review of Engaged Scholarship: A Guide for Organizational and Social Research by Andrew H. Van de Ven date: 2008-09-29 words: 517 flesch: 30 summary: In company with Gibbons and other illustrious thinkers in this area such as Ernest Boyer in Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (1990) and ‘The scholarship of engagement’ in The Journal of Public Service and Outreach (1996), Van de Ven’s discussion on engaged scholarship has the potential to considerably broaden contemporary concepts of scholarship within the academy. It focuses on the concept of engaged scholarship, a participatory approach where researchers and non-researchers work together to develop new knowledge about complex problems. keywords: approach; engaged; knowledge; model; research; researchers; scholarship; theory; van; ven cache: ijcre-892.pdf plain text: ijcre-892.txt item: #196 of 196 id: ijcre-896 author: Hoffman, August John; Wallach, Julie; Sanchez, Eduardo title: Rediscovering community: Interethnic relationships and community gardening date: 2010-11-25 words: 5204 flesch: 44 summary: 177 | Gateways | Hoffman, Wallach & Sanchez rESultS The results of the study strongly support the hypothesis that community service gardening activities significantly reduce levels of ethnocentrism among community college participants. Given the highly diverse ethnic backgrounds of the students at CCC, we decided to focus on the relationships between community service gardening work and interethnic attitudes. keywords: activities; area; attitudes; benefits; college; community; community college; community service; compton; cultural; current; different; diverse; error; ethnic; ethnocentrism; fact; flowers; future; gardening; gateways; group; help; hoffman; important; individuals; interethnic; journal; members; need; overall; participants; people; plants; positive; post; pre; program; project; psychology; relationships; research; sanchez; scale; service; service work; social; society; students; study; test; trees; value; vegetables; vol; wallach; work cache: ijcre-896.pdf plain text: ijcre-896.txt